Poem Creation Worksheet

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Poem Creation Worksheet: Inspired by Greek Mythology


1. Choose a Myth: Pick a Greek myth or character that interests you. Think about their story
and what it means.
2. Think About Feelings: Write down how the myth makes you feel. Do you feel brave, sad,
or excited? Why?
3. Plan Your Poem: Decide how your poem will be structured:
o Will it rhyme or not? (You can choose not to rhyme)
o How many lines will it have? (Decide on a number, like 10 or 14)
o What will your poem talk about? (Focus on a key moment or feeling from the myth)
4. Write Your Poem: Use your feelings and ideas to write your poem. Describe what you see,
hear, and feel. Use your imagination!
5. Check Your Poem: Read your poem aloud. Does it sound good? Make any changes to make
it better.
6. Share Your Poem: Get ready to share your poem with the class. Explain why you chose this
myth and what your poem is about.

Sample poem inspired by Greek mythology:

Poem: "The Call of Olympus"

Upon Olympus, gods entwine,

Their tales in stars, forever shine.
Zeus commands with thunder's might,
Hera's grace, a beacon bright.

Heroes brave and battles grand,

In ancient tales, across the land.
Mountains high and oceans deep,
Where gods and mortals meet and keep

This poem captures the essence of Greek mythology with a focus on gods, heroes, and the enduring
themes of power and adventure.

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