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Fill and complete

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the help box below.


bouquet islands Italy India Mexico Mediterranean German trucks

1. I gave my mother a _________________ of French roses.

2. The leaning tower of Pisa is located in ________________.

3. Adidas is a ___________________ shoe company.

4. Panipuri is one of the most famous street foods of ____________________.

5. The silk route started from Asia till the ______________________.

6. India and _____________________ share the similar food palettes.

7. We saw many ___________________ on the highway.

8. We travelled to the most exotic ______________________ of Maldives. by
Complete the sentence

Write down the synonym and antonym of the words in bold in each sentence. Rewrite
the given sentences.

1. Jimmy likes to play cricket. (synonym)


2. Carol feels sad to leave her from her hometown. (antonym)


3. Sharon loves to go hiking in the forest. (synonym)


4. Everyone enjoys watch the Korean pop music. (antonym)


5. The president of United States is said to be responsible with his power. (antonym)


6. Coronavirus is a very dangerous virus. (synonym)


7. Travelling by plane is very inconvenient for some people. (antonym)


8. Charlie doesn’t like to watch French movies. (antonym)

_______________________________________________________________________ by
Do as directed

Read the sentences given below. Do as instructed.

1. Circle the pleasant smell.

2. Cross the unpleasant smell.

Match the following foods to the tastes.





Bitter by
Just 1 word

Write down the first word that comes to your mind when you hear or read these words.
One has been completed for you.

anxious happy

anger sad

lazy movie hall fun

liar fun

love explosive by
Complete the phrases

The following phrases have been split and written in the boxes given below. Match the
boxes to complete the phrases. Check your scoreboard at the end.

I'm glad in my day.

You're the bright spot to be around.

You're really getting you enjoy learning.

Now you've figured the hang of it.

You're fun pat on the back.

Give yourself a it out.

Scoreboard 5


2-3 by

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