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1. Define Artificial Intelligence and illustrate its Block Diagram highlighting various AI domains.

2. Provide a chronological account of the History of AI spanning from 1950 to the present day.

4. Explore the advantages and disadvantages associated with Artificial Intelligence.

5. Identify two types of AI problems and elucidate the components of well-defined problems.

7. Examine four parameters used to determine the optimality of search algorithms.

8. Define the concept of an environment and elucidate different types of environments with suitable

9. Discuss the goals of AI, detailing seven steps with illustrative examples.

10. Clarify distinctions between Hard and Soft AI, Soft and Weak AI, as well as Narrow and General

11. Define an Agent, using figures to illustrate the concept and its interrelationship with the

12. Examine various types of agents, providing examples to enhance understanding.

13. Identify different search strategies, highlighting the importance of four key parameters.

14. Explain uninformed strategies, detailing their types and providing examples for better

15. Discuss search methodologies in complex environments, offering pertinent examples.

17. Explain the concept of Constraint Satisfaction Problems, offering a relevant example.

18. Define speech recognition and illustrate it with a block diagram.

19. Outline the steps involved in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and explain its two distinct

20. Define computer vision and explore its diverse applications in real-world scenarios.

21. What do you mean by propositional Logic? Explain its logic with its truth table and provide
1. Define Artificial Intelligence and illustrate its Block Diagram highlighting
various AI domains.

 The study of how to make programs/computers do things that people do

 AI is a field of study Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Psychology,
Philosophy, Linguistics and Neuroscience
 AI is part science, part engineering.
 AI often must study other domains to implement systems.
 e.g., medicine and medical practices for a medical diagnostic system,
engineering, and chemistry to monitor a chemical processing plant
 AI is a belief that the brain is a form of biological computer and that the mind is
 AI has had a concrete impact on society but unlike other areas of CS, the
impact is often felt only tangentially (that is, people are not aware that system
X has AI) felt years after the initial investment in the technology.
2. Provide a chronological account of the History of AI spanning from 1950 to
the present day.
 Computers were thought of as an electronic brain.
 Term “Artificial Intelligence” coined by John McCarthy John McCarthy
also created Lisp in the late 1950s.
 Alan Turing defines intelligence as passing the Imitation Game (Turing
 AI research largely revolves around toy domains
 games (e.g., checkers)

 AI attempts to move beyond toy domains.
 Syntactic knowledge alone does not work, domain knowledge required.
 Earliest expert system created: Dendral

 AI researchers address real-world problems and solutions through expert
(knowledge-based) systems:
 Medical diagnosis, Speech recognition, Planning, Design.
 Uncertainty handling implemented:
 Fuzzy logic, Certainty factors, Bayesian probabilities
 AI begins to get noticed due to these successes
o AI research
o AI labs
o AI shells
o AI machines

1980s: AI Winter
 Funding dries up leading to the AI Winter
◦ Too many expectations were not met.
◦ Expert systems took too long to develop, too much money to
invest, the results did not pay off.
1990 A Life

 The dumbest smart thing you can do is staying alive.

 We start over – lets not create intelligence, lets just create “life” and
slowly build towards intelligence.
 A life is the lower bound of AI
 Alife includes:
o Evolutionary learning techniques (genetic algorithms)
o Artificial neural networks for additional forms of learning
o Perception and motor control
o Adaptive systems
o Modeling the environment

Today: The New (Old) AI

 By their own admission, AI researchers are not doing “AI”, they are
o Intelligent agents, multi-agent systems/collaboration
o Ontologies
o Machine learning and data mining
o Adaptive and perceptual systems
o Robotics, path planning
o Search engines, filtering, recommendation systems

 Areas of current research interest:

o NLU/Information Retrieval, Speech Recognition
o Planning/Design, Diagnosis/Interpretation
o Sensor Interpretation, Perception, Visual Understanding
o Robotics
o Approaches
o Knowledge-based
o Ontologies, Probabilistic, (HMM, Bayesian Nets)
4. Explore the advantages and disadvantages associated with Artificial

◦ More powerful and more useful computers
◦ New and improved interfaces
◦ Solving new problems
◦ Better handling of information
◦ Relieves information overload
◦ Conversion of information into knowledge

◦ Increased costs
◦ Difficulty with software development - slow and expensive
◦ Few experienced programmers
◦ Few practical products have reached the market yet.
5. Identify two types of AI problems and elucidate the components of well-
defined problems.
Types of Problem
1) When the environment is completely accessible and the agent can calculate
its state after any sequence of action, we call it a single-state problem.
2) When the world is not fully accessible, the agent must reason about sets of
states that it might get to, rather than single states. We call this a multiple-
state problem.
 Components of Well-Defined AI Problems:
1. Clear Objective:
Definition: The problem that the AI system is supposed to solve must be clearly
defined. It could be anything from recognizing objects in images to playing a
Example: Recognize handwritten digits in images.
2. Quality Data:
Definition: High-quality, relevant data is essential for training AI models. The
data should be representative of the problem domain.
Example: A dataset of labelled handwritten digits with corresponding images
for training a digit recognition model.
3. Feature Selection:
Definition: Features are the variables or attributes used by the AI system to
make predictions or decisions. Selecting relevant features is crucial for the
system's performance.
Example: Pixel values in an image can be features for image recognition tasks.
4. Algorithms/Models:
Definition: AI algorithms or models process the input data and generate
predictions or decisions. Choosing an appropriate algorithm/model is vital for
the success of the AI system.
Example: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image recognition tasks.
5. Training:
Definition: Training involves using the algorithm/model to learn from the input
data (with known outcomes) to make predictions or decisions.
Example: Training a CNN using the labeled dataset of handwritten digits to
recognize new, unseen digits.

6. Testing and Evaluation:

Definition: After training, the AI system needs to be tested on a separate
dataset to evaluate its performance and ensure it generalizes well to unseen
Example: Using a test dataset of handwritten digits to assess the accuracy of
the trained digit recognition model.

7. Deployment and Monitoring:

Definition: Deploying the AI system in the real world to solve the problem it
was designed for. Continuous monitoring is necessary to ensure the system's
performance over time.
Example: Implementing the trained digit recognition model in a mobile app to
recognize digits drawn by users, with ongoing monitoring to identify and fix any
performance issues.
5) Examine four parameters used to determine the optimality of search
1. Completeness:
 Definition: A search algorithm is complete if it guarantees finding a
solution if one exists. In other words, a complete search algorithm will
always find a solution if there is any path from the initial state to a goal
 Importance: Completeness is crucial, especially in problems where
failure to find a solution is unacceptable. Algorithms like Breadth-First
Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) are complete if the search
space is finite.
2. Optimality:
 Definition: An optimal search algorithm is one that finds the best
solution among all possible solutions, where the term "best" is defined
based on a certain cost criterion.
 Importance: Optimality is essential when there are multiple solutions,
and the goal is to find the one with the minimum cost. Algorithms like
Uniform-Cost Search (UCS) ensure optimality by always expanding the
lowest-cost node first.
3. Time Complexity:
 Definition: Time complexity refers to the amount of time an algorithm
takes to find a solution. It is usually expressed in Big O notation,
indicating the upper bound of the algorithm's running time concerning
the size of the input.
 Importance: Time complexity is crucial, especially in real-time or time-
sensitive applications. Efficient algorithms like A* search algorithm aim
to minimize time complexity while ensuring completeness and
4. Space Complexity:
 Definition: Space complexity refers to the amount of memory space an
algorithm uses during its execution. It is also expressed in Big O notation,
representing the upper bound of the algorithm's memory usage
concerning the size of the input.
 Importance: Space complexity is important, especially in memory-
constrained environments. Algorithms like Iterative Deepening Depth-
First Search (IDDFS) use iterative deepening to limit the memory usage
while maintaining completeness.
8. Define the concept of an environment and elucidate different types of
environments with suitable examples.
1. Fully Observable vs. Partially Observable Environments:
 Fully
Observable Environment: In a fully observable environment, the agent's
sensors give it always access to the complete state of the environment. The
agent has perfect information about the environment.
 Example: Chess, where both players can see the entire board and all the
 PartiallyObservable Environment: In a partially observable environment, the
agent's sensors provide incomplete or ambiguous information about the state
of the environment. The agent must maintain an internal belief state based on
its observations.
 Example: Poker, where players have limited information about each other's
cards and must infer their opponents' strategies.
2. Deterministic vs. Stochastic Environments:
 Deterministic
Environment: In a deterministic environment, the next state of
the environment is completely determined by the current state and the agent's
 Example: Chess, where the outcome of a move is entirely determined by the
rules of the game.
 Stochastic
Environment: In a stochastic environment, there is uncertainty in
the outcome of actions, even if the agent and the environment are in a known
 Example: Backgammon, where the roll of dice introduces randomness,
affecting the possible moves.
3. Discrete vs. Continuous Environments:
 Discrete Environment: In a discrete environment, there is a finite or countably
infinite number of distinct states and actions.
 Example:Tic-Tac-Toe, where the board has a finite number of cells, and players
make discrete moves.
 ContinuousEnvironment: In a continuous environment, states and actions are
represented by continuous variables.
 Example:Autonomous driving, where the car's position and speed can vary
continuously, and steering and acceleration are continuous control actions.

4. Episodic vs. Sequential Environments:

 Episodic Environment: In an episodic environment, the agent's experience is
divided into episodes, where each episode is a sequence of interactions from
the initial state to a terminal state. Episodes are independent of each other.
 Example: Playing a single game of chess, where the game has a clear endpoint.
 Sequential
Environment: In a sequential environment, the current decision can
affect all future decisions and outcomes. Actions have long-term
consequences, and there is no clear division into episodes.
 Example:
Real-time strategy games like StarCraft, where the actions taken at
any moment can influence the outcome of the game in the long run.
9) Discuss the goals of AI, detailing seven steps with illustrative examples.

1. Develop problem-solving ability

 AI research is focused on developing efficient problem-solving algorithms
that can make logical deductions and simulate human reasoning while
solving complex puzzles. AI systems offer methods to deal with uncertain
situations or handle the incomplete information conundrum by
employing probability theory, such as a stock market prediction system.
 The problem-solving ability of AI makes our lives easier as complex tasks
can be assigned to reliable AI systems that can aid in simplifying critical

2. Incorporate knowledge representation

 AI research revolves around the idea of knowledge representation and
knowledge engineering. It relates to the representation of ‘what is
known’ to machines with the ontology for a set of objects, relations, and

 The representation reveals real-world information that a computer uses

to solve complex real-life problems, such as diagnosing a medical ailment
or interacting with humans in natural language. Researchers can use the
represented information to expand the AI knowledge base and fine-tune
and optimize their AI models to meet the desired goals.

3. Facilitate planning
 Intelligent agents provide a way to envision the future. AI-driven
planning determines a procedural course of action for a system to
achieve its goals and optimizes overall performance through predictive
analytics, data analysis, forecasting, and optimization models.

 With the help of AI, we can make future predictions and ascertain the
consequences of our actions. Planning is relevant across robotics,
autonomous systems, cognitive assistants, and cybersecurity.
4. Allow continuous learning

 Learning is fundamental to AI solutions. Conceptually, learning implies

the ability of computer algorithms to improve the knowledge of an AI
program through observations and past experiences. Technically, AI
programs process a collection of input-output pairs for a defined
function and use the results to predict outcomes for new inputs.

 AI primarily uses two learning models–supervised and unsupervised–

where the main distinction lies in using labeled datasets. As AI systems
learn independently, they require minimal or no human intervention. For
example, ML defines an automated learning process.

5. Encourage Social Intelligence

Affective computing, also called ’emotion AI,’ is the branch of AI that

recognizes, interprets, and simulates human experiences, feelings, and
emotions. With affective computing, computers can read facial
expressions, body language, and voice tones to allow AI systems to
interact and socialize at the human level. Thus, research efforts are
inclined toward amplifying the social intelligence of machines.

6. Promote creativity

 AI promotes creativity and artificial thinking that can help humans

accomplish tasks better. AI can churn through vast volumes of data,
consider options and alternatives, and develop creative paths or
opportunities for us to progress.

 It also offers a platform to augment and strengthen creativity, as AI can

develop many novel ideas and concepts that can inspire and boost the
overall creative process. For example, an AI system can provide multiple
interior design options for a 3D-rendered apartment layout.
10. Clarify distinctions between Hard and Soft AI, Soft and Weak AI, as well as
Narrow and General AI.
1) Hard vs Soft AI

Hard AI Soft AI

Time saving Better experience

Cost saving Skill retention
Increases Productivity Agility
Increases revenue Compute and storage
Resources Subject matter experts
Licenses Data science training

2) Narrow AI vs General AI

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