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Easy | Steps to CHINESE Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu TEXTBOOK | SIMPLIFIED CHARACTERS VERSION | CHINESE AEH CHARACTERS VERSION mw ests ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu RTM (CIP) 8 Beem: Bae, SRK et, RO AAPHNAERE 2007 (2m. AmED) ISBN 78-7-5619- 1810-4 12. 1.05.09. mL cM —¥eHt W.H9s4 “PRICIER (2007) SHOOTS, Bo Re RN Read Ak Seat motte RAR EF Amit xy ree Ret eee nom mm WER, ves ncene AM emamercrRaRsy domme, 1 Ad emnalanea A 8 sae ow-e0x6ens0 {RI 0 ex eanseinearow ea 10-0 95, Wasim men machen ADB) aman eam i Saumean fee meres miRL mE MANE FE 16 BR: 1075 Sm bere 4 Nor so-so ©2007 sks easy Sto arin Ma, Xing ie coe eopeaan Language & Culture Uivorsty Press NolSXusyuen Rood, Helden Diet, Baling, Cine 100083 ‘ering Language & Culture Universty Poss No" Kueyuen Ross, Heldan Dre, Haine, Cina 100083 Fiat pblaed in Mare 2007 Pend Chins Ceyrah © 2007 Beg Languege & Cure Unio Pross ‘ihe sone No pao is bok may be epoca, sores na ie ‘layer or baa, ay fo By ay mean, ecb, mocha Shope, mag ere wth ramen wy Fn Ps hoa Tee Pussy nc ash excuse dibs fr sation of [Eay Sep mae harm Aes Powe Pug el est ‘eloparsaton er any tnastonses arte aes ‘Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘A number of people have helped us to put the books into publication. Particular thanks are owed to the followin ‘= ARIBYESEc, HEREC who usted our expertise Inthe fold of Chinese language {aching an lerring tors BORE. EMAL. PLUS for their metouous work ‘Graphic dosinors see. EAREAEA fr their artistic design 1:47 consultant Arthur ¥. Wang and arise RIB. BUI. HE, = for their arise abity nthe itustratons "Edward Qiu who assised the authors with the sound recording 1 Ao finaly, members of our familios whe have always given us generous supper. Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Fay Sts fo Cnt cues 8 tots and hee re sages: (HEHE) RAB, AAS, Sing Bass fond & Sage 2 Braet S.ox 6 ond Sage {mesos to hep to dec esuich sd caton> S. AM: MEMAAM. A Sivocbion, tesladge of Chnese and commaniatn sal, AOHREMRELLO BY NE ‘heh he natal and gc iain of guage, coer EK RRA, HAE RAAL and cultural olemonts This eats adopts a hate eperoach, = gman ican, IAFL. TB ‘Sits spenine vada ang RANE TREE ORA RTT Ssh. eRe TOR + Baty Sips Chinese comptes 8 cobs indie Ee REN SERTER TOMEI re a ee eos Mh ES THE Terwxeot nd wrtiook ary coos i oe oo) on - techs bodwth inte Boos Toate ao BOOMING! (BRAK) RRO ABER, * ashcorls, word cords ore pa SIMBA. +. ARASS aH Sham), —sRaRomAZEER ©, -oMERAABEE, ERM 28, ‘The design ofthis series has achieved: RRMA AAA: ‘+ Abolance between authentic and modified language ORE Sm ‘Aho ora and writen materials have bean todd and ATRAOR AER AEER Soroily selocod to su te siden’ love 0 hat a gradu ‘evelopment fe rgel langue car bo acevo &, cennonoRR SRE whee, HELA, ‘© A balance of focus on language and culture ‘This sates proves ample opportunites forthe studoris to exper. °F SCOR ence tho language ands cure In err to develop oralural ATRAHE MSRM, ARAL ‘awareness and enrich ther personal experience. Ken, AetHASeRMREROR ‘© balance between language kndwisdge and conmiticn. XRAATAHERHNG. onsite aber CHERAB ARE ANTR Important for ihe students touche accuracy hooney and STR TH. 8. 8, SUMED EM Cera conmmcstce ade The sere denghed Deraue AF RALEALE, RANEH ME ‘tat knowsege-dosec anguge lenming I place win " i Conmuncatre corte. resuing tre morovenantofbon | SN AREREG, SAUROEH. ‘gute rowan patoranon BR = nuwauae-e, DReeeeAM + Atlanc between abroad and contoted course AREER MBE ‘Th sees snes ous cove who olen «bros range of Yossi tps and sao Wt pes aa he eee «37-3 62 oods ofthe shen ARMA T EA RRR OE '*Abslanco between tho “oral speech” and the “wrton form” This sores aime to balance the importance of both oral and writen communication stale. The development of wring sks IS embedded in the couse, whe oral communication skis aro being developed frm the cuts. ‘This series covers: ‘Bou 'sloroduced to he students tom the very beginning ‘The pinyin above the Chinese characors i gravy removed {ensure a smooth ransison, ‘*Gihngse characters are taught according to the character formation system. Once the students have @ good grasp of radicals and simple character, they wil ba abl to analyze most ‘of the compound charactors they encountor, and te memoriza few characters i logical way ‘Grammar and sentence succes are exlainedin note frm. The ‘students are expacied to use eorest grammar and compound Sentence sbuctiresin both ea and wren fons fo communicale ven hr vera evel of Chinese nas steal improved over the yeas. ‘*Dictonary shits are taught once they have leamed radicals and ‘Simple ceractors. The sliders ar ereouragos use dona: ties whenever appropriate in order to become independent lamers leamed some ‘Ting skits ar taught when the students have 38 knowledge of Chinese. ‘Listening practice Is doslgned to lp the student develop her abity to infer meanings of unfamilar words and content. ‘ Sosaling practic inves students using Chinese to commun fale thele thoughts spontaneously in fea.ife stations wth securacy and tency. ‘*Bading shi are developed through regular reading of simple ‘passages to su tho stusons level. Gradually, thay wil develop ‘hile and confidonco when reading artles in newspapers, ‘magazines or onthe Iniomet in rder to expand ther vocabulary land lncwadge of macern China, and fo get touch wth the ‘Curent issues emerging win China and around the word ‘og stats ar gradual dovloped trough a procs of guided ‘wetng on topics familiar to the students. Weng tasks wil become easier, asthe studertsleam fo organize their thoughts coherently and logically, and develop the sills to select ‘pproprate vocabulary, sentence etructures and genras to ‘onstuct an effective writen place with accuracy and Nuency ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 2, BARRA, EMRE SHOXAETML ANAT ESSERE, WS a ARKUIMEPEAOBAAMERT ARAYER. SHBAROARREA hmm inse AeRNRAROASA: HORNE EME S2—. HERE LHASSEERRRLART BA. *RERHMTT HMMA RIEH. a — B#RT—RRARS BH MBIT, ANRAEDAMIHABRARE, PEARBEEERE. HARTWELL MOT RAMEE. Bit DERETRAPS, PE TREDIRS ERA EAOERE EASON. +HEA WANRNRESE SAT HD ATBERRETEA TARR. HT BAESHRI EDEN, CHEER DELACHIA, BARRA, TIERRASNRASLE ERT RERARRETTHS, ASI IMAAP SHEA RRA ‘is BHOH DESIR REMR SLAM. RHE RBAWRL APRA, RR, RERSIESRATE NASA MOR RHDS, HGS LRA, AED, SEEKS, TORT &. RERMAACAMERM, LEEK ACE, MaNRRER HT A. SENN MEH KMOE. Fe AEMAORSTSONAMSGM, A HESEAESOWL. Wa. OR, 8H BS ANY. HHH HERAT. ‘Samed by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu The focus of each stage: ST mRMEMA: Sinise epinhr ola aetna opm (a mw send cines Goran. avert cam gm eah AE “ASBRNRES sist totes Sco se* Yong aoa Shiew Seng i ose wort se quod °SEA, AWTS OF) HOR OE Ss ttn i Sse ios see tee ctes 6 eR ea on cos Sac ptaesot an genie nen gee RG eA A inate neat acer aL eam aeRO hay RARER owe. WA ve OREM LScteaear acti pieattee ae gms taal once) Serena eta see ta, Sees “Seana iGoan snd) son ttn nine “Famine enon ORT ‘ cictionary skis» typing sks stoning and speaking sills °87/3 TB +B #38:2 (300-5007) through spontaneous interacton + reading practice on a daly off basis «wring eke independent wring aeegnments between 300-500 charactors + contemporary topics: current Issues ‘arcu he word ee STS ou) Biot 9 ‘This series is designed for non-Chinese background students SAAD SA. IRE, BLM siden pinay and scone Sookie wih tase —HAREASREALRE, HOLEET my sae. Pring a risinGradeSor6. MRE RRMRER, FETE cr secondary echo! students Gade can ent wh Book 1 ee eae ‘Vinh thee pers, of approximately tee hours per week, most — SETHE —M, studenis wil beable fo complete one book win one academic {oar Fast lamers can spand lees than 8 year completing one SM RERAL= SR, SHWE ABE ook. Astho 8 books of his orice are continuous and ongong, 45, AMSTEL WHR —H, ‘each book can be taught within anytime span, RASPES ALE, MMTUANE KS, AU-SMPR—AS. SEARR AERS, SHILLER RAMI TERE, ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu seman Hore are a few suggestions on how to use this book: eee ee te ae en ai “Tho teacher shoul i '*Go over with the studets the phonetic eerses inthe textbook MAREE IRE), IRE ‘Ata later etage, the students should be encouraged to pronounce i yat>}, SIV kL MRL Bi 1h rw pinynon ter own eens. . 1 Imgoance of learning tho basic srokes and the Emphasae the ingorance of eaing *ENTKEA EOE, ‘side the students to analyze new characters and encourage ePEMLALS, ROME ABR DM thom to uso thei magition fo aid memorization. wer. ‘Expect the students to memoize all the rads and simple, i ‘characters they have learned. The studente should be “SHIA AMAT AA eR fencouraged to memodze as many characiers as possible in Fs ROGAMMMELAMEICAET. aarti SAPLONSARRNS, BANTER ‘*Create opportunites for be students fo practise thelr ctonary ” eseakesttHe. ‘and typing sills SARE LRM S RAMEE ‘*Provde every opportunity forthe students to develop the 2 Tatening end speaking skills during clase time. Avaroly of Af. SeHE 1. WRATH IBA speaking exercses Incuded inthe textbook can be modified sTLUSHRAFLA TARE Ah. ‘coring othe stidnt ay. ia i a smith RIbR. eet +p, myc exo so exes acotg tthe tants inva Avda vay ofeerceee bot trbook and woteonk 287» ARK AMR TLRS ‘nbs toed css wa homens bit, SODLRERERR. “The users can scan the QF code on the font cover of te Dook RK. OI as TSH IE to atthe aco fles ofthe tents, soning exersses and phonebc. im =weas Fa. xeric. ame Yamin Ma pone AES July 2008, Hong Kong ‘Samed by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Unit 1 Lesson 1 Countries, Languages QR, eS 1 Lesson 2 Subjects of Study #8 10 Lesson 3 Making Phone Calls ahs 20 Unit 2 Lesson4 Weather RX 30 Lesson 5 Seasons $9 40 Lesson 6 Sickness 2% 50 Unit 3 Lesson7 Hobby (1): Music 60 Lesson 8 Hobby (2): Sports 70 Lesson9 Hobby (3): Dance 80 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Vegetables and Fruits BRE, KE 90 Lesson 11 Three Meals a Day As, 100 Lesson 12 Eating Out gph aA 110 Unit 5 Lesson 13 House at 122 Lesson 14 Fumiture eR 132 Lesson 15 Neighbourhood AR 142 Listening Scripts RARER 154 ‘Samed by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu NEw Worps 1. 3£(GB) pass; particle 6. 2(-4p) can; may 35 havebeento 7. Ku (3,) speak; talk; say 2] HF country 8. 78(8B) language 3. EG] Britain 335 Enalish (language) 434] France E145 Japenese (language) 5. &. Japan 3. speech 1° Say the country names in Chinese. Say one sentence about each country PARR, ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu IBF language aeg Ba CR) Ha hationality DLE Chinese (language) 1 AJL alittle bit p | | Extra Words | 2 #8 >) ah ° & A 8) a RAL | 0 Hier 9) a dit Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Ask your classmates the following questions. ot Ei 1 tease ia de 2. tedeit B5? it, a particle indicating z i past experience, e.g. 3. tei XB? A that > mg? 3 sis B: (DAH, 4. that ie hh? 9. tdi AA? “B Listen and tick the right pinyin. "tha 1 ») fuda 1. When two third tones appear together, Dy» widdo the first tone is pronounced in the second = » wiiddo fone.e-a Ebene nit» nino » chBGtio | 2.The tone of “ changes to fourth tone » chico | _- When followed bya first, second or third a —— Bee a, vilian- vijion Y) ® shduzht Yinign=> yi nin 7») shouzhi a noe The tone of. changes to second tone ay» féndl pyey Clieaeey o fouren tone, e.g. 2 ») féndi tok 3. The tone of 4 changes to second tone a Si when followed by a fourth tone, e.g. yg +) shdugdo bd oud-» bi cud 7% shdugdo ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu A Make a dialogue with your partner. «Sample questions: THROW BS. KAS KT ERR M2 2 kA ILE S 7 them BLA? SRILA AiR? ni ba be ging 3y9 mo 4 KEELE? th 13 be 2 shén mo gina 2 12 mBi_ tion 269 me shonaban fe Tie WR RE LY He9 oR zE 5 Listen and tiok the right answers. Sw Ei © San = BEET 3H Hit @zongting @shuizhéng @iityuan @haoydu ntzt @susyi | Example ee US = am T i mua ax A: REELS A: tk Bi BB) : B: KAW. Learn the simple characters. aunitoflength (130 metre) rice foot wood: tree — @ Jk, Get ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu (» R5SRR, ALPROREL, 3 shi zheng gud tn wba ba hi xt ban yen WS mMa_ma_ sh zhong BA, REERGEFA, ABBAYP gue én WS. 28 ying én mud >ido BA, RAR LER ES, RARE B. GRP RE, RAE BR Bike. AS ww yOu heer duo péng you kh, BARS MA, 1. HEF Spain HZ athome HH FA Spanish 5. with (language) English (language) school Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Match the question with the answer. RAM AHI IAB AIL, BRAS? yRARE—FP LF, DRAWS KGS? RA, DRAMLERLF? DRPRB PRE, BRAFKEH AES? IKI, BRAFLUM AES? ORREE, BHALE, its your tuml, Make a dialogue with your partner. Askthe above questions “1D Listen and tck'the right answers. °°" °°" "°° °° @ Sas = a poy 6 RFRE AE RE ORE DE ee | oF AK ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 11 Make a simitar dialogue with your partner. | Example MAH AB FP RILES, Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Activity, Guess the following countries. joa if we aM 8 4. K- ome OF BR Speaking practice. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Subjects of Study #8 Op AEM, AF FES OE FF. RARE MA, wit ORRAK, RHR Hh bin én aaA, woe £URR. & we JB he iin nd0 Ee RR Go © RR, & ak NewWorDs ma some 5. % educate’ 8. % sound; tone 2. (3B) also tet physical taining: AB) music MED]. (9) number 6. H fete sa music i ae maths 7. Aft) art; skill ©. Rat) brain Ba} 4 AA(QR) boay KR ant Wa computer —— H DLAI A, ALES, HH) | A, HHAPHA, REE, AWRAKA, 4) MARS WA, a B25, HORE B rH 7 eee le °) FEARS AP, FHAREM, HH LEG, 8 Listen and tick the right pinyin. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 2 Say the aie in fae & sr 6 a ame & A syanjing g ® xiézl 3 ov iunel ® ldoshi » qunzi ») Idoshi snétio gy » jiézhuang ») hétao ») jidzhuang Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu AV Complete the sentences. THEAREE, HGRHME, HHRARAA, HR ERR ! ame RS PARMA, AHAARA, THRE BR ROR | 2a 2. SARE A, ARR sBERRSAY, HORLEY, HHA meetin Senoerr 5” Write a sentence with each group of words/phrases given (#0 £0 AA AAUROPAM, CAA HE RE RE AUREL, WEE. RE RH RRO ER OM Rm 6. EE RES 0 MRE pda aah + ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu B Listen and choose the right answers. “Cp (HK VRP wis 1 Rh. v) AeA OH TE Hoek OLOMA 3878 fe BE 2A. oxmMA HEF MAR EEG DKF fo VR 3 KE. DKAERR / pot VERE ©) ib fo WTR 4 eit_. A Bte} x oP Blfe WA [2x8 vee 5. )eG2HA KF) A RHRE \ AER |g __. wy PARAS OR PRA PA 7 Loam the simple characters. ar & dh ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 1 1 ! uF ik. iL. KEKE RG AER. ea (ex?) ote ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu New Worps 1-FTCP) goog measure 4 ¥ history 6. (iM) play; drama aAF shasta, FAK Nato 7 HCA) lay rama: science 5. reason; natural 5 Bi drama; play AF SB reason: BY play 3.Jhi (IE JE) experience; 34h, 3 geography calendar 8 Say one sentence about each picture. Extra Words 2) iy ABE KEK ERIER, nat & © ez 7 a. ~ ae Seer Sermo ig rg Thy ole SA ERERRE BS? | ita 9. the dak Eee aR 2 Ht ek EAS RH? |Report to the class: ANF FARKLRER, ANA FRA KRE ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu qe ais eeececes ceccccccccecs | Example - [INSTRUCTIONS 4 | The whole class may join the activity. BR XH AH AA! || Each student is given a piece of paper | with 16 squares. The teacher writes on RW GBT UGE FAR \ he" board 16. words/phrases, and’ the | students are asked to copy them onto | their paper in whatever order they like 3! The students are asked 10 tick off the | wordiphrase the teacher says. Anyone | iho leks off four worde/phrases ina line | Inany directions snouts Bingo" WA ELMS Pe AP OMAK ER 1 tk BA? 2th AN ERE 5 wf a Am RAE AE? B 4 th som TAR? 5 ARE RNS I 2 € Sample questions: ie ZB 7 DAES KT AE ao SARS LTR | Report to the class: Hr] ade, SFTEY, ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu "18 Listen and tick'the right answers. 7" "°°" "°°" yo t g 3 aE a) RAF a) RAS ») FIT ee ee ) fh RAR FRR ©) HAR 4 5 6 a) Refs & 8) BU 8) RAMEE TE be EAE b) A >) SRT RIS ©) HB Aods & ) LE ) APRA alMicseas: eececccccccce INSTRUCTIONS Interview such a famous per son as an actor, a singer and an athlete. And you should know from him/her the following: ‘his/her name ‘his/her nationality ‘his/her telephone number countreshelshenasbeento Example = the language he/she can Bereta MAH ABET speak ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu HEF, APU, ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu INRA Mags LURE LEER EU ELPA Lee ee : l 1. LR beathome AHL You're welcome. & 4% place; seat: | 2 HGH) thank 5. 3, earler frst of at mete eure ae ea ea HH thanks AA. Mr; husband °F wait | 3. % quest ©. i&(F#) please F —F waite moment | jalogues with your partner. otk (B) #1 » 4K ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Listen and add tonal marks to the pinyin. @shetou @ haizi neutral tone @putao = = @hanhu @_nuanhuo @ bieniu “D) Mateh the picture with'the answer, "°° "8 EE e ww The expressions #— ¥, ‘¥ ¥ and¥ — Fallimplya short and quick action, and express an attempt or trial, REBEL EA. INSTRUCTIONS 4 | The class ie divided into small | groups. 2| Each group is asked to memorize the radicals listed | on the left. Then tho teacher | gives a dictation on those | radicals 3) The group. writing more | correct radicals than any | her group wis the ect. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Listen and match. opr 2) GH FMS, BH yzRET. DB pe Het ) RR, Mise o) PARRA RR, Ae VRPLHMA. Oke 0 RAR, Role play. Make telephone calls Situations > a Bs te a ce rnistake; wrong ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu A(R) system 9. Ser know HA relationship 3H. says talk & igeert Sal snow Lyn aL aitiownne 8 AUK) come 1 rotun Make dialogues with your partner. RAR, oa | ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu See reece eecce Role play. Make telephone calls ‘The class Is divided into two teams. ‘The team members line up on both sides of the classroom ‘One member from each team stands near the board. ‘The teacher puts up 10-15 cards with characters on the board, The teacher says one word, and the person who is the first to touch the card wins a point. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 12 ‘Listen and tick the right answers. “Cb DRA WIE a) RE CRA by A AEE >) RE CRO NAKA RELATE DRE RAB aE | V¥ SILA bis DEFT ROPPERER! )AROR NFER RE ORT | ae bya 3b 7 b) APH OLFT DAMA 18 ‘change the following sentences into questions. 1 RASCH AI, — ftoitbie shew 2 RAO IDEIUL, — tbat 8. Bhai AAT Z THe, 4. RoR ABBA, 5K A 6 A Aso ES KT 1 AiR in RAD RBA 2 AAR ATR? aa ARB EMIED Tih 4. tgs ict ZH i toni 5. febh ib Ein BIR IH) ge, | 7 BELRI? ae 8. ke EFE LETH LINSTRUCTIONS ‘The class is divided into groups of 3 or 4. Tho each gives out Wo sole of cards. Thar are Yeroson one Sette cars, an nos on theater |The stone are shod to mathe vers wi the nouns to orn pases, Tey nee owe dow the | Shree wl covet chara wing | The group, which makes more correct phrases than See | any other group, is the winner. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu RAMA, AURA be shi diy 2ué you ming ttn yu =TREE, WRA in, AA FoR, WR HER, Be fri New Worps 1 af fine; clear right 6 se upto it & sunny day &® around (lie) platform 2.3% warm; temperature 6, rain 0 Sr wind Be ramtrasn | Let Ted ante #) cloud 3B airtomperature 3. degree 7 oF tet $= clousy ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 1 Match the picture with the answer. 2-0 wertrs oF RA ER, mi! “pr graosecegecseeeeeeseeseeesseeseeeeeees Speaking practice. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 8 Listen and tick the right answers, Cn @jidgui , @zhihu , @ téozul jidhul © zhihui © tdoshui @hufjia — @xidhul | e@jitul @hujis — @xidku)—@ jitut AY Say one sentence about each picture. Re, SREB R. oF RAP A KM ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu De ec Niniteu MMI TAAL ALATA aia Speaking practice. He bio | Sie pf ainasee 5c~15'¢_| & t0c~18'¢ ap KE ston > yc~18'¢ Example : os & B sisngaéne +B, B Listen tick the right boxes and write down the temperature. (hp ele # ¢ Te eK] VY | zi 24225) | | | 3a | | | See | USI SUEE | LE 6.1 | | | ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Speaking practice. 1 ++ [10°c~15'c] 2 (2WCke 6--- [B2'c~35%c] wa 9: Learn the simple characters. FB Bh ser Fae v@a¢ @ ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu AAR, FRE RETR RTTRES. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu A weather PAR overcastday &'F snow ZHE how 4 #1) blow FF snow 2. BARR) overcast 15 winy ©EF below zero "9" Match the picture with the answer tel a ARAM, OFRSE. ae 4-1 OA RAT NA ei ‘ ao FRAME, SAAeh | osRHEM, OREM, EAH? B= +3] AR RAE ZH? WR wesw. HER / W Rase-0e ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 12 Make dialogues with your partner. Talk about the weather in the following cities in a specific season. oT Situations > spring & IE, 9 (D) summer, 3, 5k DB) Autumn: 4. Be Winter #224. bi A: B A: B “TI Listen and tick the right answers. “Cp 1 eeMR | DADA Oy FAKE 2REWA DAMA OAKHAM ©) a SEESR DTH HARARE of] AR 4HBSR OF ez ©) 5 meymk DER NFAE ©) Bf 6 eRAR OM tm 8% tk bab ie ea sr ie go Kk MGR LH RARE, PET A, RBATERES. Se, a> we ae ‘Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Match the question with the answer. RRA LAD DKA, HAT. _ RRA HY yerA, USHER? ORE LE ARAB RAPD AHI LT HE, _EURMBAREZLE? ORDETOY, DALE, teBe? oT, DM BS RRALAH OFA, FEAT. FRA HS? N=TRE®, BARS TR? DEE, Hh, dURtod, \uestion with each of the dotted words and then ask your partner to answer them. Activity. 4 | The whole class may join the activity 2 | The teacher pus up 10-15 words/phrases I Qnihe board: ‘The studants ara given 23 | fninutes to memorize them. 3] Then the teacher takes off one wordiphrase secretly and. asks the | Students to tell the missing word/phrase. mA | aR] | 44 || F%| | 6M SIA) | A (EAH | Those students, who say the wrong | word/phrase, are out of the activity. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu New Worps wT OR sorna HEE sometimes ° | HK spring 5 F rain 10% often | 2A cold CAF belowsunder kA often meg) BEC) time; hour 7, ae Nanjing (city) 3% most Bl} + time 2. summer 3K 18 highest; tallest Hi] BAR time;moment HK summer a 412 Ff used forestimation Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Match the picture with the answer. fel ae = & ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu °2 Listen and add tonal marks to the pinyin. (> @iiuliu @xiugiu @ jiugui @aishui_ @ liushui___g@ aiudui 8 Listen, tick the right boxes and write down the temperature.@ Hep RAHM So FH FS 1m 1. EEK 30°C vk 2 ARR | 4. BAR 5 SBR iso ARB, BAF HEP Make as many sentences as Beamee: 6 6H OF Choose a country [city and search information about its weather. You need to follow the guidelines Situations» 7h isused for estimation, ‘Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 7 Role play. | »> > | »> WRIT, Move RUE | DRE ER Ppa RURA, | ee WEA | ARTHUR, ZHRAT. REFRAF | PBL, (Smee It RAZ, ROR IR BR. Ae WAM, KR ABER RE Keb, RAR A a a NEw Worps 1. (HE) love; be fond of RAF hobby 2. HL(3B) side; edge eros at the same time 3. FRC) play (a stringed ‘musical instrument) 4 GACH) stoot % 5. Ha general name for certain musi- calinstruments FAH piano BURA play me piano 6.98 sing 7. song ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu "8 HK sing a song 8. "FF(BE) listen A AR liston to music 0. FCI) read; atond GHB read a book: study 0 SB our LINSTRUCTIONS The whole class may join the activity When the teacher says an action word, the students are expected to act accordingly. Those who do not act accord- ingly are out of the activity. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 2 Say one sentence about each picture. fo Bak. ed - + indicates anette happening at the same time.e.g. Hek— DEMS — DBE B activity. DBP DAE LINSTRUCTIONS DP aap ny AN BE OR MAD APR HD DEAE DIANE aE 2a wernanp—alae] |S NAB yap The whole class may Join the activity. 1 1 2! The toacher save a | phrase in English’ and tho tudont cheno io | @xpected to say it in Chinese ' | Those students who fail | to say it correctly are | owatthe act. W (iste and tick the right answers. 7 a)shdutdo _b)shdutdo 2 a)toudao__») toutao 3 a)baodao _b) baoddo 5 a)zduxito _ b) Z5uqiao 6 a)dduqiao b) douxidor Say one sentence about each picture. —— Nts Fe RAM —AS duration ofa a « eH RA DHO CE iA, 14500-1600 ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Listen and tick the right answers. Up aap PER abe aw b)F b) RAF ORT REE 4 Bis DEK ELAR dep 5 a) REEF DARREN HE ye REM ARMA mR A EF T activity, | Example ! INSTRUCTIONS 7 (EEE orn 0 activity EWE | te teacher names one item of a | parulareatogery and th sludents are eat | Expected toaceirore ol I.those who do notadd any or add wrong $22.7 | items are out of the activity 8 Learn the simple characters, Bn GORE’ a Nay Au ses Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qué Tw Auk aeh novel BIL drawingor — 9K-#F JL watercolour "painting . (painting) 2. 22(4#) miscotaneous [81 BIL Chingse 7 AK at: botn paint 2. (#8) withrecords 5 18) ot 8. upright; correct : AE magazine 3 GIL cilpainting GE Z& inthe process of 4. 5(#) draw; paint ©. # colour ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say one sentence about each picture. Hee BFK, LA means thatan action a} isinthe process, Activity. saree [INSTRUCTIONS The class is divided into two groups. ‘The teacher shows a character, and one member of each group is expected to count its strokes. ‘The person who is the first to shout out the correct answer gains a point. “TL Make dialogues Samed by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu h your partner. Example A: fe AE UAE 2 MKT Bk Miz oat BF BAH in and match. VRABA, She ARSE. RAKE HK IABRME, WAR, 4) ZMAGA BIL, et bib BILRT. DEAF GRE GIL, ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 13 Complete the sentences. ea | 2 wea see, NE] yay he meme ) i BIL, KH SB Hal, Ao, Se] Cee (feet ee b) sRAW AE. Ba, 4 Tae, OF, we APRA, Sit, BE, Its 8PM e, HO. RE, ak ] 14 Draw a series of pictures and then write captions. rT S, ‘ BALEERAB, WER meh hak MERA LAH HG, a, BADE RD BWA. aH, Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Quée Tw Interview five classmates. « Sample questions: Rie BR] RAR ZH? 2 fe Re ik Hh oh $87 atk AE fe ik A Aph @ GILG? BAEZ BIL? 5A BS ith By IL/ RAS BIL? 6th BAL ih B L/KA BIL/ Bl B ILS? 16 ‘Make ’a similar dialogue with your partner. Example TRUE Z 29 Ait ABIL? ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu BARA, RM RAE 2), RESCH > by. wh Rab BR, RAM AAT aR, New Worps X€(H) motion FH van al move 5. 3 swim 1 sports ew 9. 5E bal 3% 34 run swim FER tennis Wy + & step: waik 7.—28 together 47 FY ER play tennis Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say one sentence about each picture. 2° Complete the sentences. 1 AGRE WARE ARES eS “RA RRES 4 AB RIL cos SRERREE, ihe HR Ao) means "together with", lake four sentences with “3(»)-----—Ae”. Listen and add tonal marks tothe pinyin. Sap @houguo ~loudou gq duoguo Activity. LINSTRUCTIONS The whole class may join the | activity. ae =44 | The teacher says a phrase in ZMA +k 21 glsh and the. atidonts fa orpocted to sey It wk et | Chinese mitt} =A hE Na | Those students, who cannot | say the phrases in Chinese or say the wrong ones, are i outof the activity. Arisa = NEHA AGAR Listen and tick the right boxes. Cp [ Aa SR ORF HR AAR BBL RH THK 14% 2 Bu BA 4 5.AB Bab HK Say the following in Chinese. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu “B Make a dialogue with your partner. Sample questions: ESATO Enemy Be ae 8A 3h 8 HR? rn the simple a. . “e.. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu (rex?) ¢ to NewWorps _———— 1 & too 4.39 shadow; fim 6 BAF almost | 2, 42 but HY movio 7. Bl week 2 out 5 (EB) festival, 8 A one 8. LCR) took: view #7 programme BR weekend aL Iv ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say one sentence about each picture. Then do the activity. AUT IE Ady FR LINSTRUCTIONS | The class is divided into wo | groups. 2)| wren to tensor says a phase, | Sromonberst the grousn at | Woapocea oacteckoahay 1 ‘The person who acts accordingly | gains one point. | 1th eak Ari? | 2bska ee) | | 2th ak ALB? | 4 ti tak A HO ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu I interview your partner. QUESTIONS | AR aah Leak | RAB KR KR ; 7 . ntbskar ARS? ft [Report to the class: RARE AD iL, He Activity. 8] (| [32] [38 | #] [2] (A) [s I stkgakies3? | \ ‘aa loarkaaeesy | i ! THRE G GIL? | a | f Jobsites | i! 9.4 Hk 38 HH? ! : i i a odskagiKeg? | ro : LINSTRUCTIONS 4 | The class is divided into small groups, | Each group is asked to add one word to form | a phrase. The students may write characters ifthey can, otherwise write pinyin, | The group, which gets the most phrases | correctly, wins the activity. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 13 Make a dialogue with your partner. « Sample questions: 2th NL Rad a 8 op SAR RANT A HB? 6 team @ LA? Bak BAZ BIL2 Report to the class: WARE KIB, Hak TAA ides and ineocaght ight ancuain, 2 BB) aH 0 ome BAL ey 5 ARR WAL one (ED jw ue 2 Oe FA. GR Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Make sentences as the example shows. tf Chinese | English | French ie spring | summer | winter v a” aa - ; oil water- | Chinese elder younger painting | colour ; painting | | brother brother enna: x v v x Rewrite the sentences. LAER, ~ RARSAAMLAA LA, 2. SERERD. 2. EP Rar aR, 4 RORAEET A 5 FHRAARE RAST RULE ur turn! jake foursentences with “£7 $” NEw Worps +. HR besiaes eT DIF besides 2. $ dance 3. okie FG canco + RE) tom 8.38 begin FPG start 6. 8K jump. SLAF dance ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 36, Fuk YAGER, RA KEMS, hos ANSE, SUA YIN, HK BROTH RR, 7. 4% pull; play (a certain ‘musical instrument) 8. 3B cary with one hand it 14K viotn ALB play the violin Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Quée Tw Activity. INSTRUCTION: The class is divided into small groups 2.| Each group is asked to memo- | rize the radicals listed on the | left. Then the teacher gives a { dictation on those radicals. | The group writing more cor | rect radicals than any other | group wins the activity. oe FN a “ yt BARLTRSA. THABRY, HHALHAR, THAR KR, FAKLEIRE, HHALARR LES, THAE FR, CHAAR KM LMS, a ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu ‘D Say, itence about each picture. Oral presentation. “Example: BAF AAAI, PPLE, RAKES FRR, OY FHERAR, AY HG HH. RAPA ED EFA, CY Fed FRR wees Talk about yourself. epccccccccccccceccccccsccccecs 6 Translate from English to Chinese. means "besides or except”, e.g. WRT ARUP, te 7 Besides swimming, he kes jogging. | @anak, “T Listen and choose the right answers. “Cp LAR —— q Zhe \Faes can lane { ixe lene FIR TOOL |g ie CHR OBER KATE | 5.) 84 | Bed $e LR | ene | =f ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu ‘8 Make a sentence with each group of words/phrases given. 1 RAMEN E I} ERNE LR, VAS, FEIG SANK UB 8 RKEK ARES TERS etek 8. id 2 AEE 0.48 EX Bess Learn the simple characters. a... Be lic), i... PB ay Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Quée Tr ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu SAEZ BP wnatime 1 ah Just; exactly - 2 Fae) do 8 40.57 agroo EHD Z what todo Ba computer eA fine °.%6 ingiategontinuation 7 E(B) bat “ 11.39(98) a place where ofan’ vton people gather 4 (GR) profession HAR basketball 58.3% ground or court forball games Hf 3k. homework 4T EAR play basketball He a ¥ 8. ve, article PP feet wer "10 Ask your classmates the fellowing questions. 1 ARRE REPT RAF HARI Ee Nore a 2 ie BA REFH ARI (E)feve¥8. indicates MIRE LERAT IRAE — castonetanccin AHRRPET RPAH? ARMIN, 5 insta L#2 BTL? , ae AUER A? 8. DAF LEMBF HZ The teacher prepares 10-15 cards with phrases written on each of them. One student chosen picks up the card when the teacher shouts out the phrase. Those students, who pick up the wrong phrase, are out of the activity. ‘Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Make dialogues with your classmates. eae ae A: KM — dk A BYE! ce tga panticio used to express BF. HARE? a request, consultation or propo- Roce ae sal,e.g i tes AM ke bape, Bs TV, BALM ILL o AMAR, MAIMBEAAAFL, 342 BTW, —ZILR! Extra Words odraesk omar Rsk dT HER dr RR OR OKRA GH MGFHOK 4h RAR 0 By Da ak as “Biss steeceeeeeeeesco gg —Mm ke a) AKFERAZEIY , _ aun b) EAT Ak, _M zz VE RFERE. —@ KK AA H. Bee ) EMAFTRAATAR, — Bp BAF BRR, 14 Make a dialogue with your partner. € Sample questions: 1 ARP EUR RY 2A IL RE PR? SARL A EAD RAL ED A AAT JL RTPI EAR? SAAR PRE AED OAR FE LR ED TAR ALR ESE BE 3? OAR LA RAL AIPA HA? othe Ay LAS Sf BAL? 10.4 LR BE IE? 15 activity: °° The class is divided into small groups. Each group is asked to memo- fize the simple characters those characters, The group writing more correct characters than any ‘other group wins the activity. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu + 2.8} 4% means "when". ‘The answer to the question can be year, month, week day orhour. iL... means “what time". The answer to the question can only be hour. OAH ZH REAR? OA: hLERRE? BTHek INSTRUCTIONS sted on the left. Then the leacher gives a dictation on ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 1B Write captions for the pictures. AWARE REE BAA, ce Het bu RA ARL FEAR, TEAM. ABET. Ke. Dagens seeesanen ‘ole play. a -— “A —_ A MAILY FAT BIE? )) [INsTRUCTIONS)| B: BY F. Pee A SSR sey ee B: 2R$—K4r aA ED famous person. htt, ae Ae T HR, EE = skit Aiea? Se on B: Rid asksraRAaIwy Cn ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Ae akOE EHD yo saga gh 3) | BARR AK xghuan oy chin me sho a uses a) | RASREIR, BH Be, Seog i hing siding a BR, abate, ARE? BARA. TRS WRRER AR. 1. vegetables 4. SEI cucumber 2H vegetabie:cisn 5.78, tower FF ec aR vegetables Ubcauitiowerrere Th but EF totuce « £.& potato #8 B() shouta 3. 4B wrong: not 1.48 persimmon 4 F verysentemely — 42 4 tomato ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say the following in Chines 2° Complete the sentences. ARR, RRR FER. 2AMEMERAR, HBR 3. aH RGR AREA ORT, BR 5. A ee ! turn! . four sentences with “ii” 3 Make a dialogue with your partner. « Sample questions: VAR BF? ARAM BAD 2A AKI? MELE A? SARAH Z BHF SARE RIGA? BA Zia? Ai AE RAMBLAS BP 3B 7 SARE KKB BH IL? WE GHZ BIL? 8. ARR BE AE MB? MILA HE HE IL? & Listen and choose the right answers 1 ARMHAR 8 2 ARR SKAMRER ky Eab 4 RRERS AR 5 RRA ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Words for Reference ) RS xk b) aR a ak ©) ARB © RRA » Rb 0 BB oe BRE 0 BRE 6 WAAR WE, REE DAT RISO ARE Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Be Activity. Example. 39 || aia] [DTH AB) [47 BSR] eb] HR FAAS [A AL BBR ME || 47 SR) |W IL SEH || HE || SF AAR] HARA LINSTRUCTIONS The class is divided into two teams, When the teacher says a phrase, one member of the team in turn is expected to act accordingly. ‘The person who acts accor- dingly gains one point B Listen and add tonal marks to the pinyin. Op 4 jiejue 2 xiejue 9 queqie 4 jielie 5 juelie 6 jieyue ue 7 Compiete the sentences. VARKER, TR fA Dake, TAL ee 3. ARB, TR 4. BRRAK CER, TR Ss ARKGIEE, TR - 6 RPRKEKLE, TR 7 RABKEKEG AK, TR “B Project.” Learn to say six more vegetables: a a #3 a a ia _ 8 Learn the simple characters. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu INSTRUCTIONS Draw the vegetables in the super- market near your home, and label them in Chinese. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Bake Hh AR? ing gS tng 70 WO bu a hun dy che We sul ud RAREK LEER, sin hing shu gu New Worps Hires Fase 1 SR truit 4 & banana ik E these 2 FGDR apoie —6AB tangerine 7. watermeton | py 3. fragrant HBF tangerine *- AL pear : 4. broadieat tants & 2 some °.4P(4@) kind;type | EE Here HELE sale s ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 10 Say the following in Chinese. 11 Make a dialogue with your partner. « Sample questions: AASB ILA ES) ABS? 2 ARE RIAA? HAI 3. tA LAE? PARE 4 ARE B LAP BIL? HZ B ILI SARE RCIA MRR CH Z RI 6. RAE RE ILA IRR ARLE ZR 12 ‘aetivity, ” ‘Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu INSTRUCTIONS 4 | The class is divided into small groups. 2 | Each group is asked to | memorize the simple | characters listed in the | box. Then the teacher | gives a dictation on those | characters, 3, The group writing more correct characters than any other group wins the activity. 18 Match the two parts of a sentence BD teeit _BRAFET 2 4BT BEET BF PEEKET Be FT BD BeeR ATA RA DAR aA. EBA DA HE. RABE. )NOBK, oA BT ay BE, NZOKR, AA Boy A, BAF HG i BIL, DAHA PA Ag BAL, ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 14 Listen and maten. (pp Mkt ) RAAB PA HG BAL, a) nit tANRR, DKK VEGRRLGRT. 4A DENA AG AHS A BIL, zz MERLOLMRR, KR, Ape )ATARAR, 15 Translate from Chinese to English. Write four more sentences. 1 BYRARDEAKS BM, BABES IGE, HAM ABER ERE. RR, ERA, 4 SERRSARE ECM, Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Quée Tr 1B Make dialogues with your classmates. Ask EBA te OB? B: RAAH, A: ARR if 85? B: Rm ay, “TD Retivity. ih Sara tet 1 wt ae 7A nit nh oF et dt, ade ) FAR 1) SAR OTB n) FR INSTRUCTIONS The class is divided into small groups, Each group is asked to add one word to form a phrase. The students may write characters if they can, otherwise write | pinyin. The group, which writes the most phrases correctly, wins the activity. +3 sae) sige OE eA [os A aon ee deb oF ak ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu PRR CM CIB LN ni a hon oy zing Ue att PE BAY] laa Ha hake, | iatinea| uo | RE chore, lisse aa | ST BRABTUR, | NEw Worps 1. BE food: meal 4%) dog 8. Be(#k) rink PI cniosotoed HH notdos 8H material Weston vod 1S ae © hamourger EHF arink; beverage ©. BEBE) round flatcake THE coke PO RECIDBE pica 1 AIK soca water 7.98) ink Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say the following in Chinese. Extra Words 2% ») ERR ° ip de ©) hot List your food and drinks and then report to the class. [Be ope isis % 1% % & +6 BTR RN ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 3 Listen ana fill in the vowels with tonal marks. Up beat, Meese Pee ees, gq_—l__ #q__q___ @j__y_ 4 Ask your partner the following questions. UMAR SS 2. ARAMA PER BA? £2 means ‘or’, which is used in questions, e.g 9. ARB F RARER AED AMR SRF aRTIER 57 BRAKES, 4 HMRARELGR? 8. thabak Fi KIER MAD Sentences for 68. Hi Bh ak BIE SAPD ia 1 ARR GG ILIER AY OR ATAS EK. DEE, K 8 GRIESE DH? 9. taka CALERA EY? 0 thasket REE REAR? HMA HER PB? 12 RA RSCEIE RIB? AAA. 0 ARAB T KR PARA BIR, Scanned Thiy Quée Tu 5° Make a similar dialogue with your partner. REA BE! tent BAL PE? UAL RE OLR HALE T RIERA? 1 RAR WAT AB 2 RAR fest 4 Bak 5. RARE 6 RAK Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thy Que Tw “T Listen and tick the rightanswers. “Up 7 2) HE 2 OK oO ae DARK BA AE 0) PE ORE ORR 5 ) SIF 6 Re | orm » BBL | oa oes INSTRUCTIONS Design a menu for a fast-food restaurant. It should include: = name of the restaurant = types of food «= types of drinks = address «= telephone number -mail address = website 9 Leam the simple characters. bet a &. “S28. £o27 1 Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu RRR hf ho mi hub 8 i) ad @ sae LF, Ai, WR. AM RARA BPE Bee fe. RFR ARSL—F RE "EB, 1.2 whole ee Hi (Hi) flour, measure 1% BEEK dinner 2A broaitast —6:7¢( 4) stripe: measure KH cooked rice 3. A sorts kind shop; store normally 8. TJ restaurant | porridge: congee 18°2 fh eatameal ri ‘am . . 5. 3 or 3) stivtriednoodies 18 2 belikelyto a 6. HF person or thing YR fried dishes iz ee Hts ies a Staffed bun \/- ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say the following in Chinese. Add a noun to forma phrase. att af at at _ sat at at pt _ en fetta 00N00U UH gay ses 00 ey Fg A a Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 12 Make sentences with * 3 4”. van |emeoecao, 2 SAE means "or", which is often used in statements, og 3 ROLE A A ak, “ 5 6. Oral presentation. Example: «Sample questions: kK 1. ARP EAU REAR 12 ARP RAMEE A? w-wh ea, | 3 FFM IR-ML A? BAM. RT 1 4 RRMA? 1 t ees MHZ REY panakie OP AICS xtaey. al ° tei BH? a saree a Bak H 1: im ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu peace nena nicest eae Listen and tick th is eeaeceoe ee eee 4 means "be likely to", e.g. 3A: ENA AMBER, eee 4&: SPERASEEM s.drhis: 6. uy: 7.LOE: 8A ee: Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Quée Tw Activity. LINSTRUCTIONS = The whole class may join the activity. 2M: RB Fat, RA Pa2: eR The teacher names one item of a particular category and the students are expected to add more to it. Those who do not add any or add wrong items are out of the activity. o N= acc cccccccccccceccsesccseccsccccccceces 7 Det a series of pictures and then write captions. ses er eeeee FULDA A ARLES | derhet he ct +f. -O----¢ | | RAT Berek | Uh, REA BAKA, itis your turn! — > -- i ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu i kuti yin aién si oe TARA), ye Rate We Zoe BEGNER, Hop Aa is ay oxo choo in BF. KS RD a Ge *7.% altogether the people | 2 measure word; 3% altogether AR, the peopl BH) a8 ney Las FH altoget ; K, the people | 3A. auntotmoney 8°, i0yuan 10 FHF) currency 4-(48)_ money #8. 1Moyuan RR MB, chinese) » ‘ urreng ST % kilogram a3 1100 yuan ** FT YA can; may | 8 (SE) buy 1 FA use | peugeee preted ‘Samed by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu z Zz 3 We usually use 3& instead a of %, and & instead of fi in oral Chinese, e.g. Bk = BA 1” Say the following in Chinese —3e(%) Paola AL lod ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 8 Fill in the blanks with the measure words. Measure Words A 4 FR 0 ER 5 AUR te &—_#@F 2— eff INSTRUCTIONS Agroup of 3 or 4 students opens a stall to sell food, vegetables or fruits. You need to bring some food, A: —AAR 4 F FB vegetables and fruits to the class. Find some new measure words in B: +A3k, the dictionary. 1 2 42.5015 4 ¥3.00/% 10.0018 “OR INSTRUCTIONS Aggroup of 3 or 4 students opens a clothing shop to sell the clothes listed on the right. You need to bring those clothes with price tags to school. (FH | sha | sae aay Mea apa as ( # G Listen and tick the right answers OFFAAEST OR KETE HR OR RERECKR 3 wh, OF, GRE TR, ARF RE. iE Learn the simple characters. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Up 2 ORFURK ORTARED OAHRTE OLS KLAR OLAKRE OLERKGA GIL 6 Ohare wis Ty. OO} L-ALAR, ORF—F, RAMI, shi ni 96 ing [Tne Tr ‘+r Samed by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Up net oe RBS OIBRD — I | hie a—# Laser. 1 [ALATA RAE MI FE | HALEN AAA T 74? i ae FRI 5 \ERRES, BHA Bo. New Worps 1 praia ith EN Poe: % vent 2k once 4. 47° delicious 7. ® hundred a 2. BE special 5. BE general HE resaraas 3. # other KP probably 9 It(#) expensive 7 ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Make similar dialogues with your partner. A: Ray hE ZAR? B: ab RHF °C, 0 HF, ORR Ask your partner the following questi ikit RL? | kA 2A eit $m 24 LK? sk EAIL A? Ate it BLK? Skid RIL? ‘Scand by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu Say one sentence about each picture. JS Tes) LABIAL, |e cd tear to form a complement, e.g. iy 7 5 - aE GALE IRE, or: RGAE ALAS | Ask your partner the following questions. WA A KBE S PRR RE? 2A KBE SY RRA I 3.4 AAS ALK Be 16 Fy RK KCD? AREA AKERS TAR WHR? SARA AN A Ke FY RAID Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thy Quée Tw 12 Make a question with each of the question words. beg ee cI Bs 3:4 2); JeLMO LL 4. 9B JL: 5 ee a: LH: 6 o~ 13 Make similar sentences. REAM AAA ART. [pasttense| RANA AAL AY . [present tense] KREAA CME, | present continous tense] RFERAAS/ZE A, [future tense] WER BR BAR EMRE ERA HAL | ae OF La Bey pk bd | tA BAA FAA 4k BL SUL LAE EAE FE EB LAM OPE e right answers. a a) KR Wa ®) Be AR Id aERR ER by PE >) dy SR oa oF oR bi oMK 5 DRX 6 DR PE | ») OF | 9@F | A RA RR 15 Describe one of your eating-out experiences. Game 2 ERE RMS AINE TEL PALBECRT. | th. " 6 RIVET PE PY) RMEST TR | AM-KRET AA LB RTF, AK, FR, RHR. ‘Scanned by Tiéng Trung Thiy Qube Tu 16 Rote play. “Example: RELELZRI RB, KORE, INSTRUCTIONS A group of 3 or 4 students opens either a fresh market or a clothing shop to sell the following items. KR ¥1.20/ 5 oe ¥1.00/ seth ¥2.00/ 7 AAP AR ¥260.00/ & | A #150.00/#+ 17 activity: FixiTi NA SC eee Af RE Bade pe Zit Pre 18 Make a dialogue with your partner. & Sample questions: 1 HRM RE TB? MET HAD 2 AAT) SE a BRK eB We bi 2 8 tk ake KH? AAR RE R RD? Ste ako PHB? 6. fk Bak et HAH? 7A dh ak OE BARB? tk B Meh Lake INSTRUCTIONS The class is divided into small groups Each group is asked to memo- rize the simple characters listed in the box. Then the | teacher gives a dictation on those characters. The group writing more correct characters than any other ‘group wins the activity. tea KH A HRI MEK“ ZKR? ELH AP ET BK HZ HE? BR eH Az? 47

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