16transmission Lines

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BEERS: 0932 328 8053


BEERS: 0932 328 8053


Sample Problems 6. Determine the geometric mean radius TRANSMISSION LINE 2 7. A three-phase short transmission line
of three conductors placed has a per phase impedance of 0.3 +
symmetrical in terms of its radius r. 1. The impedance of a short 230 kV j0.4 ohms. The receiving end voltage
TRANSMISSION LINES 1 transmission line is 10<80 deg ohms. is 6351 V per phase and the voltage
7. A three-phase transposed If the receiving end power is 150 MW regulation is not to exceed 5 percent.
1. In transmission lines, the spacings are
transmission line is composed of four at 230kV and at 0.82 power factor, Calculate the maximum power it can
not normally installed equilaterally.
solid round conductors per phase what is the voltage at the sending deliver.
Unequal spacing is converted
placed horizontally with an equal end?
accordingly. If the actual spacing
spacing of 50 cm. The whole line is in 8. In transmission lines, what is the value
between conductors are given to be
a flat horizontal configuration with 3 2. A 3-phase transmission line has an of AD-BC?
2m, 2m and 3m, respectively,
meters spacing between each phases. impedance of 26.93<68.2 ohms per
determine the equilateral spacing.
The GMR and diameter of each wire. The load end takes power of Take Home Exam
conductor is 1.357cm and 3.55cm 1500 kW at 0.8 lagging power factor
2. A 35-km long single-phase
respectively. Calculate the inductance with a line-to-line voltage of 13.8kV.
transmission line is composed of two
and the capacitance of the line per Calculate the (a) sending end voltage
solid round conductors each having a
phase. and (b) line efficiency.
radius of 0.45 cm. The space between
the conductors is 3.5m from each
8. A single-phase transmission line has a 3. A 3-phase 3-wire transmission line has
other. Calculate (a) the inductance per
configuration wherein one side is an impedance per wire of 5+j15 ohms.
conductor, (b) the inductance of the
composed of two solid 2.5-cm radius The receiving end has the following
line, and (c) the reactance of the line.
wires spaced 10cm from each other, connected loads: (1) 3-phase induction
and on the other side is composed of motor taking 2500kW at 0.8 lagging pf,
3. A three-phase 7-km long transmission
three solid 5-cm radius wires spaced (2) a capacitor bank taking 125 amps
line has a horizontal configuration of 5-
10 cm from each other. The two sides of current. The receiving end voltage is
ft spacing. If the conductor has a GMR
are separated 200 cm between the at 13.8kV. What is the sending end
of 0.0355 ft and has a resistance of
inner conductors. Solve for the GMR voltage and the line efficiency?
0.306 ohms per mile, determine its line
and GMD.
4. A 150km 3-phase 60Hz transmission
9. A single-phase transmission line is line delivers power to a 15 MW load at
4. A 15-mile long, 60Hz single-phase
composed of conductor X comprising 66 kV and 0.85 lagging pf. The line
transmission line is composed of two
of three horizontally placed solid resistance per km is 0.2 ohms, the line
copper conductors each having a
conductors with 5m between adjacent reactance per km is 0.7 ohms, and the
diameter of 0.575 inch. If the
conductors while conductor Y capacitive admittance per km is
conductors are placed 7 ft apart,
comprises two horizontally placed 2.7x10^-6 siemens. Calculate (a) the
calculate the line-to-line capacitance in
solid conductors with 5m in between. If sending end current, (b) sending end
the distance of the nearest conductors voltage, and (c) the line efficiency.
in X and Y is 10 meters, determine the
5. A completely transposed 60-Hz three-
geometric-mean-distance to be used. 5. The length of a long 500-kV three-
phase transmission line has a flat
phase transmission line is 200km. The
horizontal configuration and spaced 3
10. In problem 8, solve for the inductance series impedance z=0.045 + j0.4 ohm
m between adjacent conductors. Each
of the line Henry/meter. per phase per km and its shunt
conductor has a diameter of 1.25
admittance y=j4x10^-6 siemens per
inches. If the length of the
11. In problem 8, solve for the line-to-line phase per km. Determine its ABCD
transmission line is 120km, solve for
capacitance. parameters.
the (a) capacitance to neutral of the
line in Farad and the (b) shunt
6. In Example 5, calculate the SIL.
admittance to neutral of the line in

BEERS: 0932 328 8053


“The phoenix must burn to

~ Janet Fitch

BEERS: 0932 328 8053

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