Math 1106 Group Assignment 2

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Adama Science and Technology University

School of Applied Natural Sciences

Department of Applied Mathematics
Basic Statistics for Applied Science (Math 1106) Group Assignment 2. (10%)

1. Nine universities are to be selected from a list of 45 Ethiopian universities by systematic random
sampling. If the first sample is the 4th university from the list, what will be the last one? (1 mark)
2. The resistances of four electrical specimens were found to be 12, 15, 17 and 20 ohms.
Consider all possible samples of size 2 that can be drawn with replacement from the population.
Then answer the following questions.
a. Find the sampling distribution of the mean and check that  x   . ( 1 mark)

b. Prove that  x  . (2 marks)
3. The times that university students spend studying per week have a distribution that is skewed to
the right with a mean of 8.4 hours and a standard deviation of 2.7 hours. Find the probability that
the mean time spent studying per week for a random sample of 45 students would be between 8
and 9 hours. ( 2 marks)
4. Twelve successively tested lightbulbs functioned for the following lengths of time (measured in
35.6, 39.2, 18.4, 42.0, 45.3, 34.5, 27.9, 24.4, 19.9, 40.1, 37.2, 32.9
Give a 95 percent confidence interval estimate of the mean life of a lightbulb.
(Assume normality) (2 marks)
5. A research worker wants to determine the average time it takes a mechanic to rotate the tires of a
car, and she wants to be able to assert with 95% confidence that the mean of her sample is off by
at most 0.50 minute. If she can presume from past experience that   1.6 minutes, how large a
sample will she have to take? (1 mark)
6. In six determinations of the melting point of an aluminum alloy, a chemist obtained a mean of
532.26 degrees Celsius with a standard deviation of 1.14 degree. If he uses this mean to estimate
the actual melting point of the alloy, what can the chemist assert with 98% confidence about the
maximum error? (1 mark)

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