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Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

TERNA management of power transformers:

on-line monitors to investigate the cumulative
effect of through-fault currents
M. Rebolini, C. Serafino
TERNA Rete Italia SpA

M. Tozzi, A. Salsi, E. Savorelli

Camlin Power Ltd
Northern Ireland

Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO) TERNA manages about 700 transformers
and auto-transformers with a failure rate that has been kept <1% for several years.
Due to increasing aging of the fleet and the criticality of the asset, significant efforts
have been made to prevent failures and base the asset maintenance basing on the
real condition of the transformer insulation. One of the main causes of failure has
been addressed to the occurrence of unpredictable external events such as over-
voltages, lightning strikes and through-fault currents. The latter ones, in particular,
are speculated to be the indirect cause of winding displacement on autotransformers
and electrical failures on those transformers interconnected to MV grid. The paper
presents the development of a through fault current (TFC) monitoring system aimed
at detecting short circuit currents and demonstrating that the most of events are un-
known to the utility. By recording such activities, it will be possible to rank the trans-
formers, improve maintenance schedule, correlate multiple on-line data and extract
new parameters to be added into the TERNA Health Index.

Keywords — Transformer, through-fault current, winding deformation

tion and testing. In particular, a home-made Health

1. INTRODUCTION Index has been adopted [2] based on the combina-
The rate of failure recorded for all the TERNA trans- tion of external parameters (keraunic level of the
formers in operation has been for several years con- site, substation lay-out, recurrence of catastrophic
siderably lower than 1%. However, in recent years events on that site, etc.) and transformer parame-
the fault rate has started to increase while the aver- ters obtained through on-site testing and laboratory
age age of the failing unit is decreasing [1], leading results. The keraunic level together with the occur-
TERNA to set up a strategy to ensure the required rence of through-fault currents (TFC) are sensible
level of reliability and safety of medium and large parameters considering that lightning strikes and
power transformers. Part of the strategy includes external short circuits contribute to about 30% of
deployment of on-line monitoring systems, control transformer failures [3]. While the first parameter is
and reduction of external electrical stress, specifica- already considered in the TERNA Health Index calcu-

Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

lation, the second one is now under investigation. - are not recording inrush currents
Speculation were made in literature [4-7] about the - do not send any notification
aggregate effects of through faults on transformers, - do not send any data
potentially able to produce mechanical stresses - do not extract any parameter automatically;
which result in the progressive weakening of the they just store waveform in COMTRADE for-
winding clamping pressure and, thus, movement of mat.
the winding turns. Indeed, these kind of currents
Therefore, the current situation is that the Opera-
(typically > 50% of maximum short circuit current)
tion and Maintenance (O&M) people are, most of
can produce electromagnetic forces, proportional to
the time, unaware of the number and magnitude of
the square of the peak of the fault current, which
the short circuit events affecting the transformers.
can weaken the mechanical structure to a point
The notification of a short circuit event is, nowa-
where the transformer is no longer capable of with-
days, sent from the control center to the O&M only
standing a short-circuit at its terminals. This can
if the primary breaker is opened due to a protection
lead to severe winding displacement. Another pos-
trip. It is then up to the O&M people to go on site
sible consequence of the continuous movement of
and manually extract the data from the disturbance
the winding disks is the occurrence of inter-turn
recorded. A typical scenario is when a lightning
short circuits.
strike causes a short circuit in the HV line, which is
As a result of several investigations made on failed cleared within <100 ms and the breaker is reclosed
transformers, TERNA has recognized that a certain immediately. In such a case the notification of the
number of failures could be linked to the electrody- event is not sent anywhere, but the transformer has
namic forces caused by the repetitive occurrence of actually faced a high current, potentially very high.
through fault currents. Evidence was found in both
large auto-transformers, where deformation was 2.2. Case Study #1 - mechanical stress re-
noted in about 10% of units [8], and in smaller sulting in winding deformation
HV/MV transformers suffering turn-to-turn failures
in the MV winding. A critical inductance variation was measured in a
160 MVA autotransformer, exceeding 5% in one
These cases led TERNA to explore the possibility to phase.
monitor the occurrence of such events in order to
plan SFRA, Inductance and Winding Resistance test According to internal rules within TERNA, a trans-
basing on condition, correlate the data with Dis- former with 5% variation must be taken out of ser-
solved Gas in Oil analysis and plan proper corrective vice. Note that the previous measurement, carried
actions on time. Additionally, in case of positive re- out 4 years before, was perfect. In order to investi-
sults, the TFC parameters could be integrated into gate the possible reasons for such a significant vari-
the Health Index calculation. ation, disturbance recorders were manually interro-
gated by TERNA experts and it was found that the
same phase had experienced, few months before
the measurement, a through-fault current reaching
86% of the maximum short circuit current, Icc. This
2.1. Limitations of Disturbance Recorders event was recorded by the disturbance recorder but
Disturbance recorders are widely installed in the not notified to TERNA because the fault was cleared
Italian transmission network. Such devices are acti- before the transformer relay could trip. It was spec-
vated by the protection relays and, together with ulated that the transformer had experienced a sig-
various parameters, record the current waveforms nificant amount of through-fault currents over its
when the protections are armed. However, such life that could have weakened the structure in a way
devices: that it was not capable to withstand an event of
such a magnitude.
- are driven by the protection relay, not by the
current itself; reliability on the data capturing
2.3. Case Study #2 – mechanical stress re-
depends on relay reliability and settings
- are generally used to support a post-failure in- sulting in electrical failure
vestigation; not for predictive maintenance or TERNA owns about 133 transformers which inter-
condition monitoring connect the HV network to the MV grid. The protec-

Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

tion at the MV side are managed by the Distribution COMTRADE format and notifications are sent to the
System Operator (DSO). Whenever a short circuit O&M when events are triggered. Three clamp hall-
occurs at the MV side, the DSO clears it before the effect type CTs were installed (Fig 3) in the trans-
transformer HV breaker opens. These faults cause former control room connected to the secondary (5
high currents within the HV/MV transformer, but no A) winding of transformer CTs.
notification is sent to the TSO for two reasons: TABLE I
Short circuit parameters
1) the transformer HV protection relay does
2) sometimes, in old sites, disturbance re-
corders are not even installed on TSO side
Thus, the TSO is unaware of the high currents circu-
lating in the winding, until the transformer trips. A ICC MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT 1260 A
32 MVA transformer has recently experienced a CURRENT (SYMMETRIC)

failure within the MV winding insulation (summer ICCPEAK FIRST PEAK OF THE MAXIMUM 3401 A
2016). Electrical tests were carried out on the failed SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT
transformers, showing turn-to-turn short circuit in (ASYMMETRIC)
one phase. At least other two similar cases had oc-
curred in the past 10 years. Also in this case, the DURING WHICH THE
repetitive occurrence of through-fault currents was TRANSFORMER CAN WITHSTAND
speculated to be the main cause of the failure, hav- THE MAXIMUM CURRENT WITH NO
ing caused the inter-turn insulation to degrade due IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGES [8]
to continuous winding movement.

Fig. 1 Typical HV/MV configuration. Failures at the MV side cause

high currents at the HV side but are notified to TSO only if HVCB

3.1. Description of the system Fig. 2 TFC Monitor installed in the TERNA control room
A trial project has run in 2015-2016 installing a TFC
monitoring device on a 63 MVA transformer, 220/22
kV (category IV, [8]). Basing on the transformer
nameplate it was possible to calculate the short
circuit parameters of Table 1. The monitoring sys-
tem (Fig. 2) is able to detect over-currents simulta-
neously in three phases, store the events exceeding
a configurable trigger and extract parameters such
as duration time, maximum peak, energy of the
event (I t), RMS and the aggregated effect of the
short circuit currents (cumulative I t) from each Fig. 3 CT clamp sensors at the secondary winding of the current
event. Waveforms are stored and available in transformer

Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

Figure 4 shows the records from the disturbance tection relays and, thus, not recorded by any dis-
recorders (top) compared to the one from the moni- turbance recorders.
toring device (bottom) after a short circuit occurred
at the MV side. The two readings match perfectly,
thus validating the TFC monitor sensitivity and accu-

Fig. 4 Comparison between the disturbance recorder (top) and

TFC monitor (bottom) readings showing perfect matching
Fig. 5 Three-phase short circuit at MV side recorded by the TFC
3.2. Results
During the trial period (11 months) the transformer
circuit breaker never tripped, thus no notification
was sent to TERNA. However, 27 through-fault cur-
rents were recorded by the TFC monitor system,
where 7 of them were exceeding 60% Icc. Further-
more, 11 of them were recorded in just 3 days. The
occurrence of such activities would have been un-
known to TERNA.
Figure 5 shows two records detected during the
monitoring period. The first one (top) is a three- Fig. 6 In-rush current
phase symmetrical short circuit. Initially it presents
Figure 7 shows the historical occurrence of the
as a two-phase short circuit and then becomes
through-fault current events, plotting the RMS in
three-phase. The amplitude of the event is about
p.u. of the maximum Icc, while Fig. 8 shows the
900 A RMS which means about 70% of Icc max and
maximum peak in p.u. of the Iccpeak.
the peak is about 30% of the Iccpeak. The second
event (bottom) is a short circuit between two phas- It can be noted that several events have exceeded
es that evolves into a three phase failure. As well as 50% Icc and, in some case, 78% Icc has been
the previous one, the amplitude is about 70% of Icc reached.
and the duration does not exceed 100 ms. Indeed 2
Figure 9 shows the cumulative I t in p.u of the max-
both events are related to short circuits occurring in
imum energy EMAX, considering a maximum with-
the medium voltage network and cleared by the MV
standing duration time of 2 seconds [9-12]. Note
protections before HV protections are activated.
that the cumulative energy had a step increase be-
Fig. 6 shows an inrush current detected by the TFC tween 7 and 9 July due to the highly repetitive oc-
monitor. This is an interesting event in terms of currence. This was likely due to repetitive circuit
electrodynamic forces. It must be noted that such breaker reclosing attempt at the MV side.
kind of events are, of course, not triggered by pro-

Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

recorded. The trends shown in Fig. 7 and 8 can

be used to set up triggers. An example could be
11 events in 3 days
to give a first alarm when the RMS reaches 0.8
p.u. of Icc and when the IPeak reaches 0.6 p.u. of

 basing on the theoretical maximum withstanding

capability is reached, which means when the
plot of Fig. 9 reaches 1 p.u.
In order to further reduce the man-work and opti-
mize the maintenance, the TFC monitor is being
Fig. 7 Ipeak in p.u. of IccMAX now integrated into a more complete monitoring
system including bushing monitoring, Partial Dis-
charges and Dissolved Gas Analysis in Oil. In such a
way, all monitored parameters can be sent to
TERNA on event base, which means every time a
short circuit (exceeding a certain trigger) is detect-
ed. Indeed, correlation of multiple on-line data
aimed at providing meaningful information on the
transformer condition is a key feature for the fleet
Furthermore, another interesting application for the
TFC monitor is the inrush current monitoring in HV
shunt reactors, which are increasingly used to con-
Fig. 8 RMS in p.u. of Icc
trol reactive power in the network.
Indeed, circuit breakers must be perfectly synchro-
nized in order to prevent the occurrence of critical
inrush currents, considering that reactors are
switched on and off every day. As an example, Fig.
10 shows the inrush currents with a faulty synchro-
nizer. It can be observed that current I4 (blue) is not
symmetrical and its peak is higher than the other
two currents.
The TFC monitor can help in detecting such anoma-
lies and track the misalignment over the time, i.e. an
alarm may be generated if current peak is over than
a set value.
Fig. 9 Cumulative I2t in p.u. of the EMAX

3.3. Practical implications and future de-

TFC monitors can help TERNA to better schedule
electrical test basing on transformer conditions.
SFRA, DC winding resistance, winding reactance and
DGA analysis can be planned when TFC rises an
Alarms can be set: Fig. 10 Inrush current with faulty synchronizer on shunt reactors

 basing on the amplitude events: as an internal

criterion in TERNA, electrical tests could be
planned whenever an event exceeding 80% Icc is

Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

[12] H. Maryono, H.I. Septiyani, M. Muhlis, M.N. Nugraha

4. CONCLUSION “Through Fault Current Monitoring System to Predict the
Degradation of Transformer Withstand Capability”, InTER-
The experience has demonstrated that transformers NAtional Conf. on Electr. Eng. and Informatics, 17-19 July
are repetitively affected by a significant amount of 2011, Bandung, Indonesia
through-fault currents which can induce mechanical
stresses and, on the long term, can critically jeop-
ardize the winding and blocking system integrity Massimo Rebolini joined ITALTRAFO in 1978
and then served ENEL from 1980 to 2000 ini-
and reliability. Furthermore, it was demonstrated tially as expert in Electrical System following
that the asset owner is, in most cases, unaware of the design and construction of electrical system
the electrical and mechanical stresses affecting the of NPP mainly in the qualification class 1E of
transformer and, thus, enable to schedule correc- electrical components. From 1988 to 1996 was
appointed as Project Manager following the
tive maintenance or perform further investigation. HVDC Interconnection between Italy and Greece. Afterwards was
appointed in 1997 as responsible of HV Sistems ( Substation and
Through-Fault-Current monitoring represents a val-
OHL ) in Enelpower company until 2000 when enter in GRTN
uable feature for TERNA in order to rank the trans- (Italian Independent System Operator) . He was appointed as
formers based on external event occurrences, corre- Project Manager for Preliminary Project and Permitting Proce-
late with on-line data (especially DGA) and plan dures for interconnection 380 kVca between Italy and Switzer-
land ( S. Fiorano – Robbia ) and for SAPEI Project ( new HVDC link
condition-based maintenance.
between Sardinia and Mainland Italy). In 2006 was appointed as
Head of Preliminary Projects in Terna Planning and Grid Devel-
opment Direction following all the main strategic works until
References 2009 when assumed the actual responsibility of Development
Technologies. Author of several national and international tech-
[1] L. Colla, A. Di Giulio, V. Iuliani, F. Palone, M. Rebolini, “Auto- nical papers, he is coordinator member of Electrical Energy
transformers evolution, reliability, safety and modelling in Transmission WG, advisor of AEE ( Associazione Energia Elettrica )
the Italian transmission grid”, CIGRE A2-103, 2012. and Chairman of Italian Cigrè.
[2] F. Scatiggio, M. Pompili, “Health Index: the TERNA’s Practi-
cal Approach for Transformer Fleet Management”, 2013
IEEE EIC, Ottawa, Canada, pp.178-182 Claudio Angelo Serafino was born in Rivoli (TO)
on 1961 May the 29th. High School certificate
[3] W. H. Bartly “ an analysis of InTERNAtional Transformer obtained in Turin on 1980; electrician expert.
Failures”, 79th Annual InTERNAtional Doble Client Confer- Employed in Enel from 1982 to 1999; tests on
ence, 2012 High Voltage devices, Transformers, Substation
[4] Anita Oommen, A Case Study Evaluation of the Causes for Automation and Control systems. From 1999 to
the Premature Failure of Transformer on the Escom Trans- 2013 employed in Terna SpA maintenance department: Routine
mission Network, Study Committee B5 Colloquium CIGRE, and special tests on High Voltage devices, Transformers, Substa-
Canada, 14-16 September 2005. tion Automation and Control systems. Since 2013 employed in
Terna SpA engineering department: Routine and special tests on
[5] R. Moxley, A. Guzman, Transformer Maintenance Interval Transformers; Transformers standardization; fault investigation;
Management, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., member of CT14.
[6] R.P.P Smeets, L.H.te Paske, T. Fogelberg, Short Circuit With- Marco Tozzi received the M. S. degree in Elec-
stand Capability of Large Power Transformers. trical Engineering from the University of Trieste
in 2005 and the Ph. D. degree in electrical
[7] K. Yule, D. Brock, J. Purdy, Accountability and Evaluation of
engineering in 2010 from the University of
Aggregate Effects of Through Faults On Power Transform-
Bologna. From 2007 to 2011 was Project Man-
ers. Unclassified Open Source
ager and Technical Advisor in Techimp, Italy, being involved in
[8] M. Tozzi, C. McIlroy, C. A. Serafino, M. Rebolini, “Condition research activity on diagnostic of insulating systems by partial
Based Maintenance on 400 MVA Autotransformers: a case discharges analysis. In 2012 he joined Camlin Power Ltd., part of
study”, CIGRE VII Workspot, A2 PS1, Rio de Janeiro, 23-26 the Camlin Power group, in Northern Ireland, where he is Product
Nov, 2014 Manager for transformer monitoring systems. Involved in IEEE
transformer committee, he is author or co-author of more than
[9] IEEE Std C57.12.00 -- IEEE Standard General Requirements 30 technical and scientific papers.
for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating
[10] IEC, Power Transformer – Ability to withstand short circuit, Alessandro Salsi received the M. S. degree in
IEC 60076-5, 2000. Electrical Engineering from the University of
Bologna in 2007. From 2004 to 2011 was Ser-
[11] IEEE Guide for Transformer Through Fault Current Duration, vice Engineer and later Service Manager in
IEEE C57.109-1995. Techimp, Italy, being involved in partial dis-
charge measurements and relevant analysis;
after many years on field R&D for sensors and

Proceedings of My Transfo 2016 – 15th and 16th November 2016

instruments was also a main task. In 2012 he joined Camlin Pow-

er Ltd., part of the Camlin Power group, in Northern Ireland,
where he is Product Designer for transformer and generator
monitoring systems.

Enrico Savorelli received the M. S. degree in

Electrical Engineering from the University of
Bologna in 2007. From 2003 he has been mainly
involved in research activity on diagnostic of
insulating systems by Partial Discharges (PD)
analysis. In 2012 he joined Camlin Power Ltd,
where he is involved in developing PD monitor-
ing systems for Medium and High Voltage asset.

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