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By o group of supervisors

. Accumulotive Tests
. Monthly Tests
.lmportont Questions
. Finol Revision tta
. Finol Exominotions
,! a

ar nd

By o group of supervisors

. Accumulotive

lmportont Questions
. Finol Revision
. Finol Exominotions

il rnmBfi ll00ltsront

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According to our ambitious plan to develop our books in
mathematics for the preparatory stage - and what we
get from your opinions and suggestions - to achieve
the high standards we all hope to reach - regarding our
complete faith of the importance of continuous assessment
(evaluation) for managing the educational system to decide
on the standards of pupils step by step to reach the main
target, we introduce

" El Moasser Notebook "

It is actually incomparable and unique to all school books.
It contains :
. Accumulative test on each lesson.
. Monthly tests.
.Important questions on each unit.
. Final revision.

'Final examinations including school book examinations

models and a collection of schools examinations.

we wish our books would win your trust and admiration.

we'll be grateful if you send us your recommendations and

your comments.

tn First Algebra and Statistics
z . 13 Accumulative tests ')v
l- . Monthly tests :
z (2 models for each month)
y& %L
o . lmportant questions
. Final revision

U . Final examinations :

- School book examinations

(2 model examinations + model
for the merge students)
- 12 schools examinations

Second Geometry

10 Accumulative tests
Monthly tests :

(2 models for each month)

. lmportant questions A
. Final revision
. Final examinations :
- School book examinations
(2 model examinations + model
for the merge students)
- 12 schools examinations

Algebra and
First Statistics )+bh
. 13 Accumulative tests

. Monthly tests
% q-*v{ *A* &t
a6-- s/a
'P - Tl6--fr

.lmportant questions

. Final examinations :_ 53
- School book examinations 2*2=
(2 model + model for the merge students)

- 12 schools examinations.

on Algebra and Statistics

Vt ti

Accumulative tests on Algebra and Statistics

on lesson 1 - unit 1
I Choor" the correct answer from the given ones :

E tf tne expression : X2 + k X + 2 can befactorized r then ft = ...............

(a) -2 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 3

Efne expression : X2 + 4 X+kcanbe factorized if k=...............

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 3

E tf tne expression : X2 - c X + 12 canbe factorized : then c may be equal to ...............

(a)-l (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) to

@tt X2 +k X- 6= (X+ 3) (X -2) ,then k =

(a)-l (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

El Comptete each of the following :

E ff (x - 1) is a factor of the expression : X2 - 5 X + 4 r then the other factor is ..'....'.......

Etf (X- 3) is afactorof the expression : X2 -4 X+3 :then the otherfactoris...............
E fne expression : X2 + 2 X + k can be factoized : when [ = .....'.........
@lt X+ 3 is a factor of the expression : X2 + X - 6 r then the other factor is .'........'....

@ Factorize each of the following completely :

Exz - 5 x-36 E)x2 +2x-35
@x2 + 4 x-21 @x2+8x+12
E:x2-t5x+12 E(c+ d)2+5(c+d)+6
Accumulotive Tests
till Iesson 2 - unit 1
tl Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

Elf tfre expression : X2 +aX-5 canbe factorized :thena=

(a) I (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

@lt (za-5) (3 a-2) = 6 a2 +ka+ 10 :then1(= """""""'

(a) 15 (b) le (c) - 19 (d) 4

E fne expression : X2 + I X +b can be factoized : if b =

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7

@ttX2 +kX- 2l=(X-3)(X+7) tthenk=

(a)-4 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 20

fl Comptete each of the following :

f! If (3 X + 4) is a factor of the expression : 15 X2 + 17 X- 4 r then the other factor

is ...... .... . ... .

@z x2 - 5 x+ 3 = (2 x-3) (x-'...'..'.'...'.)
E trz x2 -7 x+ c = (2 x-3) (x-2) ,then c = ..'..'....'....
Ef If (x + 2) is a factor of the expression : X2 + 5 X + 6 r then the other factor is ...............

ft Factorize each of the following completely :

112X"+3X+l @t2x'-7x+l

@Ax2+20X+16 lq'8 X"^a-2 Xy -y'

x' + x- 12
a a^
ls) at2X'-5 X" +2X
Algebro ond Stotistics

Accumulative test till lesson 3 - unit 1

tf Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

E If X2 + 4 X+ k is a perfect squile : then ft = ...............

(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

@ The expression :kX2 + t2 X+ 9 is aperfect square r if k =

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 9 (d) 16

@If a2 +b2=ll tab=5 rthena-b-...............

(a) 1 (b)-1 (c)+l (d)t4
@ The expression : X2 -2 X+c can be factoized: when c = ...............
(a)-3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

B Complete each of the following :

EIf X'*y'=5 tXy=2 tthen(X +y)2=

@ The expression : X2 +k X + 25 is aperfect square r then k =
EIfX' *r' =a ) Xy= 1 rthen (X-y)2=...............
@lf a2 + 2 ab +b2 =25 tthena + b =

@ Factorize each of the following completely :

825 u4-toa2+t

@ Use factorization to get the value easily :

(99)2 +2 x99 + I
Accumulotive Tests ?!


I Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

EIf X -y =4 tX+y = 5 :then yz -xz = """""""'

(a) 9 (b)-1 (c) -20 (d) 20

@ff x+ 2y - 3, x2 - 4yz =21 tthen x -2y =

(a) 14 (b) e (c) 7 (d) 6

@Theexpression :X2 +5 X+mcanbefactorized rif m=

(a) t2 (b) 7 (c) - t4 (d) -2
@fx+z)2 -
(a)x2+4 (Dx2-4 (c)X2+2X+4 @)x2+4X+4

I Comptete each of the following :

E If (X + y)2 = 64 t Xy = 15 r then X2 *y2 -

EIfX*y= 3 rX_ y= 1 :then X2 -y2= """""""'
lEIf theexpression :4y2 +36y +kis aperfectsquare :thenk=
l$lf a' -b" = t6 t a-b = 2 r then a + b =

It Factorize each of the following completely :

l1l16x'-49 @+ x2 -g
a .)

l!j3X"+7 X-6 l4x' - x

t!l(x +3)'-25 ^a

(Y : l) Y 7i / an*!Y/ (ol!) crlitJ r6lrr@Jl t,,t - g
Algebro ond Stotistics

Accumulative test till lesson 5 - unit 1

tl Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

E(x+t)(x2-x+ 1)=

(a)x3-t (b)X3+1 (c) (x- l)3 (d) (x + 1)3

E ttthe expression : X2 -6X-misa perfect square r then m =

(a)-g (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 7

EIfx3 +27 - (x+ k) (X2 -3 X+ m) : then k xm=

(a) 21 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d)-q
@tt (z a - s) (3 a-z) =6a2 +ka+ 10 r then lE = """"""...
(a) 15 (b) le (c) - 19 (d) 4

tl Comptete each of the following :

EfX-y = 6 t X+ y
=2 tthen X2 -y2= ...............
@ If the expression : X2 - c X+ 3 can be factoized r then c
Etf a3 + b3 = 2l t a2- ab + b2 =7 :then a+ b =
@ tf a - b = 5 , a2 + ab +b2 =7 tthenu3 - b3 = ...............

tt Factorize each of the following completely :

x' - 54 x'
Bx4+8x lA2
@zl x3 + 125 @x3+8y3
Exz +7 x-8 lg2 x'-3 x-2
Accu mu lotive


E Choor" the correct answer from the given ones :

Etttfreexpression :x2 +kX+ f, ituperfectsquarc rthenk=

(a) +2 (b) -2 (c) I (d)+1

Etf a(c+d)-b(c+d)= 12andc+d= 4 tthena-b=

(a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 48
ls lfX" +y" =7 tXy =3 rthenX-y = """""""'
(a) 1 (b)-1 (c) 4 (d)rl
@tt x3 - u=(X- 5) (Xz + 5 X+ 25) r then a = """""""'
(a) 125 (b) 2s (c) 5 (d) ls

I Comptete each of the following :

CX2 +7 X+ 10 = (x+2)(X+...'.......'..')
EtfX'-y' = 15 r X+y =5 rthen X-y=
Etf a +b =2 :c * d= 8 :then ac + ad +bc + bd =
Eru-nb+ma-mb=(a-b)( "')
@ Factorize each of the following completely :
EJ 8 x" +27 Xy' @x3-x2+x-l
u2+4ab+4b2-9c2 -y' -2 X+2y

E Use factorization to get the value of each of the following :

A Q .Z)z + 2 x 7 .3 x 2.7 + (2.72

@(gg)2 -t
Algebro ond Stotistics

ll Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

nH x2 + l. - + = (x - 2) (x + 2), then L =
(a) zero (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

@ffX2-y2=24 tX+y=8 rthen 3X-3y=

(a) 3 (b) e (c) t2 (d) 6
@If X3 +k= (X+ 10) (x2 - t0X+ 100) ,thenk- 1=...............
(a) 9 (b) ee (c) 999 (d) 1000
@fi X4 + 4y4 = 12 t X2 + 2y2 -2 Xy =3 rthen X2 +2y2 + 2 Xy =
(a) 4 (b) 36 (c) e (d) 1s

@ Complete each of the following :

@ If the expression : X2 +kX+ 9 is aperfect square rthenk = +...............

@2 x- 5 x + 3 = (2 x-3) (x - ...............)

E If x * + ='F : then *' * 3=


@ The expression : X4 + 4 y4 canbe factorrzed by completing the square by adding the

term .........'..... and its additive inverse.

tt Factorize each of the following completely :

Bg x4 -25 x2 + t6 @xa +6+

El +u3-8b3 gx8 -rc

E tut By using factorization r find the value of z 3l x 29

Ibllf x2 - y2 = 20 t X -y =2 and, X2 - Xy + y2 =28 r find the value of : X' * y'
Accumulotive Tests ?


I Ct oose the correct answer from the given ones :

Efne S.S. of the equation: x2 = XinlR is ..........'.'..

tul {o} @)a {o , t} 1c; (d) {1}
@fne S.S. of the equation : (X - I)2 = zero in IR is .. "' """"
rut {t} o) {- 1 ,1} t.t {- t} @)a
B fn" S.S. of the equatio , x (x -
" +
5) = zero in IR is

rut {o} o) {s} @)a (d) {o , s}

@rf a2 -b2 =20 t a+ b = 5 : then u2 -2 ab +b2 =
(a) 4 (b) s (c) 20 (d) 16

fl Comptete each of the following :

Etfx*y=6 t ! -X=4rthen xz -y2=...............

@x3 + 8 = (X +2)(x2 +.....'...'.....)
E ttre S.S. of the equation : x2 + 25 = zero inlR is ......'....'...
@tt x= - I is a solution of the equation : x2 -2 X +m = 0 : then m =

tl Factorize each of the following completely :

.t 4X"-12Xy+9y'
A4a"+81 b"
[!Jx'- I

@ fina in IR the S.S. of each of the following equations :

Algebro ond Stotistics

till lesson 9 - unit 1

ff Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

@The expression :9 X2 + kX+ 25 is aperfect square rif k=

(a) 30 (b) - 30 (c) + 30 (d) ls
elt2 is a root of the equation : X2 +k X= 6 r then ft = ...............
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 1

E If X- y = 5 , X2 + Xy +y2 =7 : then X3 -y3 = ...............

(a) 2 (b) 7 (c) t2 (d) 3s

@ The S.S. of the equation: X2 - 5 x+ 6 = 0 in IR is

1a1 {z ,t} (b) {- 2 ,-3} (c) {- 2 ,3} (d) {6 ,1}

fl Complete each of the following :

@ If the age of a man is 3 X : then his age after 7 years will be ...............
@ The S.S. of the equation: X (X + 5) = 0 in lR is ....'..........
@The expression : X2 +3 X+kcanbe factorized rif k=...............
@ If the age of a man now is X t then his age 5 years ago was

tt Factorize each of the following completely :

tr+ x2-3

E tul A rectangle whose length is more than its width by 2 cm. and its area is 35 cm2.

Find its perimeter.

[b] Find a positive number if its square is added to its three times the result will be 28
Accumulotive Test , ?


tf Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

AItzx =3 ,then 8 x =
(a) t2 (b) 27 (c) 9 (d) 6

E If (X -3)zeto = 1 : then Xe .......'.......

(a) lR (b)R-{-g} 1c; IR - {3} (d) {3}

E If 3 x = 5 rthen 32
(a) 9 (b) 6 (c) 25 (d) 10

@If theexpression : X2 +14X+kis aperfectsquare rthenk=

(a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 1a (d) 4e

B Comptete each of the following :

nlt2x=3 =5 rthen 2x+Y

t2Y -
v <x+l =-
e lf 6^ =T rtheno
s ff2x=3 rthen8-x-
ttjlt X' - a = (X - 3) (X + 3) r then a =

tt Simptify to the simplest form :

({t)-' ,. ({r)-o
':-) (''FI "


E ful Find the real number whose twice exceeds its multiplicative inverse by one.

[b] Factorize completely z Xa + 8 X

Algebro ond Stotistics

I Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

E If 3 x-2 - 1 : then \,- ...............

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3


ia)lt2'\"+ z
- Ito tthenx=
(a) 2 (:b)
-2 (c) 6 (d)-6
[Etrz3x+23*=* tthenx=
(a) zero (b) I (c) 2 (d)- I
[ 4 fhe S.S. of the equatio n : 2 X3 = 1 8 X in ]R is ...............
(a) {- 3 ,3} o){3,-3,0} r"l {-:} (d) {3}

E Comptete each of the following :

t If5^+r-7'\+r rthenx=
L 4t + 4r + 4r + 4) = ...............
@rrxt y-' = 8 :then +=
@If S x=4 rthen5 x+l -
I ,g2-x
E tul lr 4x+ x+2 =81
: find the value of : X
tbl Find in IR the S.S. of the equation : X - 5 X = 24

E tut Find in IR the S.s. of the equatir" r (3)' ' = ff
[b] Factorize completely z Xy + 5 X + 4 y + 20
Accumulotive Tests 7
Accumulative test Iesson

ll Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

B42- (1ft.)2 + rc x e2)- 4 = "" """"'

(a) 8 (b) e (c) I (d) zero

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d)sx
tr (1F *.[r)' (t'-l;)'=
(a) 1 (b)18 t.)G (d) s

@ The S.S. of the equation: xx- | - 4x- 1 in R is ...............

rul {o} G) {1 ,4} r.t {+} (d) {- t ,4}

I Complete each of the following :

Atz*-3 =5x- ,then /,=..-............
@ Third of the number 37 =..............-

E The simplest form of the expression : 3zero + 3- I - (1uL)'is ...............

@ff x2 +k x+ 49 is a perfect square r then k = '......'.'..'..

E tul tt x=a[i ,y =n[i

xa -yo
r find the value of :
x, _y,
a2n+1., c2n+l
[b] Calculate the value of : ' i jn

g lal Find the S .S. in IR of the equation :

25 x3x-l =9x5x-L
[b] Simplify:
,'(6f '

(f : l) Y 1i / si,,lY/ (.ruJ)otpt3 tsli6Jl-;l|-i1

Algebro ond Stotistics

till Iesson 1 - unit 3

tf Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
E If ttre probability that a pupil succeeds is 60 Vo t then the probability of his failure
is .. .. ... . ....' ..

(a) 0.4 (b) 0.04 (c) 0.06 (d) 0.6

@ A class has 24 students r if a student is chosen randomly and the probability that the
chosen student is a girl equals , tn"n the number of boys equals boys.
(a) 22 (b) 20 (c) 18 (d) 16

EThe value of c which makes the expression: X2 + c X+7 canbe factorized is ........'......
(a) 6 (:b) 1 (c) 5 (d)-8
E tf *re age of Seham now is (X+ 5) )ears r then her age 5 years ago was years.
(a) x (b) x+ 5 (c)5-X (d)sx

@ Comptete each of the following :

E In the experiment of throwing a fair die once : then the probability of appearing the
number 5 equals

@20 students get an exam. If the probability that a student succeeds is 0.8
r then the number of the successful equal

@ Abag contains 9 cards numbered from 1 to 9 tif a card is drawn randomly r then the
probability that the card carries an odd number

@ fne probability of the certain event equals

E tut A bag contains cards numbered from I to 24 r if one of the cards is chosen randomly
r find the probability that the chosen card carries :

f a factor of the ntmber 24 @ a perfect square.

49" x 252 " \ 3a " = 343 r then find the value of : 62 n
7-n x 15+n

E tut In producing 300 electric lamps r 18 units were found defective.

@ Find the probability of a unit to be a defective unit.
E f ind the probability of a functional unit.
E tf a daily production of this factory was 1600 electric lamps r find the number of
the functional units in that day.

[b] A bag contains a number of similar balls : 5 balls are white and the rest is red.
If the probability of drawing a red ball equals , n"athe total number of balls.
on Algebra and Statistics

. Unit One : Factorization.

- Factorizing quadratic trinomial.
- Factorizing the perfect square trinomial.
- Factorizing the difference of two squares.
- Factorizing the sum and difference of two cubes.
- Factorizing by grouping.
- Factorizing by completing the square.
- Solving quadratic equations in one
variable algebraically.

. Unit two : Non-negative and

negative integer powers in IR..

- Non-negative and negative

integer powers in IR.
- Solving the exponential
equations in IR.
- Operations on integer
March tests on Algebra and Statistics

Total mark

Test I t
Answer the following questions :

I Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 marks)

tI If X- y = 5 t X+y =3 tthen X'-y'=

(a) 8 (b) ls (c) 2 (d)
@ Twice the square of the number X is ..'.....'......
(a) (2 x)2 $)4x2 (c) 2 X2 (d)2x
@ The expression : X2 - 5 X+ c is factorizable when c =

(a) 7 (b) 8 (c)-3 (d) 6

B Complete : (3 marks)

E If (X + 5) is a factor of the expression :2 X2 + 13 X+ 15 r then the other factor

is ... . ... . .... . ..

@If tne expression :9 X2 +kX+ 25 is aperfect square :thenl<=........-......

@ The S.S. of the equation: X (X+ 1) - 0 in iR is .."'..........

f,t Factorize: (2 marks)

]x'- 8
Ir @aX-5 X+ 3 a- 15

E e real number is added to its square and the result is 12 (2 marks)

What is the number ?

Monthly Tests ?
Total mark

Answer the following questions :

I Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 marks)

E fne expression : a X2 + 24 X+ 9 is a perfect square : then a = ...........'...

(a) 25 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 4

E fne S.S. of the equation: x2 + 9 = 0 in IR is

rut {:} G) {- 3} (c) {3 ,- 3} @)a
EIf the age of Sameh 5 years ago was Xyears r then his age now is years.

(a) x- 5 (b)x+5 (c)5-x (d)sx

B Complete : (3 marks)

lJ trx2 + L -9 = (x-3) (x+ 3) : then / = ...............

E] If X = 1 is a root of the equation : X2 - 5X+4= 0 tthen the other root is ...............

[qIfa3 +b3 =9 t a2 -ab +b2=3 :thena+b=

E Use the factorizationto find : (9U2 - q (2 marks)

@ Factorize: (2 marks)

T)Z x2 +7 X+2 @xa +4ya

April tests on Algebra and Statistics

Answer the following questions :
I t
I Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 Marks)

@ The additive inverse * ( ]E )- o i. ...'....'......

+ (b) -+ (.)(1F)o (d) (-{r)o
E 5 uo = ............... where a * 0

(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) a (d)5a

@lf2x=7 t 2Y=5 r then 2x-Y = .........."".

(a) 35 o) + @)2 (d) 12

B Complete: (3 Marks)

lJIf 3x+3- 1 :then2x=

@ Four times the number 28 is ...............

psimpti*rffi (2 Marks)

EIr3x=27 ,4x+Y=r (2 Marks)

Find : The value of each of X ty
Monthly Tests ?
Total mark


Answer the following questions :

I Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 Marks)

BIf 2x = ll r then 2x +r
= ...............

(a) 22 (b) t2 (c) tl2 (d) 2t2

lg 0.004 x 0.00025 = 10"""""

(a) 6 (b) 100 (c) 5 (d)-6

E 3 x +3x +3x = I rthen \,- ......'........

(a)3 (b)-1 (c)-3 (d) 1

B Complete : (3 Marks)

n?[i..8)" (1E-{, )'o =

@ The multiplicative inverse I (
? )- ' | ,. ..... .... ... ...
@ltl*-2 - 5x-2 ,then \,= ..........'...'

@ fina in IR the S.S. of the equation : (x - 2)s = 32 (2 Marks)

@ provethat: ff=, (2 Marks)

on Algebra and Statistics

lmportant questions
Algebra and Statistics
on Unit One
FirSt I Multiple choice questions
Il If (X- 1) is one factor of the expression : x2 - 4 X+ 3 : then the other factor is '....'.........
(a)X+3 (b) x-4 (c) X+ 1 (d) x- 3

Ef (X + 3) is one factor of the expression : X2 + X - 6 r then the other factor is .'...'.........

(a) x-2 (b)x-3 (c) X+2 (d)x+6

E ff the expression : X2 - c x + 12 canbe factorized r then c =

(a)-l (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) I

E If theexpression: X2 +ax-12canbefactorized rthenamaybeequalto...............

(a) 12 (b)-8 (c) 8 (d)-1

E ffrr expression : X2 +l X+b can befactonzed r if b = ...............

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7

@ rne expression : x2 + 5 X+ m can be factorized :ifm=

(a) t2 (b) l (c) - t4 (d) -2
E Wfri"t of the following numbers can be added to the expression : X2 - 8 X + 5 to be
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) s

El ffr" number can be added to the expression :2 X2 + 5 X- 10 to be factorized is ...............

(a)-1 (b) -2 (c)-3 (d)-4

El s x' -7 x-6 = (5 x+ 3)(x-...............)

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c)-3 (d) -2
lE ff (2 a-5) (3 a -2) = 6 a2 +k a + 10 r then k =
(a) 15 (b) le (c) - 19 (d) 4

lll ff x2 -2Xy +y2 =25,then X-y =

(a) 25 (b)-s (c) 5 (d)t5
(r : t) Y
7i / aJ*!Y/ (ol!) c,;;t, rat*6Jl-F-d
Algebro ond Stotistics

@lt X2 * y2 = 9 t Xy = 4 tthen (X -y)2 =

(a)tl (b) I (c)-1 (d) 14

@ ff X +k X+ 36 is a perfect squarc r then [ = ...............
(a)*6 (b)+8 (c) + 12 (d) t 18

tE fn. missing term in the expression : 9 X2 + ............... + L6 y2 tobe a perfect square

is ... .. ... .'.' .'.

(a) t2 xy (b) 24 x (c) 24 xy (d) 12 x2 y2

[E If kx2 +12X+9isaperfectsquare rthenk=

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 9 (d) 16

lE lf y2 + l2y + m is a perfect square r then m = .........,.'...

(a) 25 (b) 36 (c) - 36 (d) 100

@ n X2 - u = (X - 4) (X + 4) r then a =
(a) 2 (b) 16 (c) 4 (d) - 16
lEff X-y=3 t X+y=6tthenX2-y2=.
(a) t2 (b) e (c) 3 (d) 18

lE ff X2-y2=16 tX+y=8 rthen X-y=

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 128 (d) 64

@) Qr' - (2r2 = 1oo x """""""'

(a) 75 (b) s0 (c) 100 (d) 2s

Tlfx+ 1)(x2-x+t1-
(a)x3-l (b)X3+1 (c) (x- 1)3 (d) (x + 1)3

@ltX+y-3 , X2-Xy+y2=5:then x3*y3-

(a) 15 (b) 2s (c) 8 (d) 7

E rf a3 -b3 =64, a2 + ab +b2 = !6 tthena-b=

(a) 8 (b)-4 (c) 4 (d) 48
lmportont Questions 7!

@lt X' *y' =28 t X+y =2 tthen X'- Xy +y2 =

(a) 48 (b) 14 (c) 2 (d) 7

E ff x3 - a= (X-5) W2 + 5 X+ 25) ;then a =

(a) t25 (b) 2s (c) 5 (d) 1s

@ If x3+8 =(x+DW2+k+4) rthenk-..'....'...""

(a)4x (b)-2x (c)2x (d)-4x

@ tneexpression : X4 + 4 canbe factorized as a perfect square by adding the term

and its additive inverse.
(a)4x2 (D2x2 @)8x2 (d)4x4

@ If X = 2is one of the roots of the equation : X2 + 3 X+ k = 0 r then k =

(a) 2 (b) s (c) 10 (d) - 10

@ ff 2 is a solution of the equation : x2 - 5 x* a= 0 r then a =

(a)-3 (b)-6 (c) 3 (d) 6

@ fne solution set of the equation : X2 -9 = 0 in IR is .....'.'......'

fal {:} O) {- 3 ,3} fcl {g} @) o
fil fne solution set of the equatio n : X2 + 1 = 0 in IR is
ful {r} G) {- 1} @) a (d) {1 ,- l}
@ rne S.S. of the equation: x2 -3 = I in IR is
@) a ru) {4} (c) {- z ,2} (d) {-4}
@ fne solution set of the equation : Xz - X=0 in IR is

1a; {o , t} @) a f.l {t} (d) {o}

@ rfre S.S. of the equation : x2 - 6 x= 0 in IR is ......'.'....'.

rul {o} ru) {o} 1cy {o ,6} (d) {- 6}
E Ifthe age ofAhmed now is Xyears :thenhis age 3 years ago was years.
(a)3 x (b) x-3 (c)3-x (d) x+ 3

fp If the age of Seham now is (X + 5) )earS : then her age five ago was .'...'......... years.
(a)x (b)x+5 (c)5-x (d)5x
Algebro ond Stotistics

@ tf the age of Khaled after 4 years is X r then his age now is years.
(a) X+ 4 (b) x-4 (c)4-x (d)4x

tf! If the age of Ahmed 5 years age was X years r then his age now is yea$.
(a)5+X (b)sx (c)x-5 (d) x5

@ tf the sum of ages of Ahmed and Mohammed now is 10 years r then the sum of their ages
after 5 years equals ......'........ years.
(a) 15 (b) s0 (c) 20 (d) 2s

@ Three times the square of the number X is ...............

(a) (3 x)2 (b) X2 + 3 (c) 3 x2 (d\ x2

Second I Gomplete questions

Il If 6+3) is afactorof the expression : X2 +7 X+ 12 tthenthe otherfactoris...........'...

E tt 6+ 4) is one factor of the expression : X2 -3 X-28 tthenthe other factor is'..............

E If (X- 5) is a factor of the expression : X2 - l0 X+25 tthenthe other factor is .'.............

EIf QX-1)isafactoroftheexpression:2X2+9X-5 rthentheotherfactoris...............

E Ir g+2) (x+3)=x2 + ax+6 :thena=

E rr a2 +k + 6 = (a- 3) (a -2) ,then k = ...............

E s x2 -zx-t =(5 x-.. ... ... ..) (x+...............)

E g x2 +7 X- 6= (3 x-........... ) ( .... + 3)

tEt fne expression : x2 + 2 X +a can be factoized,when a =

@f x*y=5 )y-x=3 rthen x2-y2=

@ lt k x2 - 10 X + 1 is a perfect square r then k = ...............
IE tf the expression : 9 X2 +kX+25 is aperfect square rthen ft = .....,.........

lE If the expression: X2 + 6 X-k is aperfect square r thenk =

lmportont Questions ?
lE x3 - 8= (x-z) ( . ...+ ., ...,....,...+ 4)

lE It x3 + c = (x+ 2) (x2 -2 x+ 4) tthen c = ...............

Eltt @ t -2a+ t)is one factorof the expression: 8 a3 + I :then the other factoris ...............

tE tf (X - 1) is one factor of the expression : x3 - 1 : then the other factor is ...............

@ fne quotient : X3 -8 by X -2is (when X*2)

@ tu+b)X+(a+b)y=(a+.'......... )( . ....+............)

Nfltt Xy +3 X+y z+3 z= 15 t y *3 = 5 tthenX+ z=

@ tneexpression : X4 + 64 canbe factorized as a perfect square by adding the term
and its additive inverse.

E fnr solution set of the equation : X2 + 25 = 0 in IR is

?Aft" solution set of the equation : X(X-2) =0 in IR is ...............

EE rn" S.S. of the equation :3 x2 - \,=0 in IR is ...............

t ={ i, m is
The solution set of the equatio ...............

@ fne S.S. of the equation: (X- 3) (X+ 1) = 0 is ...............(X€R)

@ fne solution set of the equation: X3 + 9 X= 0 in IR is ...............

@ fne two numbers whose product is 6 and their sum is - 5 are , ...............

@ ff X t! arc two real numbers where Xy =0 r then \,- ............... or y =

Third I Essay questions

tl Factorize each of the following completely :

J)X'+8X+15 @x2 -7 x+ t2 l_?)x'+ 13 X- 30

a a
lAx'-3x-18 E(c+ d)2+5(c+d)+6 lrl3X'+7X+2
@zx2-5x+3 ls)2 X' - 5 X- 12
l'to)9 x'- 4
16 813 x2 -7s l]4j9 X' + 125
EEt x3 - 8r E4 u3 + 0.008 @aX+bX+5a+5b
Algebro ond Stotistics

1@bx+by+ cX+cy @xy + 5 x+7 y +35 I Ou' +2ab +b2 -c2

E9 x4 + 4ya leol At X" + 4y*

B fina the value of k which makes the expression : X2 +k X + 9a perfect square.

E Use factorization to get the value of each of the following easily :


!l fina in IR the S.S. of each of the following equations :

l1)X'-8X+15=0 lz)X'+X-6=0
lslX'-1 X- 18 = 0 I4X'-X=12

!t Wfrat is the positive number if it is added to its square r the result will be 20 ?

@ fina the positive real number that if its square is added to five times of it r the result

equals 36

I finO the real number whose twice exceeds its multiplicative inverse by one.

@ t*o numbers : one of them is 3 more than the other and their product is 18

Find the two numbers.

E A rectangle whose dimensions are X cm. t (X+ 1) cm. and its area is 30 cm?

Find its dimensions.

@ fne length of a rectangle exceeds its width by 5 m. If its area -- 84 m?

r find the dimensions of the rectangle and its perimeter.

Important questions
Algebra and Statistics
on Unit Two
First I tvtuttiple choice questions
tf uarof the number 210 = ...............
(a) 2s (b) 210 (c) 2e @) 2rr

E rn" multiplicative inverse of the number (3)-' =

? o)+ ( ,) i
.t- (d)-s

(a) 8 (b)-8 (c) 2 (d) 3

E fl x+2 -3 x+ 1; +3x =
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 27

Etr2x =3 t 2Y =5 :then 2x+Y =...............

(a) 15 (b) 8 (c) 2 (d) -2
EIr5x=tl , 11Y - 125 tthenXy =
(a) 55 (b) 11 (c) 125 (d) 3

E ff x-3 = I25 tthen X=

(a) + 0.2 (b) 0.02 (c) 0.2 (d) s

(") ? o)+ r"i *
gl z' * ({r)'o =
(u) 26 o) 1010 (")(€)" (o(€)'o
IE z8 +28 +28 +28 =
(u) 224 (b) 2r0 (c) 48 @) 824

(a) 3 (b) (c) 9 (d)
Algebro Stotistics

@ zo + 34 + 34 = ..........-....
(u) 3a o) 35 (c) 33 (d) 43

tE tr 5x+3 = 1 :rhenx=
(a) I (b) 3 (c)-3 (d) 4

lE rt 3x-2 = 8l r then x =
(a) o (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) t2

@ fne quarter of the number 43 =

(a) 2a $) 28 (c) 23 @) 2s

lE rr x3 y-3 =8 rthen X ='..............

@# (b) t
(c) (d) 2
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) e

IE rf 3x = 4 ,thengx =
(a) 8 (b) 18 (c) 81 (d) 16

@ sixttr of the number 2rz x3t2 is...............

(a) 62 (b) 64 (.) 611 @) 623

@ Ir 3x =5 ,*=7 tthen3x+v =...............

(a) 2 (b) 12 1"t t (d)

(a) 14 (b) le (c) 49 (d) 70

@ q'- (tft-)z + rc x (2)-a =

(a) 8 (b) e (c) 1 (d) zero

E rr (x-5)'"to = 1 :then xe...............

1a; m - {s} (b)R-{-s} r.t {s} (d) R

lmportont Questions ?
Arro +2rr =
(a) 2 x22o (b)2 x 221 (c) 3 x 210 (d) 3 x 211

(a) 64 (b) 36 (c) 4 (d) 8

Second I Complete questions

E n(6f =25 tthenx=

Ett (X-3)'"'o = 1 : then X* "-""""""

A (li.{i)' (,F -'[r)' =

E rn" multiplicative inverse of the number (1[)- is ...............

tr (6)t . t (6) = """""""' (In the simplest form)

E (o.t)- 2 =
tr o1F= ! ,thenL=
@ rn" multiplicative inverse of the number (- 3)'"to is ......'...'..'.

iE rr(!.)'*4 =t,then \,-

IE rf 3x x2-x=1.5 tthenX=

@(8)',. (€)' =,
lE rr 5x =7 : then 5x+ t -

lE tr 2x = 15 , 2Y =5 r then 2x-v = ....'....'.....

lE Ir 2x =3 r then 8-x =
(o : l) Y
7i /,s:lslYl (oEl) or=atr rslr6Jf tU TSI
Algebro ond Stotistics

tE Ir 2x =3x ,then x=
@ rf 7x-2 = I r then X=

@ rr(+), =#:thenx=
?flr3x=6 rthen z-x=
?Dz*3 x4-5=

@! 2'"'o +2-t -(t)' =

7A Z-3 x2-2 + 4-3 =

E rr * * + =n[i ,then x' * #= ...............

Third I Essay questions

tl Simptify each of the followi ng to the simplest form :

({t)', ({r)' (16I', ({t)-' ({l) ' "(^[r)-^

tr --(,,Er- tr
(6) ,(Er
x 4n x 62n c=t 9x x3x*2
tr 7;;F ts

a$i)'"'-' ,52n-l
tr 22n+ltlof'
E si-pury to the simplest form :
# r then find the value of the result r when x=I

E If 5 x- 4 = 125 r then find the value of z X

g If 2x-3 = 16: find the value of : X

tr If 32
x- a - 42
x- 4
,find the value of : X

E ff 3x=27 ,4x+Y= 1 rfindthevalueof eachof :Xandy

lmporfont Questions ?

I Ir (r*)'x-s - { ,n dthe value or: x

E rr({r)"*r =9:findthevalue or:x

tt rina the value of X tif :3x-' = t

@ nino the value of n r where ne%r (;)" =2+

@ rina the value of x tnr (,[rJ" -' = t

@ tr(+)'= 81 : rind the value ot , (!)"*'
iE rr /# = i ,find the value of z x

l4 rr x2x- 1-31 -2x rfindthevalue of zx

lE rr x=^{1 , y =^[i:findthevatueof : (x*y)3 (x-y)3

iE rr x =n[i , y =n[i, find the value o1 , l..\ to,

lE ff X = 3 , y =a[i r then find the numerical value of each of the following in the

simplest form :

Bxz *yo

iErr *=$ , ,=fr , z=+,findthevalue of zx2+(xz)2xy2

lmportant questions
Algebra and Statistics

First I Multiple choice questions

ll ff l is an event from the sample space S r then A ..'............ S

(a) C o)e (c) C @)G

@ Whictr of the following may be the probability of an event ?

(a) - 0.73 (b) 1.23 (c) 79 Vo (d)

E fn. probability of the impossible event equals
(a) 1 (b)-1 (c) zero @)a

E fn" probability of the certain event equals

(a) 1 (b) zero (c) 0.5 (d) 30 Vo

@ Wtren throwing a fair die oflce r the probability that the number 5 appears equals

(")+ o)+ (c)5 (d)*

Ef a coin is thrown orc€ : then the probability of appearing a tail equals

(a) 2 (b) 1 {o} (d)

E If a regular die is thrown once r then the probability that the number 7 appears

(a) zero (b) I (c) 2 (d) 3

E If a coin is thrown orco r then the probability of appearing a head equals

(a) 5 Vo (b) 50 Vo (c) 0.5 Vo (d) s0

E tf a regular dice is thrown orco r then the probability of appearing a number less than 7

(a) zero o)+ @+ (d) 1

@ I fair die is thrown orc€ : then the probability of appearing a prime number equals
(a) zero (b) 1 rqt (d) 7
lmportont Questions ?

lll ff a fair dice is thrown once r then the probability of appearing an odd number equals
+ (b)+ (c) 1 (d)
@ d,card is drawn at random from cards numbered from 1 to 10 r then the probability that
the card carries an even number greater than 3 equals
(")+ o)# (.)t (d)+
[! If a regular die is thrown once and observing the number on the upper face : then the
probability of getting a number divisible by 3 equals
@+ (b)+ (.) + (d)
14 ff theprobabilityof thesuccessof astudentis0.6:thentheprobabilityof hisfailure
ls ..... ..........

(a) 0.14 (b) 0.4 (c) 4 (d) 6

IE ff the probability of the success of a student in an exam is 0.7 : then the probability of his
failure is ..........'....
(a)7 Vo (b) 30 Vo (c) 70 Vo (d) 3 Vo

IE tf the probability that a student will solve a problem is 0.7 : then the number of problems
he is expected to solve out of 20 problems equals
(a) 7 (b) 10 @)ru (d) 20

lE e box contains a number of similar balls r half of them are white , { of them are green ,
and the rest are blue : one ball is drawn randomly. The probability that the drawn ballis

blue equals

o)+ (.) + @+
IE I room with 5 doors numbered from 1 to 5 r then the probability of getting out of a person
from the door number 3 equals
+ (b)+ 1.1 * (d)
Second I Complete questions

B fne probability ofoccurrence of any eventC[ ..,.........'...'.]

p Wtren throwing a fair die orco : the probability that the number 2 appears equals
Algebro ond Stotistics

E fn" probability of getting a number greater than 10 : when a regular die is thrown once

El If tn" probability of occurrence of an event equals 70 Vo tthen the probability of

non-ocourrence of this event equals ...............Vo

If the probability of the success of a student is
a : then the probability of his failure

E ff one digit of the number 37452is chosen at random : then the probability that the chosen
digit is even is

E ebag has 9 cards numbered from 1 to 9 tif a card is drawn randomly r then the
probability that the card carries an odd prime number equals

It th"r" are 25 boys and 20 girls in a classroom. One pupil is chosen randomly.
The probability that the chosen pupil is a girl equals .......'....'..

A class has 45 pupils : if the probability of choosing a boy is 5 r then the number of
girls equals

Third I Essay questions

E a box contains some identical balls r 4 of them are red : 7 balls are green and 5 balls are
blue : one ball is drawn randomly. Find the probability of the drawn ball is :

E green. E non blue.

EJyellow. E red or blue.
E lt ufair dice is thrown once r what is the probability of getting each of the following events :
E Getting a number less than I E Getting a number greater than 4
E RUo* has 9 identical cards numbered from I to 9 : if a card is drawn randomly : then find
the probability of the drawn card carries :
E an odd number. E a number divisible by 3

E a perfect square number.

E ff a regular die is thrown once r then find the probability of appearing of each of the
following events :
E a number divisible by 7
E a prime number < 4

lmportont Questions ?
@ If acwdis drawn randomly from 10 cards numbered from 1 to 10 : find the probability
that the card carries :

E un even number. @ a number not divisible by 5

@ A set of cards numbered from I to 24 r if one card is drawn from them at random

r find the probability that the drawn card carries :

@ a multiple of 6

@ a perfect square.

fl from the set of digits {Z , Z , 5} , make the set of numbers consisting of two different
digits r then flnd the probability that one of these numbers is even.

@ e school has 320 students r if the probability that the ideal student is a boy is 0.6 r find the
number of girls in this school.

@ A team plays 30 matches in the general league : if the probability of its draw in a match is
0.3 and the probability to win is 0.6 Find :

@ The number of matches the team is predicated to draw.

@ The number of matches the team is predicated to lose.

@ n bag contains some similar balls. 2 balls are green : 4 balls are blue and the remained

are red.

If the probability of drawing a green ball is

f , finA the number of red balls.
of Algebra and Statistics

Final Revision Algebra and Statistics

The steps of factorizing the algebraic expressions

@ farc out the H.C.F. from the terms of the algebraic expression (if it exists).

@ netermine the factorizing method according to the number of terms of the algebraic
expression as shown in the following diagram :

Difference between two squares :

Sum or difference between two cubes :
(Binomial expression)
a3 + b3 - (a + b) (a2
-ab + b2)
Formed from two terms
a3 -b3 = (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2)

Completing the square : In this method we put the

expression in the form :

a perfect square trinomial - a perfect square monomial.

Perfect square :

ax2+bx+c=(Ex +n)2
In the form :
Algebraic x2+bX+c=(x +tr)(x+I)

In the form :
axz +b X+ c= (EX +tr) (f x+tr)
Completing the square : In this method we put the
expression in the form :
a perfect square trinomial - a perfect squarc monomial.

Factorizing by grouping : In this method we divide

the expression into two expressions each of them
formed from two terms or a perfect square trinomial
and a perfect square monomial.

(1 : l) Y
7-n / cslt'!i/ (c,tl) c,pt, ral*6Jtu6fl
Algebro ond Stotistics

o And in the following : Sorne examples which help you to remember the different
factorizing methods :
Taking out the H.C.F : a b + a c = a (b + c)
. 6 x2y + 10 Xy2 =2 Xy(3 x+ 5 y)
o2a (X+ y) - b (X + y) = (X + y) (2a - b)
Notice that : The H.C.F. an algebraic expression (X + y)

Difference between two squares : a2 -b2 = (a + b) (a - b)

. x2 -9 = (x+ 3) (x- 3)
. t6 Xa- 8t = @ x2 +D g x2 -, - @ x2 +\ e X+3) (2 x-3)
Notice.'We continue in factorizingto be completely.
.2 x3 -72 x=z x(x2 -36) =2 x(x+ 6) (x- 6)
Notice.'We took out the H.C.F. firstly.

Sum oftwo cubes : a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 - a b + b2)

Difference between two cubes : a3 - b3 = (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2)

.3 xa y - 81 xy4 =3 xy (x3 -27 y') =3 xy ,(x- 3 y) (x2 +3 xy +9 yz)

Trinomial in the form : (X2 + b X+ c)

.$fitr PIIAE=12

.x2+7 x+12=(x*{@i+1

. x2 + x-tz=(x+ffi;

Trinomial in the form : (a X2 + b X + c)

.6 X2 +7 X+2
cygslrl*Iqtgw 2X+ (6 x+ t)
-(2x+1)(3X+2) \1 \/
.36 x3 -84 x2 - $ x=3 x2 - 28 x- 5)
xiG2 ,/\X /\
3 X+ (2 x- s)
=3 X(6 X+ t) (2 x-5)
Finol Revision

Perfect square trinomial :

. a2 -2 ab +y2 = (a-b)2 In the perfect square trinomial
.X2+10X+25=(X+5)2 o Each of the first term and the third term

. 9 X2 -24 Xy + 16 y2 = (3 X- 4y)' is a perfect square and its sign is positive.

. 4 X2 - l0 x+ 25 is not a perfect square . The middle term
because :
= + 2 xntlthe first term the third
the middle term * *2 xlfa f
16 a2 - 24 a - 9 is not a perfect square because the third term is negative.
12b2 - 16 b + 4 is not a perfect square because the first term (12b2) is not a perfect square.
I Factorizing by grouping :

o aX+ ay +b X+by
Notice that : We divided the expression into two
expressions : e&ch one of them formed from two terms.
x-2y = (X- y) (X+ y) + 2(X-y) = (X -y) (x+y +2)
. x2 -yz +2
Notice that : We divided the expression into a perfect
=(x-92 -Q)2
square trinomial and a perfect square monomial.

I Completing the square :

=(x4+4x2y2+4y\-4x'y' Notice that : We added :2 xa@
i.e. 4 X2 y2 to th" expression : then subtract it to
= (x2 * 2 y')2 - (2 xy)z
make the expression in the form :

=(X2+2y2+2Xy) aperfect square trinomial - a perfect square monomial

(x2 +2y'-2 xy)
. x4 - D x2 y2 + 9 ya by adding and subtracting : z xtfxa
"W adding and subtracting : 6 X' y'
:. x4 - Ig x2 y2 + 9 y4 + 6 x' y' - 6 x' y' = xo * 6 y' * 9 yo
Aperfect square Aperfect square

= (x2 + 3 yz)z - (5 x y)2 = (X2 + 3 y2 - 5x 9 (xz + 3 yz + 5 X y)

Algebro ond Stotistics

Solving quadratic equations in one variable algebraically

If the equation in the form : (X - l> <X -m) = 0 where / and m are real numbers

rthen:X-L=O i.e. @=T) or x-m=o i.e.F=d

.'. The solution set of the equation in lR = {/ , m}

For exarnpb :
rthen:X+5=0 i.r.@4 o, x-3=o i.e.W:l
.'. The solution set in IR = {- S, :}
rthen:IX=O I or 2X+7=O i.e.2 X= -'7

... The solution set in IR =

{o , - +}
If the equation in the form :a X2 +b X+ c = 0
r then we use the factorizing to put the equation in the form :

6- b (x- m) = 0 r then we find the solution set as in the previous.

For example : Notice that : We used the factorizing of the quadratic tinomial
.lfx2-5x-6=0 to put the equation in the form : 6-
b(X- m) = 0
rthen:(X-6)(X+ 1)=0
:. X-6=0 i.e.@=il or x+ 1=o i.'.F=-l
.'. The solution set in IR = {O , - t}
:then:X2-X=6 Notice that : Before the factorizing r we should put the
equation in the form : a X2 +b X+ c = 0
:. x2-x-6=o
:. (x- 3) (x+ 2)=0
.'.X-3=0 i.e.@=l or x+2=0 i.,.@li)
.'. The solution set in IR = {Z , - Z}
Finol Revision ?


We can use the quadratic equation in one variable in solving some word problems r and the
following table helps you to form the quadratic equation using the given information in the problem :

If Then
oltshalf =*/.3x oltsthird =! x
o Its twice= 2X o Itsthreetimes = 3 X
. Its square = X2 . Twice its square = 2 X2
A number = X
o Square its double = (2 n2 = 4 X2
o Its additive inverse = X
o Its multiplicative inverse = 1 : where X+ 0
Two numbers , one of them exceeds o The first number = X
the other by 5 o The second number = X+ 5
or one of them is less than the other by 5
or their difference = 5

The sum of two numbers equals 5 o The first number = X r The second number =5- X

Two numbers , one of them is more o The first number = X

than twice the other by 5 e The second number =2 X+ 5

o The flrst number = X o The second number = X + I

Three consecutive integers
o The third number = X t 2

Three even (or odd) consecutive o The first number = X o The second number X + 2
numbers o The third number = X + 4

Two numbers r the ratio between them o The first number = 2 X

is2:3 o The second number = 3 X

o His age after 4 years = X + 4

The age of a man now is X years o His age 3 years ago = X-3
o The square of his age 6 years ago = (X
- 6)2

o The width = Xcm.: the length - (X+ 5) cm.

A rectangle whose length exceeds its
o Its perimeter = (X + X+ 5) x 2 = (4X + 10) cm.
width by 5 cm.
o Its area = X (X+ 5) = (X2 + 5 Xl ct
A square of side length = X cm. o Its perimeter = 4 X cm. . Its area = X2 crt
Algebro ond Stotistics

The laws of integer powers in IR


If a and b are two real numbers : rn and n are two integers r except the cases in which
the denominator = 0 and the cases in which both the base and the power = 0 r then :
The law Example The explain

When we multiply numbers of the

43 x42 =43*2 =45
Oan,xan=a-*' same base r we add the powers.

When we divide numbers of the same

36 n6-2 c4
o#=n".-n 3z base r we subtract the powers.
The power of a product of two numbers
@ fuuf = an b' (3 x 4)2 =32 x 42
is distributed over the two factors.
The power of a quotient of two
o(+)' bn
(?)' =2'
numbers is distributed over the
numerator and the denominator.
When we raise a number r raised to
14213 = 14312

@ {u-)" = (a)* - a* a power I to another power I we

=43*2=46 multiply the two powers.

Note that.' . ao = 1 For example : (3)o = 1

.a ..= Forexample:5-'=+=*

. (+)-'=(+)' For examp* ,(?)-' =(+)' = Z

Find in the simplest form each of the following :

o(1E)'"({r)-'"(1I')o o*-
o ({r)' . (1F)-" (1E)o = (1F)'+(-e)+ =@)' =,

o&=$r)'-(-2) -@)',=2{;
Finol Revision ?

O (1r[ "1tr)-' = z-,, (1E)-' " @)-'

z'({r)"(fi) rJr

Another solution :
... z
=^[i "^[i

' (#f = P#")* = (.r)o * @)^ =e x 4 =36

o((1/T) ')'=@)-2x2 =(',F)-o=6= +


Find each of the following to the simplest form :


{],(rf)'"(-6)'_ ,[z "z'"@)'"-$i)'

o (r^{i)^ ,o
" @)o
+2+5-4 x22-4
=- ({, )'
=- (1E)- x2-2=-e x Remember that
;=- Z

({")"( =F,[i)'"(F)' .1h8 =.[9 2 =^[,
" "^[i
(@)^ (r^[i)^ =y'[i
" (li)' " (.[i)' _r::@y .t[i =nS4 * =^[i "^[i
:s,.(t/z)" 35x2a ^i_? ^a_^
= ,+4 =ror*=t- -xt '('/')-

. ({r)'
Algebro ond Stotistics

Simplify to the simplest form : +# r then find the value of the result when n = I
' 4:'x b

,32n+ I
4-n X 62n+
| =6=W 25n r32n+l 25n r32ll+l

=25n+2n-2n-l *32t+l-Zn-l =25n-1x 30 =25n-l

Whenn= 1:
.'. Theexpression =25-r =24 =16

Solving the exponential equations in IR

@ ff a is a real number r m &nd n are two integers

ana la-lTl, then @ where : a*o t d* !

For examptc : If 3' = 9 r then 3n = 32

: '.' the base = the base power = the power @
@rta and b are two real numbers r rn is an integer *a Iu*l uill : then :

. @if m is anoddnumber. Forexamplo:rfn5 = 35 rthen:n = 3

. F =; if m is an even number. Forexample :If n2 =32 r then : n = + 3
.Et;;-l ira*rb
For example : If 7n-2 - 5n-2 rthen : n - 2 = 0 .'. n=2

Find the value of n in each of the following :

Oz"+5 =8 @g"-' = # o (?)'.' =(r+)-'

Q)Zrn-6=53n-6 @z'(n-3) - 1
@:, - nn+2

o 2'*5=8 - o3

'.' The base = the base The power = the power

Finot Revision
O g'-'=# . on-1-
.. t
^ -,-6-2
'.' The base = the base .'. The power = the power
.'. n-l=-2 .'. G=:I
(+)'.' = (r+)-' (+)'.' =(3)-'
.. (+)'.' = (*)' (?)".' = ((?)')'
(3)'.' = (1)o
r '.' The base = the base
O 33n-6 = 53n-6 r '.' The power = the power
.'. Either the base = the base or the power = 0
;'.'3+5 .'.3n-6=0
.'.3n=6 .'.1 , =,

. zn(n-3)_20
O..7n(n-3)_1 .. I I

: '.' The base = the base

: IfFn=I
Notice that r then :In=g
.'. The power = the power
where:a*0 ta*tl
.'. n(n-3)=0
.'.Eittrerl n=O orn-3=0rthen[ nll

O . 3n+2_nt+2 '.' The power = the power

.'. Either the base = the base , thenl n 3
or the power = 0 r then n+2=O F=
Find the solution set of each of the following equations in IR :
,nrX2-X "=2+

(18)n (32 x2)n n4
8nx9n (23)" x (32)n

(V , l) Y 7i / ,s:ll,!Y/ (ol;J) otpt raL*6Jl -1;r

Algebro ond Stotistics

*4x2" . z -o4

". 23,,_P-'

. ,n-3n-14
L _L .'. n-3n=4
:. -Zn=4
... The S.S. = {-z}
(+).'-* =, i - (+)"'-* = z

-..(+)"'-" =(t)' :. x2-x=2

:. xz - x-2=o
By factorizing : :. (x-2) (x+ 1) = 0

.'. Either X-2= 0 : then @1

or X+ l =0 rthenIx=-l ... The S.S. = {z , - t}

i"" '

At performing an experiment r then :

the number of times of repeating this outcome

The expected number for occurrence of a certain event

= the probability of its occurrence x the total number of given individuals

For example :
If one of the factories produces 1500 electric lamps daily r as a sample of 100 elecffic lamps
was examined randomly in one of the days : 5 defective units were found : then :

@ noUaUility of production a defective unit = = # = 0.05

@ fne expected number for the defective units in that day

We can write the
= probability of production a defective unit
probability in the
x number of produced units in that day percentage form.

= 0.05 x 1500 = 75 lamps. i.e.5 7o

Finol Revision

e The prolbability of occurrence of an event AC S is denoted by P (A)

It is fou nd by using the relation :

the number of elements of A n(A)

P(A)= =
the number of elements of the sample space n rS)
o The probability of the impossible event 0
o The probability of the certain event
= 1

o The probability of any event is not less than zero and it is not more than I

i.e.For anyeventA:0<P(A)< 1 i.e.P(A)g[0, t]

r then it has no meaning that the probability of an event is 140 Vo or -2

If a fair die is thrown once and we observe the number on the upper face r find the
probability of each of the following events :

@A is the event of appearance of a number greater than 4

@n t the event of appearance of an even number.

@ C is the event of appearance of the number 5

@n is the event of appearance of the number 7

@ e is the event of appearance of a number less than 7

S={l tz t3 t4 ;5, 6} rn(S)=S

OA={s,6},n (A)=2 .'.P(A)=z=+

OB={2,4,6},n(B)=l .'. P(B) =

z =+
OC={s}:n(C)=1 ...P(c)=+

.'. P (D) = = zero (the impossible event)
OE={1 ,2 t3 t4 t5 t6} ,n(E)=6
.'. P (E) =
2 = 1 (the certain event) or (the sure event)
Algebro ond Stotistics

A bag contains an amount of marbles of the same size and softness. If 2 marbles are red ,
3 marbles are blue and 5 marbles are white.Amarble is drawn randomly. Calculate :

O tn" probability that the drawn marble is red.

@ fne probability that the drawn marble is blue.

O fn" probability that the drawn marble is white.

@ fne probability that the drawn marble is not blue.

The probability of getting a certain occurrent

the number of chances of getting this occurrent

the total number of chances

'.' The total number of marbles =2 +3 + 5 = 10 marbles.

O fr"number
probability that the drawn marble is red
of red marbles
_2 _1
total number of marbles -10 -5

probability that the drawn marble is blue

number of blue marbles
total number of marbles

O ft" probability that the drawn marble is white

number of white marbles 51
total number of marbles - t0- 2

(O fr" probability that the drawn marble is not blue

number of the marbles which are not blue
_ l0-3 _ Z
total number of marbles 10 -10
For more

examinations on Algebro
and Statistics

scanthecode -

Model Examinati
Algebra and Statistics
of the School Book on

Answer the following questions :

fl Complete the following :

nrf - 1 r then \,- ...............

EIfX +y=4 t X-y=2 ;thenX2 -Y2 =
@ The solution set of the equation: X2 - 1 = 8 r where XeZ+ is """""""'
@It2xI =3 ,then 8 -x =...............
stl-+-+ .....Vo

B Choose the correct answer :

s-2 xE
-1 sls'
l] =...............

(")* b)* (c) 25 (d) r2s

q7 sz-
f;) /u-/u
\c -
(a) z* (b) E$ @)a (d) {0}
@ fne volume of a cube of side length 3 cm. equals """""""' cm1
(a) 9 (b) t2 (c) 27 (d) 81
@ The expression : X2 +k X + 36 is a perfect square when k equals
(a)t6 (b)t8 (c) + 12 (d) t 18
@ A regular die is tlrown once and observed the upper face: then the probability of
appearance a number divisible by 3 is
@+ (b) + @+

(a)-5 (b)-3 (c) 3 (d) s

S Factorize each of the following expressions :

i1-tX2 + 8 X+ 15 @zx2+7x+3 Ex'-t @ax-7 a+3 X-21
E tut Simplify to the simplest form x 62n : 4n
z4n x 32n
lbl Find the S.S.forthefollowing equationwhereX€ IR z xz -8 X+ 12=0

E tut A bag contains a number of similar balls : 5 of them are white and the rest are red. If
the probability of drawing a red ball ,t ,find the number of all the balls.
tbl If 3x =27, 4x+Y = I tfindthevalues of z Xandy
Finol Exominotions 7
Model l2
Answer the following questions :

tf Comptete the following


[tIf 7'L-r = 3x-L rthen{=...............

@x3 =(X-2)(. .. .....+2x+4)
[4 (5 x -zy) (25 x2+ 10 x y + 4y') = ...............
4 tlf a+
= 6 r then l- ...............
@ A bag contains 9 cards labeled by numbers from I to 9 r & card is drawn randomly
r then the probability that the card carries an odd number is ...............

B Choose the correct answer:

E If x3 y-3 = 8 : then + = .' ...

(a) 8 (o)+ @+ (d) 2

@fneexpression : X2 + 4X+ ais aperfect square when aequals

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16

@ The S.S. of the equarion: x2 - \,- 0 is ............... where xe lR

rut {o} $)a 1c; {o , t} (d) {1}

E fn the figure opposite :

The shaded region represents the circle.

+ o)+
@)+ (d)
x + 3x + 3x \,-
ElIf 3 =1 :rhen ...............
(a)-l (b) 0 (c) 1J (d) I
E] If 6 = 11 r then 6x+ t = ...............
(a) t2 (b) 22 (c) 66 (d) 72

tt Bactorize each of the following :

A+ xz -g Ex3+8
@x'- 5 x @x'-x-6
E tul Find in iR, the S.S. of the following equation : x2 -x- 6=0

lbl Simplify to the simplest form :

('E\' " r-'
3x (^t )'
Algebro ond Stotistics

E tul rf 2* "3: = + ,find the value of x

[b] A bag contains a number of similar balls. Some of them are redr 2 green r 4 blue.
If the probability of drawing ball with green colour tr , find the number of red balls.
Model,for the merge students
Answer the following questions :

Il Choor. the correct answer from those given :

i i ;ffre solution set of the equation : X2 + 25 = 0 in IR is .'.'....'......
{- s ,5} (b) {s} (.) {- s} @) a

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) ts

(a) x+3 (b)x+ t (c) x-: (d) x- y

o"(*)'= (+)' :then /,=

-2 (b) z @+ (d) -+
E ttre probability of the sure event equals
(a) o '2 1
rui (c) t (d) z

El Join from the column (A) to the suitable in the column (B) :

Column (A) Column (B)

Btf u2-b2=15 ta+b=3 rthena-b= oJ

E If one digit of the number 37450 is chosen at random r o$
then the probability of the chosen number is

even =
[Ef (X +3y)z =X2 +kXy +9y2:thenk-..............' rQ
q3 + 43 + 43 + 43
E) = .'.............
lE fne probability of the impossible event = ............'..
Finol Exominotions 7
E Comptete each of the following :

E p"t (r' ) for the correct statement and ( )( ) for the incorrect one :
E A school has 320 pupils r if the probabitity of the chosen pupil is a boy is 0.6 r

then the number of girls is 120 ( )

EIf:x=27rthenx=+ ( )

E A card is drawn at random r from cards numbered from 1 to 10 r

then the probability that the card carries an odd number greater than 3 tr
t ( )

E fne positive real number which if its square is added to its three times :
the result willbe 28 is 4 ( )

Effresolutionsetoftheequation: X(X-3)(X+5)=0inlRis {O r: r-5} ( )

Complete the solution in which the expression : its simplest form :

(2 """"")n x (.......... x 3)2n 2""""" x..........2n r32n
24n r32n

_ 2.......... + 2t - ..........
x 32o

=),""""" x 3 """""

(A : t) Y 1; / cnslY/ (.:l;l) sq-,uJ uaL*@J! i-tJ $tl

on Algebra and Statistics

East Nasr City Educational Administration

Manart Al Salam Language School

Answer tke following questions :

I Choose the correct answer :

E fne expression : X2 + k X + 36 is a perfect square when k - .......'.." "'

(a)+6 (b)t8 (c) t 12 (d) t 18

E ff a regular die is tossed once r then the probability of appearing an even number

i G)+ t.i * (d) 0

E It ttre age of Ali now is X years : then his age 3 years ago is years.

(a) X+3 (b)3x-4 (c) x-3 (d)6x

@ rirtrr of 520 is ...............
(a) 515 o) 510 (c) 5le (d) 540

(a) o $)a r.l {o} (d) R

[4 If 7 x-3 = 5x-3 :thenX=

(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) 0

@ Complete :
E (a- 3) (a- -5 a+ """""""'
2) =....-.........'

@ x (y - z) +m (y - z) = (y- z) (""""""' )
[E fne S.S. of the equation'. X2 + 3 X= 0 in ]R is """""""'
tr"(*)" =#:then n- -- -- ....-
@ If X- y = 5 and X * y =7 X' -y'= """""""'
: then

[E The probability of the impossible event is """""""'

tt Factorize each of the following :

@+ x2 A* x4 + 4ya
Ex3+8 a4x2 -x-6
Finol Exominotions ?
E frt Areal number if you add it to its square r the result is 12t find that number.
|r{fiz:;#= 9 , find : the value of x

E tut Abox contains 2 redballs :3 whiteballs :5 blueballs.Aball is drawnrandomly.

Find the probability of getting :
L! A white ball. @ Anon red ball.
[gjA yellow ball. @ Ared or blue ball.
tbl If 3x-4 = 9 : find the S.S. in lR

Rod El-Farag Educational Directorate

St. Mary's School

Answer the following questions :

tf Choose the correct answer :

and its additive inverse.

(a) 4 X2 @)2x2 (c) 8 X2 @)4x4
@lt X2 -y2 = 12 t X+y = 4 ,then X- y = ...............
(a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 2

@tf tfreexpression :4 X2 +kX+ 9 is aperfect square rthenk-.......... ....

(a)t6 (b) 6 (c) t12 (d) 12

@ltl - 1 r then \,- ...............

(a) 1 (b) -2 (c) 2 (d) 7

[il 33 + 33 + 33 = ........'.'....
(a) 33 (b) 3e (c) 3a @) 312

@ If a regular dice is tossed orce r then the probability of appearing an even

number equals
+ (o)* @+ (d) zero

I Complete :

@ The S.s. of : x2 -3 x=0 in lR is ...............

[E x (v -z) + m(z- y) = (y - z) .. ....... ) (
E If 3'* I = 6 : then 3' = ...............
@nx={6 , y=^[i:then xoy-o=
Algebro o nd Stotistics

@1= """""""vo
lqllf X *y =7 rthen 7 X+7 y =

E tut Factorize :

dax-7 a+3 X-21 E10 x2-7 x-12

tbllf X+y=$ , X2-y2=12 , X2 + Xy +y2 =28
, find the value of t X3 -y3

E tul Find the S.S. of the equation t x2 -8 x=- 15 in IR

^2X+t x25X
E tut o (?)'.' = *, rind : the value of x

tbl A group of cards numbered from 1 to 15. If one card is drawn at random
r find the probability that the number on the drawn card is :

i t I Even. @ Divisible by 5

Al-Agoza Directorate
El-Manar lslamic Language School

Answer the following questi.ons :

tl Choose the correct answer :

[! ffre probability of the impossible event is """""""'
(a) zero $)+ (c) 1 (d) 2

1 lf x2 + 4 X+ k is a perfect square : then 1<= """ "" " "'

(a) 1 (:b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

s 33 + 33 +33 =..........'....
(a) 33 o) 34 (c) 93 (d) 94

i4)lf 2x+3 - 1 :then \,=...'...........

(a) 2 (b) zero (c)-3 (d) 3

Ez* nz- =
(a) z+ (b) z- (c) N @)a
ellf 5x=2 tthen(125)x=
(a) 6 (b) e (c) 8 (d) 12
Finol Exominotions ?
@ Complete :
E rne simptest form of the number t (]EI' ,, ...............
@m1x+1)isonefactoroftheexpression:5X2-2x-7 tthentheotherfactoris...............
E fne S.S. of the equation X2 + 3 = 0 in IR. is
@ When throwing a fair die once and observing the upper face r the probability of
appearing the number 6 is ...............

Er3 x-s -7 x-s rthenJ(=...............

E x3 = (x-D (x2 + ............... + ......,........)

E tut o (*I' = #, rind : the value of x

lbl Find in IR the S.S. of the equation z X2 - 5 X= L4

@ Factorize completely :
Bz -s
x2 @x2-x-6
@q x2 -g

E t"t Factorize completely z a X -1 a+3 X- 2l

tb] e box contains 2 white balls : 3 red balls :5 green balls. One ball is selected at random.
Find the probability of this ball to be :
E wrrite. E Not red. Black.

Math lnspection
Official Language School

Answer the following questions :

tl Comptete the following :

E to y2-.......... .. -(.... ........+s)(ay-s)

E m 6- 5) is a factor of the expression : x2 -7 x+ 10 r then the other factor
is ...............
E 12 +32 +32 =...-.....-.-...
E fne probability of the impossible event is ............... : while the probability of the
certain event is ...............
Algebro ond Stotistics

fl Choose the correct answer :

tr (*)" = (3)' : rhen /,= . --.

(a)-3 (b)-5 (c)3 (d)s

z_2" x 5'=
] x 103 (b) 103 (c) los (d) 106

@ The trinomial : X2 +k X + 36 is a prefect square when ft = """""""'

(a)+3 (b)t6 (c)t9 (d)t12

@ The solution set of the equation: X2 - 5 x+ 6 = 0 in IR is

(a){t,6} O){-1,-6} @){2,3} (d){-3,-2}

@If a+b=5 t d-b=4 tthena2-b2=
(a) -20 (b) -1 (c) 9 (d) 20

@If (2023)x-
- 1 r then{ = """""""'
(a)2028 (b) 2018 (c) 1 (d) 5

E tul Factorize each of the following :

3tx2 -t2x+36 @x3 -zl

@aX-Ja+3X-21 B*81 Xa+4za
x x+! = 1 :thenfind: thevalues of Xandy
tbl If 3 =27 and4

!l tul A bag contains 9 similar cards labeled from 1 to 9 ; a card is drawn at random
r then find :

f The probability of that card ca:ries an odd number.

@ The probability of that card carries a number divisible by 3

o ('[i)'"2-'
lbl Simplify to the simplest' form :;i*f

E fut Find in IR the solution set of the equati on : x2 + 8 X = 9

lbl If X= 3, y =a[i rfindinthesimplestformthevaluerf , (+)-'

Finol Exominotions

East Educational Zone

Supervision of Mathematics (A)

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

I Choose the correct answer :

f The S.S. of rhe equation: X=* ,"lRis.........,,....

rul {+} o) {+} @{2,-z} (d){+,-+}
lA20 Vo + 0.05 = ...............
(a) 50 Vo (b) 30 Vo (c)25 (d)
E] 3u x 3a x 3u = ...............

(a) 3u*3 (b) 9u (.) 33

u u
@) 273
@fi X2 -y2 =6 t ! -X=2rthen X+y=...............
(a)-9 (b)-3 (c) 9 (d) 3
E If 5 x = 125 : then { = ..............
(a) 3 (b)2 (c) 25 (d) 5
E If the expression : X2 + k X + 1 6 is a perfect square : then k = ...............
(a)-4 (b)t8 (c) 16 (d)t4
B Complete each of the following :

EIf x3 -a= (X-q W2 + 4 X+ 16) r rhen a = ...............

@t[F= .........
@ The additive inverse of (- 3)2 is ...............
@lt7 x- | = 3x- | r then \, = ...............
E]If 2v x 5 v = 100 : then y = ...............
@ If the probability that a pupil succeeds is 0.4 r then the probability of his failure
is ..............Vo

tt Factorize each of the following :

Ax' +'7 X2 + t2 x @x'+6Xy+9y2-49a2

@zx3-rc @25 - x2

E tut A positive integer : if we add its square to its triple : the result will be lg
What is this integer ?

tb] If 4
x-t - 8 : then find : the value of X
Algebrq ond Stotistics

E tul Abox contains 30 cards numbered from 1 to 30 r a card is drawn randomly.

Calculate the probability of drawing a card carrying :
r An odd number. a A number divisible by 5 lEl A perfect square.
li,, Put the following in the simplest form : 6'L

Maths Supervision
El-Kalyoubia Governorate Official Language Schools

Answer the foll,owing questions :

I Choose the correct answer from those given :

J If 3x =2 tthen2Tx =
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 18 (d) s4

z-r If theexpression :9 X2 + kX+ 25 is aperfect square :thenft= """""""'

ttr) + 12 (b) t 15 (c) t 16 (d) t 30

: The multiplicative inverse of the number (- 3)0 is """""""'

(a) 3 (b) +J (c) 1 (d)-1
4, If the probability of solving problems of Salma is 0.8 r then the expected number of
problems she may solve of 20 problems is """""""'
(ai20 (b) 16 (c) 12 (d) 8

tu)G O)4 (c)1 (d)-1

6lIf 3x+3x+3x= I rthen \,="""""""'
(a)-1 (b)l (c)3 (d) -3
E Comptete the following :

i'r tIf x3 +a=(X-D(x2 +2X+4) tthena=

2,lf 2x =7 ,then2x+t -
s- IfX*y=6 t ! -X=4rthen X' -Y' =
4 t If 3x+ 5 _ 7X+5, then fi = ...............
sl In the opposite figure :

B Gm tm(LABD) = X2
tm (LDBE) = 89o tm(LEBC) - 6 X
ql 50 + 5- , ...............
-( =L)'=
Finol Exominotions
E tul Factorize each of the following perfectly :
E)x2 -s x @x2 -7 x-8
lEax-7a+3x-21 @*Xa+4
tbl Simplify the following to the simplest form : '* \'!..'

E fut Find in IR the solution set of the equati on t X2 + 12 = 8 X

tbl Findthevalueof Xwhere xeLnr(;)'-o =2+

E tut If the expression : X2 + a X - 6 can be factoized: find all possible values of a

tbl A set of cards numbered from I to 10 : if one card is drawn from them at random
r find the probability that the drawn card carries :

@ Aprime number. @ A number greater thanT

Shebin El-Kom Educational Zone

Maths supervision

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

tl Choose the correct answer :

@ z.[i O) s (c) r/ss (d) 2s
@ The degree of the algebraic tern2y3 zis
(a) first. (b) second. (c) third. (d) fourth.
E If 2 x =3 ,then 2l -2x =...:...........
(") @? (") + @)?
@ff X2 + k X + 2 k is a perfect square : then k =
(a)-8 (b) 8 (c)+8 (d) 16

@Ifa2 -b2 =21, a-b=3 :thena+b=...............

(a) 7 (b) 18 (c) 24 (d) 63
i.@x*2 -4x+ l; + 4x =-..............
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) t2 (d) 16

@ Complete the following :

t r-r9 r
r (12) *(17-16) =
(1 : l) p; / ,!Y/ (c,El) c,l-;1, uaLa
@llt,y OS
Algebro ond Stotistics

@ The additive identity element in IR is

lElf tv -2 - | r then y = ...............

@ The solution set of the equation: X2 = 3 Xin IR is
E If the age of Khaled now is X years I then his age 4 years ago is years.

@ If the probability of success of a student in an exam is 0.8 : then the probability of his
failure equals

E tut f,'actorize :

Bx2 -zs x' +5X-] Ez

tbr If (?)x*' = * : find the value of : (?)'-.

E tut Factorize :

L!x'+8 @XV+l X+21+3y

[b] Simplify '9n '3n*2

E tul Findthe solutionsetinlR: x2 -7 x+ 12=0

[b] A box contains 5 white balls r 3 red balls r 4 blue balls. If a ball is drawn from the box
randomly r find the probability that the drawn ball is :

@ White. @ Red or blue. @ Green'

I El-GharbiaGovernorate (
W The Central Maths Supervision
Official Language Schools

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

S'2 rG
' =....,........"

e)* turfi (c) 25 (d) tzs

@ The volume of a cube of edge length 5 cm. equals """""""'c-?

(a) 5 (b) 2s (c) 10 (d) 12s

@ A regular die is thrown once and observed the upper face r then the probability of
appearance a number divisible by 3 is

@)+ (b) +J @+ @)1

Finol Exominotions
@If 6
x=ll:then 6x+t
(a) t2 (b) 22 (c) 66 (d)12

(a) 2 (b) 7 (c) t4 (d) 4e

-q (s'* 5,=
- 5x+') * ...............

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d)20

B Complete each of the following :

@ The S.S. of the equation X2 + 4 = 0 r where X CIR is ...............

EIfX+y=4 t X-y =2 rtheny2 -X2 =
ttl I - +4 =.....'......... vo
@It 7 x- t - 3x- | : then /, = ...............
@(2 x-3 y) @ x2 + 6 Xy + g y1= ...............

Gjlfx3y-3=8 rthen xL= .

[a] simplify to the simplest form : o**'-f;|j'-*

: then calculate the result when x= r
[b] Find the S.S. for the equation z X2 -3 X= 10 r where X€R
@ Factorize each of the following expressions :
Ex'-t2x+36 @ZX2+lX+3
agst2 x, -y, @*xa+64
E trt If 3x-2 = 8l r find : the value of X
tbl Abag contains anumberof similarballs :4red balls r 6 white balls and 5 green balls.
A ball is drawn randomly. Find the probability that the drawn ball is :
l! Red. @White. @ Not green.

Directory of Education
Math lnspectorate

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

tr"(?)" =(+)',rhenx=
(a) -2 @) 2 @+ @)- +
Algebro ond Stotistics

Etf (x- 3) is afactorof the expression : X2 -4 X+ 3 rthenthe otherfactoris """""""'

(a) (x + 1) (b) (x- l) (c)(x- 3)
(x + 3) (d)

[{ tf tne expression : x2 +k X + 25 is aperfect square r then k = """""""'

(a)t5 O)s (c)t10 (d)10
@It 2x = 3 rthen 8 - ...."""""'
(a) 3 O) e @) 27 (d) 81

iE fne probability of the impossible event equals

(a)1 (b)-l (c)0 (d)O's

lE ffre S.S. of : X2 + 25 =0 in IR is
(a) {- s , s} o) {5} r.l {- s} @) a

I Complete :
E ff Z x-3 = 5x-3 r then \, = ...............
E Quarter of the number 210 is
EIta -b=4 t r_tb=5 rthena2 -b2 =

E If ttre probability of a student succeeds is 0.6 r then the probability of his failure
is .... ... . .... . ..

lE rne s.S. of : x(x-z) (x+ 3) - 0 inlR is """""""'

tt Factorize each of the following :

Oxz -gt @x3 -zt
7il2 x2 - x- ts @aX-7 a+3 X-zI

E rul Find inlR the s.s. of z x2 -8 x + 12 = 0

Ibl Find in the simplest form : {#
E tut If3x =27, 5x*t =l tfind : thevaluesofxandy
r 8 white balls
tbl A coloured ball is drawn randomly out of a box containing 2 red balls
and 10 blue balls. Find the probability that the drawn ball is :

E ball.
A white E A red ball.

@ Ayellow ball. @Anon red ball'

Finol Exominotions
Kafr El-Dawar Educational Zone
Private Education Administration

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

E If 16 X2 +k X + 9is a perfect square : then k =

(a) + 6 (b) t24 (c) + t2 6) x,144
@If x3-y3=26 , X2+Xy+y2=13:then 3(X-y)=
(a) 39 (b) 13 (c) 6 (d) 2
(a) 8 (b) 1.2s (c) 0.8 (d) 20
@ The S.S. of the equation: X3 - 36 X = 0 in IR is .'.......'.....
(a) b)a t.l {o} (d) {0 ,6,-6}
@2s * (t[ ),0=
(u) 2ro @) 26 (") ({t)" @ (n[r)'o
i6'If X*4=6
xx' rthen x2+J-=
(a) 36 (b) 30 (c) 34 (d) 32

B Complete :
E In the experiment of throwing a fair die orco r then the probability of appearing an
even prime number equals

@ The degree of the algebraic term 5 X3 y is

B If 4 x-2s - , tn.r'1E= ...............
fdV^ -Z = ...............
Xo +
@ The simplest form of : xo x-r
X-' -(;
-( )' is
)'r, ..'.....'...... t X)O

@If X2 - a= (X + 4) (X - 4) rthen a = ...............

tl Factorize perfectly :

Bs x2 -24 xy + t8 y2 @xy-7y+3x-21
@x'-rcx-24 @Zx2+X-6
E tut Find in IR the solution set of the equati on z x2 - 9 X = 36
Algebro ond Stotistics

lbl Simplify:
-.(^[r)-^ '(frf
I ,52n+
'-- (tr')

E fut If X= 3 t y ='[r r find in the simplest form the value of :

d x'vo tr(+I'
[b] Abox contains 7 red balls , 8 green balls and 5 yellow balls. One ball is drawn randomly.
Find the probability of getting :
,[ A green ball. E R Uatt not yellow.

lE Ared ball. E A blue ba]l.

Mallawi Educational Directorate

Answer the following qaestions :

E Choose the correct answer:

[IIfX*y=3 t X-y =6 tthenX2 -Y2 =
(a) 8 $)z (c) + (d) 18

[EIrx3y-3=8 rthen Lv ="""""""'

(a)8 $)z (c) 5 (d) 3

[E g x + 3x + 3x = .-........-.--.

(a) 33 G)3x*r (c) gx (d)3x

@r(!)x = (+I2 ,thenx--
(a) 3 (b) z (c) z (d) -2

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) t (d) 0

E fne probability of the impossible event is """""""'

(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 0.5 (d) 75 7o

El Comptete the following :

@ltzx =3 tthen 8 x =............'..

@,[ri-P =......... ..
tr Quarter of the number 420 is
Finol Exominotions ?

@ The S.S. of the equation: x2 -25 =0 in IR is ...............

@ tt tfre expression : X2 + 4 X + a is a perfect square r then a = ...............
E ttre age of a man now is X years : then his age after 7 years is years.

E tut Factorize the following :

Ex3+g @x2+5X+6
lbl Find inIR the S.S. of the equation : 3 Xz + l}X+ 8=0

[a] simptiry,_
L__r _____r___u
Dl f 3x-2 = 81r find : the value of X

E t"t Factorize the following :

Bx2+14X+49 @aX-7 a+3 X-21

tbl Abox contains2redballs r 3 white balls :5 blue balls.Aball is drawnrandomly.
Find the probability of getting :
1 A white ball. @A non red ball.
@ A yellow ball.

The Educational Directorate

Aswan Governorate General Maths Supervision

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

tr (*)" = (t)' r then \, = ....... .. .

-2 @-+ (c) 2 @)+
lEr If 3 x= 8l r then \,- ...............
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
tr{1oo - 64 = to -
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 36
E tt ttre expression : X2 +k X + 36 is a perfect square : then ft = ..............
(a)+6 (b)+8 (c) + 12 (d) r 18
@ If third of a number is 6 r then this number is ...............
(a) 2 (b) e (c) t2 (d) 18
Algebro o nd Stotistics

E fne solution set of the equation: X2 - 9 = 0 in Q is

fa) {:} (b) {-3} (c) {- 3 ,3} (d)o

I Complete :

E fne probability of the certain event is """""""'

@ltX-y =2 t X+! =4 tthenX2 -y2 =
EIrr x =27, 4x+t =l ttheny=...."""""'
'atlf 2x =3 ,then 8 =...............
E lf tfre age of a man now is X years : then his age after 5 years is yeaIs.

iEx3-8=(....... . ) (x2+Zx+ .. )
E tul Factorize each of the following :

Bx2-8x+15 @x3+zl
Ibf If = t6 t find : the value of x
E Iut Arectangle with a length more than its width by 4 cm.
If its area is 21 cm? r find its dimensions.

tbl Ir u =n[i , b =n[i: find the numerical value of ,fa-


E tut Factorize each of the following :

Ez x2 +7 x+3 @* x4 + 64ya
tbl A bag contains some of similar balls r 5 of them are white : 7 balls are red and 8 balls
are blue. If a ball is randomly drawn r find the probability that the drawn ball is not

For mor


AlEebra and Scan the code

Statistics to download some more exams
Second Geometry

on Geometry
Accumulative tests on Geometry


Il Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ It ttre area of a parallelogram is 60 cm? and its height is 5 cm. r then its base

length = ......'........ cm.

(a) 130 (b) 12 (c) 300 (d) 1s0

E tf tne lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 8 cm. , 6 cm. and its greater
height is 12 cm. r then its area equals ............... ?
(a) 72 (b) s+ (c) 96 (d) 168

Ef tne area of a parallelogram is 48 cm? and its base length is 12 cm. : then the
corresponding height to this base is '...........'.. cm.
(a) 4 (:b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 6

@ It ttre lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 4 cm. r 6 cm. and its smaller
height is 3 cm. : then its area equals .. ............" ?

(a) t2 (b) 18 (c) 6 (d) e

El Complete each of the following :

E fne area of a parallelogram = x .....'..."'...

B It tfre base length of a parallelogram is 7 cm. r and the corresponding height is 4 cm.
r then its area equals ............... ?
E Surfaces of two parallelograms with common base and between two parallel straight
lines r one is carrying this base : Bro .'.............

E If tfre lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 6 cm. r 8 cm. and its smaller
height is 10 cm. : then its greater height is ............... cm.

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle
,1'p,ttop rccBF rEe BF
Prove that :

The area of the figure ABCM = The area of the figure DMEF
Geo metry

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABXF is a rectangle
:ABCD andAMEF are two parallelograms

Prove that :


The area of ABCD = The arca of AMEF

a lal In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram rAB = 12 cm.

rBC= 18cm.:DX= 10cm.
Find : E fne area of the parallelogram. + 18Cm.

.E ttre length of DY -

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram rAC = 20 cm.

r BD = 12 cm. ; m (LABD) = 90o

Find the area of the parallelogramABCD
Accumulotive Tests ? a

till lesson 2 - unit 4

tl Ct oore the correct answer from those given :

E If tne area of a triangle is 15 cm? and its base length is 5 cm. r then the corresponding
height is ............... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 10 (d) 6

@ The area of the parallelogram in which the lengths of two adjacent sides are 7 cm. and
5 cm. and its smaller height is 4 cm. equals .-............. ?
(a) 35 (b) 2s (c) 28 (d) 4e

E fne area of the rectangle whose dimensions are 3 cm. and 8 cm. ..".....,..". the area of
the triangle whose base length is 8 cm. and its corresponding height is 6 cm.
(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) *
@ ABCD is a parallelogram whose area is 60 cm?: then the area of
A ABC equals ............... c*?

(a) 10 (b) 1s (c) 30 (d) 60

fl Comptete each of the following :

E It ttre lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 8 cm. r 10 cm. and its greater
height is 5 cm. r then its area = .......'.'...'. .*?
@ Area of a triangle equals area of a parallelogram if they have a common base

lying on one of two parallel straight lines including them.

E tf tfre area of a triangle is 24 cm? : and its height is 8 cm. r then the corresponding base
length ............... cm.

E In the opposite figure :

AABC is right-angled atA , AD f BC

r then AD x = ............... x .'.."""""'

E fut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle
: XEFC is a parallelogram.

Prove that :

The area of the rectangle ABCD = The area of the parallelogram XEFC
Geo m etry

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram, E €AD
rEB=6cm. rEC=8cm. /"4r1
Find : @The area of A EBC CB
@ The area of the parallelogram ABCD

E tul In the opposite figure :

ABCD and EBCF are two parallelograms W
,De \tYc
,Cnnnr=1vr1 B

Prove that : The area of the figure ABMD = The area of the figure EMCF

lbl In the opposite figure :

AF I CB , BE l- AC rAC = 10 cm.
:BC=8cm. rAF=5cm.
Calculate : The area of A ABC F

And find : The length of BE

Accumulotive Tests
till lesson 3 - unit 4
ll Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

E ABCD is a parallelogram whose area is 80 cm? and E C AD r then the area of

A EBC equals .............,. crn?
(a) 40 (b) 60 (c) 80 (d) 160

B ABC is a triangle , if AD is a median r then the area of A ABC = ...............

(a) the area of AABD (b) the area of AACD
(c) 2 the area of A ABD (d) 3 the area of A ACD

@ The triangle whose base length is 7 cm. and its area is 28 cm? : the corresponding
height equals ............... cm.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

E In the opposite figure :

The area of AAED = ............... The area of AABC

@+ (b) +J
@+ (d)
B Comptete each of the following :

@ The median of the triangle divides its surface into two triangles
! mtne area of AABC = 48 cm? : D is the midpoint of BC

r then the area of A ABD = .........'.....

E ABCD is a parallelogram in which E e CD r the area of AAEB =30 crt r then surface
area of the parallelogram =
@ The area of the triangle = .. . ..... x the corresponding height.
E tul In the opposite figure :

ac ll xv
: F is the midpoint of XY
Prove that : The area of AABF = The area of A CBF

lbl In the opposite figure


Prove that : The area of A DBC = The area of AADE



Geo metry

E t"t In the opposite figure :

XO ttgC ,B€BC ,Fe BC
where BE = CF ,

Prove that :

ef n fO = {M}

The area of A AME = The area of A DMF

.4, DA

@ The area of the figure ABEM = The area of the figure DCFM

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD and BCEF are two parallelograms.

Prove that :

The area of A CEM = fne area of the parallelogram ABCD

Accumulotive Tests ?

lesson - unit 4
tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ The ratio between the area of the parallelogram and the area of the triangle whose base
is common and are included between two parallel straight lines equals ...............
(a) 2: I (b)3:l (c) I :2 (d) 1 :3
@ The median of the triangle divides its surface into two triangles
(a) congruent. (b) similar. (c) equal in area. (cl) equal in perimeter.

E In the opposite figure :

If the area of A ABC = The area of A DBC

r then

(a) AB // CD (b) AB = CD
(c) AD llBC (d) AD = BC
E In the opposite figure :

The area of the parallelogram ABCD = 24 cm?

r then the area of A ABE = ...............

(a) 24 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 6

fl Complete each of the following :

l3 If two triangles are equal in area and drawn on the same base and on one side of it :
then their vertices lie on a straight line ...............

lE If the lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 6 cm. t 7 cm. and its greater
height is 5 cm. : then its area equals

@ The triangle whose area is 2O cm? and its base length is 8 cm. : then its height
is ........'...... cm.
@ Two triangles which have the same base and the vertices opposite to this base on a
straight line parallel to the base are

E tut In the opposite figure

ABCD is a parallelogram whose
diagonals intersect at M
r B is the midpoint of CE

Prove that : The area of A EBD = The area of A ACD


( \ \ : l) Y p: / an*!Y/ (ot*l) ot";U. r.gtr @

!l t,f E
Geo metry

lbl In the opposite figure :

bl sc
: D is the midpoint of CE
Prove that :

The area of A AMB = The area of A EMD

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCisatriangle rDe AC
where the area of A AEC = the area of A BDC
Prove that : Og ll ng
lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral r X is the midpoint of AE

: Y is the midpoint of BC
where the area of the figure
ABYX = the area of the figure DCYX
Prove that : eP ll gC
Accumulotive Test, ?

tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

@ The area of a rhombus

is 30 cm? r the length of one of its diagonals is 6 cm. r then the
length of the other diagonal is ............... cm.

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) s

@ fne trapezium whose middle base length is 9 cm. and its height is 6 cm. r then its area
(a) 45 (b) 27 (c) 7z (d) s4
@ If tne area of a square is 98 cm? r then the length of
its diagonal is ............... cm.
(a) 7 (b) 14 (c) 2I (d) 4e
@ ffre diagonals of the isosceles trapezium are ...............
(a) congruent. (b) perpendicular.
(c) parallel. (d) bisecting each other.

B Complete each of the following :

@ tf tfre perimeter of a square is 20 cm. : then its area = ...............

@ A trapezium in which the lengths of its two parallel bases are 6 cm. and 8 cm. r then its
middle base is of length

@ trenco is a parallelogram whose area 50 ,E €AD r then the area of

A EBC = ...............

[4] rne area of the right-angled triangle in which the lengths of the sides of the right angle
are 5 cm. and L2 cm. = ...............c*?

E trt In the opposite figure :

RO ir a median in AABC
: E is the midpoint of AD
Prove that :

The area of A EBC = rne area of A ABC

tb] A trapezium whose area is 450 cm? and the lengths of its two parallel bases are 24 cm.
t 12 cm. Find its height.

AC = 8 cm. Find with proof the area of the rhombus ABCD

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram in which

The area of A ABM = The area of A DXC

Prove that : MX- / DC


Accumulotive Tests ?
Accumulative test till Iesson 1 - unit 5
tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

@ Arhombus whose diagonals lengths are 6 cm. r 8 cm. and its height is 4.8 cm. r then
its side length is ............... cm.
(a) 10 (b) s (c) 20 (d) t2
E If AABC -A DEF andAB =
f nn , then the perimeter of AABC =
the perimeter of A DEF

(a) 2 (b) 4 @+ o*
E All are similar.
(a) triangles (b) squares (c) rhombuses (d) rectangles
@ tn the right-angled triangle r the perpendicular from the vertex of the right angle to the
hypotenuse divides the triangle into two triangles.
(a) obtuse-angled (b) acute-angled
(c) equilateral (d) similar

ff Comptete each of the following :

E If the ratio of enlargement between two similar triangles equals r then the two
triangles are congruent.

@ Two similar squares r the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding sides in them
is 2 : I : if the perimeter of the greater square is 40 cm r then the area of the
square is ............... cm?

@ The base angles of the isosceles trapezium are ...............

@ The two polygons are similar : if their corresponding angles are ............... and their
corresponding side lengths are ...............

E tut A trapezium whose area is 180 cm? : the ratio between the lengths of its two parallel
bases is 2 : 3 and its height is 12 cm. what is the length of each of them

lbl In the opposite figure :

m (Z AED) = m (LB)
Prove that : A ADE - A ACB and find : the length of EC

E tut In the opposite figure :

or,l Be ,on =(x+ t)cm.

:EC=6cm. rDE=ycm.
,BC= 12cm. rAD=3cm. rAE=2cm.
Find : The value of each of X ty
lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD and AEFD are two parallelograms

, aE n Dd= {x}
Prove that : The area of A ABX = The area of A DFX
Accumulotive Test, ?

tf Ct oose the correct answer from those given :

E The quadrilateral whose area equals half of the square of the length of its diagonal

is .. ... .. ... .. .. .

(a) a rhombus. (b) a square. (c) a rectangle. (d) a parallelogram.

E ABCD is a parallelogram whose area is 100 cm? , E e AD and F is the midpoint of

BC , then the area of A EBF = ...............
(a) 100 (b) s0 (c) 10 (d) 2s

E rr I xyz -a LMN r then lhe perimeter o{ A -X-YZ

the perimeter of A LMN = ...............
(a) 6)# (.)(#)' ,,. NM
I l-l In a triangle : if the sum of the areas of two squares on two sides is equal to the
area of the square on the third side : then the angle opposite to this side
is ............... angle.

(a) a right (b) an acute (c) an obtuse (d) a reflex

I Comptete each of the following :

@ If each of two polygons is similar to a third polygon : then they are

EITAABCif (AB)2-(BC)2=(AC)2 tif m(LB)=40. rrhen m(LA)=

@ A square of a diagonal length 10 cm. r then its area = ...............

tr " of the triangle divides its surface into two triangles equal in area.

E tut Two pieces of land have equal oreas r one of them has the shape of a rhombus whose

diagonals lengths are 48 m. and 40 m. and the other one has the shape of a trapezium
whose height is 20 m. and the ratio between the lengths of its two parallel bases is 5 : 7

Find the length of each of them.

[b] ABCD is a parallelogram in which : AB = 8 cm. rAC = 20 cm. and BD = 12 cm.

Prove that : m (Z ABD) = 90o

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which :

AB = 7 cm. rAD = 15 cm. rBC = 24 cm.

r DC = 20 cm. tm(L B) = 90'

E fina : The length of AC

@Prove that : m (Z ADC) = 90o

tbl In the opposite figure :

eo ll gc
where XA = AM

Prove that : The area of A ABX = The area of A DCM

Accu mu lotive Tests 7
tl Ct oose the correct answer from those given :

fIf AD ilfr rthenthelengthof theprojectionof ADorffi

the length of AD-
(a) = (b) > (c) < (d) >

E tf nnCp is a square : then the projection of AD- o, ffi is ...............

(a) AB (b) BC (c) CD (d) DA

E A rhombus whose diagonals lengths are 6 cm. and 8 cm. : then its perimeter equals
(a) 16 (b) 20 (c) 24 (d) 48

@ fn the opposite figure :

The projection of Ag o, Ed
is ... .. ... .. ... ..

(a) sC (b) DC
(") DB (d) AD

fl Comptete each of the following :

@ A rhombus whose diagonals lengths are 4 cm. and 6 cm. r then its area
equals ............." cm.
E ffre projection of the point (- 3 , 5) on the y-axis is the point
@ tf two polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding
sides is 3 :5 t then the ratio between their perimeters = .....'......... : ...............

E fne length of the projection of a line segment perpendicular to a straight line


E tul In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which m (Z ABD) = 90o
rAB = 8 cm. :AD = I7 cm. :BC = 9 cm.
@ nina : The length of the projection of AO o, ffi D l2cm. C
@ Prove that : m (Z BCD) = 90o
tbl A ffapezium whose area is 88 cm? : its height is 8 cm. and the length of one of its
parallel bases is 10 cm.
Find the length of the other base.

(\ Y : l) Y 1i / a!-':!Y/ (otJ) .:L;t2, roL*-6Jf t,,t Tg_l

Geo m etry

E ful In the opposite figure :

AB = 13 cm.

;m(LACB) =m(L DAC) = 90o C scm. B
Find by proof : The length of the projection of CD or ID
[b] In the opposite figure :
Prove that: AABE - A CDE
r then find : The length of DE
Accumulotive Tests
till lesson 4 - unit 5
tl Choose the correct answer from those given :
f If ABC is ? right-angled triangle at B and nO f AC r D C AC : then the projection of
BD on AC is the point
(a) A (b) B (c) c (d) D

E In the opposite figure :

: then the ratio of minimizing is ED
(a)2:1 (b)l:l
(c) | :2 (d)1:3 "
@ The area of the square whose diagonal length is 8 cm. is .......'...'... cm?
(a) 64 (b) 32 (c) 16 (d) 12

E In the opposite figure :

A ABC is righrangled at B

r then (AB)2 =AD x ...............
(a) AC (b) DB
(c) BC (d) cD

I Complete each of the following :

E If the point A € the straight line L : then the projection of A on the straight line L
is .. ... ....... ."

B tn the right-angled triangle : the area of the square on a side of the right angle is equal
to the area '...'..........
@ A rhombus whose side length is 12 cm. and its height is 8 cm.
: then its area = ......'....-... cm?

@ The two triangles are similar if the corresponding are congruent.

E [a] In the opposite figure :

A ABC is right-angled at A
C 9cm. D 16cm. B
Find : The length of each of AB , AC and AD and calculate : the area of AABC

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which :

D is the midpoint of AC

: the area of A XBC = 1'z the area of AABC

Prove that : [i XD ll BC
@ The area of A XBM = the area of A DMC

E ful In the opposite figure :

Find : @ The length of the projection of AY on ffi

@ The length of each of XF , AF and EY

tbl ABCD is an isosceles trapezium in which An ll gC ' if BC =2 AD =20 cm. and its

area is 180 cm?

: find the length of each of its legs.

Accumulotive Tests
Accumulative test Iesson
tl Ctroose the correct answer from those given :

E rn AABC : if (AB)2 = (AC)2 + (BC)2 + 5 r then L C is

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.
tr ABC is an acute-angled triangle in which AB = 6 cm. : BC = 8 cm. : then the length of
AC equals'.........'.... cm.
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 14

aAXYZ is a triangle in which XY = 3 cm. tYZ = 4 cm.

and LXYZis an obtuse angle : then XZ=............... cm.
(a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) s
@ Arhombus whose perimeter is 40 cm. and the length of one of its diagonals is 12 cm.t
then the length of the other diagonal is ............... cm.
(a) 16 (b) 120 (c) 360 (d) 18

fl Comptete each of the following :

A LXYZ in which (XD2 > (XZ)z + (YZ)z r then L Z is

@ The triangle whose side lengths are 3 cm. t 4 cm. and 6 cm. is ............... angled.
@ If area of an equil ateraltriangle is 8ficm? and its height is 2fl,cm. r then its
perimeter equals

@ ltriangle whose side lengths are l}cm. r 13 cm. and 5 cm. r its area = ...............c-?

E trl Determine the angle which has the smallest measure in the triangle ABC where
AB = 7 cm. r BC = 8 cm. and AC = 10 cm. and determine the type of the triangle
according to its angles.

tb] A rhombus r the ratio between the lengths of its two diagonals are 3 : 4 and its area is
54 cm?
Find the length of each of its diagonals.

g [a] In the opposite figure :

m (Z B) = 90o , DE f AC rAB = '7 cm. tBC=24 cm.

rAD = 15 cm. r DC = 20 cm.
@ hove that : m (Z ADC) = 90o
B I-rnd : The length of the projection of AD on Id
[b] Two similar triangles : side lengths of one of them are 3 cm. t 4 cm. ,5 cm. and the
perimeter of the other is 36 cm.
Find the side lengths of the other.
on Geometry

. Unit Four : Areas.

- Equality of the areas of two parallelograms.
- Theorem (1).
- Equality of the areas of two triangles.
- Theorem (2) and its corollaries.
- Theorem (3).
- Areas of some geometric figures.

. Unit Five : Similarity, converse

of pythagoras' theorem and
Euclidean theorem.
- Similarity.
- Converse of pythagoras'theorem.
- Projections.
- Euclidean theorem.
March tests on Geometry

Answer the following questions :

Test I t
tf Ctroose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 Marks)
@ fne area of the rhombus of diagonal lengths 6 cm. : 8 cm. is ............... cm?
(a) a8 (b) 14 (c) 24 (d) 2s
@ The area of a rectangle is 40 cm? and its length 8 cm. r then its width ............... cm.
(a)32 (b) s (c) 48 (d)320
E tt
ttre lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 10 cm. r 8 cm. and the
smaller height 4 cm. r then its area equals ............... cm?
(a) 32 (b) 40 (c) 5 (d) 36

pf Complete: (3 Marks)
E Surfaces of two parallelograms with common base and between two parallel straight
lines : one is carrying this base are ...............
@A square of area 50 cm? r then its diagonal length equal cm.

E fn the opposite figure :

In A ABC : D is the midpoint of BC

: the area of AABD = 10 cm?

r then the area of AABC =

E fn the opposite figure : (2 Marks)

ABCD : EBCF are two parallelograms
Prove that : The area of A ABL = the area of A FCL

E f., the opposite figure : (2 Marks)

ABCD is a quadrilateral r its diagonals intersect at M DA
,ECBMwhereME=MD ,/Y-'Z
r the area of A AMB = the area of A CME / -2.-.\)
Prove that : en ll gC CB

Geo metry

Answer the following questions :

Test l2
fl Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 Marks)

@ The area of triangle = ............... of the length of the base x its corresponding height.

@)+ ft)+
,J (c) twice @)+
E If the lengths of the two parallel bases of atrapezium are 15 cm. : 11 cm. : then the
length of its middle base is """""""' cm.
(a) 4 (b) 26 (c) 13 (d) t2

@ The ratio between the area of the triangle and the area of the parallelogram which have
a cofllmon base and between two parallel straight lines is
(a) 1 :3 (b) 2:4 (c) 2: I (d)1:1

tl Complete: (3 Marks)

@ The areaofthe parallelogram = """""""' x """""""'

E] If ABCD is a parallelogram of area 100 cm? ,E € AD r then the area of
A EBC = .......'...."'

@ Arhombus of area 30 cm? and side length 6 cm. : then its height equals """""""' cm.

E trr the opposite figure : (2 Marks)
r E is the midpoint of BC
Prove that :
The area of the figure ABEM = the area of the figure DCEM

E Ir the opposite figure : (2 Marks)

ABCD is a rectangle : ABEF is a parallelogram
f Area of D ABEF
l0 cm. B
@ Area of A XAF
April tests on Geometry

Answer the following questions :

Test I t
tf Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 Marks)
@ The two triangles are similar if the corresponding are proportional.

(a) sides (b) angles (c) vertices (d) diagonals

E The length of the projection of a line segment on a given straight line ............... the
length of the original line segment.
(a) > (b) < (c) > (d) =

E In the oppoiste figure :

: then the perimeter of A DEF =.....'......'.. cm.
C 5cm. B
(a) 10 (b) t2 @) 2a

B Complete : (3 Marks)
E In triangle r if the square of the length of a side is equal to the sum of the squares of
the lengths of the other two sides : then ... ..... .......

E egCn is a rectangle : then the projection of AC on ffi is ."...'...."..

@ If two polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding
sides is 5 : 8 r then the ratio between their perimeters is .....'.........

E fn the opposite figure : (2 Marks)

ABCD is a quadrilateral t m (L B) = 90"
rAB = 7 cm. : BC = 24 cm. r CD = 20 cm. r DA= 15 cm.

iTlfina : The length of AC

@ Prove that : m(LD) = 90o It

E L the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at A
Find the length of : AB , AC and AD- D 9cm. B

(\t': l) Y 1; / a:ls!Y/ (c,U) oto;t, r.alr @{t,Y gil


Test |2
Answer the following questions :
tl Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 Marks)
E ffre projection of a ray on a straight line not perpendicular to it is ...'...........
(a) a line segment. (b) a ray.

(c) a straight line. (d) a point.

ElAll are similar.

(a) rohmbuses (b) triangles (c) rectangles (d) squares

@ tf tfre enlargement ratio of two simlilar polygons is ...'....'.'.... r then the two polygons
are congruent.

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0.5 (d) otherwise

B Complete :

E In the opposite figure :

r BC = 10 cm. r then XY = ..............' cm.

l3_JIf Ae BC r then the projection of Aon BC is .........'.....

E tn LKYZ, (XY)2 - (YZ)z = (xz)z r then m (L ...............) = 90o

E fn the opposite figure : (2 Marks)

m (Z AED) = m (LB) rAD = 3 cm.
@ Find : The length of EC

E tr, the opposite figure : (2 Marks)

m(ZBAC)=g0o rADIgC
:AB=8cm. rAC=6cm.
Find : .T ttre length of BC
@ The length of the prejection of AB on F
on Geometry

mportant questions
on Unit Four
First I Multiple choice questions
E If the base length of a parallelogram is 7 cm. and the corresponding height is 5 cm.
r then its area equals ............... ?
(a) 13 (b) 3s @) 2a (d) t2

E If the lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 8 cm. r 6 cm. : and its smaller
height is 4 cm. r then its area is ......"....... cm?

(a) 24 (b) 32 (c) 48 (d) 60

E tf the lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 6 cm. and 7 cm. and its greater
height is 5 cm. : then its area equals ............... .*?
(a) 30 (b) 35 (c) 42 (d) 4e

E ff the area of a parallelogram is 60 cm? and the length of its base is 12 cm. : then its
corresponding height to this base equals ............... cm.

(a) I (b) s (c) 10 (d) t2

E ff the area of a parallelogram is 24 crt and its height is 6 cm. r then the length of its
corresponding base equals ....'.......... cm.

(a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 7 (d) 4

E If the lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 9 cm. and 6 cm. and its smaller
height is 4 cm. : then its greater height is ............... cm.
(a) 36 (b) 24 (c) t2 (d) 6

fl fne area of a triangle is ............... the area of a parallelogram if they have a common base
lying on one of two parallel straight lines including them.
(a) equal to (b) half (c) twice (d) quarter

@ ffr" ratio between the area of the parallelogram and the area of the triangle whose base is
common and are included between two parallel straight lines equals ...............
(a) I :2 (b) 1 :3 (c) 2: I (d) 2:3
lmportont Questions ?
p tfnnCD is a parallelogr4m :E CAD: rhe area of A EBC = 35 cmz.

r then the area of D ABCD = ............... .-?

(a) 35 (b) 70 (c) t7 (d) 17.s

@ tn the opposite figure :

If ABCD is a parallelogram :
its area = 24 cm2.

r then the area of A ABE - ...'......'.... "*?

(a) 24 (b) t2 (c) 8 (d) 6

tll tf agCD is a parallelogram whose area is 100 cm? , E e AD r F is the midpoint of eC

IBF = ............... .rn?
(a) 100 (b) s0 (c) 10 (d) 2s

tE fn the opposite figure :

If the area of A ABC = the area of A DBC

: then

(a) ee ll CD (b) AB = CD
(c) eo // sC (d) AD = BC

@ fne area of the rectangle whose dimensions are 6 cm. and 4cm. ............... the area of the
triangle whose base length is 12 cm. and its corresponding height is 4 cm.

(a) < (b) > (c) = (d) +

@ fne triangle whose base length is 12 cm. and its area is 48 cmz.: then the corresponding
height is ...............

(a) 3 cm. (b) 4 cm. (c) 6 cm. (d) 8 cm.

IE tf the area of a triangl e 24 cm? and its height is 8 cm. r then the length of its corresponding
base equals ............... cm.

(a) 31 (b) 6 (c) 24 (d) 4

tEl fn" median of the triangle divides its surface into two triangles

(a) equal in perimeter. (b) similar. (c) equal in area. (d) congruent.
Geo m etry

tE fn the opposite figure :

The area of A AED = ............... the area of A ABC

@+ G)+

(.) + (o+
@ ffre area of the square whose diagonal length is 6 cm. equals .......'......'
(a) t2 (b) 18 (c) 24 (d) 36

@ ff the area of a square is 18 cm? : then the length of its diagonal is """""""' cm.
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 36

f[t e rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 8 cm. , 6 cm. : then its area is """""""' cm?

(a) 14 (b) 24 (c) 40 (d) 48

@ trhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. and 8 cm. : and its height is 4.8 cm.
r then its side length is """""""' cm.

(a) 10 (b) s (c) 20 (d) t2

@fne diagonals of the isosceles trapezium are .......'....'..

(a) congruent. (b) perpendicular.
(c) parallel. (d) bisecting each other.

@ fne trapezium in which the lengths of its two parallel bases are 14 cm. and 6 cm. r its
middle base is of length ............... cm.
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 40

@ ltrapezium its area is 54 cm? and its height is 6 cm. r then the length of its middle base
is .......'...'... cm.
(a) l0 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) t2

@ fne trapezium in which the lengths of its two parallel bases are 8 cm. and 12 cm. , its
height is 6 cm. r then its area is ............... cm?
(a) 720 (b) 120 (c) 60 (d) 72

Second I Complete questions

E f, the opposite figure :
ABCD is a parallelogram
of area ............... cr.r? CEB

lmportont Questions ?
fl Surfaces of two parallelograms with common base and between two parallel straight linesr
one is carrying this base: are...............

@ fne area parallelogram is 48 cm? and its base length is 12 cm. : then the
of a
corresponding height to this base is ..".....'..... cm.

@ fne ratio between the area of the triangle and the area of the parallelogram whose base is
conrmon and the vertex of the triangle belongs to the opposite side to the common base
is . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . : .. . . . .. . . . . .. .

@ ABCOisaparallelogramof area 100cm?,ECAD-:thenareaof AEBC =....--........." ?

E Ifthe base length of a triangle is 4 cm. and its corresponding height is 3 cm. r then its area
equals ............... ?
I If nnCD is a parallelogram its area is 100 cm? r then the area of AABC - ...............
@ fne two triangles drawn on a cofllmon base and their vertices are located on a straight line
parallel to this base are

!t friangtes with congruent bases and drawn between two parallel straight lines are

IE If two triangles in area and drawn on the same base and on one side of
are equal it r then
their vertices lie on a straight line ...............

lll I square whose diagonal length is 10 cm. r then its area equals ...............
lE A square whose perimeter is 16 cm. r then its area equals ............... .-?
IE ff the area of a square equals 49 cm? and its perimeter = (7 X- 14) cm. r then : X =

14 A rhombus whose side length is 12 cm. and its height is 8 cm. r then its area is ............... ?
@ f *re perimeter of a rhombus is 20 cm. and its height is 6 cm. r then its area is . .... .... . .. ... cm?

lE a rhombus whose perimeter is 20 cm. and its area is 40 cm? r then its height
1S......".....'. Cm.

@ fne area of 24 cm? r the length of one of its diagonals is 6 cm.

a rhombus is
: then the length of the other diagonal is '........."... cm.

@ fne length of the middle base of a trapezium is 7 cm. : its area is 35 cm?
r then its height is ............... cm.

lE e trapezium whose area is 30 cm? and the length of its middle base is 6 cm.
r then its height is '..."...'..... cm.
Geo m etry

@ fne area of atrapeziumis 108 ? ,the length of one of its parallel bases is 15 cm. and its
height is 8 cm. r then the length of the other base is '..........'... cm.

Third I Essay questions

Il fn the opposite figure :
ABCD is a parallelogram : AB = 12 cm.

Find : f The area of D ABCD 18cm.+
EThe length of OY

El fn the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle r AE // DF

Prove that :

The area of the figure ABCM = the area of the figure DMEF

E t, the opposite figure :

ABZF is a rectangle
rABCD rAMEF are two parallelograms

Prove that :

The area of D ABCD = the area of D AMEF

E In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram r E CAD-
tm(L BEC)=90o rif BE=6cm.:EC=8cm. -"9 s
Find : @The area of A ECB
EThe area of the parallelogramABCD

E tr, the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle

r AFEB is a parallelogram
Find by proof : The area of AAFX

lmportont Questions ? I

E In the opposite figure :

r EDXY is a rectangte , eO ll nn
Find by proof : The area of A ADB

E f" the opposite figure :

XYZL is a rectangle r
the areaof LEXZ = 25 cm?
Prove that : Bt ii XZ

E fn the opposite figure :

ABCD :ABMN are two parallelograms

Prove that :

The area of A EBC =

| thearea of IJABMN

tr In the opposite figure :

ABCD : AEFD are two parallelograms

Prove that :

The area of A ABX = the area of A DFX

tE fn the opposite figure :

Prove that :

The area of A AMB = the area of A DMC

tll f" the opposite figure :

ABCisatriangle rDeAB
: Such that the area of A ABE = the area of A ACD
Prove that : Og il gC

(\ ! : l) Y 1* / 4;isl Y/ (gEl) orr :Lr<E ll ;.,rt t OS I


lE r" the opposite figure :

, the area of AABM = the area of A DCM
Prove that : b ll nC

lE f, the opposite figure


Prove that :
a parallelogram

The area of A ABM = The area of A DXC


14 fn the opposite figure :

li OC

in which :


ABCisatriangle rXe AB
Prove that : The area of the figureAxMY = the area of AAXC

[E tn the opposite figure :
llBC , E is the midpoint of BC
Prove that :

@The AAMB = the area of A DMC

area of

@ The area of the figure ABEM = the area of the figure DCEM

tE fn the opposite figure :

D is the midpoint of BC
Prove that :
The area of AAEB = the area of AAEC

[E In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which D e AC , E e AC where AD = EC
Prove that :

The area of A ABE = The area of A CBD

tE fn the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram
,E CeE such that BC = BE
Prove that :
The area of A FEC = the area of D ABCD

| 106
lmportont Questions ?
@ ln the opposite figure :

to ttBC , AC n BD = {M}
: D is the midpoint of PC
Prove that :

The area of A MDE = the area of A AMB

p[t t" the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram whose area is 20 cm?
r F is the midpoint of EC, E e AD
1,/\ /
Find : The area of A BEF

fn the opposite figure

ABC is a

triangle in which E : D are the midpoints


of ag , BC.espectively.

Prove that :

The area of A ADE =

f fn" area of A ABC
@ In the opposite figure :

Prove that :

The area of the figure ABXM = the area of the figure DCYM

E fn the opposite figure :

OV tteC , gX = YC
Prove that :

The area of A BDX = the area of A AYD

?A tnthe opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at M DA

:E CBM- where ME = MD NZ
/ -2<"-I
; the area of A AMB = the area of A CME
Prove that : eO lr SC


@ fmO the diagonal length of the square whose area is 18 cm?

@ Arhombus r the product of its two diagonal lengths is72 cm2.and its height is 9 cm.
: find its side length.

@ RrtromUusrtheratiobetweenthelengthsof itstwodiagonalsis5:8 rif itsarea= 20OOcm?

: find the length of each of its diagonals.

@ fwo pieces of land have equal ore&S : one of them has the shape of a rhombus whose
diagonal lengths are 18 m. t24 m. and the other one has the shape of a trapezium whose
height is 12 m. Find the length of its middle base.

f[t n trapezium whose area is 180 cm? : the ratio between the lengths of its two parallel bases
is 3 : 2 and its height is 12 cm. What is the length of each of the parallel bases ?

@ In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a trapezium in which

Find : The area of the trapeziumABCD
lmportant questions
on Unit Five Geornetry

Fi.rst I Multiple choice questions

tl rne ffio triangles are similar if the corresponding angles are ...............
(a) proportional. (b) congruent. (c) different. (d) alternate.

E eU regularpolygons of the same number of sides are ...............

(a) congruent. (b) similar.
(c) equal in area. (d) all the a previous.

E eU are similar.
(a) triangles (b) squares (c) rhombuses (d) rectangles

E tt the ratio of enlargement between two similar polygons equals r then the two
polygons are congruent.
(a) (b) 2
@+ (d)
!l fne two polygons similar to a third polygon are ...............
(a) congruent. (b) equal in area. (c) similar. (d) coincide.

E tf two polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two ,ido
is 3 :2 r then the ratio between their perimeters is

(a)5:2 b)3:2 (c)1:3 (d)3:5

I t*o polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two
,ido i,
I "oo"rpordir,
: 3 t if the perimeter of the larger polygon is 45 cm. : then the perimeter of the smaller
polygon is ........,...... cm.
(a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 25 (d) 10

@ fne perpendicular segment drawn from the right angle of a triangle to the hyp"t*6.
divides it into two triangles.
(a) congruent (b) acute-angled
(c) similar (d) obtuse-angled

@ traABC -A DEF tm(LB) = 70" tm(LF) = 50" :thenm (Z A) =

(a) 50" (b) 60. (c) 80" (d) 100"
Geo metry

@ fn the opposite figure

, then the ratio of

minimizing is
(a) 2: I C tocm. B

(c) 1 :2 (d) 1 :3

: then the perimeter of A ABC = """""""' the perimeter of A DEF
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c)
+ @+
@ ffre ratio of minimizing of two similar polygons C """""""'
(a) l0 ,1[ (b) [o ,1] (c) [1 : ""[ (d) ]1 :""[

[E AgC is a triangle in which : (AB)2 + (BC)2 = (AC)2 rthen Z B is

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) right. (d) reflex.

tE fn" projection of a point on a straight line is

(a) a point. (b) a line segment. (c) a raY. (d) a straight line.

@ length of the projection of a line segment on a given straight line .............'. the length
of this line segment.
(a) > (b) < (c) < (d) =

O ff * tlXY:thenthelengthof theprojectionof AnonIY thelengthof AB

(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) >

O ff-ornm={X} r AB=6cm. rthenthelengthof theprojectionof ABorE

is not equal to ............... cm'
(a)6 (b)3 (c) 2 (d) s

lE tf the projection of a line segment on a straight line is a point

r then the line segment the straight line.
(a) ll (b) r (c) = (d) >

@ If en f BC : then the projection of AC- on EC is .......""""

(a) As (b) BC (c) AC (d) {A}

E0 I ABC is right-angled at B, nO t AC , then the projection of BD or

TE is ......'........
(u) {A} (b) {B} (c) {c} (d) {D}
lmportont Questions ?
[f If nnCD is a square : then the projection of AD on ffi is ...............
tui as (b) BC (c) cD (d) DA

@ lnthe
r then the

(a) oC
opposite figure
a rectangle

projection of aC o,

(b) AD (c) BC
(d) AC

@ fne projection of the point (5 r 3) on the y-axis is ...............

(a) (5 :0) (b) (0 ,5) (c) (0 :3) (d) (3 ,0)

@ ffr" area of the square on a side of the

right angle in the right-angled triangle is equal to
the area ofthe whose dimensions are the length of the projection of this side on
the hypotenuse and the length of the hypotenuse.
(a) square (b) rectangle (c) rhombus (d) parallelogram

E tn the opposite figure :

YL xLZ =
(a) (xL)2 (b) (x!2
(c) (XZ)2 (d) (YD2

@ nnC is a triangle in which m(L A) = 90o , AO l- Be : then (AB)2 =

(a) AB x DC (b) CD x BD (c) BD x BC (d) CD x CB

Et aABC, if (AB)2 > (BC)2 + (AC)2 : then L C is

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

@ In AABC : if (AC)2 < (AB)2 + (BC)2 : then LB is

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

@ t, aABC, if (AC)2 + GC)2 = (AB)2 - 5 : then L C is

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

En t, AABC, if (AC)2 + GC)2 = (AB)2 + 5, then L C is

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) right. (d) straight.

@ If enC is a triangle in which : (AC)2 - (CB)2 = (AB)2 , then LB is

(a) acute. (b) straight. (c) obtuse. (d) right.

@ tn A ABC t if L Acomplements L C
r then (AC)2 (AB)2 + @C)2

(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) >

@ ffr" triangle whose side lengths are 8 cm. :5 cm. t'7 cm. is

(a) acute-angled (b) right-angled (c) obtuse-angled (d) equilateral.

@ tTAABC :ifAB =6cm. r BC=8cm. r AC= l0cm. rthen m(L........"""')=90"

(a) A (b) B (c) c (d) D

@ ITAABC is an obtuse-angledtriangle atAinwhichAB = 7 cm. oAC = 8 cm.

: then BC may be equal to """""""' cm.

(a)5 O)7 (c) 8 (d) 13

Second I Complete questions

!l fn" two triangles ale similar if the corresponding ale proportional.

If the ratio of enlargement between two similar triangles equals one , then the two
triangles are ...............

tt two similar triangles r the side lengths of one of them are 3 cm. ,5 cm. t7 cm. and the

perimeter of the other is 75 cm. I then the side lengths of the other triangle
afe ............... Cm. , ............... Cfil. :............"' Cm.

@ enC is affiangle in which m (Z A) = 50" rm (Z B) = 60o :thenthe longest sideis

E ff AABC - A DEF rAB = 2DE tthen the perimeter of A DEF = .""""""" the perimeter

of A ABC

E If AABC-ADEF tm(LB)+m (LC) =80o:thenm(LD)=

E fn the opposite figure :

){YZLis a square of side length 10 cm.

,ffi Lxz
r then the area of A XMK - """""""'" ?
Z 10cm. L

E t" A ABC, if (AC)2 + (AB)2 - (Bq2 = zero : then m (L ... -...........) = 90o
lmportont Questions
p tf tne point A e the straight line L , then the projection of A on the straight line L
is ... .... ...... ..

@ ffre length of the projection of a line segment on a straight line parallel to it ............... the
length of the main line segment.

@ ffre length of the projection of a line segment on a straight line perpendicular to it


@ tt ee f BC r then the projection of A.g on Ed it

IE If the length of eg = X t the length of the projection of en on the straight line L = y

,then*=f ......., l

@ fne projection of the point (5 , - 4) on the X-axis is the point

@ fne projection of the point (0 r 3) on the X-axis is the point

[E fn the opposite figure :

AD- ]- BC
f The projection of AC o, Ed is ...............
@ The projection of AD o, Ed is ............... CDB

@ ffre product of the side lengths of the right angle in the right-angled triangle = ...............
x the length of the perpendicular drawn from the vertex of the right angle on it.

lE In the opposite figure : B
ABC is a right-angled triangle at B r np f aC
@ The projection of An on 7E is ...............
LlJ (AB)'= AD x """""""' CDA
l-q,J GD)' = AD x """""""'
ra, (BC)'=
CD x .........."...

E AABC - a...............- A

[E m A ABC, if (AB)2 - (BC)2 = (AC)2 and m (L B) = 40" : then m (L /.)= ...............o

E0 In A ABC r if (AB - BC) (AB + BC) > (AC)z : then the type of L Cis ...............
(\o:t) Y 1i /,sn.,n!l/ (c,V)lopL. rsb@[:.,f ltSl

Third I Essay questions

E In the opposite figure


The figure ABCD - the figure XYZL L

Calculate : l,l lm (LBCD)
Z2.4cm.Y C 8cm. B
e_,The length of ><t-

E l" the opposite figure :

Are A ABC r LXYZ similar ?
With the reason.

E fr, the opposite figure :

C 6cm. A
A LMN is right-angled at M r m (Z N) = 30o ,
@Provethat:AABC-ALMN "r. B

E In the opposite figure :

xz tt rc
Prove that :


El Ir, the opposite figure :

OYttYZ ,OX= 3 cm. : XY = 8 cm.

tXZ= 6 cm.
@ Prove that : A DEX - LZYX.
r a Find : the length of XP

El fn the opposite figure :

OgttgC rAO =2cm.:DB= 4cm.
lll Prove that : AADE - AABC
a Find : the length of each of OE and EC

lmportont Questions 7 I

E In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B r AB = 8 cm.

r BC = 6 cm. r D is the midpoint of ne , Of, f nC
I t I Prove that : AABC - AAED
z Find : The length of each of eC , Oe

El fn the opposite figure : D4.5cm. A

AB = 12 cm. : BC = 18 cm. rAD = 4.5 cm.
rAC=9cm. rDC=6cm.
Prove that : [rllasc-aDCA
El r" the opposite figure :
m (Z AED) = m (LB)
rAD = 3 cm.
Prove that : AAED - AABC r then find the length of EC

tE r, the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which :

m (Z B) = 90o rAB = 3 cm. rBC = 4 cm.

rAD=13cm.:CD=12cm. It
Prove that : m (Z ACD) = 90o 4cm.

Ul r, the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle ,,q.D f BC

: BD = 2 cm. : CD = 8 cm. rAD = 4 cm.
Prove that : m (l- BAC) = 90o

IE fn the opposite figure :

lO ttgC ,Ag = 13 cm. , BC = 5 cm.
: CD = 15 cm. t m (LACB) = m (LDAC) = 90o
Find : ! The length of the projection of AB- o, Id
,-d The length of the projection of CD on ID C s"-.


tE m the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in whichAB = AC = 5 cm.

:BC=6cm. rAD--l-BC
Find : E fne length of the projection of An on ffi BDC
E fne area of AABC
lB t" the opposite figure :
m (Z B) =m(L C) = 90o
rAIl = 15 cm. rAD = 10 cm.
rDC=9cm. o

Find : The length of the projection of AD- o, ffi

tr In the opposite figure :
m (L C)= 90o r BC = 7 cm. r CD = 24 cm.

rAB = 15 cm. rAD = 20 cm. , en -I gD B

E Prove that : m (Z BAD) = 90"
E tr'ind : The length of each of gE and AE

tE t" the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which m (Z A) = 90o

rAD- I
BC, BD = 9 cm. rAD = 12 cm.
Find : E fne length of DC- D 9cm. B
E fne length of AC
tE fn the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle atA

reOl-BC rBD= 16cm. rDC=9cm.
Find : The length of each of AB- , AC , AO

lE fn the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B
, gD I eC ,lg = 16 cm. rAC = 20 cm. u/,
Find :3i
T"tre length

fne length of
of BC
the projection of AB or Te

| 116
lmportont Ouestions
tE tn the opposite figure :
n(LYXZ) = 90" ,XB tYZ
:XY=9cm. tXZ=l2cm.
Find : The length of each otYZ ,XE ,EZ

f[t fn the opposite figure :

m(ZABC)=90',nXf eC
Find : The length of XC

@ Oetermine the type of the triangle ABC according to its angles if AB = 12 cm.
r BC = 14 cm. rAC = 15 cm.

@ Determine the type of AABC according to its angles ifAB = 12 cm.r BC = 5 cm.
: AC = 13 cm. r then find its area.

@ Identify the type of LB in AABC r if AB =7 cm. r BC = 72 cm. : AC = 8 cm.

Determine the type of the triangle according to its angles.

@ Determine the type of the greatest angle in A ABC where AB = 7 cm. r BC = 8 cm.
,AC = 10 cm.

E egCnis aparallelograminwhich : BC =6cm. r DC =4cm. r AC=Scm.

Determine the type of the triangle ABC according to its angles.

of Geometry


Final Revision Geometry

FifSt ) Remember the relation between the areas of two parallelograms

Surfaces of two IfA llBC,BCiru

parallelograms with common base r then :

coflrmon base and between e E"ffit"* B The area of D ABCD

= the area of D EBCF
two parallel straight lines :
one is carrying this base :
are equal in area.

The parallelograms with bases Ifm ilfr,;BC=YZ

equal in length and lying on : then :

a straight line : while the The area of D ABCD

opposite sides to these bases
= the area of D XYZF
are on another straight liner Equal bases in length

are equal in area.

The parallelogram and the If -AF ll BC, BC is a
rectangle with common common base r then :
L1 W#WtNw'!1liiifriw
base and between two C
co--on bur"
B The area of D ABCD
parallel straight lines are = the area ofrectangle
equal in area. EBCF
Geo metry

SeCond ) Remember the relation between the areas of two triangles

Two triangles which have

rrff /m, BC
the same base and the
is a common base
vertices opposite to this base
r then :

on a straight line parallel to

Common base The area of A ABC
the base have the same area.
= the area of A DBC

If two triangles are equal in area and drawn on the same base and on one side of it :
then their vertices lie on a straight line parallel to this base.

Triangles of bases equal in lfLrllLrtBC=EF=XM

length and lying between : then :

two parallel straight lines

The area of AABC
are equal in area.
= the area of A DEF
= the area of A YXM

The median of a triangle

If AD is a median in
divides its surface into two
A ABC r then :
triangular surfaces equal in
The area of A ABD
= the area of A ACD
= $ m"area of AABC

Triangles with congruent

If AA ABN r DCN are
bases on one straight line common in the vertex N
and have a cofilmon vertex
,7fB and CD *e on the
are equal in areas. same straight line rAB = CD
: then :

The area of AABN

= the area of A CDN

Finol Revision ? !

Th if d ) Remember the relation between the area of the triangle and the area 0f the parallelogram

Area of a triangle is rf Ee;6,76rffi,

equal to half of area of a

C Comon base B gC it a common base :
parallelogram if they have a
common base lying on one then : The area of A BEC
of two parallel straight lines = | tne area of D ABCD
including them. .
Comon base

Fourth ) Remember areas and perimeters of some geometric figures

The figure The perimeter The area

The sum of lengths ofthe base length x its corresponding

ofits three
sides height= l.xn
-t- The sum of lengths of
The base length x its corresponding
Parallelogram two adjacent sides x 2
*lt- (\+ lz)
height=/, xh, =Lrxh,
t 2 (Length + Width) Length x Width
Rectangle w
=2(l+w) =/**
* t-

Square of side length = L2
Square Sidelength x4=41. or { ofthe square ofits diagonal length
Side length x height = L xh
Rhombus Sidelength x4=41 o, tn"product of the lengths of the
* Lr* the sum of lengths of the two parallel
bases x height
The sum of lengths
of its sides t <lr* lr) *h
or the length of the middle base x height


In the isosceles trapezium : @ fne two base angles of it are equal in measure.
@ fne two diagonals of it are equal in length.
(\1 : l) Y
7i / e:ls!Y/ (.rl-J) oL;1, rsl*6Jl-t514

Fifth ) Remember the similarity

It is said that the two polygons @ rn* corresponding

are similar if the following two angles are equal
conditions are verified together. in measure.
It is said that the two triangles are @ffreir corresponding
similar if one of the following side lengths are
two conditions is verifled. proportional.

O In the two similar polygons P, and Pr tthe constant ratio among the lengths of the
corresponding sides of P, and P, is called the ratio of enlargement or the drawing scale.
If the constant ratio is :
o Greater than 1 r then the polygon P, is an enlargement to the polygon P,
o Less than I : then the polygon P, is a minimizing of the polygon P,
. Equal to 1 : then the polygon P, is congruent to the polygon P,

@lt two polygons P, and Prarc similar : then we deduce that :

o Their corresponding angles are equal in measure.

o Their corresponding side lengths are proportional.
i.e.lf AABC - A DEF : then :
(1) m (LA)=m(LD) rm (LB)=m(LE) rm (LC)=m(LD
.,r., AB _ BC _ CA
@ fne order of corresponding vertices should be kept in givin names of similar polygons.

@ fne congruent polygons are similar but it is not necessary that the similar polygons
are congruent.

O If each of two polygons is similar to a third polygon r then they are similar.

@any two regular polygons of the same number of sides are similar.
For example : o Any two equilateral triangles are similar.
o AnY two squares are similar , and so on.

@ ffre two right-angled triangles are similar if the measure of an acute angle in one of
them is equal to the measure of an acute angle in the other.

@ fne two isosceles triangles are similar if the measure of an angle in one of them
equals the measure of the corresponding angle in the other.

@ ffre ratio between the perimeters of two similar polygons = the ratio between the
lengths of two corresponding sides. __l
Finol Revision ?
SiXth ) Remember the converse of Pythagorasr theorem

In triangle r if the sum of the areas of two squares on two sides is equal to the area of the
square on the third side r then the angle opposite to this side is a right angle.

We can state this theorem as follows :

In triangle r if the square of the length of a side is equal to the sum of the squares of the

lengths of the other two sides r then the angle opposite to this side is a right angle.

If (AB)2 + (AC)2 = (BC)2
: then : m(L A) = 90"
SeVenth ) Remember the projections

@ fne projection of a point on a straight line :

. The projection of a point on a straight line is the point of intersection of the
perpendicular segment from this point and the straight line.
o If the point lies on the straight line: its projection on it is the same point.
In the opposite figure :
The projection of the point A on the straight line L is the point A r*--g-----t
r the projection of the point B on the straight line L is the point B

@ The projection of a line segment on a straight line :

o The projection of a line segment on a given straight line is the line segment whose two endpoints
are the projections of the two endpoints of the main line segment on this straight line.

:L ls
The projection The= projection The projection The projection
The projection
of AB on the of AB on the of AB on the of AB on the of AB on the
straight line L straight line L straight line L straight line L straight line L
is EE is EE isffi is AB is the point C

Notice that

@ fne length of the projection of a line segment on a given straight line @ the length of
the line segment.

@ fne projection of a perpendicular line segment to a given straight line is a point : and
in this case the length of the projection = zero


@ fne projection of a ray on a straight tine :

o The projection of a ray on a straight line not perpendicular to it is a ray C this smaight line.
o The projection of a ray on a straight line perpendicular to it is a point belonging to the
straight line.

@ fne projection of a straight line on another straight tine :

o The projection of a straight line on a straight line not perpendicular to it is a straight line.
. The projection of a straight line on a straight line perpendicular to it is the point of
intersection of the two straight lines.

Eighth ) Remember Euclidean theorem

In the right-angled triangle r the area of the square on a side of the right angle is equal to
the area of the rectangle whose dimensions are the length of the projection of this side on
the hypotenuse and the length of the hypotenuse.

In the opposite figure :

If A ABC is right-angled at A : AD- I BC

r then : (AB)2 = BD x BC r (AC)2 = CD x CB

Summary for the important relations of Pythagoras' theorem and Euclidean theorem

1nC)2=(AB)2+(AC)2 GA)2=BDxBC (CA)2=CDxCB



Finol Revision ?
Ninth ) Remember classifying triangles according to their angles

o In any triangle ABC : if AC is the longest side r and :

@ facl2 = (AB)2 + (Bc)2 r then AABC is a right-angled at B

@ fxc>' > (AB)2 + {nc)2 : then AABC is an obtuse-angled at B

@ tacl2 < (AB)2 + (BC)2 : then AABC is an acute-angled.

Generally r to determine the type of the triangle according to its angleS r \il€ follow the
First : We find the square of the length of each side of its sides.
Second.' We compare between the square of the length of the longest side of the triangle
and the sum of squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

Third.'We determine the type of the triangle according to the previous.

* To determine the type of an angle in a triangle : we do the same previous steps with
noticing that the comparison between the square length of the side opposite to it and the
sum of squares of the other two sides.
* The greatest angle in measure in the triangle is opposite to the longest side.
* In any triangle r there are two acute angles at least.
For more
exdmindtions on
on Geometry 0eometry
scanthecode . ee

. School book examinations

. Schools examinations

Model Examinations
of the School Book on

Model I I
Answer the following questions :

tl Comptete the following :

E f, the opposite figure :

B D c
@tTAABC:if (AC)2+(BC)2=(AB)2:then m(L ............)=90o
@ tt ttre point A e the line L r then the projection of the point A on the line L is ........'...'..
@ The area of the circle of diameter length 14 '.........".. cm? (n = ?)
@ A trapezium whose bases lengths are 8 cm. r 10 cm. and its height is 5 cm. r then its
area equals ...........'... c*.2

I Choose the correct answer :

E In AABC , if (AB)2 > (BC)2 + (AC)2 : rhen LCis
(a) acute. (b) right. (d) straight.
(c) obtuse.
@ A rhombus whose diagonals lengths are 6 cm. r 10 cm. has area ....'......' .cm?
(a) 60 (b) 30 (c) ts (d) to
[l The ratio between the lengths of two corresponding sides of two similar polygons is
3 : 5 t then the ratio between their perimeters is ...............
(a) 2: 5 (b)5:3 (c) 3 :5 (d) I :2
@ If the area of a trapezium is 100 cm? and its height is 5 cm. : then the length of its
middle base equals ............". cm.
(a) 20 (b) 30 (c) 40 (d) s0
E egCO is a parallellogram in which m (L 4t) = 70" : then m (Z B) =
(a) 70 (b) 110 (c) 180 (d) 360
@ The measure of each angle of the regular pentagon is ...............o
(a) 90 (b) 108 (c) r20 (d) s40

E tut The side lengths of one of two similar triangles are 3 cm.t4cm.r5cm.andthe
perimeter of the other triangle is 36 cm. Find the side lengths of the other triangle.

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram, X eAB
,Ye AD such that: The area of A CBX = the area of A CYD
Prove that : XV ll gD
Geo m etry

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which : BD = 2 cm.

rCD = 8 cm. rAD =4 cm., nO I gC D2cm.B
Prove that : m (Z BAC) = 90o

[b] ABCD is a parallelogram in which : AB = 18 cm. and BC = 12 cm.

We draw DE I BC, DO I AB :DE= 15 cm.
Calculate the area of the parallelogram ABCD and find the length of DO

E fut ABC is a triangle in which m(L {t) = 50o tm(LB) = 60o ,

Arrange the lengths of the sides of the triangle in a descending order.

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which
Prove that : The area of AABE = the area of A DCE

Model l2
Answer the following questions :

tl Comptete the following :

E fne two polygons are similar if their corresponding sides are ".."'.'."'.. and their
corresponding angles are ....'...'......
@ The area of 24 cm.z r the length of one of its diagonals is 8 cm. r then the
a rhombus is
length of the other diagonal is ...............
E In A ABC , if (AB)2 = (AC)2 - (BC)2 r then A ABC is right-angled at
@ R triangle whose side lengths are 6 cm. r 8 cm. and l1 cm. r then its type according to
its angles is .............'.
E ttre area of a triangle is equal to half of the area of a parallelogram if they have
a cofirmon

I Ctroose the correct answer :

@ A trapezium whose bases lengths are 6 cm. : 8 cm. r then the length of its middle base
equals ...........'... cm.
(a) 48 (b) 24 (c) 14 (d) 7
E If two polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding
sides is I : 3 and the perimeter of the smaller polygon is 15 cm. r then the perimeter of
the greater polygon is .'........'.... cm.
(a) 30 (b) 4s (c) oo (d) zs
Finol Exo minotions ? !

E If tne area of the triangle is24 cm.z and its height is 8 cm. : then the length of the
corresponding base is ..........'.." cm.
(a) 1o (b) o (c) : (d) tz
EenC is a right-angled triangle at B , gD I AC , then the projection of BD on Ed
is the point
(a) A (b) s (c) C (d) D

@ A square of perimeter 20 cm. : then its area equals ...............

(a) 20 (b) 2s (c) so (d) 100 A
E m" number of the triangles
in the opposite figure equals
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) o

E Ir, the opposite figure :

rAC = l0 cm. r BC = 7 cm.andAO = 5 cm.
Find : L]- fne length of BE
E ffre area of AABC
N' '7cm. BO

E tul ABCD is a parallelogram in which : AB = 8 cm. rAC = 20 cm.and BD = 12 cm.

Prove that : m (Z ABD) = 90o : then flnd the area of this parallelogram.

lbl fn the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which D is the
midpoint of AB : E is the midpoint of AC
Prove that :

E fne area of the triangle DBC = the area of the triangle EBC
trDE ilBC
tr [a] In the opposite figure :

A DBA is similar to A ABC t m (L BAC) = 90"

Prove that : AD I BC and if AB = 8 cm. rAC = 6 cm.
r find : the length of BD

(\Y : l) Y
1i / alslY/ (c,til) oto;u. raL*6Jl-F IZA
Geo metry

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle , en I gC

If AD =24 cm.:AB = 26 cm.

andAC = 30 cm.
, find : BC : then calculate the area of AABC

Model for the merge students

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

f The area of the parallelogram whose length of its base is 6 cm. and its corresponding
height of this base is 4 cm.equals ............... cm?

(a) t2 (b) 20 (c) 24 (d) 48

@ The triangle whose lengths of its sides are 6 cm. : 8 cm. r 10 cm. is
(a) an acute-angled triangle. (b) a righrangled triangle.

(c) an obtuse-angled triangle. (d) otherwise.

@ The rhombus whose lengths of its diagonals are 6 cm. and 10 cm.
r then its area - ............... cm?

(a) 60 (b) 30 (c) 15 (d) 10

@ The trapezium of length of its middle base 8 cm. and surface area 56 ,
then its height = ............... cm.

(a)32 (b)24 (c) 448 (d) 7

EAll are similar.

(a) squares (b) triangles (c) rectangles (d) parallelograms

f,l Comptete each of the following :

@ The projection of a point on a straight line is

@ If the triangle ABC is obtuse-angled at B r then (Aq2 (AB)2 + GC)2

@The square whose length of its diagonal is 8 cm. r then its area = .........'..." cm?
@ The two triangles have same base and the vertices opposite to this base are on
a straight line parallel to the base ............."

@The area of triangle =* x corresponding height.

Finol Exominotions 7
E Jot from the column (A) to the suitable one from the column (B) :
Column (A) Column (B)

E In the opposite figure : . BEC

AC = ........'...... cm.


[E In the opposite figure : .2.4

Area of AAED = area of A ..

E In the opposite figure : . Congruent

Area of A ABD = area of A

@ If the ratio of enlargement between two similar triangles = 1

r then the two triangles are ......'...'....

lE In the opposite figure :

The length of the projection

of AB o, Ed = ............... cm

E f" the opposite frgure :

Area of the figure ABYX = Area of the figure DCYX

Complete the proof to prove that : lO ttPiC

R.T.P. : ................

Proof : '.' XY is a median in A XBC


.'. Area of A ............... = area A ...'.'.....'... (1)

'.' area of the figure ABYX = area of the figure DCYX (2)

By subtracting (1) from (2) :

.'. Area of A ....'...'.....' = area of A ...............

By adding area of AADX to both sides
.'. Area of A ............." = area of A ........'......

... AD IIBC (Q.E.D.)

E fn the opposite figure :

tm(LAED) =44" r AD=3 cm. rEA= 4cm.
Complete to find the length of each of : ED and EC

. AB _CA

cm. r AC = ' , EC = ..'........'.'. cm. (The req.)
Some Schools
on Geometry

El-Nozha Educational Zone

Futures Language Schools

Answer the following questions :

I Choose the correct answer :

S The length of the base of the triangle whose area is 60 cm? and its height is 10 cm.
is ..............'
(a) 6 cm. (b) 12 cm. (c) 15 cm. (d) 50 cm.

EABC is a triangle in which r (AB)2 - (BC)2 < (AC)2 r then L C is

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

@ The length of the diagonal of the square whose area is 50 cm? is ... ...' . ....". cm.

@ snfi O) ls (c) tz.5 (d) 10

@ The length of the projection of a given line segment ....'....'..... the length of the original
line segment.
(a) > (b) = (c) < (d) <

@ The area of the triangle is ............... the area of the parallelogram which have a common

base and included between two parallel straight lines.

(a) 1 (b) 2 @+ (d) 3

@ The projection of the point (3 : 5) on y-axis is ...'....'......

(a) (3 :0) (b) (0 ,0) (c) (0 r 5) (d) (s ,3)

fl Comptete each of the following :

@ The median of the triangle divides it into

@The diagonals of the isosceles trapezium are .....'.'.......
@ The area of the rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 8 cm. and 10 cm. is '..."...'..... cm?
@ If two triangles are similar to a third one r then the two triangles are ."'....'...'..
@ Two parallelograms with a common base and between two parallel straight lines one of
them carries the base are ..'.'..........

E If the ratio of enlargement of two similar polygons is equal to 1 : then the two
polygons are ...............


E f"t In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral where

lg ttCD and EB = BC

Prove that :

The area of A EBM = The area of A ADM

[b] The area of a ffapezium is 180 ?, ,its height is 12 cm. If the ratio between the
lengths of the parallel bases is 3 : 2 r find the lengths of its parallel bases.

E tut In the opposite figure :


are two parallelograms

Prove that : The area of A ABX = the area of A DFX

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B r BD I AC

Find : E fne length of each of AC and BD

E fne length of the projection of BC o, fr

E fne length of the projection of BA o, fr

E tul In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle r where m (Z B) = m (L AYX)

E tf eX = 2 cm. r XB = 3 cm. and

AY = 2.5 cm. r then find : the length of CY

[b] Determine the type of A ABC according to its angles where :

AB = 17 cm. r BC = 9 cm. andAC = 10 cm.

Exo m inotio ns

Shoubra Educational Zone

Good Shepherd School

Answer the following questions :

I Choose the correct answer :

B tn a ABC , if (AC)2 = (BC)2 - (AB)2 r then L Ais

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

@ A square whose diagonal length is 10 cm. r its area = """""""' ?

(a) 100 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 20

E A rhombus is of area 60 cm? and the length of one of its diagonals equals 10 cm.
r then the length of the other diagonal equals """""""' cm.
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12

@ fne median of the triangle divides its surface into two triangles
(a) congruent. (b) equal in area. (c) isosceles. (d) right-angled

E If tne base length of a triangle is 8 cm. and its corresponding height is 3 cm. r then its
area equals '....'......... crn?

(a) 6 (b) 12 @) 2a (d) 38

E If two polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding
sides is 2 :3 t then the ratio between their perimeters is """""""'
(a) 2:3 (b) 3 :2 (c) 4:9 @)9:a

fl Comptete each of the following :

E tf en- I BC : then the projection of AC or, ffi is ........'...'..

EL LI(YZ,if (xz)2 +(YZ)z >(xn2 rthen Lzis

@ A trapezium whose bases are of lengths 6 cm. and 10 cm. and its height is 12 cm. r

then its area equals ............... cm?

E fne base angles of the isosceles trapezium are .......'....'..

E If two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are of lengths 8 cm. and 10 cm. and its smaller
height is 4 cm. : then its greater height is ..'..........'. cm.

E ffre area of the rhombus whose perimeter is 52 cm. and the length of one of its
diagonals is 10 cm. equals ............" cm?


E tut In the opposite figure :

DEO is a right-angled triangle at E

Find : the lengths of EN , DE and EO

lbl In the opposite figure :

lO ttBC , gX = CY
and AC n BD = {M}
Prove that : the area of ABXM = the area of DCYM

E Iul In the opposite figure :

m (Z B) = 90o :AB = 7 cm. rBC = 24 cm.

r CD = 20 cm. and DA= 15 cm.

hove that : m(LD) = 90"

lbl In the opposite figure :

BE n DC = {n} ana

Prove that :


E t"t ABC is a triangle whose side lengths are 5 cffr. t7 cm. and 9 cm. Determine the type
of the triangle ABC according to its angles.

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral

: its diagonals intersect at M

and the area of A ABM = the area of A DCM
Prove that :

Finol Exominotions

Giza Governorate Math lnspection

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

f If two polygons are similar : then the corresponding are equal in measure.

(a) sides (b) angles (c) rays (d) vertices

B The sum of measures of the interior angles of a triangle equals

(a) 360' (b) 180' (c) 90' (d) supplementary

E In A ABC r if (AB)2 + (BC)2 = (AC)2 r then the type of the triangle according to its
angles is ........'....'.

(a) right-angled. (b) acute-angled. (c) obtuse-angled. (d) straight angle.

E The rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. r 10 cm. has the area """""""'
(a) 60 cm? (b) 30 cm? (c) 15 cmi (d) 10 cm?

EThe area of the square = ] of the product of the lengths of its """""""'
(a) sides. diagonals. (c) heights.
(b) (d) medians.

@ The parallelogram and with common base and between two parallel straight
lines are equal in area.

(a) polygon (b) triangle (c) rectangle (d) trapezium

B Complete:
E In the opposite figure :
ABC is a right-angled triangle at B
, nn I AC , then (BD)2 = AD x """""""'
@ The area of riangle is equal to half of the area of a parallelogram if they have a
common and lie between two parallel lines.

E If AB f 6 and B e 6 r then the length of the projection of AB o, 6


@ The area of the trapezium r its height is 5 cm. and the lengths of its two parallel bases
arc24 cm. and 12 cm.equals ............... crrt

@A square of side length 20 cm. r then its area equals ..."""""" cm?

E If A ABC - LXYZ r then m (Z B) = """""""'

( \A : l) Y
7i / e:l.s!Y/ (otl) oL;t, rat*.@ Il:-,Y lSZl

E ful In the opposite figure :

ABC is right-angled triangle at A

:CD=16cm.rDB=9cm. D 9cm. B

Find : The length of each of AC , AD

lbl In the opposite figure :

m (Z ADE) = m (LB) rAD = 7 cm.

@ Prove that : AADE - AABC
[4 Find : the length of AC

E trl In the opposite figure :

eO ir a median of A ABC , E GAD-
Prove that :

The area of AACE = the area of AABE

lbl In the opposite figure :

m (Z B) = 90o r D is the midpoint of AC

,AB=6cm. rBC=8cm.
E Find : the length of AC
E Prove that : m (Z ADE) = 90"

E trl Find the height of atrapezium with area 450 c ? ,its two parallel base lengths
are24 cm. and 12 cm.

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a rectangle and AEFD

is a parallelogram where eg ll Of
Prove that :
The area of the figure ABCM = the area of the figure DMEF
Finol Exominotions ?
6m of October Directorate of Education

Answer the following questions :

E Choose the correct answer :

E fne diagonal lengths of a rhombus are 8 cm. , 10 cm. I then its area is """""""' cm?
(a) 80 (b) 40 (c) 20 (d) s0

E ffre projection of a line segment on a straight line perpendicular to it is a """""""'

(a) ray. (b) point. (c) straight line. (d) line segment.

EnnC is a triangle in which (AB)2 = (AC)2 + (CB)2 : then LB is

(a) right. (b) obtuse. (c) acute. (d) straight.

EITIABC- LXYZ:thenm(LC)=m(L )
(a) X (b) Y (:c) z (d) B

E tre angle whose measure is 170' is """""""'

(a) acute. (b) obtuse. (c) right. (d) straight.

@ fne lengths of the bases of atrapezium is 6 cm. and 10 cm. : then the length
of its middle base is .'...'......"' cm.
(a) 16 (b) ls (c) 9 (d) 8

El Comptete the following statements :

E If two polygons are similar r then the lengths of their corresponding sides are """""""'
E If two straight lines are intersecting : then each two vertically opposite angles are " "'" " " " "
@ A square whose area is 50 cm? r then its diagonal length is """""""' cm.

E If AABC is aright-angled triangle at B rAB = 3 cm. r BC = 4 cm.

r then AC = """""""' cm.

@ fne number of axes """""""'

of symmetry of an equilateral triangle is
E If tfre point A e ffi : then the projection of A on ffi is """""""'
E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram : AB = 12 cm.
Find : @ The area of the parallelogramABCD CXB/
rtas 18cm.
? ttre length of DY

[b] Determine the type of the triangle ABC according to its angles if :

AB=5cm. r BC=lOcm. r AC=7cm.

E tut In the opposite ligure :

lC ttDE , AD ll EB r C is the midpoinr of BE

Prove that :

The area of the shape ABCD = the area of A ABE

[b] A trapezium its area is 48 cm? and its height is 6 cm. Find the lengrh of its middle base
r and if the length of one of its two bases is 7 cm. r find the length of the other base.

E tul In the opposite figure : 5cm.

xy ttBC , xC n By = {A}
:XY= 5 cm. rBC = 10 cm. rAX = 3 cm. :AIl = 8 cm.
@ Find : the lengths of AC and AY
lbl In the opposite figure :

A ABC is a right-angled triangle atA, eO I gC

:BD= 16cm. rDC=9cm.
Find : B The lengths of AB , AD- ana AC
C 9cm. D
@ The area of A ABC

El-Gomrok Educational Zone

Maths Supervision

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

@ The triangle whose side lengths are 5 cm. t 12 cm. and 13 cm. : then the measure of its
greatest angle equals
(a) 85" (b) 90' (c) 120' (d) 100'
@ The number of axes of symmetry of the isosceles triangle equals
(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d) 4

@ If the ratio of enlargement between two similar polygons equals r then the
two polygons are congruent.
@)+ o)+ (c) 1 (d)2
Finol Exo minotions ?
E ngCn is a parallelogram , its area is 40 cm? : then the area of A ABC = """""""' cm?
(a) 10 (b) ls (c) 20 (d) 60

Efneareaof therhombuswhosediagonallengthsare6cm.and8cm.equals. ..

(a) 3 (b) 24 (c) 16 (d) 12

lq ]The rectangle whose dimensions are 6 cm. and 8 cm. : then its diagonal length
equals ...'..........' cm.
(a)7 (b) ls (c) 10 (d) 17

E Comptete each of the following :

E] fne projection of the line segment perpendicular to a straight line on this line
is . ... ... ... . ... .

@ The median of the triangle divides its surface into two triangles
E ttre two triangles are similar if their corresponding angles are ....'..........
B tf m (Z ABC) = 60o : then m (reflex Z ABC) = ..............' o
E traABC - LXYZ tm(L B) = 50' :then m(L...............) = 50o
E ttre triangleABC in which (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2 r then m(L ........'. ... ) = 90o
E tut In the opposite figure :
XY ttAC , H is the midpoint of XY
Prove tbat :
The area of A AHB = the area of A CHB CY j
[b] Show the type of the triangle ABC according to the measures of its angels : where
AB = 7 cm. r BC = 8 cm. andAC = 9 cm.

E tul In the opposite figure :

OtlttgC rPH=8cm.
:AH = 9 cm.
Find : the length of BC
tbl The of a trapezium is 50 cm? and the lengths of its two parallel bases are 12 cm. .t
8 cm. Find its height.

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram in which An I XV
Prove that :

The area of A AXL =

| *"uof the parallelogram ABCD

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B

:AB=9cm.:BC= 12cm. A


Prove that : m (Z DAC) = 90'

Maths Supervision
Official Language School

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ Two similar triangles r the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding sides is 5 : 3
: then the ratio between their perimeters is

(a)3:5 (b)5:3 (c)5:9 (d)4:5

@A square is of area 50 cm? r then the length of its diagonal equals ............... cm.

(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40

@ A parallelogram : the measure of one of its angles is 150' and its heights are 6 cm.
and 5 cm. r then its area = ........'.....' cm?

(a) 30 (b) s0 (c) 60 (d)72

(AB)2 + @C)2
@InAABC,if (AC)2
<l rthenZBis
(a) acute. (b) right. (c) straight. (d) obtuse.

EThe length of the projection of a given line segment ............'.. the length of the original
line segment.
(a) < (b) > (c) = (d) <

EInAABC:ifAB =AC tm(L B)=50':thenm(ZA)=

(a) 50' (b) 60' (c) 70' (d) 80'

@ Complete the following :

@ A trapezium r the lengths of its two parallel bases are 6 cm. r 8 cm. and its height is
10 cm. : then its area - ...........'... crn?

@The angle of measure 70" supplements an angle of measure

Finol Exominotions ?
E In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at A

, AD- I BC , then the length of AD- = ...'....'...... cm.
D 9cm. B
@The median of a triangle divides it into two triangles .....'.........
i rr: DF = 8 cm. rthenAC =

@ The projection of the point (5 r - 4) on X-axis is the point

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram : B is the midpoint of CF

Prove that : The area of A EFC = the area of D ABCD

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B

rAD = 15 cm.

Prove that : m (Z ADC) = 90'

: then find the length of the projection of AD on fr

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle, D eAB, E CAC

r the area of A ABE = the area of A ACD

Provethat:n /gC
lbl In the opposite figure :

B is the midpoint of CE : AB = 4 cm.

rAC = 6 cm. r DE = 8 cm. and CD = 12 cm.

Prove that : {JAACB - A DCE

treE bisects L ACD

E trtArhombus:theproductof lengthsof itsdiagonals is12cm?,anditsheightisgcm.

Find : the perimeter of the rhombus.


lbl fn the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B

Find : the lengths of CE and AC

East of Zagazig
Math lnspection

Answer the following questions :

E Chooru the correct answer :

E ttre projection of a point on a given straight line is

(a) a point. (b) a line segment. (c) a ray. (d) a straight line.

B fne lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 8 cm. and 5 cm. and the
smaller height is 4 cm. r then its area equals '...'.'..'..... cm?

(a) t7 (b) zz (c) 20 (d) sz

Em are similar.

(a) triangles (b) pentagons (c) squares (d) rectangles

@ fn the opposite figure :

If AABC - ADEF rthen m(LA) = '...'.....'....
(a) 20" (b) 60"

(c) 80' (d)tOO" F E c

@ fne rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. : 10 cm. has an area ....."... ... . cm2.

(a) 60 G) ro (c) 15 (d) to

@e.gC is a triangle in which : (BC)2 = (AB)2 + (AC)2 tm(LB) = 40o

r then m(LC) =
(a) 40" (b) 5o' (c) 90' (d) 140'

I Complete :

E ttre two triangles are similar if the corresponding are proportional.

E If ag I BC : then the projection of AB- on ffi is ...... .........
Finol Exominotions ?
E The base angles of the isosceles trapezium are """""""'
E fne fiangle whose side lengths are 6 cm. r 8 cm. : 11 cm. r then its type according to its
angles is .....'....'....

@ If two polygons are similar and the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding
sides is 3 :4 t then the ratio between their perimeters is """""""'

@ The median of a triangle divides its surface into two triangles

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which : m (L B) = 90'

:AB = 7 cm. r BC = 24 cm. : CD = 20 cm.
and DA = 15 cm.

Prove that : m (Z D) = 90"

lbl In the opposite figure :

The area of A AEB = the area of A DEC

Prove that : AD- // BC

E tut In the opposite figure :

ABC is atriangle ,gC tt OL
:AO= 4cm.:BO= 2cm. rAL=6cm. rBC= l.5cm.
@ Prove that : AABC is similar to AAOL lp
@ Find : The lengths of LC and OL
lbl In the opposite figure :

AABC is right-angled at B and BD I AC

:AD = 4.5 cm. and DC = 8 cm.
Find : The length of each of AB , BC and BD D +.5cm. A

E t"t In the opposite figure : DA
such that : AF = FE

Prove that : The area of A BFE = the area of A DFC CB

lbl A trapezium of lengths of two parallel bases 6 cm. and 4 cm.

Find its area if its height is 5 cm.

(\1 : l) Y
t* / al*lYl (oL,J) ot,-tr r.el^*6Jl;.rf J+Sl

Maths Supervision

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is permitted)

I Choose the correct answer from those given :

f If tfre area of a triangle is 30 cm? r its height is 5 cm. r then its corresponding base
length is '.............' cm.
(a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 18 (d) s
E The area of the square whose diagonal length is 12 cm. is ............... cm?
(a) 3 (b) 144 (c) 72 (d) 9
@ The corresponding angles of two similar polygons are ............... in measure.
(a) equal (b) different (c) alternate (d) proportional

@ The rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. r 8 cm. r then its area = ............... cm2.

(a) 10 (b) t2 (c) 24 (d) 48

E L a parallelogr&rn : the lengths of two adjacent sides are 7 cm. r 9 cm. and the smaller
height is 4 cm. r then its area is ......'........ cm?
(a) 28 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 63
EInAABC rif (AB)2+(BC)2<(AC)2 rthen LAis
(a) right. (b) acute. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

fl Complete each of the following :

f Two similar polygons to a third one are

E egCO is a parallelogram , E CCD : the area of AAEB =20 cm?., r then the area of the
parallelogram ABCD = ............... cm2.

@ The isosceles triangle has ...".....'.... axes of symmetry.

@ Two triangles are similar if the lengths of their corresponding sides are ...............
@ The median of a triangle divides it into two triangles ...............
@ The type of the triangle whose side lengths are 3 cm. t 4 cm. and 5 cm. according to its
angles is ...'...........

E fut In the opposite figure :

nC ttXY , E is the midpoint of XY

Prove that :

The area of A ABE = the area of A CBE

Finol Exominotions ? !

lbl In the opposite figure :

m (Z A) = 90" :AB = 15 cm. rAD = 20 cm.

:BC=J cm.:CD=24cm.
Prove that : m (L C) = 90o li

E tut In the opposite figure :

Xn ttDC , eC n eD = {B}
rAE = 3 cm. r BE=2cm. rEC = 6 cm.

E Prove that: AABE - A CDE

E Find : the length of DE
lbl In the opposite figure :

The area of AABE = the area of AACD

Prove that : PB I gC

E tut In the opposite figure :

A ABC is right-angled atA : AD- I BC

Find : the lengths of BC and AD-

[b] Find the area of the trapezium with two parallel bases of lengths 10 cm. t 14 cm. and
its height is 8 cm.

Directorate of Education
Maths Supervision

Answer the following questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

E ln A ABC r if (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2 : then m (Z B) =

(a) 30" (b) 60" (c) 90' (d) 100"

E ln the opposite figure :

The length of the projection of AD on ffi is .'......'...... "t I

(a) o (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3


@fne area of the square whose diagonal length is 8 cm. is

(a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 32 (d) 40

E fn the opposite figure :

If DE=3cm. r

then BC = ...'...'
(a) 1 (b) s (c) 6 (d)1
E ffre measures of base angles of an isosceles trapezium are
(a) equal. (b) complementary. (c) parallel. (d) supplementary.

@ ffre area of a parallelogram is 60 cm? and the length of one base is 12 cm.: then the
corresponding height is ............... cm.
(a) I (b) s (c) 10 (d) 12

fl Complete:
@fne area of the triangle = * "......'........ x h
E f, the opposite figure :

If the area of A ADB = tne area of A ADC

r then BD = .'............. DC
[Effr" two diagonals are perpendicular and equal in length in ..'..........'.

Etra xYZ- AABC tm(L X) = 30" tm(LY) = 90' r then m(LC) = ........---..--o
E If tne two triangles are similar and congruent r then the ratio between the lengths of
two corresponding sides equals ..'............
E If tne area of a trapezium = 84 cm? r and the length of the middle base = 12 cm.
: then its height = ............... cm.

E tul In the opposite Iigure :

ABC is a triangle
, AD i, a median , E GAD-
Prove that :

The area of A ABE = the area of A ACE

lbl In the opposite figure :

"./ tl\\
m(ZBAC)=90'rAD-ICB A
Find by proof : the lengths of AD r CD and BD
Finol Exominotions ?
E tut Determine the type of the A ABC according to its angles if AB = 6 cm. rAC = 12 cm.
lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram : CB = 8 cm.

:AE=5 cm. ,Ne DA- rE€CE ren,f Cf,
Find by proof : the area of A NCB

E tul In the opposite figure :

r proY€ that :

the area of A AMB = the area of A DMC

lbl In the opposite figure :

BE n DC = {A} , m (Z B) = 90o >m(LE) = 90o

@Provethat:AABC-AAED B 3cm..
@ Find : the lengths of AB , RC

10 Damietta Governorate ( Zl-

New Damietta Zone
El-kafrawi Language School

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

ff Choose the correct answer from those given :

@ The area of a parallelogram is 30 cm2. and its base length is 6 cm. r then its
corresponding height is ............... cm.
(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) e0

@ The median of a triangle divides its surface into two triangles

(a) similar. (b) congruent. area. (d) equal in perimeter.
(c) equal in

f{ I., AABC , if (AC)2 < (AB)2 + (BC)2 : then the type of LB is ..."..........
(a) obtuse. (b) right. (c) straight. (d) acute.

@ The trapezium whose middle base length = 8 cm. and its height = 5 cm.
r its area = ...............
(a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 30 (d) 20
E If AB ll -CD r then the length of the projection of AB on CD the length of AB
(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) otherwise.

Geo m etry

@The rhombus whose diagonal lengths are 10 cm. r 6 cm. r its area = ..........'.... cm?
(a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 60 (d) 120

@ Complete the following :

@A square its diagonal length = 10 cm. : then its area = ...'........... .-?
@The two polygons are similar if their corresponding angles are ............... and their
corresponding sides are ......".......

E The area of a triangle is equal to half of the area of a parallelogram if they have
a common base and

@The area of the rectangle = ....."'...'...

@ The number of axes of symmetry of an isosceles triangle equals
ElIf AB I 6 r then the length of the projection of AB on 6 equals

E tut Find the height of the trapezium whose area is 70 cm? and the two base lengths are
lbl In the opposite figure :
BO tt gC rAP = 4 cm.: DC = 8 cm.
rEA=3cm. rBC= 18cm.
[T]Prove that : AAED - AABC
e Find : the length of ED

E tul Determine the type of the triangle ABC according to its angles where AB = 7 cm.
: BC = 6 cm. rAC = 9 cm.

lbl In the opposite figure :

m(LC) = 90o :AB = 15 cm.

r BC = 7 cm. : CD = 24 cm. rAD = 20 cm. !

Prove that : m(L A) = 90o

E tut In the opposite figure : AB
ts ttCD , AC n nO = {rur} /\-
: E is the midpoint of CD
Prove that :

The area of the figure ADEM = the area of the figure BCEM

Finol Exominotions ?
lblln the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle t m (L BAC) = 90o

Find:AD rAB rAC

Administration of Distinguished &

Governmental Language Schools

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

fl Choose the correct answer from those given :

f Arhombus its two diagonals are of lengths 8 cm. and 6 cm. r its area equals .."..'....'... cm?
(a) t4 (b) 20 (c)24 (d) 48

Erf Ag ll XY rthenthe lengthofthe projectionof AB oriY the length of fB

(a) = (b) > (c) < (d) otherwise

E ffre sum of measures of the interior angles of a triangle equals

(a) 90" (b) 180" (c) 360' (d) 120'

BIn the opposite figure :

: then AD = ............... cm. B 16cm. D gcm. C

(a) t44 (b)2s (c) 50 (d) t2

Etn IABC : if (AB)2 > GC)2 + (AC)2 r then L C rs

(a) acute. (b) right. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

EAll are similar.

(a) squares (b) rectangles (c) triangles (d) parallelograms

El Comptete the following :

EABCD is a parallelogram in which m(L A) = 60o : then m (Z B) = ......'..."...o
@ fne two triangles are similar if their corresponding side lengths are ... ..... . ... ...

@A square is of perimeter 16 cm. r then its area equals '..............

EABCO is aparallelogram ,its area = 36 cm? ,ECAD rthen the areaof AEBC
equal ............... cm2.

E]If AABC - LXYZ tm(LA) = 70' tm(LY) = 60' rthen m(LZ)=

@ The median of a triangle divides it into two triangles ............... in area.

E fut In the opposite figure :

lO ttBC,AC n DB= {E} rAD = 4 cm.rBC = 8 cm.

@ Prove that : AAED - A CEB

@ Find : the perimeter of A EBC

[b] Find the area of atrapezium if the lengths of its parallel bases are 5 cm. r 9 cm. and its
height is 4 cm.

E tut In the opposite ligure : DF

ABCD is a parallelogram : E €CB
where BC = BE

Prove that : the area of A FCE = the area of

[b] Determine the type of the triangle ABC according to its angles whereAB=7cm.

E tui In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle atA

,lP j- gC ,eg =20 cm. rAC = 15 cm.
Find : @ ffre length of the projection of AB o, ffi
?lThe length of EC
lbl In the opposite figure :
If the area of A ADC = the area of A AEB
r prov€ that : Og ttBiC

The Educational Directorate

Tur Sinai Educational Zone

Answer the following questions :

I Choose the correct answer :

E ffre diagonals of the isosceles trapezium are ............'..

(a) congruent. (b) perpendicular. (c) parallel. (d) bisecting each other.

Finol Exominotions 7

@ If the area of a triangle is24 cnf, and its height is 8 cm. : then its corresponding base

length is ."...."""" cm.

(a) 16 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d)2

[g AABC is a righrangled triangle at B , SD I AC int.rt"cting it at D r then the

projection of BD or Te is """""""'
(a) A (b) B (c) c (d) D

@ A square whose perimeter is 20 cm. : then its area is """""""' cm?

(a) 20 (b) 2s (c) 50 (d) 100

E If the ratio between the lengths of two corresponding sides in two similar polygons
is 1 : 3 and the perimeter of the smaller polygon is 15 cm. r then the perimeter of the
greater polygon is .....'."""" cm.
(a) 30 (b) 4s (c) 60 (d) 7s

@ Arhombus whose diagonal lengths are 6 cm. and 11 cm. : then its area is """""""' cm?

(a) 66 (b) 17 (c) 33 (d) s

tl Complete the following :

@ The area ofthe triangle = """""""' x """""""'

@ The area of the parallelogram whose base length is 6 cm. and its corresponding
height is 4 cm. equals ..'.........." c 2.

@ The median of a triangle divides its surface into two triangles in area.

@ The two polygons are similar if the corresponding sides are and the

corresponding angles are """""""'

E In AABC ,if (AC)z + (CB)2 = (AB)2 : then m(L """" """) = 90'
@ A trapezium whose two parallel bases are of lengths 8 cm. r 10 cm. and its height is
5 cm. : then its area is """""""' cm?

E t"l In the opposite figure : DA

ABCD is a quadrilateral
,lO ttBC , AC n BD = {E}
Prove that : the area of A ABE = the area of A DCE

[b] Determine the type of A ABC according to its angles r whereAB = 6 cm. : BC = 8 cm.
andAC = 11 cm.

(Y. : l) Y
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E tul In the opposite figure :

A ABC is a right-angled triangle at A , aO I gC

Find : the length of AC and b D 9cm. B

lbl In the opposite figure :

m (Z AED) = m (LB) :AD = 3 cm.
E Find : the length of EC

E tul In the opposite figure :

ABCD : ABMN are two parallelograms

Prove that :

The area of A EBC = 1 the area of


lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square r its perimeter is 24 cm.

r E is the midpoint of BC
Find with proof : the area of AAEC


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Notes vkJ
Forthe ngXt Yeorf oskror

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Mcrths ?science

& l{el,[o Engl,ish




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