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5 Content or General Areas

1. Numbers and Number Sense

2. Geometry
3. Patterns and Algebra
4. Measurement
5. Statistics and Probability

2 Goal of Learning and Teaching Mathematics

1. Critical Thinking
2. Problem - Solving Skills

4 Principles in Teaching and Learning Mathematics

1. Reflective Learning
2. Active and Student - Centered Learning
3. Express their thoughts
4. Making connections

6 Teaching Cycle
1. Identify objectives
2. Plan instruction
3. Implement plan
4. Check for understanding
5. Reflect on teaching
6. Assess learning and reflect on results

5 Elements in Lesson Planning

1. Content
2. Objectives
3. Students
4. Learning environment
5. Availability of resources

ADIDAS — Activity, Discussion, Input, Deepening, Activity, Synthesis

5 E’s — Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate

3 Elements of Problem Solving

1. The word problem
2. The time given to struggle with the problem
3. The mathematical discourse

4 Process in Inductive Learning Activity

1. Observe
2. Hypothesis
3. Collect evidence
4. Generalize

5 Steps in Concept Attainment

1. Presentation of example and non-example
2. Listing of common attributes
3. Adding students given examples
4. Defining the mathematical term
5. Checking of understanding

3 Main Phase of Mathematical Investigation

1. Problem posing
2. Conjecturing
3. Justifying conjectures
5 Stages of Design Thinking
1. Empathize
2. Define
3. Ideate
4. Prototype
5. Test

Learning Mathematics
● Must be applied beyond the walls of classroom
● More than getting good grades

Mathematics education
● Main goal is to develop lifelong skills

Math anxiety
● Is fear, tension, or stress associated with mathematics

Spiraling progression
● Seamless integration of content standards

Mathematical curriculum
● Is logically arrange and organized
● Not simply a list of competencies

Constructivist theory
● The backbone of the curriculum

According to DEPED
● knowledge is constructed when learners are able to draw ideas from their own

● Conceptualize by educational theorist Piaget
● Appropriately applied in teaching math, since math is cumulative

Jean Piaget
● Young children learn by constructing knowledge

● Is a constructed by learners

● Designing and preparation of learning activities

Lesson Planning
● Teachers thoughtfully contemplate

Problem-Solving strategy
● Involves students being challenged to collaboratively

Inductive Learning Strategy

● Called discovery learning

Inductive Learning lesson

● Guide the learners in discovering a rule

Concept Attainment
● Another instructional strategy anchored

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