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Hi Carlos,

Here is a detailed idea of how I will be working.

First of all, I have to do some analysis of your website landing

page and check all the parameters such as proper call to actions,
text, content, media items etc. Also, I would like to review your
Facebook Ads account so that we can improve its conversion rate
and relevance score which results in better ROI.

With this, I will manage your Facebook Page and market your
Business to increase the Online Presence, likes and follows. If
required, I will also retarget people who recently visited your

Tools which I use to set up and manage Facebook Ad Campaigns


1)Facebook Power Editor(for setting up and managing ads).

2)Adroll(for retargeting).
4) and (for landing pages).
6)Optimizely(for split testing).
7) Photoshop and Canva for Good quality creatives.


Here is the strategy which i will follow. I am sharing that in points

to make it easy to understand. All these steps will be performed
one by one.
1) Industry research: Identifying your niche and the advertising
potential in your niche.

2) Website analysis: Thorough and detailed analysis of your

products or services to create the most effective strategy for
your campaign.

3) Campaign Setup: Setup campaigns(based on type of campaign

you want to run) and ad sets(based on Audiences, their interests,
behaviors, demographics and connections).

4) a) Ad Types: Setup an effective ad relevant to the campaign

objectives plus which better suits the needs of users. There are
different types of ads such as News Feed Desktop Ads, Mobile
Ads, Mobile news feed ads, Right hand side Ads, etc. Different Ads
have different objectives like to bring Traffic and Leads to the
website, likes and Engagement for a page, visitors for a store or an

b) Facebook Canvas: Newly launched Mobile ad. Used To

showcase your business Stories and Products. It offers different
components to tell your business story such as Images, videos,
carousals( something like sliders), product sets etc.

5) Facebook Pixels: It combines the power of Conversion pixel and

Custom Audience Pixels into a single pixel. We can now use
Facebook to measure, optimize and Build audiences for your ad

6) Landing Page Effectiveness: An effective landing page will excel

at both measurements conversion rate and relevancy score, so
we evaluate both areas during audit.

7) Ad set Structure, Sizing, Performance and Geo-targeting.

8) Bid management: assigning appropriate CPC bids so that you
never pay more than necessary.

9) Track Conversions: Tracking conversions is the most important

factor in Facebook advertising, because this is how you measure
the success. I will monitor the conversions including results and

10) Retargeting: For retargeting, I will set pixel to your website

using Facebook Custom Audience Pixel which target people who
recently visit your Website or its specific pages. Then, I will create
adverts for your Website Custom Audience and Lookalike

11) Split testing: To tell if one image ad is better than another split
those Ads, track the results and identify which combination of
words produced the best results.

12) Reporting is an essential part of any exercise. During

monitoring I will create reports twice a month showing the
performance of all the campaigns.

I will build the relevant strategy according to your website and as

per your requirement. And I will tell you at the time of interview.

Here are some examples of my work

Project 1:
This is a short-term project for the advanced reporting of one of my
client accounts. Due to some technical errors, this client's campaign
was not so successful and showed a high CPC rate. With my working
strategy and technical support, he is getting a CPC of 0.27$ on
average now.
Project 2:

This project was to create and manage Facebook and Instagram ads
campaign. The client has some previous sales experience and also a
customer list and he was looking for a professional to create appropriate
lookalike audiences and retarget his existing customers.

I have reviewed their existing ad assets, creatives, landing pages, custom

conversion, pixel configuration, and customer journey. Then prepared a
custom campaign strategy for the extensive testing sessions, finally, the
campaign started getting some signs of success and the business started
getting targeted traffic and engagements at a reasonable CPC rate
Traffic Campaign

Engagement Campaign
Project 3:
This project was a social media marketing and management
project for a US-based travel agency. They are dealing with travel,
vacation, holiday packages, flights, hotel bookings, and so on. I
was responsible for web traffic building via Facebook advertising
and Instagram marketing. It was a very simple traffic campaign
and community engagement process on Instagram and Facebook.

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