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The Environmental Health and Safety element is a key item in the initial stage of the project
whose Implementation programme and related securities and Insurance are paramount for
the project commencement.

The environmental Health and Safety team has been doing ground work for the key project
activities whose completion in speeding up the processes at commencement.

Mindful of the contract general conditions and as by the FIDIC guidelines, we found it
advantageous to start on some critical tasks without compromising the funder and the
employer guidelines as in the General and particular conditions of the contract with a sole
aim of being ahead of time.

These crucial initial activities have been concluded and the rest are in their final stages as
described in the table hereunder.


CESMP The contractor has already developed an .All project works to be
ESMP including different environmental carried out in consideration
and social issues and how they will be to the requirements of the
handled. This has been developed with ESIA report and ESMP
consideration to the ESIA report.

Project Affected Project ownership by the affected local The Process was concluded
Persons people is very paramount. We have
engaged with the local community with
help of local leaders from the grassroots
to the local council five stake holders in
regard to the project commencement, the
community has embraced the project and
they are ready for its commencement to
take up the opportunities and
developments that are envisaged to arise
from the project.
Insurances For The insurances for third party have been Third Party insurance has
workers , Third Party negotiated and concluded with the been concluded.
and Contractors Plant insurance providers.
and Equipment Insurances for works, Contractors
Equipment .The provider have been
identified and the subsequent premiums
have been concluded.

Operational Offices The project operational offices were Drinking water shall be
/rest areas/ sanitation already acquired and these are located in provided from construction of
facilities / drinking Kabuyanda Town Council) an area within an underground well and this
water the project radius. shall be accessible for both
the community and workers.

HIV /AIDS The project shall provide camps to be Sensitization in the

sensitization and able to keep site workers with in, free neighboring communities and
prevention distribution of condoms and sensitization villages
through talks and sign ages.
Emergency response We have identified the various A registered nurse has been
plan emergencies and put in place a deployed on site plus a stand
management plan for each emergency by ambulance. Also MOU have
been signed with the
neighbouring hospitals i.e.
Kabuyanda HCIV AND Itojo

Acquisition of Borrow Borrow pit sites were Identified and Permits acquisition under
Pits for Sand , Stone acquired their samples were collected way and that is among the
Quarry , Clay and and taken to UNBS in Kireka for their first activities and ESIAs have
Murram testing. been submitted to the DEO.
Permits to be ready in one
Acess bridge The access bridge in place has been We have written to the client
assessed and plans to upgrade under way and waiting for approval for
its upgrade

Our team through the Safety and Health Memorandum of

Officer has identified health centers in the understanding have been
Local Area Health
Centers and Hospitals project area that are ready to collaborate signed with Existing Health
with the project team. Centers Kabuyanda Health
Centre iv and ITOJO hospital
around the project site and
they are willing to work with
the ESH Project team.

Project Human We have mobilized a minimum Minimum team mobilized that

Resource/ Labour operational team that has prepared has completed some of the
influx operational work plans and project initial project pre-
budget cash-flows. commencement activities
requirements. Skilled labour
The Environmental Safety and Health is as per the submitted
team has already been constituted and manpower in the bid and
they have started on preliminary ESMP semi-and unskilled labour
works of the project. priority will be given to local
personnel. This is already in
Other team players will come onboard as progress using radio
the project progresses. advertisement and
consultations with LC
We intend to use to use Sub-contractors chairpersons
to complete some sections of the work,
the will be bound to work within the
project terms and guidelines.

Key Personnel Project Manager. Key Positions have been

Mobilized So far Quantity Surveyor ( 01) covered.
Earthworks Engineer
Concrete Engineer
Health and Safety Officer

Other personnel will be recruited at

different stages of the project.

Waste generation and All wastes shall be segregated at source We already have an MOU with
disposal i.e. Domestic, hazardous waste handlers licensed by
NEMA to handle all waste
generated at the site.
Transportation All transportation shall follow the TMP We have developed a traffic
which was developed in consultation with management plan, that
the traffic police. Consultations have includes the driver licenses
already been done with the regional required, speed limits chats,
traffic commander. Afande Mugabi time of travel, also condition
of vehicles. All vehicles used
in the project shall be in
accordance to the TMP
requirements. Also flags
people shall be deployed in
busy areas and junctions to
manage the traffic

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