TOEIC Based Exercises Part4 Answer Keys

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 001_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Tomorrow's issue will be the last one for our newspaper. We all knew this day was coming,
and it is a sad day. We lost almost $20 million last year, and the owners have tried to sell the
paper but no one wants to buy it in this economy. I want to thank all of you, all the editors,
writers, photographers, page designers, printers — everyone who helped make this paper a
city institution for the past 150 years. It's been a pleasure and an honor working with you and
supervising you. As you've heard, we will continue to have an online news site with a staff of
25. This re-designed website will begin tomorrow. We hope that it will help fill the gap left by
the departed print product. Meanwhile, we have one more issue to put out. Let's get to work
and make it the best it can be.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(C) Newspaper employees

2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) Publisher

3). What will begin tomorrow?

(B) A news website

This transcript refers to the audio file 002_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Betty Bellarussa with your 5 p.m. WARP-AM traffic report. Well, if you're on the roads
listening to this, you already know that traffic is pretty much a mess everywhere. On
Interstate 7, it crawls from downtown to the county line. Vehicles crossing the lake on State
Route 50 are gridlocked both eastbound and westbound, and the valley freeway is stop-and-
go from Mayberry through Winwood. Highway 17 is slow through the city, then clears out
until Overpass Road. If that weren't bad enough, an injury accident is blocking Main Street
downtown, causing a 15-minute backup for cars waiting to get onto the freeway. This has
been Betty Bellarussa with your 5 p.m. WARP-AM traffic update. Our next traffic report will
be at the bottom of the hour.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(B) Vehicle drivers

2). What does the speaker say about traffic?

(D) It is moving slowly everywhere.

3). What is scheduled to happen at 5:30 p.m.?

(C) A new traffic update

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 003_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this message is for Tayna Smith. Tayna, my name is Karl Klaussen with Premium
Insurance Company. You had asked me to give you a quotation for your 2007 Toyaki Turbo
coupe. I've processed your information, and we could insure this vehicle for $600 a year.
That's $50 a month, and you have the choice of paying monthly or in advance. This price
includes discounts for having a good driving record, and for also having your homeowner's
insurance with us as well as your auto insurance. It includes comprehensive coverage,
uninsured motorist protection, and up to $50,000 liability. We could begin coverage at the
first of next month. If you have more questions I'd be happy to answer them. You can reach
me at 590-095-6446 or on my cell at 342-768-0120. Thank you for considering Premium

Answer keys

1). What is the message for?

(A) Tanya Smith

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(B) To provide information

3). What is the speaker offering?

(D) Car insurance

This transcript refers to the audio file 004_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good morning, rail passengers. For those of you taking the 9:45 Starlight Special to
Amityville, you will need to exchange your ticket for a boarding pass before you board the
train. Boarding passes are available now at the purple booth next to door 9. If you need to
buy tickets, come to one of the ticket windows on the east side of the station, or use one of
our automated ticket machines located throughout the lobby. Once you have your tickets,
each passenger must exchange them for a boarding pass, including young children. When
you have obtained your boarding pass, you are ready to access the platform. The train will
board through door 9 beginning at approximately 9:15. Thank you.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(B) To explain about boarding passes

2). What should listeners do once they have tickets?

(A) Trade them for boarding passes

3). What is scheduled to happen at 9:15?

(C) Boarding will begin

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 005_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, Dori Madson here, host of the KORG-FM afternoon show. My dog, Spot, loves to run.
The trouble is, she was always running out of our yard into the neighbors' yards. Once, she
even ran into the street and nearly got hit by a car! That's when I called my friends at
InvisiFence. They came right over, explained their program, and within a couple of hours had
erected an invisible barrier around our yard that keeps Spot on our property just like a real
fence would. Spot can now run happily around our yard, and me and my family don't have to
worry about her running away. She'll go right to the edge of the yard, but won't go past it. The
Invisifence process was smooth, quick, and surprisingly affordable — much cheaper than
putting a real fence around my yard would have been. If you're looking for an effective way to
keep your dog on your property, call Invisifence now. They're right here in town, at 789-9876.
Or, check them out on the web at Take it from me, you'll be glad you did.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(B) A pet product

2). What does the speaker say about Invisifence?

(D) It is less expensive than a real fence.

3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) He is trustworthy.

This transcript refers to the audio file 006_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Our next contestant is a 44-year-old lawyer from Rockland, Minnesota, where he specializes
in personal injury claims. He grew up in Bronze Springs, Maryland, and moved with his family
to the Midwest at age 4. After completing law school at Midwest University, he married his
high school sweetheart. He's the father of two boys, 12 and 9, and a 5-year-old girl. If he
wins the grand prize today on our show, he says, "I'm sure going to go someplace better than
Disneyland." Ladies and gentleman, please give a warm "Guess the Price" welcome to Stan

Answer keys

1). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(C) At a TV game show

2). What does the speaker say about Stan Kramer?

(B) He has three children.

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(D) Clap their hands

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 007_TOEIC_part4.mp3

We offer three types of family plans. Our Basic plan has a $1,000 deductible. It includes six
doctors' visits a year with a $25 co-pay, and covers all your diagnostic treatments — x-rays
and blood tests, things like that. But it doesn't cover vision check-ups or prescription drugs.
Our Plus plan has a $1,500 deductible and gives you the same benefits as the Basic, but
also covers prescription drugs and vision. Our Premium plan has a $2,000 deductible and
includes all aspects of our Basic and Plus plans. The difference is that it will give you more
coverage for major surgeries and life-threatening emergencies — up to 80 percent coverage
for instances that require surgery or prolonged hospital stays. If you go to our website, we
have a chart comparing the plans and detailing exactly what each one offers.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the talk?

(A) Health-insurance customers

2). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain three plans

3). What does the speaker suggest?

(C) Visiting the company website

This transcript refers to the audio file 008_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm Denise Dinger with KPUT weather. The soggy week we've been having in the valley
promises to get dryer soon. Today we're looking at morning showers with afternoon sun
breaks and a high of 55. Tomorrow morning will be partly cloudy, with increasing clearing in
the afternoon and a high of 60. Friday looks to be sunny and clear with a high of 70, and that
weather should carry over into the weekend. Saturday will be mostly sunny with highs near
70, and Sunday should be sunny and clear with highs soaring to nearly 80 degrees. For
KPUT, this is Denise Dinger with valley weather.

Answer keys

1). When is this report most likely being broadcast?

(B) On Wednesday

2). What will happen on Sunday?

(D) It will be warm and sunny

3). What is suggested about the weather prior to this report?

(C) It has been raining a lot.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 009_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this is Adam Swanson calling for Ron Jaworski. It's about 3 on Friday afternoon. Ron, I
had something come up at the last-minute, so I won't be able to meet with you and Pete
Schilling Monday as we had planned. I'd like to reschedule for later in the week, if that works
for you and Pete. I'm available late Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, but early morning
Wednesday or Friday would actually be best for me. We could still meet at Pete's office, as
we planned, or I'd be able to meet somewhere else if it's more convenient for you. Sorry
about the cancellation. Please call me as soon as you can after hearing this. My cell is 886-
2468, or you can call my office at 351-9823 and leave a message with my secretary, Crystal
Gains. Thanks, Ron. I'll talk to you soon.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(B) Ron Jaworski

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To reschedule an appointment

3). What will the listener probably do next?

(C) Return the phone call

This transcript refers to the audio file 010_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Feeling run down? Low on energy? Like you'll never make it through the day? Then it's time
for you to Rev Up. One package of Rev Up contains enough vitamins and minerals to
energize you for five straight hours. And the best part is, you won't come crashing down even
more tired than when you started. Mix amazing Rev Up with a glass of cold water, and you'll
feel energized and ready to tackle the busy day ahead of you. Rev Up contains more than
100 percent of the vital nutrients your body needs to help you think clearly and perform at
maximum efficiency. Rev Up comes in three great flavors — grape, lime and cherry — and is
available at supermarkets throughout the Tri-County area. When you're down, Rev it Up, with
Rev Up.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(B) An energy drink

2). What does the speaker claim about Rev Up?

(D) It works for five hours.

3). Where can people buy Rev Up?

(B) In supermarkets

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 011_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Well, the bad news is that our third-quarter earnings are down 2 percent, or 50 cents a share.
This is due mostly to economic factors beyond our control, particularly the gas-price
increases. The good news is that our fourth-quarter earnings are projected to rise nearly 3
percent, or about 75 cents a share. That's partly because we've implemented an energy
conservation program at all our plants — for instance, cutting fuel usage by 10 percent —
and partly because the economy is on the rebound. Going forward, the company remains
healthy, and we anticipate increased earnings for each of the first two quarters next year.
Our challenge will be finding creative ways to remain well-positioned in a bear economy, and
planning for flexibility to meet our goals without compromising the quality of our product.

Answer keys

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(B) At a business meeting

2). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(D) To impart information

3). How does the speaker feel about the company's future?
(A) He thinks the company is in good shape.

This transcript refers to the audio file 012_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi friends. Sherry Hawkins here, owner of Hawkins Motors. Do you need a new car but feel
like you can't afford one? Well come on down to Hawkins, where you can buy a new or used
vehicle for just $30 down. You heard right: Not $3,000, not $300, just $30 down lets you drive
off the lot in your very own vehicle. We have hundreds of new and used compacts, sedans,
SUVs or pick-ups to choose from, and a variety of financing options to meet your needs even
if your credit's not too hot. Still think you can't afford a car? Think again friends. Come on
down to Hawkins Motors, at the intersection of Highway 5 and State Route 99. We're open 9-
5 weekdays, 9-9 on Saturdays and Sundays. We'll see you soon!

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience for this advertisement?

(C) People with little money

2). How much money must customers pay in advance to buy a vehicle?
(B) $30

3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(D) Visit the dealership

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 013_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, it's good to meet you all. My name's Joe Coleman, and I'll be working in accounting. I
grew up in San Diego, and I have a BA in political science from Malibu University. Before
coming here to Martz Brothers, I worked six years as an accountant at Marshall & Boyer in
Salt Lake City, and for three years as comptroller at the Sexson Company in San Francisco.
I've been married for five years now, and we have two kids, ages one and three. My wife,
Sarah, worked many years for Lehman and Sons before taking time off to have children.
Now she's trying to launch a small public relations company while also being a full-time
housewife. For my hobbies, I like reading, swimming, watching movies, and I love football. In
fact, I used to play at Malibu.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience for this introduction?

(A) Business colleagues

2). Where did the speaker say he had worked previously?

(C) In San Francisco

3). What will the speaker likely talk about next?

(B) His college football experience

This transcript refers to the audio file 014_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is meteorologist George Bennett in the KOPS weather center. Well, summer's over and
it's time to break out the umbrellas. As you can see on this KOPS satellite image, a storm
front is pushing this way from the coast, bringing heavy rain and winds tonight, followed by
afternoon showers tomorrow after some morning clearing. Highs will be 60 degrees today
and 65 tomorrow, while lows both days will dive into the low 40s. Looking at the five-day
forecast, this high-pressure system moving in from the south will bring more rain later in the
week, interspersed with periods of partial clearing. Highs toward the end of the week will inch
down toward 60, with lows possibly reaching the mid-30s. As we look out over the eastern
part of the state, things look dryer there, with no rain expected and highs holding steady in
the mid- to upper-70s for the next week or so.

Answer keys

1). Where is this report probably taking place?

(C) On television

2). What does the speaker advise the audience to do?

(D) Prepare for rain

3). What will happen over the next five days?

(C) It will gradually get colder.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 015_TOEIC_part4.mp3

All right, here's some water and bread to get you started. My name's Jenny, and let me start
by telling you about our specials this evening. For seafood, we have fresh Dungeness crab
for $12.99, and lobster Newton with stuffed prawns for $17.99. Our other specials are T-bone
steak with mashed potatoes and gravy, for just $11.99, and prime rib with spinach fettuccini
for only $13.99. In addition, spicy chicken wing and cheese bread appetizers are 20 percent
off, and we have a happy-hour drink special until 6 o'clock, with all regular cocktails 30
percent off, and two-for-one specials on all margarita drinks. Please take your time looking
over the menu, and I'll be back to take your order as soon as you're ready. Are there any
questions I can answer, or anything else I can get for you right now?

Answer keys

1). Who is most probably speaking?

(B) A waitress

2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) To give information about dining options

3). What will the speaker probably do next?

(A) Go and help other customers

This transcript refers to the audio file 016_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this is Tony with Community Charities. I'm calling to let you know we'll have a truck in
your area on the 7th. We accept donations of clean used clothing; curtains and blinds; and
blankets and bedding. We also accept small household appliances such as toasters and
microwave ovens; cooking utensils; small children's toys; and books and magazines. There
is a special need this winter for warm hats and gloves. If you would like to donate, please put
your items in a large bag or box, and set them on your front porch or the curb in front of your
house by 7 a.m. Wednesday, the 7th. Make sure the bags or boxes are marked "CC" in large
letters. Our driver will leave you a donation receipt. If you have any questions, please call us
at 1-888-555-5353. Thank you, and have a great day!

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of this message?

(C) To solicit charitable donations

2). Who is this message for?

(C) Homeowners

3). When will the truck be in the area?

(D) On the 7th

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 017_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good morning, Thrifty shoppers. Today in our meat department, we have a great special on
boneless chicken breasts for only 96 cents a pound, a savings of 40 percent. We also have
flank steak on sale today only for only one-oh-nine a pound, 20 cents off the regular price.
When you're done buying meat, check out our dairy section, where until Friday you can buy
two gallons of Farmers' milk for only five dollars and fifty cents, and two tubs of cream-light
butter for just two-fifty. Then, why not round out your morning at our deli, where you can get
a fresh, hot paninni sandwich and a bowl of minestrone soup for just five dollars! For other
fantastic deals throughout the store, look for items featuring a red tag, and thank you for
shopping at Thrifty.

Answer keys

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(B) In a grocery store

2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(D) To notify shoppers of bargains on meat and dairy items

3). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Having lunch at the store delicatessen

This transcript refers to the audio file 018_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, Pete Patterson here for Hair Apparent. If hair loss has got you feeling blue, then I've got
good news for you. Hair Apparent can restore your hair naturally, without plugs, lotions, or
painful surgery. Hair Apparent's experienced doctors combine the use of hair from other
parts of your body with their patented growth gel to give you a full, natural-looking head of
hair within six- to eight-weeks. My appointment with Dr. Barringer at Hair Apparent was
smooth and easy. I relaxed and watched DVD's while Dr. Barringer examined my scalp, then
painlessly started treatment. Guys, this was the best decision I have ever made. My nearly
bald head is now covered with thick, rich, soft hair that honestly looks better than it did before
it fell out. My wife can't believe it! Call Hair Apparent at 555-1209 today for a free
consultation, or visit one of their two locations: 123 Main Street downtown or 345 Pine Street
on the east side. Tell 'em Pete Patterson sent you, and you'll get 20 percent off. Don't wait!
Act now! Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(B) A procedure for hair restoration

2). Who is the intended audience?

(C) Middle-aged men

3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(B) He is trustworthy

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 019_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this is Mindy Rollins with your 4 p.m. front-seat traffic update. A couple of problems to
report at this hour. A two-car collision is blocking the right lane of Interstate 12 near the
Broad Street on-ramp, and traffic there is backed up for about two miles. On Highway 33, a
milk truck has overturned near the junction of Holden Road, which has created a parking lot
while work crews clear debris from the roadway. Other roads look normal for this time.
Interstate 14 slows coming into Millburg, but picks up again near Smithport, and State Route
7 is slow off-and-on from the downtown S-curves through Lake McDonald. If you need to
cross the lake right now, both roadways look pretty good, but Interstate 80 is a little bit better
bet than State Route 320, where volumes are beginning to build on the west side. This is
Mindy Rollins with front-seat traffic.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to this report?

(A) Commuters

2). What is the problem on Highway 33?

(C) An overturned truck

3). What should listeners do if they're planning to cross the lake?

(D) Drive on Interstate 80

This transcript refers to the audio file 020_TOEIC_part4.mp3

OK, let's review where we're at so far. We'll launch our advertising campaign on October
20th with commercials on radio and TV, and a half-page ad in Swim and Dive Magazine. Our
target audience is teen-agers and young adults who are competitive swimmers, and in the
middle- to upper-middle class income brackets. We've agreed on an initial production run of
250,000 goggles, to be made in our factories in Mexico City and Shanghai, and that we will
produce them in blue, red, yellow and green. We've also agreed to try and get testimonial
ads from Tracy Brady and Michael Phillips, the two US gold-medal winners at the last
Olympics. Our main distribution channels will be retail sporting-goods stores and Internet
orders. So far so good, right? Now, about pricing options...

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(C) To summarize progress

2). Which product is the speaker discussing?

(A) Swimming eyewear

3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(C) How much goggles should cost

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 021_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Caiti Carlson with your KATZ news update. President Morgan this morning signed a
bill that will raise the salary of school teachers by an average of 5.2 percent nationwide, and
also provide an additional $300 billion a year to fund Head Start preschool programs. The
president called the legislation a "vital stimulus" for the country's education system. Locally,
governor Wang says she will not approve a proposed $20 billion plan for traffic
improvements, saying the bill does not go far enough in relieving traffic congestion. On Wall
Street this hour, the Dow is up 200 points after a brief morning drop. Among leading state
companies, ATD Corporation is up sixty cents at $15.70 a share, and Stargers has risen 10
cents to $35.30. This has been Caiti Carlson with this hour's top headlines. Stay tuned for
KATZ weather and traffic together, right after this word from ABC Insurance.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of this report?

(A) To summarize major stories

2). What did the speaker report about the president?

(C) That he increased education funding

3). What will KATZ report next?

(B) A traffic and weather update

This transcript refers to the audio file 022_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please. We regret to inform you that a
thunderstorm in Chicago has delayed several flights. Bluebird Airlines Flight 963 to Brussels,
scheduled for departure at 10:30 from gate C-7, is now scheduled to depart at 11:45 from
gate C-4. Concord Airlines Flight 226 to Hong Kong, scheduled for departure at 11:30 from
gate N-8, is now scheduled to depart at 2 o'clock. In addition, all flights arriving on
Midwestern Airlines have been delayed one hour. Flights arriving on Jet Green Air have been
delayed intermittently. Please check the arrivals and departure boards, located on the
concourses of each main terminal, for more specific information and updates on individual
flights. For passengers who will miss connecting flights, please go to the customer service
desk of your respective airlines for assistance. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(D) Airline customers

2). Where would the announcement most likely be heard?

(B) In an airport waiting area

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(C) Get more information

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 023_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi Clancy Billups, this is Darlene Ellstad with Frugal Financial Services calling again. I got
your message asking about changing our meeting time on Thursday from 5 o'clock to 3, and
I'm afraid that time won't work for me. I'm tied up in a tele-conference that day until 4. Would
4 o'clock work for you? If not, I'm available Friday morning at 8 and 11, and in the afternoon
at either 2 or 3:30. Otherwise, we'll have to aim for next week sometime. Monday and
Wednesday afternoons work best for me, but I also have a couple of morning openings on
Tuesday and Friday. Why don't you call me and let me know what works best for you? My
office number is 555-3084, extension 111. If I'm not in, you can set an appointment with my
secretary, Lori Crowther. Or, you could try my cell at 555-3169. If you need to e-mail me, it's
dellstad at I'm looking forward to meeting with you, Mr. Billups. Good bye.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Clancy Billups

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(C) To reschedule an appointment

3). What does the speaker suggest the listener should do?
(D) Telephone her

This transcript refers to the audio file 024_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Are you paying too much for car and home insurance? Call SureCo today and find out. A
fifteen-minute phone call could save you hundreds a year on insurance for your car, home,
and other vehicles. With features such as good-driver discounts, bundled auto- and home-
insurance rates, and an accident forgiveness policy, you're bound to find protection that
meets your needs, AND saves you money. New SureCo customers last year saved an
average of $330. But that's not all. At SureCo, our experienced and friendly representatives
are available 24-7 to answer your questions and settle claims quickly and efficiently. And with
more than 1,000 offices nationwide, we're always nearby. Don't you owe it to yourself to call
SureCo and compare? Call today: 888-555-2121. That's 888-555-2121. SureCo. In the
service business for over 50 years.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(C) Auto and house insurance

2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(B) Make a telephone call

3). What is suggested about SureCo?

(A) It is a well-respected company.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 025_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good evening everyone. Welcome to the Richmond Real Estate training course. My name's
Wendy Pozinka, and I'm a licensed real estate agent and personnel director for Richmond. At
the end of our six-week course all of you, hopefully, will be able to pass the real estate exam
and become Richmond agents. Here are some things to note before we begin our training.
First, you need to hand in your blue class registration forms at the table in the front of the
room. Then, go the table against the right wall to find your name tag and a packet of course
information. Next, go the table in the back corner to pick up your text book. Once you have
done all these things, find a seat and sit down. When everyone's ready Nathan Richmond,
our company president, will say a few remarks. After that, we'll head for the conference room
and tonight's first class. Okay? Are there any questions?

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain procedures

2). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(B) In a business office

3). What is the main goal of the training?

(D) To create new real estate agents

This transcript refers to the audio file 026_TOEIC_part4.mp3

(clapping) Our next speaker really needs no introduction. She has been involved in local
politics for longer I've been alive, and over the past four decades has become an icon of our
city and community. She started by serving eight years on the city council, and then eight
years as mayor. After that, she was elected for two terms as our state governor, then two
more terms as state representative. As if that weren't enough, she has been president of her
children's Parent-Teacher Association three separate times, and now is the volunteer
president of our local chapter of Citizens for a Greener America. She has a PhD in public
policy from State University, where she serves on the advisory board, and last month
received an honorary degree from Harvard. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a
warm welcome to a very special guest: Ms. Lindsey Larson! (loud clapping, cheering)

Answer keys

1). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(D) At a large convention

2). What does the speaker mean when he says that Ms. Larson does not need an
(C) She is already well known.

3). What is the main purpose of the introduction?

(B) To summarize Ms. Larson's achievements

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 027_TOEIC_part4.mp3

First I'd like to highlight a couple of points from our research, and then brainstorm ways to
broaden our company appeal. According to our website statistics and independent polling,
our biggest customers are young adults, particularly young women. Sixty-six percent of all
women age 18 to 25 are aware of our brand, compared to only 47 percent of women age 25
to 40. With men, sixty-two percent know our brand in the 18 to 25 demographic, but that falls
to 43 percent in the 25 to 40 age range. The trouble is, young adults have less money than
older adults. Only about 35 percent of all people over 40 — men and women — have heard
of us. Interestingly, that percentage is higher with teenagers: 40 percent of all girls and 39
percent of all boys know our brand. But again, teens don't have money. So, given those
numbers, I think our challenge is clear. Now, the question is...

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to this speech?

(D) Corporate workers

2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(C) To help identify a problem

3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(B) Increasing brand awareness

This transcript refers to the audio file 028_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Yes, this is Guenther Van Hoffman from the Times-News advertising department returning a
phone call from Gladys Johannsen. Ms. Johannsen had inquired about our advertising rates.
In a nutshell, they depend on the size of the advertisement, volume and frequency. Our basic
rates range from $20 for a one-column-by-one-inch ad to $5,000 for a full-page color ad. We
offer volume discounts for multiple ads, as well as discounts for ads that run more than twice
in one week or four times in a month. We have a fantastic ad-design department, and we
also accept camera-ready ads, which should be submitted at least one day before
publication. OK, I hope this answers your general questions. If you want more specific
details, please call me back at 555-0904, ext. 654, or e-mail me at Van Hoffman — that's V-
A-N H-O-double F- M-A-N dot g at Times-News dot com, and I'll be happy to give you more
information. Have a good day now!

Answer keys

1). Where does the speaker probably work?

(C) At a newspaper

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To answer a question

3). What will the listener probably do next?

(C) Contact Mr. Van Hoffman

Photocopiable 14 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 029_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Attention please. This is a special announcement from the main office. There is a visitor's car
parked in the fire zone on the east side of campus. It's a blue Yamahoo Zephir, license plate
number XYZ701. The owner needs to move this vehicle immediately, or it will be towed. We
want to remind all visitors that no parking is allowed in the fire zones on the west and east
sides of campus. These zones must be kept free at all times for fire trucks and other
emergency vehicles. Parking is also prohibited in the bus zone in front of the school between
9 and 9:30 a.m., and 3 and 3:30 p.m. Free parking is available in the main lot in front of the
school, and also in lots on the north and south sides. Metered parking is available on the
streets surrounding school grounds, and there are special handicapped parking spaces in all
school parking lots. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our no-parking zones clear.
Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Where is this announcement probably taking place?

(A) At a university

2). What problem does the speaker mention?

(B) An illegally parked car

3). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To issue a warning

This transcript refers to the audio file 030_TOEIC_part4.mp3

(whirring blades in background) Hello. This is Miguel Lopez with WOMB "Eagle Eye" traffic.
Rush hour is in full swing all over the valley, and volumes are heavy on all major
thoroughfares. Traffic is gridlocked on Interstate 11 from Maple Street clear to Valley Market
Center, where it finally begins to thin out. Interstate 305 isn't much better; pretty much
bumper-to-bumper through the six-mile stretch from Belleville to Redland. The only blocking
slowdown at this hour is on State Route 10, where a car in the left lane has apparently run
out of gas near the Mountain View exit. There is a tow truck on the way to the scene to help
out, and we can see some people trying to push the car onto the left shoulder. The only other
major bottleneck at this hour is on Westmont Avenue, where the right lane is closed for a
couple of miles due to ongoing road improvements. It's better to take Eastlake Way instead.
I'm Miguel Lopez for "Eagle Eye" traffic. Now back to you in the studio, Dave.

Answer keys

1). Where is the speaker probably broadcasting from?

(D) A helicopter

2). What is the main purpose of this report?

(A) To provide information

3). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(B) Commuters

Photocopiable 15 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 031_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Do you need a new dishwasher, washing machine, oven or refrigerator? Then get on over to
S & L Appliance this weekend for our annual blow-out sale. For three days only — Friday,
Saturday and Sunday — we have all major appliances on sale for up to 60 percent off, with
zero percent financing on approved credit. You can get deals like this Coldstone Fridge for
$199. No, that's not a misprint. One ninety nine. Or how about this MayBell front-load
washing machine, normally $699, for only $575? Or this ZE dishwasher, normally $350,
slashed during blow-out weekend to $225. These are crazy prizes, folks, so get them while
quantities last. And if your credit is good, you pay zero percent interest for nine months with
no money down. That's right, zero percent and no money down! So hurry on in this weekend
to S & L Appliance, with these three locations to serve you. We're open 8 to 6 Friday, and 9
to 8 Saturday and Sunday. See you there!

Answer keys

1). Where is this advertisement probably being broadcast?

(B) On television

2). What is being advertised?

(A) An appliance sale

3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(D) Come to the store

This transcript refers to the audio file 032_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Tricia Cohen here with Tri-County weather. Well, we're starting the week with some fog, but
that will burn off by late morning, revealing sunny afternoon skies and a high of close to 65
degrees. Tomorrow will be partly sunny, with a high of about 60, but increasing clouds
Tuesday night will bring rain and colder weather later in the week. The chance of rain is 60
percent on Wednesday, increasing to 75 percent Thursday and 90 percent Friday, with highs
those days in the mid-50s and lows dropping into the low 40s. It should clear a little by the
weekend, with the rain chance falling to 40 percent on Saturday and 20 percent Sunday.
Look for partially sunny skies and highs returning to the mid-60s. I'm Tricia Cohen with KRCK
Tri-County weather. Stay tuned to KRCK for more classic rock music following a real-time
traffic update.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of this report?

(A) To predict weather conditions

2). When is this report probably being broadcast?

(C) On Monday morning

3). Where is this report probably being broadcast?

(B) On radio

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 033_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hey Bulldog fans, we invite you to stick around after the game for a special party under the
large tent in the south parking lot. There will be barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs, as well
as watermelon and beverages, and you can meet team players and coaches for autographs
and pictures. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children age 12 and under. There will also
be special $1 raffle tickets for a chance to win several great prizes. All proceeds will benefit
the Children's Cancer Center. You can purchase tickets starting at halftime, either at the
ticket booth by tunnel 128, or at the entrance to the tent in the south parking lot. We remind
you that if you leave the stadium to get tickets, be sure and get your hand stamped for
readmittance. Fans, make your plans now for the Bulldog postgame party, and help support
families of children with cancer.

Answer keys

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(B) At a football game

2). What special event is the speaker announcing?

(D) A charity fund-raiser

3). When will the special event take place?

(C) When the game is finished

This transcript refers to the audio file 034_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Krawshack. My name is Sandra Doeic, and I'm calling on behalf of the
National Leukemia Foundation. We desperately need your help this year in our battle to find
a cure for leukemia. Your gift of $100, $200 or $300 goes directly to scientific research on
this deadly disease, and is completely tax deductible. It might help save the life of a friend or
family member one day. Won't you consider donating this year? We realize that times are
tough, and any amount, even as small as $5, would be greatly appreciated. To make a
pledge to the NLF, please call 800-555-8846 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. — that's eastern
time — or visit our website at If you'd prefer to mail a contribution, you may
send it to NLF, 2503 Gates Drive NW, Seattle, WA, 98178. Thank you for your time, Mr. and
Mrs. Krawshack, and we hope you will be able to help.

Answer keys

1). What is the message for?

(A) The Krawshacks

2). What is the purpose of the message?

(D) To solicit money

3). When should the listeners telephone the NLF?

(D) Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time

Photocopiable 17 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 035_TOEIC_part4.mp3

That's a good question. Based on what's happened in the past, it's a bit difficult to talk about
the future, because, if you had asked me this question five years ago, there's no way I would
have predicted that our company could grow this much, and would have become the leading
domestic brand in our industry. It still seems surreal. So, I'm hesitant to look too far forward.
There are two things that I hope will happen, and that we will certainly strive like heck for.
One is to make sure we don't rest on our laurels, but look for ways to constantly improve our
product. The other is to compete more on the worldwide market, so that in a short while our
name is as well known in Iceland as it is in Iowa. Those, I guess, would be our two main
short-term goals. Honestly, I don't think much beyond that.

Answer keys

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(B) During an interview

2). What is the main purpose of this talk?

(C) To respond to an inquiry

3). What is suggested about the speaker's company?

(A) It expanded rapidly.

This transcript refers to the audio file 036_TOEIC_part4.mp3

OK, welcome back to the Marcia Maxwell Show. Our next guest is, besides a gentleman a
scholar, one of my favorite authors of all time. I have actually known Jason Fellows for more
than 20 years, dating back to the time we shared a communications course taught by
Professor Harold Edmunds at Emeritus University. A former newspaper reporter, Mr. Fellows'
22 novels include 14 number-one best-sellers, and 10 of his stories have been turned into
major Hollywood movies. Last year's novel, "The Third House on the Left," won the Pulitzer
Prize for fiction as well as the Pen Faulkner Award, making Jason one of only a half-dozen
writers to win both of these prestigious honors in the same year. His new book, "Pony Wars,"
is scheduled for publication late this year. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome an
esteemed writer and dear friend, Mr. Jason Fellows.

Answer keys

1). Who is being introduced?

(B) Jason Fellows

2). Where did the speaker first meet her guest?

(D) In a college class

3). What will probably happen next?

(C) Jason Fellows will be interviewed.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 037_TOEIC_part4.mp3

A check on traffic at this hour reveals slow downs on Interstate 30 through the city and north
into the suburbs, caused by an earlier injury accident. We're looking at state patrol officers
sweeping glass and debris from that collision over to the side of the road, while the left lane
remains closed to traffic. Taking a peek at our eastside real-time camera, we see heavy
congestion on Highway 605 east of the convention center, thinning out south of the airport.
Traffic on Route 2, meanwhile, looks to be moving steadily until the town of Roserock, where
a maintenance crew is fixing a large pothole in the center of the roadway. Finally, looking
west along Highway 14, we see a backup near exit 93 that appears to be caused by a dairy
truck that has spilled part of its load of milk in the center lane. This is Brandon Bacchio with
your WILK traffic report. Now back to you, Eda.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) A television reporter

2). Why is traffic slow on Interstate 30?

(B) Due to an accident

3). Where is the speaker now?

(C) Inside a building

This transcript refers to the audio file 038_TOEIC_part4.mp3

What do you want in a new car? Great gas mileage? Reliability? Versatility? Modern styling?
No pressure sales and easy financing? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions,
then you need to visit Starwood Kyoto. I'm Patty Mahre, owner of Starwood Kyoto, and right
now we have bargains on hundreds of vehicles as we clear our storeroom to make way for
this year's new models. Kyotos are famous for their high quality and fantastic resale value,
and we have 10 different Kyoto models that average more than 30 miles per gallon. At
Starwood Kyoto, buying a car is easy, with friendly sales people who don't apply heavy
pressure and will actually show you the factory invoice before you buy. Right now we have
financing as low as 3.9 percent on all Kyoto vehicles, including trucks and SUVs, and up to
$3,000 rebates on selected models. We need to make space for new models, so come visit
us today, on Highway 909 in Starwood, just south of the city center off exit 191. Come to
Starwood, and drive home happy.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the advertisement?

(B) To attract customers

2). What is being offered?

(D) Bargains on older vehicles

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Come to the dealership

Photocopiable 19 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 039_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome, everyone. I'm honored to be here this evening, and to be able to share with you
some simple financial strategies that have worked for me, and can work just as well for you. I
don't offer any magic formula to "get rich quick," and no, you won't walk out of here tonight
and become millionaires tomorrow. However, if you listen carefully, study dutifully and apply
the strategy I'm going to teach you, I guarantee that you can substantially increase your
wealth in a relatively short period of time. To give you a personal example, just a few years
ago I was like most of you — a middle-class businessperson, doing OK but not fabulous.
After I learned this wealth-building strategy, and began applying it, my net worth tripled in the
space of two years, and has kept rising steadily since then. I was able to retire five years
ago, and am now blessed to be able to travel the country and share with others some of the
tricks I have learned. So, let's get started...

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of this speech?

(C) To explain a purpose

2). What is the speaker offering?

(A) Financial advice

3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(C) A money-making strategy

This transcript refers to the audio file 040_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Attention, Valu-Mart shoppers! We have specials today in our men's pants department,
where you can find straight-leg and low-fit Paris Jeans on sale for 50 percent off. We're also
running two-for one deals on Submarine Cargo Pants and Rockman trousers. Buy one pair,
and get the next one free. In our children's department, all Koala Company coats are 40
percent off, and — today only — children's submarine cargo pants are on sale in all sizes for
just $9.99. For women, all Jean Pierre dresses and jump suits are a super-saver value all
this week, with savings ranging from 20 to 50 percent, and selected women's shoes are on
sale for as much as 75 percent off. In addition to these great bargains, look for yellow-tag
items throughout the store. Bring the yellow tag to the cash register and save an additional
15 percent on our already low, low prices. Thank you for shopping at Valu-Mart, and have a
great day!

Answer keys

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(B) In a discount clothing store

2). Who is the intended audience?

(D) Current shoppers

3). What will happen if listeners find a yellow tag?

(B) They will get an extra discount

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 041_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this is Wanda Carson calling for James Yamaguchi. James, I'm a reporter at the Local
Business Journal, and I was referred to you by Kareen Christenson of your marketing
department. She said that you would be a good person to talk with for my upcoming piece on
new downtown development, and I'd like to arrange a time this week that we could meet for
an interview. I'll need only about 20 minutes of your time. I want to talk mostly about the Twin
Towers building, and also about developments in the works for next year. Could you please
call me at 555-737-6233? Again, my name's Wanda Carlson of the Local Business Journal.
Thank you. Goodbye.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(B) James Yamaguchi

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To arrange a meeting

3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(B) Return her phone call

This transcript refers to the audio file 042_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome aboard. This is captain Markus DiPolo up here in the cockpit. Our flight to Chicago
should take about 6 hours and 15 minutes, with a scheduled 3:30 landing at O'Hare
International. We'll be cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet with a maximum speed of 30,000
knots, and our route will take us north-northeast over the Grand Canyon and Rocky
Mountains. The weather en route is clear and calm, so we're anticipating little to no
turbulence. Your flight crew will be serving drinks and a snack, followed in an hour or so by a
full dinner. After dinner we have a full-length movie. So relax and enjoy yourselves. We do
ask that you obey the no-smoking signs, including no smoking in the lavatories. Thank you
for flying with us today.

Answer keys

1). Where is this announcement probably being heard?

(D) On an airplane

2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To provide information

3). Who is making the announcement?

(C) A pilot

Photocopiable 21 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 043_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Patricia Prentice here with WRAP-FM traffic. The commute is pretty much a mess
everywhere at this hour. Highway 22 is crawling from downtown to the North Street exit.
Interstate 7 is a logjam between Hillville to the county line, and State Route 10 is heavy from
the city heading east into Bell Acres. We're getting a report of a two-car collision on Highway
12 just south of Kinnear Street that's blocking the left two lanes there. The only route that
looks pretty good right now is Interstate 306, which is bottle-necked at the convention center
but clears west of there and then is off and on into Rockway. This report is brought to you by
Koala Cola, the drink that is refreshingly different. This has been Patricia Prentice for WRAP-
FM. Our next Koala Cola update will be at the top of the hour.

Answer keys

1). Where is this report most likely being broadcast?

(C) On radio

2). What does the speaker say about traffic?

(B) It is very heavy.

3). Who is sponsoring this report?

(D) Koala Cola

This transcript refers to the audio file 044_TOEIC_part4.mp3

First of all, I'm experienced. I've worked for 10 years in this industry, and for four years at this
position. Second, I'm talented. I was named Employee of the Year at my first company, and
have won four Employee-of-the-Month awards at my current company. I've also earned gold
certification in the industry, and hope to up that to platinum next year. Third, I'm a model
employee: hard-working, punctual, reliable, and adaptable. I get along well with others, meet
deadlines, stay focused, and genuinely enjoy what I do. I am confident that my combination
of experience, talent, determination, and intangibles make me a perfect fit for this position
and a valuable addition to your company.

Answer keys

1). Where is the speaker now?

(B) At a job interview

2). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(A) To promote himself

3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(C) He wants to leave his current company

Photocopiable 22 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 045_TOEIC_part4.mp3

(clapping) Thank you, Ms. DeArias. Our next city council candidate, James Basko, is also the
youngest, just 23 years old. Mr. Basko graduated last year from State University with a BS
degree in public management and a minor in English. He has lived in the city all his life, and
graduated from Lincoln High School. He currently lives in the Redwood neighborhood with
his fianc?. He says he's running for City Council because he thinks city government needs to
be more responsive to the needs of young people. Mr. Basko is a Cub Scout leader,
volunteers with the Big Brothers program, and is on the city's Youth Advisory Board. Ladies
and gentlemen, please welcome James Basko.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of this introduction?

(D) To inform the audience about James Basko

2). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(A) At a public forum

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(B) Applaud

This transcript refers to the audio file 046_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Has the economy got you down? Then I've got good news for you. The federal government
just lowered mortgage rates, and now is a great time to refinance your home! I'm Gregory
Hershell, president of US Mortgage, and we have rates as low as 5.6 percent. Not only that,
but you pay no points, and for a limited time, we'll even pay your closing costs. You could
save hundreds a month by refinancing your mortgage right now! Don't waste a lot of time
thinking about it, folks, because it's a volatile market and rates could rise again next week.
Call US Mortgage now to lock in your rate as low as 5.6, with no points and no closing costs.
You won't be sorry. Call right now: 555-980-8908. Tell 'em Gregory Hershell sent you, and
we'll knock an additional 10 percent off your refinancing costs. Don't wait another day. Call
US Mortgage now: That's 555-980-8908.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(C) Mortgage refinancing

2). Who is the intended audience?

(B) Homeowners

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(B) Mention his name

Photocopiable 23 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 047_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Can I have your attention please? Welcome to the annual International Business
Conference. If you have not yet registered for the conference, go the tables on the left side of
the room. Be sure to have picture identification ready. We accept cash and credit cards only,
no checks please. If you have pre-registered, go the tables at the back of the room to pick up
your conference badge and information packets. You must wear your badge for admittance
to all conference sessions. If you have registered and already have your badge and
information packet, please proceed to the blue ballroom for the welcoming speech. Go
through the doors in the back, and down the hallway to the right. If you have any questions or
need special assistance, there is an information booth in the back corner of the room. Look
for the blue sign. It's our pleasure to have you here, and we hope you enjoy the conference.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Business persons

2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(C) To instruct

3). What should people do if they have questions?

(D) Look for the blue sign

This transcript refers to the audio file 048_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi Marge, this is Bill. I'm stuck in traffic, and I need you to make a few schedule changes for
me. First, I'll need to cancel my nine o'clock meeting with Tom Shafely. See if we can
reschedule it for early next week. Then I need you to call my 11 o'clock appointment, Ida
Gonzalez, and move it to 11:30. I have lunch with Craig Mora at 12:30 at the Steakhouse,
but I won't be able to get there on time, so I'll need to move it to the Creole Caf?. Could you
please cancel our reservations at the Steakhouse and make new ones at the Creole? Also,
call Craig and tell him I might be a few minutes late. Thank you Marge. Please hold all my
calls, and I'll be in at about 11. If my wife calls, tell her I'll phone her back at that time.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the message?

(C) A secretary

2). Where is the speaker now?

(B) In his car

3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(D) Adjust his schedule

Photocopiable 24 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 049_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Shall we begin? Today I'd like to talk about marketing strategy. The first item on the agenda
is results of the polling conducted by A & I Research. Mark will present and interpret those
results for us. Second, we'll hear an advertising report from Amanda, who'll give us the
numbers from our recent radio and TV campaign. Next, Geoffrey will update us on research
trends in the industry, and suggest ways we can use those in marketing our product. Finally,
I'd like to have a group brainstorm for 30 minutes or so on marketing ideas and the future
direction of marketing for our company. I hope we'll be able to adjourn by 4:30. Before we
hear from Mark, let's hear briefly. How are you doing on compiling this year's budget?

Answer keys

1). Where is this speech probably taking place?

(D) In a boardroom

2). Who is probably speaking?


3). What will listeners probably do next?

(B) Talk about budgeting

This transcript refers to the audio file 050_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Tony Malloy with a valley weather update. Well, you can put away your umbrellas for
a while and break out the suntan lotion! The rain we've been experiencing the past week will
stop this morning, and we're expecting afternoon clearing with partly cloudy skies and highs
in the mid- 70s. Looking at the five-day forecast, this high-pressure front moving in from the
east this morning will drive out rain clouds, and the rest of the week looks to be sunny and
clear, with highs in the low- to mid-70s and lows dipping into the upper 40s. Chance of rain is
40 percent today but drops to 10 percent by Friday. As you can see, there's a low-pressure
front headed our way from the north which is expected to reach us by the weekend, and may
bring some more clouds and a chance of rain. But for now, get out and enjoy the sunshine!

Answer keys

1). Where is this report most likely being broadcast?

(B) On television

2). How long will the weather be sunny?

(C) For the next five days

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(B) Go outside

Photocopiable 25 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 051_TOEIC_part4.mp3

On your right is the old town hall building, which was built in 1884 and used until 1952. The
tall white building behind that is the Ricks Tower, which was the tallest building in the city for
almost 100 years. Coming up on the left-hand side is the oldest building in town. Constructed
in 1835, it was originally the county courthouse. It's gone through several reincarnations
since then, and is currently the Pit Stop, one of the city's finest watering holes. Ahead on the
right is the Gazette Building, home of the city's largest newspaper. OK, now we're leaving
downtown and headed for the University District, to check out some historic architecture at
the state's most prestigious institute of higher education. After that, we'll have lunch at 12
o'clock at the historic Rose Inn, prior to our afternoon cruise on the lake.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Tourists

2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(C) To impart information

3). What will happen after visiting the University District?

(B) Lunch

This transcript refers to the audio file 052_TOEIC_part4.mp3

All right, here's your cubicle. The bottom drawer locks, so you'll want to put any valuables in
there, and make sure you keep your key! Now over here is the break room. There are two
vending machines, as well as the coffee maker there. Extra filters and bags are in the
cupboards above. There are also bowls, and silverware in the drawers next to the
microwave. Everyone is responsible for cleaning their own dishes, thank you. OK, the
bathrooms are down the hall on the right. The conference room is opposite the restrooms,
and the manager's office is around the corner from the conference room... the door at the
end of the hall. The employees' lunch room is on the second floor, and the gym/relaxation
center is on the fourth floor. That just about does it, I guess. Do you have any questions?

Answer keys

1). Who is most probably listening to the talk?

(C) A new employee

2). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(D) To orient

3). What will the listener probably do next?

(C) Ask a question

Photocopiable 26 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 053_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Mike Mannequin here with a KRKR news update. The Senate will vote today on a bill to bail
out the nation's farmers. The bill passed the House of Representatives last week in a very
close vote. The president has said he will sign the bill if it passed. Locally, work crews are
still cleaning up debris from last week's flooding in the eastern part of the state. The governor
has declared the flood spots a disaster area, and asked the federal government for financial
help. In sports, State and Tech universities are preparing for tomorrow's annual showdown to
see who takes home the Silver Cup. Kickoff is at noon, and you can hear the game right here
on KRKR 550 AM. I'm Mike Mannequin in the news center. Stay tuned for traffic and weather
after this word from our sponsor.

Answer keys

1). Where would this report most likely be heard?

(A) On radio

2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(B) To summarize news headlines

3). What will happen at noon tomorrow?

(D) A football game

This transcript refers to the audio file 054_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Oh yes, hello. My name is Darcy McGuire, and I'm calling to inquire about your cleaning
services. I was referred to you by my neighbor, Doris Magnusson, who says you've been
cleaning her home for a couple of years. I own a four-bedroom house in Green Haven, and
I'd like to have someone come and clean it twice a month. Could you please tell me how
much that would cost? Do you send just one person, or a team of two? Also, what type of
cleaning materials do you use? Are they environmentally friendly? Do I need to provide
anything? Oh, one more thing. Do you charge extra for pets? I have a dog and two cats.
Again, my name's Darcy McGuire, and if you could please call me at 555-6996, I'd appreciate
it. You could talk to me or my daughter, Daisy Meyers, who lives downstairs. I'd like to get
started next week, so I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) Darcy McGuire

2). Why is the speaker calling?

(C) To inquire about cleaning

3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Phone Darcy McGuire

Photocopiable 27 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 055_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Spring brings new life all around. Men, shouldn't that include a new suit for you? Right now at
Suit Suite, you can get two men's suits for the price of one. Choose from dozens of famous
brands, like this two-piece, Pierre LePew button down, or this hand-crafted v-neck from
Cardikins. Or how about this double-breasted beauty from Levenson Brothers? That's right.
Two complete suits for the price of one! For a limited time only at Suit Suite, on Parkway
Boulevard next to Parkway Mall, or on First Avenue West downtown near City Center. And if
you buy before the 14th, we'll even throw in free alterations. Come see us soon! Suit Suite,
for the sweet new you.

Answer keys

1). Where is this advertisement probably being broadcast?

(D) On television

2). Who is the intended audience?

(B) Adult men

3). What is being advertised?

(D) Clothing

This transcript refers to the audio file 056_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Can I have your attention please? This is a special announcement from Mr. Brighton's office.
Due to the snowstorm, several employees have had trouble getting to work. So we have
adjusted today's deadline schedule as follows: The deadline for advertising copy has been
pushed back from 10 o'clock to noon. The deadline for editorial copy has been moved from 2
o'clock to 5. The deadline for all advertising artwork — photos and drawings — will be 3
o'clock instead of 11. Finally, the deadline for all editorial artwork — photos, charts, and
graphics — will be 4 o'clock instead of 1. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you
think you will still need a deadline extension, please talk to your department manager. On
behalf of Mr. Brighton and all the senior executives, we appreciate your efforts during this
terrible weather.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(C) Magazine employees

2). When is the announcement probably taking place?

(A) In the morning

3). What should listeners do if they cannot finish their task on time?
(B) See their department manager

Photocopiable 28 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 057_TOEIC_part4.mp3

It's my pleasure to introduce our new woman's basketball coach, MaryAnn Robinson. We
interviewed six candidates, and chose MaryAnn because of her experience and enthusiasm.
She knows basketball well, not only because she was a college player herself, at Western
University, but she also comes from a basketball family. Her father, Jerry, was a long-time
high school coach, and her mother, Brenda, has coached youth basketball for more than 20
years. Her two sisters, Linda and Abigail, also played hoops in high school and college. After
a brief pro career, MaryAnn returned to Western as an assistant coach for two years, and
then moved up as an assistant at Tech University for four years. She got her first head
coaching job at Valley State, which she led to the league championship before moving to
Hickstown U, where she's gone 64-18 and won two league titles the past three seasons. So,
without further adieu, I'll turn the microphone over to MaryAnn to answer your questions.

Answer keys

1). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(B) At a press conference

2). Who is being introduced?

(C) MaryAnn

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Question MaryAnn Robinson

This transcript refers to the audio file 058_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Tracy Thompson from the WHIP traffic center. All major roadways are flowing pretty
smoothly at this hour. Interstate 99 is a little slow from downtown to North Lake because of
an earlier stalled vehicle, which has now been cleared to the shoulder, and State Route 420
is a little bit heavy near the Stadium exit due to some construction work on the off ramp. But
otherwise things look better than usual for your afternoon commute. We're just getting word
of an overturned semi on the Valley highway near Mayberry, so we'll give you more details
on that next hour. Traffic is brought to you this hour by Body Works, the place that works
wonders for your body. This has been Tracy Thompson reporting for WHIP 91.7 FM.

Answer keys

1). Who is the report mainly intended for?

(B) Drivers

2). What does the speaker say about traffic?

(D) It is unusually light

3). What is suggested about the traffic reports?

(C) They are given once an hour

Photocopiable 29 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 059_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this is Tim Cyrus from Mayor Craig Nicolas' office with a message for Harry Brock. Harry,
Mayor Nicolas is out of town until Monday, so he won't be available for an interview until next
week. He has a city council meeting on Monday, and is hosting the city marketing convention
Tuesday, so sometime Wednesday might be the best time for him to talk to you. I don't know
when the deadline is for your story. Would Wednesday work for you? If you need some
background information, you can call me at 555-0066. Otherwise, let us know what time on
Wednesday works best for you. You could phone my assistant, Sheila Shepherd, at 55-0067
and let her know. Then I'll get back to you and we can finalize arrangements. Thank you
Harry. Talk to you soon.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(C) Harry Brock

2). What does the caller suggest?

(A) A Wednesday interview

3). What will the listener probably do next?

(B) Phone Sheila Shepherd

This transcript refers to the audio file 060_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm Michelle Tomkins, and I have a special message from the state patrol. During the
holidays, it's OK to celebrate with a little bit of good cheer. But it's not OK to get behind the
wheel of a car after you've been drinking. With winter weather already making driving tough,
don't make it any harder on yourself — or others — by trying to drive while you're intoxicated.
If you plan to drink, arrange a designated driver before the party begins. If you notice
someone who shouldn't be driving, talk them into giving you their keys. If they refuse, call
911. Remember, friends don't let friends drive drunk. Finally, if you do happen to find yourself
too drunk to drive, call 555-TAXI for a special, free holiday lift. That's 555-TAXI for a free ride
anywhere in the county. The state patrol wishes everyone a happy, and safe, holiday

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the advertisement?

(B) To announce a public service

2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Adults

3). What is being offered?

(D) Free cab rides for drunk drivers

Photocopiable 30 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 061_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'd like to focus a little bit on the year ahead. Starting in January, we will place increased
emphasis on retaining customer deposits. We will be raising the rates on our certificates of
deposits from 3 percent to 3.5 percent, and offering customers incentives, including free
ipods, for opening new checking accounts with direct deposits. This is in response to the
aggressive push by online depositories and credit unions, which are enticing customers with
higher interest rates. This is squeezing our interest margin and decreasing our profitability.
We can't lend money that we don't have, right? At the same time, we will be switching the
title of "loan officers" to "relationship officers." A large part of their job now will be to recruit,
and retain, new deposits.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the talk?

(C) Bank employees

2). What is the talk probably taking place?

(A) At a business meeting

3). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(D) To announce future changes

This transcript refers to the audio file 062_TOEIC_part4.mp3

February's here, and romance is in the air. What better time than Valentine's Day to express
your love with a diamond ring or necklace? And what better place to purchase your special
gift than Jonathan's Jewelry? I'm Jonathan James, owner of Jonathan's Jewelry, here to tell
you that we have the widest selection of diamonds in the state. No matter what your budget,
we can find something that you can afford, and that she will love. At Jonathan's, we cut out
the middle man and buy direct from suppliers, then pass that savings on to you. Our
salespeople don't work on commission, so you don't have to worry about being pressured
into buying something you don't want and can't afford. We're your friend in the diamond
business, with three convenient locations: on Enormous Mall Parkway, Northeastgate
Village, and downtown on First and Main. Come on in and see us today!

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Diamond jewelry

2). Who is the intended audience?

(B) Men

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(C) Come to Jonathan's Jewelry

Photocopiable 31 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 063_TOEIC_part4.mp3

From the Cutler Casino traffic center, this is Marcy Maradona with a WIGG real-time update.
A car-bus collision in the southbound lanes has brought Interstate 35 to a virtual shutdown in
both directions near Northcenter. There appear to be numerous injuries, and the state patrol
and aid cars are on the scene. Three lanes are closed southbound, and northbound traffic on
I-35 is crawling through the area as people slow to take a peek. Other area roadways appear
normal for this hour. Highway 4 is smooth sailing through downtown, and State Route 20 has
off-and-on slowing from Wideview through Treeland. If you're crossing the river the Sky
Street bridge is your best bet, as the Key Bridge is still slow due to the effects of an earlier
debris spill in the left eastbound lane. For WIFF-FM, this is Marcy Maradona. We'll be back
with more news after this word from our sponsor.

Answer keys

1). Where would this report most likely be heard?

(B) On radio

2). What is the problem on Interstate 35?

(D) An accident

3). What is scheduled to happen next?

(A) An advertisement

This transcript refers to the audio file 064_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi. My name is Lenny DiCardio, and it's my great pleasure and honor to introduce our
keynote speaker this evening. He arrived this morning from India, where he is currently
filming his new movie,b "Asian Dream," scheduled for release early next year. I have known
Miguel Soriano for more than 20 years, and I think of him first not as a famous director but as
a citizen, father, teacher, and friend. Yes, it's true that he has directed some of the greatest
motion pictures of our time, and that he has made famous actors such as Roberto DiNardo
and Martin Braun. But it's also true that he has raised five fine children, volunteered for his
local church, and given millions of dollars to charities such as this one. Ladies and
gentlemen, please give it up for Mr. Miguel Soriano! (loud clapping and cheering).

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) Lenny DiCardio

2). Where is the introduction taking place?

(C) At a charity fundraiser

3). What is suggested about Miguel Soriano?

(C) He is very generous

Photocopiable 32 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 065_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this is Sheila Lancaster from Terrific Travel calling with a message for Robert Pierce. I
was unable to book a flight on the 30th, so I booked a flight at 8:30 a.m. the 31st with Arizona
Air. You'll need to be at the airport two hours before departure, and your tickets will be
waiting at the check-in counter. When the plane lands in Arizona Springs, Mr. Tim Lazarro
will meet you at the gate and drive you to the Desert Oasis hotel. Look for a man holding a
sign with your name on it. You're booked into the Desert Oasis for four nights, with a return
flight scheduled for 3 p.m. on the Fourth. If you have any questions, Mr. Pierce, please give
me a call at 559-3447. Again, my name's Sheila Lancaster, and thank you for choosing
Terrific Travel.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(C) To announce itinerary

2). Who is speaking?

(B) A travel agent

3). What should the listener do after his plane lands?

(A) Look for his chauffer

This transcript refers to the audio file 066_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good afternoon. This is Vice Principal Tom Tebow with a special announcement. Due to icy
road conditions, all after-school programs today have been cancelled. If you are in one of
these programs and normally ride the special-activity bus, listen carefully. The special-activity
bus will leave today directly after the final bell rings, and it will load in the east parking lot.
Regular buses will leave as usual from the west parking lot. If you are being picked up by a
parent today instead of riding the bus, your parent must come to the main office first and sign
you out. Please do not leave school with your parent unless you have signed out at the
office. All buses will be on snow routes this afternoon. They will drop you at your snow bus
stop. Again, the special-activity bus leaves directly after school from the east parking lot, and
all buses will be on snow routes. Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(D) Elementary school students

2). What should riders of the special-activity bus do?

(B) Go the east parking lot

3). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To announce a schedule change

Photocopiable 33 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 067_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Bad credit? Low credit? No credit? It doesn't matter during "Mattress Madness" days, on now
at Sleep Tight USA. From now through Saturday, you can get tremendous deals, like this
luxurious Saffron goose-down queen-size mattress for just $99! Or this Posture Perfect-rand
king mattress for only $129. Got kids? How about this set of Panama twin mattresses,
slashed down from $349 to only $200. Have we gone mad? Yes! But only for a limited time.
"Mattress Madness" ends at midnight Saturday, so get in here now for great bargains and
free delivery when you buy two mattresses or more. Sleep Tight has three locations to serve
you better: Mega-Mall, South Plains Mall, and Northlake Mall. Sleep Right at Sleep Tight
during "Mattress Madness" days!

Answer keys

1). Where is this advertisement most likely being broadcast?

(C) On television

2). What is being advertised?

(D) A special sale

3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(B) Come to a Sleep Tight store

This transcript refers to the audio file 068_TOEIC_part4.mp3

The first thing you need to know is that everybody here has clean slate with me. Whatever
happened under the previous regime will not affect how you're treated by me and members
of this staff. You are in good standing with us until you give us reason not to be. The second
thing is, you have to believe that you can win. I know that you didn't win many games the
past four years. I don't know why. We can't be satisfied with that. But I've looked at tape, and
I DO know that you have the talent to win. You need to believe that. I repeat: You are
talented enough to succeed! I want you to think about something my high school coach told
me. He said, "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right." The
choice is up to you.

Answer keys

1). Who is probably speaking?

(B) A football coach

2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) (A)To motivate

3). How does the speaker feel about his listeners?

(C) Confident

Photocopiable 34 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 069_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, and welcome to the 100th annual cat lovers convention. My name is Gertrude Heinz,
and I'm president of the national association of cat fanciers. Let me tell you, it's improbable
for me to be standing before you as the president of anything having to do with cats, because
when I was a little girl, I did NOT like cats, not in the least. For one thing, I was allergic to
them — I still am. For another, I loved birds, and to me, cats were nothing but filthy bird
killers. My views began to change in high school, when I found an injured cat on the side of
the road and nursed him back to health. Imagine my surprise when this "him" turned out to
be a "her," and delivered a litter of kittens in my bedroom closet! Well, that's where the story
really begins. You see...

Answer keys

1). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(D) To explain her affection

2). What happened first after the speaker found an injured cat?
(C) She helped it heal.

3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(B) Kittens

This transcript refers to the audio file 070_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hey Tom, this is Bert. Accounting had a couple of questions about your expense vouchers.
They're missing a few receipts from your trip to Boston, and they need an additional copy of
your airline ticket stub from your trip to Phoenix last month. When you get back from lunch,
could you please call Steve Probinski in accounting. His extension is 991. Thanks. Also, I'm
going to need the Boston report by 5 p.m. tomorrow. If you have any questions or problems
with it, let me know. I'm going out to lunch now, then I'll be tied up in a board meeting 'til
about 4, but I have some time after that if you need to get together. OK, Tom, talk with your

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(A) A business employee

2). What should the listener do after hearing the message?

(B) Call Steve Probinski

3). What is the relationship between caller and listener?

(C) Boss and employee

Photocopiable 35 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 071_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Looking at our county-wide traffic map, we see that traffic is crawling along the valley
freeway right now, as well as the southbound lanes of Interstate 6. Elsewhere it looks pretty
good, with volumes on northbound Interstate 6 beginning to build up here, near Headport,
and again here south of the city near Duwamps. A check of the KAPE real-time camera
shows a smooth commute at this hour through downtown Floss. Now, switching to the
eastside camera, we can see a stalled vehicle backing up traffic on State Route 7. But I see
flashing lights, so help is on the scene. That's traffic at this hour, still pretty light but starting
to build. I'm Ross Dinsmore for KAPE news.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(B) TV viewers

2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(C) To update traffic

3). Where is the speaker now?

(A) Inside a building

This transcript refers to the audio file 072_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good morning, shoppers. Welcome to Mega-Mart. We have several super specials today
only in the grocery department. All items with orange tags are an additional 20 percent off
our already low regular price. Be sure to look for the orange tags throughout our meat, dairy,
cereals and snacks aisles. Also, don't forget that this is the last of our "bargain days" in the
household goods department. All household goods are 10 percent off the sticker price until 5
p.m. Get mega-discounts at Mega-Mart. If you can't find what you're looking for, push the red
button located at the end of every aisle, and a customer service representative will be there
in a jiffy to help you out. Happy shopping!

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(C) To promote special discounts

2). What should shoppers look for?

(D) Orange tags

3). Where is this announcement most likely being heard?

(D) In a department store

Photocopiable 36 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 073_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this message is for Stephen. Stephen, my name is Ted Wilcox, and I'm calling about
the 2006 Hyashi four-door sedan that you have advertised on the Auto Deals website. You
said your Hyashi has only 20,000 miles on it. I'm wondering if you're the original owner, and
also if those are mostly highway miles or city miles? I'd also like to know if it's been in any
accidents. I'm very interested in looking at it and taking a test drive. I'm available tonight and
all day tomorrow, and I live in the north part of town, not far from you. If it's still available,
could you please call me at 555-8448? That's my home number. My cell phone is 555-4884.
Again, my name's Ted, and I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. Goodbye.

Answer keys

1). Why is the speaker calling?

(A) He's responding to an advertisement.

2). What will the listener probably do next?

(B) Return the phone call

3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(C) Call him back

This transcript refers to the audio file 074_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Want something free? Come to Coleman Brothers "free free free" event this weekend. We
have free credit. Free accessories like sheets, pillow cases and sofa cushions on selected
purchases. We even have free delivery on any order over $100. Know what else is free?
Coffee and snacks. You won't want to miss Coleman Brothers "free free free" event, this
weekend only. Free up some time to come to Coleman Brothers, and check out our wide
selection of beds, sofas, carpets, curtains, and living room and kitchen sets. We're located at
123 Mall Parkway, across the street from Mammoth Mall. We're open 9-6 on Friday, and 8-7
on Saturday and Sunday. Coleman Brothers' "free free free" event! See you there!

Answer keys

1). What is mainly being advertised?

(D) A furniture store

2). When is the advertised event taking place?

(C) This weekend

3). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Coming to Coleman Brothers

Photocopiable 37 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 075_TOEIC_part4.mp3

You've been with us 10 years now, and we appreciate your loyalty and dedication. You've
always put forth tremendous effort, and your work has always been of exceptional quality.
Unfortunately, as you know, the economy has been tough lately, and management has had
to make some very difficult decisions. It's never easy letting someone go, especially
someone as talented and loyal as you are. But the hard truth is, we've got to cut 3,000 jobs
to stay solvent, and yours is one of them. We'll pay your salary through the end of the month,
and of course you're eligible for unemployment. You also get to keep all your company stock
options, and I'll personally write you a letter of recommendation. I'm awfully sorry. I know you
have a wife and kids, and believe me, this isn't easy for any of us. All I can say is keep your
head up. I'm sure you'll land on your feet once the economy recovers again.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(D) A company manager

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To deliver bad news

3). How does the speaker feel about the listener?

(C) Compassionate

This transcript refers to the audio file 076_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Let's begin by getting to know each other. My name's Lucy Miranda, and this is my fifth year
teaching literature at State College. I grew up in the Los Angeles area, and got my BA
degree at Cal Poly-Pomona. I then earned a master's in literature from UCLA. I worked as a
journalist for a few years, and tried my hand at writing poetry and a couple of novels. My
second novel, "LA Life," was published by a small firm, but I had decided by that time that I
wanted to teach writing. I taught in high schools in Southern California for six years, then at a
junior college. Finally, I was hired at San Diego State University, and was there for four years
before coming here. I was married four years ago, and I have a three-year-old daughter,
Theresa, and a six-month-old son, Antonio. OK, now I'd like to know a little about each of

Answer keys

1). Where is the introduction most likely taking place?

(B) In a university classroom

2). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(B) To inform

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Tell about themselves

Photocopiable 38 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 077_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good evening, and welcome to Claude's Chowder House. Here's some bread and water to
get you started. My name's Chad, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Our specials tonight are
lobster Newburg with clam chowder, and swordfish with red potatoes. The drink list is at the
back of the menu, appetizers are at the front, and entrees are listed on page three. I'll be
back in a few moments to take your order. In the meantime, feel free to help yourself to our
all-you-can-eat salad bar. Do you have any questions I can answer for you right now? No.
OK, if you have any after you've looked over the menu, feel free to ask. Now then, can I bring
you something to drink while you decide?

Answer keys

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(C) In a restaurant

2). What does the speaker offer to do?

(A) Answer questions

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(D) Order drinks

This transcript refers to the audio file 078_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Kendra Walker with this hour's WOK AM headlines, sponsored by Fiber Bread. Our
top story is the visit of President Lincoln today. The president's plane, Air Force One, is
scheduled to arrive at 3 p.m. at Boring Field. President Lincoln will speak at a 6 p.m. rally at
the civic center before attending a private fund-raising dinner. Also, we're keeping an eye on
the approaching winter storm which is headed toward our way. Forecasters predict it will hit
the city late Saturday night, bringing snow and wind gusts up to 70 mph. In sports, the
Thunderbirds need a victory at New England on Sunday to reach the play-offs. Kick-off is at
1 p.m. right here on WOK 770 AM sports radio. I'm Kendra Walker, reminding you to add
fiber to your diet with Fiber Bread, available at all area Green Grocer stores.

Answer keys

1). Where is this broadcast probably being heard?

(C) On radio

2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(B) To summarize news

3). What will happen at 1 p.m. Sunday?

(C) A football game will begin.

Photocopiable 39 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 079_TOEIC_part4.mp3

May I have your attention please. There is a car in the east parking lot that's blocking a
stadium emergency exit. The car is a blue Toyonka coupe, license plate number YFG643.
We need the owner to move the car immediately, or else it will be towed. Fans, we remind
you to please respect the no-parking signs posted in emergency zones. These zones are
marked with yellow stripes, and they are to be kept open at all times for emergency trucks
and personnel. In an actual emergency situation, anyone parked in an emergency zone at
the stadium is subject not only to a $200 fine, but can also be held liable for the condition of a
person who needs emergency help, and could face up to 90 days in jail. We thank you for
your cooperation in this matter, and hope you enjoy the rest of the game.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Sports fans

2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(D) To warn a car owner

3). What will the owner of the blue Toyonka probably do next?
(C) Move the vehicle

This transcript refers to the audio file 080_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hey Marla, where are ya? Hello. This is Fiona. I hope you're on your way, 'cuz you know, it's
like, 2:30, and you said you'd meet us at 2 so we'd have time for lunch and to get to the
movie on time. So we're wondering where you are. Hope everything's OK, and I'll try you on
your cell phone too. If you get this, remember that I have a new cell phone number. It's 554-
8448. You could also try Ronni on her cell: 555-6509. Me, Ronni and Chris are here at the
restaurant, and we're waiting on you before we order. But if we don't hear from you in about
five minutes, we're going to go ahead and order something, because we don't want to miss
the start of the movie. OK, Marla, hope to hear from you soon. Bye!

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(B) Marla

2). What does the speaker want to know?

(C) Why Marla is late

3). What is the probable relationship between the speaker and the listener?
(A) Close personal friends

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 081_TOEIC_part4.mp3

It's my great pleasure to be standing before you today. This is something that 20 years ago I
never imagined I'd be doing. I came from a poor family, and when I finished high school I
didn't think I'd be able to go to college. But I kept applying to universities, and finally, I found
one — Carver University — that offered me a scholarship. This changed my life. Without that
experience, there is no way I'd have ever gotten a job at the Cornerstone Company, let alone
be standing here as company president. Now it's overwhelming to be back at Carver, looking
at the faces of so many eager men and women who are anxious to get out there and make a
difference. My message to you is: never give up. Ever. Dreams can come true. I'm living

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(C) College seniors

2). Where would this speech most likely be heard?

(A) At a commencement

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(B) Persevere

This transcript refers to the audio file 082_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this message is for Liam. My name's Andy Smith, and I'm calling about your ad in the
Weekly for a roommate. I'm very interested, and I'd like to meet you and see the apartment
as soon as I could. I'm new in town, and I moved here because I have a job with Boogle
starting next week. I'm 25, a non-smoker, very reliable, and I have references from my
previous landlord, Gil Harmon. If you'd like to call Gil before you talk to me, his number is
555-876-0987. Again, my name is Andy, and you can reach me on my cell at 519-623-8651,
or you could call me at my hotel: 519-805-2123, room 207. Thanks, Liam. I hope to hear from
you soon. Bye.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Liam

2). Why is the speaker calling?

(D) In response to an advertisement

3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(C) Call him back

Photocopiable 41 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 083_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Stacy Wilcox with a WANG traffic update. Both major freeways are moving pretty well
at this point. The only problem is a slowdown on Interstate 9 near La Hoya Street caused by
a stalled vehicle in the right lane. State Route 6 is bumper-to-bumper from downtown through
Buenos Verdes due to an earlier car-truck collision that has just been cleared to the
shoulder, and State Route 12 is backing up near Mid-Town, where work crews are fixing
potholes in the left lane. I'm Stacy Wilcox. Stay tuned for WANG news and weather after this
word from our sponsor.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(B) To impart information

2). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(C) Commuters

3). What will the listeners hear next?

(D) A commercial

This transcript refers to the audio file 084_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please? It's time for tonight's "Lucky Fan"
drawing. If your ticket stub is called, you'll receive a wonderful prize package consisting of a
team jacket, an autographed team poster, a $50 gift certificate to Big Steaks Restaurant, and
two tickets to an upcoming game. OK, get your stubs out. Tonight's winner is sitting in
section 28, row G, seat 202. Congratulations! There she is, on the jumbo screen! To claim
your prize, bring your ticket stub to the fan information booth adjacent to tunnel 28 before the
end of the game. The rest of you, remember to keep your ticket stub from tonight's game. It
entitles you to $5 off a regular wash and wax at any Red Panda Car Wash location.

Answer keys

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) At a stadium

2). What is the speaker offering?

(B) Free gifts

3). What should people do if they win the drawing?

(B) Go to a special booth

Photocopiable 42 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 085_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Is it time for a new job? We can help. I'm Tammy Nickels, president of careers dot com, and
now is a great time to let us help you search for the career you've always dreamed of. Our
professional staff will assist you step-by-step in updating your resume, posting it online,
answering ads, and searching through thousands of job listings on your behalf. Instead of
wasting your time reading hundreds of advertisements, let us show you to focus your search
on only the most promising leads for you. We'll update you on the latest employment trends,
and teach you how to write resumes and cover letters that catch employees' eyes and
ensure you get a interview. In fact, we'll even train you in interview techniques. We've placed
thousands of people over the past 10 years. What are you waiting for? Call us now at 1-800-
710-0999. That's 1-800-710-0999, or visit us online at careers dot com.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(C) A service

2). What is suggested about

(D) It is trustworthy.

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(C) Make a phone call

This transcript refers to the audio file 086_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Well, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. My name's Trevor Kline, and I'm
president of Freedom International. It's my exceedingly great privilege tonight to introduce
this year's keynote speaker. What can I say about Arthur Davis? This is difficult, because Art
has been a mentor to me — more than a mentor, really — a brother, friend, and confidant.
He helped start Freedom International, along with Roger Montoya, and it's due mostly to his
great charisma, drive, and wisdom that we have enjoyed so much success. Through the
years, Art has been a steadying influence and a guiding light. Even after he left Freedom
International five years ago for private business, he has maintained a keen interest and
always been, and continues to be, more than generous with his support and advice. Would
you please join me in welcoming Mr. Arthur Davis!

Answer keys

1). Where is the introduction most likely taking place?

(B) At a convention

2). Who is making the introduction?

(A) Trevor Kline

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Applaud

Photocopiable 43 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 087_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I appreciate your coming on short notice. We're all busy, so let's get down to business. I
assume that you've all read the story in this morning's paper accusing us of unfair trade
policies in South America. We know this is untrue, and that several facts the writer cited were
inaccurate. But most readers don't know that, and the reality is that suddenly, we've got an
image problem. We need to counter this right away, and the purpose of this gathering is to
figure out how. Research shows that a non-response or a delayed response from us will
imply that the article is true, so time is of the essence. To begin with, I'd like to go around the
table and hear your initial thoughts and ideas. Margo, let's start with you.

Answer keys

1). Where is the talk probably taking place?

(C) In a boardroom

2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(B) An executive

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(D) Brainstorm

This transcript refers to the audio file 088_TOEIC_part4.mp3

It's time to take off your sunglasses and get out the umbrellas. An offshore front is blowing
these clouds our way, as you can see, and that means rain starting this afternoon and
continuing for the next few days. We can expect overcast skies, with heavy rain at times and
wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour. Highs should reach the mid-60s, with lows in the low-50s
through Friday. We should have partial clearing on the weekend, and be back to sunny skies
by this time next week after the front has passed through. Looking at the regional weather
map, it looks to remain sunny and clear east of the mountains, with highs in the mid-70s and
lows in the mid-40s. The southern part of the state will receive mixed sun and rain, with partly
cloudy days and highs in the 60s.

Answer keys

1). Where is this report probably being broadcast?

(A) On TV

2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(C) To forecast weather

3). What will happen on the weekend?

(B) It will start to clear up.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 089_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this is Saundra Cleaver with Community Services. We will have a truck in your
neighborhood next Tuesday, the 13th. We're looking for donations of clean used clothing,
cookware, household utensils, and books and games in good condition. We cannot accept
computers or large appliances. We ask that you place donated items on your front porch or
the curb in front of your house, set them out by 7 in the morning on the 13th, and mark them
"CS" in large letters. We will pick them up sometime between 7 and 5, and will leave a
receipt for tax purposes. If you have any questions or want to schedule a pickup for a
different date, please call 672-910-4455 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Thank you, and have a great day.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(B) To solicit charity

2). When is a truck scheduled to come?

(D) On the 13th

3). What should the listeners do if they have questions?

(C) Make a telephone call

This transcript refers to the audio file 090_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hey guys. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Pat O'Donnell here, and I was too, until I
discovered Snoozers. I'd tried everything — pills, tea, counting sheep — but nothing was
working for me. Then a friend introduced me to Snoozers, an amazing medication that
worked the first time I tried it, and has kept on working to give me the rest I deserve.
Snoozers is an herbal remedy that interacts naturally with your body, leaving you relaxed and
ready to lay down and sleep. Just one teaspoonful, mixed with warm water, is all you need to
ensure a good night's rest. Try it today for free! For a limited time, you can get a free sample
by calling 1-888-666-5454. That's 1-888-666-5454. Take it from me, Pat O'Donnell, Snoozers
works! Don't spend another night thrashing and turning. Call 1-888-666-5454 for your free
Snoozers sample now!

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(D) A sleep aide

2). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Trying a new medication

3). What should listeners do?

(B) Dial a phone number

Photocopiable 45 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 091_TOEIC_part4.mp3

That's a fair question, and the short answer is no, we don't plan to lay off any employees at
this point. In a tough economy, we're going to act just like our customers — tightening our
belt and looking for ways to save money. We'll be looking at ways we can conserve energy,
operate our stores more efficiently, and integrate new procedures that cut the costs of gas
and power. We're also going to re-examine our pricing structure. We might have to lower
prices and operate on a thinner profit margin for awhile. We value each and every one of our
employees, and we won't let them go until we've first tried everything we possibly can. So I
can't promise there won't be layoffs down the road, but your listeners can rest assured that
we're committed to trying and avoid them at all costs.

Answer keys

1). When is this talk probably taking place?

(B) During an interview

2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A company president

3). What is suggested about the company?

(D) It is having financial trouble.

This transcript refers to the audio file 092_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentlemen, this is co-pilot Catherine Bates from the cockpit. We're ready to taxi
out, but we've been told by the control tower that there's a problem with one of our flaps, so
we're going to be delayed a little bit. Mechanics are aboard, and they're examining the
situation, so we hope we'll be able to get underway again in just a few minutes. Meanwhile,
we've activated the video screens on the seatbacks in front of you, so you can watch movies
or enjoy music, and we'll send attendants through the aisles in just a moment with
complimentary drinks. On behalf of captain Ronald Sims I apologize for the inconvenience,
and once we get this sorted out we anticipate a smooth flight. Thank you for your patience.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(A) Airplane passengers

2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(C) To explain a delay

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(B) Entertain themselves

Photocopiable 46 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 093_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm excited to be part of MegaByte, and I'm anxious to get to know all of you and work with
you. Before I learn about you, let me tell you a bit about myself. My name's Larry
Fitzgerald — as you know — and I'm married and a father of three children: Alexander, who's
11; Mary, 9; and Peter, who's three and a half. You know that I come to MegaByte from Beta
Brothers, where I worked for six years, the past three as head of R & D. Before that, I was
with Doll Computers three years as a software engineer, so I've been in the high-tech
industry all my career. I'm originally from Arizona, and got my bachelor's at Stanford and my
master's at MIT. In my spare time, I like bike riding and racquetball. That's enough about me.

Answer keys

1). What is the intended audience?

(C) MegaByte employees

2). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(D) At a meeting

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(D) Introduce themselves

This transcript refers to the audio file 094_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm Monica Lewis with WING traffic. A check of our real-time monitors reveals the usual rush-
hour slowdowns on all major thoroughfares. This accident at the King Street off ramp is
adding about 15 minutes to the commute on Interstate 50, but as you can see a tow truck is
on the scene and it looks like it'll be cleared soon. On Highway 15, work crews are repaving
the right lane near the Hawthorne Creek exit, which is bottlenecking traffic for a couple of
miles. If you're heading east right now your best bet is State Route 1, which is starting to flow
now that this car that ran out of gas has been moved to the right shoulder. This is Monica
Lewis for WING-5.

Answer keys

1). Where would this report most likely be broadcast?

(B) On television

2). Why is traffic slow on Interstate 50?

(A) Due to an accident

3). When is the report taking place?

(B) During rush hour

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 095_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, I'd like to leave a message for Greg Lewis. Greg, this is Ian Butler from your book club.
I'm calling to say that our meeting has been changed this week from Tuesday night to
Wednesday night. Also, we're going to meet at Tanya Phelps' house instead of Robin Jones.'
Tanya lives at 357 Springfield Lane, and her phone number is 435-8796. The time hasn't
changed. The meeting will start at 7, as usual. We're going to be discussing the ending of
Moby Dick, so if you haven't finished it yet, you've got an extra day. OK, I guess that's all.
See you Wednesday Greg. Bye.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(B) Ian Butler

2). Why is the main purpose of the message?

(C) To inform of a meeting change

3). When will the book club meet?

(A) At 7 p.m. Wednesday

This transcript refers to the audio file 096_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you! This is unbelievable; I'm floored. An individual award always reflects a team
effort, and there are so many people who made this moment possible that I don't know where
to start, really. I'd like to thank my director, Felix Unger, for believing in me when nobody else
did, and my producer, Charleton Hussey, for taking a chance on an unknown name. Renaldo
Lopez, my co-star, brought out the best in me, and the whole cast was unbelievably talented.
Oh, and I can't forget Sheena Ross, our scriptwriter, who wrote such a fantastic story. Finally,
I guess, I'd like to thank my family, who have supported my dream every step of the way. I'm
honored to accept this award, not only for myself, but on behalf everyone in my life who has
made my dream come true!

Answer keys

1). Where would this speech most likely be heard?

(D) At an awards ceremony

2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) To express appreciation

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(B) Applaud

Photocopiable 48 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 097_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Our next guest describes herself as an "ordinary housewife" who did something
extraordinary. She wrote a children's book that became an international best-seller and is
now a popular movie. Diane Farmer was a stay-at-home mother of three and says she
simply "wanted something to do" when she began inking The Magic Mushroom four years
ago. She wrote the book while waiting to pick up her kids from day care, at night after they
were asleep, and in spare moments at basketball games and school plays. Prior to that, Ms.
Farmer's only previous writing experience was in a college English class. Now she's already
written a sequel due out next month, and is at work on a third book, but she insists that
success hasn't changed her. She's still a devoted mother and wife. Ladies and gentleman,
please welcome Ms. Diane Farmer!

Answer keys

1). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(A) On a talk show

2). How does the speaker feel about Diane Farmer?

(C) He admires her.

3). What will happen to Ms. Farmer next month?

(B) She will have a new book for sale.

This transcript refers to the audio file 098_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Can I have your attention please? It is 8:45, and we will be closing in 15 minutes. Please
bring any items you'd like to purchase to one of the check-out stands. Those already in a
check-out line by 9 will be served, but the front doors will be locked at that time, and we will
not accept new customers in check-stand lines after 9. Once you have made you purchase,
we ask that you exit by one of the two side doors. We thank you for shopping with us tonight,
and remind you that we will open tomorrow at 10, and will be open from 10 to 8. Thank you
for your cooperation, and have a good night.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(D) Shoppers

2). When is closing time?

(B) 9

3). What should listeners do after they have made a purchase?

(C) Leave through a side door.

Photocopiable 49 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 099_TOEIC_part4.mp3

If you're thinking about getting new windows, now is the time. I'm Frank Miller, president of
Seal Windows, and this month we have special discounts on all our fantastic triple-pane
windows. Our windows not only look stylish, but they will save you money — guaranteed.
That's right, our incredibly efficient windows, filled with kryptonite gas, will save you at least
35 percent on your heating bill, or we will refund your money. We're so confident in our
product, we'll put it down in writing. So what have you got to lose? Get great windows, and
save yourself money. And this month, you save even more. Call now for a free estimate:
888-972-1059. That's 888-972-SEAL. Tell 'em Frank sent you.

Answer keys

1). What is mainly being advertised?

(B) Windows

2). What does the speaker promise?

(A) A lower energy bill

3). What action should listeners take?

(C) Make a phone call

This transcript refers to the audio file 100_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this is Felicia Morgan from Ron Valencia's office calling for Robert Douglas. Mr.
Douglas, Mr. Valencia would like to confirm that you received his fax yesterday with the
agenda for the conference on the 24th. Additionally, he would like to schedule a conference
call with you and Frederick Pepper next week to discuss the conference. Mr. Valencia is
available Monday and Wednesday mornings, and Tuesday and Friday afternoons. You can
confirm the fax and schedule an appointment by phoning me at 456-9876. Again, my name's
Felecia Morgan. Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(C) Robert Douglas

2). What will happen on the 24th?

(A) A conference

3). What should the listener do?

(D) Phone Felicia Morgan

Photocopiable 50 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 101_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome ladies and gentlemen. My name is Linda Layman, and it's a great privilege for me
to welcome our keynote speaker this evening, Samuel Jamison. Mr. Jamison, as you all
know, is CEO of Beta Soft Corporation, and is regarded as the country's Most Creative
Entrepreneur by the American Business League. In addition to that award, he has earned
Wealth Magazine's "Man of the Year" award two times, and, last year, he was named "CEO
of the Decade" by Business News Magazine, the first CEO that Business News has ever
honored from our state. Mr. Jamison has grown Beta Soft from a two-person organization
headquartered in his garage to a multi-billion dollar, multinational corporation in only 10 short
years. You all know that. What you might not know is that Mr. Jamison founded two
businesses that failed prior to Beta Soft, and that starting his third — and most successful —
venture was actually his wife's idea. Ladies and gentlemen, join me in giving a big hand to
our keynote speaker, Mr. Samuel Jamison.

Answer keys

1). What is the purpose of the speech?

(C) To introduce a speaker

2). Which award did Samuel Jamison win from Business News Magazine?
(A) CEO of the Decade

3). How many businesses has Samuel Jamison started?

(B) three

This transcript refers to the audio file 102_TOEIC_part4.mp3

We are pleased to announce the grand opening of our company's new day-care center,
located on the third floor next to the lunch room. The center is open to employees' children
between the ages of 2 and 5. Starting next Monday, eligible employees can drop off their
youngsters at the day-care center beginning at 7 a.m., and pick them up no later than 6 p.m.
The cost is $20 an hour per child, and includes lunch and snacks. For those who work part-
time, half-day and drop-in options are available. Our center features six experienced
teachers, and includes modern play equipment and learning materials. It has 3,000 square
feet, including a main play area, a lunch room, and three separate class rooms: one for two-
and three-year-olds, one for four-year-olds, and one for five-year-olds. Don't worry, moms
and dads. Your children will be safe, warm, and, best of all, nearby! You are welcome to visit
them on the third floor during lunch hour and work breaks.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(B) Company employees

2). Where is the day-care center located?

(D) In the company's building

3). Which children can use the day-care center?

(C) Children age 2 to 5

Photocopiable 51 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 103_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Kathy Hendricks here with a live birds-eye traffic update, brought to you by Tri-State
Insurance Company. Interstate 12 is flowing smoothly again now that cars involved in an
earlier accident have been cleared to the shoulder, but volume on State Route 95 is starting
to build. Traffic there is backed up near the city center exit due to a stalled vehicle in the right
lane, and again north of the city due to a two-car injury accident on the Statesville off ramp.
Interstate 1 is bumper-to-bumper on the bridge crossing the river, where work crews are re-
paving part of the roadway. All other major routes look good right now, though traffic on Vine
Street near the freeway entrance is slowing because of a malfunctioning traffic light. For
KOKO, this is Kathy Hendricks with birds-eye traffic.

Answer keys

1). What is the purpose of this report?

(D) To inform drivers of traffic conditions

2). Why is traffic moving slowly on part of State Route 95?

(A) Two cars collided at an exit.

3). How fast is traffic moving on the Interstate 1 bridge across the river?
(C) Extremely slowly

This transcript refers to the audio file 104_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Are you tired of the high cost of heating bills? Wouldn't you rather spend that money on a
winter vacation to someplace sunny? Then remember two words: Wallaby Windows.
Wallaby's double-pane glass traps heat inside your home, so your furnace works less and
you save money. We're so confident in our windows that Wallaby guarantees, in writing, that
you will save at least 50 percent on your next heating bill or we'll pay the difference. That's
right: 50 percent, or Wallaby pays. Guaranteed. Not only that, but if you call today, we'll give
you 25 percent off our normal installation price if you agree to buy four or more windows. Our
professional crews make installation quick and easy. So what are you waiting for? Don't be
stuck with huge heating bills this winter. Call Wallaby Windows today at 555-2354 for a free
in-home estimate. That's 555-2354. Wallaby Windows.

Answer keys

1). Which customers is this advertisement aimed at?

(B) Homeowners

2). What does Wallaby Windows guarantee?

(C) A reduction in heating bills

3). How can customers receive an installation discount?

(B) By buying at least four windows

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 105_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this message is for Dick Lyons. My name is Janelle Archer from Lincoln Bank, and you
had called us asking about interest rates for our CDs and money market accounts. Our
current top CD rate is 5 percent for 48 months, with a minimum investment of $5,000. We
also offer a CD of 4 percent for 36 months, with a minimum of $2,000. To purchase either of
these CDs, you must first have a Lincoln Bank checking account. Our money market account
is currently paying an interest rate of 3.50 percent. You don't need a previous checking
account to open a money market account, but you do have to make an initial deposit of at
least $1,000. I hope this answers your questions, Mr. Lyons. If there's anything else I can
help you with, please give me a call. My name's Janelle Archer, and my number is 555-2002.
Have a great day.

Answer keys

1). Why did the caller telephone Dick Lyons?

(A) She was returning a phone call.

2). What did Dick Lyons want to know?

(D) Interest rates for CDs and money market accounts

3). What does the caller offer to do for Dick Lyons?

(D) Provide further help

This transcript refers to the audio file 106_TOEIC_part4.mp3

OK, let's go over a few important details. First, do you all have your employee handbook? If
you need one, go see Ms. Chambers in HR right away. Please read your handbooks, sign
the form on the back page, and return those to the HR department by the end of the day
Friday. Next, timesheets are to be turned in to your department manager by 5 p.m. each
Friday. It's your responsibility to make sure they are filled out properly. If they aren't, your
paycheck will be delayed. If you have any expense vouchers or overtime documentation
sheets, paper clip — do not staple — them, to the back of your timesheet. Overtime must be
pre-approved by your direct supervisor, and you have to get a documentation sheet from the
supervisor before working the overtime hours. Pay days are the 15th and 30th of each
month, or the closest Friday if one of those dates falls on a weekend. Finally, please note
carefully company policy in regard to keeping your work stations clean and projecting a
professional appearance in your personal dress.

Answer keys

1). Who is probably making this speech?

(C) A company executive

2). What is the purpose of the speech?

(B) To impart information

3). When will employees be paid?

(A) At the middle and end of each month

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 107_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Can I have your attention please? This is a special announcement from the front desk at
Saint Marion's Hospital. We want to remind all visitors to use the east entrance door this
week while the main lobby inside the west entrance door on Main Street is being repainted.
The east hospital entrance is located on Border Street, and it is open each day during regular
visiting hours, which are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on
Sundays. If you need to enter the hospital during non-visiting hours, please use the north
entrance, located on First Street. The west entrance door will re-open one week from today.
Thank you for your patience during this phase of our lobby improvement project.

Answer keys

1). Why is this announcement being made?

(A) To issue a reminder

2). What does the announcer ask visitors to do?

(B) Use the east door of the hospital

3). How long will the special situation be in effect?

(C) For one week

This transcript refers to the audio file 108_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm Mitch Bloomfield with this hour's top story. Hurricane Harry is moving south-southeast
about 25 miles off the Florida Coast, and is predicted to strike southern Florida early this
evening. Winds are forecasted to be 75- to 100-miles an hour, with ocean swells up to 10
feet high. Florida authorities have ordered residents of coastal cities to evacuate their homes
for the next 24 hours, and two units of the National Guard have been dispatched to assist
elderly and disabled residents. Forecasters at the national weather center have labeled Harry
a level-2 hurricane, and say it might decrease to level-1 by the time it reaches land.
Residents of islands in the Florida Keys have also begun evacuating in case Harry suddenly
veers farther south. This is Mitch Bloomfield reporting for WROJ. The next update will be at
top of the hour, or whenever news breaks on news radio WROJ, 920 a.m.

Answer keys

1). What type of report is the broadcaster giving?

(D) A news update

2). What have coastal residents been ordered to do?

(C) Leave their homes

3). How often does station WROJ provide news?

(A) Whenever it's important

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 109_TOEIC_part4.mp3

The leaves are changing color, the kids are back in school, and that means it's time for the
annual fall savings spectacular at Lacy's Department Stores. For the next five days, you can
save big on a wide variety of items for your home and family. In Lacy's furniture department,
save 35 percent on Italian leather sofas, and as much as 50 percent on all Lazy-Man
reclining chairs. Are you bundled up for the winter? Children's coats are 25- to 40-percent off,
and men's and women's ski parkas are 30-60 percent off. Need a new dishwasher? Mayday
dishwashers are on sale for only $199. Or perhaps it's time for a new mattress? We have
Sleep Sound king- and queen-sizes for just $95! Don't miss this year's Lacy's fall
spectacular, now through Friday. Hurry in today!

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(B) A special sale

2). How long will the fall spectacular last?

(C) For five days

3). What does the speaker suggest that listeners do?

(B) Come to the store quickly

This transcript refers to the audio file 110_TOEIC_part4.mp3

OK men, we've got our work cut out for us. We're down, but we're far from out. This is not
over yet! The main thing, I think, is you've got to settle down out there and keep your heads
in the game. We've played a half, so all the jitters should be gone and we should be into it
now, right? Guys, just go out there and play, and stop thinking so much. I've seen you at
practice, and I know you can do this! When the going gets tough, the tough get going! You
guys are tough! If we play our game, we'll be fine. We're better than them, and we can win
this thing! Think about your assignments, and carry out your assignments on each play. Don't
worry about making a mistake, just play your hardest and concentrate on doing your job. You
know what you've got to do, now get out there and do it! Let's go!

Answer keys

1). Who is probably making this speech?

(A) A football coach

2). When is the speech taking place?

(D) Halfway through a game

3). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(C) To motivate

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 111_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Christie Christian here with a WUMP 97-point-3 FM bottom-of-the-hour traffic update.

Interstate 1 northbound is a mess from the city center to the county line due to an earlier two-
car crash in the center lane. Southbound Highway 3 is a virtual parking lot from Evergreen
Street through downtown, then clears until Spruceville, where it's stop-and-go from
Spruceville to the southern county line. Elsewhere, traffic is flowing smoothly except on
eastbound State Route 440, where an overturned semi truck has traffic backed up from the
Lake Bridge onramp to mid-span of the bridge. This has been Christy Christian for WUMP
97-point-3 FM. The next traffic update will be at the top of the hour. Now, back to the music
with Steve Sarkonian.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(B) To inform commuters

2). Where would this report most likely be broadcast?

(A) On radio

3). How often are traffic reports broadcast?

(C) Every half hour

This transcript refers to the audio file 112_TOEIC_part4.mp3

In closing, I'd like to offer you a word of encouragement. Sure, it's a tough economy right
now. But don't let that dampen your enthusiasm. Tough economies come and go, but
graduation comes only once in a lifetime. Seize this moment. Cherish it. This is your time.
This is your season. The economy will turn around — who knows, maybe because of
something you do. The glass is half full, people! You're leaving a world that you know, a
comfortable, exciting world, to enter another world — a big, full, breathtaking arena, bursting
with opportunity. It's a little scary, but it also should be tremendously exhilarating. Remember
that when you first stepped onto this campus, fresh from high school, for many of you it was
a moment of great fear and trepidation. Now, that fear is conquered, and you're ready for the
next step. Great moments are bred of great opportunity. This is your opportunity. This is your
moment. Make the most of it! Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speech for?

(B) Graduating students

2). Where is the speaker now?

(D) At a commencement ceremony

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(C) Applaud

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 113_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you for coming in today. Goldie's Gym is a great place to work out! If you're a new
member, or if you haven't had time to get your free body-fat test, be sure and come by the
trainer's desk to get that done. What can be measured, can be improved. While you're there,
ask about our individualized workout programs. Goldie's offers a wide variety of exercise
options, from step aerobics to swimming basketball to racquetball, to help you meet your
fitness goals. And our personal trainers are experts in designing a weight-lifting program that
is just right for you. Thanks again for choosing Goldie's. Have a great day!

Answer keys

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) At a fitness club

2). What is being offered?

(C) Personalized training

3). What should listeners do if they want a body-fat test?

(A) Go to the trainer's desk

This transcript refers to the audio file 114_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Brad Thompson. This is Marcos Hernandez. We met last week at the high-tech conference in
Boston. Remember, we had talked about getting together to discuss your idea for a start-up
Internet business. Well, I'll be in town next week with my associate, James FitzPatrick, and I
was hoping we could arrange a meeting, maybe for dinner or cocktails or something. We
arrive late Tuesday night, and will be there for three days. We'll be tied up in meetings most
of the day Wednesday and Thursday morning, but would have time Wednesday evening,
Thursday afternoon, or most of the day Friday. I hope one of those times will work for you.
Anyway, could you please call me on my cell when you get a chance? It's 881-555-6300. If
you can't reach me, call my office at 881-503-2735 and leave a message with my secretary.
Her name is Teresa Guenther. Thanks, Brad. I look forward to hearing from you. Bye.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(B) Brad Thompson

2). What does the speaker suggest?

(C) Meeting for dinner or cocktails

3). What will the listener probably do next?

(D) Return the phone call

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 115_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Are drugs and alcohol ruining your life? Then listen carefully. I'm Matt O'Shay, and for years I
was a slave to alcohol and drug addiction. But 17 years ago, I entered Slick-Sandel Hospital
for a 10-day treatment program. After 10 days, my craving was gone, and I haven't touched a
drop of alcohol or taken any kind of illegal drug since. All it took was 10 days, and my
addiction was gone, and I had my life back. If you're life is being controlled by addiction to
drugs or alcohol, Slick-Sandel can help you too. Its unique, proven methods will restore the
healthy, wonderful person that existed before your addiction took you prisoner. Take it from
me, Matt O'Shay. I was a major league drinker. I am now a contented, relaxed, living
testimonial to the complete success of Slick-Sandel's treatment. I am not a recovering
alcoholic. I am a very happy EX alcoholic. Slick-Sandel saved my life, and it can save yours
too. Call now: 1-800-543-3456. That's 1-800-543-3456, or visit us online at

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(D) Medical treatment

2). What does the speaker say about Slick-Sandel Hospital?

(A) It saved his life.

3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(C) He is a celebrity.

This transcript refers to the audio file 116_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Before we begin the lecture, I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I was born in Iran, and
moved to the United States with my family when I was three. My father was a doctor, and my
mother was a teacher. I have two older brothers and a younger sister. I grew up in Maryland,
but we moved to Chicago when I was 12. I've been interested in science my whole life, so I
was ecstatic to receive a scholarship here at Northwestern University to study biology. After
earning my bachelor's degree, I got a master's at Stanford. I stayed on there as a researcher
for about six years before moving back to Illinois and joining Bio-Tech. I was with Bio-Tech
for 10 years before leaving last year to start my own research company, GreenEarth. We
employ six full-time researchers, and in the past year we've made a couple of exciting new
discoveries, which I'm going to tell you about in just a minute. First, though, I just want to
thank the Northwestern president, John Roche, and the faculty of the biology department for
inviting me back to speak to you today. It's an exciting moment, and I'm honored.

Answer keys

1). Where is the introduction taking place?

(B) At a university

2). What does the speaker talk mostly about?

(C) Her education and experience

3). What will the speaker talk about next?

(A) Scientific discoveries

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 117_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Have you ever have found a job, a home, or a lover through people you know? If you have,
then you've networked successfully. Networking is not a new idea, but most people don't use
it very effectively. Today I'm going to teach you a system called Super Networking that allows
you to easily build a network of people around you, so that you have everyone and
everything you need close at hand. You can accomplish this with a simple strategy: Raise
your visibility through increased interactions. The Super Networking System provides this
effectively. First, we?ll discuss three basic concepts. The first concept is called the rule of
250. The average person knows about 250 people — family members, friends, work
colleagues, neighbors, club members, all the people you've done business with, and so on.
But the average person doesn't work hard at meeting new people. Super Networkers do.
While the average person knows 250 people, Super Networkers know an average of thirty-
five hundred people. That's fourteen times more than the average person. So, you're going to
focus on Super Networkers, based on the rule of 250. That's the first concept. Now,?

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(C) To introduce a new system

2). What should people do to improve their networking?

(B) Focus on Super Networkers

3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(C) A new concept

This transcript refers to the audio file 118_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Casey Carpenter with a KPUT news update. As you can see in this video footage,
firefighters finally have the forest fire at Mount Capistan under control, and are in the process
of extinguishing the final small blazes. Investigators have not yet determined the cause of the
fire, which caused an estimated $500 million damage to homes in the Mount Capistan area.
A look at the KPUT weather map shows clouds moving into the area this afternoon and
evening, which are expected to bring rain and possible thundershowers. But they should
pass through by tomorrow evening, and the weekend is expected to be clear and dry. The
stock market is up by 150 points at this hour after hitting a morning low point, marked by the
red dot, of minus 35 points. Finally in sports, the Eagles lost 3-2 to Cincinnati yesterday, and
have the night off before hosting New York tomorrow. I'm Casey Carpenter for KPUT news.

Answer keys

1). Where is this report most likely being broadcast?

(A) On television

2). What happened at Mount Capistan?

(D) A forest fire

3). What is scheduled to happen tomorrow?

(C) The Eagles will play New York.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 119_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is the school district calling with an important message regarding the chicken flu. At this
time, there are three students in the district who have been diagnosed with the chicken flu or
have displayed symptoms of it. Those three schools — Sunrise Elementary, Kennedy Middle
School, and Clinton Elementary — will be closed today and tomorrow as a precautionary
measure. All other district schools are open and operating on regular schedule. If your child
displays flu-like symptoms, you must keep them home from school. Symptoms include a
fever of 102 degrees or higher, sore throat, diarrhea, and persistent coughing. To prevent the
flu, make sure your children wash their hands frequently, blow their noses into tissues or
handkerchiefs, and get plenty of water and rest. For more information on the chicken flu,
contact school district headquarters at 555-9909, or the city public health office at 554-6872.
Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message for?

(B) Parents

2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To inform

3). What should listeners do if their child has a high fever?

(C) Keep the child home from school

This transcript refers to the audio file 120_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentleman, your attention please! The Coast Express from Los Angeles is now
arriving on track 2. Please meet passengers will be entering the station at door number nine.
Also, the Flying Eagle, bound for Spokane, Boise, Missoula, and Denver, will be boarding in
10 minutes on track number one. Please have your boarding passes ready, and line up at
door number five. If you have not yet checked your luggage for the Flying Eagle, you may do
so now at the booth next to door five. If you have not yet exchanged your ticket for a
boarding pass, please do so now at the ticket counter next to door number three. You will
need a boarding pass, not a ticket, to be able to board the Flying Eagle. Thank you.

Answer keys

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(B) In a train station

2). What will happen in 10 minutes?

(C) The Flying Eagle will start boarding.

3). Where should listeners get boarding passes?

(A) Next to door number three

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 121_TOEIC_part4.mp3

OK. When you come in, the first thing to do is find your time card. Time cards are in this rack
on the wall, next to the clock. They're filed in alphabetical order. Punch in by inserting your
card in the slot on top of the clock. This will stamp onto the card the time that you start work.
Then return your card to its place on the rack. When you go to lunch, make sure that you
take your time card again and punch out when you leave, and punch in when you get back.
Also be sure and punch out at the end of the day.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain office procedures

2). Where are the time cards kept?

(C) Beside the clock

3). What should the listener do when leaving for lunch?

(B) Record the time

This transcript refers to the audio file 122_TOEIC_part4.mp3

The city of North Beach would like to inform residents of the Independence Day parade next
month. On Friday, July 4th, there will be a parade on Main Street between First Avenue and
Tenth Avenue. Main street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. that day.
There will be pedestrian access to businesses and shops along the parade route. During the
parade, traffic will be re-routed through Pine Street. We apologize for any inconvenience this
will cause. If you have any questions, phone the city manager's office at 555-9449. The office
is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the radio announcement?

(D) To notify citizens of a special event

2). On which day will Main Street close to vehicle traffic?

(A) July 4th

3). What should listeners do if they have questions?

(B) Make a phone call

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 123_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello. You've reached the main office of Big Mutual Bank. Our hours of operation are 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on national holidays. Please listen carefully to the
following options. If you know the extension of the person you wish to speak with, dial it now.
For a directory of extension numbers, press the pound key. To check the balance on your
account, press one. To check the balance on a home or automobile loan, press two. To order
more checks, press three. To speak with a customer service representative, press 4. We
also invite you to visit our web site at for addresses, phone numbers, and
directories of all of our 24 branches.

Answer keys

1). Who is the message probably for?

(C) Customers

2). Which telephone key should listeners press to reach a customer service representative?
(B) four

3). What information is NOT available on the web site?

(D) Schedules

This transcript refers to the audio file 124_TOEIC_part4.mp3

In answer to your question, no, I didn't plan to become an author. It happened almost by
accident, actually. I've always liked to write. When I was in college, I had a couple of short
stories published in the campus literature magazine. But I majored in business. When I was
28, I wrote a short story in my spare time. My wife read it, and submitted it a magazine
behind my back. Well, it was published. That encouraged me to start writing more in my
spare time. By age 32, I had completed my first novel. To my great surprise, it became a
best-seller. So I quit my business job and began writing full time. Now, after six best-sellers, I
finally consider myself to be a writer.

Answer keys

1). What did the speaker major in at college?

(A) Business

2). What did the speaker do at age 28?

(C) He had a story published.

3). How many best-sellers has the speaker written?

(B) Six

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 125_TOEIC_part4.mp3

May I have your attention please? Thank you for your patience this afternoon. It's now my
honor to introduce our final presenter, Ms. Nancy Wang. Ms. Wang will talk about her
research on vitamin D. She will present data on effects of too much vitamin D on the body's
immune system. Ms. Wang is a researcher with Nutritional Sciences, Incorporated, and has
recently been elected to the board of the Council of International Nutritionists, which is based
in Denmark. After the presentation, Ms. Wang will hold a question-and-answer session. If
you have a question, please come to one of the microphones located in each aisle, so that
everyone in the room can be sure and hear you. Now, here's Nancy Wang.

Answer keys

1). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(D) In an auditorium

2). What will Ms. Li talk about?

(A) Nutritional research

3). What has Ms. Li been elected to?

(C) A worldwide organization

This transcript refers to the audio file 126_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Are you ready to have fun in the sun? Then come to Wild Water Park. We have something
for everyone in the family. Toddlers will love our splash-and-squirt pool. Older boys and girls
can surf with bodies or boogie board in our giant wave pool. And we have water slides suited
for all ages, including our famous "Howlin' Hurricane" and "Daredevil Drop" — slides bigger
and better than any you'll find at other water parks. Wild Water Park opens for the summer
on Friday, June 21st. Right now, we're offering family passes to opening weekend for only
$50 — that's $25 less than the usual price. And, if you buy your family pass before June
14th, you'll a children's ticket for any other date during the summer absolutely free. Don't
wait! To order tickets, call 555-7743, or visit us online at Wild Water
Park: the best attractions at the lowest prices.

Answer keys

1). What is suggested about Wild Water Park?

(B) It has area competitors.

2). What free gift is being offered?

(C) A children's ticket

3). What should people do to receive a gift?

(B) Buy a family pass

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 127_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Smallville Theater for tonight's performance of "Romeo
and Juliet" by the Smallville Theater Troupe. The performance will begin at 7:30, and there
will be four acts with a 20-minute intermission. During intermission drinks and snacks are for
sale in the lobby. We ask you at this time to kindly turn off all cell phones and pagers, and
remind you that photography is not permitted during the performance. After the show, you
can purchase tickets at the box office for any or all of Smallville Theater's six upcoming
presentations this season. The box office is also open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. You can buy tickets in person or by calling the box office at 555-8294. Thank you for
coming, and enjoy the show!

Answer keys

1). What type of performance will follow the announcement?

(D) A play

2). What can people do during intermission?

(C) Buy food and beverages

3). What should people do if they want tickets to future shows?

(B) Contact the box office

This transcript refers to the audio file 128_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello Patrick. This is Robin. Could you please tell Rico and Yumi that I'm going to be a few
minutes late for our appointment? My friend was supposed to pick me up from the airport, but
her car had a flat tire on the way. I just called her, and she's gotten it fixed but is stuck in
traffic downtown, so she won't be here for about 20 more minutes. It's 11 now, and our
appointment is at 11:30, so there's no way I'm going to make it on time. Please tell them I
hope to be there by noon. While you're waiting for me, you could start by briefing them on our
company. Thanks.

Answer keys

1). Why is the speaker making the call?

(A) To notify people that she will be late

2). What is scheduled for 11:30?

(D) A meeting

3). Where is the speaker now?

(C) At the airport

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 129_TOEIC_part4.mp3

As you know, we've been negotiating with IBD Technology School to provide discount
computer classes for our staff. Even though these classes are free to our employees, some
of you have complained that workers in your department aren't taking advantage of them.
Staff have complained that they are too tired and too busy to drive to the IBD campus after
work. But I have a hunch that most of them don't recognize the benefit expanded computer
skills will have for their job performance. I can understand this, since most of them already
have the skill they need to perform their current jobs well. So, I propose that we hire a
presenter, Jim Jefferson, to give our staff a motivational lecture about why continued learning
is important in their careers.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker most likely speaking to?

(D) Department managers

2). What excuse do staff members have for not taking computer classes?
(B) They lack time and energy.

3). What does the speaker suggest the company do?

(A) Hire a motivational speaker

This transcript refers to the audio file 130_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you for coming. The purpose of this meeting is to announce that, after nearly four
months of screening and interviews, our selection committee has chosen Gunther Van
Holleback as the new advertising director for Banana Computers. Mr. Van Holleback comes
to us from Grafton Industries, where he has been advertising director for the past five years.
Previously, he was a manager for advertising firms in Munich, Copenhagen, and Venice. Mr.
Van Holleback has a master's business degree from Guttenborg University, and earned the
2008 "executive of the year" award for helping increase sales at Grafton Industries by 45
percent. Mr. Van Holleback will spend six weeks in training before coming to work at our
corporate headquarters here in Toronto. We are excited to welcome Mr. Van Holleback to
our company, and we look forward to a long a fruitful relationship.

Answer keys

1). What is being announced?

(B) A new hire

2). How long will Mr. Van Holleback be in training?

(C) Six weeks

3). Where are the corporate headquarters of Banana Computers?

(C) Toronto

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 131_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you for calling the Ticket Center. Tickets are now on sale for the May 20th classical
music concert. Prices are $50 for seats on the main floor. Seats in the balcony cost $35, and
seats on the third level cost $25. There is a $7 discount on all tickets for children age 12 and
under. Senior citizens, age 60 and older, receive a $10 discount. A representative will be with
you shortly. Please have your credit card ready. Once you've ordered, you may pick up your
tickets at the concert hall box office. Thank you.

Answer keys

1). What event are the tickets being sold for?

(A) A music concert

2). How much of a discount do senior citizens receive?

(C) $10

3). What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

(B) Be prepared to order

This transcript refers to the audio file 132_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi. My name is Mindy, and I'll be your guide today. We're going to start by visiting a sheep
farm, so you can see the wool that this area is famous for. We'll watch a sheep dog perform
a round up, then see a farmer shear off the sheep's wool. Next we'll visit a plant that makes
apple juice, another famous local product. You'll get a chance to help pick apples, and also a
carton of fresh juice to enjoy. We'll end our day by visiting our most well-known attraction, the
oyster-shell opera house. While there, we'll watch a rehearsal for an upcoming performance.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker probably talking to?

(B) Tourists

2). What will happen first?

(D) Watching a sheep dog

3). Why will the listeners go to the opera house?

(A) To view a renowned landmark

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 133_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Clinton City has announced delays and closures for schools due to the big snowstorm this
morning. All public elementary, middle and high schools will begin two hours late. Because of
ice on the roads, buses will pick children up at their special snow-stop locations, instead of
the regular bus stops. If you do not know where your child's snow bus stop is, call the district
transportation office at 555-3343. Schools will end at the regular time, but all after-school
activities today have been cancelled. Buses will deliver students to their snow-stop locations.
All private elementary, middle and high schools have cancelled school today. Community
colleges, as well as City University, will begin one hour late this morning. For updated
information on the snowstorm, visit the city website at

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the radio announcement?

(C) To inform people of schedule changes

2). What should students who take the bus do?

(B) Wait at a special bus stop

3). When will community colleges begin?

(D) One hour late

This transcript refers to the audio file 134_TOEIC_part4.mp3

All right, now let's discuss our advertising revenue. As you know, this is a huge part of our
business. Ads account for about 60 percent of all our annual revenue. Last year, our
advertising revenue grew by 3 percent. This year, our goal is to double that figure, to 6
percent. How can we do that? We've discussed running an auction for on-line
advertisements. The highest bidder will get to put their ad at the top of our web page. The
winner of the auction will be the company that is willing to pay the most money per click. That
means that each time someone clicks on their ad, they pay us. But they have to tell us, in
advance, how much they are willing to pay. I think this is a good idea, but we have identified
some software problems that have to be worked out so that we can set up an auction
system. Let's put Jamie and Chris to work on those problems. We'll talk about this again in
two weeks.

Answer keys

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(A) At a business meeting

2). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) A new advertising idea

3). What is NOT true about advertising revenue?

(C) The firm wants to triple its growth this year.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 135_TOEIC_part4.mp3

That's a good question. It's hard for me to predict how long I'll keep playing, but I'd like to
keep going as long as I'm healthy and can help my team win. I'm 35 now, and I feel great.
The knee injury I suffered last year is completely healed. It feels like I could play for four or
five more years. Of course, once the season starts, that could change. Maybe my knee will
get hurt again, or else another part of my body. I don't want to be out there playing if I'm not
able to compete at a high level. They're paying me five million dollars a year, and I want to
prove that I'm worth it. If I ever reach the point where I feel like I'm not giving the fans their
money's worth, then I'll be glad to retire and let a younger player take over. I've been playing
this game since I was seven years old, and professionally since I was 21, I'm thankful that
I've lasted this long and done as well as I have. It's already been a great career.

Answer keys

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(B) An athlete

2). What did the speaker do last year?

(C) He hurt his knee.

3). At what age did the speaker start playing?

(A) 7

This transcript refers to the audio file 136_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good morning and welcome to Wildlife Park. For your safety and the safety of those around
you, we ask that you observe the following regulations. First, you must remain in the vehicles
at all times. Second, do not feed any of the animals as you drive past them. Third, take
pictures only when instructed to do so by your guide. Finally, turn off all noise-making
devices such as cell phones and MP3 players while touring the park. Anyone violating these
rules will have their park admission revoked, without refund. In addition, they could be
subject to arrest and a fine up to $5,000. Please enjoy your tour today through Wildlife Park.
Thank you.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the regulations?

(B) To ensure safety

2). When should listeners take pictures?

(D) When the guide tells them to

3). What will happen to someone who breaks a rule?

(C) They will be kicked out of the park.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 137_TOEIC_part4.mp3

In financial news, Hillman Corporation stock jumped $1 a share today after it released a
better-than-expected quarterly report. Hillman revealed that its earnings for the quarter were
35 cents a share, 10 cents better than analysts had predicted. Hillman made a quarterly
profit of $2.5 million, bringing its yearly profit to nearly $10 million so far. The report bumped
Hillman's stock price from $20 a share this morning to $21 per share by the close of the stock
market this afternoon. Earlier this year, the stock had hit a 52-week low of $12.25.

Answer keys

1). Why did Hillman Corporation's stock price rise?

(A) Because of a favorable report

2). What is suggested about Hillman Corporation?

(B) It has good management.

3). Which of the following is true?

(D) Hillman's stock closed at $21 a share.

This transcript refers to the audio file 138_TOEIC_part4.mp3

It seems like flat tires come at the worst possible times. Like the middle of a crowded
freeway. Or a deserted road late at night. But now a flat tire doesn't have to ruin your trip.
Due to revolutionary new technology, Ruble Tires let you drive up to 100 miles after a flat, so
you can change the tire in a safe, comfortable environment. Ruble's new Rugged Wear tires
are side reinforced, so the rubber on the side of the tire supports a car's weight even when
the bottom of the tire loses air. Rugged Wear tires are the latest in a long line of Ruble
innovations. At Ruble, we make driving safer. For more information on all Ruble Tires, visit
our website at

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(C) A new type of tire

2). What is claimed about Rugged Wear tires?

(B) They can be used after losing air.

3). What should listeners do to get more information?

(A) Visit a web site

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 139_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi. This message is for Christian Collier. I'm not sure if this is the right number. My name is
Wendy Moss, and I found your wallet yesterday in Center Park. Don't worry, it doesn't seem
like anything is missing. It has some cash, your driver's license, and credit cards. I found your
phone number on a medical identification card. I hope the number is still current. Anyway, if
you could call me, we can arrange to meet and you can pick up your wallet. I live only a
couple of miles from you, if the address on your driver's license is correct. So, again, my
name is Wendy, and my phone number is 555-8629. I'm going to a movie tonight, but I'll
check my voice mail when it's over and if you leave a message I'll call you back. Bye.

Answer keys

1). Why is the speaker making the phone call?

(C) To report found property

2). What is the speaker unsure of?

(D) The listener's phone number.

3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) She is honest.

This transcript refers to the audio file 140_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you for coming to the grand opening of the Holmstead Library. It's taken 18 months to
complete the building, but I think the wait has been worth it. This magnificent steel-and-glass
structure has been called the perfect marriage of function and form, and I think all of us here
today would agree with that statement. Now I'm going to hand the microphone to a special
guest, the man who designed this beautiful edifice, Klaus Kirshner. Mr. Kirshner has flown all
the way from Austria for this occasion, and we are honored to have him with us. He is
renowned throughout the world for his innovative architecture and distinctive style. Would
you please join me in giving a warm Holmstead welcome to Klaus Kirshner!

Answer keys

1). Who is Klaus Kirshner?

(C) An architect

2). How long did it take to build the library?

(A) A year and a half

3). What is implied about Mr. Kirshner?

(B) He lives in Europe.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 141_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Colast weather will continue to be warm and sunny for the next two days. At the weekend,
though, clouds will be moving in on the north part of the coast. The temperatures there will
drop into the low 70s, with showers on Saturday and possible thunder storms on Sunday. On
the south coast, the sun should continue through the weekend, with highs in the middle 80s.
At the start of next week, we expect some clearing in the north, with rain in the mornings and
partly sunny skies in the afternoons. The highs in the north will gradually climb into the 80
again by this time next week. In the south, next week looks to be much like this one has been
so far.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To forecast the weather

2). When is rain predicted on the north part of the coast?

(C) On the weekend

3). When is this report probably being broadcast?

(D) Wednesday

This transcript refers to the audio file 142_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, this is attorney Fred Collins. I am tied up in court this morning and will not be returning
voice-mail messages, but your phone call is important to me. I will check my messages and
return phone calls in the afternoon. Unless this is an emergency, please do not leave a
message at this time. Try again after 1 o'clock. If this is an emergency, page me at 555-364-
7849, and I'll get back to you during a court recess. If you would like to schedule an
appointment, please call my secretary, Donna Fortner, at 555-683-1037. My soonest
available openings are next week on Wednesday. Goodbye for now, and thank you for

Answer keys

1). Why isn't the speaker returning morning phone calls?

(D) He is working in a courtroom.

2). What should listeners do if they have an emergency?

(C) Send an electronic page

3). When will the speaker be available for appointments?

(D) Next week

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 143_TOEIC_part4.mp3

The reason we're meeting today is to introduce the plan for our new office layout. Starting
next month, instead of cubicles, we will have an open office. There will be no cubicle walls or
partitions. Instead, desks will be arranged in clusters for each department. The desks in each
department will be facing each other in clusters of four or six. We feel this will facilitate better
communication between workers in each departments. It will also create a more welcoming
environment for clients. The department managers will still have their own offices, but each
will have large windows and glass doors, to make employees and clients feel welcome to
come inside. We're also going to paint the walls and put in new carpeting. The project will
start on the first of next month and should take about three weeks to complete. We will be
moving to the third floor during that period.

Answer keys

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) An office renovation

2). What does the speaker say about the new layout?
(D) It will improve employee communication.

3). What is NOT true about plans for the office?

(C) Work will begin next year.

This transcript refers to the audio file 144_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Attention all passengers. Due to our airport expansion project, please not the following
changes. All domestic departures will board in the main terminal building, at gates A, B, and
C. All domestic arrivals will deplane outside, on the airport tarmac, and passengers will be
bussed into the main terminal. International flights will depart and arrive at the annex
terminal, gates D, E, F, and G. To get to the annex terminal, take the airport subway, which
boards in the lower level near gate A. It leaves every 10 minutes. We thank you for your
patience as we expand the airport to serve you better. Expansion work will last approximately
10 weeks. For more information about the project, visit one of the information kiosks located
throughout the airport, or call our special hotline at 888-555-7473.

Answer keys

1). What is causing the changes that the speaker mentions?

(C) Construction

2). What should international passengers do?

(D) Ride an underground train

3). What should listeners do to get more information?

(B) Go to a special booth

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 145_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good evening, and thanks for joining us at the summer outdoor drama festival. We have an
outstanding lineup this season, which kicks off tonight with a 21st century adaptation of
Shakespeare's classic, "Romeo and Juliet." At this time I would like to turn the microphone
over to the author of this production, Martin Bourgette. Mr. Bourgette is renowned for putting
fresh spins on classic tales, as he did at last year's festival with an updated version of
"Taming of the Shrew." Martin started his drama career right here in Muston, earning his first
starring role in our outdoor festival at age 14. He appeared in several other festival plays
before majoring in drama at Muston University. For the past 10 years, he has tried his hand
at writing and directing, earning nationwide acclaim — and a fair share of criticism — for his
unique perspectives and modern renderings of many classic plays. "Romeo and Juliet" is Mr.
Bourgette's 21st stage production, and his fourth for our festival. Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome Martin Bourgette.

Answer keys

1). Who is being introduced?

(A) A playwright

2). What is Martin Bourgette known for?

(D) Modernizing famous plays

3). What does the speaker imply about Martin Bourgette's work?
(B) It is controversial

This transcript refers to the audio file 146_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Are you stuck in traffic as you listen to this? Wouldn't you rather be sitting in a plush seat,
reading a good book or sipping a cold drink while you wait? You could, you know, is you
were riding a County Transit bus or light-rail train. Light-rail trains run twice daily north-south
and east-west during rush hour periods, with 12 convenient stops along the way. And there
are now more County Transit buses, and bus routes, than ever before. Recent studies show
that taking a bus or train, instead of driving, could save you up to $10,000 a year. That's
money that could be used for vacation, that new kitchen you've been wanting, or to help your
children go to college. Studies also show that trains and buses, on average, get you to work
and back quicker than cars do. So what are you waiting for — besides that car bumper just
ahead of you to finally move? Climb aboard a County Transit bus or light-rail train. Then
relax, and leave the driving to us. For more information, call 800-TRANSIT, or visit us online

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(C) Transit service

2). What do studies show about trains and buses?

(D) They are cheaper and faster than driving

3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(B) Change commuting habits

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 147_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Well, the short answer is yes, I do believe that the stock market is still a good place to invest
your money. You pointed out that stock investors have lost a lot of money the past two years,
and that's certainly true. The market has tumbled down. But you have to take an historic
perspective. Over the past 100 years, the stock market has averaged a 9-percent return.
That's pretty good, much better than the 2 or 3 percent most bank accounts pay. So this is a
down period for the market, but it will bounce back, and it's still a good avenue for the
average investor. In fact, now is actually a great time to buy stocks, while the market is
depressed. However, I do not recommend that clients put all their money in the stock market.
I advise people to invest in many different things. For example, they should have bonds, real
estate, and maybe gold or silver as part of their investment portfolio. That way, they have
some assurance that when stocks fall, their other holdings will rise to balance their total
investment package. There's a lot of truth in the old saying, "Don't put all you eggs in one
basket." Bearing that in mind, each investor is different, though. The types of investments I
advise for each person depends on many factors, including their age, their income, and the
degree of risk they are willing to take. Stocks provide a good return, for instance, but they are
riskier than say, bonds.

Answer keys

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A financial adviser

2). According to the speaker, what is true about the stock market?
(C) Stock prices will soon start to rise.

3). What does the speaker advise clients to do?

(B) Diversify their investments

This transcript refers to the audio file 148_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you for calling Big Bear Lodge, your hotspot for year-round family fun. We invite you to
visit our website to see pictures of our facilities, and to find the address and phone number of the
Big Bear Lodge nearest you. Please select from the following menu choices. For a list of summer
room types and rates, press one. To make a reservation at any of our Big Bear Lodges
nationwide, press two. To cancel or change a current reservation, press three. To speak with a
customer service representative, press zero. To hear this menu again, press the pound key.
Customer service representatives will answer calls in the order they are received. Your call is
important to us, so we ask that you remain on the line, and someone will be with you shortly. Our
hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. eastern time Monday through Friday. If you are not calling during these
hours, please leave a message after you hear a beep. Speak slowly and clearly, and we will
return your call at the soonest available opportunity. Thanks again for calling Big Bear Lodge.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(D) Vacationers

2). What can listeners find on the Big Bear Lodge website?
(D) The location of Big Bear lodges

3). What should listeners do if they want to speak with a customer service representative?
(C) Wait their turn

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 149_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Today is the first day of road repairs on the Interstate-50 freeway. Westbound traffic has
been reduced to one lane, so there is currently a 45-minute backup. If you're coming from the
east side into the city, Highway 622 or State Route 314 are better choices, as traffic is
flowing freely on both roadways right now. Volume is starting to build on roads leading out of
the city, because many people are leaving work early to get a head start on their three-day
weekends. There are a lot of large campers and SUVs on the freeways, which are starting to
cause backups on Interstate 6 both north and south of downtown. Heavy traffic is expected
on the mountain pass this afternoon and evening, as well as on Monday, when people return
from vacation. The only other problem at this hour is on Highway 109 near exit 17, where a
pick-up truck has run out of gas and is blocking the right lane. This has been Sheila Strothers
with your 4 p.m. WJKZ traffic update. The next traffic report will be at 5.

Answer keys

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(B) Traffic conditions

2). Why is there a 45-minute delay on Interstate 50?

(D) Construction

3). What does the speaker suggest to west-bound travelers?

(B) Use an alternative route

This transcript refers to the audio file 150_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I have some big news for you. We have just bought Smith Company, our biggest rivals! The
deal will be announced publicly tomorrow. We will spend the next six months working out
logistics — how to best absorb their employees and buildings and assimilate them into our
corporate culture. Once this transition process is completed, we will be the largest company
in our industry. Though there will be several changes, none of you will lose your positions.
And please inform your employees that all of them will be retained. We don't know yet how
many workers from the Smith Company that we will keep, or exactly what positions they will
have with us. The biggest advantage for us is that we get Smith's nearly two million
customers, to complement the three-and-a-half million we have now. Our focus will be on
retaining the Smith customers during the transition. We want you to think about how to do
this, and we will meet again next week to brainstorm specific ideas. You can announce the
news to your staff this afternoon, but please caution them not to say anything until the public
announcement is made tomorrow morning.

Answer keys

1). What is being announced?

(C) An acquisition

2). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(C) Department managers

3). What will happen tomorrow?

(D) The media will be notified.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 151_TOEIC_part4.mp3

We have been able to negotiate substantial employee discounts for a number of popular
summer attractions. These include the water park, the amusement park, baseball games,
some mountain resorts, and a few hotels. We will have a complete list posted on our web site
by the end of the week. The discounts are up to 40-percent off, and they can be used
immediately. To attain the discount rates, employees need to use our company identifier at
the time they buy tickets or make reservations. Our identifier is TWA00Z. Please make a
note of that, so you can pass it on to your staff for anyone who wants to use it this week.
Make sure you tell them that they can use each discount only once a year. In other words,
they can't take their family to the water park once in June using the discount, then return in
August and get the special rate again. And let's give a big thank-you to the marketing
department for securing these great perks!

Answer keys

1). What is being announced?

(A) New fringe benefits

2). Who is the speaker addressing?

(C) Company managers

3). How can employees receive a discount?

(D) By using a special code

This transcript refers to the audio file 152_TOEIC_part4.mp3

We all know that times have been tough lately. The economy has been weak, and
consequently our profits are down about 25 percent. Like everyone else, we need to tighten
our belts, and we've been talking about the best way to do this. One measure we've decided
to enact is a temporary hiring freeze. I can assure you that none of you will lose your jobs,
but effective immediately, we will not hire new employees for at least the next two financial
quarters. I know we're short-handed, and that some of you have been doing the work of two
positions. Unfortunately, you will have to continue doing so, and others of you will have to
take on new duties to help us through this difficult time. We are not in a position to
remunerate you for these sacrifices, but we will note what you are doing, and when things
pick up in the future we will try our best to compensate you for them. In addition, we need to
cut back on office supplies, and make extra efforts to save costs on electricity. Mr. Thompson
will now share a few tips on how to do this. Thank you for your cooperation.

Answer keys

1). What is the purpose of the talk?

(C) To announce new policies

2). What does the speaker promise the listeners?

(B) Job security

3). What will Mr. Thompson talk about?

(D) Energy conservation

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 153_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello. You have reached the festival information line. This year's festival begins on Friday,
June 10th, and runs through Sunday, June 19th. Hours are 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Admission is $10 a day for adults, and $5 a day for children age 5 to 12. Children under 5 are
free. Family passes are available for $25 a day. Full-festival passes cost $75 for adults, $50
for children, and $100 for families. Passes may be purchased online at, by
telephone at 555-6200, or daily at the ticket booths located next to each festival entrance
gate. While most festival events are free, please note that there is an additional charge to
enter the beer garden, and also for the music concerts on Friday and Saturday nights. For
more information on purchasing concert tickets, press one now. For information on other
festival events, please visit our website: Thank you, and enjoy the festival!

Answer keys

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(C) Admission prices

2). What is NOT true of festival passes?

(D) They include admission to all festival events.

3). How can listeners learn about concert tickets?

(A) By pushing a button

This transcript refers to the audio file 154_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm Sandra Simpson with a KPLZ traffic update. A five-car collision at the intersection of
Highway 10 and State Route 20 is backing up traffic on both those roadways. Emergency
vehicles are en route to the scene, and it looks like it will be quite awhile until that
intersection is cleared. Meanwhile, a stalled vehicle in the right lane is causing hesitation on
northbound Interstate Freeway 2 between the Main and First street exits. Southbound
Interstate 2, on the other hand, is clear sailing right now, with only a 15-minute commute
from downtown to the southern suburbs. There are no other major problems right now, but
remember that the lake bridge westbound will be closed from 9 to midnight tonight for
pavement repair. Now, back to the baseball game on KPLZ.

Answer keys

1). What problem does the speaker mention at a highway intersection?

(B) A multiple-vehicle accident

2). How is traffic on Southbound Interstate 2?

(D) Flowing smoothly

3). What does the speaker remind listeners of?

(B) A future traffic delay

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 155_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is the last time I'll be addressing you as CEO of this company. Those are weird words to
say, but the time has come for me to step down. I will remain chairman of the board, and am
going to concentrate on helping us grow our brand internationally. I'll be handing the reins of
CEO over to Quinn Constantine, a man who is not only our executive vice president but
someone who has dedicated his entire career to our firm. Quinn came aboard about 20 years
ago, fresh out of college, and began as a software engineer. His drive and vision have been
instrumental in developing our most popular and successful products. He has spent the past
five years working closely with me, and contrary to what some critics are saying, I can assure
you that he is well-prepared for this change, and is qualified to keep this company among the
leaders in an increasingly competitive high-tech industry. I expect there will be little change in
our day-to-day operations, but I'll let your new boss speak for himself. Ladies and gentlemen,
here's Quinn Constantine.

Answer keys

1). What position does the speaker currently hold?


2). When did Quinn Constantine start working for the company?
(C) Immediately after college

3). What is implied about Quinn Constantine?

(A) He has been criticized

This transcript refers to the audio file 156_TOEIC_part4.mp3

If you dread long airplane flights in uncomfortable coach seats, listen up. The amazing
Comfort Lounger fits over your plane seat and inflates into a comfortable, supportive seat
that lets you truly ride in style. It's like upgrading from coach to first class — without paying
hundreds extra. We think you'll like the Comfort Lounger so much, we'll give you your money
back if you're not 100 percent satisfied. The Comfort Lounger normally sells for $49.99, but
through this special TV offer, it's available for only $19.99. That's right, only $19.99! Not only
that, but if you call the number on your screen in the next 10 minutes, we'll throw in this
portable foot massager absolutely free. Plane travel no longer has to be uncomfortable. Call
now, and you'll get the Comfort Lounger, plus a portable foot massager, for the incredibly low
price of $19.99, with a full money-back guarantee. Have your credit card ready. Operators
are standing by.

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(D) An innovative seat

2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(C) Make a telephone call

3). How can listeners receive a free gift?

(B) By calling soon

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 157_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi Carol, this is Mason. I need to stay in Pittsburgh a couple extra days to finalize this deal.
Could you please cancel my flight tonight and book me on a Friday night flight from
Pittsburgh to Cleveland? Then, I'll need a Sunday evening flight from Cleveland home to
Chicago. Not too late please. I'll have my wife meet me at the airport, so I won't need a ride.
Also, I have a meeting scheduled Monday with Mr. Beckworth from Allen & Allen. Please
phone him and reschedule until Tuesday — no, better make that Wednesday, in case I get
delayed in Cleveland. For now, don't forward any messages to me unless they're urgent. I'll
be in negotiations all day tomorrow and Friday. If you need to reach me, call my cell phone
and leave a message. Thanks Carol. I'll see you Monday morning.

Answer keys

1). Where is the speaker now?

(A) Pittsburgh

2). Who is the speaker calling?

(B) His secretary

3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(C) Book a new flight to Cleveland

This transcript refers to the audio file 158_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good morning. We would like to remind you that on Thursday, the County Blood Center van
will be in our east parking lot for the company's annual blood donation day. Donations will be
taken from 9 a.m. until noon. We are trying to top last year's company record of 46 quarts of
blood, to help people in area hospitals who need transfusions. Those who wish to give blood
should pick up a form from the human resources department, and fill it out before Thursday.
If you plan to donate, please wait until at least two hours after eating, and make sure to drink
plenty of water the night before. Donations are limited to employees only; no family members
please. If you will be out of the office Thursday morning, but would still like to donate, see
your manager to arrange a time that you can go to the County Blood Bank and donate during
working hours. But if you're here on Thursday, please come out, and help us set a new
company milestone!

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(D) Employees

2). What is being announced?

(C) A volunteer opportunity

3). What should listeners do if they cannot donate blood on Thursday?

(C) Check with their supervisor

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 159_TOEIC_part4.mp3

You know, that's the question I'm probably asked the most: Why? Sometimes I wonder
myself. It's hard work to start a business, any business. So why do I work so hard to start
one, get it going, and then walk away to start another one from scratch...? I don't know,
really. It's not for the money. If I wanted to get rich I'd make one business enormously
successful, then sell it. I guess it's in my DNA. I love the challenge of creating something —
of seeing my dreams spring to life. But once they do, the excitement's gone, and I'm ready
for something else. I think the first sign I would be a businessman was when I was nine, and
a friend and I started renting our used DVDs to the neighborhood kids. I started my first
business at age 13 — a lawn-mowing service — and I've been creating companies ever
since. Not all of them have been successful, but I think I've learned more from my failures
than my successes. This current venture is my 12th start-up company. Five have failed, but
six are going strong, so I'm batting better than five-hundred. I'm 60, I'm still in good health, I
love what I do — so I see myself doing this until the day I die.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(B) An entrepreneur

2). How many start-up companies has the speaker formed?

(C) Twelve

3). What does the speaker say about his future?

(D) He will remain in the same job.

This transcript refers to the audio file 160_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome aboard the Goose, a unique vehicle that will take you across town on the roads
and on the water. My name's Sandra, and I'll be your guide on this beautiful day. We'll start
here at the pier, which seems natural since this city was founded 150 years ago as a major
seaport. Next we'll explore the three major hills that surround downtown — First Hill, Pill Hill,
and High Point. These will include stops at the Native American Center, the Art Museum, and
a ride to High Point via cable car for a picnic lunch. Then we'll take the Goose on a short
cruise around Lake Lincoln, and end with a tour of the downtown historical district. Please
keep your hands and feet inside the Goose at all times. If you have any questions, hold them
until the end of the tour, when we will have a 15-minute question and answer session. Thank
you for joining us today!

Answer keys

1). What position does the speaker hold?

(D) Tour guide

2). What will be the first stop?

(A) The pier

3). What should listeners do if they have questions?

(B) Wait until the tour is finished

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 161_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you all for coming. After considering several factors, including the questionnaires you
completed last spring, we've decided that we're going to switch to four-day workweeks,
beginning next month. We will work 10 hours a day, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Monday
through Thursday. The office will be closed Fridays. Though we will still work 40 hours a
week, we estimate that this change will reduce our energy use by 15 percent, and will also
save each of you, on average, about $20 a month in gas and transportation costs. Overall,
this change will significantly cut our company's greenhouse transmissions and reduce our
carbon footprint. To save even more energy, we will be installing compact fluorescent light
bulbs — CFLs — in every light socket at the start of next week. During the changeover
period, we understand that some of you, particularly those with young children, might need
special accommodations as you adjust to a four-day week. If you have troubles or concerns,
let your manager know. We'll be happy to help you any way we can. Though this might be
traumatic at first, we're confident that most of you will like the new schedule once you've
grown accustomed to the change.

Answer keys

1). What is the speaker announcing?

(B) A major change

2). Why will the company be closed on Fridays?

(C) To save energy

3). What should listeners do if they need help?

(A) Inform their manager

This transcript refers to the audio file 162_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Center Park. Today we're unveiling a new piece of art: a
life-size statue of our city founder, Chief Nokahoma of the Dumammish Tribe. The funding for
this project was courtesy of a donation from the Historical Museum, and the statue was
sculpted by a local artist, Mr. Kyle Chamberlain. We are honored to have Mr. Chamberlain
with us this afternoon. Kyle is a native of our state, and moved to our city when he was 16.
He comes from a family of artists, and graduated from the New York Institute of Art. He has
been sculpting statues ever since. His work is displayed at the downtown art museum, as
well as several other museums around the country. Today Kyle will tell you about carving this
statue from an old portrait of Chief Nokahoma, a process which took 18 months. Please join
me in welcoming Mr. Kyle Chamberlain!

Answer keys

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(D) A city official

2). What can be inferred about the city founder?

(C) He is a Native American.

3). What is true about Kyle Chamberlain?

(B) He lives in the speaker's city.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 163_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Tom Moran with a KST-AM traffic update. Volume on the two major east-west
roadways, Interstate 50 and Highway 44, is very heavy this afternoon as people head out of
town for the holiday weekend. There are no accidents on either road, but on Interstate 50
there is a 90-minute delay getting over the mountain pass. North-south traffic looks good at
this hour. Interstate 3 is mostly clear in both directions, with a little slowing northbound near
the City Center exit due to an earlier two-car collision that has been moved off to the
shoulder. We're getting reports now of a backup on Highway 10 southbound near Rodgers
Street, where some furniture has fallen off the back of a pickup truck in the far left lane.
Police are on the scene, helping the driver pick everything up. This is Tom Moran from the
KST-AM traffic center, which provides traffic updates every 20 minutes.

Answer keys

1). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(C) Commuters

2). Why is east and west traffic moving slowly?

(B) It is a holiday.

3). What happened on Highway 10?

(A) A debris spill

This transcript refers to the audio file 164_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello. You have reached Health Group Downtown Medical Center. If this is a life-threatening
emergency, hang up now and call 9-1-1. For more information about Health Group, please
visit our website at It includes the addresses and phone numbers of
all of our 24 clinics, as well as their hours of operations and a list of staff at each center. If
you wish to speak to someone at the downtown medical center, listen carefully to the
following menu options. To schedule an appointment with a physician, press one. For
inquiries about a Health Group bill, press two. For questions about Health Group Insurance,
press three. To reach the pharmacy, press four. For all other questions, press five or stay on
the line, and a representative will be with you shortly. To return to the main menu, press the
pound key. To help us better serve you, please have your Health Group membership number
ready. Your calls will be answered in the order they are received. If you wish to leave a
message, press zero, and a customer service representative will call you back as soon as
possible. Thank you for calling, and have a healthy day!

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Health Group members

2). What should listeners do if they have an emergency?

(D) Hang up the phone

3). Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being included on the Health Group website?
(C) Driving directions

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 165_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Generally speaking, the types of investments you make should be based on your tolerance
for risk. In other words, how much money can you stand to lose? The stock market is the
best way to earn the most money over time, but it's also the riskiest. You could also lose the
most there. We recommend that you don't buy stocks with money you're going to need in the
next five years. Bonds are less risky than stocks, but the flip side is that they will earn you
less money. They might not earn enough so you can afford your retirement. We urge you to
consider what we call an investment "sleeping scale, " which helps measure the safety of
your investments by how much sleep you might lose worrying about them. We find most
people sleep comfortably with a balance of stocks, bonds, cash, and other investments, such
as real estate. This balance changes as you get older, becoming more conservative over
time. Here, let me show you a few examples of some typical investment pie charts.

Answer keys

1). What position does the speaker probably hold?

(B) Financial adviser

2). What does the speaker say about stocks?

(B) They can earn the most money.

3). What does the speaker offer to do?

(C) Present graphics

This transcript refers to the audio file 166_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Tammy Taylor, owner of Taylor Motors. If you're thinking of buying a new car, now's
the time! We have an outstanding selection of new vehicles, and thanks to government
incentives, prices have never been better. You can get $900 off a brand new pickup truck, or
drive home in a new four-door sedan for only $12,500 after a $2,000 government rebate.
That's right, up to $2,000 off hundreds of new cars and trucks! And if you have an old clunker
that gets less than 20 miles per gallon, bring it down and trade it in. Not only will we give you
a great price for that gas guzzler, we'll also give you an extra $1,000 off the price of a new
vehicle under the government's "cash for clunkers" program. But you'd better get a move on.
Prices this low won't last long. We're on Tri-Cities Motorway near the junction of Interstate
40. Right now we're open 9 to 9 Monday through Friday, and 8-10 on Saturday and Sunday.
Tell them Tammy sent you, and we'll give you your car's first oil change for free!

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(A) New vehicles

2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(D) Hurry to Taylor Motors

3). How can listeners receive a free gift?

(C) By mentioning Tammy's name

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 167_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hey Rebecca, this is Jerome. I've got good news! I closed the deal here in Dallas early, so I
can be back tomorrow in time to make the meeting with the clients from Seoul. I'm catching a
red-eye flight back to Atlanta. The only problem is, I arrive early in the morning, and my wife
has to use our car to take the kids to school and get to work. So I need a ride from the airport
to my house, and then into the office so I can make the meeting at 9. Oh, I also need for
Erika to set up my power-point presentation and get it ready for the meeting. Could you
please ask Antonio if he could pick me up at the airport? I know he lives near there. I arrive
on Flight 397 from Dallas at 7 a.m. Thanks a lot Rebecca. If there are any problems, call me
on my cell. Otherwise I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Answer keys

1). Where is the speaker calling from?

(C) Dallas

2). What does Jerome ask Rebecca to do?

(B) Talk to Antonio

3). What should Rebecca do if there are problems?

(A) Call Jerome on his cell phone

This transcript refers to the audio file 168_TOEIC_part4.mp3

You're right, I have been fortunate to work at three great places, and I've learned something
valuable from each one. What came out of the Army was that the level of excellence you
should hold yourself to should be very high. At McCamry, what I learned was how to make
complex concepts simple and communicate them so people can understand them quickly,
and make the right decisions. At Corporate Electric, I learned how to be a general manager.
It was the best factory I ever saw for that. I spent time on the staff of CEO Bishop Walsh, and
watching him up close showed the power of being adaptive, aggressive, and competitive —
but still, as he always said, we can be hard-hearted in business yet softhearted when it
comes to taking care of people. My life experience has taught me there's no substitute for
surrounding yourself with the best team. So in this position, I've tried to assemble the best
possible team I can find. Because our team is good, our expectations are high. We expect
exceptional results.

Answer keys

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(B) A corporate executive

2). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(C) Her career experiences

3). How many previous positions does the speaker mention having?
(B) Three

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 169_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome to Global Airlines' inaugural flight from Portland to Tokyo. All passengers this
morning will receive a commemorative medallion, as well as a $50 coupon to be applied
toward future flights on Global Airlines. To celebrate this special occasion, we are serving
complimentary snacks and drinks in the Global Airlines lounge next to the boarding gate.
There will be speeches by Global Airlines President Juan Guittierez, and Portland mayor
Jean Andreessen. Afterward, enjoy music by the local trio Three Tree Point. Boarding times
for our historic flight will be as follows: All handicapped persons or those requiring special
assistance will board at 3 o'clock. Business-class passengers will board at 3:10. Passengers
in rows 1 to 30 will start boarding at 3:20, and passengers in rows 30 to 50 will begin
boarding at 3:30. If you have any questions about the flight today, or about our new round-
trip service to Tokyo, please visit the Global Airlines service counter on the main concourse.
Thank you for choosing Global!

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(D) To celebrate a new flight

2). What will each passenger receive?

(A) A discount coupon

3). What should passengers do if they have questions?

(B) Visit the customer-service counter

This transcript refers to the audio file 170_TOEIC_part4.mp3

I'm Wendy Wilkens with a 5 p.m. news update. Firefighters now say they have the wildfire
burning in the eastern foothills under control. The blaze, which has been raging for three
days, destroyed nearly 500 acres of land and damaged 10 homes. No injuries have been
reported. Fire chief Mike Montgomery said the department is still investigating the cause of
the fire, and it's too early to determine if it was set intentionally. Montgomery said fires start
easily in this dry weather, and cautioned people again to be very careful with matches and
lighters. Campfires have been banned in the eastern foothills, where the fire danger is high,
but are still allowed in the northern and western foothills, where the fire danger is currently
rated medium. Montgomery said it will take crews another day or two to completely douse
the flames, and then cleanup will begin. The city estimates that clean-up costs could exceed
$3 million. This has been Wendy Wilkens for the 5 p.m. news.

Answer keys

1). What is NOT true of the fire?

(B) It caused no damage.

2). What did Mike Montgomery say listeners should do?

(C) Take care with flammable devices

3). When will the fire clean-up likely begin?

(C) After all flames have been extinguished

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 171_TOEIC_part4.mp3

How do we attract and retain customers? That's a great question, and for a retailer, probably
the most crucial one to address. First, we pay a lot of attention to detail — the way our stores
look, the lighting, the cleanliness. Is the parking lot clean? Are the signs visible and easy to
read? Second, we invest in our associates. We pay merit increases, we pay bonuses, and
make contributions to their retirement plans. We believe that satisfied workers equals
satisfied customers. We just introduced something we call power hours. In the hours that
traffic is heaviest, we stop all activity that the customers can't see, like back-room unloading
and storing, and put every associate out on the main floor. It's really that belly-to-belly
experience that makes people want to come back. We hear from about 100,000 customers
each week, and they rate us on a number of attributes. So far, they tell us that we're doing
the right things.

Answer keys

1). Who most likely is the speaker?


2). What is the speaker talking about?

(C) A retail store

3). What can be inferred about customers?

(B) They have given high ratings

This transcript refers to the audio file 172_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to this afternoon's performance of "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," part of our "Shakespeare in the Park" summer drama series. There will be four acts,
with a 20-minute intermission. If you don't have a program, they're available for free at either
of the booths at the side of the stage. During the show, we ask that you remain seated on the
grass or in lawn chairs, and please keep children behind the yellow rope lining the front of
the stage. If your little one needs to use the restroom, it would be a good idea to take them
now. Restrooms are located in the fenced area to the right of the stage. Also, if you're in
contact with friends and family who are still arriving, tell them the north lot is full, but there is
additional parking in the east and west lots. When the curtain drops to signal the start of the
action, please turn off all your cell phones and pagers, and be considerate of your neighbors.
Thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoy it!

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(B) To provide information

2). What type of performance is going to take place?

(A) A play

3). What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

(C) Act considerately

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 173_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Marcia Minor with a KTZ-AM news update. Governor Tyler Moore announced today
that the state will provide $50 million to cities who were damaged by flooding last week.
Some of the money will be used to help repair roadways and bridges. The rest will fund
temporary shelters for families whose homes were destroyed by the flood. Louise Carson, a
spokesperson for Governor Moore, said the state also expects to receive $100 million from
the federal government for flood recovery, noting that President Theodore Cleaver has
declared the flood a national emergency. As of this morning, the flood waters have fully
receded and all rivers are at their normal water levels. For more news and audio, log onto Updates are provided at the top and bottom of each hour, or whenever news
breaks. This is Marcia Minor for KTZ-AM news radio 750.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To provide new information

2). Who is the speaker?

(D) Marcia Minor

3). What should listeners do to get more information?

(D) Use the Internet

This transcript refers to the audio file 174_TOEIC_part4.mp3

No matter what business you're in, or what you've done previously, there is still time to
change your attitude from that of fighting for survival to seeking opportunities for growth.
Face the tough decisions, but don't let cutbacks stop you from seeing the windows of
opportunity that are suddenly open. For example, we've seen research that only 13 percent
of people who tighten their budget will go back to their old spending habits when the
economy improves. This was a great chance for our company to make explicit what we knew
implicitly: Our products are a great value. So we spent money for a new advertising
campaign with phrases like "Quality for less," "shop smart," and "style on a budget." As a
result, our sales have increased each of the past three quarters. Think creatively. Act
aggressively. We can't predict exactly when the broad economy will recover, but your
company's recovery can begin whenever you're ready. Don't wait; innovate!

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(C) Corporate executives

2). What advice does the speaker give?

(B) Look for opportunity

3). What can be inferred about the economy?

(C) It is receding.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 175_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi, this is Deanna Wagner, public relations specialist for Smith & Johnson. Today is Monday,
September 21st, and I'm out of the office until approximately two o'clock. If you leave a
message I'll be sure and return your call when I get back. To skip the rest of this recording
and leave a message now, press the star key. If you need immediate assistance, please
phone my associate Joan Forrester at 555-7869. If you are a member of the media, phone
Richard Greenwood at 555-7447. If this is urgent, dial my cell phone at 634-555-9102. If you
are calling for more information about the grand opening of our second super store in March,
send me an e-mail and I'll make sure you get a brochure with all the information. Send e-
mails to dwagner at That's d-w-a-g-n-e-r at S a-n-d J dot com. Otherwise, leave
a message after the tone or phone back after 2. Thank you for calling, and I'll talk with you

Answer keys

1). When will the speaker return to the office?

(B) In the afternoon

2). What should listeners do if they are members of the media?

(C) Phone Richard Greenwood

3). What will readers get if they send an e-mail?

(A) An informational brochure

This transcript refers to the audio file 176_TOEIC_part4.mp3

OK, now it's time for the highlight of the evening. My name's Randy Hornbaker, the emcee
for tonight's program, and it's my privilege to introduce our featured speaker, Mr. Christopher
Sparks. Ten years ago, Christopher started bottling tea that was based on his grandmother
Tina's recipe. If you haven't heard of Tina's Tea yet, you soon will. Last year Mr. Sparks
signed a distribution agreement with a national distributor, and soon Tina's Tea will be a
household name. Tonight Christopher, who's only 24, will discuss what it's like to be
successful at such a young age, and where he will take his young company from here. Mr.
Sparks will speak for about 60 minutes. Please save all your questions for the end of his
speech, when there will be a 30-minute question-and-answer session. If you have a question
for Christopher at that time, raise your hand, and one of our ushers will bring you a wireless
microphone so that everyone in the room will be able to hear you. So without further ado,
please welcome Mr. Christopher Sparks.

Answer keys

1). Where is this introduction most likely taking place?

(D) In an auditorium

2). What will Christopher Sparks talk about?

(B) His personal success

3). What will happen at the end of his speech?

(D) He will answer questions.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 177_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Can I have your attention please? Bus 2-3-4 from Salt Lake City, scheduled in 10 minutes, is
stalled just outside the city limits. A new bus is en route to transport passengers, and is
expected to be here in about an hour. We apologize for the delay. Meanwhile, passengers
waiting for bus 234 to Las Vegas and Los Angeles are invited to have a free meal in our
lounge. Show your boarding pass at the dining counter to receive lunch and a beverage, on
us. If you are a 234 passenger planning to catch connecting buses in Las Vegas or Los
Angeles, we are phoning those stations and trying to arrange for extra buses to meet you
avoid further delays. We apologize again for this inconvenience. Please note that our buses
arrive and depart on schedule more than 90 percent of the time. If you would like a refund
due to this postponement, please take your boarding pass to the customer service desk in
the back of the station.

Answer keys

1). Why is bus 234 late?

(A) It is having a mechanical problem.

2). What does the speaker offer passengers waiting for bus 234?
(C) A complimentary meal

3). What should listeners do if they want their money back?

(B) Go to the customer service desk

This transcript refers to the audio file 178_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Are you too busy to get in shape? Not with Porta-Trainer! No, Porta-Trainer is not a personal
trainer, but it IS a complete workout, and it fits in a bag smaller than you'd usually carry to the
gym. This amazing, lightweight device has everything you need to strengthen your arms,
legs, belly, shoulders, chest and thighs in just minutes a day. It's so simple, it just hooks up to
a doorknob, hook, or hanger. The tough, flexible bands stretch as far as you can pull them,
offering maximum resistance that builds muscles and tones fat fast! But the most amazing
thing about Porta-Trainer is the price. Normally Porta-Trainer sells for $59.99. But if you
order right now, by calling the number at the bottom of your screen, Porta-Trainer can be
yours for only $29.99 — less than one month's dues at most health clubs! But wait, there's
more. If you call in the next 10 minutes, we'll throw in this beautiful Porta-Trainer tote bag, as
well as this instructional video, absolutely free! This is a $100 value! Don't wait. Call now.
Have your credit card ready; operators are standing by. Now you CAN get fit, in the comfort
of your own home, workplace or hotel room, in just minutes a day!

Answer keys

1). What is being advertised?

(C) Fitness equipment

2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(D) Make a telephone call

3). How can listeners get a free gift?

(D) By acting quickly

Photocopiable 89 ©
TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 179_TOEIC_part4.mp3

From the WJAM eye in the sky, this is Abby Adams with a 3 p.m. traffic update. There is a
huge backup right now on the interstate freeway southbound near the Fifth Street exit, due to
a car-truck collision. Police and aid cars are on the scene, and it looks like it's going to take
awhile to clear it up. The right two lanes are blocked, but the two left lanes are open, and
there's a police officer directing vehicles. Northbound traffic on the interstate is also bottle-
necking through that area as drivers slow to take a look. But that congestion should ease in a
few minutes, as we see traffic authorities getting ready to switch the special express lanes
from southbound to northbound at 3:30. Traffic on other major roadways looks normal at this
hour. This is Abby Adams from the WJAM eye in the sky. Traffic is brought to you by Yummy
Oatmeal, the breakfast that provides a full day's supply of 11 vitamins and iron. It's not just
oatmeal, it's yummy! Stay tuned for news and weather after this word from our sponsor.

Answer keys

1). Where most likely is the speaker?

(B) In a helicopter

2). What is the problem on the southbound freeway?

(C) An accident

3). What will listeners hear next?

(D) A commercial

This transcript refers to the audio file 180_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, Ms. Whitehurst, this is Josh Levine from Levine Contractors returning your phone call.
You had a couple of questions about the bid we gave you to remodel your office. First, yes,
the quote to enlarge the conference room does include installing new carpet. Sorry if that
wasn't clear on the spreadsheet. You had also asked why we quoted a range for the cost of
lighting. That's because it depends on the type and style of lights you decide you want. The
low figure is for standard lighting, and the high one is for fancy, canned track lights. As for
painting, we subcontract that, so I'll have to check with my painters and see when they can
come give you an estimate — hopefully by the end of the week. I'll get back in touch with you
about that later today. If you have more questions, give me a call or shoot me an e-mail. My
cell phone is 344-612-0985, and the office is 344-555-7249. E-mail is josh at levine dot com.
Otherwise, I'll put you in touch with the painters and wait to hear from you. Thanks Ms.
Whitehurst, and have a good day!

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To answer questions

2). What does the speaker say about painting?

(B) He will ask someone else about painting.

3). What will the speaker probably do next?

(C) Contact a subcontractor

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 181_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello. First, I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself and then I'll move on to the
demonstration. My name is Deidra Parsons, and I've been a professional chef with the
Household Gourmet for five years now. In this role, I've been able to work doing two things I
love — cooking and meeting new people. The Household Gourmet was founded thirty years
ago to provide people with kitchen products that reduce both cooking and clean-up time.
Tonight I'll be preparing two easy, delicious treats for you. The first is an appetizer that can
be made very quickly using several prepared items from the supermarket. The second treat
is a dessert that takes a little bit longer to make, but is well worth the trouble. As I prepare
these dishes, I'll be demonstrating some of our efficient, effective, inexpensive kitchen
products for you. And at the end of the demonstration, we'll all be able to sample the results;
then I'll help you place your orders for Household Gourmet products.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker?

(C) A professional chef

2). What does the speaker say about the dessert?

(D) It takes longer to prepare than the appetizer.

3). What will happen last?

(B) Audience members will order cooking products.

This transcript refers to the audio file 182_TOEIC_part4.mp3

In today's business news, it has been reported that June Archer, president of the Diamond
Company, will retire next year. Ms. Archer's skill and corporate connections helped to build
the Diamond Company into a large business employing hundreds of people in our region.
Although Ms. Archer is leaving her job as president, she will continue as a consultant for the
company. Diamond Company executives say the search for the next president is underway.

Answer keys

1). What is Ms. Archer's current position?

(A) Company president

2). When will Ms. Archer leave her current job?

(D) Next year

3). What activity has already started?

(C) The search for a new company head

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 183_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome to this year's national tennis championship tournament. We're pleased that you will
be here throughout the week to cover the championship matches. Remember that you are
required to wear and display your press identification cards at all times. This promises to be
an exciting and historic week. Following the play each day, selected players will be brought
to the media center, where all of you will have an opportunity to ask questions in the
interview area. In consideration of both players and fellow members of the media, we ask
that you kindly turn off all mobile phones and pagers in the interview area. When you are
called upon, please wait for a microphone to be handed to you before asking your question.
Now I am pleased to welcome Brolio Segui,, last year's champion. He'll talk about this year's
tournament and answer questions.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience for this talk?

(C) Journalists

2). What are the audience members asked to do?

(C) Use microphones when asking questions

3). What will happen next?

(B) A tennis player will answer questions.

This transcript refers to the audio file 184_TOEIC_part4.mp3

We are pleased to announce that the company will be opening its very own cafeteria for
employees next month. Now, if you forget to bring your lunch to work, you won't have to
leave the building to get a delicious and nutritious lunch. The cafeteria will feature
sandwiches, soups, and hot entrees at reasonable prices. Salads, snacks, coffee, tea, and
soda will also be available. Each week on Monday morning, the chef will post the menu on
the bulletin board near the entrance. Our growth in the industry this year has allowed us to
make this much-needed improvement to our work environment.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(B) Office employees

2). When will the change take place?

(C) Next month

3). Where will information be posted?

(D) Near the entrance to the cafeteria

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 185_TOEIC_part4.mp3

This is Jim Johnson with Travel Talk. It's summer and it's vacation time. For some people this
means long hours in the car and on the highway. Here are some tips to help you stay safe
while on the road. First, the Do's. If you're traveling with more than one driver, try to switch
drivers occasionally so that you don't spend too much time behind the wheel. Remember to
stop frequently and take a break. Make sure you know the signs of drowsiness: missing road
signs, difficulty focusing, and yawning. Now the Don'ts. Don't count on distractions such as
the radio or an open window to keep you awake. And even though a cup of coffee might give
you a lift, remember that the effects of caffeine wear off after a short time. Finally, don't drive
between midnight and morning. Tune in again tomorrow when we'll talk about vacation
destinations that both adults and children will enjoy.

Answer keys

1). What is the main topic of the talk?

(C) Driving safety

2). What does the speaker suggest that drivers do?

(A) Take frequent breaks

3). What will tomorrow's talk be about?

(D) Family vacations

This transcript refers to the audio file 186_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, Mr. Ostrem. This is Marianne McCrossen from D.E.B. Corporation. I wanted to let you
know that we were all impressed by your presentation earlier this week. We'd like you to give
us a quote on the project. So I've gone ahead and e-mailed a formal request for a bid to you.
We'll need to receive the information by November 14 at the latest. Please note that we will
not be able to accept anything submitted after that date. It would be great if you could get it
to us sooner. If you have any questions about the specifications, call me at 555-4767. We
look forward to receiving your bid.

Answer keys

1). What is the message mainly about?

(D) A bid on a project

2). What does the speaker say about Mr. Ostrem's presentation?
(A) She thought it was impressive.

3). Why does the speaker mention November 14?

(C) It is the last day to submit some information.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 187_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Welcome to Jasson Industries' new employee orientation. My name is Wendy Cho, and I will
be spending about 30 minutes introducing you to the schedule for this week's training. At
10:30 we will take a brief break, and then Karen Maitland from the personnel and benefits
office will go over the forms in your packet and answer any questions you may have about
company policies. Karen has been with the company since it was started and has lots of
information to share with you. Lunch will be provided from 12:00 noon to one o'clock. In the
afternoon, we'll start with an excellent video about the history of Jasson Industries. Following
the video, at 3:30, we will break up into groups by the department you' II be working in, and
you will meet your group trainers. Your technical training will begin tomorrow. Your trainers
will explain where and when to meet and give you any materials you will need to get started.

Answer keys

1). Who is the speaker probably addressing?

(B) A group of new employees

2). What will Karen Maitland do?

(A) Answer questions about policies

3). When will a video be shown?

(B) This afternoon

This transcript refers to the audio file 188_TOEIC_part4.mp3

At the request of the museum president, our firm of architects, Brown & Sons, has been
asked to prepare an assessment of the museum facility. I have been named the lead
architect. We understand that serious problems have led to the current situation at the
museum. The museum building is 100 years old. It has not been properly taken care of, and
it needs a lot of work. Everything from the foundation to the heating system will have to be
restored and repaired. It will be expensive, but the work must be done if the museum is to
last another hundred years. Now I am going to describe all of the problems in detail. Then I'll
explain the work that needs to be done and how we will do it.

Answer keys

1). Why is this talk taking place?

(B) The museum's president made a request.

2). What is NOT required?

(B) A better location

3). What will the speaker do next?

(D) Explain how the museum can be restored

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 189_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Toronto is one of the largest cities in Canada. It is located in the province of Ontario. A
special feature of Toronto is the downtown area covering about twelve square kilometers
where many shops and buildings are located underground. There are five major shopping
centers and a convention center with hotels. A subway and underground passageways
connect these buildings with each other and the streets above. The architectural design is
appropriate and popular because of the weather conditions in Toronto. The temperature
fluctuates widely from summer to winter by as much as 40 degrees Celsius within a year.
This underground area has also helped to keep business in the city center instead of moving
out to the suburbs, which is happening in many other cities. We think that makes Toronto a
special place.

Answer keys

1). What is the talk mainly about?

(B) The design of the city of Toronto

2). What does the speaker say about the weather in Toronto?
(C) Its temperatures vary greatly.

3). How is Toronto different from other cities?

(C) Businesses have remained in the city center.

This transcript refers to the audio file 190_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Nearly every day we are reminded to get more exercise, but this can be hard to do with the
hectic lifestyles we have today. Multi-tasking, or doing two or more things at the same time,
is now a common theme in the workplace. So, why not try and combine your daily commute
with a good aerobic workout? Cycling is a great way of doing just that, and you can get to
work just as quickly as you can by car for most journeys under five miles. And you don't have
to pay for parking. As part of National Bike Week, our cycle forum is holding a bike riders'
breakfast on Thursday, July sixteenth in front of the Collins Building. If you can show that you
arrived at work by bike, there will be free coffee, orange juice, fruit, and yogurt awaiting you!

Answer keys

1). What example of multi-tasking does the speaker give?

(B) Commuting while getting exercise

2). What is the purpose of the event that the speaker announces?
(A) To encourage employees to cycle to work

3). Which employees will get a free breakfast on July 16?

(D) Those who ride a bicycle to work

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 191_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Ok, if I could have your attention please. We have a new board member to formally introduce
today. I say new because he's new to those of you sitting at this table, but not to many of you
personally. John Clayton has been with or firm for almost 20 years now. He started as a hardware
technician and worked his way up to senior manager, then systems director, and finally to his
current position of vice president in charge of research and development. Since you're all familiar
with John's work, I want to tell you a little about his personal life. John is married with three
wonderful children, ages 12, 9 and 7. Last year, his 9-year-old, Luke, was diagnosed with
Hodgkin's disease. This was of course terrible news for John and his wife Karen, but they have
helped Luke battle the sickness, and he is doing very well. During this difficult period, John was
able to do his job despite missing several weeks attending to his family. His election to our board
of directors is a testament to his courage, perseverance, and high personal standards. John
replaces Martin Lynch, who retired last November, and though those are big shoes to fill, I am
confident that he is more than up to the task. But enough blather from me. John...

Answer keys

1). Where is this introduction most likely taking place?

(A) In a board room

2). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(B) John Clayton's personal life

3). What will happen next?

(D) John Clayton will speak.

This transcript refers to the audio file 192_TOEIC_part4.mp3

The motto for our new training and development program will be QVS. It stands for Quality, Value
and Service. I want this motto to guide our training program every step of the way. Whatever
specific skill we're learning, or whatever project we're working on, I want you to ask yourselves,
"How will this result in higher-quality products, better value for our customers, and a speedier
delivery?" I want the letters QVS to be imprinted on your brain. We will offer four special training
classes this year. The first is called Leadership Style, and it's for everyone. The second is called
Leading in a QVS World, and it's for those of you who head up our manufacturing plants. The
third is Passport, for young workers whom management has identified as having high potential.
And the fourth is Leading the Way, for our executives and senior leaders. These classes are
designed to help fulfill our corporate objectives for this year: To focus our revenue growth, expand
our global presence, drive our QVS management system, and build organizational capability. We
want to create a culture where we are always learning and engaged in continuous improvement,
and where we achieve our business objectives through disciplined thought, action, and
collaboration in an entrepreneurial environment.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(C) To introduce a program

2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(B) A company executive

3). What is QVS?

(C) A training motto

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 193_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hello, you've reached the City Science Center, a fantastic place for family fun. We're located
at 123 Jefferson Street, on the south end of City Center Park. Our hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, and 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Our current exhibit is called "Discovering Dinosaurs," and it will
continue through the 15th. Admission prices are $15 for adults, $12 for children age 5-12,
and $6 for kids under five. The Science Center also features an IMAX movie theater and a
laserium for spectacular laser light shows. Admission for IMAX movies is $8 adult, and $5 for
children age 12 and under. Laser shows are $6 adults and $4 for children 12 and under. For
IMAX movies and show times, press 1. For laser light show times, press 2. To purchase a
science center annual pass, which gives you a great discount on regular admission plus free
IMAX tickets, press 3. For all other inquiries, press 4. If you need driving directions or want
more detailed information about "Discovering Dinosaurs" or a virtual tour of the science
center itself, please visit our web site: Thank you for calling, and we
hope to see you soon.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To provide information

2). What should listeners do to find out movie show times?

(D) Push a button on their phone

3). Which of the following is NOT included on the web site?

(C) Times of laser light shows

This transcript refers to the audio file 194_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you for coming today. My name is Shirley Preston, and I'm the corporate
communications officer for Furniture City Inc. I am pleased to announce that we will be
opening a new Furniture City store this April at 53 Parkway Street, opposite the Parkway
Mall. This will be our third location in the city, and our largest store yet, with 6,000 square
feet. Our stores are renowned for providing quality furniture at reasonable prices, and this
store will be no exception. It will employ 30 persons, and we expect it to generate more than
$2 million a year for the city in tax revenue. This is another measure of the growth of
Furniture City, which began four years ago in a small office on Clark Street. Maurice Alberts,
our founder and president, has expanded the company in the space of that time to one of the
fastest-growing firms in our state. Revenues for Furniture City rose 10 percent last year, and
are up 2 percent for the first quarter of this year. In addition to this new store, we have plans
to expand soon into other cities in the state. At this time, I will field any questions that you
have, either about our new store or our company in general.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Members of the press

2). What is the speaker announcing?

(A) A company expansion

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(D) Ask questions

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 195_TOEIC_part4.mp3

If we have a great deal of uncertainty and distrust in the world, then consumers and
corporations want to trust companies and brands that they believe will deliver on their
promises. You asked where our opportunity was. It's in customer service, because if we can
provide a higher level of certainty in a world that is uncertain, that gives us a competitive
advantage. For example, we're doing a "back to the future" on the charge card. That's our
pay-in-full product at the end of 30 days. Consumers want discipline, and if we can bring that
discipline of paying in full at the end of the month along with the service levels that we
provide, plus the rewards and other programs we have, we think that's a tremendous
opportunity for us to grow. We also believe there are substantial opportunities in partnering
with banks to issue Vista-branded credit cards, and we've had very strong success doing it
globally. Another area we feel strongly about is that we have information we can use in very
effective ways for a range of partners. We believe that our information, which we use in our
own business and marketing, can be used by retailers, restaurants, and other corporations to
improve their business, and that's an increasing area of focus for us.

Answer keys

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(B) Business opportunities

2). What does the speaker say about certainty?

(C) It gives his company an advantage.

3). What business is the speaker talking about?

(D) Credit cards

This transcript refers to the audio file 196_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Now it's time for a WPMZ traffic update, brought to you by Dick's Delicatessens. I'm Cindy
Cowherd in the Dick's Traffic center. Southbound Interstate 9 is busy from the county line to
the downtown convention center, and again from South Street to Maple Hill. Northbound 9
starts to slow near Gigantic Mall, and is heavy from there all the way to Shoreview Heights.
On eastbound Route 222, traffic is flowing again across the bridge now that an earlier
accident has been cleared to the side. On west 222, we're getting reports of a stalled car
blocking the fight lane of the First Avenue on-ramp. Traffic is backed up along First Avenue
to the scene. Otherwise, the roads look pretty good, and there are no blockages to report at
this time. WPMZ traffic reports are sponsored by Dick's Delis. Come into Dick's this weekend
for $2 off a large submarine sandwich, or $3 off any lunch combination plate. This is Cindy
Cowherd from the Dick's traffic center.

Answer keys

1). Who is the intended audience?

(D) Commuters

2). What is the problem at the First Avenue on-ramp?

(B) A disabled vehicle

3). What can be inferred about Dick's Delis?

(D) It paid to sponsor the traffic report.

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 197_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Want to stay warm this winter? Then don't miss the huge sale this weekend at Coat
Warehouse. We're taking 10 to 50 percent off our already low prices for winter coats, jackets,
hats, mittens, and scarves — everything you need to be warm and cozy when the
temperatures drop and the snow starts falling. We have brand-name clothes at a fraction of
the cost you'll find them selling for in other stores, with the city's largest selection of sizes and
styles. This weekend, from Friday through Sunday, is your chance to save even more!
Products marked with red tags are reduced anywhere from 10 to 50 percent, and products
with green tags will get you discount coupons that can be used at a future date. Also, the first
100 customers will receive a set of super-warm earmuffs absolutely free! So mark your
calendars, folk. Coat Warehouse has two locations, at Southgate Mall and downtown on the
corner of First and Pike. The first 100 customers at each location will get a set of free
earmuffs. We're open 9-9 on Friday and Saturday, and 9-6 on Sunday. Don't be left out in the
cold this winter. Get down to Coat Warehouse for our huge winter sale!

Answer keys

1). Why is being advertised?

(A) A special sale

2). How can listeners get a free gift?

(C) By arriving early

3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(B) Come to the store

This transcript refers to the audio file 198_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Hi Trudy, this is Joy. I tried to call Felix, but it said that his number was disconnected. Maybe
I copied it down wrong. When you get a chance, could you please check it, then call me and
leave a good number for him? Thanks. Also, I reached Mr. Latimer, and he said to go ahead
and order a dozen boxes of the new business cards. You can charge them to the company.
We'll need to meet sometime next week to discuss the Gerber project. I'm going to be out of
the office this morning, but I'll be at my desk most of the afternoon, or you could try my cell:
555-844-9122. Let me know which days are good for you. And if you could get me that
number for Felix as soon as possible, I'd appreciate it. Thanks Trudy. Talk with you soon.

Answer keys

1). Who is Joy calling?

(B) A colleague

2). When will Joy be in the office?

(C) In the afternoon

3). What does Joy ask Trudy to do?

(C) Return her phone call

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Transcripts and answer keys

This transcript refers to the audio file 199_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Good morning, and welcome to the new light-rail station. If you need to buy tickets for the light-rail
train, use the automated ticket machines located just inside the main doorway, or go to one of the
booths on the left side of the main lobby. There are rail route maps and information about the
light-rail system at the kiosks on both the main and lower floors. Passengers traveling on the blue
track should go downstairs and board on the right. Passengers for the yellow and red tracks will
board downstairs on the left. There are wheelchair-accessible ramps next to the stairs, and an
elevator along the rear wall. Trains will arrive and depart every 10 minutes, so if you miss your
first train, don't worry. There is free coffee, hot chocolate and donuts today on the upper level for
your enjoyment. At 1 o'clock, there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony with Mayor Greg Nicholas
outside the front doors, to celebrate the grand-opening of this station. We hope you will enjoy
your light-rail experience. If you need any assistance, look for one of the workers wearing a
yellow jacket. They'll be happy to answer your questions and help guide you. You can also learn
more about the new city light-rail system and this station online at Thank you
for choosing Metro light rail.

Answer keys

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To increase commuter awareness

2). What should listeners do if they need help?

(D) Look for workers in yellow jackets

3). Where does the speaker tell listeners to get more information?
(B) At a kiosk or the city-rail website

This transcript refers to the audio file 200_TOEIC_part4.mp3

Thank you Dr. Seymour. Our next presenter, Dr. Wesley Kidd, has done extensive research on
the effects of cell-phone radiation on the human brain. Dr. Kidd is a native of Florida, where he
earned a bachelors in science before moving here and getting his masters and PhD at State
University. He has spent the past two years studying cell-phone radiation under a grant from the
National Institute of Health. Next year, he has been invited to join a prestigious committee of
international scientists to continue his work in Stockholm, Sweden, for three more years. Dr. Kidd
plans today to give a Power Point presentation outlining the preliminary results of his research,
followed by practical recommendations about cell-phone use. Please hold all questions, and we'll
have about 15 minutes at the end of the presentation for a question-and-answer session. Also,
while we're on the subject of cell phones, a friendly reminder: please turn off or mute all cell
phones, beepers and other alarms during the presentation. Thank you, and without further ado,
please join me in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Wesley Kidd.

Answer keys

1). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(C) At a conference

2). What will Dr. Kidd do next year?

(B) Continue his research

3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(D) Applaud

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