Boehm, Thomas - 2013 - Looking Beyond The Rim of Ones Teacup A Multidisciplinary Literature Review of Product-Service Systems in Inform

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Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

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Looking beyond the rim of one’s teacup: a multidisciplinary literature

review of Product-Service Systems in Information Systems, Business
Management, and Engineering & Design
Matthias Boehm*, Oliver Thomas
Osnabrück University, Information Management and Information Systems, Katharinenstraße 3, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the past, there has been a lot of research on Product-Service Systems (PSS) e integrated bundles of
Received 23 August 2012 products and services. However, the topic has been basically independently discussed by researchers of
Received in revised form different disciplines. The purpose of this paper is to integrate the results of the fields of Information
14 January 2013
Systems, Business Management, and Engineering & Design and hence to investigate the state-of-the-art
Accepted 15 January 2013
Available online 4 February 2013
in PSS research by conducting a structured literature review. In total 265 articles have been intensively
analyzed. A unified core definition of the PSS term is derived as well as the notion of the concept in the
three disciplines is explained and summarized. A meta-analysis of previous literature reviews completes
the picture. Based on our data it is shown that the understanding of PSS is very different in the three
Multi-disciplinary literature review disciplines. Therefore, a research agenda for future research is developed which includes for example the
Definition graphs need for clarifying the terminology, changing perspectives, and conducting more evaluations.
Meta-analysis  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Research agenda

1. Introduction and Rada, 1988). Today, there is an industrial trend toward

product-service integration in a way that ICT becomes the interface
About 50 years ago, back in 1962, Becker (1962) proposed his between products and services (Geum et al., 2011a). In addition,
idea of shifting from products to services. In those days, the U.S. was globalization leads to the transferal of production to low-cost
the first nation that has been called “service economy” (Fuchs, regions, competition has become fiercer, as well as customers
1965), because half of the total labor force has been employed by have become more and more demanding (van Halen et al., 2005). In
the service sector (Fuchs, 1968). At the end of the 1960s, Levitt future, there is a trend toward a very close integration of products,
(1969) stated that people do not buy products but buy the services, sensors, and the Internet e already discussed as Cyber-
expectation of benefits. In 1976, Stahel and Reday-Mulvey (1981) Physical Systems (CPS) (Sha et al., 2009; Broy et al., 2012;
presented a groundbreaking report to the European Commission. Sztipanovits, 2012).
They hypothesized that by focusing not on products but on selling Today, Customers have a certain need which needs to be fulfilled
the utility of products new jobs could be created and energy- until they are satisfied. Many of them do not want to buy a specific
consumption could be decreased. product. Instead, they demand for solutions of a problem. There-
The rapid development of information and communication fore, companies started to offer integrated packages of “hard”
technologies (ICT) starting at the beginning of the 1980s is one tangible products as well as “soft” intangible services. These
important factor that facilitated the shift from product-orientation packages or bundles mostly have been called Product-Service
to service-orientation dramatically (Bhagwati, 1984; Sztipanovits, Systems (PSS) in literature. One of the first known definitions is
2012). The new technology offered new opportunities in offering in a report for the Dutch government in which Goedkoop et al.
better products and services. More and more, companies began to (1999) states that a PSS can be understood as “a marketable set of
use ICT to add value to their products or services (Vandermerwe products and services capable of jointly fulfilling a user’s need”.
According to Mont, who also provided several often referred con-
tributions, PSS are defined as systems of products, services, sup-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49 541 969 4879; fax: þ49 541 969 4840.
porting networks and infrastructure that are designed to be
E-mail addresses: (M. Boehm), competitive, satisfy customer needs, and have a lower environ- (O. Thomas). mental impact than traditional business models (Mont, 2002a). In

0959-6526/$ e see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
246 M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

the last years, there are numerous descriptions of more or less like “hybrid product” (Leimeister and Glauner, 2008), “hybrid value
successful PS systems have been given in literature. Rolls-Royce, for bundles” (Schrödl and Turowski, 2011), or “hybrid value creation”
example, delivers a “power-by-the-hour” instead of transferring (Thomas et al., 2007) have been used. Parallel to research on PSS,
ownership of the gas turbine engines to the airline companies the concepts of “new service development” respectively “service
(Baines et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2011). Other examples of PSS can engineering” have been coined in America respectively in Germany
be found for photo copiers (Geum et al., 2011b; Huang et al., 2011), and Israel (Bullinger et al., 2003). These researchers focus much
car sharing (Meijkamp, 2000; Kuo, 2011), office industry (Besch, more on the service-aspect of PSS. In general, on recognizes that the
2005), teaching (Brezet et al., 2001; Boehm et al., 2011b), or IT development aspect is very important in many contributions (cf. for
solutions (Herzfeldt et al., 2010). example Lindahl et al., 2006a; Tukker and Tischner, 2006a; Davis
ICT is for many of the above mentioned examples for PSS an et al., 2010; Müller and Stark, 2010; Berkovich et al., 2011a, 2011b).
integral foundation (cf. Ryan, 2004 for an overview on PSS using IT). Due to the increasing number of contributions to the PSS con-
ICT is seen as an enabler of new business models which can be cept (Velamuri et al., 2011) and an exploding amount of PSS
implemented by both manufacturing and service companies research projects, many domains discovered the PSS concept for
(Neely, 2008). New working methods, consumption patterns and their work (Müller and Sakao, 2010). The most critical issue about
production chains are driven by IT solutions (van Halen et al., 2005). these developments is the fact that there are only quite limited
A new service economy has arisen which is driven by IT (Manzini connections between those researchers (Tukker and Tischner,
et al., 2001). Additionally, a high level of customization of prod- 2006b). Different terminology has often been used for describing
ucts and services becomes possible at a lower level of costs (Kellogg apparently identical phenomena (Pawar et al., 2009). Furthermore,
and Nie, 1995). That is the reason why recently the PSS concept also results are published in separate journals and conferences and
has been discussed in more technical oriented disciplines like for hence interchange is difficult. As an overview on the research
example Information Systems (Gräßle et al., 2010). landscape is still missing, researchers for example dealing with PSS
In the following a firm foundation for advancing knowledge of development cannot rely on all relevant contributions (Sakao et al.,
the PSS concept shall be created. For doing so, a rigorous and 2009b). A further problem is the generalization of results. It is often
structured literature review considering the three disciplines impossible to apply them because new methods and models are
Information Systems (IS), Business Management (BM), and Engi- tested only in a small number of examples (Mont, 2002b). Hence,
neering & Design (ED) is conducted. These disciplines have been there is a need for consolidation for making research results usable
chosen because of their high importance for discussing aspects of by more researchers and applicable in practice (Müller and Sakao,
PSS. Fields like marketing or consumer studies have been sub- 2010).
sumed in the BM discipline. Researchers from the BM discipline Based on this, the research question which guides our further
have been one of the first ones discussing the PSS concept and ED research is: What is the state-of-the-art in PSS research in the Infor-
researchers contributed the highest number of articles. Pub- mation Systems (IS), Business Management (BM), and Engineering &
lications from the IS discipline have been included because of the Design (ED) disciplines and what are future directions especially
important role of ICT within the development and operation of PSS. concerning PSS development?
This paper is structured as follows: First, the research frame- Contributions covering explicitly the PSS concept fall into our
work is presented which consists of the derivation of the research concern as well as papers which cover highly related issues. So far,
question and a description of the applied methodology. Next, the our question has not been asked in other literature reviews on PSS
results are presented. Based on this, main implications are dis- (cf. for example Baines et al., 2007; Velamuri et al., 2011; Cavalieri
cussed and a research agenda is motivated and discussed. Finally, and Pezzotta, 2012). Although the PSS concept in disciplines like
conclusions are drawn and an outlook is given. Business Management and Engineering & Design has been com-
pared (Tukker et al., 2006), our research is novel in a way that a high
2. Research framework number of articles from three disciplines have been systematically
identified, analyzed, and compared. Additionally, our goal is to
2.1. Research question support novice researchers who want to start in the PSS field in
giving them a comprehensive overview on the field with respect to
Research on PSS is an interdisciplinary field. Business Manage- topics, peoples, publication medium etc. Therefore, an answer to
ment (BM) mostly investigates bundling of products and services our question will be valuable for researchers of all three disciplines.
from a marketing perspective (Shostack, 1977; Schmalensee, 1982;
Eppen et al., 1991). Additionally, different terminology like “com- 2.2. Research methodology
pack” (Bressand, 1986) or “servitization” (Vandermerwe and Rada,
1988) also have been presented to discuss the PSS concept. Within For answering our research question, we conducted an
the Engineering & Design (ED) discipline, which focuses on exhaustive and systematic literature review. A literature review like
designing, building, and operating physical products, a separate this aims to identify critical knowledge gaps and should motivate
stream of research has evolved. Especially North-European researchers to close this breach (Webster and Watson, 2002).
researchers have coined the term “Product-Service System” Reviews can be conducted on the basis of mature topics or new and
(McAloone and Andreasen, 2004; Mont, 2004; Tukker and Tischner, emerging topics (Torraco, 2005). As PSS can be seen as a mature
2006b). Furthermore, similar conceptualizations have been given topic, a literature review on this should address the need for a
using terms like “functional sales“ (Lindahl and Ölundh, 2001), review, critique, and the potential reconceptualization of the
“functional products” (Kumar, 2003), “total care products” (Alonso- expanding and more diversified knowledge base of the topic as it
Rasgado et al., 2004), “extended product” (Thoben et al., 2001), continues to develop (Torraco, 2005). Systemic literature analyses
“servicification” (Lodefalk, 2010), “covalent product” (Weber et al., become more and more important (Webster and Watson, 2002).
2002), “post mass production paradigm” (Tomiyama, 2002), or Nevertheless, these reviews are a relatively recent phenomenon in
“Industrial Product-Service Systems IPS2” (Meier et al., 2011). social sciences (Velamuri et al., 2011). The basic requirement is
However, most often they mean the same thing (Lifset, 2000). methodological rigor in conducting literature reviews (vom Brocke
Especially from German-speaking researchers in Information Sys- et al., 2009). In contrast to traditional literature reviews, a sys-
tems (IS) there have been a number of contributions. Here, terms tematic review follows a clear procedure and explicitly states
M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260 247

methods of selecting and evaluating publications (Velamuri et al., ProQuest. This procedure ensured the finding of a diverse range of
2011). There are three phases which have to be covered (Budgen publications, like for example journal articles, conference pro-
and Brereton, 2006): ceedings, theses, books, and trade journals. For a completion of the
review, an internet search was conducted using the search engines
 Review protocol: What is the research question and scope? Google and Google Scholar. The derivation of the set of keywords
 Search strategy: How to identify relevant literature? was complicated because a variety of different terms for the PSS
 Documentation and analysis: What can we learn from a rigorous concept exists (Knackstedt and Winkelmann, 2006). Therefore, we
analysis of the literature? analyzed terms described by Velamuri et al. (2011) and Thomas
et al. (2008a) in order to derive a set of the most relevant ones:
First, the research question and scope are defined in a review Product-Service Systems, Compack, Complex Package, Value Bun-
protocol. We employ a multi-disciplinary analysis by setting the dle, Covalent Product, Servicification, Post Mass Production Para-
scope on articles that are relevant to PSS within a wider context of digm, Hybrid Product, Hybrid value creation. The search terms have
the IS, BM, and ED disciplines. As depicted in Fig. 1, we focus on been used in all databases both in English and in German language.
research outcomes and methods because these are the basic ele- Retrieving publications by means of keywords is frequently used
ments for a comparison. Our central goals are to integrate previous and leads to valid results (Steininger et al., 2009). The relevant time
research of three different disciplines and then elaborate on central frame first has been set from 1992 to 2012 because by doing so a
issues. We do this from a conceptual organization and take in a time span of 20 years of research can be covered. Later, the time
neutral perspective. The audiences of this review are general frame has been extended in order to cover also pervious highly
scholars and practitioners who are interested in recent con- relevant contributions. The final research approach is depicted in
tributions on the PSS topic. As we use a multitude of different Fig. 2. After retrieving the query results book reviews, editorials,
databases and search strategies we cover an exhaustive amount of and teaching cases have been excluded from the review. Addi-
relevant literature. tionally, duplicate references have been detected and removed.
We explicitly included publications in German language in our Afterward, the abstracts and conclusions have been extracted and
review. This has several reasons. Basically, the concept of PSS has relevant literature has been identified. In parallel, the query results
been an important research area in the German speaking countries of the Internet search engines have been searched for relevant
in the past few years (Thomas et al., 2008a). Additionally, next to contributions. The abstracts have been inspected here, too. After
numerous of research projects founded by the European Union, the integration of the two lists, the articles have been read com-
there has been a number of high-volume projects on hybrid value pletely. References have been analyzed and a backward and for-
creation in Germany. Furthermore, Velamuri et al. also included ward search has been conducted. Finally, a total number of 265
German literature into their review because they wanted to make highly relevant articles have been investigated. The analysis of the
their research accessible in a systematic way, even across the papers took place between October 2011 and August 2012. Data
boundaries of languages or publication formats (Velamuri et al., collection took place in a form that one researcher extracted the
2011). Finally, central contributions to the PSS field from data and another checked the extraction (Kitchenham et al., 2009).
researchers of the Information Systems discipline have published Within the third and last phase, the main ideas and themes from
their results only in German language. Of course, these facts are the literature have to be documented and analyzed (Torraco, 2005).
also true for other countries, e.g. The Netherlands, Sweden, or Italy. While the resources that form the basis for the literature review are
However, Germany is the biggest industrial market in Europe with termed primary studies, the systematic review itself is a form of
the highest number of potential end consumers. The German secondary study (Budgen and Brereton, 2006). Criticizing of past
government explicitly supports sustainable and industrial evolu- research is only of little value (Webster and Watson, 2002). Hence,
tion and therefore there is a lot of research on this issue. Addi- we employ a descriptive rather than normative investigation.
tionally, authors have in-depth regional and local experience in Rather claiming previous research as inadequate and incompetent
German research community. it is more valuable to explain how research builds upon previous
In the second phase, the definition of the search strategy, rele- findings (Webster and Watson, 2002). For each article the following
vant data sources need to be identified. Here, we employ the rec- data has been recorded: The source (journal, conference or other)
ommendations by Webster and Watson (2002): First, major and full reference, discipline of outlet, language and country of the
contributions in journal and conference databases are searched. first author, number of authors and type (researcher and/or prac-
Then, a backward and subsequently a forward search are conducted titioner), purpose of article and research questions, research design
in order to identify further relevant articles. Especially, citations of and research methodology (Palvia et al., 2004), main topic area and
the identified resources have been cross-checked for ensuring the main findings, industry of investigation, perspective and discipline
capturing of earlier important publications. As major data source a of the article (Velamuri et al., 2011), whether the study provides a
broad selection of all relevant databases has been used: EbscoHost, definition of PSS, and four keywords characterizing the article. The
Springer Link, ScienceDirect, WISO Database, AIS Electronic Library, keywords have been recorded after carefully reading the articles
EmeraldInsight, Wiley InterScience, IEEEXplore, INFORMS, and and have not just been taken from the authors’ provided keyword

Fig. 1. Taxonomy of this literature review (based on vom Brocke et al., 2009).
248 M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

Fig. 2. Research approach.

list. This data will be used to analyze the state-of-the-art in PSS 3. Results
In order to be able to analyze the concept of PSS more deeply, a 3.1. General findings
novel approach will be employed. For every scientific field it is
important to establish a common ground for central terms. Reci- In total, we investigated 265 articles out of which 140 (without
procity is necessary for mutual understanding of researchers in duplicates) have been retrieved through a comprehensive database
order to communicate and exchange insights (Zarvi c et al., 2012). In search (cf. Table 1). No direct results have been found searching the
the PSS research field this is not a simple task because multitude of WISO Database, Wiley InterScience, IEEEXplore, INFORMS, and
definitions exists. In order to derive crisp definitions, Hoede and ProQuest databases. With the help of the backward and forward
Wang introduced the graph-theoretical approach of definition search (Webster and Watson, 2002) again 125 additional highly
graphs (Hoede and Wang, 2006). Accordingly, E is the set of ele- relevant articles have been added to the list (cf. Fig. 2). In the fol-
ments that occur in a given set D of definitions. If elements occur in lowing, general findings in terms of statics are described. This helps
some definitions but do not occur in all definitions, they talk about in getting a first overview on the field.
fuzzy concepts. In this case the membership function of an element Out of the 265 investigated articles, 41 (15%) can be assigned to
x is the function m(x). The function takes values in the interval [0,1], the field of IS, 77 (29%) to BM and 147 (55%) to ED. One first gets an
meaning that if elements not belonging to the set have the value 0 impression that the latter field has the strongest e in terms of
and elements belonging to it have the value 1. If m only consists of quantity e contribution to the PSS field. If one looks at the fre-
the values 0 and 1, we call it a crisp set. Otherwise it is called fuzzy quencies of publications (cf. Fig. 3) one recognizes that this high
set. For preparing a definition graph, the number of occurrences of number only has been achieved recently. While the first article of
an element of E in some or all definitions of D is calculated. If an ED has been published in 1997, publications of BM have started in
element e, e˛E, occurs n times the membership function can be 1973. The peak of publications in ED in 2006 can be explained by a
calculated as follows: special issue of the journal “Journal of Cleaner Production” with 7
articles. Furthermore, a lot of articles haven been published in 2009
mðeÞ ¼ where N ¼ jDj: (20 papers), 2010 (17 papers), and 2011 (19 papers). From the year
N 2007 on, the IS field started to cover the PSS topic. The years of 2008
On this basis the definition graphs can be created, whereas and 2011 have been very productive in the result of 12 articles each
concepts are nodes of the graph and pairs of concepts are the edges. year. The BM field has been covering PSS related issues for the
c et al. (2012) used this method to derive definition graphs in longest time e between 1973 and 1996 there have been 24 articles
the context of IT governance. We adopted their procedure. The in total. However, also here one recognizes a rise of papers from the
definitions found in the PSS literature have been assigned to one of year 2001 on. In 2006, the highest amount of articles in one year (6
the three disciplines. For each discipline one definition graph will articles) has been published. By cumulating the numbers of pub-
be created. For doing so, the occurring concepts in the definitions lications, one recognizes that in 2011 most articles (36) have been
have been investigated. These are the nouns which have been published. The years 2009 (32) and 2006 (30) have been very
identified on synonymy. If two nouns are closely related to each productive, too. Although the year 2012 has only been covered until
other or if a noun appears in form of an adjective, like for example August, there have been already 10 articles. Hence, it can be con-
“marketable product”, a pair <marketability, product> is extracted. cluded that the PSS topic is still highly relevant and many
A similar procedure can be applied in case of verbs or prepositions. researchers are working on this.

Table 1
Identified articles per search term and source.

Source Search term

Product-Service Value Covalent Servicification Post mass Hybrid Hybrid value

systems bundle product production product bundle
EbscoHost 24
(Business Source Complete)
Springer Link 26
ScienceDirect 10
AIS Electronic Library 6 7 2 1
EmeraldInsight 15
Google 31 1 1 2
Google Scholar 5 4 1 1 2 1
Sum 117 11 1 1 1 5 4 140
M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260 249

Fig. 3. Frequency of publications on PSS over time.

Within the top 10 of most productive authors 6 of them are from However, there are much more journals: Industrial Marketing
the IS field (cf. Table 2). In our study, the assignment of authors to a Management (6), International Journal of Operations & Production
discipline depends on the discipline of the respective papers’ out- Management (4), European Management Journal (3), and Journal of
lets. The most productive authors have written 11 articles. By Marketing (3). There are 27 further journals which published 1 or 2
extending the list to those authors with more than 5 publications articles. The Journal of Cleaner Production is the journal with the
one recognizes that there is no author from the BM discipline. highest absolute number of articles (15 articles in total). However,
Andrew Davies is the highest ranked author in this field with 4 also other journals like Journal of Manufacturing Technology
articles. In the list of the most productive authors (cf. Table 2) 62% of Management (11), The International Journal of Advanced Manu-
the authors are from the field of ED. As IS researchers are also facturing Technology (10), or Journal of Engineering Design (5) have
ranked quite high one can conclude that in these fields relatively published are relatively high number of papers. Furthermore, there
few researchers cover the PSS topic. Especially in the IS field, few are 26 other journals which published 2 or 1 articles. Within the ED
publications have been written by few researchers. This can be conferences, like for example International Design Conference (6),
verified by looking at the average number of authors per article. LeNS Conference (5), or CIRP International Conference on Industrial
Here, on average 3.63 authors write one article in the IS field. In Product Service Systems (4), in total 39 articles have been published
contrast, in BM the number is 2.26 and in ED 3.04. Hence, the BM in their proceedings. From our data we now know that there is not a
and ED fields are more diversified. By looking at all articles it can be single medium which publishes articles from researchers of all
seen that 70.8% of the total 473 authors have one paper, 16.9% two, three disciplines. Moreover, often hardly any interchange between
and 5.1% three. Only 21 authors (0.04%) wrote 5 or more articles. them can be recognized.
More than half of the 473 authors come from ED (57%); 28% of the Of course, most publications (83%) are written in English lan-
authors come from BD and only 14% from IS. Nearly all of the 265 guage. However, as we wanted to explicitly include the German-
articles have been written solely by researchers (91.7%). For 17 speaking IS community, 45 articles (17%) are written in German
articles (6.4%) researchers and practitioners collaborated. This has language. Within the IS articles the relation is 43.1% English articles
been done mostly in the ED field (10 articles), followed by BM (5) vs. 56.1% German. In the other disciplines the proportion of German
and IS (2). Only five articles from the BM discipline have been articles is much lower (19.5% in BM and 4.8% in ED). Fig. 4 visualizes
published by practitioners (1.9%). the country of the respective first author. It can be seen that a
The publication media is mostly a journal or conference pro- strong fraction comes from Europe (78.9%). Authors from Germany,
ceedings. Only a small number of articles have been published in United Kingdom, Sweden, Netherlands, and Denmark strongly
periodicals (like it is the case form 7 articles of the BM discipline, contributed to the PSS field. There are 26 contributions (9.8%)
which have been published in Harvard Business Review, McKinsey respectively from the U.S. and Asia.
Quarterly, or Sloan Management Review) or books (59 articles). German authors have the strongest share within the IS dis-
Within the IS discipline the journals Wirtschaftsinformatik cipline (95%). Authors from the U.S. are especially active in BM
respectively Business & Information Systems Engineering mostly (31%). Within ED, authors from Germany (22%), United Kingdom
publish PSS articles (in total 8 papers). IS conferences also have (18%), and Sweden (18%) contributed nearly to an equal extend.
published PSS articles in their proceedings: Wirtschaftsinformatik By analyzing the articles more deeply it can be noted that
(9), Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (4), Americas Confer- research designs are across all disciplines in most cases not
ence on Information Systems (3), European Conference on Infor- empirical (cf. Fig. 5). The classification of research designs is based
mation Systems (2), Australasian Conference on Information on (Palvia et al., 2004). Multiple classifications are possible in case
Systems (1), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences of mixed research designs. Conceptual research is predominant:
(1), and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (1). Within 66% of all papers use this design. Within the ED discipline, even 70%
the BM field there are no conference proceedings with PSS articles. of the articles are conceptual. Qualitative empirical designs are

Table 2
Author charts.

Rank Author Discipline Publications Rank Author Discipline Publications

1 Sakao, Tomohiko ED 11 11 Mont, Oksana ED 6
Thomas, Oliver IS 11 Müller, Patrick ED 6
3 Sundin, Erik ED 10 Ölundh, Gunilla ED 6
4 Knackstedt, Ralf IS 9 Shimomura, Yoshiki ED 6
Krcmar, Helmut IS 9 Tukker, Arnold ED 6
Lindahl, Mattias ED 9 Walter, Philipp IS 6
7 Becker, Jörg IS 8 17 Berkovich, Marina IS 5
Beverungen, Daniel IS 8 McAloone, Timothy Charles ED 5
Roy, Rajkumar ED 8 Meier, Horst ED 5
10 Leimeister, Jan Marco IS 7 Shehab, Essam ED 5
Vezzoli, Carlo ED 5
250 M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

Fig. 4. World map.

used only in 19% of the cases. Quantitative designs (5%), Design architectures, frameworks and library research are most often
Science (4%) and other methods (2%) are used rarely. A similar employed. However, in this discipline prototyping is the method
picture can be found in BM discipline. Here, conceptual designs are which is used the third most times (10% of the articles in this dis-
utilized in 65% of the articles, followed by qualitative empirical cipline). Within ED, prototyping is employed by a higher absolute
designs (19%) and quantitative empirical designs (9%). Design Sci- number of articles (8 in comparison to 7 in IS), but the relative
ence (3%) and other designs (4%) again do not play a key role. A proportion is smaller (4%). Here, creating models, architectures,
different picture can be found within the IS discipline. Here, con- frameworks (27%), library research (23%), and speculation/com-
ceptual designs are still prevailing but can only be found in 54% of mentary (12%) are used most often. Within BM, the order is only
the cases. Design Science research is second mostly used (32%). slightly different: speculation/commentary (26%) is followed by
Qualitative empirical designs (10%) and quantitative empirical creating models, architectures, frameworks (20%) and library
designs (2%) are less often employed as well as other designs (2%). research (17%). In conclusion one can say that past research has
The dominance of conceptual designs itself in all disciplines is not strongly focused on a limited set of research methods.
surprising, but the extent of proportion is. As described before, the 265 contributions have been assigned
In order to better understand the used research designs, also the to the three disciplines. Each discipline has its specific character-
employed research methodologies are investigated. Here, the istics and preferences. In order to compare the research of the three
classification schemes by Palvia et al. (2004) and Gräning et al. disciplines the perspectives taken in by each article have been
(2011) have been adopted. In general, the three methods of creat- analyzed. For doing so, Velamuri et al. have already elaborated a set
ing models, architectures, frameworks (115 articles, 43.3%), library of views on PSS research (Velamuri et al., 2011). We added the
research (86, 32.5%), and speculation/commentary (62, 23.4%) are meta-level view as a perspective for example other literature
most often used. By comparing the three disciplines one recognizes reviews to their list:
that creating models, architectures, frameworks is only prevalent in
IS (41% of the articles in this discipline) and ED (27%). In BM most  Strategic view (competitive advantage, concepts & barriers),
articles employ a speculation/commentary method (26%). Library organizational view (organizational design, networks, organ-
research is also used in all disciplines quite often. For example in izational capabilities, system integration),
ED, it is the second most often utilized method (23%). In contrast,  Marketing view (pricing, customer satisfaction), design view
the more sophisticated method of literature analysis or theory- (strategic perspective, design process, design attributes),
based research, which covers a critical analysis of existing liter-  Innovation view (innovation management, transition),
ature and building new groundwork, is in total only used in 14  Business level view (business models, viability in specific
articles (5.3% of all articles). In general, methods like laboratory industries, engineering & information technology),
experiments, qualitative research, or content analysis are only used  Sustainability view (human behavior & consumption, evalua-
in respectively one paper in the ED discipline. Field experiments are tion of sustainability),
even conducted in none of the investigated articles. Additionally,  Macroeconomic perspective (prevalence & effect, policy mak-
surveys and prototyping are two further methods which are rarely ing), and
utilized. Within the IS discipline, of course creating models,  Meta-level view.

Fig. 5. Frequency of research designs.

M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260 251

By looking at the results (cf. Fig. 6) one recognizes that the et al., 2010; Schrödl and Turowski, 2011; Soth, 2011), and hybrid
strategic and business level view are most often taken in. IS value creation (Thomas et al., 2007; Zellner, 2008; Becker et al.,
research usually focusses on the business level view (54% of the 2009a; Knackstedt et al., 2009; Walter et al., 2009; Fellmann
articles in this discipline), followed by the organizational view et al., 2011) are utilized. This list could be extended by much
(15%) and strategic view (7%). Sustainability view is least often more terms and references.
taken in (3%). Within BM, the strategic view has the biggest pro- In order to derive a unified definition of PSS we use the definition
portion (60%). The remaining perspectives like design view (9%) or graph method. By analyzing the 265 articles, we identified 8 defi-
organizational view (6%) only have relatively low shares. Innova- nitions from the IS discipline, 23 definitions from BM, and 43 defi-
tion view and meta-level view are not taken in very often (3%). nitions from ED. This is the foundation for the creation of the
Within ED, 3 views are nearly equally often represented: business definition graphs. In order to do so, first the membership values for
level view (24%), design view (22%), and strategic view (20%). The each concept (noun, verb, or preposition in the 74 definitions) are
macroeconomic perspective is here the one with the lowest pro- calculated (cf. Table 3). Because no concept occurred in all defi-
portion (3%). From this analysis one can see that BM focusses nearly nitions, m cannot become 1. As one might have expected, the con-
solely on the strategic view, IS concentrates on the business level, cepts service and product can be found in most definitions. However,
and within ED a broad mixture of several views is taken in. The there are differences between the disciplines. In IS, only the service
remaining views have been underrepresented in past research concept is named in nearly all definitions. The product concept can
so far. only be found in 6 definitions. Concepts like value bundle, problem
solving, or hybridity are also found quite often. Within BM, service
3.2. Toward a unified definition of PSS and product concept are given in nearly all definitions. However, the
concepts of bundle und customer occur quite often, too. Here, the
After getting an overview on the field of PSS, now a unified different focus of the discipline in comparison to IS becomes obvi-
definition of the term PSS is derived. Giving crisp definitions (Zarvi c ous. Within ED, the concepts of product, service, and system are
et al., 2012) is crucial for every discipline and the starting point for named relatively often, although there is not one concept that occurs
future research. For the PSS field this is insofar difficult as there is in nearly all definitions. The variation among the definitions is the
no unified and widely accepted definition. Moreover, there is a highest in this discipline. Similar to BM, also in ED concepts like
variety of different terminology and concepts which mean more or function fulfillment and user are named quite often.
less the same (Thomas et al., 2008a). While the term Product- Having determined the relevant concepts in the definitions of
Service System is used by most authors (Goedkoop et al., 1999; the 3 disciplines as well as having noted the frequency of occur-
Mont, 2000; Manzini et al., 2001; Manzini and Vezzoli, 2002; Mont, rences by means of membership values, definition graphs can be
2004; Weber et al., 2004b; Wong, 2004; Besch, 2005; Steinbach, created to extract all-embracing meanings or “core” definitions. In
2005; Maxwell et al., 2006; Morelli, 2006; Tukker et al., 2006; order to do so, one takes each concept from Table 3 as a node and
Baines et al., 2007; Botta, 2007; Evans et al., 2007; Doultsinou et al., pairs between concepts as edges. Multiple edges are drawn if a pair
2009; Maussang et al., 2009; Müller et al., 2009; Botsman and of concepts occurs more than once. In the final definition graph (cf.
Rogers, 2010; Kuo et al., 2010; Müller and Sakao, 2010; Berkovich Fig. 7) only those concepts are linked that are used together in
et al., 2011a; Creusen, 2011; Sun et al., 2011), there are several definitions. For example in Fig. 7c, “eco-efficiency” is linked to
other closely related expressions. Bundling (Schmalensee, 1982; “service” and not to “product” because in our analysis we found out
Guiltinan, 1987; Venkatesh and Mahajan, 1993) and Bundle (Eppen that the term is only used with reference to services and not to
et al., 1991) is mostly used in Marketing literature of BM, Compack products. Only multiple edges make up core definitions of a term
(complex package) has been presented by Bressand (1986), or (Zarvic et al., 2012). The core definitions are highlighted in the
Integrated Product and Service Offering (IPSO) have been coined by respective definition graphs in Fig. 7.
North European engineering researchers (Lindahl et al., 2006a,b, Fig. 7a shows the definition graph for PSS in the IS discipline.
2007, 2008; Sundin, 2006). Furthermore, the engineers also often According to this graph, a PSS in the IS discipline is a hybrid product
use the term Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2) to highlight and service, combined to a value bundle. This bundle is an inte-
the manufacturing-based business to business (B2B) context (Meier gration of the components and can be seen as a transaction or an
and Kortmann, 2007; Rese et al., 2009; Meier et al., 2010; Müller offer. It solves a problem and offers therefore as a solution customer
et al., 2010; Müller and Stark, 2010; Meier et al., 2011; Sadek and utility.
Köster, 2011). Within the IS discipline terms like hybrid products Next, Fig. 7b represents the PSS definition graph of the BM
(Bullinger, 1997; Kersten et al., 2006; Schenk et al., 2006; Spath and discipline. This graph shows, as the other two ones too, a common
Demuß, 2006; Böhmann and Krcmar, 2007; Burianek et al., 2007; basis structure. Products and services are combined to a bundle or
Böhmann et al., 2008; Leimeister and Glauner, 2008; system. Within the BM discipline, the focus is set to the problem
Schaefermeyer and Rosenkranz, 2008; Schmitz, 2008; Berkovich solving ability and added value. By doing so, the needs of customers
et al., 2009; Langer et al., 2010), hybrid value bundles (Becker should be satisfied. Additionally, PSS is seen here as a paradigm and
et al., 2009b; Langer et al., 2009; Becker et al., 2010b; Schuh organizational frame and strategy.

Fig. 6. Frequency of perspectives.

252 M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

Table 3
Membership values.

m Information Systems Business Management Engineering & Design

0.81e0.9 Service Service e
0.61e0.8 e Bundle/system Product
Customer/client Service
0.41e0.6 Product Problem solving/solution/added value Function fulfillment/utility
0.21e0.4 Value bundle Needs integration Needs integrated view
Problem solving/solution Customization
Customer utility/value
0.2 Price Paradigm/organizational frame/strategy Lower environmental impact
Marketability Satisfaction (Value) network
Design-based Hybridity (User-centric) life-cycle
Business strategy Producer ownership .
Single-component-based hardware .

Finally, in Fig. 7c the definition graph for PSS in the ED discipline comparing the three graphs. Accordingly, the core definition of a
is shown. As mentioned before, this discipline is the one with the PSS can be formulated as follows: A Product-Service System (PSS) is
highest variants in the definition. Nevertheless, again the core an integrated bundle of products and services which aims at cre-
structure of products, service and system can be detected here. The ating customer utility and generating value.
emphasis is also on the function fulfillment and utility as well as the The aim of the derived core definition is to show the lowest
fulfillment of user needs. Also the lowered environmental impact common denominator of the definitions that the three disciplines
and sustainability are highlighted. Furthermore, aspects like (user- provide about PSS. This definition can be therefore used as a
centric) life cycle management, value propositions, supporting starting point for the derivation of more specific delineations.
(value) networks, and the (technological) infrastructure as well as Table 4 shows a comparison of main and often used definitions of
the business model character as an innovation strategy are named. each discipline. This helps to understand main the differences and
The aspects of marketability and integrated view on products and similarities. One recognizes the universal character of the core
services in terms of planning, development, delivery, and usage are definition because at least some parts of it can be found in every
characteristic for PSS. other definition. Of course, each author of the different disciplines
From the analysis of the literature one can conclude that in each derived their own more detailed understanding for their respective
discipline there are very different definitions of the PSS concept. purposes.
However, there are also a high number of definitions which mean
more or less the same. This is acceptable as long as one wants to get 3.3. Notion of PSS
a first insight into the PSS concept. With the help of the definition
graphs a crisp definition for each discipline can be derived (Hoede Having derived a unified core definition of PSS the notion of PSS
and Wang, 2006). The question is now, what the core definition of needs to be clarified more deeply. For doing so the main topic areas
PSS across all disciplines could be. This can be answered by and findings of each article are analyzed.

Fig. 7. Definition graphs for PSS in IS discipline (a), BM discipline (b), and ED discipline (c).
M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260 253

Table 4
Comparison of PSS definitions.

Definition: PSS (and related concepts) are defined as. Reference

an integrated bundle of products and services which aims at creating customer utility and generating value. This article
ED “a marketable set of products and services capable of jointly fulfilling a user’s need.” (Goedkoop et al., 1999)
“a business innovation strategy offering a marketable mix of products and services jointly capable of (Manzini et al., 2001)
fulfilling a client’s needs and/or wants e with higher added value and a smaller environmental impact
as compared to an existing system or product.”
“a system of products, services, supporting networks and infrastructure that is designed to be: (Mont, 2002a)
competitive, satisfy customer needs and have a lower environmental impact than traditional business
“a concept that integrates products and services in one scope for planning, development and delivery, (Müller et al., 2009)
thus for the whole life-cycle.”
“a functional solution that fulfills a defined customer need. The focus is, with reference to the customer (Sakao et al., 2008)
value, to optimize the functional solution from a life-cycle perspective.”
“products that comprise combinations of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ elements. Typically, they are described as (Alonso-Rasgado et al., 2004)
comprising hardware combined with a service support system.”
BM “the set of all potential additional services a supplier can supplement his product offering with, in order (Frambach et al., 1997)
to differentiate his offering relative to the competitors’ as perceived by (potential) customers and
“comprehensive bundles of products and/or services, that fully satisfy the needs and wants of a customer (Stremersch et al., 2001)
related to a specific event or problem.”
“integrated combinations of products and/or services that are unusually tailored to create outcomes (Miller et al., 2002)
desired by specific clients or types of clients.”
“a set of customer-supplier relational processes comprising (1) customer requirements definition, (Tuli et al., 2007)
(2) customization and integration of goods and/or services and (3) their deployment, and
(4) post-deployment customer support, all of which are aimed at meeting customers’ business needs.”
IS an ordered set of products and services, developed and manufactured as solution of a problem and (Botta, 2007)
can be a subset of a superior socio-technical system.
the intelligent interlocking of physical products and services that are already in the design and (Leimeister and Glauner, 2008)
development phase closely linked. Their individual components can be decoupled from each other
only with difficulty.
“offerings that provide both tangible goods as well as services and intangible assets in an integrated (Schrödl and Turowski, 2011)

3.3.1. Notion within the IS discipline PSS for sustainable IT infrastructures (Boehm et al., 2011a), a soft-
Within the IS discipline, modeling of PSS (Becker et al., 2008; ware infrastructure architecture based on semantic web services
Becker et al., 2009b; Langer et al., 2009; Becker et al., 2012) and (Lee et al., 2007), or a PSS for home care applications (Breitschwerdt
requirements engineering (Berkovich et al., 2009, 2011a, 2011b, et al., 2011). One of the rare surveys in this discipline is the ques-
2011c) have been widely discussed. For each topic, 4 valuable tionnaire by Sturm and Bading which covered the potential of PSS
contributions can be found. For example, Becker et al. discuss the for small and medium-sized enterprises (Sturm and Bading, 2008).
integration of reference models for PSS modeling by combining Unfortunately, it is limited to the investment good industry and
Event-Driven Process Chain (EPC) and the Service Blueprinting does not follow a clear understanding of the PSS term.
approach (Becker et al., 2010a). In another paper by these authors, a
new modeling language for PSS is proposed which integrates 3.3.2. Notion within the BM discipline
requirements of different perspectives (Becker et al., 2009b). Fur- Within the BM discipline, mostly services understood as com-
thermore, 4 novel PSS engineering methods are presented by Botta bination of products and services (Mattsson, 1973; Shostack, 1982;
(2007), Böhmann et al. (2008), Thomas et al. (2008b), Gräßle et al. Quinn et al., 1990; Shostack and Kingman-Brundage, 1991; Samli
(2010). Topics like developing IT solutions using PSS methods et al., 1992; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 1994; Kellogg and Nie,
(Herzfeldt et al., 2010) or discussing hybrid products (Leimeister 1995; Zahn and Stanik, 2006) are discussed. Also the solutions
and Glauner, 2008; Schmitz, 2008) can also be found. concept is considered (Shepherd and Ahmed, 2000; Mathieu, 2001;
A framework for hybrid value creation has been developed by 15 Galbraith, 2002; Foote et al., 2003; Johansson et al., 2003; Davies
German researchers in the field who all work on PSS research et al., 2006; Sawhney, 2006; Tuli et al., 2007). Furthermore, 5
projects (Becker et al., 2009a): Development, usage, and replace- articles cover the transformation of business to service orientation
ment are the core processes. These processes are supported by (Vandermerwe and Rada, 1988; White et al., 1999; Oliva and
technology management, relationship management, and informa- Kallenberg, 2003; Davies, 2004; Windahl et al., 2004). Topics like
tion management etc. Strategy and managerial accounting coor- bundling (Schmalensee, 1982; Guiltinan, 1987; Eppen et al., 1991;
dinate all activities. Venkatesh and Mahajan, 1993) and the integration of products and
Leimeister and Glauner provide a foundational paper which services (Bressand, 1986; Léo and Philippe, 2001; Spath and
discusses the concept of hybrid products. They claim that the Demuß, 2006; Fang et al., 2008) can also be found.
concept has not found its wide acceptance yet. Furthermore, it is Interestingly, three articles cover the field of PSS Engineering
said that more research needs to be done because in practice (Schenk et al., 2006; Thomas et al., 2008a; Kim and Yoon, 2012),
products and services are still developed separately and often which used to be a main research field of the ED discipline. The
services are added to the former value creation process as an add- marketing view on the transition from products to services is
on (Leimeister and Glauner, 2008). prevalent in BM discipline (Quinn et al., 1990; Vargo and Lusch,
The IS discipline often emphasizes that IT is a prerequisite for 2004). Process models for the transition from product manu-
many PSS (Schuh et al., 2010) and, hence, many examples are facturer to service provider are discussed (Oliva and Kallenberg,
provided: A PSS for the support of the customer service (Thomas 2003) as well as refinements of the service engineering concept
et al., 2007; Fellmann et al., 2011) has been described as well as a (Shostack and Kingman-Brundage, 1991) or requirements of
254 M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

organizing the business process to develop hybrid products in a Noticeable is the fact that research in ED is in some cases closely
company (Schenk et al., 2006). related to the IS discipline. For example, an architecture for a
Furthermore, significant management challenges in the process software tool for realizing product-oriented PSS and use-oriented
of a manufacturer becoming a service-focused business are pre- PSS is presented (Yang et al., 2009), a web-based bandwidth
sented (Brax, 2005). There are marketing, production, delivery, management system that can be used to manage bandwidth on the
product-design, communication, and relationship challenges. network to support the rural quality of digital learning services is
Additionally, business models are also widely discussed in BM lit- conceptualized (Ariwibowo and Bandung, 2011), or four possible
erature (Lay et al., 2009; Botsman and Rogers, 2010). In BM, basi- relationships between product and service design and the use of
cally manufacturing and aerospace industry as well as capital and ICT in a PSS are shown (Hernández Pardo et al., 2012). Belvedere
industrial goods sector are taken as industries of application. While et al. claim that investing in ICTs to servitize the product offering
Wise and Baumgartner focus on business models for the so called can be a valuable opportunity (Belvedere et al., 2013). Finally, some
downstream market (Wise and Baumgartner, 1999), Tukker pres- researches in this field self-critically reflect that they need to be
ents 3 main types of PSS business models (Tukker, 2004): more rigorously: focusing solely on case studies and models is not
sufficient and, for example the linkage between PSS and sustain-
 Product-oriented PSS. The product is sold in traditional manner ability has to be uncovered and proven (Tukker and Tischner,
and the service is added, e.g. in form of after-sales services. 2006c). Sakao et al. propose that more research in the topics of
 Use-oriented PSS. The provider does not sell the product but PSS-offer modeling, PSS development, and PSS potential is neces-
the use or availability of it and therefore he keeps the owner- sary (Sakao et al., 2009b).
ship. Products are leased, rented or shared.
 Result-oriented PSS. The result or capability is sold instead of a 3.3.4. Summary
product. This is the most sophisticated business model because In order to summarize those research streams, each of the 265
not a washing machine is sold but laundered clothes, for contributions has been tagged with three to four keywords. One
example. author conducted the tagging and the other cross-checked it.
Conflicts have been discussed and solved.
3.3.3. Notion within the ED discipline The final keyword concept matrix according to Webster and
The ED discipline clearly focuses on the discussion of the con- Watson (2002) is depicted in Table 5. In this table, black cells
cept of PSS (Goedkoop et al., 1999; Manzini et al., 2001; Manzini indicate the concept which occurs most often in the respective
and Vezzoli, 2002; Mont, 2002a; McAloone and Andreasen, 2004; discipline. Dark gray represents the second most often concept and
Weber et al., 2004a; Matzen et al., 2005; Kanda and Nakagami, light gray the third most often concept. Altogether, 19 concepts
2006; Tukker et al., 2006; Park and Lee, 2009; Catulli, 2010) and have been identified by analyzing the keywords for each article.
PSS engineering methods (Morelli, 2003; Weber et al., 2004b; This procedure has been done by the authors independently and
Steinbach, 2005; Steinbach et al., 2005; Aurich et al., 2006; Maxwell results have been afterward discussed and integrated.
et al., 2006; Rexfelt and Hiort af Ornäs, 2009; Yang et al., 2009; The concept “PSS engineering approach” includes all articles
Geng et al., 2011; Bandinelli and Gamberi, 2012). dealing with methods to develop PSS. Similarly, the concepts of
Questions on what a PSS is actually, why a PSS is beneficial “PSS concept”, “PSS design”, “PSS management”, “PSS perspective
(benefits for companies, government, society, consumers, and on IS” and “PSS development process” can be explained. “Related
environment) as well as drivers for PSS, what the elements of PSS concepts” covers all papers which deal with closely associated
are, which characteristics PSS have, and what the barriers are concepts on PSS, like for example compack paradigm, bundling, or
answered comprehensively (Goedkoop et al., 1999; Mont, 2002a, functional sales. Contributions focusing on green developments
2004). PSS business models are also described (Meier et al., 2005, have been subsumed to the concept “Sustainability”. The concept
2011). Furthermore, PSS design (Krucken and Meroni, 2006; “Meta level analysis” covers review articles that discuss the PSS
Maussang et al., 2007, 2009; Cho et al., 2010; Davis et al., 2010; Kim topic on a meta level. Those papers dealing the modeling of PSS
et al., 2010; Kim and Won Lee, 2011; Sakao, 2011; Kim et al., 2012) are associated to the concept of “Modeling”. The concepts of
and PSS Engineering (Lindahl et al., 2006b; Matzen and McAloone, “Business models”, “Requirements engineering”, “Life-cycle
2006; Sundin et al., 2006; Tan et al., 2006; Lindahl et al., 2008; approaches”, and “Solutions” can each be found in a high number
Müller and Schmidt-Kretschmer, 2008) are widely examined and of articles and therefore have been recorded as independent
highlighted as extremely important. concepts. There are also papers which focus on one aspect of PSS:
A method for effectively and efficiently designing PSS in man- “Service concept”, “Service design”, “Products vs. services”, and
ufacturing is investigated in practice, for example (Sakao et al., “Product services”. Finally, there are also articles explicitly dealing
2009a). Sustainability and product innovation (Stahel, 1997; Roy with consumers. Therefore, the concept of “Consumer research”
and Potter, 2002; Hammerl et al., 2003; Maxwell and van der has been noted.
Vorst, 2003; Thompson et al., 2011) is also a major issue in this One first recognizes that PSS engineering approaches is the
discipline. Even different models of sustainable PSS are discussed concept that is most widely discussed. However, if one looks at each
(Roy, 2000), although it is acknowledged that an environmentale discipline separately certain differences can be observed. Within
economical winewin is somewhat simplistic (Tukker, 2003). ED, the engineering approaches are indeed most often discussed.
Manufacturing industry is taken as the sample industry for However, sustainability followed by the PSS concept in general are
application in more than 30 articles of this discipline. Further considered also quite often. The picture is completely different in
applications for PSS are described for the health sector (B2B and analyzing BM. Here, related concepts like bundling or servicisation
B2C) (Mittermeyer et al., 2011), car Sharing services (Meijkamp, are mostly discussed. Additionally, a strong focus is on the service
1998, 2000), a telecenter (Morelli, 2003), automotive industry concept and on solutions. Within IS, modeling, PSS engineering
(Williams, 2006, 2007), office copy machines (Kuo, 2011), oil and approaches, requirements engineering, and PSS design are mostly
gas industries (Bandinelli and Gamberi, 2012), and even teaching considered concepts. From this examination one can conclude that
(McAloone, 2006). For example, the case of office copy machines in each discipline, certain concepts are in the center of concern.
includes additional services like maintenance, recycling, reverse However, in nearly all of them, engineering approaches and design
logistics, and final waste disposal (Kuo, 2011). aspects play major roles.
M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260 255

Table 5
Concept matrix.

3.4. Meta-analysis of previous literature reviews extend past research and give new directions for future research.
Ways are shown how theory can be empirically examined and how
In analyzing the 265 articles of course also previous literature implications for practice and future theorizing can be drawn.
reviews have been investigated. In total 12 reviews on the state-of- The research agenda is based on the presented findings and
the-art of PSS concept or PSS engineering have been identified. To additional notes recorded while analyzing the articles. The authors
show the differences between those reviews and this one we want independently analyzed this data and searched for gaps and pos-
to compare the applied methodology and gained results. Table 6 sible future research opportunities. Afterward, the results have
gives an overview on this. been discussed and condensed into one list. Then, argumentation
Although there are the most reviews within the ED discipline, for each issue has been developed and references in literature have
these are also the least systematic ones. In 4 out of 6 reviews, a been searched in order to ensure even a better motivation for the
description of the used methodology is missing. However, also one issues.
review from IS respectively ED lacks a comprehensive description of The research agenda covers 11 issues which are relevant for the
the way of conducting the review. Furthermore, one could criticize future based on our data:
that assignment of labels to articles is sometimes not reproducible
(cf. for example Park and Lee, 2009; Velamuri et al., 2011; Cavalieri  Integrating other disciplines’ results. The major issue for future
and Pezzotta, 2012) or multi-disciplinary review are said to be contributions in the PSS field is to look across borders and
conducted but IS research is often neglected in these cases (cf. for integrate results from other disciplines. In the literature review
example Pawar et al., 2009; Müller and Sakao, 2010). In comparing we found out that for example engineering approaches which
the previous reviews with this review one first recognizes that it has have been developed within the IS field are often not consid-
the longest time frame and, hence, the highest number of consid- ered at all in publications of ED. Since IS and ED are closely
ered articles. The applied method is comparable to other con- related e as we identified in our examination e the respective
tributions. Finally, one can say that although there are several other results need to be integrated in each other’s work. A recom-
literature reviews on PSS, the analysis which has been conducted mendation from us is here to avoid citation syndicates: In many
here has never been done before in this breadth and deepness. articles we found that some authors always cite in their articles
the same set of contributions. Here, a citation analysis might
4. Research agenda help in future to uncover this issue more rigorously.
 Clarifying the terminology. We recognized that often the
After presenting the results of the comprehensive literature results of different contributions are not comparable because of
review, in the following it is demonstrated how these results the usage of different terms. In future, a common foundation

Table 6
Comparison of previous literature reviews to this contribution.

Source Method Time frame Articles

IS (3 þ 1) Berkovich et al. (2009) e e e
Berkovich et al. (2011b) Database search (only Google Scholar) e 15
Bensch and Schrödl (2011) Selection of highly ranked IS journals and conferences 1998e2010 11
This article Database search and Internet search; systematic review 1973e2012 265
BM (3) Pawar et al. (2009) Key papers analysis and further extension with relevant articles e e
Velamuri et al. (2011) Database search; systematic review 1995e2010 169
Cavalieri and Pezzotta (2012) e 2001e2011 79
ED (6) Baines et al. (2007) Database search; systematic review 1995e2006 40
Baines et al. (2009) Database search; systematic review 1988e2008 58
Sakao et al. (2009b) e e 100
Park and Lee (2009) e e e
Meier et al. (2010) e e e
Müller and Sakao (2010) e e 50
256 M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260

has to be achieved in which all the different concepts are research. In future, more empirical and especially quantitative
clearly distinguished. Otherwise, the transferability of research work needs to be done in order to validate the achieved results
is impeded. Additionally, closely related concepts to PSS, like or test theories or models.
for example hybrid products or Post Mass Production Paradigm  Enhancing set of research methods. Similar to a lack of
could be either integrated into the PSS conception or have to be empirical research designs, also an unbalanced usage of
more clearly separated. A first step into this direction has been research methods can be identified. While concentrating on
achieved by the derivation of the core definition for PSS. More models, architectures, frameworks or speculation/commentary
work is necessary here for a further clarification. methods like field studies or experiments nearly have been
 Changing perspectives. A broader set of views should be taken completely neglected. Though, these methods could be
in Velamuri et al., (2011): Innovation view, organizational view, extremely helpful in future to better understand the PSS
or sustainability view have been mostly neglected so far. concept.
Authors should look beyond the rim of their teacups. This could  Discovering of future PSS. Research on PSS has to move for-
enhance research in PSS by getting a more comprehensive and ward. In future, technology will offer new opportunities for
holistic picture of the concept. companies to offer new products and services (Sztipanovits,
 Explicating the methodology. Even today there are a number of 2012). One direction is the advent of cyber-physical systems
articles which do not clearly postulate their applied method- (CPS). CPS are understood as the integration of embedded
ology (cf. for example Manzini and Vezzoli, 2002; Alonso- systems with global networks such as the Internet (Broy et al.,
Rasgado et al., 2004; Gebauer et al., 2005; Sundin and Bras, 2012). Complex interactions and dynamics of how cyber and
2005; Tan et al., 2006; Sakao and Shimomura, 2007; physical subsystem interact with each other are one possible
Berkovich et al., 2009; Rese et al., 2009; Sakao et al., 2009b; future direction of research (Sha et al., 2009). Additionally,
Catulli, 2010; Ceschin, 2010; Cortesi et al., 2010; Davis et al., within fields like mobility further research is necessary. One
2010; Schuh et al., 2010). Especially while creating new PSS keyword is here eMobility (Stamp et al., 2012). As everything
approaches for example this is problematic because the pro- becomes a PSS there are also other fields for future research.
cedure is not traceable and, hence, not applicable in practice
(cf. for example Cho et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2012). The above mentioned issues should be applied by researchers of
 Concretizing results. So far, several high-level articles have all three disciplines. However, each discipline should focus on their
been published (cf. for example Luiten et al., 2001; Abdalla, individual strengths and collaborate with others.
2006; Meier and Kortmann, 2007; Park and Lee, 2009). Oth- Every research has its limitations. Although we tried to capture
ers offer for example only a vague understanding of the PSS as much articles as possible, not all contributions to the PSS field
concept or PSS engineering approaches. In general, more in could be identified and analyzed. For a detailed overview on the
depth analysis are required. engineering discipline we refer to Meier et al. (2010) and for a
 Conducting an evaluation. We recognized that in many cases business view see Velamuri et al. (2011). By comparing these
developed PSS engineering approaches are applied solely in reviews with this article, it can be stated that a good proportion of
one case. This hampers the validity of the proposed procedure contributions in each field have been covered. Furthermore, pub-
considerably. Of course, a comprehensive evaluation is time- lications in other languages than German speaking articles should
consuming and costly. But it is necessary for achieving more be included in future. In order to do so, international collaborations
practically relevant results. between researchers are necessary.
 Extending international collaboration. Often studies within the Several implications for theory and practice can be derived from
PSS field are conducted explicitly for one industry in one country. this analysis. The results help researchers, and especially but not
Although there are projects and studies like the EU projects exclusively novice researchers, to understand the concept of PSS.
SusProNet (Tukker and Tischner, 2006b) and MEPSS (van Halen The suggested upcoming research directions with the presented
et al., 2005), which involved companies from more countries and research agenda is a solid foundation for future research. Addi-
adopted a multidisciplinary approach, in general the collabo- tionally, the overview on previous literature reviews and compar-
ration between international researchers on papers is limited. ison with this contribution is useful especially for other researchers
There are only a very few contributions which compare two or who want to get a quick overview on relevant articles of the PSS field.
more cases of different countries (cf. for example Lindahl et al., Also practitioners can profit from our results. The derived defi-
2009; Bayraktaroglu and Bayazit, 2010). However, this is nec- nition and elaborated notion of PSS is a useful basis for practitioners
essary in order to avoid the creation of results which are appli- in order to develop PSS. Core definition, overview of the research
cable only in culture. Furthermore, this helps overcoming field, and meta-analysis are also a good starting point in discussing
barriers such as language problems or cultural uncertainties. the PSS area in practice.
 Overcoming research-practice gap. Current research in the PSS
field is in most cases conducted without the participation of 5. Conclusion
practitioners. More collaboration between researchers and
practitioners is necessary in order to ensure more practical Technological advancements, globalization, and a changed user
relevance (Gill and Bhattacherjee, 2009). demand lead to a new paradigm which is often called PSS. Research
 Changing research design. We identified a lack of quantitative in this field has been conducted for more than 50 years but is still
empirical research designs. So far, a strong focus has been on one of the highly relevant topics. This contribution aimed at
conceptual designs. This is true for all disciplines. Of course, the investigating this long history and giving recommendations for
adoption of a research method depends very much on the future research by conducting a rigorous literature review. Because
research questions. In some cases qualitative methods are PSS is a multi-disciplinary topic we separately analyzed the three
more appropriate than quantitative ones. Nevertheless, it disciplines IS, BM, and ED. A comprehensive literature search has
seems that researches have been concentrating on non- been conducted and resulted in a list of 265 relevant articles.
empirical methods because they are easier to conduct in the The presentation of the most productive authors, often used
field of PSS. Research questions have to be adapted in order to journals and conference proceedings is especially valuable for
conduct a more balanced mix of quantitative and qualitative novice researchers who want to start in this field. Our derivation of
M. Boehm, O. Thomas / Journal of Cleaner Production 51 (2013) 245e260 257

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Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA), Hamburg, Germany.
like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful and
September 22-23. Köllen, Bonn, pp. 219e224 (GI LNI, P-190).
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