Stand -Up Meeting_2023-07-21

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0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:1.

Shashank Channegowda
So yeah.
0:0:4.590 --> 0:0:28.290
Shashank Channegowda
That I I wanted to start it off saying that the way we we wanted to give the kitties like we had a
document where we captured all the blocks which gets used on our website and based off on that we
have different pages where it's configured where the blocks would get inside of them.
0:0:29.160 --> 0:0:44.530
Shashank Channegowda
And so I and and the disclaimer to give us like we have learned this, most of the things by looking at
what's configured and part of it from looking at the confluence, uh.
0:0:45.190 --> 0:0:53.590
Shashank Channegowda
So if you probably like write up a blog name here in Confluence, you would get more info on that.
0:0:53.630 --> 0:0:54.930
Shashank Channegowda
There's suppose a hero block.
0:0:57.150 --> 0:0:58.460
Shashank Channegowda
Or a carousel block.
0:0:59.170 --> 0:1:5.440
Shashank Channegowda
So every block which is getting used here if you would have a name which with an ID type here.
0:1:5.450 --> 0:1:13.660
Shashank Channegowda
So you could take that copy paste in Google and you could get more info on how to configure it and what
it does and where it gets used.
0:1:14.130 --> 0:1:24.140
Shashank Channegowda
So this is the when it comes to documentation you have everything, most of it in the the confluence
section of our is that other group.
0:1:25.720 --> 0:1:41.640
Shashank Channegowda
So today's I just wanted to start with take this off with the start page and I probably will be going on
going off with things which are configured here to how it would look on the site and what we would be
doing when it comes for testing.
0:1:42.520 --> 0:1:48.530
Shashank Channegowda
So this is everything with respect to what we test and what we do on our regular regressions.
0:1:48.900 --> 0:2:1.390
Shashank Channegowda
And there are certain blocks which are a bit complicated and they're very specific to only, you know,
during regressions which comes once in a time of when we do we we when we retest the ticket.
0:2:1.940 --> 0:2:16.590
Shashank Channegowda
So those kind of tickets will will cover it on a separate section, but things which we would be covering for
the couple for the next couple of sections would be like what we generally test what what we do when
we do our regressions.
0:2:16.880 --> 0:2:18.430
Shashank Channegowda
So what would be our focus?
0:2:19.450 --> 0:2:20.390
Shashank Channegowda
And such.
0:2:21.310 --> 0:2:38.870
Shashank Channegowda
So we would start with the the CMS, the front end, uh edits and then later go on to the different section
called is commerce which would handle you know the products which gets displayed on the PDP PLP.
0:2:40.700 --> 0:2:40.860
Shashank Channegowda
0:2:42.50 --> 0:3:3.710
Shashank Channegowda
So to begin with, every every page would have the start page and to even start I mean what is the
understanding of the CMS with with terms with the new guys if I can, if I could get to know do you guys
know how to access the CMS and find where things are or how to navigate.
0:3:5.470 --> 0:3:8.20
Shashank Channegowda
So would you guys have, do they have the?
0:3:7.440 --> 0:3:13.710
Kumar Kondragunta
But not that, I mean, I'm not going to say that, OK, this is training only for this new group.
0:3:13.720 --> 0:3:16.70
Kumar Kondragunta
I mean this group existing group Shashank.
0:3:16.80 --> 0:3:20.80
Kumar Kondragunta
So our recordings are going to be given to the people who are going to join in the future.
0:3:20.800 --> 0:3:21.140
Shashank Channegowda
0:3:20.800 --> 0:3:25.240
Kumar Kondragunta
So think that they don't zero knowledge to all developers, including me.
0:3:26.150 --> 0:3:27.300
Shashank Channegowda
OK, fine. Good.
0:3:27.790 --> 0:3:42.670
Shashank Channegowda
So in order for us to even get the access for CMS, you need to have an account like the way you would
generally log in and your account should be given the access to have you know for you to even be able to
log get into CMS.
0:3:42.920 --> 0:3:48.390
Shashank Channegowda
So are accounts are, you know, preconfigured and given the access.
0:3:48.580 --> 0:3:59.530
Shashank Channegowda
So I'll be do is just log in to our respective sites and on the top right you would see something called as
EPI and that is where you would access the CMS and the commerce section.
0:4:0.960 --> 0:4:16.350
Shashank Channegowda
So since I am at the start page, I would load that page and go on to the CMS edit and select my middle
mouse button which would open the that sections of the CMS page on a new tab.
0:4:17.730 --> 0:4:39.320
Shashank Channegowda
So this this is some the easiest method to access to directly go into that page and if you would want to
look at the CMS of that particular section, just load that page and you know drop down and go to the
CMS edit and you you know the the CMS part of that section would load immediately rather than you
having to navigate on the left hand side.
0:4:40.360 --> 0:4:53.380
Shashank Channegowda
So once the CMS is loaded, so this is the left is where you would be navigating and the top section is the
pages where you know which I mentioned the different parts of blocks would be configured.
0:4:54.430 --> 0:4:57.940
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, and this, we don't do much.
0:4:57.950 --> 0:4:58.320
Shashank Channegowda
0:4:58.520 --> 0:5:2.480
Shashank Channegowda
Assume that this would be used for configuring the languages.
0:5:3.490 --> 0:5:4.860
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, the task section?
0:5:4.870 --> 0:5:6.440
Shashank Channegowda
Also the we don't.
0:5:8.800 --> 0:5:10.690
Shashank Channegowda
Access or we don't know, don't play around with.
0:5:10.880 --> 0:5:12.650
Shashank Channegowda
Same goes with the locations.
0:5:14.580 --> 0:5:20.460
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, yeah, so there are some different settings.
0:5:20.470 --> 0:5:22.710
Shashank Channegowda
I mean these section this is called the app setting.
0:5:22.720 --> 0:5:33.860
Shashank Channegowda
Then we we have limited access around this like when we have some tickets to test around is when we
we come here and uh play around.
0:5:33.870 --> 0:5:35.640
Shashank Channegowda
So we were all preconfigured blocks.
0:5:37.730 --> 0:5:46.420
Shashank Channegowda
And yeah, there's something called site settings, and there are certain things which we access and we we
do during our testing.
0:5:46.430 --> 0:5:49.0
Shashank Channegowda
So this section would be covered at the later point of time.
0:5:50.220 --> 0:5:56.640
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, the today's talk would be on the page and basically the start page.
0:5:57.80 --> 0:6:9.20
Shashank Channegowda
So in order for us to get into the start page, all you'll do is like hover over on the the home icon here and
click on this and it would take you to the stack page.
0:6:9.110 --> 0:6:10.970
Shashank Channegowda
So the ID type is start.
0:6:12.180 --> 0:6:21.740
Shashank Channegowda
So with reference I'll I'll open this section to tell you what are those blocks, what would be configured
here and what is that you would be seeing on on top of the page.
0:6:22.820 --> 0:6:25.150
Shashank Channegowda
So these three sections are I I was.
0:6:25.160 --> 0:6:31.890
Shashank Channegowda
We were told that this is something which comes from the JavaScript, so the navigation part delivers
striking and Mark nation.
0:6:32.40 --> 0:6:40.810
Shashank Channegowda
This is not something which we see on the CMS and this is and the link what you see is the
preproduction free ground shipping.
0:6:40.820 --> 0:6:47.790
Shashank Channegowda
So this is something which would get configured on the site setting of the page.
0:6:48.360 --> 0:7:1.0
Shashank Channegowda
This basically is something which would be put up a banner for the user to just see, and it could also be
made clickable so that it directs the user to what whatever section you know necessary.
0:7:2.130 --> 0:7:6.120
Shashank Channegowda
So for now we have just configured so that it would take you to home page.
0:7:6.130 --> 0:7:6.740
Shashank Channegowda
So you click on.
0:7:6.750 --> 0:7:13.630
Shashank Channegowda
This would take you to home page and this is the header section of the page where you could see here.
0:7:14.120 --> 0:7:15.800
Shashank Channegowda
So this is again just a block.
0:7:18.860 --> 0:7:27.70
Shashank Channegowda
Then you so many in order for you to access these blocks, you would have a a hamburger.
0:7:28.90 --> 0:7:31.600
Shashank Channegowda
I can and all you would do is like click on this.
0:7:31.970 --> 0:7:42.0
Shashank Channegowda
You could do two options if you do a quick credit, it would just load on on the page, would not have
much access and you would not get to know what kind of block it is and such it.
0:7:42.10 --> 0:7:45.950
Shashank Channegowda
It would just give you the quick changes.
0:7:45.960 --> 0:7:46.200
Shashank Channegowda
0:7:46.210 --> 0:7:54.240
Shashank Channegowda
What would be necessary and all you would do is like edit and you would see that this is a header
navigation slide block.
0:7:55.300 --> 0:7:57.10
Shashank Channegowda
So these are all three configured.
0:7:57.20 --> 0:7:59.20
Shashank Channegowda
We don't do much over here.
0:8:2.550 --> 0:8:6.410
Shashank Channegowda
And this is the header search block which is this.
0:8:8.230 --> 0:8:15.140
Shashank Channegowda
When you click on this you would get this to pop down and this is where you see the the header search
0:8:15.310 --> 0:8:32.460
Shashank Channegowda
This is also something we just find and we just have it configured and if in case you would want to, I
mean say suppose nothing is here and you would want to add a header, it would what you would do is
like you have the option to create a new block or a browse existing content.
0:8:33.10 --> 0:8:39.830
Shashank Channegowda
So browsing existing content is nothing, but you wouldn't have certain preconfigured blocks.
0:8:40.920 --> 0:8:45.310
Shashank Channegowda
The best way to do it is like on the top right you would see a folder icon look.
0:8:45.320 --> 0:8:50.60
Shashank Channegowda
Click on this you select the block and you just type in whatever is necessary.
0:8:54.50 --> 0:8:54.380
Shashank Channegowda
0:8:54.390 --> 0:8:56.20
Shashank Channegowda
Something like header navigation.
0:8:56.210 --> 0:9:9.210
Shashank Channegowda
If I want the header or the header such but you should have the preexisting knowledge that the header
would always go into this block or this kind of, you know, search would go into this block.
0:9:9.270 --> 0:9:13.490
Shashank Channegowda
That is when you could find and add in those appropriate sections.
0:9:13.500 --> 0:9:18.250
Shashank Channegowda
If if you try to add a random block into this custom header section, it would not work.
0:9:18.440 --> 0:9:26.910
Shashank Channegowda
So you need to have that preexisting knowledge to know what block you would add where, and the best
way to get that knowledge is from the confluence section.
0:9:28.960 --> 0:9:31.150
Shashank Channegowda
So these are the preexisting blocks.
0:9:31.160 --> 0:9:43.310
Shashank Channegowda
All you would do is like, you know, just drag and drop it or start from you in order to start from you you
would just click on a new block and then again search for the header.
0:9:54.800 --> 0:9:59.220
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, the default header block and just add that and rename that block.
0:10:0.230 --> 0:10:15.690
Shashank Channegowda
So two ways to add it, the preexisting and something which is already or you could create the blocks
from start and again you need to know the blocks name to you in search and you know configure uh the
right way.
0:10:17.610 --> 0:10:20.280
Shashank Channegowda
So coming onto the things which are already preconfigured.
0:10:20.910 --> 0:10:28.20
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, you would see something which says custom light S hero, so this is a hero advanced block.
0:10:28.350 --> 0:10:31.830
Shashank Channegowda
So this is one kind of block which gets used in multiple places.
0:10:32.780 --> 0:10:35.110
Shashank Channegowda
This might be for your background image.
0:10:35.660 --> 0:10:42.120
Shashank Channegowda
It might be for something which says an image and it you might add links to this, or you might have a
video or a static image.
0:10:43.150 --> 0:10:52.920
Shashank Channegowda
So here uh, the it's just like, you know what they've configured is the video as you can see this is the
0:10:53.310 --> 0:11:2.150
Shashank Channegowda
What you're seeing is the Hero Advanced block, and they've added a video for this and you could see the
link for the video here.
0:11:7.470 --> 0:11:19.960
Shashank Channegowda
So when it comes for testing, we don't configure all these components, we just play around with things
which are already preconfigured and we would mostly get to know with references to as like define.
0:11:20.30 --> 0:11:21.680
Shashank Channegowda
This is the video section.
0:11:21.690 --> 0:11:28.620
Shashank Channegowda
This this is where you would find the video and you know changing this would see a difference in this.
0:11:29.680 --> 0:11:38.690
Shashank Channegowda
So the the most of the things are all preconfigured and we'll just play around with them if it is necessary
when it comes for, you know, regressing a tickets.
0:11:39.160 --> 0:12:15.150
Shashank Channegowda
But if on our daily smoke we don't touch or we don't change anything, so doing you know, they might
they these require some default values and you know if you're given some random numbers or
something out of the range the image might not fit in here properly or the width would might not be
correct and where to find this default sections or what is that value which is supposed to be given for
that kind of particular block you again would find it in the confidence a page of uh yeah the JIRA.
0:12:17.10 --> 0:12:18.750
Shashank Channegowda
So this is the Hero advanced block.
0:12:24.220 --> 0:12:24.340
Shashank Channegowda
0:12:25.560 --> 0:12:32.990
Shashank Channegowda
So I mean, there are many more examples for Hero Advanced block the way it is set then probably when
I talk about more start pages.
0:12:33.910 --> 0:12:36.440
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, wait, we'll we'll get into it.
0:12:37.550 --> 0:12:49.870
Shashank Channegowda
So once this is done so this is the shop gear and you as a good too, this is that block and so this is a card
carousel block.
0:12:50.590 --> 0:13:15.170
Shashank Channegowda
So carousel blocks or something where you would have multiple options on on on a single width where
you could see and each clicking on each of them would take you to different places and this is the center
block is the car carousel block and these individual slides are the card carousel slides which get
configured inside the card carousel block.
0:13:15.600 --> 0:13:22.370
Shashank Channegowda
So this is the card carousel block and you could even configure as to how many cards to be displayed on
the screen.
0:13:22.380 --> 0:13:25.410
Shashank Channegowda
So since they've mentioned 3 here, you would see three.
0:13:25.600 --> 0:13:38.60
Shashank Channegowda
If you have more cards you know present, configured, and if you just display 2 here, you would probably
have a I can hear arrow button to like scroll through them.
0:13:40.370 --> 0:13:43.210
Shashank Channegowda
And yeah, you can also configure the number of rows.
0:13:44.540 --> 0:13:48.50
Shashank Channegowda
These again are, you know, the the worth of adjustment.
0:13:48.60 --> 0:13:54.30
Shashank Channegowda
We don't, we don't play around with with that and the background color.
0:13:54.40 --> 0:14:3.710
Shashank Channegowda
So these are all like you know, we would just see what would happen if you change the color and
sometimes not not everything here would would work.
0:14:3.780 --> 0:14:12.290
Shashank Channegowda
Not every of the options here would be functional, so we just leave it up with what is, you know,
predominantly set.
0:14:13.920 --> 0:14:16.730
Shashank Channegowda
And this is for their the title, the shop care.
0:14:19.20 --> 0:14:29.820
Shashank Channegowda
And you could also make it so that you know when you click on the shopgate it it might, it could take you
to another section or it it could take you to somewhere else.
0:14:29.830 --> 0:14:33.490
Shashank Channegowda
So it's in something like, you know, this is subtitle.
0:14:33.500 --> 0:14:38.310
Shashank Channegowda
This is subtitle link and you could set up wherever you would want to go.
0:14:38.940 --> 0:14:51.500
Shashank Channegowda
A probably a page are a video to play in, or even when you click on that it might take you to a section
where it might open a particular product which is called as the catalog.
0:14:54.100 --> 0:14:57.230
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, so this this is the car.
0:14:57.360 --> 0:15:4.220
Shashank Channegowda
1000 slights, which are again configured inside this carousel.
0:15:4.230 --> 0:15:13.860
Shashank Channegowda
So here the first slide is like shop by Baitcast reel and that's the subject and this is the image and this is
the link.
0:15:14.630 --> 0:15:22.370
Shashank Channegowda
So Dev given yeah, this dev linked up the entire cast, the casting section of the catalog content.
0:15:22.380 --> 0:15:24.410
Shashank Channegowda
Here so when you click on this.
0:15:25.410 --> 0:15:27.920
Shashank Channegowda
It would take you to the, you know, the the casting section.
0:15:30.210 --> 0:15:32.180
Shashank Channegowda
These are all individually.
0:15:32.190 --> 0:15:35.140
Shashank Channegowda
I mean, we would be free to configure it.
0:15:35.760 --> 0:15:42.200
Shashank Channegowda
Whatever you would want to, uh, so you can even just click on this and have a video pop up shown up.
0:15:42.590 --> 0:15:48.690
Shashank Channegowda
But everything you would be playing around with card, carousel and the carousel slides that's the same
with the remaining videos.
0:16:13.390 --> 0:16:16.600
Shashank Channegowda
And these are all the arrow buttons to see.
0:16:17.230 --> 0:16:22.980
Shashank Channegowda
They know the Chevron arrows, so if you change them you would you would have different you.
0:16:22.990 --> 0:16:24.130
Shashank Channegowda
You might see a circled arrow.
0:16:27.120 --> 0:16:42.370
Shashank Channegowda
So these sections like we just click on this and see what it would happen and sometimes nothing would
change so that that would be a limitation like if nothing is happening, we probably ask why it's not
happening or refer to the confluence section.
0:16:42.380 --> 0:16:49.500
Shashank Channegowda
If that section was ever working and yeah, that would be our limit to like test.
0:16:49.510 --> 0:16:53.990
Shashank Channegowda
Sometimes this says this is deprecated, but even when you configure it would be working.
0:16:55.60 --> 0:17:7.100
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, so I mean we we are not sure like why that would be the case like so we just work with what's
already preconfigured.
0:17:8.890 --> 0:17:11.250
Shashank Channegowda
So the next is another.
0:17:15.330 --> 0:17:16.340
Shashank Channegowda
Here advanced blog.
0:17:17.630 --> 0:17:18.200
Shashank Channegowda
0:17:19.210 --> 0:17:21.760
Shashank Channegowda
So in this section they've added an image and.
0:17:25.660 --> 0:18:4.900
Shashank Channegowda
They've they've configured in such a way that this would, you know, it would look differently on desktop
and on mobile the shop now button and so in order for us to configure that you just click on this section
edit see where you know would want it to be visible, what this buttons would do when you click on that
shop now where it should take you to, you can just add in a a link here it it can also be a video link here
or a navigation section so so that's where the hero advance.
0:18:4.910 --> 0:18:16.530
Shashank Channegowda
So the earlier if the hero advance was just a video here, but with this hero advance block we could also
configure, you know, individual buttons on top of it so that you know it takes you to certain sections.
0:18:19.670 --> 0:18:20.750
Shashank Channegowda
So they have configured too.
0:18:21.480 --> 0:18:23.600
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, one of the story section of.
0:18:26.660 --> 0:18:27.200
Shashank Channegowda
0:18:28.920 --> 0:18:29.810
Shashank Channegowda
0:18:29.820 --> 0:18:36.860
Shashank Channegowda
That's one and I believe this is again another heroes advanced plot.
0:18:45.320 --> 0:18:53.300
Shashank Channegowda
So at times in in the pages we would need some spacing so that you know things look properly
0:18:53.630 --> 0:19:7.240
Shashank Channegowda
So we would rather give a spacer block this or, uh, we would add in a content block and you know here
they just put up black a banner.
0:19:7.610 --> 0:19:20.510
Shashank Channegowda
But you might also have an, usually a content block is used when there would be some, you know,
content written here, you know, rather than just giving space and empty space, you would have some
text written over it.
0:19:20.950 --> 0:19:23.240
Shashank Channegowda
So that's where you would use the content block.
0:19:26.340 --> 0:19:28.210
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, a better example would be.
0:20:4.950 --> 0:20:5.640
Shashank Channegowda
Then I'm not.
0:20:10.190 --> 0:20:12.390
Shashank Channegowda
And that's finding anything at the moment configured.
0:20:12.400 --> 0:20:16.490
Shashank Channegowda
But yeah, rather than just having space, you would have some different text mentioned here.
0:20:33.130 --> 0:20:37.180
Shashank Channegowda
The I mean inside a content block you would have something called as a widget called.
0:20:37.190 --> 0:20:38.530
Shashank Channegowda
What you see is what you get.
0:20:38.710 --> 0:20:44.310
Shashank Channegowda
So basically whatever you type there is what you would be seeing on you know, the front end site.
0:20:46.720 --> 0:20:48.810
Shashank Channegowda
So this I believe is another heroic.
0:20:50.110 --> 0:20:54.790
Shashank Channegowda
OK, so this is a regular hero block as opposed to a hero advanced.
0:20:56.230 --> 0:20:59.830
Shashank Channegowda
So yeah, the the way they've configured is.
0:21:4.210 --> 0:21:6.300
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, the image.
0:21:6.310 --> 0:21:6.580
Shashank Channegowda
0:21:6.630 --> 0:21:7.840
Shashank Channegowda
What comes with that?
0:21:8.310 --> 0:21:15.510
Shashank Channegowda
And the shop now button here is configured at the bottom with the link present to.
0:21:17.290 --> 0:21:18.760
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, yeah, here.
0:21:22.570 --> 0:21:23.900
Shashank Channegowda
With with the link to do like what?
0:21:23.910 --> 0:21:24.710
Shashank Channegowda
What's supposed to do?
0:21:31.910 --> 0:22:4.500
Shashank Channegowda
And these are again you know you to configure the buttons background color the width and where it has
to be positioned and if you want it on the left or in the center or anywhere in the top and how it has to
look on on mobile that reading this is like you would understand like what it does and you would have to
probably like you know play around with the options what is there and see how it would reflect on on on
the front of the page.
0:22:12.690 --> 0:22:17.30
Shashank Channegowda
And another, a spacer block and.
0:22:20.740 --> 0:22:21.120
Shashank Channegowda
0:22:21.160 --> 0:22:26.330
Shashank Channegowda
So this is the prostaff block is what they would call it.
0:22:33.680 --> 0:22:33.810
Shashank Channegowda
0:22:35.220 --> 0:22:41.900
Shashank Channegowda
So the I mean ideally when these blocks would be used to like showcase.
0:22:43.100 --> 0:23:15.810
Shashank Channegowda
Ohh something which has content written on top of it and you know you you might have a section to
again click on and get into that particular individuals you know gears are products which are which the
pros would be like basically be using and so this is where you get the content content of what would get
displayed there the name the way the name would be displayed and.
0:23:18.30 --> 0:23:30.250
Shashank Channegowda
And this is the link for what happens when you when you click on that and the rest others would would
be the background image and the image positioning it with and such.
0:23:31.950 --> 0:23:39.430
Shashank Channegowda
The reason probably they've used this is because they would want the names to be deflated this name to
be displayed.
0:23:39.550 --> 0:23:48.260
Shashank Channegowda
You know, in in a broader way which probably you could not do it in the hero advance because that
would not have these sections.
0:23:50.550 --> 0:23:50.930
Shashank Channegowda
0:23:53.10 --> 0:23:53.230
Shashank Channegowda
0:23:57.590 --> 0:23:57.780
Shashank Channegowda
0:24:4.510 --> 0:24:5.250
Shashank Channegowda
This is again.
0:24:11.230 --> 0:24:13.10
Shashank Channegowda
The Pro staff bro.
0:24:16.790 --> 0:24:34.840
Shashank Channegowda
So looking at this, you might, we might assume that this looks like a a card carousel where you have
options and where you could click, but since it requires them to have you know more about linking in the
direct, there must have pages.
0:24:41.150 --> 0:24:55.640
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, the the views, the Pro staff block, I mean, if we would want, we could also have done this in the
carousel by linking, you know putting up the image of the pros here and then you know, clicking on this,
making them take care.
0:24:55.730 --> 0:25:10.380
Shashank Channegowda
But I I for a QA, we wouldn't and we wouldn't know why they've done, you know, taken this approach
like we know that this there is a block which is preexisting called as a Pro staff pro.
0:25:10.390 --> 0:25:12.370
Shashank Channegowda
And this does the job.
0:25:12.410 --> 0:25:25.910
Shashank Channegowda
Probably this would do a job in a better way and we would just like you know, see that this is a block and
try to uh, batteries, things as OK, fine.
0:25:25.920 --> 0:25:29.300
Shashank Channegowda
This is probably the link look you know.
0:25:29.350 --> 0:25:33.30
Shashank Channegowda
Click on to the staff and this section will.
0:25:35.820 --> 0:25:38.240
Shashank Channegowda
I mean changing this would do certain things.
0:25:46.550 --> 0:25:53.700
Shashank Channegowda
So the advantage of this Pro staff block is like you don't have to set up those individual carousels like you
know individual content.
0:25:53.710 --> 0:26:14.450
Shashank Channegowda
So this block probably would capture in everything you know when the moment you given the link it it
might auto populate so that is the reason we don't have any individuals you know slides like card,
carousel slides kind of a setup here that might be the advantage of you know having a pro staff blocked
0:26:22.290 --> 0:26:32.950
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, I mean this would, you know, because this was, this would cover majority of our start page would
look like on on every other site.
0:26:34.10 --> 0:26:41.300
Shashank Channegowda
I would I could probably take up one which looks like and that because so this is the hero block and.
0:26:43.820 --> 0:26:46.450
Shashank Channegowda
Good this show another example.
0:27:17.180 --> 0:27:20.990
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, I mean, everything is almost identical.
0:27:21.0 --> 0:27:23.950
Shashank Channegowda
There is nothing new this used.
0:27:24.440 --> 0:27:27.390
Shashank Channegowda
This is a hero block for for this section.
0:27:29.840 --> 0:27:30.270
Shashank Channegowda
0:27:33.490 --> 0:27:37.690
Shashank Channegowda
To the spaces and yeah, this is the card that I wasn't.
0:27:37.700 --> 0:27:40.450
Shashank Channegowda
So the this is again like the category.
0:27:40.460 --> 0:27:42.200
Shashank Channegowda
Is this based on carousels?
0:27:44.600 --> 0:27:45.940
Shashank Channegowda
And yeah.
0:27:48.260 --> 0:27:50.120
Shashank Channegowda
These are the slides, OK.
0:27:59.650 --> 0:28:1.920
Shashank Channegowda
I mean the the thousand there.
0:28:1.930 --> 0:28:8.140
Shashank Channegowda
Who hero advanced the the spaces and there is one last thing called this.
0:28:9.770 --> 0:28:14.550
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, the Instagram or the you have to special.
0:28:15.770 --> 0:28:18.40
Shashank Channegowda
So ideally, you're supposed to see something.
0:28:18.370 --> 0:28:18.700
Shashank Channegowda
0:28:18.710 --> 0:28:26.990
Shashank Channegowda
So this this is the Instagram section and you would be finding on majority of the majority of the pages.
0:28:27.520 --> 0:28:34.980
Shashank Channegowda
So these lines would be responsible to populate all these all these content.
0:28:36.350 --> 0:28:39.460
Shashank Channegowda
So there is nothing would be, you know configuring.
0:28:47.250 --> 0:28:47.680
Shashank Channegowda
0:28:47.690 --> 0:29:6.40
Shashank Channegowda
So this is on Lewis at the moment and yeah, so so we do not know where or where is that gallery or
what, what is that or how is how many blocks is that you would be seeing you might be seeing so many
blocks here thinking that where is this block?
0:29:6.50 --> 0:29:7.420
Shashank Channegowda
Where is the image coming from?
0:29:7.430 --> 0:29:21.630
Shashank Channegowda
Or when you click on this, how is that this link is being configured but there are certain sections where
we wouldn't know like how it gets done and we assume that probably this comes from this part of the
0:29:22.20 --> 0:29:29.720
Shashank Channegowda
So there are some blocks where you just write in 2-3 lines of the code and that line of that code would
be pulling in data from somewhere else.
0:29:31.850 --> 0:29:35.280
Shashank Channegowda
And this is one such of an one such of an example.
0:29:38.860 --> 0:30:5.950
Shashank Channegowda
And yeah, the remaining part of what you see on or what you have configured on the start pages, the
inline cart, the scroll to top in the footer so every start page or every page of for instance would have the
section preconfigured which is the footer, which again is a block and you just click on and it's just a block.
0:30:5.960 --> 0:30:8.390
Shashank Channegowda
So you you don't configure it, so we don't configure it.
0:30:8.400 --> 0:30:12.740
Shashank Channegowda
All these links and all these, that's exact what is done.
0:30:12.750 --> 0:30:21.400
Shashank Channegowda
So this is already a block which is in the CMS and probably we'll just find that and add it from this here if
if it's not present anywhere.
0:30:22.190 --> 0:30:29.740
Shashank Channegowda
So this is also another preconfigured or not much to do configuration kind of a block.
0:30:30.50 --> 0:30:40.770
Shashank Channegowda
The scroll to top, so this is that when you click on this is that it just takes you to the top section and this
is the in line card block.
0:30:41.810 --> 0:30:48.680
Shashank Channegowda
So for for now we have the inline carts for only on Lewis and Mark Nation.
0:30:49.650 --> 0:31:12.60
Shashank Channegowda
And if this is not configured, you would see the regular shopping cart block, which you could see is here
and if the site supports the inline cart and you just add that block, you would see the card pop up on and
on the page.
0:31:17.830 --> 0:31:18.70
Shashank Channegowda
0:31:18.80 --> 0:31:25.860
Shashank Channegowda
I mean in detail of what the you know, each of this would be explained in the further sections of the
0:31:27.190 --> 0:31:29.740
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, but yeah, that that should conclude.
0:31:29.750 --> 0:31:34.460
Shashank Channegowda
What about stat pages and the blocks which gets inside of it?
0:31:34.470 --> 0:31:47.570
Shashank Channegowda
And how would you see what that block would do, or to get an understanding of, you know, changing
what or you know what is that you see on the the front end and how is that being configured?
0:31:49.30 --> 0:31:49.460
Shashank Channegowda
0:31:49.740 --> 0:31:50.420
Shashank Channegowda
The CMS level.
0:31:53.310 --> 0:31:54.760
Shashank Channegowda
So any questions you guys?
0:32:7.440 --> 0:32:7.670
Harshitha Ballal
0:32:6.240 --> 0:32:12.500
Shashank Channegowda
Uh, so also there is one other section called as the navigation and you would configure.
0:32:15.140 --> 0:32:27.70
Shashank Channegowda
Yeah, these things it would want to configure the shop, buy and what the shop are and all these links you
would see that here and this sub block.
0:32:29.990 --> 0:32:35.650
Shashank Channegowda
The menu to call call to action, so this gets configured here.
0:32:41.600 --> 0:32:42.550
Shashank Channegowda
It's not good.
0:32:49.120 --> 0:32:49.330
Shashank Channegowda
0:32:50.460 --> 0:32:51.540
Shashank Channegowda
Any questions at all?
0:32:57.240 --> 0:32:57.680
Harshitha Ballal
0:32:58.220 --> 0:32:58.740
Sarath Pallipatt Vijayakumar
You know this?
0:33:5.480 --> 0:33:5.640
Shashank Channegowda
0:33:5.650 --> 0:33:6.260
Shashank Channegowda
That. That's.
0:33:5.450 --> 0:33:7.550
Kumar Kondragunta
So technically, do you guys understand that?
0:33:7.560 --> 0:33:15.640
Kumar Kondragunta
Like, what is the advantage of having the CMS in place saying that OK in case if we want to change a
change the hero block, a developer doesn't have to do anything.
0:33:15.650 --> 0:33:24.300
Kumar Kondragunta
So this is are all things, usually the marketing team itself will do it so they can do it without the help of a
0:33:24.390 --> 0:33:26.560
Kumar Kondragunta
They can change the look and feel of the website.
0:33:27.90 --> 0:33:36.370
Kumar Kondragunta
Most probably, but I would say like majority of the times like what we may do is say working or like what
video that should be displayed on the homepage etcetera.
0:33:39.650 --> 0:33:39.920
Shashank Channegowda
0:33:51.440 --> 0:33:51.670
Shashank Channegowda
0:33:51.110 --> 0:33:55.880
Kumar Kondragunta
OK, I will stop the recording and we will name this as creating hero blocks on the home page, right?
0:33:57.310 --> 0:33:57.530
Shashank Channegowda
0:34:0.150 --> 0:34:0.470
Kumar Kondragunta

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