Financial and Legislative Support

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Financial and legislative support

This refers to the mechanisms by which government and institutions provide the necessary
funding and legal frameworks to facilitate aligned transport and land use planning. In terms of
both financial and legislative support we have various system that are adhered to For example:
 Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (DART) system. The DART system is a specific public
transportation infrastructure project implemented in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. It receive
significant financial support from World Bank and other development partners.
Tanzanian government has enacted specific legislation and policies to support DART
system such as land use around bus stations.
 National land use planning commission (NLUPC). Tanzania established the NLUPC to
coordinate land use planning at the national level. The government allocates budgets to
support the NLUPC’s activities, including capacity building, data collection.
 Sustainable Urban Transport Program (SUTP).Tanzania with support from International
donors like the European Union, implements the SUTP to promote sustainable transport
solutions in urban areas. This involves cycling lanes and all pedestrian-friendly
Strengthened Institutional arrangements
This involves enhancing the coordination and collaboration among various governmental bodies,
agencies and stakeholders involved in planning processes. This is enhanced through:
 Integrated master planning. In Tanzania, cites like Dar es Salaam face rapid urbanization.
Strengthened institutional arrangements involving collaboration between city planning
authority, transportation department, environmental agencies and other relevant bodies to
develop integrated master plans. Also these plans should consider not only transportation
infrastructure needs but also land use zoning that supports sustainable development.
 Stakeholder engagement. Such as local communities, civil society organizations, and
private sector entities. In Tanzania projects like Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
system have shown the importance of involving stake holders in planning process to
address concerns to meet needs of different user groups.

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