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Sunny Au Pair China program

Physician’s Report Form

Part A (to be completed by the Applicant)

First Name Claudia Family Name Porreye
(姓) (名)
Nationality: Belgie Date of Birth: 05/03/98
(国籍) (出生日期)
Home Address: Ledegemstraat 10, 8890 Dadizele
(家庭住址 )
Gender: F Home phone: 0499388595
(性别) (家庭电话)
Passport number(护照号): ES101859
Height: 1.75 m Weight: 64 kg
(身高) (体重)
Are you covered by any Insurance(有无购买保险): x
□Yes (是) □No(否)
If yes, please provide the name of the insurance, the provider, the expiration date)(如果有,请提供保
险名称、保险人,过期时间) :

Is your physical activity restricted in any way(有无任何身体上的限制)? □Yes x

If yes, please explain(如果有,请解释):

Part B (to be completed by the Physician)(以下内容由医生填写)

The applicant will be living for an extended period of time in the home of a family with young children
or elders. It is therefore important that we are advised of any physical or mental health issues that
may have a bearing on the Applicant’s ability to participate.

Please indicate whether the Applicant has been immunized against the following:
Date of immunization
Tetanus (破伤风) x
□Yes □No 27/11/2012
Diphtheria (白喉) x
□Yes □No 27/11/2012
Polio (小儿麻痹症) x
□Yes □No 25/11/2010
Measles (麻疹) x
□Yes □No 17/06/1999
Mumps (腮腺炎) x
□Yes □No 17/06/1999
German measles (rubella) (风疹) x
□Yes □No 18/01/2011
Typhoid (伤寒症) x
□Yes □No 14/05/2000
Tuberculin test (结核病) x
□Yes □No 24/07/2021

1/2 Au Pair’s signature:__________________

Sunny Au Pair China program

Whooping cough (百日咳) x

□Yes □No 08/05/2007

Has the applicant ever suffered from:

Anorexia or Bulimia (厌食症或暴食症) □Yes x
Any addiction such as alcohol or drugs (成瘾症,例如酒精成瘾或毒品成瘾) □Yes x
Arthritis (关节炎) □Yes x
Asthma (哮喘) □Yes x
Chicken pox (水痘) □Yes x
Depression (抑郁症) □Yes x
Diabetes (糖尿病) □Yes x
Eating disorder (饮食障碍症) □Yes x
Emotional problems (情绪问题) □Yes x
Epilepsy (癫痫症) □Yes x
Heart Diseases (心脏病) □Yes x
Hepatitis (any kind) (肝炎,任何种类) □Yes x
Hernia (疝气) □Yes x
Herpes (疱疹) □Yes x
HIV positive (艾滋病) □Yes x
Measles (麻疹) □Yes x
Migraine (偏头痛) □Yes x
Mumps (腮腺炎) □Yes x
Polio (小儿麻痹症) □Yes x
Scarlet fever (猩红热) □Yes x
Allergies (过敏症) □Yes x
Any other disease (其他疾病) □Yes x

If you have answered yes to any of the above, please give full details here:(上面表格里如果有选是

I confirm that the applicant is in good general physical and psychological health, that an ordinary clinical
examination has shown no definite symptoms of illness, and that she/he does not suffer from any
infectious or chronic disease, there is no objection to him/her associating with children. (兹证明申请人
子接触。 )

Doctor’s Signature and stamp(医生签名)___________________________Date(日期)___________

*Once the applicant arrives in China, further medical examinations might be required to obtain certain kinds of visas.

2/2 Au Pair’s signature:__________________

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