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Filamer Christian University


Roxas Avenue, Roxas City


Directions: Comprehensively answer all test questions/items found below. Ten points each.

Jean Bodin
1. Can the subjects encroach on the honor or life of a virtuous tyrant?

Thomas Hobbes
2. Can an arbitrary Leviathan be resisted by the subjects?

John Locke
3. How did Locke justify private property?

Baron de Montesquieu
4. What is a law and what are its parts? How laws ought to be made?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

5. What is general will? Is it fallible? What will become of a man if he follows the general will?

Immanuel Kant
6. What is a categorical imperative? What are the implications of this 2nd version of Kant’s
categorical imperative: “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your person or in
the person of any other, never simply as means, but always at the same time as an end.”

Edmund Burke
7. Why the poor must not be allowed to participate directly in the affairs of the government?

Jeremy Bentham
8. What makes an act utilitarian?

Alexis de Tocqueville
9. What are the two kinds of democratic despotism and how can these be prevented?

Karl Marx
10. Using Marx’ interpretation of history, comprehensively discuss how a classless society can
be achieved?

Wisest is she who knows she does not know. -Socrates

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