Complete Index & Shop Manual

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CUTTER GUARDS IN PLACE-----------------




USED SHOP RAGS--------------------------------




























Copyright © 1996, 2022 by Bookworks, Inc. Published The author and editors who compiled this book have
on paper in 1993 by Rodale Press, Inc. tried to make all the contents as accurate and as
Revised/published digitally in 2022 by Bookworks, Inc. correct as possible. Plans, illustrations, photographs,
and text have all been carefully checked and
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be crosschecked. However, due to the variability of local
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any other means of information storage and retrieval or for damages or other losses incurred that result
without the written permission of the publisher. from the material presented herein. All instructions
If you have any questions or comments concerning this and plans should be carefully studied and clearly
book, please write: understood before beginning construction.
Bookworks, Inc. Special Thanks to:
P.O. Box 204
West Milton, OH 45383 USA University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
About the Author:
Nick Engler is an accomplished woodworker, author, Victoria Hathaway
teacher, and pilot. He was a luthier making traditional West Milton, Ohio
American musical instruments before founding Hands Wertz Hardware
On! magazine. He taught craftsmanship and engineering West Milton, Ohio
with wood at the University of Cincinnati, built pioneer
aircraft and flight simulators for museums and exhibits Winterthur Museum
worldwide, and wrote over fifty books and hundreds of Winterthur, Delaware
magazine articles and project plans. He now manages Other books in the Workshop Companion Series and contributes videos to include:
the Workshop Companion Channel on YouTube. Finish Carpentry
Our Team: Finishing
Series Editor: Kevin Ireland Gluing and Clamping
Editors: Bob Moran Joining Wood
Roger Yepsen Making Boxes and Chests
Copy Editor: Sarah Dunn Making Built-In Cabinets
Graphic Designer: Linda Watts Making Desks and Bookcases
Illustrator: Mary Jane Favorite Making Jigs and Fixtures
Master Craftsman: Jim McCann Making Tables and Chairs
Photographer: Karen Callahan Sharpening
Cover Photographer: Mitch Mandel Routing and Shaping
Proofreader: Hue Park Sanding and Planing
Indexer: Beverly Bremer Using Hand Tools
Typesetting by Computer Typography/Huber Heights, Using the Band Saw
Ohio Using the Drill Press
Interior and endpaper illustrations by Mary Jane Favorite Using the Scroll Saw
Produced by Bookworks, Inc., West Milton, Ohio Using the Table Saw
Wood and Woodworking Materials
Workbenches and Shop Furniture
ISBN 0-87596-739-6 Complete Index and Shop Manual
These are available at the Workshop Companion
General Store.
C ontents
I n tr o d u c tio n v

C o m p r e h e n s iv e I n d e x i

P r o je c t In d ex 53

J ig and F ixture I n d e x 6i

R e fer en ce C h arts 89
Tangential and Radial Wood Movement 90
Wood Hazards 91
Relative Wood Strengths 92
Sharpening Stones 94
Maximum Shelving Spans 96
Standard Desk Dimensions 96
Standard Table Dimensions 97
Standard Cabinet Dimensions 98
Standard Chair Dimensions 100
Adjusting for Chair Height 101
Chair Woods 102
Wood Bondability 103 t
Properties of Common Adhesives 104
Common Gluing Problems and Solutions 106
Properties of Common Finishes 107
Hazardous Finishing Chemicals 108
Common Floor Finishes 110
Abrasive Types, Grades, and Applications 110
Compound Miter Angles 111
Twist Bit Sizes 112
Recommended Drill Press Speeds 113
Common Band Saw Blades 114
Common Table Saw Blades 115

R e f e re n c e C h a r t s — C o n t in u e d

Common Molding Knives 116

Coped Joints 117
Common Jig and Fixture Assemblies 118
Jig-Making Materials 119

T he W orkshop C ompanion S eries 120

I n t r o d u c t io n
projects. As much as I love this stuff, I can’t keep it all in
my head. Most woodworkers, after all, can’t rattle off the
contents of their scrap bins, even though they seem to have
an emotional bond with each and every board. There’s just
too much good stuff to keep track of.
You probably have a similar feeling about your wood­
working library. Why else do we craftsmen save every
single woodworking magazine we buy? Scraps of informa­
tion, like scraps of wood, have exciting potential. A single
board with just the right grain pattern often makes the dif­
ference between a good effort and a masterpiece. And so
every board, no matter how small, is worth its weight in
gold if you save it for just the right project. By the same
token, a single tip or technique can often make a real differ­
ence in your craftsmanship. The trick is being able to ferret
out those scraps of wood and information when they’ll do
you the most good.
I can help with some of that. I’ve yet to discover a good
way to organize scrap wood— my boards always seems to
dissolve into creative chaos within a few minutes of sorting
them out. But I can make some of the valuable information
in your library more accessible.
S craps Whether you’ve collected all of the Workshop
Once a month I get together with a couple dozen Companion books or just a few, you have a ton of informa­
craftsmen. We hijack a nearby restaurant and, like crusty tion to sort through. Each book contains diverse material
fishermen, tell each other shop lies for a few hours. Often, on a single woodworking topic, and the entire series
the topic of prevarication turns to “rediscovered trea­ includes over 2,500 pages of information, making it one of
sures”— bits of exotic wood, forgotten tools, and unfinished the largest and most comprehensive works on wood­
projects that woodworkers find when they clean out the working ever published. To help you find those elusive
bins, cabinets, and corners in their shops. Noncraftsmen scraps of information when you need them, we’ve put
might find this dull, but woodworkers are easily enter­ together a comprehensive guide and cross-reference to the
tained. I have seen a woodworker describe the newly Workshop Companion series.
uncovered flotsam and jetsam at the bottom of his scrap The Complete Index and Shop Manual actually con­
bin to a spellbound audience for the better part of an hour. tains four distinct parts, each designed to help you find a spec­
It was as if he were Cortez, returned from the New World ific kind of information quickly. The Comprehensive Index
with fantastic tales of Aztec gold. includes every topic in the series, as the name suggests.
I have that same pleasant feeling of rediscovery looking There are also separate indices for the Jigs and Fixtures and
over my research notes for the 20 books in the Workshop the Projects from the series, so you can quickly find exactly
Companion series. In many ways, these form a scrap bin of what you want in these areas. In the last section—
woodworking ideas— folder after folder of information that Reference Charts— I’ve collected information that most
I have collected on the woodworking process, from lum­ woodworkers use on a daily basis into a single, convenient
bering to finishing and everything in between. And even location. If all you need is a quick read or something to jog
though I’ve written extensively about this material, I enjoy your memory, you’ll likely find it in one of these charts.
going over it again, refreshing my memory and becoming
reacquainted with interesting ideas, techniques, jigs, and

How t o U se T h is B o o k
This index is like any shop tool— you need to know
how to use it in order to get a specific job done. Here’s how
the Workshop Companion Complete Index and Shop
Manual works.
First, each section is organized alphabetically To the
right of each entry is a two- or three-letter code that indi­
cates the book in which you’ll find information on that
entry. A key at the bottom of each page provides the corre­
sponding titles of all the volumes in the Workshop
Companion series.
Second, because a picture really can be worth a thou­
sand words, we’ve included photos wherever possible—
every project is shown, every jig and fixture, and just to
make the index more fun to use, a few photos or illustra­
tions are displayed on every page of the comprehensive
index. It’s worth noting that in many cases, the photo of a
jig is all you’ll need to make your own version. In effect, the
photo gives you the jig idea, and for many craftsmen,
making the jig is easy once they’ve seen the concept.
Before I go, I’d like to thank you sincerely for choosing
the Workshop Companion books to be part of your library.
I realize that many of these tomes will be used in your
shops and dens for years to come, and this is an honor that
I did not take lightly when I wrote them. As one craftsman
to another, I know just how precious these scraps of infor­
mation can be.

With all good wishes,

PS. If you’d like to order any of the books in the

Workshop Companion series, you’ll find a brief descrip­
tion of each volume along with a toll-free telephone
number on pages 1 20-121. t

C om prehensive
I ndex
C o m pr eh en siv e
I n d ex
Note: Page num bers are preceded by initials indicating which book the references are found in. The shaded
key below lists each book with its initials.

A Accessories, TS14-17
angle vise, DP16, 55
Abrasives, F42, 43, 86, 87; S12, 13, 16, 17, anti-vibration pads, SS25
19-21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 33-35, 37, auxiliary table, DP 18, 19
38, 39, 41, 42, 44-50, 56, 57, 59, 67, belts, SS10, 39
68, 70,71, 76, 77, 79,86, 88,89, blade-changing fixture, SS23, 29, 30
93-95, 98, 102, 103, 105, 107, 113, blade clamps, SS3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23,
114,115 28-34, 36, 37, 38, 48, 77, 78, 80,
aluminum oxide, SP42, 43, 44, 58 83, 90-92
backing material, SP44, 45, 52, 58, blade holder, SS9, 17, 82
107 blower, SS3, 1 1 ,2 3 ,3 6 ,3 8
changing, SP65 center drill, DP67
cleaner, SP64, 65 center reamer, DP13
closed-coat sandpaper, SP45 chisel bit, DP74, 75
coating, SP45 collet, DP85
Abrasive belt and disc
conical disc, SP47 cool blocks, BS11, 13, 30
cord, SP63, 64 cross vise, D P I6, 91
drum, SP46, 49 dovetail fixtures, AR17, 18
flexible, SP49, 52, 53, 58 dowel center, DP79
flint, SP42, 44 drill bushing, DP53
garnet, SP42, 43, 44, 58 drill guide, DP9, 63, 79, 80
grade, SP43, 44, 55, 56, 61 drilling attachment, SS24
grit, SP9, 43, 44, 55, 56, 58, 60, 65, drill press clamp, D P I6, 17
107, 117 drill press vise, DP 16
hook-and-loop mounting, SP46 drum sander, DP16, 18, 19, 82-85
material, SP42, 43, 44, 58 dust collector, BS31
mop, SP52, 53 fence, BS11, 12,45
mounting, SP45, 46 flap sanders, DP18
open-coat sandpaper, SP45 flexible shaft tool, SS24
pressure-sensitive mounting, SP45, 46, flutter sheets, DP 18
62 fly cutter, DP11, 13, 50, 51
sandpaper, SP41-46, 50, 51, 54, 55, foot switch, DP36; SS25, 42, 43
56, 59,60, 63,64, 65, 107, 118, grinding cone, DP90
121 grinding cup, DP18, 90
silicon carbide, SP42, 43, 44, 58 grinding drum, DP18, 90-92
sleeve, SP49, 53 grinding wheel, DP18, 90
stearate-coated sandpaper, SP45 guide bushings, AR78
use, SP41-43, 44, 45, 47, 53, 54, 62 guide collar, AR4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18,
Absorption of finish, F32, 33 1 9 ,2 9 ,3 1 ,3 2

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B a n d S aw

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r il l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; F C — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

hand chisel, DP70, 71 Adhesion, GC3

hold-down, DP17, 72, 73 Adhesive, GC3, 14
hole saw, DP7, 11, 13, 50, 51 Adjustable featherboard, T S30, 31
hollow chisel, DP17, 70, 72, 73, 74 Adjustable router guide, BIC 61, 62, 63
Incra jig, AR15 Adjustment
joint maker, DP63 blade, BS37, 57
lamp, SS24, 43, 59, 93, 99 blade guide, BS4, 9, 30, 37, 39, 55
Leigh dovetail jig, AR17, 18, 19 blade tension, BS5, 8, 9, 17, 24, 25,
lettering template, SS55 60
light, BS41 blade tracking, BS5, 8, 9, 2 4 -2 6 , 27
mandrel, D P120, 121 blade twist, BS9
miter gauge, AR4, 5, 26, 103, 108; depth of cut, BS7, 12, 13
BS4, 11, 1 2 ,4 4 , 4 5 ,4 6 fence, BS12, 45, 46
mortising attachment, DP16, 17, 70, worktable, BS37, 45, 55, 59
7 2 ,7 3 Adze, HT71
overarm router, AR34, 103 Air compressor, F75
pantograph, AR41, 49, 50; SS57, Air scrubber, SP67
6 0 -6 2 Alder, W W M 14, 18, 25, 70
plug cutter, DP13, 14 Alignment and adjustment, T S19, 20 Shaping a chair seat with
pneumatic sander, DP 18 alignment jig, DP50 an adze
pounce wheel, SS58 blade, T S19, 23, 24
protractor, SS33, 34 blade clamps, SS31, 32, 33
pulleys, SS10, 39 board, T S26, 27
quick-release clamps, SS8, 38, 74, 77, depth stop, DP3, 16, 33, 34, 37, 70,
90 88
riser block, B S11, 12, 13 guide blocks, BS4, 24, 29, 30
rotary planer, DP16, 17 miter gauge, T S23, 59
rotary rasp, DP16, 18 mounting blade, SS8, 9, 29, 30
router duplicator, AR41, 50, 51, 67 rip fence, T S20, 23, 69
router tool rest, AR66, 67, 72, 73 router, RS26, 29
sand base, SS25, 26, 27, 39, 74, 77, 91 router table fence, RS26, 35
saw stand, B S37, 38, 47, 55, 56, 69, 84 run-out, DP24, 25, 27
screw drill, DP13, 14, 61 shaper, RS42, 43
sign-making kits, AR32 shaper fence, RS42, 43
steel dowel pin, DP91 split routing fence, RS31
stool, SS43, 59 splitter, T S20, 21
stop collar, DP 14, 16, 37 table angle, SS11, 28, 33, 34
storage, DP6, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, table height, DP3, 4, 7, 8, 25, 29, 30
43 table lock, DP3, 4, 29, 30
strip sanding kit, BS11, 13 1 table saw, JW 3 0 A ir scrubber traps sanding
surfacer, DP 16, 17 table tilt, DP3, 25, 29, 30 dust
tenon cutter, DP13, 14, 77 tapering jig, T S 80
wire drill chuck, DP6 tensioning blade, SS3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
wire wheel, DP 18, 19 2 8 - 3 1 ,4 4 , 7 5 ,8 2 ,9 2
worktable extension, BS9, 11, 13 thrust bearings, BS24, 28
zero chuck, DP6 wheels, BS5, 8, 28
Acid(s) Aliphatic resin glue, GC4, 6, 7, 11, 14
nitric, F55, 106 Alternate top bevel and raker grind, T S11,
oxalic, F61 13
tannic, F57 Alternate top bevel grind, T S11, 13
Adherends, GC3 Alternative tools, RS88

JW — -Jo in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t in g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw;

TC— M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Aluminum oxide, S19, 22, 23, 39, 93, 102;

SP42, 43, 44, 58
Amaranth, W W M 38 Babbit, Sister Tabitha, TS2
American Empire style, T C 8, 11 Backing up work, R S28
American Jacobean style, T C 8, 10 Back routing, AR62
American Moderne style, T C 9, 11 Backsplash, B IC 8 8 -9 0 , 95, 120
Ammonia, F 56, 121 Backtracking, BS40; SS46, 47, 48
Anchor for fasteners, JW 4 Balancing the router, RS32
Angle divider, T S 60 Bamboo, W W M 21
Angles, compound miter, JW 3 9 Band clamp, G C 24, 28, 31, 52, 58, 62, 63,
Angle vise, D P I6, 55 64, 65, 66
Aniline dye, F10, 52, 53, 54, 5 7 -5 9 , 98 Band clamp peg rail, G C 31, 33
Annual rings, JW 8 Banding, B IC 58, 59, 89, 90, 119
Anti-kickback design, T S12 heat bend, AR77
Antique finish, F24 inlaying, A R 75-77
Application of finishes, F3, 7, 6 4 -8 2 template, AR77
Arbor, TS3 Band saw, JF 2 1 , 22, 23, 34, 44, 64, 70, 72,
hole, T S 10 77, 8 0 ,8 8 , 120; JW 8 9
router, RS7 Band sawing boxes, B C 1 7 -2 0 , 21
size, T S8 Band saw types
Arborvitae, W W M 32 belt driven, B S10, 20
Arkansas stone, S17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 44 direct drive, B S10
Arm, SS3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 0 -1 2 , 36, 49, 75, 76, horizontal, BS6, 7, 9
7 8 -8 3 , 9 0 -9 2 pulley driven, B S10
Art Deco style, TC 9, 11 three-wheel, BS5, 6, 7, 17
Art Furniture style, TC 9, 11 tilting frame, BS7
Artist’s oil paint, F10 two-wheel, BS5, 6, 20
Arts and Crafts style, DB21, 49; TC 9, 11 Bar clamp
Ash, W W M 6, 14, 18, 25, 80, 82, 83 beam, G C 21, 22
Aspen, W W M 14, 1 8 ,2 5 bracket, G C 32, 34
Assembling cam clamp, G C 22, 23, 9 9 -1 0 1
bookcase, G C 57, 66, 67 cauls, G C 30
box, G C 5 7 -6 0 , 61 double, G C 22
cabinet, G C 66, 67 flat, G C 21, 22
chair, G C 57, 64, 65 four-way, GC 22
chest, G C 57, 58 jaw extender, GC21
door, G C 57, 62 pipe, G C 21, 22, 50, 9 6 -9 8
Banding inlaid in a panel
drawer, G C 57, 58, 61 quick-action, G C 22, 23
frame, G C 57, 62, 63 storage, G C 31, 32, 33
table, G C 57, 64, 65 using, G C 17, 28, 51, 52, 5 8 -6 0 , 62,
winding sticks, G C 60, 61 64, 66, 67, 69
Assembly jigs, JF 5 9 , 60 Barrier cream, F18
Auger file, S25, 82, 83; SP82 Bar-top finish, F10
Auxiliary fence, J F 6 5 -6 8 , 69, 72 Base, DP3, 4, 5, 6, 64; SS10, 75, 8 6 -8 8 , 91,
Auxiliary table, B S37, 4 7 -5 2 , 55, 61, 68, 92
69; DP18, 19 Base, router, RS8, 9
Auxiliary tool rest, S34 Base-mounted guides, RS33, 34
Auxiliary work surface, AR41 Basic cuts, JW 2 8 -2 9
Awl, HT8, 16, 17, 113 Basic router, RS6
Axe, S6, 25, 33 Basic routing and shaping techniques,
Ayr stone, S18 R S 2 4 -4 9

K EY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; B C — M a k in g B oxes and C h ests; B IC — M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B and S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; D P — U s in g t h e D r il l P ress; F — F in is h in g ; FC— F in i s h C arpen try;

GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


Basswood, W W M 14, 18, 25, 26, 37 Blade(s)

Bastard cut file, S25 adjustment, BS37, 57
Beading, RS81, 88 alignment, T S19
Beading tool, H T49, 50, 9 8 -1 0 2 ; RS88 anti-kickback, TS12
Beads, AR52, 6 6 -6 8 , 69 applications, SS13, 19-21
Beam and trestle workbench, W SF 22 blade-changing fixture, SS23, 29, 30
Beam clamp, G C 21, 22 carbide-tipped, T S 10
Beam compass, A R 4 1 -4 3 , 45; T S 120 carriage, T S3, 8
Beam press, DP2 changing, BS4, 12, 33; SS8, 23, 29, 30,
Bearings, pilot, RS33 59, 74
Bed molding, R S77 chisel tooth, TS11
Beech, W W M 14, 18, 26 choosing, T S 9 -1 4
Beeswax, F89, 90 cleaning, BS33, 34
Belt and pulleys, BS3, 8, 10, 20, 21 combination, T S11, 12, 13
Belt-driven grinder, S33 common table saw, TS13 Kerf bending
Belt sander, F38, 39; S32, 39, 40; SP46, 47, crosscut, T S11, 13
4 9 ,5 1 ,5 7 , 58, 62 cut-off, T S11, 13
Bench, half-moon, JW 1 0 8 -1 1 0 cuts per inch, BS16
Bench dogs, W S F 1 7 -2 0 , 29, 31, 32, 33, features, BS3, 7, 1 4 -1 7
3 9 - 4 1 ,4 3 ,4 5 ,1 1 6 folding, BS35
Bench drill press, DP2, 5, 6, 7, 108 grind, BS15, 16, 19
Benches, TC 2, 9 8 -1 0 3 guard, BS4, 5
Bench grinder, S32, 33, 35, 36, 42, 53, 103, gullets, B S 1 4 -1 6 , 29
116 height, T S23, 24, 69
Bench hook, W SF 29, 47 hollow-ground, T S10, 11, 12, 13, 24
Bench jack, W SF 48 honing the back, BS29
Bench-mounted shave horse, F 4 5 -5 0 hook-tooth, BS16, 19, 22, 55, 56
Bench plane, S6, 8, 9, 12; SP73, 74, 75, 76, kerf, BS14, 15, 1 9 ,4 3
88 lead, B S12, 44, 4 5, 46, 56, 58, 59,
Bench saw, T S4 69 Biscuit joint
Bench slave, W SF 29, 48 maintenance, BS33, 34; T S 38, 39
Bench stone, S2, 12, 13, 1 7 -2 4 , 26, 27, 28, making your own, BS34
37, 39, 4 4 -4 6 , 47, 51, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, materials, BS17, 18, 25
6 4 -6 6 , 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, mounting, BS29, 30
1 1 5 ,1 1 6 mounting slot, BS4
Bench vise, W S F 1 5 -1 9 , 29, 3 3 -3 6 , 116 pitch, BS14, 15, 16, 19
Bending, kerf, T S84, 85, 120 plywood, T S11, 12, 13, 58
Bending press, G C 26 radius, BS15, 19
Bevel, S28, 44, 45, 46, 47, 5 1 -5 3 , 5 6 -6 1 , ringing, T S33, 39
6 4 ,6 8 ,7 8 , 1 1 5 ;S S 4 9 , 50, 67 rip, T S10, 12, 13
Beveling, T S50, 51, 78, 79, 112, 113, 115 run-out, T S22, 39
Bevel-setting jig, JF 4 1 set, BS14, 17, 1 9 ,2 9
Bible box, DB3 sharpening, BS33
Bins, W SF 19, 26, 27, 28, 48, 58, 59, 68, size, T S7
6 9 ,7 3 ,7 9 ,8 0 , 105, 106, 110, 117 skip-tooth, BS16, 19, 22, 55
Birch, W W M 9, 14, 17, 18, 26, 67, 69, 70 stabilizers, TS12
Biscuit, JW 5 8 standard-tooth, BS16, 19, 22, 55 '
joiner, JW 5 8 teeth, B S 1 4 -1 7 , 18, 19, 22, 29, 55, 56;
joint, B IC 55, 56; JW 5 8 -6 0 ; RS68 T S9, 10
Bit rotation, RS27, 28 teeth per inch, BS14, 15, 16, 19
Blade stabilizers
Bits, router, RS3, 2 0 -2 3 , 32, 41, 42, 61, 78, 79 tension, BS5, 8, 9, 17, 24, 25, 60

JW — -J o in in g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Blade (continued) Federal style, D B16, 17, 4 9 -5 1

testing tilt angle of, T S 25, 61 Handicraft Revival style, D B24
thin-kerf, T S 12, 13 hanging, DB6, 26, 30
tilt, T S 23, 24, 60, 61 joinery, D B25, 4 0 -4 4
tooth spacing, BS14, 15; S S 1 4 -1 6 Mission style, D B21, 109
tooth style, S S 1 4 -1 6 , 18 module, D B14
tracking, BS5, 8, 9, 2 4 -2 6 , 27 Queen Anne style, D B16, 109
twist, BS9 Shaker style, DB19
universal numbering, SS14, 15, 18, shelves, DB4, 5, 25, 2 6 -2 9 , 3 0 -3 3 ,
1 9 -2 1 4 0 -4 3 , 4 4 -4 8 , 67, 1 0 5 -1 0 8 ,
uses, BS19 1 1 6 -1 1 9
whistling, T S39 shelving unit, DB4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 26,
width, B S 1 4 -1 6 , 1 9 ,2 0 ,2 2 28, 29, 44, 46
Blade guide, BS4, 5 Southwest style, D B22, 28, 109
adjustment, BS4, 9, 30, 37, 39, 55 stacking, D B11, 14
features, BS3 standing, DB6, 16, 26, 29
thrust bearings, BS4, 24, 28 style, DB2, 1 6 -2 4 , 109
Bleaching, F61 ventilation, D B33, 34, 120
Bleeding Victorian style, DB14, 16, 20, 109
stain, F59 wall unit, D B11, 14
wipe-on finish, F68 Book matching, B S66
Blind cuts, JW 2 9 Booth(s)
Blind dadoes, T S 71, 72, 118, 119 portable finishing, F56, 7 9 -8 2 , 121
Blind dado joint, JW 4 6 , 47, 9 8 -9 9 spray, F 17, 75, 76
Blind dado joint Blind joints, R S56, 57, 61, 62 Boring, DP2, 6, 10, 11, 28, 46, 48, 62, 63,
Block, sanding, F38, 39, 85, 86 77
Block plane, S5; SP73, 74, 75, 76 Bottom supports, BIC 29
Blower, SS3, 1 1 ,2 3 ,3 6 ,3 8 Bow-front sofa table, T S 1 1 6 -1 2 1
Blushing, F76 Bowl gouge, S60
Board siz e,JW 1 0 , 11, 14, 15 Boxes, G C 5 7 -6 0 , 61; JW 1 3
Bocote, W W M 35, 36 band sawing, B C 1 7 -2 0 , 21
Body, saw, T S 3, 9 cylindrical, BC 18, 19
Bonds, F10, 12, 13 drawers, BC 19, 20, 21
Bookcase, G C 57, 66, 67 false bottom, BC 40
adjustable, D B 1 0 4 -1 0 9 hardware, B C 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 85,
Arts and Crafts style, D B21, 49 9 9 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 3
Bible box, DB3 joined, BC 43
bookends, DB48 joinery, B C 2 3 -2 7 , 28, 29, 3 0 -3 3 , 57,
breakfront, DB10, 11, 29 98
cabinet-on-frame, D B10 lids, BC3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 4 -1 7 , 18, 19, 23,
case construction, D B 2 6 -2 8 3 4 -4 0 , 41, 42, 80, 8 2 -8 5 , 99, 100,
contemporary style, D B16, 23, 27, 28, 103
49, 51 one-piece, BC 2, 3 -4 , 5, 6, 7, 8 -1 3 ,
country style, DB18, 49 14-21
design, D B 2 -7 , 10, 11, 14, 15 routing, BC 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 -1 3
dimensions, D B 29-31 secret compartment, BC 40
Lathe-turned box
display case, D B 11 6 -1 2 2 six-board, B C 2 2 -2 7 , 28, 29, 3 0 -3 3 ,
door, DB4, 5, 14, 16, 23, 26, 27, 28, 3 4 -3 9 , 40, 80
40, 4 9 -5 4 , 67, 116, 117, 120, 121 tray, B C 100, 101, 103
electronics, D B15, 3 3 -3 5 turning, B C 1 4 -1 7
entertainment center, D B11, 15 Box-type stand, W S F 5 0 -5 3 , 61

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F in is h in g ; F C — F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; j f — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

Brad-point bit, DP10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 28,

29, 34, 43, 45, 46, 62, 68, 70; JW 4 5 , 51;
S81, 82, 83, 84 C-clamp, G C 18, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34,
Brad-point sharpening jig, S83 5 2 ,1 1 9 -1 2 1
Brake workbench, W SF21 C-clamp holder, G C 32, 34
Brands, finish, F 30 C-shaped jig, GC52
Breakfront, D B10, 11, 29 Cabinet, D B 4-6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 26,
Bridle joint, BC 46, 47, 49; B IC 71; SS53, 28, 29, 33; G C 66, 67; W SF3, 4, 6, 9, 10,
70, 72 1 1 ,2 5 ,2 8 , 6 8 - 7 0 ,7 1 ,7 2 ,8 1 ,8 2 ,
Brush(es) 9 3 -1 0 4 , 1 0 7 -1 0 9 , 1 1 2 -1 1 6
bristle, F69, 70, 73, 74 Cabinet file, SP81, 93
caring for, F73, 74 Cabinetmaker’s workbench, W SF 17, 19, 33
choosing, F73 Cabinet rasp, SP79, 82
cleaning, F 74 Cabinet saw, TS5
foam rubber, F58, 73 Cabinet scraper, SP83, 84, 86, 91, 94
holding, F70 Cabinet styles Buffing head
loading, F69 contemporary, B IC 12, 23, 24
storage of, F 74 traditional, B IC 12, 23, 24
Brushing Cabriole legs, BS74, 7 8 -8 2 , 1 0 7 -1 0 9
applying a finish by, F 6 9 -7 2 Caddy, knife, T S 1 1 0 -1 1 5
lacquer, F10, 72 Calipers, HT9, 10; JF 4 0 ; JW 1 8 , 25, 42, 77,
Brush-on finish, F 6 9 -7 2 78; T S 68
Bubinga, W W M 19, 35 Cam clamp, G C 22, 23, 9 9 -1 0 1 ; JF 5 1
Buffet, DB4, 5 Camphor, W SF 27, 93
Buffing Cams, G C 89, 92
compound, S 13, 16, 20, 26, 34, 35, Candlestand, R S I 1 2 -1 1 7
3 6 , 4 0 , 4 4 , 4 7 , 6 0 , 6 4 , 93, 115, Cannel grind, S6, 7
116 Capacity
drum, S41 chuck, DP5, 6
finish, F88 rotary planer, DP 17 Bullnose plane trimming a rabbet
head, S 3 2 -3 5 , 36, 103, 116 stroke, D P 5-7
technique, S47 throat, DP5, 6, 7, 9
wax, F89 work, D P 5-7, 9
wheel, S33, 3 4 -3 6 , 41, 94, 95, 103 Carbide, S4, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 37,
Buhl-saw, SS2 38, 75, 77, 78, 93
Building finish, F42, 68 Carbide, tungsten, RS22, 78
Bullet catch, JW 1 0 5 Carbide-tipped blades, T S 10
Bullnose plane, JW 4 3 Carborundum stone, S19
Burnisher, S65, 66 Carnauba wax, F89, 90
Burr, S50, 53, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, 66 Carousels, BIC 34
Bushings, pilot, RS33 Carpenter’s glue, GC7
Butcherblock, B IC 86, 90 Carpenter’s tote, W SF 69
Butcherblock tabletop, JW 9 Carriage, blade, TS3, 8
Butcherblock top, W SF 23, 27, 110, 111 Carrier, F10
Butler’s table, F I 1 4 -1 2 1 Carryall, W SF 69
Butt Carter, R.L., inventor of router, RS2
cuts, JW 2 8 , 3 0 -3 1 Carter Company, RS2
hinge, B IC 72, 73 Carver’s vise, W SF 37, 38
joint, BC 24, 25, 57, 67; JW 3 , 10, 47 Carver’s workbench, W SF 19, 20, 21
Butternut, W W M 14, 18, 27, 49 Carving pedestal, W SF21 Cabinet scraper
Buttonwood, W W M 30 Carving tools, S 4 -6 , 10, 21, 36, 51

JW — -J o in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Case construction, B C 4 3 -4 9 , 50, 5 1 -5 4 , back post, T C 7, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
55, 56, 5 7 -6 0 , 61, 62 65, 66, 6 9 -7 1 , 72, 75, 79, 83, 84,
assembly, B IC 59, 60, 114, 115, 116 8 5 ,8 8 , 9 3 -9 7 , 1 0 4 -1 1 0
back, B IC 23, 27, 114, 118 ball-and-claw feet, TC 8
cleats, B IC 29 bending parts, TC 66, 69, 83, 84, 97
corner counter unit, BIC3, 4, 9, 10, 11, cabriole legs, TC 8
33, 1 0 6 -1 0 8 , 114, 115 child’s, T C I 5
counter unit, BIC 3, 8, 10, 11, 29, 31, cloth tape, T C 72, 8 7 -9 0 , 97, 111
8 3 ,8 4 , 1 0 3 -1 0 5 , 119 construction, TC 2, 3, 60, 71
cutting parts, B IC 113, 114 corner blocks, T C 60, 66
dividers, B IC 23, 27 designing, TC 2
drawer support, BIC 29 desk, T C 4, 14, 16
face frame, BIC 23, 33, 5 5 -5 7 dimensions, TC 2, 3, 8, 14, 1 5 -1 7
nailing strip, B IC 23, 27, 28, 32, dining, TC 4, 14, 15, 16
Clamping cauls protect 33 drafting, T C 4
shelves, B IC 23, 26, 27, 28, 53, 69 Eastern Tradition, TC 8, 10-11
sides, BIC 23 easy TC 4, 15, 17
tall unit, BIC 3, 8, 10, 32, 1 0 9 -1 1 2 fiber cord, T C I 1 2 -1 1 5
toeboard, B IC 23, 31, 33, 116 folding, TC 9
toespace, B IC 114 Folk Tradition, TC 9, 10-11
wall unit, BIC 3, 8, 10, 11, 27, 28, frame, TC 6, 7, 14, 59, 60, 61, 6 4 -6 8 ,
100-102 69, 7 0 -7 2 , 94, 97, 1 0 9 -1 1 2 , 114
Casters, W SF 6, 6 3 -6 7 , 87, 92, 109, 116 history, T C 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 70, 87,
Catalpa, W W M 14 104
Catalyzing finish, F10, 11, 68 joined, T C 5 9 -6 6 , 69, 70, 71, 85
Caulk/sealer, G C 10, 14 joiner’s, TC 6, 7
Cauls, G C 18, 29, 30, 53, 55, 56, 5 8 -6 0 ladderback, T C 72, 79
Cedar, W W M 19, 24, 32, 33, 72 legs, T C 7, 59, 60, 63, 65, 66, 6 9 -7 1 ,
Ceiling 7 5 - 7 8 ,8 1 ,8 5 ,9 0 , 9 2 ,9 3 ,9 4 ,9 5 ,
bracing, F C 2 2 -2 4 9 6 , 1 0 8 , 1 0 9 , 1 1 0 , 111
Center finder coffered, FC 16, 8 4 -9 4 library, TC 4
grounding, FC 81, 84, 8 5 -9 2 low-back, T C 9 2 -9 7
molding, FC 6, 16, 76, 8 0 -8 2 , 84, mule ears, T C 94, 95, 96
8 5 -8 7 , 8 9 -9 4 pouting, T C 4
Center drill, DP67 rails, T C 6, 7, 59, 60, 61, 6 2 -6 7 ,
Center finder, H T19; JF 4 1 6 9 -7 1 , 72, 81, 82, 8 7 -9 0 , 93, 95,
Center head, HT19 10 4 -1 0 6 , 108, 109, 1 1 0 -1 1 3 , 115
Center reamer, DP 13 recliner, TC 2
Centers, dowel, J W 5 1-5 2 rocker, T C 2, 4, 7, 15, 17, 1 0 4 -1 1 5
Ceramic in d glass adhesive, G C 10 rungs, T C 60, 71, 74, 75, 93, 95, 96,
Ceramic file, S82 1 0 5 ,1 0 6 , 1 0 8 -1 1 0 , 111
Ceramic stone, S17, 20, 21, 22, 80 rush seat, T C 72, 105, 111, 1 1 2 -1 1 5
Ceramic tile, B IC 87 saddle seat, TC 7, 71, 85
Chain saw, S25 scooped seat, TC 6, 14, 69, 71, 8 5 -8 7
Chair(s), G C 57, 64, 65 sculpted seat, T C 69, 71
Adirondack, TC2 seat, TC 6, 7, 12, 1 4 -1 7 , 59, 60,
armrests, TC 4, 60, 65, 69, 105, 106, 6 3 -6 6 , 67, 68, 69, 7 0 -7 2 , 75,
1 0 8 - 1 1 0 ,111 7 6 -7 8 , 81, 82, 85, 86, 8 7 -9 0 , 93,
arms, T C 14, 16, 17, 60, 7 2 ,8 1 9 5 ,9 7 , 105, 108, 111, 1 1 2 -1 1 5
back, TC 7, 1 4 -1 6 , 60, 65, 71, 72, 75, side, TC 4, 7
Dowel centers 7 9 ,8 1 ,9 2 , 111 slab-and-stick, T C 71, 72, 75

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

slab seat, TC 6, 7, 14 types, TC 2, 3

slats, T C 60, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72, 74, 79, upholstery, T C 2, 4, 6, 14, 66, 67, 68,
83, 93, 94, 96, 97 87, 93, 105, 111, 112
slip seats, TC 66 weaving a seat, T C 8 7 -9 0 , 97, 111,
Southern Tradition, TC 8, 1 0 -1 1 1 1 2 -1 1 5
Southwest Tradition, TC 8, 10-11 woods, T C 69, 94
specialty, TC 4 Chalk, JW 2 0
spindles, T C 71, 72, 74, 79, 81, 82, 83, Chamfering, T S50, 51
8 5 ,9 5 , 105, 108, 110, 111 Checkerboard, B S66, 67, 112
splat, T C 60, 65, 66, 70, 72 Chemical
splayed legs, T C 7 5 -7 7 bonds, F12, 13
standard, T C 4 hazards, F13, 1 7 -1 9 , 20, 21, 54, 68
stick, T C 71, 72 resistance, F27, 28
stretchers, T C 60, 63, 65, 67 stain, F52, 53, 5 4 -5 7
styles, TC 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 Chemistry, finishing, F10
American Empire, TC 8, 11 Cherry, W W M 9, 14, 17, 18, 25, 27, 30, 35,
American Jacobean, TC 8, 10 45, 67, 77, 80, 82, 83, 90, 96
American Moderne, TC 9, 11 Chest, G C 57, 58
Art Deco, TC 9, 11 case construction, B C 4 3 -4 9 , 50,
Art Furniture, T C 9, 11 5 1 -5 4 , 55, 56, 5 7 -6 0 , 61, 62 W indsor chair
Arts and Crafts, TC 9, 11 frame-and-panel joinery, B C 4 3 -4 9 , 50,
Chippendale, TC 8, 10, 11 5 1 -5 4 , 55, 56, 5 7 -6 0 , 61
Contemporary, T C 8 ,9 , 11, 59 glazed panel, BC 45, 46
Eastlake, TC 9, 11 joined, BC43
Empire, TC 8, 11 raised panel, BC 46, 55, 56
Federal, T C 8, 10, 11 six-board, BC 22, 43
Gothic Revival, TC 9, 11 Chestnut, W W M 9, 14, 18, 27
Handicraft Revival, TC 9, 11 Chest of drawers, BC 19, 45, 6 2 -7 3 , 74, 75,
International, TC 9, 11 8 6 -9 5
Jacobean, TC 8, 10 Chest of Drawers, Miniature, JW 1 0 1 -1 0 7
Mission, TC 9, 11 Chippendale style, TC 8, 10, 11, 23
Modern, T C 9, 11 Chippers, T S 67
Oak, TC 9, 11 Chisel(s), HT3, 4, 33, 44, 63, 6 4 -6 6 , 67,
Patent, TC 9, 11 6 8 ,6 9 ,7 0 ,7 2 - 7 4 , 7 5 -7 8 , 79, 8 0 -8 2 , 83,
Pennsylvania German, TC 9, 11 103
Post-Modern, TC 9, 11 beveled-edge, H T44, 65
Primitive, TC 8, 10 bit, DP74, 75
Queen Anne, TC 7, 8, 10, 11 carving, S 10, 21, 36, 51
Renaissance Revival, T C 9, 11 corner, HT64, 66
Rococo Revival, TC 9, 11 crank-neck, H T64, 66
Shaker, TC 7, 8 ,9 , 1 1 ,9 2 dog leg, H T64, 66
Dog leg chisel trimming a hinge
Southern, T C I 1 drawer lock, H T64, 66
Southwest, TC 8, 1 0 -1 1 firmer, H T63, 64, 65, 67
Southwest Revival, TC 11 flat, S2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1 4 ,2 1 ,
Victorian, TC 8, 9 27, 2 8 ,3 7 , 3 9 ,4 1 ,4 3 - 5 3 ,5 5 ,5 6 ,
William and Mary, TC 8, 10-11 58, 60, 64, 67, 94, 103, 105, 107,
Windsor, TC 7, 9, 10, 11, 70, 104 1 1 4 ,1 1 5
swivel, TC 4, 9 flatnose, S63, 102
turned parts, T C 7 0 -7 5 , 79, 95, 104, framing, H T64
1 0 6 ,1 0 8 , 111, 112 guide, DP71; JW 8 7 , 88, 9 0 -9 1 ; S102
turner’s, T C 6, 7 hand, DP70, 71

JW — J o in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S a w ; W S F — W o rk ben ch es and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Chisel (continued) nails and screws, G C 66, 67, 68

holder, DP72, 92 pinch dogs, G C 27
hollow, DP17, 70, 72, 73, 74 pipe clamp rack, G C 69, 71
hollow grinding, S 5 1 -5 3 , 103 press bar, G C 70, 72
mortise, H T63, 64, 6 5 -6 7 rope, G C 27, 28
mortising, S8 threaded rods and bolts, G C 89, 91, 92
paring, H T64, 65, 67, 83; JW 2 0 , 21, wedge, G C 27, 28
93 weights, G C 27, 28, 53, 65
parting tool, H T70, 72, 73; S63, 67 wooden screw, G C 89, 90
registered, HT63 Clamping grid, G C 60, 61, 63, 65, 69, 70,
rest, S102 72; JF 6 2 , 121; W SF 48
roundnose, S63 Clamping mechanisms, G C 8 9 -9 2
sharpening, H T72, 73, 74 Clamping press, G C 1 1 1 -1 1 5
skew, H T64, 65, 72, 73; S55, 56, 57, Clamps, JF 1 0 , 11, 20, 4 7 -5 6 , 58, 59, 60,
58, 59, 63, 67, 94, 103, 105, 107, 8 4 - 8 6 ,8 7 ,8 8 , 1 1 8 -1 2 0
114 band clamp, G C 24, 28, 31, 52, 58, 62,
storage, H T70, 76 63, 64, 65, 66
swan-neck, H T64, 66, 69 bar clamp, G C 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 30,
Chlorine, F61 5 0 -5 2 , 5 8 -6 0 , 62, 64, 66, 67, 69,
Choosing a drill press, D P 3-8 9 6 -1 0 1
Choosing a saw blade, T S 9 -1 4 beam clamp, G C 21, 22
Choosing a table saw, T S 3 -9 bending press, GC 26
Chuck, D P 3-6, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, C-clamp, G C 18, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31,
27, 29, 34, 3 6 -3 8 , 39, 73, 75, 82, 8 5 -8 7 , 3 2 ,3 4 , 52, 1 1 9 -121
Clamping with pinch dogs 8 9 ,1 2 1 cam clamp, G C 22, 23, 9 9 -1 0 1
Chuck key, DP4, 18, 20, 34 choosing, G C 20
Circle-cutting jig, AR41, 42, 77; BS74, clamping press, G C 1 1 1 -1 1 5
8 3 -8 5 ; S i l l , 112, 113 corner clamp, G C 24, 25
large, R S 3 9 -4 0 cross clamp, G C 23, 24
small, R S 3 9 -4 0 , 119, 120 double bar clamp, GC22
Circle-routing jig, SP98, 100 edge clamp, G C 16, 23
Circles, A R 4 1 -4 3 , 45; BS15, 38, 74, 8 3 -8 5 flat bar clamp, G C 21, 22
Circle-sanding jig, JF 3 5 four-way bar clamp, GC22
Circular saw, T S57 frame clamp, G C 16, 24, 25, 62,
blade, S73, 7 5 -7 8 ; T S2, 3 1 1 5 -1 1 7
guide, B IC 45, 46, 47, 49; JF 6 2 , go-bars, GC 53
1 1 7 -1 2 0 hand screw, G C 16, 17, 20, 31, 56,
Clamp bar, JF 5 0 9 3 -9 5
Clamp caddy, W SF 7, 72 hold-down, G C 25, 109, 110
Clamp hangers, G C 3 1 -3 4 holdfast, GC25
Clamping maintenance, G C 27
router table, RS25 miter clamp, G C 24, 60, 61, 62,
Spring clamps work, RS25 1 0 4 -1 0 7
Clamping aids panel clamp, G C 117, 118
C-shaped jig, GC52 pipe clamp, G C 21, 22, 50, 9 6 -9 8
cams, G C 89, 92 spring clamp, G C 26
cauls, G C 18, 29, 30, 53, 55, 56, 5 8 -6 0 storage, G C 3 1 -3 4
clamping grid, G C 60, 61, 63, 65, 69, toggle, GC25
70, 72 veneer press, G C 26, 53, 74, 80
corner squares, G C 60, 61, 70, 72 violin clamp, G C 108
masking tape, GC 27 Classic furniture, TC 9, 30

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g th e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in ish C a rp e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

Cleaning Coped joints, AR2, 24-27; BC47, 50; SS53,

bits, RS42 69, 70, 71
router, RS41 Coping knives, TS73
shaper, RS45 Cordia, WWM35
wood surfaces, F44, 45; JW 15 Corian, BIC85, 86
Clearance angle, S4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 51, 52, Corner, SS4, 5, 16, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50
53 bracket, JF 14
Cleats, BC28, 29, 34, 40, 60, 61, 72, 90-92; clamp, GC24, 2 5 ;JF 5 9 , 60
BIC23, 29, 90; JW 4 9 -5 0 jig ,JF 5 9 ,6 0
Coalescing finish, F10, 11, 13 Corner counter unit
Cocobolo, WWM24, 36 assembly, BIC115
Cohesion, GC3 construction, BIC33
Collars, dimensions, BIC9, 10, 11
guide, RS33, 34, 60 nailing strip, BIC33
rub, RS45 pentagonal cross section, BIC3, 4, 33
Collet, DP85 plans, BIC 106-108
router, RS7, 41, 42 toeboard, BIC33
Color toespace, BIC 114
stain, F54, 55 Corner cupboard, T S 101-109
tint, F2, 10, 26, 28, 54, 58, 63 Corner joint, BC24, 25-28, 63, 65; SS71
Column, BS3, 8; D P3-5, 7, 19, 21, 30, 38 Corner squares, GC60, 61, 70, 72
Combination blade, JW 31; TS11, 12, 13 Cottonwood, WWM18, 25 Rub collars
Compass, HT18 Counterbore, DP13, 14, 60, 61, 62
beam, TS120 Countersink, DP13, 14, 61, 67, 68; S81
jig, SP69, 71 Countertop
Compound backsplash, BIC 88-90, 95, 120
buffing, S13, 16, 20, 26, 34, 35, 36, banding, BIC58, 59, 89, 90, 119
4 0 ,4 4 , 47, 60, 64, 93, 115, 116 installation, BIC85, 86, 87, 88-90, 96
emery, S26 Countertop materials
honing, S26 butcherblock, BIC86, 90
polishing, S20, 26, 35 ceramic tile, BIC87
Compound cuts, BS75, 76, 78, 114, 119 Corian, BIC85, 86
Compound cutting, SS51, 52 fiberboard, BIC85, 86
Compound miters, TS61, 62, 112, 113 laminate, BIC85, 86, 90
angles, JW 39 metal, BIC87
cuts, JW 3 8 -3 9 solid wood, BIC85, 86
joint, JW 47 stone, BIC87
Compression, JW 4, 5 underlayment, BIC88, 90, 119, 120
Computer desk, DB59, 61, 88, 100-103 Counter units, W SF77, 78
Computer workstation, DB11, 15, 63, 6 f, banding, BIC 119
6 5 ,6 6 bottom supports, BIC29
Configuration, router, RS8 construction, BIC3, 29, 31
Conical disc, SP47 dimensions, BIC8, 10, 11
Contact cement, GC6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 42, free-standing, BIC31 Contractor’s saw
74, 7 8 -8 0 ,8 1 ,8 2 installation, BIC 118
Contemporary style, DB16, 2 3 ,2 7 , 28, 35, plans, BIC 103-105
4 9 ,5 1 ,5 6 , 59; TC8, 9, 11 shims, BIC83, 84
Contours, BS15, 16 toespace, BIC29, 31
Contour sander, SP52, 53, 57, 58 Country furniture, TC9
Contractor’s saw, TS4 Country style, DB4, 5, 7, 8, 18, 49, 51, 88,
Cool blocks, BS11, 1 3 ,3 0 100

JW — -Jo in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw;

TC— M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Cover, BS3 screw drill, DP13, 14, 61

Coverage, F65, 70 shaper, RS3, 20-23, 46, 84
Coves, AR52, 66-68, 69 special-purpose, DP13, 14
cutting, TS87, 88, 89, 108 storage, DP21, 22, 108
Coving tenon cutter, DP13, 14, 77
angle, TS87 Cutting, JW 2 8 -4 5
fence, TS87, 8 8 ,8 9 ,9 0 ,9 1 capacities, BS7
Cracks, F34, 36 coves, TS87, 88, 89
Craft adhesive, GC10 dowels, B S 12, 45, 46
Crank-neck rasp, SP82 general, T S 21-36
Crooked stock, TS51 greenwood, BS15, 16, 19
Cross clamp, GC23, 24 large stock, BS5, 38
Crosscut blade, TS11, 13 long stock, BS9, 55, 56, 58, 62
Cutting a cove on the Crosscut saw, S74, 75, 78 metal, BS6, 7, 10, 15, 17, 18, 22, 31
table saw Crosscutting, BS12, 16, 19, 22; TS15, narrow stock, BS12, 19, 45, 46
41-49 odd shapes, TS83, 84, 92
Cross vise, D P I6, 91 paper, BS22
Crown molding, RS76 particleboard, BS18, 22
Crystolon, S17, 19, 22, 24 plastic, BS10, 17, 1 8 ,2 2 ,3 1
Cupboard, corner, T S 101-109 plywood, BS22
Cupboard, step-back, F 99-106 small stock, BS39
Cupboards, DB5, 6, 10, 28, 59, 100, 116; splint grooves, TS113
W SF6, 18, 26, 27, 28, 50, 58, 59, 61, 68, thick stock, BS8, 12, 13, 15-17, 19
71, 72, 74, 77, 78 thin stock, BS10, 19, 61
Curly grain, F32, 59, 60 wide stock, BS5, 6, 7, 13, 19, 57, 61,
Curved 62
grooves, RS56, 57 wood, BS6, 10, 15-17, 19, 22
moldings, RS77, 78, 79 Cutting angle, S4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 51,
rabbet, RS56, 57 52
slots, RS109 Cutting edge, S 3-6, 7, 8-11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
Curved slot routing jig, AR111, 115 17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39,
Curves, BS10, 14-16, 19, 20, 22, 42, 43; 42, 44, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58,
SS5, 35, 46, 47, 48 61, 64, 66, 78, 79, 94, 103, 104, 105,
Custom made bits and cutters, RS23 107, 114, 115
Cutlers greenstone, S18 Cutting grid, BIC40, 45, 4 7 -4 9
Cut-off bar, TS43, 44, 45 Cutting lumber
Cut-off blade, TS11, 13 live sawing, WWM5, 46, 47
Curved molding bandsawn Cut-off jig, JW 3 2 -3 7 plain sawing, WWM5, 46
from wider stock Cuts quarter sawing, WWM5, 6, 46, 103
butt, JW 28, 30-31 radially, WWM13
compound miter, JW 3 8 -3 9 sawing around, WWM5
dado', JW 28, 2 9 ,4 3 sawing through, WWM5
miter, JW 28, 38, 39 sawmill, WWM9, 41, 45, 46, 5 2 -5 5
rabbet, JW 28, 29, 4 2-43 sawyer, WWM5, 6, 28, 31, 42, 45, 46,
Cutters 63
' center reamer, DP13 sawyering, WWM40, 41, 73
crown saw, DP13 tangential cut, WWM68
fly cutter, DP11, 13, 50, 51 tangentially, WWM9, 13
hole saw, DP7, 11, 1 3 ,5 0 ,5 1 Cyanoacrylate glue, GC6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19,
plug cutter, DP13, 14 42
Cyma curves
router bits, DP87 Cylindrical box, BC18, 19

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in ish C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

Cyma curve, RS75, 76 contemporary style, DB23, 56, 59

Cypress, WWM19, 32, 33 country style, DB7, 8, 18, 88, 100
design, DB2, 3, 7-10, 11, 12, 13, 15
D desk-on-frame, DB7, 8
dimensions, D B60-63, 65
Dado(es), BIC44, 53, 54, 62, 63, 113; drawer, DB11, 56-59, 61, 62, 63, 67
R S54-59; TS66 drop-front, D B16-24
adjustment, TS66, 67 ergonomics, D B60-62
blind, TS71, 72 fall-front, DB7, 10, 56, 59
cuts, JW 28, 2 9 ,4 3 Federal style, DB17, 76
cutter, BIC44, 52, 53; JW 2 3 -2 4 , 71; fold-down front, DB8
TS16, 63, 64 Handicraft Revival style, DB24
joint, BC24, 25, 57, 59-61, 65, 67, 82, joinery, DB56, 113-115
83, 110-113; JW 47, 116-118 kneehole, DB7, 9, 56
shims, BIC52 lap, DB3, 7, 56, 57, 61, 110-115
washers, TS16 leg-and-rail construction, DB56, 57
wide, TS71 letter, D B88-103
Dadoing, T S 64-72, 103, 118, 119 Mission style, DB21
fence, TS64, 65 pedestal, DB7, 9, 11, 13, 58, 61
insert, TS64 pigeonhole, DB7, 11, 63, 67, 72, 76, Dadoing insert
sole, RS55 7 7 ,7 8 , 8 0 ,8 1 ,8 8
Danger zone, TS27 Queen Anne style, DB8, 16, 76
Danish oil, F10, 23 rolltop, DB11, 13, 58, 61, 63, 76, 77,
Data sheet, material safety, F 14-16 81
Deadmen, BIC83, 85, 88, 89 Shaker style, DB3, 19
Decimal equivalencies, DP 15 secretary, DB10, 56, 61
Decision-making in finishing, F3, 4 -8 secret compartments, D B78-80
Defects, surface, F33, 34 shelves, DB11, 59, 64, 66, 100, 101
Definition of finishing, F2 slant-front, DB7, 8, 10, 56, 61, 63
Deformation, JW 8, 12, 13, 24 Southwest style, DB22, 59
Delta.Machinery Corporation, RS4 standing, DB7, 8, 9, 13
Dents, F33, 34, 35 style, DB2, 16-24
Depth, F25, 28 table, DB7, 8, 56, 57, 61, 62, 72, 77,
Depth of cut, TS23, 24, 66, 67, 68, 89 88
router, RS26, 27 tambour, DB11, 13, 76, 8 1-86
Depth stop, DP3, 16, 33, 34, 37, 70, 88 trestle construction, DB59 Queen Anne-style slant-
Design typing table, DB59, 60, 61 front desk
shop furniture, W SF2-3, 8, 9, 50, 51, Victorian style, DB20
54-56 Wooten, DB11, 12
stand, W SF50, 54-56, 58, 59, 60, 61, writing box, DB7, 8, 13, 56, 57, 88,
84 100,110
workbench, W SF2, 3, 8, 17-22, 27, writing desk, DB60
105 writing table, DB7, 9, 56, 59, 61, 63,
Desk(s) 80
Arts and Crafts style, DB21 Detail sander, SP50, 52
box, DB3 Diameter of bits and cutters, RS22
case construction, D B56-59 Diamond-point dresser holder, S38
childrens, DB61 Diamond stone, S17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 80
computer, DB59, 61, 88, 100-103 Dimensions
Detail sander reaches all the
computer workstation, DB11, 15, 63, corner counter unit, BIC9, 10 way into corners
6 4 ,6 5 ,6 6 corner wall unit, BIC9, 10, 11

J W — -Jo in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cr o ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S a w ; W S F — W o rkben ch es and Shop F u r n it u r e ;

WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o rk in g M a te r ia ls

Dimensions (continued) header, FC5, 13, 17, 21, 28, 29, 3 0

counter unit, BIC8, 10, 11 hinge mortise for, BIC 73
doors, BIC9, 10, 71 hinge mortising template, FC35, 37,
drawers, BIC9, 10 38
shelves, BIC9, 10 hinges, FC26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35,
tall unit, BIC8, 10 36, 37, 122
wall unit, BIC8, 10, 11 hollow-core, FC26, 27
Direction, wood grain, JW 5 inset, BIC23, 24, 70; DB51
Directoire style, DB17 installation, BIC 117
Disc-and-drum sander, SP 108-117 installing, FC17, 25, 26, 27, 2 8 -35, 36
Disc sander, SP46, 47, 49, 57, 58, 61, 62, insulating glass, FC116, 118, 121, 122
9 3 ,1 0 8 interior, FC26, 27, 28, 116, 117
Disc sanding jig, S89, 90, 91, 98, 99 jamb, FC5, 6, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28-31,
Slab door Display case, D B116-122 3 2 -3 5 ,3 6 ,6 4 , 6 7 ,6 8 ,7 0 , 116
Display stand, DB4 joinery, DB49, 51, 52, 120, 121
Disposal of finishing materials, F19, 72 ladder, FC116
Distressing wood, F106 left-hand, FC28
Dividers, HT18 lipped, BIC23, 25, 70, 117; DB51, 52,
Door, GC57, 62 5 3,1 2 1
assembly, BIC 116 metal-clad, FC26, 27
board-and-batten, BIC26, 70 molding, FC25, 115, 117, 120-122
bookcase, DB4, 5, 14, 16, 23, 26, 27, mullion, FC26, 116, 117, 119-121
28, 40, 49-54, 67, 116, 117, 120, 121 openings, FC16, 17, 21, 22 -24, 28,
bridle joint, BIC71 2 9 ,3 2 , 115, 118
buck, FC37, 39 overlay, BIC23, 25, 70; DB51, 52, 53
case, FC5, 6, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28-30, paneled, FC26, 27, 115-122
3 2 ,3 3 ,3 6 pocket, FC36
casing, FC27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 48, 64, prehung, FC25, 26, 28, 31, 36
66-70, 71 private side, FC28, 32, 33, 37
Board-and-batten door cross, FC116 public side, FC28, 29, 30, 32, 33
cross-and-bible, F C 116 rails, FC26, 36, 115, 116-122
cutting parts for, BIC69, 116 raised-panel, FC26, 118, 119, 120,
dimensions, BIC9, 10, 71; DB51; 121
FC28, 116, 117 ready-made, FC25, 26, 27, 32, 36
dowels, BIC 71 reveal, FC67, 68-70
exterior, FC26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 116, right-hand, FC28
117, 120, 122 sash joint, BIC72, 111, 117
fiberglass-clad, FC26, 27 shims, FC17, 2 9 ,3 0 ,6 8 , 70
folding, FC36 slab, BIC26, 70; DB49, 50
franae, FC13, 17, 28, 29, 116-118, sliding, FC36
120,122 solid-core, FC26, 27
" frame-and-panel, BIC26, 70, 101, 102, stiles, FC26, 33, 115, 116-122
104; DB49; FC26, 115, 116 stop, FC27, 31-33, 3 5 ,7 0
glass, DB14, 16, 49, 51, 52, 54, 121 tamboured, D B81-86
glazed, BIC 111, 117; DB4, 5, 28, 49, 50 threshold, FC26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32
glazed-panel, FC116, 121, 122 trimmer, FC37, 38, 39
Frame-and-panel door turn button, DB49
hanging, BIC72, 73, 74; DB40, 49,
52-54; FC16, 32-34, 35, 36, 37-39, wood, DB28, 116
122 Double bar clamp, GC22
hardware, BIC72, 73, 74; FC25, 26, Double hollow, S64
27, 31, 122 Double tapers, TS80, 81, 82

KEY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g B o xes and C h ests; BIC— M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B and S a w ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r il l P ress; F — F in is h in g ; FC — F in i s h C a rpen try;

GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


Dovetail(s), R S61-63; SS53, 72 inset, BC63, 64, 67; BIC24, 77; DB68,
bits, RS61 69, 71
fixture, AR17, 18 installation, BIC75, 77, 78, 117; DB71,
half-blind, JW 81, 92-93 72-75
jig, BC27, 66 joinery, B C 63-68, 82, 83, 93, 102,
joints, AR2, 7, 13, 17; BC9, 23, 25, 27, 114; 6 8 -7 0 ,7 3
3 2 ,3 3 ,6 1 ,6 4 , 66, 67, 70, 86, 90, kicker, BC74, 90-93; BIC30, 116
91, 9 3 -95, 102; BS74, 84, 87-90, knob, BC76
10 8 ,1 1 0 lipped, BC63, 64; BIC23, 25, 75, 77;
layout rule, JW 85, 86, 90 DB68, 69
making, with a band saw, JW 89 lock joint, AR25, 27; BIC76
making, with a table saw, JW 89 making, BC 63-70
mortise and tenon, JW 62 muntin, BC68, 93-95
notches, JW 96, 99, 100 overlay, BC63, 64; BIC23, 25, 75;
saw, JW 21, 22 DB68, 69
through, JW 81, 85-89, 109 pull, BC21, 42, 63, 76-78, 84, 94, 95,
Dovetail spline jig, RS66, 67 102,103, 115, 116
Doweling, DP78, 80 rails, BIC54
Doweling jig, BIC56; JW 50-51 shelves, DB71, 72, 75
Dowel joint, BC33, 55, 59 sizing, BC69, 70
Dowel maker, AR69, 70, 71 slides, BC70, 71, 72, 74, 75; BIC30,
Dowel pin, steel, DP91 77, 78
Dowels, BIC55, 56, 71; DP79, 80 slip, BC68
centers, DP79; JW 50, 52; TS121 stiles, BIC54
grooves, JW 52 stop, BC75
joints, JW 5 0 -5 2 , 105 support bracket, BC72, 73, 74, 75
routing, RS15, 79, 86, 87 supports, BIC29
Dozuki saw, JW 22 turn button, DB75, 79, 80 Doweling jig
Drawer, GC57, 58, 61; W SF9, 18, 26, 27, types, BC63
28, 51, 53, 58, 59, 61, 70, 71, 73, 84, 93, web frame, BC45, 46, 72, 73, 74, 75,
105 8 8 ,8 9 ,9 1 -9 4 ; BIC30, 54, 105;
assembly, BIC104, 105, 107, 117 DB71, 72, 73, 75
binding or rubbing, BIC 78 Drawknives, HT45, 46
brackets, BIC30, 57 Dressing
catch, BC42, 85 Arkansas stone, S24
construction, DB56, 57-59, 68-71 grinding wheel, S37, 38
cutting parts for, BIC69, 116 waterstone, S24
desk, DB11, 5 6-59, 61, 62, 63, 67 whetstone, S24
dimensions, BIC9, 10; DB61 Dressoir, DB4
divider, BC68, 90-93, 103 Drier, F10
face, BIC75 Drift pin, DP4
false front, BC63 Drill(s)
fitting, BC75, 84, 93, 94, 115, 116 accessories, HT61, 62
guide, BC68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, Archimedean, HT58
90, 92, 93, 95, 108; DB71, 72, 73, bits, H T55-62, 79; JW 45; S21, 25, 72,
75 8 1-83, 84
half-blind dovetail, BIC76 brace, H T55-58
handle, BC63 breast, HT58
hanging, BC 70-73, 74 chuck, H T56-60
hardware, BC42, 63, 70, 71, 72, 74, countersink, HT60, 61
75, 95; BIC30, 57 gimlet, HT61

J W — -Jo in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cr o ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles & C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S a w ; W S F — W o rk ben ch es and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Drill (continued) decorative holes, DP12

guide, BC30, 33; BIC79, 114; DP9, deep holes, D P48-50
63, 79, 80; JF 37 end grain, DP11, 62-64
hand, H T55-58, 60 equally spaced holes, DP53, 54
joiner’s brace, HT56 flat-bottomed holes, DP11
joist brace, HT57 holes for hardware, DP48, 61, 62
points, HT59, 60 large holes, DP12, 13, 35, 50, 51
press, JW 2 3 -2 4 , 63, 78 laying out the work, DP34
push, HT55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 88 matching holes, DP52, 53
ratchet, HT56, 57, 59 metal, DP10, 11, 13, 25, 26, 28, 48,
sharpening, HT61, 62 66, 67
stand, DP9 pad drilling, DP52
wheel brace, HT57 pilot holes, DP13, 14, 50, 60, 61
Joist brace wire gauge, HT58 plastic, DP10, 11, 12, 25, 26, 28, 48,
Drill bits 66,68
boring, DP10, 1 1 ,2 8 ,4 6 , 62 positioning the work, DP35
brad-point, DP10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 28, preparation, DP34, 35
29, 34, 43, 45, 46, 62, 68, 70 radial holes, DP60
counterbore, D P I3, 14 round stock, DP35, 59
countersink, DP13, 14, 61, 67, 68 screw pockets, DP58
extended, DP11 securing the work, DP23, 35
Forstner, DP10-12, 28, 43, 47, 51, 62, 68 square holes, DP16, 17
general purpose, DP 10-12, 48 starting the hole, DP36
installer, DP11 stopped holes, DP37
jobber, DP11 template, DP52, 53, 79, 80
machine spur, DP11 through holes, DP36
mounting, DP34 vertical end, DP62, 63
Forstner bit (left) multi-spur, DP10, 12, 28, 43, 47, 50, Drill press
Multi-spur bit (right) 51, 62, 68 clamp, DP16, 17
pilot, DP13, 14, 50 dust pickup, JF 23
plastic-drilling, DP11, 68 fence, JF 5, 33, 42, 43, 45, 111-116
sharpening, D P I2, 18, 4 3 -4 7 stand, D P108-112
sizes, DP5, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17 table, D P19, 55, 64, 83, 86,
spade, DP10, 11, 12, 28, 45, 46, 62 9 6 -1 0 7
special-purpose, DP13, 14 tilting table, JF 30, 41, 62, 111-116
storage, DP6, 18, 19, 21, 22, 43, 108 vise, DP16
stub, DP11 Drill press turning jig, BC76, 78
tapered shank, DP4, 38 Drive, TS8
twist, DP10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 34, Driving nails, JW 15
4 4 ,6 2 ,6 6 -6 8 Drum sander, F38, 39; SP46, 49, 52, 53,
Vix, DP53 57, 58, 69, 108
Drilling, JW 4 5 -4 6 Drum sanding, D P I6, 18, 19, 8 2-85
angled holes, DP9, 48, 54, 55 Drum sanding jig, JF 2 4
boring, DP2, 10, 11, 48, 63, 77 Dry grinder, S33, 34, 36
circular recesses, DP 12 Drying
Drlling a screw pocket * cleaning up holes, DP37 oils, F10
concentric holes, DP60, 61 time' F70, 84
counterbore, DP60, 61, 62 Dull tool, S9, 10, 11
countersink, DP61 Duplicate cuts, TS46
cross grain, DP49, 50, 51, 52-56, Duplicating turnings, A R67-69
58-62 Durability, F27, 28, 65

K EY: AR— A d v an ced R o u t in g ; B C — M a k in g B o xes and C h ests; B IC — M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B and S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k ca ses; D P — U s in g t h e D r il l P ress; F — F in is h in g ; FC — F in i s h C a rpen try;

GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T oo ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


Dust chute, W SF58 European-style hinges, BIC72, 74; JW 118,

Dust collection, BS31; DP83, 96; JF 6, 18, 119
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 32, 43, 44, 98, Examples of simple joinery, JW 46, 47
100, 105, 107; RS10, 11, 97, 103, 109; Expander, G C 101-103; JF 50
W SF9, 57, 58, 92 Expansion slots, TS10
Dust collector, SP14, 59, 66 Extension
Dust mask, SP59, 66 long fence, TS50, 52, 53
Dust protection, F65, 68, 85 miter gauge, TS41, 47, 48, 49, 84, 85
Dye, wood, F10, 52, 53, 54, 57-59, 98 table, TS3 Drum sanding on the drill
tall fence, TS50, 52, 54, 79 press

E Exterior cuts, SS3, 40

Eye protection, RS27
Ear protection, RS27
Eastern Tradition, TC8, 10-11
Eastlake style, TC9, 11
Ebans, WWM36 Face frame, BIC23, 33, 55-57, 116
Ebony, WWM24, 36, 39 Face shield, F18
Eccentric, SS3, 4, 10, 32 Face vise, W SF3, 19, 31, 33, 40
Edge and Surface Treatments, RS74-88 Fasteners, JW 5, 12
Edge clamp, GC16, 23 Fastening, JW 2, 3
Edge guide, AR3 Fastening router mounting plate, R S I4
Edge joint, JW 46, 47 Featherboard, BS58, 59, 61, 62, 65; JF 20,
Edge treatments, R S83-85, 94, 95, 117 21, 32, 62, 65, 69-72; RS36, 42; SP20,
Edging, trimming, RS51 22; TS28, 30, 31, 64, 65
Egg crate, W SF73, 74 Federal style, DB16, 17, 18, 42, 49, 50, 51,
Elasticity, F26, 28 76; TC8, 10, 11
Elastomer adhesive, GC9, 10 Feed
Electrical direction, BS44; RS27, 28, 42, 43 American Empire style
ceiling drops, W SF8 Feed pressure, JW 31
extension cord, W SF8 Feed rate, SS40, 44
- lighting, W SF8 resawing, BS57, 58
motor, W SF8, 54, 57, 92 Fence, AR3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19-23,
outlets, W SF8 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110,114,
speed changer, W SF54 116, 118; BS11, 12, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56,
wiring, W SF8, 57, 92 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 70; DP8, 17, 35, 52,
Elevation crank, TS3 54, 58, 59, 62, 64, 68, 72, 75, 76, 79, 84,
Elm, WWM14, 18, 27 86, 91, 92; JF 4 , 5, 8, 12, 15, 17, 21, 27,
Emery compound, S26 31, 32 -3 4 , 38, 39, 42, 43, 6 2 ,6 5 -6 8 ,6 9 ,
Empire style, TC8, 11 72, 80 -8 3 , 84, 86, 98-101, 103-108,
End grain, F32, 33, 59; JW 14, 26 111-116
Enhancement, F2, 3, 23, 25 alignment, TS20, 23, 69
Entertainment center, DB11, 15 coving, TS87, 88, 89, 90, 91
Epoxy, F10, 68, 69 dadoing/molding, TS64, 65
Epoxy cement, GC4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17, 30, rails, TS3
36, 42, 44, 46 replacement, TS14, 15
Equipment rip, TS3, 9
finishing, F29 router table, RS26, 35, 103
spray, F75, 78 shaper, RS43, 44, 45, 46
Estimating materials split routing, RS30, 31 European-style hinge
cutting list, BIC17, 18 straddler, TS50, 51, 55
list of materials, BIC17, 18 Ferrous sulphate, F56

JW — J o in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Fettling hand plane, S53 87, 117, 121; JW 81, 82-83

Fiberboard, BIC85, 86 Finger plane, SP73, 75
hardboard, WWM67, 71 Finish(es), JW 12
insulation board, WWM71 absorption, F32, 33
laminated paperboard, WWM71 antique, F24
Masonite, WWM71 application, F3, 7, 64-82
medium-density fiberboard (MDF), bonds, F10, 12, 13
WWM59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 70, 71 buffing, F88
pegboard, WWM71 building, F42, 68
Files, HT3, 33, 35, 52, 61, 75, 96, 101, 102 coverage, F65, 70
auger, S25, 82, 83 disposal, F19
auger bit, SP82 film, F l l , 12
bastard cut, S25 labels, F I 4 -1 6
cabinet, SP81, 93 mixing brands of, F30
card, S25 nontoxic, F23, 111
ceramic, S82 penetrating, F42
cut, SP78, 7 9 ,8 0 ,8 1 pour-on, F68, 69
file card, SP80 properties, F 25-27, 28
flat, S21; SP79, 81 protecting, F88, 89
float, SP81 rubbing out, F84-87
grades, S25 selection, F3, 4, 22-30
half-round, SP79, 81 spray-on, F75, 78
File card hand, SP81 storage, F19, 65, 72
maintenance, SP80 testing, F29, 30
mill, S25, 73; SP81 toxicity F9, 13, 17, 19
needle, S25; SP82 types, F10
pillar, SP81 wipe-on, F 66-68
rat-tail, SP81 Finishing, FC55, 56, 92, 94, 104, 114, 122
round, S21, 25 chemistry, F10, 11
second cut, S25 definition of, F2
shape, SP78, 79, 81 hazards, F13, 17-19, 20, 21, 54, 68,
smooth, S25 85
square, SP81 materials, F10
stone, S21, 60 overview, F3, 4 -8
storage, S I 16 safety, F I 3-21
teardrop, S21 the finish, F3, 8, 83-90
three-square, S25; SP81 steps, F3
tooth pattern, S25; SP78, 79, 81 Finishing touches, BIC118, 121
triangular, S21, 25, 73-75, 78; SP79, Fir, WWM19, 33, 67
Finger glue joint 811 Fireproof cabinet, W SF72
type, SP78, 79, 81, 82 First router, RS8
use, SP72, 78, 80, 8 1 ,8 2 Fish-eyes, F76
wood, SP81 Fitted wedge, W SF65, 67
Filler wood, F10, 60, 62, 63, 121 Fitting, JW 2, 3, 15
Filling wood grain, F60, 62, 63, 66, 67 Fitting allowance, BIC35, 36
Film, finish, F l l , 12 Fixed jaw vise, W SF30
Finger glue joint, AR27 Flammability, F17
Finger jig, AR13, 14;JF 45 Flap sanders, DP18; F38, 39; SP52, 53, 93
Finger-joint jig, BC27; JW 82, 83, 84 Flat chisel, S2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
Finger joints, AR2, 7, 13, 14, 16; BC25, 27, 21, 27, 28, 37, 39, 41, 4 3-53, 55, 56, 58,
28, 67, 70, 96, 98, 99; BS74, 84, 85, 86, 60, 64, 67, 94, 103, 105, 107, 114, 115

KEY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B oxes S aw ;
DB— M a k in g D esk s a nd B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F in i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

Flat file, SP79, 81 construction, JW 12

Flat grinder, S32, 86 -9 4 , 104, 105, 116 joinery, BC 43-49, 50, 51-54, 55, 56,
Flat luster, F10, 85 57-60, 61
Flatness, TS8 Frame clamp, GC16, 24, 25, 62, 115-117
Flatnose chisel, S63, 102 Freeborn Tool Company, RS23
Flattener, F10, 25 French curves, HT20
Flat-top grind, TS10, 13 Fret saw, SS2, 54
Flexible curves, HT20 Fret saw blade(s)
Flexible shaft tool, SS24 applications, SS13, 19-21
Flint, SP42, 44 blade-changing fixture, SS23, 29, 30
Float file, SP81 changing, SS8, 23, 29, 30, 59, 74
Floating joints, JW 11, 12 choosing, SS18, 64
Floor(s) clamps, SS3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23,
back laying, FC51, 52 28-34, 36, 37, 38, 48, 77, 78, 80,
baseline, FC48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54 8 3 ,9 0 -9 2
blind nailing, FC48, 50, 53 fret, SS2, 14-17, 18, 19-21, 45,
border, FC48, 49 70
bracing, FC18, 20 guard, SS11, 12
face nailing, FC48, 50, 51, 52, 53 guides, SS10, 32
finishing, FC55, 56 gullets, SS15, 16 Flexible curves
installing, FC18, 48, 49, 5 0 -5 4 hardness, SS14, 16
joists, FC3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, hobby, SS14, 21
23 holder, SS9, 14, 17, 82
leveling, FC18, 19 jigsaw, SS19-21, 70
parquet flooring, FC46, 48, 54 kerf width, SS20
plywood flooring, FC46, 48, 53, 54 length, SS15
racking, FC50, 51, 53 metal-cutting, SS3, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20,
reducer, FC52 2 1 ,3 8
sub flooring, FC3, 6, 18, 19, 4 6 -5 0 mount, SS80-83, 90, 91
tongue-and-groove flooring, FC46, 48, mounting, SS8, 9, 29, 30
. 4 9 ,5 0 -5 3 pin-end, SS8, 9, 14, 18, 21, 35, 48
underlayment, FC6, 19, 4 6 -4 8 plain-end, SS8, 9, 14-17, 18, 19, 20,
vapor barrier, FC46, 47, 48 29, 36, 48
Floor drill press, DP5, 6, 7 precision-ground, SS14, 16, 17, 18,
Flush trim router base, BIC58, 68 1 9 ,3 5 ,4 5 ,4 6 ,7 2
Fluter, HT70 preparing, SS35, 36
Fluteroni tool, HT70 reverse tooth, SS15, 18, 20, 30 French curves
Flutes, RS3, 21, 81 sash, SS2
Fluting jig, AR54, 58-65, 86, 92; JF 5 8 scroll, SS3, 4, =5, 14, 15, 16, 1 8 ,2 0 ,2 1 ,
Flutter sheets, DP18; SP52, 53, 93 « 3 0 ,3 5 ,4 1 ,4 2 ,4 5 ,7 0 ,7 1
Fly cutter, DP11, 13, 50, 51 sizes, SS14, 16, 18, 19-21
Foam rubber brush, F58, 73 skip-tooth, SS15, 16, 18, 19-21, 30
Folk Tradition, TC 9, 10-11 spiral, SS14, 16, 2 0 ,3 0 ,4 6 ,6 9
Foot switch, DP36, 4 0 -4 2 ; SS25, 42, 43 standard tooth, SS15, 16, 18, 20, 21
Forest Products Laboratory, WWM73, 74 stoning, SS35, 36
Forstner bit, D P10-12, 28, 43, 4-7, 51, 62, storage, SS74, 88, 91
6 8 ;JW 4 5 ;S 8 1 ,8 2 , 83, 84 suspension, SS8
Frame, BS3, 6, 8, 9; SS3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 75, teeth per inch, SS3, 16, 18, 19-21
7 6 ,7 8 , 7 9 ,8 5 ,8 7 , 9 0 ,9 1 tensioning, SS3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 28 -3 1 , 44,
Frame-and-panel 75, 8 2 ,9 2
assemblies, GC57, 62, 63 threading, SS38, 48, 49

JW — -Jo i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Fretwork, SS2, 3, 24, 25, 53, 54, 55, hide, GC6, 7 , 1 1 , 1 4 , 8 0 , 8 1

100-107 hot-melt, GC6, 10, 11, 14, 19, 80, 81
Fruitwood, WWM27 ingredients, G C 5-10
Fuming, F56, 121 mastic, GC6, 9, 14
Furniture traditions, TC8, 9, 10 model cement, GC4
one-part, GC6
G panel adhesive, GC6
plastic resin, GC6, 8, 14
Gaps, F33, 34, 36 polymerization, GC5
Garnet, SP42, 43, 44, 58 polyvinyl resin, G C 4-6, 7, 14
Gauges pot, GC6, 7
combination, H T115-121 properties, G C 5-9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 35,
contour, HT20 37,40,41,45,46
cutting, HT17, 18, 115, 117-121 resorcinol, GC6, 9, 14, 36
depth, HT7, 8, 10 safety, GC8, 1 5 , 3 5 , 4 1 , 4 5
Countour gauge transfers sheets, GC80, 81
marking, HT8, 17, 18, 41, 49, 115,
molding profiles
117, 120, 121 silicone caulk, GC9, 10, 14
mortising, HT17, 18, 115, 117-121 spreader, GC42
profile, HT20 Super Glue, GC6, 8, 14
Gel stain, F10, 58 thermoplastic, GC10
German-style workbench, W SF17 two-part, GC9
Gervenius, TS2 type, GC6, 14
Gingerbread, SS54, 55 urea-formaldehyde, GC6, 8, 14
Glaze water-based, GC4, 5, 10, 11, 41, 43,
finish stain, F60, 106 45, 46, 79
rubbing compound, F86, 87 white, G C 4-6, 7, 14, 36, 41, 42, 60
Gloss, high, F86, 87, 88 yellow, GC4, 6, 7, 14, 36, 41, 42, 60
Gloves, rubber, F18 Glue block, BC59, 92, 93; JW 4 9 -5 0
Glue, F33 Glue joint, AR27; BC93; RS71, 73
Hide glue heated in a adhesive, GC3 adherends, GC3
double boiler aliphatic resin, GC4, 6, 7, 11, 14 adhesion, GC3
applications, G C 8-10, 14 cleavage, GC3
bottle, GC42 cohesion, GC3
carpenter’s, GC7 comparing glues, G C 11
caulk/sealer, GC10, 14 gaps, GC4
ceramic and glass adhesive, GC10 interphase, GC3, 42
choosing, GC11, 12, 14, 15 joinery, GC51
classification, GC12, 14 peeling, GC3
cohesion, GC3 pressure, GC17, 18
comparing, GC11 shear, GC3
contact cement, GC6, 10, 11, 14, 17, stains, GC43, 46
4 2 ,7 4 , 7 8 -8 0 ,8 1 ,8 2 starved joint, GC17, 38, 46
craft adhesive, GC10 strength, G C 3-6, 37, 39, 40, 66
curing, GC3, 5, 8, 15, 17, 35, 40, 45, stress, GC3, 5, 38
81 tension, GC3
cyanoacrylate, GC6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19, Glue properties
42 chemical resistance, GC6
elastomer adhesive, GC9, 10 clamp time, GC5
Hot-melt glue gun epoxy cement, GC4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17, closed assembly time, GC5, 8, 9, 15, 40
30, 36, 42, 44, 46 cost, GC6, 14
gun, GC10, 15 creep, GC5, 46

KEY: AR— A d v an c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B oxes Saw;
DB— M a k in g D esk s an d B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

cure time, GC5, 15, 40, 45 straight, HT69

durability, GC5, 6, 12, 37 Gouge slip, S13, 21, 58, 59, 115
heat resistance, GC6 Grain
open assembly time, G C 5-8, 15, 35, affects design, WWM10
4 0 ,4 6 bastard, WWM6
pot life, GC5, 15, 40, 46 closed, WWM21, 22
sandability, GC5, 14 curly, F32, 59, 60; WWM6, 7, 29, 38,
set time, GC5 80
shelf life, GC5, 1 5 ,4 0 ,4 1 ,4 6 curved, WWM10
strength, GC5 direction, JW 5, 14; WWM4, 6, 12, 16,
tack time, GC5, 6, 15 24, 64, 65
thermoplastic quality, GC6 end, F32, 33, 59; WWM4, 6
water resistance, GC6, 8 figured, WWM6, 7, 25, 26, 28, 29
workability, GC5, 6 filling, F60, 62, 63, 66, 67
working temperatures, GC5, 9, 11, 15 flat, WWM4, 5, 6, 13, 47, 57, 58, 89,
working time, GC5, 8 103, 115, 117, 118, 120
Gluing, JW 3 interlocking, WWM24, 25, 35 -3 8
cleanup, GC42, 43, 44, 46 irregular, WWM24, 25, 27, 30, 32, Assorted carving gouges
closed assembly, GC40, 42 3 4 -3 9
complex assemblies, GC7, 57 long, F32, 33, 59
edge-to-edge, GC37, 4 7 -5 1 , 52, 111 mixed, WWM5, 117
end-to-end, GC37, 54, 55, 56 open, WWM21, 22
face-to-face, GC5, 38, 39, 47, 53, 54, pattern, WWM5, 6, 10, 11, 24, 32, 57,
7 4 , 111 58, 59
filling gaps, GC4, 14, 46 quarter, WWM4, 5, 6, 13, 25, 29, 30,
lamination, GC47, 53, 54 47, 57, 59, 117, 118, 120
open assembly, GC35, 40, 41 radial, WWM4
problems, GC46 raising, F44, 56, 57
radio frequency, GC8 random, WWM10
simple assemblies, GC47 sealing, F60, 62, 63
tools, GC6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 41, 42, 44, silver, WWM6, 7, 103
5 1 ,7 8 ,7 9 ,8 0 , 8 2 ,8 4 . straight, WWM10, 11, 24-39, 50
wood preparation, G C 35-40, 48-50, tangential, WWM4
54 wavy, WWM24, 25, 27
Gluing surface, JW 4 -5 , 7, 14-15 wood, RS27, 28
Go-bars, GC53; W SF42, 4 4 -4 6 Granadillo, WWM36 Gouge slip
Goncalo alves, WWM24, 36 Grand Rapids style, DB20
Gooseneck molding, RS77, 78, 79 Grind, TS10, 11, 13
Gothic Revival style, TC9, 11 cannel, S6, 7
Gouges, F33, 34, 36; HT64, 69, 70, 72, 73, flat, S6, 7
75, 76, 82, 103; S12, 21, 25, 39, 55, 56, hollow, S6, 7, 12, 33, 36, 51-53, 95,
57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 67, 68, 9 4 ; 103, 103, 105
105, 107, 114 match, S78, 79
bent, HT69, 72 side, S34
Chinese, HT69 Grinder
firmer, HT69 belt-driven, S33
fishtail, HT69 bench, S32, 33, 35, 36, 42, 53, 103,'116
paring, HT69 dry, S33, 34, 36
sharpening, HT72, 75 flat, S32, 86-94, 104, 105, 116
spoon, HT69 hollow, S32, 33, 36, 39, 95-106, 116
storage, HT76 low-speed, S33, 34

JW — -J o in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Grinder (continued) tack, HT84, 85

wet, S32, 36, 37, 42, 45, 53 Warrington, HT84
Grinding, DP2, 16, 18, 90, 91, 92, 93; S2, Hand
12, 17, 19, 21, 32-34, 39, 44, 47, 49, 52, file, SP81
6 1 ,6 4 , 6 5 ,7 8 , 84, 9 3 ,9 5 planes, JW 2 0 -2 1 , 22, 4 3 -4 4
Grinding wheel, S13, 3 3 -3 7 , 38, 39, 40, 53, saw, JW 21, 22
64, 65, 77, 78, 79, 80, 95 tools, JW 2 0 -2 2
Grindstone, S36, 53, 82, 95 Handicraft Revival style, DB24; TC9, 11
Grit, F42, 43 Hand plane, S5, 49, 53, 54. See also Plane(s)
Groove(s), BC9, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31-34, 35, bench.plane, SP73, 74, 75, 76, 88
36, 37, 46, 48 -5 0 , 55, 57, 60, 61, 65, 66, blade, SP73, 76, 94
6 8 ,7 0 ,7 1 - 7 3 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 1 ,1 1 4 ,1 1 6 ; block plane, SP73, 74, 75, 76
BIC44, 53, 54, 62; R S54-59, 70, 71, cap iron, SP73
80-82, 110 chip breaker, SP73, 74, 75
cutters, RS70 features, SP73-75
dowel, JW 52 finger plane, SP73, 75
Grooved jaw face vise, W SF34, 35 frog, SP73, 74
Joiner’s hammer Groovers, TS16 handle, SP73, 74
Guard, saw, TS3, 17 handrest, SP73
Guidance features of jigs and fixtures, jack plane, SP73, 91
J F 2 7 , 3 2 -3 7 jointer plane, SP73
Guide block, S 56-58, 75, 94, 103, 104, lever cap, SP73, 74
1 0 5 ,1 0 7 ,1 1 6 mouth, SP74
alignment, BS4, 24, 29, 30 palm plane, SP73, 74, 75
resurfacing, BS32 plane iron, SP73, 74, 75, 76, 88
Guide bushings, AR78 scrub plane, SP73
Guide collar, AR4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, sharpening, SP75, 76
29, 3 1 ,3 2 ;R S 3 3 , 34, 60 smooth plane, SP73
Guide rail, BS69, 70, 73 sole, SP73, 74, 75
Guides, base mounted, RS33, 34 spokeshave, SP73, 75
Guiding edge, TS50 try plane, SP73
Guiding work on use, SP2, 3, 72-76, 77, 78
overhead routing jig, R S I7 Hand planing, F37
Hand scraper
router table, RS27, 28, 35, 36 Handsaw, S 73-75, 77, 78
shaper, RS42, 43 Hand scraper, SP83, 84, 85, 88
Gullets, TS10 Hand screw, GC16, 17, 20, 31, 56, 9 3-95
Gunstock vise, W SF37, 38 Hand screw clamp rack, GC31, 33
Hand sharpening, S12, 16-31, 44, 47, 48,
H 51, 53, 58, 59, 64, 84, 86
Hardness, F26, 28, 84, 89
Half-blind dovetail, BIC76; RS61, 62 Hardware
Half-blind dovetail joint, JW 81, bed rail fasteners, DB37
92-93 Blum fittings, DB36
Half pins, dovetail, JW 85 boxes, BC38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 85, 99,
Half-round file, SP79, 81 100,103
Hammers brackets, DB44
cabinetmaker’s, HT84 butt hinge, BIC72, 73
claw, HT84, 85 catches, BC42, 85
framing, HT84 connector bolts, DB36, 41, 44
Bed rail fasteners corner braces, DB38
joiner’s, HT84
ripping, HT84, 85 corner protectors, BC42

KEY: AR— A d v an ced R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g B C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

oxes and S aw ;
DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

drawer, BC42, 63, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, router, RS8, 11, 29
95 shaper, RS42
drawer brackets, BIC30, 57 Hemlock, WWM19, 24, 33
Euro-hinge, BIC72, 74 Herringbone cutting board, BS66, 67
extension slides, DB44, 71, 72, 74, 75 Hickory, WWM14, 17, 18, 28, 29
feet, BC42, 103 Hide glue, GC6, 7, 11, 14, 80, 81
flush mounts, DB39 High-speed steel, RS22; TS10
handles, BC42, 63, 85 Hinge mortise, BC 38-40, 41, 99, 100;
hinges, BC 38-40, 41, 85, 99, 100, BIC73
103; DB40, 5 2-54 Hinges
joint connectors, DB36 European-style, J W 118, 119
knobs, BC42 wooden, JW 83
knock-apart biscuits, DB37 Hobbyist workbench, W SF18
knock-down, DB25, 27, 35, 36-39, 41 Hold-down, DP17, 72, 73; GC25, 109, 110;
lid, BC 38-40, 41, 42, 85, 99, 100, 103 JF 10, 11, 21, 47, 53-57; SS3, 11, 12, 42,
lid supports, BC41, 99, 100, 103 44, 48, 76, 88, 89, 91, 92; TS17
locks, BC42 go-bar, W SF42, 4 4 -4 6
Minifix fittings, DB37 holdfast, W SF29, 41, 116
pivots, BC38, 40 L-shaped cleat, W SF16, 17, 31
post and screws, DB36 pinch dog, W SF41
pulls, BC42, 95 rope brake, W SF42
screw blocks, DB39 spring pole, W SF42
shelving brackets, DB41, 44 Hold-down for shaper, RS83
slide-on connectors, DB39 Holdfast, GC25; W SF29, 41, 116
slides, BC70, 71, 72, 74, 75 Holding a paint brush, F70
slide-together fittings, DB38 Holding jig, JF 57, 58
snap-together fittings, DB37, 38 Holes, making, JW 2 8 -2 9 , 45 -4 6
standards and brackets, DB31, 46 Hole saw, DP7, 11, 13, 50, 51
standards and clips, BIC78, 79 Holding the router, RS32
support pins, BIC78 Haunched mortise-and-
tenon joint
surface-mount hinge, BIC72, 73 grinder, S32, 33, 36, 39, 95-106, 116
taper connectors, DB39 grinding, S6, 7, 12, 33, 36, 51-53, 95,
threaded inserts, DB37 103,105
wire supports, BIC79; DB46 Hollow-ground blade, TS10, 11, 12, 24
wrap-around hinge, BIC72 Hollow-ground planer blade, JW 31
Haunched mortise and tenon, BIC72; Holly, WWM14, 28
JW 62, 75, 76, 117-118 Honing, S2, 12, 18, 19, 26, 33, 36, 39, 40,
Hazards of finishing chemicals, F13, 17-19, 44, 47, 48, 52, 60, 64, 66, 78, 79, 82-84,
2 0 ,2 1 ,5 4 , 68, 85 9 3 ,1 1 4
Hazel, WWM30 Honing guide, JF 49; S12, 27-30, 44, 45,
Head, drill press, DP3, 5, 7, 8, 33, 34, 37, 55 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 58, 59, 67-69,
Heat resistance, F27, 28 116
Height Hook angle, TS9, 10, 11
blade, TS23, 24 Hooks, peg board, W SF26, 27, 28, 58
gauge, TS66, 67, 69, 70 Hook teeth, S25
Height adjuster, AR34, 35, 40, 41, 43, 66, Horizontal boring machine, DP63, 77 Honing guides
67, 68, 72 Horsepower, TS8
Height-adjustment fence, JF 62, 80-83 Hot-melt glue, GC6, 10, 11, 14, 19, 80, 81
Height adjustment for House paint, F10
joint-making jig, RSI 10 HVLP sprayer, F75
overhead routing jig, R S I7 Hydrogen peroxide, F61

S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l
J W — - J o in i n g W o o d ; R S — R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; Saw ;
TC— TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
M a k in g T a b le s a n d C h a i r s ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

I Joinery
back cut, FC51, 69, 78
Incra jig, AR15 basic cuts, JW 2 8 -4 7
Incremental positioning jig, JF 46 bevel, TC22
Indexing, AR53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 65, biscuit, BIC55, 56; DB41, 42, 43;
92 GC51; TC47
Indexing wheel, RS86, 87 box, BC 23-27, 28, 29, 30-3 3 , 57, 98
India stone, S17, 19, 22, 24 bridle joint, BC46, 47, 49; BIC71;
Indicator, kerf, TS26, 27 DB49; GC54, 55; SS53, 70, 72
Induction motor, RS8, 19; TS8 butt joint, BC24, 25, 57, 67; DB44, 68,
Inlay, SS2, 3, 67, 68 70; FC51, 61, 67, 6 9 ,7 0 ,7 1 ,7 3 ,
Inlaying 77-79
banding, A R75-77 chamfer, TC48, 54, 66, 67, 120
marquetry, AR75, 79, 80 cleat, BC28, 29, 40, 60, 72, 9 0-92
matching recesses and inlays, AR78 coped joints, AR2, 24-27; BC47, 50;
An inshave carves concave materials, AR74, 75, 7 9-84
FC72, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 8 9-92, 94,
parquetry, AR75 114, 120, 1 2 1 ;S S 5 3 ,6 9 , 70, 71
shapes, A R79-82 copingjoints, HT23, 30
sulphur, AR82, 83 corner joint, BC24, 25-28, 63, 65;
wire, AR82, 83, 84 SS71
Insert(s) cuts, BS16, 19, 22
dadoing, TS64, 65 cutting, HT27, 28, 29, 36
molding, TS64, 65 dado, BC24, 25, 57, 59-61, 65, 67, 82,
table, TS3, 32 83, 110-113; BIC44, 53, 54, 62, 63,
Inserts for router mounting plate, RS12, 13 113; DB41, 42, 68, 70, 73, 76, 77,
Inshave, HT46 113-115, 118, 119; HT7, 44, 45,
Inside shapes, AR30 4 8 ,9 1 ,9 7 , 100, 101, 118; TC22,
Inspection 101
light, F33, 34, 35 dovetail, BC9, 23, 25, 27, 32, 33, 61,
surface, F 32-34 64, 66, 67, 70, 86, 90, 91, 93-95,
Intarsia, SS3, 53, 63, 65, 66, 67, 71 102; BS74, 84, 87-90, 108, 110;
Interior cuts, SS3, 8, 13, 35, 38, 40, 48, 49, DB41, 42, 56, 68, 69, 113; GC59;
Intarsia 51, 52 HT23, 27, 67, 117; SS53, 72; TC20,
overarm router, R S I5 2 1 ,4 0
Interlocking joints, JW 3, 4, 80 -9 4 dovetail joints, AR2, 7, 13, 17
International style, TC9, 11 dowel, BC33, 55, 59; BIC55, 56, 71;
Interphase in glue joint, GC3, 42 DB41, 49, 117; DP69, 78-80;
Invention of router, RS2 GC51, 62; TC20, 21, 36, 41, 56, 59,
Invention of table saw, TS2 6 1 ,9 5
Ipe, WWM24 drawer, B C 63-68, 82, 83, 93, 102,
Iroko, WWM24 114
drawer lock joint, AR25, 27
j edge joints, GC50, 51
end lap, GC54, 55, 62
Jacaranda, WWM38 examples of simple, JW 47
Jack, router, RS11 finger glue joint, AR27
Jack plane, S49; SP73, 91 finger joints, AR2, 7, 13, 14, 16; BC25,
Jacobean style, TC8, 10 27, 28, 67, 70, 96, 98, 99; BS74, 84,
Jelutong, WWM19, 36, 37 85, 86, 87, 117, 121; DB56, 68, 69,
Drawer lock joint Jeweler’s rouge, S26 113; GC55, 59; TC53
Jigsaw, SS5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14-16, 19-21, 70 floating joint, GC37, 62

KEY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B oxes Saw;
DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F in i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

frame-and-panel, B C 43-49, 50, 51-54, purpose of, JW 54

5 5 ,5 6 , 57-60, 61 rabbet, BC6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 24,
glue block, BC59, 92, 93 25, 34, 35, 57, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65,
glue joint, AR27; BC93; GC51; TC45, 67, 82-84, 90, 91, 110, 114; BIC44,
47, 72 53, 54, 75; DB42, 51, 68, 69, 76,
grooves, BC9, 23, 28-34, 35-37, 46, 77, 84, 114, 115, 1 1 8 ,1 1 9 ,1 2 1 ,
4 8 -5 0 , 55, 57, 60, 61, 65, 66, 68, 122;FC 32, 44, 57, 61, 104, 105,
70, 71, 73, 100, 101, 114, 116; 110-112, 114; HT7, 42, 43, 48, 91,
BIC44, 53, 54, 62; DB49, 68, 70, 100,107, 110
76, 8 1 -8 3 , 85, 86, 114; FC 111-122; rabbet-and-dado, DB41, 42, 68, 70
HT44, 45, 48, 91, 97; TC22, 56, 57 rail and mullion, FC116, 119
gussets, GC56 rail-to-stile, FC116, 119
half-blind dovetail, BIC76 router, R S51-70
haunched, FC113, 119 rule joint, AR27; HT48, 49; TC51, 52
haunched mortise and tenon, BIC72 sash, DB49
hinge mortise, BC 38-40, 41, 99, 100; sash joint, AR27; BIC72, 117
BIC73; FC27, 31, 32-35, 37, 38 saw, HT27, 28, 29
hollow post, TC38, 39 scarf joint, FC79, 91; GC55, 56
keyed grooves, TC40, 41 shaper, RS 70-73
knuckle joint, TC53 slip joint, SS70, 72
lap joint, BC115; BIC55, 56; FC87, solid post, TC40, 41
88; HT42; TC34, 35 spline, BC33, 46, 59, 60; DB111, 112,
leg-and-apron, JW 13 115; FC51, 52; GC51, 56; TC47
leg-to-apron, T C I 19, 120 splined miter, BC24, 25, 26, 3 0 -3 3 ,
locked miter joint, AR27 57
lock joint, BC64, 65, 67; BIC76; sprung edge joint, TC46
DB68, 69 stile-and-rail joint, AR26, 27
loose tenon, BC46, 47, 50, 5 1 -5 4 toe joint, DB76
Round mortise-and-tenon
miter, B C 24-26, 30-33, 57, 100, 119; tongue-and-groove, AR2, 25, 27; joint
DB113, 114; FC6, 7, 49, 6 1 ,6 7 , BC37, 47, 49, 50, 89; DB73, 86;
70-73, 77-82, 84, 89, 91, 93, 120; FC57, 61, 62; GC.51; HT48; TC47
'GC62, 64; HT7, 23; SS71 tools, JW 1 7-24
mortise-and-spline joints, AR7 trestle, TC34, 35, 36
mortise-and-tenon, AR2-8, 9, 10, 12, tusk, DP113, 114, 115-117, 118
68; BC46, 4 7 -4 9 , 51, 53, 54, 109, Jointer, JF 21, 25, 33, 44, 64, 73
110, 113; DB41, 42, 43, 49, 52, 81, adjusting tables, SP7-9, 12
109, 118; DP13, 14, 16, 17, 69, alignment and adjustment, SP7-13
70-77, 80, 82, 87, 88, 115-117, featherboard, SP20, 22
118; FC26, 44, 64, 112, 113, 115, features, SP3-6
116, 118, 119; GC56, 62, 64; HT3,« jointer/planer, SP25, 26
17, 42, 43, 44, 45, 60, 63, 64, knife-setting jig, SP11
65-67, 91, 97, 105, 115; TC6; 7, ■ knives, S5, 11, 21, 39, 78, 79; SP3,
20, 21, 3 3 -3 5, 36, 42, 59, 61, 62, 4 -12, 13-15, 16, 18-20
63, 65, 71, 72-74, 75, 7 6 -7 8 ,7 9 , maintenance, SP18, 19
8 0 ,8 1 ,8 2 ,8 5 ,9 4 , 9 5 ,9 6 , 101, rabbeting, SP3, 6
108-111, 119 safety SP6, 7, 13, 14, 17, 20-22
operations, JW 2, 3 setting fence angle, SP11, 13
panel and molding, FC120, 121 setting knives, SP7-12
peg, DP69, 78, 80, 81 sharpening knives, SP18, 19
plywood, BC59, 60, 61 Combination
techniques, SP3, 13-17, 38, 39, 40
jointer/planer machine
pocket screw, BIC55, 57, 64, 65, 90, 116 wood preparation, SP38, 39, 40

JW — -Jo in i n g W ood; RS— R o u t in g and S h a p in g ; S — S h a r p e n in g ; SP— S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; SS— U s in g t h e S cr o ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C TS— U s in g t h e
h a ir s ; T a ble S aw ; WSF— W o r k b en c h es and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o rk in g M a te r ia ls

Jointer plane, S49; SP73 Juniper, WWM32

Jointer/planer, SP25, 26
Jointing, JW 2 5 -2 6
angles, SP16
bevels, SP16 Keller & Company, RS63
chamfers, SP16 Kerf, TS9
edges, SP15 bending, TS84, 85, 120
end grain, SP16, 17 indicator, TS26, 27
faces, SP15 Keyed mortise and tenon, JW 62
jig, JF 5 , 34; SP16 Khaya, WWM37
Jointing jig, router, RS54, 55 Kickback, TS27, 28, 66
Jointing saws, S25 Kickers, BIC30, 116
Jointing with a router, RS51, 54, 55; Kingwood, WWM24
SP16 Kitchen design
Joint maker, R S I8 cabinets, BIC19
Jointing end grain Joint-Making Jig, RS 104-111 galley, BIC20
Joints island, BIC21, 29
biscuit, JW 5 8 -6 0 ; RS68 L-shaped, BIC21
blind, RS56, 57 major appliances, BIC19
blind dado, JW 46, 47 microwave, BIC19
blind rabbet, JW 47 peninsula, BIC29
butt, JW 3, 1 0 ,4 7 sink, BIC19
compound miter, JW 47 stove, BIC19
dado, JW 47, 116-118 strip, BIC20
dovetail, RS61, 62, 63 U-shaped, BIC6, 16, 20
dovetail, half-blind, JW 81, 92-93 work centers, BIC19
dovetail, through, JW 81, 8 5 -8 9 , work triangle, BIC19
109 Kneehole desk, DB7, 9, 56
dowel, JW 5 0 -5 2 Knife
Face jointing with push edge, JW 46, 47 sander, S41
blocks finger, JW 81, 82-83 sharpener, S40
glue, RS71, 73 sharpening guide, S64, 67, 68, 70,
interlocking, JW 3, 4, 8 1-94 71
lap, JW 46, 47 Knife block and cutting board, F 107-113
lock, JW 81, 93-94, 106; RS68 Knife caddy, T S 110-115
miter, JW 47 Knife-setting jig, SP11, 31, 32
mortise-and-tenon, JW 3, 4, 10, 61-79, Knives, S5, 11, 14, 21, 36, 39, 51, 55, 58,
1 0 9 ,1 1 6 -1 1 8 64, 6 5 ,6 7 , 6 8 ,7 0 ,7 1 ,7 8 , 7 9 ,8 1
open-spline, JW 54-55 bench, HT16
rabbet, JW 47, 116-118 carving, HT70, 72
rabbet-and-dado, JW 46, 47, 103 making, F I 12, 113
'reinforced, JW 3, 4, 4 8 -6 0 marking, FIT 16, 17
rule, RS71, 72 pocket, HT16, 70, 71
sash, RS71, 73 sharpening, HT72, 75
scarf, JW 46, 47 striking, HT16, 113, 114
. simple, JW 3, 4, 1 6 ,2 7 -4 7 using, HT63, 64, 70, 71
spline, JW 5 3 -5 5 utility, HT16, 33
splined miter, JW 5 3 -5 5 Knock-down cutting grid, JF 62, 121-123
tongue-and-groove, JW 46, 47; RS71, Knock-down hardware, DB25, 27, 35,
72, 73 36-39, 41
Keyed mortise-and-tenon
joint types of, JW 2 Kyun, WWM39

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B an d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

L Lids
cut-off, BC34, 35, 36, 80, 82, 99
L-beam fence, JF 3 2 , 33 fitted, BC7, 3 4-37
L-bevel, S46 fulcrum, BC34
L-shaped cleat, W SF16, 17, 31 hardware, BC 38-40, 41, 42, 85, 99,
Labels, finish, F 1 4 -16 100,103
Lacewood, WWM24 hinged, BC34, 38, 39, 40
Lacquer, F10 hinges, BC 38-40, 41, 85, 99, 100
applying, F72 molded lip, BC34, 35
brushing, F10, 72 one-piece boxes, BC3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
spray, F10, 75, 78, 98 14-17, 18
water-reducible, F10 pivots, BC38, 40
Lamb’s wool, F88 rabbeted, BC34
Laminate (see also Plastic laminate) six-board boxes, BC23, 34-40, 80, 82,
as countertop material, BIC85, 86, 90 83, 85, 99, 100, 103 Polishing with a lamb’s wool
cutting guide, BIC91, 92, 94 bonnet
sliding, BC35, 36
installation, BIC86, 91, 92-96, 120, 121 supports, BC41, 99, 100, 103
sink cutout, BIC96 Light, inspection, F33, 34, 35
trimming, BIC92, 93, 94 Lime, F56
Laminate cutting guide, BIC91, 92, 94 Linseed oil, F I 0, 11
Laminate-cutting jig, GC85, 86 Liquid filler, F10
Laminate trimmer, RS6, 70 Load, JW 4 -7
Lamination press, GC26 Loading finish on a brush, F69
Lap desk, DB3, 7, 56, 57, 61, 110-115 Locked miter joint, AR27
Lap marks, F57, 70, 71 Lock joint, BC64, 65, 67; BIC76; JW 81, 93,
Lap joint, BC115; BIC55, 56; JW 46, 47 94, 106; RS68, 96
Lapping plate, S24 Log carriage, BS68-73
Larch, WWM19, 34 Long fence extension, TS50, 52, 53
Large work, routing, RS25 Long grain, F32, 33, 59; JW 14
Latex paint, F10 Longitudinal movement, JW 7 Sanding a turning on the
exterior, F10 Long-reach C-clamp, JF 49, 53 lathe
interior, F10 Loose tenon
Lathe, JW 76, 77, 78 jig, BC 51-53
Lathe chuck, BC16, 17 joint, BC46, 47, 5 0 ,5 1 -5 4
Lathe sanding, SP63, 64 Low-speed grinder, S33, 34
Lathe tools, S12, 21, 25, 36, 39, 55, 56, 57, Lubrication, RS41, 42
58-60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 94, 102, 103, Lumber
105, 107, 114 board feet, WWM44, 45, 50, 51
Lathe turning, A R52-73 clear, WWM48, 49, 50
Lauan, WWM19, 37, 69 common, WWM49, 50
Lawn mower blade, S33 cutting, WWM5, 6, 9, 13, 28, 31, 40,
Layout rule, dovetail, JW 85, 86, 90 . 41-43, 45-47, 51-55, 63, 68, 73, 103
Layout tools, JW 1 8 -1 9 drying, WWM31, 32, 40, 4 3 -4 5 , 47,
Leading face, S4 48, 51, 58, 59, 74
Leg vise, W SF33 firsts and seconds (FAS), WWM48, 49,
Leigh dovetail jig, AR17, 18, 19 50
Leigh Industries, RS63 grades, WWM40, 43, 44, 4 8 -5 1 , 74
Leigh jig, BC27 green, WWM10, 12, 14, 40, 43, 44, Locked miter joint
Letter desk, D B88-103 47, 58
Levels, HT7, 8, 11, 12 live-sawn, WWM5, 41, 42
Levers, JF 52, 53 longitudinal plane, WWM12

JW — - J o i n in g W o o d ; R S — R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Lumber (continued) counterbores, JF 1 5 -1 7 , 34, 68, 71, 82,

measuring sticks, WWM45 83, 88, 92-94, 95, 96, 97, 113, 114,
milling, W W M 41-43 115,120
plain-sawn, WWM5, 6, 12, 13, 41, 42, designing, JF 3 -6
5 9 ,1 0 3 ,1 1 8 ,1 1 9 guard, JF 5, 8, 9, 91, 94-96, 97, 100,
preparing, WWM40, 51 107, 108
purchasing, WWM50, 51 guide bushing, J F l l , 12, 35, 36, 37
quarter-sawn, WWM5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, hardware, JF 9 , 10, 11, 12, 66, 70, 75,
2 1 ,4 1 ,4 2 ,4 9 ,5 9 , 103, 118, 119 8 1 ,8 5 ,9 1 , 100, 109, 113, 118, 122
quarters, WWM42, 50 holes, JF 15, 16, 34, 37, 96, 101, 113,
radial plane, WWM12 120
rift-sawn, WWM6 materials, JF 7 , 8, 9, 1 3 ,2 8 -3 0 , 64, 66,
rough-cut, WWM50, 51 70, 7 5 ,8 1 ,8 5 ,9 1 , 100, 109, 113,
seasoned, WWM15, 30, 43, 44, 47, 74 118,122
select, WWM48, 49, 50 pivot, JF 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 30, 34, 35,
selecting, WWM48 87, 8 9 ,9 6 , 97, 107, 113-115
shop, WWM48, 49, 50 rolling surface, JF 30, 31
stickers, WWM43, 47, 48 sliding surface, JF 30, 31
surfaced, WWM50 slots, JF 12, 15, 16, 17, 30, 34, 65, 68,
tangential plane, WWM12 7 1 ,7 3 ,7 5 ,8 1 ,8 2 ,8 4 , 87, 8 8 ,9 1 ,
thickness, WWM42, 45, 50, 51 96-98, 107, 108, 113, 114, 116, 120
thrift, WWM49 support, JF 2 7 -3 1
Lumbering, BS47, 68-73 tilting surface, JF 30
Dead-blow mallet Luster, F25, 28 work surface, JF 7 , 8, 9, 2 7-3 0
flat, F10, 85 Making knives, F I 12, 113
high gloss, F86, 87, 88 Mallets
satin, F10, 8 6 ,8 7 carpenter’s, HT82, 103-105
LVHP sprayer, F75 carvers, HT82, 103, 105
Lye, F55, 61 dead-blow, HT83
joiner’s, HT82
M rawhide, HT83
Mandrel, DP120, 121
Macaroni tool, HT70 Mansonia, WWM24
Magnetic protractor, S28, 31, 46 Maple, WWM7, 9, 14, 17, 18, 22, 26,
Mahogany, WWM7, 19, 25, 30, 35, 37, 38, 2 8 -3 0 ,3 5 ,6 7 , 80, 90, 96, 117
39, 67, 69, 77, 96, 106 Marking knife, TS21, 58
Maintenance, D P37-39; T S37-39 Marking the cut, TS21, 22
band saw tires, BS32, 33 Marking tools, JW 18, 19, 20, 86
blade, BS33, 34 Marquetry, AR75, 79, 80; SS2, 3, 24, 53,
cleaning, BS31; SS28, 36 63, 64, 65, 67
guide blocks, BS32 Mason’s cord, HT11
lubricating, BS31 Mastic, GC6, 9, 14
lubrication, SS28, 36, 37 Match grind, S78, 79
router, RS41, 42 Matching recesses and inlays, AR78
shaper, RS45, 46 Matching stain colors, F54
Marquetry inlay patches
tuning up, SS37-39 Material for router mounting plate, R S I2
waxing, BS31, 32 Materials, TS7, 10
Making jigs and fixtures Materials, cutting on the scroll saw
common assemblies, J F l l bone, SS7, 16, 44
construction methods, JF 4, 7, 12, 13, choosing, SS41, 42
14, 15,43 hardwood, SS41

KEY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B o xes Saw ;
DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F in i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

metal, SS3, 7, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, epoxy, F68
38, 44 pigment stains, F59
particleboard, SS41, 42, 44, 71 spray-on finish, F76
plastic, SS7, 16, 1 9 -2 1 ,4 4 , 58 wax, F89, 90
plywood, SS15, 18, 20, 41, 42, 43, 44, wipe-on finish, F67
71 Mobile tools
softwood, SS15, 41 carpenter’s tote, W SF69
veneer, SS7, 18, 19, 44, 58, 63, 64, 65 carryall, W SF69
Materials, finishing, F10 casters, W SF6, 63-67, 87, 92, 109,
Material safety data sheet, F I 4 -1 6 116
Meat cleaver, S6 clamp caddy, W SF7, 72
Mechanical bonds, F12, 13 clamping work station, W SF7
Mechanic’s vise, W SF37, 38 fitted wedge, W SF65, 67
Compound miter cut on the table
Metal, BS6, 7, 10, 15, 17, 18, 22, 31 retractable feet, W SF64, 66 saw
Microbevel, S51, 52, 60, 115 stepped wedge, W SF65, 67
Micro sharpening, S51 tool chest, W SF68, 69, 70
Milk paint, F23, 24, 106 wedge jack, W SF65, 67
Mill file, S25, 73; SP81 wheelbarrow stand, W SF66
Mill marks, F33; RS3 Model cement, GC4
Miniature Chest, R S90-96 Modern style, TC9, 11
Miniature Mule Chest, F 92-98 Modification, surface, F3, 6, 51-63
Miniature router, RS6, 7 Molded
Miniature table saw, TS5 edges, RS78, 79
Mirror-image miters, TS60 shapes, RS75, 76, 77
Mission style, DB21, 109; TC9, 11 Molder, TS17, 63
Miter, SS71 knives for, TS17, 73, 74, 76
compound, TS61, 62, 112, 113 Molder/planer, SP25, 26
cuts, JW 3 8 -3 9 Molding, JW 12, 50, 99-100; T S 64-66,
cutting, T S 59-62 73-76, 107
mirror-image, TS60, 61 backbanding, FC67
Using a miter gauge on a
.jig ,JW 40-41 base, FC76 router table
joint, BC24, 25, 26, 30-33, 57, 100, baseboard, FC6, 14, 15, 48, 66, 76, 77,
119; JW 47 78, 7 9 ,8 0
Miter assembly jig, J F 59 beam, FC85, 89, 91, 92, 94
Miter box, HT28 bed, FC76, 8 0 ; RS77
Miter clamp, GC24, 60, 61, 62, 104-107 board edges and ends, TS74, 75
Miter gauge, AR4, 5, 26, 103, 108; BS4, 11, board faces, TS75
12, 44, 45, 46; RS36, 37, 43, 44, 102, built-up, FC76
109, 1 1 1 ;T S 3, 9, 4 1 ,6 6 cap, FC76, 80, 89, 91-93
adjustment, TS23, 59 5 ceiling, FC6, 16, 76, 80-82
compensating for play, JW 31 chair rail, FC15, 76, 77
extension, JF 6 , 38; TS41, 47, 48, 49, complex, RS75, 76, 77, 82-85
8 4 ,8 5 coped end, FC72
ganging, TS42 corner blocks, FC67, 71
replacement, TS15 cornice, FC76, 81
slots, TS3, 9 cove, FC60, 76, 80, 81
stop, TS46, 47, 49, 59, 68 crown, FC15, 76, 80, 81; RS76
testing angle of, TS24, 25, 59, 61 curved, RS77, 78, 79
Miter gauge face, W SF98 definition, RS2
Mixing design, RS75, 76, 77 Molding made from
brands of finish, F30 face, FC67, 89 multiple router bits

JW — - J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Molding (continued) Mortising, DP2, 16, 17, 70, 71, 72-76;

fascia, FC76, 81 RS37, 38, 56, 60, 64, 111
fence, TS64, 65 attachment, DP16, 17, 70, 72, 73;
flat, FC76, 81, 84, 8 5-87, 8 9-94 JW 24, 69-70
grounding, FC80, 81, 84, 85-92 chisel, JW 64; S8
how to make, R S77-85, 88 fence, JF 4 2 ;JW 6 7 -6 8
insert, TS64 Mortising jig, router, RS64, 65
miter and return, FC80 Mortising template, AR4; JF 27, 36
miter end, FC80 Motion when routing, RS27
multiple-cut, RS82, 83, 85 Motor, BS3, 9, 10, 21; DP3, 6, 7, 8, 23, 27;
narrow stock, TS75 SS3, 9, 10, 11, 12; TS3
ogee, FC67 drive, TS8
one-piece, FC76 horsepower, TS8
picture rail, FC76, 77 router, RS8
placement, RS75, 76 shaper, R S I9
plain end, FC72 type, TS8
Molding head cutter on plinth, FG67 Mounting
the table saw quarter-round, FC60 bit, RS26, 27
returned end, FC71, 72 router, RS9, 25
rosette, FC85, 87, 89, 9 1 ,9 4 Mounting molding knives, TS74
round-over, FC67 Mounting plate, router, RS12, 13, 14, 100,
shape end, FC80 107
shoe, FC76, 78, 80 Mounting strips, BIC27, 28
simple, RS75 Movable jaw vise, W SF30-32, 33, 40
soffit, FC76, 81 Movement, wood, F2; JW 4, 7-13
sprung, FC76, 80, 81, 82 Mule Chest, Miniature, F 92-98
three-step, FC67 Mullions, BIC27
thumbnail, FC67; RS76 Multipurpose
Molding head, RS88 molding knives, TS73
Molding knives, S81 tools, DP8, 63; TS6; W SF6
Molding plane, RS2, 3, 88 Multi-spur bit, DP10, 12, 28, 43, 47, 50,
Molding scraper, SP83, 84, 86 51,62,68
Molding work station, W SF6 Myrtle, WWM24
Mortising with the drill Mordant chemical stains, F57
Mortise(s), JW 6 3 -6 7
how to make, RS57, 60, 64
making, with a drill press, JW 63, 76, Nagura stone, S19
77 Nailing strip, BIC23, 27, 28, 32, 33
making, with a mortiser, JW 66, 67 Nails, JW 12, 15
making, with a router, JW 6 4 -6 6 Nail set, HT84, 85
router mounting plate, RS13, 14, 100, Nail spinner, HT58
107 Needle file, S25; SP82
Mortise-and-spline joints, AR7 Needle rasp, SP82
Mortise-and-tenon, A R2-8, 9, 10, 12, Nitric acid, F55, 106
$8 ' Nontoxic finish, F23, 111
Mortise-and-tenon jig, AR6, 7 -12, 103, Nonvolatile chemicals, F10, 11, 14
110-118 Norway ragstone, S18
Mortise-and-tenon joint, BC46, 47-49, 51, Notch
53, 54, 109, 110, 113; JW 3, 4, 10, corner, JW 28, 29, 99
Needle files 61-79, 109, 116-118 dovetail, JW 9 6, 99, 100
Mortiser, JW 2 3 -2 4 , 66, 67, 69-70 edge, JW 28, 29, 99

KEY: AR— A d v an c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B o xes Saw;
DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F in i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

Notch jig, JF 58; SP69, 70 house, F10

Novaculite, S18, 19, 22 lacquer, F10
Number of saw teeth, TS14 latex, F10
milk, F23, 24, 106
o oil, F10
Palm, WWM21
Oak, WWM4, 6, 7, 14, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, Palm plane, SP73, 74, 75
29, 30, 38, 67, 80, 82, 83, 103, 106 Palm sander, SP50, 52
Oak style, TC9, 11 Panel adhesive, GC6
Odd shapes, cutting, TS83, 84, 92 Panel clamp, GC117, 118
Ogee, RS75, 7 6 ,7 7 Panel-raising bit, RS78, 79
Oil Panels, raised, TS78, 79
Danish, F10, 23 Panga panga, WWM39
drying, F10 Pantograph, AR41, 49, 50; HT20, 21; SS57,
linseed, F10, 11 60-62
paint, F10 Paper, BS22
rubbing, F10 Paraffin
tung, F10 oil, F86
walnut, F23 wax, F89, 90, 111
Oilstone, S17, 19 ,20, 22 Parallel rule, TS87, 88
Oleander, WWM24 Paring chisels, JW 20, 21, 93
One-piece boxes, BC2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-13, Parquetry, AR75
14-21 Particleboard, BIC37, 38; BS18, 22;
Opacity, F26, 28 WWM2, 3, 43, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66,
Opening for shaper spindle, RS20 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 85
Open-spline joint, JW 54-55 circular saw guide, BIC45, 46, 47, 49
Overhead blade guard
Openwork, SS54, 56 cutting, BIC40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
Orange 47, 52
peel, F76 cutting aids, BIC 45-51
shellac, F10, 63 cutting grid, BIC40, 45, 47 -4 9
Orbital sander, F38, 39; SP49, 50, 57, 58, 59 handling and support, BIC40, 45
Organic solvent, F13, 17, 20, 21 layout, BIC41
Orienting wood grain, JW 8 -9 , 10 trimming guide, BIC43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
Ovals, AR41, 43, 44, 45 5 0 ,5 1
Overarm pin holder, AR34, 35-39 Parting tool, S63, 67
Overarm router, AR34, 103; R S I5 Parts of a table saw, TS3
Overhead blade guard, TS17 Paste
Overhead routing jig, AR34, 90, 103, 119, filler, F10, 60, 6 2 ,6 3 , 121
120, 121; RS16, 17, 53, 86-87, 96, 120 wax, F10, 88, 89, 90, 98, 121
Overspray, F I 7, 75 * Patent furniture, TC9, 11
Oxalic acid, F61 Patternmaker’s rasp, SP82, 93
Patternmaker’s vise, W SF29, 38, 116
P Pattern making, JF 7 , 8, 27, 34, 35, 36
Pattern routing, BC3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13
Pad drilling, DP52 sign-making kits, AR32
Pad sander, SP49, 50, 51, 57, 58, 60 techniques, AR28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Patternmaker’s vise
Pad sanding, SP62 Pattern sawing, TS83, 84, 86, 106
Pad-saw, SS59, 106 Pattern work, SS3, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49,
Paduak, WWM24, 37 50, 51, 52, 53-62
Paint Pecan, WWM14, 18, 29
artist’s oil, F 10 Pedestal desk, DB7, 9, 11, 13, 58, 61

JW — -Jo in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t in g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; W S F — W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r ia l s

Pegboard, W SF9, 26, 27, 28, 58, 59, 68, 71, compass, HT48, 49
76, 77 edge, HT43
Pegging a mortise-and-tenon joint, JW 3, edge-trimming, HT44
79 European, HT38
Peg rail, W SF75, 76 fielding, HT48
Pegs, W SF26, 28, 58 fillister, HT43
Penetrating finish, F42 finger, HT37
Penetration of finishes, F25, 28, 59, 66, 67 hand, HT11, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45, 48,
Pennsylvania German style, TC9, 11 80; JW 2 0 -2 1 , 22
Pentagonal cross section, BIC3, 4, 33 hollow, HT4, 48, 49
Permeability, F26, 28 iron, HT37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45,
Peroba rosa, WWM24 4 8 ,5 1 ,5 3 ,5 4 , 7 5 ,7 9 ,8 0 ,9 1 - 9 3 ,
Pewter rack, JW 9 6 -1 0 0 95-97; S2, 5, 8, 1 4 ,2 1 ,2 7 , 2 8 ,3 6 ,
Pigeonhole, DB7, 11, 63, 67, 72, 76, 77, 78, 37, 39, 4 3 -5 4 , 55, 56, 94, 95, 103,
Compass plane adjusts for 8 0 ,8 1 ,8 8 107
concave and convex shapes
Pigment, F 10, 42, 43 jack, HT37, 3 8 ,5 1
stain, F42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59 Japanese, HT38
Pillar file, SP81 jointer, HT37
Pilot bearings, RS33 lubricating, HT54
Pilot bushings, RS33 making, H T 91-96
Piloted bits, JW 45; RS32, 33 match, HT48, 49
Pin, starting, RS32, 33, 44, 45 molding, HT48, 49, 102
Pin block, AR34 palm, HT37, 38
Pinch dogs, GC27; W SF41 panel-raising, HT48, 49
Pinch point, SS12 rabbet, HT42, 43
Pine, WWM19, 33, 34, 35, 67 router, HT44, 45, 91, 92, 9 5 -9 7 ; JW 44
Pin routing, BC6, 7, 10-13; DP87 scraper, HT45, 47
accessories, AR34, 35 scrub, HT4, 38, 51
jigs and fixtures, A R34-40; BC7, shaping, HT48, 49
10-13 sharpening, HT51
Shoulder plane techniques, AR32, 33 -3 5 , 103 shoulder, HT43, 91-95
template, AR32, 33 side-rabbet, HT44, 45
Pins, dovetail, JW 85 smooth, HT37, 38, 51
Pin-sanding jig, SP69, 70 stop rabbet, HT43
Pipe clamp, GC21, 22, 50, 96 -9 8 storage, HT54
Pipe clamp rack, GC69, 71; JF 2 9 surfacing, H T36-39
Pitman arm, SS3, 4, 5, 10, 36, 80, 81, 83, trimming plane, H T42-45
9 1 ,9 2 try plane, HT37, 3 8 ,5 1
Pivot, A R41-48; SS3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 36, 37, tuning, HT53
75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 84 -8 6 , 90-92 using, HT40, 4 1 ,4 2 ,9 7
Pivoting jig, SS85 Planer
Pivot jig, SP100; SS118 adjusting bed roller height, SP29, 30,
Plane(s), S5, 6, 8, 9, 12. See also Hand plane 31
aligning and adjusting, HT53, 54 adjusting feed roller pressure, SP31, 37
anatomy, HT37 adjusting pressure bar, SP31, 32, 37
bench, HT37, 38, 3 9 ,4 1 ,4 5 alignment and adjustment, SP24, 29,
blind nail, HT84, 85 3 0 ,3 1 ,3 2 ,3 3 ,3 7
block, HT37, 38 anti-kickback pawls, SP24
bullnose, HT43, 92; JW 43 bed roller, SP24, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38
Side-rabbet plane trims the ver­ chisel, HT43, 44 chip breaker, SP24
tical walls of dadoes and rabbets combination, HT48, 49 construction, SP29

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; H T — U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

cutterhead, SP24, 25, 27-29, 30, 33, bandings, GC84

35, 37, 39 core material, GC82, 84
cutterhead feed rate, SP27, 28, 33, 35, cutting, GC83
37 general purpose, GC82
cutterhead speed, SP27 gluing, GC84
depth of cut, SP24, 27, 33, 37 joining, GC83
dust chute, SP37 laminate-cutting jig, GC85, 86
features, SP23-25, 27-29 lamination press, GC26
jointer/planer, SP25, 26 liner, GC82
knife-setting jig, SP31, 32 post-forming, GC82
knives, S5, 1 4 ,2 1 ,3 9 , 78, 79; reattaching, GC84
SP23-25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, self edge, GC84, 85
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 95 trimming, GC84, 85
leveling the bed, SP29, 30 types, GC82
maintenance, SP38, 39 vertical-surface, GC82
molder/planer, SP25, 26 Plastic resin glue, GC6, 8, 14
motor, SP24, 27, 28 Plug, DP13, 14, 61
portable, SP25, 27 Plug cutter, DP13, 14
pressure bar, SP24, 37 Plugs, trimming, RS51
rollers, SP24, 2 9 ,3 1 ,3 3 ,3 7 , 38 Plunge cut on Checking planer roller
safety, SP31, 36 basic router, RS37 height
setting knives, SP31, 32 joint-making jig, R SI 11
sharpening knives, SP18, 38, 39 overarm router, R S I5
stand, SP24, 37 overhead routing jig, R S I7
stationary, SP25 plunge router, RS37
switch, SP24 router table, RS38
tapering jig, SP36 Plywood, BC58, 59, 60, 61, 68, 80, 82, 85;
techniques, SP23, 24, 3 3-36, 38, 39, BIC37; BS22; WWM2, 27, 61, 6 3 -7 0 ,
40 73, 74, 88, 96, 102
thickness, SP23, 27, 95 adhesives, WWM67
troubleshooting, SP37 bendable, WWM69
Width of cut, SP27 birch, WWM26, 69, 70
wood grain, SP33, 35, 37 blade, TS11, 12, 1 3 ,5 8
wood preparation, SP37, 38, 39, 40 characteristics, WWM65
Planing, D P I6, 17 circular saw guide, BIC45, 46, 47, 49
hand, F37, 38 construction, W W M 64-67
machine, F33 core construction, WWM57, 6 4 -6 9
Planing jig, JF 48; SP34 crossband, W W M 64-66 Plug cutter
router, RS52, 53 cutting, BIC40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
Planing with a router, R S51-53 47, 52; TS56, 57, 58
Planning cutting aids, BIC 45-51
cutting list, BIC17, 18 cutting grid, BIC40, 45, 47 -4 9 , 92
design, BIC2, 5 -7 , 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, dadoing, TS68
16, 1 9 ,2 0 ,2 1 ,2 3 ,2 4 , 29 exterior, WWM48, 67, 69
layout, BIC16 fastening, WWM66
list of materials, BIC17, 18 . gluing, WWM66
Plastic, BS10, 17, 18, 22, 31 grades, W W M 67-69
Plastic laminate(s), WWM2, 56, 62. See also grain, W W M 63-67
Laminate groups, WWM68
applying, GC82, 84 handling and support, BIC40, 45
backing, GC82 hardwood, WWM59, 62, 6 7 -6 9

JW — -Jo in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r ia l s

Plywood (continued) Properties of finishes, F 25-27, 28

interior, WWM67 Protection
layout, BIC41 from chemical hazards, F I 7-19, 54, 58
marking, TS58, 68 from dust, F65, 68, 85
marine, WWM69 of wood, F 2 ,3 , 23, 2 5 ,2 6
medium-density overlay (MDO), Protractor, HT9, 13, 108
WWM69 Protractor head, HT9, 19
multi-ply, WWM69, 70 Pumice, F86; S25
plies, W W M 64-67 Purpleheart, WWM19, 38
sheet materials, WWM63, 66 Push
softwood, WWM59, 6 7 -6 9 block, JF 19, 20; SP13, 14, 15, 20, 21,
sources, WWM69 62
stability, WWM65, 66 board, TS29
strength, WWM65 shoe, JF 19, 63; RS36, 40, 42; SP13,
thickness, WWM66 14, 1 5 ,2 0
trimming, TS57 stick, JF 19, 63; RS36, 42; SP13, 20,
trimming guide, BIC43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 62; TS28, 29
50, 51 Pusher, AR14, 16, 19, 21, 23; JF 1 9 , 6 2 -6 4
types, WWM66, 67 Putty, wood, F34, 37
veneer, WWM57, 58, 63 -6 9 , 96, 106
wood species, WWM66, 67
Pocket hole jig, BIC 64-67 Q
Pocket screw, BIC55, 57, 64, 65, 90, 116 Queen Anne style, DB8, 16, 18, 42, 49, 50,
Laying out angles with a
protractor head Point-cut bits, RS21 5 1 ,7 6 , 109; TC7, 8, 1 0 ,1 1 ,3 0
Polishing, S2, 12, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 32, Quick-release clamps, SS8, 38, 74, 77, 90
33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 52, 60, Quill, DP3, 5, 7, 8, 17, 23, 25, 28, 33, 34,
64, 77, 78, 7 9 ,9 3 , 114, 115 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50, 72, 83, 86, 93,
Pollution, F19 94, 96, 121
Polyurethane, F10 chuck clamp, DP74, 75
applying, F72 feed, DP3, 8, 2 8 ,4 0 ,7 3 , 121
Polyvinyl resin glue, G C 4-6, 7, 14 lock, DP3, 4, 8, 34, 88, 93, 94
Poplar, WWM14, 18, 29, 31, 34, 49, 65,
68, 69, 90
Portable finishing booth, F56, 79-82, 121 R
Positioning jig, AR14, 15, 16, 17-23 Rabbet-and-dado joint, JW 46, 47, 103
Positions for mounting router, RS9 Rabbets, BIC44, 53, 54, 75; R S54-59, 70,
Post-Modern style, TC9, 11, 30 71; TS66
Potassium permanganate, F56 cuts, JW 4 2 -4 3
Pounce wheel, HT20, 21 joint, BC6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 24, 25,
Pouring, applying a finish by, F68, 69 34, 3 5 ,5 7 , 5 9 ,6 0 , 6 3 ,6 4 , 6 5 ,6 7 ,
Pour-on finish, F68, 69 82-84, 90, 91, 110, 114; JW 47,
Power, RS7 116-118
Power tools, JW 2 3 -2 4 Rack, pewter, JW 9 6 -1 0 0
Preacher, JF 41 Racking, JW 4 -5
Preparation, surface, F3, 5, 31-50 Racks, W SF3, 26, 27, 28, 58, 59, 68,
Radial drill press Preparing wood, JW 2 4 -2 6 74-76; 77, 78, 79, 80, 93
Press bar, GC70, 72 Radial arm saw, JF 25, 38, 42, 44
Primavera, WWM19, 38 Radial drill press, DP5, 7, 55, 108
Primitive style, TC8, 10 Radial wood movement, JW 7 -9 , 10
Printer stand, DB64, 65, 100, 103 Radio frequency, GC8
Profile of teeth, TS10, 11 Rails, face frame, BIC27, 54

KEY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

M a k in g B o x e s Saw;
DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F in i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

Raised panel, BC46, 55, 56, 98; TS78, 79, antique finish, F24
108, 109 epoxy, F10, 68
Raising the grain, F44, 56, 57 waterborne, F10, 19, 23, 72, 78
Rake angle, S5 Resistance
Random orbit sander, F38, 39 chemical, F27, 28
Rasps heat, F27, 28
cabinet, SP79, 82 water, F27, 28
crank-neck, SP82 Resorcinol glue, GC6, 9, 14, 36
cut, SP79, 80, 81 Respirator, F18
file card, SP80 Retractable feet, W SF64, 66
maintenance, SP79, 80 Reversible push stick, TS29
needle, SP82 Riffler, SP82 Pivot fence for resawing
patternmaker’s, SP82, 93 Rip blade, TS10, 12, 13
riffler, SP82 Rip fence, TS3, 9
round, SP82 Ripping, BS12, 16, 19, 22; T S50-55
sculpting, SP82 Rip saw, S74, 75, 78
shape, SP79, 8 1 ,8 2 guide block, S75
tooth pattern, SP79, 81 Riser block, BS11, 12, 13
type, SP79, 82 Rococo Revival style, TC9, 11
use, SP78, 7 9 ,8 0 ,8 2 Roller stand, TS33, 34, 35, 36, 37
wood, SP79, 82 Rolling table, TS16, 42
Rat-tail file, SP81 Rolling-table saws, TS6, 7
Razor blade, S6 Rolltop desk, DB11, 13, 58, 61, 63, 76, 77,
Reaction wood, JW 24; TS50 81
Reactive finish, F10, 11 Roman-style workbench, W SF16, 23
Rectangular cross section, BIC3 Rope brake, W SF42
Redwood, WWM19, 34 Rosewood, WWM19, 21, 24, 30, 35, 36,
Reeds, RS81 38, 39
Regulation, VOC, F19 Rotary planer, D P I6, 17
Reindeer project, BS76, 77 Rotary rasp, DP16, 18
Reinforced joints, JW 3, 4, 48 -6 0 Rotation of
Relative humidity, JW 7; W W M 10, 11, 12, bit, RS27, 28
1 5 ,4 4 , 5 0 ,5 1 ,5 9 cutter, RS42, 43
Removing runs and sags, F65 Roto-Vise, W SF38
Renaissance Revival style, TC9, 11 Rottenstone, F86; S25
Repair, surface, F 3 4-38 Roughing gouge, S60, 63
Reproducing antique finishes, F24 Round file, S25
Resawing Round guide, RS34
blade, BS55, 56 Round mortise and tenon, JW 62, 76, 77, 78
book matching, BS66 * Roundnose chisel, S63
feed rate, BS57, 58 Round rasp, SP82
Rotary rasps
fence, BS54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, Round stock, routing, RS15, 86, 87, 114,
70 116
history, BS2, 53 Routed Box, R S118-121
lumbering, BS47, 68-73 Router, JF 3 , 4, 16, 17, 27, 28-30, 32, 33,
pad sawing, BS66, 101 34, 35, 42, 48, 58, 66, 98, 108, 109, 110;
pivot, BS54, 55, 56-58, 61, 62, 63 JW 23, 24, 43, 64, 65, 66, 72, 106 '
preparation, BS55 anatomy, RS3, 4
techniques, BS16, 19, 20, 22, 53-68 arbor, RS7
troubleshooting, BS60, 61 base, RS8, 9
Resin, F2, 10 basic, RS6

J W — -J o in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S a w ; W S F — W o rk ben ch es and Shop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Router (continued) Router table, AR103, 104, 105, 109, 114,

bits, DP87; S5, 14, 15, 80, 81; RS3, 118; JF 4, 21, 22, 27, 33, 34, 39, 42, 44,
2 0 - 2 3 ,3 2 ,4 1 ,4 2 ,6 1 ,7 8 , 79 46; RS10, 97-103
capabilities, RS7 dust collection, RS10, 11
collet, RS7 fence, JF 17, 21, 27, 33, 34, 38, 39, 81,
compass jig, J F 17, 34, 88, 96 9 8 -1 0 1 ,1 0 3 -1 0 8 ; R S 2 6 ,35
configuration, RS8 lift-top, J F 2 1 ,3 0 , 62, 98-10 8
features, RS7 miter gauge, RS36, 37
first purchase of, RS8 switch, RS10, 11
guides, RS33, 34, 58, 59 Router tool rest, AR66, 67, 72, 73
height adjustment, RS8, 11 Router workbench, A R103-109, 114, 118,
height adjustor, JF 62, 109, 110 121
invention of, RS2 Routing, DP2, 7, 16, 34, 63, 82, 85-88, 93,
jack, JF 46; RS11 96
joinery, R S50-70 basic joints, R S54-56
jointing jig, RS54, 55 boxes, BC3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-1 3
Smoothing a dado bottom with a maintenance, RS41, 42 decorative shapes, R S77-83
router plane miniature, RS6, 7 hand-held, RS32
mortising jig, RS64, 65 pattern, BC3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13
motor, RS8 pin, BC6, 7, 10-13
mounting plate, RS 12-14 rules, RS26, 27
mounting positions, RS9 spindle, RS4, 5
overarm, R S I5 Routing jig
planing jig, RS52, 53 horizontal, JF 29
plunge, RS6, 37 multipurpose, JF 4
power, RS7 overhead, JF 3
selection of, RS6 Rubber gloves, F18
speed, RS7 Rubbing
templates, RS18 compound, F86, 87
types, RS6, 7 oils, F10
Router and shaper joinery, R S50-73 out a finish, F 84-87
beading, AR31, 32, 55, 56 Rub collars, RS45
chamfer, AR66 Rule joint, AR27; RS71, 72
core-box, AR31, 32, 66, 90 Ruler, HT6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13
dovetail, A R17-19, 31, 32, 59, 92 Run-out, DP24, 25, 27; JW 30; TS22, 39
flush-trim, AR29, 30 Runs, F63, 70
ogee, AR55, 66 Rust prevention, W SF27, 93
Rule joint
pattern-cutting, AR29, 30, 100
roundnose, AR31, 32, 55, 56, 66, 90
roundover, AR55, 66, 92
straight, AR2-4, 8, 13, 16, 17, 29, 32, Safety, AR33, 42; BS17, 21, 37-3 9 , 41, 54,
4 1 ,5 9 ,6 6 - 6 8 ,8 9 ,9 0 56, 58, 59, 60, 99, 101; DP12, 34, 35,
suppliers, AR24 49, 85; GC8, 15, 35, 41, 45; JF 2 , 3, 5, 6,
unpiloted, AR31, 32, 55, 66 18-21, 73; S33, 35, 45, 50, 111; SS3, 11,
V-groove, A R 31,32, 55, 66 12, 42, 43; W SF8, 9, 57, 70
Router duplicator, AR41, 50, 51, 67 air scrubber, SP67
Router holder, AR110, 111, 112-114 dust collector, SP14, 59, 66
Router jack, AR35, 40, 41, 43; RS11 dust mask, SP59, 66
Router plane, JW 44 finishing, F I 3-21
Router planing jig, SP34 jointer, SP6, 7, 13, 14, 17, 20-22
Router/shaper, RS4, 6 jointer featherboard, SP20, 22

KEY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B o xes Saw;
DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F in i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

planer, S P 3 1.36, 37 machine, F38, 39

push block, SP13, 14, 20, 21, 62 notch jig, SP69, 70
push shoe, SP13, 14, 20 pad, SP62
push stick, SP13, 20, 62 pin-sanding jig, SP69, 70
sander, SP107, 116 safety, SP59, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 107,
sanding, SP59, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 107, 116
116 sealer, F10, 60, 62, 63
toxic woods, SP65, 68 sticks, SP55
Sags, F65, 70 techniques, SP56-64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
Salad bowl finish, F10, 23, 111 69-71, 107
Sand base, SS25, 26, 27, 39, 74, 77, 91 tools, SP26, 33, 41, 45-47, 48, 49-55,
Sander, JF 14, 2 3 ,2 9 ,3 4 , 35 57-59, 60-64, 65, 69, 9 3 ,9 5 -1 2 1
abrasive mop, SP52, 53 wet, F42, 63, 66, 71, 78, 85
belt, F38, 39; SP46, 47, 49, 51, 57, 58, Sanding stick, SP55
62 Sandpaper, F42, 43; S16, 24, 29, 30, 40,
contour, SP52, 53, 57, 58 54, 58, 67, 68, 71, 86, 93, 94; SP41-46,
detail, SP50, 52 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, Countour sanders
disc, SP46, 47, 49, 57, 58, 61, 62, 93,- 107, 118, 121
108 Sandpaper dispenser, SP118-121
disc-and-drum, SP108-117 Sash joint, AR27; BIC72, 111, 117; RS71,
drum, F38, 39; SP46, 49, 52, 53, 57, 73
5 8 ,6 9 ,1 0 8 Sash saw, SS2
flap, F38, 39; SP52, 53, 93 Sassafras, WWM18, 24
flutter sheets, SP52, 53, 93 Satin luster, F 10, 86, 87
maintenance, SP65 Satinwood, WWM24
orbital, F38, 39; SP49, 50, 57, 58, 59 Saw(s), S21, 25, 66, 72-78
pad, SP49, 50, 51, 57, 58, 60 anahiki, HT26
palm, SP50, 52 backsaw, HT27
random orbit, F38, 39 blades, HT11, 24, 25, 26, 27-29, 30,
safety and, SP107, 116 3 1 ,3 2 ,3 3 ,3 5 ,5 0 , 79, 105, 106,
sander/polisher, SP49, 50, 57, 58 107
strip, SP46, 47, 48, 57, 58, 62, 93 bow, HT30
stroke, SP46, 48 care, H T33-35 Japanese dozuki saw
thickness, SP26, 33, 46, 49, 58, carpenter’s, HT23
95-1 0 7 compass, HT30
Sander/polisher, SP49, 50, 57, 58 coping, HT23, 30, 31, 32, 93, 104,
Sanding, DP2, 7, 16, 18, 34, 82, 83-85, 93, 105,119
96 crosscut, HT24, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35
abrasives, SP41-43, 44-47, 4 9-51, crosscutting, HT24, 25, 26
52-55, 56-63, 64, 65, 107, 118, , cutting contours, HT30, 32
121 cutting curves, HT30, 31, 32
between coats, F65, 70, 71, 78- dovetail, HT23, 27, 28, 29
block, F38, 39, 85, 86; SP45, 46, dozuki, HT29
53-55, 56, 5 7 ,5 9 ,6 3 ,1 1 8 flush-cutting, HT27, 28, 29, 105-107
compass jig, SP69, 71 frame, HT30
dust collector, SP14, 59, 66. fret, HT30, 3 1 ,3 2
frame, SP51 gent’s, HT27
hand, F38, 42, 43; SP44, 53-55, 57, hacksaw, HT32
60, 63 handsaw, HT23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 33, 34, Tenon saw (left), dovetail saw
jigs and fixtures, SP61, 69-71 5 4 ,1 0 5 ,1 0 6 , 114 (middle), and flush-cutting saw
lathe, SP63, 64 hikimawashi, HT30 (right)

JW — -Jo in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r ia l s

Saw (continued) Scraping, F37, 38, 39

interior cuts, HT31 Scraping technique, S62, 63
Japanese, HT26, 27, 29, 30 Scratch awl, TS21
jeweler’s, HT23, 32, 33 Scratch stock, HT49, 50; RS88
joinery, HT27, 28, 29 Screw clamp, JF 48, 49
jointer, HT33, 34; S66, 73 Screw drill, DP13, 14, 61
kataba noko, HT26 Screwdriver(s)
keyhole, HT30, 31 blade, H T86-88
kugihiki, HT29 cabinet pattern, HT86, 87, 88
lubrication, HT35 flat, HT86
metalworking, HT32 handles, HT86, 87, 88
miter, HT23 mechanical, HT88
pad, HT30 offset, HT86, 87
panel, HT24 Phillips, H T86-88
protectors, HT33 ratchet, HT88
rebate, HT27 Robertson, HT86
rip, HT23, 24, 26, 33, 34, 35 shafts, HT86, 87, 88
ripping, H T23-25, 26 sharpening, HT88
Scorp, used for hollowing rust prevention, HT35 square-drive, HT86, 87
concave shapes ryoba, HT26 tips, HT86, 87, 88
set, HT33, 35; S73, 74 Yankee, HT88
sharpening, HT24, 26, 33, 34, 35 Screw pocket, BC112; DP58, 61
storage, HT33 Screws, JW 12
teeth, HT24, 25, 26, 27-29, 30, 32, Scribe strip, BIC14, 35
33-35 Scriptor, DB7
tenon, HT27, 28, 29 Scroll saw features
Saw, dovetail, JW 21, 22 capacities, SS7
Saw body, TS3 construction, SS10
Sawdust drawer, W SF58 speed, SS7, 1 1 ,4 4
Saw guard, TS3, 17 stroke length, SS7
Saw horses, W SF7, 22 strokes per minute, SS7, 11
Saw stand, BS37, 38, 47, 55, 56, 69, 84 thickness capacity, SS7, 74
Scarf joint, JW 46, 47 throat capacity, SS7, 29, 74
Scientific calculator, HT15 Scroll saw types
Scorp, HT4, 46 benchtop, SS5, 6, 12, 25, 39, 74
Scraper, F37, 38, 40, 41; S25, 55, 65, 66 C-frame, SS4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 33
alignment and adjustment, HT53 constant tension, SS4, 14
cabinet, HT3, 45, 47; SP83, 84, 86, 91, double-parallel link, S S 4 ,5 ,8 , 10, 12,
94 34
Marking a scribe strip care; HT54 history, SS2
with a compass
hand, HT45, 47, 48, 50, 52, 98; SP83, jigsaw, SS5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16,
84, 8 5 ,8 8 19-21, 70
holder, HT45, 48 parallel-arm, SS4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 34
molding, HT47; SP83, 84, 86 rigid-arm, SS4, 5, 9, 14, 34
plane, HT45, 47; SP83, 84, 86, 88 -9 4 shop-made, SS12, 49, 74-92
sharpening, HT51, 52; SP84, 85, 86, stationary, SS5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 39
94 walking beam, SS4, 5
shavehook, HT47; SP83, 84, 86 Scrollwork, BS7, 13, 19; SS34, 42, 44, 55
storage, HT54 Scrub plane, SP73
use, SP72, 83, 84 Sculpting rasp, SP82
Scraper plane, SP83, 84, 86, 88 -9 4 Sculpture, BS74, 76-78

KEY: A R — A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; BC— M a k in g a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d

B o xes Saw;
DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

Sealer knives, HT72, 75

sanding, F 10, 60, 62, 63 machine, S17, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46,
stain, F59 47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 64, 73, 77, 86,
Second cut file, S25 1 0 4,107
Secretary, DB10, 56, 61 plane irons, HT51
Secret compartment, BC40; D B78-80 planer knives, SP18, 38, 39
Selection of saws, HT24, 26, 33, 34, 35
bits, R S20-23 scrapers, F40, 41; HT51, 52; SP84, 85,
cutters, R S20-23 8 6 ,9 4
finishes, F3, 4, 2 2-30 screwdrivers, HT88
router, RS6 station, S I 16-121
shaper, R S I9 Shavehook, SP83, 84, 86 Shaker style table and
Set, TS9, 10, 11 Shave horse, JF 53 chair
Shaker style, DB3, 19, 20, 49, 51; TC7, 8, bench-mounted, F 45-50
9, 1 1 ,9 2 Shaving horse, W SF20
Shaper Shear stress, JW 4, 5
anatomy, RS3, 4, 5, 6 Shearing technique, S62, 63
choices, R S I9 Shellac, F 10, 11, 23
cutters, RS3, 20-23; S5, 80, 81 applying, F71
fence, RS19, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 orange, F10, 63
joinery, RS70-73 stick, F34, 36, 37
maintenance, RS45, 46 wash coat, F60, 63
miter gauge, RS43, 44 white, F10, 59, 60
motor, RS8, 19 Shelves, W SF9, 11, 18, 26, 28, 50, 51, 52,
rub collars, RS45 53, 58, 59, 61, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 81,
spindle, RS2, 20, 46 84, 93, 104,105
spindle for router, RS4, 5 adjustable, BIC27, 28, 78, 114; DB31,
spindle opening, RS20 4 1 ,4 5 -4 8 , 66, 104, 105-107 Shavehook with
starting pin, RS44, 45 interchangeable blades
bookcase, DB4, 5, 25, 26-29, 30-33,
vibration, R S I9 40-4 3 , 44-48, 67, 105-108,
Shaping, DP2, 85, 89, 93, 96 116-119
contoured surfaces, RS44, 45 construction of, BIC 117
rules, RS42, 43 corner unit, BIC 115
small parts, RS42 country style, DB4, 5
straight surfaces, RS43 desk, DB11, 59, 64, 66, 100, 101
Shaping and work station, W SF6 dimensions, BIC9, 10; DB30, 31
Shaping gouge, S60, 63 display stand, DB4
Sharpener, finding a good one, S84 drawer, DB71, 72, 75
Sharpening, DP2, 12, 18, 43-47, 82, 90, 91, drilling holes for, BIC 114
92, 93 fixed, BIC23, 27, 28, 53, 115; DB41,
bits, RS41 4 5 ,4 8
chisels, HT72, 73, 74 freestanding, DB5
cutters, RS46 half-round, BIC 15
drill bits, HT61, 62 hanging, DB5, 28, 29, 30, 39
fixture, S82 hardware, BIC78, 79
gouges, HT72, 75 installation, BIC53, 78, 115
guide, S58, 59, 64, 67-71 installing, D B40-43, 4 4 -4 8
hand plane, SP75, 76 middle, BIC23, 32, 33 Traditional shaving horse
hand scraper, SP84, 85 open, BIC26; DB4
honing guide, HT51, 73, 75 pull-out, DB44, 66, 101
jointer knives, SP18, 19 revolving, BIC 115

J W — -Jo in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S aw ; W S F — W o rk ben ch es and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Shelves (continued) Small work

spans, D B30-32 routing, RS25, 40, 77, 78
whale, DB5, 26 shaping, RS43
Shelving unit, DB4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 26, 28, Smith’s drill, DP2
29, 44, 46 Smooth file, S25
Shims, BIC83, 84 Smoothing plane, S49; SP73
Shooting board, SP78; W SF47 Snake stone, S18
Shop math, HT13, 14, 15 Snap line, HT17
Shoulder vise, W SF31, 32, 33 Socket, DP4
Shovel, S33 Sofa table, bow-front, TS116-121
Side grind, S34 Sole, dadoing, RS55
Side thrust, DP93, 94 Solids, F10
Signs, SS49, 50, 54, 55, 56 Solvent(s), F2, 10, 11
Silhouettes, SS54-56 organic, F13, 17, 20, 21
Sliding dovetail joint Silicon carbide, SP42, 43, 44, 58 Solvent-releasing finish, F l l
Silicone caulk, GC9, 10, 14 Southern style, TC11
Simple joints, JW 3, 4, 16, 27-47 Southern Tradition, TC8, 10-11
Single-purpose molding knives, TS73 Southwest Revival style, TC11
Single taper, TS80, 81 Southwest style, DB5, 22, 28, 49, 59, 109;
Sink cutout, BIC96, 120 TC8, 10-11
Six-board Southwest Tradition, TC8, 10-11
boxes, BC 22-27, 28, 29, 30-33, Spacing kerfs for bending, TS84, 85
34-39, 40, 80 Spade bit, DP10, 11, 1 2 ,2 8 ,4 5 ,4 6 , 62;
chests, BC22, 43 JW 45; S81, 82, 84
Size sharpening jig, S81
of boards, JW 10, 11, 14, 15 Spar varnish, F10, 121
of fasteners, JW 1 5 Specialty workbench, W SF20
Skew chisels, JW 93; S55, 56, 57, 58, 59, Speed, band saw, BS9, 10, 16, 20, 21, 22
6 3 ,6 7 , 94, 103, 105, 107, 114 Speed, drill press, DP7, 23, 25, 26, 28, 66,
Slide rule, JF 39, 40 68, 73
Sliding T-bevel transfers angles Sliding Speed, router, RS7
from protractor to workpiece cutoff table, JF 6 2, 89-97 Speed changer, BS10, 20-22; DP3, 7, 26, 29
miter table, JF31 Speed control, RS4, 7, 8
table, AR110, 115, 117, 118; JF 12, 21, Spindle, DP3, 7, 8, 24, 37, 38, 39, 93
29, 31, 39, 43; RS43, 4 7-49; TS15, Spindle gouge, S60
4 2 ,9 2 ,9 4 ,9 5 - 9 9 , 100 Spiral cuts, SS49, 50
Sliding-carriage saws, TS6 Spline
Sliding dovetails, RS61, 63, 112, 114, 116, joint, BC33, 46, 59, 60
117 miter jig, BC30, 31
Sliding T-bevel, HT9, 108-112 miter joint, BC24, 25, 26, 3 0 -33, 57
Slip joint, SS70, 72 Spline cutter, RS57, 68, 69
Slip stone, S21, 58, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 115, Splined miter
116 jig, JF 5 ; JW 54, 5 5 ,5 6 -5 7
Slope joint, JW 5 3 -5 5
in compound miter, TS61, 62 Spline grooves, cutting, TS113
in taper, TS80 Spline, j oint, J W5 3 -5 5
Slope gauge, JF 41; JW 86, 87, 88, 90-91 Splines, dovetail, RS67
Slot mortise and tenon, JW 74 Split routing fence, RS30, 31
Slot-routing jig, SP113 Split tenons, JW 11
Slots, miter gauge, TS3, 9 Splitter, TS3
Split tenons Small-parts handler, JF 19, 20 alignment, TS20, 21

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e

M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; B an d Saw ;
DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; F C — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G lu in g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

Spokeshave, HT45, 46, 49; SP73, 75 pegboard, W SF58, 59

Spray pegs, W SF58
booth, F17, 75, 76 project, W SF84-92
equipment, F75, 78 racks, W SF58, 59
lacquer, F10, 75, 78, 98 radial arm saw, W SF6, 55, 56, 59
pattern, F76, 77 router, W SF6, 8, 49, 56, 60, 62
Spraying, applying a finish by, F 75-78, 98 sander, W SF59, 62
Spray-on finishes, F75, 78 sawdust drawer, W SF58
Spring clamp, GC26 shelves, W SF50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59,
Spring pole, W SF42 6 1 ,8 4
Spruce, WWM19, 24, 35 speed changer, W SF54
Square, JW 18, 19 storage, W SF49-52, 58, 59, 84-92
carpenter’s, FIT7, 8 table saw, W SF49, 58, 61
combination, HT7, 8, 9, 19 toe space, W SF56
double, HT7, 8 wiring, W SF57, 92
engineer’s, HT7, 8 work surface, W SF60, 61
miter, HT7, 8 Standards and clips, BIC78, 79 Spokeshave shaping a cabriole leg
try, HT7, 8 Stanley Tools, RS2
Square-corner sanding jig, J F 15 Starting pin, RS32, 33, 44, 45
Square file, SP81 Steel wool, F56, 86, 87
Squares method, SS57 Steep alternate top bevel grind, TS11, 13
Stability, JW 7 -9 Step, raised panel, TS79
Stabilizer, blade, TS12 Step-back cupboard, F 99-106
Stacked dado, TS16, 67 Stepped wedge, W SF65, 67
Stain, F10 Stick shellac, F 34, 36, 37
chemical, F52, 53, 54-57 Stile-and-rail joint, AR26, 27
color, F54, 55 Stiles, BIC27, 54
dye, F52, 53, 54, 57-59, 98 Stone file, S21, 60
gel, F10, 58 Stool, W S F 117-121
making, F59 Stop, DP3, 33, 34, 37, 53, 54, 56, 79, 80;
pigment, F42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59 JF 4, 5, 32, 33, 38, 42, 43-45, 59, 65, 66,
selection, F 5 2 -54 68, 91, 96, 98, 100, 107, 111, 112, 113,
Staining, F 52-60 114, 115, 116; TS46, 47, 49, 59, 68; Stile-and-rail joint
Stand, SS6, 10, 25; TS3, 9 W SF16, 17, 18, 29, 31, 39, 43, 44, 116
band saw, W SF49, 54, 84 Stop collar, DP 14, 16, 37
belt sander, W SF62 Stopped
bins, W SF58, 59 cuts, JW 28, 29
box-type, W SF50-53, 61 mortise and tenon, JW 62, 116
cupboard, W SF50, 58, 59, 61 Storage
design, W SF50, 54-56, 58, 59, 60, 61, accessories, DP6, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21,
84 2 2 ,4 3
disc sander, W SF62 band clamp peg rail, GC31, 33
doors, W SF53, 56 bar clamp bracket, GC32, 34
drawers, W SF9, 51, 53, 58, 59, 61, 84 bins, W SF19, 26, 27, 28, 48, 58, 59,
drill press, W SF6, 49, 54, 58, 59 68, 69, 7 3 ,7 9 ,8 0 , 105, 106, 110,
drum sander, W SF62 117
dust chute, W SF58 box-type stand, W SF50-53, 61
dust collection, W SF9, 57, 58, 92 C-clamp holder, GC32, 34
jointer, W SF58 cabinet, W SF3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 25, 28,
materials, W SF51, 61, 88 6 8 - 7 0 ,7 1 ,7 2 ,8 1 ,8 2 ,9 3 - 1 0 4 ,
motor, W SF54, 57, 92 107-109, 112-116

J W — -J o in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T able S a w ; W S F — W o rkben ch es and Shop F u r n it u r e ;

WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o rk in g M a te r ia ls

Storage (continued) Straight guide, RS34

carpenter’s tote, W SF69 Strap hold-down, JF 57
carryall, W SF69 Stress, JW 4 -7
chisel rack, HT76 Strip sander, S40, 41, 42, 107-115, 116;
chisel roll, HT76 SP43, 47, 48, 57, 58, 62, 93
chuck key, DP18, 20 Strip sanding kit, BS11, 13
clamp caddy, W SF7, 72 Stroke sander, SP46, 48
clamp hangers, G C 31-34 Strop, S13, 25-28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44,
counter unit, W SF77, 78 50, 64, 115, 116
cupboard, W SF6, 18, 26, 27, 28, 50, Structure, JW 5
5 8 ,5 9 ,6 1 ,6 8 ,7 1 ,7 2 ,7 4 , 77, 78 changing, FC21, 22-24
cutters, DP21, 22, 108 frame members, FC9, 12, 13, 14, 15,
cutting tools, HT76 16, 1 7 ,2 1 ,6 1
divided box, DP43 framework, F C 3,4, 12-14, 15, 21, 22, 24
drawer, W SF9, 18, 26, 27, 28, 51, 53, refining, F C 13-16, 17, 18, 19, 20
5 8 ,5 9 ,6 1 ,7 0 ,7 1 ,7 3 ,8 4 , 93, 105 Student workbench, W SF18
drill bits, DP6, 18, 19, 21, 22, 43, 108; Studs, locating, BIC81, 82, 118, 119
HT62 Super Glue, GC6, 8, 14
drill index, DP43 Support, JF 2 7 -3 1
Strip sander egg crates, W SF73, 74 blocks, BIC88
fireproof cabinet, W SF72 pins, BIC78
gouges, HT76 stand, J F 3 1 ,4 4 , 6 2 ,7 3 -7 9
hand screw clamp rack, GC31, 33 Surface
hooks, W SF26, 27, 28, 58 cleaning, F44, 45
pegboard, W SF9, 26, 27, 28, .58, 59, defects, F33, 34
68, 71, 76, 77 inspection, F 32-34
peg rail, W SF75, 76 modification, F3, 6, 51-63
pegs, W SF26, 28, 58 preparation, F3, 5, 3 1-50
planes, HT54 repair, F 34-38
racks, W SF3, 26, 27, 28, 58, 59, 68, Surface-mount hinge, BIC72, 73
74-76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 93 Surfacer, rotary planer, D P I6, 17
rust prevention, W SF27, 93 Surface treatments, RS80, 81
saws, HT33 Surform rasp, HT4
scrapers, HT54 Surgical stone, S18
shelves, W SF9, 11, 18, 26, 28, 50, 51, Sweet gum, WWM14, 18, 30
52, 53, 58, 59, 61, 68, 70, 71, 72, Switch, table saw, TS56
74, 7 5 ,8 1 ,8 4 , 93, 104, 105 Switch, router table, RS10, 11
table, DP18, 19 Sycamore, WWM14, 18, 30
tool chest, W SF68, 69, 70
Surform rasp tray, b P 19, 21, 22; W SF69
.wood, W SF3, 4, 68, 78, 79, 80
workbench, W SF6, 15, 18, 23, 26-28, T-slot cutter, RS70
6 8 ,1 0 5 T-slots, TS9
Storage of finishing materials, F19, 65, 72 T-square jig, S S I09
Storage stand, SS5, 93-99 T-square router guide, JF 32; RS58, 59
Storystick, BIC13, 14; FC33, 34; HT7; Table, butler’s, F I 14-121
JF 39, 40 Table desk, DB7, 8, 56, 57, 61, 62, 72, 77, 88
Straddler, fence, TS50, 51, 55 Tables, GC57, 64, 65; TS3
Straightedge, HT8, 11, 12, 114; JF 31, 32, aprons, TC6, 12-14, 18-23, 27, 30,
3 3 ,3 4 ,4 1 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,5 0 , 84; RS35 32-34, 44, 45, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58,
Straightedge jig, AR4, 5 6 6 ,1 1 6 , 117-120

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B an d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; F C — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

batten, TC34, 35, 37, 44, 45, 56, 57, picnic, TC 98-103
5 8 ,9 9 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 2 ,1 0 3 pins, TC56
bow-front sofa, T S 116-121 porringer, TC48
butcherblock top, TC45 portable, TC3, 4, 54, 116
butler’s, TC54 post, TC6, 35, 3 6-39
cabriole legs, TC8, 23, 30, 31, 32 rails, TC6, 18, 33, 34, 35, 36, 53, 98,
cleats, TC44, 56, 57, 58 9 9 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 1 ,1 0 2 , 103
clips, TC56, 57, 58 rectangular, TC12, 13
coffee, TC3, 4, 13, 53 rolling, TS16, 42
construction, TC3, 5 round, TC12, 1 3 ,3 3 ,4 9 ,5 0
corner braces, TC21, 22 sawbuck, TC34, 35, 98-103
cutting shapes, TC48 screw pockets, TC58, 120
designing, TC2 serving, TC3, 1 3 ,2 7 , 116
dimensions, TC2, 3, 8, 12-14, 17 shapes, TC2, 3, 12, 13
dining, TC2, 3, 12, 13, 37, 92, 116 side, T C 3 ,4 , 13, 116
display, TC3 size, TS8
drafting, TC4, 13 sizing, TC12, 13, 14
drill press, DP3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 19, slab top, TC5, 43, 4 4 -4 7
23, 24, 25, 29-31, 35, 37, 38, 49, slides, TC52, 55
50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, sliding, TS 15, 42, 92
64, 65, 68, 72, 73, 74, 77, 79, 82, Southern Tradition, TC8, 10-11
83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 92, 96-107, 120 Southwest Tradition, TC8, 10-11
drop-leaf, TC51, 52, 53, 54 space, TC5, 12, 13
Eastern Tradition, TC8, 10-11 spacers, TC99, 102, 103
edge profiles, TC48 specialty, TC3, 4, 13, 14 Leg-and-apron table
eveners, TC56 square, TC12, 13 construction
extension, TC5, 55, 56; TS3 square legs, TC23
fasteners, TC56, 57, 58, 66, 67 stand, TC2, 3, 4, 13, 27, 37
feet, TC6, 8, 35, 37, 40 styles, TC2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11
folding, T C 5 ,9 , 43, 5 1 ,5 2 , 54 American Empire, TC8, 11
Folk Tradition, TC9, 10-11 American Jacobean, TC8, 10
framework, TC18, 19, 34, 35 American Moderne, TC9, 11
gateleg, TC52, 53 Art Deco, TC9, 11
gluing stock, TC43, 44 -4 7 Art Furniture, TC9, 11
hanger bolts, TC21, 22, 38, 39 Arts and Crafts, TC9, 11
harvest, TC52 Chippendale, TC8, 10, 11, 23
hinges, TC51, 52, 54 Contemporary, TC8, 9, 11
history, TC2, 8, 9, 10, 1 1 ,9 8 Eastlake, TC9, 11
insert, TS3, 58, 65 Empire,-TC8, 11
knockdown, TC2, 21, 98 t Federal, TC9, 10, 11
leaves, TC5, 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 54-56 Gothic Revival, TC9, 11
leg-and-apron construction, TC6, Handicraft Revival, TC9, 11
1 8 -2 0 ,3 3 ,5 7 , 58, 119, 120 International, TC9, 11
legs, TC6, 12-14, 18-25, 27-32, 33, Jacobean, TC8, 10
34, 35, 37, 38, 39-41, 52, 53, 55, 57, Mission, TC9, 11
5 8 ,9 8 , 99, 100-103, 116, 117-120 Modern, TC9, 11
Mission occasional, DPI 13-118 Oak, TC9, 11 Poringer table
nesting, T C I 16-120 Patent, TC9, 11
occasional, TC3, 4, 13, 14 Pennsylvania German, TC9, 11
oval, TC12, 13 Post-Modern, TC9, 11, 30
pedestal, TC6, 33, 37, 38, 42, 55-57 Primitive, TC8, 10

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o rk in g M a te r ia ls

Tables (continued) construction, BIC3, 32

styles (continued) dimensions, BIC8, 10
Queen Anne, TC7, 8, 10, 11, 30 hutch style, BIC8
Renaissance Revival, TC9, 11 installation, BIC118
Rococo Revival, TC9, 11 middle shelves, BIC32
Shaker, TC7, 8, 9, 11,92 nailing strips, BIC32
Southern, TC11 plans, BIC 109-112
Southwest, TC8, 10-11 step-back style, BIC8
Southwest Revival, TC11 ventilation, BIC33
Victorian, TC8, 9 Tall work
William and Mary, TC8, 10-11 routing, RS40
swingleg, TC52, 53 shaping, RS47
swing-out braces, TC52, 53 Tambour, DB11, 13, 76, 81-86
tabletop, TC3, 5, 6, 12, 33, 34, 35, 37, Tangential movement, JW 7, 9
4 2 - 5 0 ,5 1 ,5 2 ,5 3 ,5 5 ,5 6 , 57, 58, Tangtung, RS23
6 7 .9 2 .9 8 .9 9 , 100, 103, 116, 117, Tannic acid, F56, 57
118,120 Tape measure, HT4, 6, 7, 10
tapered legs, T C 23-25, 120 Tapering, RS80, 102; TS80, 81, 82, 120, 121
testing for flatness, TS8 jig, BC110, 111; JF 6, 19; SP36; TS81,
tip-and-turn top, TC42 8 2 ,8 3
Trestle table construction toe room, TC13 Teak, WWM19, 24, 39
traditional, TC30 Teardrop file, S21
transition blocks, TC30, 31 Techniques
trestle, TC6, 33, 34-36, 55, 56, 57, 58, back routing, AR62
9 2 .9 8 .9 9 , 101, 103 backtracking, BS40; SS46, 47, 48
turned legs, TC23, 27-29 bending parts, TC66, 69, 83, 84, 97
types, TC2, 3 bevels, BS118; SS49, 50, 67
workbench, TC3, 13, 45, 98 book matching, BS66
worktable, TC3, 13, 17 bridging, BS119, 120
writing, TC3, 4, 13, 30 cabriole legs, BS74, 78-82, 107-109
Table saw, JF 5, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 38, chisel, HT67, 68
42, 43, 44, 64, 81, 89, 97; JW 23 circles, A R41-43, 45; BS15, 38, 74,
accessories, T S 14-17 83-85; HT18, 19; JF 34, 35, 73
alignment, JW 30 clamping, JF 10, 11, 14, 20, 29, 47-56,
blades, JW 31 57, 59, 60
choosing, T S3-9 complex shapes, HT20
invention of, TS2 compound cuts, BS75, 76, 78, 114,
maintenance, TS37, 38 119; TC30, 31
making dovetails with, JW 89 compound cutting, SS51, 52
making tenons with, JW 70, 71 contours, BS15, 16; HT20, 30, 32
materials, TS7 contours and curves, JF 34, 35
miniature, TS5 corners, SS4, 5, 16, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47,
parts, TS3 48, 50
Table saw with router, RS10 crosscutting, BS12, 16, 19, 22;
Tabletops, JW 9, 13 H T24-26
Tail vise Tack cloth, F45 curves, BS10, 14-16, 19, 20, 22, 42,
Tails, dovetail, JW 85 43; HT20, 30, 31, 32; SS5, 35, 46,
Tail vise, W SF3, 19, 31, 32, 33, 40 4 7 ,4 8
Tall fence extension, TS50, 52, 54, 79 cutting curved parts, TC66
Tall kitchen cabinet cutting profiles, TC48
chimney style, BIC8 cutting shapes, TC48

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt-In C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g th e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

dowels, AR69, 70-72 planing, JF 19, 48

drilling, J F 15, 23, 27, 30, 35, 37, 41, positioning, JF 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
8 0 ,1 1 0 profiles, SS44, 45, 59
drilling relief holes, BS43 radial cuts, BS42
exterior cuts, SS3, 40 resawing, BS16, 19, 20, 22, 53-68
finishing, TC97, 103, 111, 115, 120 ripping, BS12, 16, 19, 22; H T23-25,
fretwork, SS2, 3, 24, 25, 53, 54, 55, 26
100-107 routing, JF 3 -5 , 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36,
gingerbread, SS54, 55 68; TC40, 49, 50, 62, 63, 65, 80
gluing stock, TC5, 43, 44 -4 7 sanding, JF 15, 24, 27, 29, 33, 35
grinding, JF 3 0 , 33 sawing, H T23-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33;
guided cuts, BS36, 37, 44 -4 6 JF 21, 43
freehand cuts, BS36, 37, 4 1 -4 4 scraping, HT3, 46, 47, 102
hand plane, H T40-45 scrollwork, BS7, 13, 19; SS34, 42, 44,
holding, JF 10, 11, 47, 53, 55, 56, 57, 55
58 sculpture, BS74, 76-78
indexing, AR53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, signs, SS49, 50, 54, 55, 56
6 5 ,9 2 silhouettes, SS54-56
inlay, SS2, 3, 67, 68 small workpieces, SS43 Pattern routing technique
inlaying banding, A R75-77 spiral cuts, SS49, 50
inlaying shapes, A R79-82 squares method, SS57
inlaying sulphur, AR82, 83 tangential cuts, BS42
inlaying wire, AR82, 83, 84 tapering, JF 6, 19
inside shapes, AR30 three-dimensional shapes, AR50, 51;
intarsia, SS3, 53, 63, 65, 66, 67, 71 BS74, 75; SS51, 54, 55, 66
interior cuts, BS34; HT31; SS3, 8, 13, turning, JF 57, 58; T C 27-29, 78
3 5 ,3 8 ,4 0 , 4 8 ,4 9 ,5 1 ,5 2 turning, parallel to axis, AR52-60, 61, 62
joinery, HT27, 28, 29 turning, perpendicular to axis, AR52,
jointing, JF 5 , 19, 34, 80 6 6-69
layout, JF 39, 40, 41 V-shaped groove, BS40
lumbering, BS47, 68-73 Teeth, saw blade, TS9, 10
marking, HT5, 16-19, 20, 21; JF 40, 41 bimetal, TS10
marquetry, AR75, 79, 80; SS2, 3, 24, Common table saw teeth
carbide, TS10
profiles (left to right): flat
53, 63, 64, 65, 67 grind, TS10, 13 or raker, bevel, steep
matching recesses and inlays, AR78 number of, TS14 bevel, and triple chip
measuring, H T5-14, 15; JF 3 8 -4 1 profile, TS10, 11
mitering, BS19, 22 set, TS9, 10, 11
mortising, JF 2 7, 36, 42 Teka, WWM39
multiple cuts, BS27 Temperature, F65, 67, 76, 90
nibbling, BS44, 96 Template, DP52, 53, 78, 79, 80; HT18, 20;
openwork, SS54, 56 JF 8, 9, 27, 35, 36
ovals, AR41, 43, 44, 45; HT22 ~ banding, AR77
pad saw, SS59, 106 inlaying shapes, AR80
pad sawing, BS66, 101 making, AR31
pantograph, AR41, 49, 50 matching recesses and inlays, AR78
parquetry, AR75 materials, AR31
pattern routing, AR28, 29, 30, 31, 32 mortise-and-tenon, AR4, 6-9, 10, 11, 12
patterns, BS37, 39, 66, 67, 112, 113 pattern routing, AR28, 29-32
pattern work, SS3, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, pin routing, AR32, 33
49, 50, 51, 52, 53-62 tenoning, AR6
pin routing, AR32, 33-35, 103 three-dimensional, AR51

JW — J o in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S a w ; W S F — W o rkbenches and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o rk in g M a te r ia ls

Template, pattern sawing, TS83, 84 Tilting worktable, B S88-90

Templates, router, RS18, 62, 63, 80 Time, drying, F70, 84
Tenon cutter, DP13, 14, 77; JW 78 Tint, F2, 10, 26, 28, 58, 63
Tenoning jig, BC49; JF 19, 62, 84-88; Tires, band saw
JW 71, 72-73, 74; TS73 features, BS3
Tenoning template, AR6 replacing, BS32
Tenons, JW 7 0 -7 2 ; RS56, 60, 61; TS72, 73, resurfacing, BS32, 33
108,119 Toeboard, BIC23, 31, 33, 116
making, with a dado cutter, JW 71 Toespace, BIC29, 31, 114
making, with a lathe, JW 76, 77, 78 Toggle clamp, GC25
making, with a router, JW 72 Tongue-and-groove joint, AR2, 25, 27; BC37,
making, with a table saw, JW 70, 71 47, 49, 50, 89; JW 46, 47; RS71, 72, 73
making, with a tenon cutter, JW 78 Tool chest, W SF68, 69, 70
split, JW 11 Tools
Testing flatness of
table saw Tension on band saw blade, JW 4, 5 angle, S3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 27, 28,
adjustment, BS5, 8, 9, 17, 21, 24, 25, 60 45-47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 59, 62, 63,
knob, BS24 65, 73, 81, 83, 86, 94, 104, 107, 115
scale, BS5, 24, 60 boring, HT55, 56, 58, 61
Test board, F29, 30 brush, GC41, 42, 5 1 ,7 8 , 79
Test cuts, RS26, 42 carving, HT72, 83
Testing chopping, HT63, 71
blade tilt, TS25, 61 compass, FC32, 49, 58, 59, 69, 79
dado setup, TS68 computer controlled, HT4
finish hardness, F70 cutting, HT3, 63, 64-66, 67, 68, 69,
flatness of table, TS8 7 0 ,7 1 ,7 2 -7 4 , 75-78, 7 9 ,8 0
miter gauge angle, TS24, 25, 59, 61 drilling, H T55-62
Thermoplastic glue, GC10 driving, HT81, 86, 87, 88
Thickness planer, SP23, 27, 95 glue bottle, GC42
Thickness sander, SP26, 33, 46,49, 58, 95-107 glue gun, GC10, 15
Thin-kerf blade, JW 31; TS12, 13 glue pot, GC6, 7
Third eye jig, JW 31, 87 glue scraper, GC44
Toggle clamp
Threaded rods and bolts, GC89, 91, 92 glue spreader, GC42
Three-dimensional shapes, AR50, 51; SS51, hand, JW 20-22
54, 55, 66 holder, S12, 36, 47, 51, 107, 108, 110,
Three-square file, S25; SP81 1 1 2 ,1 1 3 ,1 1 4
Throat joinery, JW 1 7-24
capacity, BS3, 5-7, 9 layout, JW 1 8 -1 9
features, BS3, 6, 7 marking, HT5, 7, 16-21
Through measuring, H T5-15
cuts, JW 28, 29 metal marking, HT16
dovetail joint, JW 81, 85-89, 109 miter box, FC6, 7, 73-75, 80, 81
dovetails, RS61, 62, 63, 93 pipe cleaners, GC41
mortise and tenon, JW 62, 109 plane, FC8, 33, 34, 70, 73, 114, 117
Thrust bearings, BS4, 24, 28 power, JW 2 3 -2 4
Thumbnail molding, RS76 radio frequency, GC8
Ticketer, S66 rest, S33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45,
Tigerwood, WWM36 46, 47, 50, 53, 56, 86, 94, 95, 99,
Tilt, blade, TS23, 24, 60, 61 103, 104-106, 108, 1 1 2 ,1 1 4 ,1 1 5
Tilt crank, TS3 roller, GC41, 42, 78, 79
Tongue-and-groove joint Tilting mount vise, W SF35, 36 rolling pin, GC79, 80, 82, 84
Tilting-table saw, TS5 router, FC8, 35, 37, 66, 89, 99, 100,

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g th e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

104,118, 119 Trimmers, TS67

router table, FC8, 95, 96, 97, 103-105, Trimming, RS51, 70
107, 120 Trimming guide, BIC43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50,
sawing, H T23-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 51
saws, FC6, 7, 8, 9, 24, 37, 38, 59, 60, Triple chip grind, TS11, 13
66, 6 9 ,7 3 ,7 7 , 78, 80, 81, 82, 95, Tripoli, S26
97, 105, 114, 119, 120 Truing a board, JW 25-26
scoring cutter, GC83 Trunnion, SS3, 33, 76, 84, 85, 90, 91
scraping, HT45, 46, 47, 48 Trunnion-routing jig, S104
shaping, HT48, 49, 50 Try plane, SP73
stand, S47 Tucker Vise, W SF38
steel, S4, 14, 15, 37, 44, 75, 77, 78, Tulipwood, WWM24, 30
8 0 ,8 2 ,9 5 Tung oil, F10
stepladder work tray, FC10, 11 Tungsten carbide, RS22, 78
striking, H T81-85, 103-105 Tupelo, W W M 18, 30
stud finder, FC8, 9, 58, 87 Turbine sprayer, F75
veneer hammer, GC80, 81 Turkey stone, S18
veneer pins, GC78, 81 Turning, DP2, 89, 90, 93, 119, 120, 121
veneer press, GC26, 53, 74, 80 Turning, parallel to axis, AR52
veneer roller, GC79, 80, 82, 84 back routing, AR62 Drawing a circle with trammel
veneer saw, GC75, 79, 80, 85 points
dovetails, AR59, 86, 91, 92
Tool steel, HT79, 80, 92 flats, AR59
Top-cuts bits, RS21 flutes, AR52-57, 60
Torsion box, JF 28, 29 fluting jig, AR54, 58-65, 86, 92
Toxicity, F9, 13, 17, 19 indexing, AR53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62,
Toxic woods, SP65, 68 6 5 ,9 2
Traditional, DB5, 24, 26, 27, 49, 56, 70, 71 pencil posts, AR58
Trailing face, S4, 6 mortises, AR59, 62, 86, 91, 92
Trammel jig, A R41-43, 44-48, 77, 86, 88 reeds, AR52-57, 60, 86, 92
Trammel points, HT18, 19 tapered spindles, AR57, 58
Transfer efficiency, F75 Turning, perpendicular to axis, AR52,
Tray, W SF69 66-69
Tree accessories, AR66, 67, 72, 73
bark, WWM3, 41, 42, 43, 46 beads, AR52, 66-68, 69
burl, WWM7 coves, AR52, 66, 67, 68, 69
cambium, WWM3, 4 dowels, AR72
coniferous, WWM21 duplicating turnings, A R67-69
crotch, WWM6, 7 faceplate turning, AR72 A Tucker Vise swivels 360°
deciduous, WWM21 jigs and fixtures, AR66, 67, 68, 72
growing cycle, WWM3, 4 * rounding stock, AR72
heartwood, WWM3, 4 spindle turning, AR72
lignin, WWM4, 16,22, 71 tenons, AR68
pith, WWM3, 4, 12 Turning boxes, BC 14-17
sapwood, WWM3, 4 Turn-of-the-Century style, DB20
springwood, WWM3 Turntable, F78
summerwood, WWM3 Twist bits, DP10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 34,
trunk, WWM3, 4 -8 , 9, 21, 24, 25, 40 44, 62, 66-68; S81, 82, 84
Triangle, HT9
Triangular file, S21, 25, 73-75; SP79, 81
Triangulation, JW 5, 6
Trimmer, laminate, RS6, 70 U-shaped jig, BIC56

J W — -Jo in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cr o ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T able S a w ; W S F — W o rk ben ch es and Shop F u r n it u r e ;

WWM — W o o d an d W o o d w o rk in g M a te r ia ls

Underlayment, BIC88, 90, 119, 120 press, GC26, 53, 74, 80

Universal cutting systems, RS21 random match, GC76
Universal motor, RS8, 19; TS8 regular, GC74
Urea-formaldehyde glue, GC6, 8, 14 reinforced, WWM57
Utility workbench, W SF 18, 19 roller, GC79, 80, 82, 84
rotary cutting, WWM57, 58, 64, 68
V saw, GC75, 79, 80, 85
slicer, WWM57, 58
V-block support, S39, 56, 57 slip match, GC76
V-jig, JF 57; RS15 stay-log cutting, WWM57, 58, 59, 68
V-tool, S55, 56, 58-61, 67, 94, 103-107, 114 tangential cut, WWM57, 58
Vacuum tape, GC78
bag, JF 56 trimming, GC78, 79, 80
clamps, JF 5 4 -5 6 types, WWM57
hold-down, JF 20, 54-56 utility, WWM57, 59, 60
hookup, JF 22, 2 3 ,2 4 , 25 Veneer-cutting jig, GC85, 86
Varnish, F10, 71, 72, 121 Veneer press, GC26, 53, 74, 80
spar, F10, 121 Ventilation, BIC33; F17
water-reducible, F10, 72 Vermillion, WWM37
Vehicle, F10 Vibration, SS4-12, 25, 26, 29, 37, 39, 93, 99
Veiner, HT70, 72 Vibration, shaper, RS19
Veneer, BC61; WWM27, 3 6 -3 9 , 5 6 -6 4 , Victorian style, DB10, 14, 16, 20, 49; TC8, 9
Veneer pins and veneer tape 68, 74, 82, 83, 106 Vinegar, F56
applying, GC 73-82 Violet wood, WWM38
book match, GC76 Violin clamp, GC108; JF 48, 49
book of, WWM58, 60 Vise
butt match, GC76 bench, W SF15-19, 29, 33-36, 116
common, WWM57 carver’s, W SF37, 38
core material, GC73, 75, 78-81; components, W SF30
W W M 57-60 face, W SF3, 1 9 ,3 1 ,3 3 ,4 0
crossbanding, WWM60 fixed jaw, W SF30
curved shapes, WWM60, 61, 63 grooved jaw face, W SF34, 35
cutting, GC74, 75, 76 gunstock, W SF37, 38
cutting jig, GC85, 86 leg, W SF33
diamond match, GC76 mechanic’s, W SF37, 38
face, WWM57, 58, 60, 61 movable jaw, W SF30-32, 33, 40
flitch-cutting, WWM57, 58, 60, 61, 68 patternmaker’s, W SF29, 38, 116
grain, W W M 57-60, 61, 64-67 Roto-Vise, W SF38
hammer, GC80, 81 shoulder, W SF31, 32, 33
joinings GC76, 77 swiveling jaw face, W SF36
lathe, WWM57, 58, 59 tail, W S F 3 ,3 1 ,3 2 , 3 3 ,4 0
leaves, WWM58, 60, 61 tilting mount, W SF35, 36
Veneer saw making, WWM57, 58, 59 Tucker, W SF38
matching, GC76; WWM60, 61, 68 Workmate, W SF22
moisture content, WWM58 VOC regulation, F19
* molded shape, WWM56, 58 Volatile chemicals, F10, 11
molding, WWM60, 61, 63
paper-backed, GC74, 75, 82
peel-and-stick, GC82
pins, GC78, 81 Wall(s)
preparing, GC74, 75 drywall, FC4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 21, 28,

K E Y : A R — A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; B C — M a k in g B oxes and C h ests; B IC — M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B and S a w ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; D P — U s in g t h e D r il l P ress; F — F in is h in g ; FC — F in i s h C arpen try;

GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


57-59, 61, 109 shaper, RS46

grounding, FC15, 16, 61, 63, 81 Web frame, BC45, 46, 72, 73, 74, 75, 88,
lath, FC4, 6, 13, 28, 109 89, 91-94; BIC30, 54, 55, 105
plaster, FC4„6, 8, 13, 28, 57-59, 61, Wedge, JF 40, 4 1 ,4 8 , 5 1 ,5 8
109 Wedged mortise and tenon, JW 109-110
sole plate, F C 3-6, 14 Wedge jack, W SF65, 67
studs, FC3, 4, 5, 6, 12-15, 17, 20-24, Wenge, WWM39
3 0 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,5 8 ,5 9 ,6 1 ,8 1 ,8 7 , 89 Wet grinder, S32, 36, 37, 42, 45, 53
top plate, FC 3-6, 81, 89 Wet sanding, F42, 63, 66, 71, 78, 85
truing, FC14, 15 Wheel
utility run, FC4, 13, 20, 22, 24 abrasive, S95
Wall coverings alignment, BS5, 8, 28
blind nailing, FC62 buffing, S33, 34-36, 41, 94, 95, 103
face nailing, FC59, 60, 62, 63 dry, S37
framed paneling, FC57, 63, 64, 65 features, BS3, 5, 8
installing, FC14, 58-65 grinding, S13, 33-37, 38, 39, 40, 53,
openings, FC60 64, 65, 77, 78, 79, 80, 95
plank paneling, FC57, 61-63 rubber bonded abrasive, S35
sheet paneling, FC4, 8, 14, 57-60 silicate, S34
wainscoting, FC4, 14, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64 stropping, S36
Wall unit, DB11, 14 vitrified, S34
construction, BIC3, 27, 28 wet, S37 Wet grinder
corner dimensions, BIC9, 10, 11 Wheelbarrow stand, W SF66
dimensions, BIC8, 10, 11 Whetstone, S16-18, 20, 21, 24, 32, 39, 42,
installation, BIC85, 88, 89, 119 45, 86, 94, 116
mounting strips, BIC27, 28 Whiskers, F44, 60
mullions, BIC27 White glue, G C 4-6, 7, 14, 36, 41, 42, 60
nailing strip, BIC27, 28 White shellac, F10, 59, 60
plans, B IC 100-102 Wide dadoes, TS71
rails, BIC27 Wide work, routing, RS40
soffet, BIC 100 William and Mary style, TC8, 10-11
stiles, BIC27 Willow, WWM 14, 18, 31
support blocks, BIC88 Winding sticks, GC60, 61; HT11, 12
Walnut, WWM7, 9, 14, 18, 23, 24, 25, 27, Window(s)
30, 31, 32, 35, 45, 49, 67, 77, 80, 82, 83, apron, FC71, 72
9 0 ,9 6 awning, FC40
Walnut oil, F23 balances, FC40, 41
Wash coat, shellac, F60, 63 brackets, FC41, 43
Washita stone, S 18, 22, 44 case, FC5, 6, 16, 40, 41, 42-44, 108,
Water-based glue, GC4, 5, 10, 11, 41, 43*, 1 1 0 ,111, 113, 114
45, 46, 79 casement, FC6, 40
Waterborne resin, F10, 19, 23 casing, FC40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 64, 66,
applying, F72, 78 67, 71, 72
storing, F72 construction, FC40, 41
Water resistance, F27, 28 cut-glass, F C 108-114 Winding sticks measure flatness
Waterstone, S17, 19, 20, 22, 2 4 ;3 9 double-hung, FC40, 41
Wax, F10 fixed, FC40
dissolving, F45, 89, 90 flashing, FC43
paste, F10, 8 8 ,8 9 ,9 0 ,9 8 , 121 frame, FC13, 16, 17
Waxing glazing, FC109, 112, 114
router, RS41 header, FC5, 13, 17, 21

JW — - J o in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC — M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS — U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF — W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

Window (continued) characteristics, WWM24

installing, FC16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 40, check, WWM8, 43, 44, 50, 57, 58, 60,
4 1 ,4 2 -4 4 , 114 61
insulating glass, FC44, 108, 109, 111, chemical differences, WWM22, 23
1 1 2 ,1 1 4 color, W W M 2-4, 6, 22, 24, 26, 27,
jalousie, FC40 2 9 ,3 1 ,3 2 ,3 5 ,3 6 , 3 9 ,4 5 ,4 7 , 58,
jamb, FC5, 6, 25, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 60, 67, 77, 106, 119
6 4 ,7 1 ,7 2 ,1 0 9 -1 1 1 , 113, 114 contraction, WWM2, 10-14, 50, 51, 59,
muntins, FC40, 41 60, 64, 65, 77, 89, 1 0 3 ,1 1 5 ,1 1 8 ,1 2 0
openings, FC16, 17, 21-24, 42, 108, 114 crotch figure, WWM6, 7, 31, 37
picture frame, FC71 cup, WWM13, 44, 50, 60, 65, 115,
prehung, FC41, 42 117-119
rails, FC40, 4 1 ,4 4 , 109-113 curly WWM27, 28, 38, 80
reveal, FC71 cutting, S 2-7, 8, 9
sash, FC40, 41, 44, 108, 109-114 decay, WWM8, 9, 17, 23, 3 2 -34,
Wire wheel
shims, FC17, 42, 43 37-39, 45
sill, FC5, 12, 17, 21, 24, 40, 41, 42, defects, WWM8, 9, 27, 31, 48, 49, 50,
4 3 ,4 4 , 72, 109, 111-114 59, 65, 67, 68
sliding, FC40 deformation, JW 8, 12, 13, 24
stained-glass, F C 108-114 density, GC12, 17; WWM17, 24, 65, 72
stiles, FC40, 41, 44, 109, 110, 112 drying, GC36
stool, FC71, 72, 109, 111, 112 endangered, W W M 35-39
stops, FC40, 41, 44, 109, 111-114 exotic, WWM20, 35
Windsor style, TC7, 9, 10, 11 expansion, WWM2, 10 -1 4 , 50, 51,
Wipe-on finish, F 66-68 5 9 ,6 0 ,6 4 , 6 5 ,7 7 , 89, 103, 115,
applying, F66, 67, 68 1 1 8,120
mixing, F67 extractives, GC11, 12, 13; WWM4, 17,
Wiping, applying finish by, F 66-68 2 2 ,2 3 ,3 1 ,4 5
Wire drill chuck, DP6 fasteners, GC37
Wire supports, BIC 79 fiber saturation point, WWM 10, 12
Wire wheel, DP 18, 19 figure, WWM6, 7, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30,
Wiring and plumbing, BIC 118 31, 37, 96
Wobble dado blade Wobble dado, BIC52; TS16, 67 file, SP81
Wood, BS6, 10, 15-17, 19, 22, 71 filler, F10, 60, 62, 63, 121
adherends, GC3 floating joint, GC37
adhesion, GC3 free water, WWM10, 12, 43
annual rings, GC38, 39, 46, 48, 54; fungus, WWM4, 6 -9 , 9, 27, 41
WWM3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 115 grain, F32; GC3, 37-39, 46, 47, 49,
bacteria, WWM4, 8, 23, 45, 90 53-55, 56, 58, 76, 78, 81; RS27, 28;
bending, WWM 17, 18, 19, 2 6 -2 8 , 61, SP33, 35, 37; W W M 2-11, 12-14,
_ 69, 69, 71 16-18, 2 0 -2 2 , 24-39, 42, 47, 50,
biological differences, WWM21 57-60, 61, 6 3 -6 7 , 72, 80, 81, 82,
bird’s-eye, WWM6, 7, 28 8 9 ,9 2 , 103, 115, 117, 118, 120
bleach, F61 grain direction, JW 5, 14
bondability, GC11, 12, 13, 40 growth rings, WWM3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12,
' bore holes, WWM8, 27 13,24, 2 5 , 1 1 7 , 1 1 8 , 1 1 9
botany, WWM21, 73 hardness, WWM4, 17, 18, 19, 24, 36,
bound water, WWM 10, 12, 14 38, 39
bow, WWM8, 43, 50, 65 hardwood, WWM14, 18, 2 0 -2 2 , 25,
cells, WWM3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 21, 22 28, 29, 33, 4 8 -5 0 , 65, 69, 74, 90,
cellulose, WWM2, 4, 16, 22, 70 96, 106,117

K EY: AR— A d v an ced R o u t in g ; B C — M a k in g B o xes and C h ests; B IC — M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B and S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; D P — U s in g t h e D r il l P ress; F — F in is h in g ; FC — F in i s h C a rpen try;

GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


heartwood, WWM3, 4, 9, 24, 2 6 -3 2 , split, WWM8, 43, 48, 58, 59, 60, 65,
34, 45, 49, 68, 118, 119 67, 68
imported, WWM14, 19, 20, 30, 35, springwood, WWM3, 21, 37, 65, 68
39, 67 stain, WWM8, 9, 45, 50, 67
insects, WWM8, 27, 33, 41, 45 stability, WWM4, 65, 66
interphase, GC3, 42 stiffness, WWM17, 18, 19
knotholes, WWM9, 50, 67 strength, WWM2, 4, 16 -1 8 , 19, 24,
knots, WWM8, 9, 34, 48, 49, 50, 65, 65, 68, 74
67, 68 structure, S6, 7, 8
longitudinal plane, WWM66 summerwood, WWM3, 21, 33, 34, 37,
microbes, WWM8, 23, 41 65, 68
microscopic differences, WWM21 tangential movement, W W M 12-14, 24
moisture content, GC36; WWM10, 11, tangential plane, WWM66
12, 13-15, 44, 45, 47, 48, 58, 74, 120 tannic acid, WWM23
mold, WWM8, 23, 45, 48 tannin content, WWM29
movement, F2; GC36, 37, 38, 39, 46; texture, WWM21, 22, 24-39
JW 4, 7 -13; WWM2, 10-1 4 , 17, 24, toxic, SP65, 68; WWM23, 24, 29, 31,
6 4 ,6 5 ,1 1 8 32, 34-36, 38, 39, 90
Oriental strand board, WWM72 truing, JW 2 5 -2 6
paneling, WWM9, 27, 33, 37 twist, WWM8, 64, 65
particleboard, WWM2, 3, 43, 59, 60, uses, WWM2 4-39
61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 85 warp, WWM8, 59, 60, 64, 65
pitch, WWM9, 23, 34, 35, 38, 45, 50 worm holes, WWM27
pith, WWM3, 4 Wooden hinge, JW 83
plain-sawn, GC38, 39 Wooden screw, GC89, 90
pore, WWM21, 22 Wood Handbook, The, WWM 17 W ooden hinge
preparation, SP37, 38, 39, 40 Wood movement, BC23, 24, 28, 36, 37, 43,
preparing, JW 2 4 -2 6 50, 58, 59, 61, 68, 69, 75; T C 44-46
properties, WWM17, 24-39, 74 Wood storage, W SF3, 4, 68, 78, 79, 80
putty, F34, 37 Wood Werks Supply, RS4
quarter-sawn, GC38, 39 Wooten desk, DB11, 12
quilted figure, WWM7, 28 Workbench
radial movement, WWM12, 13, 14, 24 beam and trestle, W SF22
radial plane, WWM66 bench dogs, W SF17-20, 29, 31, 32,
rasp, SP79, 82 33, 39-41, 43, 45, 116
ray flecks, WWM6, 21 bin, W SF19, 28, 48, 105
rays, WWM4, 6, 7, 21, 22, 29, 30, 103 brake, W SF21
reaction, JW 24; WWM8 butcherblock top, W SF23, 27, 110,
ribbon figure, WWM7, 25, 37 111
rot, WWM8, 23, 90 cabinet, W SF25, 28
sap pockets, WWM27, 44 cabinetmaker’s, JW 1 11-121; W SF17,
sapwood, WWM3, 4, 9, 24, 2 6 -3 2 , 19, 33
3 4 ,4 5 ,5 0 , 68, 118, 119 carver’s, W S F 19, 20, 21
shake, WWM8, 48 carving pedestal, W SF21
shop environment, GC36 Workbench
softwood, WWM9, 14, 19, 2 0 -2 2 , 32, construction, W SF23-28, 105-116- M odern cabinetm aker’s
44, 48, 49, 50, 74 cupboard, WSF 18, 68 workbench
spalted, WWM9 design, W SF2, 3, 8, 17-22, 27, 105
species, GC13, 42, 46, 47, 54, 73 drawer, W SF18, 26, 105
specific gravity, GC12, 13; WWM17, frame, W SF23, 25, 27, 28, 106
18, 19, 2 4 -3 9 , 65, 68, 69 German-style, W SF 17

JW — -J o in i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; SS— U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

TC — M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS — U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; W SF — W o rk ben ch es and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s

Workbench (continued) radial arm saw, W SF 13

history, W S F 15-23 router table, W SF4, 5, 7, 14
hobbyist, WSF 18 shaper, W SF 11
hold-down, W SF16, 17, 18, 29, 31, table saw, W SF4, 5, 6, 9, 12
3 9 ,4 1 -4 3 ,4 4 - 4 6 , 116 workbench, W SF3, 4, 5, 10
L-shaped cleat, W SF16, 17, 31 working space, W SF3-6, 10, 12-14
layout, W SF3, 4, 5, 10 work station, W SF6, 7, 62
materials, W SF18, 23, 24, 27, 108 Work station
notches, W SF16, 17, 116 clamping, W SF7
pegs, W SF16 molding, W SF6
project, W SF105-116 router, W SF6, 7
racks, W SF27, 28 sanding, W SF62
Roman-style, W SF16, 23 shaping, W SF6
saw horse, W SF22 Worktable, SS2, 3, 9, 11, 28, 29, 33, 34, 36,
shaving horse, W SF20 37, 38, 43, 46, 49, 72, 74, 76, 84, 85,
shelves, W SF18, 2 6 ,2 8 , 105 90-92
specialty, W SF20 adjustment, BS37, 45, 55, 59
stop, W SF16, 17, 18, 29, 31, 39, 43, blade mounting slot, BS4
4 4 ,1 1 6 extension, BS9, 11, 13; JF 7 3 , 75, 77,
storage, W SF6, 15, 18, 23, 26-28, 68, 78, 79
105 features, BS3, 4, 9
W orkm ate student, WSF 18 insert, BS4, 41
top, W SF17, 1 8 ,2 3 ,2 4 ,2 7 leveling pin, BS4, 9
utility, W SF18, 19 miter gauge slot, BS4, 45
vise, W SF15-19, 29, 33-36, 116 tilting, B S88-90
wedge, W SF16 trunnion lock, BS4
Workmate, W SF22 trunnions, BS4
work surface, W SF22, 27, 60 Work triangle, BIC19
worktable, WSF 18 Wrap-around hinge, BIC72
Work centers Writing box, DB7, 8, 13, 56, 57, 88, 100, 110
food preparation, BIC19 Writing desk, DB60
mixing, BIC19 Writing table, DB7, 9, 56, 59, 61, 63, 8 0
serving, BIC19
Workmate, W SF22
Workshop cabinet, BIC5, 86 X
Workshop layout X-Acto tool, HT70, 71
band saw, W SF4, 5, 12
belt sander, WSF 14
cabinets, W SF4, 10, 11 Y
disc gander, W SF 14
drill press, W SF4, 11 Yellow glue, GC4, 6, 7, 14, 36, 41, 42, 60
^electrical, W SF8 Yew, WWM24
floor plan, W SF3, 4
Zero-clearance table
jointer, W SF4, 6, 13
lathe, W SF 13
physical space, W SF3, 10 Zero chuck, DP6
planer, W SF4, 6, 12 Zero-clearance table insert, TS32, 58, 65

K E Y : A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC — M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC — M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC — F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G lu in g a n d C la m p in g ; H T — U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k in g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;
J W — -Jo in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ;

SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l S a w ; TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ;

WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ; WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s
P rojects
are the best part of woodworking. Once you’ve learned a new technique, there’s
nothing more rewarding than putting it to the test in a well-made project. This
index includes 51 projects that are sure to put your new skills to good use.

Note: Page numbers are preceded by initials indicating which book the references are found in. The shaded key
below lists each book with its initials.


This bookcase has a dowelled The gently bowed front

face frame concealing a basic apron on this sofa table has
case made with dado joints. a dramatic effect, but it is
Four design variations accom­ easy to make using a simple
pany the plan (Mission, Queen kerf-bending technique. The
Anne, Victorian, and rest of the table employs
Southwest style). traditional joinery.
D B104-109 TS116


This stool can be adjusted to This project is more of a

heights from 16 to 27 inches. puzzle than a box for
A tool bin beneath adjusts storage. The pieces slide
independently. apart only when moved
W SF117-121 in exactly the right
B C 118-122


With its four leaves opened
Organize a houseful of small flat, this oval coffee table has
objects in this storage chest. no sharp edges or corners to
Mortise-and-tenons join the bump your knees. With the
lower case, while the top and leaves folded up, the detach­
drawers are all joined with able top can be used as a
dadoes. large serving tray.
BC 104-117 F 114-121

K E Y : A R — A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; B C — M a k in g B o x e s and C h ests; B I C — M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b i n e t s ; B S — U s in g t h e B and S a w ;

D B — M a k in g D e s k s and B o o k ca ses; D P — U s in g t h e D r ill P r e s s ; F — F in i s h i n g ; FC — F in is h C arpen try;

G C — G l u in g and C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;



Transform a plain room into
This sturdy workbench has an elegant one with this cof­
a solid maple top, an open fered ceiling. It’s no more
shelf under the top that’s than a series of simple mold­
accessible from all sides, ings applied in a grid.
and plenty of drawer and FC 8 4 -9 4
storage space in the cabinet.
JW 111

This Shaker-inspired table
stands sturdily on three legs, With the right technique, a
no matter how uneven your band saw can be a sculptor’s
floor. Sliding routed dove­ tool. All these chess pieces
tails jo in the legs to the and the box-jointed
turned column. board/storage container were
RS112 cut on the band saw.


An American classic, this
porch rocker can be built in This 24 X 12-inch chest fea­
any home shop using a lathe tures geometrically patterned
and a band saw. The long splines at the mitered cor­
back posts are made in two ners, and the same pattern is
segments, and the curved inlaid into the top. Con­
parts are resawn from thick cealed hardware makes the
stock. exterior clean and crisp.
T C 104-115 WWM 7 6


Plywood construction Uncomplicated and well-

and heavy-duty hard­ proportioned, this corner
ware make this a long- cupboard has plenty of
lasting tool tote. It’s a storage space but takes up
basic six-sided box with only a small amount of floor
the lid cut off at an space that otherwise might
angle. Five drawers hold be wasted.
plenty of small tools. TS101
B C 80-85

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g an d P la n in g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l S aw ;

TC — M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS — U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF — W o rk b e n ch e s an d Shop F u r n itu r e ;
W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s



There’s plenty of drawer With its box-jointed case

space and a storage bin and raised-panel doors,
below the hinged writing this cabinet will display
surface of this writing desk, fine craftsmanship while
which features tapered legs, keeping your valuable
pegged mortise-and-tenon hand tools organized and
joinery, and dovetails. safe.
DB88 W SF93


This mirror starts with a
simple picture frame that is Glass shelves and the mir­
accented with easily cut bor­ rored back on this cabinet
ders of scroll-sawed fret­ combine to make displayed
work. items more visible than if on
SS100 open shelves. The project fea­
tures a face-frame case with
mortise-and-tenon doors.

CLOCK_________________ CUTTING BOARD

This clock has all the fea­ The ultimate project for
tures of a grandfather using up “scrap” wood,
clock— scrolled bonnet, this cutting board can
glass-doored pendulum case, be made using any
mechanical works— but is variety of woods you
more manageable in size. have in your scrap bin.


Dovetails and through-
wedged tenons combine to Half-blind dovetailed
form an indestructible bench drawers glide on web
from ju st four boards. The frames, which are dadoed
same design can be scaled into the solid case sides
down to make a step stool or of this Shaker-inspired
scaled up for a table. five-drawer chest.
JW 108 BC86

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC — M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC — M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T oo ls; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


The raised-panel lid and Organize your stationery,
a drawer front that’s dis­ coupons, correspon­
guised by box joints dis­ dence, and even your
tinguish this project bills in this traditional
from an ordinary box. lap desk. The box fea­
B C 96-103 tures a frame-and-panel
top and three dadoed
inner compartments.


Here’s a complete kitchen This reproduction Shaker

project that shows you how chair has a low back so it can
to plan, build, and install slide under a dining table.
every element, including All the parts and tenons are
countertops and sink. turned, except for the back
BIC98 slats, which are steam-bent.


Once known as a
This knife block is cut from “keeping box” utilized
solid stock, then laminated. for storing valuable
Compact and practical, this papers and jewelry, this
project can be made and fin­ 10-inch-tall chest fea­
ished in one day. tures through-dovetail
F107 joinery at the box cor­
ners and mitered feet.


Use this lidded carryall
for tools, sewing, or arts- Small things like jewelry,
and-crafts supplies— even sewing notions, and col­
to carry food to a picnic. lectibles need special
The project’s splayed cor­ housing. This chest is
ners are easy to cut using made with rabbet-and-
the blade and miter gauge dado joinery.
angles that are provided. JW 101

J W — -Jo in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a ble S a w ; W S F — W o rk ben c h es and Shop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


This set of boxes was band-
Combining a lidded top sawed from a single block of
section with a lower glued-up stock. The trick is
drawer ensures that even in the sequence of the cuts.
tiny items will be more BS111
accessible in this chest.


An American classic design, A simple space-saving design
this bookcase features frame- gives you three tables in the
and-panel sides and pegged space of one. The parts are
through-mortise-and-tenon different in size, but the con­
joinery. This project explains struction procedures are
how to cut your stock so identical for all three tables.
quarter-sawn oak shows on TC 116
all prominent surfaces.
WWM 103


The round top on this An exercise in careful cut­

knock-down table rests in ting, this vessel and the
dadoes cut into the legs. The animals surrounding it are
stretchers are wedge-tenoned made using the band saw
through the legs. This design and patterns supplied with
can be easily modified for a the project.
matching coffee table. BS92
DPI 13


Making your own paneled
This heavy-duty bench doors allows you to use any
is designed as three sep­ species of wood. This project
arate components— shows five styles, including
trestle frame, work sur­ glazed doors, all made with
face, and top. mortise-and-tenon joinery.
W SF105 FC115

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC — M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g th e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC — F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


A weekend project made Using just a band saw and

with basic rabbet and a router, you can make
stopped-dado joinery, this this box and fitted lid
functional storage rack will from solid wood. Choose
hold dishes, silverware, or square, round, or glued-
knickknacks. up scraps of contrasting
woods for your stock.
JW 96


The cabriole legs on this
table are a classic example of The sawbuck design is
the challenging shapes you exceptionally strong and
can cut with a band saw. The versatile. Made from 2-by
table also features dovetailed stock, both the benches
drawers and traditional mor- and table are designed to
tise-and-tenon joinery. fold flat for easy storage.
BS104 TC 98



A horizontal “wind wheel” This furniture set is char­

powers this whimsical cre­ acterized by repeating
ation, in which a woman wedge-shaped patterns
chases a dog, which chases a cut with a band saw and
cat, which chases a mouse, then pattern-routed.
which chases the woman... AR94


This table is an exercise in
solid wood joinery and Though stained-glass and
includes methods for cut-glass windows are noto­
selecting stock to ensure the rious for heat loss, you can
tabletop stays flat. Rails are make them function effec­
joined to tapered legs with tively in a home. The trick?
pegged tenons. Build an insulated window
frame around the glass.
WWM 115
FC 108

JW — J o in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S cro ll S aw ;

XC— M a k in g T a bles and C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T able S a w ; W S F — W o r k ben c h es and S hop F u r n it u r e ;

W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


This traditional cupboard
combines concealed storage, Open fretwork sides support
an open display shelf, and a quarter-round shelves on this
counter-height work surface. delicate corner unit.
The case is dadoed together, SS107
while the door frames are
mortised and tenoned
around flat panels.


Use this mobile storage stand
for almost any shop tool— Two turned wooden
jointer, sander, scroll saw, or cylinders and a pen or
whatever you have in your pencil hardware kit are all
shop. You can adjust the pro­ it takes to produce these
portions to make stands for beautiful writing instru­
other uses, like a sharpening ments.
station or tool cabinet. DP119
W SF84


A marriage of beauty and

practicality, the oval top of
this table can provide conve­
nient dining for one or pivot
to vertical so the table can be
placed against a wall when
not in use.

KEY: A R — A d van ced R o u tin g ; BC — BIC — M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e

M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; B an d Saw ;
DB— M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G lu in g an d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;
JW — J o in i n g W ood; R S — R o u t in g and S h a p i n g ; S — S h a r p e n i n g ; S P — S a n d in g and P l a n in g ;
SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l S a w ; TC — M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ;
W SF — W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ; WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s
J igs and F ixtu res
make woodworking safer and easier, and thus a lot more fun. With the right jig
or fixture, you can double or triple the number of jobs a particular tool can do.
This index includes over 200 jigs, fixtures, tools, and shop storage devices, each
one designed to expand your woodworking horizons.

Note: Page numbers are preceded by initials indicating which book the references are found in. The shaded
key below lists each book with its initials.


When you need a band Designed to use commer­
clamp, the last thing you cial cutters, this beading
want is to have to untangle tool is for cutting fine
it. This rack consists of a decorative moldings and
mounting plate and two trim.
dowels that will keep your HT98
band clamps tangle-free.


Make your own bench dogs,
Cut much larger pieces of either square or round, from
stock more easily with this a dense hardwood like
band saw extension table. maple or beech. The ones
BS47 shown here use simple
bullet catches instead of
steel springs to hold the dog
at the desired height.


A bench hook lets you hold a
The step pulleys in this fix­ workpiece securely for hand
ture let you add variable sawing. The work rests
speed to your band saw so against the rear stop, while
you can match blade speed to the front stop rests against
the material you’re cutting. the bench edge.
BS20 WSF47; see also HT28

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; H T — U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;


Bench stops keep a This clamp reaches 7 inches

workpiece from in from the edge of an
moving around on assembly, making it great for
your bench. This one applying pressure to a veneer
spans the entire width repair or correcting a mis­
of the bench. aligned joint.
W SF39 GC119; see a lso JF 4 9 , 53


TEMPLATE________ C-clamps are often-used
tools that seem always to be
With a slot-cutting bit misplaced. This rack gives all
in your router and this your C-clamps a home, with
template, you can make adjustable hanging pegs for
precise biscuit joints any size clamps.
without a biscuit- GC32
jointing machine.


Turn round tenons of consis­
File your own brad-point bits tent diameter with this fixed
with this jig. It holds the bit caliper. A drilled hole repre­
securely and has angled sents the actual mortise size,
bearing surfaces for filing the while a stepped gauge warns
point and spurs of the bit. A you when you’re close to the
thumbscrew raises the bit final size.
incrementally in the jig. JW 77, see also DP77, JF 4 0 ,
S81; see also DP45 TC 72


This jig lets you lean into Similar to quick-action bar

your drilling when using a clamps, the heads on these
bit and brace. The added cam clamps move ju st lA
body pressure makes for inch when you throw the
efficient and more accurate cam, enough for many kinds
drilling. of light-pressure glue-ups.
HT57 GC99; see also JF 5 1

JW — J o i n i n g W ood; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p in g ; S — S h a rp e n in g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P la n in g ; SS— U s in g th e S c r o l l S aw ;

TC — TS — U s i n g
M a k in g T a b le s a n d C h a i r s ; t h e T a b le S aw ; W SF — W o rk b en ch es an d Shop F u rn itu re ;
WWM — W o o d an d W o o d w o rk in g M a te ria ls



Putting a tool or cabinet on Use this flat chisel bit and

wheels is great until you want the leverage from your drill
it to stay still. This design for press to true up the sides and
retractable casters lets you ends of drilled-out mortises.
have it both ways. All it takes The clamp prevents the
is a hinged block, a pivoting chuck from turning.
cam, and a hook-and-eye. DP74
W SF64


Three small strips of wood are This jig will help you true up
all that’s needed to make this the sides and ends of a
useful tool for finding the drilled-out mortise. It’s held
center point of cylinders and in a vise along with the
small, round parts. workpiece and adjusts for
HT19 different size stock.


Turn any chisel into a chisel
This plywood jig guides your plane with this jig. It’s great .
drill for making compound for trimming corners on
angled mortises where chair tenon cheeks and rabbets
legs meet the seat bottom. and for cleaning glue from
TC77 case joints.

This box keeps chisels
This jig holds a organized and their
chair’s back post at edges protected. It has
the slight angle a base for free­
needed for routing standing use.
the rail mortises. HT76

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC — M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC — M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B an d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; F C — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
G C — G lu in g a n d C la m p in g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o ls ; JF — M a k in g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;



Made from just two pieces of This straightedge fence jig

scrap wood, this L-shaped jig saves you from measuring
lets you cut perfect circles on the blade-to-fence offset
the band saw every time you cut plywood
BS84 and other sheet goods.
BIC46; see also J F 117,


ROUTER SOLE This grid provides a
perfectly flat surface
Rout perfect circles for all kinds of glue-
with this elongated ups. The feet can be
router sole. It located anywhere on
replaces your router’s the grid so they’ll
sole plate and never be in the way
attaches in seconds. GC69
RS39; see also AR42


Rout circles with a 6- to 24-
inch radius using this jig. This press works in
The separate pivot assembly two directions—
is designed so you don’t have downward, like a
to drill a hole in the work­ conventional veneer
piece. press, and sideways,
TC49 for gluing stock edge
to edge.

Here’s a tool that combines a
With this auxiliary sliding marking gauge, a cutting
table jig, you can precisely gauge, and two mortising
rout circles as small as 3 gauges. They function inde­
inches in diameter on your pendently so you can keep
router table. multiple settings when laying
RS39; see also AR41 out any joint.

JW — - J o in in g W o o d ; R S — R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s


Moldings that are This jig replaces your

installed at an angle to miter gauge for general
the wall and ceiling crosscutting. It’s more
need to be held at that accurate because it rides
angle when they’re in both miter gauge slots,
mitered or coped. This and it features a chip
jig adjusts to hold dif­ shield for added safety
ferent sized moldings.


Use this jig to glue delicate This sliding cutoff jig lets
right-angle assemblies or you crosscut long and wide
ones that can’t be clamped boards more accurately than
directly. you can using just a miter
JF60 gauge. It includes a sliding
stop for convenient repetitive
cuts, as well as an acrylic
chip guard.
JW 32



This little clamping The fence on this sliding table

aid takes the guess­ has two mounting positions,
work out of getting forward and back, yielding
square corners when angle adjustments with a
assembling cabinets range of of 115 degrees. The
and drawers. sliding stop stores on the back
GC70 of the fence when not in use.
JF89; see also TS94


This adjustable-angle
fence attaches directly to A grinding wheel needs to be
your table saw fence and “dressed” routinely to shape
locks securely at any the wheel and expose fresh
angle, eliminating the abrasive. This clamp holds a
need for clamps and a diamond wheel dresser; slide
straightedge when cutting the clamp against the tool
coves on the table saw. rest for accurate dressing.
TS89 S38

K EY: AR— A d v a n c ed R o u t in g ; B C — M a k in g B oxes and C h ests; B IC — M a k in g B u il t - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B and S a w ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s and B o o k ca ses; D P — U s in g t h e D r il l P ress; F — F in is h in g ; FC — F in i s h C arpen try;

GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;



Sand flat and convex Lay out evenly spaced

shapes with the 10-inch dovetails accurately with
disc on this sander, and this layout rule. Just
concave surfaces with choose the number of
the drum. The sander tails and the space you
requires a double-shaft want between them, and
motor. this jig will do the rest.
SP108 JW 90



This jig will quickly true up This simple slope gauge

and smooth a bandsawn cir­ saves you from setting a
cular part. It’s made from sliding bevel every time you
two pieces of plywood— the cut dovetails. Make one for
base clamps to a sanding each of your favorite dovetail
table, and the adjustable top angles.
has holes for a pivot pin. JW 91
SP69; see alsoJF35


The weight of the door flexes Decorative dovetail splines

these door bucks, causing add strength and beauty to
the jaws to pinch the door plain mitered box corners.
and hold it tight when trim­ This sliding carriage for your
ming, routing mortises, or router table makes them easy
drilling for hardware. to cut.
FC37 RS66



This guide ensures all your This auxiliary table pivots in

cross-grain chisel cuts are either direction, ensuring
in a perfect line. It also uniform slope when cutting
holds the tail board in dovetail pins on the band
place over the pin board, saw.
just like a commercial BS88
dovetail jig.
JW 91

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


Make your own dowels
with this router table jig. This guard clamps to the
Push a length of square drill chuck and shields your
stock through the jig, hands when using router bits
using a drill to rotate the for shaping on the drill press.
stock as it moves past a DP86
straight cutter.


Here is an easy-to-build stand
This jig aids in drilling a hole and economical cabinet for
through a mitered corner. storing all your drill press
Fill the hole with a dowel accessories. It features simple
and, when sanded flush, the case-and-drawer construction
dowel appears oval— a and rolls on heavy-duty 3-inch
unique decorative touch. casters.
BC33 DP108



Use your foot to operate both Keep all your drill bits
the On/Off switch and the organized and close at
quill on a drill press. This hand with this storage
device frees both hands for tray. It mounts to the
increased safety and accuracy. drill press and can be
DP40 removed for bench


QUILL LOCK TILTING_______________

A quill lock is essential when This drill press table has a

using the drill press for drum sliding fence with adjustable
sanding, sharpening, or flip stops, replaceable collars,
shaping. It prevents damage sliding hold-downs, and a
to the quill that can be tilting mechanism for angled
caused by the sideways thrust holes.
these operations produce. JF111; see also DP31

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC — M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B an d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;



With this table you can accu­ This table gives you a pro­
rately drill into the end grain fessional drum-sanding
of a workpiece for doweling setup on your drill press,
and mortising. plus a built-in dust-collec
DP64 tion port. Made from ply­
wood, it has collar inserts
for different size drums.
DP83; see also JF24


Egg crates let you organize
This drill press table adjusts your tools efficiently in
from 0 to 60 degrees in perfectly fitting compart­
precise 15 degree increments ments. You can make them
using a set of tamboured up in batches of different
wedges. sizes and use them wherever
DP31; see a ls o J F lll a drawer needs organizing.



This “clamp” works
Turn small parts like pulls, in reverse, spreading
knobs, and finials on the things apart, which is
drill press with this jig. useful for assembling
The tool rest is adjustable and disassembling
on a plywood base. The chairs.
drive center is made from GC101; see alsoJF50
a carriage bolt.
BC76; see also DP89


This V-shaped cradle
holds cylinders for This featherboard
drilling on a drill press. slides in a slotted bar
A simple metal strap so you can easily
clamps a cylinder to position the feather­
the jig. board anywhere on a
TC79; see also DP76 machine table.

JW — -J o i n in g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s


This fence works like a
When you can’t clamp a T-square table saw fence,
featherboard to a except that a movable jaw
machine, use this hand­ on the bottom lets you
held version to help guide clamp the fence directly to
the workpiece. a workpiece for routing
JF20 and other cuts that require
a fence.


JOINTER_______________ HINGED

Accurate edge jointing The sliding stops on this

depends on keeping the stock fence are hinged to flip
tight to the fence. This feath­ up out of the way so you
erboard is made from sturdy can drill multiple holes
Baltic Birch plywood and gets in a piece of stock, even
bolted securely to the jointer. when the hole spacing is
SP20 irregular.



Use this jig with the Auxiliary For very narrow rip cuts,
Fence (this page) to eliminate this fence straddler acts
the difficulty of clamping as both a push stick and
featherboards to a machine a hold-down.
table. The featherboard slides TS55
anywhere along the fence and
locks securely.


Strong finger joints require
This fence adjusts from 6 to that the fingers and the space
12 inches high for sawing or between them be identical,
shaping boards on edge. It’s and that’s what this jig
especially suitable for ensures. The sliding fence
resawing, when you want the makes it easy to find the
fence just slightly lower than right spacing and keep it.
the width of the board. JW 84; see also AR13, BC27

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h in g .; FC— F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;


PORTABLE_____________ CLAMP
Keep the dust off your just- Assemble per­
finished projects with this fectly mitered
portable finishing booth. It picture frames
includes a fan that speeds with this clamp.
drying. (Designed for brushed A single screw
and rubbed-on finishes only, pulls all four
not for sprayed finishes.) corners evenly
F79 GC115


This shop-made saw’s This little table clamps into a
teeth are set to one side vise and supports a work­
only so you can flush-cut piece when you’re making
dowels, pegs, and wedges delicate cuts with either a
without scratching the coping saw or a fret saw
surrounding wood. The HT31
broad handle puts control
right under your hand.

These go-bars make it easy
This scrapwood router base to clamp a broad surface,
plate lets you trim glued-on like a veneered panel,
edgings so they’re perfectly against a benchtop. The
flush with case parts or bars are tightened between
countertops, eliminating the workpiece and a U-
tedious hand planing and shaped frame that’s clamped
sanding. to the bench.
RS51; see also BIC68 WSF42


This jig indexes spindles on This grinder does the same
your lathe and locks them in job as a motorized whet­
place so you can rout mor­ stone, only better. It accom­
tises, flutes, reeds, and any modates interchangable tool
other cut parallel to the rests, as well as a set of
length of the stock. sharpening stones, for a com­
AR60 plete sharpening system.

JW — -Jo in in g W o o d ; R S — R o u t in g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n in g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n it u r e ;
W W M — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


You can overcome the draw­
backs of typical grinding The 1-inch-diameter
wheels with this grinder. The wooden threads on these
two-grit wheel is extra wide clamps let you apply
and has a buffing head as plenty of pressure, and
well. A slow-speed motor they are less likely than
keeps tools cool. metal clamps to mar
S95 your work.


This tool rest replaces the
inadequate one that likely Keep your hand screws
came with your grinder. It’s accessible and organized on
a single piece of 3/s-inch this wall-mounted rack with
plywood spanning both adjustable dividers.
grinding wheels so you can GC31
keep the angle the same on
coarse and fine wheels.


This precision gauge takes
Without the proper bevel the guesswork out of height
grind, skew chisels and adjustments and works
carving tools won’t cut. equally well when setting
These plywood guide blocks router bits, shaper cutters,
clamp to the tool rest on a saw blades, and dado heads.
motorized whetstone and RS29
ensure a perfect grind.


Half-laps, dovetails, tenons, This gauge shows you the
and other joints cut by hand exact height of a saw blade or
will fit better if you saw with router bit because it refer­
this jig, which stops the saw ences directly between the bit
cut at a precise depth. or blade and the table.
HT9 TS69

KEY: A R — A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB — M a k in g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP — U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
G C — G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; H T — U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


TEMPLATE_____________ FOR GOUGES__________
This jig ensures that door Honing the curved edge of a
hinges fit snugly in their carving tool is easy with this
mortises. It works on any adjustable guide. It moves
size door and can be adjusted forward and back like a
for different backsets. chisel honing guide, while
the tool holder swivels.
FC37 S56


Hold a workpiece
securely anywhere on Use this indexing wheel in
your benchtop with this conjunction with the Over­
device. It will fit into head Routing Jig (page 77) to
existing bench dog rout any number of equally
holes, or you can drill spaced flutes, grooves, or
new holes as you need beads on a turned cylinder.
them. RS86


Drill unlimited numbers Cut delicate shapes for
of evenly spaced holes inlay, banding, marquetry,
with this drill press fence and parquetry with a
attachment. The fixture jeweler’s saw and this
clamps to a T-slot in the simple table.
fence and adjusts for AR79
stock up to 2 inches thick.


Holding a chisel or plane Mount a router horizontally in
iron at the right angle is a table and you can better per­
the key to good sharp­ form dozens of operations like
ening. This honing guide mortising, tenoning, and cut­
is made from a few scraps ting tongues or grooves
of wood and a few pieces because the stock rests flat on
of common hardware. the table instead of on edge.
S28 RSI 04

W o o d ; RS— R o u t in g a n d S h a p in g ; S— S h a r p e n in g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l Saw;

JW — J o in in g
TC— M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e Saw; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n it u r e ;
W W M — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


Get safe, two-handed If you want to sharpen a tool
control over your face to a specific bevel angle, this
jointing with this push mini L-bevel will transfer the
block, made from hard­ angle from a protractor to a
wood scraps. honing guide.
SP20 S46


Turn your drill press into an
accurate grinder with this Sheets of plastic laminate are
jig. It includes separate unwieldy to handle and cut,
holders for sharpening even on a table saw With
jointer knives and chisels or this straightedge guide the
plane irons. laminate stays put, and the
DP92 cut is made with a router and
a W inch straight bit.
BIC91; see also GC86


GUIDE_________ Make your own lathe chuck
from a scrap of wood and a
With this jig you hose clamp. The chuck will
can sharpen any hold small parts like turned
short-bladed utility box lids, finials, and drawer
knife to a precise pulls.
bevel. BC16


A steadyrest prevents long
Two knock-down and thin turnings from
sawhorses connected by 8- flexing under the pressure of
foot 2 X 4s give you a a tool. This one clamps to
huge, portable platform for the lathe bed and is
cutting all kinds of sheet adjustable for any size
goods. It makes a great turning.
portable table as well. TC78
JF121; see also WSF7

KEY: A R — A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d Saw;

DB — M a k in g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP — U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
G C — G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; H T — U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


Assemble perfect
This fixture replaces miters with this clamp
your lathe tool rest that is made from a
and turns your router plywood base, a few
into a precision cut­ blocks of hardwood,
ting tool for the lathe. and readily available
AR72 hardware.


With this carriage and a
band saw, you can turn a To make accurate crosscuts,
log into a pile of resawn you need to add a fence to any
lumber. miter gauge. This one features
BS69 a quick mount that attaches
with wing nuts, and a sliding
stop for repetitive cuts.
TS47; see also JF6


This jig holds the stock and This sliding miter jig has two
guides a plunge router to cut adjustable fences so you can
matching “loose tenon” mor­ make right- and left-facing
tises in rails and stiles. A miters without having to
separate piece of stock serves switch a fence back and
as the tenon. forth.
BC51 JW40

You can rout both mortises
Here are two sturdy, and tenons with this single
simple tools you’ll use a jig. Both functions are done
lot. These mallets are with a template guide, and
designed for balance. the template itself is inter­
HT103 changeable for different size
mortise-and-tenon joints.

JW — -Jo in in g W o o d ; R S — R o u t in g a n d S h a p in g ; S— S h a r p e n in g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l S aw ;

TC— M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a ir s ; TS— U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n it u r e ;
WWM— W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


This is a guide for drilling
more than one hole around With this jig clamped to
the circumference of a cylin­ the workpiece and a tem­
drical workpiece, as where plate guide in your
two stretchers join a chair plunge router, you can
leg. easily rout mortises that
TC74 are perfectly uniform.
AR4; see also JF27, JF36


Routing mortises on the This jig holds odd-shaped
router table requires a parts at a precise angle
straight fence and stops against a sanding belt or
that define the begin­ disc. It ensures that the angle
ning and end of the cut. is accurate and identical in
This fence combines multiple pieces.
both functions in a SP69
single jig.
JW67; see alsoJF42


Rout circles and ellipses
This is the simplest approach with this trammel jig.
to guiding a plunge router Attach the beam to a
when routing mortises. Two single fixed pivot for
long supports clamped to the routing circles, or to a
workpiece stabilize the router; pair of sliding pivots for
the stretchers connecting the routing ellipses.
supports serve as stops. AR45


Rout clean, deep mor­ Turn your router table into a
tises with this jig. It pin router with this overarm
includes a sturdy table to pin holder. This jig includes
clamp the work to, and plans for a Height Adjustor
an adjustable frame to and Router Jack so you can
guide the router. make minute bit adjust­
RS64 ments easily

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B uilt - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw;

DB — M a k in g D e sk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP — U s in g t h e D r ill P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;

Certain routing opera­ Similar to routing with
tions—like fluting or a template, this jig lets
beading a cylinder—are best you saw a workpiece to
done with the router fixed match a template using
above the work. This jig the table saw.
gives you overarm routing TS86; see also BIC46
capability at minimal cost.
RS16; see also JF3


These clamps are This jig turns your router
designed for assembling table into a pin router, which
wide panels on edge. is especially useful for dupli­
The double bars keep cating patterns on small
the joints flush, and a workpieces.
simple cam applies the BC10


Enlarge or reduce shapes and This jig lets you flush-
patterns from photographs, trim a workpiece and
drawings, and even real smooth it at the same
objects with this pantograph. time. It consists of a ply­
It’s made from thin hard­ wood disc or “pin”
wood scraps and common mounted to a base.
hardware. SP69; see also DP84


These pipe
With this par­ clamps were
allel rule, you designed to sit flat
can find the cor­ on a workbench,
rect fence angle and the laminated
for cutting coves plywood jaws
on the table saw. won’t mar your
TS88 work.

J W — -Jo in in g W o o d ; R S — R o u t in g a n d S h a p in g ; S — S h a r p e n in g ; S P — S a n d in g a n d P l a n in g ; S S — U s in g t h e S c r o l l S a w ;
T C — M a k in g T a b l e s a n d C h a ir s ; T S — U s in g t h e T a b l e S a w ; W S F — W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n it u r e ;
W W M — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


RACK____________ H G _______________________

This clamping rack You can drill per­

ensures your pipe fectly located pocket
clamps will apply holes with this pre­
pressure evenly along cision guide.
the same line when BIC64
gluing boards edge to
GC71; see alsoJF29


These wall brackets let you This stand supports any chop
store your pipe and bar saw or benchtop machine for
clamps horizontally, so on-site work and folds flat
they’re less likely to fall. when not in use.
GC32 FC95


These wooden bars, or cauls,
Clamp this L-shaped block are slightly crowned on one
to your bench plane and edge. When clamped against a
you’ll be able to plane wide surface, pressure is
board edges perfectly applied in the middle first and
square to the faces. then outward toward the edges
HT42 for even gluing pressure.


These two specialty planes This jig lets you accurately
take care of all sorts of set the angle of chisels and
*detailed trimming and fit­ plane blades in a honing
ting jobs on dadoes, rab­ guide in order to get a spe­
bets, grooves, tenons, and cific bevel angle.
more. S28

KEY: A R — A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d Saw ;

DB— M a k in g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C la m p in g ; H T — U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF— M a k in g J ig s a n d F i x t u r e s ;

This is an indispensable
safety device, useful on the A single-point pivot resaw
table saw, jointer, and router fence is the best type for gen­
table. It combines a nose eral resawing. This one is
notch, rear notch, and a 45 simple to make from a few
degree V-notch, so you can scraps and is easy to clamp
safely push stock of all in place.
shapes and size. BS63


This reversible push
stick will ensure safe This fence extension has a
ripping of any size stock lip that helps support the
on the table saw, and it’s weight of longer stock,
especially well suited for making it ideal for cutting
very narrow stock. very long boards or pieces
TS29; see also JF19 of plywood.


ROUTING JIG__________
Supporting long stock when
Used with a router mounted cutting or shaping is crucial
horizontally, this jig cradles a to safe woodworking. This
chair rail or stretcher at the adjustable roller stand fea­
correct angle when mortising tures a wide wood roller and
for “loose” tenon joints. easy-to-adjust levelers so you
TC63 can match the roller to your
table height.
TS34; see alsoJF73


This jig lets you hold a work
This jig has two feather- piece securely to the
boards that slide on a pair benchtop without clamps.
of dowels so you can apply Instead, you apply pressure
side pressure to a work­ using a foot treadle attached
piece at exactly the right to a rope that pulls down on
height when resawing. a clamping bar.
BS65 WSF42

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p in g ; S— S h a r p e n in g ; SP— S a n d in g a n d P l a n in g ; SS— U s in g t h e S c r o l l S a w ;

TC— M a k in g T a b le s a n d C h a ir s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b le S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n it u r e ;
WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s


This jig makes cutting When you’re jointing the
odd-size dadoes, rabbets, edges of wide stock, this jig
and grooves easier. It has and your router table are
a double fence system good choices because the
that can be adjusted for stock will lie flat on the table
any width of cut greater where it’s completely sup­
than the bit you’re using. ported.
BIC61 RS54; see also SP16

This jig makes fine-tuning With this acrylic mounting
the bit height on a router plate, you can install your
table much easier. It attaches router from above a router
to any plunge router—even table, giving you easy access
when it’s not in a table—and for changing bits. The mul­
makes height adjusting tiple inserts let you vary the
simple. bit opening for any size bit.
JF109 RS12


MULTIPURPOSE JIG__________________
This jig doubles as both a This jig turns your router
small router table and an into a thicknesser—it’s
overhead routing jig. ideal for precious pieces of
JF4 figured wood that might
chip out severely if fed
through a planer.
RS52; see also SP34


This jig lets you easily Each edge of this base is pro­
and quickly make the pre­ gressively farther from the bit
cise fence adjustments so you can widen dadoes by
needed for routing dove­ specific increments using a
tails and finger joints or single, standard router bit.
for making other repeti­ This is especially useful
tive cuts on a router table. when working with plywood.
AR16 RS55

KEY: A R — A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt - I n C a b in e t s ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d Saw;

DB — M a k in g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP — U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC— F in is h C a r p e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H a n d T o o l s ; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


This benchtop router
table takes up little Designed to hold rolls of
space and features a 4 Vi-inch-wide sandpaper,
miter gauge slot, split this dispenser has a
fence, drop-in router built-in measuring guide
mounting plate, and so you tear off exactly
dust collection port. the length you need.
RS97 SP118


LIFT-TOP______________ GUIDE BLOCKS________
Changing bits is far easier on These blocks have a saw kerf
this router table, and you can cut at the correct angle for
do it without moving the filing the teeth of a handsaw.
fence (which has a built-in S75; see also HT35
dust pickup). The bit guard
doubles as a height gauge.


In addition to being a stan­ Combine the best features of
dard router table, this a hand scraper and a bench
routing station is designed plane in this wooden scraper
to work with two other plane. It uses a standard
routing jigs— the Overhead plane blade that’s ground and
Routing Jig (page 77) and burnished like a cabinet
the Mort’ise-and-Tenon Jig scraper blade.
(page 75), SP88


These sanding blocks can be This scratch stock is espe­

easily made from scrap cially useful on woods that
wood. They have rubber or would chip out if routed.
leather soles and beveled The handle is turned for
edges for getting into cor­ comfort, and the L-shape of
ners. The paper is held to the the body provides a built-in
block with a rubber band set fence.
in a V-groove. HT50

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


This shop-made scroll saw is
powered by a standard saber This scroll saw base has a
saw. It has a 20-inch throat, plywood box filled with
quick-release blade clamps, sand. The dead weight
and a table that tilts 45 reduces vibration, which in
degrees right and left. turn gives you smoother
SS74 cuts.



Make your own scroll saw This sturdy stand will hold
blade-changing fixture your scroll saw and accessories.
from a few blocks of hard­ Patterns, manuals, and spare
wood. Cutouts in the plate blades fit in the long, shallow
hold the clamps while you drawers, and a bottom bin
tighten the locking screws. holds 150 pounds of sand to
absorb vibration.



Keep scroll saw blades Shape the ends of narrow

organized with this con­ stock safely with this sliding
venient storage rack. It’s table jig. It has a sturdy hold-
made from lengths of down clamp, an adjustable
Vi-inch PVC pipe and a fence for angled stock, and a
block of wood. vertical table for cutting into
the face of narrow stock.



Set your scroll saw table for This cabinet is designed to

angled cuts easily with this support any sharpening
protractor. Just draw the machines you choose, as
angle lines from a pivot point well as all the stones and
on a small block of wood, accessories needed for a
and attach the indicator complete sharpening
through the pivot point. system.
SS34 S116

KEY: A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k in g B u ilt-I n C a b in e ts ; BS— U s in g t h e B a n d S aw ;

DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s in g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F in is h in g ; FC — F in ish C a rp e n tr y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT— U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


A strop loaded with a fine This shooting board is basi­

abrasive paste polishes an cally a bench hook with a
already sharp edge to an even baseboard attached. With a
finer degree of sharpness. workpiece held in the bench
The stropping surface is hook, you can “shoot” the
made from end-grain slices end grain with the plane
of hardwood to prevent the riding smoothly on the base­
tool from digging in. board.
S31 WSF47



This benchtop hold-down is A shooting board lets you

modelled after the mecha­ trim the ends of miters for a
nism in a shave horse and it perfect fit. This jig combines
lets you hold stock securely a shooting board with a miter
using pressure from your box and can be used to trim
foot or knee. miters between 0 and 45
F46; see also JF53 degrees.


With this tool you can
A scrap of pegboard and two transfer angles accurately
strips of wood are all you from workpiece to machine
need to make this guide, setups, and vice versa.
which will ensure that shelf HT108
pin holes line up perfectly.



An attractive alternative to This jig holds a spade bit

the metal variety, these stan­ securely, and it has angled
dards and brackets can be bearing surfaces for filing the
made with any wood to cutting edges of the bit. A
match your shelves. They’re thumbscrew raises the bit
sturdy and won’t scratch incrementally in the jig.
shelves as metal brackets do. S81; see also DP45

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


This jig lets you safely cut
This L-shaped jig allows you slots for splined miters on
to extend straight lines along the table saw. The jig cradles
the length of a cylinder, as the rip fence for stability, and
when drilling for the the clamp slides up and
stretchers that join chair down for stock of different
legs. widths.
TC74 JW 56; see also JF5



This jig guides your drill This adjustable split

when making mortises fence for your router
for chair spindles in both table lets you use your
the seat and crest rail, so router as a mini shaper
each spindle is angled to joint stock and make
and located accurately full-edge profiling cuts.
TC82 RS30


This jig lets you mark the
locations for drilling into a This jig is designed to pre­
cylinder so that the holes cisely sand square-cornered
will be located identically in assemblies. The work is
multiple workpieces. held against a miter gauge
TC75 and pushed back and forth
against a fence covered with



You can strengthen and Reduce the number of trips up

decorate mitered box and down a ladder with this
corners by adding slips of work tray. It locates the tools
contrasting wood. conveniently at waist height
Cutting the kerfs for the and makes it safer to work with
slips is easy with this jig tools on a ladder.
and your table saw. FC10

K E Y : A R — A d v an ced R o u tin g ; BC— BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e

M a k in g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; B an d Saw ;
DB— M a k in g D esk s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F— F i n i s h i n g ; FC — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G lu in g an d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;


This striking knife features
both an awl for marking with A T-square fence
the grain and a bevel-edged ensures your dadoes
knife for marking across the and rabbets will be
grain. perpendicular to the
HT113 edge of the stock. This
fence is quick to set up
and accurate to use.
RS58; see also JF32



This fixture turns a strip A multipurpose sliding

sander into a versatile sharp­ table for the table saw,
ening system for chisels, this jig includes attach­
gouges, and turning tools. ments for tenoning,
S107 crosscutting, mitering,
and holding odd-shaped
TS94; see also JF89


Easy to make from a
Strip sanders make great tool few small scraps of
sharpeners, but you’ll need hardwood, this jig
to replace the sander’s table does the most con­
with a tool rest. This rest is sistent job of cutting
made from a small piece of tapered legs on the
plywood and a length of table saw.
angle iron. TS82; see also JF6


This support stand has a
hinged platform, so it func­ Use your planer to taper
tions as an extension table, legs and other tapered
too. The ball-bearing workpieces with this
rollers allow movement in wedge-shaped jig.
any direction. SP36
JF73; see also TS34

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC— M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; WSF— W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
W W M — W ood and W o o d w o r k in g M a t e r ia l s


This tapering jig grips This jig lets you rout the four
the workpiece so your sides of a tenon using a
fingers don’t have to, straight bit and a template
and it’s wide enough to guide. A fixed stop positions
use comfortably without the work, and the broad tem­
a push stick. It adjusts plate surface supports even a
easily for any taper. large plunge router.
TC25; see also TS82, JF6 AR6


This tenoning jig features Unlike a planer, this
backstops that pivot between 16-inch-wide thick­
90 and 45 degrees for cutting ness sander will
either straight or angled handle thin stock and
tenons. wood with difficult
JF 84 grain without chip-


This jig straddles the table
saw fence and holds the This jig holds twist bits
workpiece perpendicular to securely and ensures the
the table for making the cutting edges of the bit are
cheek cuts on a tenon. The filed at the correct angle. A
fence adjusts for angled thumbscrew raises the bit
tenons as well. for precise honing.
JW 73 DP44


This jig is designed for If you have a vacuum
routing just one side of a press, you can make
tenon at a time. A big this hold-down plate
advantage is that you can for holding flat work­
clamp a whole project’s pieces securely
worth of tenons together without clamps.
and rout them at one time. JF55

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC — M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC— M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B an d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; F C — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u in g a n d C l a m p in g ; HT — U s in g H and T o o ls; JF — M a k in g J ig s a n d F ix t u r e s ;


Tilting a bench vise gives you
The best way to cut greater control over many
veneer is with a hand operations like chis­
veneer saw or razor eling and carving. This
knife and this jig. The hinged vise mount has a
wooden bar serves as pivoting arm attached to one
a clamp and straight­ side to hold the work at the
edge in one. desired angle.
GC85 WSF36


This is a light-duty clamp, For machines on
but it has many uses when casters, these wedges
you need pressure close to surround the casters
the edge of an assembly. It’s and keep them from
made from plywood discs, a rolling or swivelling.
carriage bolt, and washers. They’re especially
GC108 suited to machines that


This wedge prevents a tool or
This triangular block cabinet on casters from
works with the rolling, and it has a flat sur­
Grooved Vise Jaw face at the top of the wedge
Faces (this page) and that provides greater support
pivots to hold than a plain wedge.
tapered workpieces. WSF65


This device is made from a
These auxiliary jaw pair of wedges and a cam.
faces hold odd-shaped Attached to a mobile tool or
'work securely. Vertical cabinet base, the jacks lift
round-bottom grooves the cabinet off the casters by
hold dowels, and a hor­ pressing down on the cam.
izontal V-groove holds The jack can be operated by
rectangular stock. hand or foot.
W SF34 WSF65

JW — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ; SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l Saw ;

TC — M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS — U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ; W SF — W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ;
WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s

STAND_________________ SAWMILL
This is the easiest, least This device lets you take a
expensive, and most versatile rough log and cut it into a
approach to making a tool or stack of boards. The log is
cabinet mobile. It takes two always secured to the mill,
casters instead of four and which has a lip that rides
sits solidly on the ground against the table edge.
until you need to move it. WWM52

KEY: AR— A d v a n c e d R o u t i n g ; BC— M a k i n g B o x e s a n d C h e s t s ; BIC — M a k i n g B u i l t - I n C a b i n e t s ; BS— U s i n g t h e B an d Saw ;

DB— M a k i n g D e s k s a n d B o o k c a s e s ; DP— U s i n g t h e D r i l l P r e s s ; F — F i n i s h i n g ; F C — F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y ;
GC— G l u i n g a n d C l a m p i n g ; HT— U s i n g H a n d T o o l s ; J F — M a k i n g J i g s a n d F i x t u r e s ;
J W — J o i n i n g W o o d ; RS— R o u t i n g a n d S h a p i n g ; S— S h a r p e n i n g ; SP— S a n d i n g a n d P l a n i n g ;
SS— U s i n g t h e S c r o l l S a w ; TC — M a k i n g T a b l e s a n d C h a i r s ; TS— U s i n g t h e T a b l e S a w ;
WSF — W o r k b e n c h e s a n d S h o p F u r n i t u r e ; WWM — W o o d a n d W o o d w o r k i n g M a t e r i a l s
R efer en c e
C harts
R efer en c e C harts
enable you to find a specific piece of vital information at a quick glance— the
standard height of a dining table or chair, for example. They also provide direct
comparisons of the tools and materials you work with— router bits, saw blades,
finishes, and glues— so you can make the best choice for the job at hand. The
29 charts on the following pages form an up-to-date reference manual for dozens
of these important woodworking choices.

T a n g e n t ia l and R a d ia l W ood M o vem en t

T h ese percentages indicate how much you can when it releases all of its bound water (from 28
expect a green board to shrink across the grain percent moisture content to completely dry)


Domestic Hardwoods Domestic Softwoods
Alder, Red 7.3 4.4 Cedar, Aromatic Red 5.2 3.3
Ash, White 7.8 4.') Cedar, We s t e r n Red 5.0 2.4
Aspen (Cottonwood) 6.7 3.5 Cedar, White 4.9 2.2
-Basswood 9.3 n.6 Cypress 6.2 3.8
Beech 11.9 5.5 Fir, Douglas 7.3 4.5
Birch, White 8.6 6.3 Hemlock 7.9 4.3
Birch, Yellow 8.1 3.6 Larch 9.1 4.5
Butternut 6.4 3.4 Pine, Ponderosa 6.2 3.9
Catalpa 4.9 2.5 Pine, Sugar 5.6 2.9
Cherry 7.1 3.7 Pine, White 7.4 4.1
Chestnut 6.7 3.4 Pine, Yellow 6.1 2.1
Elm 9.5 4.2 Redwood 4.9 2.2
Hickory, Shagbark 10.5 7.0 Spruce, Sitka 7.5 4.3
Holly 9.9 4.8 Im p orted W ood s
Maple, Hard 9.9 4.8
Maple, Soft 8.2 Bubinga 8.4 5.8
Oak, Red Ebony 6.5 5.5
8.9 4.2
Oak, White 10.5 Lauan 8.0 3.8
Pecan Mahogany, African 4.5 2.5
8.9 4.9
Poplar, Mahogany, Genuine 4,1 3.0
IT " Yellow 8.2 4.6
Pnmavera 5.2 3.1
Sweetgum 10.2 5.3
Sycamore 8.4 Purpleheart 6.1 3.2
Walnut Rosewood, Brazilian 4.6 2.9
7.8 5.5
Willow 8.7 Rosewood, Indian 5.8 2.7
Teak 5.8 2.5


W o o d H azards
While prolonged exposure to all types of sawdust — respiratory and skin and eye ailments. Respira­
can be unhealthy, certain species may cause physical tory problems include bronchial disorders, asthma,
problems after a short exposure. These are classi­ rhinitis, and mucosal irritations. Skin and eye
fied as toxic woods. reactions include dermatitis, conjunctivitis, itching,
Reactions to toxic woods fall into two categories and rashes.

Toxic W o o d s a n d P o t e n t i a l H e a l t h R is k s
Arborvitae X
Ayan X
Blackwood, African X
Boxwood X X
Cashew X
Cedar, Western Red X X
Cocobolo X
Cocus X
Dahoma X
Ebony X X
Greenheart X X
Guarea X
Iroko X X
Katon X
Lacewrood X X
Lapacho X X
Mahogany, African X X
Mahogany, Honduras X X
Makore X X
Mansonia X X
Obeche , X X
Opepe X X
Peroba Rosa X X
Peroba, White X X
Ramin X
Redwood . X
Rosewood, Brazilian ■X
Rosewood, Indian X
Satinwood X
Sneezewood X
Stavewood X
Sucupira ' X
Teak X
Wenge X X

R elative W ood S tr en g th s

There are several important ways to measure wood Stiffness (3) is determined by applying a load to a
strengths. When choosing a wood species, you large beam until it deflects a specific amount. This
should first decide what kind of strength you’re is usually given in millions of pounds per square
looking for. Engineers measure the compressive inch (Mpsi). To find the hardness (4), engineers
strength (1) by loading a block of wood parallel to measure the force needed to drive a metal ball
the grain until it breaks, and the bending strength halfway into a wooden surface. This force is
(2) by loading a block perpendicular to the grain. recorded in pounds (lbs). In each case, the higher
Both are expressed in pounds per square inch (psi). the number, the stronger the wood.

SPECIES GRAVITY (psi) (psi) (Mpsi) (lbs)

Domestic Hardwoods
Alder, Red .41 5,820 9,800 1.38 590
Ash, White 60 7,410 15,000 1.74 1,320
Aspen (Cottonwood) .38 4,250 8,400 1.18 350
Basswood .37 4,730 8,700 1.46 410
Beech .64 7,300 14,900 1.72 1,300
Birch, White .55 5,690 12,300 1.59 910
Birch, Yellow .62 8,170 16,600 2.01 1,260
Butternut .38 5,110 8,100 1.18 490
Cherry .50 7,110 12,300 1.49 950
Chestnut .43 5,320 8,600 1.23 540
Elm .50 5,520 11,800 1.34 830
Hickory .72 9,210 20,200 2.16 N/A*
Maple, Hard .63 7,830 15,800 1.83 1,450
Maple, Soft ■54 6,540 13,400 1.64 950
Oak, Red .63 6,760 14,300 1 82 1,290
Oak, White .68 7,440 15,200 1.78 1,360
Pecan .66 7,850 13,700 1.73 1,820
Poplar, Yellow .42 5,540 10,100 1.58 540
Sassafras .46 4,760 9,000 1.12 N/A*
Sweetgum .52 6,320 12,500 1.64 850
Sycamore .49 5,380 10,000 1.42 770
Tupelo .50 5,520 9,600 1.20 810
Walnut .55 7,580 14,600 1.68 1,010
Willow .39 4,100 7,800 1.01 N/A*

* Not available — these woods have not been completely tested.


1 2 3 4

SPECIES GRAVITY (psi) (psi) (Mpsi) (lbs)

Domestic Softwoods
Cedar, Aromatic Red .47 6,020 8,800 .88 900
Cedar, Western Red .32 4,560 7,500 1.11 350
Cedar, White .32 3,960 6,500 .80 320
Cypress .46 6,360 10,600 1.44 510
Fir, Douglas .48 7,230 12,400 1.95 710
Hemlock .45 7,200 11,300 1.63 540
Larch .52 7,620 13,000 1.87 830
Pine, Ponderosa .40 5,320 9,400 1.29 460
Pine, Sugar .36 4,460 8,200 1.19 380
Pine, White .35 4,800 8,600 1.24 380
Pine, Yellow .59 8,470 14,500 1.98' 870
Redwood .35 5,220 7,900 1.10 420
Spruce, Sitka .40 1 5,610 10,200 1.57 510

Imported Woods
Bubinga .71 10,500 22,600 2.48 2,690
Jelutong .36 3,920 7,300 1.18 390
Lauan .40 7,360 12,700 • 1.77 780
Mahogany, African .42 6,460 10,700 1.40 830
Mahogany, Genuine .45 6,780 11,500 1.50 800
Primavera .40 5,600 9,500 1.04 660
Purpleheart .67 10,320 19,200 2.27 1,860
Rosewood, Brazilian .80 9,600 19,000 1.88 2,720
Rosewood, Indian .75 9,220 16,900 1.78 3,170
Teak .55 8,410 14,600 1.55 1,000

Tr y Th iz Trick
Grind pieces of Arkansas and oilstone to any
shape you want on a diamond bench stone. Use a
coarse diamond stone to create the rough shape, then
smooth the surfaces with finer grades.

S h a r p e n in g S t o n e s

Arkansas Stones Novaculite (quartz) Geologic heat and Washita (350) Multicolored
compression Soft Arkansas (500) Gray with
green specks
Hard white (700) White
Hard black (900) Black

Synthetic Oilstones Aluminum oxide Resin, sodium Coarse India (100) Brown or tan
(India) and silicon silicate Coarse Crystolon (100) Gray or black
carbide (Crystolon)
Medium Crystolon (180) Gray or black
Medium India (240) Brown or tan
Fine India (280) Brown or tan
Fine Crystolon (280) Gray or black

Waterstones Aluminum oxide or Clay 250 Extra coarse (180) Tan, brown,
silicon carbide 800 Coarse (400) or gray
1.000 Medium coarse (500)
t 1,200 Medium (600)
4.000 Fine (900)
6.000 Extra fine (1,000)
8.000 Ultrafine (1,200)

Diamond stones Diamond dust Nickel (or another Coarse (240) Silver gray;
soft metal) fused Medium (320) plastic bases are
to a steel plate often color
Fine (600)
coded to help
Extra fine (1,200) identify grades

Ceramic stones Aluminum oxide Ceramics, fused at Medium (600) Gray

3,000°F Fine (1,000) White
Ultrafine (1,200) White

Tr y Th is Trick
Using spray adhesive, stick sheets of aluminum
oxide or silicon-carbide sandpaper to finished hard­
wood blocks to create a versatile, low-cost sharpening
system. Use 120-grit for coarse, 220 for medium,
320 for fine, and 600 for ultrafine. These abrasives
need no lubricants, although you can use water with
wet/dry silicon-carbide sandpaper. When the abrasive
becomes worn or loaded, simply peel up the old sheet
and stick down another.

Light oil or water Soak in cleaner/coolant Wipe away dirty oil or water Long wearing; produces an
prior to using first time after each use; cover stone to extremely keen edge; oil helps
keep from drying; scrub clean to protect tools
with oil or kerosene

Light oil None required Wipe away dirty oil after each Extremely hard and long
use; scrub clean with oil or wearing; inexpensive; produces
kerosene serviceable edge; oil helps to
protect tools

Water Soak coarse and medium Rinse stones after each use; if Many grades available; fast
stones in water prior to stones are stored submerged, cutting; produces extremely
using change water occasionally and keen edge; wears quickly; must
keep from freezing be flattened more frequently
than other stones; water may
rust tools

None required None required Brush away filings; wipe Extremely long wearing; stays
occasionally with damp cloth flat; produces keen edge; can be
used to sharpen carbide; very

None required None required Wipe occasionally with damp Extremely long wearing; stays
cloth; scrub clean with soap flat; produces extremely keen
and water edge; no coarse grits available;
can be used to sharpen carbide;
moderately expensive

M a x im u m S h e l v in g S pa n s (FOR 10-INCH-WIDE SHELVES SUPPORTING 20 POUNDS PER FOOT)


3A" Particleboard 24" 3A" Plywood, reinforced with a

3A" Plywood 30" 3A" x 1V2 " oak strip glued edge to edge 33"
3A" Yellow pine 36" 3A" Plywood, reinforced with two A" x 3A"
1" Yellow pine 48" oak strips glued to the bottom face 42"
1Vi" Yellow pine 66 "
3A" Plywood, reinforced with a 3A" x IV2"
y " Oak 48" oak strip glued face to edge 42"
1" Oak 54" 3A" Plywood, reinforced with two
1Vi" Oak 78" 3A" x 1V2 " oak strips glued face to edge 48"

S t a n d a r d D e s k D im e n s io n s

Lap desk 4"-6" 4"-6" 20"-24" 12"-18"

40"—42" 36"-42"


Slant-front desk

Secretary 28"-30" 78"-84" 36"-42" 18"—24"

Writing table 28"—30" 28"—30" 36"-40" 20"-24"
Table desk 28"-30" 38"-68" 30"-48" 20"-30"
Pedestal desk 28"-30" 28"-30" 48"-72" 24"—30"
Rolltop desk 28"-30" 40"-48" 48"-72" 24"-30"
Typing table 24"-28" 24"—28" 36"-42" 16'-24"
Computer desk 24"—28" 24"—58" 24"—60" 20"-30"
Children’s desk 20 22
" - " 20 22
" - " 24"-30" 18"—20"
d esk storage
Above knee space N/A 20"-24" 2"—4 " 18"—28"
Beside knee space N/A 12"-18" 4"-10" 18"—28"
Behind knee space N/A 34"-40" 4"—10" 16"—22"
Letter file N/A 12" t 10 " 18"—28"
Legal file N/A 15"t 10" 18"—28"
Envelope 4V2"-7" 2"-3" 7"-10" N/A
Stationery lV2"-2" 12 " 7"—10" N/A
Stamp drawer 1 lh"—3" 3>/2"-5" 7"-10" N/A

*All drawer dimensions are inside measurements.

or hangingfiles, add V2 " to the width and 1" to the depth.

S tandard T a b l e D im ensions
T h e dimensions shown for the following tables
are averages. They are intended as guidelines,
not absolutes. Use them as a jumping-off point
in designing your own tables.
S q uare T a ble R ectang ular T a ble

Square 2 27"-30" 24 26
" - " 24"-26"
4 27"-30" 3 0"-32" 30"-32"
8 27"-30" 4 8"-50" 4 8 "-5 0 "
Rectangular 2 27"-30" 24"-26" 30 "-3 2 "
O val T a ble R ound T a ble 6 27"-30" 30"-36" 6 6"-72"
8 27"-30" 36"-42" 86 "-9 6 "
Round 2 27"-30" 2 4 "-2 6 " dia.
3 27"-30,/ 3 0 "-3 2 " dia.
4 2 7 '-3 0 " 36"-39" dia.
5 27"-30" 4 2 "-4 5 " dia.
6 27"-30" 4 8 "-5 2 " dia.
7 27"-30" 5 4 "-5 8 " dia.
8 27"-30" 6 2 "-6 6 " dia.
Oval 4 27"-30" 42"-48" 2 8 "-3 2 "
M inim um T a ble S pace R eq uired
fo r S in g le P erson
6 27"-30" 6 0 '-6 6 " 32"-3 6 "
8 27"-30" 72"-78" 4 8 "-5 2 "
Food prep 34"-36" 30"-72" 23"-2 4 "
Serving 36"-42" 42"-6 0 " 15"-18"
Workbench 30"-40" 30"-72" 2 4"-30"
Coffee table 15'-18" 30"-60" 22"-3 0 "
End table 18"-24" 18"—24" 18"—24"
Hall table 34"-36" 36"-72" 16"-20"
Nightstand 24"-30" 1 8 '-2 0 " 18"-20"
Side table 18"—24" 24"-28" 18 "-2 0 "
Candlestand 24"-32" 15"—24" 15"—24"
Child’s table 20 22
" - " 26"-30" 18"-22"
If you sit at a table, not only Computer table 25"-28" 36"-60" 22 "-3 0 "
must there be enough room on top Drafting table 32"-44" 31"-72" 2 3"-44"
of it, there should also be adequate Dressing table 29"-30" 4 0 "-48" 18"-22"
room underneath it. Leave at least 18 Game table 29"-30" 30"-32" 30"-32"
inches horizontally for toe room and Typing table 25"-28" 36"-42" 16"-24"
no less than 24 inches vertically for Writing table 28"-30" 36"-42" 2 0"-24"
your knees and thighs.

S t a n d a r d C a b in e t D im e n s io n s

Counter Unit
A. Depth ....................................................... 24" to 25"
B. Height.................................................................... 36"
C. Width ......................................................... 12" to 96"
D. Countertop thickness in kitchens
and bathrooms ..................................... lV/'tolVz"
Elsewhere ..............................................................3A"
E. Countertop overhang in kitchens and
bathrooms...................................................IV2" to 2"
Elsewhere .................................................. 3A" to 2"
E Backsplash height ........................................4" to 12"
G. Toespace depth ....................................................... 3"
H. Toespace height.......................................................4"

Wall Unit
I. Depth in kitchens ..................................... 12" to 13"
Elsewhere .................................................. 8" to 15"
J. Height in kitchens................................... 30" to 42"
Elsewhere ......................................................... Varies
K. Width ........................ '................................12" to 96"
L. Height above counter ...............................16" to 18"

Tall Unit
M. Depth ......................................................... 12" to 25"
N. Height......................................................... 60" to 84"
(or to ceiling)
O. Width ......................................................... 12" to 96"
R . Step-back or two-part design:
Step or split occurs 36" above floor
Corner Counter Unit
Q. Diagonal depth ..........................................43" to 45"
R. Width ....................................................... 26" to 38"
Corner Wall Unit
S. Diagonal depth .....................................................25"
T. Width .............................................. 23" to 24"

U. Height on base units ............................................ 26"
Elsewhere ......................................................... Varies
V Width .......................................... No more than 18"

W Height of top drawer................................... 5" to 6"
Lower drawers become taller by 1" increments
up to 10"
X. Width ................................................................Varies
(often matches door above or below)
Y. Depth of shelves ........................................To fit unit
Z. Depth of half-shelves in counter unit . . . 10" to 12"
AA. Width . . ..................................................... Up to 36"
BB. Spacing....................................................... 8" to 16"




Tr y Th is Trick
To find the most comfortable configuration for a
chair, make a mock-up from scraps of wood. Rest the
seat on bricks or blocks of wood until you find a
comfortable height and slope. Then add a back, lean­
ing the boards against a wall.

S tandard C h a ir D im en sio n s

Like the chart “Standard Table Dimensions” on

page 9.7, the following numbers are intended as
guidelines to help design a usable chair.
Designing a truly comfortable chair will require
some experimentation to find the best possible



D in ing /D e s k C hair

A d ju stin g f o r Height of Height of

Person Chair Seat Dining Table Typing Table Worktable
H eig h t
60" 13.8" 2 4 .5 " 2 1 .5 " 3 2 .4 "
T h e optimum (most comfort­ 61" 14.1" 2 5 .1 " 2 2 . 1" 3 3 .0 "
able) height for a table or chair 62" 14 .5 " 2 5 .8 " 22 . 8" 3 3 .7 "
changes with the height of the 63" 14 .9 " 2 6 .4 " 2 3 .4 " 3 4 .3 "
person using it. If you are 64" 1 5.2" 2 7 .0 " 2 4 .0 " 3 4 .9 "
building one or the other for a 65" 1 5.6" 2 7 .6 " 2 4 .6 " 3 5 .6 "
specific person, you may want 66" 1 5.9" 2 8 .3 " 2 5 .3 " 3 6 .2 "
to adjust the height of the chair 67" 16.3" 2 8 .9 " 2 5 .9 " *. 3 6 .9 "
seat or the tabletop accordingly. 68 " 1 6.8" 2 9 .5 " 2 6 .5 " 3 7 .5 "
69" 1 7.1" 3 0 .1 " 2 7 .1 " 3 8 .2 "
70" 17.5" 3 0 .8 " 2 7 .8 " 3 8 .8 "
71" 17 .7 " 3 1 .4 " 2 8 .4 " 3 9 .5 "
. 72" 18.1" 3 2 .0 " 2 9 .0 " 4 0 .1 "



E a sy C h a ir R o cker

C hair W oods

Have you ever owned a store-bought chair with wood for parts that must withstand heavy loads,
joints that came apart no matter how you glued or such as legs, posts, rails, and stretchers. Use lighter,
reinforced them? Chances are, the errant chair parts softer woods for extremely thick parts such as chair
were made from the wrong wood species. seats and armrests. This will cut down on the weight
Wood selection is more important for chairs than of the chair without affecting the soundness of the
for any other woodworking projects. The joinery is structure. However, never join softwood to softwood
subjected to the worst kinds of stress; many surfaces in a chair — the joint won’t last.
suffer continual abrasion. The wood must be able to If you need to scoop or carve a chair part, make it
stand up to this punishment; otherwise, the chair will from a wood that can be easily sculpted. This same
come apart and no amount of glue can ever fix it. kind of common sense applies to chair parts that
There are several important rules of thumb for must be bent — choose a wood that bends easily
selecting chair woods. Most importantly, use hard



Ash Good Poor Okay Good Light but very durable

Beech Good Poor Poor Okay Splits easily if turning
slender parts
Birch Good Poor Poor Good Very hard to carve
Cherry Good Okay Okay Poor Better suited for
joined chairs
Hickory Good Poor Poor Good Extremely hard and
Mahogany Okay Good Good Okay Better suited for
joined chairs
Maple Good Okay Okay Good Best all-round
i chair wood
Oak, Red Good Poor Poor Good Very strong grain,
better suited for painted
Oak, White Good Poor Poor Good Best choice for
. bent parts
Pine Poor Good Good Poor Typically used for
seats only
Poplar Poor Good Good Poor Typically used for
seats only
Walnut Good Okay Good Poor Better suited for
joined chairs

W o o d B o n d a b il it y
Alder, red .41 Medium Good
Ash, white .60 Low Satisfactory
Basswood .37 Low Good
Beech .64 Low Poor
Birch .60 Medium Poor
Butternut .38 Medium Good
Cedar, aromatic .37 High Good
Cedar, western .32 High Excellent
Cherry, black .50 Medium Satisfactory
Chestnut .43 Medium Excellent
Cypress .46 Low Excellent
Ebony .91 High Poor
Elm .50 Low Good
Fir .37 Medium Excellent
Hemlock .42 Medium Good
Hickory .72 Low Poor
Larch .52 Medium Excellent
Mahogany .45 High Good
Maple, hard .63 Low Poor
Maple, soft .48 Low Satisfactory
Oak, red .63 Medium Satisfactory
Oak, white .67 Low Satisfactory
Pecan .66 High Satisfactory
Pine, white .35 Medium Good
Pine, yellow .41 High Good
Poplar, yellow .42 Low Excellent
Redwood .35 High Excellent
Rosewood 1.00 High Poor
Spruce .37 Medium Excellent
Sycamore .49 Medium Satisfactory
Teak .55 High Poor
Tupelo .50 Medium Good
Walnut .55 High Satisfactory
Willow, black .39 Low Excellent

*When dried to 12 percent moisture content

t Relative concentrations

P r o p e r t ie s o f C om m on A d h esiv es

Cooked Hide Nonstructural/ General interior woodworking; antique Fair Good Moderate
Glue Interior restoration; veneering; joinery that can be
easily disassembled
Liquid Hide Nonstructural/ General interior woodworking; complex Fair Good Economical
Glue Interior assemblies requiring long open time; joinery
that can be easily disassembled
Polyvinyl Nonstructural/ General interior woodworking Fair Poor Economical
Resin (White) Interior
Interior Nonstructural/ General interior woodworking; gluing oily Fair Fair Economical
Aliphatic Interior woods
Resin (Yellow)
Exterior Semistructural/ General interior woodworking; gluing oily Fair Fair Economical
Aliphatic Limited woods; kitchen and bathroom projects;
Resin (Yellow) Exterior outdoor furniture
Urea- Structural/ General woodworking; veneering; complex Poor Good Moderate to
Formaldehyde Limited assemblies requiring long open time; expensive,
(Plastic Resin) Exterior architectural structures; bent laminations depending on
Glue brand
Cyanoacrylate Nonstructural/ Small repairs; bonding nonporous materials Poor to fair, Fair Expensive
(Super) Glue Interior to wood; securing inlays depending
on formula

Quick-Set Semistructural/ Bathroom and kitchen projects; gluing oily Good Good Expensive
Epoxy Cement Limited woods; bonding nonporous materials to
Exterior wood; repairs

Slow-Set Structural/ Bathroom and kitchen projects; gluing oily Good Good Moderate to
Epoxy Cement Exterior woods; outdoor furniture; architectural expensive,
structures; boat building; bonding nonporous depending on
materials to wood; securing inlays; bent quantity bought

Resorcinol Structural/ Bathroom and kitchen projects; outdoor Good Good Expensive
Glue Exterior furniture; architectural structures; boat
building; bent laminations; complex
assemblies requiring long open time
Mastics Semistructural/ , Securing plywood, wallboard, or foam to Excellent Poor Economical
Lim ited. framing lumber, masonry, or concrete;
Exterior non-load-beanng architectural structures
Silicone Caulk Nonstructural/ Bonding nonporous materials to wood Good Poor Moderate

Contact Nonstructural/ Veneering; bonding plastic laminates to wood Poor Poor Moderate to
Cement Interior or wood products expensive,
depending on
quantity bought
Hot-Melt Glue Nonstructural/ Simple projects; small repairs; temporary Excellent Poor Economical
Interior assemblies; joinery that can be easily



70°-100°, glue Indefinite 3 -5 2 1 2 -1 6 Develops tack almost immediately; nontoxic; don’t

must be unmixed/ minutes hours hours heat glue above 160°F; clean up with water
1 2 5 -1 4 0 ° 1 day mixed
7 0 -9 0 ° 1 year 1 5 -3 0 1 2 -1 6 1 day Low toxicity; clean up with water
minutes hours

6 0 -9 0 ° Indefinite 5 -1 0 1 1 day Nontoxic; freezing ruins uncured glue; clean up with

unopened, 1 minutes hour water
year opened
4 5 -1 1 0 ° 1 8 -2 4 5 -1 0 30 1 day Develops tack in about 1 minute; low toxicity;
months minutes minutes freezing ruins uncured glue; clean up with water

4 5 -1 1 0 ° 1 year 4 -8 2 5 -3 0 1 day Critical times are slightly faster than interior

minutes minutes formula; develops tack in about 1 minute; freezing
ruins uncured glue; clean up with water

7 0 -1 0 0 ° 1 year 1 0 -2 0 1 2 -1 4 1 day Uncured glue is toxic to skin; cured glue dust (from
unmixed/ minutes hours sanding) is toxic when inhaled, so use adequate
3 -5 hours ventilation and protection; clean up with water
6 5 -1 8 0 ° Varies with 1 5 -3 0 1 2 -4 Despite its interior classification, it is water-resistant;
formula seconds minute hours will bond skin, so use acetone to dissolve bonds;
vapors can irritate nose and eyes and may cause
headaches, so use with adequate ventilation

3 5 -2 0 0 ° , Indefinite 1 -5 5 1 2 -2 4 No clamping pressure required; uncured glue is

depending on unmixed/ minutes minutes hours toxic and may cause allergic reactions, so use
formula 5 minutes adequate ventilation and protection; resists moisture
mixed and chemicals, but not heat — most formulas soften
at 160°F; clean up with vinegar

3 5 -2 0 0 ° , Indefinite 3 0 -6 0 2 -4 1 2 -2 4 No clamping pressure required; uncured glue is

depending on unmixed/ minutes hours hours toxic and may cause allergic reactions, so use
formula 1 hour adequate ventilation and protection; resists moisture
mixed and chemicals, but not heat — most formulas soften
at 160°F; clean up with vinegar

7 0 -1 1 0 ° 1 year 1 5 -3 0 1 0 -1 4 1 day Strongest of all glues; uncured glue is toxic to skin;

unmixed/ minutes hours cured glue dust (from sanding) is toxic when
3 hours inhaled, so use adequate ventilation and protection;
mixed clean up with water
6 5 -1 1 0 ° Indefinite 5 -1 0 2 -4 1 day May irritate skin, nose, and eyes, so use adequate
unopened minutes hours ventilation and protection; clean up with mineral
6 5 -1 8 0 ° Indefinite 1 0 -1 5 2 -4 1 day Despite its interior classification, it is waterproof; may
unopened minutes hours irritate skin, nose, and eyes, so use adequate ventilation
and protection; clean up with mineral spirits
6 5 -1 8 0 ° 1 year 1 5 -3 0 Bonds 1 day Vapors are highly toxic; solvent-based formulas are
minutes on contact very flammable, so use adequate ventilation; clean
up with acetone

3 2 -1 6 0 ° Indefinite 5 -1 0 3 0 -6 0 1 Glue may break down when exposed to some

seconds seconds minute finishing chemicals; tip of glue gun is extremely hot,
so be careful not to touch it

C om m on G lu in g P r o blem s and S o lu t io n s
Weak or failed joints Not enough gluing surface Redesign joint or add reinforcement
to provide additional surface area.
Not enough glue (starved joint) Apply more glue. If gluing end grain,
seal ends before gluing up.
Wood moving in opposite directions Align wood grain and annual rings so
parts move in unison.
Not enough pressure or uneven Apply more clamps. Space them
pressure evenly along joint.
Glue line too thick Apply more clamps. Make sure joint
fits properly
Gaps and voids in glue line Spread glue evenly over entire gluing
surface. Make sure joint fits properly
If you want glue to fill voids, use
epoxy cement or another adhesive
with good gap-filling ability
Surface too rough Plane, joint, or rout gluing surfaces if
possible. Saw with smooth-cutting
blade or sand to at least 50-grit.
Wrong glue Choose appropriate glue for particular
wood species.
Wood surface dirty or contaminated Glue up joint as soon as possible after
cutting it. If gluing surface is exposed
for several days, lightly sand wood to
clean it. If wood is oily, wipe with
alcohol or naphtha.
Shelf life or pot life expired Purchase or mix fresh batch of glue.
Assembly required too much time Choose glue with longer open
assembly time, or divide assembly
into shorter steps.
Glue not allowed to cure sufficiently Leave assembly in clamps for longer
period of time; wait for at least 24
hours before sanding or machining.
Creep or steps in joints Wood moving in opposite directions Align wood grain and annual rings so
parts move in unison.
Joints are too tight; pressure Make sure joints fit properly.
continues to squeeze hardened glue
out of joints
Joints give slightly with time, but Glue is creeping because of constant Use a glue that is less likely to creep;
don’t fail completely stress redesign joinery to better withstand
Sunken joints Joints are machined or sanded before Allow water to evaporate completely;
water from water-based glues can wait at least 24 hours before sanding
evaporate or machining.
Glue stains Light stain — glue squeeze-out not If using water-based glue, scrape off
properly cleaned from surface excess and wash surface before glue
dries. If using other glues, let dry
completely, then scrape and sand.
Check by wetting surface with water
or naphtha.
Dark stain — iron clamp in contact Make sure pipes and cast-iron parts of
with joint as glue dried clamps do not contact glue joint as
glue dries.

P r o p e r t ie s o f C om m on F in ish es
P enetrating — Drying oils, rubbing oils, dyes, stains H ard — Epoxies, polyurethanes, varnishes
Building — Shellacs, varnishes, polyurethanes, lac­ M oderately hard — Lacquers, waterborne resins, oil
quers, waterborne resins, epoxies, oil and latex paints and latex paints
Note: Drying oils and rubbing oils begin to build on the sur­ M oderately elastic — Rubbing oils, shellacs (although
face after the first or second coat. Most buildingfinishes will shellacs becom e less elastic with time)
penetrate on the first coat if they are thinned with the appro­ Elastic — Drying oils, stains, dyes, waxes
priate solvents. PERMEABILITY
LUSTER Im perm eable — Paraffin wax
Flat — Most penetrating finishes after ju st one coat. Sem i-perm eable — O ther waxes, shellacs, varnishes,
O ther finishes can be made to appear flat by adding polyurethanes, epoxies, oil paints
flatteners or by rubbing them out with the proper P erm eable — Drying oils, rubbing oils, lacquers, w ater­
abrasives. borne resins, latex paints, stains, dyes
Satin — Most penetrating finishes after several coats. HEAT RESISTANCE
O ther finishes can take on a satin appearance by add­ High heat resistance — Polyurethanes, epoxies, oils
ing flatteners or rubbing them out with the proper paints
abrasives. M oderate heat resistance — Rubbing oils, lacquers, var­
Glossy — Shellacs, varnishes, polyurethanes, lacquers, nishes, waterborne resins, latex paints
waterborne resins, epoxies, oil and latex paints, Low heat resistance — Drying oils, shellacs
provided there are no flatteners added. For high
gloss, most finishes must be polished after curing. WATER RESISTANCE
W ater-sensitive — Drying oils, some rubbing oils, shel­
Note: Wax adds gloss to a finish but has no luster of its own.
lacs, lacquers
TINT W ater-resistant — Som e rubbing oils, waterborne
Artificially tinted — Stains, dyes, oil and latex paints. resins, interior varnishes, polyurethanes, latex and
Some varnishes, rubbing oils, and waxes are also oil paints
tinted. W aterproof — Exterior varnishes, polyurethanes, water­
Natural a m b er tint — Rubbing oils, drying oils, shel­ borne resins, latex and oil paints, epoxies
lacs, varnishes, polyurethanes, lacquers, epoxies,
Chem ically sensitive — Drying oils, shellacs, waxes
C lea r (no discernible tint) — W aterborne resins; a very
Chem ically resistant — Rubbing oils, lacquers, w ater­
few lacquers, varnishes, and epoxies
borne resins, latex paints
OPACITY Highly chem ically resistant — Varnishes,
Transparent — Rubbing oils, drying oils, shellacs, var­ polyurethanes, epoxies, oil paints
nishes, polyurethanes, lacquers, waterborne resins,
epoxies, dyes
Highly durable — Varnishes, polyurethanes, epoxies, oil
Sem i-transparent — Stains, thinned paints, transparent
paints, dyes
finishes with added flatteners or pigments, waxes
M oderately du ra ble — Shellac, lacquers, waterborne
O paque — Oil and latex paints
resins, latex paints, stains
i Not very durable — Drying oils, rubbing oils, waxes

Highly toxic — Epoxies, as well as some varnishes, W ipe-on — Drying oils, rubbing oils, stains, dyes, waxes
paints, and rubbing oils Pour-on — Epoxies
M oderately toxic — Lacquers, some varnishes, Brush-on — Shellacs, some lacquers, varnishes,
polyurethanes, some oil and latex paints, some polyurethanes, some waterborne resins, oil and latex
stains, dyes paints
M oderately safe: — Some drying oils, some rubbing Spray-on — Some lacquers, some waterborne resins
oils, shellacs, som e waterborne resins, som e stains,
some waxes
Nontoxic — Some drying and rubbing oils, some water­
borne resins, some paints, some waxes

Note: Not every specific finish will fit the neat pigeonholes in this chart. Depending on its ingredients, a particular brand of finish may display completely
different properties from the norm. The information here should be taken as a general guide; there is not sufficient room to cover all the exceptions.

H a z a r d o u s F in is h in g C h e m ic a ls (Ranked in Decreasing Order of Danger to Health)

(TLV in PPM)*

1. Methylene Chloride Chlorinated Paint strippers, furniture refinishers, paints 50
2. Glycol Ether^ Other Lacquers, dyes, latex paints, spray paints, epoxies 5

3. Diglycidyl Ether? Other Epoxies 0.1

4. n-Hexane Aliphatic Varnishes, rubbing oils 50


5. Methanol Alcohol Paints, varnishes, lacquers, dyes, furniture 200
refinishers, paint strippers
6. Acetone Ketone Paint strippers, wood fillers, lacquers, epoxies 750

7. Methyl-Ethyl Ketone Ketone Lacquers, wood fillers, spray paints 200

8. Petroleum Naphtha Aliphatic Wood fillers, waxes, lacquers, general solvents 100
9. Toluol Aromatic Polyurethanes, spray paints, rubbing oils, 100
hydrocarbon furniture re finishers, paint strippers, general
10. Isopropanol Alcohol Wood fillers, lacquers 400

11. Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Wood fillers, spray paints 50


12. Xylene Aromatic Lacquers, paint strippers, general solvents 100

13. VM&P Naphtha§ Aliphatic Lacquers, varnishes, general solvents 300

14. Turpentine Other Waxes, drying oils, rubbing oils, varnishes, 100
general solvents

15. Mineral Spirits Aliphatic Wood fillers, rubbing oils, varnishes, 200
hydrocarbon polyurethanes, stains, general solvents
16. Kerosene Aliphatic General solvents None
17. Ethanol Alcohol Shellacs, stains 1000

*Standsfor “Threshold Limit Value in Parts Per Million.”

^Stands fo r “Vapor Pressure in millimeters of Mercury. ”


(VP in mm H G )t

350 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, blood, Irritation, narcosis, numbness, heart palpitations,
central nervous system, liver headache, shortness of breath, angina, heart attack
6 Affects skin, eyes, upper respiratory tract, Headache, irritation, narcosis, kidney damage,
central nervous system, kidneys, liver, pulmonary edema, fatigue, anemia
reproductive system, blood
0.09 Affects skin, eyes, central nervous system, Irritation, allergies
reproductive system
124 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, entire Irritation, numbness, weakness, headache,
nervous system nausea, loss of balance, weight loss, fatigue

97 Affects eyes, skin, central nervous system Vision problems, optic nerve damage, blindness,
266 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, central Irritation, narcosis, dermatitis
nervous system, eyes
70 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, central Irritation, narcosis, dermatitis
nervous system
40 Affects eyes, skin, upper respiratory tract, Irritation, narcosis, dermatitis
lungs, central nervous system
22 Affects central nervous system, liver, upper Irritation, dermatitis, narcosis, weakness, liver and
respiratory tract, kidneys, skin, eyes kidney damage

33 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, central Irritation, headache, drowsiness

nervous system
15 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, central Irritation, narcosis, dermatitis
nervous system

9 Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, central Irritation, narcosis, dermatitis, stomach pain,
nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal system, incoordination, staggering
2 -2 0 Affects skin, central nervous system, lungs Irritation, dermatitis, narcosis

5 Affects skin, eyes, upper respiratory tract, Irritation, dermatitis, pulmonary edema, narcosis,
lungs, central nervous system, kidneys, convulsions, kidney and bladder damage, fever
0.8 Affects skin, central nervous system, lungs, Irritation, dermatitis, narcosis
Varies Affects skin, upper respiratory tract, lungs, Irritation, narcosis, lung hemorrhage, chemical
central nervous system pneumonia
43 Affects eyes, nose, skin, central nervous Irritation, headache, drowsiness, fatigue

?Although the volatility of these substances is low, they can be absorbed quickly through the skin. Even rubber gloves provide little protection.
§Stands fo r “Varnish Makers and P aintersT his is petroleum naphtha with the more harmful hydrocarbons removed.

C om m on F l o o r F in is h e s
Polyurethane Brush or roll on. Sand between Very durable but discolors in sunshine. Purchase a
coats. brand with a UV-inhibitor for sunny rooms. Relatively
easy to apply and repair.

Water-borne Roll on. Finish is milky but dries Fairly durable. Somewhat safer than solvent-based
finishes clear. Sand between coats. finishes. Very easy to apply and repair.

Oil finishes Wipe on. Requires multiple coats. Not very durable. Won’t protect against spills or
No need to sand between coats. abrasion. Extremely easy to apply and repair.

Acid-curing Add hardener, then brush or roll Extremely durable but highly toxic before they
finishes on. Sand between coats. cure. Somewhat difficult to apply and repair. Also

Varnish Brush on. Sand between coats. Moderately durable. Fairly easy to apply and repair.

Shellac Brush on. Sand between coats. Not very durable. Will not protect against spills.
Must be waxed or will spot. Produces very deep, warm finish. Easy to apply and

A b r a siv e T y p e s , G r a d e s , a n d A p p l ic a t io n s

Flint Off-white or tan Removing wax, paint, and other
finishing materials
Garnet Pink or red-brown Hand sanding
Aluminum Oxide Tan or brown Machine sanding
Silicon Carbide Charcoal (wet/dry) or gray (dry only) Sanding finishes



Extra Coarse 12, 16, 20 4V2, 4, 372 Grinding wood to shape
Very Coarse 24, 30, 36 3, 272, 2 Grinding wood to, shape, rough surfacing
Coarse 40, 50 IV 2 , 1 Leveling surfaces removing stock, final surfacing
Medium 60, 8 0 ,1 0 0 72,1/0,2/0 Smoothing surfaces, sanding joints flush
Fine 1 2 0 ,1 5 0 ,1 8 0 3/0, 4/0, 5/0 Preparing surfaces for “building” finishes such as
varnish and polyurethane
Very Fine 220, 240, 280 6/0, 7/0, 8/0 Preparing surfaces or penetrating finishes such as
tung oil and Danish oil
Extra Fine 3 2 0 ,3 6 0 , 400 9/0, (none), 10/0 Sanding finishes between coats
Ultra Fine 500, 600, 1,000 (none) Sanding final finish

C o m p o u n d M iter A ng le s
four SID E S

85° 86 ” 443/4” 85” 87V2” 293A“

80° 82 A° 44V4” 80“ 843A“ 297a”
75” 7874 ” 43V2” 75” 82 7 P 29”
70“ 74Vi° 42V4” 70” 793A” 28lA°
65” 71” 403A” 65” 777/ 27V4”
60” 67 lh° 39“ 60” 75” 26”
55” 64‘A” 363A“ 55” 723A° 24V2”
50” 61” 347>” 50” 703A° 23”
45” 58V+” 313A” 45” 683A” 2 PA”
40” 55 W 29” 40“ 67” 1974°
35” 53V4” 253A” 35” 6572” 1774”
30” 51” 22V2” 30” 64” 15“
25“ 49 V4” 19” 25” 623A” 123A”
20” 473A” I5V2” 20 ” 6PA” 1074”
15” 46V2° 113A” 15” 61” 73A”
10 “ 453A” 73A” 10 “ 6 OV2” 574”
5° 45 V4” 4” 5“ 60” 272“
85” 88 ” 227/ 35” 7172” 13“
80“ 86 ” 2 2 V4 ” 30” 7072° 1174“
75“ 84V4” 2 P/ 4” 25” 6972” 972”
70” 82 V4” 2 P / 4” 20 “ 683A° 73A”
65” 80 V2” 207/ 15” 6874“ 53A”
60“ 783A” 1972” 10 ” 673A” 4“
55” 77° I 8 V2” 5” 6772* 2“
50“ 75 Vi” 17'/4“
*The slope of the stock's face, as measured from horizontal
45“ 74” 16”
t For the proper saw arm setting, subtract the angle shown on the
40” 723A“ 14V2“ chart from 90\

To check the setup, cut a test

frame and assemble the members
with masking tape. Measure the slope
with a sliding T-bevel and a protrac­
tor. If the slope is steeper than you
want, decrease the angle of the miter
gauge. If it’s shallower, increase the
angle. Also inspect the joints. If they
open on the outside, increase the tilt
of the blade. If they open on the
inside, decrease the tilt. Make these
adjustments slowly, changing the
miter gauge angle and the blade tilt
no more than V2 degree at a time. You
may have to cut several test frames
before the setup is adjusted properly.

T w is t B it S izes

D ecim al Decim al D ecim al D ecim al

Num ber Equivalent Number Equivalent Num ber Equivalent Number Equivalent
80 .014" 60 . 040 " 40 . 098" 20 .161"
79 .015" 59 . 04 1 " 39 . 100 " 19 .166"
78 .016" 58 . 042 " 38 . 102 " 18 .170"
77 . 018 " 57 . 0 43 " 37 . 104 " 17 .173"
76 . 020 " 56 . 0 47 " 36 . ] 06 " 16 .177"
75 .02 i " 55 . 052 " 35 .110" 15 .180"
74 . 023 " 54 . 055" 34 .111" 14 .182"
73 . 024 " 53 .060" 33 . 113 " 13 .185"
72 . 0 25 " 52 .064" 32 . 116 " 12 .189"
71 .026" 5! .067" 31 . 120 " 11 .191"
70 . 028 " 50 . 070 " 30 . 129 " 10 .194"
69 .029" 49 . 0 73 " 29 . 136 " 9 .196"
68 . 0 3 i " 48 . 076 " 28 . 141 " 8 .199"
67 . 032 " 47 . 079 " 27 . 144 " 7 . 201 "

66 .033" 46 . 081 " 26 .147" 6 .204"

65 .035" 45 . 082 " 25 . 150 " 5 .206"
64 .036" 44 . 086 " 24 .152" 4 .209"
63 .037" 43 . 089 " 23 . 154 " 3 .213"
62 .038" 42 . 094 " 22 . 15 7 " 2 . 221 "

'61 .039" 4.1 . 096 " 21 . 159 " 1 .228"


D ecim al D ecim al D ecim al D ecim al

Fraction Equivalent Fraction Equivalent Letter Equivalent Letter Equivalent
!/s4 .016" 17/64 .266" A . 234 " N .302"
V32 .031" %2 .281" B . 238 " 0 .316"
%4 .047" 1 .297" C .242" P .323"
Vie .062" V: .313" D .246" Q .332"
%4 .078" 2VU .328" E .250" R . 339 "

3/32 .094" M/V .344" F .257" S .348"

%4 .109" 2>04 .359" G .261" T .358"
% .125" :/s .375" H .266" ' U .368"
%4 .141" 25/64 .391" 1 .272" V .377"
%2 .156" 1^ .406" J .277" w .386"
H/6 4 .172" 27/64 .422" K .281" x .397"
3/l6 .188" 7/l6 .438" L .290" Y .404"
% 4 .203" 2% 4 .453" M .295" Z . 413 "

7/ 32 .219" 15/32 .469"

15/6 4 .234" ’■'/P4 .484"
V4 .250" Vl .500"

R ec o m m ended D rill P ress S peeds ( in rpm )

fo r D rill P resses w it h H a n d - O perated Q uill F eeds

T h is chart lists recom m ended speeds for drill overheating, the speeds have been reduced to
presses with hand-operated quill feeds. They are com pensate for a slow feed. Use these speeds as a
lower than m axim um cutting speeds because starting point. Drill several test holes, then adjust
m ost craftsmen tend to feed the quill m uch more the speeds up or dow n to com pensate for your
slowly than industrial presses with pow er feeds. own drilling technique.
To get a sm oother cut and prevent the bit from

Softwoods vs 4,8.00 3,600
vs 2,400 3,600 2,400 2,400
vs 1,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 1,200
VS 1,200 1,800 1,800 2,400 1,800 1,200
1" 1,200 1,800 1,800 1,200 1,200
1 VS 1,200 1,200 900 1,200
2" 600 900
3" 300 600
Hardwoods y8" 2,400 3,600
VS 1,800 2,400 1,800 1,800
VS 1,200 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,200
vs 700 1,200 1,200 1,800 1,200 1,200
i" 900 1,200 1,200 900 1,200
1 V2" 900 900 600 900
2" 300 600
3" 300
Ferrous VS 900
Metals VS 600
vs 300
VS 150
1" 100
Nonferrous vs 2,400
Metals vs 1,800
VS 1,200
vs 600
1" 300
Plastics y8" 3,600 3,600
vs 2,400 2,400 1,200
vs 1,200 1,800 900 900
vs 600 1,200 600 600
1" 600 300 300
1 vs 150
2" 100

C o m m o n B a n d S aw B lades

Vie" 0" Standard 24 Fine scrollwork. Blade can turn a 90° corner because the
kerf is as wide as the blade.
Vs" Vie" Standard 14 Cutting scrollwork that requires a smooth surface; also
good for joinery
Vs" 3/ i6" Skip 8 Fast cutting of scrollwork; cutting scrollwork in thick
3/l6" 3/s" Standard 10 Cutting small curves that require a smooth surface;
3/ie" Vs" Skip 4 Fast cutting of small curves; cutting small curves in
thick stock
'/ / ' 5/s" Standard 10,14,18 Cutting medium curves that require a smooth surface;
joinery. Finer TPIs are best for joinery
V/' 5/s" Skip 4,6 Fast cutting of medium curves in thick stock. For a
good general-purpose blade, use 6 TP1.
‘A" 5/s" Hook 4,6 Aggressive cutting of medium curves; ripping; resawing
narrow stock
Vs" I 1/ / ' Standard 8,10,14 Cutting large curves which require a smooth surface;
crosscutting and mitering thin stock
3/s" I 1/ / ' Skip 4 Fast cutting of large curves; crosscutting and
mitering thick stock. This is also a good general-
purpose blade for large saws.
3/s" IV4" Hook 4,6 Aggressive cutting of large curves; ripping; resawing
narrow stock
i/2" 3" Standard 6,14,18 Cutting gentle curves; crosscutting and mitering. Finer
pitches will make very smooth, straight cuts.
V2" 3" Skip 4 Fast cutting of gentle curves
i/2" 3" Hook 4,6 Aggressive cutting of gentle curves; ripping; resawing
medium-size stock, sawing green wood. W ith green
wood, 4 TPI works better.
3/ 4" 5" Standard 6 ,8 Crosscutting and mitering thick stock
3/ 4" 5" Skip 3,4 Fast cut-off work. May also be used to resaw softwoods.
3/ 4" 5" Hook 3,4,6 Aggressive cut-offs; ripping; resawing wide boards;
cutting green wood. W ith green wood, 3 TPI works best.
1" 8" Standard 8,14 Continuous crosscutting; mitering of thick stock
1" 8" Hook 3 Continuous ripping, resawing wide boards; cutting
green wood

*Sources vary widely on the m inim um radius that can be cut with any given band saw blade, and f o r good reason. The
m inim um radius depends not only on the width o f the blade but also the set and kerf. These can vary fro m m anufacturer to
manufacturer. Consider the m easurem ents in this column as estimates only.
>These are the pitches that are commonly available through m ail-order suppliers. O ther pitches m ay be available on
special order.

C o m m o n Table Sa w B lades
RIP 20-25°, wide gullets Flat Cutting parallel
to the wood
grain; ripping
High-Speed Steel to width

CROSSCUT OR CUT-OFF 5-10°, narrow gullets Alternate top Cutting across
bevel the wood grain;
cutting to
High-Speed Steel length


IO 5-25°, narrow gullets alternating Alternate top Ripping and
with wide gullets bevel and flat crosscutting
most woods and
wood products
High-Speed Steel


PLYWOOD 5-10°, narrow gullets Steep alternate top Cutting plywood;

bevel (steel) or with carbide
triple chip (carbide) teeth will also
High-Speed Steel cut composites


HOLLOW-GROUND PLANER 5-25°, narrow gullets alternating Alternate top Joinery;

with wide gullets bevel and flat moldings; any
requiring a
smooth cut

High-Speed Steel Only

THIN-KERF Depends on type; can be Depends, on type Ripping or

(Crosscut blade shown) configured for rip, crosscut, crosscutting
or combination hardwood



Carbide-Tipped Only

C o m m o n M o l d in g K n iv e s
s i n g l e -p u r p o s e k n i v e s




m u l t i -p u r p o s e k n i v e s






C o p e d J o in t s
r e v e r s ib l e j o i n t s f it t e d j o in t s


To assemble the sides of lipped drawers to the To assemble boards edge to edge. Used most often in flooring and
drawer front. siding, but can also be used to glue up wide boards.


To assemble boards edge to edge To make folding joints in drop-leaf tables,


To join boards edge to edge and end to end. To join shaped surfaces of frame members that will hold wooden
Similar to glue joint, but offers much more panels. Often used in making cabinet doors.
gluing surface.


To make strong 90-degree mitered corners To join the shaped surfaces of “sash work” — frames that will hold
glass panels, such as windows and glazed cabinet doors. Similar to
stile-and-rail joint, but sticking portion of this joint has rabbet to
hold glass rather than groove to hold wooden panel.

C o m m o n J ig and F ixture A ssem blies

fa sten er s






J ig -M ak in g M aterials


Domestic hardwoods High along High Low across Strong and stable Structural parts
(maple, birch, ash, the grain the grain along the wood that require
poplar) grain; machines strength and
easily stability in one
direction only
Exotic im ports High along Very high Medium Strong and stable Handles, grips,
(rosewood, cocobolo, the grain across the along the wood knobs, other
bocote, teak) grain grain; decorative; frequently
water resistant handled parts

Hardwood plywood Medium Medium- Medium Thin face veneers Structural parts
European plywood Medium- High Medium- Thick face veneers; Parts requiring
high high easy to machine extra strength
or stability

l-M -2 particleboard Low Medium Medium Chips easily; Templates, forms,
difficult to machine patterns, w ork
Tempered hardboard Low Medium- High Hard surface; Templates,
high limited thicknesses inserts
M edium-density Low Medium High Easy to machine; Templates, forms,
fiberboard remains flat patterns, work

Acrylics M edium tHigh Very high Rigid; available Patterns, guards,
in clear or opaque m ounting plates
Polycarbonates Medium High Very high Flexible; available Patterns, guards
in clear or opaque
UHMW M edium Very high Very high Flexible; slippery; Runners, guides,
long-wearing; easy moving parts
to machine
Phenolics M edium Very high Very high Rigid; long-wearing Runners, parts
that m ust not
Plastic laminates Low High Very high Available in thin Covering for
sheets only work surfaces
and fences
T he W orkshop
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