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Terima Kasih Anda Telah Mengikuti Ujian Online

NIM : 63200288
Tanggal Ujian : 04/05/2021
Jam Ujian : 10:00:00 - 12:30:00
Mulai Ujian : 10:02:43 - 10:20:36
Lama Waktu : 0 Jam 17 Menit 53 Detik
Matakuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS LANJUT - 252
Jumlah Soal : 50
Jumlah Jawab : 50
Jumlah Jawab :0

Simpan sebagai bukti bahwa anda telah mengikuti ujian online

ScurityCode: 9bdf78bfbd9440fb3217d73222a799f2
Tanggal Cetak: 2021-05-04 - Jam Cetak: 10:27:48

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2021-05-04 / 10:27:48 9bdf78bfbd9440fb3217d73222a799f2

No Jawaban Anda Hasil

1 must B
2 attend B
3 death B
4 must have been B
5 wants B
6 eating B
7 will get B
8 better B
9 behind B
10 driving B
11 hadn't had B
12 will be finished B
13 Should not have been B
14 gone B
15 love B
16 would B
17 went B
18 has B
19 beautiful B
20 should B
21 beside B
22 I wish she had B
23 doesn't have money kept in bank B
24 cut B
25 has been B
26 wouldn't have B
27 Vases B
28 cooking, come B
29 could B
30 running B
31 addresses B
32 want B
33 is going to B

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2021-05-04 / 10:27:48 9bdf78bfbd9440fb3217d73222a799f2

34 swept B
35 in front of B
36 easiest B
37 She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil fo.... B
38 wearing B
39 than B
40 She wanted to know what my passion was. B
41 mice B
42 in B
43 he will be teaching a class B
44 hasn't fixed B
45 bathrooms B
46 must have B
47 slow B
48 Would B
49 swim B
50 ate B
Catatan: Hasil B=Benar, S=Salah

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