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Learner Achievement Verification

This is to certify that Alison has awarded Alazar Haile Gebretsadik living in Ethiopia the certificate of completion in

Advanced Diploma in Mastering Elite Digital Marketing for Consultants.

Learner Details

Name: Alazar Haile Gebretsadik


Country: Ethiopia

Course and Result

Advanced Diploma in Mastering Elite Digital Marketing

for Consultants
Do you want to have the freedom to work anywhere in the world or the comfort of
Score your home? Do you want to be your own boss and work on your terms? Do you want
90% financial freedom? If you answered yes to any of these questions, digital marketing
might just be the right line of business for you. You don't need to be an expert in
Study Time creating ads or have prior marketing experience to become a digital marketer. You
15:55:48 don't even need lots of money to get started.

Modules Studied

Module 1: An Introduction to Digital Marketing

Module 2: Your DMA Business Applications

Module 3: Lead Generation Machine

Module 4: How to Gain Clients

Module 5: The Art of Cold Calling

Module 6: Sales Mastery & Closing Clients

Module 7: Advanced Diploma in Mastering Elite Digital Marketing for Consultants - First Assessment

Module 8: Introduction to Google Ads

Module 9: Google Ads Marketing

Module 10: Landing Page and Sales Presentation

Module 11: Facebook Ads Setup

Module 12: Mastering Facebook Ads

Module 13: Service Delivery

Module 14: Advanced Diploma in Mastering Elite Digital Marketing for Consultants - Second Assessment

Module 15: Course assessment

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