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Salesforce Trigger Interview Questions

1) What is a Salesforce trigger?

----> : A trigger is a piece of Apex code that executes before or

after specific data manipulation language (DML) events occur
in Salesforce, such as insert, update, delete, or undelete.

2) What are the different trigger contexts in Salesforce?

----> : Trigger contexts are the different phases of execution in

which a trigger operates. They include before insert, before
update, before delete, after insert, after update, after delete,
and after undelete.

3) Explain the difference between before triggers and

after triggers.
----> : Before triggers execute before the record is saved to
the database, allowing you to make changes to the records
before they are committed. After triggers execute after the
record is saved to the database, allowing you to perform
additional actions based on the results of the DML operation.

4) What is trigger.old and in Salesforce?

----> : Trigger.old contains the old versions of the records
before they were updated in an update or delete trigger. contains the new versions of the records being
inserted or updated.

5) When would you use a before insert trigger instead of

an after insert trigger?
----> : You would use a before insert trigger when you need to
modify the record before it is saved to the database, such as
populating default values or validating data.

6) What is the purpose of using trigger.isExecuting in

----> : Trigger.isExecuting is a boolean variable that allows you
to determine whether the current execution context is a
trigger. It is useful for avoiding recursion by checking if a
trigger is already executing.
7) Explain the concept of trigger recursion in Salesforce
and how to prevent it.
----> : Trigger recursion occurs when a trigger causes another
trigger to fire, leading to a loop. To prevent recursion, you can
use static variables or flags to control the execution of
triggers and ensure they only run once per transaction.
8) How do you handle bulk data processing in triggers?
----> : Bulk data processing in triggers involves iterating over
collections of records to perform operations efficiently. You
can use SOQL queries, for loops, and collections like Lists and
Maps to handle bulk data processing effectively.

9) What are governor limits in Salesforce triggers, and

why are they important?
----> : Governor limits are runtime limits enforced by the
Salesforce platform to ensure efficient resource utilization
and prevent abuse. They are important because exceeding
these limits can result in exceptions and performance

10) How do you handle exceptions in Salesforce

----> : You can handle exceptions in triggers by using try-catch
blocks to catch and handle exceptions gracefully. You can log
error messages, roll back transactions, and notify
administrators or users about errors.

11) Explain the difference between trigger context

variables and trigger.oldMap/trigger.newMap.

----> : Trigger context variables provide information about the

trigger context, such as the size of the trigger context records
and whether the trigger was invoked by the user or system.
trigger.oldMap and trigger.newMap provide maps of records
before and after the trigger operation, allowing you to
compare field values and track changes.

12) What is a future method, and can you call future

methods from triggers?
----> : A future method is an asynchronous method that runs
in the background, separate from the main transaction. You
can call future methods from triggers to perform long-
running operations asynchronously, such as sending email
notifications or making callouts.
13) Explain the concept of trigger order of execution in
----> : Trigger order of execution refers to the sequence in
which triggers are executed when multiple triggers are
invoked on the same object in a single transaction. Salesforce
executes triggers in a deterministic order based on their type
(before or after) and their order of creation.
14) When would you use a trigger handler framework
in Salesforce, and what are its benefits?
----> : You would use a trigger handler framework when you
need to manage and organize complex trigger logic in a
scalable and maintainable way. Benefits of using a trigger
handler framework include improved code readability,
reusability, and easier testing and debugging.

15) How do you unit test triggers in Salesforce?

----> : You can unit test triggers in Salesforce by writing Apex
test methods that simulate trigger events and verify the
expected behavior of the trigger code. Test methods should
cover different trigger contexts and scenarios, including bulk
data processing and error handling.

16) What are the best practices for writing efficient

and scalable triggers in Salesforce?
----> : Best practices for writing triggers include using trigger
handler frameworks, limiting the amount of logic in triggers,
optimizing queries and DML operations, handling bulk data
processing, and adhering to Salesforce governor limits.

17) Explain the concept of trigger context variables in

Salesforce and provide examples.
----> : Trigger context variables provide information about the
current trigger execution context, such as the trigger event
type, the size of the trigger context records, and whether the
trigger was invoked by the user or system. Examples include
Trigger.isInsert, Trigger.isUpdate, Trigger.size, and

18) What is trigger design pattern in Salesforce, and

why is it important?
----> : Trigger design pattern is a structured approach to
organizing and managing trigger logic in Salesforce
applications. It is important because it promotes code
readability, reusability, and maintainability by separating
concerns and encapsulating trigger logic in modular
19) How do you bulkify triggers in Salesforce, and why
is it important?
----> : Bulkifying triggers involves designing triggers to handle
bulk data processing efficiently by using collections and
performing operations outside of loops. It is important
because Salesforce processes records in bulk, and inefficient
trigger code can lead to performance issues and governor
limit violations.
20) What are trigger frameworks, and how do they
help in trigger development?
----> : Trigger frameworks are reusable code structures or
patterns that provide a framework for developing and
managing triggers in Salesforce applications. They help in
trigger development by providing a structured approach to
organizing trigger logic, improving code readability, and
facilitating code reuse and maintenance.

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