Recording Script Task 2

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Multiple Competing Priorities

**Tell us about a time when you were faced with multiple competing priorities or tasks (e.g., you
need to submit a deadline from the supervisor but you need to study for a college exam). How did
you prioritize your work and stay committed to achieving your goals?**

I recall a specific instance during my final year of college when I had to balance preparing for a
crucial final exam while also completing a significant project at my part-time job as Library staff.
The project had a tight deadline, and the exam was vital for my academic performance.

To handle these competing priorities, I began by listing all the tasks and deadlines involved. I
assessed the importance and urgency of each task using the Eisenhower Matrix, which helped me
prioritize effectively. The exam was immovable and critical, so I allocated dedicated study periods
for it, ensuring these sessions were at times when I was most alert and productive, typically early in
the morning.

For the work project, I broke down the tasks into smaller, manageable parts and scheduled them
during my afternoons and evenings. I communicated with my supervisor about my academic
commitments and requested to work remotely for a couple of days, which saved commuting time and
allowed for more focused work sessions.

Throughout this period, I maintained a strict schedule, using tools like calendars and to-do lists to
keep track of my progress. I also ensured to take short breaks to avoid burnout and kept a healthy
balance between work, study, and rest. This structured approach allowed me to meet both my
academic and professional commitments successfully.

2. Staying Committed

**Have you ever been in a situation where you were tempted to quit or give up on a project or task?
What motivated you to stay committed and see it through to the end?**

Yes, I have faced situations where I felt tempted to give up on a project. One notable instance was
during my internship, where I was assigned a particularly challenging research task that required a
lot of data collection and analysis. The process was slow, and initial results were not promising,
which was quite disheartening.

The key to staying committed was reminding myself of the purpose and end goal of the project. I
took a step back to reassess my approach and sought feedback from my mentor, who provided
valuable insights and encouragement. Breaking the project down into smaller milestones helped me
see the progress more clearly and kept me motivated.

Moreover, I focused on maintaining a positive mindset and kept reminding myself of past challenges
I had overcome, which reinforced my belief that persistence would pay off. I also made sure to
celebrate small victories along the way, which provided a morale boost.

In the end, my commitment and perseverance paid off as the project was completed successfully, and
it received positive feedback from my supervisor. The experience taught me the importance of
resilience and the value of seeking support when facing difficulties.

These experiences have significantly shaped my ability to handle multiple priorities and stay
committed to my goals, even in challenging situations.
Thank you for your attention, I'm sorry for the inconvenience and wrong in pronunciation.

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