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(Under Decision No. 378/QĐ-ĐHFPT dated 02/04/2021)
2 Course Code MKT101
3 No of credits 3
4 Degree Level Bachelor in Business Administration
Time 1 course = 30 sessions
Allocation 1 session= 90 minutes
6 Pre-requisite Nil

This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts, analysis, and

activities involved in marketing. After taking this class, the students should all be
able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of marketing, including
7 customer needs marketing strategy, and the marketing mix.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the links between marketing strategy, activities,
customers, and long-term profitability of firms.
• Demonstrate ability to apply marketing concepts to real-world situations.
• Exhibit analytical, research, and presentation skills

LO1. Demonstrate understanding of marketing terminology and concepts

LO2. Identify wants and environmental factors that shape marketing activities for
certain target markets
LO3. Demonstrate knowledge of the individual components of a marketing mix
LO4. Demonstrate knowledge of key business communication strategies within the
8 marketing field
LO5. Identify the organizational processes involved in the planning, implementation
and control of marketing activities
LO6. Understanding basic characteristic of B2B and B2C marketing.
LO7. Understanding the differences of goods and service characteristic in marketing

The course is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in marketing

based on five key activities: (1) identifying customer needs, (2) providing customers
with the right products or service to meet their needs, (3) assuring availability to
9 Description
customers through the right distribution channels, (4) using promotional activities in
ways that motivate purchase as effectively as possible, (5) setting an appropriate
price that maximizes firm profitability while maintaining customer satisfaction.

- Attend more than 80% of contact hours in order to be accepted to the final
- Actively participate in class activities
- Fulfill tasks given by instructor after class
Student's tasks - Use their own laptop in class only for learning purpose
- Read the textbook in advance
- Access the course website ( for up-to-date information and
material of the course, for online supports from teachers and other students and for
practicing and assessment.

Main textbooks:
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, 2012, Principles of Marketing, 14th Edition,
Pearson (Version 1)
Teaching & or
10 Learning Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, 2009, Principles of Marketing: A global
Materials perspective, Pearson. (Version 2)
(These two versions of the textbooks are similar in main contents and chapters.
However, the 2012 version has been updated in term of case-studies to keep the
learners in line with changes in real-life marketing circumstances.)
IM, Video, PPT, Test bank
1) On-going assessment:
- Class participation/preparation: 10%
- Quizzes (4): 20%
- Individual Writing Assignment: 10%
- Group assignment: 20%
Assessment - Essay Test: 10%
scheme 2) Final exam: 30%
Total 100%

3) Completion Criteria:
Every on-going assessment component > 0 & Final Result >=5 & Final Exam
Score >= 4

12 Scoring scale 10
13 Schedule See Appendix 1
14 Exam structure See Appendix 2
Approval Date 2/4/2021

16 Approval

No LO Name LO Descriptio Sub.ID Sub.ID Learning outcome
1 LO1 Demonstrate understanding of marketing terminology and concepts
2 LO2 Identify wants and environmental factors that shape marketing activities for certain target markets
3 LO3 Demonstrate knowledge of the individual components of a marketing mix
4 LO4 Demonstrate knowledge of key business communication strategies within the marketing field
5 LO5 Identify the organizational processes involved in the planning, implementation and control of marke
6 LO6 Understanding basic characteristic of B2B and B2C marketing.
7 LO7 Understanding the differences of goods and service characteristic in marketing

Mapping of LOs to PLOs of Curriculum BBA

or certain target markets

the marketing field

ation and control of marketing activities


x x
Back to Syllabus

Session Content Learning Category Teacher's Material

Version 1 Version 2

Chapter 1: Marketing: Creating and Chapter 1: Marketing: Creating and

Capturing Customer Value Capturing Customer Value Instructor Manual,
1 LO1 I, T Lecture
Teacher's Resource

Group task: Case on Marketing changing Group task: Case on Marketing changing
landscape and Discussion landscape and Discussion
Case-study, Teacher's
2 (Case should be designed to cover the (Case should be designed to cover the LO1 T,U Tutorial
overall trends of changes in Marketing overall trends of changes in Marketing
environment nowadays) environment nowadays)

Chapter 3: Analyzing the Marketing Chapter 3: Analyzing the Marketing

Environment Environment
Instructor Manual,
3 LO2 T,U Lecture
Individual Assignment Guidelines Individual Assignment Guidelines Teacher's Resource

Group task: Analyzing Marketing Group task: Analyzing Marketing

4 environment of a specific company environment of a specific company LO2 U Tutorial
(Some groups can be required to present) (Some groups can be required to present)

Chapter 4: Managing Marketing Information Chapter 4: Managing Marketing Information

Instructor Manual,
to Gain Customer Insights to Gain Customer Insights
5,6 LO6 I,T Lecture Teacher's Resource
and Quiz Handouts
Quiz 1 (C.1-C.4) Quiz 1 (C.1-C.4)

Chapter 5: Consumer Markets and Chapter 5: Consumer Markets and
Consumer Buyer Behavior Consumer Buyer Behavior Instructor Manual,
7 LO6 I,T Lecture
Teacher's Resource

Case-study, Teacher's
8,9 Group task: Review Quiz 1 Group task: Review Quiz 1 LO6 T,U Tutorial

Chapter 6: Business Markets and Business Chapter 6: Business Markets and Business
Buyer Behavior Buyer Behavior Instructor Manual,
(Quickly run through chapter 6's contents (Quickly run through chapter 6's contents Teacher's Resource
10 LO4 I,T,U Lecture
while the format is nearly like the chapter 5's while the format is nearly like the chapter 5's and Quiz Handouts
to allocate time for the Quiz 1) to allocate time for the Quiz 1)

Group task: Analyze the decision-making Group task: Analyze the decision-making
process of a specific company in buying process of a specific company in buying
some materials as input to its production some materials as input to its production
11 LO1,2,4,6 T,U Tutorial
(Discuss the learning outcomes of the cases (Discuss the learning outcomes of the cases
with students) with students)

Chapter 7: Customer-Driven Marketing Chapter 7: Customer-Driven Marketing

Strategy: Creating Value for Target Strategy: Creating Value for Target
Instructor Manual,
12,13 Customers Customers LO6 I,T Lecture
Teacher's Resource
Quiz 2 (C.5-C.7) Quiz 2 (C.5-C.7)

Chapter 8: Products, Services, and Brands: Chapter 8: Products, Services, and Brands:
Building Customer Value Building Customer Value
Instructor Manual,
14 (Focus on Products, not Services and (Focus on Products, not Services and LO7 I,T Lecture
Teacher's Resource
Branding because they are so abstract to the Branding because they are so abstract to the
students) students)
Chapter 9: New Product Development and Chapter 9: New Product Development and Instructor Manual,
15 LO3,7 I,T Lecture
Product Life-Cycle Strategies Product Life-Cycle Strategies Teacher's Resource

Group task: Developing a new product to Group task: Developing a new product to
launch into the market & Presenting launch into the market & Presenting
(Lead the students to develop the new (Lead the students to develop the new
16 products as if they were about to set up a products as if they were about to set up a LO3,6,7 T,U Tutorial
new idea of business) new idea of business)

Review Quiz 2 Review Quiz 2

Chapter 10: Pricing: Understanding and Chapter 10: Pricing: Understanding and
Capturing Customer Value Capturing Customer Value
Instructor Manual,
17 (Only instruct the students on What is a Price (Only instruct the students on What is a Price LO3 I,T Lecture
Teacher's Resource
& Major Pricing Strategies. Other contents & Major Pricing Strategies. Other contents
can be used as topics of further discussion) can be used as topics of further discussion)

Chapter 11: Pricing Strategies Chapter 11: Pricing Strategies

Instructor Manual,
18,19 LO3 I,T Lecture
Teacher's Resource

Chapter 12: Marketing Channels: Delivering Chapter 12: Marketing Channels: Delivering
Customer Value Customer Value
(Do not need to mention the Public Policy (Do not need to mention the Public Policy Instructor Manual,
20 and Distribution Decisions part. The rest and Distribution Decisions part. The rest LO3 I,T Lecture Teacher's Resource
should be closely instructed) should be closely instructed) and Quiz Handouts

Quiz 3 (C.8-C.11) Quiz 3 (C.8-C.11)

Group task; Based on the major types of Group task; Based on the major types of
retailers and wholesalers in Chapter 13, retailers and wholesalers in Chapter 13,
identify the ones which exist in Vietnam identify the ones which exist in Vietnam
market; then, name a successful example of market; then, name a successful example of
21,22 LO3,5,6,7 T,U Tutorial
each and explain their success. each and explain their success.
(One slot for retailing and one for (One slot for retailing and one for
wholesaling) wholesaling)
Review Quiz 3 Review Quiz 3

Chapter 14: Communicating Customer Chapter 14: Communicating Customer

Instructor Manual,
23 Value: Integrated Marketing Communications Value: Integrated Marketing Communications LO4 I,T Lecture
Teacher's Resource.
Strategy Strategy

Chapter 15: Advertising and PR Chapter 15: Advertising and PR Instructor Manual,
24 LO4 I,T Lecture
Individual Assignment Submission Individual Assignment Submission Teacher's Resource.

Chapter 16: Personal Selling and Sales Chapter 16: Personal Selling and Sales Instructor Manual,
25,26 Promotion Promotion LO4 I,T Lecture Teacher's Resource
Essay test Essay test Handouts
Quiz 4 (C.12-C.16) Quiz 4 (C.12-C.16)
Instructor Manual,
27 COURSE REVIEW and guest speaker COURSE REVIEW and guest speaker LO1-7 U
Teacher's Resource
Review essay/ Quiz 4 Review essay/ Quiz 4
28,29,30 LO1-7 U

Student Homework's

Student's book, CMS

Case-study reviewing, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Case-study reviewing, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Student's book, CMS

Back to Syllabus Evaluation structure

Evaluation Duratio Learning Number of Scope of knowledge and

Part Weight Type of questions How?
Category n outcomes questions skill of questions
Option 1: ~20
Option 1: Multiple choice questions, Case study questions Quizzes will test for
exercises Option 2: knowledge of subjects in
Quizzes 4 20% 20' each LO1,2,3,4,5 Class room
Option 2: Questions or Activities proposed by Follow the chapters which have
lecturer lecturer's been taught.
Option 1:
Option 1: Individual students will choose one length of the
of three topics relating to marketing to write individual
about. By using references from the textbook assignment
Individual and other sources, students will outline the key should be 5
Based on topics of studied assignment
Writing 1 10% LO1-7 aspects of this topic, identify a real-world pages
units submitted in
Assignment example, and discuss how marketing principles excluding
can be applied to produce a positive outcome. appendices
Option 2: Questions or Activities proposed by Option 2:
lecturer Follow

participation and 1 10%

Option 1:
Option 1: A group of four or five students will
choose a real company to write on selected
length of the
marketing issues in that company. Based on the
theories acquired from this course, give your Group report
group’s recommendations to improve the submission
should be 10
Group company's marketing effectiveness. The input Based on topics of studied and Group
1 20% LO1-7 pages
assignment for the assignment must be based on your units presentation
observation, direct interviews with managers in class
and staff of that company, and the company's room
Option 2:
Option 2: Questions or Activities proposed by

The question will cover
Option 1: Essay questions Follow
the lectures, class
Essay Test 1 10% 40' LO3,5,6,7 Option 2: Questions or Activities proposed by lecturer's Class room
discussions, activities,
lecturer proposal
exercises, and textbook.

The question will cover

Multiple choice, apr. 50 questions. Other types the lectures, class
Final exam 1 30% 60' LO1-7 Exam room
of questions may be included. discussions, activities,
exercises, and textbook.

Total 100%


These quizzes will be given at various

times during class (beginning, middle or
end). Total number of quizzes: 4. Quizzes
can contain Multiple Choice questions.

All assignments should be typed and

double-spaced with 11-point font, and
must be submitted in both soft and hard
copy. A deduction of 10% of the
assignment mark will be applied for
each day of late submission

Participation grade will be given based on

students' preparation, quantity as well as
quality of participation in classroom;
quality of participation is demonstrated
through asking relevant questions,
making statements that add to and
facilitate class discussion, and builds
upon others’ comments.

All assignments should be typed and

double-spaced with 11-point font, and
must be submitted in both soft and hard
copy. A deduction of 10% of the
assignment mark will be applied for
each day of late submission
Evaluation will be based on both
presentation (40%) and written report
(60%). Specific contacts of interviews
including phone number, addresses,
websites must be provided in the
appendix of the report.

Not allow to use any
document/information in any form in
exam room

Intent: Touch on or briefly expose the students to this topic

Relationship to learning objectives: No specific learning objective of knowledge retention is linked to this t
Time: Typically less than one hour of dedicated lecture/discussion/laboratory time is spent on this topic

Relationship to assignments: No assignments/exercises/projects/homework are specifically linked to this t

Relationship to assessment: This topic would probably not be assessed on a test or other evaluation instr

Example: At the beginning of class an example is given of the operation of an engineering system to mot
aspect of the design. But, no explicit discussion of the design or analysis of operation is presented

Example: An ethical problem or dilemma is presented to the students that sets the context for an example
lecture. But, no explicit treatment of ethics or its role in modern engineering practice is presented.

Intent: Really try to get students to learn new material
Relationship to Learning objective: is to advance at least one cognitive level (e.g. no exposure to knowled
knowledge to comprehension, comprehension to application, etc.)
Time: Typically 1 or more hours of dedicated lecture/discussion/laboratory time are spent on this topic:
Relationship to assignment: Assignments/exercises/projects/homework are specifically linked to this topic

Relationship to assessment: This topic would probably be assessed on a test or other evaluation instrume

Example: The process and methodology of product design are explicitly presented to and exercised by
students on a project or assignment.
Intent: Assumes the student already has a certain level of proficiency in this topic
Time: No time explicitly allotted to teaching this topic
Relationship to assessment:Tests are not designed to explicitly assess this topic
Example: When working in a laboratory session, students are expected to utilize their skills of
experimentation. But, no further explicit instruction on techniques of experimentation are given.

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