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Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in India


The central government also announced several
Biodiversity or Biological Diversity projects for protecting specific animals, which were
gravely threatened, including the tiger, the one-horned
immensely rich in wildlife and cultivated species diverse in form and function rhinoceros and the Kashmir stag or Hangul, three types of
1. crocodiles – fresh water crocodile, saltwater crocodile &
but closely integrated in a system through multiple network of interdependencies.
the Gharial, the Asiatic lion, and others.
Flora and Fauna in India
Conservation Preserves the ecological diversity
and our life support systems – water, air and soil.
1 3 5.
2 4
one of the world’s Nearly 8 per cent At least 10 per cent Many are categorised 1986, several hundred butterflies, moths, beetles, and
richest countries of the total number of India’s recorded as ‘critical’, that is on one dragonfly have been added to the list of protected
in terms of its of species in the wild flora and 20 the verge of extinction
like the cheetah, 2. species.
vast array of world (estimated per cent of its
pink-headed duck etc
biological diversity to be 1.6 million). mammals are on Due to conservationist's demand The Indian Wildlife
the threatened list.
(Protection) Act -1972 was passed The aim is to protect
the remaining population of certain endangered species
by banning hunting, giving legal protection to their
habitats, and restricting trade in wildlife.

02. Causes of depletion of the flora and fauna In 1991 for the first time plants were also added to the
list, starting with six species.

Human beings transformed nature into a resource The various factors that cause depletion of the
The central and many state governments established

obtaining directly and indirectly from the forests & flora and fauna are:
wildlife such as wood, barks, leaves, rubber, • Large-scale developmental projects national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.
medicines, dyes, food, fuel, fodder, manure, etc. • Shifting cultivation • Mining • Over-grazing
which depleted our forests and wildlife. •Forest fires • historical reason(colonial rule)


A Tiger is one of the key wildlife species in the

faunal web.
04. Types and Distribution of Forest and Wildlife Resources 05. Community and Conservation

In India, much of its forest and wildlife resources are either owned or managed by the government through
the Forest Department or other government departments.
The forests are also home to some of the traditional
Project Tiger-1973


1973 The tiger population dwindled to 1,827 from The forests are classified under the following categories: communities.
an estimated 55,000 at the turn of the century.
Reserved Forests Protected Forests Unclassed Forests Local communities are struggling to conserve these
• covers half of the total • Almost one-third of the total • other forests and wastelands 02 habitats along with government officials to secure their
forest land. forest area is protected belonging to both long-term livelihood.
The major threats to tiger population poaching,
• most valuable as far forest, as declared by the government and private
shrinking habitat, depletion of prey base species, as the conservation of Forest Department. individuals and communities
growing human population, etc. forest and wildlife • This forest land are
In Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, villagers have
resources are protected from any furthe 03
fought against mining by citing the Wildlife Protection Act.
concerned. depletion
The trade of tiger skins and the use of their bones in
traditional medicines, especially in the Asian
countries left the tiger population on the verge of D The famous Chipko movement in the Himalayas has
extinction • Reserved and protected forests also referred to as permanent forest estates maintained for the 04
successfully resisted deforestation in several areas
purpose of producing timber and other forest produce, and for protective reasons.

Since India and Nepal provide habitat to about

• Madhya Pradesh has the largest area under permanent forests, constituting 75 per cent of its total
E two-thirds of the surviving tiger population in the
world, these two nations became prime targets for
forest area.
Farmers and citizen’s groups the Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri
and Navdanya have shown that adequate levels of diversified
crop production without the use of synthetic chemicals are
poaching and illegal trading. possible and economically viable.

Joint forest management (JFM) programme introduced in 1988

06 in the state of Odisha shown good example for involving local
SOME OF THE • Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand • Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan communities in the management & restoration of degraded forests.
TIGER RESERVES • Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal • Manas Tiger Reserve in Assam

OF INDIA • Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh • Periyar Tiger Reserve in Kerala
Sacred groves - a wealth of diverse and rare species

Nature worship is an age old tribal belief These patches of forest or parts of large Certain societies revere a particular tree from
based on the premise that all creations of forests have been left untouched by the local time immemorial.
nature have to be protected such beliefs people and any interference with them is • The Mundas and the Santhal of Chota Nagpur
have preserved several virgin forests in banned. region worship mahua (Bassia latifolia) and
pristine form called Sacred Groves (the kadamba (Anthocaphalus cadamba) trees
forests of Gods and Goddesses). • The tribals of Odisha and Bihar worship the
tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and mango
(Mangifera indica) trees during weddings.
• Peepal and banyan trees are also considered

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