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Queen Of Hearts


The cold wind almost blew her frail body away but she
held onto a random gate with the baby in the basket.
The sky was dark and cloudy, the fresh scent of rain still
hanging in the air and the ground still moist from the
Her tears fell on the baby's face but she didn't budge nor
wake. This was the right choice. There was no way she
was bringing yet another child to the abuse she was in.
Her eyes welled with tears as she took one last look at
her baby girl. She was so perfect, hers for these last few
minutes she was carrying her. She hoped she was going
to be in safe hands. She prayed that one day she'll see
her baby all grown up or maybe she won't, she might be
dead by the time her child grows up. She laughed
bitterly, and used her other hand to wipe the icy cold
tears. She could have used this as her escape plan but
how was she going to escape him in this country?

She swallowed as she stopped by the wall. Her head

was hidden by the hoodie and there would be no
recognition if at all they had cameras surrounding the
yard. The little note inside the basket was all they
needed so that they can take the baby in. She didn't
even make a birth certificate or anything that might be
traced back to her. It was for the best.
"I'll call you Ranewa..I hope they call you that like I
asked…it's a huge ask but that's how I'll find you..I love
you so much and you don't deserve a mother who…"

She paused. Was she about to give her baby away?

What if she was subjecting her to a worser fate?
Something like rape? What if they abused Ranewa
because she was not their child biologically? What if
Ranewa hated her more for this in future and would
want nothing to do with her? Her heart shuddered and
she held the basket tightly. Her fingers icy and numb
because of the cold. She didn't look around and instead
she turned around and walked back to the hell hole she
used to call home. The car had a tracker so she had left
it behind so as to not make him suspicious if he tracked
it down and it was going to take her more than thirty
minutes to reach the house but she can only hope
Ranewa was warm…

She looked back at the house she walked away from.

She shook her head. She'll try to escape one more time
even if it'll be hard with an infant and a toddler. She
breathed out. Ranewa was sleeping peacefully in the
"Hang in there baby…I almost made the biggest mistake
of my life."
She prayed silently and she trekked the night till she
reached her house. She quietly opened the gate to the
hell hole she called home, lucky that she didn't get
attacked but it was too cold so she could understand
why thieves weren't around. She closed the gate and
walked to the door. She placed the basket down and
she unlocked the door. She opened the door and got the
basket. Her heart started beating loudly as she looked
around. He won't be back till tomorrow. Nothing..the
lights were still off so she placed the basket down and
she turned to lock the door when hands wrapped around
her neck.
"O tswa kae?"(where were you?)
His sinister voice dripped of venom and she swallowed.
It was in that exact moment Ranewa cried her lungs out
and a slap that rang in her ear made her spin as his grip
tightened around her neck, cutting off her oxygen and
her mind immediately went back to what happened two
weeks prior.


The cold shower made her shiver with clanking teeth as

the blood was washed away by the water. Her eyes
swollen from the crying as he watched her with hawk
eyes. He closed the shower and grabbed a towel to
cover her naked bruised body.
"You make me do these things." He comforted her as
she cried. It was odd that she was crying in the arms of
the man who hurt her countless times.
"I didn't want to do that to you. Are you sure there is
nothing going on with you and him?"
She nodded fervently, her face warm and her eyes
holding back tears.
"Okay. I'm sorry." She nodded. He wasn't. He will never
be sorry.
He rubbed her back and she heard her toddler's
cries…she tried to go to him but he held her back. The
cries reminding her that she was staying so he can be
okay, so her husband doesn't take away the one thing
that made sense in her life. No one believed her, the
police? They had called him the minute she showed up
at the station. Her body was proof enough and she didn't
know what to do at this point…all she could do was
hope he didn't kill her one day.
"Rest and I'll stay there with him."

She nodded and she watched the monster she called a

husband walk out. She laughed with tears in her eyes.
She was despicable. The very definition of stupid. She
didn't even know that guy she was beaten for. She
walked to the bed, slowly hoping her cuts healed
overnight but that was a useless prayer. It will probably
take weeks or even more than a month for them to heal.
She sat on the bed and listened. Her boy stopped crying
and she was relieved. She closed her eyes and bit down
her lips to stop the sobs from escaping her lips. Did she
deserve such a fate? Sh-

The door opened and her heart skipped several beats

as he walked in. She moved back and blinked a couple
of time.
"I'm sorry okay?" She nodded.
"I mean it this time. It wasn't supposed to be like that…"
A traitorous tear rolled down her cheeks and her wiped
it, he felt her shake like a leaf under his touch and he
moved his hand away, her eyes bloodshot red and fear
evident in them.

He swallowed, her pretty face pale and he pulled the

blankets back for her to get inside. She did and he got
out of his clothes and switched off the lights. He got in
bed and held her body which froze at his touch. She
held her breath and it felt like her heart stopped beating.
"I'm sorry..It's the last time. I swear to God, I-I just let my
emotions get the better of me."
She nodded. Lies. She never did anything wrong. Ever.
"I feel so bad, try to relax my love. I won't hurt you."

The sob just escaped her lips and he held her tighter as
she sobbed.
"I'm sorry." He whispered over and over again till she fell
asleep, her heart still aching and her soul still weary.
Queen Of Hearts


Present day

Ranewa cried her little lungs out and he let go of his

wife. She crumpled to the ground, her hand on her neck
as she breathed with her mouth trying to get enough
oxygen inside her lungs. He crouched down and looked
at the infant. He picked her up and then looked at his
"You were actually cheating on me…"
She coughed and shook her head but it was dark. She
tried to stand to flick the light switch as Ranewa's cries
got louder. She managed and she slumped to the floor,
her body already aching and feeling the repercussions
of an unexpected home birth.
"I-I didn't know I was pregnant." She coughed as he
looked at Ranewa.
"You're lying…" He put the screaming newborn down
and used both hands to strangle her so hard she
actually peed herself, eyes bulging out. Her husband
heard the tiny footsteps and he dropped her and glared
at her to shut up.
"Behave." He hissed at her as their three year old
toddler walked to the lounge and he picked up the crying
baby to shush her as he got more angry looking at the
"Mama? Papa?" Kopano looked at his parents. His small
mind not grasping why his mother was on the floor and
when his father came back.
Itumeleng rubbed her eyes and forced a smile as
Ranewa quieted down. She needed to feed.
"I'm fine boy boy.."Her son did not quite believe that but
he nodded and turned to walk away. More confused
than he has ever been in his short three years of life.
Her husband placed the baby back in the basket and he
waited. A heartbeat till he heard the door click closed.
He pulled his wife to him with her hair.
"Who. Is. The. Bastard. You. Cheated. On. Me. With?"
He was enunciation every word and he looked so scary
as he pulled tighter at her hair and she felt like her head
was on fire.
"Y-you. I swear…" She sobbed and bit down her lip. "I
swear on my life." He can do DNA tests, she needed the
hospital to get checked out down there…
He pulled her with her hair and she covered her mouth
not to scream and make Ranewa cry of have Kopano
come out of his room again.
"You'll tell me the truth today."
Ranewa was ignored in the living room as he dragged
her to the bedroom, her body slump on the floor. He
closed the door and walked to the bedroom. He headed
to the shower, still pulling her by the hair and her tears
rolled down her cheeks.

He filled the bathtub with water and added the bubble

bath inside. He hauled her up on her feet and he pushed
her down inside, her whole head submerged and she
kicked unable to breath.
"Ke ngwana wa mang Itumeleng?"(whose child is that?)
She struggled to breath as the soapy water got into her
nose and suffocated her, her eyes closed tightly as
bubbles formed as she tried to speak when all she was
taking in was the water.

She tried to kick again but he was stronger and held her
down. She gave up and he pulled her head back, the
water splashing over the floor and she gasped for
"I don't want to hurt you baby, you make me hurt you."
She got the oxygen in her lung and she let out a sob. No
words escaped her mouth just sobs and she sniffed.
"Itu? I'm waiting."

His grip on her wet hair tightened and she licked her
"She's yours. I swear." She said through clattering teeth
and a whole load of fear.
He pushed her back and breathed in.
"Itumeleng, I'm asking you nicely.."
She shook her head, the cold hitting her and her body
already tired.
"Y-you can do dna tests, I swear…I didn't know I was happened so fast yesterday an-"

The world started spinning and she saw black before her
body crumpled on the bathroom floor.
He lightly slapped her face and she didn't wake…she
needed the hospital but taking her there was going to
result in a lot if questions. He can use that baby as an
excuse. Yes. And he was going to do dna tests for sure.

He quickly picked her up and got the towel to wipe her

clean and he removed her wet clothes, leaving them in
the bathroom and he placed her on the bed to get her
warmer clothes, particularly a polo neck and sweats. He
breathed out, trying to wake her but she wasn't budging.

It was almost an hour later at the hospital when
Itumeleng was admitted along with the child while her
husband had dropped of Kopano at his grandmother's

He waited for the doctor to tell him and he had asked for
a dna test on the infant and him along with Itumeleng.
Latest he might get the results was tomorrow afternoon
so he'll wait. He sat outside the hospital room as she
was checked and assessed.

In the hospital room, the nurse and the doctor noticed

the bruises on her neck and they glanced over at the
closed door. Sometimes they wanted to help but it was
not their place. Sometimes these women defend their
men and there was nothing they could do and they
could only hope they escape their hellish lives and
realise that there is more to life than a man.


The following day, Itumeleng woke up to a sore neck

and she felt a bit different down there. She closed her
eyes. She knew that feeling. She was stitched. She tried
to breath but then panicked. Ranewa and Kopano. She
opened her eyes just as fast, she looked to her side and
saw her baby sleeping soundly. The Hospital door
opened and she moved back, tears in her eyes as she
looked at Ranewa..what if he hurts her. Her husband slid
his hands in his slacks. His jaw ticked and he had resd
the results prior to coming here.
"I saw the results."

Itumeleng's throat bobbed and she tried to breath. There

was nothing in his eyes, she didn't know what he was
going to do.
"D-don't kill me. M-my kids need me."
She croaked. Desperately. He paused and smiled and
she could see his mind working.
"I'll never do that."

He walked closer to the bed and he held her cheek and

she trembled under his touch. His fingers rubbed her
sore neck.
"The doctor said it was a cryptic pregnancy and you're
okay and the baby is okay."
He said. That didn't stop her heart from hammering in
her chest wildly.
"And I'm sorry okay…why did you want to go out with
She swallowed and licked her dry lips.
"And don't lie to me."
"I-I was scared." He closed his eyes for a brief second.
"I read the letter in the basket. You wanted to give my
child away?" His voice rose and teats rolled down her
cheeks and she expected him to strangle her but he let
go and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"From hereon you are going to be a good wife and
mother, we are going to be happy. Do you understand?"

She nodded frantically and he kissed her head.

"Good. I hate hurting you. I love you okay?"
She nodded. A sob close to escaping her lips.
"It will be like old times. I promise my love."

She just nodded with closed eyes.


Queen Of Hearts


Itumeleng fed Ranewa and she smiled back at her little

girl. She didn't believe her husband had changed but
she wasn't sporting any new scars for the past three
months. That has given her time to plan. She couldn't
exactly tell her family.
She laughed pathetically thinking about them. They
were so eager for her to marry a man with money
because she failed her form five. She sighed…at the
time she had loved him but now? All she had was fear.
She looked up and she saw the camera. You couldn't do
anything with cameras in every room and she knew if
she broke one of them, he'd beat her or worse even kill
her. She had her kids to think about.

She cooed at Ranewa and prayed she would leave

someday so her daughter wouldn't call what her father
does to his mother as love. Her phone rang and she saw
Kopano make his way to her. She smiled at him as she
"Hello, are you home? Is your husband home?"
"I'm home. He's not. What is it?"
"I wanted to visit and bring gifts for Ranewa.."
She looked around. Should she tell her sister to help her
escape? She shook her head. She knew the way her
sister looked at her husband, she'd rather serve
Itumeleng's head to the man if it meant getting in his
good books.
"Okay. I'm home."
"I'm on my way."

She cut the call and looked at Kopano.

"Are you hungry? Let me put your sister to sleep and we
can play akere?"
Her son nodded and walked closer to his sister. He
touched her small face with his small hands and
Itumeleng's chest heaved. She was only just twenty two
years old, she had her kids to live for.
"I like her."
She smiled.
"I like her too." She stood up with her baby and walked
to the bedroom where Kopano's old cot was set up. She
kissed Ranewa's little head. She prayed and hoped
Ranewa wouldn't turn out to be like her and Kopano
wouldn't turn out to be like his father.

She put the baby down and watched her close her eyes
before she walked out.

She hummed and headed to the kitchen to finish up with

lunch and feed her boy.

Almost thirty minutes later, the intercom rang and she

wiped Kopano's lips.
"Ka boa boy boy."(I'll be back)
He nodded and watched his mother. His little mind still
couldn't comprehend a lot that was happening around
him but boy if he knew at this moment that as an adult,
his past would haunt him he would have not been an
observant child.

Itumeleng opened the gate and she opened the door

before she sat down. Her sister walked in with a gift bag
and she pretended to be happy.
"Hello Kopano, how is the baby? Waitse ke
mathata…you didn't know you were pregnant?"
" just happened.."
"Mothusi o kae?"(where is Mothusi?)
"At work."
Her sister sighed. She didn't know what Mothusi saw in
Itu. She failed her form five and all of a sudden she was
pregnant and married to an educated man. Mothusi was
around her age too and Itu was…young and dumb. Look
at her popping babies because that was the only thing
she was useful for.

"Okay…where is Ranewa?"
"In the bedroom. She is asleep."
Her sister placed the gift bag on the mat and looked at
"Are you okay?"
"Let me go…can I come visit over the weekend?"
"We won't be here..Rraagwe Kopano is taking us to
Kasane tomorrow."
"Oh. Next week then."

Her sister hugged her and walked out. Itumeleng sighed.

Her sister didn't even say hi to Kopano. She shook her
head and headed to the kitchen to wrap up. Kopano
followed her.
"Mama ke a go robala.."(I'm going to sleep.)
She nodded and she watched her toddler trot off.

She held back tears but they rolled down her cheeks
and she rubbed her eyes and quickly wiped them away.
"You'll be fine. You owe it to Kopano and Ranewa."

Kopano who got to his room and sat on his small bed
looked around. He closed his eyes but sleep didn't come
easily to the little toddler.

He opened his eyes and looked up, no sleep coming to


Mothusi came home earlier that day and he passed the
gift bag and headed to the kitchen to find Itumeleng. He
hadn't checked the cameras yet.
"Who was here?"
Itumeleng jumped and placed a hand over her heart.
"My sister. She brought gifts for Ranewa."
He eyed her and looked at what she was wearing.
"When your sister is here you wear shorts? Do you not
respect that you are a mother? To a baby?"
Her heart lurched in her throat. She could see that he
was about to beat her and she switched off the stove.

Kopano silently walked to the kitchen. He had heard his

father's car and he peeked. A frown covered his face as
he watched his mother and father.

Mothusi slapped Itumeleng and she cried trying to cover

her face. He forced her to look at him and she kept her
cries down. His pants dropped and he covered her
mouth as he pushed the shorts down and had his way to
her. He grunted against her on the counter and
Itumeleng's tears rolled down. Both unaware that
Kopano was watching.

Itumeleng tried to push him back but he was stronger.

She looked back and saw the knife..the knife…she let
her hands lie limp and she looked at him as he grunted
some more and came in her. His eyes closed and she
used that opportunity to grab the knife and she stabbed
his chest. His eyes widened as he staggered back,
shock and Itumeleng looked at the bloody knife in her
hands. Her heart beating in her ears.

Her hand trembled as he coughed and placed a hand

over his bleeding chest.

Kopano's eyes widened and he stepped back, walking


Itumeleng looked at the knife and she should drop it and

run but she walked closer and stabbed his stomach as
he howled in pain, the blood dripping to the floor. He fell
to his knees and she stabbed him again before she
dropped the knife and pulled her shorts up. She should
run! Now!

Queen Of Hearts


Five years later

Kopano held his little sister's hand as their mother
walked besides them with his other little sister.
Itumeleng smiled walking with her babies. She couldn't
say she was surprised that the rape that took place the
day she escaped resulted in a pregnancy but she
couldn't bring herself to abort and die and leave her
children to fend for themselves.

She had no idea if Mothusi was alive or not but she

really liked this quiet lifestyle she had adopted in the
village of Tobane. She did children's hair in the village
and she walked her babies to school everyday and
came to walk them back to their small room after school.

She had begged for them to let Ranewa start standard

one at five years old. She did the same for Kopano
when he was five. She had literally begged, she couldn't
have two kids at home while she was trying to make a
life for them.

She looked at her oldest. He was such a quiet child.

Usually answering in nods and head shakes. He spoke
when necessary and she didn't know if it was his
personality or she was reading too much into it. She was
going to try to talk to him again later after school.
"Kopano take care of your sister okay?"
He nodded and he didn't let Ranewa's hand go as they
continued their short walk to the school.
When they got to the gate of the primary school, she
kissed their heads.
"Have a good day. Ke a le rata autwe?"(I love you guys)
Kopano looked at his mother and he cracked a little
smile and kissed her back. Itumeleng grinned.
She picked up a heavy Ranewa and she giggled.
"Be a good girl and I will see you guys later."

She took out a five pula coin from her pockets and put it
in Kopano's hand.
"Buy something for you and your sister, okay?"
"Ee mma."
She smiled.
"I love you." She said again and she watched them walk
into the school premises with four year old Eana by her
side. She picked Eana and she kissed her head.
"Let's go. I have clients coming in later today."

Her small phone buzzed in her pocket and she put Eana
down. She checked the phone and she answered.
"Itu, I just passed by your house.."
She shook her head. Her good samariatan stranger
turned out to be a good friend but she could see..she
sighed. He wanted her and she wasn't sure. She was
still another man's wife with three children depending on
her, she can't depend on a man again.
"Puso..I've just dropped the children at school."
"I'll wait."
"Okay. Give me a few minutes then."
She cut the call and she held Eana's hand.
"Let's go baby."

Her walk back to her rented place took her twenty

minutes and she saw his car inside the yard and him
standing by the car.

Eana smiled shyly and she chuckled. Her kids liked him
enough but she was not going to date him. Too soon.

"Good morning. Hey Eana.."

"Hi." Her toddler grinned at him and then looked up at
her. She walled to the house and unlocked the door for
Eana to get in and she stood by the stoop looking at
"You don't look too happy to see me."
He went in for a hug and she relaxed, hugging him back.
"Call in advance. I have to get ready for a customer."
"I bought a few stuff, they are in the car.."
She broke the hug and levelled her eyes at him.
"Puso, we are surviving and I-"
"I know, I won't be around for a week or so but I'll call
and I like being sure you and the kids have everything
you need."
It was things like these that made her feel
like…maybe..she shook her head.
"Thank you. You can put them inside and when you are
done get the chair out.."

It was thirty minutes later when Itumeleng's client came

and Puso was still there. Eana sat on the stoop just as
Puso said bye and hopped inside his car. He waved bye
and she waved back, offering her client a seat.
"Hello..let me see the picture again."
Itumeleng asked but the woman was looking at the
toddler. She looked cute and-
"You're a single mother?"
"To all three kids?"

Itumeleng sighed.
"Yes." She looked at the picture and nodded.
The woman took out the braid. It didn't look like
Itumeleng had much and three kids?
"Have you ever thought of adoption?"
"No. I manage well."

She took out her comb to comb through the woman's



Outside the primary school, a white car was parked

outside waiting for the children's lunchtime.

It had taken years but they got a lead and hopefully he

could still remember how the looked like and from the
pictures he got, his wife was about to get a nasty

Queen Of Hearts


At one o'clock on the dot, Mothusi stepped out of his car

and he contacted his police friend.
"I'm about to get them and you can follow me to the
house, to get her."
"Got it."

He watched the fleet of kids start to get out of the school

premises. It was a small village and some of the older
kids admired the car, it was quite obvious some have
never seen this car before. He kept his focus and looked
at the gate.

Inside the school, Kopano waited by his sister's

standard one class. He wasn't on the sweeping rota that
day and he wanted to go home and finish his homework.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds and the more he
was taught about thing during guidance and counselling,
the more it triggered his memories and he wished he
could forget it and forget the man he called his father.
He licked his dry lips, his sister walked out with a smile,
her carrot ponytail hitting her face.
"Kopi, you waited for me?"
He nodded and searched his pockets for the sweets he
bought. He felt so responsible for his little sisters.

He gave her two and Ranewa pouted.

"Ng ng. Mama gave you five pula Kopi.."
"We'll buy more tomorrow."
She thought about it and nodded. He got her bag and
held it in his hand as he walked side by side with her.
"Mama says Eana will come to school with us ha ke bala
He nodded.

Outside the school, Mothusi frowned and pushed his

shades back as he jumped into the car. That was
Itumeleng right? She was holding a little girl's hand and
he cursed under his breath as he watched.

There were too many people around. He'll follow them

home. He didn't know how but he will.

Itumeleng waited by the gate and frowned seeing a

fancy car. She shrugged and focused on waiting for her

She spotted her handsome boy. He was due for a

haircut and she hated how fast his hair grew. Eana who
was bored the whole day without her siblings ran to
them and she was literally the same height as Ranewa
who hugged her. She grinned. Peace.

Kopano walked to her and she hugged him.

"How was your day boy boy? Let me get the bags." She
got the blue spiderman bag and the pink princess one
and she had them on her back as she let the kids walk
ahead of her while she looked behind and walked with
them. This was safe and the village people were so nice.
Nicer than her own family. She shook her head. This
was her new life and all.

Kopano didn't say much but she smiled either way and
listened to Ranewa talk about her day. She failed form
five but she wasn't that dumb to not help her oldest with
homework. She had passed primary and junior school
so well that it was hard to believe that she failed form
five. She sighed. That thirty four points still hurt and her
parents didn't want to pay for her to write again, not
even her abusive husband.

She licked her lips and she caught onto Kopano looking
at her. There was a little sadness in his eyed and she
squeezed his shoulder.
"I'm fine my boy."
He nodded and took her hand. She grinned more. She
had made lunch already and her next client was coming
in an hour.

Mothusi watched from his car and he started it as he

joined the bad road. They were taking a corner and he
should get out of his car and follow them.
He watched them move further and he got out of the car
and locked it. He took slow steps ensuring he was far for
Itumeleng to recognise him and he could still see them.


Twenty minutes later, Itu hummed as they sat on the mat

and she gave them their plates to eat lunch after they all
washed their hands.
"Do you guys want Oros?"
Kopano nodded and Ranewa answered. She opened
the second hand fridge she had bought and got the cold
water jug to fill it with Oros.

Outside the small small house, Mothusi watched and he

could see car tyre tracks on the ground. He breathed out
and he walked back to his car by the school. His phone
rang in his pocket and he answered the call.
"Mothusi, when will you be back?"
He bit down a curse.
"You are not my wife, know your f*cking place."
"And your so called wife almost killed you and
kidnapped your children. Give it up, if it wasn't for me
you wouldn't be alive."
He cut the call and picked up his pace to where he left
his car.


Itumeleng washed the dishes and wiped her hands, she

should prepare for her next customer. There was a
knock on her door and she looked at the kids watching
the small TV. Puso had got it for her and she was
grateful. So grateful.

"Coming." She walked past the kids and opened the

door. Her heart stopped as she came face to face with
her nightmare.
"Hello, wife."
He damn near sneered at her and she tried to close the
door but he used his foot to keep it open.
"You've run and it's enough."
"Please go! I'm going to scream!"

Kopano frowned as he looked at the door. His sisters

were preoccupied with the TV show. He didn't get up
just looked at what seemed like an unwelcome guest.
"Screaming from a prison cell is what you'll be doing
once I'm done with you!" He snarled in her face and
Itumeleng froze. No.! No!
Mothusi opened the door wider and Itumeleng trembled
as he turned up his nose on the house but his eyes
landed on the three children in front of the TV.

Kopano blinked. All he could see was the slaps and his
father…his little chest heaved and he closed his eyes.

Mothusi smiled as he looked at how grown his son was.

"Hello Kopano…do you remember me?"
He didn't say a word just as a police car parked outside
the yard and Itumeleng's heart pounded in her chest as
she looked at her abuser and the police man coming out
of the car. She covered her face and breathed into her
hands. It was self defense…God she had been abused
for close to two years…she was protecting her children.
He raped her…oh God!

Queen Of Hearts


Itumeleng turned to face Mothusi who was trying to talk

to kids who wouldn't recognise him ever again.
Eana and Ranewa frowned and looked at their mother
with tears while Kopano had a blank look on his face.
Mothusi didn't even know the other child but she looked
like Ranewa so much.
"Kopano, I'm your dad."
Kopano stayed frozen in place and he looked at his
mother who looked so scared. The police officers
reached her door step and she swallowed.
"Mrs Itumeleng Mosiame?"

She nodded. Her eyes welling with tears. She checked

her pockets for her phone and she quickly called Puso
as the police officers looked at her.
"Itu, what is it?"
"He is here…My abuser is here and I-"
Her hand trembled and the police watched with blank
faces. She almost killed the man and ran away with the
kids and? All women ever did was lie. Truly.

He inhaled sharply.
"And he brought the police, Puso I'm getting arrested.
My babies…."
"I'm driving back okay? Cooperate so they don't hurt
you..I'll be there."
She cut the call and looked at the police officers.
"Mrs Mosiame you are under arrest for attempted
murder and abduction."
She wiped her tears and looked back at her kids.
"Can I talk to my kids? Please?" She looked at them,

One of them nodded and she walked inside the house.

She went on her knees in front of the kids. Eana and
Ranewa hugged her.
"I love you guys so much."
Kopano inched closer to his mother and Mothusi
simmered. She was probably poisoning the kids against
"Kopano, I love you and you're a bit older but still a
child..take care of your sisters for me autwe ngwanaka?"
Kopano nodded with tears in his eyes and rubbed them
away as Eana stopped crying, hugging her mother.
"Kopano, I need you to be a good boy and try not to
anger your father..he is your guys' father. I
want you guys to be safe and I don't know what's going
to happen to me but I need you guys to stick together.
Can you do that for me?"
Kopano nodded and Itumeleng kissed his head.
"Promise me that you'll do that."
"I promise." Kopano whispered back.
"Thank you baby. I love you so much, the police are
here to get me and I don't know what's going to happen
but I love you guys."
Ranewa looked at her mother and wiped her tears.
Itumeleng chuckled.
"You are going to be a beautiful smart girl.." She wanted
Ranewa to make better choices than her but she could
see how pretty her girls were. They were probably going
to be heart breakers. She chuckled. What if she doesn't
get out of prison?

She didn't want to think about that. Hopefully the law will
favour her. She could only pray that they do.

She got up as the kids let go of her and she wiped her
tears. She walked past him but then turned to face him.
"Since you want to be the bully, their birth certificates are
in the bedroom. Kopano o ira standard four and Ranewa
standard one at the local primary school. Eana is only
four akere you know what you did to me.."Her lips
trembled and she faced the police officers extending her
hands so they handcuff her.

Kopano walked past the man and watched as his

mother was led to the police van. This was yet another
core memory etched in his brain. He fisted his hands but
he relaxed them and turned to face the man who did

Mothusi looked at his son. The other girl was his too?
He was going to do dna tests to make sure.

He was leaving with them today and he would sort out

the logistics once they were in his house not this dump
site. If Itumeleng wanted to run she should have gone
alone instead of dragging his children along.

Ranewa was silent as she observed. She got up and

stood next to her older brother. Her first core memory of
what will always be part of her memories.

Kopano held her hand and they watched as their mother

was forced to the back and the car started before it
drove off, leaving dust in it's wake.

"You'll be leaving with me now."

Mothusi said to the three kids and complete silence fell
upon them. Kopano breathed out. His mother said his
sisters. He was going to protect them.

He watched his father head to the bedroom and he

walked with Ranewa by his side and he helped Eana
stand up. He looked at his little sister and she wiped her
"It's going to be okay." He assured his sisters. Not
knowing what okay he meant but his mother trusted him.


Almost four hours later, Puso parked his car and he

looked around. It looked so empty. He headed to the
house and knocked and tried to open. The door was
locked. That bastard took the kids. Itumeleng must be so
scared wherever she is. He rubbed his hands together.
He had no legal claim to the kids, they were legally that
abusers children and the law would not favour him. A
literal stranger.
He kicked the door in frustration.


Inside the car, Mothusi checked the time. Hopefully by

ten they'd be in Gaborone and he had been updated
that Itumeleng was also going to be transported to a
prison in Gaborone. She was going to know better than
to mess with him.
His phone rang and he answered.
"Mothusi, did you get the kids?" His mother asked.
"Good. That girl is so evil, she almost killed you and then
took the kids? I told you to marry someone who is
educated and smart not a dumb woman."
He sighed.
"I'm driving with the kids."
"Okay. I can't wait to see my grandchildren. I missed
them so much."
"Alright." He cut the call and Kopano watched as
Ranewa slept on his shoulder and Eana blinked trying to
stay awake. He looked at his father and opened his
mouth but no words came out. He closed his mouth.

Mothusi knew that no one was on Itumeleng's side. She

almost killed him and ran away with the kids. Even her
parents had been shocked at that and had apologised
profusely for their daughter's behaviour but that wasn't
going to bring his kids back.

He turned his head to look at them but they were silent.

It was shock, they'd adjust and then forget she ever
existed. They were still kids.

That late night, Itumeleng closed her eyes as she closed

inside the prison cell. What did she do to deserve such a
fate? But she'd rather suffer than her kids suffering. She
hoped they were okay. Eana was allergic to nuts and
Ranewa- her lips trembled. Who was kissing them
goodnight and laughing with them as they ate their
"God, please protect my children. They are innocent."
She cried into her hands.


Queen Of Hearts


Three months later…

Mothusi looked at the back of the car as Kopano kept

silent and Ranewa just looked out the window. They'd
adjust. He told himself as he parked outside the school
he had enrolled them in. Today was Itumeleng's final
day of trial and they'd find out the verdict. All he knew
was that, Itumeleng was not coming a foot near his child
and he had found out that Eana was his, through dna
tests and that was enough to also make it a charge. He
made her and she had the nerve to try and kill him and
keep him away from his children?

Kopano opened the door and Ranewa followed as she

got out as well. He took his sister's hand like always.

Mothusi got out and looked at them.

"Have a good day and I'll pick you guys later today."
Kopano didn't say much, just nodded.

Mothusi watched them go through the gates and he

sighed. They'll get used to him and talk more and
behave like normal kids.


At Mothusi's mother, she was with Eana who was

silently watching TV. She checked her phone for the
news on the final verdict but she knew court was in an

"Eana, do you want to eat?"

Eana who was getting used to this stranger and still
confused as to why she hasn't seen her mother in
months, just nodded.

She smiled and headed to the kitchen where she spread

peanut butter on the bread and filled a cup with warm
milk. That will do for now.

Minutes later, she headed to where Eana was and

handed her the meal.

She walked away to the bedroom to freshen up before

she started cleaning her house while in front of the TV,
Eana brought the peanut butter sandwich to her small
lips. She took a small bite and she put it back, to pick
the milk with both hands. She got the sandwich again
and took more bites while drinking the milk.

She stopped as she coughed, her body heating up and

tears welling in her eyes. She drank the milk, feeling a
bit suffocated and thinking the milk will make it stop but
her face got puffy and she started to cry when it got
heated and itchy.

Mma Mothusi frowned as she got out of the shower with

the soap lather on her back.
"Eana? Go rileng?"(what is it?)
She grabbed the towel and she got to the sitting room
where Eana was turning red and crying while rubbing
her face. She frowned. She didn't look good. She
walked closer and looked at the toddler. She couldn't
"Mma weee!" She jumped back to go wear clothes. She
didn't know what was wrong.

She wanted to call her son but he was probably getting

ready for court. She'll take Eana to the clinic.

Panicked, she did things in a haste as Eana's cries went

down and she frowned.
"Yoooo!" She sprinted like a chicken out of the bedroom
and went to pick Eana who was silent. She tried to wake
her up…
"Nana? Tsoga…Eana?"
"Modimo wame!"

She got the car keys, not bothering to lock the house as
she rushed to the car.

At the high Court, everyone was seated after the judge
sat down and Itumeleng blinked back tears. Not seeing
her children anywhere, not that she would have wanted
her babies ro see her in this state but still…

Her eyes locked onto Puso's and she let out a little
smile. There was no hope for her, she had pleaded and
said it was self defense but they showed only the part
where she came back to stab him. She had said she
was raped. Even Puso had been a witness but she
could see that the justice system failed her. Her sister
turned her nose up at her and it was no surprise really.

Her parents were disappointed and she had expected

her mother to at least tell the court that she had come to
her to tell her about the first time Mothusi hit her but her
mother had said she should be a wife and stop
disobeying her husband.

She nearly scoffed but the cold metal on her feet and
hands reminded her exactly where she was at this point
in time.

She swallowed and faced ahead as the judge cleared

his throat.
Puso could see the fear in Itumeleng's eyes, sometimes
he wished Itumeleng had met him first, she wouldn't be
going through this. He breathed out as he looked at the
lawyer he had hired for her. Mothusi kept a blank face.

"With all the evidence submitted in the court, I have

come to a final decision."

He rubbed his palms together, hoping it was in his


"In the case of Mosiame vs Mosiame, Mrs Itumeleng

Mosiame is therefore found guilty of the attempted
murder of Mr Mothusi Mosiame and the abduction of
Kopano, Ranewa and Eana Mosiame."

The court gasped and Mothusi smirked a little as

Itumeleng dropped her head, lips wobbling and her
almost losing her balance. The tears blinded her vision
and she sniffed but bit down her lip. Not in front of the
press and everyone.

"With that, she will therefore be sentenced to fifteen

years in prison. Court dismissed."

He hit the hammer and stood up as everyone stood up

so he coukd leave.
Itumeleng's legs gave in and dhe held onto the sides of
the little box she was in and Puso looked down. Mothusi
thought he would feel a sense of accomplishment after
everything he had done including manipulating the
footage and his story which rendered Itumeleng's side
useless but there was nothing. His smirk dropped and
he looked at the stand expecting her to curse him out.
She had her head down and murmurs went across the

Itumeleng bit down her lips so hard to stop the sobs.

The judge walked out and then the murmurs turned into
talking as Mothusi's lawyer hit his back.
"We did it. You won the case."

He nodded.
"We'll talk, for now you can go celebrate."

Mothusi nodded absentmindedly as he watched Puso

go to where Itumeleng was and he followed. She was
still legally his wife. Prison or not.
Puso spoke to the police officer for a few seconds
before the man nodded and he pulled Itumeleng into
"I'm sorry."
"My babies..I failed them."
He breathed out as her chains dangled and he kissed
her head. She had lost so much weight too. There was
nothing he could say or do to make it better so he held
His back was poked and he turned his head to look at
the spineless man who instead of dealing with his anger
issues, sent an innocent woman to prison because his
ego couldn't take not being in control.
"That's my wife!"
Puso chuckled as he held Itumeleng tighter.
"If she was, you wouldn't have sent her to prison. F*ck

Mothusi fisted his hands and Puso glared at him.

"Stay safe in there okay beautiful, I'll keep on checking
on you."
He let her go and pushed her towards the police officer
so she would be far away from Mothusi.

The officer her her chains and led her out as Mothusi
"Try your sh*t with me and I'll finish what she started and
actually kill you!" Puso said before he straightened up
and walked away.

Queen Of Hearts


Mma Mothusi brought her hands together in frustration.

Her phone had rung and she had quickly cut off
Mothusi's calls as she looked at Eana who was on the
bed. The nurse had injected her thigh and kept checking
her breathing and temperature.

The nurse turned to face her.

"You said she ate peanut butter right?"
Mma Mothusi nodded.
"She might be allergic to nuts. You didn't bring her clinic
card but I'll write down allergex ans a cream for the rash.
She's going to be okay. You were right on time."

She nodded as the nurse wrote something down and

she checked Eana's breathing again.
"She'll be fine. You can go get the things I wrote over the
She nodded and watched Eana. Her heart beating
furiously in her chest. She was old and she almost died
from a heart attack thinking she killed her own
grandchild. Eana moved and she opened her eyes, her
face was still red and the rash on her face but she was
awake. Thank God for that.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and she coukd breathe.
She looked at the lady in white who was looking at her.
"See? Keep her away from nuts now. Anything that
might have nuts, keep her away from it.".

Mma Mothusi nodded and the nurse picked Eana to

place her on the floor as her guardian got to get her
along with the card she was given in the clinic.

"Let's go." She said to her grandchild and a perplexed

Eana just whoozly agreed.


At school, Kopano remained in class during breaking as

the other kids went to play and eat. He breathed out and
rubbed his eyes to stop the tears from rolling down. Was
his mother okay? Why did their father come take them?
They were okay with their mother and she loved them.

He didn't like his grandmothers and aunts but he was a

child and there was nothing he could do.

Another student walked in the class…

He looked up and the other student frowned.
"Why are you always alone in class?"
She asked and Kopano shrugged.
"You don't talk much too.."
She walked to him and sat next to him.
"You don't have friends too. I'll be your friend."

He just looked at her and she smiled at him.


Mma Mothusi fed Eana and made sure she took her
medicine before Eana fell asleep. She breathed out.
That was close.
She finally walked to the kitchen with rhe plates and
called Mothusi.
"Hello, how did it go?"
"She is in prison."

She gasped and then smiled.

"That little lesson will teach her, I know you didn't do
anything she was accusing you of in court. You'd never
do that..I know."

She put the plates in rhe sink and leaned against the
sink holding the phone.
"Thank you. She has been sentenced to fifteen years."
Her eyes bulged.
"What? Isn't that…too harsh?"
She asked. Maybe if it was less than five years but
"That's what the court decided."

She kept quiet.

"But you are not dead and the kids are here, fifteen
years sounds a bit harsh."
"It's the law."
She sighed.
"Okay. You'll get Eana later?"
"Yes. I'm at work now. Bye."
"Go siame."

The call cut and she rubbed her dry hands together.
Fifteen years? The kids will be grown up at the time and
what if they hate their father? She sighed again.


At Mothusi's office, he looked at the computer screen

but the way that Itumeleng was hugging that man was
f*cking him up and it made him so angry. The audacity?
To cheat with his last name?

There was a door knock and he looked at the door

angrily as the door opened.
"Get out!" He said to Itumeleng's older sister. He wasn't
in the mood for her and her antics.
"Are you ha-"
"Get the f*ck our! You are nothing but a cheap wh*re
who whored herself out to her sister's husband."
Her mouth dropped. What the hell? He waited for her to
say something.
"But you wanted this cheap whore and I saved you. If it
wasn't for me you wouldn't be alive you stupid idiot.
You'd be dead and six feet under."

She rolled her eyes.

"If this is the thanks I get, I wish I had let you die. Nxla!"

She walled out and slammed the door and he leaned

back in his chair. He took a deep breath.

Was Itumeleng sleeping with that man? He wanted to

find out and he was itching to go to the prison and see
her and ask her. He breathed out. Imagining a mother
man with her? He got angry all over again, his heart
beating at an abnormal pace. He held on to the desk
and tried to breath in and out, those five years of her on
the run…

It gave her leeway to get with other men. She hadn't

even been wearing the ring when the police had come
for her. His chest hurt and he let go of the desk to rub
his chest…He couldn't imagine Itumeleng with another
man. It hurt him and he never wanted other men to see
her, hence he cooped her up in the house or she had a
tracking device in his car…
The words of one of his friends came back to him. To
stop her from trying anything or even speaking with a
man, he had to rule with an iron fist…

He groaned, his heart still racing.


In the prison cell, Itumeleng tried to be optimistic but it

was useless. The lawyer had said she might get parole
probably after ten years and even ten years was a lot for
a person who was defending themselves.

She could only pray her children would be okay and

leave it in God's hands.

She laughed. She still believed in God despite

because….she didn't even know why. She looked at the
orange jumpsuit and accepted that this was her new
home and she was going to live the next half of her life

Queen Of Hearts

Later that day

At school, Kopano walked to Ranewa's class and waited

outside for his sister. She walked out of the class, a little
sunken look on her face and she smiled a bit seeing her
Kopano took her hand and she smiled.
"I miss mama."
She blurted out and Kopano squeezed her hand.
"I know. Me too. She said we should behave."

Ranewa pouted with tears in her eyes.

"I-I don't want to behave, I want mama…"

She let go of her brother's hand and rubbed her eyes

with a little fist and breathed out as they walked to the
gate to wait for their father or whoever was coming to
pick them up. They didn't know. It was different, where
they stayed and without their mother it was not worth

Ranewa just wanted her mother, she did her hair so

gently but the woman who had done her hair last week
had smacked her for crying that it was painful. She bit
down her lips. She never did forget that she watched her
mother get taken by the police and it was something that
was in her head and it usually replayed over and over

"Well be fine Ranewa.." Kopano assured. His mother

had made him promise to take care of his sisters.

Mothusi parked his car and saw the waiting kids by the
gate. He extended his hand to the back of the car and
opened the door.

Kopano pushed his sister ahead of him and he helped

Ranewa get inside the car and Kopano got inside the
car after his sister
They buckled up and Mothusi drove off. He fixed his
rearview mirror and Kopano wasn't looking at him.
"Hey guys."
He nodded and Ranewa wiped more tears.
"Ranewa, why are you crying?"
Ranewa sniffed and started crying out loud. Kopano
looked at his sister and hugged her as she cried.
"Ranewa!" He was losing his patience and she cried
more. It wasn't as if he beat her, she started crying all of
a sudden.
He drove to the side of the road and stopped the car. He
looked to the back.
"Ranewa?" His voice scared her so much and she cried
some more.

He breathed out and pinched his nose to calm down but

her cries got louder and louder annoying him. Kopano
could see that his father was getting angry and he tried
to hush Ranewa..
"Ranny? I'm sorry." He whispered to his sister trying to
get her to calm down.
"Ke batla mama.."(I want my mother)

Mothusi leaned back.

"Your mother is never coming back and the sooner you
all get over it, the better."

Kopano's heart pounded and Ranewa cried more.

"Ranewa, wa tlhodia!"(You're making noise)

His voice boomed in the car and Ranewa froze, her

mouth agape with tears and mucus flowing down from
her loud cries that left her face all red.
"Thank you." He started the car and Ranewa trembled
but Kopano held her. His child like anger simmering
silently as the car joined the road and he held his little
sister a little tighter.


At Mma Mothusi's house, Mothusi parked the car in the

yard and looked at the kids who didn't look like they
want to move. Ranewa sniffed and wiped her face.
"Let's go greet your grandmother."

He commanded and fearfully, they got out of the cat and

Ranewa almost tripped but Kopano held her. She gave
her brother a grateful nod and bit down her lips.
Mothusi's phone rang in his pocket as he walled to the
"Hello Mothusi, when can we see the kids?"

His in-laws asked and he breathed out.

"Maybe during the holidays."
"Thank and I'm sorry Mt daughter did that to you.."

There was a bout of silence.

"But couldn't you have resolved it at home?" Itumeleng's
mother asked.
"We could have sat down as the elders and talked about
it instead of getting her arrested.."
"I don't want to talk about it. If it was her in my position,
she would have been encouraged to report me but since
I'm a man it was too harsh.. "

Silence again.
"Have a good day Mothusi, you'll call about the
children's holidays."

The call cut and he looked at the phone screen. The


He opened the door and frowned seeing Eana's red

face. His mother was humming and Eana looked at the
door. She slolwy got up and walked to her siblings
before she looked st her father.
"Hello." She said in her cute voice. Mothusi smiled at the
little girl.
"Hello Eana, how are you?"
"I'm okay."
He looked at her face. She wasn't like this in the
morning. Something was wrong. He walked to the
kitchen and found his mother.
"What's wrong with Eana?"
"At least great me."

"Dumela ngwanaka, I'm okay. Eana had an allergic

She stated and Mothusi frowned.

"Allergic reaction?" He didn't even know.
"To peanut butter. The nurse said it might be a nut
allergy..I'll give you her medicine but she'll be fine. Are
you sure you'll still handle three children on your own?
They can stay here, I get lonely sometimes and the kids
here would make your load easier."

His mother suggested and to him it sounded like he

wasn't a good parent.
"They are my kids, I'll stay with them."
"Okay." Mma Mothusi turned to sink. Her husband
stayed at the cattle Post most of the times and didn't like
the city like that, hence her loneliness here.
"I came with them, so you can say hi."
She wiped her hands and headed to the sitting room.
"Hello Kopano, hi Ranewa…how are you guys?"
Kopano nodded and Mma Mothusi just smiled. He
wasn't a talkative boy and Ranewa looked at her with
red eyes. Was she crying.
"Were you crying Ranewa?" She looked at her father
behind her grandmother and she quickly shook her
"Okay." She went on to hug them and smiled.
"I'll see you guys when your father brings you here and
bye bye Eana."
Eana nodded with a little smile. The kids walked out and
Mothusi was the last one to leave after getting Eana's
stuff and medicine.
"Bye bye."

He closed the door.


Itumeleng's older sister held the phone as she talked to

her friend.
"Imagine! Calling me a wh*re? Mothusi wa talla."
Her friend chuckled.
"But you still want him…"
"He is good looking and has money…that is an
advantage. Makes up for the bad sex."

Her friend gasped.

"No ways…"
"Ijakg! I didn't tell him that but I should have especially
after calling me a wh*re. Nna? Lebelete? Never! He
should be grateful I saved his life…stupid man."

She laughed as she chewed her gum loudly and

switched topics.
"Did you check on your sister?"
"Maybe in a few months. She just got in jail and I didn't
think it was that serious…in my head I was like Mothusi
would divorce her for me but we can't always have what
we want.. let's switch topics. Batho bao ba
mbora."(those people bore me)

She looked at her chirped nail polish and sighed

listening to her friend.

At Mothusi's house, he sat the three kids down and
Ranewa's throat bobbed as Kopano like always silently
"Your mother is never coming back, at least for now."

Eana stopped playing with the doll as her eyes bugged

out and Ranewa had to hold back her own tears. He
was going to shout at her if she cries.
"Eana, I just said your mother is not coming back. She
almost killed me and kept me away from you guys."

Ranewa was now confused. Her forehead creased and

Kopano kept quiet.
"She is a bad bad person and she is getting punished
for her bad bad things…there is no mama."

He directed the last part at Ranewa as his eyes were on

"Ra utwana?"(are we clear?)
Ranewa nodded and Eana did too. Kopano was the last
to nod and he smiled at them.
"Good. It's me and you guys. Your mother is a bad
person and she will try to poison you against me. I have
never hurt you and I will never do that."
Kopano watched. Silently. His little heart getting filled
with so much anger and hate an eight year old shouldn't
even have but he was powerless. Nothing he could do
but stay put with his sisters.

Queen Of Hearts


Twelve years later…

Ranewa pushed her braids back as she pressed the

intercom of the house they stayed in for less than ten
years. She chuckled, not believing that she was doing
this but she needed that signature to get her allowance
bank card since she was technically 'underage'

She held the form in her hands and breathed out, the
cool August air making her shiver a bit. The gate opened
and she looked around, she saw two pitfalls and her
heart skipped a beat. She didn't get inside the yard but
instead stood by the gate…the dogs looked at her and
her throat dried up.
"Ko ko!" She screamed from the gate, the dogs not
making a move for her but she just stood there.

The lady walked out of the house and sneered at her.

"What do you want?"

Ranewa swallowed. She had to swallow her pride.

"Mothusi. Is he here?"
She asked in a soft voice and the woman stood by the
"No! What do you want?"
"For him to sign this paper, that's all."

She tried to plead with her eyes.

"Tsena."(come in.)

She looked at the unbounded dogs and her feet stood

frozen on the ground.
"The-the dogs.."
The woman rolled her eyes.
"Kante o batla go sign'elwa kana jang?"(do you want
your papers to be signed or not?)
Ranewa counted to three and she got inside the yard
but the dogs ran to her and the woman laughed.

She ran out of the yard, screaming with teats in her


"Mama nthuseee!"

Her screams could be heard across the street and

woman laughed, closing the gate before the dogs could
get out.
"Gatwe you are not welcome here. Don't come here
again. Nxla!"

She said from the other side of the gate and Ranewa
placed a hand over her heart, teats still streaming down
her cheeks. She nearly collapsed against an electric
pole but held her knees instead. She bit down her lips.
She sniffed a couple of times and blinked back the tears
that wanted to roll out, she had to go back home.

She laughed. Home? It was despicable really. The

school didn't give her accommodation and she now can't
get her bank card? Great!

She rubbed her eyes with a single fist and breathed out.
"Keep calm Ranny."

She soothed herself. She should have taken a gap year

and helped Kopano, it's not like she was in a rush for

She looked back at the yard and laughed at her own

foolishness but then instead of laughter it was a sob and
she had to place a hand over her mouth and she cried.
Sniffing and wiping her tears all the way to the stop to
catch a combi.

She looked down as she tried not to think about it but

she did think about it. She fanned her face with the
paper and thought better of it. She opened the school
bag on her back and put in between one of her old
books and waited by the stop for a combi.

Thirty minutes later, she was still by the stop and the
shiny Land Rover slowed in front of her. The windows
rolled down and Ranewa swallowed. The man who had
basically terrorised her childhood.

She trembled, wondering if she'll never stop being this

weak but she had accepted that she was just too
sensitive and soft for a lot of things and she was easy to
hurt. That didn't make her dumb, just a bit vulnerable
and easy to fall in states of melancholy.

"I-I brought a form so you can fi-"

He rolled back his window and drove off. Her eyes

bulged and welled up with more tears. She licked her
dry lips and looked down. The tears fell to the ground
and something choked in her throat.


Kopano sat in the chair and waited. His eyes were

burning with unshed tears, tears he never let anyone
see lest of all his little sisters. He was their protector and
God, he fought for them. Even relatives just to stay with
them and keep them safe. He did his very best for them
and it still felt like it wasn't enough. It never felt enough
till he…

He released his fist from under the table. He had to stay


He heard the chair scrape and looked down, seeing the

shoes. He lifted his head and she looked back, shocked
and happy to see him.

His little heart, that died twelve years ago when she left
beat a little too hard and loud, the tears rolling down on
their own accord as he nodded.

Queen Of Hearts


Kopano wiped his tears and sniffed a bit. He was older

now and understood things better even though he was
still angry and resentful and bitter but he was older. That
was the important part.

She covered her mouth as she sat down.

"Kopano, it's really you?"

She placed another hand kn her heart, they weren't

allowed to touch and the years withered away as she
saw her first born sitting in front of her. He was older and
he looked like a man not the little boy she left behind.
She took a moment to breath. The only visitors she used
to get was Puso and her parents sometimes before
Puso got married and he told her his wife didn't like him
visiting. She understood. Everyone moved on and it was
only right that they did so.
"Ee mma. Hello mama."

She let out a little sob. It was her baby who came to see
her and she was so happy about it. Kopano could still
see the beautiful woman who was his mother, Ranewa
looked like her every single day and he breathed in as
he held back his tears.
"How are you boy boy? How is Ranewa and Eana?" He
swallowed. He wasn't here to stress his mother, she was
already in a place she shouldn't have been.
"They are okay…Eana is doing form five and Ranewa is
starting first year.. "

She blinked and rubbed her eyes. They were so grown.

Would they remember her? She doubted they would.
They might hate her thinking she abandoned them but
she'd rather take their hate knowing they are okay and
surviving. She only wanted her babies to be happy.
"That's good. What are you doing?"

Kopano let out a shaky breath.

"Some course in school."
His mother didn't prod further and he was grateful for
that as she looked at him as if he was some kind of god
and that he would perish if she took her eyes off him.
"When are they getting you out?"

Itumeleng rubbed her eyes.

"Apparently I'm up for parole in three months and I'll
serve the rest of the sentence out of prison."

His heart stopped. She was finally being freed. He

couldn't wait to tell his sisters about this development.

"What do you need for the parole to be approved?"

"Kopano, don't worry about th-"
"I really want to help.."
Itumeleng sighed.
"An address where the parole officer can check
occasionally. And I'll have to find a job which is going to
be hard, no one would be willing to hire me.."

Kopano pushed it back, he'll think about it later.

"How have you been?"
"The only thing keeping me alive was you guys but you
are all grown adults now. You don't need me."
Kopano checked the time on his watch. He had twenty
minutes left and he was going to use them to his best.
Itumeleng avoided asking about Mothusi, Kopano said
his siblings were fine so she assumed that he took care
of them even though he had been terrible to her.
"I remember that day…"
Kopano said quietly. His mother's bores furrowed. Which
"I-I saw it when he-" his throat bobbed and pain lodged
right there in his heart, making rhe memories seem fresh
as his mind replayed what he saw as a mere toddler.
"When h-he..I was too young to understand it but I got
older and learnt and h-he raped you."

He kept his voice low and level and Itumeleng's heart

pounded. He saw that? She ruined her child, he wasn't
supposed to see that.
"And you were defending yourself when you stabbed
him…you didn't do anything wrong.."
His voice had a little quiver to it and Itumeleng wanted to
hold his head and look at him to tell him she was okay.
She survived.
"I'm okay now…"
"You were so broken and in the five years you were
away from him, you were so happy mama…so happy.."

She rubbed her eyes.

"Why didn't you leave sooner?"
She smiled.
"Because of you guys, he had the power to take you
guys away from me like he did when I was sent to
prison, no one believed I was abused and I did all I can
so that you don't see the abuse…I didn't want you to
turn out like him…I don't want your sisters to turn out
like me who couldn't leave and I hope they leave if ever
a man lays their hands on them…"

Kopano kept quiet and he rubbed his eyes, he cleared

his throat.
"It wasn't your fault…h-he…"

He kept quiet and gave up on trying to express his

emotions. Was that why he kept quiet most of the time?
His mother asked herself…he had said a lot than he had
said when he was growing up and that meant

"I'll visit again next week."

She nodded. A lot was left unsaid and she watched as

he stood up to his full height and her heart broke further.
Knowing she wasn't there to raise them to be better
people. She watched him smile a bit but it looked like a
grimace and she could see how haunted his eyes
looked. She broke her child. One thing she never
wanted to do. Ever.

Kopano walked out and Itumeleng stood up, the warden

taking her back to her cell…the only place she has
known for some time now.


Ranewa placed her bag on the bed and she bit down
her lower lip. Her form still wasn't signed and she
wondered if she could get away with having Kopano
sign it for her. She looked around the two and a half
Kopano rented. She had to help him somehow…he was
doing his final year and he can't afford to fail. Even Eana
can't afford to fail her form five, she knew how their life
was like and everything…

She went to Facebook and she scrolled down her

timeline, she read the post. A hostess was needed at
some club..

She bit her lower lip and went to her screenshots to

check her timetable. Her classes ended at four and if it
was a club, she was definitely…
"Ng ng." Her age. Her age was going to be a problem.
She went back to the post and she looked at the
requirements. They didn't want much and she ticked
them all except age. What if she goes there and
checks? Maybe they'll take her? And ignore her age?
That was an idea. She didn't even have a CV but she'll
draft one right at this moment on her phone.


Eana stood in line for the lunch food at school, her mind
reverting back to her memories. She wasn't that smart
like her siblings were. She was very average but she
tried her best, God knows she was trying but she never
got As..she got a lot of Cs, Bs on occasion and it
frustrated her so much.

She didn't like living with her grandparents and it wa sa

reminder that her mother had tried to kill her father snd
their father abandoned them. Dropped them off with
everything they had and never looked back. She was
behaving, Kopano was more like a statue and never
said a lot. Ranewa was the cry baby among them and
could always be found sniffing or holding back tears at
every little thing.
She moved forward with her plate and the SRC minister
winked at her. She ignored him. She had a lot to deal
with and well off people like him wouldn't understand.
She looked at the food and it was more than usual. She
raised her eyes at him in question and he winked back.
She sighed and headed to the tables. In her class, she
was always alone and no one wanted to sit next to the
girl who snapped a lot or lost her temper randomly. She
wouldn't sit next to her too.

She sta alone at the table and looked at her food. How
as she going to pick up her grades in time for the
exams? If she could at least get thirty six points and look
at the assortment of courses she could take, that would
be better.

Queen Of Hearts


Ranewa scrolled on the phone looking at her CV. It

seemed good enough and she had omitted her age as
well, she might not make it to the interview stage so she
might as well try her luck.
She borrowed airtime from her network provider and
used it to buy Internet bundles so she could send her
CV and the letter she quickly drafted.

Minutes later she was done. She breathed out. She can
work it out and she was waiting for Kopano to come so
she better get started on lunch which was nothing
hectic. Just tinned beef and pap.

Two hours later, the door opened and she looked up

from her phone, already bored from mindlessly scrolling
on social media.
"Hey…how was your day?" She asked his normally
quiet brother. He was always so reserved and she never
asked him a lot but she'll never forget his silent gestures
of love. The hand holding, the comforting and he was
also still young.
"It was okay. Are you okay?" He asked with a lowered
voice. He wasn't yet used to being asked about his day
but he knew Ranewa was the friendly one among the
three of them and she liked knowing everyone was okay.
"Yes. Kopi, I have a favour to ask.."
He nodded and placed his school bag down.
"I made lunch…So I got this form, to get my bank card
and all…can you sign it as my guardian?"
He looked at her. She was hiding something. He could
see it in her eyes.
"Kopano, why are you looking at me like that?"

She asked with a beaming smile.

"What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
Her older brother looked her dead in the eye and she
breathed out. More like huffed out as she brought her
knees to her face.
"I-I went to his ho-"
"I-don't shout at me.."
He stepped back.
"I'm not shouting. Why would you do that?"
"I-I was optimistic…"
"You being optimistic will hurt you one day."

She laughed. It was a bit bitter.

"The pitbulls chased me and he passed me with his car.
That's that…"

She rubbed her eyes.

"It shouldn't hurt that he abandoned us Kopano but he
sent mama to prison only for him to chase out like dogs?
Like we mean nothing?"
"He doesn't have a heart." Kopano moved closer and he
watched his sister cry again.

He could remember the day so clearly and the main they

share a dna with had been drunk and Ranewa, freshly
thirteen was in the living room. Everyday she looked
more and more like their mother and he saw him. He
had dragged her by the hair and slapped her and it felt
like deja vu again. Ranewa screamed and he nearly
choked her to death calling her Itumeleng over and over
again. If he hadn't been in the house, he was sure he
was going to find his sister dead.

He had been strong enough and he had thrown in a

punch and he had never been glad that he was taller
than his father.

"Ranewa, he doesn't deserve your tears."

"I know. I know."
She wiped her tears and forced a smile.
"Will you sign?"
"I will, we'll see if they accept it."
She chuckled.
"I hope they do. I don't want to go to the village to get
you know who to sign."
He pushed her old braids back and she smiled at him.
"You can get your food. I already ate."

He got up and went to the room they used as a kitchen.

Ranewa's phone beeped and she looked at the

notification. She opened the email and read the reply.
She was going for an interview? That was fast. Was that
how it worked?

She bit her lip to try and not call Kopano to ask him. She
read the email again. No. That was too fast. She sent
that hours ago and she had been expecting a reply in a

She read the requirements. A black dress for the

interview? She was being…

She breathed in. She didn't have nice clothes like that
yet. Her allowance was in her bank card and she was
underage. Kopano walled back holding the plate and
she put her phone away.
"I can't wait to start helping you contribute. I hate feeling
like a burden."
He shook his head.
"You'll never be a burden. Ever."
She nodded.
"I can't wait for Eana to come join us next year.."
"Hopefully, I'd have found a job and moved out of this
She nodded. Her heart still on the sudden job interview.
"Can we play cards?"

He shook his head.

"I have an assignment."

She nodded as she watched him eat and she picked her
phone again to check if it was right. The interview was
tomorrow even. Where would she say she's going?
"And tomorrow I might come a bit late, I need to do
research by the school labs."
She had to stop herself from smiling.
"Okay. I'll lock the doors and you'll call once you are
outside akere?"
Queen Of Hearts


Eana kicked rocks as she walked to her grandmother's

place. She was going to be asked to do the dishes and
cook but her grandmother had spent the whole day at
home. She sighed.

She stopped in her tracks hearing a sound from behind

and turned. There was no one. It must be her mind. She
continued her walk to the house and in less than ten
minutes she was there.

She said as she got inside the house.
"Chencha uniform o ye go away."(change your uniform
and go cook)
"Ee mma."

She headed to the room and placed her bag down. She
could hear her grandmother laughing with her friend.
"She is beautiful, why don't you find her a husband?"
"Ng ng…I don't want a situation like Itumeleng.."
Eana paused and she slowly pushed the door back to
heat the conversation.
"Unlike her siblings, she inherited Itumeleng's
stupidness. I always see bo D le bo E mo report."

The friend laughed and Eana bit down her lip. She was
trying her best. She was really trying but she can't say
anything. She needed a roof on her head and their
father wanted nothing to do with them.
"I hope she gets at least 36 points…bogolo…"
"But Itumeleng made the mistake of marrying an
educated man..those ones think the world is theirs. She
is beautiful, a local man in the village would do. Kana
mma bahumi o bona ka dikgomo and ba bantsi.."(you
see rich people with cows and they are a lot)
"We'll see. I don't think I'll be able to stay with her after
eighteen mme…I'm old and I should be ko
masimo….Their father? He is not even sending money
for the kids..their father's mother is late and people from
his family are rude, I can't be begging for money…"

Eana didn't notice she was crying and she only realised
when she felt the tears drop to the floor. She quickly
wiped her cheeks and got inside the room. She closed
the door. Crying is stupid. Why was she crying?
She rubbed her eyes and sniffed before she sighed.
"Tla o apeye.."(come cook)
"Ee mma."

She got out of her school uniform and wore the dress
Ranewa had passed on to her. It was short and a bit
tight on her but she had no choice, clothes were
expensive and their aunt? She felt like they were soles
beneath their shoes. She looked at her breasts that
were almost spilling out of the dress but no one could
see her so…

She walked out and passed them on her way to the

kitchen to start cooking. She took out the chicken from
the freezer and placed it in the sink. She was about to
take out the pieces,
"Tla kwano.."(come here)

She walked to where her grandmother was.

"Go dress appropriately."
She opened her mouth to say something but kept quiet.
She decided against it and opened her mouth again.
"I don't have clothes that fit me properly…ga go na se se
Her grandmother got up and pulled Eana.
"That is not appropriate…you can't say that in front of
"I've long told you and ke diaparo tsa Ranny hela.."
She shot back and pulled her hand back. She walked
back to the kitchen and she licked her dry lips.


At Mothusi's house, his girlfriend folded her arms looking

at him.
"When are you divorcing kante?"
He glared at her and she gulped.
"She is in prison for almost killing you and you are still
married to her."
"If you want to walk away, I'm not holding you back."

He said and she sighed. For years, she's been with him.
Why can't he serve that b*tch divorce papers already.
She almost killed him and ran away with the kids, ones
he didn't even like so she couldn't count them.

She breathed out.

"Ranewa was here."
He raised an eyebrow as if he didn't see Ranewa early
"They are not welcome here."
"I know. I told her."

She rubbed her flat tummy. Wondering if she should tell

him the news.
"I'm pregnant."
He laughed. In her face and she held back tears.
"Funny joke…"

He looked back at his laptop and she swallowed. Hard,

taking a step towards him she kept a serious face.
"I'm serious. I'm pregnant."
"No you're not." She blinked.
"I got a vasectomy and start packing."
He didn't say much as her jaw dropped and he walked
out of the room. Bored.


Ranewa laid awake on the bed as Kopano slept on the

mattress on the floor. She didn't have a black dress but
she will find a way. The extra money will also help, Eana
didn't have clothed and hers didn't fit her sister. Kopano
was already paying rent and buying food and trying to
survive Gaborone while having piece jobs here and
there. It was such a tough life.

The tears leaked to the pillow and she bit down her lip.
Why couldn't their father put aside his hate for their
mother and help them? They were his kids for crying out
loud and they did nothing wrong…she didn't even tell
anyone he almost choked her to death or that what
Kopano saw wasn't the first time he laid his hands on
her and calling out her mother's name. Or that he had
inappropriately touched her when he thought she was
sleeping. She never told anyone, as long as she was still
a virgin she could live with that little secret…

She rubbed her cheeks. Tomorrow it was…

Queen Of Hearts

In the morning, Ranewa woke up to find Kopano gone.

She knew he was going to be back later tonight and her
interview was around four so she would be back before

She hummed as she got out of bed and went to her

playlist that was full of music downloaded from YouTube.
She moved around the room as the song started playing
and she sang along…

Her phone beeped and she looked at the message from

orange money.

Transfer Successful from 7×××××× MOSIAME to

72×××××× MOSIAME:txn amount:P200.00,net credit
amount:P200.00,txn Id:PP230628.1757.A72451,new

Then a second message followed.

Big brother:For your toiletry and I signed the form, you

can drop it off. Batho ba FNB ba mo skolong, so pass by
to drop them off. Hopefully you get your card if they
don't look too much into it.
She smiled and wiped the tears that rolled down. She
texted him back.

Ranewa:Thank you. Ee rra. Let me get ready. Tanki. I

love you

She sent the message back with a little smile. She

should pass by the Chinese shops and buy a dress. She
might find one cheaper and she will be able to go to the
interview even though she wasn't sure about the club
directions but she'll ask.

She smiled and she danced around as she fixed her

oversized t-shirt and made the bed and put away the

She walked to the room used as a kitchen to get the

broom and start cleaning.


Three hours later, after standing in the long FNB line by

UB stadium, Ranewa was given her card and shown
how to check the money in the card. She smiled as she
walked away with the envelope.
She checked the money and unfortunately her card
wasn't credited yet. She sighed. She should head to the
shops, she should ask Kopano when the money is going
to be credited. For now she had to walk to the nearest
mall that was close to rhe school. Pausing, she put her
phone in the bag which was the one Kopano gave her.
God, her brother was really their guardian angel.

Ranewa opened her umbrella and started walking out of

the stadium, thinking about whe. She gets the job.
Obviously if she gets it, she has to tell Kopano. There
was no need to tell him now if she wasn't going to get it.


In Mainmall

Ranewa was in the mall after forty minutes of slow

walking and thinking thoroughly. She walked into the first
Chinese shop and she looked at the prices before she
walked over to the girls working there.
"Dumelang, do you have mesese ya fifty pula?" She still
needed to buy pads and soap and lotion so she can't
spend all of the money.
The girl looked around.
Her smile dropped and she thanked her and walked out.
She turned to walk into pep and buy her toiletry. She'll
see how she gets a black dress with the change.

Getting a small basket, she got the body oil, vaseline,

body lotion, bar soaps and pads. That was enough. She
got to the till and took out the orange money card.
Kopano had given her the money to go make the card to
make it easier.

She looked at the total and nodded. She gave the

cashier the card and entered her pin before she got her
"Thank you."

She walked out and looked at all the Chinese shops she
had to get into to find a cheap dress. Even if she doesn't
get rhe job, a new item of clothing to wear to school
since she barely had clothes.

She continued with her search for a black dress but first
she should cash the rest of the money in the card. Most
Chinese shops don't swipe.
Thirty minutes later, she found one. It was the only one
left. She looked at it and it wasn't that short. Just a
centimetre above her knees. That wasn't short.

She paid for it and smiled. Done.

She took out her phone and walked to the girl.

"Hi. Ne ke kopa go botsa."(I wanted to ask)

The girl nodded. Ranewa showed her the location.

"Where is it? Ke tsaya combi efe?"
The girl gave Ranewa a skeptical look.
"Are you sure? Ga ke le itse."(I don't know it)

Ranewa frowned.
"Sure? Ke bone mo Facebook and-"
"Let me ask someone…"

She called the other girl who worked in the shop and
Ranewa showed them.
"I-I think I know the location…it's that club..the kne
The first girl just nodded. She didn't know most social
places in Gaborone.
"Ke palama combi efe?"(I'm taking which combi?)

The girl told her and Ranewa thanked her. Okay, she
was doing this.


At UB computer labs

Kopano stared at the computer screen and sighed. He

went to his calculator app and started calculating how he
was going to use his student allowance. He had already
borrowed five hundred so he can send his sister money
and buy electricity with rhe change. And that five
hundred was going to be returned with interest.

He rubbed his face, his focus not in the computer. He'd

have to do odd jobs again this weekend. Mowing or
literally anything that can make enough money. His book
allowance would cover the rent and food and he had to
worry about transport and how he was going to have his
mother stay with them when she is on parole.
He sighed rubbing his head. He was already broke and
the month hadn't even ended.
"God!" He whispered under his breath.


Ranewa covered the plates that had macaroni and

tinned fish, satisfied that she was done with the house
chores for the day and getting ready to leave for the club

She sprayed her cheap perfume and coughed a little at

the smell. It lasted her two months and she was used to

She pulled down the dress a little and got a jacket to

wear over the dress. She got got her phone and put it in
jacket pocket as well as a few coins and a note for her
transport to and from.


She walked out.

Eana took out the small phone from under her pillow and
saw the orange money notification from Kopano. She
smiled a bit. She should be able to get it tomorrow since
it was a Saturday and buy a fee things and maybe
something that fit her.

She rubbed her face which was clad with pimples, they
didn't take away her beauty but still made her a little
insecure. She got changed out of her uniform before she
sent her brother a thank you text for the money.

She had to go cook. She should be grateful she has a

roof over her head. That was something.

Queen Of Hearts


Ranewa stepped out of the combi and she covered her

face from the sun. She blinked a couple of times,
noticing how busy it was and her heart told her not to go
and turn back but she has always been too much of a
spoil sport or not taking g enough risks.

"Ranny, you can do it."

With that she took the steps forward and gained a little
bit more confidence to walk past the people bristling
around her. She smiled as she stepped by the door in a
black dress. She looked around. It was

The man in black in front of the door looked at her and

she sucked in a deep breath

"Hello…I came here for the interview."

"Can I see the message?"

She quickly went to her email and showed him. He read

it and his eyes roamed over her, she resisted the urge to
shrink back and cover up.

He moved from the door and she stepped inside. It


Sbe turned to look at him.

"Go past the tables and the counter. You'll see a

passage. Third door on your left."
She swallowed and nodded. Her heart pounded in her
chest and she went against her intuition and continued
to walk. It was light inside but it was a soft glow and she
didn't know if this was how clubs felt like in the movies
she had seen before.
"Ranny, you can do this."

Breathing out, she looked at the doors. She was way

past the club space and she looked up. She could see
the upstairs area but it was dark. Creepy!

"Third door on my left."

She walked to the door and knocked.

"Come in."
She swallowed, lightly patting her shoulder for moral

She opened the door and stepped inside. She looked

around the office, it was…bright with the sun shining
inside and it was a totally different vibe from the club

The man looked up and he…looked friendly. She didn't

know what she was expecting to be honest.
"Are you here for the interview? Take a seat."

Sbe quickly closed the door and she walked to the seat
in front of the desk. She sat down and the man tilted his
head to look at her.
"Hello…I'm Ranewa."

He pressed his laptop, the pause making her more

"Can I see your ID?"

Her something lodged in her throat. Not her ID.

"I-uhm..I-" She bit down her tongue. Ranewa be brave
and don't cry. She said in her head. Be brave. She
chanted again.

The man looked closely at her.

"You do know this posts for twenty one and older."

He brought his hands together.

"Ranewa, you don't look twenty one."
She looked at him. Could he see she was faking her
"I am." She whispered.

She opened her phone and went to her gallery. She can
beg for the job? Ne honest? How did this work?

She went to the pictures and showed him pictures of her


His eyes paused at the birth date.

"You're underage even."
"I really need this job and the salary looked good."

He shook his head.

"No underage and if you were twenty or nineteen you
would be considered although it would be a little risky
but no."
"Ms Mosiame, please go. I don't want to get in trouble
with rhe law and certainly not my bosses."

She looked down. Disappointed. It had been worth a try.

She held back tears. She'll keep looking.
"Okay. Where can I find the rest rooms?"
"Then you'll leave? For good?"

She nodded. He got up and she got up too as he led her

to the door.
"Walk ight ahead. You'll see the bathrooms there."
"Thank you."

She just needed a moment to get a hold of her emotions

and pee before she left for home and ate her meal. She
didn't even eat.

Sbe walked ahead and heard the door close behind her.
She stepped into the bathroom and looked around. It
didn't have any sign on it so maybe it might have been
the staff bathroom. She got inside the toilet and did her
business before she stepped out.

As soon as she stepped out, she screamed as she saw

a man running inside and he was running towards her.

A gun shot went off and the man fell in front of her feet,
some of the blood on her…her eyes were wide and her
heart literally stopped.

Slowly, she raised her head and she saw the man
holding a gun. She blinked. A real life gun.
She screamed so loud and he walked towards her and
covered her mouth, picking her up as she screamed into
his palm and tried to kick.

Queen Of Hearts


At the dodgy club

The man held her tighter and Ranewa tried to bite his
palm so he can let her go.
"Stop. Moving." He groaned.

She froze and her body went limp, losing the fight in her
as teats rolled down her cheeks. Was this her death?
Was she losing her life like this…she started kicking
again and trying to fight him but he let her go and she
tried to run but he hit the back of her head with rhe gun.
Ranewa's eyes widened before she slumped to the floor.

The man sighed and walked out of the bathroom so the

body can be dragged out and the bathroom cleaned.
He'll deal with the girl once she wakes up but he can't
risk her blabbing her mouth to people or even the police.



Kopano stared at the computer screen. He had been

trying to get his assignment done but his problems were
overweighing him.

He closed his books and put them in his school bag. It

was unproductive if he wasn't focused on the task at
hand. He got up and walked out, taking his phone to go
through his contacts and call Eana…

He'd ask Ranewa about the card when he got home and
maybe tell her about their mother being released. That
was another expense he had to carry but he'll do it.

Once he was out of the computer labs, his network was

back fully so he called Eana.
"Hello Kopi, thank you for the money. I'll buy kamoso."
"You don't need to thank me. Whatever you need, just
call me okay?"
"How is school?"

She went quiet. Should she lie and say it's fine? Her
siblings were smart but it seemed like she was the only
who apparent was like their mother. Stupid.
"Se sharpo…"
She didn't want him to push too much into the issue.
"That was a long pause…are you sure?"
"Okay. Let me go and please take care."
"Ee rra."
He cut the call and rubbed his hands. The sun hadn't set
yet, he should get going now.


At the dodgy club

Ranewa woke up and winced in pain. She tried to move

but she was tied down to a chair. She closed her eyes,
hoping she was dreaming and that she didn't actually
come for the interview and she didn't see a man get shot
right before her eyes.

She opened her eyes again and she was still in the
same place.
"You're awake."

She nearly fell back on the chair and she turned her
head to look at the man. Much more clearly. He seemed
older. A bit older than her fath-oh, her sperms donor.

The man stood up and with his hands deep in his

pockets, walked towards her.

Ranewa could still see him killing a man. It wasn't a

movie, it happened in real time and she slightly
"What brings a little girl to a place like this?"

Sbe opened her mouth but nothing came out and only a
sob escaped seconds later. The man looked at her. He
had questions. A lot of them. One how did the guard let
her get past through the doors, it was evident on her
face that she was a minor and the innocence and stupid
naivety in her eyes betrayed her.
"I won't report. I swear."

Ranewa whispered and he didn't trust that. She wasn't

supposed to see what she just saw.
"What brings you here?"

She licked her dry lips.

"I-I needed a job and I applied even though I don't
She went quiet for a few seconds. Her eyes glistened
with tears.
"Why would you need a job in a club? You are supposed
to be in school.."
Ranewa didn't want to relay her whole life story. It was
pitiful and she didn't want to give the stranger more
information than necessary.
"I am. I just need the money."

He looked at her. She was young enough to be his

daughter and he himself would be livid if his daughter
came to a place like this looking for a job. Thank God,
he didn't have daughters.
"To what? To look like Instagram models?"
She frowned. Who were those? She wasn't even on that
"I'm not on Instagram…I have to help my brother and
little sister with money…"
"That's a parents job."

She chuckled and tried to move but she was still tied
"Not when your father has money and decides not to
take care of you…I won't report. I swear, I'll never come
back here…I'll even forget everything that
happened…see? I don't even know how I get here….ke
a kopa…"

He didn't untie her, just looked at her. She was a kid,

trying to survive.
"Let's make a deal…"

Her eyes widened. A deal?

"A deal?"
"Yes. I can't risk word of what you saw coming out.."
"Whay I saw? I didn't see anything. Nothing at all…"
She kept quiet and looked at the man so he could
speak. How was she going to say no to the said deal?

Queen Of Hearts


At the shady club

"You said you need money?"

She nodded slowly.

"And you are a minor…" He wondered if this was going
to incriminate him further or he was thinking too much
about if he had a daughter…
"You'll be paid one thousand a month to do laundry
every two weeks."
Ranewa blinked. What? Laundry? She can do that and
one thousand sounds like a lot of money. They can buy
food and use it for transport.
She asked with a low voice. This was a one time thing,
not following her gut but she got a job. A decent job.

He nodded.
"That's all? Washene?"(laundry?)
"Just laundry."

She thought about it.

"And you'll let me go."
"If you swear to take school seriously and focus on that.
Don't find yourself in clubs, men take advantage of
young people like you."

She nodded quickly. She was free.

"I swear. On my life. This…" She paused for a minute.
"It's too good to be true. What if you kill me?"
He looked at her wide eyes and she actually believed
"I would have killed you the moment I saw you. For what
it's worth, I have a son if it makes you feel better."

He walked over to the chair and u tied her before he

stepped back. Ranewa rubbed her wrists and looked at
him. He wasn't going to kill her.
"Okay..I think we have a deal."
She sheepishly looked at him.
"Good. Let me write down the directions. Next week
Saturday is your first day at work. Don't be late."
He took a pen and wrote down his address.
"If this ends up in the hands of the police, I know it's you
and I will find you and your family Ranewa."
"Who is the police? I do not know those people."
She took the paper and folded it into a small piece
before putting it in her jacket pocket.
"Thank you and I think I should go home."
"It's getting late and it's not safe. I'll drop you off."

She just nodded.

He walked to the door and opened it. Ranewa rubbed

the back of her head, feeling the little bump there. She's
just been threatened then offered a job? Crazy world!

She walked out first, pulling the jacket and checking her
phone. He stepped out and locked the office before he
led the way. Still a bit woozy but she caught up to the
long strides.
"Can I have your name at least?"
She nodded and they got out of the club. The security
guy looked at her and she grinned at him. She was
acting normal right?
He led her to the back of the club and she saw his car.
He unlocked it.
"Get in."

She opened the door at the back and got inside. Her
phone vibrated in her pocket and she took it out. She
saw her brother's number flash on the screen.
"Where are you? It's late and you're not home?"
"I-I git delayed but I'm on my way."
"Delayed by-you know what, we'll talk when you get

He cut the call and she leaned against the car seat.
What was she going to tell her brother?
"Where do you stay?"

Botshelo started the car and looked at her as she

buckled up and stared outside.

Kopano sat on the mattress as he pressed his phone. It

was unbelievable that he didn't have a laptop but his
money has always been towards his siblings. He hoped
his mother would be proud of him for taking care of his

Meanwhile, as Botshelo drove around Ranewa had her

hands on her lap.
"What do you study?"
"Bsc Statistics."
He looked at her for a moment.
"You're smart. Why did you decide a shady club is
where you want to work?"
"Because beggars can't be chooser and thank you so so
much for the job." She almost mentioned that she was
not going to talk about the murder she saw. She was
going to have more nightmares to add onto hee already
existing nightmares…a part of her wished that the man
she had witnessed being shot was her father but she
can only dream.
"My son is studying some fancy course that I don't even

Oh, he said he had a son.

"Is it not medicine?"
He shook his head.
"I would know it. Wa re ha kae?"
"Take this turn."

He turned and was driving along the street she stayed

"Stop there."

Through the window, Kopano saw a car flashing lights

and he frowned as he walked towards the curtain. He
saw Ranewa get out of the car in a dress. His heart
started pounding. Had he failed them that she already
found a man who drives a car? The gate opened and he
saw his sister walked towards the door.

He pushed back the curtain and rubbed his head. He

was trying his best. That 1.9k as a student who was
taking car of everyone and everything was not enough
but he was really trying.

He heard the key try to unlock the door before a door

"Ko ko."
Ranewa stood outside, the car still outside. The door
opened and the car reversed.

She looked at Kopano and she normally didn't see

certain emotions on her brother's face but she saw hurt
and disappointment on his face.
"Hi." Her voice was low and Kopano stepped back as
she stepped inside.

She brought her hands together behind her.

"Am I not doing enough? I'm really trying my best for us
to be comfortable…I-"
"Kopano, I swear whatever you are thinking, it's not it. I

He looked in her eyes to read her and she didn't avert

her gaze and they looked sincere. He has since learnt to
read his sister since they were younger.
"Then explain it to me."
"Don't shout at me."
"It depends on what you have to say.."
Why did she have to be the most sensitive among the
three of them?

Ranewa breathed in and she told him about her

applying for the job. His face was blank and she omitted
the murder she witness and skipped to being offered a
laundry job.

He looked at her face.

"Are you sure? Is that what the man wants? Just
She also wasn't sure. She'll find out next week.

She checked her jacket pockets and took out the paper.
"That's the address. You can come with me to be
sure..I'd never do that." She breathed out looking up at
her older brother.
He got the paper and he looked at the address. He
wasn't taking any chance.
"Okay. Sit down, we have to talk.."

She walked past him and sat on the bed. She was so
tired and she wanted to eat and sleep.
"It's about our mother."
Ranewa's eyes filled with tears. It always brought her to
tears thinking about her mother.
"Ranewa, you're crying?"

She rubbed her eyes.

"No. I'm listening."

Queen Of Hearts


Kopano breathed out.

"I went to see her yesterday."
Her eyes lit up.
"How is she? Is she okay?"
He nodded with a little smile, his heart a little at peace at
the fact that his sister didn't hate their mother like their
father was trying to poison them to.
"She is okay.."
"Can I see her too? Where are they keeping her? She
was given how many years kante?"
"That's a lot. I was five then that means she's coming at
when I'm twenty…"
"About that…"

Her eyes went to him…

"She is getting out on parole in three months.."
Her jaw dropped and she got up.
"Lke in November? She'll be out?"

She grinned wiping her tears away.

"Where is going to stay? Is she still married to…"

Her voice trailed. Kopano didn't know but he'll ask his
mother next week.
"She is going to stay with us."
"Okay..I'll take the mattress too..gape November Eana is
finishing form five, we can stay with her too…like we
used to…the three of us."
He couldn't help but smile and he walked to her.
Towering over her, he hugged his little sister and she
looked up at him.
"This is better than passing form five and getting
admitted into Uni."
He laughed.
"Much better than that."
She hugged him tight. He was laughing even. They all
needed their mother. Life has not been kind to them ever
since she was taken away.
"We should tell Eana too."
"Maybe we'll surprise her."
"I'll save my book allowance and we can…"
"I'll worry about that Ranny autwe?"
"Okay. Mama is coming home. I hope she remembers
us, I still remember most things, not sure about Eana
"And you haven't been excited in a long time."
"Having mama back is a dream come true."

She grinned at him and he smiled at her. Did his sister

know she looked so much like their mother? He
swallowed thinking about that b@stard of a father who
almost strangled sweet Ranewa to death. He didn't
forget anything that man did, he just wasn't in any
position to do anything at this point in life. But the time
will come and he will strike even if it means waiting ten
more years since that man was still alive.

She broke the hug.

"Okay. Let me eat and tell me about your day."
"I did nothing. Did you get your card?"
"Yes..It's empty..Allowance e tsena leng?"
He laughed.
"You only have been in school for a week ebile setse o
re allowance?"

He chuckled as he sat on the mattress and she sat there

with him with her legs to the side.
"Go tsena bokahe?"(how much?)
"We're in the same faculty so it's the same…book
allowance ke 3.5k and allowance ke 1.9k.."
"That's a lot. At the same time?"
"For this month allowance is once an
academic year so the next one for you will be next year
August..akere ke a hetsa.."
She laughed.
"You're graduating next year too."
"You have a long four years ahead of you.."
"I can do it. I believe in myself."
"Okay Ms Mosiame, I believe you."
"Let me call Eana…"

She took out her phone and used the remaining change
in her orange money account to pay her airtime loan
before she called Eana.
The phone rang for a bit before it was answered
Ranewa put the phone on loudspeaker before she put it
between her and Kopano.
"Hello, how are you? How is school? And I'm with
"Hi guys…I'm okay. How is Gaborone?"
"Gaborone is still the same like how we left is
okay? Kana this is your last term.."

On the other side, Eana sat on the bed cross legged.

Her heart a bit heavy. Her siblings were doing so well
and even regardless of their circumstances.
"Yes. I can't say I'm excited but we can hope for the
"If you need help with anything please tell me…I'll do my
best to help." Ranewa said in that soft sweet voice of
"I will."
"Alright. We were just checking up on you and have a
good night."
"You sound excited." She remarked and her sister
"Kind of. I'll tell you in due time…bye."
"Bye, Eana." Her brother added.
"Bye guys. Goodnight."

She cut the call and laid on the bed. She sighed and got
out of bed. She walked to the corner of the room she
used to share with Ranewa as she opened her maths
notebook. She took out her report from last term and
looked at the grades. With the BEC points system she'd

She placed it down and started to count with her fingers

just to be sure of her grades.
"Thirty four." She whispered more to herself. That still
didn't guarantee her a sponsorship. She licked her lips
and breathed out. She'll have to try here best.

Sbe closed the book and walked to the bed.


The Following morning

Like every Saturday, Eana woke up to make ting

porridge for her grandmother before she went to take a
bath. She walked to her suitcase and looked at the
clothes inside. The tights were too tight and she couldn't
breath in them, one of them had a tear by the butt side
and she wanted to walk to the shops to buy her pads
and soap. She looked for something and sbe found a
dress. She breathed in and hoped it would be better.

She wore it and it was a bit short, showing off her thighs
and too tight at her chest area pushing her boobs up.
She sighed.

She wore a jacket Kopano had gave her and she hoped
she would be fast and she won't stopped by men along
the way. Ti annoyed her to no end because she was a
child and she told them so but some said she didn't
have the body of a child.

She sat on the bed and got her small phone. She
checked the balance again and it was still that amount.

As she stood up, she heard the car outside. She prayed
to God it wasn't her aunt. She detested that vile woman
with everything in her and she could see where her
mother got her violent tendencies and that was why she
was in prison.

She breathed out. The women in her mother's family

seemed to share that vile trait and Ranewa and her
might be the only exception.
She waited and she could hear the car door close. She
should start walking.

She got up and walked out of the room. She passed the
other rooms and she greeted her grandmother.
"Wa kae?"(where are you going?)
"To buy molora.."(tto buy soap.)
"With what money?"
"Kopano sent fifty pula mme."
She lied about the amount but her grandmother looked
at her over before nodding just as the door opened and
her aunt walked in with her husband.
"Hello mme.."
Her grandmother stood up and went to hug her aunt.
She greeted her aunt and husband and her aunt just
looked at her from head to toe.
"I told you mama to not take Itumeleng's kids, bona o
apere ekete wa ithekisa."(she looks like she is
prostituting herself)

Eana kept her head up.

"Don't speak like that.."
Eana swallowed and walked past them as her aunt's
husband's eyes were on her.
"Where is she going?"
He innocently asked the grandmother.
"To the shops. She'll be back."
"There are no taxis nearby.."

Kelebogile looked at her husband. Why was he asking?

"You are letting her walk?"
"She always does that. How have you guys been?"
"Can I drop her off?"
Kelebogile raised her eyebrows.
"We ate not here for long, we came to drop off your
groceries… lese…"
She whispered the last part to him.

Eana walked past the gate and she looked at the sun.
She was going to be burnt as she walked on the dry
ground, her feet starting to get dusty too.

Queen Of Hearts

That Saturday morning, Ranewa walked into the house
dressed and fresh. All she did when she got to the room
she shared with her brother Wass spray that cheap
Chinese perfume and tie her old braids into a bun. She
got the old toothbrush and brushed her edges to make it
seem better. The door opened as her brother walked in.
"Let's hope he is legit."
"I'm hoping that he is…"
Her brother got her phone and she followed him out as
she took the umbrella. They were heading to G-North. A
bit far and she escaped death by a thin thread and one
thousand was a lot of money to refuse.

Kopano locked the house and put the key in his Jean's
pocket and Ranewa opened the umbrella. They walked
to the gate and he closed it as they started their walk to
the buss stop.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
Kopano raised his eyebrows at her.
"Wa jola Ranewa?"(are you dating?)She touched her
chest dramatically.
"No. Potso ke gore a wena wa jola?"
She moved closer to him.
"You can tell me anything Kopi, I'll keep it a secret."
She looked at him and she stepped back as she
laughed at how he ignored the question and didn't look
at her. If he was shades lighter, she'd see the blush.
"Ng ng….ema pele…you haven't dated before?"
He lightly pushed her away and she laughed louder.
"Serious? So you haven't kissed anyone before?"
He stopped to place his hands on his waist.
"O itseng ka di kiss Ranewa?"(what do you know about
"Nothing. But you should know something..tell meee!"
She moved closer and he made an attempt to grab her
and she laughed more running in front of him before she
turned to face him.
"You haven't kissed anyone too? Kopano?" He closed
his eyes and rubbed his temples. He was not about to
explain his non-existent sex life. He'll, his sister was
close to discovering he was a virgin because there was
no time for girls when your life has been doomed ever
since three.
"Ranewa, can we close the topic?"
She paused.
"Did I overstep my boundaries? I'm sorry."
She waited for him to catch up to her.
"I'm sorry autwe?"
"Some things I can't discuss with you Ranewa, you're
my little sister."
"Got it."
He got the umbrella from her and she walked close to
him as he held it for them.


At prison

"Itumeleng Mosiame." The warden called out and she

got up as the cell was being opened. She didn't know
where she Wass being taken.
"Where am I going?" Silence.

She followed the warden to wherever she was going.

She breathed out when they got to where there were no
cells but offices and a door was opened for her. Another
jail warden was by the door.
"Get inside."

She opened the door and she flashed a smile as she

saw some lady by the desk.
"Mrs Mosiame?"
"Ee mma."
"Take a seat."
She sat down and placed her hands on her lap. They
didn't chain her. It clicked and she just smiled at the
"We'll, I'm Gotlhe, your therapist for the next three
She was scared to ask what for so she nodded.
"You were last in the real world twelve years ago and I'm
here to help you prepare for the world outside the four
prison walls you live within."
That answered her question.
"I got your file and it says you are here for attempted
murder and abduction?"
"Tell me about that…how did it happen?"

Itumeleng laughed. She had been such a fool. So stupid

and maybe had she passed, she would have never met
Mothusi and this wouldn't have happened. She would
have had her children with rhe right man but she loved
them so much, regardless of who their father was.
"I failed my form five at eighteen."
She played with her fingers.
"My parents were disappointed and my sister had
started working at the time. She passed really well and
she worked at a nice job…that same year, I met the man
I almost murdered."
The therapist observed Itumeleng's facial expressions.
She seemed lost in her narration.
"I remember how I fell pregnant three months after we
met, months later he paid bogadi and we got married
while I was still pregnant.."
"More like a shotgun wedding?"
Itumeleng just nodded.
"But it was love. I believe it was and we were happy, he
was years older than me but you know I was already
eighteen and all. Gave birth to my first born at nineteen
and it was so nice. I loved him and our life. I didn't lack
anything and we had even discussed plans of me going
back to school. I had a driver's license too…"

She bit her lower lip. The therapist didn't interrupt her
and maybe if she got this off her chest, she'll be okay.

"Two months prior to my twenty first, he came back from

work and I don't know what I did buy we got into a fight.
He was asking questions about some man and I'm a
nice person so I usually say hi to the people who greet
me in town.."
The therapist noted that down.
"Ah, motho o mpetsa ka mpama."(he slapped me.)
"Did you report?"
Itumeleng rubbed her eyes and looked at the therapist.
"The first time, it's always an apology and I got
chocolates and a shopping spree as an apology and we
forgot about it. The second time he apologised until it
started happening continuously and I did tell my
mother…you know what she said? A typical wife, in her
words 'lenyalo le a berekelwa, phosonyana ga se ye ka
go letsang'(you work for your marriage, a small mistake
can't make you cry) that time I have bruises on my
back and I was nearly choked to death."
"The police?"
"They asked me what I did to him and they didn't help
me and he found out and beat more…I suffered in his
hands. I am ever grateful that I didn't lose my second
child…I didn't even know I was pregnant but the day he
found out? He nearly drowned me and I still remember
every beating.."

She was sniffing and she leaned back.

"Then he raped me, the day I almost killed him. He was
raping me and that's how my last born came to being..I
took the chance and ran. Life was nice for those five
years but he found me and here I am."

The therapist looked at Itumeleng. She seemed sincere.

"I've accepted that I am mean tto suffer and it's okay. As
much as he ruined my life, I can only wish he loved our
children. They are innocent in everything that happened.
They deserve nothing but the best."
"From court findings, you are a murderer."

She laughed softly.

"He has money, the whole house was filled with cctv
cameras, he knew what he did with cameras for them to
only replay when I was stabbing him and when I left with
the kids and drove off. Where was the footage of him
slapping me and choking me when Ranewa was born?
Or when he nearly drowned me or when he raped me?
There was a lot of things he did but the law wasn't on
my side."

She shrugged.
"If you get out, you do know you have to keep your
distance from him?"
"I don't even want to be near him. Can I request for a
divorce? I don't want money or anything of his…just to
be free from this bondage."
"I'll ask on your behalf."
"Thank you."

She breathed out.

"How was your childhood?" Tbe therapist asked. There
was a lot they needed to work out but baby steps.


At G-North

Ranewa stopped by a house. She looked at it before

she!pressed the intercom. The gate opened for them
and they looked around.
"There's a d-"

Kopano was too late as a dog jumped on Ranewa ans

she screamed.
"E ntshe! Ya go ntoma!"(get it off me. It's going to bite

Kopano shooed it away as the house door opened and

Botshelo stepped out. He frowned seeing the boy with
Ranewa as Ranewa rubbed her chest. She didn't like
dogs one bit.
"Kopano meet my employer, Mr Botshelo and Mr
Botshelo meet my brother, Kopano…he came to drop
me off."
"Hello Kooano."
"Dumelang." He relayed and he rubbed his beard. The
dog sniffed Ranewa and she moved ahead. It tried to
get closer and she held onto Kopano's t-shirt.
"It doesn't look like it will bite…"
Ranewa just held onto him as they walked inside the

Queen Of Hearts


Kopano looked around and followed Ranewa as she got

the first laundry basket. Botshelo looked at Ranewa's
brother and he could understand he was looking out for
her. Ranewa smiled at Kopano…
"You can help me by getting the other laundry basket."
Ranewa hummed as she walked into the laundry room
she had been shown with the basket. Why would a rich
person not afford a washing machine? But anyways,
money for her.

Kopano walked into the room and he got the second

laundry basket. Botshelo walked inside and he looked at
the young man.
"Take care of her."
He started out and Kopano turned and nodded. He was
trying his best really.
"Are both your parents alive?"
Kopano just nodded. Not wanting to talk about his
parents with a stranger.
"Thank you for giving her a job.."
"Her heart is in the right place and you look like you're
the same age as my son even if he is a year or two
He nodded. That was a good sign.
"I'm heading out. I'll be back in two hours or so, there is
food in the fridge and you guys can make something to
"Thank you."

He walked out and Kopano had mixed feelings. It felt

like they were a charity case at the same time, there
were still good people around. He shook his head as he
walked out with the laundry basket and got to the
laundry room where Ranewa was already filling the
basins with water.
"This is a lot."
"Do you need help?"
She shook her head.
"I think I can manage to wash these…Maybe you'll help
me with hanging them up, I don't want that dog all over
He chuckled and she held her waist for a second before
she spilled the clothes from the basket on the floor. She
sorted them according to colour, her forehead creasing.


At Prison, Itumeleng was escorted out of the therapist's

office and she smiled a bit. It felt a bit refreshing to let
that out her chest.

Inside the office, the therapist grabbed her telephone

and called her superiors.
"Hello, can I know who was working on the Mosiame vs
Mosiame case twelve years ago?"

Her superior sighed.

"Gotlhe, you can't save anyone. It was not a mistake
those people are in prison. They are paying for their
crimes and all you have to do is offer them emotional
"I know but this one….this one is different."
"Okay, I'll send you the information but you are likely to
reach a dead end on whatever you are trying to work
"We'll see."

She cut the call and looked at her notes, her pen tapped
on the desk and she circled Mothusi Mosiame's name.
She just wanted to know how a woman who was
defending herself was in prison and if there was cctv
footage it should have showed everything. Her gut told
her to believe Itumeleng. That woman had nothing to
lose, not a company and not her kids because she
already lost everything when she went to prison.

People with nothing to lose are honest and don't think

life is worth living. She had seen that flash across
Itumeleng's face throughout their session. All she could
talk about was how she wanted her kids to be okay and
healthy. Agitated, she picked her telephone again and
called prison services.
"Hello, can I have a list of the people who visited Mrs
Mosiame these past twelve years?"
"Of course. Is anything wrong?"
"I'd be breaking patient confidentiality if I told you.."
She cut the call and rubbed her jaw. She checked her
emails and she looked at the list that had just been sent.
It was less than five people and said husband was not
on the list. Who were the police officers? Who found
Mothusi after he was stabbed? Can that case be
reopened and be re investigated? There was better
technology now, lie detector tests and everything, less
corrupt police officers. Why would a battered woman be
turned away from the station if they weren't in cahoots
with her husband?
She licked her lip and went on to social media to search
for the husband and she found him. She closed her
eyes, can't she beg for…just something…an undercover
investigator to find out? She would plead this case on
Monday but she was basically going to spend the whole
weekend stewing over it.
"God, help me help this woman. Please."

She dropped her head and brought her hands together.

This was why she was good therapist, she did all she
can to help her patients, helping them adjust and
listening to them. Well some were not redeemable but
there was something about Itumeleng. She had a heart
and she was so young. Having a thirty nine year old?
And what did a man in his late twenties have in common
with an eighteen year old? The power plays were just
mind blowing and she was still a child. Growing. He was
probably her first everything….
She rubbed her temples. This was already stressing the
hell out of her and also the divorce…or they strike a
deal? There were a lot of possibilities and she wanted to
know if the man would agree. If indeed Itumeleng's
intentions were to kill him, he would agree to divorce
her. Who would want to be with a person who tried to
murder them?


Itumeleng sat in her cell and paged the book she was
reading. She didn't know what she was going to do once
she was out but the first people she wanted to see were
Kopano, Ranewa and Eana.


Eana closed her eyes, not understanding how she

couldn't figure out circle theorem. She closed the maths
notebook and went to the corner of the room where she
rummaged through papers and found Ranewa's past
papers. She looked for questions that had circle theorem
to see how she did it.

She sat on the floor and opened her notebook to cross

check what she did.
She sighed in frustration as it still didn't make sense.


Ranewa started washing the last batch of clothes as her

brother helped her hang it outside. Three months and
her mother and sister will be here.

They were going to be alright. She had to be optimistic.

They'll be fine.

Outside, Kopano leaned against the wall. Another year

of school and he can job hunt properly, take care of his
sisters properly and believe they'll be okay. They'll make

They survived their father and they survived their mother

being in prison. What else could break them? Nothing at
this point…

He breathed out as the dog sniffed him and he rubbed

the dog's head. Ranewa didn't even want a dog near her
but they were pretty docile creatures.
"Hey there.."
He was never allowed pets. One would say they were
living under Pharaoh's rule when they stayed with their
sperms donor. He just couldn't swing at him once he got
older and taller but he did try to break him in small
ways…ways his sister's didn't need to know. He blinked
back. He'd get his revenge. One day.


Queen Of Hearts


A month later

The sun shone through the window, a part of his face

being hit by the sunlight, Mothusi looked at the divorce
papers he had been presented with. He chuckled. It was
the nerve. Did she think he'll sign them and let her run
off with whoever? She was his wife at the end of the day
and he wasn't signing the damned papers.

He got up from his office and picked the papers. It was

time to pay his little wife a visit.

Kopano watched his sister tie her braids as she sprayed
her perfume. He hadn't even expected her to give him
her card so she doesn't overspend.
Ranewa checked her phone.

She showed him the message.

"I've just been paid for laundry, I have cash for transport

She tied the shoelaces of the fake converse shoes she

bought from the Chinese shops. Her wardrobe was
much better. All she needed was five hundred to buy
tights and t-shirts ans everything was A-okay.

"I'm going to the mall too…remember?"

"To buy another mattress right? Will mama be
comfortable sleeping with us in the room?"
She asked. They weren't kids anymore.
"We'll sort out the logistics but somehow all four of us
have to fit in here."
"I want to see her.." Kopano had thought about that but
Ranewa was still underage. What if their 'father' finds
out and refuses. She is underage and technically he was
Ranewa and Eana's legal guardian. He didn't put
anything past him.
"Let's wait for her to come okay?"
She sighed and smiled.
"Okay. Let's go.."
She looked at him and maybe if it wasn't for their
struggles, he'd be way more good looking than this..he
was good looking and the woman who was going to
marry him was lucky.

Kopano got up and slid his size eleven feet in his slides
and she got her small bag.


It was another weekend for Eana, she had managed to

get a hang of most stuff and she had gotten a C for her
maths end of month tests. The only thing that was really
going good was the fashion and fabrics project. Her
teacher liked it and she was satisfied with her work too.

She closed her books and smiled. Her smile was short
lived when she was called into the living room.
"Tla kwano."
She had thanked Kopano profusely when he sent her
five hundred last week. She managed to buy clothes
that fit her and it was nothing expensive. Just a Chinese
dress, t-shirts and tights. It helped so much and she also
bought pens and pencils for her finals. She had
Ranewa's old calculator and it worked fine. She was
finally happy to wear clothes that fit.

She wore her brand new slides, that didn't make her get
little pricks by thorns on the ground.

She walked out of the room and headed to the sitting

room just as the gate opened outside.

She looked at her grandmother.

"Your aunt and her husband are staying over, you can
start preparing lunch. Make the beef stew."
"Ee mma."

She headed to the kitchen. If it was up to her she was

going to make chicken but nothing in this house is
bought with her money so it wasn't her final decision to

In the sitting room, Mma Kele waited with a smile as her

favourite daughter walked in.
"Hello mama..I brought food and we came to say hi too."
Her husband walled in and smiled at her.
"Dumela ngwanaka…sit down."

They sat down and started talking while Eana slaved

away in the kitchen. Her aunt revolted her. In fact most
of her family did. She fried the beef piece pieces in the
pan before she removed them and started to chop up
the vegetables.


Ranewa washed the clothes and she paused mid way,

her stomach churning from hunger. She wiped her
hands with one of the clothes. She wasn't nosy but she's
been seeing women clothing in the laundry but she
never sees said woman every time she comes here.

She walked out of the laundry room and headed to the

kitchen for food.

The main door opened and she looked up as she

opened the fridge.
"Hello, Ranewa.."

She smiled back and took out the cheese. Their budget
never allowed small things like cheese and polony. They
didn't even have a fridge but that was life. You learnt to
live with such things.
"Hi…I'm almost done."

She walked back to the fridge to get the juice.

"Thank you for the money…I have a question."
He paused.

She sat on the high stool and sipped her juice.

"You said you have a son…I'm just curious."
He raised an eyebrow before he laughed.
"He doesn't live here…"
"Oooh…So you live alone? Isn't it lonely? I can't imagine
living without any of my siblings…"
"You adjust…"
"He lives with his mother?"

He nodded.
"In UK."

She looked at him.

"Hee banna! I've never travelled out of the country…that
must be nice..b-"

He sighed and she laughed.

"I'm curious, not nosy.."
"Have you lived with him?"
"When he was a child till he was a teenager, his mother
had to go work there and she took him with.."
"That's sad. Do you miss him?"
"A lot."
"Did his mother j-" She held her tongue she was being
tol curious.
"You look like you have another question…"
"Never mind."

He walked away and she got up to get bread. She was

almost done.

At Prison, Itumeleng smiled. Was Kopano here to see
her again? She saw him yesterday. It was literally her
favourite thing to see her son in his visits and he
updated her on his siblings. Her little girl Ranewa was so
smart, doing things she never knew and even
Kopano…what he said sounded like a lot of maths and
she had failed that badly when she was in her form
five…but she understood it better now and sbe got a
better grade when she wrote her form five again in
prison..she had points to qualify for university but she'll
never afford thay.

Her smiled dropped when she was led into the room and
he smirked at her. No! No! This was not happening.

Queen Of Hearts


A month later

The sun shone through the window, a part of his face

being hit by the sunlight, Mothusi looked at the divorce
papers he had been presented with. He chuckled. It was
the nerve. Did she think he'll sign them and let her run
off with whoever? She was his wife at the end of the day
and he wasn't signing the damned papers.
He got up from his office and picked the papers. It was
time to pay his little wife a visit.


Kopano watched his sister tie her braids as she sprayed

her perfume. He hadn't even expected her to give him
her card so she doesn't overspend.
Ranewa checked her phone.

She showed him the message.

"I've just been paid for laundry, I have cash for transport

She tied the shoelaces of the fake converse shoes she

bought from the Chinese shops. Her wardrobe was
much better. All she needed was five hundred to buy
tights and t-shirts ans everything was A-okay.

"I'm going to the mall too…remember?"

"To buy another mattress right? Will mama be
comfortable sleeping with us in the room?"
She asked. They weren't kids anymore.
"We'll sort out the logistics but somehow all four of us
have to fit in here."
"I want to see her.." Kopano had thought about that but
Ranewa was still underage. What if their 'father' finds
out and refuses. She is underage and technically he was
Ranewa and Eana's legal guardian. He didn't put
anything past him.
"Let's wait for her to come okay?"
She sighed and smiled.
"Okay. Let's go.."
She looked at him and maybe if it wasn't for their
struggles, he'd be way more good looking than this..he
was good looking and the woman who was going to
marry him was lucky.

Kopano got up and slid his size eleven feet in his slides
and she got her small bag.


It was another weekend for Eana, she had managed to

get a hang of most stuff and she had gotten a C for her
maths end of month tests. The only thing that was really
going good was the fashion and fabrics project. Her
teacher liked it and she was satisfied with her work too.
She closed her books and smiled. Her smile was short
lived when she was called into the living room.
"Tla kwano."

She had thanked Kopano profusely when he sent her

five hundred last week. She managed to buy clothes
that fit her and it was nothing expensive. Just a Chinese
dress, t-shirts and tights. It helped so much and she also
bought pens and pencils for her finals. She had
Ranewa's old calculator and it worked fine. She was
finally happy to wear clothes that fit.

She wore her brand new slides, that didn't make her get
little pricks by thorns on the ground.

She walked out of the room and headed to the sitting

room just as the gate opened outside.

She looked at her grandmother.

"Your aunt and her husband are staying over, you can
start preparing lunch. Make the beef stew."
"Ee mma."
She headed to the kitchen. If it was up to her she was
going to make chicken but nothing in this house is
bought with her money so it wasn't her final decision to

In the sitting room, Mma Kele waited with a smile as her

favourite daughter walked in.
"Hello mama..I brought food and we came to say hi too."
Her husband walled in and smiled at her.
"Dumela ngwanaka…sit down."

They sat down and started talking while Eana slaved

away in the kitchen. Her aunt revolted her. In fact most
of her family did. She fried the beef piece pieces in the
pan before she removed them and started to chop up
the vegetables.


Ranewa washed the clothes and she paused mid way,

her stomach churning from hunger. She wiped her
hands with one of the clothes. She wasn't nosy but she's
been seeing women clothing in the laundry but she
never sees said woman every time she comes here.
She walked out of the laundry room and headed to the
kitchen for food.

The main door opened and she looked up as she

opened the fridge.
"Hello, Ranewa.."

She smiled back and took out the cheese. Their budget
never allowed small things like cheese and polony. They
didn't even have a fridge but that was life. You learnt to
live with such things.
"Hi…I'm almost done."

She walked back to the fridge to get the juice.

"Thank you for the money…I have a question."
He paused.

She sat on the high stool and sipped her juice.

"You said you have a son…I'm just curious."
He raised an eyebrow before he laughed.
"He doesn't live here…"
"Oooh…So you live alone? Isn't it lonely? I can't imagine
living without any of my siblings…"
"You adjust…"
"He lives with his mother?"

He nodded.
"In UK."

She looked at him.

"Hee banna! I've never travelled out of the country…that
must be nice..b-"

He sighed and she laughed.

"I'm curious, not nosy.."
"Have you lived with him?"
"When he was a child till he was a teenager, his mother
had to go work there and she took him with.."
"That's sad. Do you miss him?"
"A lot."
"Did his mother j-" She held her tongue she was being
tol curious.
"You look like you have another question…"
"Never mind."
He walked away and she got up to get bread. She was
almost done.


At Prison, Itumeleng smiled. Was Kopano here to see

her again? She saw him yesterday. It was literally her
favourite thing to see her son in his visits and he
updated her on his siblings. Her little girl Ranewa was so
smart, doing things she never knew and even
Kopano…what he said sounded like a lot of maths and
she had failed that badly when she was in her form
five…but she understood it better now and sbe got a
better grade when she wrote her form five again in
prison..she had points to qualify for university but she'll
never afford thay.

Her smiled dropped when she was led into the room and
he smirked at her. No! No! This was not happening.

Queen Of Hearts


Itumeleng looked at her husband and she couldn't

understand why he was here. She just wanted a simple
divorce. She didn't want his money, just a simple
divorce. She looked at the warden who brought her
"I don't want to see him."
The warden looked at the man.
"Why? You almost…"

The warden didn't need to finish that sentence for her to

get it.
"And why is he here to see his killer?" Itumeleng asked
before she continued. "I don't want to see him. He is
going to kill me or do something to me..I'd rather go

With that the warden sighed and turned with Itumeleng.

Mothusi's smirk fell. What the hell just happened? He
got up but sat down so as to not lose his temper in front
of all these people.

She didn't even turn back and breathed easy as soon as

she was out of that room. She just wanted a divorce.
Easy as that.

Gotlhe was with the lawyer the state had provided for
Itumeleng. Everything about Itumelen'g case was wrong,
she wasn't a lawyer but it all seemed that her going to
prison had been the end goal. Another lawyer she had
called, well it was her friend and he owed her a little
"There was not enough evidence."
"See? Why would a woman who is living in luxury kill
and run away with the kids? She didn't even claim
money from his accounts, just emptied her own
Her friend looked at her.
"From everything and the revaluation of this case,
Itumeleng's story might be the truth…this man.."

He paused and went through what he found out.

"He might not be as good as he claims to be…his
children.. the ones he had been supposedly looking for?
They had been staying with their grandmother in the
village for years now."
Gotlhe's eyes lit up.
"Yes and…"

Her lawyer friend opened the file, it was playing dirty

having to dig into people.
"The police officers who arrested his wife, were his
"And doesn't that scream setup?"
"They probably turned her away when she came to
report the abuse.."
"And probably had the cctv footage manipulated."
Itumeleng's state lawyer added.
"You could see that at that time in court right?"
"Yes but his defense was strong, I didn't stand a
Gotlhe leaned back.
"I have a bad feeling about him. If he grants her a
divorce at least we can peacefully push for the case to
be reopened."
"Why then?"
"She is scared of him killing her. She said a lot of things
and they were chilling..we can talk to his children. The
two eldest ones…"
"About their past? Their mother ran away when the
middle one was a baby and the eldest was a toddler.
Toddlers don't remember those stages."
"No, about their life with their father."

Her lawyer friend looked at her.

"That could build a solid case."
"And also the fact that he agrees or doesn't agree to the
divorce is telling. I hate it when men get away with
everything.. "
"Slow down.."
She shook her head.
"Itumeleng deserves justice."

She concluded. It was going to be a long day of her

thinking of Itumeleng and how she can help her. There
was hope.


Kelebogile and her husband ate their lunch while talking

to Mma Kele..

Eana had closed herself in at the bedroom after she ate

there. She didn't want to say anything out of line when
her aunt starts with her talks. Unlike Ranewa who cried
in front of people who hurt her, it made her older sister
seem so weak. She shook her head.
She didn’t get her sister, sometimes you had to get used
to a person’s character and not let it school you when
they say something but she always cried when their
grandmother or aunt or their father even before he
abandoned them said something she’d call ‘mean’ or
Speaking of Ranewa, she called her and she answered

“Hey Eana, I’m still busy with work. I’ll call later autwe?”
“Bye bye.”

The call cut and she placed the small phone under her
pillow and laid on her back, letting her fatigue take her

It was hours later, lights were out and people were

asleep. All people could hear were the swishing sound
sof the wind. Eana’s bedroom door opened slightly and
the man closed it, turning the key in the lock quietly.

His wife was asleep and she wouldn’t even know.

Eana’s t-shirt had moved u, exposing her adolescent
chest and she wasn’t even wearing a bra. He walked
closer, pulling down his boxers and dipped in the bed.
Eana murmured something in her sleep and he pulled
down the tights along with her panties.

Eana felt the cold wind hit her and she turned but the
coldness still hit her. She stretched her hands and a
yawn escaped her small lips and the man salivated
looking at the fresh body on the bed.

He got on top of her and Eana’s eyes went wide open

and she opened her mouth but he covered it.
“Don’t you-“

She bit his hand and he removed his hand.

“Get off me!”
“I will kill-“
“O tla kill’er o mo le mo toronkong!”(you’ll kill in jail)
He grew angry and Eana scratched him with her nails as
she tried to get him off her.
“I learnt about this! Touch me and your little job is gone!
Ke tlo go bolaya!”

With her life frustrations fuelling her anger, Eana bit his
neck so hard as her incisors cut his flesh and she
scratched him as he tried not to scream.
She tasted blood and she hit his back as he jumped off
her. She jumped off the bed too and her smaller size
allowed her to pounce on him and hit his head, biting
him…her anger taking over and she hit his ear..
He let out scream and she could only see blood as she
scratched more while he fought to pull her away from
him. Eana didn’t budge…biting and scratching leaving
scratches and deep bites…

The whole house woke up!

Queen Of Hearts


Eana didn’t let go as there was banging on the door.

“I will tell the police and you will go to jail!}. She
screamed and he still couldn’t get her off of him and she
charged at him, pulling his leg as she hit him in the balls.
Anger was fuelling her and all her anger in regards to
her abandonment was the petrol to that anger.
“Gore ha kena mama kana papa ha se kgang!”(that I
don’t have a dad or a mom is not the issue)
She punched his balls, rendering him immobile and she
got up, she got her tights and pulled down her shirt.
Stupid man! She was not stupid and she definitely could
throw a punch if the right person provoked her. She got
more angry seeing his naked body and how ready he
“Eana!” The door banged. It was her aunt.
“Eana! Bula lebati le..”(open this door)

She got her belt that was by the chair with her uniform.
She brought it on his naked body and he screamed.
“Ke a gana! Now one touches me..and after this I’m
reporting! The police will believe me!”

She whipped him again and stepped on him. She

whipped him as he cried like a little child.
“Le lona ke tla le betsa! Le ntse le tseela gore ke semata
akere?ke a shapa nna!”(I will also beat you guys! You
think I’m stupid? I beat!) she screamed while whipping
him hard with all her might.
They could hear the belt whips and Kelebogile held back
her tears. She could hear her husband’s pained groans.

“Mama do something.” She begged her mother. The

whipping stopped minute later and the door unlocked
minutes later.

Eana held the belt in her hand and folded her hands.
Her eyes were wide with the adrenaline.
“Take him! He tried to rape me but he got he wrong one.
And even if you blame me! You are evil people and you
deserve nothing! Nothing!”
Kele charged at Eana and she released the belt as
Kelebogile stepped back.
“After this, I’m going to the police. What was a grown
man doing in my room? I fell asleep in the afternoon and
I find him here? You are going to know me..”
“Eana!” Her grandmother tried to chastise and she
folded her hands.
“You are going to defend him because he buys you
phaleche akere? Defend him in court ee!”

She was breathing heavily and Kelebogile cried as she

helped her husband up. Him being reported was going
to ruin his career and their lives. People talked and it wa
a bad enough she had a jailbird for a sister now she had
a demon niece who wanted to ruin her life.

“Let’s talk about this like a family?”

Eana laughed hysterically as she moved towards her

“I have his handprints on me..What family? You tell me
I’m useless. I know my rights nna!”

She said and looked at them. The pathetic man was

“And trying to rape a defenceless child? Shame on you!
Tlhabiwa ke kgala!”

She waited for them to say something but they looked at

“You know it’s the truth but don’t want to believe it neh?”

She asked again still breathing hard. Kelebogile looked

down and the husband’s body hurt.
“The police will deal with this.”
“Eana…” her grandmother was defeated. “Can’t we talk
about this?”
She looked at them.
“These things are discussed in the family and we find a
way forward.”

She looked at her aunt. She always drove an expensive

car and looked down on her and her siblings. She rolled
her eyes and she didn’t let go of the belt.
“Way forward ke twenty thousand or I’m going to the

Kelebogile’s mouth dropped and the grandmother held

her heart. Eana didn’t move or budge as she waited for
the answer.
Queen Of Hearts


"Think about it carefully. No one is bullying me into

agreeing with you guys…first thing in the morning ke ya
police nna…ebile ntle ke letse.."

She took out the small phone from under her pillow as
she pressed the tiny buttons.
"Eana, please.."
She cocked her brow at her aunt. Did she just say
"Please eng?"
"We'll give you the money but not now…we don't have
twenty thousand…money doesn't grow on trees.."
"Le raya nna jalo?"(You're saying that to me?)
She looked at her phone.
"And if he raped me, you were going to bring back my
virginity? Le yone it doesn't grow on trees.."
Kelebogile looked at her mother for help but her mother
was speechless, wondering where the submissive child
she raised went?
"Ten minutes or I'm calling."
She looked at them and sat on her bed.
"How are you guys going to pay me?"
Kelebogile chuckled in disbelief and her husband
groaned. He was looking down. Ashamed. If he knew
this would happen he wouldn't have listened to his baser
"You don't have an FNB account.." Kelebogile stated
with a low voice.
"I know someone who does.." Eana looked at them. She
was serious.
"Okay. Pay2cell number?"

Eana called her sister, she was a bit easier to convince

than her brother.
Ranewa's phone rang for a whole minute before she
answered with a groggy voice.
"Hey Ranny.."
She heard Ranewa yawn and she waited.
"It's late..what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you
"I'm okay..Ranny?"
"Can I have your pay2cell number?"
"Pay2cell? What's going on Eana?"
"Ka go kopa.."
She heard Ranewa sigh and she waited.
"It's this number you just called."
"Thank you."

Eana quickly cut the call and she watched her

grandmother leave the room and Kelebogile removed
her phone from the pocket of her gown.
She pressed her phone.
"What's the number?"
Eana read out Ranewa's number and Kelebogile agreed
on the app to exceed her daily limit. She was going to be
broke this whole month and it was all her husband's
fault. What was he doing in this girl's room? She was
trying to avoid all of this from going to Facebook.

Eana's phone rang and she saw Ranewa's name

flashing on the screen.
"This stays between us. Got it?" Eana nodded and her
aunt and husband walked out while her grandmother
looked at her.
"You were going to let it slide that he wanted to rape
me?" She shook her head.
"I'm actually disappointed and if that isn't hate then ga
ke itse..."

She breathed out and her grandmother walked out. She

answered the phone.
"Eana? What's this? Why is she sending money?"
Her sister's voice had risen a pitch and it wasn't so soft
like it always was.
"Eana? A ko o nkarabe.."(Answer me)

She walked to the door and closed it.

"Something did happen.."

She heard movement from Ranewa's side.

At Gaborone, Ranewa shook her brother awake as sbe

HD the phone against her chest.
"Kopano? Wake up.."
His brother opened his eyes and rubbed them,
wondering why he was being woken up at this time of
the night.
"I'm awake."

His voice was low and sleepy. Ranewa put the phone on
"Eana? I'm listening..."

At her grandmother's place, Eana started narrating what

There was silence.
"They did what?" Was her brother's reply and her heart
skipped a beat.
"He didn't go any further.."
"I don't care Eana, call the police! Now!"
"Ee rra."

She heard her brother curse and she has never heard
him curse a day in his life before.

Ranewa got on the phone.

"Eana wee, tell the police they tried to bribe you autwe?
Don't say you blackmailed them. Do as I say, it'd your
word against theirs and obviously if they saw and
thought it was okay, they won't be believed."
"Ee mma."
"Are you sure you're fine?" Ranewa's voice was soft and
on the other side Ranewa wished she had fought or
screamed when her father had touched her
inappropriately. She shook her head. She buried that
and she wasn't going to cry about that. As long as there
was no penetration...
She licked her lips as she sighed.
"Are we clear Eana?"
"Good. Call them autwe and call us after you've called
Ranewa cut the call and Eana called the police toll free
line. A woman answered.
"Dumelang, ke kopa go reporta."(I'd like to report)


At Broadhurst

Kopano rubbed his face. He couldn't believe that just

happened. It all sounded like it was a bad dream, their
lives were from someone's nightmare because this was
not happening .
"She's okay and she'll call the police."
"I-I wasn't there to protect her."
Because that never happened when Kopano and
Ranewa were there.
"She fought and that was brave of her. Really brave."
Kopano sat on his hunches.
"As soon as she put the pen down on her last exam, I'm
going to get her."
"She isn't even safe."

Ranewa snorted and Kopank looked at his sister.

"That old woman hated us so much, I wonder what
mama did because she didn't treat us like her
"Shocking isn't it?"
Ranewa snorted again. It wasn't the time for sarcasm

"When will it end though? Us having to fight for our

livesn everyday it's a new thing and it's exhausting."
Kopano sighed.
"One day. I'm still glad you have a soft heart, you've
been like that since you were s toddler."
"But at what cost?"
"Don't makes you you.."
She rolled her eyes and chuckled.
"I can't help and think of the what if....what if Eana didn't
have that fight in her?"
"We'll never know..."

Ranewa's phone rang and she quickly answered.

"I reported."
"Good. Tell them they blackmailed you with money
okay? And everything will be okay...I think."
"Okay...are we going to keep the money?"
Ranewa looked at Kopano and mimed, "are we going to
keep the money?"
Kopank shrugged.
"I don't know but hopefully luck will be kn our side and
we'll keep it...somehow."


"Okay." Eana said by and she waited. For like ten

minutes before she heard a car outside. She closed her
eyes and got her story right.

The old woman went to the door as the knocking got

persistent. Her daughter joined her and they looked at
two police officers. The other one was a woman.
"Dumelang bomma."

Queen Of Hearts

The grandmother and Kelebogile looked at the police

"How can we help you?"
"We got a report about a near rape incident.."
Kelebogile tried to act surprised just as Eana walked to
the sitting room. The police officer looked at her
"Hello. Are you Eana?"
"Ee mma."
"Can we take this interrogation to the police station?"
Eana's grandmother was defeated.
"Where is the man? She said he was her aunt's

Kelebogile couldn't take this and she just nodded. The

police were here anyways and you can never escape
the police. Her sister didn't manage to escape the police
"Let me go call him."
She walked away and the grandmother was still
astonished from this night's events. How did it turn to
this so fast?

In the bedroom, Kelebogile shook her husband awake.

"Wkae up rra! The police are here.."
His eyes widened. Didn't that little girl say she won't
"Yes. We are being taken for questioning."

He got up and she watched him try to wear his t-shirt

over his battered body.
"Why? Why? You wanted to cheat on me with a child?
My niece? And tried to rape her?"

She rubbed her eyes.

"All I did was love you and you decide to embarrass
me? Like that? If you are arrested and found guilty,
consider yourself divorced."

He looked at his wife with pleading eyes and she raised

her hands walking out leaving him there.
Minutes later, he joined everyone in the sitting room.
The police officers saw him and how he had bite marks
on his neck.
He humbled himself and they nodded.
"Follow us."

The whole family walked out and the grandmother

locked the door as they pulled their gowns and Eana
pulled her light jacket. She didn't even have a gown or


At the police station

Each and every one of them were interrogated

separately and Eana looked at the police officer.
"Narrate to me again."
"I was sleeping, I fell asleep in the afternoon after
serving lunch and I was woken up by cold wind blowing
on my lower body."
The police officer looked at her notes.
"Okay...what else.?"
"Then he covered my mouth and I bit his hand. Ke ha a
re he'll kill...not sure what because I told him he is going
to jail and I bit his neck since he wa still on top of me."
The officer nodded.
"From what you said, you've been living with your
grandmother for how long?"
"Since I was twelve I think..."
" let's get back to the part of them coming
Eana rubbed her tears.
"My grandmother wanted us to talk about it as a family."
The police officer knew that was typical of some
families. Such cases went unreported because they
protect the perpetrator and their image too.
"So they paid you for your silence?"
Eana nodded with tears in her eyes. She rubbed her
eyes and sniffed a bit and the officer handed her tissue
for the fifth time since their interrogation.
"I called my sister because they said something about
She rubbed her nose and she shivered a bit from the
light jacket she wore.
"They told me to report because I wasn't safe."
"They did good. How old are you again?"
The officer sympathetically rubbed Eana hand.
"The world doesn't need more rapists and are helping us put him away. You
might not be the first victim if your aunt could pay you
off. You'll be okay with counselling."
Eana nodded.

In another room, the husband looked at his fingers.

"A grown man? Sneaking into a child's room?"
"She wante-"
"What makes you think a sixteen year old could make
that decision?"
The man was getting fed up. It was dogs like these that
needed to be put out. How can a child consent? And he
could tell he was lying. It turned wrong and the girl
actually fought instead of allowing herself to be a
statistic and deal with shitloads of therapy and trauma.
"Thank you. You'll be put in a holding cell and your case
will be dealt with on Monday."

The police officer opened the door and a buffer officer

walked in with handcuff.
"A reye morena!"(let's go buddy)
In a separate room, the police officer watched
Kelebogile cry her out defending her husband when he
only wanted a recollection of the events.
"Calm down and narrate whay happened exactly."
Kelebogile sniffed. The man shook his head. He hoped
this woman didn't have children if she could defend a
man who did that like that.

An hour later, the husband was arrested and the women

were free to go.
The police car was the one that took them home and tbe
car ride was silent. Too silent, one could even hear a fly

They were dropped off at the house.

"You will be updated on the case and will have to be
They nodded. The old woman walked to the house and
opened the door. When they got inside and it was
locked, Kelebogile pulled Eana and slapped her.
"You! You are just like your mother! Ruining everything
for wasn't enough that I paid y-"
"Kelebogile, calm down...Eana you can go to your
Eana bit down her lip and turned but she was slapped?
She turned back and punched her aunt's jaw.
"Don't touch me."
She walked away and Kelebogile covered her face and
cried. The grandmother just wanted to sleep. It's been
too eventful and she wanted to sleep and think about
this when she wakes up.
"You'll be fine. Goodnight."

The grandmother walked away, leaving Kelebogile on

the floor. A crying mess.


The following day

Mothusi had schedule another visit with Itumeleng. What

right did she have to ignore him?

He was appalled by her audacity. She was far from

being out and those three years remaining were no joke.
He had to admit she still looked beautiful, at least no
man can have her. No man will ever have her if she is
divorcing so she can go see other man when she leaves
that jail cell. That was never going to happen and he'll
make sure of it.

Queen Of Hearts


Two months later

The rain clouds gathered and the thunder rumbled in the

clouds as cool winds blew across the area, signalling the
predicted heavy rains.
Eana, sat on the couch with her suitcase packed. Inside
it had everything she owned which wasn't much in the
first place. Her grandmother had not as much said more
than greetings ever since her son-in-law was sentenced
to four years in prison and her aunt only passed by to
bring food and pass. It's not like she cared or anything.
She was happy she got a peaceful exam season
although more than half of her subjects made her break
a sweat in the exam room. She waited patiently for her
brother. It was only morning and she was scared that the
rain might start before he got there and they'd have to
wait for it to get better before they left.
She looked at her hands and wondered about life after
this. What if she didn't pass her form five come February
when rhe results are out? What will she do? Would she
want to write again? Writing again was expensive and
she could already see the twenty thousand they kept get
depleted. Her thoughts were interrupted by a call.
Kopano's name flashed on the screen.
"Hello. I'm on my way there, are you ready?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"You don't have to.." he cut the call. Her grandmother
looked at her.
"This is the thanks I get? After I raised you and your
siblings after your father abandoned you?"
Eana didn't say anything and her face didn't show any
"He basically dumped you here and th-" she clapped her
"Maybe I'll finally breath. Itumeleng has been nothing but
a thorn in my life…Once you leave, never come back."

She walled away and Eana looked at her hands.

Minutes later, she heard the gate open and she was
excited. This was her chance to start over and be free
from her mother's family.
The door knock followed a minute later and she went to
open the door as her grandmother walked back into the
sitting room.

Kopano looked at his baby sister.

"Hey you."
She smiled as she hugged him.
"Hello and tanki.."
Shr shouldn't even be thanking him..Kopano said in his
head. He was supposed to take care of them. He broke
the hug and looked at the old woman.
"Dumela…you can take her, I-"
She stopped midway as Kopano had already shifted his
attention and was walking inside the house to get
Eana's suitcase.
"Is this all?"
Eana nodded.
"Okay, let's go."

He let Eana get out first and he followed. He stood by

the door.
"Thank you. Go siame."
He closed the door on his way out and that was that.
The last time he'd ever be in that house. Eana walked to
the gate and opened it for him as he carried her bag.
"What did you put in here? Bricks?"
"Some of my books. How long will it take?"
"Two hours and we'll be in Gaborone. Ranewa won't be
home though…"
"She has class till two but you'll be comfortable."
She nodded. Anywhere that was not where she currently
lived was okay.



Ranewa put her book in her tote bag and she was one
of the first people to walk out after the lesson was over.
She checked the time, should she bunk the lessons so
she can wait for hee sister at home? It wasn't as if what
she was studying was that hard…she blew a breath.

She promised herself she'd make a name for herself.

She walked past the water fountain.
That person wasn't talking to her was he? She
continued to walk and she stopped when someone
stopped in front of her.
She looked at the five dreadlocks on his head. Why did
people do the things they do? The dreadlocks didn't
even look nice for that matter.
"Can I get your number?"
She pursed her lips pretending to think.
Sbe tried to walk past him but he blocked her way.
"Please, we can start of being friends…"
"I don't want friends."
He looked at her sweet face. What would it take to
convince her? Netflix and chill? It was easy to get the
girls like that, order some pizza or KFC and by the end
of the night he'd get some and he'd delete the number.
Her voice was also sweet, and maybe if he liked the sex
they could date. He was too young to settle for bad sex.
"I can be your friend, we can Netflix and chill later since
it's a Friday."
She didn't respond.
"I'll bring the pizza and the snacks, can I have your
number tlhemma."
Ranewa sighed.
"No. You'll catch a case."
His eyes widened. What did she mean? Girls could
accuse innocent men of rape and-
"I see what you are trying to do. It's not going to work on
me. I'm seventeen now move I have to go."

His jaw dropped. Seventeen? In University?

He stepped aside and she smiled at him.
"And cut those dreads. They are horrible."

She walked away and he rubbed his jaw, offended.

"Ha se gore o montle!"(it's not like you're beautiful)

She laughed.
"Ke eng ne lo mpatla ee?(why did you want me) Cut
those dreads."

Ranewa walked away shaking her head. She walked

into the cafeteria. She should go to the other one. She'll
get a fulfilling meal and wait for her next class which is in
an hour.

She walked out of the cafeteria and took out her phone
to check the time. Just a few more hours till she goes
home and sees her sister and a few more till she gets to
see he rather again. After more than twelve years. Life
could be better again.

She had to believe that life would be better again once

they were all together. They could be normal again and-

Was she crying? She chuckled and rubbed her eyes so

no one could think she was crazy for crying in the middle
of the school. She looked around and no one was
paying attention to her. Good.

With that resolve, she walked to the other cafeteria,

trying not to get lost in her thoughts.


Two hours later, Kopano had arrived with Eana and he

unlocked the door. The place was too small for them but
they made plans on how to make it better.
Eana looked around and it was so clean. She knew both
her siblings had a hand in it's cleanliness. They liked
things organised better and you'd never tell things were
short, if they decided to organise.

Kopano went to put the bag besides Ranewa's suitcase.

There was a bed and it was pushed into the wall. It
wasn't even a big bed, it was a single bed and next to it
was a mattress and there were two more mattresses
against the wall.
"You'll adjust okay?"
She nodded. She left Gaborone when she was twelve
and now she was back. She breathed out.
"I'll be here on my own every day?"
Kopano rubbed the back of his head. He had waited for
Eana ro be here to tell her the good news.
"Sit down.."

She sat down and he sat next to her. It seemed like her
brother had something serious to say.
"We've been holding off these news till you were here
after your exams.."
"Mama is being released from prison tomorrow."

Eana looked at her brother and she chuckled.

"Wa tshameka akere?"(You're joking right?)
He shook his head. Eana's kittle laugh died but it
resurrected into a bitter one and Kopano was confused.
"And you think it's fine, to be happy that she is coming

Kopano kept a blank face.

"What are you trying to say Eana?"

Queen Of Hearts


She looked her brother dead in the eye.

"She is a danger…she tried to kill our father and
kidnapped us."
"Tell me you're joking and you don't mean that."
Her brother's blank face almost had her changing her
mind but this was her opinion.
"I'm not."

Kopano took a moment to breath.

"Eana, you believe a man who chased you out of his
house at twelve years?"
"He raised me and I don't know what I did becau-"

She paused. She's never seen her brother angry before.

"Did you ask us? He raised you? He barely paid
attention to you while I took care of you and your sister."
"No one asked you too."
"Well mama did and if you feel like you can't live with her
in the house go to the father who took 'care' of you or
you want to go to the grandmother who berates you or
the aunt who hates you?"
"Answer me!"
His raised voice scared her and she shook her head.
"That's what I thought. That woman, you think you hate
js your mother and she sacrificed a lot for you to hate
her, if I had been in her position, you wouldn't be
existing at this exact moment but she has a big heart
and she loves you more than life itself.."

Eana wasn't the type to cry but she held back tears and
she quickly wiped them.
"When she is ready she'll let you know about her
struggles and the circumstances of your birth but that
doesn't mean we love you any less. You seriously can't
believe people who hate you more than anything…for
once…just use your head."

She quickly nodded and wiped her falling tears. Her

brother pinched his nose bridge, breathing out and she
"If you have more questions please ask mama and even
Ranewa, the man you want defend do you know he
almost choked your sister to death? Remember when
Ranewa were that poloneck to school but it was hot?"

Eana nodded. She remembered asking Ranewa if she

wants to fry herself in the sun and her sister had said
nothing. She had just cried randomly and her eyes had
already been red. She had ignored because Ranewa
was more or less the cry baby among them.
"Your sister could have been dead and mother had been
doing us a favour by running away with us because that
man hates us. He hates us so much and he had her
jailed for self defence, how would you have felt if the
police had put you in jail for beating your near rapist?"
Eana licked her dry lips. This was new information to
"Ranewa almost died?"
He sighed

He got up.
"I need to get some air."
He walked out leaving her alone in the room and Eana
rubbed her eyes. She swallowed and rubbed her eyes

At prison, Itumeleng sat down with her therapist. This

was her last day in this prison and it felt so surreal.
"How are you feeling?"

She breathed out and rubbed her eyes, the tears just
rolling down her cheeks.
"It feels like a dream. When it was a further date, it didn't
seem so real but now? It-"
"It's okay, take a deep breath."
"I'm going to see my babies. I last saw my girls when
they were toddlers and they might have forgotten me."

She cried into her hands. She was going to be on her

best behaviour and she didn't want to go back there.
She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes, sniffing.

"I'm scared of their reaction to me.."

"They will take time to adjust but they will…"
"They are teenagers, what if they hate me? Kopano
doesn't but what if his sisters hate me? I don't think I'll
be okay with my children hating me."
She looked the other way.
"But you will get to know them, they are no longer five
and four. It's going to be a task but it will be worth it."
She nodded.
"I hope so."

Gotlhe looked at her notes.

"Your husband still hasn't signed the divorce papers."
"Thank you for trying. I'll just see what to do when I'm
out. I'll work and save money for a lawyer.."
"Actually, you don't have to.."
Gotlhe felt this was the time to tell her patient.
"So I have to stay married to him? That man will kill me
and I don't want to die..I escaped his wrath once and I'm
not sure if I'll escape the second time."
"I have a lawyer working on it, I know this will sound
forward but I'm trying to get justice for you."
"It might not be possible. He might buy people off."
"I don't want to give you false hope but I'll keep in touch
and he'll pay."

She just nodded. Not really believing that that would

happen. It was better not to have expectations because
expectations meant you were susceptible to hurt and
pain and she didn't want to go through that.

Ranewa called her boss as she walked to the small gate

to catch a combi.
"What do you want? And before I forget, don't come
"A day off? Thanks. So…"
She heard him sigh and she laughed.

"So my mother is getting released tomorrow."

"So you've said…"
"Uhm it's a small favour, can you take me and my
brother to go get her? Getting a cab would be costly."

She heard another sigh.

"You can deduct the money for your kind heartedness
from my salary.."
He chuckled.
"I won't deduct your salary and what time?"
"Kopano said ten am, you can come pick us at half
eight..thank you so so much."
"You twisted my heart."
She laughed more.
"It worked. Thank you so much, I'll make sure the
laundry is top notch next week."
"Go sharpo Ranewa."
"Thank you Mr Botshelo. God will bless you.."
"Now you are really trying to make me laugh."

He cut the call and she chuckled as she tapped her

student id the gate and passed. She looked at the sun,
peaking from the the grey clouds.

Time to go home and see her sister. She couldn't wait.

Queen Of Hearts


Ranewa walked along the road as she held her

umbrella. She opened the gate, her excitement making
her rush to the house. She knocked for a single second
before she opened the door. She grinned, dropping the
umbrella down and walking to the bed to put her bag
down as she hugged her sister.
"Look at you, you've gotten so big. Hiii."
Eana smiled as she hugged Ranewa a bit tighter. Her
sister almost died?
"I missed you too." Ranewa rubbed her sister's back and
looked at her brother who was laying on the mattress.
She smiled at him and she broke the hug then moved
back to look at her sister. Now between the both of
them, people might start to say Eana is older than her.
"I missed you so much." Ranewa went on and smiled.
"Did you guys eat? Should I make something?"
Kopano rubbed the back of his head and Eana looked st
Kopano. She just arrived and she didn't want to be
"Fine! I'll cook. You'll miss my cooking once I get
Eana chuckled.
"But how have you been? Hmm?"
She looked into Eana's eyes.
"School was school and I've been okay, besides that
incident from two months back."
"Good to hear. Kopano did you tell her the good news?"
He nodded and looked at his phone.
"Mama is coming back and I can't wait….she missed so
much of our lives and it would be nice to update her.."
Eana just nodded as Ranewa turned her attention to
their brother.
"Kopano, I asked Botshelo to drop us and pick us up
when we get mama…"
Kopano looked up from his phone. The man already
showed that he wasn't going to harm them and one less
problem. What if in a combi people recognise her and
they start talking about them and their mother on social
media? People had no limits and that would just draw
unnecessary attention to them.
"That's okay."
"Okay..Good. Now that's out of the way let me go cook."
She sat on the bed and started untying her shoes before
she slid her feet in her slides.

Eana looked around as she laid on the bed. so this was

really happening?

Two hours later, the siblings were all seated on the

mattress as they ate their food in silence. It wasn't the
awkward silence but it was the silence that came with
being content and hoping everything works out after the
"As much as we went through hell, we have a lot to be
grateful about."
Ranewa started off softly as she stabbed her macaroni
with the fork.
"We survived…a lot." She breathed out. She survived.
She was alive. Healthy and with her siblings and her
mother was coming out. It was a full circle moment for
her, for them.
"And we stuck together." Kopano added.
"Kana that day when the police came to get her, she
wanted us to stick always be this close."
It was in that moment that Eana started to kind of
remember the day or was she making it up? She looked
at her plate, trying to recall. She couldn't remember the
face, no one showed her a picture of her mother but
Kelebogile always hated Ranewa a bit more always
talking about her looking like their mother so in her little
mind she replaced the faceless woman with Ranewa's
face. She-a woman carried her and walked with her, she
had a firm but lovely voice.
She quickly lifted her head.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded.
"Yes…just thinking."
"Okay…don't think too much about whatever you are
thinking about."
She leaned against the bed posts and nodded.
"What did you do with the money?"
"It's still in my account. It hasn't been touched. It is a lot
of money but it feels kind of guilty and illegal to splurge
all of it just because we didn't work for it. Money has to
be saved and we've struggled for too long to misuse it."
Eana nodded. What was she going to do on days here.
Her mother will be here and she still didn't get the full
story but she'll ask and come to her own conclusions.
She also wanted to ask Ranewa about that incident
Kopano mentioned but her sister looked happy and
you'd say it might have just been…false?


At the grandmother's house, a door knock disturbed the

old lady's peace.
"Ke eta."(I'm coming)

She opened the door and she stepped back to lool at

Mothusi. She folded her arms.
He tried that charming smile of his but she didn't budge.
She remembered asking him to send money to at least
support his children but he never did. Hos family was
rude and she didn't want to embarrass herself further.
She just nodded.
"I'm here to take the kids, Eana and Ranewa."
Queen Of Hearts

Mma Kelebogile looked at Mothusi and she clapped her
"Where are they?"
"They are not here akere o ba latlhile."(you abandoned
"They are underage.."
She looked at him astonished. What did he think he
was? He sent her daughter to prison and abandoned the
kids. Each and every day she was beginning to think
Itumeleng was right to run away with the kids, for
someone who reported kidnapping he didn't even look
after those kids.
"You didn't know that when you dumped them here?"
"With all due respect, ke kopa bana bame."(I want my
"They are not in here. Check and see for yourself."

She opened the door wider and folded her hands. She
watched him go further along the passage and open the
bedroom doors. He came back a minute later.
"Where are they?"
She shrugged.
"I don't know. You are the father, you should know. Tswa
mo ntlong yame."(leave my house)
"I'm going to report you for.."
"See if I care. Your kids can talk for themselves and at
least I gave them a roof over their heads and food…you
didn't. Tswa ha."

She closed the door in his face and she locked it. She
shook her head. That boy was also testing her. How
dare he come collect his kids after acting like he didn't
have children? Like he didn't abandon them and go live
lavishly in Gaborone? How dare he?

Mothusi walked to his car, angry lacing each and every

one of his steps. He got inside the car and hit the
steering wheel. Where could he find them? Gaborone
was big and Ranewa had been at his place months ago.
Maybe he can say he will sign her stupid papers if that is
all it took to make her the bargaining chip to get
Itumeleng to behave amd see him and drop her divorce

School. She is probably in university and that means,

Monday…he'll have to do something like what for
Ranewa outside the gate or something. Monday was too
far. Where the hell was Eana?
He rubbed his head frustrated with himself and he
placed it in the steering wheel.

He removed his head and started the car. He called the

prison and it was answered.
"Hello, Mr Mosiame here. Can't Jr be arranged that my
wife, Mrs Itumeleng Mosiame sees me tomorrow?"
"That won't be possible."

The man said and he sighed. Again. She had even told
them she didn't want to see them.
"Why?" He asked. Knowing the exact reason was that
she said no.

On duty, it was a different person who didn't know what

had been told to the people who answered the
phonecall from certain people.
"She is being released." The person said.

Mothusi paused and licked his dry lips. Released.

"Released? From prison?"
"Yes sir, on parole."
He rubbed his jaw, as he started thinking.
"What time?"
"Ten am."
"Okay, thank you."

He cut the call and reversed from where he parked his

car. Seems like he will be seeing his wife after all.


Botshelo looked around the club and how it was still not
busy. It was a bit too quiet for a Friday but then rhe sun
hadn't set in yet so people will probably come after

He looked at the waitresses who were in skirts that were

just an inch above their knees. He shook his head, still
not believing that a seventeen year old wanted to

One of his managers approached him.

"Tonight is poker night, the big guys are coming at ten."
He nodded. He had girls that worked during poker nights
and it was just a way rich men spent and wasted their
money. They didn't even know what to do with their
He saw his son walk towards the counter and he sat on
the high chair with a straight face as he placed his order.
He walked to him.
He looked at his father.
"What can I do to help around?" He asked with his deep
voice, his eyes scanning the club. The bartender came
with the drink and placed it on the counter, he greeted
his boss and proceeded to continue working.
Moemedi picked his glass, the silver rings on his veined
fingers tapping the glass lightly.
"Poker night but it's going to end late, maybe work
behind the bar?"
Botshelo sat down.
He asked with a bit of a British accent, his son literally
spent almost half of his life there by the UK because of
his mother. He was grateful they had an amiable
relationship and nothing had blurred the lines of their co-
parenting relationship.
Moemedi looked up exasperated.
"Kana your girlfriend wants me and it's not cool."

Botshelo chuckled and ruffled the tapered hair on

Moemedi's head.
"It's actually not funny. It's creepy and she was on some
I'm just nine years older than you.. "
He shuddered and brought the glass to his thick lips.
"I'll kick her out. She didn't do anything to you right?"
"No. Fortunately…can't you find a woman in her forties
"And you my boy, are not going to dictate me on who to
He raised an eyebrow and shook his head as he
continued to sip his drink.
"I'll see you later, I have to head to the office."

Moemedi watched his father walk away and he looked at

the drink in his hand, gauging the atmosphere before he
downed the drink and it burned his throat a bit but he put
the glass down.


At Broadhurst

Eana ate her second meal of the day and it was a bit
nice for her to not be the one cooking or anything.
Ranewa was perfectly fine with doing the cooking and
the dishes. Her sister walked inside the room after she
was done in the small kitchen. She got out her mattress
and removed her sandals before she started to set it up.

He looked up from his phone and looked at Eana.

"Uhm, I am really good with Fashion and Fabrics, it was
my best subject at school even…"
Kopano was waiting for her to get to the point.
"Will it be possible for you to buy me a sewing machine?
And maybe a few metres of fabric?"
Ranewa looked at Eana.
"To keep me busy while waiting for the results and all, io
can make you clothes."
Ranewa chuckled.
"You sound nervous, kana you shouldn't even be
nervous when asking us for things."
"Ranewa is right."

Eana let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.
"I'll help you look for sewing machines and re tla batla
Eana grinned. Okay. She was really good and her
teacher praised her F&F project, she can do this.
"We'll budget only three thousand from the twenty
Kopano added.
"Still cool with me. Thank youu! I love you guys."
Ranewa laughed and sat cross legged on her mattress.
"Bolope Eana. Ebile ka o designer, let me show you

She took out her phone and went to the picture she
"Look at how nice this skirt is…"
Eana looked at it then at her sister.
"If we make it a bit shorter…"
Ranewa shook her head.
"Ranny, we will need a lot of fabric and ka tswa go
"Okay fine…it will be just an inch or two above the
knees ee."
"It's a simple design. You can be my model."
"Kopi, I scored a modelling gig.."
Kopano laughed and Eana smiled.

The following day, Botshelo's car slowed down in front of
the yard and instead of getting out of rhe car, he hit the
hooter so they can know he was here. He hit it the
second time and he saw the door opening. Ranewa
walked out first and she waved at him with a big smile.
He waved back, awkwardly just as someone who looked
like a mix of Ranewa and Kopano walked out. She stood
an inch or two taller than Ranewa. Kopano walked out
and locked the door just as Ranewa and the other girl
walked to the car. Ranewa opened the back door.
"Good morning and thank you."
"Good morning.. "
"Mr Botshelo meet my little sister and Eana meet my
boss, Mr Botshelo."
"Hi kid." Kopano opened the door at the back, he slid in
making Ranewa sit in the middle.
"Hi Kopano..where am I heading?"
Kopano told him the name of the prison.
"Alright. Buckle up."

The did and rhe cat joined the road. Kopano's heart beat
a little faster at the prospect of having their mother here
with them again. For twelve years he had been praying
for this and now it was actually coming to pass? Wow.

Mothusi sprayed his best cologne as she checked the

time on his phone. A little bit after nine. He fixed his
watch and shirt collar.
"Time to bring my wife home."

He picked his car keys and walked out of his bedroom.


At Prison, Ituemeleng was wearing a blue dress that

flowed to her feet, one of the donations that are
sometimes brought for situations like this.
The blue made her complexion pop and her eyes looked
a littler brighter, hair made plaited into straight cornrows
by one of the women from prison. They always did each
other's hair and she would miss some of them. Some
were really nice and it was also hard to believe that they
were in prison. It was time for her to adjust to life outside
these walls.
"How are you feeling?" Her therapist asked.
"Nervous but a good kind of nervous."
Her parole officer approached her. She really had
nothing besides the clothes she was wearing. Thag was
all she had and owned in this life.
"Remember, be good and behave. Stay away from your
husband. You tried to kill him and it's part of your parole
to not be close to 1.5 metres next to him."
"Believe me, I'll stay away from him forever."
"Good. And I received a call that Kopano is here."
She grinned.
"We'll escorted you out. Remember our weekly meetings
and also the forms you have to fill to show employment
status if it it is there and there should be no reports on
"Ee mma."

She nodded.
"Go see your kids and love them."
She nodded as they walked her out along with two
prison officers behind her therapist and parole officer.
Her heart started beating in her chest.

Outside, Kopano stood outside the 4×4 while Ranewa

zipped her jacket standing next to her brother. How
should she behave? Should she hug her? Allow her
mother to greet her first?
Eana was next to Ranewa and she had mixed feelings
about this. She'll see and she'll get tto ask her

Inside the prison offices, Mothusi stood there. He was

waiting for his wife, he didn't know why he wasn't told in
advance about this…
Itumeleng who had a big smile on her face and escorted
by four people froze in place as her eyes befell Mothusi
who smiled.

Her therapist and parole officer looked at him, what was

he doing here?

Queen Of Hearts


At prison

Itumeleng laughed in disbelief. How bad was her luck?

She looked at her therapist. This man wanted to finish
her off and she was too young to die, she wanted to see
her kids succeed and grow more and get married.
"Mr Mosiame.."
He nodded as the parole officer walked towards him.
"You should stay far far away from Mrs Itumeleng
"She's my wife."
"Who yoh reported and was sentenced to prison for
attempted murder. She is a danger to you and you will
be breaking laws if you come near her."
He fisted his hands and the parole officer's eyes went to
the fisted hand which he quickly released and she
stepped back. At first, she thought that maybe Itumeleng
was joking saying that if that man came near her he
would kill her. It didn't seem like a joke now that she was
next to him and he didn't radiate positivity. Not even in
the slightest.

She looked at her prisoner and the therapist. The prison

guards walked over to Mothusi to push him back as
Itimeleng walked past him. The therapist looked at him
before she sweely started speaking.
"And sign those damn divorce papers."
Sbe smiled and walked past him. Mothusi's nostrils
flared. What was this? She served her sentence and she
wa still his wife, all of this was really unnecessary. The
prison guards watched him closely before one of them
"They forgot to tell you that you coming near her too is
an offence as much as her coming near you. Have a
good day."
They followed the ladies who walked out.

On the way, Itumeleng smiled as she looked at the

cloudy sky. The chill breeze made her shiver a bit and
goosebumps covered her but she didn't mind it one bit.
"If he really was a victim, why would he be here?"
Gotlhe asked and Itumeleng shrugged. That man had a
loose screw but he wasn't going to ruin her life again.
Gotlhe swore to get Itumeleng justice. The poor woman
has been so much and she hoped her lawyer friend will
also have Itumeleng compensated because twelve
years? For self-defence? It was a crazy sentence. She
will do her absolute best starting now seeing that the
said victim with his big ears decided to come get
Itumeleng. The person whom he had said he was afraid
of. Yes. She did watch the court recording and read
through the case even though she wasn't a lawyer.

Itumeleng paused again, her eyes squinting as she saw

three figures by a car.
"Is that them?"
Her parole officer nodded and Itumeleng fastened her
pace? It was close to running when she grabbed the
hem of the dress and ran towards them.
Ranewa's eyes widened and filled with tears. It felt like
she was seeing an older version of her. Her, the most
emotional one among the three went against her inner
thoughts to be calm and ran to her mother to meet her
half way.
She literally ran into her arms and kept her arms locked
around her.
Itumeleng lifted Ranewa's head with her own tears
rolling down her cheeks. Her daughter had her in a tight
grip like she'd disappear. She looked into her eyes and
at her face to see which one of her daughters she was.
She nodded as her lips trembled. She wiped her tears
and Ranewa placed her head against her mother's
warm chest sobbing.
"I missed you too baby.."
Ranewa lifted her head, mucus mixed with tears
messing up her face.
"You're real…"
She nodded and Ranewa hugged her again as she
sobbed. Itumeleng rubbed Ranewa's back as she wiped
her own tears with her hands. She licked her dry lips as
she saw her other two walking towards them.

The parole officer watched the reunion with a smile on

her face. Gotlhe looked st her.
"She deserves this."
"Yes. I agree with you. I thought you were bat sh*t crazy
for wanting the case to be reopened but I see it."
"No sane woman would kidnap her own kids with no
absolute reason. Those kids aren't afraid of her. They
love her."
"That's true."

At the back Mothusi walked out and his eyes landed on

Itumeleng and all three of his children. He didn't have to
go look for them. They were all here. He walked over to
the therapist and parole officer.
"Can it be arranged that I take my wife home?"
He asked the parole officer who was in uniform.
"We share kids."
The woman looked at him.
"Very telling that they didn't come with you? Why is

Mothusi opened his mouth and closed it. It was people

like him who though people who worked in prison were
dumb. She applied for this with her degree and she
passed really well but this was what she wanted to do.
"Please stay away from her. The court order will also be
issued." It had been well on it's way. He was supposed
to know that Ituemeleng was out on Monday.
Mothusi tried to speak but he shut his mouth. A court
order? When his wife was involved? He'll find a way.

Ranewa let go of her mother and wiped her tears away

as Itumeleng's eyes landed on Eana and Kopano. She
smiled at her first born and touched his head before she
looked at Eana.
"Hi you remember me?"

Eana blinked at her mother. She didn't know if the teats

forming in her eyes were those of anger, sadness or
elation but how can she be elated to see someone who
barely raised her.
"Can I hug you?" Itumeleng asked softly. She could see
Eana was a bit confused. She was literally a baby back
then, she probably forgot her. It hurt but she got therapy
for that. She knew that it was possible that her two girls
had forgotten her but she was glad Ranewa didn't. She
heard Ranewa sniff and Eana nodded.

Itumeleng hugged her and kissed her head.

"I'm sorry. I'll Tey my best to be present in everything.."It
was more of promise to herself. Even if it was her kids
going to the mall, she'd go there with them. She wasn't
going to water a single moment. Not even a second.
Eana breathed in as her tears wet her mother's already
wet chest.
"I love you so so much, I'll explain everything. I swear."

Eana broke the hug and wiped her tears and Itumeleng
smiled at her.
"And you know why I named you Eana? It was raining
and rain to me means it was washing away the bad
things. You were a blessing I didn't even know I need

She kissed her head, dhe could still tell she was
confused. It might be too much for her.

She opened her arms for her baby boy. He walked right
into her arms and he towered above her. He just placed
his chin on her head.
"Thank you Kopano. Tanki ngwanaka." Her children
were all here and it was more than she could ask for.
"It was a big ask but thank you so much autwe? You'll
always be my little boy."
She said. He wrapped his arms around her and she
"I love you Kopano. Thank you my boy and I'll take over
from here, allow you to be a child o kgalemelwe and
enjoy your youth without a huge responsibility on your
He blinked back his own tears as his throat choked up.
He closed his eyes as the tears trickled down.

Itumeleng rubbed his back.

"I'm here okay?" He breathed out and let go of his
mother. He rubbed his eyes and tried to smile and
Itumeleng smiled.
"You guys have gotten so big.."
Ranewa was still crying.
"Can I hug you again?"
She nodded and Eana smiled a bit. Kopano shook his
head. Ranewa was never going to beat the cry baby

Itumeleng hugged Ranewa and it was that moment that

Gotlhe and the parole officer approached.
The children greeted them as Itumeleng held Ranewa
who had her head on her shoulder now, sniffing and
fighting more teats.

"Guys this is my therapist and parole officer."

They waved at them.
"You are free to go." Her parole officer said to her. All
that needed to be said had been discussed in the last
three months.
"Thank you."

Kopano walked ahead of her as Eana walked next to

her. Her curiosity was begging her to ask her mother to
explain already but maybe when they were home.

Itumeleng looked at Ranewa.

"Feel better?"
She nodded and smiled.
"We came with a…friend."
Kopano said..unsure about how to explain this to his
"A friend?"
"Ee mma."
"Okay." They walked to the 4×4 and Botshelo say up
right, fixing his reclined seat. He watched the woman in
blue and his eyes didn't leave hers as she got to the car.

She looked at the man as Ranewa let go and walked to

the back.
Kopano opened her car door.
"You're a gentleman too. Tanki Kopi."

She got in and looked at the man again. How did they
become friends? Questions for another day.
Botshelo cleared his throat. When last was he this
Itumeleng chuckled.
"I'm the one who is supposed to greet. Dumelang and
thank you so much for bringing my kids means a
lot. Tanki."
He nodded fixing his golf t-shirt collars and Ranewa
looked at her boss.
"Ee mma. You have amazing kids. Very responsible."
"Thank you so much."
"Where would you like to go?"
"I-uhm.." She looked the other way..
"I meant, should I take you guys home?"
"If it's not a bother, can we go to the mall..If you are busy
you can take us home.." Ranewa interjected into a
conversation that was clearly none of her business.
"No…no..not at all."

He started the car and Itumeleng faced forward before

she turned to look at her kids. This was so surreal.
"I'm Botshelo." He introduced himself and she smiled
"Itumeleng. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too Itu..Itumeleng."

He reversed out of the parking spot just as Mothusi

walked to his car. He was going to follow that car.

He quickly got inside his car and breathed out. He hated

when things didn't go his way. He watched the car and
better yet, he took out his phone and took the plate
number of the car.

He stated his car and reversed as the car that had his
wife and kids drove off.

Queen Of Hearts


Itumeleng kept on checking if it was really her kids in the

backseat and Botshelo adjusted his mirror. He saw the
car that was casually following his. He was a bad man
but was it really the police?
He stopped his car by the side of the road and watched
through the mirror by his window. He adjusted it and
everyone in the car looked at him. Wondering why he
was stopping.
"One moment."
He got out of the car and they all turned their heads as
another car stopped behind the one they were in.
Mothusi who had already got the plate number stepped

Itumeleng rolled her eyes as she saw her soon to be ex-

husband. He followed them? For what reason? Kopano
sighed and Eana saw everyone's mood just drop and
they pretended not to even see the interaction.

Botshelo looked at Mothusi.

"How can I help you? Ke eng o setse koloi yame
morago?"(why are you following my car?)
Mothusi brought his hands together before he rubbed
his jaw.
"Hello. Who are you?"

Botshelo chuckled.
"My question should be who are you? Mr man, I don't
want to fight..stop following my car."
Botshelo said in a calm voice. Too calm and if it was
some other man they'd take that as a sign but no, big
headed Mothusi took it as threat to his masculinity.
He turned to try and walk away but Mothusi pulled him
"You have a married woman in your car. My wife and
kids and y-"
Botshelo's hand found Mtohusi's neck in a heartbeat and
Eana gasped from the car.

That made everyone turn and Kopano, the hidden aprt

of him enjoyed this. Ranewa had to try and not smile
because a sadistic part of her was thrilled at watching
that man suffer. Too bad she can't reveal or tell anyone
Botshelo killed, it would be nice for her to watch a bullet
go right through her head but oh well, this was close

By the road side, Mothusi tried to scratch Botshelo's

hand but he quickly let go and Mothusi sputtered.
"Now, talk to me properly.."
Mothusi choked on air as he leaned against his car. He
coughed and rubbed his neck.

"Dumela.." Botshelo nodded. Acknowledging the

greeting. There was no time to waste, he had to take the
people in his car to the mall before heading back home
to spend time with his son. He was leaving on Monday
so he had to soak up the remaining days.
"Morena, how can I help you?" His voice was casual as
if he hadn't choked the man and he was still rubbing his
"I-you are with my family in the car, that woman is a
married woman.."
"We don't have to fight, you can just tell them to come to
Mt car and we pretend this never happened."

Botshelo folded his arms.

"Aren't you the one who abandoned your kids?"
"My family matters are none of your business."
"And apparently you sent your wife to jail? Have a good
day Mr Mosiame, don't try to follow my car again or we
will have a real problem."
Botshelo turned and Mothusi fumed.
"You will be arrested."
"You too."

With that, Botshelo was on his way to his car and

Mothusi kicked his tyre.

He got inside the car and started it. Itumeleng wasn't

sure she wanted to apologise for bringing trouble to this
man's door step in the form of Mothusi.
The car was eerily silent as the car ride continued. He
checked his mirrors and he couldn't see the car
Ranewa took out her phone and started scrolling though
her timeline to fill the silence.

Botshelo stole glances at Itumeleng, Ranewa had

shared glimpses of her struggles but it wouldn't be the
same coming from Ranewa's mother would it? How old
was she? She looked fairly young…

He chastised his thoughts and focused on the road. In

less than ten minutes he was by the mall and he was
looking for parking space. She didn't even know this
mall and how she was going to cope around
people…there were a lot. She sucked in a deep breath
as the kids got out of the car.
Itumeleng looked at their driver for the day, "uhm, I'd like
to apologise.."
"For what?"
"Mothusi, he is going to be an ex soon."

Why was she explaining that? "Thank you and I hope he

didn't bother you, he is not supposed to be near me and
it's a court order."
Botshelo wanted to ask why.
"You don't have to apologise, he seems crazy."
She breathed out.
"You have no idea. Hopefully he follows the court order."
"When he was demanding you and the kids go to his
She shook her head. Her stupid sister, yes she could
call her sister stupid now saved him. He could have died
and she would have gladly served that sentence for
murder but no, Kelebogile liked Mothusi so much that
she saved him and now she has to deal with him after
her twelve years of peace.
"I'll notify my parole officer about that."
"Do you think you'll be safe? Considering that he was
following the car…"

Itumeleng covered her face with her hands. And she

knew jf he got her hands on her he'd try to kill her.
"This is a mess and it's only been less than three hours
since I've been out."

Outside, Ranewa stole glances at her boss and mother.

"What do you think they are talking about?"
"Mothusi following us." Kopano added as he looked at
the sky, the sun was out and the clouds were slowly
clearing out. Gaborone and it's changing weather. You'd
never know what to expect.
"Hopefully he stays away."
Ranewa whispered under her breath. She just wanted to
be happy with her siblings and mother. She was short of

The door opened and Itumeleng walked out with a little

"So what are we doing in the shops?"
"To buy clothes and food." Ranewa asked as she stood
closer to her mother till she had her hand on her arm.
Itumeleng could see that her daughter was trying to be
as physically close to her as she could.
"I'll wait here."
Ranewa nodded and he watched them walk away.
Seems like their father was really messed up. He was a
f*cked up man but not to his kid and significant other.

He took out his phone.

"Hello, track my car and follow it discreetly. I need you to
watch over a place."
"I don't do stalking and it's n-"
"Just this weekend. I'll pay extra."
The call cut and he had thought he had told that man to
stop following him but no, he could see the black car
drive around to try and find a parking spot.

Inside the mall, they walked inside a chinese clothing

"You and Eana can pick clothes.."
Itumeleng breathed out, she didn't want to depend on
her kids. They were kids and Kopano walked closer to
his mother.
"It's okay…we got you. We promise." Now they were
going to make her cry in a shop…

She sniffed and nodded. She won't take much just so

she doesn't use all their money.

"While you guys shop, let me buy the food ro make

everything easier." With that Kopano was gone, leaving
the ladies in the shop. Eana had picked a few things and
the more time she spent around her mother, it was
slowly dawning on her that she had indeed been fed
"Eana are you sure?" Ranewa asked as she looked at
the green top. What about more neutral colours?
"I'm sure."
She nodded with a grimace. She checked her back
pocket for her card. She should have cashed some
"Okay, give me ten minutes ke ye go casher.."

She walked out and Eana looked at her mother.

"I still remember bits.."
"And it means a lot to me that you still remember
something, let's look around while waiting for your
They walked side by side.

Outside, Ranewa found an ATM and she joined rhe

short line. She hummed as she moved forward. Her
hand was grabbed and she turned. Was it a thief? She
didn't even use the latest touch screen phone. It was an
old Huawei…
Her eyes widened before they narrowed in on her father.
She let out a loud scream and security came to her
rescue as they grabbed Mothusi.
"He was harassing me." Her eyes filled with tears and
she sniffed.
"We'll take him you know him?"
"I've never seen him in my life…"
They nodded and took him away as she looked at her
wrist. That man always ruins everything. Why was he
still breathing?

She sighed
Queen Of Hearts


Ranewa got her money and she walked back to the

store. She found her mother and sister still looking
around. She walked behind them.
"If you guys are done, we can go pay.."
They both turned.
"We are done." She let them walk ahead of her to put
the items by the counter as the Chinese man started to
scan the clothes.
"That will be seven hundred."
Ranewa nodded and Itumeleng watched. They were so
responsible and she blamed herself for not being there,
they were kids.

Ranewa paid for everything and Eana offered to carry

the plastics.
Meanwhile in the small office owned by the mall security
company, Mothusi was on the chair as he was
"Why did you harass a little girl?"
"I didn't harass her, she is my daughter."
The man looked at Mothusi like he was crazy.
"She doesn't know you. Lona ke lona ba le beteletsang
bathong."(you are the type that rapes people)
"She's my daughter, why-"
"Then call her. Akere she's your daughter?"
He blinked. He didn't have any of their numbers.
"I don't have her number."
"Then you are lying."
"I'm no-"
A hot slap thundered on his cheek and it had his head
reeling back at the sheer force of it and the man asking
him questions held Mothusi by the collar.
"That is for harassing little girls! After this you'll never
come near a little girl ever again. You lot don't make our
daughters and sisters feel safe. Get out."
He let him go and Mothusi still couldn't get over the slap,
his cheek burned and he breathed out in anger. The
man took out his black security stick and Mothusi held
"If I dare see you around, you'll know me."

Gotlhe and her lawyer friend had managed to get the

records that were said evidence twelve years ago.
They watched the clip and it only showed the part where
Itumeleng came to stab him again and ran with the kids.
"It's not complete. He bought the people who presented
The lawyer went through the records.
"Apparently it was malfunctioning."
Gotlhe shook her head.
"Ng ng…I know cctv footage, they cut it short and the
people who were working with Mothusi were probably in
his pocket."

The lawyer took out another disk.

"Luckily, someone got me this.."
Gotlhe looked up at him, her eyes sparkling and her
friend chuckled.
"Someone owed me a favour and started digging for me
the last three months. It's that day's footage."
The removed the one that was currently playing and put
the one that just arrived.
Theh watched it, seeing a woman.
"She had said she saved him."
"I remember reading up on that. It was Itumeleng's
Gotlhe nodded and they watched, fast forwarding a few
times till they saw Mothusi. It switched to the kitchen
camera and there it was, that first slap that surprised his
"You can tell it wasn't her first time being hit."
Her lawyer friend said. Gotlhe was focused on the clip
and she gasped.
"He-he..that's rape."
The lawyer watched.
"This is enough evidence to have the case reopened
and investigated again."
Gotlhe tapped on the little figure watching from the
"Sh*t! The kid, he saw that…"
Gotlhe stood up, pausing the clip.
"This changes everything..every single thing."

She covered her mouth. The breakthrough they needed.

"On top of him acting like he owned Itumeleng today,
there is new information and that means he can go to
jail, the case can be reviewed. Itumeleng will be free."
"And refusing to sign the divorce papers is suspicious."
"And you know what else got to me, his kids didn't come
with him to get their mother. He possibly could have
done something to him. I've been putting off asking them
questions but it's time."
"I also got a list of the police officers who went to get
Itumeleng. It was funny because a missing person's
case wasn't opened. It was all hush hush until he got
"That bast@rd. We got him."

She sat down and pressed continue. The kid walked

away and she saw the exact moment, the moment when
Itumeleng grabbed the knife and stabbed him. It was in
self defence, this as a woman tired of all the abuse and
she was fed up.

She paused the clip. Monday they are getting the ball
rolling, if he had someone in his pocket, obviously the
case will drag but now, it was time for her to ask for help,
she had not wanted to but she had to ask and give it a
Her lawyer friend continued playing the clip and that was
when they saw the sister.
"It sounds evil but that sister shouldn't have saved him.
From the doctor's reports, that man was in a coma and
he nearly died. If she didn't save him he would have
"She hates her sister, even from her testimony on the
witness stand."
"Why have enemies with sisters like that? Anyway, thank
you. Monday this case is being reopened."
"And it's interesting to work on it, makes you think about
all the people in prison for crimes they didn't commit all
because some people are rich enough to buy their way
"We make a mean team don't we?"
He nodded.
"We sure do."


An hour later, Itumeleng and the girls were in the car

with their bags with them. They had clothes, toiletry and
were just waiting for Kopano with the food. Botshelo
kept on stealing glances at Itumeleng as she turned to
look at her daughters. Ranewa was telling her about
some module she hated at school and you could tell her
mother was really interested to know everything about
her children. She was soaking up every word that was

Eana said a few words and she smiled as Ranewa told

her about Eana sewing.
"Really? I used to do Home Economics in Junior school
and I sewed something but quickly switched to Home
Management in Senior school. I can't wait to see what
you make.."
"I'm already the model.."
Itumeleng threw her head back and laughed.

Mothusi sat in his car, he saw Kopano pushing the

trolley. This was his one chance. He was going to follow
them home, discreetly now. He saw the car Kopano was
walking towards…that man annoyed him so much.

By the car, Kopano opened the back part of the car to

put the plastics there. When he was done, he pushed
the trolley a certain distance away from the car and
jogged to the car. He got inside.
"Everyone got what they needed?"
He nodded.
"Yes. Thank you so much." Ranewa said and the car

Botshelo's car slowed down in front of the two and a

half. The kids got out first and they got the stuff.
"Bye and thank you Mr Botshelo.c

He nodded as Itumeleng stayed back.

"I just arrived but I'm a bit curious to know how my kids
know you."
She just wanted to make sure her kids were safe, it was
twelve years too late but she promised that they'd be
kids and she will be the adult that they don't have to be
the providers.

"She does laundry every two weeks and she gets paid
one thousand a month."
Itumeleng nodded.
"You have responsible kids and it's not my place to say
but you can relax a bit, you don't have to have
everything figured out."

She leaned back in the car seat.

"How when you have been absent for the last twelve
years and you want to be a mother again?"
"Take it one step at a time, if you need someone to talk
to I'll be here."
She looked at him and nodded.
"Thank you…My life is already complicated and the last
time, I had an innocent man drawn into this…"
He chuckled.
"How when you are likely the innocent person in this
"The law didn't favour me and I had time to accept that..I
She saw Kopano walk towards the car to get more of the
groceries in the back. From hereon she'd have to find a
"I think I have to go. Thank you you for today, you're a
kind man."
"And you are a beautiful woman."
Itumeleng smiled shyly as she got out if the car with the
two plastic bags that were at her feet and closed the
"Did you get everything?"
She asked Kopano who as walking towards the small

She waved as the car started and he waited for her to

get inside the house and drove off.
As he drove off, Mothusi who had parked his car
randomly next to some house, drove closer to the gate.
He switched off his headlights and he got out of the car,
unaware that he was being watched too.

He walked to the gate and opened it before he closed it.

His footsteps were quiet and the weather? The clouds
had gathered again making it seem late when it was
only four in the afternoon. He knocked on the door and
waited for the door to open.

Inside the house, Ranewa was in the other room

packing the groceries as Kopano laid on the mattress.
"There is a door knock."
Eana said as she got up from the bed.
"Maybe it's Botshelo and we forgot something in his
Itu said as she looked around. This reminded her of the
place she stayed with the three of them when she was
on the run.

Eana walked past the other mattresses..

She unlocked the door and opened it. Her eyes widened
and she tried to close the door but Mothusi used his
strength to push the door open and force his way inside
the house…

Itumeleng's eyes widened as she quickly got up and

Kopano blinked and chuckled. No f*cking way!

Queen Of Hearts


Mothusi who was oblivious to the kids looked at

"You'll never outrun me, tell them that I'm your husband."
He laughed. He actually laughed and Ituemeleng stood
frozen there, taken back to the abuse that was years
ago when she was powerless, when she couldn't do a
thing or she'd almost reach the pearly gates of heaven
that day. The trauma made her stay rooted there as
tears rolled down her cheeks.
"You are mine and you better remember that!" He
Kopano took large steps towards his father, his hands
balled up into large fists.
Kopano was in front of him before he could utter any
more rubbish and he swung his fist at him as he towered
over his father.
"For seventeen f*cking years…I let you..get away with
Kopano seethed. Teeth clenched and jaw locked in tight
with the veins on his neck popping in that moment.

Mothusi's usual anger at not getting his way and his

word not being law got to him as he raised his hands but
Kopano used both of his hands to strangle him while
pushing him outside. Eana's eyes widened as her heart
thundered in her chest and the other door opened as
Ranewa came rushing out.
"Wh-" Her breath caught in her throat at the commotion
that was taking place.

She walked past her mother and sister and was met by
the sigh of Kopano whose eyes were filled with blood
curdling rage as he pinned his father against the wall.
"How does it feel? Being helpless and defenseless like
when you beat me? Like when you strangled Ranewa to
death or when you beat mother?"
Mothusi's eyes bulged as Kopano chuckled darkly. His
grip tightened on his neck as Ranewa watched with
folded hands. She wasn't calling help. She actually
wanted to see this man suffer. It didn't erase what
happened but made it hurt a little less. She held back
tears as she sniffed.
Kopano let him go ad he slumped down but he pushed
his father on the dusty ground and got on top of him to
punch him.
"This is for everything you put us through. Every f*cking
thing you did."
He hit him squarely in the jaw and then the nose,
Mothusi started bleeding.
"I'm not that young boy anymore, I will kill you for

Itumeleng who had been left alone in the house

snapped out of those painful memories of her past life.
She shook her head and wiped the tears that had wet
her cheeks. She sniffed for a moment before she heard
the grunts and fist sounds from outside. She was even
alone in the house. Good God! She rushed outside and
her hands flew to her mouth as Kopano's fist flew in the
air and it wasn't stopping. He had Mothusi pinned on the
ground and bleeding.

"Kopano!" Her shrill voice cut through the fight but her
son didn't stop on her account. It was as if she didn't say

Kopano didn't stop. Not for a single second. He

watched Mothusi swallow his blood as he threw in
another and another punch till his mother pulled him
back by his waist. He didn't relent but he ended up
letting his mother pull him off Mothusi whose face was
covered in blood and if one didn't know the damn
bastard they'd say he didn't deserve this.

"Kopi, look at me…" Her voice was soft, nurturing.

She held his face and she had seen rage before..from
her husband but it wasn't the kind that was on Kopano's
face and it actually scared her as she trembled lightly,
the sweat breaking out of his skin and covering his

Meanwhile the man who had been watching, hadn't

even needed to lift a finger to go check before that
strange dude was hauled outside and the living
daylights were beaten out of him. He chewed his gum as
he put back the knife in his pocket and fixed the bucket
hat on his head.

He called Botshelo.
"Hello? I'm driving.."
"I think you might need to make a u-turn…go maswe go
ha.."(it's bad)
There was a bout of silence before Botshelo was on the
phone again.
"What's happening?"
"Some man had been following you, sharpo he enters
the yard and I was about to leave my car but two
minutes ke yoo ba mo kgametse mo leboteng."(they
choked him against the wall)
"I'm on my way back."

The call cut and the man watched from his car, the
women were safe. They beat that man real good. He
clapped his hands in the car and continued to chew the
bubblegum loudly.

Inside the yard, Mothusi coughed up blood and Ranewa

glared at him.
"Wena? Stay put." Eana looked around shocked. He
really tried to attack them and they did nothing. Nothing
at all.

Ranewa walked into the house and came with her

phone as she looked at Mothusi. She pushed down her
anger but tears filled her eyes as she walked over to him
and stepped on him, pushing his back on the ground
and she hit his face with the phone.
"You nearly killed me! J was a child! I did nothing!"

The teats fell on her father's face.

"You touched me at night…How can a father do that to
his own daughter?"
Itumeleng's eyes widened in shock, Eana's mouth
dropped and Kopano's thoughts raced in his head at
"You! The one who was supposed to protect me! Me!!!"
Ranewa dropped the phone and threw in her weak
punches as tears mixed with mucus flowed down ti her
"Putting your hand in my panties, my barely there
Her voice shook as she hit him again and again, the
punches getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

She sniffed and stopped hitting him as her mother pulled

her back. Ituemelng who thought she had the situation
under control as she hugged Ranewa who cried, her
sobs tearing ag her heart as she rubbed her back, saw
Kopano jumping on Mothusi and delivered another blow
and they could hear the crack.

Eana winced as Ranewa cried louder and Itumeleng

held her tighter.

She looked at Ranewa.

"I'm so so sorry my baby, I wasn't there to protect
you…I'm so sorry."

Mothusi who still had his swollen eyes open looked at

his son panel beating him.

The 4×4 parked outside and Botshelo literally jumped

out of his car as he rushed to the scene. Kopano got off
Mothusi and he wiped his bloody hands with his jeans. It
took a minute for Botshelo to take in the scene. He could
tell emotions were high and Ranewa was wailing in her
mother's arms.

Kopano breathed in, reigning in his emotions as he blew

out a deep breath and looked at Mothusi fighting for his
life on the ground.
"Eana, bring my phone."

He looked up as his heart beat slowly went to normal

and the sweat trickled down to his chin, his body hot and
the t-shirt he was wearing suddenly too hot for him.

Botshelo wondered who he should be asking about what

just happened. From the people here's perspective.

"What happened?"
He asked. Eana was shell shocked as she handed
Kopano the phone, all surprised as if she didn't beta a
grown man a few months ago and Ranewa couldn't stop

Kopano's anger simmered again the more he looked at

Mothusi, his jaw ticked as he resisted the urge to go get
the knife from the house to stab him and complete what
his mother failed to do. His chest heaved and he
extended his hand to get the phone from Eana. His
hand quickly quipped around the phone, he tried to
count to three to push back those thoughts but…

He chuckled. He actually had a lot to say before he

called the police. He crouched in front of Mothusi who
was trying to sit against the wall, his face a bloody mess
and his teats mixed with it.
"So..not only did you try to kill her, you molested her?"

He bit his inner cheek before he threw in another punch.

"You are so sick!" His won daughter but this man was a
monster it shouldn't surprise him but to think his little
sister went through that. He held Mothusi's face roughly.
"Look at me! You are a despicable human
being…deserving of nothing.."
Kopano twisted Mothus's neck and Itumeleng closed her
eyes hearing a little crack. Botshelo had to hold Kopano
"If he dies, you'll have a case. His day is coming. Sooner
than expected."
He said to Kopano..

Kopano breathed hard and closed his eyes.

Queen Of Hearts


At Broadhurst

Botshelo patted Kopano's back and stepped back for a

minute to take in what just happened. Eana stood by the
corner visibly shaking and Ranewa was still sniffing, her
mother still trying to soothe her. The air heavy with what
just happened.

Botshelo walked over to Itumeleng who didn't know what

to say or how to explain the situation. One minute they
were packing their things away and she had been
preparing to talk to her kids before Mothusi came and
ruined the mood.
"Let me call the police." She nodded. She never
followed Mothusi, he did all of that on his own and she
didn't know what he wanted from her that he didn't take.
He had taken her freedom and kids, what more did he
want from her? All she wanted to be was free. Free from
him. She blinked back tears and cleared her throat as
Botshelo walked a few steps away.

"Hello, there is a situation that needs your attention in

"What situation?"
He looked at Itumeleng and he knew if he said it was a
case of stalking they might take their sweet time.
"An ex-convict."
"We're on our way. Give us the directions and name of
the ex-convict."

He did before they cut the call and he pocketed his

"The police are on the way." His voice was loud so
everyone could hear him and Kopano nodded. He
looked at his bloody hands and he breathed out. His
lone tear rolled down his cheek. What if they take him to
prison for assault? He laughed, he actually laughed and
everyone turned to look at him.
Ranewa had moved her head away from her mother's
chest and stared at her brother.
"It will be quite comical if I get arrested for this because
my mother spent years in prison for self defence."

Mothusi sputtered blood on the ground and Kopano

glared at him, the hatred burning in Kopano's eyes
scared Eana who staggered back and Mothusi who
closed his now swollen eyes to not meet his son's gaze.
"It's your fault…you just didn't want to treat us right.."
"Kopano! He's not worth it." Itumeleng's soft voice
intervened and her son shook his head.
"Prison might be too lenient on him, he made you suffer
mom..for years on end, he made me and Ranewa suffer
for years. We did nothing wrong.." His voice carried
years of pain and hate.

Kopano crouched to Mothusi's level, "You'll rue the day

you decided to lay your hands on us and it's not a threat.
It's a promise."
He got up and shook his hands before he looked at the
dried up blood on his hands and he was grateful his t-
shirt was black so the blood stains didn't show.

The silence? It was defeaning and it was the rumble of

thunder broke it…

Botshelo wondered how a man could single handedly

destroy a family like this? There were people who would
kill for this kind of family, a loving wife and beautiful
smart kids. Mothusi destroyed this and here, all he could
see was broken people..their hearts were broken and all
because of one man.


At Prison

Gotlhe who was packing her stuff in her bag, frowned

when there was a frantic knock on her door. She quickly
walked to the door as Itumeleng's parole officer stood by
the door.
"We have a problem."
"It hasn't been a day and already there is a problem."

Gotlhe's head moved back by a fraction.

The parole officer nodded and she sighed.
"Jesus! Must be that lunatic of a husband. This time we
are forcing him to sign the divorce papers."
"Let's go. We are needed and also since you are the
therapist assigned to her."
"Let me get my bags."
She quickly walked behind her desk to get her things
and got her keys.

The parole officer was already out of the office and she
quickly got out and locked her office before following,
her once inch heels making a sound on the tile.


The police sirens could be heard from a distance and

Botshelo looked at everyone. I called the police, they will
ask questions and you'll tell them the truth right?
They nodded and Ranewa let go of her mother and
walked over to her brother. Kopano's eyes twinkled with
"You should have told me Ranny." He half whispered to
her and her lips trembled as she hugged him. He
brought his arms around her but he didn't touch her.
"I-I know…I just wanted to forget about it."
"You'll get justice okay?"
Shr nodded. Itumeleng got teary looking at her children.
Regardless of how much their father hurt them, they
loved one another just as deeply.

The sirens got closer and closer till they saw the police
van outside. Itumeleng breathed into her hands. She did
nothing wrong but she was fearful of what will happen to
her son.

Another car parked behind the police van and she saw
more than three police officers.
A little gasped escaped her lips. Was she that much of a
criminal for them to send this number of police officers?
Her gulp was audible and Ranewa who was still hugging
her brother looked up at him.
"I'll be fine Ranny."
"I just pray they don't arrest you. You did nothing wrong."
He sighed. Knowing the justice system, his dog father
might cheat it again and walk away scott free.
He licked his dry lips and Eana slowly walked over to
her brother.
"I'm sorry." She apologised to him as the police walked
into the yard.
"I didn't know the extent and I'm so sorry Ranewa. I'm so
sorry Kopano."
"You were a child Ea,.."
She rubbed her eyes as she looked over to her mother.
To think she had doubted her. Her mother didn't even
need to explain anything, what she heard here had
already hurt her and her mother deserved a hug.
She nodded at her siblings and Itumeleng was surprised
when Eana hugged her.
"It will be okay…this is just another hurdle."
She comforted.

The police got closer and behind them were Gotlhe and
Itumeleng's parole officer.
The police officer greeted and everyone nodded.
Mothusi grunted in pain as one of the police officers
looked at him then saw Kopano's bloody hands.
"What happened here?"
He asked and Itumeleng looked at Mothusi then at the
man who was besides Itumeleng.

Gotlhe took in the scene. This man was getting on her

nerves and he wasn't even bothering her.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's all go to the police station
to sort this out."

Mothusi tried to get up but his head spinned and it felt

like the earth was shifting he held onto the wall to try
and stand up right but he fell to the ground. One of the
police officers got up to help him stand on his feet.
Ranewa let go of her brother and walked to the house to
get her phone and also lock rhe house as everyone
proceeded to walk out.

"I'll drive with them behind the police car."

He told the police officers and they nodded. Itumeleng
and her kids walked towards Botshelo's car. His phone
vibrated in his pocket as he looked at Moemedi call.
"One moment." He unlocked the cat and stepped away
from it to answer
"It looks like it's about to rain, forget about the braid but
are you done with what you were doing?"
"Not yet. Give me another hour."

His son cut the call and he breathed out. He had to wrap
this up and go spend time with his son. He sees him
twice a year and that was not even enough time. He
hoped he was going to move back home once he
graduates but it seemed like Moemedi liked Europe
more. His heart clenched but he brushed it off as he got
inside his car. It was eerily quiet as he started it and
waited for the police car and the other car behind it to
join the road before he also followed.
Itumeleng got lost in her own thoughts. Was this bad
luck? Was this some form of witchcraft on her life? Can't
things just move easily?


At the prison

One of the workers received a call.

"Hello, how can we help you?"
"I would like to arrange a visit with Itumeleng Mosiame?"
"Who are you?"
"Puso…Puso Puso.."

The worker went through the records.

"She is out."
There was a long pause.
"Yes. On parole.."
"Okay. Thank you."

The call cut.

Queen Of Hearts


At the police station

Everyone was put in the same room and Mothusi had

been given a were cloth to wipe his face. His face
looked so bad and everyone waited for him to speak
since he seemed like he was a victim with his swollen

Mothusi coughed into the cloth. He opened one eye and

only because the other eye refused to open.
"I-I was attacked."
Gotlhe rolled her eyes as his statement was being
recorded. No one interrupted him. Mothusi massaged
his jaw and looked down.

"I just wanted to see my wife and kids."

"Why? Did they want to see you?" The police officer
interrogating him asked.
"Thye don't have to decide that, they are my family."
He shook his head and looked at the rest of the people.
This man's statement was unreliable and from what they
were briefed on, he wasn't supposed to see Itumeleng
because he put her in prison and he was told that

"Can I get the full story?"

He asked Itumeleng who nodded. She looked at her
"He was here when I was released and my parole officer
and therapist told him he is not allowed near me. Turns
out he followed the car that came to pick me up and this
gentleman here politely warned him to not do that
because I didn't see the car follow us. After shopping,
minutes later after the gentleman dropped us off, he
knocked on the door and my youngest opened the door
and tried to close it when he pushed it back and barged
in. He tried to threaten him but my son took him outside
and he ended up with that."

She showed Mothusi's face.

"Okay.."He looked at Botshelo.
"Narrate your version of the story."

Botshelo breathed out.

"He followed my car and I warned him not to. I had a
good friend of mine follow my car to make sure they
were safe when I dropped them off. He was the one who
called me when Mothusi was there and I turned back."

Botshelo sighed and Ranewa's eyes slightly widened.

Botshelo had someone ensure they were safe? That
was so nice of him and he didn't even have to do that
because they were not his family to begin with. She
licked her dry lips.

"Young man, what happened?"

"I punched him. For self defence and for all the times he
had abused me and my sister."

Gotlhe frowned. Oh. They had more than enough

evidence to reopen the cade but things were getting

Kopano sighed and got up. He removed his t-shirt and

turned his back on them. The gasps that filled the room
hand him standing there so rigid and Ranewa couldn't
stop her tears.
Itumeleng looked down at her lap as the tears fell down
slowly. It was her fault, maybe had she not tried ro
escape and took the abuse just until her kids grew up.
They didn't deserve this.
Kopano wore his t-shirt.
"He did that to me. He almost strangled my sister to
death and that was when he sent us to our grandmother.
He has never cared about us every since. I also beat
him again because he molested my sister. She is a
child. She is now seventeen but that means he touched
her when she was around eleven and twelve…who
touches their child? Child by blood? I beat him for raping
my mother, I saw him the day she ran with us when he
was nearly stabbed to death. He shouldn't have survived
but the victim was thrown in jail instead of the

He went quiet and Gotlhe was wiping her tears. Good

God! The parole officer was blown away by the
revelations. Kopano sat down and looked at them.
"He wasn't supposed to come near our mother but he
stalked us. Isn't stalking also a crime? Child
molestation? Nearly strangling a child to death? And he
was beating me like that when I was also merely a

That was all he said as Ranewa sobbed and covered

her mouth with her hands. She had no idea…

Eana just rubbed her eyes.

"Miss, what happened?"

Ranewa closed her eyes for a minute to breath I'm
before she opened them.
"We did see him follow our car but Mr Botshelo here did
tLk to him and also at the mall, I saw him and he
grabbed me forcefully. Thankfully the mall security took
him away.. we got home and I was in the other room we
use as a kitchen. Ke le koo, I heard voices and noises. I
came out and found him being beaten.."

She looked at Kopano.

"I did get angry looking at him because he touched me
inappropriately..have you ever have your father slip his
hands in your panties when he thinks you're asleep?"
The room went quiet as Mothusi looked down.
"I punched him le nna. He almost killed me too..Then Mr
Botshelo came and called…"

She folded her arms and looked the other way.

"Well, seems like we have a case in our hands."
The other police officer looked at Eana..
"What did you see?"
Eana looked at her siblings and mother. They had sad
looks on their faces and it seemed unfair that she
escaped her father's abuse when all of them suffered.
She rubbed her eyes.
"We did see him in the car and I was the one who
opened the door when he came. I tried to close it but he
forced his way in and was threatening mom before
Kopano intervened."

"Thank you. We got all of this kn record. You may wait


They got up and walked out while the interrogating

officer; parole officer and Gotlhe remained inside.
"Seems like he is the nut case."
"We saw him and we told him to stay away before we
released her. He is not behaving like the victim."
Gotlhe shook her head.
"He is a narcissist. He is going crazy because nothing is
in his control, from him touching Ranewa..It seems like
she is the next closest thing to Itumeleng, everyone can
see they look like twins.."
Gotlhe folded her arms.
"I'm talking about this from a therapist point of view, he
is the perpetrator, he just knew how to play his cards
right at the time…"
"It's time to reopen the case." The parole officer chirped
in. There was more than enough evidence to put that
man behind bars. Just from today's events, he did a lot
and bringing his past crimes? He is going to jail.
"Consider it reopened and him detained. He already
broke the law by approaching Itumeleng." The
interrogating officer added.
"Yes. Now what about the kids?"
"After this, he won't even have rights to them. The
grandmother will have to be called and give witness that
he also abandoned them. A lie detector tests

Everyone in the room nodded.

"Let's let the rest go."
"It's been such a long day." Gotlhe said as she yawned
and looked at the parole officer. Finally. Justice! It has
been long due but it was going to taste sweet.

She'll ask her lawyer friend if he thinks Itu should sue

the state. She hoped she sues. Twelve years locked up
for nothing but self defence and those so called kids it
was siad she kidnapped love her and you know how that
seems? She was doing it for protection. Look at how he
abused the kids once Itumeleng was behind bars.

Gotlhe walked out followed by the parole officer. She

looked at Itumeleng who was distraught. She walked
over to her and hugged her.
"It will be over soon. We won't rest till he is locked up."
"Thank you." Itumeleng whispered as her therapist
broke rhe hug.
"Everyone is free to leave. We got what we needed and
Mothusi will be detained." The parole officer added and
they nodded as they stood up and walked out. The
police officers grabbed Morhusi.
"You'll meet your mates in prison. That will teach you a
lesson." One of them said as they handcuffed him.
"Mare ba mo iteile…blessed!"(but they beat him)

He chuckled and they walked away with Mothusi.

"Long long day, let me call it a day and get home."
Gotlhe said as she held her waist.
"Okay. Bye."

She walked out and the parole officer sat on the

benches. She covered her face with her hands. It was
going ti be so stressful the next few months.

Queen Of Hearts

Outside, everyone silently got inside the car. The mood
was very depressing and Itumeleng's heart was still
heavy at the revelations she heard today.
Her babies suffered so so much while she was gone and
it was every mother's worst nightmare. Having to hear
about your children being mistreated. She had only
looked forward to them and it seemed like it will take
some time for everyone to be okay but she wanted
everyone to be okay.
They might not forget it but with acceptance, comes
some peace knowing that it wasn't your fault all of that
happened to you. That's what Gotlhe said to her.

Half an hour later, Botshelo's car parked outside the

yard and the kids thanked him before they got out.
"Thank you. Again."
"You are welcome."
Itumeleng watched her kids open the gate and get
inside the yard and her heart lurched in her throat. Tears
filled her eyes and a soft sob left her lips.
"Itumeleng?" She wiped her tears and looked at him.
"I'm fine."
He adjusted his seat and pulled her in for a hug. She
started to cry.
"If I-"
"There wasn't anything you could have done to stop that
She sobbed in his chest.
"My babies have a lot of trauma and they'll live with it for
the rest of their lives, had I made better choices and
picked a better man…"
He swallowed as she cried, letting it all out. This family
has been through hell and back and it would take a
miracle worker to at least make it better for them.
Itumeleng sniffed as she broke the embrace.
She used her hands to wipe her tears.
"I'm sorry."
"No need to apologise. You did your best and they
appreciate it you.."
She nodded. She didn't want them to see her cry again.
She had to be there for every one of her children. For
everything, she had to be there for them and hope that
the love she had for them will always be there in their
"They love you."
She nodded, sniffing.

She leaned back and exhaled.

"Thank you so much."
"If you need someone to talk to…"
Sbe smiled.
"Got it.." They probably wasted his time and he was too
kind to say it. She opened the car door.
She looked back at him.
"If you need someone to talk to, you can call
She smiled at that little statement. As friends.
"You are good with my kids and they trust you so
He smiled at her. The real smile he's cracked today and
she chuckled looking at his dimples. Besides that, he
was a good looking man. She was probably saying that
because she has been in jail for over a decade and all
she saw were jail guards and wardens.
"Whatever that happens, try to be happy."
"Now you are trying to sound like my therapist…is
Botshelo your name or surname?"
She chuckled.
"And Ranewa calls you Mr Botshelo as if it's your
"You have a sweet child."
"Thank you. Let me go now, they are probably waiting
for me."
He nodded and watched her as she got out of the car.
He didn't drive away until she was inside the house.
He took out his phone and called.
"Keep watching their house. For at least this week."
"Le irile yang la mothaka yole?"(what did you about that
"He is in prison. He did a lot of evil things."
"In prison? Want ne to talk to a few guys to roughen him
"Please do."

The guys chuckled.

"Consider it done."
"Let whoever you call do their worst."
"Are you trying to score points with the pretty lady?c
Botshelo laughed.
"Fotshek monna!"

He cut the call and started his car, he joined the road
and hoped Itumeleng called him.

Inside the house, Itumeleng sat on the mattress next to

Kopano who had changed his t-shirt and washed his
hands. She placed his head on her shoulder as Ranewa
scooted close to place hers on the other shoulder. Eana
just laid down, her head on her mother's lap.
"I love you guys okay?"
There was silence and Ranewa quietly wiped her tears.
"What he did to you doesn't define you and I'll choose
you guys over and over again.."
"It's just so hard to forget.." Ranewa's voice trembled.
"I know my angel. I know it won't take our the physical
and emotional scars but I'll be there okay? Every step of
the way I'll be here to hold your hands. You don't have to
fend for you lives when I'm here. I'll do all the fighting."
Eana just nodded.

"We'll get through it together. As a family." Kopano just

she hugged his mother and she rubbed his head. To her,
he was still that little child, her first born. Ranewa sniffed
on her other side and she looked at her.
"I'm so sorry my baby. I'm so sorry that happened to
you." Ranewa nodded and she sighed.
"I'll see if my therapist Gotlhe can't take us through
therapy sessions. We'll be fine. We have to."

She said the last part more to herself. The air was thick
and heavy with the day's events.
Eana's stomach growling had everyone chuckling and
Ranewa let go of her mother.
"Let me go make food."
"Are you up for it?" Itumeleng asked genuinely. "My
cooking skills need to be sharpened but I can try to
make something."
Ranewa shook her head.
"Did everyone get off what's on their chest?" She asked
all three of them.
Kopano wondered if they should tell her about Eana's
attempted rape case. What if it's brought up in court and
they didn't tell her?

Eana looked down. Her mother was already feeling

guilty for not being there for them, adding stress to her
already stressed mind was not the way to go
Ranewa looked at Eana expectantly. Waiting for her
sister to tell their mother…

Eana looked back at Ranewa and Itumeleng looked

back at the two.
"What's going on?"
Eana's eyes widened as if she had been caught…

She sighed.
"I almost got raped a few months ago."
"I did report to the police and swindled them."
"Swindled mama…to cheat them of their money."
Ranewa supplied and Kopano watched silently.
"Wait…who did that?"
"Kelebogile’s husband.."
Itumeleng covered her face.
"Mama, breath in and out, he is in prison." Kopano

Itumeleng took a moment and looked at her last born.

She pulled her to her and hugged her.
"I'm so sorry okay?"

Ranewa rubbed her eyes. Their mother was apologising

for things which weren't even her fault and she shouldn't
be doing that.
"Mama, it's okay.." Eana supplied. She defended herself
and she wasn't hurt in the process.

At Botshelo's House.

He walked in with takeout as his son removed his

"Why do you have a smile on your face?"
Botshelo dropped his smile.
"Am I not supposed to smile?"
"It's goofy and it creeps me out."Moemedi supplied
"You don't like seeing your old man happy do you?"
"I never said that…is it a woman? This time your age?"
"Stay out of my dating life."

Moemedi shrugged as he opened the takeout bag.

Botshelo smiled. His son was a bit grumpy and it did
make him happy to see him make small talk with him.
He didn't know which side of the family he got that
personality from. And at the bar? He didn't make small
talk with the people, just took their orders silently.
"Thank you for the food although I would have gotten a
much more spicier chicken."
"You are welcome. What should we do?"
"Anything is fine by me.." He got up from the high chair
and walked to the kitchen cupboards to get the plates.

Itumeleng walked inside the house in new pyjamas. The

water in the outside bathroom was really hot.

They had all taken a bath before her and when she got
inside, they were seated with their plates.
"What's this?" She looked at the plate.
"Kopano brought cheese so I added it to the macaroni
and fried chicken and also opened the koo beans…just
for today." Ranewa supplied.

Itumeleng sat cross legged and she looked at the meal.

"It looks so fancy."
"It does doesn't it?"
"Will you teach me to make these?"

Ranewa's heart melted.

"Of course. Cooking classes start tomorrow and
Itumeleng laughed."
"Ee mma. I'll be an attentive student."
She got the fork and brought the macaroni cheese to her
mouth. It was so delicious.
"This is nice…"
"She's right. Top notch food." Kopano said as he bit into
the fried chicken piece.
"Chef Ranewa.." Eana added
"I try guys.."

Minutes later, Itumeleng was asking them questions

about what they want to be and how her two oldest
chose those hard hard courses. She was happy she had
smart kids and Eana just listened to her siblings talk
about their courses.

The mood livened up and today's events were pushed to

the back of their minds.


Puso sat in his car for a while. How was he going to find
Itumeleng? He wasn't sure the prison would supply the
information on her whereabouts. He wasn't immediate
family and he had stopped seeing her when his wife got
uncomfortable about him seeing her.

Thinking of his wife, his phone rang on the passenger

seat as her number flashed.
"Are you going to just lock yourself in the car?"
He sighed. He wasn't in the mood to fight.
"I'm not. I'll be there in a few seconds."

Queen Of Hearts


Three months later

Itumeleng sat down with her parole officer and the

lawyer. God bless Gotlhe's heart for finding her a lawyer
like this one.
"Itumeleng, the state knows they did you wrong."
She nodded. They court case wasn't yet over and
tomorrow was the final verdict. It was a hard case,
having to relive the trauma from years back and them
finding more and more footage that supported her
claims. She was grateful for that but it was so hard
having to watch on the screen how she was battered.
Having to listen her kids narrate what happened. She
shook her head and faced the people.

"Your criminal record has been wiped clean and also

your divorce processed and uncontested."
Itumeleng nodded. It was about time.
"Thank you for that."
"And about what the state has decided, they are well
aware that you might take them to court for defamation
as well as wrongful arrest and wrongful charges…"
She swallowed a bit. She spent twelve years locked up
in a cell for nothing.
"They are willing to strike a deal with you."
She listened.
"If you keep this out of court, you will be compensated
seven hundred and fifty thousand. The highest they can
give you is eight hundred and fifty. If you decide to still
take them to court and you lose you will get nothing."

Itumeleng leaned back. That last part showed that she

had no choice but ot accept the offer, they will make
sure she loses if she takes them to court and probably
by now people forgot about her, she is a thing of the
past and she wasn't well known to begin with.
"I'll take the eight hundred and fifty thousand. It's not like
I have a choice."
Her lawyer nodded and the parole officer agreed. Things
were unfair but such is life.
"I can start something and maybe find a house."
"That is a good idea. Have you found a job?"
"Not really. Besides multiple court appearances and
always making sure the kids are okay, I haven't found

She had kindly declined Botshelo's offer. Well, she

wanted to help Ranewa with doing the laundry so she
can rest but she refused because she liked it. Her
youngest was busy being a designer. Only they saw the
clothes and since the new year began, they've been
getting therapy. Loads of it. It was a start.

"You'll sign the papers tomorrow and I'll go through them

before we go through them together and you do it alone
"Thank you. I lost my bank account-" She stopped.
Mothusi had helped her open it..
"Don't worry about it. Seems like they have the money
on standby and they opened a bank account for you."
She smiled.
"Okay. Thank you. Let me go now."
She got her bag and stood up just as her phone rang.
"Hi…are you done?"
"Uhm not yet. I want to look at things in town first. I'll call

She put the phone back in her bag. She was a free
woman and she was about to become financially stable.
She loved that.

She walked out of the offices as her flowy skirt moved

with every step she took.


At Game City

Itumeleng walked inside Game stores to look at

appliances, she'll need her kids' help to look for a house
and for them to start furnishing it. She looked at prices of
most things with a little smile. At least if she can find a
three bedroom house. One room for her, the other for
Kopano and the other one Ranewa and Eana would
have to share. She'll try to fit things like a fridge, stove,
sofas and most home essentials into the remaining
change and at least have twenty thousand to start a

She liked cooking and Ranewa taught her new things

everyday. She really loved it and Ranewa was patient
with her.

Kopano was so focused on school because it was his

final semester and she still had that hole in her heart
that she missed out on a lot. A lot but she won't miss out
on a thing anymore. Even their birthday or
achievements. She passed by the washing machines
and walked closer looking at the price. It was affordable.
She liked it.

She lifted her head and gasped.
He smiled taking in how good she looked with her fair
skin and her braids tied into a bun. He opened his arms
for her and she hugged him.
"It's nice to see you after all these years…how have you
been? How has your wife been?"
He rubbed the back of his head, his ring having left a
mark in his finger.
"Can we talk about it over food?"
"I'm still comparing prices."

She stepped back and he nodded.

"I can help you.."
They walked to where the plates were and Itumeleng
picked one of the plates. Soon. Maybe before the year
ends they'll be at their new place.
"How have you been?"
"Life has been hectic. Just the kids keeping me busy.."
"They must be so grown.."
She laughed.
"Eana ke mosadi hela o rokang."(Eana is a whole
woman who sews.)
"I remember seeing her as a child..a toddler ebile."
"She looks like she is going to be taller than me that

She walked ahead and he kept the pace. Watching


Maybe had things been different but she had been

married and healing from abuse, he also couldn't wait
for more than a decade to get married.
An hour later, they were in KFC and Itumeleng said she
wasn't hungry but ordered a krusher. Lunch was a bit far
and Botshelo wanted to pick her up and take her for
lunch. As friends.

"You're still beautiful." Puso commented.

"Thank you. You look good."
"I'm sorry."
"About not visiting any-"

She sipped her krusher.

"It's okay. I swear. I respect boundaries and if I was in
that position I would have said no too. A happy wife is a
happy home…how is she?"

He sighed. He didn't want to talk about her.

"We are getting a divorce."
Itumeleng's eyes bugged. It might not be her place to
ask why.
"We just were not compatible and…"He breathed out.
"She can't have kids and I'm getting older.."
"But you said you loved her.."
"That was before I found out that she is infertile and we
started to fight about that."
"But having kids is not only about your biological kids,
you can adopt…"
"I want my biological kids."
Itumeleng sucked on her milkshake.
"Guess you have different goals then, you'll find the one
soon and you can start a family even though I think you
are making a mistake divorcing her."
"What if I found the one?"

Her brows furrowed.

"So fast? You said you are getting a divorce, that means
it hasn't been processed…"
He looked into her eyes, maybe he might scare her
away. She was the woman he wanted. For her to carry
his kids and they got along so well too.
"A man always knows what he wants."
"Did you divorce Mothusi?

Itumeleng nodded.
"Yes." Finally. He needed to speed up his divorce.
"Do you have any prospects for the future?"
"Besides getting my life on track and then patiently
waiting for a grandchild from my oldest then that's it.."
"You don't want to find love again? Or have kids? You're
still young, you'll be forty this year right?"

She looked at her now empty krusher.

"I don't want any more kids. I'm done with that and I'm
not rushing may or may not come."
"You don't want any more kids?"
"Nope. Did that three times and I'm content with my
"They are not babies they are adults."
"Still babies to me…"

She shrugged. He sighed. He will convince her once

they are together. It was nothing hectic..women changed
their minds for men they loved and she had been a little
hurt when he told her he won't be seeing her anymore
so she loved him too. Maybe she was still in denial.


Ranewa sat by Fd Park as she pressed her phone and
drank her slushy. A young man came and sat opposite
her, forcing her to look up from her phone.
Queen Of Hearts



Ranewa smiled awkwardly.

He placed his hands on the table and she frowned.
What was going on?
"You seemed like you needed company."
Ranewa levelled her eyes at him and he was so damn
serious about his theory too."
"What made you think that?"
"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone."
She shrugged just as she saw her brother head towards
her. She picked up her phone to check the time. It was
"Well, I have to go."
"Will I see you again?"
She picked her tote bag and slushy as she got up.
"Maybe. Maybe not."

He watched her head towards the boy who was heading

to the cafeteria. He watched her smile at him and hold
his arm as they walked side by side. She had a
boyfriend. He should have suspected it.

Ranewa looked at Kopano.

"You do know we have to be in court tomorrow."
"I know…"Kopano breathed out. He wanted this to end
so bad so that they all move on now.
"Hopefully we get justice, that's all we are hoping for. Are
your lessons done for the day?"
"Fortunately yes."
"My last lesson ends at two. You'll wait for me or I'll find
you at home?"
"I'll push my research project till two and we can go
"Let's get lunch then."
"What do you think Eana is doing now?"
Kopano laughed as they joined the line in Exec.
"Probably another dress design she saw online."
"Have her design your graduation suit…"
"I was thinking about it…" He shrugged and she took out
her card to pay for their lunch.


At Game City

Itumeleng took out her phone as she called Botshelo.


She smiled a bit as the silence went on for a good long

second and Botshelo chuckled on the other end. Puso
looked at Itumeleng whose voice had went softer and
she sounded…shy?
"Uhm, ke mo Game City."
"Alright. I'm coming Mmaagwe Kopano."
Itumeleng looked at her second krusher with a giddy
"Ee rra. Sharpo."

She cut the call and looked at her phone for a moment
before she placed it down.
"Sorry about that…you said you were moving out?"
Puso nodded.
"I still think you should give your marriage a chance, find
a surrogate maybe? You will still have biological kids
and you'll be with her. This other woman you say you're
in love with might not be what you need. You can't throw
away those many years…"
He leaned back in his chair.
"It's the same as saying, give an abuser another chance
he won't beat you again but in different fonts."
Itumeleng's eyes widened.
"Yoh! You're talking about me? Sorry rra, do as you want
but ti's two different situations. You weren't beating her
and her you so infertility might be minor but to you I
guess it's a big issue."
"I'm sorry…I didn't mean it that way."
She nodded.
"You did. It's okay.."

She looked at her watch.

"It's not. I'm sorry, I know your past is painful and I
shouldn't be using it as an example."
Itumeleng let it go.
"Can I have your number so we keep in contact? As
She smiled.
"No. Today was just a catch up but we really haven't
spoken in so so many years, I'd like to leave my past
firmly where it is. In the past."
He sighed.
"Okay. Maybe we'll bump into each other some day."
"Say hi to the kids for me."
"I will and thank you for helping me when I need to
escape. I needed that at that time and you were my
angel in disguise. I'll always be eternally grateful for

He stood up and she hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"Keep well and bye."

He watched her stand up and walk out of the fast food

place. He breathed into his hands. Just like that? He had
the worst of luck that's for sure.

At the house, Eana looked at her sketches and then at
the picture she saw on Facebook. She didn't want to
even think about the results coming out. Apparently it
was somewhere around this week and it made her so

She placed everything down and rubbed her face.

"God, at least thirty six points bogolo…"
She prayed silently. She rubbed her eyes as turned on
the sewing machine and the patches of fabric, this would
fit her mother..

She put the pieces of clothing under the machine as she

watched it stitch. Once she was sure she could actually
get customers, she'd advertise.

Ranewa offered to help her open a page for her designs

and all she had to do was come up with a cool name.


At Game City

Itumeleng's phone buzzed in her bag and she

"I'm by the mall parking lot."

She cut the call and walked past a few people. It was
almost lunch time so they were probably there for lunch.

She got to the parking lot and she saw his car. She
walled to it and the door was opened for her.
"Thank you and hello."
Botshelo smiled at her and she smiled back.
"How did the meeting with the lawyer go?"
"I am a free woman."
He started the car and reversed out of his spot as she
buckled up.
"And that calla for a celebration."
"Not yet Botshelo. Tomorrow we still have to hear the
final verdict and that's when I will fully celebrate."
"And your plans to sue?"
"Owai…they shot them down with a deal to compensate
me with eight hundred and fifty thousand."
"That's all? For robbing you of twelve years of your life?"
"Gatwe if I continue to sue, I'll get nothing."
"They actually cheated you…"
She shrugged.
"There is nothing I can really do about that. I'll just have
to budget for this money and try to find a house and buy
things for it."
He joined the road.
"Where are we going?"
"Side tsa Phakalane…"
"Okay..for lunch?"
She placed her hands on her lap.
"I can help you look for a house."
"I'd appreciate that. Thank you."

The rest of the car ride was silent and Itumeleng kept in
stealing glances at him before she looked the other way.


At Prison

Mothusi who had been roughened up less than an hour

ago say directly opposite his lawyer who shook his
"With all evidence brought before you, it doesn't look
good. Why didn't you just divorce that woman years ago
and at least got into a custody battle even if you turned
out to be a shirty father?"

Mothus wiped his mouth and sighed.

"I wasn't thinking of it like that, how many years am I
looking at?"
"Probably twenty to thirty in total. With no chance at
parole or even being excused for the crime."
Mothusi rubbed his face.
"Can't I plead my case?"
"No. We tried temporary insanity and it didn't work.
Obviously using mental health will only look bad for

Tears filled his eyes.

"I'm not surviving prison. I can't be here for years."
His voice trembled even when he tried to keep it even.
"What's wrong?"
It was embarrassing to say but he just rubbed his eyes.
Besides the daily beatings, he hated showering with
other man. It was the worst experience an-
His chest rose up and down as he covered his face and
cried into his hands.
"Mothusi? What's wrong?"
He sniffed. He can escape this. He just needed to kill
himself and he'd be free.

He lifted his head and rubbed his face.

"I'll defend myself from the people who beat me. It's
"You need to learn because you'll be in there for a long
long time. But maybe I'm wrong and the judge will be
lenient enough to give you a maximum of ten years in
prison tomorrow when we hear the final verdict."
He just nodded. His miserable life already playing in
front of his eyes.

Queen Of Hearts


The following day

That Thursday morning, Eana was the last to walk inside

the house after her bath. She placed her things on her
mattress as her mother mixed the oats in her plate.
"Your food is in the other room." She nodded. A bit
nervous about today's final court case. She didn't know
how her mother could show such grace and not be
visibly anxious. With the court hearings she attended in
the past two months, she had come to the realisation
that her mother was so strong. She had to wiped her
own tears when she heard her mother on the witness
stand talk about her rape ans how Eana was a rape
product. She had bit down her lip till it bled, Kopano's
words making more sense that day she tried to say no to
her mother being released.

"Eana? Are you okay my baby?" Her mother's voice

soothed her. This woman really loved her even if she
was a reminder of what their father did. She was grateful
for that and she'll never take that for granted ever again.
"I'm fine."
"Ya go tsaya dijo.."(go get your food)
"Ee mma."

She walked to the room they used as a kitchen and she

found Ranewa there as she dished up the oatmeal from
the pot.
" is your food."
"Thank you. I want to take your measurements later."
"Have you thought of a name?"
"How about Ea's Designs?"
"Too basic…Kana one day you might be a famous
designer and all."
"You believe me in that much?"
"Everyone needs someone to believe in them."
Eana leaned against the door with her plate of hot
"Ea Couture?"
Ranewa thought about it..
" about a direct translation?"
"Ng ng. I'm going to Ea Couture.."
"Okay. EC for short, I'll take it."

They both walked out and headed into the room with
their food. Kopano walked in after his phone call.
Something about not attending a group work thing just
for this hour and him trying to make his group mates
understand how today was important to him and he
couldn't miss it.

He sat on the bed next to his mother and Itumeleng

touched his head.
"You should cut your hair o nne lekau.."(so you are
"Ee mma."
After today, she was going to sit them down and tell
them about the money she got. Have them help her look
for a house too and shop for house essentials. They
needed their own place where theh can be free. This
two and a half was okay but it wasn't convenient now.

The girls ate while chatting and her son was silent
besides her. She hugged him by the side. She smiled.

Almost thirty minutes later, they heard the hooter

outside. Botshelo was here to tale them to court. She
was grateful, honestly.

They all walked out of the house, Ranewa locking the

house as the rest of her family walked ahead. She
followed them seconds later.


At Court

Itumeleng's mother and Kelebogile sat by a bench that

was further away from Itumeleng and her kids. She
never knew Itumeleng was out until she was called by
the police to testify that indeed Mothusi did leave the
kids with her and she did speak about him not
supporting the children.
Kelebogile looked at the man who had been by
Itumeleng's side ever since the court hearings started.
That man looked more like her type instead of Itumeleng
but her sister was not speaking to her and she wasn't
going to beg Itumeleng.

The court confessions did have her swallowing though,

a little bit of guilt when she realised she had saved a
monster. How he had touched his own daughter and
beat up her sister. She was grateful he never tried that
with her. She rubbed her little bump, praying she wasn't
having a girl because of everything that has happened
"I still feel Itu should have told us she was out."
Mma Kele whispered to her daughter and Kelebogile
"It's not like it was going to make a difference..the judge
is coming."

Everyone stood up and Itumeleng held Ranewa's hand,

rather Ranewa was clinging onto her hand. They had all
avoided looking at Mothusi who was shackled up in a

They finally sat down when they were instructed to.

The judge looked at the court room and Itumeleng
looked at her lawyer as well as her children before her
eyes briefly found her mother's and sister's.

"Good morning, we are gathered her for the case of

Mosiame vs Mosiame…Mrs Mosiame who is now
divorced and will be reverting to her maiden name soon,
was unlawfully charged for defending herself and taking
her children out of a hostile situation that even led to her
finding out she was pregnant from forced sexual
Everyone who was in court were aware of the details.
"Well, for the verdict."

There was a bout of silence and Ranewa swallowed,

clutching tightly to her mother's hand.

"Mr Mothusi Mosiame has been found guilty for the

following crimes..:
Silence again as the judge cleared his throat.
"Guilty for domestic violence which includes marital
rape, for that he gets seven years, guilty for child abuse
and child abandonment which is ten years, guilty for
child molestation which is another ten years..not
forgetting his hand in having evidence tampered with
which earns him an extra five years…In total Mr
Mosiame has been sentenced to thirty two years I'm
prison and a hundred thousand pula fine. The sentence
is without parole."

Gasps filled the court room and Mothusi's tear rolled

down his cheek. He didn't want to move his hands to
wipe it because the cuff will make sound and people will
look at him. Thirty two years? His lips trembled.
"Let this man also be an example to other men that they
will pay for their crimes no matter how long it takes, the
law will take it's course and that the fact that they may
have muscles doesn't give them the right to hurt women
and children."
Murmurs filled the court room.
"Silence!" Even a hairpin could drop and one would still
hear it with the silence that was just commanded.

"Mr Mosiame, your prison sentence starts today and I do

hope the victims will find some comfort in knowing that
finally, justice was served. Court is over!"

He hit the hammer and stood up as everyone stood up.

Mothusi looked down, his teats not stopping. The rest of
his family had been nothing but shocked the entire case
and a aprt of him qas glad his mother was not alive to
see this. She would have died from a heart attack on the
As soon as the judged was out, Gotlhe came to hug
"And you are a very free woman. Congratulations.."
"Thank you. Thank you for pushing for the case to be
"You deserved justice. You and your beautiful kids."

Ranewa hugged her brother who rubbed her back.

"War is over."
"For good this time."
Ranewa sniffed with a smile. With him locked up, maybe
the nightmares will stop. Maybe she'll get her girlhood
again and that child like innocence. She broke the hug
and wiped her tears.
Kopano pulled his sister into a hug.

Mothusi's family walked to where he was sitting with the

lawyer. Teats in his eyes.
"You disappointed us." His uncle started off and shook
his head. "You asked for that girl's hand in marriage only
to abuse her? You do deserve to be locked up.."
One of the aunts nudged him.
"No, we didn't raise a woman beater and a man who so
as much touches children let alone his own blood. It is
an abomination and he deserves it. Ke dikeledi tsaagwe
di a ntena."(his tears annoy me)
He walked away and the aunts patted his back.
"You'll be okay."

They walked away as sid the rest of his family. His

lawyer looked at him. Guess his client f*cked around
and found out, he did his job and he was already paid.
"We'll keep on trying for parole maybe in ten years.."
His lawyer said, just to give his client a false sense of
hope to not despair maybe.

Itumeleng rubbed her eyes. Now they can begun life

"Let's go."

She said, her heart so light and her shoulders free, the
heavy burden lifted from them. She felt young again, she
had the right to feel young she never experienced much
joy by the time she was in her twentieth year of life..

Botshelo smiled as itumeleng smiled at him.

They were heading for the doors when Itumeleng's

name was called.
She turned when Kelebogile was heading towards her.

Queen Of Hearts


At the court room

Itumeleng waited for Kelebogile to catch up to her.

Kelebogile hugged Itumeleng who was still as a statue.
Kelebogile moved back, noticing Itumeleng wasn't
hugging her back.
"How have you been?"
"Good. What do you want?"
Kelebogile bit her tongue as Eana just looked at her and
the man who was next to her sister looked at her as
"I came to say congratulations on winning the case."
"Thank you.."
"Would you like to catch up sometime?"
"No thank you. I'll pass. And I know what your husband
tried to do. Have a good day and say bye to mme for
She walked towards the door, leaving Kelebogile there
as the rest of them turned their backs on her and walked
to the door. She sighed then rolled her eyes. Itumeleng
thinking she was better than her. That's why they beat
her blue black.

She walked over ti her mother.

"Let's go."
"You look angry."
"Itumeleng thinks she is above us…is it because she
hopped onto the next man when she just got out of jail,
she couldn't even keep her legs closed when she failed
"She ignored you?"
"Let's go! I shouldn't even have come here, she doesn't
even deserve our support."

The old woman sighed and followed her oldest daughter

just after Itumeleng was out of the court room.

Itumeleng smiled as the sun hit her and it felt different.

Like the start of a new life.
"Do you want to celebrate?" Botshelo asked.
She gave him a bright smile.
"Maybe but I'll see. Right now I'm happy."

They all walked to the car and Botshelo started it.


At Broadhurst

Botshelo parked the car outside and the kids thanked

him before they hopped off.
"If we do decide to celebrate, I'll give you a call."
Itumeleng said.
"I'd love that."
"Thank you and bye."

She got her bag and got out of the car. Botshelo
watched her walk to the gate. He could admit to himself
that he liked her but it was not the right time to even
push a relationship. She just got out of prison and
maybe he might not like him back, she's just naturally
kind. She was about to start living her life to the fullest
after all she missed out on. He smiled. He started the
car once she got inside the house and he joined the
road as he drove off.


At Mma Mothusi's house

The relatives gathered in the deceased woman's house,

they needed updates on what happened. Some of them
whispered among themselves saying he might be found
guilty and how things were going to be divided among

The door to the house opened and the uncle along with
the aunts who went to court walked in.
"Dumelang…gatwe ba irile jang ka motogolo wa
rona?"(what did they do with out nephew?"

The uncle sat down and removed his hat to place it on

his knee.
"Unfortunately he will come out when he is very old and
we would have already been dead."
Murmurs filled the room and the uncle sadly looked
"He was sentenced to thirty two years in prison."
"Thirty two? Three two?"
He sadly nodded.
"He did a lot of disgusting things, he even touched his
own daughter sexually."
"Kga!" One of the aunts who didn't go to court
exclaimed. She couldn't imagine someone touching her
daughters let alone their father that way.
"When I was about to leave, his lawyer said he'll be
here…apparently he has to sell a few things to pay the
fine too."
"What happens to his property?"
The uncle shrugged. He had no idea.
"The lawyer said, there was a letter he had to read. I'm
assuming it has something to do with his properties."

They nodded. Some of them wanted the cars Mothusi

had. By the time Mothusi was out, he'd be an old man
and they'd be dead so who was he going to point fingers
at? It's not like he took care of his kids with his riches
either way.


At Broadhurst
Kopano had left three hours ago after Botshelo dropped
them off. Ranewa was just laying next to her mother on
the bed as she scrolled her social media.

Eana was busy trying to draw sketches in a notebook.

Ranewa's eyes widened as her heart started beating in
her chest. She clicked on the post again and swallowed.
Just as she tried to open her mouth, the door opened
ans Kopano walked in.

He placed his bag down and removed his shoes as he

sat down. Ranewa read rhe post again and even went to
the page to make sure it was the official page. It indeed

Eana lifted her head and stopped the machine as she
looked st her sister.
"You look spooked."
Ranewa looked at her phone.
"The BGCSE results have just been released."

Silence. Eana's head started spinning and she

swallowed audibly. Itumeleng got off the bed and helped
Eana stand up.
Eana looked at her mother. She didn't want to look
stupid. She really worked so hard for those exams and
now that the moment of truth was here…

Ranewa sat upright as Itumeleng sat on the bed with

Eana who had lost colour ans you could see the
paleness gone. If she were lighter, she would look like a
"Whatever that happens, it's not the end of the world
Eana nodded. Ranewa licked her lips.
"Do you want to check?"
"Kopano, mo tlele metsi."(Bring her water)

Kopano walked out and Itumeleng rubbed Eana's back.

Ranewa went to the website and she waited for it to
load. When it did, she handed her mother the phone so
she could pass it to Eana.

Kopano walked back in and handed Eana the plastic

cup filled with water. Eana's hand trembled slightly as
she took a sip from the cup then handed it back to her
"You probably did well and you're worrying over
nothing." Kopano tried to encourage and Eana just
"You can check now if you want.."
Itumeleng handed Eana the phone and she breathed
out as she took the phone. She entered her details and
pressed the done button. The website started loading
and with every second that passed, Eana's heart was
beating a little too loud in her chest.

She looked at the phone as it stopped loading and her

eyes glossed over as they quickly looked at the results.
Itumeleng held Eana close.
Eana rubbed her eyes and sniffed as she handed her
mother the phone.
Itumeleng looked at the results and she held Eana
"Did you count the points?"
Eana shook her head. She saw so many bad grades
there and only two or was it three better grades..

Ranewa got the phone back and she sympathised with

her sister.
"Let me count for you okay?"
Eana nodded against her mother's chest.
"Uhm you have an A for Fashion&Fabrics…a round if
applause for the owner of Ea Couture.."
She smiled despite the tears and Itumeleng wiped those
tears off her daughter's face. Kopano clapped and that
Eana smile a bit more.
"Two Cs, one in Maths and the other in English." That
was good. Kopano mused.
"Uhm…you have a DD in double sciences..another D in
Setswana and another D in Commerce." Eana blinked
back more tears.
"Tse Di setsemg ke bo E.."(the remaining ones are Es)
Ranewa half whispered that.
"That's thirty five points in total mme"
Everyone looked at Kopano. That thirty five was one
point short for her to qualify for sponsorship. Eana
covered her mouth and cried in her mother's chest. So
close…maybe had she worked harder…she cried with
hiccups in between her tears.
"I'm still proud of you okay? We all are…"
"I failed."
"You didn't…you tried your best and sometimes our best
is not good enough but that is still okay, the point is that
you tried."

Kopano sat next to Eana and he half hugged her as

Ranewa popped up behind Eana.
"You are still our baby sister and you are not a failure to
us okay? You have an A in one of your subjects…not
everyone can get an A in did that. Not
everyone is good with physics and biology and not
everyone is destined to be a doctor or an engineer.."

Eana lifted her head and rubbed her eyes.

"You can still write again, it's not the end of the world.".
She nodded and wiped her tears sniffing.
"And maybe we can go celebrate today.." Itumeleng
added and Ranewa smiled.
"We can go out for pizza..we have a lot to be thankful
"Pizza sounds great."

They all hugged Eana.

"You'll be okay. I promise." Itumeleng whispered to her
youngest baby. They were in it together. They had to be
okay, her children were going to make it no matter how
many falls or much they stumbled to get there. They will
and it made her so happy that they were excelling better
than her…
Queen Of Hearts


Eight months later…

Around nine that morning, Ranewa side stepped
Botshelo's dog ans she chased it away.
"Fotshek!" She shooed it as she walked to the house.
She knocked then opened the door.
Botshelo looked up.
"You're early.."
She shrugged.
"I have somewhere to be in two hours…e ntsi
washene?"(is it a lot?)
"No. Just one basket..Ranewa?"
"Come sit here…"
She looked at him with questions in her eyes and she
sat on the high chair next to his.
"Did your mother say anything about me?"
Ranewa looked at her boss?
"Is there something wrong? She didn't say anything."

Botshelo breathed into his hands.

"You have her number Mr Botshelo…"
"Can you ask her to at least answer my phone calls?"
"Nna dikgang tsa bagolo ga di nkame.."(Adult issues
don't concern me)

Ranewa got off the chair.

"I'll pay you."
She extended her hand and he sighed taking out his
wallet. He put two two hundred notes in her hand.
"Lunch money. Thank you."
She opened her sling bag and put the notes inside as
she took out her phone to call her mother.
"I'm even calling her for you..I need double of what you
just gave me.."
"Ng ng Ranewa.."
She cut the call.
"I'll tell her at home then…" She turned on her heels and
he called her.
"Ranewa! her again.."

He took out his wallet and Ranewa called her mother

who answered in three seconds.
"Ranewa? Hello…what is it?"
"Hi mama…are you okay?"
"Yes…is something wrong?"
She looked at Botshelo and she gave Botshelo the
phone as she snatched the notes and walked to the
laundry room.
"Ranewa? Ranewa wee?"
"Hello Itumeleng.."
He heard her breathe out.
"Please answer my phone calls, better yet come over so
we can talk about this.."
"You used Ranewa to get to me?"
"Don't say it like that…"
"I'm embarrassed and there is nothing to talk about.."
"Mmaagwe Kopano wee? Please? Ka go kopa
"Thank you.."
"Give my daughter her phone."
"Ee mma."

The call was ongoing and Botshelo found Ranewa

sorting through the colours.
"Ranewa, tshwara."
She got her phone.
"Mama? Ne a kopa go bua le wena akere mama? "
He watched Ranewa nod.
"Ee mma..Okay..bye bye."

The call cut.

"Thank you for the extra cash."
"You are not coming next week?"
"Ng ng..Thursday is Kopano's graduation.."

He looked at the time. He had to go get Moemedi from

the airport.
"When will you be done?"
"I think in an hour.."
"Okay. When you leave, give your mom the keys when
you get home okay?"
If only he knew she'll be home so much later.
"Let me go.."

He left her there and she held her waist as she looked st
the clothes. She took out her phone to call him.
"Hi babe, Will you be in your room later today?"
" can pass by."
"Okay..I'll be there around eleven."
"Sure babes.."
Her boyfriend cut the call..


At Itumeleng's House

Eana looked at the fabric. It wasn't going to be enough

for the matching jacket. She stopped the machine and
called her sister, she was the one who was going to
pass by the mall.

Ranewa's phone rang for a long minute before she

"Hello Ea…"
"Ranny, I need a favour…Letsela la short'a tlhemma..I
need to complete Kopano's jacket.."
"Send a picture and I'll pass by the shops."
"Thank you and your dress will be ready when you come
"I can't wait to try it on.."
"Sharpo, sorry for disturbing you."
"No biggie…"
Eana looked around, it was highly unlikely her mother
was going to walk inside the room she shared with
Ranewa. Their mother knocked before she came in.
"You are going to see your boyfriend aren't you?"

Eana heard her sister giggle.

"Isn't it obvious.. I love him."
Eana choked on her laugh.
"No way. Ranewa it's been like four months?"
"So? Does love have a certain time frame?"
"Do you love him enough to give him your virginity?"
"What? No!"
"But don't you think he isn't going to ask for sex?"
Ranewa sighed.
"Now that I'm eighteen, I can't use the 'you'll catch a
case' line. So far he hasn't pressured me into anything
so that's a relief. Ntle ke anege tlhemma, I have to finish
before I go buy your things and go see my boyfriend.
"Go sharpo."

She cut the call. She was left with rewriting one subject.
Commerce and she was only going to write the last
paper during the first week of November. She wrote all
the three papers for her double sciences and she was
hoping for the best because she really studied and her
siblings helped her while her mother was being as
supportive as she was. She even had a better phone


At Sir Seretse Khama International Airport

Botshelo sat on one of the benches as he checked his

time. His flight was landing at eleven on the dot and he
arrived ten minutes ago. He had to pass by the car
dealership to make sure his son's gift was ready.

He heard the large aircraft and he checked his watch.

Five minutes to eleven. He stood up and rubbed his

Ten minutes later, he saw Moemedi with headphones

around his neck in sweats. He walked towards him to
meet him halfway and hugged his son who patted his
back before he stepped back.
"Welcome back home son.."
Moemedi who didn't tell his dad that he was here for just
a week nodded as his dad got his luggage and he
walked besides him asking questions that he answered.
He hoped he won't be in for a surprise at his dad's
house, especially from one of his dad's occasional

Queen Of Hearts


Botshelo looked at his twenty two year old. He was now

a graduate and he was hoping he'd find a job locally…
Moemedi saw the direction they were heading.
"We're not going home?"
"Not yet…there is something I want to show you."
He took a turn another turn and drove right ahead, his
car only stopping because of the red traffic lights. When
it finally had the go ahead he drove off. In less than ten
minutes, he drove into the car dealership.
"Is something wrong with your car?"
"No…how is your mom by the way?"
"She sends her greetings. Did she tell you she got
married? She told me she told you.."
"She did. I'm happy for her."
Moemedi wanted to say something but changed his
mind. The last time he was here eight months back, his
dad had a thirty year old girlfriend. He had no problem
with his father dating, none at all. His old man deserved
some happiness and love in his life…the problems rose
when the young girlfriends hit on him and that thirty year
old wasn't the first, he had just brushed off the others.
That was where the problem was. Them hitting on him.

They both got out of the car and he left his headphones
in the car seat as he followed his father. He had
surprisingly grown a few inches taller than his dad too.

Botshelo walked to the manager who talked to him for a

few minutes before he turned to Moemedi.
"Follow me."
He rubbed his chin, feeling the little friction from his
growing beard there. He shaved yesterday morning…he
hated how fast it grew..

He followed his father as they walked to the cars.

Botshelo waited for Moemedi to stand next to him just as
the manager turned to Moemedi.
"Congratulations sir on your new Mercedes-Benz."
Moemedi's jaw slackened as his eyes were a bit too big
on his face because of the shock.
"Congratulations son, for getting your degree too..this is
your graduation gift.
Moemedi licked his lips. He had been happy when he
got his Actuarial Sciences degree in June but he hadn't
been expecting a car.
"You're welcome."
Botshelo smiled like a proud parent and he hugged his
son as he looked at the keys in his hands.
"Thank you.."
"It's all yours now. You can take it for a ride…a spin.."
Moemedi's throat bobbed as he glanced over at the
shiny black car.

Botshelo patted Moemedi's back.

"You can take it even now..and follow my car..I have
something to show you."

He nodded as he walked to the car. It was so sleek. He

touched it before he opened the car. F*ck! It was his?

Ranewa finally got out of the taxi holding the paper bag
that had Eana's cloth. It was carefully folded inside. She
opened her bag to take out her coins to pay.
"Thank you."

She walked to the gate and she took out her student
card to tap it on the gate. She pushed the bars, walking
in as the the scorching sun hit her shiny forehead. She
should have brought an umbrella. With her free hand,
she covered her face as she started her walk to the boys

Ranewa smiled, happy as she walked past the cafeteria

heading to the boys hostels behind 474.

She got there in minutes and she greeted the security

guards before she signed herself in and the room she
was visiting.

She took the stairs with a content smile and headed to

his room. When she got there, she placed the paper bag
on the floor and knocked on the door.
She smiled as the door swung open and he looked at
her with a straight face.
He hugged her and rubbed her back, his hand brushing
over her bums before she moved back.
"Come in."

He stepped back and she walked inside his room after

she picked the paper bag. She placed it on his table
before she turned to say hi to his roommate.
"Hi Toro."
She greeted his roommate who nodded in
acknowledgement and she sat on her boyfriends back.
"Let me go buy something out."
The roommate got up and he slid on his shoes leaving
Ranewa with her boyfriend.

Brian sat next to Ranewa and kissed her lips. She

blinked. It wasn't the first time she kissed him but her
first time kissing him was weird and she didn't know
what to do. She smiled at him as he rubbed her cheek.
"I have juice, do you want some?"

She nodded as she slid off her cross and looked at him
open his bar fridge. She touched her lips. At least it
wasn't a full on kiss like the last time, she didn't want a
repeat of last time.

He poured the tropical fruit juice in a plastic cup and

handed it to her as she took a sip. She placed it on the
table as he sat besides her and Ranewa who wondered
when she was going to be past the awkward stages of
being touched just smiled at him.
"Maloba you said something about an assignment?"
Brian just pulled her to him as he laid down till she was
straddling him and she smiled as her skirt hiked up. He
looked at her thighs then up at her face. She screamed
innocent and everything about her radiated that.
"I am halfway through it. Do you want to spend the
She shook her head.
"Mama would kill me.."
"But you're an adult, you're doing your second year in
university babe, do you think she doesn't know you're
grown up?"
She thought about it.
"I'd have to ask her for permission to spend the night
"Somewhere this week?"
She nodded. Not really sure if she was going to ask her
He rubbed her thighs and she touched his hand to stop
him, her heart skipping several beats in mere seconds.
He stopped and she smiled sweetly at him as she
started small talk.

Brian looked at Ranewa talking which wasn't really his

focus. Four whole months, of nothing but hugs. A
relationship didn't survive on hugs alone. He rubbed her
thighs and he felt her freeze before she visibly relaxed
and he nodded looking at her shiny glossy lips. His main
aim was her other lips but he guessed he'll be patient
because this week she'll be coming here to spend the
night. Surely she knows they won't be talking all night?

Ranewa let out a startled sound as he turned them and

he was on top of her with her on her back. She placed
her hand on his chest.
He kissed her lips and she froze but opened her mouth
a second later as his tongue slid in. She closed her eyes
and forced herself to be comfortable.

Brian's hand snaked up on her and he rubbed her inner

"Brian…" Ranewa's soft voice crept up as her heart
pounded harder in her chest. She wasn't…she didn't like
where this was heading.
"Relax okay? People in relationships do these things.."
His hand slid inside her panties and Ranewa closed her
eyes, it felt more like deja vu when she'd cry with closed
eyes as her father slid his hands inside her panties.

Brian felt her bushy p*ssy and he made a mental note to

tell her to shave all that off when she comes to visit him
next time. He found her opening and frowned…she had
flaps? He ignored that as he used his pointing finger to
put it in and Ranewa flinched.
"Stooppp! Please!" Teears burned her eyes as she
opened them and tried to move but he held her.
"Relax for a minute, my finger won't do no harm. You're
too rigid and stiff."
Ranewa closed her eyes. Brian stopped and removed
his finger. He started to rub her clit in an attempt to have
her relax. She still didn't relax and he stopped. Not
getting anywhere with her.
He removed his hand and wiped it against his blankets
and pecked her lips.
"We'll try again next time..try to relax okay?" Ranewa
opened her eyes and rubbed her tears as he got off her
to spoon her. She sniffed.
"Don't cry okay?"
In him spooning her, his hands slid under her top to rub
her A cup boobs and she stiffened. He sighed. Letting

He just held her as Ranewa fought more tears.


At Prison

Mothusi rubbed his tears as he laid down. It had been a

long day of hard labour and he was tired. He looked
around and there was nothing he could use to end his
life. This was not the way he was supposed to live.

He was scared of showering or even working with a

particular group of guys because they hit him every
chance they got.

He let out a loud sob and one of the men inside

"Wa tlhodia!"(You're making noise)

He closed his mouth and covered his face crying.

Queen Of Hearts



Ranewa got up and let out a sigh. She closed her eyes
and rubbed her cheeks. She was okay. This was not her
She turned to look at him as he sat upright. She slid her
feet in her crocs and walked over to the table to get her
"I have to go."
"I'll walk you out."

She nodded as she watched him wear his slide and he

got his room keys and phone from the table.

She walked out first and he followed as he closed the

door. He walked by her side as they walked down the
stairs and she was silent.

Ranewa walked faster than him and he kept up with the

pace. He watched her sign out and the guard looked at
them before he minded his own business. Ranewa
walked out and he took her hand.
She looked at him.
"I'm tired. I just have to go home."
He searched her eyes and all he saw was despair. She
never hid her emotions.

He didn't let go of her hand as he walked out to take her

to the stop.
"Ntle ke ye go go pega.."(let me take you to the stop)

She didn't fight that and they walked in complete silence

with him holding her hand tight. He rubbed the back of
her hand with his thumb. Ranewa wanted to burst into
tears then and there but she didn't. She held it in as they
walked to the big gate. It was just footsteps and the cars
passing by. She didn't even check the time. It felt like
she had been there for hours and she wanted to cure up
in a ball and cry.

Brian made her stop while they were by the turn by the
473 hostels.
She looked at him and tears filled her eyes.
"I just want to go home. Please."
"Why are you crying?"
She blinked back her tears and grinned at him.
"I'm not crying now. Wa ntia."(You're delaying me)

She let go of his hand and continued to walk the straight

path. Brian groaned, almost fed up with her behaviour.
He caught up to her and pulled her hand so she turned
with her whole body.
"Ranewa, you'll get used to it. It's what people in
relationships do."
He looked into her teary eyes.
"I just want you to get comfortable with me like that.." He
pecked her lips and she stepped back.
"Ranewa.."He pulled her to him. "Look at me, you'll be
okay. I love you and I promise you, you'll like it in due

She sighed. He walked her to the gate, she tapped her

student card and they walked out. He looked at the stop
and he crossed the road with her and they silently
walked to the other side.

When they got to the stop, he waited with Ranewa till

the Block 8, route 3 bus came along. He kissed her lips.
"I love you okay?"
She nodded and let go of his hand before she wiped it
on her skirt and got on the combi. He sighed. He'll call
her later.

Inside rhe combi, Ranewa sniffed and she rubbed her

eyes. The woman next to her frowned and leaned down
to whispered at Ranewa who was looking down.
"O sharpo?"(are you okay)
"Y-yes." Her voice shaky and very low the lady had to
move really closer to hear her.
The woman looked at her for a moment and Ranewa
rubbed her tears. Trying not to make a sound in a combi
and trend, Ranewa bit down her lower lip and she took
out her phone from her bag. She went to WhatsApp to
check her messages and she had nothing. She just
pressed any app available on her phone to stop herself
from thinking and crying. She shouldn't embarrass
herself in public.


Botshelo sat on the couch in Moemedi's new house.

Moemedi couldn't believe his father bought him a car
and an apartment?
"Thank you."
He said again as he sat down and brought his hands
together. His bags were in the bedroom and his father
"You are my only child and you deserve it."
He nodded, the vein on his neck popping out a bit.
"And I need the privacy."

That made him stop for a moment.

"You have a girlfriend?"
"She's not my girlfriend yet…she's age appropriate don't
Moemedi visibly relaxed.
"And she has a son a year younger than you so you can
"Finally. Who is she?"
"Slow down Mo…slow down."
"Dad, time is ticking you need to get married and you
won't be so lonely.."
Botshelo snorted.
"You're the one who is supposed to get married and give
me grandkids. I'm getting old."
He leaned back.
"I'm only twenty two Mr Scott…calm down."
"And at twenty two Mr Scott Jr, I had a girlfriend."
"Not the girlfriend talk again…"
"We are back there…"
Moemedi released his hands.
"There hasn't been time to find a girlfriend."
Botshelo laughed.
"You know if you were….you know..I wouldn't judge
you..this is a safe space."
"I know, I am just not in the space for dating but thank
for the offer."
Botshelo nodded.
"Please visit me often, besides I don't want you walking
around in my house when I have a woman over…"
This time his son cracked a smile before chuckled and
rubbed his head.
"That would be awkward and imagine if I bring a
girl…hypothetically speaking and..I don't even want to
think about it."
"Let's not."
"Should I take a shower and we go out for food?"
Moemedi asked.
"I missed you but no, I have a date and I have to be
there in time."
"Hee banna!"
Botshelo laughed.
"See you tomorrow.."
"Okay..bye then."

He walked his father to the door and he leaned against

the door frame, his own frame filling it and him just a two
inches from being taller than the damned door frame.

He watched his father reverse the car and he pressed

the button so the gate can open. His father waved at him
and he waved back. The car was out and he closed the
gate and got inside the house. He sighed.

He needed to buy groceries even if he'll be here for a

short while. He was wondering how he was going to tell
his father he had a job offer in London and he had
already enrolled into a year long Master's programme?
He licked his lips and walked to the bedroom.


The combi stopped by Ranewa's street and she got out

with the paper bag and she paid before it drove off. She
looked at the sun still shining bright. What time was it?
She didn't even check the time while still in the combi.

She took out her phone. It hasn't even been that long. It
was a few minutes to two. She walked along the street
till she got to their house and she pushed the gate to
open it and got inside the yard before she closed it.

She wiped her eyes and sniffed one last time. She
opened the burglar bars and walked a few steps on the
veranda before she opened the door.

Her mother looked up from her recipe book with a smile

on her face.
"Hi Ranny..why do you look so down?"

She placed Eana's bag down and opened her bag. She
handed her mother the keys.
"Mr Botshelo said I should give them to you."
Itumeleng took the keys but held Ranewa's hand.
"Are you sure you're fine?"
She nodded.
"Just a headache.."
She let go of her mother's hand and got Eana's bag.
Itumeleng didn't want to push it, whatever that was
bothering Ranewa must be bad and she hoped Ranewa
will tell her when she is ready.
Ranewa walked inside the room she shared with her
sister and Eana looked up from her sewing table.
"Thank you…Ranny?"
Ranewa placed the bag on floor and her sling bag on he
study table. She threw herself on the bed and grabbed
the pillow to cry into it.

Eana pushed her chair back and walked over to her
"Ranny? What's wrong?"
"I'm fine.."Her voice came out muffled.
"You're crying."
Ranewa removed her pillow and rubbed her eyes..Let
me sleep and I'll tell you later?"

Eana moved back and went to her desk. She watched

Ranewa unfold the fleece and cover herself with it.

Thirty minutes later, Ranewa kicked off the fleece and

got out of bed. She walked to the wardrobe and got her
tights, removing the skirt and the top.
"I think I need fresh air to think. Ke boa ha APJ.."(I'm
passing by APJ)
"Can I come with?"
"It's okay..I'll be fine."

Eana continued sewing and Ranewa changed her top

as well opting for a long t-shirt.

Her phone vibrated and she walked to her study table to

take it out of her bag. It was Brian. She cut the call and
switched off her phone to put it back. She got one of the
notes Botshelo handed her earlier and breathed in. Ice-
cream by Marcelos and maybe hot wings..yep.

"I'll be back before sunset."

"Alright. Bring something for me."

She walked out of their room.

"Mama, ke a tswa ke boa ha APJ."(I'm going out, I'm
passing by APJ)
She walked out of the door and she sighed. To the mall
it is.

Queen Of Hearts


At Airport Junction Mall

Ranewa sat down on one of the chairs as she looked at

her little tub of ice cream. She started eating it and her
heart went down a little bit. She does have weekly
therapy sessions with Gotlhe…she should take it up with

She thought she was over what her father did, he did it
almost seven to eight years back, she should be over it.
Maybe she was just overreacting and if she gets the sex
out of the way, she might be comfortable about the idea.
She just needed to gather her thoughts.

She smiled. Okay. That wasn't hard was it? She was
okay now. She was crying over nothing. Literally. She
finished her ice cream and she got up, her change was
in her hand as she walked from Marcelos, heading to
the book store to browse through the book selection.
She'll pass by in the morning to buy the ones she
wanted. She had extra money from Botshelo.

Speaking of them, was something going on between

Botshelo and her mom? She wouldn't freak out about it,
they would look good together and the past eight
months she hasn't seen any women's clothing in the
baskets so she can say she can be her mom's personal

She walked inside Exclusive Books and headed directly

to the fiction side. She stood in front of the books as a
very distant memory hit her mind. She froze on the spot
and that mixed with all the fondling she experienced in
the hands of her father.

A young gentleman walked inside the shop, he was in a

loose grey t-shirt and grey sweats as he walked to the
fiction side to pick up a Shakespearen novel when he
saw Ranewa. He looked around the shop and no one
was paying attention to her as she stood there with tears
rolling down her cheeks.
"Excuse me?" He stood closer to the midget as he
snapped his fingers in front of her face.

Ranewa snapped out of it and sucked in a deep breath.

She was fine. She touched her cheek and felt the
wetness there and she sighed. She should go home and
sleep it out.
"It is quite strange to cry in bookstores." The deep voice
nearly startled her and it was so close and it was so rich
That's when she registered there was someone next to
her and she lifted her head to look at him. He peered
down at her, his piercing hers and she stepped back as
she closed her eyes, feeling he was trying to read her
thoughts and not liking it.
"I-I wasn't crying."
"It did look like crying to me…well, don't let anybody see
your weaknesses.."
She opened her mouth but closed it as she sighed.
"Are you alright though?"
He asked with a lowered voice.
"I promise I won't tell."

That made her smile and she wiped her face again to
make sure there were no tears there and the streaks
were gone.
"I'm alright."
"Good. We can't have you crying in bookstores now can
"And who's we?"
"Me and you.." He smiled, showing a dimple and she
looked at him. Up and down, noticing the ink on one of
his arms and how that book looked small in his hands.
He was…she sucked in a deep breath…a sight to
behold. She shook her head, she shouldn't find other
guys attractive. She had a boyfriend and he loved her.
She reminded herself of that.
"Well, did I pass your brief inspection of me?"
She scoffed. Handsome and cocky too.
"There is nothing to look at."
He cocked an eyebrow and she smiled up at the
"What book were you looking for?"
"Just browsing through.." She then looked st the book in
his hand closely.
"Once in a while…"
She shrugged. She should turn on her heels to go
home. Today has been an absolute mess of things and
she didn't want to embarrass herself further.

She turned but her feet didn't move. It was like she
wanted to talk to him and listen to his nice voice. He was
a stranger and she did know about stranger danger. She
turned again to face him and he looked at her and she
couldn't help but smile when she looked at him. He
looked a bit familiar but it must be her mind leading her
"What's nice about Shakespeare besides…I don't
know…can't find anything nice about Shakespeare.."
He pinched his nose and she moved closer looking up.
"You'll have to read him to understand. That's all I can
She shook her head.
He looked up. He hated when people disagreed with his
opinions. Valid ones and he can't be here debating with
a woman who was in tears just minutes ago in a public
"Read it then you can have an opinion."
Ranewa folded her arms.
"No. Bye."

She turned and forced her feet to walk away. He caught

up to her in two strides.
"Wait, what if I read something of your choosing and you
read Shakespeare?"
Ranewa thought about it. She shook her head and that
frustrated the man.
"How about we solve it through a game on scrabble?"
She was about to speak when he grabbed the game off
the shelf and held it.

"Unless you are a sore loser?" She huffed.

"I am not. Okay deal." They shook hands and he looked
at her.
"You can pick a book you like, I'll pay.."
"You're a stranger.."
"I'm Jace, I'm no longer a stranger now."
She tilted her head, he was clean shaven too with this
cut she couldn't name but it looked good.
She walked over to the shelf to pick the book and she
handed it to him.
"I'll pay you back an-"
"It's okay."
She walked with him to the counter as he paid for the
books and the scrabble game. He got the paper bag and
she followed him out. He waited for her to catch up to
"Are you busy?"
"Not that much."
"Okay…good..I'm just heading into the store for
groceries and I didn't get you name."
"Maybe you were give to me..I don't know let's go."
Her mouth dropped as he took her hand and she
laughed. More to herself. Eventful day indeed.
"O tsamaya ka bonako tlherra kana ke gone go irisa
leina la sekgoa?"(You're walking too fast or is it because
you have an English name?)
He slowed down his pace and she could walk normally
"Ekete o ntse o sa lele.."(it's like you weren't crying just
a while ago)
"That never happened. Thank you very much."
He chuckled. That deep chuckle that had her shivering
and just looking at him with questions. She shook her
head. She was someone's girlfriend and it was best to
remember that.


At Itumeleng's House

Itumeleng's phone rang and she saw Botshelo's name

flash on the screen. She breathed in before she
"Itumeleng hello."
"Hello..I'm outside. I just need two minutes of your time
then you can continue ignoring me."
She swallowed the guilt down at his humble voice.
"Okay. Just two minutes."
"Ee mma."

She got the keys Ranewa gave her and slid on her
sleepers before she walked to the door. She opened the
gate and left it open as she opened the passenger door
and looked at him.

"I'm sorry." Botshelo said.

Queen Of Hearts


Inside the car

Itumeleng sighed.
"I'm sorry I came on too strong. "He apologised again as
he looked at her to day something. It had been too early
and she had almost fought him.
"It's okay.."
"It's not..I was rushing it and-"
"And you're not my ex-husband…All I know is to fight for
myself. I don't think I can do a relationship.."

She closed her eyes. He had kissed her. She kissed him
back but when he held her neck she had bit his lips in an
attempt to push him off her. She had left there as soon
as possible. Embarrassed she did that..
"Can you think about it? For at least a week?"
Itumeleng just nodded. She wasn't sure if she'd be
comfortable with a man like that but her smooth sailing
friendship with Botsalo had promised to be something

Maybe that's why she had ignored Puso's moves the

time she escaped her ex-husband. She didn't know how
to handle everything. That monster had been her first
everything and he destroyed her. So so much.

She handed him the keys.

"I got them from Ranewa."
He got them from her hand and he held her soft hand in
"Promise me you'll think about this. I'll be okay with
whatever decision you make."
His eyes were so sincere and she nodded. He was a
good man, nothing like Mothusi and-
"Thank you."
She removed her hand from his and he held onto the
"I should get going."
"Will you stop avoiding my calls?"
"I will."
"Thank you once again and even…even if we don't date
we can still be good friends."
"I'll keep that in mind."

She opened the car door and got out. She looked at the
sky then back at him in the car before she walked inside
the yard and closed the gate, cutting his car out of her
view. She leaned against the big black gate and placed
a hand over her heart.

She walked to the house just as her phone rang on the

table. She saw the caller id. It was an unknown number.
She picked up the call.
"Hello, is this Itumeleng?"
"Yes…who am I speaking to?"
"You're talking to a journalist from Thompson
Publications, I'd like to document your journey."
Itumeleng paused.
"My journey?"
"Yes. My apologies if I'm coming on too strong but your
case did interest me when I heard about it."
Itumeleng took another moment to breath. It was bad
that she relieved all that to her therapist and in court but
to talk about it?
"Can I get back to you about that?"
"Yes ma'am. Take your time, I'll call again after a week.
Thank you."

The call cut and she placed the phone down as she sat
on the couch.


At Airport Junction Mall

Ranewa paused with him by the pasta aisle as he put

the two packets of fettuccine in the trolley.
"Eleore what are you going to make with that?"
"Anything close."
She removed one packet and put it back on the shelf as
she got a packet of penne. He watched her as she lifted
her eyes to him so he can complain.
"I'm not going to complain Ranewa.."
The way her name rolled off his tongue as if she was
something exotic…her tongue darted out to wet her lips
and he pushed the trolley.
"Did you get all you need? I'd say this is grocery enough
to last about two weeks."
"I live alone..unless you want to be my roommate?"
"What? No! You're a stranger.."
"Strangers aren't on first name basis Ranewa.."
"They are.."
He shrugged.
"Do you want anything?"
She shook her head.
"Are you sure?"
She showed him her hand that had been tightly holding
onto the change from her ice cream spending earlier on.
She should have worn those gym tights with pockets.
He chuckled.
"Tsenya mo pateng. you can't be holding on like that the
whole day."
"I don't have pockets…"
"I mean mine.." She slid her hand into his pocket and
she put the notes inside, she felt the muscle despite the
clothes being a barrier and he was warm. So warm. She
quickly removed her hand and place dit behind her back.

Jace casually took her other hand and she didn't

"You aren't hungry?"
"Not at all…I'm perfectly-"
The universe was working against her today. She could
swear it because why did her stomach grumbled.
"You wasted your energy on tears."
She rolled her eyes.
"Let that die…please."
" you always cry? Do your problems suddenly
get better after crying?"
"Jace…please stop."
"Okay. I'm sorry."
She looked at him like he was alien. He let of the issue
just like that?
"Just like that?"
"Your voice was dropping and you didn't like's
easy as that, let's go pay."
She let him push the trolley with one hand while the
other clasped her hand. She looked at their intertwined
hands. She looked around. Brian wouldn't be found here
and it was already getting late too so she was safe.

He only let go of her hand to take out his wallet from his
other pocket to pay. After that, he stepped back to let her
move ahead of him and he walked behind her. He
smiled more to himself. He kind of liked her.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and

looked at the caller id.
He walked to her and she pushed the trolley as he
walked behind her, his other hand over hers.
"Tonight?" He asked over the phone.

He placed his phone against his chest.

"Do we have plans tonight little fairy?"
Ranewa's mouth dropped? What was this man high on?
He laughed seeing her surprised face and he tucked
one of her braids behind her ear, his fingers brushing
over her skin and she could feel goosebumps form on
her skin as he held her eyes for those seconds.
"Do we have plans?"
Her eyes went to his lips then his eyes. He was waiting
for an answer.
"Ka tswa o poka.."(you must be crazy)
He laughed again and cleared his throat as he spoke to
the phone.
"I don't have any..I can come over.."
He listened.
"Okay. Bye."

He cut the call and slid his phone in his pocket.

"One would think we met each other months ago."
"As I said, maybe you were given to me..Thank your
mother for me for your name."
She hit his hard chest with the back of her hand and he
grabbed her hand.
"Violent tendencies? We don't allow that Ranewa.."
Her mouth quirked into a smile and she shook her head.
At least she wasn't crying and thinking about earlier.
"I need to go's almost late."
"Can I drop you off?"
"No need. From here to home is a walking distance."
"And what if you get abducted?"

They pushed the trolley till they got to his car and she
swallowed, looking at it.
"How old are you?"
"Twenty two.."
Okay..that was not a…she shook her head. Why was
she even considering his age. He opened the boot and
loaded everything inside including the paper bag that
had their stuff from Exclusive Books.
Ranewa clasped her hands as he closed the back and
he slowly nudged her to the front passenger seat. He
opened the door for her and she got inside.
"If you kidnap me…."
She trailed off when he smiled. A bit wider this time and
his dimples showing fully. Good God. Humans like these
should be kept away.
"I won't. I promise."
He walked over to the driver's seat and he got inside.
"So when are we having our game of scrabble? You
"I did not. You cornered me!"
He nodded and she looked at him for a moment.
"Okay fine, how does Tuesday sound?"
"Pretty good to me. Thank you."

He started his car and she buckled up.

"Tell me the directions."
"Park your car a few houses away.."
"Ee mma."

By Ranewa's street, Jace parked his car two houses

away and Ranewa thanked him. She opened the door
and it felt like she was missing something. Her change.
"Can I get my change back?"
"A tseye."(take it)

She shifted in her seat and she moved closer to get the
money from his other side, she held onto his chest with
one hand, it felt more like his heart was in his hand with
how she felt his chest rise and his heart beat faster. She
slid her hand in his pocket and she got her notes, her
own heart beating a bit faster.

She moved back and breathed out. Oh boy!

"Can I have your number? Ke a kopa.."(please)
She leaned back in the car seat.

He typed the number and she got out.

"Thank you. I'll call."
She nodded and she started jogging to her house.
Queen Of Hearts


Ranewa quickly greeted her mother as she went to the

bedroom. Eana was still by her sewing machine.
"Ranny? Why o hema hema?"(why are you breathing
Ranewa threw herself on the bed and laughed.
"I feel a bit better and my mind is clear."
"Was it Brian who was stressing you?" Eana's voice
"Yes. I thought about it and I was overreacting."
"You can overreact sometimes, with the tears and all.
I'm glad you're okay."

Ranewa got her phone and she quickly switched it on.

She waited for it to switch on and breathed out. Maybe
Jace called? No.. she just arrived.

Two minutes later, Ranewa checked her call log and

WhatsApp. There was only Brian's voice messages. She
got her headsets and listened to the first one.
"Ranewa…you know I love you right? I noticed
something earlier, can you at least shave or trim the hair
at least."

Ranewa's smile dropped as she paused the voice

message. She breathed out and continued listening.
"Shaving makes it hygienic and I know I didn't see it with
my eyes but that was a lot if hair…ke a go
kopa…tlhemma shaver."
That voice message ended and then started another
"I love you Ranewa okay? Will you be able to come on
Wednesday? For the sleepover or suggest a date you
are comfortable with…Thursday and Tuesday you never
have lessons so Wednesday night is convenient so you
can rest at home..I love you."
The voice note ended and she sighed as a message
reported. He probably sent her airtime.

She just replied okay to both voice messages and she

laid on her back.
"You didn't bring anything?"
"I forgot."
Her phone rang in her hands and she looked at the
screen flash with Brian's name. Why did she want an
unsaved number to show?
She cleared her throat and answered.
"Hi babe..did you arrive home safe, why weren't you
answering my calls?"
"I went to the mall. I'm home safe…"
"Did you understand the voice notes I sent? There is
nothing wrong with you babe, I love you just the way you
are but that's one small thing you can fix."
"You don't sound thrilled to speak to me…"
"How am I supposed to sound? Smile that I was told that
I'm unhygienic down there?"She said the last part in a
whisper and Eana glanced at her before she continued
to sew. There was a door knock on their bedroom door
and Ranewa decided to use that opportunity to end the
"I have to get the door. We'll talk. Bye."

She cut the call and breathed out. Now she had to go
shave? Great. It's not like she can't…she never cared to
do that because who saw her down there? Absolutely no
one saw her naked.

Kopano opened the door and peeked.
"I came for the pants…gatwe ke te ke
itekanye.."(apparently I should come fit them)

He opened the door wider and walked inside. Ranewa

smiled at her sibling. She was so proud of him, he got
that 4.3 CGPA despite everything, he is going to get that
degree on Thursday and she'll just be there on the
sidelines cheering him on.

Eana handed her big brother the pants.

"The jacket will be done tomorrow if I wrap it up and
Ranewa here is the dress…"
She stopped the machine and held the white dress in
her hands.
"Now I have to work on my last order…"
"Eana the designer…"
Eana laughed.
"You guys can fit your clothes so we make adjustments."

Kopano walked out. In his mind he was asking himself

where he'd get a job. Despite having gotten his
transcript, he couldn't find a job. He had been job
hunting ever since July and they were nearly towards
the end of October.
He walked inside his room and closed the door as he
unzipped his jeans so he can fit into the pants Eana

In the girls' bedroom, Ranewa wiggled into the dress

and Eana tapped Ranewa's bum.
"No wonder it's tight…bona lerago.."
Ranewa laughed as her sister went behind her to zip it
at the back.
"I'd have to adjust it by the hips…lerago laago la
gola.."(your butt is growing)
"Eana tlhemma!!"
"It's true mme.."
Ranewa walked towards the mirror and flattened her
palms over her flat stomach.
"It's beautiful…in two years I'll be making your
graduation outfit."
"It really is…"
Eana stood behind her sister and Ranewa touched
Eana's hand before she let it go.
"Get out of the dress so I can adjust it."

The dress was unzipped and she got out of it.

She wore her gown and she slid into her slides.
"Let me go ask mom a question, I'll be back…"

She walked out and her mother wasn't in the sitting

room. Ranewa headed to the kitchen.
Itumeleng was rolling dough on another side of the
counter and she got the cookie cutters.
Ranewa sat on top of the kitchen counter.
"I have a question?"
"Is it to do with why you were upset earlier? You can talk
to me about everything…I was once your age.."

And I made the worst decision in my entire life.

Itumeleng said in her head.
"Kind of.."
"I'm listening."
"So…how would you react if I said I had a boyfriend?"
"Like any parent and tell you that boys are definitely not
the focus right now..especially when you have so much do so well in school..wa ratiwa mo
lapeng..(you are loved at home) so what more would
you want?"
Itumeleng stopped cutting and she looked at her
daughter. She knew that face.
"Ranewa Mosiame wa jola?"
Ranewa brought her hands together and to twiddle with
them. She shouldn't have come here, now she was
going to get grilled.
"I met a boy in school. I'm not dating…we are
Itumeleng looked at Ranewa..
"I guess if I say no you might still go behind my back
and date.." She tried to choose her words carefully.
"At this age, especially in these modern times as I've
read..boys don't want to marry..I don't want you to be
used by boys who only want sex from you or even
pressure you into doing things you are uncomfortable
Ranewa nodded.
"You are too young to be a mom and be left with a
pregnancy…maybe after you graduate it'd be okay..Well
it has to but now? School is the priority. Don't let boys
derail you and even determine your moods and how you
feel that'll lose concentration..I'm not saying
you're dumb but all I want is for you girls to make better
choices than me.."
Ranewa's gaze softened as she hopped off the counter
and wrapped her arms around her mom's waist.
"I promise, I will."
"You better…"
"But if I do get a boyfriend, I'll let you know.."
"He better prays I don't see him or else I'll beat him. In
future." She added but from Ranewa's questions she did
suspect something. Yet again, this was a step taken.
Ranewa laughed.
"Bathong mama.."
"I love you okay?"
"I love you too and thank you."

Ranewa let go and walked out of the kitchen leaving

Itumeleng with her messy thoughts.

Did she enjoy Botshelo's kiss? Yes…she did but her

body was on flight mood and her brain couldn't process
fast enough that it wasn't Mothusi touching her. How
could she subject Botshelo to that?

Therapy was there but she had always brushed aside

dating because she thought if she ever dated she'd be
fine because these happened more than a decade ago.
Almost two decades even so the fact that it was hard
She thought of calling Botshelo but she pushed the
thought away, she said a week and she'll also tell Gotlhe
about it. Then there was the journalist. A lot was going

In the bedroom, Ranewa checked her phone for any

missed calls from an unknown number but there were
none. She sighed and she looked up at the ceiling…


At G-North

Botshelo poured his best bottle of whiskey in the two

glasses and handed one to Moemedi who had brought
them pizza and surprisingly it had been Itumeleng's
favourite flavour..

That dragged Botshelo back. A week. She asked for a

"If it's a woman, I can put in a word for you?"
Botshelo shook his head. He could use his son but then
he had used Ranewa to get Itumeleng to talk to him.
She won't appreciate that and he liked being in her good
Moemedi looked at the brown liquid and he had it in one
go. Guess he won't be driving back tonight.

"I just needed company.."

"Mother is trying to set me up with some blonde girl.."
The bitter liquid settled in his stomach.
"Mo, are you sure you're not gay?"
"Your mother wouldn't want to set you up if you had a
girlfriend you know…who is the blonde girl? Let's
see…ngwetsi ya lekgoa rra…le British.."(A white
daughter-in-law..a British)

Moemedi shook his head.

"I'm not marrying her.."
"Before you decide, let's see..back in the day you would
have an arranged bride by now…"

Botshelo laughed as Moemedi handed him the phone

going to his chats with his mother.
Botshelo looked at the girl..she had green eyes?
"Hee? We could be negotiating right now…"

Moemedi laughed.
"No thanks. She's…" He looked at the picture
again.."not my type." He locked his phone and placed it
"You have a type? You rarely talk about girls.."

Botshelo refilled their glasses. He liked having his son


Queen Of Hearts


Sunday had come and gone just as quick, Ranewa

hadn't received a call from Jace and she was accepting
that maybe he was being nice to her at that moment. All
she had were annoying calls from Brian but he was her
boyfriend, she wasn't supposed to find him annoying or
lacking just because she saw another man.

She pulled her sweater down and took out her umbrella
as it started drizzling. She prayed to God that it didn't
rain on Thursday. They had to enjoy Kopi's graduation.

She walked to the building and she lightly shook the

umbrella before closing it and she greeted the
receptionist before she proceeded to Gotlhe's office for
her weekly therapy sessions. Gotlhe had said she
worked at the prison counselling facilities during the
weekend when she wasn't seeing her regular clients.
Lucky for them, the government was paying for their
therapy, you know for not locking in her lunatic of her
father that time. She hated that she had to live with what
he did to her, she lightly touched her neck remembering
that she nearly died. She still didn't know why he
strangled her or did the things he did. When she was
ready, she'd confront if and ask why but for now? She
had to focus on her therapy.

She knocked softly.

"Come in."
Ranewa opened the door and Gotlhe looked up from her
"Ranewa, you're here early.. come in."
"My eight am lecture was cancelled and my next lesson
is only at ten.."

She placed her bag on the table and the umbrella on the
carpet as Gotlhe pushed out her chair and got up to go
sit on the couch opposite Ranewa's.
"I'm listening.."
Ranewa breathed out.
"Will what my father did to me always affect my
"It does take time for victims of child sexual assault to
have proper and healthy sexual relationships and since
you are probably in your first one…"
"This is what happened on Saturday.."

She went on to narrate the details word for word, how he

touched her and she felt and how she begged him to
stop when he thrust his finger inside of her. It had hurt
and she hated that. She rubbed her eyes.
"And you say he is your boyfriend?"
She nodded.
"He was trying to coerce you, it's normal for you to not
want to be touched like how you were violated as a
child, does he know?"
She shook her head. What if people see her differently
because of that?
"And you also told him to stop which he didn't..that is
very much didn't want what he was doing but
he did it despite your refusal."
Ranewa swallowed.
"You see, in sexual relationships people often try to
convince themselves that what their partner did is okay
because they are dating…you are trying to tell yourself
that since he is your boyfriend and he convinced you
that sex is necessary then you were overreacting right?"

Ranewa went quiet.

"You were not. You were and still are very valid because
he also violated you."

That made Ranewa's mind go blank.

"That is not someone you should be with. You don't want
anything sexual but he forces it upon you, that is rape
and a whole lot of coercion."
She licked her lips, wiping the vaseline off her lips as
that fact settled and it made her shiver and not in a good
"I can't tell you to do this or that, but from a
psychological point of view you are likely to also go with
what he said because you are a people pleaser."

Ranewa swallowed.
"You don't want anyone to talk bad or worry about you,
that's why no one knew of your sexual assault and your
father did it over and over again…It took you blowing off
for people to finally know and that's not the way to live.
You can't keep all the bad things in your heart and be
cheery for everyone while you are dying inside…"

Wow…uhm…she was read like a book.

"You want your boyfriend to think you're carefree and
this sunshine person and you keep all the bad to cry a bit then you are back to being happy,
Ranewa you are killing yourself slowly if you go that

That left her speechless.

"As I said, I can't dictate your decisions but think about

this…if he did manage to have sex with you and you told
him to stop midway do you think he would stop?"

The room was silent and Ranewa breathed softly.

"See? You know the answer. Even if you convince
yourself you agreed, in your heart you know you didn't
want that but 'a relationship has to have sex' is not it.
Sex is consensual. On both ends. You should agree
wholeheartedly and him the same and you are allowed
to withdraw your consent midway, it is well within your
right. Your partner is allowed to withdraw consent too.
He is pressuring you to have sex because he is not that
into you..As your therapist I'm supposed to make you
see things that you are trying to pretend you can't see."

"Wow! Uhm…."
"Take a moment to digest it. You are a smart girl and you
should listen to your head more than your heart and try
not to break yourself for people, it will kill you and you'll
resent them slowly…don't do that."
She pushed her braids back and rubbed her eyes. She
got up and stretched as she thought about everything.

It took her more than a minute but she sat down.

"But the final decision is in your hands..but can I tell you
a story?"
"During my first year, I had a boyfriend and everything
was okay for the first six months. He was perfect until
one night, after a long study session I went to his room.
It wasn't the first time though…we usually talked and
slept…it started with touching and it ended up with me
losing my virginity to him because he convinced me
when I refused the first three times.. I regret that till this
day too and when I realised what it was? Years later as
an adult who decides to assess herself, it was not a nice

Ranewa nodded.

An hour later, after their session ended, Ranewa stood

"Thank you."
"You are welcome. See you next week."
Ranewa nodded and got her bag and her umbrella.
She checked the time on her phone. A few minutes after
nine..she should catch a taxi and go to school.

Her phone vibrated in her bag and she took it out. She
saw the caller ID and answered.
"Hey babes. How are you? Are you free for breakfast by
the cafeteria?"
She blinked.
"Uhm sure, I'm on my way to school.."
"You aren't in school.."
"No..I'll be there in thirty minutes.."
"I love you."
"Me too."

She cut the call and opened her umbrella as she

stepped out of the building to go catch a combi to

Her phone vibrated and she annoyingly removed the

phone from her pocket..she didn't check the caller ID as
she quickly answered.
"Motho wa Modimo, I said I'm on my way to school."
She heard that deep chuckle and she froze.
"Hi Ranewa…Ee mma.." His voice was full of mirth.
She flushed. Embarrassed.
"You said you're on your way to school…"
She looked around as she kept on walking.
"I thought it was someone else…"
"Okay…Can I see you after your lessons? I can drop
you off at home…"
"You said you'd call.."
"I was dealing with a hangover but I'm good now in case
you were wondering."
"My lessons end at two."
"Ha UB?"
"I'll call and have a wonderful day little fairy.."
"Uhm…thank you."
"And don't take your anger on fragile people like me.."

She laughed.
"Fragile? You're anything but that.."
He laughed and she felt her heart thump a little harder.
"Ehe mma…go to school and I'll see you later.."
She held on for a while and she could hear his
breathing. She placed a hand on her heart and she cut
the call first.


At Prison

Itumeleng looked around. It was odd being here as a

visitor and not as a prisoner. She evened her breathing
as he was led out, shackled and the orange top and
trousers swallowing him whole.

He sat opposite her and she looked at him, mastering

her courage and confidence.

"Hello Mothusi."

Queen Of Hearts


At Prison
Ituemeleng took another look at him and how different
he looked.
"How does prison feel?"
Mothusi could see she was here to gloat and he couldn't
be weak on front of her.
"I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…but I have only
one question. What did I do to deserve everything you
put me through?"
Her eyes bore into his and he could recall eighteen year
old Itumeleng, how she loved him. How he loved her

He swallowed a huge lump of nothing that choked him

that he coughed out hard and she didn't move from his
"Even on my worst day, I never deserved all the hell you
gave me. I loved you…God knew I loved you…"
Her eyes watered. Thinking about that first slap and how
surprised she had been. She had asked herself what
she had done to deserve that.
"I'm sorry." Mothusi whispered.
Itumeleng blinked. Those tears blinding her. His apology
didn't even hit like she expected it to.
"It doesn't change things…you never told me why…"
Mothusi wheezed and he coughed into his elbow, his
weak body almost falling off the chair.
"I was jealous…"He admitted silently.
Itumeleng was perplexed. Jealous of what?
"Everyone liked you…adored you except our immediate
family but even my friends. Men would stop to talk to
you and you'd smile at them.."
Ituemeleng let out a soft breath. He was crazy right?
That was his reason.
"You were my wife…mine only..I had to own you.. "
Her eyes glassed over. It made sense. He beat her to
tame she wouldn't be seen anywhere because
she was busy nursing her wounds.
"And my therapist told me that's narcissistic…you even
touched our daughter.."
He looked down.
"She looked so much like you..she grew up to look
exactly like you.."
It clicked. That's why he never touched Eana, she didn't
look too much like her but Ranewa, her sweet baby that
she almost gave up was subjected to that just because
she was her exact photocopy. Her chest was so heavy
with that revelation.
"Are you happy with yourself now?" She kept the tears
at bay and kept her eyes on him. Not shifting in her seat
while he did in his.
He stuttered and she shook her head.
"You remember how you used to call me brave for even
fighting back? How I begged you everyday to stop and
that I did nothing you accused me of while it was your
sick sick head telling you that it made you a man and
that it won't make me leave you."
She chuckled bring her hands up to her face.
"I hope you on trying to kill me it killed you too. I hope it
kills you more that I have moved on and I'm not your
"I'm so sorry."
"And when you can't sleep at night I hope me and
children's voices haunt you. I hope you suffer so so
much in there and they hit you like the dog you are. I
hope they also rape you and you know how helpless
feels. You did this all to yourself and I hope you know
you have no power over me…you don't control my life
anymore and you will rot in there…and you know what?
DOESN'T FORGIVE YOU!" She nearly screamed but
the warden came to her.
"Ms, calm down.."

She was breathing hard as Mothusi looked at her with

tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You will die alone. Everyone hates you and you will go
to hell..God won't forgive you…He better not forgive you
because you are a monster. A dog!"
She covered her mouth and breathed into her hands.
Letting that out if her chest and telling her abuser that
was also freeing.
"And you know what? You will live with the
consequences of your actions..knowing that you did this
to yourself and mo ine will come to your rescue. You are
dead to me Mothusi Mosiame! DEAD!!"

She got up and rubbed her eyes as she looked at the


Mothusi got up and tried to follow her.

"Itumeleng! Please…ke a go rapela."(I'm begging you)

He tripped on his chains and fell on his knees as she

nodded to the warden as if she didn't hear him.

She was escorted out as he cried and wept. His reality

worser than before. The guards picked him from the
ground and Itumeleng walked with tears in her eyes. If
he had never got her at eighteen, never saved her from
boredom she would have gone on as she was.
She bit down her lips. She wouldn't have danced with
the devil at eighteen and she hated how her life turned
out now, with those ghostly memories, she didn't know
who she was anymore.

She looked up and held back those tears till she was out
and she broke down. Eighteen was too young for her to
have been dating a twenty seven year old. She

The staggering realisation nearly made her buckle and

she held herself steady. She wished he had left her
wondering and not dated her. She couldn't stop
regretting him over and over again.



It was a bit after two and Ranewa walked out of her

Statistics class. She didn't meet Brian when she arrived
in school, it was already time for her ten am lesson so
she had her phone on dnd.

Just as she walked out she bumped into him. The devil
works really hard these days.
She said.
"You didn't come for breakfast."
"I was already late for my morning lesson and I have to

She moved back.

"I don't have time."
"Ranewa…you have been acting strange since
"And can't you ask yourself why?"
Her voice was higher than usual and she stopped
herself by putting a hand on her mouth.

He took her hand.

"Let's go talk..please."

He walked with her from 252 till they got to FD Park, the
sun was out even though it was a little cloudy but it was
much warmer than in the morning. They sat by the
benches and she placed her tite bag on her lap.
"So about Wednesday.." He talked and she looked at
him, a bit bored as her therapist's words replayed in her
"Are you listening?"
"Do you ever listen to me? I long told you my brother js
graduating on Thursday and you are making plans for
me like I'm a child.."
"How about today?"
She scoffed.
"If you are going to make demands ga se gore re
lese"?(we should just let it be)
"what do you mean?"
He swallowed.
"Break it off.."
"I didn't mean that..Ranewa we can wait ee…you don't

Ranewa's phone that was on the table flashed with rhe

name Jace and she answered.
"Hi gorgeous…where should I park?" She flushed. He
thought she was gorgeous? Okay.

Brian saw the way Ranewa blushed as she talked to the

She looked around.
"Ha Exec, I'm by FD Park."
"Ee mma. Give me a minute..Ke ka kwa ha sport arena I

She cut the call.

"Who's Jace?"
"Since when do we ask those questions?"
Brian swallowed looking into her eyes.
"Ranewa tlhemma..I love you. I'll be patient and wait."

He silently looked at her, his throat bobbing and dry.

Ranewa looked at him as her quick mind worked

Jace's name flashed on her screen and she turned to

the cars parked by Exec and she saw his car. She tried
not to smile and she answered.
"I can see you."
"Then you better get here."
"Yes sir!" She giggled and cut the call.
She turned to look at Brian.
"I have to go."
"Ranewa, are you cheating on me?"
Her eyes widened…
"What? Why would I do that?"

She got up and got her bag. He got up too following her
as she headed to where cars are parked.
"Who is Jace?" She stopped and turned to face him.

"Jace is my uncle's son. Are you happy? Akere when I

said at least meet my sister and you said it's too early
eng eng gore at least one of my family members can
know you.."
He tried to touch her but she moved back.
"He'll tell my uncle and my uncle will tell my mom akere
wena you didn't want to meet my family. If you are going
to do this, ga se gore re lese motho wa Modimo?"
He swallowed harder looking in her eyes.
"A kiss?"
"No. You'll get me in trouble. Go sharpo."

She walked to the cars and she saw his car. Her face lit
up as he opened the passenger door for her and she got
inside with a smile.
Brian watched as his heart pounded in his head and his
knees went weak.

Queen Of Hearts



Some boys stopped next to Brian and looked at the

direction he was facing.
"Kana Ranewa ke fro yame.."(Ranewa is my girlfriend)
His voice cracked as he watched the shiny black car that
looked brand new reverse. His eyes filled with tears.
"Ke cheri yame kana.."(she's my girlfriend)
One of the boys patted his back.
"This is Gabs city mfana waaka…wa ja, wa jelwa.."(this
is Gabs city my boy, you hit it and get cheated on)

His tears rolled down his cheek.

"But that car is a beast. Yeses!"
Another one of the boys laughed.
"Ba go cheater ka batho ba kgweetsa di dream car
tsaago…utlwa pelo e kgaoga."

That didn't make Brian feel better as he tried to stand

but he felt weak. What happened? They were okay a
week ago..On Saturday thar was the first step to true
intimacy. That was all that it is.
Despite the tears he managed to straighten up and take
out his phone to try and call her. It rang for a few
minutes before it was cut. He tried again but it wasn't
going through.
He swallowed.
"You'll be fine, you'll also be rich one day and buy the
The random boys patted his back and walked away
leaving him alone standing there. Wondering if that just
His phone flashed a message from WhatsApp.

He quickly went to WhatsApp.

Ranewa:Hello. I was very uncomfortable with what you

did on Saturday and it doesn't align with who I am. We
are breaking up. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Don't
call me or even bother me. Let's be amicable akere we
are adults now? Thank you for those four months of
companionship. We aren't compatible at all and that is
okay. Take care and try to be happy. For my sake if not
yours but you won't be happy with me.

Just as he finished reading that paragraph, Ranewa's dp

disappeared and he swallowed. Just like that? He tried
to call her but it wasn't going through. He rubbed his
eyes and looked up.

Wow. He couldn't believe it and he read the message

again, his knees going weak again. He walked to the
nearest table and sat on the bench..his tears fell on the
phone and he quickly rubbed them away before anyone
saw him. He breathed out. Just like that?

It was still unbelievable.


Inside the car, Ranewa blocked Brian's numbers after

she had blocked him. That felt good. Gotlhe was right.
"Why are you looking at me?" She looked up to find
Jace looking at her and he smiled.
"You're beautiful." Definition of his dream woman and
besides their brief and fun interaction on Saturday he did
want to get to know her..what makes her tick? What
makes her smile? Cry? Anything he could soak up about
her with the little time he had.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Anything is fine…"
"Anything isn't specific. Okay where do you want to
"We can go to Airport Junction, it's closer to home.."
"Ee mma."
He didn't take his eyes off her.
"Jace, you're still looking.."
"And you exist."
That left her a little bit breathless as he passed by BBS

This time, she could smell his cologne in the car and she
breathed in, her hands neatly on her lap.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Just life…"
"And what about it?"
"How it could have been if certain things never
happened, where would I be now…"
Jace thought about that for a minute.
"I think had certain things never happened, you wouldn't
bee here with me so I guess somehow life is working out
for me.."
That earned him her laugh and he took his eyes off the
road for a fee seconds to see how it lit her face up and
how she squinted her eyes when she laughed.
"That's a valid point. But besides that…I wish some
things never happened."
"And we can never change the past but yoh can work for
a better future.."
"You're right."

She looked ahead as his veiny fingers held the steering

wheel and her eyes traveled to the hand that had
"What are those?"
"Why crows?"
"If I tell you, it's no longer my secret…"
She leaned back in her seat as they arrived at the mall.
He found a parking spot and parked his car there.
"I really do want to know…and do you have more.."
"I actually do…tell me if you want to see them."

That piqued her interest as he got out of the car and

walked to her door to open it for her. She only got her
cellphone as he took her hand. He locked the car and
she let him lead her to wherever they were going to eat.
She actually liked this and she also wanted to spend
time with him.

They got to place opposite Cappucinos and they sat

right next to each other as they shared one menu…
Ranewa could hear his breaths and his scent was
somehow intoxicating and she moved closer to him and
he smiled down at her.
"Did you find something to eat?" His voice was deeper
when she was so so close to him and she looked up at
him as he held her gaze. Jace smiled and dropped a
feather light kiss on her forehead.
"Let me call the waiter…"

She looked down at the menu. This was scary. She has
never ever in her eighteen years of life been entranced
like this, it was so fast and it seemed so right too? Too
right that she thought it was wrong.


At Botshelo's club

Itumeleng greeted the bouncer by the door and walked

into the place. It was empty, only the cleaners. Probably
because they were from the weekend and they were
making sure it will be open tomorrow.
"Hello…is Mr Scott in his office?"
The waitress nodded and Itumeleng walked ahead till
she reached the offices. She knocked on his door.
"Come in."

She stepped inside and he looked up. Surprise on his

features and Itumeleng smiled awkwardly.
"Hello. Can I come in?"
"Yes…of course.."

She stepped inside and closed the door. She sat on the
chair opposite his desk and he looked at her. Her visit
was unexpected but he was interested in what she had
to say.

"First, I should be the one apologising."

"Can I speak first?"
He nodded.
"We already established you're not my ex-husband and-
I've just been scared to give new things a chance."She
smiled looking at him.
"I'm no longer that naive eighteen year old girl anymore
and I can't leave in the past forever can I? It's impossible
and that means I need to move on.."
He agreed. Not sure if he should be excited but he was
"I did think about this…we have been good friends for
close to eleven months now.."that made Botshelo
chuckle as Itumeleng continued.
"That being said, yes and yes I'll give us a chance."

Botshelo pushed his chair back and walked over to her.

He helped her up and held her waist.
"Thank you."
"I'm entrusting you with my heart. Don't break it, it has
been broken and battered in the hands of a man before
and I don't want to go through that heartache again"
"I swear on my son's life."
Itumeleng threw her head back laughing.
"Don't involve kids in out issues please.."
He gave her his dimpled smile and she still held that
"But can we take it slow, keep it to ourselves until we are
sure it's something solid?"
Botshelo nodded. He'd agree to anything at this point.
"Thank you.."
"Can I?" He asked looking at her lips and she nodded as
they locked lips.


Ranewa threw her head laughing in Jace's car as she

had her milkshake.
"You lie tlherra…"
"I'm serious mme."
He still couldn't take his eyes off her and she stopped
laughing as the tension between them heightened. She
licked her sugary lips and Jace breathed out, breaking
the eye contact but his eyes went back to hers again.
"Can I kiss you?" Ranewa melted. God she was so
easy..and he asked. Genuinely.her very first kiss, she
wasn't asked..just surprised that lips were on hers and it
turned out to be a disaster.
"Y-yes." His large hand held her entire cheek and he
dropped his head. Their lips brushed over each other
and his thumb brushed her cheek before his mouth
covered hers and she froze, not knowing what to do…
He stopped and looked into her eyes, his thumb
brushing her lower lip.
"You can do what I do okay little fairy?"
She nodded and he kissed her again, she opened her
mouth and slowly tried to imitate him. Her hand was on
his chest as she kissed him back, their lips in sync with
one another and his heart pounding like crazy in his
chest as he moved his hand and held the back of her
head to kiss her more, the smooching welching sounds
of the kiss filling the car.

Queen Of Hearts


At the mall parking lot

Jace pulled back from the intense kiss, his Adam's apple
bobbing as he ignored his rock hard hard-on. It's never
been like that from a mere kiss. Ranewa's eyelashes
fluttered as her eyes opened and her heart slowing
down then picking up just as fast as she looked at him..
He licked his lips and held her cheek..his chest rose and
fell and she leaned into his touch.
"I think I did it all wrong.."
She frowned. He hated it? She just embarrassed herself
"I should ask you out first." She relaxed and he rubbed
her cheek gently and he bit his lower lip.
He leaned back in his seat, reluctant to let go of her so
he took her hand instead and kissed it. He should tell
her but maybe not now.
"Would you do me the honours of going out with me?"
She couldn't help but smile at him.
"I'd love to."
"Thank you…"

With that he started the car and she let go of his hand to
buckle up before he took her hand again.
"I should still park a few houses away?"
He reversed out of his parking spot.


By Ranewa's street

Jace's car was nearby and he pulled Ranewa in for a

"What time tomorrow?"
She blinked and blushed. He was so focused on her that
it was hard to think straight.
"For the game…uhm? Ten maybe.."
"I'll pick you up.."
"Yes sir.."
He held her chin to lift her head and kissed her again,
more slowly and she placed her delicate hand on his
heart again and Jace chuckled.
"One of these days, you'll make my heart stop beating."
His throat bobbed and she smiled at him. Not knowing
that he was serious about that statement.

She moved back and smiled sweetly at him. His eyes

widened a bit at how fast his heart picked up but he
breathed easy when it went back to normal.
"Let me get going.."
"Bye little fairy, I'll call later.."
He pecked her lips and she moved back. She got her
bag and the other milkshake she bought for her sister.

He hovered over her as he opened the car door for her.

"Bye bye."
She closed the door with her behind and she walked to
the yard with her stuff.

Kopano was probably home from driving school.

She hummed, some of the happiness evident in her
eyes as she pushed the gate and got inside the yard.

Jace drove off as soon as she was in the yard, a little

smile playing on his lips and him temporarily pushing
back the fact that he wasn't here for long.

His phone rang in his pocket and he ignored it. He'll

answer later.


Inside the house, Ranewa gave Eana the milkshake as

she removed her sweater. Eana looked up from her
"You are happy."
"I am..I broke up with Brian by the way…"
"Hee banna! Kante didn't you say you love him?"
Ranewa removed her shoes and socks.
"I did say that." She shrugged as she removed her top
and bra then shimmied out of her skinny jeans.
"Why did you dump him?"
Ranewa looked at her sister. The reason would…she
didn't want her sister to look at her in that way and ask
about her shaving and all and even tell her about what
happened on Saturday.
"Okay. That's valid…"

Eana sucked on the milkshake, not bothering to ask the

logistics of it all.

Her sister wrapped herself in a towel and wore her

"Ka go etla."(I'm going to bath, I'll be back)
"On second thoughts, do you have a razor? Or shaving
"I think I do…"
Eana got up to look for it from her side of the wardrobe
and she took it out.

Ranewa walked out of the bedroom.

In Kopano's room, he frowned as he saw the familiar

face in his friend requests.
His finger hovered over the confirm button as his heart
raced a bit. He licked his lips, indecisive as he clicked on
the profile.

He went to her pictures and he saw her. It was her. He

confirmed the friend request and as if she had been
waiting for that moment, she sent a message and he
stupidly opened it the minute it was sent.

Larona:Hi Kopano, I hope you remember me,Larona

from standard four to six? Before you transferred school,
your first friend in school besides Ranewa? Sorry for
putting it out there on this first message. send a text
back if it's you and you remember me or you can ignore
it if I got it all wrong.

He read the message over and over for a few minutes

before he texted back, unsure of himself.
Kopano:Hi. I do remember.

He blinked as he saw her typing.

Larona: great. I thought I was going to embarrass

myself. It's been so long. How have you been?
He smiled as he relaxed a bit, texting her back. His
fingers hot and fast on the phone screen.


At some eatery

Itumeleng looked around and it was pretty chilled as she

sat opposite Botshelo.

Botshelo smiled at her. She was his, finally. He wasn't

going to do anything stupid to lose her and even though
their relationship was under wraps now, he owed
Ranewa a special thank you.

For stepping into his club and having him go get her
mother from prison. If she knew that she was
matchmaker? He'd never hear the end of it but he was
grateful for that bright girl who was smart and also naive
and liked to see the best in people.

To believe he had threatened her to not report him and

she had kept her mouth shut and even forgot he could
kill? A god sent.
"And what are you thinking about?"
"Thanking God and your photocopy for coming my
Itumeleng laughed into her hand. Ranewa..she loved
her kids so much

"Okay…I already know you have a son. How is he?"

"He is good…you know he doesn't live here but he's my
pride and joy and he graduated a few months ago."
"That's wonderful.."
"And I'm hoping he lives here since he's done with his you want to meet him?"
Itumeleng quickly shook her head.
"It's too early…Let's give this six months and we'll see.."
He nodded. He'd go along with anything really.
"And my kids shouldn't know..we might not work out and
it will be confusing them and also giving them false

Ah, she was leaving room for disappointment but he

wasn't going to disappoint her. She was probably the
woman he had been waiting for all his life.
"I won't tell them.."
"Thank you."
He kissed her hand and she blushed like a teenager
again, feeling those little butterflies in her stomach and
just all giddy and happy.


Ranewa sat cross legged on the mat as she wrote

something down in her notebook,watching a YouTube
tutorial video and comparing it to her class notes.

She groaned frustrated and paused the video and tried

a question to see if she really understood what she was
doing. Two minutes, she was grinning. She's such a

She resumed the video and her phone which was on

silent, flashed an unknown number on the screen.

She picked it up.

"Ranewa hello…"
There was some breathing and then followed by sniffs.
Ranewa paused her video.
Eana turned in her chair with her pen on her cheek and
"I'm sorry…did you sleep with him? Kana these men
with cars use girls like are naive and you pr-"
"Is that all?"
"I love you…I'll give you a month to get used to sex,
sorry for being impatient."
"We broke up..ha gone mosola.."
"Did you sleep with him?"
"Good. We still have a chance…I know that's not your
uncle's probably said that to not make me
suspicious..I forgive you and we can try again."

He sniffed again and Ranewa who hated hurting people

closed her eyes.
"Are you crying?"
"I'm hurt.."
Her little heart felt guilty for hurting him. She had figured
since he wanted sex and she didn't want to give it
because there had been no talk of sex from the start, he
could find someone to have sex with.
"You'll be okay.."
"If you come over tomorrow, to just talk this out?"
"Thank you and I love you."

She cut the call and she blocked the number. She
breathed out.
"Are you okay?" Eana asked.
"Yeah, let me study for next week's test."

Queen Of Hearts


Itumeleng was escorted to her gate and she smiled as

they hugged under the streetlights.
"Tomorrow it is?"
She nodded with a little smile. He kissed her lips and
she held his shoulders then moved her head.
"I have to go."

He opened the gate for her and she stepped inside her
yard as he closed it for her. She walked to the house
and knocked on the door.

The door unlocked and Ranewa smiled at her.

She felt a bit embarrassed. It was her children who were
supposed to be coming home at times like this but
instead all three were in the sitting room watching TV
and it was almost nine o'clock.
She cleared her throat.
"Hello guys."
Eana and Kopano said in unison before they fixed their
eyes back on the television.

She got inside and Ranewa got the padlock to go lock

the gate before she stepped back inside the house. She
locked the door and her mother was already in her
room. They heard the shower running.

The three of them looked at each other.

"That's strange."
Kopano pretended he wasn't thinking of his mother
dating and Ranewa chucked as she sat next to her
brother who covered her eyes.
"Eyes off my phone."
"I wasn't even looking at your phone Kopi."
Eana picked a cushion and threw it at them.
"Guys! Movie!"
Kopano removed his hand and Ranewa moved a few
inches away as she tucked her feet under her.
"What if mama wa jola?"
"Ranewa wa larisa tlhemma!"(You're annoying Ranewa)
"It's a possibility.."
"I'd rather not think about it.." Kopano added.
"Me too! Because-ng ng. I don't want to think about it."
"But mama deserves to be happy."
"We agree but we don't want to think about it because,
.that's our mother. The movie please!"
"Sorry." She whispered and picked the bowl in front of
them that had the biscuits their mother made on Sunday.

Ranewa's phone rang in the bedroom and she got up.

"Let me go get that."

She briskly walked to the bedroom as it rang. She got it

just in time and answered a bit breathless.
"Jace, hi.."
She looked around before she closed the door and
leaned against it to talk to him.

Ranewa missed the other half of the movie as she

giggled over the phone with Jace.
She finally whispered with the softest voice and she
heard him breath against the phone.
"Goodnight, little fairy. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
"Okay..hang up."
He chuckled.
She laughed softly and said bye once again before she
cut the call. She placed the phone against her chest and
quickly got up, opening the door to go watch the movie.

"What did I miss?"

"It ended"
"Let's watch another one"
Kopano was glued to his phone as he got up.
"I'm calling it a night. Goodnight guys, night mama."
"I think I should call it a night too." Itumeleng got up and
Ranewa sat next to Eana.
"One last movie? I don't have class tomorrow."
"Tla re lebe, batho ba ile akere."(let's watch, everyone
has left.)

The two sister remained seated for the next two hours
watching their selected movie.


In his house, Moemedi finally answered his mother's

"Have you told him yet?"
"Dad doesn't need to worry, I'm fine."

He heard his mother sigh and he sat on the couch,

browsing through the channels on his TV screen.
"You had the chance to last year, he called me."
His heart paused for a moment but he took a minute to
"What did he say?"
"Obviously he told me about the car and house. He says
he is excited to have you stay there permanently."
"I'll tell him I'm leaving in less than a week."
"Moemedi! I feel so bad and it's like I'm keeping you
here, away from your father. You have to tell him, he'll
be worried like I always am but he is your father."
His father worried too much and he didn't want him to
feel like he was not doing enough. He was okay, he had
to be okay.
"I've already applied for my Masters and I have a job
offer in London."
"Which is not the real reason. Stop trying to convince
yourself you are fine."
"Mother, I don't want to fight about this. I'm fine. I've
been fine."

His mother who was tired about talking and them

fighting about the same issue over and over again,
dropped it.
"I didn't call to fight, how is Botswana so far?"
"You do know I love being here."
"Then tell your father why you can't be there. It's as
simple as that."
"Let's observe everything after a year or two and I'll stay
her permanently without having to tell him and get him
worked up and worried."
"I hate how you are stubborn like your father too!"
"The Scott genes!"
"Oh go to hell!" He laughed and they switched the


The following day

Ranewa wore her tights and t-shirt as she got her bag.
Her mother was not home, probably went on about her
cooking business. She smiled. She was so proud of her

She said bye to her siblings and Kopano, who had been
glued to his phone barely said a word back.

She spotted Jace's car as soon as she was out of the

yard. She waved with a smile as she walked to it.
He opened the door and she got inside.
"Good morning."
He pecked her lips and buckled up her seat belt.
"Morning, you're beautiful."
That had her blushing as he joined the road and drove
"So, we're going to play scrabble at your place?"
"Yes ma'am. I'll bring you back in one piece. I promise."
"I hope so."
"I'll cook for you."
She laughed.
"I'm a good cook so I'll critic your work. Heavily."
"Someone who refuses to read literatures finest pieces?
I think not."
"When it comes to food? Try me."
He glanced over at her as his lips turned up and he
stopped his car by the robots and stole a kiss and she
"And even if you kiss me, I'll judge your food, ga ke tle
go ja maragaraga nna."(I won't eat nonsense)
"I'm not scared."
"You should be Jace. You should be."

The robots went green and he drove off.


At Jace's place

He parked his car and Ranewa stood outside looking at

the house.
"Ng ng, how old are you?"
"Twenty two. The house was a gift."
"Okay..I'm like twenty two means fresh from Uni and a
house like this?"
He held her shoulders.
"I was supposed to graduate last year but there were a
few delays, graduated a few months back."
"My brother is graduating on Thursday."
"And when are you graduating?
"Around this time in two years I'll be doing my fourth
He kissed the top of her head.
"Why didn't you graduate on time? Was it retakes? Ke
tshaba di retake gore mme."
He unlocked the door and he held her waist as they
walked inside the house.
"Actually no, I couldn't attend lessons and write some
exams because of-a situation."

Her brows furrowed and he rubbed the lines on her

"It's nothing. Make yourself comfortable okay? Let me
go take a quick shower, I'll be back."
He closed the door and he walked away leaving her in
the house. She used that time to explore and she saw
the groceries they bought-
They? She shook her head. There was no they here.
She heard the shower stop running when she was in
one of the rooms. She was left to see one room and it
seemed like it was his room.

She knocked.
"Are you dressed decently?"
"Yeah…come in."
She opened the door and stopped in her tracks as she
took in his half naked frame. She gulped looking at his
his upper body and then her eyes fixated on the spots
ink on his chest before…

She had twenty twenty vision. Jace picked the t-shirt he

was going to wear and just as he was about to slide his
hands through, his little fairy was in front of him and her
eyes were directly on the parts of his body he tried to
hide with tattoos.
"Is this-I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries."
She whispered looking up at him and this was so fast,
how could he be already taken by her when he wasn't
here for a long time…which reminded him. He needed to
tell her about his short stay.
"You're not…"
"This scar, it looks surgical and it's-a bit too close to your
She looked up at him, her finger lightly touching the
puckered flesh. She frowned as he held her hand..
"I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundaries."
"You're right. It is surgical.."Her eyes had the why
question in them and he let go of her hand as it dropped
to her side. She didn't voice out her question to him but
he answered it anyway.
"I had an open heart surgery when I was eight." Her
eyes went wide but then sympathetic but she looked at
his chest again, she could see another scar but that one
was faint, the puckered one looked a bit, new? Recent?
"This one looks new."
"Another surgery which was a year and a half ago."
"Open heart?"
He nodded.
"You're sick? Not like it's a bad thing and all b-"
"I'm fine…just heart problems here and there."

Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House
Ranewa sat next to him on his bed. She was concerned.
They were strangers but at the same time it felt like they
"At eight, my heart was malfunctioning. That was what I
was told so both my parents had to take me to SA for
the surgery. Everything was fine from there and they
both thought it was fixed and the checkups I got every
month for a year proved that.."
He shrugged. He had never seen his father that scared
and that's why he didn't want him to know now.
"It's only at twenty that I had another scare that required
surgery, apparently something was not done right when I
was eight so I had to have that…"
"Both your parents know now?"
"Only my mother since I live with her abroad."
"No wonder you have an accent." She snorted and he
couldn't help but smile at her.
He pulled her to him and she touched his chest again.
"I'm here on a short visit, I'm going back.."
"But you're fine now? Why don't you let your dad know?"
"Because I don't want to break his heart, he'll beat
himself up for something that's not even his fault. It's not
his fault that my heart is trying to kill me."
"Don't say that." Her face was serious.
He laughed and kissed her head.
"You're adorable. I'm far from dying.."
"Then why aren't you staying? Tell your father about it,
even if it scares him he deserves to know."
He sighed.
"I have surgery scheduled for end of November.."
Ranewa's body went cold. This scared her. Way more
than she thought it would. Her blood went cold.
"Like right at the heart?" Her voice was low. This chilled
her to the bone and he was talking about it casually as if
it was some kind of flue. Surgery was life or death.
There was no in between and one wrong thing he dies
just like that and he was only twenty two for crying out
"Something like that."

She got up and she had never been grateful for perfect
health till now but then she looked at him, his little
dimples and handsome face. Talking about this so
casually as if he was not deathly sick. She thought she
had problems but people had it way worse.

He got up and sighed. He pulled her to him.

"Don't worry. I was just answering your questions
because you asked. I'm fine. Breathe for a moment and
we'll go to the kitchen so I can make you something to
"You might die and make me grieve you."
He burst out laughing but she wasn't even smiling. Her
eyes shone with unshed tears. He silently cursed.
"I'm not dying. I have a long life ahead of me, I swear."
He held her chin up.
"And you already like me that much to grieve me?" He
smirked and she hit his chest but it was where his heart
was and she quickly withdrew her hand.
"I'm sorry."
"Ranewa, between you and I, you might be the fragile
one. Not me and you didn't hurt me. It's okay."
He kissed her lips softly.
"Don't worry about it okay?" He whispered against her
"Good. We have a game of scrabble and I plan on
She pushed him back lightly and he chuckled as she
turned to walk out. He followed her and wrapped his
arms around her, walking just behind her.
"And get dressed."
"Here I was thinking you love my tattoos."
"I hate them. Horrible. Get dressed."
"Ka gana."(no)
Her eyes went to his bare chest and she looked at the
scars much longer than necessary before her eyes
trailed down his chest and stopped at the tattoo just by
his navel. She read it out loud.
"Hell is empty?"
"It's not complete, you want to see the rest of it?"
His eyes glinted with mischief and she curiously nodded.
She saw him reach for the waistband of his sweatpants
and she covered her eyes as his laugh filled the room.
He pulled the sweatpants down…

Jace saw her peek between her fingers, his v line very
prominent and visible.
"It's just right here.."
Ranewa's heart raced as she saw the ink just below his
hip bone. She closed her eyes but then opened them
again and removed her hands.

"And all the devils are here." She whispered.

"A quote I loved from The Tempest by Shakespeare."
"And you decided to tattoo it there.."

He pulled up his sweatpants with a little smirk and

shrugged. She was so lucky she didn't see…she didn't
even want to think about it.
"You want to see it again?"
"God, no!"
He laughed, taking her hand as they headed to the


At Itumeleng's House

Eana checked the time. Her client was supposed to

come get the dress, she said she'll send someone to
come get the dress. Kopano was out and his sweat was
complete. Now tomorrow all he had to do is go cut his
hair. She was so excited.

Her phone rang and she looked at the unknown number.

Must be the person the client sent to get the dress.
"Eana hello."
There was a bout of silence before the person spoke.
"From Ea Couture?"
"Can I have the directions. I came to get the dress."
"Of course."

She took a minute to direct him and she heard the car
"Can you hear the car?"
"I can..Alright."

She cut the call and got the dress. She looked at it one
more time before she folded it nicely to put it in one of
the plastics she bought for her business. Printed paper
bags were costly but some day.

She wore her slides, her stomach exposed by the crop

top she wore and her butt filling the sweatpants she was
wearing. She pushed open the gate and the person
stepped out of the car.

The man who had come to get his girlfriend's dress took
a moment to look at Eana. He swallowed, his eyes trying
to subtly look up and down her body.
"Dumeleng, here is the dress. If she has any problems
although we did measurements, she can come see me."
He was distracted and Eana rolled her eyes. She
snapped her fingers and clapped her hands.
"My face is here. Tshwara."(take)
"Uhm sorry. O bogale jang."(You're so aggressive)
She shrugged. It was not the first time someone said
that and definitely not the last. She didn't like nonsense
especially in the form of men.
He got the plastic, trying to brush his fingers with hers
but her glare had him taking it like a normal person. He
opened it and looked inside. He didn't know what the
design was, just had to come collect the dress.
"Thank you."
"You are welcome."

She got inside the yard and he spoke.

"You're beautiful."
"I know."

She closed the gate, his eyes on her chest till she was
out of sight. He looked at the house number and he had
her number. Wow. She was feisty. A challenge. He licked
his lips and got inside the car.

Eana walked to the house and locked herself inside.

She had to wrap up next week's order. She sighed.
School and work and she enjoyed work more.


Kopano leaned against the driving school car as he

laughed at something Larona said.
"Right now, I'm busy looking for shoes and it's for doing
things last minute."
"For graduation? To think we have been in the same
school again for years."
"UB is a big place and we are always busy, there are
people I've only seen during first year and they are on
the graduation list like where do people hide in that
"That's the question."

There was silence for a minute before Larona spoke.

"You're talking more, kana ko standard four you didn't
want to talk and your eyes always seemed sad."
Kopano sighed.
"I grew up." That's all he could say. He can't tell a
stranger his whole life story and he didn't want the pity
or the sympathy. It happened and he had to move on
from it. He got a therapist who helped him deal with his
"And it's a good thing you're more vocal. I can't wait to
see you again on Thursday."
"Me too."
"Let me go before my sister loses patience with me."
He cut the call and he looked at his driving instructor.
"Now that you are off your phone, let's go…"

He got inside the car with the man.


At Botshelo's club

He looked at the car keys in his hand. He wondered if

Itumeleng will agree to let him give Kopano the car. It
was nothing big just a Mazda Demio…he had bought it
after he bought Moemedi's Mercedes because they are
closer in age and this year was for their graduations.

A car would help him when he is job searching and to

make his life easier.

He bought even before he asked Itumeleng to be his

girlfriend. He smiled. He had a girlfriend, it was secret
but it still made him feel like a teenage boy.

His phone rang on the desk. He picked it up.

"Hello, have you talked to Moemedi today?"
Her voice was panicked. What's wrong?
"No. Why?"

Queen Of Hearts


Botshelo waited for his son's mother to speak.

"He's not answering his phone."
Botshelo chuckled.
"Uhu! That's all? He is probably busy."
"Can you check him for me?"
"Okay. I don't know what the fuss is about."
"Thank you. Have a good day."

He cut the call and sighed. He stood up but his

telephone rang.
"Hello. Your people have arrived."
He sat back down as he waited for them. He tried to call
moemedi but his phone just rang with no answer.
His office door opened and he placed his phone down.


At Jace's House

Ranewa on Jace's lap as they kissed and he stopped

the kiss.
"Look at you, already kissing me like a pro."
She blushed and he held her tighter. He looked up at the
wall clock, it was almost lunch time.
"When should I drop you off at home?"
"About that, I have to go to school."
"Okay. I'll take you there and I will drop you off at home
after that."
"Thank you."
He pecked her lips.
"I like you." He admitted with a low voice. "I don't know if
I should like you when I'm leaving soon and it will be
unfair to you." He continued. He rubbed her lower lip
and she could understand his point.
"You deserve much more than I can give right now."
"And who made you my decision maker?"
He looked at her with a smile.
"We'll buy lunch on our way to school. Let me go get
dressed and don't forget that Shakespeare book."
She groaned.
"You cheated."
"Read your dictionary little fairy, it's not my fault gore
sekgoa se go baya ha le ha.."(that English dribbles you)
"You're too cocky for my liking"
He kissed her fingers and had her get off his lap so he
could go get his t-shirt.

Ranewa watched him walk to his bedroom and she got

the book on the other sofa. She put it in her bag.

Jace got to the bedroom and he checked his phone.

Seeing the missed calls.

He called back and in a minute he had spoke to both of

them. He picked his car keys.


Brian sat in his room. Ranewa's phone wasn't going
through and he realised she blocked him. That made
him angry but then he saw her name pop up on the
screen. Since yesterday he did do his research on her
and he did find out about the court cases both her
parents went through.

He quickly answered.
"Babe, hi."
A hot minute passed.
"Hello, I'm in school. You wanted us to talk. I'm by FD
"Can't you come to my room, it's more private."
"Ke itlhaganetse…I came all the way from block eight to
school and I don't have time."
He groaned. Why couldn't she work with him? Where
was the naive and submissive Ranewa he met four
months ago? The one who would smile at him and do
what he says?
"Tlhemma. There are a lot of people there, or better yet
let me go get you there and we can talk in my room."
He heard her sigh.
"Okay. I'm sitting by the benches in fd Park."
"Thank you. I'm on my way."
He looked at his room and it was clean. He quickly wore
his shoes and he got his keys and phone before he
walked out of his room.

By Fd Park, Ranewa checked the time on her phone.

She glanced back at Jace who was in the car. He waved
at her while talking to the phone and she waved back
with a goofy smile.

She turned back and waited for Brian to show up. A

minute later, she saw him walking towards her. She
stayed put as he got closer.
"Let's go."
"No. Sit down.."
He reluctantly sat down, noticing noticing the car that
picked her up yesterday.
"I love you okay?"
"Brian, I'm sorry that I hurt you and made you cry
yesterday. It was never my intention."
He smiled. She was apologising, it was a good thing.
"I forgive you."
"I still want us to break up."
His smile dropped.
"Ranewa? Why? You love me."
"Maybe I still do but that doesn't mean we should be
together. What happened on Saturday was so
uncomfortable to me and-"
He cut her words short.
"I told you I'll wait, give you a month and talk about it.
We can watch porn together so you get used to it,
Saturday might have been uncomfortable but it's what
"No. I'm supposed t-"
"Ranewa you said you are a virgin, how do you know
how it is supposed to be? I have experience and I know
what I'm doing."
Why was he interrupting her?

She breathed out.

"I don't love you ee."
"Ranewa, let's discuss this in my room. We aren't free
"I am free here. Please respect my decision. We are
"I never agreed."
"You don't have to agree. Have a good day Brian."
"It's not like you are all that."
She licked her lips.
"I know. I know my shortcomings." She got up.
"Mxm! O tsamaya o phakisa basimane ba Gaborone
nnywaana e leswe e tshutlha."(Giving away your dirty
vagina, a bushy one in fact to Gaborone boys)

That pierced Ranewa's heart and she looked around to

see if people heard that but they didn't. Even if her
father was trash, he never insulted her like that. Tears
stung her eyes.
"Tsamaya..lebeletejana ke wena. O ka tlhola o
tlhantsiwa ke koloi? Rraago o bone gore o lebelete ha o
bona ne o mo tlogela a tshwara nnywaana yaago e
leswe."(Go you sl*t. Cars make you crazy? Your father
saw you were a sl*t that why you let him touch your dirty

Ranewa almost staggered at how those words cut

through her heart. Jace frowned in the car as he cut his
call short.
"I'll come over later so we can talk. I have to go."

He quickly got out of his car and jogged over to Ranewa

who was holding back tears. He held her steady.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm f-fine." She wheezed in between the tears.
Jace looked over at the boy who had been sitting
opposite Ranewa.
"What did he do?"
He held her chin and there were not a lot of people
around so it was almost quiet.
"What did he say?"
Queen Of Hearts



Brian stood up and attempted to walk past them as

Ranewa sniffed. Jace just pulled him back.
"Ema pele mister, why ngwana a lela?"(Wait a minute,
why is she crying?)
Ranewa rubbed her eyes and breathed in.
"I'm okay. It's j-"
Jace levered her a look that made her shut up but that
look was familiar. She just rubbed her eyes.
"She is crying because she is a cheater and she maybe
tricked you when you might not be the first one she
tricked into believing her virgin stories…o phakisa
phakisa mo Gaborone."
Jace frowned but his grip on the young lad who looked
like he was a year younger than him tightened and Brian
"Can I get the full story? I don't have time."
Ranewa rubbed her eyes and breathed out and faced
the other way as she repeated what Brian said. Word for
word with her voice breaking in between.
"Did you say that?"
"It's the truth." Brian spat. She was thinking she was
smart because she had a man with a car. Men took such
things to heart and he'd leave her too.
"Okay." Jace fully faced Brian.
"You do know that's now how you talk to a lady?"
Brian wondered what he was on? They were men and
supposed to stand together against women who
behaved like that.
"And I'm being leven headed about this. She doesn't
want you. Accept that and move on. Is it that hard?"
Brian attempted to walk away but Jace stopped him.
"Akere she is out of the equation, we are talking man to
"I'm done talking. You can keep this sl*t!"

Jace who was inches taller than Brian swung his fist and
Brian staggered back.
"We are still talking! Now take a seat." His voice boomed
and Ranewa moved back.
Brian sat down and Jace looked at Ranewa.
"Go sit in the car, I'll be there."
She breathed out and walked away. He sat in front of
Brian and sighed.
"Is that how you talk to a woman?"
Brian held his jaw and shook his head.
"Now you are going to sincerely apologise to her.
Whether you want to or not, but let me ask a question is
that what you would say to your mother?"
Brian opened his mouth and closed it.
"Exactly. Your sister rather? If men called her that
continuously would that be fun and make you smile?"

Brian thought about his sister who was still in primary

school, his face dropping.
"Thought so. Apologise to her and stay out of her way. A
little fun fact, my father has a gun, I have a gun and I
know how to use it too. It would be a pity if I misused it
and it shot you in the balls. By accident of course." He
was being so casual about it.
He swallowed.
"Go apologise to her."

He got up and Jace followed him. Brian looked at

Ranewa who sighed when she saw him.
"I'm sorry." Jace stood right behind him and he could
hear his own heart beat at the thought of the gun. He's
never touched one before..
"It's not complete. Go on."

Ranewa who was now tired waited.

"For insulting you. I was just angry that you refused to
take me back and I'm sorry for making you
uncomfortable on Saturday, it was never my intention. I
didn't mean everything I said. I let my anger control me.
Ke kopa maitshwarelo."(please forgive me)

He turned to look at Jace who nodded and when he

thought he was free, a punch landed right in his face.
"Be respectful."

He walked to his car and left Brian there touching his

nose after that punch as his eyes gleamed. He'd been
punched. Twice in a matter of minutes.

Jace started the car and reversed out of the parking

"I'm sorry I got you inv-"
"You don't need to explain, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
He used his other hand to touch her face.
"You're not. Let me drive out of this school so we can

She nodded.


At Botshelo's club

Itumeleng checked the time. Lunch just ended and she

walked inside the club with packed lunch. She had
gotten so busy preparing the menu for this other party
she was supposed to cater for and the people kept on
changing their minds over and over again but what the
client wants, the client gets.

She knocked on his office door.

"Come in."

She pushed it open and smiled.

"Hello. I know lunch has passed but I brought lunch."
Botshelo smiled. He was being fed now? He was going
to like being her new man.

"I'll eat whatever you cooked."

She got inside and sat on the chair opposite his desk,
placing the lunchbox on the table.
"I hope you enjoy it."
He opened his desk drawer and took out a plastic spoon
and then opened the lunchbox.
"I made this in the morning."
He smiled and opened his desk again to take out the
"It looks so appetising."
"It is."

She watched him eat and she smiled as he

complimented her cooking in between, very grateful to

When he was done, he wiped his mouth and she got her
tupperware back. She was not leaving it with him.

He didn't want it to seem like he was blindsiding her.

"I bought Kopano a car."
Her smile turned into a frown.
"He is graduating and I bought him one too when I was
buying Moemedi's car."
She laughed in disbelief.
"Are you trying to buy my love through my children
Botshelo frowned.
"No. I am honestly not trying to do that, I thought it
would be nice for him to have a car."
"A car out of all things? A car is expensive and obviously
having my children on your side will mean even if it
doesn't work out I'll be guilty because of all the things
you did for them and I can't leave."
"Itumeleng, that's not what I'm trying to do."
"I think Ranewa should stop coming to do your laundry.
If you can afford a car, you can definitely buy a washing
machine. She gets an allowance and you might buy her

She got up.

"Please call her and tell her she is no longer doing your
laundry and keep your car "

She stormed out of his office and he rubbed his chin, a

headache starting at the back of his head. He felt like
she was over exaggerating this. It was just a car, he
wasn't going to demand it back if things go wrong, she
told him not to involve Ranewa, he wasn't going to
involve her. He breathed into his hands. He can't do
nothing out of the goodness of his heart? Like nothing?


Inside Jace's car

Ranewa looked at him. Expecting him to say something

or better yet turn out like Brian so she could leave. He
was quiet.
"Say something." She whispered.
"Thank you for telling me."
That was all? Just that?

Queen Of Hearts


Inside Jace's car

Jace extended his hand and held her chin to look into
her eyes.
"Are you okay?"
She blinked.
"I'm okay."
"With everything that happened?"
She breathed out. "Not really but I have to okay."
"You don't have to. It's a process though."
She nodded.
"I'm sorry you went through that and I'm sorry that he
said that to you, he just wanted to hurt you because he
was angry he didn't get what he wanted."
"I never did him wrong." People should extend the same
courtesy of good back to her just like she does.
"He didn't care, don't let what your father did and what
he did define you, you can be stronger than that."
That made her smile.
"How do you know?"
"You're heart's in the right place." He rubbed her chin
and smiled at her, his smile small and his eyes fixed on
her. Listening to every word she said.
"Please don't use this against me."
He pecked her lips. "Don't leave therapy yet and
sometimes you have to accept that people will say
things that offend you but you don't have to let what they
say get to you. Just brush it off and cry it off alone, so
they don't use your tears against you."
"I'll keep that in mind."
He kissed her again and she placed her hand on his
shoulder and then he slightly pulled back.
He looked into her eyes and she smiled back at him.
"Let me take you home."
"Okay. Thank you."
"You are welcome."

He started the car and joined the road.


At Itumeleng's House

Itumeleng sat on her bed and thought about what

Botshelo told her. She couldn't vent to anyone besides
her therapist and she eas seeing her on Friday. It was
those days where she could feel the loneliness. She had
no friends or a mother who loved her or a sister who
could be a friend. She didn't have that. Some things
weren't things she could discuss with her children and
she didn't want to involve them.
To her, it felt like he was buying off their love. Like the
more she sees how much her children love him? It will
probably make her feel guilty to walk away if it comes to
that. A deep wave of sadness washed over her as she
removed her shoes and laid down. She looked at the
ceiling, wondering about how life would have turned out
had she…

She shook her head as she heard the door open. She
breathed out. She should go make food for them.

Ranewa who just arrived and was feeling a bit better,

walked into the room she shared with her sister.

She thew her bag on the bed and then threw herself on
the bed.
"Long day?"
"Very very long. I think I have a new boyfriend."
Eana eyed her sister suspiciously.
"You break up with Brian and now you have a new
Ranewa turned till she was laying on her back.
"He's dreamy okay? And I didn't leave Brian for him, I
told Gotlhe about something about Brian and she made
me listen to my head instead of my heart."
Eana chuckled.
"Putting people first instead of yourself?"
"Am I that open of a book?"
"Yes. You are-always happy as if there is nothing
Eana said it as if it was a bad thing and Ranewa
"Kana even after Mothusi was arrested and you said all
that, you cried and then the next day you moved on as if
you didn't reveal that you were molested."
"It happened in the past."
Eana could see that she was starting an argument that
was useless.
"It not anyone's fault that I was molested. I'll always beat
myself up for not talking or even reporting him for
attempted murder since he almost killed me but it
passed. After crying, I move on."
"Do you?"
"Yes. You see that I never mention it and it's been
months. It's dead and in the past."
"Okay. I wasn't fighting."
"Me neither."

Ranewa's phone rang in her bag and she quickly got it.
"Mr Botshelo.."
"Hello Ranewa, how are you?"
"I'm okay. Is something wrong?"
"No. Nothing is wrong, I won't be in need of your
services anymore."
She looked at the phone screen.
"I bought a washing machine."
"Oh. That's okay, thank you so much for giving me a job
when I really needed it. I will forever be grateful."
"You are welcome and please keep focusing on school."
"Yes. I will, but why did you have buy a washing
machine? It left me jobless."
He laughed and she smiled. He thought she was going
to be upset about it but she took it lightly and was even
making jokes about it.
"It was time."
"I hope it does a better job than me. If it fails, you can
call me. Thank you."
"Alright. Bye."
He cut the call.
"You're fired?"
"If you put it that way, yes. At least I saved up money
from the last five months so it wasn't as if I needed the
money but just having something to do was nice."
"You can be my assistant."
"I'm already your model."
Eana rolled her eyes and Ranewa laughed. She
checked the time, Jace said he'd call around nine to talk
to her.


At G-North

Moemedi watched as the streetlights went on around six

in the evening. He yawned, a bit exhausted as he
honked his car. He got out of the car and pressed the
intercom but there was no response. He looked outside
as his dad's dog walked to the gate.
His father wasn't here yet. He rubbed his eyes once
again and walked to the car and got inside to wait for
him. His tiredness might make him stay the night.

He locked himself in the car and he reclined the seat

back as he rubbed his chest. His doctor was going to kill
him. It was that whiskey he had with his dad a few days

He closed his eyes.

At Itumeleng's House

Botshelo parked his car outside and checked the time,

he drove here immediately after work and it was around

He called Itumeleng's phone and it rang unanswered.

He was tempted to call Ranewa so she can talk to her
mother bit that will put him further in the danger zone
and he didn't want that. She was already making him
walk through minefields and he didn't know what to
expect when it came to her.

He tried to call her again and it rang for a for seconds

before she answered.
"I'm outside, can we talk?"
"Like two full grown adults Itumeleng?"

He heard shuffling and then footsteps.

She cut the call and he waited for her. The gate opened
two minutes later and she closed it as she walked to the
car. She opened the door, pulling her gown close and
got inside.
He took a moment to look at her, she was beautiful and
as much as she had a lot of emotional and physical
trauma he was going to see this relationship through. He
had that niggling feeling that he belonged with her.
Maybe he was just a fool but he'll walk through her
minefields to be close to her.

"Can we talk? Calmly? Starting with you laying out your

Itumeleng breathed into her hands. Maybe this was a
"And don't think I'll give up on you Itumeleng. I decided I
wanted to date you, I just want us to have open
"A car is a big deal and-"
She breathed into her hands.
"And it feels as if you are buying my love through them. I
know you've known them from before I was released a-"
"Okay. Calmly explain the way forward so we can have
common ground."
"Maybe keep it and after some months you can ask
"Was that hard? You didn't have to storm out of my
office, I had bought it with him in mind. I should have ran
the idea through you and next time I will. Is there
anything else?"
She shook her head and he held her head in his hands.
"Sometimes you overthrowing will ruin a good thing but I
like you for the both of us, we'll fight and makeup but I'm
not walking out Itumeleng."

He brought his lips on hers and she placed her hand at

the back of his bald head as the kiss deepened. She
broke the kiss with a shy smile. He kissed her again
before he cut the kiss short.
"What's the plan for Thursday? I can come pick you up
with the kids for Kopano's graduation."
"It starts early morning."
"I'll manage."
"Thank you."
He pecked her lips and she smiled back at him.
"Thank you. For not giving up on me. This…is new and I
have to let go of some things but it'll take time."
"I'm a patient man."

Sbe got out of the car and tied her gown, closing the car.
She opened the gate and and closed it. Botshelo smiled
to himself, he whistled in the car as he started it and
drove off.

Just as Itumeleng got inside the house, Ranewa got the

padlock to go lock the gate and she awkwardly passed
her kids heading to the kitchen.

Ranewa cane back and she locked the door before she
sat on the couch.


At G-North

The time was approaching eight and Moemedi was out

like a light bulb in his car. Bptshelo frowned as he saw
his son's car and then that's when he remembered that
Moemedi said he was coming over..
He should be spending more time with his son, he hasn't
been staying in the country and now he was not even
giving him attention.

He got out of his car as his gate opened and he knocked

on Moemedi's window. He saw him snap awake, his
head hitting the car roof and his hand immediately
clutching his chest and him breathing a bit heavily. He
He knocked again and be watched Moemedi lean back
again, breathing before he blinked. He saw his father on
his car window.

He started the car and rolled down the window.

"Hi.."His accent a bit prominent and Botshelo smiled.
"Are you okay? You didn't look good."
Moemedi rubbed the back of his head.
"Let me park the car inside the yard?"
Botshelo walked to his car and drove inside the yard
before Moemedi drove.

He closed the gate once both cars were in the yard and
he got out as Moemedi got out of his car.
He walked to the door and unlocked it as Moemedi

They got inside the house and Moemedi headed to the

open kitchen for a glass of water. He gulped it down
before he placed it down and he waited for a minute for
everything to go back to normal.
"Can we talk?"
"Sounds serious."
Moemedi noted the worried look on his father's face and
he was already about to change his mind.
"Let's sit down. Should I make food?"
"Make food first and we'll talk."


Queen Of Hearts


Two days later

At UB sports arena

The sounds that filled the arena were those of the

hopeful graduands. They had worked for these degrees,
some took longer than others but what mattered was
that they had reached their goals but this was not to
mark the end of a journey but the start of a thousand
journeys they were going to embark.
Ranewa sat next to her mother who was in a red dress,
designed by yours truly Ms Eana Mosiame. Their mother
had begrudgingly stood for pictures Eana took of the
dress for her Facebook page.

Ranewa who had done her hair yesterday. It was a

struggle to remove the braids but Eana helped and she
was satisfied with her carrot ponytail, her forehead
popping as she looked at the agenda.

Unfortunately the graduand could only invite two people

and Eana hadn't been able to come but she'll be there
for the photos. She was just home fixing Kopano's
personally designed slash for the pictures. She took out
her phone and snapped a few pictures. It was full and
she couldn't spot her brother but she was waiting
expectantly fir his name to be called when his turn

Itumeleng smiled, she was a proud mother. Her babies

were this smart and were doing things she never was
able to achieve but she loved it so much for them. They
deserved all the nice things life could give them.


At the hospital
Jace laid on the bed and lifted his head. He checked his
phone and he saw goodmorning texts from Ranewa. He
smiled a bit, she had been so excited and busy
yesterday he hadn't been able to tell her about his brief
scare on Tuesday night. He was being released in an
hour, he just had to take it easy for the next few days
which means he's not flying back on Saturday. He
replied her texts and did compliment her on her dress
and the new hairstyle. She was so adorable.

Not like he had booked a Saturday flight, his surgery

was a month away and he wanted to stay for at least
two more weeks to spend time with her and his father.

He tried to sit up right as the hospital door opened and

his father walked in.
"I brought you breakfast, how are you feeling?"
"A bit better."
He saw how worried his father was. That was one of the
reasons he didn't tell him but his heart beat him to it and
almost failed him yet again.
"I'm worried, can you stay over at my place? For
"No can do old man, I wouldn't want to be sneaking in
my girlfriend over at your place."
His father's eyes widened.
"No wonder you didn't care whether we spend time
together or not.."
"She's a pretty sight to look at and I'd rather have her
fuss over me in my death bed."
"You're not dying!"
"I'm kidding." He laughed as he opened the takeaway
"Sure you'll be fine? I'll check on you when I knockoff
"Call first but I'm okay. The doctor said I'm okay."
His father leaned back on the chair, his worry showing in
his eyes.
"I don't know why you didn't tell me a year and a half

Jace opened the box and took out the breakfast burger.
"I don't want to lose you. You're all I have."
He paused, his own guilt lodging in his throat.
"I don't know how to get better dad."
He knew that. It wasn't his fault he had been born with a
malfunctioning heart with too many complications to
count, he just didn't want to lose his only son.
"I'll drop you off at your place."
He understood yet still didn't understand why he wasn't

The doctor walked in.

"Ah, your father is here. You are free to go. We were
able to connect with your cardiologist, it should be safe
to fly in two weeks. Please come for checkups every
three days."
He nodded and the doctor walked out.

"They didn't rule out driving, I should be fine in a couple

of days. Dad, don't worry. I'm a fighter."
He tried to lighten the mood and his father forced a
smile. His own heart heavy, like any parent he wished
he would be the one suffering with the heart condition
instead of his son but that wasn't possible so all he had
to do is be there for him in any way possible and hope
for the best.
He was not a good man sometimes but his son didn't
deserve this.

Jace ate the food, his own mind pushing back any
negative thoughts. Minus what was waiting for him back
at his mother's, Ranewa and his dad were the only
positives currently.
He chuckled alone, she was a little fairy. Showing up
when his life was in the precarious state? Surely like he
had said, she was given to him. Did she ever thank her
mother for that name?

"Dad, tell me about the woman who made you drink

yourself jnto oblivion last weekend."
His father scowled it him.
"You were venting, did you make up?"
"Dikgang tsa batho."(people's issues)
"You involved me in them."
"I'm uninvolving you.."
"Does that word exist?"
His father scowled more but a smile overtook the scowl
and he smiled.


At UB Sports Arena

Ranewa took out her phone as the course Kopano did

was being called out.
"Bachelor of Science, Mathematics of Finance.."
Ranewa pressed record with a giddy smile as the first
class graduands were awarded their scrolls. She had
ignored Jace's messages that popped up on her screen,
she'll reply later.

"Second class, Upper division."

Kopano was just 0.1 short from first class but that didn't
matter, he did so well and she was a proud little sister.
"Kopano Mosiame."

Itumeleng clapped her hands and Ranewa captured the

moment, he was all handsome with his fresh cut and Ea
Couture looking good in him. She grinned as she
stopped the video until he sat down.
"Let me see.."
Itumeleng got Ranewa's phone and she watched the
video again. Her heart swelling with pride.

Hours later, the graduation was over and Itumeleng was

on the phone talking to her significant other.
"I was a bit busy but I'm on my way with Eana."
"Alright. Thank you. The photographer is on his way
"I hope you are proud of that young man."
"I am. I am so proud of him, he did so well and worked
so hard."
She could swear she felt Botshelo smile.
"Okay. I'm on my way."
The call cut and she turned to see Ranewa standing
next to Kopano who was in his gown and cap. She was
holding his scroll for him.

Kopano saw Larona who glanced over at him as she

walked out of the sports arena.
She hugged him.
"And congratulations to you too."

Ranewa watched them talk like old friends and when

they were mid conversation that's when Larona turned
to her.
"Ranewa right?"
She nodded with an awkward smile.
"I remember. Kana everyday after school, Kopano used
to go get you from your class."
"Congratulations and you look nice."
"I love your dress. Who made it?"
"Eana, check Ea Couture on Facebook and send a
message, she made all of this."
"Wow! I definitely will."

She turned her attention back to Kopano and she

moved away. She handed her mother the scroll, the
heels killing her and she wanted to get rid of them.

"I'm going to make a call, I'll be back."

She walked away and she called Jace. He answered

"Hi little fairy."
"Hi there, the graduation is over and I think we are going
to take pictures."
"Keep working hard, that will be you graduating soon."
"I know. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Just to make sure. I'll see you tomorrow. My lessons
have been cancelled. You can pick me up at ten.."
She heard him groan a little.
"I can't do that."
"What happened? I have extra money, nka tshela
petrol."(I fuel the car for you)
Jace laughed.
"It's not that, I'll tell you when you're here..I'll send the
directions and you can take a cab here, I'll pay for it."
"Okay. Now I'm worried an-"

"Ranewa?" Eana called out. When did the arrived.

"I have to go okay? Keep safe and I l-"
She stopped herself. Too early. She cut the call and held
her dress as she quickly walked over to where they

Queen Of Hearts


At UB sports arena

Brian who had passed by to say hi to his buddies who

were graduating, saw Ranewa laughing with her family
in a dress that seemed like a tight fit on her body and
the heels added height to her five foot nothing. He
swallowed as she laughed with her brother, fixing his
suit and a man who looked a bit familiar to that Jace
stood next to Eana, he knew her because she had
posted her on her status once or twice advertising that
she was a designer. Maybe the man wasn't familiar and
he was still salty that he was nursing a bruise for
speaking his own truth.

He faced his friend and he fist bumped with him,

congratulating him on this big accomplishment.

Kopano removed his graduation gown and placed it on

his mother. Itumeleng smiled as Kopano proceeded to
place the hag on her head and Ranewa snapped
"It looks good on you gore."
"You deserve it." Kopano said to his mother as he
hugged her. Itumeleng emotionally hugged Kopano
back. This was the only time she'd ever wear a gown.
Kopano got the scroll and he handed it to his mother as
both Ranewa and the photographer took pictures of their

Botshelo smiled, she should think about going back to

school. She was so happy and he knew her kids make
her happy.

Itumeleng stopped them from taking more pictures.

"We should get going."
Kopano asked them to wait for him as Itumeleng
removed the hat and the gown and Kopano went to find
Larona was talking to some of her former classmates
and she stopped talking with them mid-way, spotting

"He is hot." One of her friends said.

"Is he single? I'd like some of him." Larona glared at her
"Sorry choms but I could use some vitamin him right

Larona shook her head and she walked over to Kopano

who smiled at her. Should she tell him when she saw
him at standard four she had a crush on him and was
his friend because that was the only way to get close to
"Hey, I'm about to go."
She tucked her Peruvian wig behind her ear that
dangled with the hoop earring.
"Okay. I guess we'll talk?"
Kopano looked around and she smiled at him, a bit shy
and he could see her friends watching him. He looked at
her, her heels making her taller to almost reach his
"I guess so. Now we have to find jobs and all."
Kopano chuckled and he wondered if? He was reading
too much into it.
She hugged him, a bit awkward and knowing that all this
time they've been talking thorough the phone and his
hand rubbed her back. She ingrained his cologne in her
mind and how manly he smelt. She didn't know how to
describe manly but yes. She loved how he smelt.
"Larona, you can let go now."

She moved back, a little smile on her face.

"Of course."
"Bye bye."

He walked away and she turned to face her friends.

"So? Is he single? What's his name?"
"Ae tlhemma...Larona you like him?"
"He's just a friend."
"You see? Ke kopa his number tlhemma, o ka
tshwanelwa ke go bitswa rraagwe basimane.."(being a
father would suit him)

Larona sighed, ignoring her. She was not giving her

Kopano's number.
The friend watched Kopano walk away, if Larona was
refusing with the number, she'll find it because today
was day one of graduation and almost every graduate
will post their pictures on Facebook or any social media.
It was definite given. So she'll find him.

Ranewa was busy scrolling through the pictures, seeing

how happy they looked.

Kooano's phone which had been off silent since the

graduation ceremony ended, rang in his suit pocket. He
took it out and saw the caller ID, his mood dropping.

"Kopano, have you made your mind? You've been
saying you'll think about it and it's been months."
He looked up at rhe clear sky.
"I don't want his property, his money. Nothing. I don't
want anything to do with it?"
"Kopano? Are you sure? It's all worth more than three
million and that's a lot of money to decline."

He laughed bitterly.
"With all that money who didn't he take care of us? With
that house of his, he raped and abused my mother,
abused his children in that same house and I'm
supposed to take the house?"
The lawyer was silent.
"The money could help you..If I'm right, you're done with
school. The cars could be useful."
"It's all dirty money. I want no part in that tainted money
of his."
"Luckily, he did say you have two more years to make
up your mind. After two years if you still refuse his
property, it will be passed on to the next sibling and
they'll get two years to make up their mind before it goes
to the last born. After two years, you'll have to sign
paperwork in regards to passing the property to the next
sibling. Have a good day Kopano."

The call cut and he breathed out. He reigned his anger

in. There was no way he was touching all that money.
His father was tainted and he was never good. It was
already bad enough he was using his surname but to
touch his money? It felt like a betrayal to his mother, his
siblings and himself.

He wanted to be a better man than his father. He calmed

himself as he walked over to the car that was parked by
the shade.
Kopano got inside the car, finally. Ranewa thought as
she looked up from her phone. She found herself texting
Jace whole waiting for Kopano to return.

"We're heading to the studio right?"

"Yes. The sash is ready and I hope everyone marketed
my services." Eana looked at her siblings and mother.
"I'm your biggest supporter Eana, ebile I told everyone
to check out Ea Couture on Facebook. Ne go shorta
gore ke ba re phaa ka number yaago."(I was short of
giving them your number)

Itumeleng laughed softly as Botshelo started the car.

Botshelo glanced over at the kids in the back and then
at Itumeleng. If their relationship wasn't so secret, he'd
be kissing her lips at this moment but he had to be
patient. She was the woman he has been waiting for his
whole life.


The day was exhausting and really long but then

Botshelo had to leave them, he said he'd pick them up
he had to go see someone.

The family of four sat down at the restaurant and placed

their orders.
Happiness and celebration were the day's theme as
they enjoyed their meal.

Queen Of Hearts


The following day

That Friday, the sun shone extra bright as Ranewa was

the last to get out of bed. Kopano was out and her
mother went to get client orders or was it ingredients?
Something of that sort. Eana? She went to buy her
material and she also wanted to get out of the house.

She hummed as she headed to the kitchen in her gown

to make tea and have them with her mother's scones.
While waiting for the kettle to boil, she heard the gate
open and she quickly grabbed a knife and walked to the

If it was her siblings they would get right in but the

person knocked.
She looked at her knife once more and opened the door.
The man looked at the girl standing by the door,
swallowed by the gown she was wearing.
"Hi, is Eana home?"
Ranewa looked at the man and thinned her eyes.
"Why are you looking for her?"
"I'm a friend."
"My sister doesn't have friends who are old men, try

The man chuckled. Oh she didn't seem hostile like Eana

but she did seem like the type to talk too much and ask
too many questions. He really just wanted to see the
designer from the other day since he tried calling her
after he got the dress and she has not been answering
the phone. She probably blocked him.
"Old man?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm looking for Eana, I got a dress from her the other
day and-"
He noticed the knife then and then looked at the girl, she
looked like she was barely out of her teens.
"I'm not going to harm you."
"Eana is not home and if you were thinking of hitting on
her, trust me you'll go to jail."
He frowned. Not catching on.
"Please leave, she is a child."
"A child?" He didn't see a child when he saw her.
"Yes. Far from being legal, just because she runs a
business does not give creeps like you leeway. Please
leave the yard."
Ranewa showed the knife and pointed to the gate with
the knife. He swallowed as he walked out. Ranewa
watched him and she waited for her to hear the car go
before she breathed out and closed the door and locked
it. Her tea water must be cold.


At Wimpy

Friday, another set of graduands was graduating but

Kopano and his 'friend' Larona looked at Kopano with a
little smile on her face. A voice in her head was telling
her to tell him about her feelings for him.
Kopano looked up from his plate and she smiled. He
smiled back.
"Uh hi."
He said again and that little hi made her blush as she
brought the coffee mug to her lips.

She placed the mug down but she needed something to

occupy her hands as she told him. If he says no, they
can be great friends. They used to be great friends
before. Last night she had wondered what would have
become of them had he not switched schools or had she
met him in school throughout her undergrad.

"You remember back at standard four?"

He placed his cup down and nodded. His attention was
all on her and she could feel his eyes on her.
"Well, I can say this as an adult now, I liked you at the
His face didn't give anything away and she bit her lip,
nervousness making her pause so she can have a
reaction from him to move on with her speech.

Kopano could tell she was nervous and he himself had

been contemplating asking her out. The only problem
was that he had zero experience and he didn't know
how to be a boyfriend. On the other hand, he was still
job hunting and all of that.
"I like you too." He countered and her lips parted softly
and some hair got in her mouth. She laughed, removing
Kopano took her hands in his and he let her.
"I like you. A lot and if you can give me a chance to-"
He laughed.
"I'm not done yet."
"Whatever it is, yes."
He kissed her hands and those traitorous butterflies
started in her stomach.
"I haven't done this before."
Now she was confused.
"A relationship and everything it entails, it's new to me
and I don't know what to do or if I'll be doing things
He rubbed the back of her hands with his thumbs.
"You have never dated before?"
She blinked. Probably that didn't entail him not ever
having sex right?
"Yo-you have had sex before right?"
He smiled sheepishly.
"Unfortunately no. I had a lot on my plate and
relationships weren't things I could focus on or even
Her mouth was agape. What? He was a virgin?

Queen Of Hearts


At Wimpy

Larona closed her mouth.

"Okay, I think that's okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I was just surprised. Usually, men are never virgins
and they lose theirs earlier than women."
She knew why it was the case, usually girls never
dictate their first time and just because their boyfriend
said he'll be with her forever and that it's okay, that's
when they lose it. Men on the other hand, some do hate
to admit to the fact that they were groomed. They talk
about losing their virginity at 15 and 16 to older women
and think it's an achievement when it was statutory rape.
She wasn't going to rush into sex but maybe she might
scare him away if she tell him that she sometimes
services herself at night. He didn't need all that
"People are different and different experiences for
"That's true."
"So now can I call you my girlfriend?"
She couldn't wait to update her sister. She wasn't naive
enough to think she found the one, she was way past
those little girl fairytale but she had a good feeling about
Kopano. He was a good man.

He took her hands in his. He was about to do this?

There was literally nothing to hold him back and he'll
take his time.
He wanted to ask if she had experience but she
obviously did and he hoped when the time comes, if it
gets that far he won't embarrass himself.

Larona smiled at him as he let go of one of her hands to

pick up his coffee mug.

Ranewa locked the gate from the outside after she had
made sure the door was locked. Everyone had their
extra set of keys and no one was home. The cab was
waiting outside for her and she held her bag close as
she got inside.

She called Jace and put him on loudspeaker.

"Hi little fairy."
"Hi J. I'm in the cab right now, can you direct him where
to go?"
"Hand him the phone."

She handed the cab man the phone and she buckled up
as the two men conversed. The cab man handed her
back the phone.
"Thank you."
She put it on her ear.
"I haven't started the book yet."
"Okay, I have and the first page was-it was boring and
also I have tests next week. I'm coming over with my
"Ee mma."
"And we'll talk."

She cut the call and placed the phone on her lap.

In less than thirty minutes, she was in front of Jace's

yard and she called him as the cab man waited. The
gate slid open a minute later as he walked out shirtless
to pay the cab man. She got out of the car and thanked
the cab man while he stood by the driver's window ans
paid. The two men talked for a minute before ge walked
back to Ranewa who was by the gate.
She glared at Jace, what was he advertising? What
about shame?
The cab man drove off and Ranewa walked over to him.
"Kante diaparo di a baba?"(are clothes itchy?)
"Hello to you too."
He tried to kiss her but she placed a palm over his
"Go get dressed."
He chuckled.
"Is this the problem?"
He held her waist and kissed her lips before she could
start speaking. She kissed him back, placing her hands
on his cheek and he picked her up, making her wrap her
legs around him but that treacherous tote bag got in the
way so he broke the kiss.

He walked inside the yard with her in his arms.

"Next time please wear clothes when you go outside. Ga
o rekise akere?"(You're not selling anything right?)
He searched her face and she was serious.
"Ee mma."
"Good." She pecked his lips and he stepped into the
house, then pressed the button by the wall to close the
gate. He sat down on the couch with her in his arms and
she placed her bag away.
"You said you'll tell me why you can't drive."
"You should consider getting a license."
Jace placed both hands on her thighs. How was he
going to tell her this? He didn't know what to call this
situation but he knew he can't call her his because in
two weeks he'll be gone.
"On Tuesday evening, my heart stopped beating."
Ranewa froze…that's why he didn't call and he only
called on Wednesday but she was so busy at the time
she opted to text.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You were busy and your brother comes first hmm? I
can't stress you about my ill health. I'm fine now. I was
discharged yesterday and I won't be driving till Monday."
" were supposed to travel back."
"Apparently, I'll only be cleared after two weeks."
"More time with you then. Do you need anything? Food?
I can go to the shops to get you what you want? Have
you eaten?"
He held her little face and she was looking in his eyes,
he had no idea what she was searching for.
"I'm fine."
"But you still should have told me, I would have passed
by the hospital to drop off a warm home cooked meal.
I'm making you oats for breakfast and I'll get started on
lunch. I'll read after."
"I should be sick more often."
She hit his chest.
"That's not funny."
"Sorry ee."
"I did tell my father I'd rather be looked after by you,
you're much prettier to look at than him."
She smiled but then frowned seconds later.
"You told your father? About your heart condition and
"He knows now."
"Okay that's good."
He pecked her lips once more before he held the back
of her head to push her face more into his. Ranewa
placed those dainty fingers on his chest, her nails lightly
scratching it as he deepened the kiss and pushed her
more into him. Her hand moved to his chest and it was
beating too hard. She stopped kissing him, keeping her
hand on his chest.
"I'll be okay." He breathed out. She shifted back, feeling
a bit poked. She wasn't dumb but she'll act as if she
didn't feel that. She got off him and walked to the
"I'm making food autwe?"
"Ee mma."


Itumeleng was in the last ten minutes of her session with

"Before we end this session, I went to see Mothusi."
Gotlhe paused.
"I had to close that chapter for good and I wanted to
know why he did that to me. I got my answers and that
allowed me to move on."
"With Mr Scott I presume?"
"Yes. I haven't been with a man for years and the only
man I was ever with turned out to be my worst
nightmare, I am still learning this."
"You'll get there."
Itumeleng nodded.
"Sometimes I wish I had a loving mother and caring
sister. It is times like these, you'd ask for advice on
certain issues and they would give it. With no jealousy
"Sometimes we need to accept that we can't have
certain things."
"I know. I wonder what wrong I did to them, you know?
Besides failing form five, I can't recall ever having
something wrong."
She sighed and Gotlhe noted that down.
"Anyway, I received a call about an exclusive scoop."
Gotlhe raised her eyebrows.
"Before we get to that exclusive scoop,you did say you
are seeing Mr Scott."
"How do you feel about intimacy?"
This was embarrassing to admit to her therapist but she
had to.
"When we first kissed, I kind of fought him. My mind was
stuck on defending myself because all I've been doing is
Gotlhe noted that down.
"Did you address it?"
"We did and we are taking things slow, the kids don't
know and that's the best choice for now."
"Afraid it will fail?"
That was her biggest fear. Him realising he doesn't want
to be with a broken woman because she will always find
a reason to run.
"That's understandable but keep in mind that he is not
your ex-husband."
"I know but then my ex-husband started off as a good
Gotlhe sighed.
"But not everyone will change like that. Keep that in
mind. And also another kind of intimacy we can discuss,
Itumeleng brought her hands together.
"The last time, which was almost nineteen years ago…I
was raped."
"That's why I want us to talk about it."
"I don't know. Maybe we'll be fine, maybe not but we will
never know if we don't try right?"
"But don't rush it okay?"
She nodded as Gotlhe checked her watch.
"Our time is up, see you next week."
"Thank you."
She got up with her bag and walked out of Gotlhe's
office. She took out her phone and called the journalist
from Thompson Publications.

"Hello. Itumeleng here."
"Hi. I was waiting for your call."
"I'll tell my story. Under my conditions."
"Okay. Can you come by Thompson Publications
anytime from Monday to discuss it in detail and come to
an agreement?"
"Thank you so much ma'am. Have s good day."
"You too."

She cut the call and walked out of the building. She
removed her umbrella from her bag as she went to catch
a combi.


At Jace's House
Jace had his hands on her waist as she held the spatula
while frying in the pan. He kissed her neck.
"You know you don't have to."
"I want to. You're not even helping me.."
She turned to face him as she switched off the stove
and he picked her up. A little giggle left her lips as Jace
placed her on the kitchen counter and she placed a
hand on his shoulder.
"I'm almost done."
"Thank you."
He pecked her lips before it turned into a full blown kiss
and she laughed breaking it off.
"Time for the pasta. Let me down."
He let her down and watched her place the spatula
down and open the cupboard. What was going to
happen once he left? He breathed out and walked out of
the kitchen.

Almost an hour later, the young couple was on the

carpet as Ranewa insisted on Jace finishing his plate.
"It's good but now you want to stuff me."
"It's good for you. Ja."
He looked at the plate and she got it and brought the
fork to him mouth.
"You said you'd rather be taken care of by me. Atlhama
tlherra, you're not a baby."
He laughed.
"But we could make a baby."
She hit the back of his head.
"I'm too young for a baby."
"Ah, so you'd make a baby with me.."
"I didn't say that."
He chuckled, that same one that made her shiver. The
nice kind of shiver.
"You did. Let's say we have a kid in six years?"
He pulled her towards him with her hand. Ranewa
placed the fork down.
"We have a lot of time and we are still young.."
"I have time, do you?" Ranewa asked and looked into
his eyes, he tried to laugh it off but she saw it. He was
using humour to hide his own fear.
"You are scared you won't live long enough and that
you'll die young.."
Jace rubbed his face.
"Because I have to hope that I'll live long enough."
"And you take this situation as if it's nothing when it's
your life on the line."
He chuckled but it was a dry one.
"But if I do die, which is unlikely at least I met you."
She touched his face.
"Your pending operation is scaring you isn't it?"
"I'll pray for you and I'll still be here."
He kissed her head. She was adorable but it wasn't
likely that she'll be there, this two weeks was all they
had. She wasn't the first one to say that, the last time a
woman said that to him, she called a week after his
operation and told him she couldn't do it. She needed a
man who was healthy and she was too young to be
worried about a man's health when their lives hadn't
even started. He understood where she was coming
from hence him being single till now.

"Ranewa, let's not kid ourselves, worrying over me is

going to take a toll on you. You don't wish that on
"I already like you, you should have thought about that
when you spoke to me in the bookshop."

She timidly climbed over his lap and he let her. His
hands went to her waist.
"And you are stuck with me."
"Am I?"
"Like a bad virus that won't leave. You'll be far but we'll
talk and yes we can have kids in six years."
"After your degree and maybe your masters and PhD if
you want one."
She shook her head.
"I don't like school like that. Not even sure if I'll do my
"Whatever you want."
He kissed her softly, his tongue probing her mouth to
open and she did as he pushed her more into him and
she felt him poking her. She moved back and her eyes
quickly went down to the tent in his pants.
"I'm sorry about that." He chuckled nervously following
her eyes.
"It's okay. I think."
"We can kiss sitting next to each other. Whatever that
makes you comfortable okay?"

He got her off him and had her next to him.

"That way I won't poke you and you'll be comfortable."
"Thank you."
He pecked her lips.
"Did I tell you that you're adorable?"
"You are."
He rubbed her chin.

Queen Of Hearts



Ranewa walked out of 252 after her last test. Her week
has been so busy and she barely had time to go see
Jace but they talked everyday on the phone even if it
had been for less than ten minutes.

She called him and he answered immediately. It was a

little after eight and she hated how this school scheduled
tests late. This week was her writing four tests at six pm
and then being done at eight. She hated it so much.
"Hi, I'm by Exec."
"Okay, I'm on my way."

She cut the call and called her mother.

"Hello Ranny."
"Hi mama. You didn't forget that I did say that I'll be
studying all night ha 247."
"No. You have tests and it's been aa busy week, but
even studying at home is fine."
"I have an early morning tests kaamoso ka lesson ya
eight. I'll be fine. I'll be home kamoso."
"Okay my girl. Stay safe and keep on calling okay?"
"Ee mma. Bye."

She put her phone back in her tote bag and she
breathed out, stretching her hands and body on the way
to Exec.

In two minutes she was by his car and she had already
opened the door herself.
He pulled her to him and kissed her.
"How was your test?"
She rubbed her temples.
"I didn't do something right."
It was starting to stress her the more she thought about
that five mark question.
"I think I skipped a step when calculating an-"
He took her hand.
"Just relax and wait for the paper."
She leaned back and looked at him. He kissed her lips
again and she held his cheek, his beard starting to grow
out and being spiky on her fingers.
"Are you hungry?"
"I'm not going to cook for you."
"I never said you should cook, I'll buy something for us.
Are you sure Ranewa?"
She nodded and he kissed her back.
"Okay little fairy."

He started his car and she buckled up as he reversed

out of his parking spot.


Itumeleng checked the dress she was wearing. Eana

knocked on her bedroom door.
"Come in."
"I'm here to check on the dress. How do you like it?"
"It's perfect but-"
She almost said it's a bit too much for a date. She has
never been out on a dinner date before and she was
"But nothing. Whoever it is, will be blown away."
Itumeleng grabbed her bag and walked out if her room.
Eana followed her to the door.
"Bye Kopi, bye Ea."

They both said in unison and she walked out. Eana's

phone rang in her hand and she looked at the unknown
number. She breathed out.
"Let me answer this, I'll lock the gate."
"Ranewa o re bolaile today."(Ranewa let us down today)
Agreed. She always took her job seriously. She locked
the gate and door without fail and bow they had too wait
for their mom before the lock the gate.

She walked to the bedroom to answer the phone.

"Eana, it's me."
"Kana o tla ga o swaba! I told you to stop calling me and
you are still calling me. Kooteng o romancer tronko
akere?"(You are starting to get to me. I told you to stop
calling emails and you are still calling me. You really
want prison that bad?)
"Ao mma, o ntse o bogale?"(You're still aggressive?)
His voice had dropped a bit and Eana sighed pushing
her braids back.
"For the millionth time, stop calling me."
"If only you'll go out with me."
"You're actually disgusting. Trying to get an underage
girl to go out with you, get a life and stick to your
girlfriend. If I dare lay my eyes on you ke tlo go betsa."

She heard him laugh.

"I don't mind being beaten by you. Okay, goodbye

He cut the call and she blocked the number. It was the
third number she blocked this week. She sighed

Meanwhile in the sitting room, Kopano waited for her

call. Now that he was sure whoever picked their mom
left, he walked to the door.
"Eana, don't lock the door yet."

She said from the bedroom and he zipped up his

sweater, it was a bit chilly. That had him thinking of his
sister. Would she be okay? 247 was so cold at night and
he would know because he studied there sometimes. He
wasn't there when she left.
He quickly sent her a message.

Kopano: hope you are warm baby sis. Do you need a


He waited for her to reply and she did a minute later.

Ranny: I'm very warm Thank you for the offer.

Kopano:Aren't you supposed to be studying?
Ranny:I just arrived inside. See you tomorrow.
Kopano:Okay. I love you.
Ranny:I love you more. You're the best big brother.
He chuckled as he was about to type a reply but his
phone rang in his hand.

Lala's name flashed and he smiled. Should he get the

money and buy himself a car? He was left with the road
test before he gets his license? But then taking the
money feels like a betrayal.
"Hello Lala."
He smiled as he walked to the gate. He opened it and
she was in her car. He closed the gate and walked over
to her car.
She still hadn't cut the call as he got inside.
Larona cut the call and looked at him. He was her
boyfriend now.
"Hi my love." Was she moving fast? She liked him and
maybe her sister would say she had already found a
new obsession but there wasn't a thing she wouldn't do
for Kopano.
"Hey cutie pie." That made her grin so wide and all her
teeth showed including the crooked one at the back.
He pecked her lips. She wanted him to give her a real
kiss but she was not going to rush him.

Kopano was nervous, he had watched tutorials on

YouTube on how to kiss and he didn't want to make
things awkward.
"I think I'm going to kiss you now." He whispered in that
voice of his that was starting to drive Larona insane.
He moved closer and Larona closed her eyes, her heart
rate skyrocketing.

His lips tentatively touched hers and she wanted to melt

like butter. She opened her mouth when his opened and
she relaxed as his tongue seeked out hers and she
allowed it. The kiss was gentle and she placed her hand
on his leg as he explored her mouth. The gentle way he
was doing it made her heart burst. Kopano broke it and
licked his lips looking at Larona who still had her eyes
closed. She blinked and then opened her eyes for good.
She smiled at him.
"I loved it."
She was the one to kiss him this time and she held his
face as she kissed him hungrily for that matter. Kopano
broke the kiss to breath and she bit her lower lip.
"I was being a bit too much right?"
He could only smile at her.
"Not at all."

She laughed softly.

"I'm sorry. I came so we could just talk."
"I know."

He listened as he told her about how she was interning

in their family labs and how people there didn't like her
because it was obviously nepotism that she was there
and all that. She kept on asking if he was listening to her
and focusing his attention on her. He just held her hand
as she went off. She would probably be best friends with
Ranewa if the two would spend time together.


At Jace's House
Ranewa walked out of his shower wearing his gown on
her naked frame. She found him on the bed with his
boxers on. She sat on the bed and looked at theHIV
testing kits he had bought earlier that day.
"Are you ready?"
She nodded as she wore the gloves and opened the first
kit. She had read the instructions prior to her shower.

She got the blood and placed it away. He wore the other
pair of gloves and pricked her finger.
"Now we wait." He said as both testing kits were pushed

He picked her up like a doll and placed her on his lap,

his arms wrapping around her waist. She smelt like him
and he didn't know that would be something that could
drive him wild but here he wasn't his nose on her neck.

Ten minutes later, Ranewa got off his lap.

"I think enough time has passed."

She brought her hands together.

"Let's come look at them together…"
He got up to pull her to the other side of the bed where
the testing kits were.

Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House

Jace held Ranewa's shoulders as she peeked through

her fingers.
"What do they say?"
"Remove your hands love."
She did and she looked at both the tests. They were
both negative. Thank God!
She placed a hand on her chest.
"Yes. You had nothing to worry about."
He pecked her lips and picked her up, making her wrap
her legs around his waist as he kissed her, his hands
holding her bottom. She wrapped her arms around his
neck, kissing him back as he sat on the bed. His hands
still on her behind.
She broke the kiss and touched his face.
"Let's eat first.."
He got up with her still in his arms and she smiled at


At Itumeleng's House

Kopano checked the time, it was a little after nine and he

had to go.
"Will you be safe driving home alone?"
Larona nodded.
"I'll be alright."
He kissed her one last time and she held onto his neck
as they kissed for what seemed like minutes but it was
for seconds.
He broke it and moved back.
"Let me get going."

He got out of the car and held the car door.

"Bye and call when you arrive home safe okay?"
"Okay. Bye."
She smiled at him and he smiled back closing the door.
He watched her start the car and join the road driving
off. He got inside the yard. They had to wait for their
mother now.

Inside the car, Larona called her sister.

"Hello ."

She placed the phone on loudspeaker and continued

"Did I tell you I have a new boyfriend?"
"Larona, not this again."
"This one is different. I swear."

She heard her sister sigh and Larona's smile dropped a

bit. Her sister didn't trust her?
"How long have you been dating?"
"A week."
"And you already say it's different?"
"I go to therapy, I see my therapist everyday. I'm fine."
"I don't know if I believe you Larona, the last time you
said that you nearly died because that man was getting
sick of your obsessive behaviour."
"I'm not obsessive. I just care too much and it's okay to
"Not too much though. Let me met him."
"It's still early and I kind of want to hide him away from
everyone's eyes and judging stares. Especially mom
and dad's."
"They just want the best for you."
"They want to pick my partners and I don't like that."
"They know what they are doing."

Larona stopped by the red lights. She wasn't liking this

conversation right now.
"I won't date dad's partner's son. He is a such a snob
and I hate him so much."
"Give him a chance. A single date and then you'll
"That date already feels like I'm cheating on my
boyfriend. I wouldn't like it if he went on a date with
someone else."
Her sister gave up trying to convince Larona.
"Okay. Introduce him to us. Soon."
"I will. I have to go."
"Okay. Don't obsess over him, please."
"I won't."
The call cut and she drove through the green lights, her
mind now preoccupied with how her parents might react
to seeing Kopano when she introduces him.


Botshelo opened the door for Itumeleng to get in. She

looked ravishing tonight and his dirty thoughts were
something she was not ready for. They were taking

He closed the door and walked over to his side as he

got in.
"Did you enjoy tonight?"
He asked as he closed the door and started the car.
"I did. I've never been on one before."
He lowered his head to kiss her and she kissed him
back. They were getting somewhere. Itumeleng held his
face, getting carried away with the kiss as her eyes
closed and a little moan escaped her lips. That made
her eyes pop open and she moved back her head.
"I'm so-"
Borshelo smiled.
"It's okay. I'm not even offended."
She chuckled. Nervous as she buckled up. She did that?
Botshelo smiled to himself, it might he sooner rather
than later.


At Jace's House

After their takeout meal, Jace had Ranewa sitting on top

of him as she told him about her siblings.
"I swear you'd like my brother."
"Can't wait to meet him."
"He is very protective, I remember applying for a job in a
He looked at her.
"You? A club?"
"I was underage even and somehow that turned out to
be the best decision of my life, I didn't get the job but I
did get a laundry job from it. I'm fired from that lau dry
job but it served it's purpose at the time."
"My dad runs a club..Well the main club this side
although he had them all Iver the country."
"A club?"
"Yeah. I've been doing work there since I was seventeen
"That's nice. Which jobs?"
"Bartending but I mostly like the casino and swindling
people off their money by the card there."

She chuckled.
"You're an interesting man Jace."
"Thank you little fairy. I can teach you a few card tricks
and the next time I come back, I'll take you to the poker
night so we can play."
"I'd like that very much."
He pecked her lips.
"And no one would suspect a pretty woman like you
would win and that's how we're gonna make money in a
She chuckled, holding his face to kiss him.
"I like that idea."
"Something we do just for fun."
"Tomorrow you better teach me then, maybe I can
convince the owner of the club I applied to that time to
let me play poker."
"Yes ma'am." He siad into the kiss and picked her up as
she let out a squeal.

He walked them to rhe bedroom and he closed the door.

Queen Of Hearts

At Jace's House

He walked them to the bedroom and he closed the door.

Ranewa looked around the room, her heart skipping a
beat as she licked her dry lips. Jace let her slide down
his naked torso and he held her chin in between his
fingers. She should wear his clothes more often. Her lips
parted slightly revealing her two front teeth and he
dropped his head to deliver a soft kiss as his hands
found the belt and he undid it opening the gown and she
shuddered as her naked body was exposed. She
expected him to look immediately but he didn't but she
felt his hands on her body. Her breath caught in her

He dipped his hand in between the space between her

boobs and he grabbed one which filled his whole hand
and started to twist her nipples in between his fingers.
Ranewa's eyes shot open as her nipples hardened and
she let out a hissy moan. Jace looked at her face as he
twisted harder and he saw her eyes widened further.
"Stop me at any time okay?"
He looked at her, searching her eyes. He was doing
everything for her pleasure and she had to enjoy her first
"And if you are not comfortable with anything, stop me
okay little fairy?"
She nodded and she moved closer to him, going on her
tip toes to kiss him and he smiled against her lips,
pinching her rock hard nipple and she let out a soft
"You moan so beautifully." His voice was only stoking
the fire and she had come with zero expectations.

Jace's hand moved to her other nipple, giving it attention

as Ranewa moaned, feeling that familiar wetness she
usually felt when she was reading a spicy romance book
pool in between her thighs and she opened her mouth,
letting his name escape as a breathy moan that had him
rock f*cking hard. He stopped and Ranewa looked up at
him, her eyes starting to fill with last, she quickly
dropped them to the tent in his boxers.
Jace's removed the gown, letting it pool down at her feet
and he took a step back to look at her petite frame. F*ck!
No blemish in sight, all woman and f*ck, all his. He
licked his lips as his eyes lingered on her c*nt which was
covered by some light hair.
Ranewa looked down, starting to be a bit shy and she
used her other hand to hide her p*ssy, new hair already
down there.
"Don't hide from me." She dropped her hand and he
stepped closer.

He pulled her supplements body to his and her hand

was right on his heart. She kissed him again and he
opened his mouth, letting her control the kiss as his
hand covered her behind and he lightly slapped her
behind as she let out a yelp, her body crushing into his
and her nipples against the hard planes of his chest.
The kiss didn't stop, his hand moved between her legs
and she whimpered.
"Don't stop kissing me." She obeyed his rough depe
voice and she let out another whimper as his fingers
rubbed between her p*ssy lips.
"Son't f*cking stop!" She didn't but he was making it hard
for her and Jace's fingers started to rub on her clit and
she broke the kiss to let out a loud moan, trying to move
back but his other hand was tight at her waist.
She nodded and went on her tip toes to try and kiss him
but his finger plunged inside of her and he started
sliding it in and out, the squelching wet sounds made by
her cunt being finger f*cked filled the room and she
failed to kiss him as she held his hand, closing her eyes.
The pleasure was vibrating through her body and he

Jace smiled down at her as he kissed her again. He had

to get her really wet and ready for him. She moaned in
his mouth the minute his thumb circled around her clit
and he got more hard, his own heart racing.
He added another finger and she tightened around his
"You can take one more."
He was saying it more as a command and he used both
fingers to finger f*ck her hard and she was already
moving with the pace of his hand, her heatd thrown back
and if he wasn't supporting her…
"Aaaah! J-aaaaah!"
Ranewa bit down her lip. There….she didn't even know
what there was but she wanted to cry and scream, there
was a spot he was tapping and her toes curled on the
carpet as she held onto him.
"Jaaaace! Pleaseee!" Why was she begging?
Jace sucked on her neck as he flicked her clit and she
came all over his hand, the liquid so thick. He didn't
have to look down to know what she was., f*ck! She was
a creamer..f*ck!

He didn't waste time as he removed his hand and

brought his finger to her mouth tasting the thick creamy
liquid as Ranewa breathed hard against his chest. Spent
from what she wasn't aware was her first orgasm. She
wrapped her arms around him. Wanting to be super
close to him as he licked his fingers clean.
"Lie on the bed. Spread your legs wide."

She froze and looked up at him.

"I wasn't asking." She let go of him and she nearly fell in
her feet but she kept her balance as she laid in the bed
and spread open her legs.

Jace didn't know what level if hard his cock was right
now but he saw the creamy liquid still leaking from that
pink cunt of her. A little bit swollen but perfect. He
couldn't see the opening and the thought of sinking into
that wet heat of hers…Dammit! He was already leaking.

He pushed his boxers down and Ranewa swallowed as

her eyes befell his veiny erect c*ck. If she had taken into
account how his veiny fingers would translate to his…
She tried to close her legs.
"Keep them open and watch me." She breathed softly as
she watched him kneel between her legs and his head
was between her thighs. The first flicker of his tongue
had her letting out a moan.
Jace licked and nuzzled, his tongue still not going inside
as he found a steady rhythm, her moans being the
melody that guided him as his premium leaked on the
blankets. His whole mouth covered that pretty pink cunt
of hers and she clutched the sheets.
Ranewaxs eyes rolled to the back of her head, those
heady sensations making her so dizzy as her toes
curled in the air
"You're mine right?"
"Aaah yesssss!"
"Good girl."
Jace's mouth covered her clit and he lightly bit it and she
creamed all over his face with a loud scream! F*cking

He moved his face back and looked at her, he smiled as

he used his hand to wipe her juices off and he used
them to lubricate his hard d*ck. Ranewa's eyes opened
a minute later as she heard his breathy moans.

His hand was gliding up and down his length and she
watched, unable to control how her little clit throbbed
watching him. Their eyes locked as his pink head bulged
and she bit down her lip, the urged to clamp down her
lips or get some kind of friction down there so high.
"Don't do it. Watch." He got more of her cum and he
rubbed it all over his c*ck and Ranewa chest heaved as
a groan left his lips or was it her name, her n*pples so
damn hard that they hurt and she tried to close her legs
but he stopped her..
"Uh! F*ck!"
He groaned and she closed her eyes, she needed the
friction. She moved her hands to try and touch her self
and he slapped her hand away. She didn't know hearing
him like this…that this would be…a little moan left her
lips. The tattoo by his hip bone didn't make it any better.
He was so hot!
"Watching me smothered in your cum and getting off
looking at your cunt turns you on doesn't it?"
She nodded.
"Good. I'm the only man you should be turned on by."
The veins on his neck because visible as he went faster
and faster on his d*ck, he came all over her breasts.
Calling her name as he closed his eyes.
Ranewa closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan. This
wasn't normal was it?

Jace opened his eyes and looked at her, covered in his

cum and so wet and ready for him. Ranewa felt his stare
burning into her and she opened her eyes…she
wrapped her arms around his neck as he was close.
Their noses bumped and they shared a soft smile.
Ranewa could see the future in his eyes, his heart issue
"It's going to hurt a bit okay baby?"
She nodded.
"Bite my shoulder if it hurts okay?"
"Ee rra."

His thick bulbed head rubbed over her wet slit and she
threw her head back, her little moans making him
chuckle. He slid the head inside, slowly and Rnaewa's
grip on his shoulders tightened.
"You're made for me..The gods chose you for me, you
can take it pretty girl…relax.."
His voice soothed and she tried to relax but it already
felt like she was tightening around him.
"I need you to tighten around me when I'm inside that
pretty cunt, relax sweetheart."

She looked into his eyes and Jace stopped going slow,
he removed her hands from his shoulders and held them
above her head as he thrust into her in seconds and she
screamed, tears burning in her eyes.
"I'm sorry baby." He kissed her teats away then found
her lips, locking their lips into a slow tongue kiss filled
with smooching as he stilled inside her. His heart was
racing so hard, he already loved being inside of her and
if he wasn't careful he might come in seconds.

He angled his hips and slid right out before he slid inside
again and she moaned. His skilled hips controlled the
rhythm as he thrust in and out of her, him hissing in
pleasure as she moaned his name, her little back
arching off the bed and the bed making sounds.
"Ah f*ck babe, you take me so well and you are so
f*cking good!"
His rough voice said in her ear.
"Yes…"He captured her mouth as he thrust in and out of
her, half of his d*ck length doing the job, he wasn't going
to thrust it all into her. She was his little virgin and
tonight was about him taking care of her, making her first
time as memorable and pleasurable as he could.

The tempo increased and so did Ranewa's breathing,

she was panting now and her hands free as she
scamratched his chest with very blunt and short nails.
"Jace I-Aaah!" He was…."aaaah!" A spot he was hitting.
She wanted to let go and he wasn't stopping.
"Just hold on for a little while longer babe…"
"I c-caaaan't…Aaawww!"
She trembled underneath him, the bed creaking from his
powerful thrusts and she saw black cloud her vision.

Jace hit that spot again, sending her off the rails and she
was crying with her eyes closed and probably the
neighbours knew his name now.

Ranewa cried out again, he wasn't stopping and it was

so good. So good, nothing remained of the pain she felt
just earlier.
"Aaah! Raneeeewa!"
He cried out her name as he filled her up with his cum,
and she tightened more around him, pumping him for all
his worth.
"Urg, you're perfect!"
He sucked her neck, his hips still moving and his sperms
still being milked out by ther pretty cunt.

He stopped and breathed against her neck. They were

still for over a minute as she stopped panting but it was
replaced by harsh breathes. He slid out of her and got

Ranewa opened her eyes, spots of black still blurring

her vision as she heard his footsteps. She closed her
eyes again, feeling so sore. She should put ice in there
to make it better.
Jace came back with a warm towel. He wiped her clean,
seeing the spots of blood mixed with their cum. He
kissed the inside of her thighs as she kept her legs

He came back minutes later and picked her up. She

clung onto him and he chucked.
"Let me put you down so I can change the bedding." He
let her down slowly and he removed the blanket that
was on top before he went to get another one that was
at the top of the wardrobe.

He came back and he picked her up like a doll as he

tucked her in bed. He joined her and he spooned her
against him.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." She turned to face him and she kissed his chest
before sleep took over her tired body.

Queen Of Hearts

Around eleven, Itumeleng was outside her yard as she
opened the gate. She genuinely loved spending time
with her new beau and he was such a sweetheart.
"Bye. Again."
She waved at him before she got inside the yard. She
leaned against the cold metal and shivered as the cold
bit into her back.
"Now, act normal."
How does one act normal when you've been out on a
date with a man and he does everything right?
"You're a mother Itumeleng."
She told herself as she walked to the house, opening
the burglar bars.

She knocked on the door.

"Ko ko!"
"Ke mang?"(who is it?)
"Your mother!"
"My mother who?"
"Eana bula lebati!"(Eana open the door)

The key turned and the door was opened.

"Mama? Eleven?"
"You're not the boss of me."
Eana chuckled.
"Go lock the gate." Itumeleng commanded and Eana
laughed getting the padlock.
"Ee mma."

Itumeleng proceeded to head to her room and she

touched her face. Is she ready ro have sex with him? Is
it too early? It's been like two weeks of dating.
It's not like she is a virgin but still…she bit down her
lower lip and laid down on the bed, he said he'll wait for
her and that means she can either say yes or no.
Her traitorous clit throbbed when she started having
thoughts of him back when they were still friends and he
was helping her move stuff, the way sweat trickled down
his chest when he removed his t-sbirt to wipe his face
and he wore it again. Or when his rough calloused
hands touched her hands or her neck.

She touched her neck and she covered her face with a
pillow her cl*t wouldn't stop thrombin the more she
thought of him that way. Should she call him?
"Too early."

She walked over to her door.

"Did you lock the gate?"
"Ee mma."

She sighed and removed her dress. She should take a

bath or she should call him. It's been what years?
Almost two decades. Or would she be taking advantage
of him?

She walked over to where she threw her bag and took
out her phone to call him. She called him.
"Hello, I'm driving."
"Can you come back?"
"Is something wrong?"
"I'm on my way."

The call cut and she sprayed her perfume again and she
wore her gown and slid on her sleepers.

She walked out of her room.

"It's just me."

She said out loud. Kopano was probably sleeping and

Eana close to sleeping. Once she gets on bed, she
closed her eyes instantly.
She unlocked the door and got the keys, locking her two
children inside the house. She walked to the gate and
unlocked it too. She then waited. The cold night breeze
blew past her and she sighed. He couldn't have gotten
that far could he?

Ten minutes later, she saw his car and she opened the
gate. Getting out.
She walked over to the car and opened the door.
"What's wrong?" He searched her face for any hint of
worry or danger.

Itumeleng just kissed him and he stopped her.

"Just kiss me."
He did and held her neck, kissing her back. The kiss
was so long and it left Itumeleng aching in that place she
hasn't ached in years well she did today.

She climbed on top of him and he gave her a surprised

look. He was confused even.

She untied her gown and he came face to face with her
full breasts. Were they a cup D? He immediately got
hard and his eyes scanned her face. Was she sure? He
was a man after all and he'd never say no to sex
especially if it's being offered by this pretty creature

Itumeleng nodded and he was the one to pull her head

to his, kissing her fervently as his other hand tried to
remove his belt to release his #EXPLICIT
Itumeleng nodded and he was the one to pull her head
to his, kissing her fervently as his other hand tried to
remove his belt to release his hard on from his briefs.
Itumeleng moved her head back as she dropped her
hands to help him, their hands touched as they pushed
down his pants down a few inches and she pulled down
his boxer briefs at it sprung out. Her eyes widened and
she was suddenly thinking this was not a good idea at

Botshelo saw the doubt flash in her ryes and it clicked to

him that it had been more than a decade for her.

He held her chin and pulled her to him, kissing her softly
and gently as her boobs brushed against his clothed

"I haven't done this in ages."

He tongue kissed her and pulled back.
"I know.
She let him lead the kiss as he held her bare waist,
pulling her into his hard on and she shivered. Botshelo's
other hand moved down between them and he flicked
her clit, making her moan. Beautiful.
Itumeleng threw her head back as his finger slid right
into her and she clenched around his finger.
"Ah sh*t!"
He cursed and she started to move her hips, enjoying
the rhythm.
Botshelo groaned and removed his finger, using that
same hand to hold her waist tightly and looked into her
"Just stay still okay? Let me do the rest." His eye
searched hers for assurance and clearance and she
nodded. She wanted him just as much as he wanted
her, this was j-

"Aaah!" She moaned as he rubbed his d*ck in between

her wet folds, the head rubbing over her traitorous clit.

He held her waist tighter and he tried to be gentle as

possible as his head found her wet hole and slowly slid
in. She bit down her lip, holding back the scream of what
felt like a foreign invasion.
"That's it." He encouraged and he stopped midway as
he watched her close her eyes.
"Look at me."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. He moved in

deeper and her mouth formed an oh as he went in more
and she flinched a bit.
"Give it a minute."

He kissed her again and she held his cheek. Botshelo

took that as the go ahead to start thrusting from below
and she broke the kiss abruptly letting our a scream. His
hand flew up to cover her mouth.
"We have kids baby, don't be too loud." She nodded and
bit his hand as he thrust up again.
He removed it and covered his mouth with hers, his
hands tightly on her waist now as he controlled the
thrusts and she moaned into his mouth, her @ss cheeks
clapping and the wet sounds of sex filling the car.
Botshelo groaned and she closed her eyes. It was so so
good, he was hitting that one spot multiple times.
"Aaah!" She let out a loud moan and he smiled against
her lips as she clenched all around his length. Botshelo
tried to hold on from cumming, waiting for her to cum.

"I'm aaaahhh..."
She came first, her vision going black as she screamed
but she shut the screams with his hand over her mouth.
He followed swiftly behind her.

Itumeleng cried into his chest as he breathed hard,

spasming in her one last time.

A moment of silence passed between them before

Itumeleng lifted her head to look at him. She smiled and
he held her face.
"I have to go. Thank you."

She got off him and tied her gown tight. She kissed his
cheek and got out of the car, his cum still leaking out of
her as she walked into the yard. She closed the gate
and for the second time that night, leaned against the
cold metal. She felt so sore and she was stupid for doing
it in the car but you live once. Or so she was making
herself believe. She locked the gate and walked happily
to the house.

Inside the car, Botshelo was asking himself what the hell
was going on. He rubbed his face with his hand. He
could still smell her on him.
He cursed softly as he pulled his pants up. A minute
later, he was driving off
Queen Of Hearts


The following morning

Ranewa let out the loudest scream as he moved over

"Ah f*ck!"
She scratched his back as they both came at the same
time. He kissed her neck, sliding out of her wetness. He
pulled her to him and she started sniffing. Ranewa
rubbed her eyes, trying not to make the sniffs obvious.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
He made her look at him, his thumb wiping the tears.
"Did I hurt you? You can stop me anytime, you know that
right?" She nodded.
"What's wrong baby girl?"
Ranewa breathed in. She wiped her own tears.
"Rra?" Jace closed his eyes for a moment, his heart
surgery better be a success so he can marry this girl
and have her carry his babies when she wants to.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just so good and-"
He was frowning as he looked at her properly.
"You're crying because it's good?" He enunciated each
word to make sure he was hearing right. She nodded.
She rubbed her eyes.
"You want me to make you feel good again?"
"No. I'm sore and I think I need to put ice on top to make
sure it's okay. I don't think peeing will be nice once I get
out of bed."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm fine. I enjoyed it and we can do it again after this
weekend. Did you get the morning after pills?"
"I did."
"Because six years is far and I don't want a baby, I'm still
a baby."
"My baby." He held her tighter and she chuckled as he
kissed her.
"We can use a condom from hereon."
"Fine by me. Let's go shower then you eat and take the
She let him pick her up but her phone started ringing on
the night stand.
"What's the time?"
Jace put her down and she got her phone. It was ten?
She was in trouble. She saw her mother's number flash
on the screen.
"Keep quiet." Jace raised his hands as she answered
the phone.

"Hello mama."
"Hi Ranny, how was the test?"
"It was good."
"When are you coming?"
"In an hour, I'm just by the cafeteria eating something
then I'll be on my way."
"Okay. Good. Bye."
"Bye mama."

She quickly cut the call.

"Seems like we have to cut breakfast short."
Jace picked her up and walked to the bathroom with her
as she chuckled into his chest.


At Itumeleng's House
Kopano came back from the shops. They were waiting
for Ranewa but their mother's story was front cover of
the page that Friday. He placed the newspaper on the
table and Itumeleng was a bit nervous. She didn't know
what people would say after this, she just wanted to tell
her story. No one had believed her then except for
G9tlhe who pushed for her. But years back, no one had.

She had been labelled a killer and her kids taken away
just like that.


At Mma Kelebogile's House

Kelebogile who was looking at her baby all relaxed

shifted her attention to social media.

She had been tagged a couple of times by her online

friends and she wondered why. She went to the article
they tagged her in.

She rolled her eyes so hard. What was this? A cry for
attention? She was being such an attention wh*re.
"Mama, tlao bone."(mom, come see)
The old woman walked out and she looked at her
sleeping grandson. He was so cute.
"What is it?"
"Itumeleng went to the journalists and she started
talking. I haven't read all that but nna I'm annoyed."
"Talking about what?"
"Probably bad mouthing us to gain public sympathy."

She started reading the article published by Thompson


She read it till the end and there was no mention of her
or her mother in any bad light. She swallowed. Why
were people tagging her?

Oh, she had quickly reverted to her maiden name after

her husband was sent to prison and she had filed for
divorce. Itumeleng was using her maiden name as well
and people assumed they were sisters. Not even
assumed, she was testifying against Itumeleng more
than a decade ago.
"What did she say?"
"Mxm! Nothing. It was all about how she was young
when she met Mothusi blah blah." She said with an
annoyed voice.
She put her phone away, she was that irrelevant to her

She resisted the urge to calk her and ask her as she
picked up her sun and kissed his little head.


Jace parked his car a few houses away, Ranewa smelt

like him and he watched her put the second pill to take
later in her bag.
"You'll walk just fine?"
"I'll try to walk just fine."
She smelt her skin. She smelt like him through and
through. She kissed him, softly and slowly and he kissed
her back but she pulled away.
"I love you okay?"
He blinked. His heart stopping for a good minute as he
froze. Ranewa's eyes widened as she placed a hand
over his heart, it wasn't beating.
"I messed up!" She said more to herself.
"Jace? Baby, breath. Tell that heart to not die on me
because I said I love you."
She was panicking. If it wasn't better in a minute, she
was running into her place and asking for help.
He breathed heavily as he dropped his head and the air
he took in felt like a lungful.
"Okay, you're good." She said in relief. She bit her lip as
she watched him.
"You're okay?"
He nodded. She got the water bottle and opened it for
"Drink up."
He held it tightly and gulped it all up.
"You're welcome. Are you okay love?"
He nodded and she rubbed his chest in a soothing
She kissed his lips, unable to hold his face in one hand
like he usually does to hers.
"Don't die on me yet, I'm too young to grieve and wear
all black. I love you okay?"
He breathed in and nodded.
"You have to live long. We have years ahead of us, you
promised me babies in six years and you have to make
good on that promise."
She kissed him more.
"I'll call you after an hour to make sure you're resting
and back home safe."
She let go and got out of the car.
"Does it stop randomly?"
He chuckled, a bit embarrassed.
"Yeah but it's nothing."
"See a doctor. You'll tell me the update and I will call."
"Yes ma'am."

She closed the door and she forced her walking, the
ache in between her legs not making it better. She
breathed out.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa pushed open the gate and sucked in a deep

breath. She wanted to sleep right after this and never
wake up.

She closed the gate and walked to the house. She

opened the door and they were eating.
"Hey Ranny."
"Hi mama hi guys."
She quickly sat down on the couch that was closest to
the door and luckily it was a single couch.
"What are you guys having for breakfast?"
"Uhm just the basics."
Eana eyes her sister. She looked a bit tired but she
didn't know. She looked closely at her sister as the
hoodie she wore shifted a bit and there was a purple
mark on her neck. Ranewa looked at Eana who was
practically staring at her. She followed her sister's eyes
and she touched her neck and shifted the hoodie she
"Well, the morning paper is here and I wanted us to
celebrate together."
"Mama, you've come so far and I'm so proud of you."
Her oldest daughter piped in.
"And your story deserves to be told. From your
perspective of course."
"Yes. Exactly."

Itumeleng excitedly picked up the newspaper that

Kopano had placed on the table as Itumeleng flipped to
the page where her story was published.
"Well, this is going to be like a series. There is still loads
to unpack and every month, she'll be publishing an
Her children clapped for her as she started to read how
the journalist had wrote it all out.

Ten minutes later, she was done and Ranewa blinked.

She never knew that. Kopano licked his lips and Eana
kept a straight face.
"Uhm wow!"
Itumeleng walked up to Ranewa.
"I'm grateful I never gave you up on that cold night."
Ranewa nodded.
"Me too mom."
They shared a hug and Itumeleng leaned back, smelling
body wash and a scent that was wasn't her daughter's.
She fixed a smile on her face and Ranewa smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

She stepped back as her phone rang.

"One second." Itumeleng walked over to pick the phone
as she walked to her bedroom.

"Good morning I read the article."
"I'm proud of you for telling your story the way you see
She smiled as she sat on the bed, her mind taking her to
also night. She flushed a bit.
"About last night…"
He laughed and she was sure his dimples were
"If you would come over this weekend and know
just talk.."
Itumeleng covered her face with her hand.
"Just talk?"
"Like adults do."
"I'd like that."
She said finally.
"See you later today then."
"And I'm proud of the progress you are making." That
made her heart flutter.
"Thank you, I know I'm a lot to deal with and I'm
somehow still a mess but thank you."
"You're the mess that I wanted. And you are not a lot to
deal with, your life was cut short by that selfish arsehole
and you had been stagnant for so long, you just started
living your life."
She nodded.
"Mmaagwe Kopano?"
"We didn't use protection last night."
She got up as she paced the room.
"I can get morning afters…"
"Okay. Good idea, I genuinely don't want a child. I'm still
getting to learn my kids all over again and they should
be the ones giving me grandchildren especially that one
who just graduated."

Botshelo laughed and it warmed her heart.

"Tell me about it, I tell Moemedi that he is old enough to
give me a grandchild. Kana his mother js trying to set
him up with a white woman wa gana."(he is refusing)
"You said he was going back?"
"Yeah. Next week." Botshelo's tone changed and
Itumeleng noticed the change.
"What's wrong?"
"He's not well but he'll be okay soon."
"Okay. I'll keep him in prayers. And he should probably
give you a grandchild."
"My point exactly."
"I have to go okay?"
"And let me go get the morning afters, we should be
careful next time."
"Trust me, we will. I loved it."
"I loved it too."
She cut the call and walked out of the bedroom with a
smile on her face. She found her kids talking and seeing
Ranewa she was reminded that her daughter smelt
fresh and that scent was more like a man's scent.
"Let me go wrap up a client's dress."

She walked out and Kopano rubbed the back of his

"Now let me head to driving school and I'll see you guys
He walked out and Itumeleng was left with Ranewa in
the sitting room.
"How was your study session?"
"It was okay, the morning test was okay."
Itumeleng looked at Ranewa who shifted slightly in her
"I'm a bit tired.."She got up. "I think I'm going to go
"I hope you are not doing anything I wouldn't do. You
have your whole life ahead of you and you are eighteen,
boys won't matter in future."
"Mama, who said anything about boys?"
Itumeleng folded her arms as Ranewa held her gaze.
"Please please, think about your future Ranewa."
"Ee mma."

She walked into the bedroom and closed the door. That
was close.
"Is that a love bite on your neck?"
Eana casually asked and Ranewa closed her eyes.
"Ea, not now tlhemma."
"So you weren't doing an all night study? Is the guy
you're always on the phone with?"
"Ea, I'll answer you when I wake up." My vagina is on
fire and Jace had her again in the shower. She wanted
to say outloud but she was glad no one noticed a thing,
probably because their minds were preoccupied.


At Larona's Workplace
Larona had read the article about her boyfriend's mother
in the morning. Now more than ever she was a bit
skeptical about introducing Kopano.
What if her family doesn't accept him? It was not his
fault that his father was sick but-

She bit her lip as she removed her goggles and took off
her glasses. She needed a break.
"I'll be back in ten minutes."
She said to her colleague as she walked outside the
laboratory. She took out her phone from her pocket to
call Kopano.

He answered immediately. She loved that.

"Hello Lala."
"Hi my love. I was just checking on you, what are you
"I'm at driving school right now and aren't you supposed
to be at work?"
"I'm on a break."
"Okay. I have to go, we'll talk a bit later gatwe I should
go drive."
"Alright. Good luck with driving."
"Thank you cutie pie, I'll definitely need it."
Her heart calmed down. He was a good man.
"Bye bye."

He cut the call and she breathed out. He was not

defined by his parents and he might not have
generational wealth like the man her parents wanted her
to get to know but Kopano had substance and character.
She was happy with him. Although he didn't know, she
was glad he treated her normal not like some crazy girl
who can't make her own decisions. Which is how her
family usually treats her. She doesn't have a good
mental health history but she was trying and they
were…manipulating her. Her therapist said they were
using her shortcomings against her.

She was thinking too much. The more she thinks, the
more she gets obsessed over things.

She Put her phone away and walked back inside the


Ranewa laid on her stomach hours later as she talked to

her boyfriend. Eana was making food and her mother
was gone. Kopano hasn't yet returned home.
"Did you go to the doctor?"
"I did. He said I'll be fine."
"I get worried, okay? The little things can impact your
health so much and I just want you to be alright."
"And I don't want you worrying about me, I'll be alright
okay?. Don't forget to take the last pill."
"Okay okay. I haven't forgotten. After eating, I'll take it."
"I was just reminding you."
"I know…"

She smiled as they talked about something else. Their

little talk was interrupted by a door knock.
"There's someone by the door. I'll call you later, okay
"Ee mma. Maybe in ten minutes?"
"Now look at who's desperate for my attention. Ee rra. I
love you. Bye."

She cut the call and got up. She walked out of the
bedroom heading to the sitting room door. She opened
the door.

The man smiled sheepishly.

"I'm looking for Eana."
Eana who was boiling water for the pasta was in the
kitchen heard her sister call for her.
"There is someone looking for you. He annoys me gore."
The man chuckled.
"Who is it?"
"It's me!" He called out and Eana closed her eyes trying
to calm down. How many times should she tell this man
to stay away?
"Please leave. I'm asking for the last time and delete my
"Can we talk? For a minute. Only a minute."
Eana who was so so tired of this man, held the pot that
had the boiling water and walked out. Ranewa saw her
and her brows furrowed. Ranewa just stepped out of the
way surprised.

"Hi E-aaah!"
She threw the boiling water at him.
"Stay away! This is the last time you come here and you
reporting you'll explain why you've been harassing a
minor for weeks now."
He was burning and the clothes felt sticky as his body
tingled in pain, eyes watering.
"Ng ke rate nonsense. See yourself out."

She turned on her heel and walked back ti the kitchen.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa stood by the door as she watched the man

struggle to get to the gate, obviously his chest was
probably burnt and the loose skin was peeling and it was
hurting. Her empathetic heart kind of sympathised with
him but he had been harassing her sister, she's not
supposed to feel sorry for him.
"You'll manage?"
He groaned in pain as real tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Ao shems, you'll be alright. I promise."

She said in a cheery voice. She watched him get to the

gate and hold it.
"Don't call her again, unless you want this situation
again. It's a lesson. A painful one.."She stopped herself
from talking as he got out of the yard. Well, that was
awkward. She walked to the gate to close it properly
before she jogged back to the house.
"You didn't have to burn him, o tlhomola pelo gore."(his
situation tugs at the heart)

Ranewa opened the fridge and took out the juice.

"I told him countless of times to stop bothering me. I
even blocked his numbers. O tlwaela batho yoo."(he's
Ranewa chuckled.
"He probably thinks we're crazy, maloba hela jaana I
was holding a knife when he was by the door."
"Why didn't you stab him?"

Eana raised her hands in mock surrender as she filled

the pot with cold water.
"Kana you are soft spoken. Not everyone understands
words, Sometimes it takes showing people that you are
not the one to take their nonsense."
"Yoh! I hope he doesn't report though, you don't need a
police record."
"I have screenshots of his disgusting messages, he
shouldn't dare."
Ranewa sighed. Men were weird so Ea was valid, he
should have accepted that Eana rejected him and she
was a minor. Very weird behaviour from a grown man.
"Do we tell mom?"
"Like we told her about you having a boyfriend?"
Ranewa sighed. Then it was their little secret then.
"See? Mom doesn't have to know just like she doesn't
know about your boyfriend."
"But don't go pouring hot water on people, it's not nice."
"Ee mma." Eana replied with a giggle as she checked
her chicken breasts that were coated in spices.
"I'm going to sleep."
"Ehe mma.."
Ranewa turned but Eana's voice stopped her.
"Kana you have a love bite on your neck."
"Ah that! How do I remove it?"
"Waitse le jola le di vampire….o ka nna mo purple
jaana?"(You guys are dating vampires, it can be this

Ranewa quickly walked to the bedroom and came back

a minute later with her phone in hand.
She went to Google to find ways to remove this. It's
going to be oddly suspicious if she wears a bottle neck
in this hot weather. She doesn't even have a cold.
"Uhm gatwe a whisk can do the job. Come do it like
Eana walked over to her older sister and she watched
the video.
"Okay, I can do that."

Ranewa sat on the high chair as Eana got the whisk and
she removed her hoodie.
"Ew, you even smell like a man."
"Shut up!"
"I'm helping you here."
Eana started doing what was done in the video on
Ranewa's neck.
"Is it working?"
"Lovebite yaago mma e tona gore…"
"I think so, let's do this for five minutes while the water is
warming up."

Eana was hard at work, using the whisk to try and

remove the lovebite.
Ranewa waited, hoping that it was no longer going to
"All done."
"How does it look?"
"Better, we can do it again later today."
"Okay. Thank you."
"Did you spend the night with your boyfriend?"
Ranewa flushed and Eana laughed.
"Goriana? Waitse.."
Luckily Ranewa was wearing a long sleeved top and her
sister didn't see the lovebites on her chest.
"Did you know?"
"From your reaction, you did. How was it?" Eana pulled
the other high chair and looked at her big sis waiting on
the tea.
"It was fine."
"Just fine? I need a better word."
Ranewa covered her face with her hands.
"I think I'm going to marry him."
"Slow down, this is not a book or a Disney fairytale,
having sex doesn't mean you marry your virgin breaker."
Ranewa snorted.
"You've never had sex so your opinions are not valid.
Maybe in a year or two or even three. Not now Eana."
"Hee banna!"
"You don't know what he does to me when it's just us, he
better not break up with me."
"I'll personally deal with him."
"Ng ng. O tlo mpolaela monna..hee kana mama ka tswa
a jola."(no. You're going to kill my man. Mom must be
"Yesterday she came around bo 11, probably after the
date. I then heard her walking out the house less than
twenty minutes later and a car pull over outside."
"I hope whoever he is, he makes her happy. Mama has
dealt with a lot and she deserves pure love."
"Or else we'll deal with him."
"Bathong wena!"
Ranewa got off the chair and took her hoodie.
"Thank you and call me when you're done cooking."


That late evening at Itumeleng's House, Ranewa

swallowed the last pill before she went to join her family
in the house. Eana yawned that she was tired and
Kopano excused himself to talk to the phone.

She just headed to the bedroom and got undercover to

talk to Jace. Almost an hour later, she heard footsteps.
She held her breath as the bedroom door opened and
lucky for her she was undercovers.

She heard the door get unlocked, then open then get
locked again before she heard the footsteps on the
ground. The gate was suddenly unlocked and opened
slowly. She removed her head out of the blankets as she
listened in. She could hear a car now in the background.
Hee banna!

Then the gate was locked again. A car door opened and
it was closed before she heard the car speed away. She
got out of bed and walked out of their room. She padded
to her mother's room barefoot and she knocked on the
door. There was no answer. She opened the door and
her mother wasn't there.

She laughed to herself. Well, she should enjoy herself.

She guessed.

Inside the car, Itumeleng looked at Botshelo.
She smiled at him as if she didn't see him earlier that
day when he brought her morning afters.
She was definitely going to enjoy this weekend. She
wasn't going to be Itumeleng the mother, just her
enjoying the company of a man she liked very very


Queen Of Hearts


A Week Later

Ranewa's back was against the wall as he rammed into

her, making her breath hitch in her throat.
"Stay with me baby."
He murmured as she exploded around him and he came
with a loud groan and his hot breath on her face.
Ranewa's body went limp as he slid out of her with a full
condom. He kissed her neck and stepped back to tie the
condom and dispose of it.
He came back to find Ranewa pulling up her pants and
he helped her zip them up.
"You good?"
"Yeah." Her voice was soft and filled with longing and he
wished he didn't have to go.
"Come here."
He held her hand and led her to the neatly made bed.
His packed suitcase was in the room along with another
one of his bags and she swallowed as she sat on his
"This was goodbye sex?" She knew it was. This man
was about to go under the knife and this has been the
best few weeks of her life, getting to know him. Beating
him at poker and learning his tricks. Reading his hard
literature books, him reading her sappy romance books
and he was always attentive to her and what she
requested and needed. Not once making her
uncomfortable or anything like that.
He held her close and she inhaled his cologne again
then looked up at him.
"I'll video call everyday okay?"
"Okay, even after surgery please call."
"I will. Don't worry too much and next year February I'll
be starting my Masters and also the new job."
"And what does that mean for us?"
"It changes nothing but…"
She held his hand.
"I'll have to find a way to send you money all the way
from the UK."
"I never asked for money."
"I know, you deserve it just because you're my girlfriend
She rubbed her eyes.
"And I want to take care of you while I'm away, just get
that degree."
"Yes sir!"
She made a mock salute and he chuckled.
"And please go to driving school."
"You need to know how to drive, some days I won't be
able to drive." He was right. She touched his face and
kissed him, slowly at first before it turned into a heated
kiss that had him pushing her into his groin. He groaned
in her mouth, he can't get distracted now.
He broke the kiss and held her waist.
"I'll miss you."
"Me too little fairy." He pecked her lips and got her off
She checked the time on her phone. She had to go to
school and the fact that she won't see him again for
some time made her heart crack a little.
She wrapped her arms around him and held him so
"I love you. And I'll miss you."
I love you too. Jace said more in heart as he rubbed her
"When I come back, we'll get married." He whispered on
her ear just for her and she closed her eyes.
"I promise. You are mine."
She chuckled and wiped her eyes.
"I hope I don't regret this." She was too much of a
dreamer and she saw the good in everyone. All her
cards were on the table and were all showing hearts. A
heart she quickly gave to him because that was it for
her. All or nothing and nothing in half measure. Not for
Ranewa Mosiame anyway.
"I swear on my life, you'll never regret calling me yours."
"On this day?"
He nodded and she laughed softly going on her tip toes
to seal that promise with a kiss.
"Okay, now you have to get going handsome and I
wouldn't want you to miss your flight."
"And you have class."
He held her hand as they heard the hooter outside.
"Your cab is here."
He said to her. She hugged him one last time. Much
more tighter than the last hug. They were just two
people with their hearts on fire for each other, were they
rushing things? Eana had said that somewhere along
this week but everytime he flashed his brown eyes at
her, it all seemed new and exciting and she was going to
explore that. Wholeheartedly.

He broke the hug and then held her waist as he walked

her out of the house after she got her bag, he opened
the gate and the cab man smiled.

He went over to talk to the guy as he took out his wallet

to pay for the cab drive to take her to school. He then
turned to face Ranewa and lightly kissed her lips.
"Be a good girl while I'm gone okay?"
She nodded and he smiled at her, his dimples showing
as he opened the cab door for her.
"Make sure my woman arrives safely."
He closed the door and she waved at him as he
watched the cab drive away with who he would later
realise was the love of his life a little too late.

Botshelo parked his car outside the house as his son
walked out with his bag and his headphones around his
neck. He got a bit emotional, feeling as if he was
sending his son to his death.
"You ready?"
"I'll be there in two weeks just in time for the surgery."
Moemedi nodded as his father went on to hug him and
he hugged his father back, the weight of everything
finally settling in. His throat blocked and he blinked back
tears as he withdrew from the hug.
"Thank you."
He walked to his father's car. He handed his dad a set of
spare keys.
"Keep on checking my house and car."
Botshelo laughed, lighting up the mood.
"Okay son."

He put the bag at the back of the 4×4 car and hopped
inside the front the seat as Botshelo got inside. He
reversed his car.

At Sir Seretse Khama International Airport

Moemedi had his father take a picture of him and then

hand back his phone to him. He sent the picture to
someone who replied it with a heart. He smiled a bit, she
was already starting to be a constant in his life. He
breathed out.
"By the time I come back, I mean for good I'll introduce
you to someone."
He told his father.
"My future wife, get the cows ready. She needs about
Botshelo laughed, throwing his head back.
"Yes. Get them ready and we'll talk."
"Okay. So ga se lekgoa?"(she's not white?)
"No. You'll meet her soon enough."
Botshelo nodded. Hopefully his relationship with
Itumeleng will be stable and they'll introduce their kids to
each other. Eventually.

Moemedi's flight was called out.

"See you in two weeks then dad."
Botshelo hugged him one last time as he walked away.
He breathed out. He was going to be stressing these
next few weeks.


At Itumeleng's House

Itumeleng was going to tell her children about her

relationship maybe after two months. It was promising
and she was already enjoying Botshelo's company. Life
was just where it should have been. Happy, balanced
and content. Her children happy with what they were
doing, her little math genius was showing signs of dating
but she'll ask her during the course of the week. Eana
was doing what she loved the most. Fashion and she
was done rewriting her exams so they'll have to wait for
February to get the results. She was hoping that Kopano
gets a job and she was already considering having
Botshelo give him the car.

She had thought about it, calmly this time and he

deserved it. He was almost done with driving school.
This was just how life was supposed to be. Not chaotic
and very free.

Kopano sat on a bench in town. Maybe he should take
the money? He breathed out but that would go against
his principles and that would make that bastard happy
knowing he bought off their forgiveness sith the fortune
he never dared to spend on them. He never loved them
in any capacity so maybe he shouldn't.

He should probably keep on job hunting. He'll find a job

soon, his girlfriend didn't mind. He smiled a bit thinking
about Larona. He didn't want to turn out like his father in
any way, he promised himself he'll be a better man and
he'll make good on that promise.



Ranewa sat in her stats class as the lecturer called out

names to hand out their papers. Her name was called
and she was not used to the stares she was getting.
Ever since her mother went public, people now stared at
her in public and it was a bit uncomfortable for her to be
the centre of attention.

She got her script back and looked at the 90% on it. She
paged through it on her way to her seat and it was that
damn question she told Jace about. Her eyes went teary
when she thought about him now. She swallowed and
patted her eyes, still feeling him buried deep inside of
her. She sighed. She'll be alright.

Ten minutes later, class was over and she walked out.
She dropped her head as she pressed her phone going
through their texts.

She bumped into someone and she dropped her phone,

the screen cracking and she winced.
"I'm sorry."
She fell to her knees and picked the phone. She looked
at it. Okay she cab get a new one, she had saved up
from the time she was doing laundry. This was nothing.
"I can replace it."
She looked at the person and he smiled at her. He
looked harmless.
"It's fine."
He tried to touch her hands to see the phone but she
took a step back.
"I'm Lesego."
He didn't know if saying his name would help but had he
not bumped into her, her phone wouldn't be like this.
Ranewa was already thinking about the pictures she
took with her boyfriend and their voice notes. She wasn't
even sure about his surgery or if he'll come out alive so
she had to have his memories with her.
"I'll fix it. Don't worry about it."

She forced as smile as she chucked the cracked phone

in her bag. Lesego took a good look at her, if it was
another girl she'd be shouting and saying he should pay
but she looked so sad about her phone. He should tell
his parents he broke her phone and they'll buy a new
one for her. Most University students can't function
without a phone.
"What's your name?"
He smiled as she tried to walk away and he quickly
caught up to her.
"Can I get your number so I can call you to get a new
"No. It's okay. I have to go."

He watched her walk away. He'll find her, and he give

her the new phone. Maybe they can be friends.

Ranewa took out the phone and looked at the crack.

She checked if there was any ink going to cover the
screen but thankfully, nothing. She should backup
everything in there before she gets another phone. She
sighed as she walked into the cafeteria.


Queen Of Hearts


Two years later…

At Botshelo's House

Itumeleng smiled as she looked at her shiny new

engagement ring. Botshelo kissed her lips softly in the
"Now, I think it's time for us to introduce the kids to each
Ituneleng said and she saw Botshelo's face drop.
"Botshelo? What is it?"
"Nothing, I just hope he comes back here."
Itumeleng hugged him.
"You said he's okay."
"Everyday it worries me and he was supposed to come
back a year ago and the doctor said no…"
"He'll be back, I promise."
"I hope so. But we'll have the children meet when he
arrives and then we'll take it from there."
"They'd get along right?"
"Moemedi will most likely be alright. He is a bit quiet but
he is charming too, he said something about paying
magadi when he gets here." Botshelo could still
remember that day and two weeks later, he nearly lost
his son on the operating table. Same goes for four
months back. He almost f*cking died after their said it
would be the last one. Moemedi had assured him it
would be the last one and that the doctor had finally said
he had about thirty to forty years ahead of him if he
takes his pills now. He was given a bunch of pills and he
still wasn't back in the country. He missed his son dearly.
He had been there for both operations in the last two
years but he couldn't stay in London, his home was
Itumeleng laughed.
"I'm already going to be a mother-in-law, he's fast."
"He said something about how his future wife being here
and all, he probably met her two years ago when he was
"Well, the more the merrier."
"And I'm sure he'll protect Ranewa and Eana like his
own siblings. He can be the older brother Kopano
"Yep, speaking of Kopano, he said he'll be coming here
"For the braai tomorrow?"
"Yes. Let me call him."

She got out of his embrace and went to get her phone
by the stand as she dialed Kopano's number. Botshelo
checked the time on his watch. It was still a bit early for
him to head to work, he'll go there around ten am.

By the passage, Itumeleng held the phone.

"You'll be home later?"
"Ee mma. I'm still at work and it's a lot."
She smiled. She was so proud of him and the man he
was becoming. He was working at some big company in
Francistown and it was a big achievement for him.
"Okay. I'll call later, I'll call my daughter-in-law too. When
are you marrying her?"
"You better not string the poor girl along Kopi, she loves
you so much."
A little too much if one was to ask Kopano.
"I know. I love her too. I have to go mom."
"Okay my boy. Bye."
He cut the call and Ituemeleng walked back inside the


At Itumeleng's House

Eana looked at her phone expectantly but the call she

was waiting for never came. She licked her dry lips. She
was being foolish wasn't she? She who gave her sister
all the advice and she was sitting here waiting for
confessions of love, that were never going to come.

Her phone rang that instant and she quickly sprung to

get her phone.
"You're talking to Ranewa."
Her sister laughed.
"Now who's being delusional…"
"No need to rub it in my face. You were crying a month
ago kwa."
"Whatever. I'll be there later today.."
"Babe?" Eana heard the deep male voice in the
background and groaned.
"So much for you studying."
"I do study. Gotta go sis, I love you and please don't beg
for him. I hate seeing you like this, he doesn't deserve
you and what you are doing to yourself is hurting
Eana licked her lips. She had toned down on the anger,
she wasn't the delicate one like her sister but she was
trying to be.
She breathed out.
"I love you…Tlherra stop it!"
She said with a giggle and that made Eana a bit jealous.
"Bye bye Ea. I'll see you later."

Her sister cut the call. She looked at the phone

expecting him to call but the voices in her head were
telling her what was already obvious. She was going to
hurt herself and instead of walking out, she was holding
out on hope. She quickly got up. She was already done
with the semester anyway and she had submitted her
design for marking and wrote the exams a week ago.

At Kopano's workplace

Kopano couldn't stop thinking about the dinner he had

with Larona's parents a week ago.
He swallowed heavily as he thought about the remarks
they made about his upbringing all in the name of light
hearted jokes. It brought tears to his eyes and he had to
rub them away as he stared at his laptop screen.

His phone rang kn the desk and he looked at Larona's

name flash on the screen.
He picked up the phone.
"Hi my love, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Not at all baby, what is it?"
"I was just checking on you. Are you at work?"
"Yes. Larona?"
"Is this you trying to check where I am?"
She kept quiet.
"I don't know how many times do we have to talk about
this, you know I'm at work. I have no reason to lie about
being at work. You know I'll be in Gaborone later
because we have a celebratory braai to attend later at
my mother's place and-"
He pinched his nose.
"It gets so tiring sometimes. My location is on, you can
clearly search and see where I am."
"I'm sorry. I'll-"
"I'll talk to you later."
He cut the call without saying goodbye and his office
door opened. The new secretary walked in with a timid
"Uhm hello.." Her soft voice somehow soothed his
raging emotions from that phone call he had with
She smiled shyly at him as she placed the documents
on his table. Palesa sat on the chair as she watched her
boss go over the papers. Well he wasn't her only boss
but he was one of the ones she liked to look at.
"Thank you Palesa."
"You're welcome."
She got up, her kitten heels and that below the knee
dress hiding her figure. Kopano chuckled. She was
sweet. She paged the papers.
"Uhm Mr Mosiame?"
"Palesa you should cut the uhms a bit, it doesn't reflect
well on you."
She smiled at the correction as she nodded.
"You didn't sign one of the documents."
"Ntle ke bone."(let me see)
She walked back to his desk and he looked at the
document he didn't sign. He handed it back to her.
"Thank you."
She walled out of the office like a timid little mouse and
Kopano smiled more to himself as he went back to work.

Queen Of Hearts


Ranewa was a bit lazy to get out of bed, she didn't have
an exam today and she was glad. She'll have the whole
weekend. Okay except Saturday because they were
celebrating her mom's engagement on Saturday. She'll
probably have to go buy the things they'd need before
she goes home.

Lucky for her, she has a license but how would she even
dare drive his car and take it home? Her mother knew
she was seeing someone though. Finally and it had
been such a long talk on pregnancy, her goals in life and
all of that.

She sighed as she slumped in the bed. The bedroom

door opened and he walked in with a tray of food.
"I'm still angry at you."
"I know." He placed the tray down and went over the bed
to kiss her.
"It was for your own good."
"And you don't get to make decisions for me and then
come back to tell me how I'm supposed to feel. I love
you, I really do but you shouldn't be doing that."
He held her waist and looked down at her.
"Ee mma."
"Are we clear?"
"Ee mma."
"Eat up."
She smiled as he walked out and she picked the tray to
put it up on her lap.


At Botshelo's club

Botshelo was going through the books of accounts to

make sure there was nothing amiss when his phone
"Hi, the police are getting suspicious."
He looked around his office.
"Of what?"
"Ever since that man who failed to pay his half a million
gambling debt disappeared."
"Come to my office."He cquickly cut the call as another
call came through.

He answered.
"Hi son."
There was a short pause and he knew that Kopano
appreciated having a father figure in his life.
"I have a question."
And the fact that the poor boy was coming out of his
shell and opening up more, Moemedi did open up but he
just started to be reserved the more the doctors said a
lot of different things and he didn't smile that much.
"I'm listening."
"Okay, isn't it a bit too much that one's partner stalks
everything they do and can't be able to embrace their

Botshelo leaned back.

"Is this about Larona?"
Well he had met Larona at their family dinner. He
smiled. They had dinners now and the kids were so
accepting of him. Ranewa had went on and on about
how she is a match maker and they should thank her
because they would have never known each other had
she not went to the club.

He drew his thoughts back to the issue at hand.

"Yes. Is she stalking you?"
Kopano didn't want to reveal the things his girlfriend told
him in confidence and since he was from a broken
home, he tries his best to be accommodating of his
"Not stalking per say, just a bit too obsessed."
"And did you love that about her at first?"
"I didn't know till later in the relationship." He breathed
out. Everyday it got worse and she'd apologise and
they'd get over it for a week only for her to ask him
about why he added so and so on social media. Why is
he at Pick n Pay at nine when he should be home. Why
he is at a different location. It was so suffocating.

"And now you know?"

"I try to be accommodating, I love her and she knows it
but I don't think she sees it. My eyes have been for her
from the beginning and I don't think I can handle that.
She is sweet but she is a little much for me. A liability."
"That's a lot. Try to talk to her, relationships go through a
lot of things and maybe if you both got counselling
together that would help."

Botshelo's office door opened and his younger brother

walked in and sat on the chair.
"I've been talking about this for ages, I don't think I can
do this anymore."
"Kopano, don't make haste decisions. You've been with
this girl for two years now.."
He heard Kopano sigh.
"I guess. I have to go, bye father figure."
Botshelo laughed at that.
"Bye son."

His brother raised a speculative eyebrow as Botshelo

cut the call.
"B, I know you're moving on and love is beautiful but at
some point I feel like you are using your fiancée's
children to fill the void. Especially Kopano. Him and Mo
are closer in age."
"Don't be silly. I love her children like I know she'll love
mine, they are good kids."
"I remember how close you were to him when you came
back from Mo's surgery, you are scared Mo will die
young and he almost died on the surgery table but you
don't want to lose him so you are using the next
available child."
Botshelo swallowed.
"I get why now Mo didn't tell you, in your heart you know
he might die from any little thing regardless of what the
doctors say and now Kopano is here and the thing is he
already has daddy issues so he'll obvious be drawn to
an older loving male who gives him a father's attention
and you'll have a son in case yours dies."

Botshelo looked up, his throat blocking.

"You know Mo could be here but his health doesn't
allow. That kid loves you and I bet maybe he felt you
withdrawing from him. You love him but when was the
last time you called him?"
"Jason please stop."
"That's the truth and he is unproblematic, he probably
didn't bring it up and he loves you nonetheless."

Botshelo rubbed his face.

"Anyway, I was here to ask about the wedding

arrangements and how we are planning it ko Semolale
next month."
"I'll ask Itumeleng to talk to you guys.."
"Okay, think about what I said and and when did he last
call you?"
Botshelo licked his lips again, his won guilt setting in. He
didn't even realise he was somehow drifting away from
his son regardless sof him being there for his last two
surgeries. He remembered the call he got from him two
weeks back and he had been busy and said he'll get
back to him. He hasn't even checked on Moemedi's
house, he should be preparing for him coming at any

He never got back to him and Moemedi sent a message

saying it's fine and gave him an update on his health.
His son was the one who called regularly and kept on
asking about the wedding things and how he'll be there
soon but never specified the soon.

His brother walked out and Botshelo sighed. He picked

up his phone and looked at it for a minute before he
decided to call his son.

He answered on the third ring.

"Hey dad."
His office door opened and the person who had called
him earlier about the police entered
"Hi Mo, I'll call a bit later."
The silence was a bit too loud.

His son cut the call and the man sat down.
"This is going to be a big problem Botshelo."
The man said as he sat down.

Queen Of Hearts


At Larona's apartment

Larona paced up and down. She had stopped work the

minute Kopano cut the phone and she decided to come
home. She couldn't focus on anything as she tried his
phone for the millionth time but he kept on cutting the
call. Now his phone wasn't going through.

She called her sister.

"He dumped me."
"Larona? Are you okay?"
She sniffed as she rubbed her tears away.
"He dumped me. I love him."
"Did he say that?"
"He blocked me, I just wanted to know how he is doing
and when he's coming. Why would he block me when I
love him?"
"Larona calm down, I'm coming. Are you home?"
She cut the call and got her car keys as she wiped her
tears. She'll wait for him at his mother's house. He loves
his mother and he won't miss the celebratory braai.

She locked her house, her hair already a mess as she

got to her car. She got inside and called her parents,
making it a group call.
"It's all your fault."
She sounded hysterical.
"If you hadn't said all those things at the dinner. I love
him but you treat me like I'm crazy!"
"Larona!! Where are you?"
"You always ruin things for me. I hate you guys so much!
I didn't even ask to be your daughter."
"Larona calm down and breathe. Where are you? At
Her father asked but then they heard cars honk. She
was driving?
"Please leave me alone, it's your fault. All he did was
love me, you can't use his family's past against him. He
never asked to be born into it. You are all hypocrites.
Wena mama dad cheats on you twenty four seven but
we never say a thing and wena dad you see women
who are my age. How disgusting is that but no one
brings it up…ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!".

She screamed and cut the call as she accelerated her



Ranewa finally got out of bed, her body aching in all the
right places. The best two weeks of her life, she loved
him. Loved life and it was good.

She walked out of the bedroom to find him working on

his laptop.
"Don't forget you have to study for your exams."
"I didn't forget."

Ranewa thoughtfully sat next to him, he had seemed a

bit down when he called her at the airport. She placed a
hand over his chest as she swallowed feeling the new
scars again and how his heart was steadily beating
under her hand. She had pushed his surname back
because surely people shared surnames all the times
and they are not related right? She told herself just that.
She had heard of other Mosiame's in UB and they were
not even related so she was stressing over nothing.
"Can you take me to the mall?"
"You know how to drive and you can get rhe car keys."
"I have to drop groceries for my mom's celebratory braai
and stay there at home. Kamoso is a busy day."
"You are scared of going with my car?"
"Mama wa go mpotsa dipotso and those are questions I
don't want ro answer to be honest."
He placed the laptop down and pulled her to his lap.
"Okay, I'll drive you."
"Thank you." She pecked his lips. "Let me go get ready
and you should wear a t-shirt. This thing of you going
around naked go a ntena."
He laughed.
"Ee mma."

He got her off his lap and stood up too, arms around her
waist as they headed to his bedroom.


At Itumeleng's House
Eana was relaxed on the sofa when she received a call
from Larona. She sighed disappointed. He couldn't call
her now only at night when it suited him. She answered.
"Hi Ea, I'm parked outside. Can I get in?"
"Uhm sure, let me go unlock the gate. You didn't pass
Ranewa on the way?"
"I don't think I did. I would have waited for her."

She cut the call meanwhile in the car, Larona fixed her
face as she used the wipes to make her face
presentable. She took out her wig brush and brushed it
down and tied her hair before she applied lip gloss.

Eana opened the gate for her car and she smiled
gratefully as she stopped what she was doing and drove
inside the yard. Eana closed the gate and smiled at her.
She switched off her phone and put it down. She doesn't
need that.
"Hi, Kopano is not back yet."
She smiled, rolling down the windows of her car.
"I know. I'm here to surprise him."
"That's cute. I'll be in the house. You know his room."
She nodded and got out of the car with her handbag.
She fixed on a cheery smile, leaving her phone in the

She walked to the house and looked around.

"There is food in the kitchen." Eana said the minute
Larona walked in.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."

The nineteen year old shifted her attention back to her

phone and Larona headed to the kitchen. She hoped
Eana didn't see right through her. She didn't need her
judging her. Everyone here was sweet and accepting.
How can she lose this family too when her family was
everything but that?

She got to the kitchen, the voices. The voices in her

head convinced her to look for the knife and put it in her
bag. She didn't know why. She breathed out. She
wouldn't use it would she? No. She wouldn't.
She opened the pots and she found the food. She was
starving even. Her stomach growled and she got a plate
to dish up for herself.

Ranewa was dropped off by her mother's house almost

three hours later.

She got out of the car with the first two plastics.
"I'll be back for more okay?"
"Okay." He watched her walk to the closed gate and he
got out if the car to open it for her.
She nodded gratefully as she walked inside the yard. He
watched over the car as she came back to get more.

In less than five minutes she was done and standing

with him by the gate.
"When am I introducing you to my father?"
He asked her. He wasn't sure his father would have time
for him but he hoped so, Ranewa would only be left with
one semester after this and he didn't want her to
relocate so he did. After he had asked doctors over and
over again if he's fine.
"Anytime you feel you want to. Maybe it's time I
introduce you to my family. And I have a wedding to
attend. Will you be my date?"
He chuckled and that same chuckle still sent shivers
down her spine and she moved closer to wrap her
hands around his neck. He lowered himself to kiss her
and she placed a delicate hand on his chest.
"Now, my sister could be watching. I'll talk to you later
okay my love?"

She turned and he lightly slapped her butt. The last time
he was here, it wasn't that size but he loved her
nevertheless and as long as she was happy.

He got inside the car and looked at his phone. Did he

forget to call him again? He swallowed as he started the

Inside the house, Ranewa had been surprised to find

Larona but she was her brother's girlfriend and they
were used to having her over when he was here.

Larona excused herself and headed to Kopano's room.

"A re she is surprising him."
"That's sweet. Let me take a quick shower and we can
catch up. Ke batla go utlwa ka lemenemene la gago."(I
want to hear about your inconsisten man)

Eana sighed as Ranewa headed to the bedroom.

That moment Kopano called.
"Hi Ea, I'm at rhe airport and I wanted to know if you
guys cooked or I should bring takeout."
"Even if we cooked. Bring takeout."
He chuckled.

The call cut and she stared at the door, an uneasy

feeling dropping to the pit of her stomach.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Kopano's cab stopped outside the yard and he paid the

man as he got out with his takeout bag. The boot
opened and he took out his suitcase.
"Thank you."
The cab drove off and he sighed looking up. He'll have
to call Larona but earlier on he didn't want to deal with
her. She had been blowing up his phone and it was not
even funny.
He opened the gate and frowned seeing her car. She
was here? Already? He just dragged his bag to the door.
"Ko ko."
He heard some movement and the door opened. Eana
smiled at him.
"Welcome back, I'll take this."

She got the takeout from her hands and she walked
away. Kopano dragged his suitcase inside.
His sister opened the bedroom door slightly as she
peeked from behind it.
"Hi Kopi. Let me get dressed."
She closed the door and he was going to need a whole
lot of strength to talk to Larona.

He opened the door and found her sitting quietly on the

bed with her head down low.
"Hi Kopano.".she heard him release an audible sigh as
he closed the door and put his suitcase by the wardrobe.
"Larona, what are you doing here?"
"To talk."
He pinched his nose bridge and Larona could tell he
was getting angry.
"There is a reason I ignored your phone calls, I need
She laughed.
"You've never needed space from me before."
Kopano folded his arms.
"Because you-you're acting crazy and I've been trying
but today-"
"There is someone new isn' there? Someone prettier,
"There is no one. Now you are making things up ti fit
your narrative. I need space from you. Everyday. Every
single day I have to assure you and it gets tiring. You
were blowing up my phone and I was at work. Unlike
you, I don't have rich parents and I actually love my job."
"And you don't get to want space from me when you wer
eokay with me all these years. Who is she? Did you
have sex with her? Was she good?"
"No! Answer me…"
He could see how calm she was and maybe he had
read the situation wrong and he thought she'd lose her
"There is no one. Please leave."
"I'm not leaving. Kopano, I love you. Very much so and
you don't want to see it. Now you are tired of me? I think
the f*ck not!"

She walked out with her handbag tight against her

shoulder and Kopano sighed. It went better than he
expected though. He sat on the bed. He just needed to
think. For his sanity.

Larona walked out of Kopano's room. She lightly

knocked on Ranewa's door.
"Come in."
She was on the phone and the sweet girl smiled at her
"Hold on for a second my love."
The person on the other hand of the phone kept quiet as
Larona walked in. Her hand was in the bag.
"How did your surprise go?"
Ranewa squinted her eyes and walked over to her
wardrobe for the sleepers. That gave Larona the
opportunity to take out her knife and she crept up to
Ranewa who was bet down the shoe rack.

Ranewa's heart skipped several beats when she felt the

cold metal against her neck. Her eyes watered and she
felt her bowels already start to misbehave as her
stomach dropped.
"Now let's go to the bed and talk."
Ranewa who was shaking now, felt involuntary pee run
down her leg.
"That's disgusting Ranewa! I thought you were better
than that. Let's go."

Trembling she straightened up and since Larona was

already taller than her, it wasn't any better.
"Ranewa?" She could hear Jace's voice on the phone.
He didn't hear a thing.
"Hey bab-"
"Cut the call!"
Ranewa's eyes fearfully looked at Larona.
"Ba-"she quickly cut the call and Larona held the sharp
end of the knife on her neck. Larona took the phone and
held it in another hand.
"One wrong move and I will kill you."
What did she do? She was still young to die and why
was Larona doing this?
Still with the knife on Ranewa's neck, she went to lock
the bedroom door.
"Call your brother."
Larona said handing Ranewa the phone.

In Kopano's room, he had this eerie feeling. He hand's

heard Larona's car start and his phone rang in the
pocket. Why was Ranewa calling him when they are in
the same house.

He just answered the call.

"Let's talk now Kopano."
That was Larona.
"Larona, we have nothing to talk about. Give Ranewa
the phone. I'm getting sick and tired of you. Let's just cut
our losses and break up."
She laughed softly.
"Break up? With me? After I've loved you for two years?
"Give my sister the phone."

Ranewa winced feeling the knife dig deep into her neck
and closed her eyes. Larona saw the blood that trickled
from that little slash.
"Keep saying the wrong things and your baby sister is
There was silence.
"She's bleeding. Not much. Say the wrong things and
you'll have a funeral next week akere ene o mo rata go
heta nna? You used to give her all your attention at
school. Did Ranewa eat? Ranewa let's go. All those
things. And try me and I'm taking the little sister you
raised all your life, wa bona gore ne go sena mosola
gore o mo godise?(You see it was useless to raise her)"
She chuckled.
"Your father molested her and she was almost dumped
as a baby. Very useless human being ka course e
senang market."
Ranewa shut her eyes, her heart beating too fast and
heavy for her. The knife was cutting into her throat and
she was so scared. Her body was limp, probably stuck
in fear mode and she was trembling.
"Larona, calm down. Ranewa didn't do anything to you."
"I know. Still useless but you love this useless girl and it
will hurt you to lose her. Even from her birth you could
see how useless you've been? Eana wasn't molested by
the same father, that means he saw that you were
useless Ranewa. Maybe she asked for it too and now
that everyone hates your father she also hates him. She
is smart, as useless as she is. Eana is making a life and
wena o ira course nyana."

She laughed softly.

"Think Kopano about the state of our relationship and if
you call the authorities. They will be leaving this room
with her dead body and it will all be on you. You should
have watched how you spoke to me. All you, you killed
your sister."

There was silence.

"If I hear a siren? Owai, Ranewa o robala ka
kagiso."(Ranewa will rest in peace)

Kopano was by the corridor and he was sweating and

trembling. He rubbed the sweat on his forehead. He
swallowed and sent Eana a text.

Kopano:Send a message to mom and dad to come

here. Quickly. Send a message. Don't call.

"Okay. Let's talk. I'm by Ranewa's bedroom door."

"Now you want to talk. Okay."

Larona looked at Ranewa's whose eyes had bulged and

the blood was trekking down her neck and seeping into
the white cotton dress she wore. She chuckled. She had
a game. She walked with the knife still by Ranewa's
neck to the wardrobe and she got the belt. She got the
knife and removed it.
"If you do anything, we are just two and it's either we
both die together or cooperate." Ranewa slumped to the
floor, the shock rendering her useless as her very life
started to flash and how she had not done anything in
her life. She was still yet to live and was this how her life
was supposed to end?

She quickly got up but Larona's knife stabbed her thigh

and she screamed.
"Not so fast little girl!"

That scream had Eana jumping off the bed and rushing
to the bedroom.
"Wena Rambo! Stay that side or else she dies!"

Eana paused.


Jace's car was on the way to Ranewa's place. That- he

didn't have a good feeling about it.

Queen Of Hearts

At Itumeleng's House

Eana's heart couldn't stop beating in her chest as she

stood by.
"Please don't hurt her."
"It's Kopano's fault."

She said in the room. Inside the room, She slid out the
knife from Ranewa's thigh as it bled profusely, blood all
over the floor. Her scream had Eana scrambling from
the door and heading to the kitchen. She should look for
a shovel outside.

Larona heard the quietness.

He wasn't answering her. Oh well. Ranewa tried to crawl
but she stabbed her other thigh and a gut wrenching cry
tore from Ranewa's lips.
"If they are doing something sinister, they'll find you
cripple. After all o useless."
She let the knife in there as she bled from both thighs
and Larona tied her legs together with the belts then tied
her hands as well. She removed the knife and she
thought about where to stab to make sure she doesn't
walk. Why wasn't her science knowledge loading any

It clicked and she smiled. She heard a car stop outside?

They called people?

Eana saw the gate open and some hot as hell dude
walked inside the yard.
"Are you Eana?"
She nodded.
"Where is Ranewa?" Jace covered his eyes.
"She is being held captive by my brother's girlfriend."
Sh*t! His gun. Why didn't he keep it in his car?
"Let me make some calls."

Eana quickly walked into the house with the shovel and
Jace called his father.
"Moemedi? I'm a bit busy I swear I'll call later."
"I need your help. Please! I need a gun. Just that."
"What? Are you in the country? And what do you need a
gun for?"
"Please, let me send the address and just bring it and
you'll go back to being busy."
He cut the call and sent his location before he walked
into the house.
Kopano who juts got off the phone with his mother
frowned seeing the tall stranger.
"Hi, you must be Kopano."
He was skeptical.
"Ranewa's boyfriend."
Eana's eyes widened. She understood why her sister
had cried about not seeing him..she'd cry too.
"You called help Kopano?"

Another toe curdling scream could be heard from

Ranewa inside the house and Jace covered his mouth.

Inside, Ranewa was a bloody mess. She could no

longer cry as the knife lodged into her spine and she
was starting to accept this was her fate. She blinked.
"C-can I say goodbye at least?"
Larona paused, taking in the bloody mess and
Ranewa's scratchy voice. Her face was bloody and she
was lying in a pool of blood.
She was loosing blood and she felt light headed. Larona
swallowed as she found the phone. It didn't have a
password and she looked at the contact list.
"Who should I call?"
"My mom."
She called the number.
"Hello? Ranewa thank God you are safe, we are on our
"Mama, I don't feel good right now. I love you okay?"

Her voice faltered.

"Ranny? Ranny!!"
Larona cut the call.
"C-call my siblings."
"Don't die, it's not yet over."
Ranewa nodded, her eyes seeing red all over and she
closed her eyes but she was slapped to keep them
"Kopi I love you. You and Eana."

Eana hit the door with the shovel and Jace got it from
her to make it go faster. He hit the lock and where the
door was closed

Larona's heart pounded.

"Call Jace…" Ranewa begged.
Larona didn't as she got the knife and pulled Ranewa's
already lips body.
"Please! Please call him so I can tell him I love him!"

The tears stung in her eyes as they trickled down.

Kopano who had quietly called the police heard the
sirens in the background. His parents were on the way.
"Hang on baby girl, we'll get you out!"
She couldn't. She didn't feel like she had enough time.

The sirens got closer and closer and the door managed
to open as all three of them burst through the door.
Larona held the knife against Ranewa's neck.
"If you come closer to her I finish her off, she's not dead

Silence hung in the air.

Queen Of Hearts

At Itumeleng's House

Outside, the neighbours were gathering after hearing

those screams. The screams were fresh out of a horror
movie and it was so scary. They waited outside and they
could also hear the sirens. Some took out their phones
and took pictures of the cars there.
"What's happening?"
"I don't know."
The other replied.

Already another was typing something on Facebook.

Inside the house,Jace dropped the shovel and Eana

couldn't believe her eyes, taking in the state her older
sister was. Ranewa slipped in between consciousness,
feeling like her soul was leaving her body. Kopano
trembled seeing his sister and tears stung his eyes.
"Lala, we can talk about this."
"You didn't want to talk!" She half screamed and
Kopano's eyes flickered to Ranewa.
"You don't care about me."
"Baby, we can talk about this. I swear. Just let her go.
Nothing js going to happen to you, she'll be okay…get
up so we can talk."
Kopano walked closer, the blood on the floor almost
making him nauseous as he looked at it.
"Lala, drop the knife. Please."
Larona's tear rolled down her cheeks.
"I just wanted you to talk to me, you said you love
me…why would you break up with me?"
"I made a mistake, let Ranewa's boyfriend take her to
the hospital."
She looked at the man who had broken into the room.
She blinked and sniffed.
"He just came for Ranewa."
"Let the knife go."

He walked closer, his sister blinked multiple times and

she wouldn't stop bleeding. The guilt lodged in his throat
as he was less than two feet from them.
"Please Lala, have I ever done anything to hurt you?"
"I just wanted to send a message, I didn't mean to stab
her it was only to scare her and then Eana came and
Ranewa tried to run when I asked her to just stay put."
"Okay's okay. You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry."
She smiled with trembling lips.
"She'll be okay?"
She looked at Ranewa and she was breathing shallow.
"Yes. She'll be fine."
Larona looked into Kopano's eyes. He was being
sincere. She nodded and swallowed looking down at
"I'm sorry." She said to Ranewa who coughed, unable to
move on her own and closing her eyes. She quickly
opened them trying to stay alive but she couldn't.

Jace walked in inside the room.

"Can I take her?"
Larona dropped the knife and Jace picked up bloody
Ranewa and swallowed, his heart beating a bit too fast.
"Hold on for just ten minutes baby." He whispered, a
lone tear dropping on Ranewa's face.

He walked out of the room, carefully with her and Eana

wanted to go in and stab Larona for that but what if she
stabs Kopano and she loses both siblings?

Outside, the police cars and an ambulance were parked

just as Botshelo's car pulled up too. Ituemelng didn't
wait, she jumped out of the car before Botshelo could
switch it off and she ran to the open gate, passing the
police. The police saw the people gathered. Why didn't
they get in to help? They were watching everything.

Botshelo frowned, asking himself why Moemedi would

need a gun? And he was further confused seeing
Moemedi's car outside the yard. What was going on?
How did he know this address?

He quickly got out of the car with the police officers and
the paramedics.

Iutmeleng was about to get inside the house when she

saw a young man carrying her daughter. Itumeleng
froze, her knees got weak and she fell to the ground as
she cried.
"Ngwanake wee!"
Botshelo and the authorities also stopped.
"What the hell?" One of the police officers muttered.
"She needs help! Now!" Jace said as his eyes landed on
his father's. He was confused but he'll deal with that
later when Ranewa was safely in hospital and was
getting help.

He walked past Itumeleng who was in the ground, crying

and walked past his father as the paramedics rushed to
the ambulance and opened it at the back.

The people gasped. Was she even alive? That much

blood and she looked limp in the man's arms. Some
held back tears. This was too much for them to look at.
"I-I think she has been stabbed multiple times. Baby?
Little fairy stay with me…" Jace touched her face.
"Sweetheart, stay with me…please.." He said softly.
Pleading with her, his own heart breaking as he held her
half lifeless body in his arms.
They took out the stretcher and the oxygen mask.
"She is still breathing."
He supplied as they placed the oxygen mask on her
face and it steamed from her soft breaths. Theh placed
her on the stretcher and he took her hand.
"I'll be coming okay? Hold on okay?"
She couldn't move but her eyes blinked with tears.
"I know you are hearing me. I love you."
They took her inside and Itumeleng has just scrambled
from the ground. All dusty as she ran outside.
She saw one of the paramedics walk up to her.
"We are taking her to GPH. Will you be able to pay the
Jace nodded.
"I'll pay.."
"I'm her mother, will she be okay?"
"We don't know but she is breathing so as long as she is
He quickly jumped to the back and Ranewa murmured.
The female paramedic took her hand. Comforting her.
"Stay with me..Ranewa right?"
She nodded tears rolling down her eyes.
"We'll be okay okay?."

More tears as she struggled to breath, seeing black

"Ranewa, breath in and out…try to be awake. For ten
minutes nana."

The ambulance drove off and Jace was about to go to

his car when his father approached him.
"How do you know Ranewa?"
"Long story, I have to go." He quickly jogged to his car,
all bloody and jumped inside. In a minute, he was
driving off, following the loud sirens.

Inside the house, the police had surrounded Larona who

was crying hysterically.
"I didn't mean to."

Eana had taken a step back and walked outside. All that
metallic copper smell got to her and the fact that it was
her sister.
She threw up outside as she saw her mother, she was
shaking. The sun was out and four pm was pretty hot in
Botswana Summer but her mother was shaking as if she
was cold.
"I need to see Ranewa!" Itumeleng looked at Botshelo…
"Eana you have a license right?"

She nodded and he threw the keys at her.

"Go to GPH with your mother. Now"
She nodded and walked to her mother. She was so cold

She held her shoulders as they walked to the car. He

wanted to hear the whole story from Kopano and to also
help in police investigations.

He walked in to the police surrounding Larona. It was

unbelievable and Kopano was on the floor. Looking so
defeated and he looked up. With teary eyes.
"I didn't mean it. It was a mistake! Kopano tell them."

One of the police officers came to her and handcuffed

her as she cried. Begging.
"Kopano! You promised that they won't do anything to
me. I didn't mean it."

She was led outside and the neighbours had been

capturing pictures of everything, being the Facebook
updates and in minutes, it was already a trending story.

Botshelo looked down at the crime scene. Everywhere

there was blood and Kopano sniffed. He crouched to his
level and he covered his face.
"I killed my own sister."
He said with a shaky voice. Botshelo helped him up and
he hugged him.
"It's all on me."

Kopano broke down, all he could see was Ranewa's

bloody body.

Queen Of Hearts


At Gaborone Private Hospital

Jace who had been following the ambulance at a high
speed jumped out of his car all bloody as he walked into
the hospital.
The nurse by the reception stopped him.
"Hi, where are you going?"
"The patient who just arrived a few minutes ago, the one
covered in blood?"
The nurse stepped back and nodded.
"Follow me."
He breathed out and rubbed his face, the dried out
blood on his hands flaking on his face.
"She was immediately taken to the ICU unit, you can
start by washing your hands and then we'll deal with the
He nodded and was shown the bathrooms.

He headed in that direction.

Outside, Eana parked her step-father to be's car. Her

mother had cried all the way to the hospital and she
didn't know how to console her. How to say it will be
alright when she wasn't sure if it will be.
"Mama, we just arrived. Let's go."
Itumeleng rubbed her eyes. Why did Larona want to kill
her child? She didn't even-
She looked up at the sky, the lone clouds and the sun
shining on her face didn't make anything better. Why
was suffering her potion? She didn't do anything to
Mothusi and she lost years off her life stuck in prison
now some girl wanted to kill Ranewa? What did she do
wrong in her past life to deserve all this? It hasn't even
been five years and-

A huge ball blocked her throat as she walked besides

Eana. Eana was praying she gets sentenced because
what she had done was inhumane. She only fought
when attacked but just to come to their house only to
leave Ranewa half dead? She shuddered.
Remembering how she had seen her sister tied up with
those belts and her body so limp. Would Ranewa be a
vegetable? That made tears prick in her eyes, surely it
won't come to that. Surely, she had to be hopeful.

Itumeleng stepped in and she saw the nurse by the desk

who greeted them with a beautiful smile.
"Hello, how may we help you?"
"Hi, I'm looking for a patient. Ranewa Mosiame, she was
brought in by ambulance. I'm her mother."

Dried up tear streaks could be seen on her face and her

eyes were red and still had tears.
"Okay. Have a seat so we can fill a few forms as well."

Itumeleng looked around. Where was the young man

who had took her out of the house?

In the bathrooms, Jace looked at his reflection in the

Had he brought her a little later, maybe this hadn't
happened. His thoughts were not even on his father,
he'll be at peace once he knows Ranewa is out of the


Larona's sister who had been trying Larona and gave up

had received numerous calls in the last ten minutes. She
answered her parents calls.
"Your sister. What did she do?"
She paused.
"I'm not her keeper."
"She killed someone."
She gasped. Is this why the phone was ringing?
"I need to do damage control, release a press
The call cut and she quickly went to Facebook.

The post was the first thing she saw, a girl who as
carried and she was covered in blood then followed by
Larona who was arrested and covered in blood too. Her
blood ran cold and she rubbed the literal chills she felt
on her arms. She read the post with a pounding heart
and a stiff stomach.

'It seems as if Larona, heiress to Mr Gomolemo's fortune

has been found stabbing Ranewa whose mother is the
nation's queen of hearts because of her bravery and
courage to speak about her journey and make a
difference. The younger girl is still in critical condition
and no one knows what led to what might be a horrible
end to Ranewa's life. The family has not commented but
the neighbours say they heard the screams and the
police are still running investigations on what led to
Ranewa' untimely demise. We'll keep everyone

That was the article. No one was going to be on

Larona's side. Yes she stabbed Ranewa and it looked
bad but it can't be that bad can it? Her heart pounded
even in her ears. Itumeleng, Ranewa's mother Wass
adored by the nation. Hell after her monthly page
articles on her life, she won their hearts and she had
won hers to but it was now a case of Larona's family and

She got her bag. She wanted to know where Larona

was kept, this was war and even if her sister had the
intention to kill Ranewa or not, she was defending her
and keeping her out of jail.

She quickly called her father.

"Dad, where is she being kept? I need to speak to her.
She can't speak without a lawyer."
Her father told her and she cut the call as she walked
out of the house. Sorry to the little girl and the family but
her sister was well alive and she was keeping her out of
that ugly place called jail. It was going to break Larona
more than she was already broken. She was fragile for
such hostile conditions.


At Itumeleng's House

Kopano breathed into his hands.

"The police will join us at the hospital to ask questions.
Let's go to the hospital."
He got up and blinked back his tears.
"Had I known she'd do this? I woul-"
"You didn't know and it's not your fault."
"Ranewa didn't do anything."
Botshelo knew that but there was nothing he could do
now. A part of him was glad that he didn't bring the gun,
Moemedi too would have been dealing with a case and
although he wanted answers as to why he was here and
all, right now the priority was Ranewa.

He was sure Itumeleng must be wrecked and he could

understand. Not knowing if your child's life was hanging
by a thread and if they'll make it.

That made him swallow as he looked at Kopano.

Moemedi had called and asked for one thing, and said
he can be busy later. That little guilt about what Jason
said of him abandoning his own son in favour of
Itumeleng's kids. First he asked when he saw her
carrying Ranewa was what he was doing here and now
how he was? If seeing this could affect his heart?

Kopano looked at Botshelo. He was the father he had

wished he had and he was grateful for that. That his
mother was marrying a good man and-
He rubbed his eyes. Ranewa had introduced Botshelo to
them and he had brought in his sister's killer in their
"Let's catch a cab to the hospital."
Kopano nodded. His own guilt eating him up.

Queen Of Hearts


At Gaborone Private Hospital

The air was a bit chilly as Itumeleng rubbed her arms

after she had talked to the nurse to give the details.
Eana had sat by her side for the past hour and there
was no sign of the young man who had lifted Ranewa.
Botshelo had come for a few minutes and left to go get
them food and her something warm to wear while
Kopano sat on the bench opposite theirs with his head
in his hands. Itumeleng didn't have the energy to say
anything as she waited to hear what the doctors would
say. They have been busy with her since they arrived
and she was silently praying that she makes it. She
didn't even know where she was stabbed. She was just
bleeding all over.
She lifted her head to look at Kopano.
"Did the police take her?"
He nodded silently and dropped his head. He felt
suffocated. Had he answered her annoying calls maybe
she wouldn't have stabbed Ranewa. If she wanted to
stab someone why not him and not his siblings who did
nothing to her. Absolutely nothing. His own emotions
were conflicting and he hoped she rots in jail. That was
his hope even though it won't make Ranewa better.

Meanwhile in the parking lot, Botshelo sat in his car with

the food in the passenger seat. He took out his phone
and called Moemedi. His phone rang unanswered both
times and he left a voice message.
"When you get this…please call me." He put the phone
down and got out with the jacket and food. Maybe they'll
hear what the doctor has to say.

Inside the hospital, Jace finally walked out of the

bathroom. He had needed time to gather his thoughts
but the bloody t-shirt was a constant reminder that the
girl he now realised was the love of his life was hanging
by a thread. Literally. If they could switch places? Ass
young as they were, he would switch places with her.
She doesn't deserve that.

He walked out of the bathroom and he looked at the

nurse who had told him to wash his hands. She smiled
taking him in. He was a handsome man and with rhe
blood off his face, she could see his clean shaven jaw
even though you could tell a beard was starting to grow
and the tattoos on his arms that-

She blinked and looked up at him.

"Any news?"
He sounded tired and her being there, she had the time
to get on Facebook and read what was written by people
there. It sounded horrible and the fact that it was all bad
and no one knew why what happened, happened.
"She is still in ICU. You can wait by the benches with her
family. Can I take you there?"
"Sure. Thanks."
The little accent popped out and she walked by his side.
The copper blood smell was stuck to him and she
should have offered a shirt but despite that, his cologne
was still there. Hints of it and had she melt in full force,
she might have loved it too. By the way that girl arrived,
she might be dead.
"Can I know your name?"
He glanced at her and read her badge that had her
"Nice name. The family is over there."
She stopped in her tracks and pointed over to where
Itumeleng was.
"Thank you Amaya."
She smiled at him and walked back as he rubbed his
face with one of his hands, his heart tired and his head
pounding. He needed to eat and take his pills but he had
to be here and wait to hear what will be said. He licked
his lips, the possibility of her not making it got to him but
at least he got to hold her in his arms, even if it broke
him so much to hold her bloody body.

He took a deep breath and walked forward. All eyes

went to him and Kopano was too tired to question the
stranger while Itumeleng frowned. Anything to not think
of her daughter's dire condition. Botshelo looked at his
only son settle down and he rubbed his face.
He said and Eana looked at him. She frowned and
squinted her eyes. That young man looked a bit like
Botshelo or was it only her eyes deceiving her?
Botshelo tilted his head to look at Moemedi who cracked
his knuckles and Eana's eyes went to his veined fingers.
His hands were a little too big, not like that means

She looked at Botshelo who was holding his mother and

she had her head on his shoulders. Her mother needed
that kind of comfort.
Botshelo didn't want to start any arguments in the
hospital waiting room but he had questions and he was
antsy to have them answered. When did he come back?
Who was he to Ranewa?

Itumeleng wrapped an arm around Botshelo, closing her

Botshelo's need for answers got the best of him and in
the quiet of the room, he asked the question.
"Moemedi, how do you know Ranewa?" Itumeleng lifted
her head. That was Moemedi? His son with the heart
condition? She sat upright to look at him, his pictures
were in Botshelo's room but those were baby, toddler
and pre-pubersent pictures. She didn't see any of him as
an adult.
He chuckled. That was the first question he had to ask?
Even earlier on it was something along those lines.

He licked his teeth and spread his legs, placing his

hands on his knees.
"She's my girlfriend." He kept his eyes on his father
waiting for him to say something. Itumeleng blinked.

What? This was the boyfriend Ranewa was talking

He leaned back, his tongue probing his cheek.
Botshelo chuckled. No ways. No way this was
happening. He covered his face, this wasn't supposed to
"When I said I'm getting married, I meant to Itumeleng.
Ranewa's mother. She is your stepmother. Ranewa is
your stepsister. This wasn't how the introductions were
supposed to go."

Jace licked his lips as everyone looked at him. So how

did that concern him?
"What am I supposed to do with the information?"

Botshelo could hear the cockiness in his voice, as if

what he said didn't matter.

Kopano looked at Moemedi proper and Eana could see

why Ranewa was crazy about him. He looked like he
checked a lot of boxes.

"She's your stepsister, whatever you have with her. End

Itumeleng didn't want to be selfish and they were all
here because Ranewa was in critical condition but then
she deserved a little happiness. Ranewa was young.
She'd find another man to love.
Kopano was conflicted but then Ranewa was literally so
young. What did she know about love at twenty? Eana
didn't want to enter this chat. It was not hers, she was
still fixated on a man who'd never choose her so she
had no say in this.

Tension rose in the air and Jace kept his eyes on his
father, his chest rising. His shoe tapped the floor.
"Just like that?"
"Just like that. It's wrong for you to date your step sister."
"And she doesn't get a choice?"
"She'll see reason. She is a reasonable girl and she
knows what's best. She is still young. Twenty."
"And I'm not?"
Botshelo got up, letting go of Itumeleng.
"You'll hurt her. She is your sister and you- You might die
soon an-"
Botshelo caught his tongue as Jace looked at him in

It made sense now. He smiled, the hurt in his eyes

"I'll only let her go when she tells me to. No. And even if
I die, I'll die a very happy man. Father." He said the last
word with hurt and his heart was beating a little too fast,
the world getting a little too blurry but he supported
himself in that bench as Botshelo realised he couldn't
take the words back of his son dying back….

Queen Of Hearts


At Gaborone Private Hospital

Botshelo looked at Moemedi and his son smiled. It was

filled with pain and a bit of understanding.
He was about to speak when the doctor accompanied
by a nurse came by.

Itumeleng got up to move closer and hear what they had

to say about Ranewa's state. Was her child okay? What
did that girl do to her daughter? She'll be able to breath
fine once she knows Ranewa is okay and breathing just

"Hello. I'm the doctor who was treating Ms Ranewa

Mosiame in ICU."
Itumeleng quickly nodded and everyone's attention was
on the doctor. He noticed the young man's bloody shirt
and that was a lot of blood. He knew firsthand that the
lady lying on that bed lost a lot of blood. She had
needed three blood transfusions to keep her from
bleeding to her death. A few minutes too late, she would
have bled to death and they wouldn't have been stuck in
theatre operating along her spine to try to fix the
irreversible damage there.
"How is she? Is she alive?"
Kopano asked the question that was on everyone's
"She is alive, breathing well too."

A sense of relief washed over everyone's face as Jace

remained seated, listening carefully. Botshelo glanced
over at Moemedi every few seconds.
"She had lost a lot of blood from bleeding out from both
her thighs and her back. She had deep stab wounds in
those places."
Eana's blood chilled. Larona was so evil for doing this.
No one did anything wrong to that girl and she was the
one who came to their house, they didn't even invite her.
Her eyes glistened with tears. She deserved jail time,
she hoped she got jail time.
"But we found her blood type and we managed to do the
blood transfusions. She would have been fine had it
been just those thigh stab wounds because that would
guarantee her the ability to walk fine after healing."
Itumeleng's world stopped for a minute. What was that
supposed to mean?

"She had two stab wounds on her lower back which js

medically known as her lumbar spine. What this means
is that the knife hit a few nerves along the spine as well
as fracturing some tiny bones. They may be tiny but they
are important especially in a sensitive place known as
the spine. We tried our best to make sure it's okay there
but we aren't too sure. What you should know is that,
injuries along the spine, affect movement more
especially the lumbar spine. It affects her lower body
and hips and in most cases, the patient loses the ability
to walk and also during the first few weeks of healing,
there may things like little to no control of bowel
movements. The nerves which were affected by this
were the L3, L4 and L5...luckily her hips work just fine
and it's only her legs that suffered the brunt."

Jace covered his face with his hands. F*ck! What did
Ranny do to deserve this.

Kopano who had been assuaging his own guilt just

minutes ago, felt the pit of his stomach drop. She made
his sister cripple? He closed his eyes, wondering how he
was going to survive everyday looking Ranewa in the
eyes knowing that hadn't he dated Larona, she would be
walking just fine because she wasn't born with a
disability. He didn't know which was worse, Larona
killing his sister and making sure she was dead or her
leaving Ranewa cripple and changing her whole life in
just a span of a few minutes.

He rubbed his eyes and Eana wondered how this was

going to work. Who was going to take care of Ranewa?
Everyone had lives and she was still a student, she had
a business to run. Their mother was about to get
married and she had a business to take care of.

Kopano barely lived in Francistown. Who was going to

take Ranewa to school? She rued the day Kopano
introduced them to Larona. Such an evil girl.

But as long as Ranewa was breathing, they'll figure it all


"Can we see her?" Itumeleng hoped they can.

"Follow me." The kids and Itu followed the doctor to the
room Ranewa was in. Itumeleng glanced over at
Moemedi and his father for a few seconds before she
faced ahead, she'll deal with this.

Jace got up on his feet. The family needs a moment with

her, he'll pass by later after he took his pills and after
He started walking away and Botshelo caught up to him.
He stopped in his tracks as he faced his father.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, emotions were high."
"It's okay. It's better to know where you stand than not at
all. You are happy and I've always wanted that for you."
He chuckled. He had called his father over five times
when his plane landed. He wanted to surprise him and
tell him he was relocating here for good but his father
had cut his calls all those times. He had answered the
last call to tell him he was a bit busy and he'll call later.
He never did.

He smiled, the sadness reflecting in his eyes as he

licked his dry lips. At least he knew where he stood with
his father and it can't hurt anymore.
"You don't have to beat yourself over it. It's true. Even if
the doctors say I have years ahead of me, it's true that I
might die and at least you won't miss me too much. You
have a family now and whatever that makes you happy
old man."

He turned his back on him and walked away. Botshelo

covered his face with his hands.
Queen Of Hearts


At the police station

Larona looked at the police officer interrogating her with

tears in her eyes.
"It's not my fault. She made me do it."
She bit her lip, trying to think. She never meant to hurt
Ranewa. She wasn't listening to her and Kopano wasn't
listening. That little prick they called a sister was by the
door and if she had gotten in...she didn't want to think
about it.

She brought her legs up and rocked herself back and

forth on the chair.
"It's not my fault."
She said over and over again to the point that she
believed it.

The police officer was interrupted and he looked through

the clear glass window at his colleague.
He walked out and left Larona there. He closed the door.
"What is it?"
"Her lawyer arrived. She wants to speak to her first."
The police officer knew that with how high profile this
girl's family were, the case might just die and he didn't
want it to die. Did they see the state of that girl that was
carried out of the house, she might as well been dead
and she says it's not her fault?
"Okay. You can call her."
He walked away and minutes later came back with the
lawyer. He knew it.
"Advocate Gomolemo."

She smiled.
"Hi, can I speak to my client?"
"Of course."

Her heels clicked on the floor as she opened the door.

Larona's eyes widened seeing her sister.
"Sit down and listen to me very very carefully."

Her tone sent chills down Larona's spine as she started

up right. Her eyes not dialling anymore. Her sister sat
down opposite her.
"I called you and you went ahead to do something
Larona's eyes welled up with tears and her sister
breathed out.
"You know you get obsessive and he might have not
been avoiding you. You can't let people breath, therapy
was supposed to fix you or make it better at least."
Larona closed her eyes tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Don't cry. You killed her."
She whispered the last time.
"I didn't mean to. I swear to God."
"Well you did and now I have to keep you out of jail. The
last time at least you burned that man's house and he
wasn't there, now look.."
Larona rubbed her eyes.
"What happened?"
She needed to make it seem as if Itumeleng's family
was the bad guys in this case and she was a darn good
lawyer, she was going to make it happen.
"Well, there was Eana when I arrived, Kopano wasn't
there yet and Ranewa wasn't. I headed to the kitchen to
get the knife..the voices said that."
Sasa pushed her weave back. This was an angle they
could play at if they won't believe their fabricated story
and they have therapy records to back it up. But she told
Larona not to get attached, she was doing so fine in the
past few years and there was progress. A simple not
answering of phone calls led to this? What was this
"Okay. What happened next?"
"Ranewa came with plastics, it had food for tomorrow's
braai. Then she headed to her room. I waited for
Kopano in his. When he came, I heard him greet his
siblings and then head to his room."
"I'm still listening."
"In his room we talked and he said he needed space. He
has never needed space from me. What if he was
cheating? He then said we should break up. No one
breaks up with me. I love him. He had no right to."
"Calm down, then what happened next?"
"I wanted him to take back his words and he loves his
sister. Back in primary school, he'd ensure Ranewa was
fine. She was the one he loved the most. Is Ranewa
this? Is Ranewa that? It was annoying, even as a grown
adult he'd ask and talk to Ranewa..she is grown woman
who doesn't need to be babied."

Sasa sighed but here they were because Laorna failed

to think rationally.
"I walked into he room. She smiled at me with that
nauseating sweet smile and I took out the knife and held
it to her neck."
Sasa rubbed her eyes. Just like that.
"It escalated. We called Kopano and told him not to call
the police or anyone, I didn't do anything to her, she
made me do it when she tried to run out and I had to
stop her. If she was okay, Kopano was going to dump
me, he had told me that he took care of her when she
was young as five years and obviously he cares so
much about her. Eana was-I don't like that aggressive
girl at all. And Ranewa was too sweet it makes one want
to puke, useless. Always fragile and everyone always
putting her first. Waste of oxygen."
Sasa's mouth dropped. Her sister had been pretending
to like them? She had always said, 'oh Ranewa is so
sweet and kind one two three.' 'Eana made me a dress..'
she was faking it?
"Okay. What happened next?"
"That violent girl tried to enter the room and I stabbed
Ranewa's thigh again. I heard a car pull up outside and I
stabbed her spine so she wouldn't walk and be happy. If
I wasn't going to be happy with her brother, then no one
in that family was going to be happy. She'll get ugly and
be a potato who can't do anything for herself."

Hee banna!
"She is dead."
Larona's eyes widened.
"I didn't mean to kill her, she did ask me to call them so
she says her goodbyes."
She thought about it.
"Apparently she had a boyfriend and he was the one
who got her. Why would he love a dead woman now?
Even if she wasn't, no one wants a vegetable..She'll be
miserable and her being miserable means Kopano is
miserable. He should have been loving me. He
promised. He said he'll never leave me."

Sasa looked up. This was a lot.

"Okay. Here is what you are going to say, what did you
tell the police?"
"That it's not my fault."
"Good. Does their house have cameras?"
"All the better even."
"The room? Did they see?"
"No. I locked the door."
"Okay, this is what you are going to say. Say Ranewa
started the fight, she slapped you and you retaliated.
Uhm she was the one with a knife, it's their house knife.
You found her cutting something with it in the room and
you wanted her to talk to Kopano for you. She started
insulting you and calling you all sort of names and she
said you are not good enough for her brother, you called
her those names back and she slapped you. After that
slap, you guys fought and you used the knife to defend
Larona nodded.
"Say it this way, jail is going to break you and you can't
go to jail."

Larona breathed in and agreed again.

"The calls? It's their word against theirs, we'll plead
insanity when it gets to how it escalated to you killing
her. If she's dead, she can't speak for herself and no one
know what happened in that room."
"Okay. I understand."
"Repeat what I told you to say to me. You are not going
to jail okay?"
Larona nodded with glistening eyes.
"H-how's Kopano?"
"Focus Dammit!"
Larona blinked and rubbed her teary eyes.
"Your stupid obsession with him landed you here and
you are asking me how is he? He is obviously distraught
over his sister and he hates your guts right now because
you killed her." She whispered the last part.
"Now stop being an idiot and focus, I'm trying to help

Larona's heart pounded so hard in her chest and she

nodded wiping away her tears.

At Gaborone Private Hospital

In Ranewa's hospital room

Botshelo joined the family minutes later after his son

walled away.

He saw Ranewa peacefully sleeping and her siblings

were faces of sadness as Itumeleng held Ranewa's
dainty hand in hers.
She was whispering to her and his eyes watered.
Reminding him of when he nearly lost Moemedi on the
operating table and now he walked out because he, his
father had been too busy for him or in his brother's
words 'replacing him with Kopano'

Kopano was already worn out by the guilt as Ranewa

peacefully slept. She hadn't woke up and the doctors
said when she wakes up that's when they'll know if there
was no hope of her ever walking again.

If he could go back in time, he'd wish he never replied

Larona's text on Facebook and just forgot about her.
There was no coming back from this at all.
Itumeleng looked at her sweet daughter, it was too early
to talk about how none of them had knew Larona but
she was brought into the family now she almost killed
her child.

Eana couldn't help think about how life was going to be

like from hereon. Would Ranewa fit into society? What if
there was more harm just that she was not awake yet
and once she is awake jt's worser than they expected?

She glanced over at her brother for a second before

looking back at Ranewa

Queen Of Hearts


At the police station

The interrogating officer looked at Larona.

"She was the one who started it?"
He wrote everything down as Larona maintained her
stance. She was doing everything her sister asked her
to do and she said she'll be okay.
"Okay. I got your statement. I'll keep you here for the
night and even if she started the fight, you have no
injuries and your face is okay. No bruising or a hand
Larona's heart skipped a beat.
"If you are lying to the police, know that it's a crime as
well and you will pay heavily for it."
Larona swallowed.

The investigating officer walked out and he let the police

officers who were outside to get in to escort Larona to
her cell.

Sasa watched Larona get escorted and she placed a

hand over her heart. She needed to seee her parents
now to hear what the way forward is going to be.

She walked away and the interrogating officer looked at

his colleague.
"She was lying. She stabbed that girl intentionally."
"People with money."
"And I'm going to make sure she goes to prison. Her
family is going to fight to keep her out of prison but it
was not believable. Let's go to the hospital to ask the
family questions there. They have no reason to lie to the

This was going to be a long night. His colleague sighed

and followed him as they walked out.


At Gaborone Private Hospital

The family sat by the benches after they saw Ranewa

who was still not awake. Must be the heavy dosage of
pills she had been given but as long as she is breathing,
she'll be alright. Itumeleng looked at Botshelo who's
mind was far away.
He looked at her.
"Can we talk?"
He looked at Kopano who was looking at his hands and
Eana who was on her phone.
They both stood up and he followed Itumeleng outside
the hospital. She pulled her jacket closer and looked at
"What happened earlier on wasn't right."
He looked into her eyes.
"Of course it wasn't the right and proper way to meet
your son because I do want to get to know him but
saying he will die? You were the one telling me that was
your fear and you vocalised it to him in a manner that
hurt him. I know I would never do that to my children.
Even if Ranewa tursn out to not walk, I'll never use that
against her and make her feel like it's her fault."
"It came out wrong and I apologised."
She sighed.
"We should all meet to resolve this again as a family, it's
not right that they are dating and we don't have the
timeline of when they started to date. You didn't even
ask him and how did you not know Moemedi is in the
"What are you trying to say Itumeleng? That I'm not a
good father to my son?"
"You are the one putting words in my mouth. I never said
that. But after peace is achieved and the kids see
reason, they won't date and we will go ahead with the
"How sure are you that they'll break up?"
"As you said, Ranewa is reasonable and she is young.
One boy won't alter her life, there are better things to
worry about like her health and school. Waitse I can't
believe I liked that Larona girl. Monyana yoo hampore a
mpolaela ngwana."(that girl almost killed my child)

He hugged her and she relaxed in his hold.

In the hospital parking lot, Jace parked his car. He was

in a fresh clean outfit and had taken his heart
medication. He held the steering wheel for a minute
before he let go and got out. He sighed as he took the
plastic at the backseat that had a few things he figured
she might need when she wakes up.
He got it and got out of the car before locking it. He
walked towards the entrance and he saw his dad with
Ranewa's mother.
"Dumelang." Jace greeted the two adults.
The deep voice made Itumeleng turn to face him and
she replied back as Botshelo let go of her.
"Let me go talk to him." She stopped him.
"You might say something you don't mean again, wait

He watched him walk away.

Inside, Jace looked around and he saw her siblings
sitting there. Kopano looked up. He didn't know how to
feel now that this guy was supposed to be their step
brother and Ranewa was going to be his step sister. He
just prayed she didn't do anything with him and that
they'll maintain a sibling relationship after this.
"Hi, where is her room?"
Kopano volunteered to show him and Jace followed
"I hope you break off your relationship with her."
Jace chuckled in disbelief.
"She is lying comatose in a hospital bed and the only
worry is my relationship with her? It hasn't even been a
week since she has been in hospital. The least that can
be done is to at least show that you are worried about
her health and that she is okay first before we dive in to
the fact that she is ny girlfriend." And future wife. He said
Kopano kept quiet. His guilt making his tremble slightly
at the fact that it was his now ex-girlfriend who almost
killed Ranewa.

He stopped by the door.

"That's her room."
"Thank you."
Kopano licked his lips as Moemedi got inside, he had
made his point without raising his voice or adding salt to
the wound that it was his own fault that Ranewa was
here. How did Ranewa not see that this was Botshelo's

Jace closed the door but it didn"t close fully and left a
gap one can peek through and overhear conversations.
He walked over to the bed as he placed the stuff on the
table before he sat down and took her hand. She was
probably under the anaesthesia from the surgery and
she was resting. He rubbed her hand and smiled sadly.
"Hi little fairy." He watched the ekg machine and how it
was silently beeping. The IV fluids she was attached to
"I'll stay here and be here whenever you need me okay?
I just hope you are fine."

In thirty minutes, the police had arrived and wanted to

ask everyone questions.
"Where is Moemedi?"
"In Ranewa's room."
"I'll call him." Itumeleng volunteered.

She walked away from them to go get him and she

didn't knock. She stood by the door as she watched him
hold her daughter's hand.
Inside the room, Jace laughed.
"You said six years two years ago, I was scared I lost
you there, we still have four more years to go before we
have children you know that."

She watched him kiss her hand and her own eyes
welled with tears.
"You told me to not die on the operating table and you
didn't want to wear black and be a widow, you are
almost there with school. You said you were gunning for
a first class degree and that you will be the best
statistician ever known."

Itumeleng rubbed her eyes.

"I love you, if we were to trade places I would because
you are the queen of my heart and I'd be gutted to live
without you."

Itumeleng stepped back for a moment before she

breathed in and knocked on the door.

Moemedi lifted his head as he looked at the door that

just opened.
"Hi, the police are here and they need a statement."
He nodded.
"Thank you."
He glanced over at an unresponsive Ranewa and let go
of her hand before he got up and straightened to his full
height. He walked out with his hands in his sweatpants
and followed behind Itu meleng.
Queen Of Hearts


At Kelebogile's place, she scrolled down Facebook

gasping at every word she was reading.
"Ha re yeelang!"

Ranewa was on her deathbed? The Gomolemo heiress?

A lot was going on. How did they even know each other?
Bad luck seems to follow Itumeleng everywhere she
goes and she was glad none if that bad luck transfered
to her or her mother. Everyday it's something to do with
Itumeleng and her family.

She scrolled down the comments that were defending

Ranewa. She didn't know, Ranewa didn't seem like the
type to fight, Eana was though so maybe in this situation
Eana would have stabbed that Larona girl.

She placed the phone down and clapped her hands.


She picked it up to call her mother as she stood up to go

check jf her child was asleep.

"Heela! Gatwe Ranewa has been stabbed, I just read it
on Facebook."
"Ah ah. What happened?"
"I don't know. A lot is going on in Itumeleng's life."
"We are no longer part of it, let's not bother her and stay
out of it."
"I was just letting you know."
"Hope Ranewa gets better. I'm tired. Go siame."

Kelebogile cut the call and went to Facebook again and

she looked at the pictures. Even if one might scream self
defense, what kind of self defense was this? Ranewa's
body might as well been a corpse.
"Hai joo!"

At Larona's parents

Sasa sat with her family as they discussed the way

"I managed to have her give the police the right
"Is the girl dead? Kante naare Larona wa peka?(is
Larona crazy?)
Her father's voice boomed and Sasa rubbed her face.
They knew Larona's condition.
"She even insulted us before she went to do that? What
did the girl do to her?"
"That's the thing. Nothing."

Her father sat down. This didn't look good.

"Is she alive? If she is we can pay the hospital bills and
make sure she is comfortable in life so she can drop the
"I'll find out."
"Please do. Ask in the hospitals and at least set a
meeting with her parents."
Sasa sighed. So her parents didn't believe that they
would win the case?
"We can win the case."
"As much as I trust you, it is already public knowledge
and I had time to think about it. We will hold a press
conference, even if you plead self defence, there are
witnesses in that house. People who know what
"They can be made to shut up!"
"And the public will be suspicious. I don't need the bad
publicity especially if I want to run for elections next
Sasa sighed.
"So we should solve this out of court?"
"Yes. I have enemies in high places too and they'll
rejoice seeing my downfall and who'll trust me when my
daughter is a crazy person who stabs people? Kante
where is her psychologist?"
"I'll try to get a hold of her."
Tomorrow that is. She'll try that tomorrow because today
has been a long day.
"Please make sure you find out if that girl is alive before
the day ends so we can set a meeting with her family."

Her father dismissed her out of his office and she

stepped out. A headache starting and this was one of
those days she regretted she had Larona as a sister.

At the holding cells, Larona sat on the cold mattress with

that thin blanket and she closed her eyes.

Her tears rolled down her cheek as she shivered even

though November was a very hot month. She should do
everything her sister said, she couldn't survive prison.

She sniffed and made herself into a ball. More tears built
up and she opened her eyes as they rolled down and
she let out a sob.
"Tlhemma wa tlhodia!"(You're making noise)
One kf the ladies inside said.
"Le tletse matepe waitse." (You are crybabies)

She tried to hold back her tears and sobs but they got
louder and one of the ladies got up from her mattress.
All of them were stressed about their situations but they
were not going to have their thoughts disturbed by this
She shook Larona.
"Hei! Hei! Wa tlhodia."
Larona cried out loud. Her life was ruined and the
woman sighed.
"If you want something to cry about continue crying, you
are not the only one stressed in here."

Larona bit down her lip and held in her sobs.

"Good. Mxm!"

She walked away and Larona wiped her tears. She was
sorry, will they accept her apology? He already hates
her right? She covered her mouth and bit into her hand
thinking about it.
She didn't mean it. She didn't think it all through, she
knows she always hurts the ones she loves the most.
She wanted to apologise, he really trusted her and what
did she do? She killed his sister.

Another shiver had goosebumps forming on her skin

and she cried into her mouth.
He told her his past, showed her his scars, how he
hated his dad because he really trusted her but the
voices. God they were so loud and they haven't been
loud in such a long time.

At Gaborone Private Hospital

The interrogating officer who had gotten statements

from everyone and even checked their call records.
They were telling the truth and they had no reason to lie
about the Gomolemo girl.

She was going to be locked up.

"How is she?"
"She is out of danger and we are expecting her to wake
up any time from now."
"When she feels better, please call so we can take her
statement to end this. It's a very clear case and there is
nothing to it."

Kopano nodded. He breathed out.

"Thank you and I wish the family well."

He got up with his partner and they walked out.

Jace breathed into his hands.

"Moemedi can we talk?"

He glanced over at his father and nodded following him.

"I'm sorry."
"And I said it's okay."
He repeated.
"For now can wee worry about Ranewa and then when
she's fine we'll discuss the impending issue of us
breaking up and my impending death."
Botshelo swallowed.
"I didn't mean to say that."
He nodded.
"Is that all?"
Botshelo was speechless, was this one mistake going to
overwrite his whole relationship with his son?


Queen Of Hearts


A few days later…

Itumeleng's house was now free for them to use but

Eana couldn't bring herself to start cleaning the dried up
blood and the scene looked grotesque. Something out
of a horror film.

She shuddered as she looked at the buckled filled with

domestos and washing powder and the white mop,
knowing it was going to be bloody. Her mother had
cleaned the blood trails in the sitting room and all that
was left was Ranewa's room, they had to remove all the
bedsheets and wipe the walls, the table…everything that
had blood on it had to be cleaned.

She stepped back as her phone vibrated in her pocket.

She saw the caller id. Why was he calling now?
"Eana, hi. Are you free? Tonight?"
"F*ck off!"
"I can't do that but we can f*ck though."

She looked at the phone screen and took a calming

breath. How did she think someone like this would love
"This is what you're going to do, delete my number and
never call sister is in hospital and all your pea
sized brain is thinking about is sex? Tlherra o tla nyela.
"Eana I didn-"
She cut the call and blocked then deleted the number.
She pushed her braids back before she slid her phone
back in her pocket and tied her braids back.

They had to make sure it was okay for Ranewa to come

"Should I go wash the blankets?"
Ranewa had chosen them herself.
"No. I'll burn them. I don't think she'll be comfortable
sleeping in them and I asked Botshelo to find a lower
queen bed, this bed is going to be too high for her.
Heish, let me call him."

She walked away and Eana removed the sheets and

blankets, putting them in the basket then taking it out.

Itumeleng called Botshelo as she closed the tupperware

that had food packed for Ranewa.
"Hey, can you come move the bed? So we get a new
one for her."
"I will, a bit later. I'm busy right now."
"Okay. Bye."
She cut the phone call and leaned against the counter.


At Gaborone Private Hospital

The patient whom had woken up just two days ago, sat
there with puffy red eyes. As soon as she opened her
eyes that morning, the situation she was in dawned on
her. She was never going to walk again in her life. She
couldn't feel her legs. Not even a tiny bit and that left her
stunned for the first few hours before she eventually fell
into silence.

The door opened and she looked up at his handsome

face. Wondering why he bothered to come here. It's not
life she was useful or anything along those lines though.

Jace sat down on the hospital chair and held her hand.
He kissed it and she looked at him.
"Still not speaking today love?"
She placed her head back on the pillow as he rubbed
her hand and she looked at him. Nothing she said was
going to change anything.
Larona nearly butchered her and left her cripple.
She blinked back tears. Larona wherever she was, she
was fine and walking while Ranewa wasn't. Ranewa
was still stuck in this hospital bed and even in a diaper
because her bowel movements were currently
unpredictable and she can't do anything for herself. Her
lower back was so painful from the stabs and also the
emergency surgery. She had no way to know if her
thighs were hurting when she couldn't feel them. It was
all so strange.

Jace saw the tears shining in her eyes and he got up to

sit by the corner if her bed. He placed her head on his
shoulder and she let out a broken sob.
"I'm here okay?"
He held the back of her head as her tears wet his t-shirt.
"It's okay."

She sniffed, lifting her head to look at him. Jace didn't

want to stress her about the step siblings issues. She
needed to get better and then that's when that issue will
be fully discussed. He wiped her tears away.

Ranewa quieted down as she moved her head

back,using her own hands to wipe her own tears. In that
moment she felt her stomach grumbled and without
warning, her runny stomach released the runny
diarrhoea, her herself unable to hold it in and it filled the
diaper she was wearing, the smell fulling the room.
Shame and embarrassment hit her and she closed her
eyes, not wanting to see Jace's face. He was probably
disgusted with her and she understood. She really did.
That's how useless shew as currently and maybe
Larona had been right. She was useless. There was
nothing she could do for herself now, not even use the
toilet in time because it all happened so fast.

Jace got up to open the windows before before he

walked over to the bed where she had her eyes closed.
"Ranewa? Look at me."

Her wet lashes moved up when her eyes opened.

"You don't have to be embarrassed." With a diaper
changed a bit too many times than she can count? She
bit her lower lip before releasing a sigh. She was going
to be released before the week ends because there was
honestly nothing to be done other than dressing her
back wounds and thigh wounds. Her legs were useless
and she needed someone taking care of her, something
she can't do on her own. She looked at him and he held
her cheek.
"I'll be right back okay?"
She just nodded.

At Kopano's work place, he was speaking to Ranewa's

HOD over the phone.
"I hope she gets better soon, when do you think she'll be
ready to write the exams? We can give her some time
off to get better and even repeat the whole of fourth
Kopano had sent a letter on behalf of his sister to dtef as
well, letting them know of her current situation.
"If it happens soon, when people write their supplement
exams she can write her special exams. She was left
with only three exams right?"
"Yes. That can be doable. Let me know and we'll
arrange for her to write and also in an environment that
is conducive for her as well."
"Thank you very much."
"Of course Mr Mosiame. Have a good day."
"You too."

He cut the call and rubbed his face. It was still eleven
and he had to drive back to Gaborone. Tomorrow was
Larona's bail hearing and they needed to be there to
hear if she will await trial outside of prison or what.
He rubbed his face, he could remember seeing Ranewa
when she first woke up. She was so scared and didn't
utter a word to anyone. He licked his lips in guilt, seeing
how her eyes welled up with tears when the doctor went
on to say, the possibilities of her walking a close to zero.

That was how fast life changed, one minute you were
fine and the next you weren't okay. Your life had
changed for worse and he was worried that she'd be
mute because of all that happened. When he asked his
parents, they said she still hadn't uttered a word ever
since she woke up. All she did was nod, shake her head
and release tired sighs. Her face already too sad and
her eyes too lifeless for a twenty year old who had been

He looked at his laptop. He should wrap all of this up

and then try to pack a light suitcase to head back to


At Gaborone Private Hospital

Jace was handed gloves by the nurse after she asked

him countless of times if he wanted to do that. He
stepped back inside her room and placed the box of
gloves by her bedside and kissed Ranewa's forehead.
She was being released in a few days and she will be
going through this for some time before it becomes
better so he didn't mind. He was working from home
"Let's get you out of this bed." She had questions in her
eyes, wasn't the nurse supposed to do this. As
embarrassing as it was?

He picked her up, careful not to hurt her back as he

placed her in her wheelchair.

He got the the gloves and the adult diapers from the
drawers. Ranewa craned her neck to look at what he
was doing and sighed. This was not a pretty sight to
see, he didn't have to do that. She opened her mouth
but the words stuck in her throat as she closed her eyes
then opened them to him pushing her wheelchair
towards the bathroom. Her low low voice came out as
whisper and barely audible.
"You don't have to do this."
He stopped pushing the wheelchair and crouched to her
level. All he could hear was whispers. Was she finally
speaking now?
"You d-don't have to. Please." He held her chin.
"I know I don't have to but I want to take care of you
okay? It's just me, not a stranger." He pecked her lips
and she held his gaze for seconds before he broke it
and continued pushing her into the bathroom.

Outside, Itumeleng had taken a cab along with Eana

who had ended up packing more clothes for Ranewa
and she had took out the spare blankets she had to
pack one inside. She was sure she was tired of that
same blanket she had seen when she woke up.

"I hope she starts talking."

Eana said.
"Me too." She hated Larona so so much.

They got out of the cab that had parked by the parking
lot. Eana frowned, spotting Moemedi's car. Turns out the
man's middle name was Jace hence Ranewa always
saying Jace every chance she got when she was deep
into mjolo.

He was probably here. Didn't he work? There was no

way someone who had work would spend their days in
the hospital twenty four seven.

They stepped inside the hospital and the air was heavy.
She couldn't wait for them to take Ranewa home.
Itumeleng didn't know who to trust to be here daughter's
caretaker. As much as she wanted to be there everyday
all day for her, she couldn't.

She still had events to cater for and cook for. Clients to
see and it was all that money that would be used to take
care of Ranewa, she would be free on weekends and
some days of the week but being there for her daughter
twenty four seven was going to be hard.

In Ranewa's room, Ranewa was still embarrassed that

Jace saw her in that state as he pushed her back into
her room. She felt a little fresh but that wasn't going to
last for three hours. He picked her up and placed her on
the bed.
"Feeling better?"
She nodded.
"Good. Are you hungry?"
If she eats, she won't hold it in for much longer and she'll
mess herself again.
She shook her head. He searched her eyes.
"The nurse said you didn't eat breakfast, babe you have
to eat.."
"I'm fine."
Her voice was hard to hear but he made out what she
"You're not. You need to eat so you can take your
medication Ranewa. Your health first."

The door opened without a knock and they both shifted

their attention to the door as Itumeleng and Eana stood

Queen Of Hearts


At Gaborone Private Hospital

Jace moved back and smiled at Ranewa.

"Dumelang, I was just leaving."
He said carefully and looked at Ranewa.
"I'll pass by later." He whispered to her and smiled at
her. He checked his pockets for his phone. He'll
probably be gone for around two hours and he can push
work while they check on Ranewa.

"Hello." Itumeleng greeted back as she stepped inside.

Jace excused himself and left her in the company of her
family. He took out his phone and checked the time. He
had a virtual meeting in thirty minutes.

He quickened his pace, heading to his car.

Inside Ranewa's room, She tried to sit properly but

winced, as she hurt her back. Itumeleng quickly helped
her and fixed her pillows. She smiled at her mother but
her eyes were too lifeless to convey the happiness of
seeing her family again. She cleared her throat and
started to speak.
"Mama, can you hold me?"
Itumeleng frowned. All she heard was whispers. What
was wrong with her voice? She sta by the corner next to
Ranewa and moved her head closer.
"What were you saying my baby?"
"C-can you hold me?"
Itumeleng nodded and held Ranewa's head like she
would a baby's and her daughter's body trembled and
she heard sniffs.
"It's going to be okay, you'll get through this and we are
"I don't deserve this." Itumeleng strained her ears to
hear her and she rubbed Ranewa's upper back as she
sobbed into her bosom. Her mom heart was breaking
into tiny pieces as Ranewa cried more.
Eana rubbed her eyes, she was getting teary.
She hoped that girl was locked up or so help her God.
Itumeleng looked at Ranewa's tear stricken face, her
face had lost that glow and radiance and was just so
"The doctor is sure that I won't walk again?"
Itumeleng licked the lipstick off her lips. She heard what
the doctor said. Ranewa was never going to walk. If she
does, it would be a miracle but there was close to zero
chances of her getting up from the wheelchair and
walking on her own.
She sniffed and nodded, placing her head back on her
mother's warm chest. She wrapped her arms around
Itumeleng who rubbed her head.
"I'm here okay baby?"

Ten minutes later, Itumeleng had opened the tupperware

she had come with filled with food. They were feeding
her nice things here but she also preferred feeding her
"Did you eat?"
Ranewa rubbed her eyes.
"I made your favourite, I shredded the chicken for you
and also some nice gravy to go with the potato mash. I
also made some butternut for you. I also made fresh
orange juice for you."

She took the spoon and dipped it into the tupperware.

Ranewa didn't want to mess herself with her family here,
she had already embarrassed herself earlier on. Again?
"Ranny, you have to eat okay?"
She nodded. The food looked good too.

Itumeleng brought the spoon to Ranewa's lips and she

started feeding her. Eana got angry at the state Larona
had reduced her sister tkk but getting angry wasn't going
to help. Ranewa was still going to have to live with this
disability for the rest of her life and even the best doctors
couldn't remedy this. It was…impossible.

Half an hour later, Ranewa was done eating and the

nurse had walked in to give her her pills. She had them
and she leaned back on the fluffed up pillows.
"Can I speak to the doctor?"
Itumeleng asked and the nurse led Itu out, leaving the
two sister alone.

Eana sat on the chair and smiled at Ranewa.

"How are you feeling?"
"Horrible." The low voice made Eana strain to hear but
she nodded.
"We can't wait to have you back home."
Ranewa looked up, the memories casually assaulting
her. Her screams in her bedroom and Larona stabbing
her in cold blood. She rubbed her eyes.

"It will be fine. I promise."

She assured her sister and she frowned. Smelling the
foul smell and Ranewa looked to the sides, this time she
didn't even feel it. Eana tried to ignore the smell and she
checked the windows. They were open.
"Let me go call a nurse."
"Okay." Ranewa watched her little sister get out and she
rubbed her face breathing out.

Eana stepped outside and breathed out, the hospital air

being inhaled. She went on to look for her sister's nurse.

Meanwhile in the doctor's office, Itumeleng looked at the

"She started speaking, her voice is so low."
The doctor frowned.
"From what was said, there was screaming right?"
Itumeleng nodded.
"She might have exhausted her vocal chords and her
voice might be back to normal soon the more she
speaks. I'll check on it though."
"Thank you."
He nodded and she got up.

Eana found Ranewa's nurse and she guided her to the

"Thank you."
The nurse said and Amaya who had been around
looked at Eana. She had seen Ranewa and somehow
she wondered why Jace bothered. Not that Ranewa was
bad looking or anything. But he wasn't really obliged to
stay with her…She shrugged and got back to work.


Larona's father had called Sasa in. Ranewa was well

and alive, and they had managed to look more into the
family. Minus the fact that the government seemed like it
had bought Itumeleng's silence there was nothing he
could do. Since they were kind of in the wrong for
imprisoning her, obviously they'll take this case
He had hit a dead end. He had to have them drop the
case. Have that little girl drop the case and he'll pay
whatever price.

Larona was not surviving well in prison and she had

really deep set and dark eyes now just from the few
days she spent there.

"Sasa, did you find their home address?"


He checked the time. It was still early.

"Around six, we should go there and have a little talk
with them. Did you draw up the contracts?"


At Gaborone Private Hospital

Eana walked inside the room minutes later after the

nurse left and she found Ranewa with her hands on her
Ranewa smiled at her and she smiled back sitting down.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Eana just nodded. Not exactly hearing what
was said.
Silence filled the room before Eana spoke.
"I broke up with him."
"It was about time."
She moved closer to hear her ad she repeated the
"He was so insensitive and I don't know why I couldn't
see it at first."
"Love is blind."
"Indeed it is. So are you going to break up with Jace?"
Ranewa frowned.
"He is going to be your step brother and obviously you
two can't date."
Ranewa blinked as she dropped her hands, a little sweat
forming on her forehead. Step brother?
"He is Moemedi. Botshelo's son. Moemedi Jace Scott.
Ranny, you can't be that slow or he didn't tell you?"

She could see the wheels in Ranewa's head turning?

Ranewa was too weak to say anything else and just
looked at her sister.
"You do know, it will be so awkward in the long run for
you to be dating your step brother. If you have kids, what
will they call you guys?"
Ranewa swallowed.
"Think about it. And mama has found love. It's been so
long and she has suffered, Botshelo makes her happy
and you also know it."

She licked her lips.

"Anyways, it's not a big deal and I do understand why
you liked him. Ene o montle mma…"
"Yeah." Was Ranewa's curt reply before their mother
walked in.
"Ranny, we'll pass by later today with Botshelo to check
on you. Is it okay?"
She nodded.
Itumeleng walked closer to the bed and hugged
"I'm praying you get justice, tomorrow is that girl's bail
trial and we'll see how it ends."
She rubbed her upper back.
"You'll be okay my baby. I love you."
"I love you too."
She whispered in her mom's ear.
"Let us go and see you later. Kopano will be here later to
see you. And also when you are ready, we'll call the
police to get your statement." Even though everyone's
statement was enough to put Larona in prison.

Ranewa nodded.

Her mother broke the hug and rubbed her chin.

"The doctor also promised to check on your voice and if
it'll be fine."
Ranewa looked at her mother.

Itumeleng dropped her head to listen.

"Please don't go." Her daughter's eyes welled with tears
and she placed her bag down and sat by the corner.
She placed Ranewa's head on hers and Ranewa closed
her eyes, inhaling and relaxing in her mother's embrace.

Twenty minutes later, Ranewa was fast asleep and

Itumeleng moved Ranewa's head to gently place it on
the pillow. She kissed her head and looked at Eana who
was already getting up. They'll probably be back before
she wakes up.

They both left the room silently.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

She smiled as she found that Botshelo had already

removed the old bed. It was too high for Ranewa now.
"Thank you."
He pecked her lips and stepped back.
"Let me check how far Kopano is."

She called her son as she headed to the kitchen.

"Hello? I'm still driving."
"How far are you?"
"Two hours away."
Itumeleng checked her watch. It was a little after three.
He wasn't that far.
"I'm passing by Ranewa first before I head home okay?"
"Okay. See you there then. Let me make her something
to eat for later."

She cut the call and she sighed.

Hours later as they were about to leave for the hospital,

Kopano had called and said had found Jace there but
he left to give him time with Ranewa who was still
Itumeleng just nodded and she walked up to Botshelo in
her bedroom.
"Have you talked to Moemedi?"
"He says he's okay and I apologised multiple times and
he said okay."
Itumeleng sighed.
"Maybe after our visit in the hospital go spend time with
him? Talk? Hear him out? Emotions were high when all
of that had been said and now I think everyone is calmer
Botshelo agreed to that.
Just as they were about to leave, a door knock disturbed
them and Itumeleng went on to open her bedroom door.
"Mama, there are guests."
Guests? They never have guests. Ever.

Both Itumeleng and Botshelo followed Eana into the

sitting room and she frowned further seeing the people
who had sat down. The man was looking at her house in
disdain and she folded her hands while the young lady
seemed cold.
"Hello, how can I help you?"

Botshelo could recognise them. The Gomolemos. He

dropped his head and pressed his phone to record the
conversation discreetly.
"Hello, I'm Mr Gomolemo and I have a deal for you."
It finally clicked and Itumeleng laughed.
"Your daughter crippled my baby, what could possibly
amend that? Are you God? If you are then feel free to go
to the hospital and make her walk again."

Mr Gomolemo's mouth dropped slightly.

"The only thing you can help with is to make my
daughter walk again."
Sasa placed both hands on her lap.
"Money does a lot of things but if it's a cripple, there is
nothing that can be done."
Itumeleng chuckled.
"A cripple? You know who also deserves to be a cripple?
Larona because she caused all of this."
Mr Gomolemo looked down.
"Ma'am, can you at least sit down so we talk amiably like
adults before we reach a conclusion."

Itumeleng sat down as Botshelo sat down next to her.

Eana stood by the passage, listening.
"We can pay at least two million for your silence and for
the charges to be dropped. After that, we'll make sure
Ranewa lives comfortably despite her disability and
never lacks. We'll also keep Larona far away from your
family and makes sure she gets all the help she might
need in a psychiatric hospital. We can pay more."
It seemed like all people with money do is buy people.
She could remember her case not being heard probably
because Mothusi bought the people who were supposed
to help her. What if this Larona comes back to finish off
Ranewa or the rest of her children?
Mr Gomolemo looked at Itumeleng and then at Sasa
who removed papers from her bag.
"No is not the answer I'd give." Mr Gomolemo
"What if I finish off Ranewa in the hospital? Hmm?
They'd be no case."
Itumeleng chuckled with her heart pounding.
"If she dies, Larona faces a murder trial not attempt to
murder. More years."

Sasa looked at her father, he was not used to getting his


Botshelo pressed his phone and quickly sent the

recording to his police friend then started recording
again, maybe this will also keep the police out of his
business too.

Mr Gomolemo sighed.
"Think about it. You can have all the money in the world
and wouldn't have to work, you struggled and you can't
struggle moving on now."
"Please leave my house and never come back. I'll be
taking up that threat to kill my daughter up with the

His eyes widened.

"It-was a joke, I'd never-"
"And I don't play with my daughter's life."

He walked out with Sasa. As soon as they stepped

outside the house he looked at his daughter.
"Now what?"
"Don't kill Ranewa or any of her family members, it will
be suspicious and work against us. Let's just stick to the
lie I made Larona tell and see if I'll be able to get the
sentence be at a psychiatric hospital rather than prison.
And even if you kill Ranewa, she is already useless
because she is a cripple and can't do anything for
herself. You might as well be saving them the time to
deal with her now special needs, let's stick with my

Mr Gomolemo sighed and nodded as they walked out of

the yard, they should get ready for tomorrow's bail and
make sure Larona gets out on bail.

Inside the house Itumeleng sighed.

"Let's go see Ranewa, ba le ba peka."(those ones are

Eana walked into the bedroom and looked at the clean

and shiny floor. She did that. She got her phone from
her bed as Itumeleng headed to the kitchen to get
another soft meal for her daughter. Should she pack her
tea in a flask? Or hot chocolate? She'd love that.

"Give me ten minutes guys."

She boiled water and started to add a second

tupperware. She cut the bread sides leaving the soft
centre and spread margarine on the bread before
putting cheese. Little sandwiches as a snack. She took
out fruits from the fridge as the water started to boil. She
cut them into small cubes and she tried them herself. It
was good.

She was done making the hot chocolate ten minutes

later. She put the three tuperwares in a lunch bag and
held the flask with another hand.
"I'm done."

Botshelo had already started the car outside and was

waiting on them.


At Gaborone Private Hospital

Jace was in his car, pushing a bit of work on his laptop
that was about to die on him. He groaned and he saw
his father's car. They were there to see Ranewa. He
smiled a bit, she had support and she needed it that
much in this new journey of her life.

Inside Ranewa's hospital room, Kopano looked up at his

sister. She was still asleep and he couldn't get rid of the
guilt he felt. All his life, he grew up protecting her and he
had brought the person that almost ended her life her.

A little part of him, wished that maybe his sister shouldn't

have survived. Seeing her like this was heartbreaking
and it was not the way to live, she looked at peace now
but he was sure when she wakes up, she'll be
miserable. He took her hand and rubbed it. She
squeezed his hand and he smiled kissing it. Larona sure
knew where to hurt him because he loved his sisters so
much. He did almost everything for them.

The door opened and his family walked in. He smiled at

them and pointed over to Ranewa who was still
sleeping. Itumeleng smiled and sat by the bed where
she had sat and pushed Ranewa's haphazardly cut
braids back. She'll have to undo it for her and plait her
hair so it looks nice.

Ranewa opened her eyes and smiled seeing her mother.

"Hi baby."

She yawned and rubbed her eyes that had dark under
eye circles as she looked around. Everyone was here,
well except her boyfriend but he said he was giving her
time with her family.

She waved at everyone, not feeling like talking again as

she looked at him.
"Do you want to eat?"
She wanted to say no but her stomach grumbled and
Eana came forth with a lunchbox.
"There is also hot chocolate, I added marshmallows, just
the way you like."
She just nodded. Her diaper wasn't heavy, it was just
okay. She swallowed.
"I'll have the hot chocolate."
Kopano squinted his eyes, she was barely audible but
as long as she could talk.
"Okay, maybe eat the bread and the fruits? Just that?
You don't have to eat the rice."
"Okay "

Ranewa ate slowly, with her mother holding the cup for
her as she listened to them give her updates on what is
happening. Life didn't stop for them even though hers
stopped. That was the sad truth of it all and she can't
fault any of them for living their lives. She wasn't the
centre of the world nor did the world revolve around her.
It had to move whether hers was stagnant or not.

She nodded, conscious of how much she was eating,

she was hoping maybe it will be better now that she
wasn't eating anything heavy.

Queen Of Hearts


The following day

That morning, instead of going to court, Jace chose to

go see Ranewa. Everyone was going to court and they'll
most likely update her when they come back.

He lightly knocked on the door and opened it. Her

eyelids fluttered as she took him in and a smile crept on
her face.

The nurse had just helped her take a bath thirty minutes
ago and had her eat breakfast before taking her
Jace closed the door and sauntered to the bed.
"Hey love."
He rubbed her chin and lightly pecked her lips then
"How's my favourite girl doing today?"
She looked up at him. Eana said she'll have to give him
up? Jace? She dropped her eyes and he lifted her head
"What's wrong?"
He just held her eyes and she sighed.
"You're Mr Botshelo's son."
He chuckled and sat down taking her hand.
"Yes. You're not even supposed to worry about that right
now, even school included because you still have to get

He rubbed her hand and she licked her dry lips. Jace
checked the drawer for her stuff and took out the
vaseline. He applied a light coat to her lips and she
smiled at him.
"But we are not supposed to be together."
"Is that how you feel or what you were told should
She kept quiet.
"Thought as much. I had no idea, you had no idea. It's
all a big misunderstanding at this point. One you should
not even stressing about right now."
"I can't help it. I have nothing to do and now I've been
thinking about it since yesterday."
"Do you want to leave me?"
She shook her head.
"See? It's that simple."
She sighed. Her mother. Botshelo had helped her when
they were in need, that laundry job had helped so much
and her mother was happy with him. She was glowing
from the inside out and already she is stressing them by
being here in the hospital and even though it's not her
fault, she shouldn't be stressing them more.
"My mother has been through so much and she
deserves that little happiness."
"I hear your reasoning, I really do but don't you also
deserve happiness?"
She did but-she closed her eyes as he rubbed her hand.
"This is why I want you to focus on just healing and we'll
resolve all the other issues morago. Even if it means a
family meeting."
"But you love your father and have always wanted him
to be happy."
"I still do, trust me. I want him to be happy because he
has been so lonely but what I'm also going to do is put
my happiness first. I nearly died on the operating table, if
I don't put myself first too I'll live with the regret and I
don't want that."

Fair point. She squeezed his hand tight. She'll try not to
think about it.
"Do you think I deserved this?"
She asked the question that's been on her mind since
she woke up. Tears filled her eyes.
"She called me useless, used the child sexual assault
against me and the fact that my mother almost dumped
me as a newborn."
"She's just someone who is too privileged and evil,
you're not useless and in both of those incidents it's not
your fault."
Ranewa rubbed her tears.
"Eana was never molested and mama never tried to
dump her and me-I don't even have a talent or anything
just school.."

He got up and sat by the corner to hold her head.

"Don't let what she said get to you, you love statistics
She nodded.
"You're a math nerd and that's okay if all you want is
your degree and just that. It makes you happy and you
excel at it right?"
She nodded, inhaling his cologne and his warmth
transferred to her.
"CGPA yaago ke bokae?"(how much js your CGPA?)
She sniffed.
"And that goes to show how much you love what you do.
Don't fret about it autwe?"
She nodded as she wrapped her hands around him.
Needing him so so close.
"I don't know what I want right now but don't leave me."
His throat bobbed.
"I don't know how I'm going to do life after leaving this
hospital. I also don't want to burden anyone with having
to take care of me and do the basic things I should be
able to do for myself."
"I didn't complain." He kissed her head. Why did they cut
her braids that crazy though?
"What if I never have kids? Or I have them but can't take
care of the kids?"
"Then it will be just us forever and if we are blessed with
a child, I'll do the taking care of the kids."
She smiled and he rubbed her teary eyes.
"Don't think about it right now. I love you okay?"
"I love you." She put her head on his chest and he held
"Did you eat?"
"Ee rra."


At Court

Botshelo parked his car and they stayed in the car for
what seemed like hours when it was just mere minutes.
Kopano had left his car and they had all come in his.

Kopano didn't know how he felt about seeing Larona

again after what she did. His guilt was still deep set and
he was sure there was no way to erase it but her not
getting bail would be the first step followed by her going
to prison.

His sister deserved justice. Even if he brought the

person who nearly killed her to their home.
Itumeleng was the first to get out of the car. She pulled
the blazer close and she looked at the bright morning
sun, hoping the court refuses bail.

Botshelo got out too and he placed his arm over her
shoulder. She smiled at him.
"It's okay."
Everything was not okay. Ranewa was not going to be
fine again but they'll be alright.

They walked to the court as cameras from the journalists

"How do you feel about Ranewa is hospital?" One of
them shoved their mics into Itumeleng but Botshelo
pushed her back, pulling Itumeleng to him as Kopano
held Eana's hand.

They were finally inside and they saw Larona's family.

They went to sit at the other side.

Kopano"s eyes locked with Larona's and he looked

down. Larona rubbed her teary eyes. She made a
mistake, she didn't mean to do what she for to Ranewa.
She'll never go near her again.

"All rise!"
They all stood up as the magistrate walked in and sat
down then they sat down.

The case number was read and since it was a bail

hearing, they were not going to take long. All Mr
Gomolemo needed was the amount he needed to pay
for bail then they'll deal with the rest.

The magustrate looked at both sides.

Sasa stood up.

"Good morning my Lord, all I ask if for my client to wait
for her court date outside prison. She is not surviving
and as she has given her statement that Ranewa, was
at fault. My client here, need mental support and she
can't get that in prison. It will be setting us behind in
regards to the case."

Sasa looked at Larona who had dropped her head.

The magistrate looked at them and he knew what this

was. This family was trying to get a very guilty person
out. He couldn't say that out loud before a fair trial was
conducted but how would someone who was
comfortable at their own house attack you and you get a
knife? Even the state of the girl upon arrival to the
hospital and the location of the wounds say otherwise.

Sasa sat down and waited to hear what would he said

"I would like to express that I'm deeply disappointed that

we turned out here to the bail hearing of someone who
attempted to murder."
Larona swallowed at that statement. She was not a

"This young lady had a fine job and destroyed it all in a

blink of an eye. The girl fighting for her life in the hospital
has to now live a different life, one she isn't used to
when she had been fine before crossing paths with Ms
Gomolemo. I will be doing the society a disservice by
allowing her to roam these streets free when another is
trying to piece her life together. Bail has been denied
and everyone who is associated with the Gomolemos
should not bother the Mosiames."

Sasa abruptly stood up

"My Lord…"
"Bail has been denied." He hit his hammer and stood up.
"Have a good day."
Itumeleng smiled a bit. There was light at the end of the

They stood up as the magistrate walked out and

Botshelo hugged his fiancée.
"She'll get justice. I believe so."

Mr and Mrs Gomolemo looked st Larona as she cried

into her hands. She was not going to survive prison for
the next few months while awaiting trail. She didn't
She lifted her head.
"Please talk to them. I'm dying in prison."

Her sister sadly looked at Larona's face then at

Ranewa's family who was getting up to leave.
"I'll try my best."
Sasa said to her sister.

Kopano glanced over at their direction one last time,

wondering how he dated her and if he could go back in
time? He would. Immediately.

At Gaborone Private Hospital

Jace pushed Ranewa out of the bathroom and picked

her up to place her on the bed.
She nodded. She looked at her thighs wrapped in
bandages, not feeling a single thing ans a lone tear
rolled down her cheek. He quickly wiped it away and
kissed her nose then forehead covering her legs with the
blanket before he fixed her pillows and she smiled at

He took out his phone to check the time. He had an

online meeting in two hours.
"I have an online meeting in two hours and my laptop is
in the car, will you be comfortable if I attend it here or
you want your space?"
"I just don't want to be alone in the room." He kissed her
forehead again.
"Okay. You don't want food?"
She shook her head.
"When mama gets here, she is going to bring me food."
He intertwined their hands and she just smiled. She
should bask in this for now and try not to think of
anything else.

Their little moment of haven was interrupted by a door

knock and then the door opening. Itumeleng, Botshelo,
Eana and Kopano walked in and he didn't let go of her
Ranewa flushed as everyone's eyes were on her and
their joined hands. Eana looked at Ranewa and then at
her mother who sighed.
Jace nodded and Botshelo looked at his son. This was
his chance to talk to him.
"Moemedi my boy, can we talk?"
He looked at Ranewa who pushed him to get up with her
eyes. He let go of her hand and he walked out as her
family closed the door the minute he was out with his

"Mo, can we talk?"

"Sure." He followed his father and they sat down on the
benches and he looked at him.
"I still apologise about what I said, I love you and you'll
always be my son. I was scared of losing you and I still
He nodded
"It's okay. I'll be fine, I'm scared of dying too but that's

Botshelo could see the part of Moemedi that he closed

off. He wasn't free around him again. He swallowed.
"I hope we get to spend time together again. I'm sorry I
was too busy for you and wasn't there when you needed
to talk to me. It will change moving forward."
He didn't know what else to say so he sighed and
leaned back.
"I don't want one little mistake to ruin our relationship."
His son closed his eyes.
"Other than feeling neglected and being the one
reaching out then stopped, I don't know. A part of me
feels replaced but you'd never do that right?"
Botshelo swallowed again and nodded. Jace calmly
tilted his head and sighed.
"We can try again, I guess. You're still my father afterall
and nothing will change that."
"Thank you."
He nodded. His phone rang in his pocket.
"Sorry, mom is calling."
He answered the phone with so much enthusiasm and a
"Hello, I know you're worried about me and all.."
He could hear his ex laughing and Jace chuckled, his
dimples showing as he got up and walked to a corner to
talk to his mother.

"On a serious note, are you fine? Is your girlfriend fine?

Kana she was so sweet that time you were in hospital
and she called your phone she was like is this
Mmaagwe Jace, is he okay?"
He looked at his sock clad feet in sandals.
"She's fine and she can talk now."
"I'll pray for the sweet girl, it's probably taking a toll on
your heart as well. Is it good? No funny business?"
"I'm okay. The doctor assured us I'm fine now and I am
sticking to my pills. Bathong mama I'm an adult."
"You will always be my baby. Anyway, I have news to
cheer you up but before that, did you talk to your dad
about marrying her? Nna ke batla go bona ngwetsi
yame."(I want to see my daughter-in-law)

He glanced over at his father who waved at him and he

waved back.
"About that…things are messed up. Complicated but I'm
sure it will be okay."
"Complicated how?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Okay. I can't wait."
He chuckled.
"I'll be there on the first flight once you hint at paying
magadi for her. Update me on her, give her my number."
"Ah? So you two can gang up on me? Nyaa mma. What
did you want to tell me?"
"I got a promotion. You are speaking to a COO now."
"Congratulations." He said with a smile as he continued
talking to his mother.

Inside the room, Itumeleng hugged Ranewa.

"Do you love him?"
She asked and Ranewa broke the hug to look at her
"Ee mma." She nodded and sat by the corner.
"Let me undo your hair."
She nodded.

They went on to tell Ranewa that Larona has been

denied bail and Ranewa's heart eased a bit. She was
scared that she would be roaming around and would
hurt her again. She was still yet ti understand what she
did to Larona and why she did that to her. She sighed as
they changed topics to much more lighter topics and
laughter filled the room.

Botshelo walled in with a smile and she smiled at him as

they resumed what they were talking about. She looked
at the door expecting Jace to walk in too but he wasn't
there by the door.

A while later, her mother had went home to go make her

food and Kopano said he'll be back. Botshelo had to go
to work and Eana was meeting a client or something.
The room was silent and her door opened.
Her face lit up as she watched Jace enter into the room.
"Are you avoiding my family?"
"No. I'm just giving you time with them. You good?"
She nodded as he sat down and held her hand.
"Can I borrow your phone?"
He toom it out and handed it to her. She let go of his
hand to scan her fingerprint on it then placed her hand
back on his.

She went to Facebook to see what people were saying

about her. She had not wanted to go there and she
found that she had been tagged by her Facebook
friends and some wrote on her timeline asking if she
was well. She read most of the things and placed the
phone on her chest.
"We'll be alright okay?"
She nodded. She hoped so.


Queen Of Hearts


Six months later

At Prison

"Larona Gomolemo." Her name was called out and she

stepped out in an orange jumpsuit. There were no more
weaves for her and her hair was done in cornrows by
one of the inmates. She got seven years in prison as her
sentence along with thorough psychiatric monitoring.
From her current psychiatrist, she said she went through
a moment of psychosis but further sessions were
required and she had to be loyal and behave in prison.
Maybe she might be able to appeal.
She was escorted out of the cell, her hands chained
together. She had stopped asking about Kopano and
how he was doing. If he moved on from her and all of
that, the psychiatrist told her that was exactly what
landed her in this prison.

The warden pushed her to walk faster. It had been a

surprise to see Ranewa at the witness stand. A bit hard
to believe that she couldn't walk now but she
remembered her moments of madness stabbing her so
she couldn't walk. She could still see those eyes of hers
filled with hate, she never took Ranewa for the one to
hate but she deserved it. She was conflicted between
not caring and caring too much.

Kopano hated her. That was obvious. She licked her dry
lips, feeling the peeling skin on her lips that were starting
to darken because of the constant wetting of them with
her saliva. She was led to the prison psychiatrist for
another assessment. Her sister encouraged her to keep
on going so that her appeal case might be favourable.

It was also hard to believe that her family wasn't able to

get her out of this. This was extreme. She took it too far.
She rubbed her eyes, feeling the liquid she just wiped
She was left with six years and ten months to wrap this
up. Her mind kept floating to whether Kopano would
have kids at that time, a wife? She rubbed her face as
more tears filled her eyes.

A few more years to go.


At Kopano"s workplace, he smiled as he got off the

video call with Ranewa to make sure she was fine and
sure about what she was doing.

There was a light door knock and he looked up from his

desk. The door opened slightly and he smiled at the

Palesa smiled back.

"Hello, you look happier."
He smiled. Larona was sentenced and her family never
bothered them. As much as Ranewa couldn't walk
again, she felt a bit free knowing that Larona was in
prison and not near her. He fetl like he could breath too
without her suffocating him or bombarding him with a lot
of texts and missed calls. Or her asking for his location.
It was freeing.
"I feel happier."
"Sign these documents before you go."

She walked closer to the desk and handed him the

documents. Their hands brushed and she quickly
retracted her hands away as he picked up the pen.

His eyes scanned the documents and he started

signing. Palesa watched.

He had been a bit down for the past six months and she
could only wish that he was getting better now. His
sister's demise had been all over the news and she
could only imagine how he felt especially when the
perpetrator was his ex-girlfriend.

She picked the documents up.

"Thank you."
"You are welcome."

Kopano watched her walk out. He leaned back, it was

too early and too soon. What if it was another Larona?
Besides workplace romance was strictly forbidden. He
wouldn't want to lose his job now. He checked the time.
He will make it back there in time, Semolale was just a
few hours away from Frncistown and most things started


At Semolale

Ranewa sat in the room, She had needed a nurse for

the first two months and it was hellish to say the least.
Being out of the hospital and being back at the room
where it all took place. She had nightmares there and it
was so scary, sometimes falling off the bed and not
feeling it because her legs and she had hurt her back
again the first time it happened. Luckily that changed
nothing. She still managed to wrap up her fourth year
and was waiting for the results to be released in June.
She was hoping she did good. Everyone cheered her on
and the school was accommodating. When she wrote
the remainder of her first semester exams, they gave
her more time too to be able to read and process the
questions. Instead of the normal two hours, she got an
added hour. Finished up the semester strong with a 4.2
GPA which was her lowest to date but it didn't drop her
CGPA that much. Hopefully her last exams in that
university she did extremely well because she was just
focusing on school, her health and loved ones.
Her phone vibrated on her lap and she saw his name
flash on the screen. She smiled as she answered.
"Hey, I'm on my way okay. Well they had me killing
cows. Imagine a London boy killing cows."

She laughed as she put him on loudspeaker.

"You're on loudspeaker, I want to push myself out of this
room. Behave."
"Ee mma."

She pushed herself out of the room as she listened to

him narrate what went on.
"Okay, we'll talk when you get here okay?"
"I love you."

That made her heart break. She nodded as if he can see

"I love you more than you'll ever know."

She cut the call and rubbed her eyes breathing out
before she continued wheeling herself to another one of
the rooms looking for one particular person.
In the same house, Eana looked at the German print
dress. She was freaking out on whether it was going to
fit or not. She worked so hard for it and all the dresses
she made for this traditional wedding.

She bit down her lip and picked it up again. She already
had the measurements prior.

The door opened and she beamed.

"Our beautiful bride to be."

Queen Of Hearts


At Semolale

Itumeleng smiled at Eana as she closed the door. She

leaned against it. Excited for her traditional wedding.
They decided on just this aspect. They didn't need the
white dress and everything. All she needed were her
"Thank you. Can I try the dress on?"
Her engagement ring reflected the light and Eana
nodded. There was a light door knock and she moved
from the door to open it for Ranewa.

They had spoken to Ranewa at length at what this step

in Itumeleng's life would mean. Jace had long made it
clear that he won't break up with Ranewa unless she
herself breaks it off with him. Ranewa had been stalling.

She wheeled herself in and smiled at them. Her mother

was glowing with happiness and she wouldn't want that
any other way even if it meant her losing her own
She blinked back the tears and clasped her hands

"Mama is just here to try on the dress."

"Okay. Did you finish mine?"
"Yes. Let me get it."

Itumeleng picked the blue leteisi dress and she smiled at

both her girls.
"Let me go try this one on and I'll be back."
Itumeleng walked out of the room leaving Ranewa with
"Have you told him?"
Ranewa pushed her newly styled braids back. They had
clear beads and that was courtesy of her mother doing
her hair.
"Not yet. I-can I tell you something?"
Eana moved closer and Ranewa pushed herself closer.
"I love him. I really do. I was not the one for fairytale but
then there was him, out of the blue. He is so open with
his feelings for me. I have the familial love and all but
him romantically loving me is so out of this world."
Eana looked into her sister's eyes. Ranewa had been
happy before she was stabbed. She always went on
about how much he loved her.
"It's in the little things and I genuinely thought maybe
two months into me being wheelchair bound would
make him change so I can somehow leave with no guilt
but he didn't. In fact he loves me more and he hasn't felt
like I'm a burden."
"But you will find love."

Ranewa sighed.
"Not love like his. I'm giving up pure unadulterated love
because my mom also deserves that kind of love. She
has been through hell and back and she is so excited
about her wedding."
"You brought the love of her life to her doorstep." Some
days she wished she didn't but then she loved her
"Gotlhe said I'm a people pleaser."
"I wouldn't say that, you just do what you can for the
people you love."

She sighed.
"Can I try on the dress?"
Eana handed it to her. Ranewa got the dress and
wheeled herself out of the room.

Almost an hour later when Ranewa had tried it on and it

was a bit loose at the waist. It was useless to fix that.
She wasn't going to be standing wearing that dress and
no one would see how it looked fully on her. She placed
it on the bed as the door opened and she looked at
Jace. She smiled at him.
"Hi my love."

He held the plate full of fried cow liver and closed the
door before he walked up to her. He fed her a piece.
She looked up at him as he towered over her for a few
seconds before crouching down to bring himself to her
level. He placed the plate on her lap, his hands holding
on to the handles of her wheelchair.
"Something's on your mind." He searched her face and
she decided to break the eye contact.
"Ranewa? What is it?"
"Look at me."

She looked at him. How could she give him up? He was
hers to keep and she didn't want to lose him but she had
to. He only saw her for her and that brought tears to her
"Ranewa, o lelelang?"(why are you crying?)

She blinked the tears away.

"Uhm, there is something I have to ask of you. No one
pressured me into this, it was solely my decision and it's
for the best."
He raised an eyebrow but waited to hear what she'd
have to say.

She took a deep breath.

"I don't want this relationship anymore."

Jace looked at her for a second before he laughed.
"This is a joke right?"

She didn't laugh but instead licked her lips nervously.

"No. I don't want to continue with this relationship

Jace let go of the handles of her wheelchair as he stood

up to his full height. He chuckled in disbelief. No f*cking

Queen Of Hearts


At Semolale

Ranewa watched him wearily. She rubbed her eyes, she

wasn't going to cry.
"Are you sure?"
He looked around the room as Ranewa removed the
plate from her lap. He walked out of the room and
Ranewa breathed out. It'll be okay.
He came back minutes later.
"Jace?" He picked her up from her wheelchair and she
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere we can talk."
"I don't want to talk, I want us to breakup. Don't make
this harder than it already is. Put me down!"
"You're kidnapping me!"
He looked down at her and he just walked out the door
carrying her.
"I'll scream!"
"Try it."
She looked at him with a pounding heart as he walked
out of the house and headed to his car. He buckled her
up at the backseat and walked over to the driver's seat.
He started the car and she looked around. It seemed
like no one saw them or what was happening. He didn't
even bring her wheelchair.

The gate was still open and she watched him reverse
the car before he drove out of the yard.
"Moemedi? Where are you taking me?"
He was quiet as he played the radio to fill in the silence.
Ranewa leaned back and closed her eyes. Jace glanced
over at her looking so peaceful as if she didn't threaten
to leave him.

Back in the house, Itumeleng headed to Eana's room to

show her how the dress looked.

Eana quickly got up.

"It first perfectly and it doesn't need any alterations
Itumeleng smiled.
"It doesn't. Thank you."
"You are welcome. You are going to be the most
beautiful bride tomorrow."

They were going to sign their nuptials in the morning

and when they come back, it was going to be the
celebration. If anyone would have told her a decade ago
that she'd be married again, she would have laughed in
their face and said they were lying.
"Let me go change this dress and keep it locked in my
wardrobe. Ranny o kae?"
"She went to fit in her dress in her room. She should
have long been done."
"Okay. I'll check on her after getting out of this dress."
With that, she walked out and Eana checked her
business page to see if she had any new messages
from clients.

She frowned, reading one of the messages she

'I'm coming to you as a woman, I recently found out that
you were the girl my boyfriend had been cheating on me
with almost a year ago. Why would you want to destroy
another woman's relationship? Tota go utusa botlhoko
and you are a young girl who has a lot going for her.
Please stay away from my boyfriend.'

Eana re-read it again. Why didn't the girl confront her

boyfriend? She didn't even know she existed. She stood
up, wanting to update Ranewa. She could admit she
had been a bit desperate for the guy but not to this
extent of finding out if he had other loves and sending
them messages. It screamed clown behaviour because
why are you still with the man if he is a cheater? She
rolled her eyes.

Typical women who don't love themselves.

She walked out of the room and headed to the one
Ranewa was placed in. She knocked on the door.
"Ranny? Are you fully dressed? Can I come in?"
There was no response.

She knocked again and then decided to open the door.

She wasn't here and her wheelchair was here.
No answer. She pressed her phone to try and call her
sister but the phone rang by the bed.

She quickly rushed out, heading to her mother's room in

the house.
"Ranewa isn't in her room. Her wheelchair and phone
are there."

Itumeleng quickly got out of her room, tying the robe

"What do you mean she isn't in her room?"
"She is not there."
Itumeleng walked past Eana and waliked towards the
room. Her own heart racing a little. Ranewa would never
go anywhere without her wheelchair, that was how she
got by.
"Ranny baby?"
She walked into the room and she wasn't there. Nothing
bad could have happened to her right?
"Let me make a call."

Itumeleng walked away calling Botshelo.

"Hi, Ranewa is missing."

There was a pause.

"She's not in her room and her phone and wheelchair
are in the room."
"Give me a minute."


On the way, Jace looked at the call coming through on

his phone. He checked at the back and she was asleep.
He put the phone on loudspeaker.
"Hello dad."
"Mo, we are looking for Ranewa. Where is she?"
"She's sleeping right now."
"Why would you take her without telling anyone?
Everyone is worried about her."
"I'm sorry about that. It was a spur of the moment thing,
I'm driving right now…"
His father sighed.
"Bye." He cut the call and continued driving. He was
twenty minutes away from Bobonong.


At Semolale

Botshelo called back his wife-to-be and updated her. He

could literally feel her calm down a bit.
"Eleore a re why a tsere ngwana?"(why did he take the
"He didn't say."
Itumeleng sighed. It was clear as day that Ranewa
hasn't broken up with him.
"What if he hurts her?"
Botshelo chuckled in disbelief.
"You didn't just ask that. I know Mo, he wouldn't hurt her.
He would never intentionally hurt anyone. As much as
we try to ignore it, he adores Ranewa and vice versa."
"I'm sorry about that. I'm just worried. Why would he
drive off with her? What was wrong with the house?"
"I don't have answers to those questions. Ask Ranewa
when she comes back."
"Do you think they'll break up?"
She asked.

It was already a lot that she was known country wide

and now she is about to get married. What will the
papers write now about her family? Mother and daughter
marry father and son? Already Larona brought
unnecessary attention to them and the fact that she was
her son's girlfriend. She touched her hair worriedly.

"Mo is an adult and he made it clear to me that as much

as I'm allowed to have a love life, he has his. He even
explained when he met her and I remember him talking
about her before he left the country. I don't know babe, I
don't know."

She sighed more as she sat down on Ranewa's bed.

She saw the plate of liver there.
"But this-this is an abomination at best."
Her husband. Oh, husband-to-be..he was not her
husband yet.
"We'll figure it out."
But Ranewa said he understood.
"Kana Ranny knows that being in a wheelchair doesn't
take away her beauty and brains, she is still Ranewa.
Anyone might trip on their feet and fall in love with her."
"Whay if she wants just him?"
"I don't want her to repeat my mistakes. At her age,
before the abuse I thought my ex was the one because
he was my first everything look at how that turned out
and I found true genuine love at forty. I wished I had
discovered myself more and lived before settling. She
has her whole life ahead of her and her disability doesn't
define her. She knows that."
"Maybe. We'll see. How do you feel about tomorrow?"
"I'm so excited. By this time tomorrow I'll be Mrs Scott."
She said with a grin and Botshelo's laugh got to her as
she looked at the phone screen.
"I want to see you."
"Ng ng. Your aunts will be suspicious. See you at the
Distric Commissioner's office tomorrow. I love you
"I love you more than words can describe. Bye."
She grinned ear to ear as he cut the call. Life was worth
living again.


At Bobonong

Jace drove through Rastimela ward looking for the

guesthouse he had called five minutes ago to book into

His little fairy was sleeping at the back and she was
probably hungry. He wanted to drop her off then go buy
food for them so they can talk. He slowed down. Okay
this was the place.

He stopped the car in front of the motorised gate and

stepped out of the car. The closing car door woke
Ranewa up and she rubbed her eyes, a bit tired.

She yawned into her hands and looked around. Where

were they?

Queen Of Hearts

At Bobonong

Jace got inside the car as soon as the gate opened. He

slid his phone in his pocket.
"You're awake."
"Where are we?"
He drove inside the guesthouse and he parked his car.
"I'll answer you inside. How are you feeling?"
"A bit tired and hungry."
He got out of the car and walked to the back to get her.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and she looked
at her toes as he smiled.
"Will you be able to wait for thirty minutes so I can go
get us food?"
As if he consulted her when he just picked her up and
kidnapped her.
"I'll wait."

He carried her inside the guesthouse and the

receptionist smiled at him.
"Hello. Mr Scott, I called a few minutes ago booking a
"Come this way sir."

She placed her head in his neck as he followed the lady.

Seems like she was invisible to the lady.

The receptionist opened the door for Jace and handed

him the keys.
"Here is your room for the night."
She beamed at him and he just thanked her as he went
to place his girlfriend on the chair. The receptionist
walked out, closing the door and Jace crouched down
looking at Ranewa.
"After I come back, we are going to talk but for now
relax." He didn't even bring fresh clothes for the both of
them. He'll see what to do in the mall.

"This gives you time to really think and not tell me what
is expected of you but what you genuinely want."

He kissed her forehead and handed her his phone.

"I'll be back."

He walked out of the room and she sighed, leaning


At Semolale

Itumeleng told Eana of her sister's whereabouts. She did

calm down a little but why would Moemedi get her when
tomorrow was their parents wedding? It screamed
selfish to her.
"As long as she's fine."
"She is. Did you eat?"
"Not yet. Mama are nervous about tomorrow?"
"A bit, it's more excitement than nervousness."

Itumeleng's phone rang and she saw kopano's name

flash on the screen.

She quickly answered.

"I'm here but kind of lost."
Itumeleng chuckled.
"Okay. O ha kae?"(where are you?)

He described the place and it clicked to her. She

directed him to the house they were staying at.
"Do you see the cars outside?"
"I actually do. Let me drive in and park the car."

She cut the call.

"Kopano is here."
"And his shirt is here too."

Minutes later, the two ladies walked to the sitting room

where there were elders and relatives. Kopano greeted
everyone and they smiled at him, he was a good boy
and they all felt sorry for him for choosing someone like
Larona. Hai.

Itumeleng opened her arms for Kopano and he hugged

his mother then sister.
"Hey guys. Where is Ranewa?"
"Out with Moemedi."
"When will she be back?"
"I don't know waitse."
He just nodded. He had Moemedi's number so he'll call
him to ask. Ranewa had seemed sure earlier on and he
had asked her over and over again if that's what she
wanted and she was not influenced.
He had to admit to himself that, at this point he'd let
anything slide because he stil harboured that guilt over
Ranewa being stabbed by Larona. His sister was born
just fine and on top of the traumas they endured, Larona
put the final nail on the coffin and there was no coming
back from this.


At the guesthouse

The receptionist knew there was strict policy in place but

she walked back to the room she had shown Mr Scott.
"Knock knock."
"Tsena."(come in)

Ranewa placed Jace's phone down and smiled at the

"Hi. Is anything wrong?"
The woman who wasn't into social media that much
didn't recognise Ranewa to be able to know why she
was still on that chair and why she was being carried.
"Is Mr Scott your brother?"
Ranewa's eyes widened. Brother? That's what they'll be
when their parents get married but did she want to be
identified as his sister? When they've already had sex
countless of times and they know each other naked.

Thinking about it now, it all seemed…absurd. Insane

even that she thought those feelings would disappear
and she'd get her virginity back once it was over.
"Was there anything you wanted?"
"Uhm, I just wanted you to pass him my number."
She blinked.
"Uhm that won't be possible. Sorry."
"Okay. Let me go and uh-enjoy your stay here."
"I sure will."

The lady walked out and closed the door leaning against
it. Was the girl his girlfriend then? Or hookup? But if she
was the girlfriend she would have lost her mind and
started filling her with a load truck of insults, most girls
hated it when other women hit on their men. Probably a
hookup but just wants to be the only one who hooks up
with him.

Inside the room, Jace's phone rang and she answered

the call.
"The one and only.."
"Where's Moemedi?"
"Went to get food. I'm okay, we are just out."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay. I'm just worried and I'll see you when you get
"Yes sir!" She giggled and cut the call.

She went back to scrolling on Facebook.

Half an hour later, the door opened and she looked up at

Jace who was holding plastic bags and a paper bag.

Knowing there were very few shops here, she wasn't

even complaining about the KFC he got.

He placed them by the table and picked her up. She

"Bona wa smiler, you wanted to break up hours ago."

He sat down and placed her on his lap.

"Now talk to me." He pushed her braids out of her face
and his attention was on her.

She kissed him, placing her hands on his chest and he

laughed breaking the kiss and rubbing her lips.
"I know we haven't had some in a long while but you're
not going to distract me, I'm listening Ranewa."

Queen Of Hearts


At the guesthouse

Ranewa looked up at him then her fingers, bringing

them together.
"Well.." She breathed out. He was going to get angry.
He rubbed her back and pulled her closer, his hand
wrapping around her waist.
"Kana, it's like this. You know what happened to my
"Ee mma."
"Your dad is her second shot at happiness. She
deserves to be happy too."
"No one is debating that. Everyone deserves to see light
at the end of the tunnel. What does that have to do with
us breaking up?"
"We are going to be step siblings when they get married
"Is there anything that screams siblings between us?"
"I'm waiting for you to make a solid point Ranewa. You
are smart and you can do better than that."
"What will it look like? It will seem like we hooked up
when our parents got married and-"
"Did we?"
"Okay, continue."
"I love you. With all my heart but I also want my mother
to be happy."
"Don't you deserve to be happy?"
No where had he heard his new step-mother say she'll
break it off with his dad nor had he pressured his dad to
break up with his new wife just to pursue Ranewa. There
was limited time on this earth to try and stop people from
being happy and to not be happy yourself.
She parted her lips then looked down. It will seem
selfish that she is choosing her own happiness over
"You have also been through a lot, we didn't know we'd
somehow be related and we aren't closely to being
related by blood. I just want you to think about this
carefully my little fairy. It has to be something you want
and I swear, I'll try my absolute best not to bother you."

She swallowed. Did she want him to give up on her

"Like really really done?"
It killed him to say that but yes. He'd respect her wishes.
"Ee mma."

She sighed and breathed into his neck.

"What is it going to be?" He asked, as her hands slid

under his t-shirt. Did she know that love was like a drug?
she couldn't just leave when she wanted to, dragging his
heart along.
She titled her head to kiss his lips.
"You're going to be my ruin." She said against his lips.
What was that supposed to mean? Not that he was
"Please make love to me."
He placed her on the bed and walked over to the door to
lock it. He walked to the bed, removing his t-shirt and
she looked at him with list filled eyes.
He pushed her down till she was lying on her back and
hovered her as he #EXPLICIT


The following morning

Ranewa was the first one to wake up between the both

of them. She wanted to move to get his phone and
check the time. He held her tighter and she sighed into
his chest.
"Morming." His groggy morning voice did something to
her. Somehow the fact that she could feel him and it was
so heightened than before, assured her that she was still
very much a young lady with a healthy appetite for
her…uhm, she shouldn't even mention it. For now.

They did talk after those fire three rounds and they came
to an agreement.
"Jace? Wake up."
He yawned again and absent mjndely kissed her
"Let me check the time."
He grabbed his phone. The light from it blinded him and
he placed it down.
"What time is it?"
"I think six?"
"We should get going, we have to be at the DC's office
at half eight."
"I know..F*ck.."
He turned her on her back and slid right into her, she let
out a little scream.
"Take all of it, love. That's it." He pulsed inside, she was
swollen and so warm around him. He missed having her
underneath him.
He groaned. No love bites on her neck. He reminded
himself as he held her hands up and started moving
lazily into her, enjoying her soft moans and little

She held his shoulders, her nails digging into him as she
came and he followed with him whimpering her name.
"I love you."
She wrapped her hands around his neck, them
breathing into each other.
He smiled against her lips and she opened them for him
to kiss her.
"I'll miss this. Us."
He said and she placed her hand on his chest.
"We talked about this."
"I know." He sighed. He got out of bed and she admired
him, what a fine man. He picked her up and walked with
her to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later, Ranewa was fully dressed and she

watched him put the t-shirt over his head. She checked
his phone. It was a little around seven and when they
got there, she had to change and wear something semi-
fotmal before they headed to the Commissioner's office.

Jace threw the takeout bag in the dustbin, they did

manage to eat real food and he didn't have just her as
his dinner.
"Do you want to eat the breakfast?"
She shook her head. They better get going.
"Okay. Let's go." He picked her up and she wrapped her
arms around his neck as he walked out of the room with

They passed the reception and the lady greeted them

both. Ranewa greeted back as Jace carried her to his

At Semolale

Everyone who was supposed to go to the DC's office

was getting ready for that. Eana wore her baby blue
dress along with heels, her curves visible in the dress as
she tied her knotless braids into a cute bun. She twirled
in front of the mirror before she took pictures of the
outfit. Where was Ranewa?

She walked out of her room, about to head over to the

room Ranewa was supposed to be in when she saw
Jace carrying her. Her sister smiled at her and Moemedi
nodded in greeting.
She followed them and he placed her on the bed before
he walked out. She went to close the door.
"Ranny? Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay."
"I was worried about you, how did he take it?"
She squinted her eyes.
"Take what?"
"The breakup."
"Oh. He was understanding."
"So you guys are done?"
"Yeah, uhm let me get ready."
"Okay and you made the right choice."

Eana walked out and Ranewa looked at how far the

wheelchair was and she was still on the bed. She licked
her lips and used her hands ro hold onto the bed as she
used her upper body to push herself across the bed to
the other end of it. The wheelchair was a bit close now.
She tried to grab it but instead she fell on the floor. Her
braids got into her face and she breathed out. She used
her upper body to crawl to it and held it's handles. She
needed help.
She called out her sister.
There was no reply. She blinked back the tears. She
hadn't figured out this aspect of her disability yet.

Eana hummed in the kitchen as she got food from the

assortment there. She was going to be fatter than a
whale that's for sure. Her mother was getting her
makeup done and she was probably going to wear the
cream white dress she designed for her.

Kopano walked out, in a white shirt and some formal

"Is Ranewa back yet?"
Eana chewed on the bacon.
"Mhmm..she is getting dressed in her room."
"Okay." He took a piece from her plate and she moved it
back laughing.
"Go get yours."

In the room Ranewa called out for Eana again, her voice
was back but it wasn't how it had always been. She was
audible and this was hurting her vocal chords.
She gave up and without the wheelchair, used her upper
body to crawl to the wardrobe since her legs were just
there for display.

Time moved and people outside were waiting for

everyone to get done.

Jace checked the time. Where was she? Kopano walked

up to him.
"Hi." He had to refrain himself from asking about her but
he was worried.
"Uhm give me one moment."

He excused himself and walked into the house, heading

to her room. He knocked on the door. He wasn't even
sleeping in the main house.
"Jace? Thank God! Open the door."

He did and she was on the floor fixing the straps of the
baby pink dress she was wearing.
"Can you put me up on the wheelchair? I'm almost
He picked her up and placed her on the wheelchair as
she smoothed out her dress.
"It looks fine right?"
Her hair wasn't fixed yet.
"It does. Let me tie your hair up. How did you end up on
the floor?"
"I fell and couldn't get up."
His heart broke a little as he held her face and she
smiled at him.
"I'll be alright."
He kissed her forehead and she melted a bit.
"Jace, we're not supposed to be-"
"I know Ranewa. I know."

He let go of her and he straightened up as he walked

over to get her perfumes. He handed it to her and she
smiled gratefully spraying it.
"I didn't brush my teeth, ke tlo dia batho."(I'm going to
delay everyone)
He pushed her wheelchair to the bathroom. She was the
one who got the room with the bathroom for obvious

She got her toothbrush and he smiled as he walked out.

He found her ribbons and went back to tying her hair.
"Is it okay this way?"
She nodded as she spit into the sink.

She lifted her head as he tied them and she smiled.

"Thank you."

She rinsed her mouth.

"Let me wear my shoes."

He pushed the wheelchair out and went to look for her

"The black flats."

He got the pumps and he slid them on her feet.

"Thank you."
He kissed her forehead.
"We'll be outside." She nodded and he walked out. She
touched her head and breathed out.

Outside, Jace joined everyone as they waited.

"Nako ya chaya."(time is ticking) One of the elders said.
He glanced over at the door and he faced forward, he
spotted his uncle.

He walked over to him.

Jason looked at his nephew and he smiled.
"Jason and Jace are two different names. Malome, there
is something I want to discuss with you."
"I'm all ears."
Queen Of Hearts


At Semolale

Jason looked at his nephew. A bit floored at what he was

asking of him.
"I'll think about it."
Jace nodded. It was better than a no.
"Thank you."

He spotted his father and him and his uncle walked up

to his dad.
"The man of the hour, congratulations."
Botshelo bumped shoulders with his son and side
hugged his brother.
"A reye o ye go nyala."(let's go get married)
Botshelo chuckled and he looked over his son's
shoulder where Ranewa was talking to her sister.
"Let's go."

He walked out and they followed him. The ladies were

waiting for Itumeleng to come as the men drove off in
their cars. Ranewa craned her head to look at the door
waiting for her mother to show.

A minute later, Itumeleng who's wig was freshly installed

and had a soft glam done stepped out in a cream white
The ladies ululated and she smiled. Ranewa grinned.
She was beautiful. Her mother was incomparable that's
for sure.
Itumeleng covered her smile with her hand, her fresh
nails showing and Eana placed a hand on her heart. Oh,
her mother's joy was literally hers. The dress looked so
good on her.
"We can go now." One of the ladies said, Ranewa
wheeled herself and her phone chose that exact
moment to ring.
"I'm sorry."
Itumeleng smiled at her girl and Ranewa gave her
mother a thumbs up as she answered the phone.
"Hello, is this Ranewa Mosiame?"

Everyone was heading towards the cars, which one was

she taking a ride in?

She places the phone against her shoulder and ear,

holding it steady there as she used both hands to wheel
herself to one of the cars.
"It is she."
"Good. You are talking to your father's lawyer."
"My father?"
"Mr Mothusi Mosiame. I understand you had a little
situation months back and it left you wheelchair bound."
She stopped by one of the cars and waited.
"Yes. What about it?"
"Your father has left you his estate, his cars which you
can sign under your name and everything he owns. It
was initially meant for your older brother but he refused
it and now it's yours."
"Eleore why? Is he dead? God will be so good if he is a
dead, no offense."
The lawyer chuckled.
"None taken. He is not dead, he might die of old age in
"Hold on a sec.. "

She placed the phone against her chest.

"Ranewa, should we help you into the car?"
She smiled.
"Yes please. Thank you."

Her mother and one of the ladies put her at rhe backseat
and her wheelchair was folded then put at the boot. She
mouthed a thank you to her mother before she placed
the phone back on her ear.
"You were saying?"
"He might day of old age in prison so none of his
possessions are useful to him but they are worth
"Hmm..but he never spent those millions on us when he
had a chance."
"Now he is now."
"Which is somehow useless."
"But you can use the money for your hospital visits."
"True but I'll say no. The money can't change what he
did to me."

She shuddered thinking about him and how scared she

had been.
"His estate is what my nightmares are made of."
"Think about it and get back to me." He cut the call and
the other door opened as her sister got in. Her mother
sat in the front and one of the ladies got in the driver's
seat as doors closed.

She stared at the phone for a long second before she

shook her head and put it on silent as the car started.


At the Commissioner's office

The cars were parked outside and they weren't a lot. It

was less than thirty people present for this while
preparations where being done at home.
Itumeleng got out of the car, nervous energy bouncing
off her in waves and Ranewa checked the time on her
phone. The boot was being opened as her wheelchair
was being taken out. The lady who had helped her
earlier on, slowly helped her get on her wheelchair.
"Thank you."She looked up at her and she smiled at
him. She wheeled herself over to where her mother was
"Mama, are you okay?"
"Yes. Just a bit nervous."
She tilted her head and nodded.
"You are going to marry the man you love and I'm sure
he is waiting for you."
Itumeleng gave Ranewa a nervous smile and nodded.
"I think we should go."
Itumeleng started walking towards the office and
Ranewa followed in her wheelchair.

She while they took the three steps leading inside, she
used the smooth slope as she got inside with her

Inside, she spotted Botshelo and she waved at him with

a smile. He waved back as he fixed his bow tie.
Ranewa's eyes crinkled at the corner as her eyes locked
with Jace's and she looked down with a little blush.
Eana looked between them then at Ranewa. She better
not ruin this day for her mother.

Almost thirty minutes later, congratulations rained on

Itumeleng and Botshelo. They were officially Mr and Mrs
Scott. They were holding hands and Ranewa beamed.
Her mother deserved it. In ten fold.


Back at the house, when everyone was back from the

office, a gorgeous tent had been set up at the back. The
decor was still underway and that gave everyone
enough time to change and get ready for the traditional
celebration. The day was halfway there.

Ranewa closed the bedroom door and she placed her

phone on the bed as she wheeled herself to the
bathroom. She washed her face and smiled looking at
the mirror. She barely ate breakfast and she should eat
something after changing clothes.

She hummed, pushing herself to the bedroom to wear

the dress she fitted yesterday.
In the kitchen, Kopano had a few bites of the segwapa.
If he wasn't careful this weekend he might gain weight.
He chuckled and sat on the high chair as Moemedi
walked in. He greeted him and he checked the fridge for
something to eat. He sat next to Kopano.
"About yesterday.."
Moemedi looked at him. He was tempted to ask why he
took his sister the whole night but he dropped it. It
wasn't his place to be asking such questions.
"Nothing. We are officially family now."
Moemedi smiled.
"I can call you my little brother now?"
Kopano leaned back, talking in Moemedi's relaxed
"Watch it."
Moemedi took a bite of the scone.
"I'm still older than you."
He's never had an older brother before and the fact that
they studied similar things just with different names.
Moemedi also got his Master's so he liked school that
"You're going to go back to the UK?"
"I am. In a few weeks actually. There is nothing for me
here now."
Kopano raised an eyebrow.
"By nothing you mean, not even my sister or your dad?"
Moemedi sighed as he looked at Kopano.
"We've got to do what we've got to do to make the
parents happy. I don't think I'll survive staying here and
watching her move on from me. It's better if I'm far far
away. And my dad is a newlywed and he needs all the
time he can get with your mother. Besides I'll visit time
and time again, a bit more frequently now that school is

Kopano sighed.
"Sorry man."
"It's okay. It's life."

He looked at the three uneaten scones then glanced

over at Kopanp who seemed to be digesting what he
just said. He got up and walked over to the fridge to get
a bottle of water.


Two hours later, Itumeleng walked out of the room as

rhe ladies started ululating.

Her weave was curled and her face beat to the gods as
the blue German dress hugged her size thirty four figure.
"B, o bolaile banna!" One of the ladies commented. The
sang the weddings songs as she walked out of the
house. Eana trailled behind in her dress and Ranewa
who was being pushed by another one of the ladies,
held her phone to take videos.

The weddings songs started playing from the speakers

at the back and she smiled. This was so beautiful.

They got to the tent and Botshelo's jaw slackened. That

was his wife. He covered his mouth, a bit emotional. He
had a wife now.

He extended his hand and she took it with the most

brightest smile he has ever seen.
"Dumela mogatsaka."
Itumeleng blushed so much and she thanked the Lord
for her caramel skin, he couldn't see how much she
blushed but he could see it in her eyes.
She whispered. She looked down, nervous and giddy.

They walked over into the tent and she loved the decor.
The theme, exactly like the picture she showed the lady.
Ranewa took pictures although there was a professional

She was finally showed her seat and she just wheeled
herself over there. She took more pictures when she
was by her table and took pictures of her mother and
new husband.
"Smile guys!"
Itumeleng blushed and she snapped more.
"Thank youuuu…"

She leaned comfortably on her wheelchair and went

through some of them as Eana joined her.
"This is beautiful gore and thank you for the dress."
"You are welcome. Mama is so happy."
"And you made the right decision. Look at how happy
and stress free she is."
"I did hey? Anyways, smile for the camera."

Ranewa took pictures of her sister's.

"Ntle ke go tseye."(let me take pictures of you)
"No, it's fine. I'm good."
She placed the phone down and picked the water bottle.
She ignored looking in any direction Jace was in. She
breathed out.

By their table, Ituemeleng's hand was in her husband's

hand as she dropped her head to whispered something
in his ear. He smiled at her and whispered something

Moemedi saw the happiness on his father's face and he

smiled. Hmm….
Queen Of Hearts


Three weeks later

At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa was woken up by her ringing phone and she

yawned as she pushed herself up. She picked the call
without checking the caller ID.
"Happy birthday!"
She yawned rubbing her eyes, her mind starting to clear
"Thank you."
"You just woke up?"
"Yeah..I'll celebrate later, I'm so stressed."
"The results aren't out yet?"
"Yesterday their system was down and I couldn't access
mine. The sms hasn't reported yet."
"You did well Ranny. You shouldn't be stressing like this,
you should be enjoying your twenty first."

She snorted.
"Doing what? I'll be home eating cake and doing
practically nothing."
"Don't say that."
"It's the truth Kopi. Thank you mme. I love you."
"Love you too baby sis."
"I'm not a baby anymore, I'm an adult. Not everyone
reaches twenty one."
He laughed.
"Now you are getting excited about your birthday."
"Let me not delay you and let me check my results."
"Okay. Let us know."

She said bye and cut the call. She checked her
messages. Eana was out meeting a client and she sent
her a Happy birthday message. She missed her
mother's call.

She called her mother.

"Hello mama, I missed your call."
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy
birthday dear Ranewa, happy birthday to you!" Her
mother sang the song to her.

She grinned.
"How old are you now?"
"Ah mama?"
"How old are you now?"
"Twenty one."
"How old are you now, happy birthday to you."
"Thank you mama."
"Happy birthday my baby, I love you."
"I love you too mama."
"Bye bye and I'll see you later."
"Ee mma."

The call cut and Ranewa replied Eana's text before she
placed the phone down and held onto the bed, to take
herself to her wheelchair. She hummed. Will she be able
to eat with all this anxiety about the results?

She managed to sit on her wheelchair after a few

minutes of different angles. She wheeled herself to the
bathroom, trying not to think about it.

She filled the bathtub with water as her phone rang in

the bedroom. Sue sighed. She was already here.


Itumeleng kissed her husband's cheek as she walked

out of their bedroom with her high heels clicking on the
She couldn't wait to see the office space she had
managed to rent. Now she had a place to cook and she
could hire cooks to help with her orders.

Botshelo stood behind her and fixed her blazer. She

turned her head to look at him.
"This is such a big step."
"And I'm so proud of you."
"After signing the lease agreements I'll tell the kids. I
have an office space. Can you believe it? Me?"
He chuckled and kissed her neck.
"You are smart. Have you thought of going to University
"I have but I might the oldest student there and it's just-"
"Just four or three years. You improved your grades in
prison and they are really good grades. A business
degree would work Mrs Business Owner."

She had shot the idea down when her kids had
suggested it when she was out of prison. That time
money was the problem but now it wasn't.
"You do have a point though."
"I know. Just pick a course and we'll discuss the
payment plan."

She turned to fully face him and wrapped her arms

around his neck. She kissed him and he kissed her
back, his hand squeezing her behind. She laughed into
the kiss.
"Wasn't the honeymoon enough?"
He held her waist.
"Not when it comes to you mogatsaka."
She pecked his lips.
"Okay. I'll think about it. Are you dropping me off at the
"Most definitely. Do you want us to grab something on
the way?"
"Yes. And I also want to do a little something for Ranny's
twenty first."
"Okay, I'll pick her up later."
"I love you. When did you say Moemedi is leaving?"
"He said on Friday. He'll be here for the Independence
holidays so it's nothing."
She kissed his cheek.
"Our kids are grown and they have their lives."
"I know."
"Now we wait for grandkids, I'm a bit young for kids but
Kopano is twenty four, Moemedi is twenty five, Eana is
still a child, twenty is young and Ranewa is twenty one.
Not sure about that."

Botshelo chuckled.
"You'll be surprised when they have kids in their thirties
and we are unable to babysit, re ikennela ko
masimo."(while we are staying at the farm)
"Ao, I'll be bo 50 or 49 by the time Kopi is thirty. Not
even close to retirement age."

He kissed his wife's lips. She also got along with

Moemedi's mother, one thing about his ex, she wasn't
bitter at all.
She also talked to Moemedi too sometimes and he was
cool with her. It seemed it all worked out.
"Let me drop you off."
He let go if her waist as she got her handbag then went
to hold his hand. If they could always stay this close, she
was always going to be living in heaven. She looked at
his handsome baldness and those dimples.


At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa finished getting dressed before she got her

phone and wheeled herself to the kitchen.

She called Eana, ignoring the missed call from the

unknown number.
"Ea, did you make breakfast?"
"I was a bit busy and I was late, I didn't manage."
"Okay. It's okay." She wasn't going to be able to eat
anyway because of the nervousness.
"I'm sorry but I'll be there in time to make lunch and
happy birthday tlhemma."
"Thank you baby. Let me see what to eat."

She opened the bottom door of the fridge and looked at

the viennas there. She took the packet and the russians
as well, placing them on her lap as she closed the
bottom part of the fridge.

She rolled to rhe kitchen and she was grateful for them
moving the microwave down to her level. She hummed
as she opened the lower cupboards to take out the
plates so she can make the russian and vienna with the

Ten minutes later, she was done and her glass of milk
was by the table and her plate with five slices of bread
and the two russians and one vienna by the side.

She checked the statuses on WhatsApp and her

classmates had posted their results. She stopped
eating, the food suddenly not nice.

She sighed. The sooner she checks, the better.

She logged onto ASAS and luckily it opened.

"You did well, you have to. Statistics is all you're good

She closed her eyes as she clicked on view my grades.

Saying a little silent prayer.

She opened her eyes, her heart in throat as her eyes

teared up.
"No ways!"

She took a screenshot and zoomed into those results.

She placed the phone down and breathed in then

flipped it again to make sure her eyes weren't playing
tricks on her.

She sent the screenshot to all of them and she placed

the phone against her chest.

Her phone rang immediately.

"And good grades for the birthday girl."
"Mama, I'm so happy."
She sniffed.
"I'm in the running for valedictorian now.." She rubbed
her eyes, wiping the tears away.
"Congratulations baby."
A whole CGPA of 4.7 and she is officially going to be a
graduate by October? Her? How did she get that 5.0 in
her final semester as an undergraduate?
"This calls for more celebration. See you later baby."
"Bye mama."

She placed the phone down and cried into her hands.
Her phone rang again. She picked it up.
"Is this Ms Ranewa Mosiame?"
She sniffed.
"I'm outside ma'am. With a delivery for you. Can I enter
the yard?"
"For me?"
"Yes. I've been calling for the past thirty minutes."
"Okay. Push the gate."
"Yes ma'am."

She heard the gate and she wiped her tears away. What
A door knock was heard two minutes later and she
wheeled herself to the door. She opened it.

She looked at the bouquet of roses.

"Hi ma'am. These are for you, I have to get more

She was handed the white roses and she placed them in
her lap, she picked the card up and read it as the man
walked back. She smiled and she slid the card in her
hoodie pocket. She placed the flowers on the single
couch and the man came back with a huge Teddy bear.
"This is practically my size." She said as she got it and
smelt it.
"Then there is this."

She was handed a box. She opened it. A bento cake

written happy birthday.
"Thank you."

"Would you please sign here?"

"Of course."
She went to place everything down and went over to
"Thank you and enjoy Ms Mosiame."
"I sure will. Thank you."

The man walked out and closed the gate. She closed
the door and locked it.

She looked at the gifts and smiled. She should finish

eating her breakfast.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa extended her hand to place the plates into the

sink and wheeled away to the bathroom to wash her
hands. Today was a good day.

When she came back, she grabbed the flowers first,

she's never gotten flowers before and she didn't even
have a vase for them. She placed them on her lap as
she wheeled to the bedroom where she placed them on
the bed. She did the same for the Teddy bear before she
headed to the kitchen to get a knife, fork and plate for
the cake. She should leave some for Eana, she wasn't
going to finish this cake alone anyway.

She opened the box and looked at the cake. She cut a
slice and nearly squealed. This was so thoughtful. Her
favourite flavour even. She cut into the slice with a fork
and brought the carrot cake to her lips. Heaven. This
was heaven right here.

She took a picture and she sent it before she placed her
phone down and continued eating.


At Kopano's workplace, his eyes were on Palesa who

was explaining something to him. He wondered to her
lips but forced his gaze upwards to the top of her
forehead to focus better.
"Mr Mosiame?"
She clicked her fingers. He had to admit that the past
few months she had started being vocal a bit and spoke
for herself. The long dresses and skirts? That was still
her signature style and he wouldn't want it any other
He caught himself. She wasn't his anything but her style
was uniquely hers.
"Ah yes?"
"Are you listening?"
She asked and pulled the file close to her chest. She
didn't want to restart what she just explaining. It was a
lot of work.
"What did I just say?"
She sighed and leaned back.
"Should I come back later?"
He rubbed his face.
"Forgive me."
"I'll come back later. Have a lovely day."

She got up and took her stuff, her short heels barely
making a sound on the tile. He rubbed his face and
checked his phone.

He clicked on the WhatsApp notification which lead him

straight to Ranewa's message. His eyes bulged. What?

He clicked and zoomed in on the screenshot.

That was a solid 5.0. Her lowest mark being an 80% and
her highest being a 92%. Damn she really loved her

He called her immediately.

"Ranny, I just saw the message. Congratulations. I hope
you are not crying."

She chuckled.
"Luckily, I long finished crying. Thank you Kopi. Thank
"And you deserve this. After everything."
She smiled on the other end of the line biting into her
third slice of the cake, a bit worried that if Eana doesn't
come home soon, she'll be finished with the cake.
"Ee rra."
"I'll be there soon."
"Alright, let me not delay you and you can get back to
work. Bye."
"Bye bye Ranny."

He cut the call and he smiled. Maybe, just maybe he will

ask Palesa out.

Itumeleng looked around her new office, she folded her

hands already thinking of what she'll add to it to make it
much to her taste.

She'll be done somewhere along this week and she

couldn't wait to see the end results and finally tell her
babies once it's done.

She walked out of the space, locked the door and

looked around before she walked out of the space she
had in the building and locked the doors.

She called that deco and baking company.

"Mrs Scott?"

She chuckled.
"Yes. Is there space to squeeze me in today? I want a
quick beautiful setup for…"
She started counting.
"For five. Something intimate as well as a birthday cake.
I'll send what to write on the cake."
"We do have space and since it's five, it won't take
"I'll send the directions to the place and you'll find me
"Yes ma'am."
"Thank you so much."

She'll make the food at home and it was winter so it

called for a small bond fire setup with those fancy things
those deco companies had.

She needed to buy the ingredients for the food she was
going to make. She'll need six hours max so she'll be
done cooking by seven and have the birthday
celebration start at six.

She continued walking as she called Moemedi. He

hadn't left yet and it was okay now that he saw Ranewa
as a sister. Eana said he hasn't been there and Ranewa
did assure her it was over. There was a little detail that
bothered her though. She ignored it so much but
Ranewa had confirmed they slept together when she
was eighteen before he left. That was new information
she got from her daughter and that somehow made her
think they slept together three weeks ago when he got
her but she let it slide.
Everything was peaceful and the sooner they started
seeing each other as siblings the better. That meant
things like birthdays and family gatherings they'll still
bump into each other as well as them having new
partners in future.

"Hello Moemedi, today is Ranewa's birthday and she did
exceptionally well at school. I'm throwing something for
her. Would you like to come?"

He was silent for a minute.

"I-uh. I think I'll pass. Pass on the birthday wishes and
my congratulations."
"But it's a family thing and you guys are siblings now."
"If I'm honest, I haven't started seeing her as a sibling
and I don't think I should be in the same space as her."
It was his honesty. Ranewa seemed fine though so she
guessed since he's leaving he'll be fine.
"Okay. I understand."
"Thank you. I have to go."
"Oh, right. Bye."
She cut the call and she looked at the screen as she
sent a message to the deco company. A setup for four it


Around midday Eana came back and she knocked on

the door.

Ranewa wheeled herself to the door and unlocked it.

"Hey sis and congrats on nailing the exams."
"Thank you."
"Let me go put my bag and get changed to make lun-"

She paused, seeing the box on the table.

"Oh that's cake. I had a delivery today."
"That's nice."
"It's carrot cake, it's so nice gore. I think I need the
recipe because it was so good."
She smiled at her sister and walked to the bedroom.
Eana stepped by the door seeing the the flowers and
huge Teddy bear.
"You got flowers?"
"Yep. It was a random delivery so.."

Ranewa said nonchalantly as the birthday card burned a

hole in her hoodie. She wheeled herself to the kitchen to
make something to eat for now.
"They are nice, is it a secret admirer?"
"Probably. As long as I didn't pay for it nna I'm good. Ea

She picked the flowers and they smelt so good. She

looked at the Teddy bear. Cute.

She placed the flower down as she shimmered out of

her skinny jeans to wear her tights and a t-shirt.
"I have this nice design for my graduation, should I send
the design?"
"Ee mma."
"Alright. Thank you sis."
"You are welcome."
When she was changed, she heard to the kitchen where
she found her sister taking out the cheese from the
"Did you have breakfast?"
"Yep." She looked at the cheese again before she put it
back. Why should she have a sandwich when she could
order a burger? And fries? And chicken?
"Or we should order in lunch?"
She asked her sister.
Eana immediately stopped. Thank God. She was so
tired today.
"Let me call for delivery."

Ranewa wheeled herself back to the sitting room to get

her phone.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa and her sister quietly ate their ordered meal.

Eana was pressing the phone while Ranewa silently
devoured her half chicken. She poured the hot sauce on
the piece then continued eating. Eana's phone rang and
she answered.
"Ea, hi. Around seven get ready with your sister. It's a
surprise. She probably forgot that I said she'll be taken
"Ee mma."
"Okay. Get ready and bye."

The call cut and she looked at her sister who threw the
bones in the paper bag the chicken came in.
"You didn't forget that mama said Botshelo will pick you
She looked up as she wiped her hands on the
"I almost did. Heish, let me go take a bath." It was going
to take some time too.

Ranewa's phone started ringing and she cut the call.

She wheeled herself away.

That evening, Eana was in a warm two piece set as
Ranewa fixed her wool dress and pantyhose with black
"I think I'm ready now."
They heard the car hooting outside. She wasn't sure if
they were spending the night really.

Inside Botshelo's car, he called his son.

"Hello dad."
"You can pass by just to wish-"
"I'd rather not. Honestly. I still love her and the feelings I
have for her are far deeper than they seem."

He saw the gate open.

"Alright. It's okay, have a goodnight."
"Goodnight dad. Enjoy the evening."
Jace cut the call and Botshelo got out of the car.
"Hello girls."
"Hi Mr B, how are you?" Ranewa asked with a sweet
"I'm good and happy birthday. Congratulations too."
"Thank you." He opened the back seat door and picked
Ranewa to place her at the back.
"Thank you."

Eana walked to the other side and she sat next to her


At Botshelo's House

Almost an hour later, Botsshelo arrived with the girls and

he helped Ranewa get onto her wheelchair. She looked
at him.
"Let's go to the back."

Botshelo pushed her wheelchair, heading to the back.

"Where is the dog?"
She asked.
"He's in his dog cage."
Ituneleng had locked him up so that the people she
hired could do their job and without the dog wanting to
ruin everything.

She saw the fire at the back then saw the decorations
written Happy Birthday.
She grinned and her mother turned to face her.
"Hey baby."
"Hi mama. Is this all for me?"
"Ee mma."

Itumeleng walked closer and she crouched to Ranewa's

level and hugged her.
"I am so proud of you and the woman you are
"Thank you."

She broke the hug and Ranewa saw the food and the
cake. She was loved that's for sure.
"It will just be the four of us."
"It's okay. I love the setup either way."
"The cake is carrot cake and I made your favourite
dishes too."
Ranewa's eyes lit up as her mom smiled at her.

She pushed down her guilty conscience and smiled.

"I'm going to enjoy this."
Everyone has happy for Ranewa and she leaned back
in her wheelchair. She had to have patience.

Queen Of Hearts


Two months later…

Itumeleng sat in her office, taking orders when a door

knock interrupted her flow. She looked up from her stack
of papers and she was reminded to call Ranewa to ask
her how the process is going. Somehow if it was up to
her, she'd be here in a local school but then this was a
once in aa lifetime opportunity.
"Come in."

The door opened and Puso walked in.

"Hi Itu."

She smiled politely.

"Hi Puso. How are you?"
His eyes saw the two rings on her left hand and he sat
down before she even asked him to sit down.
"I'm good. I just saw your business flyer on Facebook
and thought I should pass by to say hi."
"Long time no see. I'm good too. How can I assist? Do
you need a caterer for an event."
He looked down at her ring again and at her face.
"Thank you."
"He is a lucky guy and sorry about what happened to
Ranewa." She had been a sweet baby. All of Itu's kids
had been sweet children the time he had known them
before their father took them.
"Thank you and she is fine now but I'll let her know."
He nodded and silence enveloped the room. He
swallowed a bit.
"Let me go and-"

The office door opened and Botshelo stepped in. He

looked at his wife and the man sitting down.
"Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting a client."
"Not at all my love. He was just leaving."

Puso looked at the man. Bald headed. He stood up.

"It was nice seeing you again. Bye."
He walked to the door and nodded at Botshelo as he
walked out. Botshelo walled inside and closed the door.
"Dumela mogatsaka."
She blushed standing up to meet him halfway.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and felt her up

as he dropped his head to kiss her.
"How are you doing? Are you free for lunch?"
"Yes please." She moved back and went to grab her bag
then took his hand as they walked out of the office.


At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa was all alone in the house, Eana was at school,

she just started third year and she was so proud of her

Her phone rang again and by now she had learnt to

recognise the number.
"Ranewa, Hello."
"Hi. Have you thought about the money? You need it
and you can sell everything once it's all in your name."
She sighed.
"I did and it's tempting but no."
"You have two years to make up your mind so I'll keep
on calling to remind you about your father's property."

She cut the call and she licked her lips. She was a bit
bloated from yesterday but she still wheeled herself to
the kitchen to make her third meal of the day.

Her phone rang on her lap. She saw the caller ID and
she smiled answering the call.
"Hey, I'm coming there okay?"
Her heart started beating slowly. When did he come
back? She had been just telling him how she felt these
past two months. She didn't mean for him to up and
leave what he was doing to come to her.
"I wasn't negotiating. Get ready."
She licked her dry lips.
"Ee rra."

The call cut and she rubbed her eyes, her meal first
though. She had filled in the application forms and the
fact that the school had called her a month back to tell
her about the sponsors that wanted to sponsor her
Masters. Along with grants and they were a lot. It was a
lot of money. She was grateful for the opportunity and
that made it easier for her to go to school after
graduation. Flights were paid and everything, all she had
to do was show up.


Almost an hour later, Ranewa was in a cute little dress

as she waited in the sitting room with her phone in her
hands. It rang and she quickly answered.
"I'm outside." She heard the car door open and close
then followed by the gate. She wheeled herself to the
door and he knocked before he opened the door.

They locked eyes and she opened her hands for him,
tears filling her eyes.

He crouched down to her level and hugged her as she

"After this I'm leaving."
Sbe nodded. That was for the best. Patience.
He pulled back and rubbed her chin and pecked her lips.
Once, twice before his tongue got in her mouth and she
opened her mouth more for him, placing her hand on his
shoulder. He broke the kiss and swallowed. Her breasts
were a bit fuller in that dress she was wearing and he
put his hand inside. She just looked at him for a few
seconds before she held his hand.
"Not here tlherra."
He chuckled and kissed her chin.
"Let's go." He flicked her nipple and a little moan
escaped. The sensitivity making it much nicer.

He removed his hand and Ranewa turned to get the

house keys as he stepped behind her to push her out.
She handed him the keys.
"Lock the door."
"If I wasn't here who was going to lock your door?"
She shrugged. He locked the door and handed her the
keys, pushing her out of the yard before he closed the

He opened the front car seat and carefully picked her up

before placing her wheelchair at the back.
"I feel so guilty."
She said.
"Don't think about it that way. It will lessen your guilt."
"Do you not feel guilty?"
"Not at all." He closed the door and walked up to his

He got inside and she placed her hands on her lap.

"I managed to apply for all the Unis there and I'm waiting
on confirmation."
"Okay, good. Just a year or two."

She took his hand and held it in her small one.

"They'll hate me."
"They can never hate you. You are the sweetest and
eventually they'll forgive you. Me? Not so much, tla bo
gotwe ke nna o ke go rotloetsang dilo tse di
maswe."(they'll see I encourage you to be rebellious)
"You actually do."

His deep laugher filled the car as he started it.

"Not you shifting the blame on me." She kissed his hand
and rubbed his knuckles. She missed doing thing like
driving and just walking. Her throat closed up and she
watched him drive off. She couldn't believe he was here
just because she-

She shook her head. No way.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Twenty minutes after the car had driven off with Ranewa
inside, Eana came back home. She opened the gate
and closed it before she walked over to the house.

She knocked on the door.

"Ranewa? Ko ko.".No answer. She tried to open the
door but it was locked. Was she asleep? Probably. If she
wasn't sleeping, she was eating or ordering food while
asking her which school would best accolade her in the
UK before she did her research.

She took out her copy of the key and unlocked the door.
She called out. She cane here to make lunch and then
work on Ranewa's graduation outfit along with the other
orders she got for the graduands.
The graduation was on the nineteenth and twentieth of
October which was two months away.
She'll be done in a month or so plus she had wedding
dresses to make for other customers.

She placed her school bag on the couch and ran her
hands through her straight relaxed hair. She should do
her hair soon.

She walked into the bedroom.

She wasn't there. She frowned. Where would she be?
She never went anywhere. She needed help to get into
a car and she wouldn't leave without telling her.

She called her.

Her phone rang for a few seconds before she was

"Ea, hi."
"Hey, where are you?"
"I went to the shops and I needed to breath outside the
"Without telling anyone Ranewa? We get worried about
you and what if something happens to you? You could
have waited for me so we can go together."
"You are busy and I rarely do anything here at home Ea.
I'm fine. I took a cab and the cab man will drop me off

Eana sighed.
"Okay. Please call if you need anything."
"Ee mma. I love you."
"I love you too."

Ranewa cut the call.


Inside the car, he glanced over at her.

"I'm a cab now?"
"Yes. But what if you're wrong?"
"What if I'm right? You didn't tell me how you feel about

She tucked a twisted lock behind her ear. They would

last her till graduation week and she didn't know what
hair install to use. She has never used one before.
"I feel like it's too early. I'm still finding my feet, no pun
He grimaced and she leaned back.
"But then it might also be an amazing journey too. I'm
conflicted. How will I juggle my Masters and well a-"
She breathed out.
"I'll be there. Every step of the way, I won't let you down.

He kissed her hand in reassurance and she squeezed

his tight as he drove into the hospital premises..

He parked his car and got her out, pushing her to the
"Let's find out then."

She breathed out. She stared at her phone and checked

the time. She hoped they won't be long.

Inside the hospital, Jace pushed her wheelchair and

Amaya saw him. She was about to speak to him but he
was with Ranewa who looked like she was in deep

He pushed her into the doctor's office and the doctor

looked at them. Internally? He was scared sh*tless. If
the results turned out to be positive, what was going to
happen to her? Her current state of health? Will it be

He needed those answers ASAP. And if she was, the

medical requirements from her sponsors for her
scholarship? Okay, they'll deal with it when the time

He kissed the top of her head.

"We'll be okay babe."

"Mr Scott. Ms Mosiame."

She nodded and smiled as he wheeled her to the seat

opposite the doctor's desk. He sat down and held her

They both listened to the doctor after Ranewa explained

how she has been for the past few months as well as
her overall health. The doctor took note of everything.
"Let's run the tests."

She was given a cup and a pregnancy test as she

wheeled herself to the small bathroom.
He looked at the doctor.
"Will this affect her back? And health in general?"

He didn't mind at all if at somehow this was risky to her

health now and she had to get a medical abortion.
"She'll be okay, she is healthy despite her current
condition." He nodded.
"But we'll need to monitor her closely."

He explained and the doctor nodded.

"Well, it's not a problem."

Five minutes later, Ranewa wheeled herself out with the

pregnancy test and the doctor wore his gloves to take
the test.

She waited in silence with Jace and she rested her head
on his shoulder.

Five minutes later, the doctor looked at the test then

"The test results are here. Are you guys happy with any
"Yes Dr." She answered.

"Well, the pregnancy test is positive."

The silence was too loud and Jace's heart was still
beating steadily but he felt like it was beating in his
throat. His mind already planning everything to make
this the safest pregnancy for her and even the most
comfortable one for her.

Ranewa rubbed her eyes.

"Doc, can you give us a minute?"

The doctor walked out and he just picked her up and

placed her on his lap.
"Talk to me."
"This was a possibility. I'm okay."
"What did we promise each other?"
"That we'd be honest with our feelings and everything in
She breathed out and she explained everything,
highlighting their discussion from the night before their
parents' wedding.
"Ee mma. Ka utlwa."
She rubbed her eyes and he rubbed her chin. The
doctor walked in in that moment.
"We can do a scan?"

He held her up in his arms to take her to the bed.


At Jace's House

He parked his car inside the yard and walked to the door
with her in his arms.
He chuckled as he had her unlock the door in his arms.
She did and he walked inside the house.

He French kissed her softly.

"Ra go tiisa ngwana mokwatla."

She blushed and placed her head on his shoulder as he

walked to his room.
"Ke tla go busa ka cab, akere ke cab nna."(You'll go
back with the cab, you said I'm a cab)

She laughed, her warm bubbly laugh tugging at his

heart strings.

Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House

Ranewa was in his arms as time ticked slow. This was

the last time till she leaves but now she wasn't so sure
about her scholarships now. She breathed out. She'll
have to swallow her pride now and do what she had to
do. She was going to be a mother soon and she had to
put on her big girl panties.
He turned her to face him.
"When are you leaving?"
"Kicking me out already?"
She pecked his lips.
"No but you showing up was so random, did you take
your pills?"
"Not yet. It was an impromptu flight but I'm leaving
tomorrow morning."
"Okay." She rubbed her temples. She needed to send
an email and ask for a meeting.
"Babe? Can I scan the results from the doctor's office?"
"I think they are in the car."
He got out of bed and pulled out clean boxers from his
wardrobe. Ranewa throbbed painfully as she watched
him wear his jeans and walk out of the room.
"Bring my phone too."
"Ee mma."

She leaned on the pillows as she relayed their previous

conversations. She knew her boyfriend had no problem
announcing their relationship to the world and she
wished she could too. Hell, she wanted to scream it from
the rooftops that she was crazy in love with Mr Moemedi
J. Scott but she can't. It was better not to say.

She rubbed her temples as he walked back with the

document and handed her her phone.
He placed it on the bedside table and she turned her
upper body, unlocking her phone and taking pictures
before she scanned the document. She didn't know how
the hell she was going to hide this pregnancy from her
family. She needed to shop for new clothes and Eana
wasn't done making her graduation outfit.

Jace's phone rang in his pocket and he excused himself

to go answer it

Ranewa looked at her still flat stomach. She was almost

three months pregnant.
"Please stay hidden tlhe nana." She said silently as she
went to he rgallery and looked at her graduation outfit.
Well the dress she wore to her mother's wedding was
loose at the waist and Eana was still using her
measurements from before the incident with Larona.
She hoped she won't blow up into a mini balloon in the
next two months. That was a fear since she was a petite

She had to limit her eating so she doesn't become a fat

cake. This was exhausting but she didn't have the guts
to tell her mother she didn't break up with Jace. She
watched him speak to the phone, his back facing her, all
those back muscles. She just didn't have the heart to
break her mother's heart when she has been through a
lot but she also didn't want to leave Jace. She had time
to think again once he left, she didn't see herself leaving
him. Not at all. He was it for her. She chuckled.
Admitting that truth to herself felt kind if freeing, no one
was holding a gun to her head and she knew Jace, had
she said it's over he would have left her. She didn't want
to leave his bed at this exact moment but she had to.

Meanwhile by the door, Jace talked to Jason.

"The last week of October. You're in?"
"My boy, I don't know how the elders will react to this in
the future."
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."
"I hope you know what you are doing but I'll do it."
He covered his mouth in relief.
"Thank you malome. Thank you."
"You are welcome, wouldn't want you dying of a broken
He chuckled as he walked along the passage as they
talked about random stuff.

Ranewa touched her flat stomach and looked at her

boobs. She should send the email now since most
people knock off at half four. All emails to schedule the
meetings for tomorrow.
With her personal email account, she sent the first email
and with her student email account, she sent another
email. Scheduling the meetings with a three hour gap in
between them to make it easy for her to travel and for
her to get to the other one on time.

She placed her phone down as he walked back inside

the room. He joined her in bed and she wrapped her
hands around his neck, a little smile playing on her lips.
"Come to my graduation ceremony."
"We can keep things civil, I want you there. They'll be
watching us and-"

She grinned.
"But they'll never find us out but when you are coming to
my graduation party, don't bring a date. They might ask
you to bring one, don't. I'd kill you."
Her smile dropped quickly and his too.
"You're serious about killing me?"
"I'm not sneaking around just to see the love of my life
with some random girl all over him. I'd kill you Jace."
He pecked her lips.
"You have nothing to worry about."
"Good." She pulled his head down to hers as he parted
her legs and used his hands to pull down his boxers
along with the jeans. When he was free, his c*ck sprung
to life and he slowly slid into her.

She gasped and he loved that little gasp that left her lips
everytime he slide inside.
"Baby, I'm still sore."
"I know. Just take me in sweetheart."
She let out a little scream as he settled inside her and
he dropped his head to her full chest, taking one n*pple
in his mouth as he started working his waist. Servicing
her hard and fast as she panted hitting his chest with
small balled fist.
"You can take all of it pretty girl."
She gasped as he went in deeper, his balls slapping
against her.

She moaned his name as he let go of her boob, his lips

moving to her ear as he moaned hers over and over
again till they came in unison.

He kissed her sloppily as she lightly shook under him.

"I love you. So so much."
He broke it and looked at her with her eyes closed.

An hour later, Ranewa was dressed and clean from their
quick bath. He had called a cab for her and she was
eating while waiting for the cab to arrive.

She took a minute to breath before stuffing the bun in

her mouth. Jace watched her, a bit shocked by her
eating. The food wasn't going to run away. Her cheeks
were full and stuffed when the cab hooted in front if the

She picked the can of juice and brought it to her lips as

Jace's phone rang.
"Hello? Okay, coming there in a few minutes." He cut the
"Cab e tsile."(the cab is here)

She looked at him. It took her a minute to swallow

before she wiped her mouth and took the paper bag that
had food, placing it on her lap. She didn't really need her
wallet when she was with her man. Everything was on

She took a sip of the drink again and smiled. Her phone
was also on her lap as he got up to push her out of the
house. She wiped her lips and looked up at him.
"Kiss me before you drop me off outside."
He continued pushing the wheelchair till they got to the
gate, he crouched in front of her to kiss her hard and
when he broke the kiss she rubbed her lips.
"See you in two months and take care of yourself for
me. You have to go get your vitamins too. Don't forget
and the doctor's appoint in a month."
"Ee rra."

He pecked her lips as he opened the gate and pushed

her out. He opened the front seat passenger door and
picked up her stuff and placed it at the back before he
picked her up to place her in the seat. He got her stuff
and handed it back to her before he folded the
wheelchair to place it at the back.
"Make sure she arrives home safe and in one piece."
"Sure sure."

He took out a hundred pula note and handed it to the

cab man.
He closed her side and she waved at him as the car
drove off.
Raneea leaned back and buckled up.
The cab man glanced over at Ranewa. Pretty face,
maybe that's why that man was with her despite her
being in a wheelchair.


At Itumeleng's House

Thirty minutes later, the cab parked in front of the yard

and he got out of the car to take out the wheelchair, he
was paid more than enough money for a cab ride.
Ranewa opened the door and she placed her things by
the driver's seat as he putt the wheelchair close.

It wasn't a high car and she carefully did her best to put
herself on the chair.
"Can you pass me my stuff?"

He gave her her things and she put it on her lap.

"Thank you so much."
"You are welcome."
He jumped back in his car and drove off.
Ranewa wheeled herself to the gate and she used her
upper body strength to push the gate open.

In minutes she was by the door and knocking on it

before she opened.

"Eana? I'm back."

"I'm still sewing!"

She closed the door and wheeled herself to the sofas

where she continued eating her meal.

Queen Of Hearts


The following day

Ranewa looked at rhe building and she sighed. She can

do it, just be indifferent and her future was hanging by a
thread because of this precarious situation she put
herself in. She touched her flat stomach before she
continued to wheel herself till she got to the entrance.
The doors opened and she wheeled herself in.
She stopped by the reception desk.

The lady looked down with a smile before she walked to

"Hello, how may I help?"

She told her who she was here for and the lady led her
to the office. Luckily it was downstairs. She thanked the
Lord for that.

She checked the time on her phone. She had a meeting

at eleven am. She was still going to be busy.

"Here it is."
"Thank you so much."

The lady walked away and she knocked on the door.

"Come in."

She opened the door and wheeled herself in before she

closed it. The mam with a bit of grey hair in his beard
looked up at her.
"Ms Mosiame right? Ranewa?"
She wheeled herself to the desk.
"Good morning."
She breathed in before she continued.
"Which of the assets are of high value right now?"
"Straight to business, I like that."

He opened one of the files and showed her.

"Okay, this is a lot. What's the process? I don't want
"What you leave will go to your sister, your brother
refused all of it."
"I have no choice right now." Her pregnancy was likely
going to make her lose her scholarship before it started
and she needed to be out of the country two weeks after
"Are you okay with your sister taking the rest?"
"More than fine, she can use it for whatever she wants.
Uhm from this list of assets, I'll take the farm and range
The farm was high value and she could sell it easily to
cop out the money for her master's degree and use the
change for her baby things. The car was going too.
"But I want to sell those two. The farm and the car, the
car dropped value because it hasn't been used in years,
price it around 200k and the farm's real value is a
million, price it at 1.5milliom."

He looked at her and how she was commanding. This

one was the one who looked like her mother through
and through and she wasn't smiling now, she looked
over at the documents again.
"What do I need to sign to transfer the ownership to me
so I can sell as soon as possible?"
"Are you sure you want to sell?"

The change can buy her a small house, one she can
come to when she visits with her baby.
"I have the transfer documents."
"Okay. Can I go through them?"

He handed them to her and she checked the time again

and looked at rhe three pages of fine print. She had an
hour to spare to read through and understand what was
happening, she'll also ask Google what certain terms
He watched her read carefully for the next thirty minutes,
asking questions before she verified with whoever she
was texting. She raised her head and he looked at her
"Can I have the pen?"

He handed it to her. She dropped her head to start

putting her signature.
"So the title deed will have my name and everything, so
will you be able to sell the farm for me?"

His mouth dropped.

"You are the lawyer managing his assets and I want to
be anonymous as possible when it comes to this sale."
"I'll connect you to a real estate agent that usually helps
the firm."

She nodded. She'll take that. They shook hands as she

handed him the papers.
"Nice doing business with you."
"Ms Mosiame?"
She kept her eyes on him.
"Any particular reason why you suddenly want the
"The reasons are personal, thank you. I should get
"The pleasure was all mine. Have a good day Ms

She wheeled herself away and she breathed out. She

felt like she gave in to easily but she had to do what she
had to do. Her phone started ringing and she answered
it, stopping in the hallway.
"Hi mama."
"Hey Ranny, which schools did you apply to?"
"I applied to Oxford and I wrote the essay requested, I
applied to Cambridge, University of Kent, University of
London, University of Liverpool, University of York and I
tried my luck and applied to Yale in the US."
"That's a lot. If they all admit you?"
"I'll probably go to Oxford."
"Okay. Whatever that makes you happy."
"Ee mma. We'll talk later mama, you are probably bust
with clients."
Itumeleng chuckled.
"I actually don't have any for the day, want to spend the
day with me?"
"Okay, after lunch."
"Alright. Go sharpo."
"Bye mama."

The call cut and she continued wheeling herself out. She
said bye to the receptionist lady and she took out her
phone to call the cab man. She should pass by the
shops to eat something to pass by time till eleven.

Her phone beeped with a message.

MJ:I'm boarding my flight. Stay safe, I love you

She replied the message and placed her phone down,

waiting for the cab man.



Ranewa was going through the little speech she wrote in

her notes app. She yawned a bit, still too full from her
last meal. She breathed out and she saw them. This
was the time for her to plead her case.
The office was opened and she wheeled herself in after
them. She was thankful one of the sponsors was a lady,
she's never met any of them in person.

They sat down around the round table and she just
wheeled herself to an open space.
"Ranewa, meet your sponsors, the both of them decided
to sponsor you for further education and the school is
just a facilitator towards that process. True. The school
did he'll her apply and it was virtual despite her annoying
her sister with rhetorical questions.

"Hello, Ranewa. I hope you are good."

"Ee mma. I'm not good actually, well in a certain way.
Which is why I uhm wanted to meet."

She frowned and they all listened. Ranewa sucked in a

deep breath and slowly explained how she found out
she was pregnant yesterday.

They looked at each other and she went on to explain

too that it's not recent, she had been pregnant by the
time she was called about the scholarship opportunity.

She stopped talking and looked at them.

"I know the requirements expect that I shouldn't be
pregnant at all."
"They actually do." The man said looking at her.
Somehow, they hadn't expected her to have had a
boyfriend. She was twenty one and had been a pot of
trauma to last her a lifetime.
"So what were you expecting from this meeting
The woman softly asked.
"I just wanted for it to be open so you can make your
decision from here, I didn't withhold any information."

That was true. If it was some, they would have hid this.
She was honest.
"And whatever decision that will be taken, I'll be okay
with it either way."
"Even if we pull our scholarship?"
"Even that."
"Ranewa, our budget and the monthly allowance
included didn't budget for a baby and a baby serves as a
destruction most times and you'll need a break to take
care of the baby for the first three months."
She knew that but she had Jace by her side. She'd
"And student accommodation doesn't include having
newborns there."
She breathed out.
"Will you finish your Masters degree in time?"
"I will."
The man looked at her. Girls dropped out and it was not
as if she needed her Masters degree, she already had a

"Even if we pull out, the fact that we provided a

scholarship for you will be mentioned at the graduation
ceremony and you'll still get the appreciation cheque
which was separate from your scholarship."
"Ee mma. It's still fine by me."
"We'll think about it and get back to you. Thank you for
your honestly Ranewa."

She nodded.
"Thank you and have a good day." Ranewa said finally
before she wheeled herself out of the room. She
breathes out.

The sales better go through.

She called her mother as she put her phone between

her shoulder and ear.
"Mama, where are you?"
"In the mall."
"Which one? I'll come there."
"Okay. I'm by RiverWalk."
"On my way."

She was close, she'll be there in less than ten minutes.

She better call the cab. At this point, she didn't know


Queen Of Hearts


Two months later…

At Itumeleng's House

Ranewa sucked in her stomach as she zipped up the

pants. She breathed out. She'll be five months pregnant
next week and hiding wasn't easy. It was either she was
in something oversized because she can't wear a jersey
when it's hot or in her gown most of the times when at
home. She stopped wearing those summer dresses and
she went from an A cup to a C cup. She had kept
checking her nose in the mirror at every turn after finding
out online that your nose can be a dead giveaway. She
had a small visible bump just that they never saw it, only
her. She also sent him the pictures so he could see the
progress. The doctor warned her that in the next few
weeks her bumpwas going to get bigger too. She won't
be here so that's not a problem. There were times she
caught her mother looking at her a bit odd and she
pretended she didn't see that. Nonchalance and her not
acting funny was key not to being caught.

The makeup artist walked inside the room as she

smiled. The wig install was done yesterday and the time
was now five am. They had to be at school by seven.
She quickly wore her blazer and buttoned it up to
conceal the little bump some more.
"Hi Ranewa. Ready for your makeup?"
"Yes. Thank you."

She wheeled herself over to the table where she was

putting her things. She closed her eyes as the lady
started working on her face beat.

The money from the sale had come through two weeks
ago. She was so grateful for it, with the added fact that
despite her honesty, her sponsors didn't see themselves
supporting and paying for a pregnant woman. They had
handpicked her because of her circumstances and how
she did well despite them but add pregnancy? It was a
bit too much, they didn't trust she'll finish her Masters
degree in record time and she hasn't told her family that
they pulled out. She'll sponsor herself, Jace had paid the
registration fees and she'll use the money she received
to pay the rest of the tuition fees. And lucky her,
University of Oxford accepted her and even if it was a
ninety minute travel time from London, she accepted the
offer for her MsC in Statistical Science.

In the living room, Eana was tying her braids into an

elaborate hairstyle as Kopano sat on the couch. Two
years from now, it was going to be Eana graduating,
proving that there was life beyond an abusive father and
the situation he put their mother in. Kopano who had
asked Palesa out, looked at his hands. She had said
yes but was a bit hesitant. She didn't blame her and
honestly, this time he did a bit of digging around
Palesa's past. He didn't want the Larona situation to
repeat. He had enough guilt as it is and imagine now
Palesa is the same and she comes here to end Eana. It
would kill every part of him.

Eana managed and she finally sat down.

"I can't wait to see how the pantsuit looks on her." Her
sister had a gorgeous glow to her, must be the
happiness. A full scholarship and a first class degree?
That was happiness was and Ranewa loved what she
did so much, even wheelchair bound, she had been
studying for her tests and exams every single day
without fail.

They heard a car outside and the two siblings looked at

each other.
"It must be mama and Mr B."

The gate opened as the car drove inside the yard. Today
was a happy day for the family. Yet another achievement
in the bag.

Inside the car, Botshelo looked at Itumeleng.

"So you can apply next year?"
"I will. It doesn't matter, four years from now I'll be forty
nine and having a degree in my name won't be so bad."

Mothusi had thought she'd be nothing without him but

here she was, prospering in her catering business and
will soon be a full time student.
Botshelo pecked her lips.
"And I'll just be by your side, supporting you."
She rubbed his thigh and kissed him, slowly at first
before it deepened and she broke it. She rubbed his
"Let's go."
"Did I tell you Mo is in town?"
"Hmm..I invited him for her graduation party and he
"That's so mature of him."
"Surprised me top."

They both got out of the car and Itumeleng walked to the
house while her husband was to close the gate. She
knocked lightly on the door and opened it.
"Hi guys."
"Hello, the lady of the moment is getting her makeup

Itumeleng walled ahead to the bedroom and she found

Ranewa's face being done.
"Hey Ranny."
"Hi mama."
She said back before she focused on what was being
done. Itumeleng looked at her outfit and smiled.
"We'll be in the sitting room waiting for you to be done."
"Ee mma."
Her mother walked out.


It was two hours later, the University of Botswana sports

arena was full of hopeful graduated and Ranewa went
through her speech on her phone. She wasn't
valedictorian. Unfortunately. Missed that one by 0.1, if it
wasn't for that horrible semester where she got that 4.2
she would have got the title but she was the best in her
faculty and second best in the whole school.

She looked around and saw her mother by the chairs.

Itumeleng waved at her and she waved back with the
biggest grin.

She looked back at her phone as his message came


MJ: I'm proud of you

She smiled and put her phone down, her fingers

drumming on her thighs. She still couldn't feel a thing
there and it was starting to be something that's normal
to her.
There were speeches that were delivered and she
clapped her hands after the valedictorian delivered his
own speech.
"Well, we have someone we'd like to call to the podium,
she has beat the odds in so many ways and she
deserved this platform to share her mind. Ladies and
gentlemen, dear graduands, let's welcome Ms Ranewa
Mosiame. Best achieving student in the faculty of
science and she is the runner up after the valedictorian."

The round of applause that erupted nearly deafened

Ranewa as she smiled and wheeled herself over to the
front with a smile, she paused as she waved at people
and they clapped more.

Brian who was graduating with his Civil Engineering

degree, watched her. He swallowed. He had read about
what happened to her since jt was everywhere but she
was glowing and even smiling. He'll say hi to her after
the ceremony.

She waved once she was at the front and more people
clapped for her. Her mother blew her a kiss and she
caught it, their reaction to her bringing tears to her eyes.
The big screen projected her and she was handed a
mic. She held it and covered her mouth, the BTV
cameras flashed and she smiled at the cameras.
"First and foremost, welcome to graduation everyone!"
Everyone cheered and she smiled.
"I'd like to thank the University for this opportunity to
address the masses. We all know the gist of what
happened from the tabloids and newspapers and what I
can start with is that life can be and will always be heavy
at some point. I can sit here and talk about my trauma
and everything but that is pointless because it happened
and there is nothing I can do to change that. We don't
have to be defined by our past nor the thing we hate or
are afraid of but rather, by what we love. You should be
everything you love and that's just that. Let the past be
after healing from it, not going over the what ifs but
these are just stepping stones on your path. How you
react is what defines how your new path will look like."

She toom a moment to breath and people clapped as

she placed a hand over her grin.

"We are establishing a new path, we have been hiding

under school for the past four to six years, it is time to go
out and make choices, to leave the framework that is the
school to discover what you can be. I can't promise that
the choice will be right or wrong if you don't make a
choice. I also don't know what this new path has for me
but then decisions have to be made right? There will be
plenty of times where you will have to let go with grace
and kindness, time to accept loss and apologise
because everything you lose is a new step to take, times
to speak up for yourself and times to run and just let it
be. Sometimes it's okay to listen to the wise advice from
those before us. Regardless of what you choose, you'll
only know if it is right or wrong once you see the
consequences of the decision."

They clapped once more and she smiled holding back

her tears.

"This is the culmination of all the blood, sweat and tears

we gave. Pat yourself in the back for a job well done.
Even if it's just for today. Am I an advisor? Not by a shot.
The scary news is, your on your own now kid. The cool
news is, you are on your own now." They clapped and
she smiled.
"As people, our scars do shape our perceptive on
things, we are led by our instsincst, sometimes our
fears, our goals, our joys and the voices around us.
They lead us to a certain degree. You might screw up by
following all of this and so will I but it's a learning curve.
I'll leave you guys with this, we will get up, bounce back,
learn from it. Be resilient in such situations. As long as
we are still alive and breathing, we will breathe in and
out and breath through it all. Keep on trying, that's how
we get through it."

They clapped more.

"Before I conclude, a special thank you to my brother for
being there for me through everything." Jace too. She
said in her heart.
"To my mother for being the best mother s girl can have
and my sister. I love my support system so much. Well, I
can officially say congratulations class of 2023 for these
outstanding results. You conquered and succeeded.
This is something no one can take away from you, take
the moment and taste it fully. You've got no reason to be
afraid, you can face this. Thank you!"

They clapped so loud and she wiped her tears

chuckling. God!

By the stands, her family clapped and Kopano who had

bene recording wiped a lone tear from his eyes. He was
so proud. He practically raised his baby sister and she
was there giving a speech. A beautiful one at that.

Queen Of Hearts


At UB indoor sports arena

Ranewa possed with her scroll for the pictures in front of
the arena as her family took turns taking pictures with
her. She was suffocating a bit from having to have the
pants up to her stomach and the blazer still on despite
the sun. Her step-father handed her one of the three
large cheques she got as she posed with it, placing it
over her wheelchair handles. The cheques added to fifty
thousand which was a lot of money, money she wasn't
going to squander in any way.

"Are you happy with the pictures?" The photographer

"I am. Thank you."
She smiled as he talked to her mother and she looked at
Kopano with a smile.
"But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you for
being the world's best big brother."
He crouched down to hug her and she was careful to
make sure her stomach didn't touch any part of his body.
"I love you so much and the trust you had in me was out
of this world."
"I'd do it all over again if I had to."
"I know." He rubbed her back and she sighed in
contentment. He broke the hug and her smile dropped a
bit when Brian stood three feet away from her.
"Hi Ranewa."
Kopano looked between Ranewa and the boy and
Ranewa just smiled.
"He's an old friend, Brian meet my brother and Kopano
meet Brian."
Old friend? Brian asked himself. He had looked around
and that boyfriend of hers from years back was not here.
Probably left her.
"I'll be over there with Botshelo."
She gave her brother a thumbs up as he went over to
converse with Botshelo.
"How have you been?" Brian asked, looking at her face
then her legs that were on the wheelchair.
"I'm okay and you?"
"Good. Your speech was quite something."
"Thank you and glad to hear you're good."
"Would you love to grab coffee sometime?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Unfortunately I can't but congratulations on your
She said with a smile and he forced his.
"Do your family know we dated?"
"Are you relevant to that extent?" She asked with a
smile and he rubbed his jaw.
"Don't go around telling people you are my ex. I don't
have exes, you are an old friend and it'll stay that way.
Have a great day." She ended the conversation with

She started to wheel herself away. Even on a

wheelchair, she had grown wings he guessed ever since
that incident years ago. She didn't even bring what he
said to her in anger up. She really forgave him, he grew
up a bit over the last few years and he wasn't that same
boy anymore. He watched her sister go up to her and
she started to converse with her sister. He slid his hands
in his pockets. His family was waiting for him,


At Jace's House

He had screen recorded Ranewa's speech while

watching the graduation live on Facebook. He was so
proud of her, she did all that and she deserved all the
good things coming her way.

His phone rang and he quickly answered his mother.

"Hey Moemedi, your step father and I just passed by
your new place, are you sure about your decision to
move from London?"
"I show up physically to work twice a week and if
necessary, the rest of the days I work from home. It's a
nice place right?"
"It is, we will see it inside when you come back. If you
are sure."
He chuckled. He was an adult but his mother still
worried and with valid reasons.
"I am."

His phone rang and he saw the caller ID.

"Mother, let me cut this call short, I'll call back."

He cut the call and sat on the couch as he talked to his

uncle Jason.
"Hello, I will be here on Sunday so Monday we can go
ahead with the process."
He smiled. Right on time.
"Ee rra."
"You are both ready for this step?"
"You see after all this sneaking we are doing, if you two
are not going to last I'm going to beat the hell out of you
He breathed out. He had no intentions of letting her go.
"I hope it never comes to that."
"Hopefully. I wanted to tell you that. Goodbye."

He cut the call and got up heading to the kitchen. He

had already planned how this was going to be. Him
moving, was to make it easy for her to make it to Oxford
in less time, ninety minutes wasn't convenient for her
everyday to be travelling, he needed a place less than
an hour away and he found just that. She still had to add
her touch on most things but that three bedroom cottage
was an okay place for them, with the added fact that at
work they paid for his accommodation so he didn't have
to worry about those costs.

Now he was waiting for his father to call him so he can

be invited to his baby mama's graduation party.


At Gaborone North
That evening, Ranewa was safely deposited back into
her wheelchairs by Kopano as music played from the
house. What she loved about her family is that they
celebrated the milestones. She was going to miss this
so much once she left but she would be back here, a
year after she graduates from her Masters and the
following year for her sister's graduation.

Life was exactly how she planned it. The gate opened
and she saw the car first and swallowed. Kopano looked
at her.
"Are you okay?"
"Uhm yeah."
"He can leave if you aren't comfortable with him here
baby sis."
She looked up at her brother then back at the car that
stopped. He got out and her heart. God, she loved that
man so much and she'll tell him everyday that she loves
"It's okay. He's family."
Kopano nodded as he watched Moemedi open the back
seat and take out a gift bag.
He walked up to them. He bumped shoulders with
Kopano before his gaze landed on Ranewa.
"Hi Ranewa."
"Thank you." She was silent as she looked down and he
looked at her for a second.

Kopano looked at the two. It might have been too early

for them to be at the same place together. Moemedi just
nodded and headed to the house.
"Are you still sure about your decision?"
"He's my brother and mama is right. It's wrong for me to
date my brother regardless of the fact that I didn't know
he'd be my brother in future."

She shrugged.
"Anyways, you were telling me about Palesa."
Kopano laughed.
"O rata dikgang."(You like people's issues)
"But it's good that you are moving on. It's almost a year
now since it happened and it's not your fault that Larona
did what she did. She is paying for her sins in prison."
She tucked her hair behind her ear and he kissed her
"Thank you."
"Don't let the guilt consume you. I'm fine. I'm happy. I'm
going to do what I love." And be with who I love.
She rubbed her brother's hand.
"And when I come back, we should be celebrating your
He chuckled.
"If it gets to that."
"I want to be an aunt Kopano ao.."
He pushed her to the backyard. Her eyes spotted Jace
talking to his father and she was pushed over to her
mother. She loved the decorations.

Moemedi drank his juice as he looked at his father. This

was all part of the plan.
"Uhm, there is something I need to tell you."
Botshelo held the glass of vodka in his hand.
"I'm listening."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I got someone pregnant."
Botshelo nearly spit out his drink and he looked at his
son in shock. His eyes found Ranewa's who looked
down and sighed. Sbe wheeled herself away and he
looked at Moemedi. That was not Ranewa, Jace hadn't
been here for four months.
He rubbed his clean shaven jaw.
"It happened one night and…uhm yeah."
Botshelo didn't know what to say. They broke up yes but
wasn't this too soon?
"Isn't it too soon? Did you even love her?"
He had to ask.
"I did. I do but it happened. She's almost four months
He rubbed his face. This was a lot.
"I don't know. I'm happy I'm going to be a grandfather
but is this what makes you happy?"
"The baby is here and I don't have a choice."
"We'll discuss this tomorrow, this is a lot to take in. Let's
just celebrate Ranewa."
A part of Botshelo was glad that Ranewa won't be here
by the time his son brings his child along. It might hurt
her, even if she said they broke up she seemed hurt that
it had to come to that. He had made a joke that him and
his son had the same taste in women and Itu didn't
laugh. He sighed.
"We'll discuss it tomorrow."

Queen Of Hearts


At G-North
The mini celebration they had for Ranewa went so well
as they talked about everything under the sun like the
family they were. Ranewa opened the gift Moemedi had
brought for her and she said a curt thank you to him.
Kopano checked the time on his watch, it was getting
late and they should be going now.

Moemedi excused himself and headed into the house

while Eana started to clear up the plates. Ituemelng
went ahead to tell the rest of her kids about her plans to
study again.
"I'm so excited for you. School is draining but worth it."
"I'm tired of school." Eana chirped in.
"I don't even miss it at all."
"Love your courses guys." Ranewa said as she put
Moemedi's gift away.
"Well, if I do have a maths assignment I'll ask all you
guys for help."
Eana raised her hands.
"Not me. I'm horrible at maths, ask Kopi and Ranny."
"What if I forgot the concepts?" Kopano asked
"Nna ke le one?"(only me?)

They all laughed and Botshelo pulled his wife closer to

him as she rested her head on his shoulder. Itumeleng
couldn't hide the joy on her face, her children all grown
It seemed just like yesterday when she was locked away
in prison and she didn't know of their whereabouts until
Kopanp showed up twelve years later all grown up. She
rubbed her eyes.

"I love you guys."

"And we love you more." She smiled again.
"Excuse me, let me go to the bathroom."

Ranewa chirped in before she wheeled herself to the

house. She looked around the house, how did she not
realise those baby and childhood pictures were Jace?
Why couldn't have Botshelo had Jace's adult pictures, at
least pictures from his graduation. That way she would
have known who he was and stayed away? Now she
can't stay away from him. She sighed and wheeled to
the nearest bathroom. She didn't knock and instead
opened the door. Moemedi turned his head to face her
and her eyes widened as she looked at him taking a
"Hi sweetheart." She blushed and closed the door,
locking it for safe measure.

He slightly shook his d*ck as he finished peeing and

grabbed the tissue to wipe it clean before he flushed. He
zipped up his pants before heading to the sink to wash
his hands.
"Hi. I missed you." Walking over to her and kissed her
lips softly the minute he crouched down to her level, his
large hand was on her waist as she licked her lips
before speaking, their eyes locked on each other.
"Me too." She took his hand and placed it over her
stomach and his dimples showed as he smiled.
"And how is our little one doing?"
"Alive, not kicking yet but alive." He rubbed her bump
over the dress and kissed her jaw before his hands
inched lower and he slid it under the loose dress she
was wearing, palming her stomach now.
"I can't wait for Monday and to finally have you for good
on Saturday." Her heart was ecstatic at that. She didn't
know what the future held but she was doing it with him.
Through and through.
"Move your hand lower."
"Like this?" He found the elastic of her panties and she
nodded, her breath hitching.

"Ranewa?" Eana called from inside the house.

"I'm still in the bathroom!"

Jace looked at her as his whole hand covered her

unshaved crotch and his finger slid in. She bit down her
lower lip to stop herself from moaning out loud. He
kissed her neck and she dropped her head on his
shoulder, breathing heavily against him. He expanded in
his pants but he was not about to f*ck her in his father's
house. She bit his shoulder, muffling her screams as she
came on his hand.
"That's my girl."
She breathed out, her eyes wet with tears and she had
to regain her consciousness back. She lifted her head
as he slid his hand out and licked his lips before he
kissed again.
"The next time I f*ck you, I'll be f*cking you as my wife."
She nodded and wrapped her arms around him.
She breathed him in.
"Can't you kidnap me?"
"Unfortunately not."
She rubbed her eyes. She wasn't exactly satisfied but
she'll take it for now. She nodded and sniffed.
"You're crying?"
She shook her head. She wasn't crying.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's just been a long two months and no
intimacy and now you want to leave and talking about
things that will happen a million years later."
She rubbed her eyes as she continued talking.
"It's okay. I understand. I always understand akere nna."
"Hee batho!"
"Get out of the bathroom." He blinked as she let go of
"Ka re get out Moemedi. Ntlogele." He slowly let go as
he straightened up. He watched her rub her eyes and
wheel herself to the toilet.
"Please leave, I don't want to see your face."

He walked to the door and unlocked it slowly before he

pushed it open. He looked from both directions before
he got out and quickly closed it and headed to his
bedroom without being seen. His hands had her
essence, he still smelt like her.

Ranewa did her business, she was getting better and

the time she took was less than the first time she used
the toilet after she stopped with the diapers.

Minutes later, she was wheeling herself out and looked

around the house. She wheeled herself outside where
they were already packing up.
"It's a bit late, let's get home."

She nodded and picked the gift Jace had bought as she
waved at her parents.
"Bye Mr B, bye mama."
"Bye bye Ranny."
Kopano pushed her wheelchair towards his car and
Eana smiled sadly.
"After you leave, I'll be all alone?"
Ranewa looked down, her guilt almost consuming her
but she was a soon to be mother and she had to put
herself and her baby first.
"I'll call everyday."
"It's not the same as coming home to your sister."
"And Britain ga a tshwane Francistown, I can't just get
on a bus and visit."
Ranewa rubbed her eyes.
"I'll visit when I can."
Eana nodded. She had to spend this upcoming week
with her sister and enjoy her last days with her. She'll
probably not come for the whole duration of her Master's

Eana wondered how life would be now. The world didn't

revolve around her sister yes but she didn't have any
friends besides her sister. They shared secrets and all of
that together. Who was going to be her confidante? Who
is she supposed to talk to if she's not there?
"Ea? Are you okay?"
Ranewa asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"I'm fine."
Kopano picked Ranewa to place her at the back and
Eana walked to the other side and sat at the backseat
with Ranewa. Ranewa looked at her little sister a bit
Eana sat close to Ranewa and just placed her head on
Ranewa's shoulder as Kopano put the wheelchair at the
"Eana? What's wrong?"
Ranewa just nodded and resigned to holding her little
sister, she was a bit heavy for her but this was her baby

Kopano got inside the car and looked at his sister's

before he started the car.

Meanwhile, Jace washed his hands and he grabbed his

car keys from his bed and walked out to be met by his
step mother and father.
"Today was enjoyable and extend my congratulations
once more to Ranewa."
"We will. Are you leaving?" Itumeleng asked and he
smiled apologetically.
"Ee mma."
"Okay. Goodnight Moemedi."

She walked ahead to their room and Botshelo stood in

front of his son.
"Tomorrow we are talking about this issue in depth."
"Ee rra."

They hugged and Moemedi walked away.


A few days later

That Monday morning, Ranewa took extra care to wash

with the bible baths to smell nice. She looked st her
empty ring finger and rubbed it with a little smile. She
used the scrubbing gloves to scrub her body extra hard
and she had taken her time shaving when she was
about to bath last night. It was a bit tricky but she

She hummed. He was her ruin, but she wouldn't have

anyone f*ck up her nights other than him. She still had
her wig on and the better.
When she was done, she took her time flossing her
teeth then brushing them before she washed her face.
She didn't need a face beat, she'll be fine.

Her phone rang in the bedroom as she fixed her towel

and wheeled herself there.

She answered.
"Ranewa speaking hello."
"Good morning, I went to school but I made breakfast
and I'll be back a bit later, I have to wrap up an
"Okay my love. Thank you."
"You're welcome sis. You sound happy."

This was one of the happiest days of her life. She'll tell
everyone. One day. Not now.
"I am. Let me go eat and see you later Ea."

Her sister cut the call and she looked at her clothes, she
knew she can't model anything at this moment and it
might not been ideal but black looked good on her as
she wheeled to the wardrobe to get out her matching
black lace bra and panties. She removed the towel and
rubbed her little bump.
"Are you excited too? I know I am."

She wore the lingerie and picked a cream white dress, it

showed a bit of her chest and was flowing at the bottom.
Effectively hiding her bump.

She had butterflies in her stomach and she won't be

able to eat now. She finished getting ready and wore her
black pumps to top it all of.

Her phone rang on the bed and she wheeled herself

over to get it.
"I'm outside."
"Coming my love."

She cut the call and breathed in and out.

Minutes later, she was locking the house.

Jace got out of the car, still talking to his uncle.

"You are waiting for us? We are on our way. Give us
thirty minutes."
He cut the call and opened the gate. She was halfway
there and he walked towards her. He kissed the top of
her head and pushed her wheelchair. She smelled so

Ranewa looked up at him, crisp white shirt, one button

left unbuttoned and the cufflinks, his clean male scent
fused with his cologne and that clean shaven jaw that
she knew would scratch her a bit because of how fast
his beard grows even if he shaved this morning. She
wanted to lick her lips but she had lip gloss on.

He couldn't see himself with anyone but her, his little

fairy. It was true that men knew who they want at first
glance and he knew he wanted her the first time he
dragged her out of that bookstore. She was just her, her
personality shone through and her smiles, God!

Despite everything, she was still okay and living life,

he'd support everything she wanted to do. He'll hold her
hand through it, that promise he made three years ago,
calling her his? Yep, never going to break it and make
her regret that day.

He closed the gate and then opened the front seat door.
He placed the things that were on her lap at the back
then picked her up, her sweet scent filling his nostrils.
She was so edible.
He kissed her lips softly.
"Hey Ms Mosiame." Mrs Scottt to be.
She touched his jaw.
"Hi my love. I love you okay?" She pecked his lips as he
placed her down.

He closed the door and jogged to the driver's side.


At the Commissioner's office

They parked their car and it was locked by the time Jace
pushed her towards the office. He stopped for a second,
spotting his uncle waiting ahead for them.
"Ranewa are you sure about this?"
He searched her eyes for any sign of doubt.
"I've never been this sure of anything in my life."
"I don't want you to feel like you are making a mistake,
we can turn back and not do this."
She took his hands.
"I want to do this. I want to be your wife, I know nothing
about being a wife and I know this wasn't the way you
wanted to marry me but circumstances and I'm not even
complaining about this. This moment is special to me
and will always be."
She rubbed his hands.
"I might not have been advised by a horde of married
women ba ditšale le megagolwane but I will be the best
wife to you. The best mother to our child just as I know
you'll be the best husband to me. The best father to our
He kissed her forehead, emotion rendering him
"You stood by me and I know I'm being a coward by
making you hide our love because it seems like I'm not
fighting enough for us but I love you and you fought for
us, I hope one day I will gather the courage and bravery
to do the same."
He chuckled.
"I still have issues to work on too and I'm not perfect, far
from it but this is now our journey. Just the three of us
and I will enjoy every minute of it."
"I love you do you know that?"
"You tell me everyday."
"Ke a go rata autwe MmaScott?"

She blushed. She was not his wife yet but in a few
minutes she will be. She smiled. The future seemed
bright, just like the sun blinding them right now.
Queen Of Hearts


Three and a half years later

At Ea Couture Offices

The CEO of the company crossed her legs, as she went

through the pitch from her junior designers. Ea was a
household brand, she was part of the country's fashion
week, she had storrs all over the country.

She yawned, a bit bored. The designs weren't appealing

to the eye and she doubted they'd sell.
"No. Go back to the drawing board. Meeting is

The junior designers got up and she watched them

leave as she rubbed her temples.

She checked her phone and called her sister-in-law.

"Pale, hi. Eana here, are you free for lunch?"
"I am. Should I pass by your office?"
"Please do. See you at lunch."

She cut the call as her assistant walked into the office.
She uncrowded her legs and stood up, her pants tight
around that size 34 body of hers. Her weave was curled
and already ready for her brother's magadi negotiations
on Friday. She didn't know when Ranewa was going to
be here but she always showed up.

Her phone reported with a message from Kopano.

Kopi:Your favourite nephew is in town.

She smiled. Ranewa should honestly get over herself at

this point, Moemedi moved on and he brought with him
the cutest baby alive. Everyone loved that baby, the
world didn't revolve around her sister and they had
broke up when the baby was made but Ranewa never
made an effort to see the child. She was probably going
to have a heart attack once Moemedi brought his baby
mama. Three years was a really long time.

"There is a delivery for you."

"For me?"
"Yes. It's outside."
She blinked.
Her assistant smiled walking out. She walked out too,
her size five heels clicking on the tile as she followed her

They got outside and she blinked back, confused as she

looked at rhe car wrapped in a red bow. A delivery man
walked over and brought the flowers for her.
"Happy birthday Ms Mosiame." Eana just sighed. She
couldn't believe this. He had been serious?

She licked her lips, the strawberry lip gloss on her

tongue as she walked over to the car. A whole Golf R-
line? She touched the car, he actually bought it? She
rubbed her eyes and opened the door. She got inside
and smiled dropping her head on the steering wheel.
This was her new car. She can't scream, not now.
She got out of the car with a straight face and she
walked over to her assistant.
"Can you bring my phone?"
"Here it is. This man is spoiling you."
She waved her assistant off as she walked to the car
and called him.

"Hello, thank you for the car."

"You like it?"
"I love it. Tanki motho wame."(thank you)
"Anything to make you happy. Happy birthday beautiful."
She grinned looking down as she opened the door.
"Thank you."
"Get ready for dinner later on."
"Okay. Are you coming to Kanye on Thursday? I want
you to be there."
"Are you sure they'll accept me?"
"Who cares what they think? I love you and that's all that
"You're right, I just don't want to aggrevate my future in-
"You won't."
"See you later for dinner, I love you."
"I love you too."
She cut the call and took a picture inside the car before
she updated her status.

She got out and took another picture of the car and
updated on Facebook too.


Kopano parked outside the open gate ad he called his

sister. She usually never came when she was told
Moemedi was here and with his child. She didn't have
the desire to meet Mo's child but the whole family
adored that little chipmunk. He was well behaved and he
was spoilt rotten everytime he was here with his dad.

Although everyone was curious to know who the mother

was because it's been three years now and it was time
for the family to meet her.
"Ranny, how are you?"
"I'm good. Just left class and I'm going to mark a few
scripts at home."
"Exhausted is the word. I want to sleep."
"When will you be here?"
"I'll come on Wednesday, the magadi is on Friday
"Yes. I just wanted you to spend the week with us."
"I had to apply for leave and I have marking to do as
well, Wednesday evening I'll be there. Come pick me
"Jace is here with his son."
"Ranewa it's been three years, aren't you over him? You
should have met a man there by Oxford."
She laughed.
"I actually did. I'll introduce my h-man soon."
"Okay. You sound happier and I hope you won't get hurt
seeing his son."
"I hope I won't. Kopi, let me go. I'll call Palesa later
today. Sharpo."

He cut the call and smiled as he went to his gallery to

scroll through Palesa's pictures. He slid his phone back
in his pocket and got out of his car. He headed to the
house and he could hear his nephew the more he got
closer to the door.
"Hello." Both son and father looked at him. Damn, they
were so alike you'd swear Moemedi carried that child

"Hi Kopano, congratulations tlhe mona!"

He sat on the couch as his nephew got down from
where he was with his father and walked to Kopano.
Kopano picked the three year old up and perched him
on his lap to listen to his little rantings.


At Prison

Larona looked at her sister as she went through

everything that was supposed to happen in court
"We will win this appeal. You've been behaving, getting
therapy and the psychiatrist is happy with your
"Sasa don't give me false hope. I'm only left with less
than three years."
"Which means you served half your sentence, you can
get out. Believe me. Now tomorrow is your appeal date
and you should also show repentance."
She rubbed her eyes. She was not ready for the
judgemental eyes of society or even bumping into
"Is Kopano married? Does he have kids?"
"Larona, don't even think of that. He is not a necessity in
your life."
She nodded and swallowed. She just wanted to know.
Was the girl he moved on with prettier than her?
Smarter than her? It made her heart ache and Kopano
had been the last man she had been with before she got
locked up. She learnt to lie to her psychiatrist and tell
her she was over Kopano. She should get out first.
"Okay, tomorrow is the day."
"Good. That's the sprint. It's time to take your life back
Larona. Rebuild it from scratch if you have to but we will
be there for you."
"Thank you. For still standing by me."
"You're my sister. Of course I'll stand by you."

Larona smiled. First step was getting out of prison and

then trying to talk to Kopano. To at least apologise for
what she did.

Queen Of Hearts

At the lunch date

Palesa browsed through the menu, looking for

something to order. Eana's phone vibrated on the table
as Ranewa's name flashed on the screen. They both
looked at the phone and she picked it up.
"Hello sis."
"Hi baby. Happy birthday once again and
congratulations on the car."
She smiled.
"Thank you Rannyn for the car I'll have to thank my
"You are welcome and ene mma future brother-in-law
wa becha."(He spoils you)
"I'm with Palesa here." She put her sister on
"Hi Palesa."
"Ranewa, when are you coming?"
Palesa was so comfortable with her soon to be sister-in-
laws. Growing up as an only child she never had sisters
and now she had them and a brother-in-law too with the
cutest baby. A loving mother-in-law because Itumeleng
was just like her mother. Sweet and kind. And her father-
in-law was a humble man who was involved in his
children's lives. She was safe in this family.
"Wednesday. I still have to wrap up a few things here
then I'll be on the first flight out of here."
"I already made your dress." Eana added.
"Thank you, size 30 akere? I gained a bit of weight."
Eana chuckled.
"It doesn't beat the chubby cheeks you were starting to
have when you first left for the UK."
"I lost the cheeks, ke ha ke ntse maswe gore mma and
makgoa wanted to make me their science experiment
the moment they saw me in a wheelchair."
"Bathong ba Modimo!"
"But there was progress like I told you guys. A bit small
but progress nonetheless. Enough about me, so
Wednesday evening I'll be there. Ea will you be at the
"Nope. It got lonely staying there alone, I'll be at my
man's house."
"If there are people who believe in their men it's the both
of you. The nerve to abandon me on a video call
because of your men? I don't like you girls."
"Find yourself a man and you'll know the feeling."

Ranewa chuckled.
"I did but that's for when I come back."
Palesa's eyes widened as Eana stared at the phone.
Palesa had heard the gist from her fiancé during their
pillow talks and it was kind of crazy that Ranewa was
dating Moemedi and they broke it off for the parents.
Admirable but she herself didn't see herself breaking up
with someone she loved for her parents. They can enjoy
their love and she'll enjoy hers too but hopefully it never
came to that.

"Spill! Who is it?"

"Let me add mama to the call so you guys don't get
surprised when you see me." She carefully avoided that
last question.
They both looked at each other, wondering what she
had to say.

Itumeleng was added to the call.

"Hey Ranny, hey Ea." She sounded tired. A bit down and
"Hi mama, are you okay?"
"Yes. School is just a bit stressful."
"You are almost done, just another year left and you'll
"Yeah, why am I in a group call?"
"Mpale Pale, ke wena ngwanaka?"(is it you my child?)
"Ee mma."
"I added you guys on this call because there is
something I have to tell you guys."
"You are coming back permanently?"
"I do love being a junior lecturer here in Oxford." They
snatched her up and offered her the position when she
completed her Masters in a solid year. Regardless of
dealing with pregnancy and a newborn, she managed.
She had the most supportive husband ever. She hasn't
even told him yet but she was just about to tell her
family, she'll surprise him at home.

"But you can lecture ko UB or BIUST."

"I know. I'll think about it, anyways. I have a partner."
On the other end of the line, Itumeleng smiled. She
loved that for her. All her children were happy.
"And uhm-I kind of fell pregnant. He doesn't know yet
but I found out yesterday and I'm three months along."
Eana clapped her hands. Her sister moved on. Finally!

"I'm going to be an aunt, the rich aunt specifically."

"I'm assuming he'll pay damages and marry you."
Itumeleng chided and Ranewa laughed.
"Actually, he might. He is in Botswana right now and he
has a child though."
"O stepmother? As young as you are?"
Palesa actually wouldn't mind being one, considering
her condition. But Kopano said he understood. She had
a feeling he was scared of having children because of
the trauma their biological father put them through.
"Congratulations, come here ke go beye botsetsi
ngwanaka."(so I can help you with the baby)
"Ee mma. Mama o sure o sharpo?"
"Positive, there is already a lot to be done and I just
need to submit this assignment."
"Okay. Bye guys, see you on Wednesday."

The call cut and Eana looked at the phone with a smile.
"Let's have lunch birthday girl."

Eana's phone vibrated and it reported with a message

from the bank.

FNB:-) P10000.00 paid to Cheque Acc...976745 @

Smartapp. Ref.Your Man. 10May 13:48

Her grin widened as she placed the phone down and the
two ladies discussed the magadi and the upcoming

At Jace's House

He slid his hands in his pockets as he leaned against his

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Kopano breathed into his hands.

"I've been trying not to but I want to look him in the eye
for the last time and just show him I'm a decent man and
I didn't do all of that."
Jace folded his hands.
"Will that make you feel better mme?"
"I think so."
"Okay. But you have tomorrow and Wednesday to wrap
it up before we leave for Kanye on Thursday."
"Yeah. Let me go, tell Jude I said bye."
"I will." They fist bumped and Kopano walked out of the
yard. Jace looked at his empty ring finger, the ring mark
still very visible.

He walked to the house and pressed the button to close

the gate. He closed the door and looked at this house, if
she does find a job here they'll relocate not that he has a
problem with his wife being a stay at home wife but she
loves working.

He headed to the bedroom and he sat on the bed. Jude

was fast asleep, he was tired from the flight and also
spending time with his uncle.

He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes, letting

sleep take over his exhausted body.


In the UK

Ranewa wheeled herself into the house, a yawn

escaping her lips as he ring caught the sun rays and it
sparkled in the house. She locked the door, the
loneliness hitting her more now that the boys in her life
weren't here.

She placed the envelope on her table and pushed her

braids back. She was worried about her mother and how
she was. She didn't sound like herself over the phone.
Her own phone started ringing and she took it out of her
"Ranewa wee, are you home?"
"Ee mma. I just arrived."
"I'm coming over."
"I won't be good company though."
"I'm still coming over, I'll cook."
"Alright. Let me freshen up then."
Her mother-in-law cut the call and she wheeled herself
to the bedroom.
Queen Of Hearts


At the UB library

Itumeleng checked the time, the library was about to

close in an hour and they were almost done with their
group assignment. One of her classmates who was also
a senior, the youngsters called them seniors dropped
her head to answer her phone.
"Hello? You're outside? I'm coming."
She packed her own books into her bag.
"I have to go. My husband came to pick me up."

Itumeleng smiled, sadness etched on her face as she

forced the smile for her group member.
"He is so attentive."
"Urg, he was around and I told him I'd be done later and
we do fight sometimes."
The fifty year old woman shrugged off the compliment of
her husband being attentive.
"But fights are better than nothing right?"

The woman's smile dropped.

"Itu, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Let me get going."

She got up with her books and said bye to the rest of the
group members.

She showed her bag by the exit and tapped her student
ID to exit. She checked her to see if he saw her
message. It was not yet read. She licked her lips and
she thought of calling a cab but it was so late for her to
be in a random car, she should have taken her car in the
morning instead of leaving it despite it having a problem
she told him about. She would have figured it out.

Sbe thought of calling Kopano but he was probably

relaxed with Palesa and she wouldn't want to disturb his
night. Along with Eana's birthday night. She had sent
Eana money for her birthday since she said she'll spend
it with her boyfriend. One they didn't know.

She called Moemedi.

"Are you free?"
"Yeah, Jude doesn't want to sleep."
Even better with Jude, she can ask to babysit for the
"I can babysit him for you tonight."

On the other end of the line, Moemedi looked at the

toddler and rubbed his head. He could use a little break
before he took him tomorrow evening after going over a
few things in preparation for his wife's return.
"Okay, let me pack his bags. Should I drop him off?"
"I'm in UB, you can come pick me up with him."
"Ee mma. Ke etla."(I'm on my way)
"Tanki ngwanaka."
She cut the call and pulled her jacket closer as her
group members walked out of the library.
"Bye Itumeleng."
"Bye bye" She waved with a huge smile. She stood
where she was, not wanting to walk any further in case
the thieves around school snatch her phone and laptop.

She sat by the tree in front of the library and called

Ranewa. Her grandson will keep her company and she
can focus on him instead of her marriage.
"Hello mama."
"Hey Ranny, I hope I'm not disturbing."
"You are not. I was just getting ready for bed."
There was silence.
"Tell me about your day."
"My days are usually boring.."
"It doesn't matter, I just want to listen."

Ranewa could feel that her mother probably needed

someone to vent to but then she was older than her so
Ranewa wasn't the perfect candidate but she still had
that people pleaser streak in her and didn't want to see
anyone sad if she could do something about it.
She started talking about her day and Itumeleng smiled
listening to Ranewa. It was like when she was five and
she'd tell her what she did at school. Only difference
was that her baby will be twenty five in June and that
means two full decades later.

Her phone rang and she looked at the caller ID. She
wasn't even surprised it wasn't her husband.
"Let me take this call my baby."
"Okay mama."

She cut the call and answered Moemedi.

"Ke tsene ka the main gate, I'll park by Exec."

"Okay. I'm on my way."

"Still the same Mercedes."

She cut the call and breathed into her hands.

She watched as other people got out out and she

walked with them. Some where heading to 247 for all
nighters since the library didn't open all night. She got to
FD Park and looked at the parking lot. She saw the car
and she walked towards it.
She knocked on the window and he unlocked the door.
Jude was buckled up in his car seat and his tiny eyes lit
up seeing her. Somehow reminding her of her daughter
but she brushed it off.

"I'll get in the back and keep him company. Hi Moemedi

and welcome back home."
He smiled.
"Mothers." She got in the back and placed her bag down
as she closed the door and smiled st Jude.
"Hey boy boy."
Jace rubbed the back of his head.
"We're still working on having him pronounce r properly.
He does it sometimes."
"He's adorable."

He started the car and she kept her grandson company

at the back. Moemedi glanced back and kept quiet as he
reversed out of the parking spot. He drove off.


At G-North
With it being late at night, half eleven to be exact
Moemedi parked his car inside the yard. He was a bit
surprised his father wasn't home.
"Thank you."
She said as she got Jude who had fallen asleep along
the way.
"Where is dad?"
She chuckled bitterly as they walked to the door, he
carried the toddler's bag and her book bag. She held
Jude against her hip as she unlocked the door.
"He is at work."
Moemedi saw how high the moon was, it was late.
"I never want to disturb him. The house doesn't make
nearly as much money as his clubs do."
Her smile was so bitter as she faced her stepson before
she opened the door. She switched on the lights and
looked at the empty room.

This was the room which used to be filled with their

laughter. She remembered loving in this house now it
was suffocating the life out of her.
"You can't come between your dad and work, you know
Moemedi didn't know how to respond to that.
"I'll get him tomorrow evening? Is it okay?"
She nodded as she looked at the sleeping toddler.

"Let me go and I-I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for. Goodnight
"Night." He walked over to kiss Jude's head and he
stepped back. He walked to the door and walked out.

Itumeleng locked the door and waited for him to drive

out before she closed the gate and went to put the baby
to sleep. She had something to focus on.

But how long were they supposed to be this sad song?

Tears stung in her eyes.

Queen Of Hearts


At G-North

Itumeleng tucked in Jude as he slept peacefully. She

chuckled, it must be hard being a baby. One minute you
fall asleep and the next you wake up at a different
location. She walked out of Moemedi's room and
headed to hers. The bed looked cold and empty but she
proceeded right into the shower. She had thoughts of
calling him but he was probably deep into work he won't
touch his phone. She removed her clothes and opened
the shower curtain, opening the water. With a sigh, she
stepped under the water, her head on the side as the
water hit her body and more tears formed in her eyes.


At Kopano's rented place

Palesa tucked her feet under the cushion by the couch

as she spoke to her mother.
"I'm about to pray and I'll be praying your magadi
negotiations go well."
She removed the phone and checked the time. It was
almost midnight.
"Ee mma."
"Are you sure about this Pale? Is this what you want?"
"I am very sure, I love Kopano mama. Thata le
gone."(very much so)
"Okay my girl. Let me go pray, don't forget to pray too
okay? Pray for your marriage and the ceremony on
Friday. The devil hates seeing people married and a lot
can go wrong. Even some of your friends or even family
members can be envious of you and pray for your
downfall, even co-workers. Don't leave anything to
Palesa felt like her mother was being paranoid but she
"Ee mma."
"Good. Gagamatsa ha thapelong ngwanaka."(be strong
in prayer)
"Ee mma."
"Bye. Goodnight."

She cut the call and got up from the couch. She went to
check if the door was locked and switched off the lights
whilst pulling her gown and tying it tighter.

She headed to the bedroom and found her fiancé

working on his laptop. He put the laptop away. She
smiled as she closed the door. She switched off the
lights and walked to the bed. He pulled her to bed as
she singled.
He kissed her neck and she melted. She couldn't wait to
be Mrs him. He slid his hands underneath her gown and
held her naked thigh.
She tilted her neck giving him more access to her, he
placed her leg over his and held her waist.
"I don't know what I did to deserve you."
"You love me. Just that."
"I'll spend the rest of my days loving you more than life
He pushed her right into his crotch and she let out a
giggle as she placed her hand over his chest. Their
room dark. She dropped her head to kiss him.


At Jace's House

After his shower, he rested his head on the pillow as he

got comfortable to call his wife.

Her phone rang for a minute before she answered his

video call, it was a bit dark.
"Hello…"He heard shuffling in the background and her
pretty face filled his screen. Sbe must've switched on
the lights.

She smiled as she rubbed her eyes while he watched

her, Wednesday was so near. He just had to make it
through tomorrow.
"Rraagwe Jude." Her sleepy voice, although
unintentional always made her hard. She was still
adorable like the first day he met her.
"Mma Scott."
She smiled with a blush and held the phone closer.
"Did you eat? How was your day?"
Another yawn before she went on a full rampage of her
day and she was more awake now. He nodded, adding
his opinion where it was needed but she did most of the
"So that's that and I'm tired now. I have to start packing
kamoso, I know it's already Tuesday that side. I have to
double check the plane tickets and I'm so stressed
about the big reveal now."
"We talked about this, they have to know the truth. It's
up to them to accept it or not, we can't tiptoe around
"I know but my mom, I feel like something is wrong and I
don't want to add to her stress."
Jace rubbed his face.
"I know that face, you're disappointed in me." Ranewa's
voice lowered.
"I'm not, I just hate that you still want to compromise
what you want for the benefit of others. Ranewa, when
you get here our son is definitely going to call you
mommy. He knows you are his mother."
"I know. Babe, can we please not fight over this?" Her
eyes pleaded with his and he could see the exhaustion
in her face.
"Ranewa this isn't a fight."
She let our a sigh and nodded.
"I-I'm just nervous. I dropped hints and they love Jude
so much. Kopano talks about him and mom does too. Mr
B, he does. Sometimes. What if their feelings change?"
"Jude is innocent in all of this, Ranewa it's either now or
never, you always have to hide your ring and you can't
even travel with our son. We are okay, have been for the
past three and a half years but it's time to let the cat out
of the bag."
"Ee rra. It's just nerves. I'll be okay. Hopefully it goes
better than how it went in my nightmares."

He chuckled.
"Did you lock the doors? Are you warm?" It was hot as
hell in the UK but she was always so cold.
"Yes and yes. I'm sorted my love."
"I just called to say goodnight and ke a go rata autwe
She closed her eyes with the cheesiest smiles.
"I love you more and I can't wait to see you on
Wednesday. Kiss my son goodnight for me."
"He's with his grandmother."
"I'm sure she missed him." She yawned and covered her
mouth. Her ring came into view and Jace bit down his
lip, pride always bounced off him in waves every time he
saw his ring on his wife's finger. She needed a second
one right there again. He liked feeling the cold metal of
the ring on him when she gave him a hand job, may her
hands always remain blessed for always doing the job
and that mouth? She might have a smart mouth
sometimes but it was something else when she used
that mouth for other things.
"I know that look, do you want to see my boobs? Or you
can… you know, give your poor wife a little show."
He froze for a second before he burst out into laugher
he laughed as she joined in too.
"I'll wait until I touch them but thanks for the offer, are
you going to touch yourself while watching the little
She smiled, wetness starting to pool between her legs
as his voice dropped to a husky whisper.
"I might. It depends on how good it is. But on a serious
note, goodnight baby, I have to sleep now."
"Night little fairy, I'll call in the morning."
"Yes sir! And don't forget to ch-"
"Check the house and the progress made. It's
something I'll do tomorrow. Just use your money on
She yawned again.
"Go to sleep now."
She nodded and rubbed her eyes. She waved at the
screen before she cut the video call and switched off the
lamp by the bedside to sleep. Her hands cradled her flat
stomach as she let out a soft breath and let sleep take

Jace switched off the lights and he lain on the bed, wide
awake. He was willing to redo it all again. Pay magadi
and damages for his wife and son in that order. That
was going to be determined by the reaction. His mind
went back to his step mother. He sighed. He didn't know
whether to tell her that his father would come around or
that he tended to do that sometimes? His mother got
first hand experience, he himself got first hand
experience of that too. Eventually she'll be fine.


At G-North

Around one am, Botshelo stepped inside the house,

exhausted from a long day of work. He undid his tie as
he placed his work bag on the couch and headed to the
bedroom. He had checked his phone on his way here
and it was too late to reply ro the messages he got. He
had even forgotten to wish his step daughter a happy
birthday. Moemedi was in town from the message he
saw. He sighed as he got inside the bedroom. He
switched on the lights and his wife was fast asleep. He
walked over to her and pecked her forehead before he
stepped back and got out of his clothes. He was too
tired to even go shower.

Itumeleng kept her eyes closed, hearing the sounds and

she had to stop herself from signing or even letting a
tear drop.

He joined her in bed and pulled her warm body to his,

his eyes immediately closing as he started snoring.
Itumeleng opened her eyes and tried to remove his
hands from around her but failed. Jude wasn't a little
baby, she could have been using him as an excuse and
sleeping in the room because it was still the same, she
was going to wake up with her husband gone again in
the morning.


That morning

Queen Of Hearts


That morning
At Jace's House

He was just getting out of bed when his phone started

ringing, he picked his wife's video call.
"I can't find my passport."
"I looked everywhere for it and if I don't show up to the
magadi I'll look like a bad sister."
"Breath and calmly look for it again."

She leaned against the wheelchair and rubbed her eyes.

"I already did that. I just can't reach high places and I
have no reason to put it in high places."
"Were you crying?"
"I was just frustrated."
"Try to look for it again and if you can't find it still, call
me. I'll have someone come help you look for it."
"Thank you. Go sharpo."
She cut the call before he could reply. He sat on the
bed, straightening up as he went on to Facebook.
A post by some newspaper made him stop and he
reread the title of the news coverage twice before he
started to read the paragraphs. No. This was not
happening, his wife was not going to feel safe if she


At Eana's boyfriend

Eana woke up, her body hurting deliciously after their

little night of fun. She checked the time and closed her
eyes. She didn't feel like going to work today.

The bedroom door opened and she watched his with his
tapered fade cut as he walked in with a tray of food. She
sat upright and yawned into her hand.
"Morning baby, I made bre-"

His phone rang and she saw the caller ID and raised an
eyebrow at him.
"I don't even know wh-"
"You can answer it.."
She sighed as she took the tray from his hands and he
answered the call.
"Hello." He walked out of the room on the call and she
decided not ti dwell on that and focused on her food.
She could eat a whale if she could.

A minute later, he walled back into the room and sat by

the bed.
"Ea, it was nothing. I don't know why he called me."
"As much as I hate it they are your family even if you are
estranged from them."
He held her cheek.
"They might be my family but they don't mean that
"And what will happen when we get married? If we get
married I mean? The negotiations and all?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Are you sure
you want me to attend your family's function."
"I'm sure. My family has to meet you and-"
She was sure everyone wanted her to be happy.
"Even my sister will be okay with you, she rarely holds
He nodded and kissed her forehead, holding her cheek
in his hand.

At Prison

Kopano hadn't even checked his social media that day

but he sat down, waiting for his father. He looked around
the place. The last time he was here, he was waiting for
his mother. To at least see her face.

He looked up and his jaw clenched. He had expected to

see him frail and thin, suffering but he looked healthy
and lighter. His eyes hardened on Mothusi as he sat
down in those chains.
"Hi son."
Kopanp choked on his anger, clenching his fists under
the table.
"I'm not your son."

Mothusi who was putting up a brave face, hid his own

hurt at that statement and he kept his eyes on his son.
Kopano unbleached his fists.
"This is probably the first and last time I'm seeing you."
Mothusi kept quiet. He had learned to accept prison life
and knowing that he wasn't going to get out any time
soon, there was some peace that came with that. He
destroyed everything and all his children. His wife had
bene nothing but good to him. Him blinded by
everything, his daughter suffered for looking like her
mother and the little fact that she took some of his
money, gave him some peace that she forgave him. His
last born, she was just her. He wondered how she lived
knowing her mother was raped leading to her
conception. At least she got the money too.
"I pray day and night that I don't turn into anything like
you. It showed that you hated us so much. We were
kids. I was a child."
His voice was even and didn't betray the emotions in his
"I'm sorry."
"It doesn't fix anything. Even your money would never fix
a thing."

Mothusi brought his covered hands to his mouth,

breathing into his hands.
"I hope my wife knows love and what it truly is, that she
doesn't fear me or my children hating me. I would hate
to be the husband and father you were."

Something stuck in Mothusi's throat and it was hard to

"I-I might never earn any of your forgiveness but a little
piece of advice, don't listen to your friends when they
advice you about your marriage or even get jealous if
you are marrying a beautiful woman. It will ruin

He couldn't rub his eyes.

"A man treats his children the way he feels about his
wife or woman, if you learnt anything from me, I ruined
"And you are going to rot here in jail. For the rest of your
He nodded. He'll take everything his kids throw at him.
He deserved it.
"I know."

Kopano saw how useless it was to cone here. He was

glad he never took the money, for someone who abused
them and let them suffer, his conscience wasn't going to
let him touch a thebe.

Mothusi, knowing it was the last time he was going to

see his son opened his big mouth to spill the beans.
"I had thought you'd take the money, it was the least I
could do."
"It's tainted and dirty."
Mothusi chuckled dryly.
"Your sisters didn't seem to think so, that shows that
they partly forgive me."
Kopano paused before shaking his head.
"You're lying. They hate you and you are just miserable
no one wants your dirty money."
"Ask them."

Kopano looked at Mothusi before he walked out. His

sisters would never right? They knew how evil this man
was. They didn't right?

Queen Of Hearts


Kopano walked to his car. Trying to see how his sister's

would take the money and what they would have used it
for. It just didn't click.

He took a deep breath and called Ranewa.

"Hey, hold on."

There was a pause before she spoke again.

"I'm here. I think I'll be at the airport tomorrow around six
or seven in the evening. Depends on the flight."
"Rra? Is something wrong?"
He opened his car door and got inside, his hand on the
steering wheel.
"I-uhm just spoke to someone."
"Okay. I don't know where this conversation is heading."

On the other end of the line, Ranewa's heart pounded in

her chest. Did he find out about her secret marriage?
And that Jude was hers? She wanted to break the news
first before they all found out. Not everyone knew and it
was going to feel like some sort of betrayal if they found
out on their own.
"Did you take Mothusi's money?"
Ranewa went quiet. Kopano chuckled. In disbelief. That
bastard was right. They took the money and he didn't
know what to make of that information. The silence was
all he needed to know that it was true.
"I'm sorry."
He laughed. That's all she had to say. Sorry?
"He did horrible things to you and all you have to do is
sorry and take the money and think that's it. Money from
a man who barely took care of you when he was legally
obliged to?"
"I know how it look right now, I'll explain kamoso. Ka go
kopa"(I'll explain tomorrow. I'm begging you)
"There is no need for that. It just shows h-goodbye

He cut the call and he held the steering wheel tighter

before he placed his head on the steering wheel to
think. This felt like betrayal. He-

He needed to go home to his fiancé and try not to think

about it. Maybe Mothusi lied about Eana taking the
money. He called his little sister.
"Hello Kopi."
"Hi, Ea. Are you good?"
"I am. The day is just a bit slow."
"Can we meet up for lunch?"
"Uhm sure, I don't have any plans."
"Awesome. See you later at our favourite restaurant."
"Alright. Bye."

He cut the call and breathed out. Of all people, Ranewa

knew and she just took the money like it was coming
from some Saint. He wasn't even in the mood to see her
tomorrow. Explain what? That she is eating the money
that's why she is staying in Britain and always had
money to travel to and from when plane tickets cost an
arm and a leg? It made sense now. He laughed.


At the construction site

Moemedi checked his phone waiting for an update from

his wife that she found her passport or anything. Jude's
grandmother updated him that she was going out to the
stores with him before she handed the child the phone
to say hi to him. He smiled.

They were left with painting the house but it was almost
there. They were a simple family and Ranewa wanted
something simple. No stairs and he wanted whatever
she was comfortable with. Their dream house was
getting there and once it was fully finished then
furnished, they might think about relocating back.

He greeted more of the workers as he headed to the

master bedroom, his phone rang in his pocket and he
breathed a sigh of relief answering her.
"I finally found it. I don't know how it ended in Jude's
room. Luckily ga aa tshasa metako."(he didn't colour it
"Did you finish packing?"
"I did. Eana said my dress is ready and we'll be there for
a week max right?"
"Kopano knows about the money."
He opened the bathroom door in the Master bedroom. It
was wheelchair friendly and speaking of wheelchairs, he
wanted to get her another one, an electronic one.
"How did he react?"
"He is hurt. I understand him."
She sniffed before she continued. "He practically raised
me and me taking whatever Mothusi offered must feel
like a slap to the face for everything he has done for
"Ranewa, breath."
"Should we reveal our relationship? I still need to explain
to Kopano that I don't undermine his efforts in my life
and-" She blubbered on.
"Mrs Scott, take a minute to breath."

There was silence.

"You are panicking sweetheart. Breath."
Her breathing was audible and he leaned against the
door frame.
"We're good now?"
"I think so. I just don't want my family to hate me, they
really trust me to make the sound decisions and-."
"They'd never hate you. They will be disappointed and
maybe be angry but they will never hate you."
"Okay, I think I can deal with that. Tomorrow is making
me so nervous."
"Think of it as if you are lecturing and relaying the
information because nothing can change what
happened. There was no way we can reverse what
"I love you autwe baby?"
"Ee mma. Get some rest, I'm at our new house. There is
"Take pictures and send them to me. I'll try not to think
too much about it. And go get a fresh new cut, take Jude
with you to repel them. I don't like it when girls start
salivating over you especially with a new cut."
He laughed.
"He is still with his grandmother but I hear you motho
"Ntle ke sende madi a cut. O ska rata batho o re ga ke
go spoile."(let me send the money. Don't tell people I
don't spoil you)
He threw his head back laughing.
"Madi a gago a dipuo mogatsaka."(Your money comes
with a lot of issues)
He heard her little giggle.
"I'm sending baby, hold on."

His PayPal reported with a hundred pounds sent. He

"Now go get a cut autwe? Did you see the money?"
"I did. Thank you. I owe you one."
"So two mind-blowing orgasms will be my due."
He couldn't help but love his wife.
"Ee mma. Do you want to know what I'll do?"

On the other side of the line, Ranewa looked at her toes

as she wiggled them. The sensations came and went.
Ever since she had her baby it was a bit of tingling here
and there but walking? Zero. Zilch.

She'll take those little sensations, small progress.

"No. Tell me.."

His voice dropped to the most seductive whisper as she
slid her hand underneath her baggy t-shirt. She listened
to him, her breath hitching as she pinched her sensitive
n*pples. She let out a soft moan.
"Are you-ah f*ck! You're such a dirty girl aren't you?
touching yourself to my voice…"
She closed her eyes, letting go of her boob and sliding
her hand inside the sweatpants that belonged to her
husband. She cupped herself as he commanded then
touched herself, following his commands.She moaned
his name over the phone.
"That's it.." She trembled as she reached her peak and
came all over her hand.
"Good girl."

She breathed heavily before she opened her eyes and

got the phone with her other hand.
"Hi." She said softly.
"Hey pretty girl." She blushed.

At the unfinished house, Jace looked at his very hard

boner. The tent showing on his pants and he didn't think
it'd go down anytime soon. He continued talking to his
wife post her orgasm till they said their goodbyes and he
cut the call.

He thoughtfully called his father. The phone just rang

with no answer.

At Court

Sasa took a deep breath. She had asked her sister to be

optimistic about this and she couldn't fail her.

"My Lord and the court, my client here Ms Larona

Gomolemo is a young woman who still has a life ahead
of her. She is twenty eight and she has reformed. From
the psychiatrist's reports to what the wardens say, she
has been behaving in prison. The episode of psychosis
she had was just a lapse of judgment, her not attending
her therapy sessions and being overwhelmed. It is not a
regular occurrence."

She paused as the judge looked at her. She was going

to win this appeal, today. Larona may not get all her
charged dismissed but sue will get to spend her
sentence outside.

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"Not once has she spoken of the victim and the victim's
family and she won't start now. This was her first
criminal offense and it was quite unfortunate that she
ended up on the wrong side of the law, please do think
of my client. We are always advocating for mental health
my Lord and she was not herself. Even if we get the
victim to testify again, she will agree that it was the first
time she had seen my client like that. Not once has Ms
Gomolemo acted out of character, mental battles are a
real thing and they affect all of us. Tomorrow it might be
someone else who does the same thing. Even the
evaluations prove that my client was not in her right
state of mine."

The judge didn't display any emotions and Mr

Gomolemo along with his wife hoped Larona will be
granted this. Larona wasn't even holding her breath.
She sighed.

"Court adjourned. The final verdict will be delivered after


With that the judge left and Sasa looked at Larona.

"I'll get you out. Trust me."

Larona was taken away by the officers and Sasa sighed.

Queen Of Hearts

At the lunch date

Eana parked her brand new car by the parking lot and
she smiled as she stepped out. Some guy whistled
looking at the car.
"Nice car."
"Thank you."

She got her bag and locked the car, her heels making
clicking sounds on the pavement as her butt jiggled in
the pencil dress she was wearing. She had to look good
even if it was a simple lunch date with her older brother.
She took out her phone from her bag to text him the
minute she stepped inside the place but she spotted
him. She quickly made her way to him and sat on the
chair opposite his.

Kopano looked up at his sister. Eana slowly placed the

bag and car keys on the table. The vibe was off.
Something was wrong.
"Kopi? Hi."

He placed the menu down and looked around, it wasn't

a busy restaurant so thank God for that and he wasn't in
an open space either.
"We are usually honest with each other right?"
Eana blinked. What was her brother on about?
"Yes. We are siblings."
"Why did you take the money?"
She froze, her eyes widening a bit.
He chuckled.
"For a man who abused us…"
"But the money did nothing to us. I used it to give my
business a boost, I bought my offices. It wasn't as if I
was using it for trips to Dubai and wherever. I know our
father is an abuser and narcissist. I know he nearly killed
Ranewa but that money did nothing. Where was I going
to get millions? Ea Couture is my legacy now. One day I
will have kids and they need something stable to rely on.
That is what they'll live with even when I'm gone. I can
only apologise for not telling any of you guys but I used
it for my business. I can even show you the receipts."

He breathed out, looking at his sister.

"It still came from him."
"And if he will die and the moony remains. Then even
though we are doing well in life, we didn't even get
compensation for all the hell he put us through. This is
the same as if I had refused Kelebogile's money after
her husband attempted to rape me. He still ended up in
jail regardless and the money was what we used when
mama came out of prison but no one questioned it'd
state of cleanliness."
Eana leaned back. She just wanted to make him
understand. She wasn't the bad person here. She was
offered money and she took it
"I was offered money and assets. I took them. Does that
mean I forgive him? No. Does that mean I'll ever visit
him in prison? Never in my life will I step in a prison to
see him."

His mind whirled with a lot of conclusions. She made

sense but it was-still wrong or was he the one with a
moral compass?
"Let's order."
"Are you angry?"
"Yes. That man abandoned us and left us to fend for
ourselves and it's so easy to take his money?"
Eana understood that but a girl had to do what a girl had
to do. She was thinking of her business and everything
to make sure it was secure and stable. No government
funding would give her millions for her business. Not in
this economy.
"I understand. I really do. Maybe had we all been
approached at once it would have been easier to
discuss this with no one taking money or refusing money
on their own."
He looked at his younger sister. At the end of the day,
she had always been a child. She never saw their
father's worst side. She was untouched and unharmed
by him. Hell it seemed as if Mothusi had ignored Eana's
existence hence she never knew or saw the full extent of
that man's wrath. He did the defending and protecting.
He had never been a child and it hit him there, he didn't
feel like he had the right to grieve over the child he could
have been because he had never been one in the first

Tears stung his eyes and he looked down at the menu,

his tongue moving over his teeth as he blinked back the
"What are you having?"
"Kopano, I'm sorry."
He nodded. He'll process it, on his own.


At Itumeleng's House

Itumeleng cleaned the kitchen as Jude took his

afternoon nap. That Tuesday felt less lonely with the
toddler around. He was such a sweet child, well
behaved. Moemedi and the boy's mother were doing a
great job. She smiled on her own. She heard the gate
open and left the dishes to go check. Moemedi said he'd
get Jude in the evening. She opened the living room
curtain and saw her husband head towards the door.
Her heart lurched as she scurried to the sink and
continued her mundane task.

The door opened and Botshelo walked over to his wife

with a smile on his face.
He tried to kiss her cheek but she moved back and
continued washing rhe dishes. He frowned.
She sighed and turned to face him. She didn't even
have the energy to confront him. It was exhausting trying
to talk to someone married to his work but she had one
question though.

"Am I that forgettable? Forgettable as your silence is

making me feel?"

She stopped washing and walked out. He followed her.

"Ng ng. I'm tired. I am so tired of you. Not even a simple
text back. Nothing. Just go back to your work."
She opened the bedroom Jude was napping in and he
frowned seeing Jude. Moemedi was here? When last
did he check his phone? It was on silent and he usually
knocks off too late and tired to reply to anything.

He sighed. Itumeleng sat by the bed and he stepped

back. He had to fix this.


At Court

The judge looked at his document before he started to

"With the evidence assessed as well as the reports from
the licensed psychiatrist that has been working with Ms
Gomolemo for years, she is indeed better."

Sasa smiled. That was something. Progress.

"Ms Larona Gomolemo's appeal has been granted."

Lrona gasped as she nearly stumbled back in her heavy
chains. She was free.
"Your appeal has been granted. You will still have the
charges attached to your name for life."
Sasa could accept that, Larona will have to behave to
not add more charges. Larona rubbed her eyes, the
chains clanking as cameras flashed in the court, the
people taking the video live for Facebook sat still.
"You will be required to show up for your psychiatric
sessions and by law, you are required to stay away from
Ms Ranewa Mosiame and her family. Breaking that
would show that you have not reformed and you'll
continue to serve your sentence in prison. You still pose
as a danger to the victim and her interests are protected
by the law, to the victim, your change does not change
the situation you left her in."

Larona agreed. As long as she was out of her. She'll

deal with the logistics last. She'll apologise, she won't
take anything or harm them. Just say sorry to Ranewa.
She swallowed. She must be walking now right? Doctors
tend to say things and the opposite happens.

She breathed out, she'll deal with that.

"Court dismissed!"

The judge got up and walked out. Laorna smiled as her

sister went up to hug her.
"Thank you Sasa."
"Anything for you."
Her parents went on to hug them and she broke down
"You are coming home now."
She nodded in happiness.


At Jace's House

He read the headlines. She was free? This was going to

scare the hell out of his wife. She still got nightmares
sometimes and she was living and breathing everyday,
remained that she couldn't walk because of this girl.
Telling her now, would stress her but she probably
wasn't kn her phone.

He'll tell her tomorrow. She didn't need to worry about


Queen Of Hearts


Later that day

Kopano had his head on his fiancée's lap. He was
struggling to come to terms with what happened today.
He hadn't even logged onto his social media accounts
and that rendered him clueless of the impending storm
that was brewing his way.
"So they took the money?"
Palesa rubbed his head, her baby looked gutted and
she understood him. She really did.
"It was selfish of them?"
"Very. Eana explained that she took it for her business
and I believe her because she suddenly had new offices
out of nowhere."
"Okay, did Ranewa explain?"
"No. I cut her call before she could."
Palesa rubbed his ear in a cute manner and he held her
hand, intertwining it with his.
"Give her a chance to explain. But after explanations
then what?"
He breathed out.
"They can't return the money."
"Why didn't you tell them about the money the first time
the lawyer called? So all of you can make a collective
"They were still young and I assumed that they knew
what we went through, they wouldn't take it when the
turn comes."
"Assumptions that would have been resolved."
"Why didn't they tell me then? I had to hear it all from
that evil bastard that they took what he offered. Eana
funded her business,nehy couldn't she say I got the
money for my business. And what did Ranewa use the
money for? She got a full scholarship to study at Oxford,
all expenses paid. Why would she take the money?
Even her possible hospital bills would be paid, she had
graduation prize money from the school and sponsors."
Palesa nodded. It made sense. She kept that little
nugget of information in regards to Ranewa's pregnancy.
It might make her fiancé feel more betrayed by his sister
than he already is.
"You are particularly angry at Ranewa."
"Eana doesn't know the extent of that man's abuse
because she was invisible to him. Ranewa knows and
she still took the money, I practically raised them. I
raised her, used what little money I had. I didn't have a
life, I lived for my sister. For her to be okay, even
through I found out about the molestation late, I saved
her from being killed by him. He nearly killed her."
"Kopano, diga makgwafo."(try to relax)

He breathed out heavily,

"Listen to her reasons. She knows all that, abuse just
doesn't disappear, it lives with someone forever but it
shouldn't dictate you. She knows you raised her doesn't
He slowly relaxed. She even thanked him for all he has
done for her. Why would she betray him like that. It hurt.
"You'll take it from there, try not to let it stress you. Our
big day is on Friday and I need you to be a very happy
man on that day." He smiled looking up at her and she
held his chin with her cracked nails. She'll do the nails
and everything on Thursday. She was leaving for Kanye
in the morning and her mother had sorted all that.
Tomorrow all she had to do was get her dress from
"Ranewa is coming tomorrow."
"I don't think you should see her if you are still angry at
her." She was right but that part of him that loves his
sister regardless of what she did, wanted to go.
"We'll go see her. Everyone will be there."
"Are you sure?"
He nodded. Maybe they could resolve that issue quickly
before Friday.

Palesa dropped her head to peck his lips and smiled.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

At Larona's parents

Larona was in her childhood room. It felt awkward being

back here but she was still under observation but she'll

The bedroom door opened and her mother leaned

against the door frame, folding her arms.
"I hope we won't have a repeat of what happened."
She nodded.
"I'll be on my best behaviour and never miss a session.
I'm sorry for what I said on that day."
Her mother dropped her arms.
"It's in the past. This is a new chapter. A new beginning
Larona, please don't mess it up."
"I won't."
"Good. Dinner will be ready in a few hours and there is
lunch. I'm sure you missed a warm home cooked meal."
She nodded.
"And you can do your hair tomorrow. I'll call the
hairdresser to come do your hair."
"Ee mma. Thank you."
"And if you need clothes, I'll leave the driver's number so
he can take you to the mall."
She nodded as her mother walked out. She looked at
her hands and then around the room once again. She
walked to rhe wardrobe and she found her laptop. Did
they move her things from the house she had rented
prior to her sentence?

She took it out and looked for the charger. She quickly
connected it to a power source and switched it on. Sbe
breathed out. She might be changing numbers and it
was going to take time to be a member of civil society

She tried a bunch of passwords before it finally opened.

When it did, it connected to the house Wi-Fi and she
went to Google to try and access her Facebook account
from there.

When she was logged in, she saw all the posts about
her and it was overwhelming. She held back tears and
licked her lips, she was going to apologise. That was the
least she could do.

She quickly searched Kopano's name but it didn't show.

Did he block her account? She searched up Ranewa
and it didn't show as well. She rubbed her eyes and she
searched Eana. It also didn't show. She swallowed and
searched Eana's page. It showed but it was all clothes
and she wasn't interested in that.

She didn't have another Facebook account, it was

obvious that they blocked her and she had no way to
see their profiles. She can't ask Sasa and she'll have to
wait for tomorrow for a new phone and sim card.

She closed the laptop and brought her knees to her

face, placing her head on her knees.


Around six pm, Jace parked his car outside his father's
house. He rung the intercom before the gate opened for
him, he then spotted his father's car. He was home?He
walked to the house and knocked on the door.
"Come in."
He opened the door and his son looked up from
whatever he was doing with his grandmother.
"Papa." He stopped and started walking to him. He met
him halfway and picked him up.
"Hi Mo, let me go get his things."
"Ee mma."
She walked out and his father walked inside the room.
"Hey Moemedi."
"Hi. How are you?"

Jude touched his father's beard, fascinated and not

even bothered by anything.
"I-I'm fine." These weren't issues he was supposed to
share with his son. At all. He'll talk with his wife because
she was using their grandson as a shield all day to not

"Are you sure? Is there anything I can help with?"

His father shook his head.
"But you'll help at the wedding right?"
"Yes. And Jude's mother will be in the country
Itumeleng walked in with Jude's bag and Jace took it
with his free hand.
"Tomorrow? Ranewa is coming tomorrow."
"And I was hoping the whole family meets her at the
airport. You can bring Mmaagwe Jude as well."
"Ee mma."
She said bye to them as they walked out and her
husband looked at her.
"Can we talk?"
Itumeleng chuckled. Unbelievable.
"Now that you are free you want to talk? When it suits
you? But when I wanted to talk you were too busy for
me? Our family?" Her eyes bare into his as his guilt
struck one's shifted to the floor. He moved towards her.
"Mogatsa-" He tried to touch her but she stepped back.
"I had a long day, I'm going to shower."

She walked to their bedroom, leaving him there.


The following day

That Wednesday morning, Jace got his son ready for

the day and he was mentally preparing himself for what
might turn out to be a less than pleasant reveal.

He was still a bit worried about Larona being out. He just

didn't feel like that was the best decision looking at all
the circumstances and obviously he was looking out for
his wife.
He straightened up as Jude got off the bed, taking his
hand. His wife had been smiling ear to ear when she
video called with Jude and Jude stumbled on his words
telling his mommy what he did with 'glandma'.

He loved his little family. He'd do anything to protect

their peace.
"We…are..g-going to cut hair daddy?"
"Yes. But first we are going to eat breakfast, then we'll
pick mommy later at the airport."
He grinned at him, that was Ranewa's grin even though
his mouth had limited teeth. He would have to ask his
wife if she's up for a second child.


Larona finished registering her simcard and she pressed

the number that she had been trying so hard not to
forget in prison.

She called him and held her breath. The phone rang for
a while before he answered. Her heart soared.

Queen Of Hearts

Larona held her breath.

"Hello? Is there someone there?"
Tears filled her eyes, she was hearing his voice after so
many years. She couldn't speak and instead cut the call.
She rubbed her tears. She looked at her fresh call log
and his number. She should wait for the hairdresser and
nail tech. See him when she looks better.

Larona thoughtfully went to Facebook to create a new

account. After creating it, she went on to search Kopano.
It was still a private account and his cover picture was
still him and his sisters at graduation years ago.

What changed was his profile picture. She clicked on it

and her heart couldn't take it. He was smiling and happy,
she had been out of the civilian world for years but that
look was the one of a happy man. She swallowed, his
smile was so wide and his eyes sparkled. She quickly
went to search Ranewa and it was also a private
account. Her cover picture was her sitting in some office.
She has never seen offices like that in Botswana but
things change. The profile pictures was her sitting by a
bench and it was snowing. She isn't in the country?
Lastly she searched Eana's profile and lucky for her, it
was public. She clicked on Eana's recent pictures. She
had a car? For a gift? Not like her family can't afford
cars but wow…she went to the comments and her family
members were saying congratulations in the Co.ent
section. She frowned, seeing the long comment
conversation Eana and Ranewa were having with a girl
called Palesa?

Larona quickly clicked on it and found that Kopano had

commented on it. Her heart started to race again as she
read the conversation from start. It was silly things but it
seemed as if they were close and Kopano-

Her lips dried as she read the 'leave my woman alone

lona ' comment. He-
She placed her phone down and took a moment to
breath in and breath out. Her eyes were deceiving her.

She read it again and she could feel her heart breaking.
It's not like she didn't want him to move on b-but it still
hurt because she loved him. She thought of him daily in
prison. She ruined a good thing by being insecure, it
was all on her. She hurt his sister and she prayed to
God day and night that Ranewa walked so it would ease
a bit of her guilt. In those two years with Kopano, there
was a lot of love.
She knew it, he knew it. He was never the one to hide
how he feels so him moving on felt like a betrayal of
some sort.

She clicked on Palesa's name and went to her profile.

She was pretty and on the petite side. She swallowed.
Looking at herself.

She went through Palesa's photos and came across one

of her with Kopano. They were on a boat. She wasn't
sure if it was Kasane or Maun. She swallowed heavily,
not able to take the fact in. She needed to speak to
Kopano, she was not sure how but she had to.


At the salon, Jace sat down with his fresh cut as he

watched his son get his hair cut. He took a picture and
sent it to Ranewa before he slid his phone back in his
pocket. The women in the salon kept stealing glances at
him and his son. Did the poor woman even carry the
child because the boy was his father through and

He got up when Jude was done, hair washed and all.

"Thank you. He seems to love it."
He took out his wallet to pay as Jude kicked his feet on
the chair..
"Let's go bud."

He slowly got off the chair and took his father's hand.
The tattoos on his arm were on free display with that
white t-shirt he wore. The women melted. A present
father? That was a dream they could only wish for.

Jace walked out of the salon with Jude who held his
hand tightly.
"Let's go make lunch, your mother will kill me for feeding
you takeout."
He checked for his car keys in the back pocket of his
Levi's. He was anxiously waiting for his wife now.


At Sir Seretse Khama International Airport

Later that day, Eana checked the time. Ranewa had

sent a WhatsApp message that she was thirty minutes
away and now as she checked the time, her sister was
five minutes away.
She got out of her golf, her white sneakers touching the
pavement as her hair swished to the side. It's been
almost a year since Ranewa had visited and she was
coming home, pregnant for that matter. She couldn't wait
to hear all about this new man of hers. That led her to
thinking of her own boyfriend.

It wasn't a big deal anymore. To her anyway, love

happened and she loved him and he was not-she shook
her head. He was just her boyfriend. That was all that

She locked the car and quickly walked to the waiting

spot. She found her mother and step father along with
her brother and Palesa. Botshelo held Itumeleng's hand
and she just held his for the sake of the kids, so they
don't suspect a thing.
"I think that's her flight." Kopano said, spotting the
aircraft that just landed. Palesa placed her head head
on his shoulder while Eana pressed her phone to text
her man.

Inside the aircraft, Ranewa removed the neck pillow with

a little smile. She placed it on her lap and checked her
phone. Her husband's message reported.
Mr Ranewa Scott : On my way, we are a bit delayed
by the traffic.

She put her phone in her bag and she adjusted her
diamond ring as almost everyone got out of the aircraft.
She was assisted by the flight attendants as she got on
her wheelchair, placing her things on her lap. One of
them got her luggage. She wheeled herself and they
had adjusted the ramp. She smiled and thanked them.

They walked with her luggage as she got to the waiting

"Thank you so much."
"You are welcome Mrs Scott."
The woman smiled at her and she waved as she turned
on her heels, her bag being taken through security. She
waited for it and looked around.

She could see her family and she waved at all of them.
They walked towards her just as her luggage was given
"Welcome back to Botswana Mrs.." the man said seeing
her ring.
"Thank you "
Her family got closer and Itumeleng walked over, letting
go of Botshelo's hand as Ranewa placed her pillow and
bag on top of her two suitcases.

Itumeleng crouched to her level as she hugged Ranewa.

Ranewa wrapped her arms around her mother's back
and behind Itumeleng, everyone paused. Seeing the
rock Ranewa was rocking on her finger.

Eana's eyes thinned a bit, Ranewa didn't tell them she

was engaged because that was not an accessory ring.
Palesa's eyes widened and Kopano sighed. Botshelo
smiled, if all the kids were haply, everything was fine. All
he had to do was work on his marriage with his wife.
That was his main concern.
"Hi mama."
"Hey you..I missed you."
Itumeleng broke the hug and looked at her daughter,
who dropped her hands and that's when she saw the
ring. She smiled with a knowing look and Ranewa
smiled uneasily. Knowing it was not some new man.

By the parking lot, Jace got out of the car and walked to
the back to unstrap Jude from the car seat.
"Excited to see mommy?"
He nodded clapping his hands.
"Let's go see mommy then."
He placed him down and closed the door at the back.

He checked the time. She didn't respond to his

message. She probably didn't see it. He removed his
ring from his car compartment and slid it on his finger
before he closed his side of the door and locked the car.

He walked closely behind his son, he knew the airport

now looking at the trips they made here. Jude was a bit
slow so he picked him up.
"Pala, down."
"I'll let you down inside." He gave him that annoyed look
his wife loved giving him when she wasn't happy with
what he said. He kissed the small boy's head and took
long strides.

Meanwhile inside kopano walked to her and crouched to

her level.
"Hi baby sis."
She smiled emotionally.
"Hi" She hugged him first.
"I'm sorry Kopi. I'll explain myself okay."
He hugged her back, her tears wetting his shoulder.
"Why are you crying?"
"Nothing. Thank you for coming."
"No matter what happens, you are still my sister Ranny."
She nodded and broke the hug, wiping her tears and he
"Are you happy with whoever it is?"
She nodded.
"Very happy."
He stood up to his height and Eana waved at her.
"Hi Ea. Mr B hi."
Botshelo smiled and greeted his step daughter back.
Ranewa spoke to Palesa. The men offered to take her
luggage and she thanked them. Eana walked by
Ranewa's side as she smiled at her sister.
"Ea, you are glowing."
Eana smiled hiding her face.
"He makes me happy."
"Well he better. You are the baby of the family." Ranewa

Ranewa stopped pushjng the wheelchair in her tracks as

Kopano raised his head. Moemedi was late. He looked
at Mo who was with Jude and at his sister. She
seemed…nervous. Botshelo felt it was better that
Moemedi didn't bring Mmagwe Jude. Eana's eyes fell on
his sister as Jude slid down his father's body. The little
boy walked ahead of his father and Itumeleng smiled,
opening her arms for him.

Ranewa closed her eyes for a second before she

opened her eyes and smiled for her baby boy, ignoring
her husband's blazing eyes.

Jude ran towards her and she chuckled, everyone's

attention was on her as she opened her arms for Jude.
"Hi baby…" her voice softened as Jude ran into her
arms and placed his head on her lap. Itumeleng
"Hi mommy…"

Everyone froze right on the spot. Mommy? Mommy? Did

Jude just say mommy. Kopano's eyes widened and
Itumeleng dropped her arms, eyes on Ranewa. Eana
gasped. No ways. Palesa had an 'oh no' look on her
face. She could feel the simmering drama from where
she stood.

"Hi baby boy."

The little boy giggled and lifted his head as Ranewa
picked him and placed him on her lap, holding him
steady. Jude grinned and Ranewa finally lifted her eyes,
feeling everyone's eyes on her as Jace finally stood in
front of her with his ring on his finger. Botshelo blinked.

Queen Of Hearts


At the Airport

Itumeleng looked at Ranewa and Jude then back at

Moemedi seeing the ring on his finger that wasn't there
yesterday. She laughed in disbelief as she stepped back
from her daughter.
She clapped her hands and people in the airport looked
at them. Botshelo took his wife's hand.
"We are in public." He whispered to her.
"And they decided to do this little reveal in public."

Ranewa shook her head and shielded her son's ears

with her hands.
"Mama, let me explain."
"You sure are going to explain a lot Ranewa." Kopano
added and she shifted her eyes to him. Not even in the
slightest amused. He kept quiet upon noticing how she
looked at him. She took a deep breath.
"If everyone can calm do-"
"You had a child with your step brother! You married
him?" Itumeleng said with disgust. Ranewa looked at
her innocent baby, trying to calm herself down.

Eana watched, this time she wasn't saying anything.

She was going to deal with her fair share of criticism and
she wanted everyone on her side so she wasn't going to
give an opinion on none of this. Should she take the
cute baby and let the adults deal with this? She wasn't a
mother, just the rich aunt who spoiled the kids and that
was it.

Palesa nudged at Eana.

'Say something."
Eana raised her hands.
"Palesa, this issue doesn't involve me my sister. It is
none of my business now." It was shocking that Ranewa
went ahead with the forbidden relationship. She brought
a child? And was married to him? She still kept her
mouth shut though.

She started counting and she gasped and clapped her

hands. Her sister was pregnant during graduation? What
the f*ck? No wonder she had those chubby cheeks and
she immediately left a week after graduation. She had
school yes but this was just mind boggling.

"Mama, can we all leave the airport and then discuss

this as adults?"
"Adults? You did the one thing, a taboo even and
brought a child? Evidence of how your morality is
"Ng ng, let's be clear about this.…you are not going to
talk about my child like that. If you are going to get
angry, get angry at me mme mo go Jude ga ke batle!"
Her voice went a notch higher and she glared at her
mother. During her to say one wrong thing about Jude.
Kopano's eyes widened further and Jace looked at his
wife, finally she was speaking up. It was about damn

His eyes were on his wife, not noticing that Itumeleng

was walking towards him and he started speaking as he
raised his head.
"Everyone, as my wife said this is not a matter to be

A hot slap landed on Jace's cheek, stopping him from

continuing what he wanted to say and he looked at his
mother-in-law. He chuckled, his tongue probing his
cheek as he stood there. Now everyone in the airport
was looking at them. They all heard that slap and
wondered how he didn't rub his cheek or move but then
he was a tall and big man so maybe it felt like nothing to

Palesa blinked. No ways. Jace chuckled. Ranewa used

her other hand to cover Jude's eyes. Now this was just
overstepping the line. Kopano still couldn't believe it.
Married? Jude's mother? What the actual f*ck?

Botshelo pulled Itumeleng away. This was drawing

attention to them. He looked around and luckily no one
was taking videos.
"You…thought I was a clown while you married my
daughter behind our backs and made her pregnant? Not
once but twice?"

Jace paused. Twice? Eana looked the other way and

Palesa tucked her hair behind her ear awkwardly. There
is a lot going on here. Ranewa placed her chin on
Jude's head. Kopano wasn't the one for public
confrontations. He'll ask Ranewa later and she will
answer him.

Itumeleng looked at her daughter. Disappointed and

everything in between. She had lied to all of them?
Made them fools while she was opening her legs for her
step brother? She looked at Kopano who didn't say
anything then looked at Ranewa. She was so selfish for
this and she even brought a child to this messed up and
disgusting situation of hers.
"You made us fools a bo o ya go inyadisa. If you can
sleep and marry your step brother, what is going to stop
you from sleeping with Kopano? You are embarrassing
the family Ranewa. Not everything is about men. They
are plenty of men aand you just wanted to open your
legs for your step brother?"
Kopano's eyes went wide as saucers. Where did that
come from? He looked at his sister, in fact everyone
looked at Ranewa waiting to hear what she will say.
"Mama, after you've calmed down you'll talk to me. I am
tired from my flight and I don't need the stress. Kopi,
we'll talk autwe?"
"You can't do disgusting things and then s-"
"Papa, calm your woman down because I won't tolerate
her disrespecting my wife any further." He was over this
at this point.

Jace's voiced boomed and everyone went quiet. It was

as if everyone at the airport stopped what they were
doing and also went quiet.

Jace crouched in front of his wife. Their eyes locking

and she blinked back tears as she removed her hands
from over Jude. He looked at her and frowned a bit.
Biting his lips.
"Are you okay?" He held her face in his big hands and
she nodded. He kissed her forehead.
"Just breathe, just relax, it'll be okay my little fairy." She
nodded and she placed a hand over her face. Her baby
boy removed her hands.
"Sorry mommy." She chuckled and kissed his head.
Such innocence.
"It's okay baby." She mouthed an I love you to her
husband and he touched her head.
"Let's go home okay?"
She nodded. She had her money on things taking a turn
for the worst and it did. She hoped it all didn't end sadly
because her life story was full of things ending sadly.

He straightened up and he nodded at the family while

Botshelo held his wife. Moemedi got the bags and he let
Ranewa wheel herself forward as he walked behind her
to be sure no one would follow them home.

In the middle of the waiting space, Eana was the first to

speak as she watched her sister and her little family go.
"I think, I need to go. Bye guys. Palesa, get your dress
kamoso. Bye."

She walked away. Itumeleng breathed in and Kopano

rubbed his face.
"I think we need to discuss this this evening, tomorrow
we are heading to Kanye and this need sto be resolved.
I don't want my wedding celebration to be full of drama."
Kopano said before he said his goodbyes and pulled
Palesa by the hands. She sweetly said bye and followed
"How are you feeling?"
"I know she has loved him since she was eighteen and
she'll be twenty five soon." He breathed out.
"Her decision and-"
The timeline of Jude's birth, that means she was
probably pregnant before she left for the UK. He had
questions but-
"What did mama mean by pregnant twice?"
"On Ea's birthday she told us, the girls that she's

This was honestly a lot. He wasn't happy with how his

mother spoke to his sister but they'll address that in the
privacy of a house. The two walked out, holding hands.

At the car parking lot, Eana saw her sister smiling at

Jude as Moemedi put the luggage at the back. She
quickly went to her.
Ranewa turned her head and looked at Eana. Jude
smiled at his aunt.
"Aunty Ea.."Ranewa clapped her hands for him.
"Yes my baby." She looked up at Eana.
"Can we talk?" Ranewa looked at her sister for a second
before she had Jace get Jude.
"I'll buckle him up." He kissed the top of her head and
walked to the other side of the car.

"Are you okay?"

Ranewa nodded. "Tired but fine. I just need to rest."
"Ranewa there was a better way to go about this."
"I should have denied knowing my son?"
"I didn't mean it that way."
Ranewa just shook her head.
"Is there anything else? This will be discussed when
everyone is present and willing to listen to me. Bye now.
He walked over to her as he opened her side of the
door. He picked her up and placed her in the passenger
seat. Eana blinked.
"We'll talk okay? I just need my rest for now. Bye baby
She closed the door and buckled up as her husband put
her wheelchair at the back.
"Bye Eana." He said to her and she nodded and smiled
waving. She turned and walked over to her car. Kopano
said later tonight.

Inside the airport, Itumeleng stepped away from her

husband and looked around. There was movement and
no one was looking at them. She breathed out and
walked out. Botshelo sighed, following her.

Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House

It was almost an hour later after the incident at the

airport and his son was bathed, had eaten and he was
now asleep. He fixed Jude's blankets and walked to
their bedroom. He opened the door and Ranewa looked
up as she fixed her towel.
She smiled tearfully and just breathed into her hands.
He sat next to her on the bed and pulled her close.
"Sleep with Kopano? My biological brother? Nna
Moemedi?" Her voice shook with every word and she bit
down her lips to not let a pitiful sob escape.

He wiped her tears.

"If someone said that to me as a stranger I wouldn't take
it to heart but my mother? She really thinks that I would
go that low?"
He knew that sentence had been so out of line. He
rubbed her bare shoulders. He had a lot to say about
Itumeleng but he was going to shut up because he knew
his wife would eventually force herself to forget that and
try to accommodate her mother. The fact that her mother
thought that her own kids would do that? It said a lot
about her as a parent to be honest.

He just comforted her.

"I'm sorry."
"I-I don't know what I did to deserve that verbal

He picked her up and placed her on his lap as she

dropped her head to his chest, wrapping her arms
around him. She inhaled his scent and sniffed.
"You didn't deserve that, had everyone decided we'd talk
this out here, none of that could have happened." Only
Itumeleng was talking while everyone kept quiet. Yet
again, he'll shut up because his wife loved her mother.
"We ambushed them with the marriage, Jude and
"But did it warranty the events that unfolded? Like civil
people, we could have left. I was there to pick up my
wife, they were there to see their sibling and daughter.
Jude wanted to see his mother."
She sighed on his chest.
"I'm still hurt by what she said."
"I know it hurts, I'm glad you stood up for yourself
though and it's honestly up to them to come around
She breathed out.
"If they don't?"
"Life does move on. You tried your best. Sometimes
choosing yourself is the best you can do."
She nodded. She needed to come to terms with that fact
even before it happens so that if it does, she would have
long mourned her relationship with her family and move

They made it seem as if she chose a man over them

when they didn't even give her a chance to explain. Not
even. She was an adult. Not that twenty one year old
anymore. She had a lot of shadow work and inner child
work done at the therapist's office three times a week
without fail. At some point, she had been on anti-
depressants but this man holding her was still holding
her hand every step of the way. God knows she didn't
deserve him but she'll keep him anyway.

She looked up at him and touched his cheek.

"I'm sorry. About the slap…" She cradled his face with
both hands and kissed his lips.
"I'm so sorry autwe?"
"It's not your fault."
"Still…I'm sorry." She kissed his cheek, her hands on his
shoulders as she moved her lips down to his neck.
"You're seducing me now?"

She moved her head back with a little smile. His hand
snuck under the towel and was firmly placed on her flat
stomach. She smiled looking down.
"I'm sorry, I told my sisters and mother first. I thought it
would be a cute girly thing now it was thrown back in my
face." She grimaced saying the last part.
"Anyways, yes. We are having a second baby." Her
eyes lit up with excitement. This time, she was doing it
all again with no impending school pressure. Jude was a
cutie but he cried so much as a baby. She saw his eyes
soften as he rubbed her stomach.
"Thank you so much. God knows you're the reason I
breath and wake up each morning wanting to be a better
man. It's all for you." He wasn't letting anyone steal the
joy in her eyes or their happiness.
"Heaven is where you are." Her eyes twinkled at that
and she opened her mouth for him, his mouth latched on
hers. He tongue kissed her, pulling her towel down. She
shivered slightly, the cool air hitting her smooth skin and
his hand squeezed her round boob. She moaned a bit in
his mouth.
"I love you." She whispered in between the hot kiss, her
hands sliding under his t-shirt, feeling his muscles. Her
breathing was a bit choppy as wetness pooled between
her legs and she closed her eyes, letting her hands
fumble with his zipper. She felt that huge boner and all
thoughts prior to this moment, took a backseat. His hand
was between her legs and she stopped kissing him.
"Stop." He did and she removed his hand.
"I want to suck you dry. Pretty please." She blinked at
him and gave him that look, how can he say no to her?
She picked her towel by the side as he removed her
from his lap. He stood in front of her and she smiled at
him, thrombin as she started to fully unzip his pants, she
pulled them down along with his boxer briefs. She
swallowed and could see the pre-cum glistening. He
was always ready for her. She rubbed her thumb there
and he groaned. He was such a sexy man.

Their session was interrupted by the ringing intercom.

She looked at him. Was he expecting any guests?
Meanwhile outside the house, Kopano was waiting for
the gate to open. It opened two minutes later and he
asked Palesa to drive insid the yard. Everyone was on
their way and he just wanted to be here first so he can
talk to his sister. The gate closed and Palesa switched
off the engine.

Inside the house, Jace had fixed himself up aand his

wife was…bored. She wore her pyajamas reluctantly.
"Let me check who it is."

A door knock followed and he headed to rhe sitting

room. He opened the door and Kopano looked at him.

Kopano now wasn't sure how to address Jace. In the

past years he had seen him as a brother and not
someone his sister was with and-
"Hi man, i-uhm here to speak to Ranewa."
"Come in, let me go get her."

He stepped inside the house with Palesa then closed

the door. Hopefully by ten everything would be resolved
and life can go on.
He sat down and she smiled at him, looking around the
house and it's simplicity.

Moemedi came back with Raanewa and placed her on

the couch. Ranewa's face didn't give anything away as
she looked at her brother.
"Can we talk?"
"Of course. I-about the money."

She breathed in and looked at Jace who smiled at her

and stepped away.
"I had refused the money at first. The lawyer had called
on mama's wedding day and I said no."
He wanted to ask what changed.
"I got the scholarship but I lost it because well, I was
pregnant with Jude and you know how they usually don't
pay for people who are pregnant."
He nodded.
"I needed the money for school. I had already applied
and been accepted and tuition alone at Oxford was six
hundred thousand when converted to Pulas. Money I
didn't have. I was pregnant with a child of a man
everyone wanted me to break up with, I also wanted to
leave for a while now that I had the idea stuck in my
head because of the scholarship. I didn't tell anyone
other than Jace that I lost it and so I paid my tuition with
the money. More than half of that money went into my
education, none of it was for fun and enjoyment."

He nodded.
"Why couldn't you tell anyone that you were pregnant?"
He was seriously asking her that?
"You saw what happened at the airport earlier today?
That's why."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I know you are angry I took the money and with good
reason, Mothusi was a horrible human being, still is and
what he did to me still gives me nightmares. Everything
that happened to me is still a daily fight but I had to
swallow my pride, ignore the trauma her caused and do
what I have to do. I had to put my baby first too, not to
always be berated for falling pregnant with him. That's
what would have happned had I stayed or told I was
pregnant. From what happened today, I made the right
choice relocating."
He couldn't argue that. He was still embarrassed that his
mother thought he'd sleep with his sister. Did she think
they-it was actually disappointing even. Then her calling
his sister a bunch or words, even in his anger and him
who raised Ranewa till she was legal, couldn't say such
words to her. That would gut him. He didn't know what
got into his mother.
"Your marriage?"
"I love him. I couldn't leave him. I never did leave him
and if I could do it all again, I would. I would stay with
him and marry him even if it's in secret."
"I understand not breaking up with him, but marrying him
in secret and expecting everyone to roll with it?"
"I was in love Kopano. Like literally out of my mind in
love, crazy in love. What the hell was I supposed to do?"
She asked.
"I still am. I won't leave him. Everyone is happy with their
loved ones why can't I? I will apologise for the secrecy
but frankly, I won't apologise for my feelings for him. It's
either we accept that I love Jace or I don't know…be
bothered knowing it won't change a thing."

Kopano leaned back to look at his sister. She was

serious and wasn't mincing her words nor apologising
for hurting everyone.
"And the timing, it was wrong and I'm sorry it might take
the shine away from your day. That I will sincerely
apologise for, it could have happened at a better time."
He breathed out.
"Apology accepted."
"Thank you."
"Where's Jude?"
"He's asleep. He must be tired from today."
"How do you hide a three year old?"
Ranewa giggled.
"Not being very social helps and besides, it was easier
for him to travel with his dad and not me."

Kopano"s eyes went to her legs. He could see the tinge

of hurt in her eyes as she also looked at her legs and
then cleared her throat.
"Thank you for hearing me out…"

The intercom rang again and he husband strode into the

living room to open the gate.
"More people?"
Kopano clasped his hands.
"We wanted to deal with this tonight."

Ranewa rubbed her temples. She needed strength to

deal with this

Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House
Moemedi sat next to her and she placed her head on his
shoulder, looking up at him with adoration.
"I'm tired." She half whispered to him and he rubbed her
cheek. He dropped his head to whisper in her ear.
"You wanted to give me a blow job minutes ago."
She laughed lightly as she heard the cars park in the
"You were going to f*ck me to sleep after that and I
would have slept like a baby."
He smiled and she breathed out. Kopano watched them,
their whispers and the looks they gave each other being
the ones that people in love give one another. They
were in their own little world and he had to accept that.
He had adjusted to seeing Moemedi as his brother, now
he'll also have to see him as his sister's husband.
Palesa squeezed his hand and she smiled at him as a
door knock sounded.
"Tsena."(come in)

The door opened and Botshelo walked in followed by

Mrs Scott senior and Eana. Raanewa looked up and
smiled tightly before she straightened up, her hand on
Jace's knee.
"Dumelang. Everyone can take a seat."
Everyone sat down and she looked at her husband
before her gaze went to her family.
"Uhm, so we are all here because I married Mo here
after talks with me to break up with him because we'll be
step siblings. I didn't get a chance to voice my love for
him and I think I'll use this chance here."
She breathed out.
"Mama you were right."
Itumeleng raised her eyebrows. Had she seen the light?
"Years ago, when we had that talk about dating and all. I
was seeing him, obviously dikgang tsa go jola is not
what you tell your parent especially while living under
their roof. Eana knew even though she didn't know his
face. Then the near murder incident happened and you
met him. I didn't know he was your son Mr B. In all
honesty, maybe had I known earlier and by that I mean
even before mama was released I wouldn't have dated
him but it happened and we got together."

She breathed out and looked down at her bare feet and
looked at everyone.
"Then Mr B and mama were dating, I found out about
your relationship whilst I was still dating MJ. I didn't think
much about it and I was happy that after all my mother
went through, she found love and I was so happy for
her. Still am. Mathata a tsoga when I was commanded
to break up with him. Naturally, I'm inclined to agree
because I am the child in this equation seeing as
everyone is older than me except Eana who still had an
opinion on my relationship." Her eyes levelled on her
sister and Eana looked the other way.
"I didn't want to break up with him but I was stupid
enough to agree and even went ahead with the idea.
That was not what I wanted and I realise that my
mistake was just agreeing and not speaking up for
myself that I love MJ. Maybe if the extent of my love for
him had been seen, maybe we wouldn't be here right

This was the first time Ranewa had fully expressed

herself and didn't agree and do what she was told. She
wasn't even stuttering and smiling.
"And yes, I was pregnant before I left for the UK. I was
pregnant during graduation and we got married that
same week I left for Britain. At that time, I couldn't bring
myself to tell that I'm pregnant and with his child
because everyone knew we were broken up. No one
asked me how i felt after I said that. It was a good thing
and everyone moved on. I understand, I knew this man
long before we got to know about your relationship. How
can we be step siblings when we already slept with each
other? We didn't even grow up together, I met him when
I was an adult. It would have been wrong had we grown
up together, that I would understand why there is a fuss
thrown around it because we grew up as siblings but we
didn't. That dynamic pf also pretending we never dated
wouldn't work because brothers and sisters don't know
each other naked mother. I would never sleep with
Kopano. He raised me and he is my brother. Biological
brother for that matter, we share the same DNA and I
was hurt that you think so low of me because of one
single thing, one thing that shouldn't be turned into a big
Itumeleng breathed out.
"What I will apologise for is the timing, it was wrong and
the announcement was sprung on everyone. You find
out I have a three year old then a husband and the said
husband is 'my step-brother' and it escalated from
With that she looked at everyone. To see if they had
objections, comment or anything they'd like to add?
"I'd like to add that I felt insulted that my own mother
would think I'd sleep with my sister." Kopano looked at
his mother and Itumeleng dropped her head.
"I'd never see my sister in that way. Ever. I have never
even had those thoughts, it felt like I was being
compared to Mothusi who has no regards to what's right
or wrong."
Silence filled the room and Eana kept her eyes glued to
her nails as if the nail polish was rare and would
disappear if she lifted her eyes.

Palesa could feel the tension rising in the air. There was
a lot to be said. She could feel it. Moemedi squeezing
his wife's hand. He was so proud of her for speaking up
for herself. God knows it took years to get to this point.
He kissed the top of her head and she let out a tired
sigh. She wanted to sleep now. The day was eventful
and a good night's sleep would go a long way.

Botshelo cleared his throat and everyone's eyes shifted

to him.
"This matter would have to be discussed by the elders
as well. We understand that you love each other and are
married now but that is not how tradition goes."
"Very well. A week or two after Kopano's magadi it will
be discussed."
Itumeleng looked at her children. All of them and her
eyes went back to Ranewa. She opened her mouth to
speak but swallowed her words.
"I still feel it's wrong that you and your step brother
continued with the relationship but I will apologise for
insinuating that you'd sleep with your brother. It was
something said in the heat of the moment and it was
wrong of me to think that of you guys. Le tla
Ranewa nodded. She didn't expect everyone to accept
"Okay. If that's all, then this discussion is done."
"Ranewa you really want to have people talk about you
that you did that with your brother?"
"People already talk about me. There is information on
the Internet about my molestation, how I can't walk and
my whole life. I won't let people whom I don't know
personally rob me of my peace and happiness. They will
talk and what will change? Nothing because I'm not
leaving my husband and breaking my family apart. I
have to think of Jude and my unborn baby as well. I am
also happy right now. If Jace cheats or whatever or
decides he doesn't love me one day, then it's fine. I'll
dust myself up and move on because I learnt that
regardless of your circumstances no one's life stops for
you. People will go on with their lives even if you are
stuck at a standstill. If he dies? Well I had a marvelous
time with him while he was still alive and won't regret a
Itumeleng heard unapologetic tone in her daughter's
voice and-it was admirable that she was standing up for
herself. She chuckled sadly. Reminding her of who she
could have been had she spoken for herself when it
came to her mother all those years leading up to her
being in prison. She licked her lips.

"We'll take our exit."

Itumeleng said quietly and Ranewa nodded

"Very well. Drive safely and have a good night." She
concluded before she yawned into her palms and
leaned into her husband. Everyone said bye and left
their house and yard.All that was left was their peace.
"You did so good." He kissed her head, sitting down as
she wrapped her arms around him.
"I had you as my rock. Thank you."
"I'm proud of you Mrs Jace Scott." He pecked her lips.
He got up and carried her in his arms.
She yawned again and rested her head on his chest.
"Now you have to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy
"Tell me about it."
She yawned again and closed her eyes.
2023/10/06, 10:04 - TSI: Queen Of Hearts


The following day

The winter sun rose at around seven, warming the cold

city up and shining on those closed curtain windows.
The nestling sounds of traffic could be heard and inside
Jace's house, he had his arm wrapped around his wife's
small body. She was snoring softly and he was wide
awake, watching her sleep. Tiny footsteps had him
looking at the door and he smiled as the door knocks
"Good morning!" Jude's over enthusiastic voice so early
in the morning made him chuckle.
He chuckled and let go of Ranewa as he finally rolled
out of bed. He grabbed his boxer shorts and wore them
before he stretched. He covered his wife with the
blankets, making sure her naked body was fully
covered. He kissed her forehead and walked to the door
to open it. He picked the toddler before he could rush to
the bed.
"Ssshhhh, mommy's sleeping." He looked over his
father's shoulder and then back at his father with a cute
'oh expression.
"Let's not disturb her, let's go."

He closed the door when he and Jude exited the



That same morning, Larona woke up bright and early.

She had cried herself to sleep after she stalked Palesa
again. It seemed so surreal and that's when it clicked in
her head that she had seen the girl at the company
Kopano worked at?
She cried once more. She had been right. He was
cheating on her. At the time she didn't know with who
but him with Palesa show3d that he was cheating in
Francistown and he gaslighted her into thinking she is
crazy and she was fussing over nothing when she knew,
well her intuition knew there was another woman. She
sighed as she got ready. She decided to go do her nails
at some nearby salon. She'll call Kopano tomorrow or
later tonight to ask to talk. She won't fight or anything
like that. Just talk.


At Jace's House

Jace finished making breakfast for his little family and

headed to the bedroom to check if his wife really did
wake up and take a bath. He knocked once and opened
the door. There she was, still asleep. He sighed.
He sat by the bed and lightly shook her awake. She
opened her eyes and yawned.
"You're supposed to be awake."
She rubbed her eyes and closed them for a long second
before opening her eyes again.
"I am awake." She rubbed her face and he had to try not
to smile. She was still adorable.
"You have a hair appointment and you said you are
doing your nails today."
"I did?"

She pulled the pillow and hugged it to her chest.

"I'm tired."
"It's just for two hours or so, and you have to pick up
your dress from your sister."
"Five more minutes."

He got up and walked out of the room. Ranewa closed

her eyes, hugging the pillow tightly with a yawn.

Moemedi's phone rang on the kitchen counter and he

quickly picked up the call.
"What is this I hear of you getting married?"
He sat on the kitchen high chair as his aunt from his
dad's side started speaking.
"Ranewa and I are married."
There was a bout of silence.
"Youngsters and doing things on their own. We all know-
know what this will be discussed after Kopano's
ceremony. Ranny o nale tšale?"

He smiled a bit.
"Nyaa mma."
"I'll buy one for her. She should come early akere she is
a married woman, maybe the advices we'll be giving to
Palesa will be useful to her."
"Ee mma."
"We are not condoning the secret marriage but akere le
dirile? You are very annoying. Go sharpo."
"Go siame."
His aunt hung up on him and he chuckled. Her five
minutes were up.
"I'm awake baby. I swear."
"Good, ya go tlhapa."(go take a bath)
"Ee rra."


At the local salon

Larona came with a simple cap to hide her face as she
sat down. She was sitting next to two talkative ladies
and she couldn't help but overhear their conversation as
they were waiting for the nail tech.

"I want to make a statement, did you see Kopano's

That peaked Larona's interest. Were they talking about
her Kopano?
"The one with the kid right?"
"Ee. That one, nnnana kana o tlhoka step mother. I want
to look wow so he sees me at the magadi celebration."

Larona frowned. Did Kopano have a brother? His family

was messy so he probably had one maybe from his
dad's side? She was out of the loop.
"But Palesa o ipecheditse."(Palesa did well for herself)
"Mma. Kana now Kopano works in the bank mma."
"And she was a mere secretary, rona ba Di office still
can't get a man."

The two cousins giggled.

Palesa? Was it her Kopano? Larona asked herself. In a
bank? Which bank was he working in now? Did that
mean he was in Gaborone?
"Mma did you see the news? Kana his lunatic ex has
been released."
Larona dropped her head and thanked God her cap
didn't show her eyes.
"Gatwe ke ene mang yole wa go siya monnawe Kopano
e le segole…"(what's her name, that one to leave
Kopano's little sister crippled)
"Mmhmmm…ene yoo."(that one) their voices were so
condescending. They were judging her and it felt a bit
too much that people thought she was crazy. She
rubbed her eyes.
So they were talking about her Kopano. He was getting
married to Palesa? She licked her lips and placed her
hands over her lap. Where? She didn't want to ask
because that would draw attention to herself. She'll keep
on listening to their conversation.

The nail tech arrived and the first one went to sit by the
table. They were greeted by the nail tech.
"I want something that screams wow, that says I can be
your wife."

The nail tech laughed.

"Who do you want to impress?"
"This hot guy with a kid mma. Re ya magading ko Kanye
kgantele and I'll obviously see him kamoso mma…"

Larona stuck all that in her head. Kanye tomorrow

morning. She breathed out.


Later that day, Ranewa wheeled herself to the

restaurant she was meeting her sister at. Palesa was
about to leave in an hour and she said she got her dress
in the morning before her hair appointment and nail
appointment. Ranewa was by the table and a waiter
brought the menu.

She looked at it and picked her phone to ask Eana how

far she was.

Outside in the parking lot, Eana had an Ea Couture

paper bag that had her sister's dress.
"I won't be long, okay?"
"Are you sure you want me there tomorrow Eana?"
"Ee rra. It is the opportunity to meet my family and you'll
only be there for the celebration, not the process. I love
you. Never doubt that."
She held his chin and kissed him.
"Let me not keep my sister waiting."

She got out of the car with the bag and he watched her.

Inside the restaurant, Eana spotted Ranewa right away

and she smiled at her. Ranewa waved at her sister as
she placed the bag on the table and sat down.
"Hi Ea and thank you so much. I can't wait to try it on."
"You are welcome."
"Do you want to order or are you in a hurry?" Ranewa
asked and Eana knew her boyfriend was waiting for her
in the car but she wanted to ask her sister a few
"We can order."
"Awesome. I'll pay." Ranewa said and she tucked her
newly installed weave behind her ear as her eyes
"How does marriage feel?"
Ranewa shrugged.
"It's just the same as a relationship but we made vows to
each other bo forever eng eng, I'm not complaining. We
do fight sometimes but er talk it out and everything is
okay. We cheer each other on and are just there for
each other in every way possible."

The waiter came to their table and handed Eana the

menu. She thanked him as he waited for them to place
their orders.

Queen Of Hearts


An hour later, Eana said her goodbyes and Ranewa

called her husband. She looked around the restaurant
as people passed by and some glanced at her.
"I'm done. You can come pick me up. Did you finish
"Yes. Is there anything in particular you need? We'll be
heading there to pick you up and head to Kanye."
"I'm sure you packed everything. I'll be waiting for you
"Ee mma."

He cut the call and she placed her handbag on her lap
before opening the paper bag Eana had given her,
looking at the dress. Her phone rang and she looked at
the unknown number calling.
There was silence and a cold chill ran down her spine.
"Hello? Anyone there?" Still silence. She quickly hung
up and looked at her phone for a minute. Probably a
mistake. She ignored the eerie feeling she got from that
phone call and looked at her nails. They were so pretty
and she couldn't wait to try on her dress.


At Kanye

Palesa was in her father's house as her mother sat next

to her.
"Did you pray like I told you to?"
"Ee mma."
"Good. Things like these need prayer and a lot of it my
girl. You have to go rest now, your aunts and uncles are
here. Your cousins are helping around. Wena just go
rest, tomorrow is going to be a very busy day."

She nodded and got up from the couch, heading to her

room. She sat down on the bed and called Kopano.
"Hey my love, are you good?"
"I'm more than good. I can't wait to make you my wife."

She switched positions and laid on her back, her feet

against the wall like it was new love as she giggled over
the phone with him. She wasn't allowed to see him until
"Now I'm locked inside the house gatwe tomorrow."
"I just arrived less than an hour ago and now I have
nothing to do. Waiting for my uncles to show up they
said they wanted to have a word with me."
"I can keep you company, over the phone I mean."

He laughed as they continued talking.


At Larona's parents, she was trying to find ways to go to

Kanye tomorrow without making it seem suspicious. She
thought of calling Kopano now but if he knows it's her,
he might call the police and also Ranewa did answer her
phone. She thought she had changed numbers but she
didn't. She might report back to her brother. Which other
brother were those girls talking about?
Not knowing things made her anxious and she looked at
the useless nails she got. They felt heavy on her fingers
and it's been years since she had nails on. How was she
going to get them to talk to her? If Kopano had a child,
he wouldn't dare right? She'd use the baby so he can
talk to him. Or-

She shook her head.

"You are not crazy!"

She told herself over and over again. She walked over
to the bed and picked her wallet. She had three hundred
in cash. That was enough for her to go to Kanye and
come back. Her parents went to work and it's not like
they really care like that. Sasa has a life and she was an
adult. She can't call the driver at every turn. It will raise
heads. She sat down on the comfortable bed,
formulating a solid plan. One that won't fail at all. She'll
leave around ten, usually people would be done with the
paying of magadi around mid day when she arrives and
she can talk to him. Magadi is not a guarantee of
marriage because no papers were signed. She just
wanted to speak to Kopano for a few minutes.

That will happen. Tomorrow morning it was.

At Kanye

At a particular guesthouse, most of the Scotts had

booked into the rooms there and the others had went to
another guesthouse since this one got full really fast.

There was a lot of movement and talking, in preparation

for the big day and Itumeleng was in the room. She took
her phone and called Eana.
"Hello, have you arrived?"
"Yes. We just booked into the nearest guesthouse."
"I have to go mama, see you in the morning."

Eana cut the call and Itumeleng thoughtfully called

"Ranewa hello?"
She went silent for a bit.
Ranewa asked and she breathed out.
"Hello, how are you?"
"I'm fine. How are you?"
"I'm fine too. Did you arrive safely?"
"I did. Thank you."
"About yesterday I know it came out wrong and I only
want the best for you which means advi-"
"Mama if you are going to tell me about how wrong my
marriage is, it still won't change a thing…Jude kgwa
lerapo leo…sorry about that, ee it won't change a thing.
I'm still going to be married to MJ and Jude is still very
much my son. I have to go. Get some good night's sleep
and see you tomorrow mama. Bye."

Ranewa cut the call and she looked at the phone.

Botshelo stood by the door frame and he closed the
door, making his wife look up.
"Can we talk now?"
Itumeleng looked at his bald head and tall frame.
"It's not like it's going to change anything. You are
distant and even ignore messages."
"I didn't deny that, I just want to fix things. Before we can
have an opinion on children's marriage, we should
perhaps work on ours first."

He locked the door and walked to the bed. He sat next

to her, placing his hand on her knee and she just looked
at him.
"And to think-" Itumeleng bit down her tongue as she
looked at him. "At some point I thought you were
cheating on me but no, if you were it would have shown.
You just put work above everything. To everyone you are
this attentive husband and father but behind closed
doors you are absent in both departments. I thought that
maybe my work and school would keep me busy but
having a man who shows up only when it's up to him is
draining. Something as simple as opening text
messages Botshelo?"

He opened his mouth but she placed a finger on his

"You promised you'd change. Where is the change? I'm
so tired of crying for you. The little things matter but no."
"You never turned things around and changed for the
"You didn't even give me signs."

She laughed, hurt that he was turning this on her.

"All this time, you were gone before the crack of dawn
and I gave you so so many signs, you didn't change
Botshelo. You didn't change and it hurts that I only have
a husband in name only. To think that I had Ranewa end
her relationship because you were it for me."
He took her hand.
"Itumeleng, we can work this out. I hope I'm still it for
She held back her tears.
"Botshelo, you won't change. I know you now. Soon
you'll fall back into your old habits and maybe by the
time you do, I'll be gone."
He stilled, looking into her eyes, he fell to his knees.
"Itumeleng, look at me. I love you okay? You are it for
me and I want to spend my last days with you. I have
been behaving foolishly but it stops now, just this one
He held her hands.
"Itumeleng ka go kopa. We can work my schedule
together, we can get couple counselling. I'll beg if I have

Her eyes welled with unshed tears and she blinked them
back,npulling her hands away and he placed his hands
on her knees.
"This is the last time, I swear. I won't hurt you anymore."
Itumeleng breathed out.
"This is the last time. Next time, I'm walking out."
He fervently nodded and stood up to help her up on her
feet. He kissed her lips and she kissed him back,
wrapping her arms around his neck.
Queen Of Hearts


The following morning

At the guesthouse, early that morning Ranewa shook

her husband awake. She looked at Jude who was
sleeping peacefully between them. She put more force
into waking Jace up. He opened his eyes and she
"Bathroom." Her voice urgent and low but he heard her.
Was all she said to him, her face pale and he groggily
got out of bed, yawning. He picked her up and as he
held her in his arms, Ranewa couldn't stop the vomit
that came out and she threw up all over him. Luckily he
had slept wearing a pyjama top, For the sake of their

Jace walked into the bathroom, reeking of the vomit and

he placed her down on the floor near the toilet. Ranewa
looked at him with teary eyes. She didn't mean to throw
up all over him. He removed the t-shirt and he breathed
She held the toilet bowl with both hands and started
throwing up into it. A fresh wave of nausea hitting her.
He husband held her head as she wretched everything
that was in stomach inside, tears filling her eyes and he
rubbed her back with his other hand. She held the toilet
bowl for another minute before she started vomiting
again. He didn't say anything until she was done and
she rubbed her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologise for okay?" He can't hug
her because he smelt of vomit but it wasn't her fault.
"I threw up all over you an-" She bit down her tongue.
She never had morning sickness before. She read about
it but with Jude it was a sound pregnancy.
"And it's normal to have morning sickness during
pregnancy." He also understood that his wife couldn't
get there fast enough because of her disability, she
needed to give herself more grace.
"Are you done?"
"I think so."

He closed the toilet seat and he picked her up from the

floor, placing her on his lap as he sat on the toilet.
"You look pale, are you sure you still want to go? You
can come for the celebration, it's still okay."
"I want to go. I'm sure I'll be fine."
He tilted her chin and rubbed it.
"I don't think I want to let you out my sight today."
She chuckled weakly, feeling another fresh bout of

She hit his thigh and he placed her down, quickly

opening the toilet. She vomited inside and he held her
head while rubbing her back. She looked at him


At another guesthouse, Itumeleng wore her tšale over

her knee length blue German dress. She looked so
beautiful. She fixed her ring on her finger as her
husband fixed his suit jacket.
"I have no idea how much they are going to charge us."
"Whatver they charge us, we'll pay."

She fixed his shirt collars and he smiled at her, pecking

her lips.
"We should get going."
"Okay. Did you eat breakfast?"
"I'm fine. There is a lot to be done."
They walked out of the room as they passed by other
relatives and Itumeleng talked to her in-laws with a smile
on her face. She held her matching purse while they
conversed heading to their cars parked inside the


Eana, who knew she'd be only needed during the

celebration because she wasn't a married woman
pushed herself more into her lover's arms. She took the
phone and called her sister-in-law.

"Hi Pale, how is the dress?"
"I love it mma. Heish, I'm peeking through the window
wondering when they are going to come mma."
Eana chuckled.
"Be patient."
"I have no choice tota. Ehe, the older women are
coming. Go sharpo."

The call cut and she called her sister.

"Ea, I'm still getting dressed."
"How is the dress?"
"It's beautiful mma, I love how it fits my body like a
"You wanted a pencil dress."
She chuckled.
"Ee. I have blue matching pumps for it. Gatwe I'm taking
too long, I'll see you later."

The call cut and her boyfriend looked at her.

"When are you getting ready?"
"Around eight. The celebration is around eleven kana ke
ten, now ke magadi and them ba laya Palesa."
"Would you want a traditional wedding?"
She nodded. She didn't know how her sister could
possibly not want that when their culture was so
beautiful. But then also, it might be awkward because
her sister won't dance and when people walk with the
bride ululating, she'd be left behind in her wheelchair.
"Now, let me sleep a bit more."


At the guesthouse, Ranewa was feeling much better.

The morning sickness had passed and they manged to
get clean. One of Jace's aunts offered to babysit Jude
and they didn't even say no, knowing they'd be busy
they whole day.

Jace opened the door holding his son in his arms and
she looked st him.
"How does it look?" He placed the boy down and he ran
to his mother.
"Hi baby." Jude kissed her head like he always his father
do and Ranewa grinned touching his small head.
Jace walked to them and took his wife's hands. He
pulled her up to him, placing his other hand on her back
to hold her steady. She had filled out that dress so
Ranewa smiled at him.
"You are beautiful, I love you."
She blushed and he kissed her head.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Ee rra."
"Good. Food is in the car, we need to go. My aunt a re o
batla go apesa ngwetsi yaagwe ennye tšale."(my aunt
wants help her young bride wear her tšale)
She chuckled. That was the first step to acceptance and
she knew older people must be angry at them with the
way they did things.
"Okay." He then held her in his arms and she giggled.
"Jude, let's go."
The little boy followed his parents as they headed to the
car. He put his wife in the front seat and opened the
door. He out Jude in his car seat then jogged back
inside the guesthouse. He got his wife's handbag,
Jude's bag, his wife's wheelchair and proceeded to lock
the door.

He walked back to the car and Ranewa was already

opening the takeaway paper bags.

He put everything inside and got into the driver's seat as

Ranewa turned to hand Jude the food.

He started the car.


At Palesa's parents
The home was busy as they were cousins helping out
with the cooking for the celebration, a tent had been set
up at the back and there was joy in the big yard. Mma
Palesa had prayed at exactly midnight for this ceremony
to go well and she prayed again when she woke up. She
wanted the best for her daughter and she was now
hopeful it was going to be well.

Jace parked his car outside the yard and he saw

Kopano anxiously waiting. Jace's aunts spotted him as
he took out the wheelchair and placed Ranewa in it then
he unbundled his son.
"Hi boy boy." They greeted Jude and he smiled at them,
his dimpled face making them coo.
They then turned to Ranewa.
"Hi Ranny."
"Dumelang rakgadi." She smiled, her face clear of any
makeup and her lace wig had been installed way too
good, the lace not even visible and it looked so pretty
with no baby hairs, just a straight bussdown wig which
was neatly held by a blue sparkly clip pin at the ends.

Ranewa saw her mother and she smiled. She'll come

"Let me take this little one so he doesn't disturb you
guys." The aunt said and she got his bag too while she
headed to her car with Jude. Jude's parents waved at
him and he waved back. The other aunt told them to
wait there for her.

Jace kissed her cheek.

"I'm going to talk to Kopano for a minute."
She nodded and he walked over to her brother. She
watched them fist bump and she smiled. They got along
so well. Jace's aunt returned and she crouched to
Ranewa's level even in her heels.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?"
"Thank you."

Itumeleng stopped in her tracks as she watched one of

her in-laws wrap the tšale over Ranewa's shoulders
while her daughter smiled.

The aunt patted Ranewa's shoulders.

"You look beautiful gore, let's go and maybe the advices
will help you."
She pushed Ranewa's wheelchair and Ranewa called
out to her husband.
"Bye babe!"
He laughed.
"Bye Mrs Scott." She grinned and waved at Kopano who
waved back with a smile before he turned back to
"You've been married for over three years and how did
you make it work especially with a child?"
Jace slid his hands in his pockets.
"It just does work, I know that love is not enough to
some but if there is a lot of love you know what your
partner would do and not do. You both agree and talk
over things calmly. No jumping into conclusions and no
third party to dictate how your marriage should be.
That's just mine with your sister and there are things I
won't mention out of respect because she is your sister."
Kopanp's face blanched. He knew exactly what things
and it was better not even knowing those things.
"Relax, you and Palesa will be alright and try not to look
horrified. Ranewa is my wife, how do you think she got
pregnant in the first place and she's carrying my second
"I could punch you for marrying her in secret." Moemedi
laughed and Kopano hit his shoulder.
"Kana o tla swaba Mo."

He laughed as they turned to follow the men.

At Larona's parents

"Se mo tshwere tshwere senatla

Se mo tshwere tshwere senatla
Se mo tshwere senatla
Ngwana o tshwerwe ke senatla."

Larona sung as she turned around in her leteisi. She

wore the dress she had been a bridesmaid with at her
uncles wedding. Would be it romantic if Kopano can
change his mind then and there and marry herm
"Choss!".she twirled and laughed fixing her makeup.
She had to dress to kill. Should she take her father's
car? He probably can track it and she doesn't want that.
She got her handbag and it had pepper spray and
anything she might need for self defence if anyone tries

She walked in her flats, heading to the kitchen for a

lighter and a little sharp knife. Self defence. She assured

She continued singing wedding songs as she walked

back to the bedroom. She got her things and she
thought about something else. She'll buy it in Kanye.
It was time to go

Queen Of Hearts


At Kanye

Itumeleng called the aunt aside.

"Rakgadi, kana mme Ranewa ga a ise ka tsatsi lepe a
nnisiwa hatshe a laiwa."(Ranewa has never been
advised before.)
The aunt looked over where Ranewa was pressing her
"I know you want her to feel included but yes she can
wear the tšale but you also know gore Moemedi ga a
ntshetsa ngwanake magadi."(Moemedi didn't pay
magadi for my daughter)
She sighed.
"And she can stay for the ecelebration but until Moemedi
does the right thing, she can't partake in this. She is
married legally but ka setswana ga ra bona magadi ebile
she is still Ranewa. I was just making you aware and
you know it. We all love Ranewa but let's not lie to her
about things like this. Ke ngwanake and I know she
didn't even think she'll be among the other married
ladies, she just came here for her brother's special day."
"I hear you Itumeleng."
"Good. We haven't started yet. She can join later for the
celebration but this? No."

The aunt looked over at Ranewa again who smiled at

her phone. Itumeleng walked away and the aunt walked
over to Ranewa.
"Ranny, can we talk?"
"Ee mma."

She placed her phone on her lap as the aunt pushed the
wheelchair out. Itumeleng watched for a moment before
she went to join the other ladies. They were about to
start. Palesa walked in from the other side, alongside
the married ladies from her side. She sat down next to
Itumeleng who smiled at her daughter-in-law.

"You're so pretty."
"Thank you and dumelang."
"Dumela ngwanaka."

Outside, Ranewa nodded as her husband's aunt spoke.

"You're not offended?"
"Not at all. It's okay and I understand."
"Sure sure?"
She nodded as she was hugged.
"Alright my girl, where do you want to go?"
"Rakgadi you are supposed to be heading back inside."
"I will. I want to make sure you are safe, I don't know
where Moemedi is."
"I don't have the car keys. Uhm I don't know waitse…we
can try to find him but it'll look like he is babysitting me.
I'll just call him. You can go."
"Okay my girl."

The aunt walked away and Ranewa looked at her feet.

She thoughtfully removed the tšale and folded it to place
it on her lap and scrolled on her social media.

Meanwhile by the other side, Moemedi could see the

look of nervousness on Kopano's face.
"It will be fine."
He breathed out. He hoped so. Jace excused himself as
he took out his phone to check on his wife.

Her phone rang for a second before she answered.

"Rraagwe Jude?"
"Hey baby, I hope I'm not disturbing you."
"Not at all. O ha kae?"(where are you?)
"Where are you?"
She told him.
"I just need the car keys mme."
"On my way."


Two hours later, Larona got out of the bus and she
walked over to the ladies that sell airtime while holding
her big sunhat that was able to conceal her face. She
bought a can of coke and she thoughtfully asked the
lady about a wedding around.
"Ke ne ke kopa go botsa."(I wanted to ask something)
"Ee mma."
"Do you know where the wedding is held? Palesa's
magadi I mean? I'm a guest and I seem to be lost."
The lady frowned and she tried to remember.
"Palesa? Palesa mang?"
"Palesa Mogwe." She said, remembering the surname
from Facebook.

The lady remembered.

"Oh ba gooraMogwe. Listen up close so I can direct you.
Lovely family."
"Very lovely." Larona smiled as she listened in and
nodded. She took out her phone to type the directions
again asking the woman to speak slower.
"Thank you so much ma."
The lady smiled and Larona walked away. She wore her
hat and went to look for a taxi to take her there.

Minutes later, she was in a taxi. She toom a taxi special

as she called Kopano.

He wasn't answering his phone. She tried to call

Ranewa but still no answer.
"Are you from here?"
"Nyaa rra. I'm just a guest."
The man nodded as Larona tried Kopano's number
again. He answered her last time. Same goes for his
sister, why weren't they answering now?

She signed and placed the phone down.


At Palesa's parents
Eana stepped out of her boyfriend's Range Rover with
her black heels on and an A-line German print dress.
Instead if wearing blue, she wore the pink coloured one
which had pink lace at the bottom.

She smiled seeing the people bustling around and she

took his hand.
"Thank you."

He smiled and kissed her cheek.

Meanwhile, there was celebration and wedding songs

sung as Palesa held Kopano's hand. The camera
flashed and they smiled. Palesa looked up at her
husband with so much love and she held his hand
tighter, blushing even as they walked into the tent.

They sat down and got settled but he didn't let her hand
go. Inside, Itumeleng beamed with pride. Seeing his son
choose his wife and he was so content with Palesa not
that evil girl Larona.

Her eyes went to Ranewa who was speaking to

Moemedi as he nodded to what she was saying. His
look…she couldn't put a finger on it as she has never
been looked at like that. Ranewa couldn't see it and she
threw her head laughing, hitting his chest and he held
her hand with a little smile, the dimples he shared with
his father showing in that smile. She averted her
attention and she looked by her side. He said he'd be
back in a few minutes. She sighed.

Eana walked into the ten and smiled. Kopano nodded

his head in acknowledgement as she sat down with her
boyfriend by the table allocated for family.
"Hi Ranny."
Ranewa shifted her attention from Jace and smiled st
her sister.
"Hey sis..hi." She greeted Eana's partner and Eana
introduced him.
"Sylvester this my sister Ranewa and her husband
Moemedi. Guys this is my boyfriend Sylvester."
"Nice to meet you." Ranewa said and Moemedi said hi
before they all turned to see the speaker.

As the food was served, Palesa's cousins whispered

among themselves.
"Kante, is Moemedi married? Last week Palesa said he
was single and now he has a ring?"
"Hai mma. And Kopano's sister wa wheelchair o mo
kokometse eketeng chongama."(and Kopano's sister
who is in on a wheelchair js sticking by him like bubble
They chuckled and brought the ginger beer to their lips.
"I want to go shoot my shot. Gape you know men who
wear rings as fashion. he lives abroad so ba ira
"You are right, Ranewa mma le ene o mo labile jang?"
She clapped her hands.

By their table, Ranewa whispered something to Jace.

He nodded and she wheeled herself out. Eana looked at
her boyfriend.
"You were worrying over nothing, you see?"
He nodded as they enjoyed the celebration. There was
laughter in the tent.

Ranewa wheeled herself to the house, she felt

nauseous and she wouldn't want to puke in front of

By the tent, Jace excused himself and he went into the

house in search of his wife while Itumeleng looked
around for Botshelo. He still wasn't here. Maybe his call
was taking longer but he promised not ti put work first
just yesterday. It hasn't even been twenty four hours.

Larona's taxi stopped in front of the yard and she saw

the money cars. She got angry but she paid the man
and stepped out of the car. She took a deep breath and
slid her hand in her handbag, holding the small sharp
knife as she tried to act normal.

Itumeleng walked out of the ten and no one focused on

her anyway, she went in search of her husband. It was
so quiet save for the music blasting from the tent and
everyone was inside.

She walked outside and she bumped into someone.


Larona blinked. She knew that voice and this woman

had said Kopano was going to marry her but instead she
married Kopano to someone else. Her small thread of
sanity broke as she looked up.
Itumeleng's heart started beating fast and it all
happened so quick when she felt a sharp pain on her
stomach. Larona quickly removed rhe knife, luckily no
blood had touched her and she stabbed again.
"That's for your false promises."
Itumeleng's eyes went wide as she fell to her knees,
hand over her bleeding stomach as a croaked sound left
her lips.

Larona watched her crumple and fall face down to the

ground before she removed a wipe from her bag and
wiped the knife and her hands and threw the wipe on
the ground, stepping on it. She passed the house and
took out her phone to call Kopano. Still no answer. She
got closer and closer to the tent and she dropped her
head. She walked into the tent and she saw available
seats. She quickly walked there and dropped her head.
"Hey…only family sits her and those seats are taken."
Larona was aggravated by that voice. Eana was still this
loud woman? Bored! By the corner of her eye, she saw
Kopano for the first time in over four years. He was
smiling and laughing with that woman.
She didn't say a thing.
"Ke bua le wena tlhemma."(I'm talking to you)

She sighed and stood up, still with a dropped head.

Eana frowned. Who was this strange lady?

Larona went outside the tent to breath. How to get

Kopano to talk to her, she didn't see Ranewa in there.
He always had a soft spot for Ranewa and she knew he
never admitted it but Ranewa was his favourite sister. It
was so easy to get to him with her. Even if she attacks
the new bride, he can get another woman but he can
never get a new sister.

She looked around. She can burn them inside this tent?
But she wanted a simple word with him. With confidence
she stepped back in and walked straight to the podium,
grabbing the mic from that fat old man who wa spewing
nonsense. There was a gasp and took out her lighter.
She was so close to their table.
She removed her hat and it went dead silent. She
looked at everyone and she frowned. Kopano's heart
pounded and his first instinct was to protect Ranewa but
thank God she wasn't there. He held Palesa's hand.
There were a lot of people here, she can't do anything.

She turned to speak to Kopano.

"I just need a moment with you. Just to talk please." Her
eyes begged him and she breathed out, getting angrier
seeing him with Palesa.

Someone quickly took out their phone and called the


She turned to the crowd and her eyes zeroed in on

Eana's boyfriend, she chuckled.

Queen Of Hearts

Everyone's eyes went to Sylvester and Kopano had to
be calm. He hoped someone called the police.
"Okay." He let go of his wife's hand and walked to the
podium. He didn't trust her.
"You can leave the bag and we'll talk."

He lifted his hands to show her he was holding nothing.

Even his phone. She looked around and nodded.
Kopano took her hand and she held his tighter. She has
been waiting for this.

Meanwhile outside, more people wanted to join in on the

celebration and were hoping they weren't late when they
saw the woman on the ground. One of the ladies quickly
rushed over to the bleeding lady and turned her.
The people she was with rushed over and they turned
"I'm a nurse! Let me help."

The woman dropped her bag and took off her shades
and she knelt totally he grond to assess the situation.
She checked her pulse.
"She's still breathing." She took off her head scarf and
had someone make Itumeleng stand upright so she can
tie it around the bleeding area. She was losing a lot of
blood but she'll be okay.
Inside the car, Botshelo cut the call and breathed out.
That took longer than expected. With a sigh, he got out
of the car and locked it. He passed a few cars but he
saw commotion and he walked closer with a frown.
"Call the ambulance." A woman said and he moved even

Itumeleng coughed out blood and Botshelo quickly fell to

the ground to touch her.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
"We found her on the ground."
"Itu?" He touched her face. Who did this and how could
have nobody seen this?
"Let me take her to hospital. I'm her husband."
He quickly picked her up as the blood seeped from the
headscarf tired around her stomach.
"You'll be okay, I promise." He whispered to her and she
just grunted in pain.

Meanwhile, inside the tent everyone looked at Eana's

boyfriend and he looked down. She didn't want
everyone to find out this way. Mma Palesa walked over
over Palesa.
"Pale, are you sure you prayed?"
"Ee mma. I didn't know she was out."
"We called the police, she is dangerous and we have no
idea what she is doing here."
"Well if she tries anything, we can stone her."
"What? She ruined my day and made commands. Who
without sin eng eng we'll see it. We'll stone her to death
if she tries it."
Mma Palesa could see Palesa was serious. Palesa kept
looking over her mother's shoulder to see where Kopano
was standing with Larona.

Outside, Kopano let go of Larona's hand.

"Why are you here?"
"To see you. I wanted to apologise for-"
She looked into his eyes and tears welled in her eyes.
"I-I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean to stab Ranewa that time. It had been a
moment of madness and even now, I didn't mean to stab
your mother. She bumped into me a-"

Kopano stilled, his bone chilling as he looked at her. He

chuckled. Unbelievable! She came here to finishing off
his family and then apologise with fake tears. He held
his fists behind his back, resisting the urge to slap her.
She rubbed her eyes.
"I'm sorry okay? I changed and-"

People started coming to the tent and the lady had

blood over her. Kopano held Larona's hand and twisted
it hard, she bot down her lip, tears hot in her eyes.
"You have been getting away with hurting my family
thinking because I love your stupid delusional @ss.
Listen to me and listen carefully, I do not give a flying
f*ck about you and the fact that you hurt my family and
then apologise? Larona I will kill you! If they don't lock
you up and throw away the keys, I will hunt you down
and kill you myself."

Her sneered in her face and she shrunk and screamed.

"They won't help you. You are the crazy one and trust
me, you will regret ever touching anyone related to me."
He twisted her arm more and she could feel it bruising.
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
"This is not you." She cried with a shaky voice.
"This is the me you are going to get. Maybe the police
shouldn't come and I'll bury you alive."

His eyes scared her and his voice had her heart beating
like a drum and not in a cool way. She licked her lips as
the salty tears came.
"You're turning into your father. You hate him."
She said as a last minute resort and he tilted his head
back, hearing the sirens.
"And least I'd have killed you."
He let her go with such force that she fell to the ground
and looked at her arm that was starting to bruise.
Kopano sighed. He asked the woman how his mother
was now that he knew Larona stabbed her.
"Her husband took her to the hospital."

Larona looked around and everyone was looking at her,

she scrambled to her feet and tried to run but some of
the men were fast and caught her.

Her uncle walked over to the man who held her.

"Let her go."
Kopano whipped his head.
"No. She has caused enough damage and she'll be
staying there until the police arrive."
"She just wanted to talk, Lala?"
Larona rubbed her tears.
"Uncle Syl, I just want to go home."
"After stabbing my mother?"
Everyone gasped and Eana paled. What? Ranewa
whose wheelchair was being pushed by Jace was
confused. What was the commotion about? She was so

Jace kept pushing her till they reached the tent and she
wanted to see but obviously couldn't.

"She what? Hell no!"


Eana stopped in her tracks. Sylvester looked at Larona

who couldn't deny it.
"It was a mistake, like Ranewa a-"
"You crippled my sister and you call that a mistake? You
now wanted to kill my mother and say you're sorry as if
you stole candy from a jar?"

Ranewa's blood went cold. Larona? Jace held her

wheelchair handles tighter. How the hell did she get

He crouched down to his wife's level.

"Hey hey, she can't hurt you."
Tears welled in Ranewa's eyes.
"K-Kopi says she wanted to kill mama. Where is my
mother? Kante what did we ever do to that girl?"
He picked his pregnant wife, the tent was literally empty
and he sat down with her in his lap. She sniffed against
his chest.
"Nothing. She is just some rich kid who seeks attention
in the most outrageous ways because she was never
loved. You guys did nothing."
He wiped her tears with his hands.

He rocked his wife back and forth as she calmed down.

He didn't want her stressed.

By where the crowd stood, the police officers made their

way and they saw Larona. They looked at one another
and sighed. How did she even get to this side of the
"I'd also like to report her for attempted murder."

Ranewa's head lifted. What?

The police officers' eyes widened.

"For trying to kill Itumeleng Scott."
Ranewa went still in Jace's arms. What? No. Where is
her mother?

Kopano looked at Larona, daring her to deny it and she

tried to bold but was surrounded and caught. The police
men were so disappointed. It hadn't even been a week
since she was out and she already went to bother the
poor man's family again?

They walked closer and one held her still whole the
other handcuffed her.
"It's his fault!"
She screamed in Kopanp's direction.
"Had he did everything right I wouldn't be here."

She kicked as they dragged her to the police van which

was parked outside. Kopano rubbed his face..he needed
to go see his mother. Palesa stood next to him and
hugged him.
"I hope she is gone for good."
"Me too."

He looked up, everyone now silent as they heard Larona

scream as she was being out into the van.
Queen Of Hearts


At Kanye

Everyone started murmuring and Kopano sighed as he

walked over to Palesa.
"I'm sorry."
He dropped his head and whispered to her. Palesa
"As long as she is arrested."
He breathed out. Tired. He was so tired of Larona and
now she hurt his mother, on his and his wife's day. He
licked his lips and sighed. Palesa hugged him tight and
he placed his head on her head. Palesa held her
husband tight. She could tell he eas fed up and tired of
"We'll go see your mother later today."
He nodded. Holding her tighter.

People started to disperse from the spot and some

walked back into the tent. Eana looked at her boyfriend.
This was not how she wanted him introduced and she
knew it was now going to be a problem.
"I should apologise." Sylvester said.
"No, not now. You'll make it worse."
Sylvester didn't know that Larona stabbed yet another
family member. He had seen on Facebook that she was
released and to think she had been a good kid but
obviously his brother is a shitty person, now his niece
turned out this way.

Eana took his hand.

"You didn't know and I do hate your niece. Strongly even
because she left Ranewa paralysed and now my mother
is in the hospital as we speak."
He nodded and breathed out. He knew Larona
somehow was going to tell the family he cut off that she
saw him today.
"I think once the dust settles over, we'll talk about this. I
don't think there is a celebration anymore."

She turned and saw Ranewa being pushed by her

husband out of the tent. The couple headed towards
Kopano as he let go of his wife to face his sister.
"What did she do to mama?"
"I think Botshelo took her to the hospital. We have to go
now to see if she's alright."
Ranewa nodded and rubbed her eyes.
Kopano's eyes met Eana who swallowed seeing the way
he looked at her. Kopano looked at Sylvester with
disgust and their intertwined hands. He chuckled in
disbelief. After everything and now what happened
today and Eana dated someone related to Larona?

He rubbed his mouth. He'll deal with this after seeing his
mother. Now was not the time.

Eana quickly dropped Sylvester's hand as she lowered

her head.

"Let me tell my uncle to tell people to go home and we

can go to the hospital."
Palesa said before she kissed Kopano's cheek and
walked back to the tent.
"I hope the police took her away for good. That girl is not

Kopano then remembered he had Larona leave her bag

there by the podium. He quickly went inside the tent to
go get it. So he cane give it to the police as evidence
along with Larona's hat.

At Sasa's workplace

Her work phone rang and she quickly answered.

"Hello. Is this Ms Sarona Gomolemo?"
"We are calling from Kanye Police Station and we have
Larona Gomolemo in custody."
Sasa dropped her pen. What? Kanye? When did she go
there? what was going on?
"What for?"
"Please make your way to the police station. And we
have also called the higher ups. Thank you."

The call cut and Sasa stood up. Panicking.

She called her father.

"Hello? Did you receive the call that Larona has been
arrested in Kanye?"
Her father breathed out. It hasn't been a week and
already Larona got herself in trouble.
"I'm leaving the office right now."
She also was. After all her hard work she does this? She
worked so hard to get her out of prison.
She cut the call and quickly packed her files in her bag
and grabbed it. She quickly rushed out, her high heels
clicking at a rapid pace on the floor.


At Palesa's parents

People started to leave and they talked among

themselves about what just happened. They walked
away with takeaway plates. This was going to be the
village's gossip this whole week that's for sure. All
because one girl decided to ruin it all.
"I can't imagine being calm like Palesa. I would have
beaten that girl."
A girl said as she chewed on an endearmint sweet. He
companion shook her head.
"Ah? That girl is dangerous. I wouldn't want to die. You
die and your man moves on, kana banna ga se batho ba
sepe."(men are useless)
"That's true." They went on about their way.

Inside the tent, family was left there and the cousins
looked around. They had to clean and it was not going
to be a very tedious process. One of the cousins who
had gotten nails the day before, saw Moemedi talking to
the phone and Ranewa wasn't around. Good. That girl
was clinging to the poor man.

Moemedi hung up and slid his phone in his pocket, she

admired him for a good minute before she went to
approach him.
"Hi." She said in a sickly sweet voice and Jace glanced
over at her, stepping back a bit.
She could see the confusion in his eyes.
"I'm Rafiwa, Palesa's cousin. We haven't officially met."
He nodded.
"I-do you want a drink?"

She looked back at his hands and he still had that ring.
"And maybe we can get to know each other. I saw you
at Palesa's birthday too, months back. You were with a
toddler, Jude right?"
"Okay. Nice meeting you Rafia but no. I don't want a
Why was he playing hard to get?

Jace's phone rang in his pocket and he answered.

"Dad? Okay. She went to get Jude from rakgadi and
we'll be on our way. Ee rra. As long as she's stable,
that's good. Ee rra."

She looked at his arms. Hot! Hot!

He cut the call.

"We could be friends first, I don't mind."

She frowned.
"No?" Why could he say no to her? She had the looks,
body and she was even willing to be a step mother to his
cute son.
"Yes. I don't want to be friends with you."
Men would jump at the opportunity of a woman wanting
"Why? Let me be upfront, I like you and I think you're
He chuckled and she saw the dimple. His accent was
hot too.
"I think my wife will be very flattered that someone else
thinks I'm hot. But the feelings are not mutual Refilwe."
"Rafiwa." She corrected before the rest of what he said
sunk in.
She froze. Wife? Where was the wife in question? She
didn't know said wife.
"She doesn't have to know. Get my number and we can
"Nyaa mma. Please respect yourself."

Ranewa wheeled herself to him with Jude sleeping

soundly against her chest.
"Babe? I got him."
She said and Rafiwa looked at Ranewa. Babe? She
looked at both of them. Maybe she heard incorrectly.
"Oh hi." She greeted the girl and Jace got Jude.
"Thanks. We should get going."
"Alright. I'm a bit anxious to see her."
"Gatwe she's stable."

Ranewa wheeled herself besides her husband and they

turned to walk. Rafiwa walked up to them.
"You didn't give me your number."

She said to Moemedi. He held the back if his son's head

and sighed. She was relentless wasn't she? Ranewa
frowned. What was going on?
"Babe, this is Refilwe."
She nodded.
"Okay. What am I supposed to do with that information?"
She asked genuinely.
"Rafiwa. My name is Rafiwa and Ranewa I want your
brother's number since he is refusing with it."
Ranewa chuckled.
"He's not my brother and I'll have to say no
Rafiwa was lost now.
"It's just a number."
"And he said no motho wa Modimo. It's not a big issue.
Take the rejection and move on, gape he's married
motho yoo."
Ranewa looked up at him and her sleeping child.
"Jace, we need to go. You'll find me in the car." She
wheeled herself away, she just wanted to go see her

Rafiwa folded her arms.

"Now that she's gone, your wife doesn't have to know."
"That's my wife."

That's all he said as he briskly caught up to Ranewa and

he touched her head affectionately. Rafiwa gaped.

At the hospital

Botshelo sat by the benches alone, wondering how she

was stabbed. He had so many questions and what if he
lost his wife today? He wouldn't have been able to live
with himself.

He breathed into his hands, his stress levels sky high.

Queen Of Hearts


Inside the car

Jace buckled up Jude before he closed the door and

went to his wife's side to pick her up and place her in the
car. He stood there and kissed her head.
"You are it for me okay?"
He reassured her, they trusted each other and he didn't
want her to doubt herself because of her disability.
"I know."
"Good. Remember that at all times my little fairy."
She smiled at him and held his cheek, her thumb
rubbing over where his dimples would show everytime
he smiled.
"I will. Let's get going."
He kissed her lips before he took her hand and kissed it
as well. He closed the car door and walked over to his
side, spotting Kopano who was walking to his car with

Eana sat in the car with Sylevester as she watched

Kopano's car leave followed by Moemedi's car. She
breathed out, not sure how to face them now that they
knew. More especially her brother. Ranewa somehow
didn't freak out when Larona was out so she might be
accepting of this. Besides, her relationship was
forbidden and she went ahead and married the damn
man, why can't she do the same?
It's not like Sylevester was all smiles with his family. She
found out they were his family when she was already
deep in love with him and she couldn't turn off her

He rubbed her knee.

"Don't overthink it, just go see your mother and we'll
take it from there."
Her started the car and looked around, carefully
"I hope it goes well."
"It will. Let's get going. I'll stay in the car."

She nodded and he drove ahead on the side of the road

before he joined it and Eana had the whole drive to the
hospital to think.


At the hospital

Eana was the last to get out of the car and she kissed
Sylvester before she closed the door and headed to the
hospital entrance.
Sylevester rubbed his head. The urge to call them and
ask about Larona was strong. He hasn't seen them in
over ten years because he didn't agree with anything the
family did more especially his big brother. He was now a
man of thirty years and successful in his own right
without the family.

He sighed and leaned back.

Inside the hospital, Eana found her siblings with their
partners waiting outside the room she was directed to.
"How is she?"
"She's fine now. Still asleep but fine."
Botshelo answered.

Kopano shook his head looking at his sister.

"And you brought her family to our doorstep? To my
Ranewa looked between Kopano and Eana.
"What's going on?"
"Oh. Your sister's boyfriend is Larona's uncle."

Ranewa's eyes bulged and Eana looked at the ground.

"How do you sleep at night knowing you are in cahoots
with her family? Huh? That is something I'll never
accept. Sorry."
Ranewa took a moment to take that in.
"Larona almost ended my life, she almost killed mama
and her family? Ea? Tell me this is a joke?"
Eana glanced over at Ranewa and Ranewa could see
the truth in her sister's eyes.
Ranewa couldn't actually believe this.
"Her family? Out of all the people in this world?"
"You are not the one who should be dictating who I
should love or not Ranewa."
"Like you were telling me just days after my near death
that I should leave Jace for mama's happiness. Eana if
you want to do this here, I assure you I will do this here
Eana licked her lips.
"He is not close to his family, he is harmless."
"Harmless? When Larona's family wanted to buy us off
to drop the charges Larona was facing? One day he will
reunite with them and you'll tell us if he's harmless. I
won't accept that relationship. It even happened after
your sister's near death and you want to continue it now
even though your mother is in hospital?"

Eana chuckled.
"I'm not the one who dated a crazy girl like Larona.
Between us you should feel guilty because your ex
girlfriend is the reason your sister is on a wheelchair and
mother is in the hospital."
"Eana, that's enough." Botshelo interjected.
"No. That's the truth. No one is going to tell me who I
should date especially yoo wa go nyala her step
Ranewa laughed.
"Wow! Well at least I dated him prior to the parents
getting married and his family is not evil. Good luck!"
Ranewa said and asked Jace to wheel her out. Her
sister was unbelievable. These were two different
Palesa calmed down Kopano.
"So you are choosing him over your family?"
"Family is not going to marry me. If you'd all listen to his
"So the fact that his niece did this to your family means
nothing to you Eana? Glad to see where your priorities
lie and I'll be sure to let mom know that you chose the
family of someone who nearly killed her."
"You are putting words in my mouth. You are the ones
who have a problem. Sylvester is just fine."
Kopano chuckled.
"Just leave Eana. Go!"
"I came here to see my mother."
Kopano stepped closer to his sister, letting go of
Palesa's hand.
"It's either him or your family. Choose."

Eana's eyes filled with tears. He was so serious about it

Queen Of Hearts


At the hospital

She stepped back and didn't dare touch her face. She
still had makeup on her face and she didn't want to
smudge that.
"You can't make me choose between the things that are
important to me."
She said with a low voice. That was just impossible. Her
family knew she loved them but she also loved her
"Do you think we'll all be fine living with the family of
someone who hurt our mother and sister. If you are
going to compare yourself to Ranewa then would you
expect her to date someone who is related to the person
who nearly killed you?"
Eana breathed out.
"I wasn't the one who was nearly killed."
"That means you can't put yourself in that situation and
you'll expect everything to be rosy with your boyfriend.
Did you know he was Larona's uncle?"
She kept quiet.
"You knew all along. Make your pick, today was a long
day and I honestly shouldn't be dealing with this."
"Kopano don't do this."

Botshelo stood up.

"We are here for Itumeleng. Let's all calm down and we'll
discuss this at home as a family."
"Not yet. Eana, him or your family?"

The tears rolled down her eyes.

"It's all your fault Kopano. No one brought Larona in the
family except for you."
"And it's my fault, I admit it and I admit that I carry the
guilt for Ranewa's disability and now mother laying on
the hospital bed. It's my fault but you want to make
everything worse by bringing her family into ours now?"
"He is different."
"No one cuts off family for good. Ranewa might be angry
that no one accepts her marriage but she hasn't cut
anyone off has she? She calls and talks to everyone
regardless of the fact that everyone including you
opposed her relationship."
"He is not them. I love you guys but what you expect of
me is so unfair."
"Then walk out. Just know that you picked your side."
Eana felt like her heart was breaking. Why couldn't they
get to know Sylvester like she does? When that man
says he is done, he is absolutely done.
"If you leave this room, you are siding with him an
everything attached to him and that's that."

Kopano sat down as Eana stood there stunned. Tears

ruining her makeup. Emotions are high and she'll come
back later.

She turned on her heels and walked out.

Palesa looked at Kopano. This man loved his family so
so much, he just didn't do that.
He sighed.
"She made her choice."

Eana stooped by the corridor and cried into her hand,

her heart breaking with each step she took.

Inside the car, Sylvester breathed out and called his

older brother. He had called him a few days ago.
He sighed.
"Why aren't you guys getting help for Larona? She was
released a few days ago and she should be in a mental
hospital instead of roaming around."
"We are working on it. I'm heading to the police station
"You never really cared about Larona, she-" He
breathed out. He cut his family off for a reason.
"Know what, just get her help."

He cut the call and looked at his phone screen. He

rubbed his face. Tired and exhausted. He was
wondering how it was going in there with Eana and her
family. They seemed like nice people and the fact that
his niece f*cked up the family was something he felt a
tiny pinch of guilt about.

Inside the hospital, Jace was sitting on the bench with

Jude on his lap while Ranewa held the bottle of water.
"You know what? I'm not going to give my opinion on
this. I'll let her be and talk to my therapist."
She opened the water bottle and gulped down the water.
"Breath sweetheart."
She took a a deep breath and watched her two boys.
Jace held their son and she placed a hand over her
"She was against my relationship so much. Always
asking me if we broke up but I'll let it be. Let her be, if
she wants to join Larona's family she shouldn't say I
stopped her."
Ranewa went on.
"She knew though they were related and still continued.
I don't know what to make of this."
She drunk her water once again and Jace sighed. This
was stressing her out.
"Let's go see if we can see your mother and then drive
back home? You have to relax baby."

He got up with the kid who turned his head and Ranewa
started to push herself in the direction they came from.

Eana stepped out of the hospital with tears still stinging

in her eyes as she walked to the car.

She opened the door and Sylevester pulled her into his
arms as soon as she sat down.
"They are being so unfair right now."
He shushed her as she cried some more.
"I love you and they didn't even consider my happiness.
I love my family but they were being impossible."

She cried more, her makeup ruining Sylvester's shirt.

Inside the hospital room, Itumeleng opened her eyes.
She tried to move but pain shot right from her stomach
and she let out a little choked scream of pain. She
blinked, where was she?

She closed her eyes and tried to remember the events

prior to this, she felt dizzy and a bit out of it but she
could remember seeing Larona.

Her heart raced and tears filled her eyes. Larona. She
stabbed her. She tried to move but the pain didn't allow
her to. She moved her hands and she had an IV drip
attached to her. She rubbed her eyes.

The door opened and a doctor walked in.

"Mrs Scott, you're awake." He said and he started to
check on her, asking basic questions which she
"Your family is outside, should I let them in?"

She nodded.

Outside her room, Ranewa looked at her older brother.

"Can we not tell her about this Eana's boyfriend
situation? She's already in pain as it is and she doesn't
need the stress right now until she's healed or we she
back at the city."
Kopano nodded and Ranewa sighed as the doctor
stepped out.
"Hi. She's awake, you have only fifteen minutes with
They nodded.
Palesa patted Kopano's shoulder encouraging him to
go. Botsshelo stood up and walked to the room as
Ranewa wheeled herself there. Jace sat down and
looked at their sleeping child.

Palesa looked at Jude.

"Jude mme o montle."(Jude is beautiful)
"Thank you." She leaned back and closed her eyes.
Maybe if she had prayed, the evil spirit possessing
Larona wouldn't have come ruin her wedding.

Inside Itumeleng's room, she looked at her husband and

kids. Botshelo fixed her pillows and helped her drink
water. She could feel the pain and she saw everyone's
face. They looked exhausted.
"How are you feeling?"
Ranewa asked with her hands on her lap as she looked
at her mother sympathetically. She hoped it was just
stabs and Larona didn't alter her mother's life like she
did hers. Which is ironic that the girl wanted to end the
family of the person she claimed to love.
"How did she get there?"
She asked. Why did Larona come?
"She stabbed me for no reason at all. That girl is-"

She could feel the anger bubbling. She wanted them to

lock Larona up for good. How did she get out of prison?
"Mama, focus on healing and when you're ready the
police will come." Kopano said and he went over to hug
his mother. She hugged him back. Kopano broke the
"The doctor said it's stab wounds and nothing vital was
damaged. I'm be fine Ranewa."
"Thank God!"

That was a huge relief. Where was Eana?

"Where's Eana?"

Queen Of Hearts


At the hospital
Kopano placed a hand on his mother's shoulder.
"Mama, try to get some rest and we'll discuss that
tomorrow." Ranewa nodded. It was better to allow their
mother to heal with no stress. A lot was going on at the
same time and it was a lot to deal with especially for an
injured person.

Itumeleng frowned and looked at Botshelo who didn't

say anything.
"Okay." Ranewa waved at her mother as she prepared
to leave.
"Bye and I'll check on you tomorrow."
"Okay Ranny." She smiled in pain, the anaesthesia was
wearing off and Kopano kissed her head.
"I have to go but stay safe, I'll be back tomorrow."
"Okay Kopi."

Kopano pushed Ranewa's wheelchair and Botshelo sat

by the corner of the bed. She looked st him for a minute
and closed her eyes.
She opened her eyes.
"Minus the fact that Larona is crazy, you were working
again weren't you? Disappeared to speak over the
phone for work after you promised."
Botshelo took her hands.
"I'm sorry. It was a situation I had to deal with

She sighed and let go of his hands.

"I'm tired and I want to sleep."
He nodded and sat on the chair. Watching her sleep.
Itumeleng just closed her eyes, not even feeling sleepy.

Outside in the parking lot, Eana had wiped off all her
makeup with the wipes and she saw her siblings leave.
She'll go see her mother just after their cars go.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded. They were being selfish and it was not fair.
She didn't even know what they might have said to their
mother just so she can side with them.

She waited a few minutes in the car and once she was
sure her siblings were gone, she got out in her flats and
headed to the hospital entrance.

Inside, she made her way to her mother's room and

"Come in."
She opened the door and found Botshelo by her
mother's bedside. This was love, the for better or for
worse. How could they want her to not have this while
they were happy with their significant others?
"Hi, is mama awake?"
Itumeleng opened her eyes and Eana smiled.
"Let me give you two some space."
Botshelo walked out and Eana sat down.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine now. That Larona girl is a lunatic."

She knew her fair share of crazy partners. Her first was
in prison and now Kopano's first girlfriend was doing
"Very crazy."
"Why weren't you with your siblings?"
"Came a bit late."

Itumeleng nodded.
"Okay. I'll be okay, no major injuries and the doctor said
I'll be out soon."
"Glad to hear that mama." Itumeleng yawned. Her
mother didn't mention Sylevester. If it was a burning or
pressing issue her mother would have mentioned it to
her because her mother liked confronting issues head
"I have to sleep. At least Larona didn't touch any of you,
I'm grateful for that. I don't want to lose any of you."

She struggled with her kids from running away and she
could have died hours ago. It seemed Larona stabbed to
kill. She hated that girl so much and even thinking of her
and her family, she got angry all over again.
"And I'm sure her evil family got her out. Waitse it
reminds me of Mothusi's evil family. Not even one good
person there."
Eana shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
"At least this is the last time we deal with her and
everything related to that girl. Nna wa ntena."
"But Kopano brought her.."
Itumeleng couldn't say no to that.
"I agree but it's the same as me being told that I brought
Mothusi in everyone's lives. He is your father, a horrible
one at that and it is my fault that I chose a man like that
because at the beginning he wasn't that man. I'll forever
feel guilty that he did the things he did to your siblings
and you and you had to ensure that because I procreate
with him."
Eana breathed out.
"Do you think I'm a mistake?"
"Where does that come from?"
"Looking at all the bad things Mothusi did.."
Itumeleng sighed. At first when she found out she was
pregnant with Eana after that rape incident, she felt like
dying but she had an infant and a three year old to take
care of at the time. Had abortion crossed her mind? It
did but somehow she told herself she'd manage. She
grew to love her bump and her babu.
"I know you know your conception but I love you
nevertheless Eana. I love all of you, as much as you all
make mistakes you are my children and I'll never regret
you guys."

Eana went to hug her mother and she straightened up.

"I have to go now."
"Okay. Bye "

She walked out and said bye to Botshelo who walked

back in.
"Do you need food?"He asked his wife as he walked
closer. He sat down and took her hand.
"I swear on my life, that was the last time. I'll be here for
you and all our kids."
She sighed.
"You said it was the last time yesterday. I'm tired."
"I swear this time."
She just agreed. Not sure if he'll even take care of her
after they are out of the hospital.
"Let me go buy something for you to eat, I'll be back my

He kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes.

"I love you."
"Me too " She whispered back.


At Kanye Police Station

Larona's family was briefed about what happened and

Sarona placed her hands on her head. What the hell
was wrong with that girl?

She laughed in disbelief as she looked at her parents.

"You know what? I'm done. I love Larona but I'm done.
You can find her another lawyer. I can't keep doing this.
Now she stabbed the poor woman for what? Let her live
with her stupid delusions. Nna ka lesa."(I'm done)
Sarona walked out, leaving Larona's parents. At this
point, there was nothing to do to defend Larona. After all
this work to get her out?
"Can we see her?"
"Of course."

They were led to the room and found Larona tapping her
foot on the ground.
"I'm not crazy." She said to her parents.
This was pointless, wouldn't it better for them to plead
for her to be locked up in a mental institution for life?
Even if she's better they take her back to prison? They
were exhausted. They loved her but you can't keep
saving someone who doesn't want to be saved.
"You are not." Her mother said as she sat down. Where
did they go wrong? One boy? All because she loved a
man to this extent and now she was losing her mind
over him? This was not normal.

She had to admit she lost her child after she graduated
university. They had to mourn her not being apart of the
family anymore because there was nothing else that
could be done to save her.

Larona stopped tapping her foot and she breathed into

her hands.
"Mom he was getting married. Why did he move on?"
Normal people move on, Larona's mother thought in her
own head.
"He loved me. He-"

Laron rubbed her tears and her father just walked away.
Jt was better she was sent away. She was beyond

Queen Of Hearts


At the guesthouse

The young couple ate silently as Jude slept peacefully

on the bed. Ranewa wished she could sleep at this very
moment but then now she had to deal with the
memories of what Larona did to her. She finished eating
and she picked the serviette to wipe her fingers and she
leaned back on her wheelchair. A good bath and then
being cuddled by the man she loves. Her small family
was the one consistent thing in her life.
"Mom says she'll be fine."
"And you have to believe that. Come here."
He picked her up and laid her down on the bed before
he kissed her lips. Ranewa held Jude and kissed his
small head. He thought of removing his t-shirt but what if
she vomits in the morning again?

He cleared the table and put the takeaway bags in the

dustbin before he switched off the lights and joined his
wife and child in bed.

Jace held his wife and child in his arms. He kissed her
"I'm scared I'll get the nightmares again."
"I'll hold you through all of them."
She breathed out softly as his warmth transferred to her
and she smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

She closed her eyes and let sleep take over. Jace
stayed awake, wondering how things are going to go
from here. In a week or two they'd have to go Semolale
to speak to the family regarding their marriage.

Eana couldn't help but wipe her tears, Kopano's words
ringing in her head. She sat in the bedroom she used to
share with her sister and she placed her head on her
knees. She had Sylvester drive her back to Gaborone.
The memories played in her head and she wanted to
call Kopano to ask him if he was serious. If his anger
subsided after a few hours and he was saying all that in

She got her phone and called Ranewa. Her phone rang
unanswered the first time and she called again before it
was answered.
"Hello Ranny.."
Sbe held back tears as she covered her mouth.
"Hello. Ranewa is sleeping. I'll tell her you called."

She licked her lips as Moemedi said that.

"Okay. Thank you Moemedi."

He cut the call and she placed the phone down. She
started typing a message to Kopano. It was two long
long paragraphs and she hit send before she could clear
She sighed.

Slowly, she got up and walked to the bed and got

undercovers. She cried herself to sleep.


The following morning, the social media streets were

buzzing like crazy. Larona and Kopano's face were on
people's timelines alongside Palesa's pictures. People in
salons were whispering about it all and even people in
the street asked each other if they heard the latest
gossip regarding the Mosiames.

Another thing that had left the nation shocked was

Itumeleng who was stabbed, their queen of hearts?
Stabbed? It seemed as if badluck followed that woman
from a very traumatic upbringing to her traumatic life and
even now after years since her daughter was crippled,
Larona lost crippled her.

The Gomolemos? Oooh, they were cutting calls left right

centre in regards to Larona. Journalists wanted the
scoop on what happened and how Larona already
validated her release conditions.
At Kanye? The whole village already knew and now as
the cleanup was being wrapped up by the cousins,
Rafiwa started to talk about Moemedi, not knowing she
was about to start another round of gossip as the
neighbours who were helping listened in.

"Kana mma Moemedi is married."

She said as a matter of fact.

"You didn't manage?"
"Guess who his wife is?"
"Ranewa mma."
"Ah? Wa nkaketsa tlhemma!"(You are lying to me)

Everyone turned and they slowly moved closer to hear

the gossip. It seemed as if a lot was going on.
"Keore? Mother father…daughter son?"
Rafia clapped her hands.
"I was surprised. Like Ranewa? I thought they were
"Clearly not hey! I was so surprised gore mma. I felt
embarrassed that he even had to tell her that he said
The other cousin clicked her fingers.
"That's why they were together in the tent. They were
talking and laughing together kante ke couple..Mma! I
was so embarrassed."
"Gape how does he? Keore she is in a wheelchair.
Crippled and he decided to go for her? No offense
because it's not her fault but he could do better."

Rafiwa chuckled.
"And he is such a fine man. He deserves better than a
woman who can't even do woman on top or even be
spontaneous with you because of her disability."
"Rafiwa you have a point but hai…he married her."
"But is she a mountain? She is not so she can be
"Ah..kana Pale is married to the family, let's not make it
sour for her and her in-laws."
"No Kopano is fine but Moemedi and Ranewa? I'm sure
that child is not hers but hela why would he subject
himself to doing everything for her?"
"Men? You can never understand them."

Rafiwa laughed as she walked over to put the chairs one

after another.

The other ladies were shocked by everything as some

paused to let out their shock
"Ke mathata."(it's a problem)


At the hospital

Botshelo fed his wife breakfast as she ate bit by bit. The
doctor had assured that she can be discharged later that
day, she'll have to make sure her stitches are cleaned
and are always checked every week till they are taken

Itumeleng smiled as she finished eating and Botshelo

smiled at her.
"I'll get our things from the guesthouse and then come
pick you up so we can go and you can hang clothes."
"Okay. That works. Thank you."
"You are welcome."

He sat down and held her hand. He rubbed her hands

and she looked st him. The silence was comforting and
he opened his mouth.
"It will be different. I swear."
"I heard you for the first time Botshelo."
He breathed out
"Now that our personal marriage issues have been
resolved, can we talk about the kids?"
Itumeleng winced trying to sit up right but she couldn't.
Botshelo fixed her pillows and helped her as gently as
he could.
"I'm not happy about the relationship. Personally nna
"The way you put your point across was not okay and as
much as we are married. Moemedi is my son and you
wouldn't appreciate to it if I slapped Kopano."
Itumeleng looked down.
"But we'll discuss it all when you are good and ready.
Just rest and I'll go get our stuff."
She nodded.

Queen Of Hearts


At the guesthouse

Ranewa sat on the bed as she listened to Eana.

"Kana Kopano ga a dire sentle. At all."
Ranewa nodded. She loved her sister, she really did but
hearing her lament about how her brother was against
her relationship when she plainly disrespected her

"I hear you. Talk to Kopano."

"Ranewa, I'm venting."
"And I listened. You love him and my opinion doesn't
matter. Do what you want, Eana."
Eana breathed out. She had expected her sister to be
more sympathetic than that but she was just cold.
"Kana when you and M-"
"Ng ng, akere nna wa go nyala my step brother ke ska
bua and what I say doesn't matter, don't drag my
husband into this Eana. Go be with Sylevester even
though nna you were putting pressure on me to put
mama's happiness first. Le wena put mama's happiness
first, did you want me to say that? Gore she feels safe
and doesn't feel overwhelmed by Larona's family around
her but you won't do that akere? Nna akere the fact that
I don't feel safe around Larona's family doesn't matter to
you akere?"
There was silence.
"You see? There is nothing I can help with mma."
Eana chuckled in disbelief. Her sister was speaking to
her in this way?
The door opened and in walked Jace holding Jude. She
smiled at them.
"We'll talk later okay?"
"Sharp." Ranewa said and cut the call. She smiled at her

"Should we head home?"

"I think so. Let me put him down and pack out stuff. We'll
see your mother in Gaborone."
"Ee rra."

She watched him get started before she got bored and
picked her phone up to go through Facebook.

She was surprised to find that everything that happened

yesterday was plastered all over social media. People
pitting Larona and Palesa with Kopano being written as
the main prize. She sighed looking at all of that. She
placed her phone down as her toddler crawled over to


Kopano was more than ready to leave with his wife that
day. He had ignored everything on social media.
Obviously they were going to over exaggerate things
and blow things out of proportion. He knew the truth, the
family knew the truth and that was all that matters.
He parked his car outside the yard. The white wedding
was going to be in December. A few months from now
and he was more than happy to let his wife plan it to her
heart's content.

Inside the house, Palesa hugged her parents.

"What happened yesterday was just a bit of badluck."
Her mother started.
"Don't forget to pray for your marriage. The family you
married into is very loving and also don't forget our
advices. If somehow things go wrong, don't make
decisions on your own. You guys had gathered us here
for your union so you will have to gather us again if you
want to part ways." Her mother went on.

Her father just agreed.

"Ee mma. I understand."

A door knock broke the little family goodbye.

"Come in."

The door opened and Kopano greeted.

"Kopano, hello. Is your mother well?"
"Ee mma. The doctor says she'll be fine and I'd also like
to apologise for what happened yesterday."
"It's not your fault son, the police will deal with her." His
father-in-law said.
"Ee rra."

Palesa looked at her two suitcases and Kopano got

them for her to take them to the car.
"I will call."

She said as she hugged her parents one last time the
minute Kopano was out.
"Okay. Bye and you are a wife now, don't forget out
advices Palesa."
"I won't."
She assured and she picked her handbag then walked
outside to her husband.

He was loading the bags inside the car.

"Alright. Let's get started on this joint life journey."

She said walking over to him and placing her hand by

his waist. She went on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. He
"I still have a week off, where do you want to go?"
She froze. What?
He nodded.
"I saved for this day, for years and I want us to enjoy
ourselves for this week. It's not the official honeymoon
but we can spend time out."
"I'll let you know tonight, husband."
"I love you Palesa. From the first day I saw you, I knew
that deep down I wanted to be with you."
She smiled.
"I was scared of you gore, you were always so serious
and I was this unconfident girl working in a big corporate
"And I love how you've changed..I still liked you then."

He closed the boot and held her waist. He kissed the top
of her head.
"For better or for worse?"
"For better or for worse." She replied.


At Gaborone, Eana was still sulking over her family

issues and her boyfriend was sitting next to her. She
was so stressed because regardless of whatever
happened, her family used to be the only constant thing
she had in her life. Ranewa didn't sound like she cared
and it hurt a bit because she cared for everyone but
when she needed her? She dropped her like a hot
boiled potato.

Sylevester's phone rang and she didn't get to see the

caller ID when he stood up to answer the phone. She
watched him walk out of the house and sighed. She'll go
to Kopano's house tonight and by Sunday, maybe she
might call her own family meeting to tell them to accept
Sylvester or jump of cliffs.

Outside, Sylvester listened to his older brother.

"We tried out best with Larona, we understand what she
did and there is no saving here."
"You could have gotten help for her when she was
"If you have kids one day, you'll realise that sometimes
you blind yourself to their faults and do everything in
your power to save them even though you are wrong."
He breathed out.
"Where is she?"
"She was taken to a prison in Gaborone, Monday she'll
be back in court and she probably won't get out in a long
long time."
Sylvester breathed down.
He covered his face.
"Come home brother, the family misses you."
"Don't do that."
"At some point, you'll realise family is important. You
might not agree with how we live our lives but we are
still family. You still have shares in the family company. I
know you made a name for yourself but doesn't it get
lonely? Mother misses you so much, same goes for our
father. You were their favourite child."

His older brother chuckled bitterly.

"You got away with doing whatever you wanted and
even now they aren't angry you cut the family off."
Sylvester swallowed down some of his guilt.

"I'll think about it."

"Okay. Have a good day."

He cut the call and breathed out. He went to delete the

call from the call log and then his brother's number. He
walked back into the house.
"Baby, I was thinking of formally introducing you to the
family tomorrow evening."
"Do you think it's a good idea after yesterday?"
"They shouldn't make assumptions about you based on
what Larona did. You are not your family. Sane goes as
judging me when I'm not Mothusi. They all act like saints
when they are far from it. I'm sure now that emotions are
much calm they'll listen and see reason. Who as that?"
"Just people from the office."

He placed his phone away and pulled his girlfriend to

him. He pecked her lips.
"I love you buttercup."
She blushed and kissed him, her hand on his beard as
she climbed over him.
"I love you too."
She deepened the kiss and he placed his hand on her
lower back, the other one squeezing her fresh butt while
pushing her more into him.

Queen Of Hearts


The following day

That morning, Sylevester left Eana alone in his house
coming up with some excuse about going to check
something in the office.

She watched him walk out and she checked if Kopano

had replied her message from the other day. Still
nothing. Taking a deep breath she put her siblings and
mother in a single call.

They all answered.

"Eana, what is it?" Itumeleng asked.
"Hi everyone, uhm there is something I wanted to
discuss with everyone present."
"Okay. When?" Ranewa asked and Eana could hear the
nonchalance in her sister's voice. She absolutely didn't
care did she?
"Uhm, today. At the house. Is five pm good with
"Sure." Kopano said reluctantly.
"Great and please guys, just listen to me before taking
any hasty decisions. I'd really appreciate that so much. I
love you guys."
"I love you too Ea." Itumeleng said.
"I love you." Ranewa said before she said bye and got
off the call. Kopano said bye and got off the call.
"Then later today it is mama."
"Of course. I'll have Botshelo take me there. Bye."

Her mother cut the call and she looked at the phone for
a good minute before she put it away. She stared at the
ceiling for a good minute before she sighed.


At Jace's House

Ranewa was speaking to her mother-in-law, filling her in

on the gist.
"Wednesday was a movie, same goes for Friday mma."
"I saw the posts on Saturday regarding Friday."
Ranewa chuckled.
"At some point, I feel like our family is the only news
they have. For years but Kopano is fine and my mother
is healing fine."
"Glad to hear that. What are they going to do about
"I honestly have no idea what they are going to do
waitse. I just hope she is locked in forever."
"Me too. How are you?"
"Tired. I need to rest and on top of that, my mother still
against me and Jace."
"She'll come around eventually."
Ranewa laughed.
"I don't think she will and it's okay. I think everyone is
entitled to their own dose of happiness."
"It's still new to them Ranewa."
"Yeah, but it's better to prepare for the worst than hope
for the best. It's not like their opinion will change
anything. I'm still married. Jude is here and we are
expecting our second born."
"And I'm excited. When are you guys coming back?"
"I'm not sure, we have to go to Semolale for a family
meeting to discuss this with everyone present."
"I hope it goes well."
"Me too. But Jace's aunts don't have a problem, we
were at Kopi's magadi akere, they don't mind."
"They are cool like that but they must've been a bit hurt
that there was no ceremony."
"They were mme."

Ranewa had her legs up on the couch as she spoke to

the phone while her husband made food for them. Jude
was playing on the carpet.
"I have to go now, someone is calling me."
"Okay ma. Chat later."
"Say hi to the boys for me."
"Ee mma. Bye."

The call cut and Ranewa went to Facebook, bored and

she paused seeing a post that had a lot of traction. She
clicked on it, reading it.

'Dumela. Keep me anonymous. Is it right for step brother

and step sister to marry? Kana this weekend, we were
attending a wedding ceremony and okay, this guy looks
nice and all. I liked him. Mathata. Now, I see the sister
and I'm like they are siblings right? Ijoo! They are
married and I'm sure they met through their parents
because the parents are married. Mpoletse Batswana if
it is right? I really like the man and he is handsome tota,
I feel it is wrong for step siblings to date and marry.
Thank you."

Ranewa's left eye twitched. She laughed in disbelief as

she went to the comments section.

Comment: ba ira boatla.

Comment: did the parents allow such madness?
Comment: babes go get your man. Remove the sister
from the equation. They are siblings.
Comment: what if they genuinely love each other
though? You can't choose who your heart falls for.

She read more of the comments and there was one

particular comment that had her raising her eyebrows.

Comment: should I tag them? I heard all about this in

Kanye after tbe wedding..a hint guys..the sister in
question is in a wheelchair.

Ranewa chuckled. No ways. That Refilwe girl decided to

post as anonymous and they even had the nerve to
discuss her and her husband after they left? She
thought of texting Palesa but she was probably enjoying
her time with Kopano. Wow.

She placed her phone face down for a minute before

she went to the Comment section and some of her
Facebook friends were tagging her on the post. Some
mentioning her name and it didn't take long for people to
put the dots together and try and find MJ's account.

Good God. She placed the phone down and took a deep
breath. Her husband walked out with a tray of hot food.
"You look distressed."
She tried to sit properly as he placed the food on the
table. He could read her just like a book, it annoyed and
also made her happy that she didn't feel the need to
hide anything from him although sometimes she needed
space to process things alone.
"Just Facebook."
"What are they saying?"

He sat next to her and pulled her to him.

"That girl from Friday posted as anonymous asking
about our marriage and people are now tagging me and
some found your account."
He breathed out. Sh*t.

He held her.
"And how do you feel about that?"
"People are calling me names. It's horrible but I'll be
"I'm here. Just know that."
She nodded. She knew.
"And whatever they say, doesn't matter. They are
strangers online who have nothing better to do with their
time and are probably miserable and that girl is jealous
that's why she opened a pathway for people to insult us
because she didn't get her way. I just want you happy
and healthy."
He kissed her lips softly and she placed a hand on his
cheek before she broke the kiss.
"I'll always be here, look after you no matter what."
He always knew how to make everything seem better,
committed to their love and it always worked without that
effort because the feelings were mutual.
"Let me go get his food."

He got up and headed to the kitchen. She went to

Facebook and she ignored the mentions as she
thoughtfully went to her profile settings.

She changed her surname to Scott and she placed the

phone down as her husband came back with his plate
and their son's food.


At G-North

Itumeleng looked at the number and she wondered if

she should call. She talked to this woman only twice and
both of those times were brief.
She heard the shower running as she laid on the couch.
She decided to call.
"Anna Felix hello."
She cleared her throat.
"Hi Anna. It's Itumeleng."
"Hi Itumeleng. This is a..surprise."
"I'm sorry if I'm calling at the wrong time, I can call
whenever you're free."
"No. It's okay."
"I wanted to ask. About Botshelo."
"Okaaay..uhm sure."

Moemedi's mother wasn't sure where this conversation

was heading.
"Uhm, did he also put work first when he was with you?"
"He still does this? It's been decades."

Itumeleng sighed. So it was not new.

"Is this why you left him?"
"We had our own issues and that was part of it. We lost
that spark because after the chase, he relaxes and then
he gets comfortable. After that, work is his wife, he gives
work a hundred and ten percent but the family? Less
than ten…"
"Okay. I just wanted to know that."
"Itumeleng, if you are not happy you can tell him. You
don't have to force yourself to stay or convince yourself
he'll change when you don't see said change."
"Uhm thank you for the advice. And one last question."
"Ee mma?"
"Did you know about Ranewa and Moemedi?"
"Yes. From years back when Mo went for his heart
surgery and he had me call her while he was still under
the anaesthesia after the surgery."
"When she was eighteen?"
"Yes. That time. He was really taken by her and she is
such a sweet child. You and her brother did a great job."
Itumeleng who knew she couldn't take half the credit
because Kooano was basically a parent to his siblings
just agreed.
"Thank you."
"Even when they got married?"
"They told me when Ranewa got here. I was surprised
that no one knew but then they explained why. Is that
"It is. Thank you so much. I have to go."
"Alright. Bye and have a good day."
"You too."
Itumeleng cut the call and went to her gallery. She
scrolled through some of her pictures with Botshelo from
their wedding. She wasn't a believer of fairytales but
then that day it felt like her dreams had come through.

As the years progressed, they took less pictures and

spent less time together. She swallowed. She was giving
it a few months, maybe he really changed.

Queen Of Hearts


At Prison

Sylevester talked to Larona who was animatedly telling

him about her dreams and what she and Kopano had
planned. She seemed so happy talking about Kopano
and he swallowed, his heart hurting at the state his
niece was in. How did someone lose their mind this way
over another? And yet hurts the ones that person loves.
"Why did you stab Ranewa?"
He asked and Larona's demeanor changed.
"He loved her more than me. Even as kids, he would
always wait up for her. She was such a cry baby and I
didn't mean to hurt her but she was the only way I can
get to him."

The fact that Larona could explain it eloquently too?

Maybe this was a different Larona not the sweet girl he
had grown up with.

"And his mother?"

"She was marrying him to another but she had once
promised me that he would marry me."

He couldn't believe his ears. He nodded.

"It's been years since I've seen you uncle Sylvester. Bye
and will I see you again?"
"Me too kiddo and yes." He said quietly. She smiled as
she was asked to Stan up, her chains making noise as
she was escorted out of the room. She walked away.
She was now living in her head and he wanted to know
what went wrong? How did she get to this point?

He got up and walked out. His girlfriend's family was

scared of her and with good reason but all he saw was
someone who was broken and lost in her head. His
older brother said, she most likely will get life now and if
not life in prison then life in a mental institution. It hurt
that a woman as young as Larona, who had a lot going
on for her, couldn't do a thing now that her life was

He sighed as he got out of the prison premises.

Tomorrow was the day and he wanted to be there but
then he was sure the media houses were going to be
there and see him. He got to his car and sighed. His
phone rang in his pocket and he quickly answered the
"Hi, around five we are going to meet my family. Will you
be home by then?"
He started his car.
"Ee mma, I'm on my way ebile. Should I bring takeout
for lunch?"
"No. I made lunch."
He smiled. She was a spit fire but also so sweet.
"Okay. Ke etla autwe?"
"Ee rra."

She cut the call and he reversed the car just as his
phone rang. He answered the unsaved number.
"Syl, now you see that it's bad?"
"Yes it's me. There is nothing we can do to save Larona
and we have to let the law take it's course."
He sighed.
"I know. It's just sad."
"The rose coloured glasses are off, at least she is can
walk and is not injured. What about who she hurt? Aren't
their lives sad? At some point the familial relations
should not be a factor and this should be assessed
"You really gave up on her?"
He said a bit sadly. A few years gone and now all this
"I did. Nna ke labile tota Sylevester."(I'm tired)

He drove out of the premises.

"Since you decided to exile yourself, how has life been?"
He smiled.
"Life has been good. Building yourself without the help
of family is freeing."
Sarona sighed. She was three years older than her
uncle and she had at some point wished she can also
abandon her duties and run.
"Are you going to speak to us again now?"
He chuckled.
"Maybe. I'm still observing. Larona is beyond redemption
but maybe I do need family."
"You do. You remember Gofaone?"
"Don't start Sarona. Please. It was teenage love and it's
"Your parents loved her, she still drops in to say hi
sometimes. She's a doctor now."
He nodded.
"I have a girlfriend I love very much. So no."
"I'll only believe that after you see Gofaone and then tell
me you don't feel a thing for her."
"I don't."

He slowed down.
"Maybe in a few months, you can have family dinners
with us. Your parents don't hate you."
"I know."
"Go sharp Sylvester, I have to rest and prepare for
"You are still representing her?"
"What? No. I just want to brief the new lawyer on what
he is going to deal with. Sharp."

She cut the call and Sylvester continued driving.

Almost thirty minutes later, he thoughtfully drove into a
mall parking lot. He should get his girlfriend some
flowers and maybe a box of chocolates.

He got out of the car and he walked to Woolworths,

covering his eyes with his hands to hide from the sun.

He walked inside and he headed to where the flowers

were. He looked at the different bouquets there and he
picked the prettiest and freshest one they had.

He held it in his hands and walked over to where the

chocolates were. From a distance, the girl frowned.
Were her eyes deceiving her?

She walked closer as her heart pounded in her chest,

leaving her shopping trolley behind. She stood in front of
him just as he picked a box of Eana's favourite
chocolate brand.
"Sylvester? Is that you?"

Sylvester turned and she hugged him. Wrapping her

arms around his waist, as her Carolina Herrera Very
Good Girl perfume transferred to his t-shirt. Sylevster
stood there, shell shocked.
Queen Of Hearts


At Woolworths

She chuckled as she stepped back, of course he didn't

hug her back because he was buying things.
"Hi Syl."
Sylvester sighed and looked at Gofaone. Speak of the
devil and she shall appear. He looked at her cute face
and petite frame as she smiled at him affectionately. She
was smiling as if she had done nothing wrong years
"I caught you at a bad time?"
"I-uh hi Gofaone."

She grinned.
"Hi. It's just been a long time."
"Yeah, sure."
She looked at the flowers and chocolates he got.
"My favourite brand is Ferrero Roche." She said looking
at the Lindt chocolates he held.
"I'm kidding. How have you been?"
"Good. I have to go."
She frowned. Why was he acting strange? Her eyes
went to his ring finger and there was nothing there.
"I'm not going to bite Sylvester."
He just nodded.
"I'm in a rush and I have to go. Nice meeting you again."

He walked past her and she watched him. It was still the
shock. She was older now and they had been young a
decade ago, she now knew what was love and life.

Her phone rang and she looked at the caller, cutting rhe
call. The man was clingy and now that she saw
Sylvester, she should break it off because her heart
wasn't there. Her heart was with Sylvester.

Sylvester paid for the flowers and chocolates, breathing

out. He needed time to think and gather his thoughts. He
quickly walked out of the store after buying the flowers.


At Sylvester's House
He arrived thirty minutes later and walked out with the
flowers behind his back as he He lightly knocked and
opened the door. He found his girl sitting in his sweats
on the couch and her eyes sparkled when she saw the
chocolates and he removed the flowers from behind him
to show her.
"Hi baaaby!" Her excited and cute voice had him smiling
from ear to ear.

She went on to hug his torso but she froze. Smelling a

scent that's far from hers. She didn't use this perfume,
this was not Miss Dior. At all.

Sylevester felt her freeze and his heart started to race

as he looked down at her short frame. Her hands
dropped to the sides and she stepped back.
"Thanks you can put the flowers in a vase. Food is in the
Eana licked her lips and went back to sit on the couch.
"What's wrong?"
She smiled.
"Oh nothing. I bet the office was real nice today wasn't
He placed the gifts down as he went to sit next to her
but she moved to the other end of the couch.
"Don't touch me."
"Eana, what did I do?"
She pushed her weave back and he looked at her
beautiful face. She was breathtaking even with no
makeup on. He remembered the first day he had seen
her. At the airport actually, her hips swaying side by side
as she wore her shades. She did give him a tough time
for the first two months but it had been worth it. So worth

She moved closer and she smelt his t-shirt. Yep. Not

She moved back and Sylevester watched her but he

moved closer and held her by her waist.
"Eana wee?"
"Ae. You can't use that tone with me o tswa mabeleteng
Sylevester. You can't waitse."
He frowned.
"And don't pretend. Ntlogele, you can't touch me with
those hands. God knows what you used them for. Let
me go!"
"Ae. Ntese. Waitse I'm not even going to demand an
explanation because you might lie to my face and my
anger issues don't allow me to just sit back and take the
"Eana, I'm not cheating."
"Do I have the word clown on my forehead? Ke popaye
nna?"(am I cartoon?)
"Nyaa mma. You are not. Let me explain it to you."

She glared at him and he removed the t-shirt which was

the obvious sign of her distress. He brought it to his
nose and he could smell Gofaone's perfume. F*ck! He
placed it back and held her.
"This is what happened.."
She rolled her eyes.
"Eana, baby listen to me."
"I am." She said reluctantly.
"I was at the store buying you chocolates and flowers
when my ex saw me. She hugged me. I didn't hug her
back, it's her perfume you're smelling."

That didn't make her less angry.

"It starts with an accidental meetup then soon you'll be
balls deep in her and then call it a mistake. Let go of me
"Ae. You are angry with me but that's the truth. I love
you Eana, only you and no one else."

He held her tighter even.

"I'm sorry autwe? Sorry motho wame."
He kissed the top of her head.
"I'd never hurt you. I promised not to and I'm a man of
my word."

Eana sighed. The last time she fully believed a man, she
didn't smile for a whole year but then again Sylvester
has been good to her ever since he pursued her.
"I'm sorry my buttercup." He kissed her forehead.
"It's only you and no one else, I swear on my life."
He lifted her chin up and kissed her lips. She didn't
respond to the kiss but he kissed her again till she
"Just you buttercup." He said in between the kiss as he
slid his hands underneath the oversized t-shirt she was
wearing, feeling her.
"I love you Eana."
He'll take that. For now.

At Itumeleng's House

It was a ten minutes to five and already Eana was in the

house with her boyfriend. Kopano had just arrived with
his new bride. He had seen his sister's message and
had chosen not to respond.

He and Palesa made their way into the house and

outside, Jace parked his car. He got out to take
unbuckle Jude's baby seat and the toddler got out of the
car. He took out his wife's wheelchair and then went to
help her get on it. He crouched down to her level and
held her hands.
"How are we feeling?"
"Okay. I think I'm interested in hearing what she has to
"Okay. Let's go."

He opened the gate and Jude walked inside the yard as

he locked the car and pushed his wife inside. Ranewa
looked at the place, it was kind of nostalgic really. She
sighed as they headed to the house.

Botshelo and Itumeleng were the last to arrive when

everyone was seated.
Once they sat down, all eyes were on Eana and she
clasped her hands together.
"Hello everyone. Right, let's begin."
Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

Everyone looked at Eana while Itumeleng was lost. Why

would Eana bring everyone here? She did see her
boyfriend and all, so what was the issue?
"Well, everyone meet Sylvester. Sylvester Gomolemo
who is my boyfriend."
Itumeleng paused. Gomolemo. Eana's eyes scanned
the toom. Her sister looked bored and was focusing on
Jude who smiled at her. Her brother didn't display any
emotions and Botshelo was just there, she guessed. Her
mother wore a confused look.
"Gomolemo as in related to Larona Gomolemo?"
Itumeleng asked. Surely there were people who shared
surnames who didn't know each other so…
"Ee mma."
It went dead silent and Eana saw her mother take a
deep breath.
"Eana tell me you're joking."
"Mama, I'm not."
"No she isn't. He even said Larona should be let go
when she decided to gatecrash the wedding."

Sylvester opened his mouth but quickly closed it. It

wasn't his place to speak. Eana held his hand and
breathed out.
"He hasn't been in touch with his family, how was he
supposed to know that Larona is crazy?" Eana
defended. Fighting as his only soldier against her own

Kopano breathed out. He was waiting for his sister to get

straight to the point.
"Eana? Why? Larona almost killed me." Itumeleng
"He is not Larona mama. I also want to be happy. He
makes me happy."

Ranewa didn't even say a word as she focused on her

toddler. She wiped his nose with the sleeve of her
cardigan. She smiled at the little boy and Moemedi just
Eana called to her sister and Ranewa looked up?
"You are not paying attention."
"I won't add anything useful in this conversation. In short
I hate Larona. I'm not obliged to accept her family on
any way or form and I still harbour that anger regardless
of the therapy I get. I can never walk again and it's all
because of her, you love Jim? Fine. I won't extend the
same empathy towards him because there was a point
in time where you never extended the same empathy
towards me dear sister. I love you but him? It's
something I'll never accept but that doesn't change our
She then focused on Jude and Itumeleng blinked.
Sylvester looked at Ranewa who smiled at the toddler
as if she didn't tell everyone in the room that she hates
him without even getting to know him.
"Ranewa he is not Larona. He is not her, he is who I
love and nothing can change that and Kopano I hate the
ultimatum you made."
"Eana, reconsider. I'm healing from the wounds Larona
caused and you are happy with her family?"
Itumeleng pleaded with her last born.
"No. Ranewa went on to marry the one she loves, you
too mama and Kopano but now I have to let go of my
"What ultimatum?" Ranewa asked. She was curious.
"That it's either him or the family?"
Ranewa faced the other way and rubbed the back of her
head. Her? She is no longer putting herself in anyone's
"I still stand by it."
"I may not be happy with your choice at the moment but
do what makes you happy." Ranewa said. She was

Eana shook her head.

"Don't so this. Mama, you guys can't make me choose."
Itumeleng who rarely saw her daughter cry, saw the
tears well in Eana's eyes. Kopano was being a bit too
harsh. The children had stood together for as long as
she can remember.
"Kopano you brought Larona to rhe family and we aren't
supposed to suffer for her sins." Eana continued.
"Because if you are going to cut me off, do it now but
you will live with rhe guilt of everything that happened

Palesa moved her head back. Hee banna?

"And you cutting me off? It means you are dead to me
Kopano. You would have already lost me as a sister,
please stop aand don't do this."
Kopano who still loved his sisters but then remembered
that his mother was stabbed. His other sister was in a
wheelchair. Ranewa could see it. It was her happiness
that was never considered and her pain which was such
an imposition to the family. She couldn't wait to go back
to the UK with her little family.

Kopano breathed out as Eana's tears rolled down her

cheeks. She sniffed and wiped her tears away.
"Okay, fine. We accept him. Happy now?"
Kopano said, laughing in disbelief. He got up and pulled
his wife's hand, walking out with her.

Eana watched him. She didn't have to choose but at

what cost? She had seen a glimpse of resentment in her
brother's eyes.

Botshelo looked at Ranewa. The bubbly girl he had

helped years back. She picked up Jude and placed him
on her lap.
"Eana? Are we done? I'm good. He is your happiness
and Sylvester I hope you treat her right." Ranewa said
and looked up at her husband as she mimed to him so
that they leave.
Eana's heart was breaking. The air was thick with loss, it
felt like she lost her siblings even if they now said it was
okay and they didn't mind. It felt like a brick wall had just
been inserted between them.
"Bye guys."
"Bye bye."
Jude said with a smile and Itumeleng couldn't help but
smile at the little boy who was on his mother's lap.
Botshelo breathed out.
"Bye." Jace said to everyone and Sylvester nodded.

Jace pushed his wife's wheelchair out. Less than a week

in and it all felt like some Tyler Perry movie. He breathed

She answered once they were outside.

"How do you feel?"
"I'm fine. Everyone should choose their own happiness.
In the end I wouldn't want to be the reason why a person
is unhappy even if at some point it doesn't make me
happy. I know it sounds like people pleasing but I'm
growing past that. I'm older and if Larona's uncle makes
happy, which I have seen she should go for it. She is an
adult and it's her life. I made my choices and I'm actually
happy about the choices I made. Maybe as time goes
on, I'll be indifferent towards her boyfriend but that time
is not now."

He understood her point of view. And she could say all

of that without crying? She was growing.

Inside the house, Itumeleng watched Eana wiped her

tears and breath out.
"Can I speak to you? In private?"

Sylvester excused himself and Botshelo stepped out

with him. He hit his shoulder as he walked to the back of
the house with Sylvester.
"You hurt her, you die."
He swallowed.
"She was speaking on your behalf and fighting for you to
be accepted into the same family yours caused harm to,
better make those efforts worth it."
"Ee rra."
"And prove yourself. Her brother is a tough nut because
he holds his siblings close to his heart and raised them,
I'm sure you know that."
"Ee rra. I know."
"Good. Remember that I have a gun and not even your
family will find your body."
His body went cold.

Inside the house, Itumeleng shook her head.

"The family of a killer ngwanaka?"
Her voice was filled with disappointment and Eana
sniffed more.
"I love him mama. I love him so much. I know there are
a thousand reasons on why I should give him up but the
heart wants what it wants and it's him."

She went to sit next to her mother and placed her head
on her mother's shoulder.
"I can't help it. He is the beat to my heart, when I'm with
him I feel what love is. How it's supposed to be, how
better it can be. What if I never find that?"
Itumeleng rubbed her daughter's arm as Eana sniffed.
"Okay, we might not like it but maybe when we get to
know him, we might see what you see."
"I just need you guys to get to know him. Just that."
Itumeleng nodded. Life was short, she felt like she was
dying when Larona stabbed her and maybe she
shouldn't stand in the way of her daughters' happiness.
She breathed out pushing Eana's hair away from her
"You really love him?"
"I do.."
"Okay. We'll try. For your sake."
"Thank you. So so much."

Queen Of Hearts


At Sylvester's House

He parked his car outside. He could understand

everyone's view points and now that he and digested it.
"How are you feeling?"
Eana leaned back, breathing out.
"I said my part and my siblings will come around. It will
be all good."
"You didn't have to threaten to cut them off."
"What do you do to people who don't support your

He kept quiet.
"Exactly. Anyways, now that it's done. It's a little freeing
too. We don't have to hide."
He kissed her lips.
"You're right about that."
"I can love you loudly and freely. I love you Sylvester."
He rubbed her cheek.
"I love you buttercup." She smiled at him, her heart at


At G-North

Botshelo drove into his yard. Itumeleng was fast asleep

and he watched her. With everything that happened, he
didn't know what to make of it all. He just hoped that
when it came to Ranewa and his son, the same grace
was extended to them. Speaking of his son…

He got out of the car and carried Itumeleng in his arms.

He took her to the bedroom and placed her in bed. She
murmured and he kissed her forehead.
"I'm coming okay?"
She was too sleepy to process it and just nodded.
Botshelo walked out of the house and locked it before
jumping in his car. His phone rang and he removed it
from his pocket, he placed it on loudspeaker as he
started the car.
"Botshelo, how are you?"
"I'm good."

His son's mother breathed out.

"What did I do?"
"You're still doing the same thing, putting work first.
Years and years later."

He reversed and closed the gate. He joined the road.

"I'm trying my best. Old habits die hard."
"But those old habits cost you the ones you love B."
"Like they cost me you?"
She chuckled.
"We long ended Botshelo."
"I know. I was just giving an example."
"Anyways, don't repeat the same mistake twice. For
your sake. Bye."

She cut the call and he focused on the road.

At Jace's House

Ranewa laughed as Jace said something while cooking

in the kitchen. She was helping him by cutting the
veggies. He was making her favourite meal and he had
decided she needed a little pick me up.
"Should I pour juice?"
She asked as she placed the tray on the counter and
wheeled herself to the fridge.
"The grape juice."
"Your order is coming right up."

She opened the fridge and got the carton of juice,

placing it on her lap before she wheeled herself to where
he placed the glasses. A place much accessible to her.
She poured him a glass and handed it to him.
He got the glass and he took a sip before he took the
box of juice from her hands and picked her up, placing
her on the kitchen island.
She grinned at him as she wrapped her arms around his
neck and he got between her legs.
"Everyday, I'm in awe of the woman you've become Mrs
Scott." He pecked her lips before he continued.
"I love you and I'll keep on loving you."
She pulled him closer.
"Every single day."
She kissed him back a little too hard and he groaned in
her mouth.
"Later tonight?"
She nodded with a knowing smile. He whispered in her
"I'll worship you like the goddess you are." She held
onto him.
"And that's how I know heaven is a thing because I go
there everytime you touch me."
He tilted his head back with that smile of his that drives
her crazy.

The oil started sizzling and she pushed him back.

"The meat might burn, ya go apaya."(go cook)
"How about we skip the dinner and-"
"Ae. I'm hungry."

He stepped back and walked over to the stove just as

their toddler ran into the kitchen. That was the epitome
of love. A cute little dinner for three, their baby
spluttering whatever was in his growing mind, the
warmth in the kitchen, their second baby safely nestled
in her womb. One couldn't ask for more when it was all
like this.

But the intercom interrupted the family's moment.

"Let me go get it."

Jace closed the pots and walked out, leaving Ranewa in

the kitchen with Jude. Ranewa kept a close eye on their
son as the door opened.

Moemedi saw the lights flashing his gate. He pressed

the button on the set of keys he grabbed on his way to
the gate. The gate opened and he frowned seeing his
father's car.

He walked to the door and Botshelo rolled down the
"Hello, can we talk?"

Jace stepped back.

"Yeah, sure. Dinner is going to be ready in thirty minutes
"It's still okay."
The gate slid wide open and he drove inside the yard as
Moemedi walked to the door. Botshelo hoped this was
the first step in doing better. He got out of the car and he
walked to the door where they bumped shoulders.

He walked inside the house just as Jude walked out of

the kitchen.
"Where is Ranewa?"
"In the kitchen. Let me get her."

Botshelo sat down as he started keeping his grandchild

entertained. He placed Jude on his lap while in the
kitchen, Jace stole a kiss.
"My father is here."
"That's a…surprise."
"I was also surprised. We're all having dinner."
"That's cool, place me down so I can go say hi and you
wrap up with our meal, I'll help you set up the dining
room when you're almost done."
"Thank you baby."
He pecked her lips and picked her up, placing her back
on her wheelchair. She blew a kiss his way and wheeled
herself away.

"Mr B!" Her bubbly voice made him smile and Botshelo
looked at his daughter-in-law.
"Hi Ranny, sorry if I interrupted your dinner."
"It's not a big a deal. He is almost done and how have
you been? On a serious note now."

He could still see the bubbly seventeen year old who

had blindly trusted him even after being threatened with
a gun, the one who saw good in everyone and it might
be called naivety but she still had that little part of her

Twenty minutes later, there was a lot of laughter and

Ranewa couldn't stop her tears of laughter. She rubbed
Jude's head that was on her lap. Jace leaned by the
door, a ghost smile on his lips before he headed back
into the kitchen.

Botshelo lowered his voice.

"Thank you."
"For what? And why are we whispering?"
He laughed.
"Thank you for loving my son, I failed him in so many
ways and it will take time for me to get that relationship
with him but thank you for loving him. He is always
happy and you can see it in his eyes that he is a man
whose always content."
"I should be the one who is grateful for having him in my
"You are a special girl Ranewa and don't forget it."
She blinked back tears and rubbed them with her
"Uhm, thank you."
"And the boy's are lucky to have you in their lives. Thank
you for giving him the family he's always wanted and
you? You are also happier than ever, I'm sorry it got to
you guys sneaking around just to be happy."
She breathed out and rubbed her eyes. She was about
to be a sobbing mess.
"You don't have to say anything but I'm glad he met you
and married you. You two belong together."
"Th-thank you." She blubbered. Full on crying now. She
covered her face with her hands as she sniffed.

Jude stopped what he was doing, seeing his mother

"Mommy?" He walked over to the wheelchair and he
tried to climb her lap. He succeeded and he touched her
face, wiping her tears like he always sees his dad doing.
"I'm okay baby."
She chuckled as she fanned her face.
"It's the hormones." She told her father-in-law
He nodded. Jude was going to grow up being his
mother's protector. He could see it now. They really
raised their child well and were flourishing.

Almost twenty minutes later, after Botshelo offered to set

the table. They were eating and Ranewa spoke about
how she was enjoying her job. They really made
everything easier for her and how she couldn't wait to go
back once everything was settled.

Botshelo nodded. Enjoying the food his son made and

the small talk around the table. Jude felt sleepy so
Ranewa excused herself to go put him in bed. Botshelo
looked at Moemedi.
"I wanted us to fix things, I know it won't be the same as
it used to be."
His son learned back, a bit skeptical.
"I think I've seen this before and I didn't quite like the
Botshelo knew he had let his son down so many times
and the thing with Moemedi, after saying something
once, he lets the rest be and withdraws.
"I know. This time it will be different. You're my son."
"There were more than a hundred chances. What
makes this different?"
Botshelo rubbed his face.
"Don't make promises father. Not that I'll hold onto them,
but just saying."
"I know. I hope we'll get there."
Jace just picked his glass and brought the juice to his
"I guess."

Meanwhile in the car, Botshelo's phone was ringing and

going unanswered.


At G-North

Itumeleng tried him again but it just rang unanswered.

She breathed out. He promised.

She placed her phone down and stared at the ceiling.

The house was so lonely and dark. She should be used
this by now but sometimes it hurt.

She closed her eyes, going back to sleep again.

Ignoring her hungry stomach.
Queen Of Hearts

At Jace's House

Ranewa waved as her father-in-law left with one if her

tupperwares that had today's leftover dinner.
Jace stood by her side and he drove out as the gate
closed. He pushed his wife into the house.
"I enjoyed his visit today."
"It was okay, is Jude fully asleep?"
"Yes. He was so tired gore. He'll only wake up in the

With a smile, he locked the door and pushed her to their

"Slow down, I'm not going to run away." She giggled as
he left her in there. She heard the light switches go off
before he walked back inside the house. He locked their
bedroom door, having a toddler meant that that little boy
could decide to walk in on them because he had really
light knocks and it was safer to have their bedroom door

She removed her cardigan from earlier and watched him

strip to his boxers. She licked her lips as her heart pitter
pattered. How was he already hard when she wasn't
even doing anything?
He picked her up and placed her on the bed. Her hands
went to his defined stomach, trailing closer to the elastic
of his boxers. He sucked on a deep breath as he
watched his tiny wife push his boxers down.
"Bab-ah f*ck!"
Her innocent eyes went to his and he swallowed, feeling
her hands around his d*ck.
"You're still-ah Ranewa!"
He closed his eyes, still hovering on top of her. He held
her hands, opening his eyes.
"Let's get you put of your clothes first." She smiled
innocently at him, pulling her hands away.

Jace slowly undressed her, her full breasts coming into

view, he tweaked her n*pples and she moaned softly.
"I love you."
He leaned down and he #Explicit


The following morning

Kopano groaned as his seed filled up his new wife. He
held her mouth kissing her, swallowing down her moans.
He pulled back and she breathed heavily from their
intense morning workout.

Kopano laid by his side and pulled his wife to him. He

didn't even want to think about Eana or anything at this
"Have you thought of a holiday destination?"
"Uhm what about Mauritius?"
She traced his chest with her finger.
"Okay, let me book our flights and we'll be well on our

She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you. Kopi?"
"Yesterday? You never really talked about it but you
were angry."

She placed her hand over his chest.

"I don't want to talk about it or anything that relates to
that girl's family."
"But you have to get it out of your chest."
"We were forced to accept him, he was basically shoved
down our throats and don't get me wrong I love my
sisters but I won't be able to relate with him. The
disrespect also that she used to get her point across?"
"I feel like you are detaching from your sister."
He sighed.
"It'll take time. I just don't want to think about her or her
boyfriend. Even in the coming weeks we have to be
there when Ranewa's marriage is addressed. We can't
be dealing with people's problems honestly."
"You're right. Anyways, let's take a shower and start
booking our holiday destination."

He pecked her cheeks and got out of bed before picking

her up.


At G-North

Itumeleng woke up alone in bed. She moved and

winced, the pain on her stomach hurting her.
On her left, the bed was ruffled and warm. He had been
home. Okay. She breathed out.

The bedroom door opened and she watched him walk in

with breakfast in a tray.
"Good morning. I made breakfast."

He placed the tray down and tried to peck her lips but
she gave him her cheek.
"What's wrong?"
"Where were you last night?"
He sat by the bed and held her hands.
"I was with rhe kids last night."
Sbe frowned.
"Mo and Ranny as well as our grandchild. We had
dinner and talked last night."
"So you accept the marriage?"
He stood up and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"The kids are happy and that's all that matters."
"But they are step-sib-"
"Itumeleng, well don't accept it then. I will be behind
them and back them up. They are happy and I knew Mo
had a girlfriend years back. If you don't Ranewa to be
happy then it's fine. I'll back her up. A simple dinner with
rhe kids and already e nna ekete I'm not supposed to
see them. Moemedi was my son way before you got into
the picture, I also knew your daughter before I knew
you. You didn't even apologise for slapping my son but
yesterday? Where was that energy towards Sylvester?
Exactly. Ekete o tla tapa."

He walked out and she opened her mouth but quickly

closed it as he closed the door leaving her in the
bedroom all alone with tears in her eyes.


Queen Of Hearts


Two weeks later

At Semolale

Ranewa was sitting next to her husband as he rubbed

her hands. They had to explain to the elders everything
from the start. The social media post had simmered
down and people were focusing on the latest trending
"Moemedi, are you sure?" His uncle asked. Botshelo
had been hurt that his son had chosen to confide in his
mother and his uncle Jason other than him. Itumeleng
had been silent throughout the while meeting too.
"I've never been sure of a woman like this."
The family had to agree. In this case, since Kopano had
raised Ranewa, it was only right that he was the one
receiving bride price on her behalf.
"Well then, we heard you and we also apologise that
you guys felt that we were pressuring you into breaking

One of the aunts glanced over at Itumeleng who looked

"We are past that."
"That means we have to do things the right way and we
have to have a magadi ceremony as well, it will be a bit
pricey for you Moemedi looking at the fact that you had
impregnated her before and also you're paying for the
disrespect of marrying behind our backs."
"Ee rra."
He nodded.
"So don't leave yet, a date will be set and we'll do the
much needed preparations for it. Ranewa?"
She looked up, her face glowing from her second
pregnancy. The elders didn't know she was pregnant the
second time.
"Are you also sure about him?"
"Ee mma."
"Okay. Good. Does anyone have a complaint?"
Jason looked around and no one raised their hand to
complain about the couple. Good.

"Good. Then go siame. We'll get a date and start with

the preparations."
"Tanki botsadi." Moemedi said and they nodded. "I'd like
a minute with my wi-uh Ranewa."
"Okay son."

He got up and wheeled his wife out of the room as they

started murmuring among themselves.

He kissed her head.

"Where are you taking me?"
"To the river and we'll sit by as we talk."
"You can't live without me akere?"
"You got that right."
"I should probably call Palesa and ask her if Jude isn't
stressing her and also tell your mother to come here.
There'll be a wedding."

She geeked and he chuckled kissing her head.

"Ee mma."

He opened the car door for her and picked her up

putting her down before he placed the wheelchair at the
back. He closed all doors and jogged to the driver's side.

Meanwhile inside the house, Itumeleng excused herself.

One of the aunts followed her outside.


She stopped in her tracks for her.

"How do you actually feel about this? You were silent

throughout the whole meeting."
"My opinion doesn't matter akere?"
The aunt held her waist.
"You didn't give it,but then it would have been useless
because even a blind man can see that those kids love
each other."
She sighed.
"They do but they are siblings at the end of the day."
"If you and Botshelo had not married, would they be
siblings? Did they perhaps grow up together? Or did you
introduce them?"
"No. To all those questions."
"Sometimes as parents we have to put our children's
happiness first. You didn't seem happy and sometimes
you have to fake being happy for them till it's real."
"You can't see it but Ranewa is no longer that close to
you. She doesn't have to speak but you can see it in her
eyes, just saying and no one will kill you for your stance
but then theirs existed before Botshelo decided he
wanted to marry you."
That wa some thing Itumeleng refused to believe even
though it was the truth. In her eyes it was somewhat
wrong. She wanted to allow her daughters to be happy
and all but she still couldn't wrap her head around the
fact that Ranewa was with Jace.
"But she's your daughter, so you probably know best."

She walked away and she looked up at the clear sky

before the sun blinded her and she dropped her head.
She checked to see if Botshelo had followed her but he
hadn't. He had stayed inside and she could hear his
booming laughter with the men inside. A little bit lonely,
she started to walk put of the yard. She'll pass by the
tuckshop for a short walk and come back. She pushed
her weave back and headed to the gate.

Inside the house, Botshelo heard the gate and he

leaned back. Somehow, he was no longer happy in this
marriage. He loved Itumeleng but maybe that love alone
was not enough? Had he rushed things? It was partly
his fault, nor getting to date her even after marriage and
doing the dinners and flowers thing. Ever since she
found out about the marriage, she had been treated his
son and even Ranewa differently. As well as Jude. Who
was really innocent.

He was old but maybe he was meant to be alone or he

hasn't found the one and had settled? He had a lot of
questions running in his head. The past two weeks had
shown him a glimpse of Mo and Ranewa's love. It was
effortless and the fact that they were children and his
own marriage was falling into pieces. He sighed.

He needed to think about it.


At Gaborone
Palesa held Jude's hand as they walked into the store.
She put him in the trolley and she started pushing it as
she shopped.

She walked along the aisles as she started picking out

things that were on her list. Spending the whole
weekend with Jude was giving her major baby fever and
knowing how difficult it was to fall pregnant because of
PCOS made the ache hurt a bit too much.
"Jude, baya papa, we'll think about it."

He placed it back and smiled. Ranewa and her husband

had good genes and this boy was beyond cute.

Still in the same store, Eana was pushing the trolley.

Sylvester said he had a late night at the office and it was
a Saturday. She'll cook and surprise him at the office
and maybe keep him company there. She pushed her
trolley as she checked when he eas last online. Hours
ago. He worked too hard and sometimes he needed to
stress less.

She pushed her trolley absentmindedly and bumped into

another trolley.
She looked up and Palesa chuckled.
"Hi Ea."
She smiled.
"Hi and she looked at Jude who was in the trolley."
"Hi Jude."

He smiled at her and then looked up at Palesa.

"Where is Ranewa?"
"Oh, in Semolale. She'll be back tomorrow though. I'm
babysitting for the weekend."
Eana nodded. Ranewa didn't even grow up with Palesa
like that but she was already leaving Jude with her?
"And Kopi?"
"He's there too. Let me not delay you mma, I need to be
home before the sun sets and make sure this one keeps
his routine and sleeps on time."
"How was your holiday?"
Palesa grinned.
"Wonderful. I loved every moment of it and wish I can go
back there but you know, we have to get back to the real
world and all."
Eana nodded and smiled.
"Well then, bye mme go lebega tla bo re thulana mo."(it
looks like we'll be bumping into each other)
Palesa handed Jude her phone to keep him occupied.
Eana watched Palesa continue to push the trolley. She
wanted to ask what they were doing in Semolale but she
was not told anything. She sighed as she continued
shopping for whatever.


On the phone, Gofaone spoke with Sarona.

"Of course I'll be there at the dinner. I just got home from
my shift."
"You'll be tired Gofa."
"I won't miss an opportunity to see Sylvester."
Sarona laughed.
"You still love him?"
"A lot mma. Let me get ready. You said what time?"
"Around seven, we still have three hours to go."

Gofaone looked at her collection of Carolina Herrera's

Good Girl. Should she get the Good Girl Blush or Good
Girl Supreme? She say by her vanity table.
"Let me go shower and see you there."
"Alright and beside grandma and grandpa are always
happy to see you."
"I know. Go sharpo."
She cut the call and she decided on Good Girl Blush.
She picked the pink heel perfume bottle. This one is the

Queen Of Hearts


At Semolale

Itumeleng came back from her walk, it took her longer

than epxected and she found that people had already
gone to their houses. She walked to the room she
shared with her husband and sat on the bed. She
stopped herself from calling Botshelo as he was not
there now.

Meanwhile outside, Ranewa was placed back on the

wheelchair and Jace kissed her as she wheeled herself.
She placed her phone on loudspeaker to continue
talking to her mother-in-law.
"Ee, so you'll be here akaere?"
She asked as she wheeled herself to the kitchen. She
just needed something quick to eat.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world. You're my only daughter-
in-law kana."
She laughed.
"Only daughter overall."
Anna chuckled.
"That's true."

Inside the room, Itumeleng could hear Ranewa's laugh

and she somehow wanted to know what was making her

She got up and she headed to the kitchen. Stopping feet

away from the door as she heard who she was talking
"I think after the magadi ceremony we'll be going back.
I'm almost four months and if I'm there when I'm at least
five months. All will be good. Lucky for me, the
University is closed and I already marked the papers.
Now all I need is to apply for leave on my eighth month."

Ranewa didn't even notice someone was eavesdropping

on her conversation.
"Ke go baya botsetsi?"
"Yes. We don't know the gender yet but we are hoping
it's a girl."
"I'm so excited waitse. Ebile this time, it will be better
than the last time. I allowed Moemedi to take you only
after two months, this time you are spending three whole
months Montana."

Ranewa laughed.
"Ao mma? I have a husband and a child to take care of."
"Jude a le kana kana ke ene child? Moemedi ga a na
diatla?"(When Jude is this big, he is a child? Moemedi
doesn't have hands?)

Ranewa laughed some more as she opened the water

"Just know when MJ wants his wife, nna I'm leaving with
"Mxm! How are you feeling?"
"So excited gore. Let me go. I only came in for water, Mj
wants us to have a late night drive."
"That boy loves you."
"Me too mama, me too."

On the other end, Anna smiled. Ranewa called her

mama on occasion and years back, she had thought it
was a slip of the tongue but it was not.
"Let me not delay you then."

Itumeleng who had heard the whole conversation,

quickly walked back to her bedroom. She clapped her
hands. She didn't even have the energy to confront
Ranewa. She had said Itumeleng will put her in
confinement but she was already saying she is going
back to the UK? She already replaced her as her
mother? Wow!

The bedroom door opened and she watched Botshelo

"Botshelo, kana Ranewa o batla go baya botsetsi ko
UK."(Ranewa wants to give birth at the UK)
Botshelo shrugged. There was nothing wrong with that.
Moemedi and Ranewa were adults who knew what they
were doing.
"It's their child and their choice."
"I'm supposed to put her in confinement."
"How can she want you to be her caretaker when you
don't even want her married to Moemedi and you voice
that displeasure at every chance you get? The child she
is carrying is Moemedi's and she doesn't want to bother
you since you can't at least be happy for her. Kante
sentle sentle what do you want mme?"
She breathed out. It was always him coming to their
defence when even it was morally wrong for the children
ti be happy.
"And it's my grandchild too."
"You already pretend as if Jude doesn't exist. The
second baby won't miraculously not be Mo's child. Let
the kids breathe and make their own choices. You let
your other two kids make their own choices but it's
always Ranewa who is wrong. Gape o tlhope mafoko
sentle because Moemedi ene je ngwanake."

He looked at her and shook his head walking out.

Itumeleng breathed out. She'll talk to Ranewa. Maybe
now before she left since she takes her sweet time in
the wheelchair.

She got up and walked to the sitting room. Ranewa was

still wheeling herself.
"Can we talk?"

She checked the time.

"I only have ten minutes."
"It won't be long."
She looked at her mother, a bit apprehensive for a good
minute before she wheeled herself over to the sofas.

Itumeleng sat down.

"Wa go bewa ke mang botsetsi?"(who is going to put
you in confinement?)
"Mmaagwe Jace."

She didn't even blink saying that she saw her mother
hurt. Why was she hurting?
"You said you'll be here when you flew back here."
"That was before everything you said. You still don't
accept my marriage and that's okay, Jude is already
different and this baby is Jude's full sibling. Nna I just
want my children where they'll be loved. Everyone is
entitled to their own share of happiness and this js mine.
It's not even anything personal. Do you still think I
should leave MJ?"

She looked at her mother's face. She saw the answer.

"Exactly. And the only way I'm leaving him is if he's dead
or I'm dead or he stupidly cheats on me but the last one
is not happening any time soon kaore o ka swaba ha a
ka leka."
"Mama? This is my life too. I am way past what people
will say. Weeks ago they were tagging me on social
media with rhwir rubbish and I ignored them because
they aren't important. They don't pay my bills, flight
tickets, take care of my kids or anything. They bring
literally nothing to my table, why should their opinion
matter? Kana ba njesa? Were they taking care of me in
hospital? Batho ba tla reng syndrome does nothing to hurts for a few hours and that's it."

She checked her phone for the time. Jace must be

asking himself about her whereabouts.
"I have to go."

She wheeled herself away.


At Sylvester's House

Eana shook her body to Rita Ora's Your Song while she
dished up for Sylvester.

She'll have to speed a little to get to his office while the

food was still warm.
She let the food cool down as she headed to the
bedroom to change clothes. Maybe he'll have her as

She giggled. She had showered an hour before cooking

and she decided on a matching black bra and panties
before she wore her wool dress. June was here and it
was a bit chilly. Her eyes went to the gift bag. Her sister
had it sent to her a week after she had called the
meeting and she had opened it. She had bought her
things from her Amazon wishlist back there in the UK
and Ranewa's birthday was coming up in a week. She
breathed out.

She sprayed her perfume and she quickly picked up her

car keys, hurrying to the kitchen to go get the food.

She switched off the music.


At the Gomolemos

Sylvester was nervous as he parked his car inside the

yard. It's been years since he had seen his parents face
to face and now? It felt wrong lying to Eana but what if it
doesn't work out and he decides he still doesn't want to
be in their lives still?

He walked to the door and before he could even knock,

the door opened and his mother's eyes welled up with
tears as she saw her last born. She hugged him and
held me tight, like a mother should and Sylvester
couldn't help but hug her back.
"Welcome home my boy."
Queen Of Hearts


At the Gomolemos

His mother broke the hug and even his father who
wasn't big on affection hugged him.
"Welcome back home son." He broke the hug and hit his
back as he smiled.
"How have you been?"

His father asked with a smile.

"Come in too. Your mother made your favourite meal."
Sylvester nodded. He felt like the prodigal son, he's
been gone fir so long and his family still welcomes him
back home like nothing happened.
He stepped inside and his mother held his arm.
"Almost everyone is here, I hope it doesn't overwhelm
you. Gofaone decided to pass by and-"
His mother nodded.
"She says she hasn't seen you in so long."

Sylvester sighed and he headed to the dining room. He

looked at the faces of his older siblings and some of
their children and partners.
"Welcome back home brother."

He say down as they raised their wine glasses. Gofaone

had the most beautiful smile on her face as she waited
for his eyes to land on her. She had done her hair real
nice and she smelled so good even though she knew
everyone in the room smelled good. Sylvester's eyes
landed on her and she did a cute wave, he just sighed.
His mind wondered to his girlfriend and what she was
doing now? He missed her especially after being away
the whole day.

Chatter started on the table and Sarona looked between

Sylvester and Gofaone. She thought she would see the
chemistry then had years back but there was nothing.
Not even a little spark. Gofaone tried to catch her
uncle's attention but he didn't seem interested. She
saved Gofaone the embarrassment and talked to her
while Sylvester conversed with his father about his


At the office

Eana who had been in the building more than ten times
was let in by the security guards. She had fingerprint
access to his office. She hummed, holding the lunchbag
and her trench coat covering her body.

She took the elevator to his office. She checked the time
on her phone. This was going to be a little surprise.

The elevator stopped and she stepped out heading to

his office. She knocked once and decided to try open
the door. Jt was locked.

She scanned her fingerprint and the door opened. She

stood by the door frame.
"Hi bab-"
She paused. The office was empty. She stepped inside
and closed the door.

She walked to his desk. There were papers and that

showed he had been there but then where was he?

She sat down on his chair and spun around, asking

herself about his whereabouts because he had said he
was at work and this was work. It wasn't even eight
f*cking pm for crying out loud.

She breathed out. She wasn't that angry child anymore.

She breathed out again, placing her fingers on her
"Maybe he'll be back Eana."
She said more to herself trying to calm herself down.
"Sylvester? Babe?"
She called him but there was no response. Breathe.

Thirty minutes later, she picked her phone up and called


At the family dinner, Sylvester felt his phone vibrated in
his pocket. He quickly excused himself and took it out,
heading outside.

Gofaone followed him.

"Hey baby. Where are you?"
"I'm at the office buttercup."
"Should I bring you food? You've been working all day
and you probably need food."
"That's so sweet. It's okay my love."

Behind, Gofaone raised her voice to a sweet voice.

"Hi love." She said as she hugged Sylvester from

Sylvester froze.
"Sylvester?" His girlfriend's voice dropped to a tone he's
never heard before.
"O ko kae? Lebelete leo ke mang?"(where are you?
Who is that where?)
He pried Gofaone's hands off and pulled her to stand in
front if him. Glaring at her as she bit her lip as if what
she did was an accident.
"I'm at the office and it's some random person."
"Sylvester you're lying to me. Babe, do you want to play
that game now?"

He moved away.
"Nyaa mma. Believe me. You can even come to the
"So you can call me insecure when I show up?"
"I won't. I'm at the office."
"Okay. Ke etla."(I'm on my way)
"Ee mma."

She cut the call as he started sweating and he fanned

himself. He walked over to Gofaone and grabbed her
arm roughly as she winced.
"O bona wena? Don't try your stupid on me again. Ga ke
go batke ne. Eo le lebelete la UB o tseela gore I'd want
you again."
He was so serious and she swallowed as her eyes
welled up with tears.
"It was a stage and I was young, we are grown an-"
"Fotshek Gofaone! Stay the hell away from me or else I
will f*ck you up!"

He let go and she rubbed her arm as he rushed to the

house to say bye. He needed to drive back to the office
ASAP before she showed up.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I can stay longer but an emergency

came up and I need to go."
"Alright. Next time, stay a bit longer."
"I will."
His mother got up to hug him. This was the first step and
they were happy with whatever he gave them.

He waved and quickly walked out, passing a crying

Gofaone as he headed to his car.

He should be there in twenty minutes tops. From his

place to the office took thirty minutes and she liked
taking her time getting ready, she'll probably be there in
forty five minutes.

He breathed out, jumping into his car. He was in the

office. This time he smelt his t-shirt and there was that
lingering perfume again. Eana was going to get angry at
him. He'll have to look for one of his company t-shirts in
the office and wear it before burning this one. This was
definitely not the Miss Dior and it's assortments that
smelt on his clothes after his girlfriend hugged him. He
also gifted her her favourite scents so he would know.
He started the car as the gate opened for him.


At the office

It was dark and Sylvester didn't linger around the minute

he stepped out of the car twenty minutes later. He didn't
see the car he bought as a gift weeks ago as he rushed
past the security who opened for him. He breathed out,
he was safe.

He took the elevator up to his office as his heart slowed

down. That was the fasted twenty minutes of his life. It
stopped by his office floor and he placed his finger on
the pad. It opened and he pushed the door. He stopped
in his tracks his girlfriend in her red bottoms and coat,
with her shapely legs on his office desk looked at him.
His heart beat sky rocketed. Sh*t!
Queen Of Hearts

At the office

He leaned against the door frame, his knees weakening
slightly as she gave him a once over look, not
attempting to move from the desk.
"You're in the office?"

Eana asked and he got inside, closing the door slowly.

She didn't move from her seat and watched him with
focused eyes.
"I-I went out for food an-"
"I said I'll bring food."
"Minutes after you called I went out for food and I ca-"
"Why are you lying to me?"

She got up and he stepped back. He shouldn't be

scared of his girlfriend, he did nothing wrong.
She walked up to him and first thing she could smell was
that annoying perfume from two weeks back.
"I don't know what happened to you. When you started
lying and cheating on me."
"'I'm n-"
"I'm leaving. If I start speaking I'll end up hitting you and
obviously you can overpower me and hit me back."

She breathed out. She wasn't crying but he wanted her

to show a reaction. He can deal better with that than not
knowing her true feelings.

She tried to move past him but he blocked her way.

"Eana, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what? Cheating on me?"

She held her waist. Laughter bubbled out of her.

"Will it be nice if I do the same?" He wasn't cheating,
he'd never do that but the thought of her with another
man? A man that's not him made him see red and he
pulled her to him but she slapped his hands away.
"Let go of me!"
He breathed out and held her tighter.
"Eana, baby listen to me. I'm sorry. I'm not cheating on
you. I'm sorry for lying."

He held her as she tried to hit his chest in anger.

"Baby, I'm sorry."

She hit his chest over and over again but he held her
"Let me explain, promise you won't get angry."

He looked into her eyes and she sighed. He led her over
to his desk and sat her down before he got between her

"I'm from-" He paused as he held her chin. "I was

working and I went for dinner with my family."

Eana blinked. Maybe he meant to say side chick.

"Ee mma. I started talking to them weeks back and
today we had dinner."
She laughed in disbelief. The family he said he cut off?
He must be joking. This must be a joke really.
"You're lying right?"
He sadly shook his head.
"And who was that girl who was talking?"
"My ex from years back, I didn't know she'd be there.
She is the same one from two weeks back."

Eana couldn't believe this. She had told her family off
and he was making amends with his.
"I wasn't even sure it would work and that's why I didn't
tell you."
Eana looked at him in disbelief.
"And if it wasn't for today you wouldn't have told me

He looked down. She pushed him away and got off the
table. She got her car keys from the table and her
phone, walking out and leaving him there.

He breathed into his hands.


At Semolale
Ituoutsidemeleng sat in the living room eating her dinner.
She heard a car driv
e into the yard. She knew Moemedi didn't stay in the
main house, there was a small house at the back. She
could hear Ranewa's giggles .
Meanwhile outside, Jace pushed his wife to the back
"How are you feeling now?"
"Refreshed and ready to take on the world."
He kissed the top of her head as they went on their way.

Inside the house, Itu leaned back with a sigh. It was

dead silent and she was left with only her thoughts.
They took her back to when she was freshly eighteen.
Every once in a while she thought of how her life had
seemed like a fairytale back then. Then her daughter, at
eighteen she found love but how could she trust that
when her own life went south at only twenty and
Ranewa was going to be twenty five in a week. She was
still happy and Moemedi hadn't turned in one her. He
hadn't started beating her or anything.

Sbe breathed out into her hands as tears filled her eyes.
When she got out of prison she had been so excited to
build a relationship with her children and then-
She breathed out once more. Everything was just
messy. She got up and walked out.

By Jace's small house, he caressed his wife's sensitive

boobs. Ranewa moaned in his mouth, seated on his lap.
Her small hands moved all over his bare chest before
her hands went to his zipper, trying to release his

Ranewa moaned louder as his hand slipped under the t-

shirt she wore and he shifted her panties to the side. His
finger plunged in while his thumb rubbed her clit and she
threw her head back, crying out his name.

By the door, Itumeleng heard her daughter's moans and

she swallowed before she knocked.

Inside the house, Jace covered her mouth while still

finger f*cking her. She bit his hand as the knocking
"Ko ko?"
He went faster as she bit him hard with tears in her
eyes. He watched her come and he removed his hand
over her mouth and he licked his fingers clean as he
finally answered. He pulled her t-shirt back and kissed
her head.
"Ke etla."(I'm coming)
He pushed her hair back.
"You good?" She nodded, placing her head against his
shoulder breathing hard.

He rubbed her bare thighs for a second and he picked

her up and placed her on the sofa, he fixed his zipper
and he could see her cum on his jeans. Sh*t. It was at
night. Hopefully whoever was at the door won't notice.

He placed her on the wheelchair and headed to the

bedroom for a t-shirt. He watched her push her own hair
back before she smiled at him. He walked barefoot to
the door and opened it. Itumeleng had almost given up
and was face to face with his mother-in-law.
"Hello. Can I see Ranewa?"

Queen Of Hearts


At Semolale

Moemedi nodded.
"Ee mma. Let me call her." He rubbed his face
embarrassed that she heard them.
"I-uhm sorry about-"
He paused again and rubbed the back of his head.
Itumeleng sighed as he walked back into the house.

Ramewa had heard her mother's voice and there was

no fleece blanket close.
"Your mother is looking for you."
"She was the one kno-oh God!"
"Let's pretend it never happened."
She nodded and he looked at her bare thighs.
"Let me come with a towel at least." He quickly rushed
to the bedroom and came with a towel to cover her legs.

She smiled and wheeled herself out, mentally preparing

herself for whatever her mother had called about.
Couldn't it wait till tomorrow though?

She found her mother by the door and smiled.

"Ranewa can we talk?"
"Mama if it's about my marriage, I think we already
established that I'm no-"
"Ee mma. I know. It's close but I just wanted to talk to

Ranewa nodded as dhr wheeled herself out the door,

the night breeze blowing her hair all over her face and
she spit out the hairs that got into her mouth.
"We can talk inside."
"I'm not cold, we can sit by the benches."
Itumeleng accepted that and Ranewa wheeled herself to
the benches as her mother walked bu her side.
"Can I help?"
Ranewa looked at her for a few seconds. She's never
offered and she wondered what changed now. She
shook her head and continued wheeling herself.

They got to the benches and only Itumeleng sat down,

placing her hands on her lap. Ranewa bit down the urge
to apologise for what they were doing in thee sitting
room. In her defense the person continued after hearing
the door knock even if their moans were non-existent
after they heard the first knock.

She looked at her mother waiting to hear what she had

to say. She was always open to hearing what other
people had to say even if she was never given the same
"I know you know this but I just want to start from the
Ranewa was confused and so lost.
"You do know I had you guys young and I married
"Ee mma."
"You know what happened after that."
Ranewa nodded. The abuse, her almost being dumped.
Eana's birth after her mother ran away then she was
found then came their own hell with Mothusi.
"You look so much like me and-"
Her mother breathed out.
"At times I've seen myself in you, your people pleasing
and at some point I was a people pleaser too. I listened
to everyone and what they said about me and my life. I
let them dictate me, I was stuck in an abusive marriage
and I was still an innocent."
"I understand that."
"And in my head I was like what are people going to say,
regardless of whether you and Moemedi dated before
me and Botshelo."
"Do people matter?"
Itumeleng breathed out.
"And what you and Moemedi have is beautiful, at some
point I wanted to be treated like that. That you look like
me and you are dating my husband's son and even the
father fails to put me first. That you haven't went through
hardships in your relationship and even years later he
still treats you so well and speak for you and on your

Ranewa blinked a couple of times. What?

"And I want you to be happy. I really do, it just happens
and I see what I would have been had I made better
decisions. Had maybe left when I was slapped the first
time or chosen to leave without kidnapping you guys.
You found your voice ans are living happily."

Ranewa was shocked as she watched her mother,

questions on her face.
"Maybe had I been the parent I promised myself to be
after I left prison this wouldn't have happened. You
wouldn't have to think I am against anything that made
you happy. A part of me is still morning that little girl that
wanted her happily ever after and is seeking her own, in
the process didn't want anything to ruin that. Somehow I
felt like you with Moemedi would ruin that for me
because it was my only chance at happily ever after."

Ranewa closed her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I've always wanted the best for you ever since
you were young. For all of you since you were babies.
And it also adds to my failures as a mother if you had to
do everything in secret from me and being excluded.
Somehow it is because of how I made you feel and I'm
so sorry my baby."

Ranewa rubbed her tear.

"I'm so sorry."
She breathed out again and looked at Ranewa waiting
to hear what she would say.
"Maybe we would have gotten family therapy and I'm
sorry it looks like I'm siding with your sister when her
boyfriend's family left you paralysed for doing nothing. I
just want all of you to be happy and I'm sorry if it feels
like you and Kopi's feelings are disregarded. I'm so sorry
and also it's your choice whether you accept him or not."

Ranewa pushed her hair back and looked at the towel

hiding her thighs.
"I'm genuinely sorry my angel."

Ranewa was too stunned to speak.

Queen Of Hearts

At Semolale

"Well…I honestly don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I'm really sorry.
Intshwarele ngwanaka."
Ranewa just nodded.
"I also apologise for the scene I causes at the airport
and the words I said. They were hurtful."
She knew her own mother wouldn't hesitate to stay that
to her and that made her feel more guilty. Ranewa was
speechless and the sudden change of heart caught her
by surprise.
"Okay. I-uhm, let me go back to the house."
Itumeleng guessed it wouldn't be that easy and simple
for her daughter to quickly forget so she nodded and
she watched her daughter wheel herself away.

Meanwhile, inside the main house Botshelo sat down on

the bed. Thinking about his own life, Anna said not to
make the same mistake twice and he heard her. Had he
somehow rushed into this marriage too? He felt like he
was getting lonely and rushed into marriage? And he
didn't even put in the work?
He also could put the blame on their failed marriage on
himself. He put work first and after getting the bride, he
got comfortable. Maybe they should separate and if it's
meant to be it will be? The bedroom door opened and
Itumeleng looked at him. She breathed out and walked
over to the bathroom, closing the door before leaning
against it. She needed to find herself again. Who she
was without any man attached to her and maybe…just
maybe she'll be happier and her happily ever after won't
revolve around a man, she can find happiness within
and around her along with her kids and grandchildren.


At Sylvester's House

Sylvester walked inside the dark house, her car was

parked outside and he didn't know how he was going to
make her see reason. He switched on the lights and
nearly got a jump scare as she remained seated on the
couch. In the dark. His heart started racing.
"So I'm the fool…" Eana murmured.
"Baby, you're not. I'm sorry for lying."
"It was easy to say hey Eana, I want to fix things with my
family after I swore to never be part of their lives again."
He sat next to her and took her hand, rubbing it before
he kissed it.
"I wasn't s-"
"But you seem sure now. I risked my family cutting off
because I'm not supposed to even date you but you-"
"I'm sorry." He kissed her hands again as she looked at
him with teary eyes.
"You meet your exes too and she calls you love. Am I
"She is a none factor, I don't even know why they love
her. You are not a fool. I swear."
She chuckled and blinked back more tears. Why was
she getting emotional?
"And they even love her. Wow! Waitse wow! I don't even
stand a chance and let's see, you'll meet each other
more at family functions and you'll get closer again and
then cheat on me, the idiot who spoke on your behalf on
her family's side and was willing to lose her family for

She smiled as she got up from the couch.

"Ea, I don't love her." He strode over to her and held her
hands. "I love you and only you. She doesn't matter,
whether my family accepts you or not, it doesn't matter
because they don't have the final say over my life."

She looked into his eyes and he cupped her cheek,

moving closer and dropping his head still maintaining
eye contact with his girlfriend.
"For sneaking around and meeting my family behind
your back, I'm deeply sorry about that buttercup. I am
sorry that it painted a picture of a cheat in your eyes, I
appreciate you and love you for who you are and I
wouldn't be able to survive without you."
His thumb rubbed her jawline and her lips parted softly.
She shouldn't give in to this easily. It was too easy to
ignore what happened but the bottom line was that he
was supposed to tell her.

She removed his hand and stepped back.

"Okay." With that she headed to the bedroom and
Sylvester looked at his dropped hand and fisted it. He
quickly removed his t-shirt. He should burn it because
besides his lies catching up to him, Gofaone seemed
like she was going to be a problem and try to f*ck up his


At Sylvester's parents

Gofaone helped clear the table after the dinner

continued. She kept on giving everyone fake smile and
pleasantries whenever she was asked questions. A
simple phone call had him leaving immediately, he loved
the girl that much?
In the kitchen, Sarona joined her.
"Are you fine? Ever since Syl let earlier, you've been a
bit down."
"I'm fine. Just deep in thought."
"You do know you don't have to do all this?"

Gofaone placed the plates down and fully faced Sarona.

"You don't have to audition for the role of being his wife,
I know you still love him but it seems like he's over you."
Gofaone wiped her hands and fanned her face.
"He said some hurtful words earlier, I just love him and I
can't stop."
Sarona went over to hug Gofaone.
"We know you so well but if Syl brings another woman,
we'll be forced to accept her into the family."
Gofaone sniffed more at that prospect.
"And it will seem like a betrayal but you can save
yourself the heartache, you don't have to show up for
the family events and all."

Gofaone let go.

"You are also dumping me?"
"No. But a man who loves you wouldn't say hurtful
words and ignore you at the dinner table. His eyes didn't
shine like they used to when you guys were in love.
Maybe it's time you let bygones be bygones."

Gofaone sighed. Sarona was chasing her away. She

could tell.
"Okay. Uhm, I have to go."

Wiry that, she walked out of the kitchen. Sarona looked

around. They didn't need another Latona case, she was
tired of that.

Queen Of Hearts


At Semolale

Ranewa told her husband what her mother just said.

"And how do you feel about it?"
"I don't know to be honest. Her refusing to accept our
relationship went on for a long while and even at today's
meeting you could still tell, I don't know if I'm to trust her
sudden change of heart."
She looked at her bare toenails and then back at her
husband who was stepping out of his jeans.
"Give her the benefit of the doubt? Maybe?"
She nodded.
"I will. Since the elders agreed and all, when are you
marrying me traditionally?"
He laughed.
"Did you apply for leave at school?"
"I applied for two months, I think they'll manage with the
TAs even though I'll be getting half of my salary."

He sat next to her and removed the t-shirt she was

wearing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he
pecked her lips. He laid down, taking her down with him
and she giggled on top of him.
She pecked his lips countless of times in between her
giggles as he rubbed her behind. God, his wife was
adorable. Her face glowed with happiness as a yawn
escaped her lips. Seems like she was no longer in the
mood but regardless of that, she was okay.
"Hold me, I'm a bit tired."
"Okay." He laid her down on the bed, breaking their
body contact and went to switch off the lights. He slid in
besides her and spooned her.
"I remember vowing to forever at only eighteen because
you scared me with you weak heart."
She hit his chest lightly as she tried to turn her upper
body to face him and a smile was on his face.
"You had to. I was already attached to you."
"O weak."
"Only for you. I couldn't look at anyone else after I saw
you. With your tears and all."
She chuckled. "I can't believe I was crying in a
bookstore. I still have your Shakespeare book, I love
"I love you more than you can ever know little fairy."

She wrapped her arms around him even if they didn't

fully reach his whole back.
"At times, don't you wish you had a normal wife?"
"I don't like where this conversation is heading."
"No, babe hear me out. When we met, I was normal.
Okay and not paralysed and it hadn't even been a
month since you came back and I was suddenly
paralysed and I had to live differently."
"I don't really care about that."
Her warm breath hit his chest and she looked up at him.
"I-Some days I feel like half a woman. I can't do
everyday things and regardless of feeling my legs, my
spine is still damaged and I won't ever walk."
"Ranewa, I won't lie here and listen to you berate
"It's not berating, it's the truth mme." Her eyes welled
with tears. The thought hit her out of nowhere and she
wanted to voice it out. She won't be those women who
surprise their husband with lingerie and heels, or even
drive him. Hell, even cooking requires the stove to be
lower and she rarely cooks for her husband. Even with
Jude, some days she struggled, she needed a lot of
assistance. She loved raising him and he was a smart
toddler, he knew his mommy was in a wheelchair and he
was well behaved, but she'll never run and chase him in
a park, having him enjoy his time with her like he did
with his dad. More tears filled her eyes and they rolled
down her cheeks. He pulled her closer, touching her
face and pausing for a moment feeling the wetness.
"Ranewa, I don't care if you will never be able to walk. I
love you, I choose to love you each and everyday,
regardless of what may come. Even if it's death, I will
love you. You loved me at my lowest, even when I was
in my death bed. Babe, I see your heart and soul, those
are the things that matter to me."

She nodded and he used his thumb to rub her tears.

"And I will never stop loving you. I swear with my life."
She licked her lips and blinked in the dark, his eyes
fixated on her.
"Thank you." He let go of her face and held her against
him. She'll always have that resentment against Larona
and her family somehow, everyone is living normally
while she is stuck in a wheelchair. She sobbed against
him chest.
"I'm here."


In Itumeleng and Botshelo's room, Itumeleng fced the

other way as her husband gave her his back. The
silence was palpable and she wanted to tell him now so
they don't have to speak of it in the morning.

She turned.
"I think we should separate."

In the darkness, Botshelo turned to face his wife.

"I need to find myself again and I'm so tired of begging
you for the absolute bare minimum."
He didn't say anything.
"I-" She bit down her lip.
"We went to this blindly, maybe we needed more time. I
don't know, this was killing me softly and I-"

Tears filled her eyes.

"I gave you my all, I was the perfect wife. I've always
been the perfect wife." She said with so much regret,
her heart breaking. She still loved him even if he chose
work over her, the money was useless if he didn't love

She scoffed.
"Just okay? After promising me heaven and earth when
we got married? And boy didn't you adore the way I put
you first, I put our relationship first. Above the kids I
swore to love the heck out of."
He just looked at her.
"I admit it was my fault that I didn't spare you enough
attention as my wife and I played a pivotal role in the
downfall of our marriage, but I never asked you to put
me on a pedestal and above your kids."
She rubbed her tears.
"Yoh!" She licked her dry lips. "We'll then, I'll be moving
tomorrow when we get to the city and going back to my
His answer twisted her up. He was so nonchalant about
this while her own heart was breaking.

She turned her back to him and held back the tears and
the sob that almost escaped her lips. She'll mourn the
relationship, she'll be fine. It was yet another failed
marriage. She covered her mouth, sobbing into her
hand. She felt like a failure. In everything that was
supposed to matter. Botshelo heard her sobs and he still
loved her but it was probably for the best, he pulled his
hands away. Maybe his comfort was something she
didn't need at the moment. He bit down his lip as he
turned his back and stared blankly at the wall.

Queen Of Hearts


The following morning

At Semolale

The Scotts were wide awake and having breakfast in

their respective houses. Mrs Scott Junior was in the
house she shared with her husband as she finished
eating her food. She couldn't wait to go home and see
her baby boy. Two days was too long without him but
Palesa had it all under control.
Jace cleared the table and washed the plates as she
wheeled herself to the bedroom to check their luggage.
She started packing when she woke up in the morning.

Ten minutes later, her husband walked in.

"We should go say bye to the parents, we have a long
journey ahead."
It was more than six hours and if they leave right now,
they'll be there before five p.m.
"Okay. Let's go."

Inside the bigger house, the air was tense and filled with
awkwardness as Itumeleng shuffled in the kitchen. Her
eyes were red and puffy from the night before and it still
shocked her that he casually agreed to that. He didn't
even fight for her. At all.

A door knock drew her out of her misery and she would
have something other than her failed marriage to think
about as she walked to the door.
She opened the door and stood there, a bit of surprise
evident on her face as she looked at Moemedi and
"Hi guys. Come in." They probably noticed the eyes and
didn't say anything.
"Uhm, we're not staying for long mme."
Ranewa said, her husband wheeling her in after her
mother opened the door wider and moved out of the

He wheeled her over to the sofas and he sat down on

the single couch, her wheelchair close to that couch too.
"Do you want anything to eat and drink?"
"I'm okay. We just wanted to say goodbye, we are about
to leave."
"Oh! Safe journey and please call once you guys arrive
"Ee mma. Is Mr B around?"

As she said that, Botshelo walled into the sitting room

and smiled at the kids. Itumeleng tensed and Ranewa
and her husband shared looks before Ranewa fixed her
"Hi, we came here to say goodbye. We are leaving in a
few minutes."
"Travel safely kids."
"We will. Bye guys."
Moemedi said as he got up to wheel his wife.
"Moemedi, can I talk to you for a second?"
He looked at his mother-in-law fro a second before he
kissed his wife's head and she smiled wheeling herself
out. Itumeleng headed to the kitchen and Moemedi
"I wanted to apologise, for slapping you at the airport. It
was uncalled for."
"Ee mma."
"I'm not usually like that and it was out of line."
"Ee mma. Apology accepted."
"Thank you." He turned to walk out but she called him
again, he turned to face her once more.
"Please take care of her. I was not the best supporter of
your relationship but I see how much she loves you,
please take care of Ranewa for me."
That caught him off guard for a second.
"I will. Go siame."

He walked out and she breathed out. She looked at the

ring on her finger. Fake promises of forever and love,
that's what the ring signified. She removed the ring and
slid it into her jean pockets before she continued with
what she had been doing before the kids knocked.
Botshelo waved his son off by the porch as their car
reversed out, minutes later.

Inside the car, Ranewa scrolled through car models as

she looked at her husband behind the steering wheel.
His other hand was on her leg, she placed her hand on
top of his as he continued driving.


At Sylvester's House

Eana woke up around ten, alone in bed and she turned

to face his side. He had slept besides her. She sighed
and rubbed her eyes so she can be fully awake. She got
her phone from the bedside table and she yawned,
calling Palesa.

"Hi Pale, are you free today?"
"Besides babysitting Jude, I am. What's up?"
"Are you free for brunch and a bit of shopping today?"
"I'll have to bring Jude along."
"It's okay. Gape he's my nephew."
"Let me get ready, we'll meet where?"
"Which one? Ye ha airport kana Riverwalk?"
"Okay. Let me get ready and I'll call you once I'm done."

The call cut and Eana slumped back on the pillow. The
bedroom door opened and Sylvester walked in with a
breakfast tray. She looked at him while was rocking a
hundred megawatt smile.
"Good morning buttercup, I made you breakfast."
She didn't say anything and his smile slightly faltered as
he placed the tray down.
"I also booked you a massage for the day so you can
"I already have plans."

She got out of bed, her behind bouncing ad she walked

to the bathroom in her short pyjamas regardless of the
fact that it was winter time. Sylvester opened his mouth
but closed it as the bathroom door closed behind her.
He sat on the bed and rubbed his face, hearing the
water starting to run in the shower. He sat there till she
was done, fifteen minutes later.

Eana walked back in the bedroom and he breathed out,

his hands moving to his face once more.
"Buttercup, can we talk about this?"
"We talked about it last night, Sylvester."
"You just said okay and went to bed."
"Akere it happened. You are going on good terms with
your family and you had to sneak around while I was
very upfront about my family to you. Do you know the
magnitude of what I almost did?" She chuckled. She did
it. She could feel that her relationship with her siblings
wasn't fine and there was nothing she could do about it.
She didn't wait for him to speak and instead walked to
the wardrobe. She had to get ready.
"I'll wait. And I'm still sorry my love."

He got up and walked out, leaving her half naked in the

room. She watched the door close and breathed out
once it was closed. She just needed to talk to someone.
Her sister wasn't going to say anything, not after how
she spoke to Ranewa at the meeting. She had the
thought to call Ranewa but decided against it, the
conversation was likely going to be colder than the North
Pole. She lotioned up and got dressed, wearing a pearly
headband before she sprayed her Miss Dior blooming
bouquet perfume and wore her sandal heels.

She got her phone and mini handbag, calling Palesa.

"Pale. I'm done."
"Okay. I'm almost done too. Just dress Jude then I'll be
heading there."
"Alright. Thank you tlhemma, I know this wasn't
"You are basically a sister to me and I had nothing better
to do."
"Go sharpo."

Palesa cut the call and Eana walked out, not even
looking at the tray by the bed nor touching it as she
walked out.

Sylvester looked up and he licked his lips, taking in her

maxi white dress that hugged her curves and how her
scent lingered in the air.
"I'll be back a bit later. I'll be with Palesa."

She said as she walked past him and he just nodded.

Knowing he wasn't going to convince her otherwise. He
rubbed his eyes as the door closed.
: Queen Of Hearts


At Mugg&Bean

An hour later, Palesa was settled in the restaurant with

Jude sitting in the seat next to hers. She saw Eana
make her way to her and she stood up to hug her sister-
"It's like we are matching now."
Eana said, hugging Palesa like her life depended on it.
Palesa broke the hug and looked at her Eana. She was
gorgeous and had a body to absolutely die for.
"Great minds eng eng mma."
Eana laughed as she placed her bag on the table and
took her seat, holding her nephew's hand and saying hi
to him in a sweet voice. She could see a bit of her sister
in him. She kissed his cheek and he smiled. Palesa took
a seat in her white flare pants and white knitted sweater
as a waiter walked to their table to give them menus.

Eana glanced at her nephew for a second and then the

menu before she looked at Palesa.
"Have you thought of kids?" Eana asked with a smile on
her face.
"I have. We decided to enjoy our marriage for now."
Palesa quickly said before she focused on the menu.
Now that she was married, was she going to escape the
when are you going to have kids chat? She can't exactly
tell people that she isn't sure if she'll fall pregnant with
no struggles and she wanted to give her husband a
"Alright." Eana kept quiet but then she placed the menu
"I just really needed company and to talk."
Palesa placed the menu down, Eana's low voice getting
to her.
"What's up?" Eana called for the waiter who immediately
came to the table to take their orders. Palesa ordered for
Jude as well and after the waiter left, Eana leaned in.
"I feel so stupid."
"What happened?"
"Remember I almost risked my relationship with my
"That was…an eventful day." Very eventful.
"Syl is fixing his relationship with his family."

Palesa's eyes widened in disbelief and Eana nodded

breathing into her hands.
"And he has an ex the family loves and invites over."
Palesa looked at Eana who seemed stressed by that

"Wasn't there a possibility of him making up with them?"

"It was but then he assured me he would never."
Palesa chuckled.
"And you believed him? Men?"
That made Eana smile a bit.
"Kana he pursued me first ke ituletse"(while I was
minding my own business.)
"Still. How do you feel about it?"
"He lied about it and only confessed because I caught
him in on the lie. Is that really how a relationship is
supposed to be?"
"Not really. But you love him right?"
"I do tota."

She stopped talking when the waiter brought their drinks

and Palesa looked at the milkshake she ordered for
Jude. She held it for him and he sucked for a few
seconds before he stopped and closed his eyes before
he grinned with his baby teeth, making the most
adorable face ever. Eana took out her phone and
snapped a quick picture. He was such a cutie.
She took pictures of the drinks before she placed her
phone down.
"Wa go ira jang yawning?"(what are you going to do
"Let the anger out I guess." She was working on her
anger issues so she didn't resort to violence right away.
That was growth.
"How is Kopano?"
"He is well, we are okay and the wedding preparations
are well underway, next month re simolla practice ya
Eana smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.
"Is he still angry with me?"
"No. He was just disappointed."
"Our calls are curt and Ranny? The conversations are
so cold."
"They'll come around. For Ranewa it's hard because
now you are saying Sylvester is reconciling with his
family and when you guys get married, you'll be in-laws.
Ranewa's life is now wheelchair bound because of that
family, Kopano lives in regret for ever introducing
Eana looked down.
"I shouldn't have spoken to them that way."
"Apologise, they are your siblings. I'm sure they will
somehow let go of what you said to them."
Palesa glanced over at Jude who was holding the glass
with both hands. She smiled and wiped the corner of his
mouth. The two ladies switched topics while sipping their
drinks and their food came. Eana took pictures before
she took pictures with her sister-in-law. Their relaxing
day went by as they ate while sharing laughs and
Palesa feeding Jude some of her French fries.


Around four pm, Sylvester tried to call Eana again but

she wasn't answering. He went to WhatsApp and she
had updated her status with her sister-in-law in the
picture minutes ago. He sighed and placed the phone
down. He'll talk to her later when she comes back home.


At G-North

Itumeleng put the last of her things in the boot of her car.
She stood there, waiting for her husband to somehow
convince her out of her decision. Promise to work on
their marriage even if he would be showering her with
fake promises. Didn't he see he was losing her?
She walked back in the house.
"I'm leaving." He looked up from his phone.
"Okay? I'm your wife and I'm leaving our matrimonial
home and all you can say is okay?"
"Itumeleng, you want to leave and I can't stop you."

She held back her tears and watched him glance over at
his phone. He was ignoring her, acting like she wasn't

"I fought for us! For you!" She screamed in his face.
Wanting him to stop ignoring her. To see her. He had no
right to ignore her.
"I never asked you to fight." Her head whipped back as if
she had been slapped. She staggered back with tears
burning in her eyes. He might have just dealt her with
the final blow...

She wiped her cascading tears. She gave him all the
best versions of herself, her endless empathy, she
fought for their love. She didn't know if he saw how she
bled trying to be the bravest soldier fighting in only his
army. She wanted the man to do something because he
was losing her. After all they went through?
The tears kept coming and his impassive face angered
her so damn much.

"Everything I did, everything I did for us to have a

fighting chance?"
"There was nothing to fight for. Why fight kids? Our
children even?"

She sniffed, stepping back. She was done. It was over.

She moved back till she reached the door and pulled it
open, half running to her car. She got inside and started
the car, opening the gate.

She drove out and inside the house, Botshelo held his
bald head in his hands. Hurting in his own way, he didn't
want to stop her from doing what she wanted to do. He
grabbed his car keys, hearing the gate close as she
drove off her car making a loud noise.

Inside her car, Itumeleng turned the radio on but there

was no nice music. She connected her phone and Exile
started playing. Ot made her pain worse as she sniffed
back tears but they blinded her vision. She had to used
her wrist to rub the tears away.
So step right out, there is no amount
Of crying I can do for you
All this time
We always walked a very thin line
You didn't even hear me out (you didn't even hear me
You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
All this time
I never learned to read your mind (never learned to read
my mind)
I couldn't turn things around (you never turned things
'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many
So many signs, so many signs
You didn't even see the signs
I think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending
You're not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
You were my town
Now I'm in exile, seein' you out
She drove off the dusty G-north road and parked by the
side, crying against her steering wheel. He never turned
things around. He didn't put effort and his okay? God it
hit right in the heart.

She sniffed more and while she was in tears, she lifted
her head as she saw her car speed by, leaving dust in
it's wake. She cried more. He couldn't even wait for her
to arrive before he went out? She hit the steering wheel,
the stupid song magnifying her pain but it was too
relatable. More tears continued rolling down her cheeks.

Queen Of Hearts


At Itumeleng's House

She arrived two hours later with swollen eyes and an

aching head. She placed her head on the steering
wheel, all those years down the drain? Just like that? It
felt like some kind of dream and if she could wake up
from it, she would. This instant even.

She got out of the car, too tired to even get her stuff from
the back of the car and she just went to unlock the
house door. She rubbed her eyes and pushed open the
door. She breathed out. Never thought she'd be back
here again to live in here. Breathing out, she turned to
lock the car then proceeded right into the house, locking
it from inside. She slid down the door and she brought
her knees to her face. Exhaustion and pain were the
only things she felt, her heart breaking over and over
again. The last time before this, he had said he'd never
hurt her but she was wrong. She didn't deserve this, he
also failed their marriage and marriage wasn't one
sided. In fact, it was him who put the cracks there
because they were just fine. If she could turn back the
wheels of time to a time where she had refused his
advances and focused in her relationship with the kids?


By the parking lot, Palesa laughed as she put the bags

in the boot while still speaking to Eana. Their day had
been so wholesome and she enjoyed it. Jude was
already strapped in his baby seat inside the car and all
she had to do was go home. Ranewa said they'll pick
Jude in the evening.

She shared one last hug with Eana.

"Thank you for spending the day with me. I neended
your company so bad."
"I'm here anytime."
"Thank you."

She held onto Palesa for a whole minute before she

stepped back.
"Call me as soon as you arrive home."
"I definitely will."

Palesa walled over to the driver's seat and Eana

stepped back, watching her reverse before she waved
and drove off. She proceeded to walk to her parking
spot. Now she knew what to do when she got home.

She found her car in minutes and got inside. She

checked her pictures and the pictures were so pretty
and aesthetic. She loved them.
She went to Facebook to update now that the day had
practically come to an end, her phone rang in her hand
and she quickly cut off her boyfriend's call as she
selected five pictures to upload on her account.

She wrote a nice caption. Something about a day well

spent with your loved ones. She placed the phone down
then started her car.

At Jace's House

Ranewa had taken a short nap when they arrived three

house ago. She woke up all alone in bed but she heard
sizzling. He was cooking. She rubbed her eyes then her
growing stomach, laying her head back on the pillow.
She covered her face for a minute. Asking herself if she
should wake up or go to sleep again.

She decided on the first option, it's not like she won't be
able to sleep later that night. A yawn escaped her lips
before she called for her husband.
"I'm coming."

She sat upright and she looked at the wheelchair by the

bed. She removed the blankets just as he walked in.
"Hey love, I'll go pick him up in thirty minutes. Do you
need anything?"
"No. Do you need help? With anything?"
"Everything is sorted out." He kissed her forehearsal and
walked out of the room. She looked around for her
phone but it was probably in her handbag.

Carefully, she moved over to the corner of the bed and

placed herself on the wheelchair. She leaned back to let
out a sigh before she wheeled herself to where her
handbag was. She took out her phone to call Palesa.
"Ranny, hi."
"Hi, Kopano arrived akere?"
"He did and he's playing with Jude right now."
"Speaking of Jude, his dad will come pick him up in
thirty minutes. Is that okay? And tlhemma thank you for
spending the weekend with him. I really appreciate it."
"It's nothing. Let me get his things ready and packed. He
is suck a darling to take care of."
Ranewa chuckled as she started to make small talk with
Palesa. The two were on the phone for over ten minutes
before Jace walked right back in.
"Let me go get him." He whispered and kissed his wife's
head. She nodded and resumed her conversation with
her sister-in-law.

"Let me call back in a few minutes okay?"

"Alrigjt. Bye."

The call cut and Ranewa thoughtfully went to Facebook.

She scrolled her timeline absentmindedly till she saw a
picture most of her Facebook friends had shared. There
was also another one as well. It didn't matter if they
were sabaweling to be honest. She thinned her eyes.
She didn't-
She closed her eyes and hoped her eyes were acting
up. She opened them again and she still saw the
picture. Calmly, she went to her sister's profile and she
heart reacted on the post as a whole before she clicked
on the pictures to view them individually. Four pictures in
and she saw the picture. She bit her inner cheek and
scrolled to see the other one. She placed her phone on
her lap and took a deep breath.

"Breath." She said over and over again. More to herself.

She picked up the phone and called her sister.

"Ranny, hello."
"Eana, hi. How are you nnaka?"
"I'm good. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine. I wanted to ask you something. Is that okay
with you?"

Eana sat down in her robe, she was freshly showered. It

sounded serious bit at least her sister was speaking to
her. That was a step in the right direction.
"Nnaka, why didn't you ask for permission to post my
Eana paused. She didn't think it would be a big deal.
Like he's just a child and she's his aunt. It's not like she
was stealing the child.
"I didn't think it would be a big deal."
"It is a big deal. I never post my child on Facebook and
on WhatsApp I have less than forty contacts so it's a
safe space for me."
"Ranewa, I honestly didn't think it would bother you."
"Well it does and I'm kindly asking you to take the
pictures down, the ones with Jude in it. You should have
asked me first to be honest."
"Moemedi has Jude as his cover photo but when I do it
it's suddenly a problem?"
Ranewa breathed out.
"I'm not picking a fight with you Eana. You never asked
me for permission and Jude is Moemedi's son for crying
out loud, you can't compare the two nnaka."
"Tlhemma just take down the pictures. If you had asked
for my consent first, then it would have been okay but to
find out on social media."
"Ranewa, it's literally pictures."
"You have had pictures of Jude since MJ travelled with
him and it's okay to have pictures but you never asked
for my permission to post. Or even his father's
"Is this really about the pictures kana you are punishing
"For what? Why would I punish you Eana? This is just
about the damn pictures."
"It has to be more than that."
"Please delete the pictures tlhemma. That's all I'm
asking for."

She rubbed her temple.

"Go sharpo mma." Eana cut the call and Ranewa
sighed. She went back to Facebook and her notifications
had went up. Curiously she opened most of them and
people still had screenshot from that anonymous post
from weeks back.

They had tagged her and MJ too, and also under Eana's
picture of Jude. She rubbed her face. She waited for the
post to be unavailable but it was still there.

She tried to call her sister again but she cut the call on
her. She laughed in disbelief. No f*cking way? She tried
again but it was cut again.

She placed her phone away and breathed in and out.

Queen Of Hearts

At Sylvester's House

Eana had switched her phone off. Ranewa was being

too dramatic. It was just pictures. She rolled her eyes.
Her sister did honestly think the world revolves around
her. She hummed as she headed to the living room.

She found her boyfriend there.

"Eana, can we now talk?"
She sat down and looked at him.
"Of course."

She was more open to talking now. He took her hand

and held it in his.
"I love you. You know that."
"I do."
"I'm sorry. It had just hit me that family is important and
no matter how bad they are, they have never mistreated
me in any way. I may not agree with their way of life but
they have been nothing but loving to me. With time, I'd
also like for you to meet them."

She shifted uncomfortably but then thought about it. She

wasn't the one wronged by the Gomolemos. Her siblings
and mother had their own right to hate the family but she
can't inherit the hate that does not involve her. Larona
never even touched her and that psycho b*tch was
locked up for life.
"Next time, don't lie to me. I will leave Sylvester."
"Ee mma. I'm sorry and please forgive me."
She smiled and kissed him.
"I forgive you and I love you okay?"
He nodded and she wrapped her arms around his neck.


At Kopano's house

Moemedi who hadn't touched his phone ever since he

left, was having a chat with Kopano while Jude was on
his lap. He had long put the bags in the car and his wife
was fine. She would have called if she was not.

In the kitchen, Palesa's eyes widened further. She

peeked out to see the men talking. People were even
writing think pieces about the whole family, involving

Why hadn't Eana taken down the post. She is a

designer and has over two hundred thousand followers
on her personal profile alone. She breathed out as
people's opinions got worse. It had started as them
saying the baby is cute till the others dragged back what
happened after her wedding and that anonymous post
her cousin made. It had been taken down but people
screenshot. How was Ranewa not breaking down?
People were saying horrible things. About a damn baby.

She tried to call Eana but her phone was not going
through. Maybe Ranewa had not seen this and she'll
make her panic. She was pregnant and it was going to
stress the hell out of her.


At Jace's House

Ranewa rubbed her teary eyes. She deleted her

Facebook account. It was so horrible and she sniffed.
She didn't know whether to log into her husband's
account and delete it too or deactivate it for now. The
pictures were up and people had still saved the pictures.
With a brave heart, she logged into her husband's

She saw the many notifications and tried to breath out

but she cried instead of that. She saw the messages
and it was women offering themselves to take care of
the child and how the situation was bad. Some even
offered to stepmother. Some told him he could do so
much better than his crippled step-sister. She bit down
her lip and logged off his account. She wheeled herself
to the kitchen to eat something. This was a useless
battle and she had nicely asked before it escalated.

She found the food covered up and she got the plate
that had a spoon inside. With the food on her lap, she
wheeled herself out of the kitchen.


With Eana on her boyfriend's warm chest, she finally

switched on her phone. Hopefully Ranewa had calmed
down. What harm can a picture do? Once her phone
was on, she didn't bother going to Facebook and
checking, she just placed the phone down and snuggled
more into Sylvester.


Jace said bye to his in-laws as his toddler walked to the

car. He watched him try to open the car door and he
chuckled, unlocking his phone. He opened the door for
him before he picked him up and placed him on his car
He closed the door and leaned against the car, checking
his WhatsApp and messages for any messages from his
wife. There was nothing. He went to Facebook and he
frowned. His child's picture being the first thing he saw
on his timeline. He saw the growing number of
notifications but he read that paragraph some stranger
posted of Jude. Where the hell did they get his pictures?
He breathed out, pressing his nose hard enough to calm
himself down. Why did strangers feel like they had to
have an opinion on his life? And dragging his child?

He laughed in disbelief. He then saw Eana's earlier post.

So she had posted him? He laughed. If she thought he
was Ranewa, she was mistaken.

He scrolled through his timeline, his jaw clenching. He

heard his son giggle in the car, and he waved at him.
Taking a deep breath, he called his wife.
"W're you crying? Why are you sniffling?"
"It's nothing."
He let her get away with the lie before he said bye and
cut the call. He thought of calling Eana but he thought
against it. He'll call in the morning, at an appropriate

At Itumeleng's House

Her phone rang, waking her up from her slumber. She

answered without even checking the caller ID.

She yawned, covering her mouth and rubbing her eyes.

"Itu.."the voice slurred and that had her sitting upright.
"I'm sorry my love." He went on and that's when it
clicked. Botshelo?

He was drunk?
"And I know I let you go but I miss you, I'm sorry."
She was shocked.
"Thought you hated me." Itumeleng said, she was
conversing with someone who was not going to
remember this in the morning.
"I'd never hate you. I still love you, I promise."

Her heart clenched in her chest and she wanted to cry

as she brought her knees up. She was still going to put
herself first. And work on her relationships with her
children. Be the mother they deserve.
"Nothing happened in the way I wanted to. I am so sorry.
I know I failed you and our children. I failed everyone."

She thought he hated her but instead he called her.

"We are done." She affirmed.
"I know. I'm sorry. I'll forever be grateful for the love. I-"
He was slurring and she wiped he tears.
"Do you remember how happy we were together? I still

She sighed.
"Botshelo, try to sleep okay?"
"Okay. Goodnight Itumeleng. I love you."

She closed her eyes as a tear dropped.


She cut the call. She turned to her side and tried to
close her eyes but her heart started hurting again.

Queen Of Hearts

The following morning

Itumeleng was up and early, she sat in the sitting room

as she went through the list of therapists Gotlhe had
suggested. Including a family therapist. If Gotlhe trusted
them, it meant they were good.

She called one of them.

"Goodmorming, Mrs Sc-uhm okay just Itumeleng."
"Hello Itumeleng. How may I help you?"
"I was recommended to you by Gotlhe.."
"Ah, alright."
"I wanted to book therapy sessions."
"That can be arranged. When are you free?"
"Would Mondays work? And also would it be possible to
have family counseling sessions as well?"
"That too. Is it okay if I say we meet first and then we'll
get to the family counselling sessions at the end of the
"I can show up now?"
The therapist laughed.
"Yes. I have an opening at twelve, that's if you are free."
"I'm free, I'll be there as well. Thank you so much."
"You are welcome Itumeleng. Have yourself a good
"You too."

She cut the call and breathed out. Her sanity and her
children. That was all she was going to focus on.

She walked out of her house, she'll be at her office in

the meantime and try not to think of her life problems.
Especially Botshelo.

With a hum, as not joyful as it was she made her way to

the car. She'll fake this happiness till she makes it and
she won't be down and out forever.

She gave him her heart, he destroyed it and now it was

time to find herself. She still had to find a good lawyer. A
divorce lawyer so she can have the ball rolling. She
didn't want anything of his, just to peacefully break it off.
She wasn't sure if it will work out and she'll never find
love again or if he was still her soul mate three years
later, for now this decision was sound and felt.

Still that morning, Eana didn't check her socials and she
had to rush to work, Ranewa hadn't called.

She hoped she saw how dramatic she had been over
nothing. She'll never be able to stop saying how
dramatic her sister was. Even as children, she cried over

When she arrived at her office, the atmosphere was a bit

tense and she wondered why was that. Her PA walked
over with her coffee and handed it to her.
"Good morning boss lady, are you okay?"
She frowned. Why the hell would she not be okay?
"I'm fine what is it?"
"It's j-"

Just that moment, Eana's work telephone rang.

"Goddmorning. You have someone here to see you. He
says he's family."

The lady at the reception eyed Moemedi. He was hotter

in person, if she was also his step sister she would go
for him too. Even bosslady's boyfriend was not hot like
that. He smiled at her and she blushed as she talked to
"Family? Uhm-okay. Let him pass."

She cut the call and looked at Moemedi.

"You can pass." Her voice dropped and she batted her
eyelashes at him.
"Thank you."
She had seen the dimples first and then heard the
accent. Ranewa was gorgeous too but now seeing him
in real life and not in photos, she understood that girl.
She also would marry him and they had the cutest baby.
Like all good genes on one baby? Lucky.

Inside the office, Eana looked at her assistant.

"Can you please excuse me, you'll tell me what you
wanted to tell me after Kopano leaves."

She was assuming it was Kopano and she couldn't wait

to make amends with him.

The assistant sadly looked at her boss, she didn't know

did she? She was letting her sister get attacked aand
bullied along with her nephew? Just like that?
She walked out and she closed the door. Along the
hallway, she walked past-is that Moemedi? His cologne
lingered in the air and she knew men's colognes so well.
The fact that she didn't know this one, it was not in her
gifting range. She smelled the air once more before she
turned and looked at his broad back.

Inside the office, the door knock Eana had been

anticipating sounded and she looked up.
"Come in." What was she going to say?

The door opened and the smile she had on her face
"Good morning to you Eana. Can I take a seat?"
She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She nodded and
picked her phone. He has never come here before. Why

Maybe he wanted her? Men were typical creatures and

maybe he got tired of her sister's wheelchair bound self.
"Morning, how can I help?"

She smiled at him and he smiled back, the dimples

showing. She placed her hands on her lap, looking at
him. He had the top button of his shirt unbuttoned and it
showed some of his tattooed chest. She looked down,
she shouldn't notice him like that. She looked up again
at him. He had a fresh cut too. She breathed out.
"It's about something you have done."
She frowned. She did? God knows she never bothers
him. Was he flirting?

Queen Of Hearts


At Ea Couture Offices

She placed her manicured nails on her chest.

"Something I did?"
Moemedi looked at her. She definitely thought he was
like her sister right because she didn't even know what
she did?
"Eana wee?" His voice dropped and he already had a
deep voice but it kind of scared her.
"Are you Jude's mother?"
She blinked.
"No. Everyone knows that a-"
"Why did you post him?"
"It was an outing and-"
"Did you get permission?"
She kept quiet.
"Did. You. Get. Permission?"

So Ranewa sent him? Typical of her. He probably didn't

have a problem and only her sister.

He chuckled but it was not a laugh that could make one

"Waitse wa tlwaela."(you're so disrespectful)
She looked at him and thinned her eyes.
"You post h-"
"Does the only picture I have of my son show his face?
Or he's facing the other way?"
He placed his veins hands on the table.
"Kana o tla swaba thata Eana, I want you to clean the
mess you made akere wena o itirile mmaagwe Jude."
What mess? Why was everyone being dramatic over

"Checke your Facebook."

She picked her phone and finally went to Facebook. Her
heart pounded as she felt his eyes on her. She saw the
posts and what people were saying. She swallowed and
licked her lips. This wasn't what she expected.
"I'm so-"
"Ng ng, keep your half asked apology. Clean that mess.
I want my son's pictures out of everyone's phone and his
name out of everyone's lips and akere you think you're
"Moemedi I can't do that an-"

Tears filled her eyes.

"Did you post him when you didn't know he wasn't your
sister's child?" She looked down.
"Exactly. O tlwaela Ranewa matlakala kana wena."

Teats rolled down her cheeks and she wiped them away.
"As if you never went out with the kid and since you
disrespect your older sister and think she is playground,
you can do what you want? Is Jude your child?"
"Nyaa rra."
"Exactly! Know your place and do damage control, don't
behave like a headless chicken."
"Who did you ask for permission?"
"Agona."(no one)

He calmed himself down.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but I need that
mess sorted out in an hour. Before I do it for you and if I
do, Eana if I sort this mess out?"

He shook his head. It won't be nice. He can promise her

"Did you just threaten me?"
"Not a threat dear sister, a promise. You messed with
my family because you think your sister is a fool and I
know she didn't permit you to do that, I'm just finishing
what you started. And oh, this…"

He moved his hand around her office.

"It might be gone and it might not be a legacy afterall.
You never know." He shrugged and got up.
"Fix this Eana."

He walked out and she looked at her phone. There were

so many think pieces that her heart palpitations rose and
tears fell on the desk. She didn't know. It was a mistake
She quickly called Ranewa. Her phone rang for a few
minutes before she answered on the third try.
"Uhu, mmaagwe Jude. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Was Ranewa speaking to her like that?
"I'm sorry." She said with a shaky voice.
"F*ck off with your stupid apology. Don't ever call me

The phone cut and she tried to call Ranewa again but it
rang unanswered before it stopped ringing. She blocked
"Oh God!"

Panicked, she went to Facebook and she

tears clouded her eyes..they were dragging her whole
family into it and it was because of a picture of a baby?
People were dragging a baby?

She wiped her tears and went to her profile to delete the
pictures but it was hours late. She licked her lips in

She went to her notes app and started drafting a post.

She sniffed and wiped her snot with the tissue. She
didn't mean it. To her it was just pictures. She didn't think
much of it.
She stopped typing midway as she burst into tears.

She quickly called her boyfriend.

She sniffed and she cried more.
"I messed up."
"What happened?" Sylvester's tone softened as he
heard her sniffs.

She tried to explain as she cried and went on to say how

her brother-in-law threatened her.
"Okay, but why didn't you take it down when Jude's
mother asked you to? You could have asked her to
explain after doing that."
She kept quiet.
"But then there is nothing that can be done at this point,
you'd have to let the issue die down. Your brother-in-law
is asking for too much. Can you send his number?"
"Okay. I didn't know it would be like this. They are
dragging the whole family from Kopano now to my
mother. They are all going to hate me."
She burst into more tears.
"You'll have to talk to them. Family is important
buttercup. Send me his number, so I can talk to him."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you."

She cut the call and sent Moemedi's number while

wiping her tears. She looked at rhe half written draft and
picked off from where she left off.


Itumeleng sat in her car, it was a little after ten and now
that the weekend was over, it was time to check social
media and see if she had any new clients who sent her
catering page messages.
Instead, she saw people bullying a child. Her grandchild
even. That was strange? Why would they do that, she
made mistakes but why would people-

Her thoughts jumbled up as she was dragged into it

along with Kopano and Eana. Most of the heat was on
Ranewa and Moemedi along with Jude.

She called her daughter.

"Hey Ranny, are you home?"
"Ee mma."
"Okay, are you okay?"

There was silence for a good minute.

"I'll be fine."

Itumeleng nodded and cut the call. Once upon a time,

she used to be so in sync with her first daughter. She
drove out of the yard and her decision to book family
counseling was affirmed. They needed to all heal as a
unit, they used to be close. So close and it all went
wrong somehow and it's now a mess.

She laughed at herself. Now she was thinking better

without a man. Maybe it was a sign from God that she
wasn't supposed to have a man. The minute she has
one, everything goes south.


At Jace's House

Ranewa played peek-a-boo with her son as he laughed

while trying to remove her hands.
The intercom rang and she wheeled herself to the little
speaker by the door.
"Hi, who is it?"
"Hello, it's your mother."
That took her by surprise.
"I-okay." She pressed the button for the gate to open.
She didn't know why her mother was here.

Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House

Ranewa heard the car drive in and she was asking

herself why her mother was here. She sighed and
wheeled back to couch. She watched her child ignore
her and do what she was doing.

Her phone rang and she quickly picked it up.

"Ranewa, are you okay?"
"I am."
"I saw the social media debacle and I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, I'll just have to keep my child out of the public
eye for now. It was better if they were dragging me and
my husband because we are adults but a baby?"
"Your sister just posted a paragraph asking them to be

Ranewa snorted.
"As if she's kind. I asked her to take down his pictures
maabane mma and she thought I was being dramatic
over my own child kooteng."
Anne sighed.
"If you are okay, then I'm okay. I'll call you later and
maybe you can try to talk to her." She was done with
"I will. Bye."
"Bye bye and kiss my grandson for me."

She laughed.
"I will."
"take care of yourself, you're pregnant and you don't
want to distress the baby do you?"
"Not at all. And on the way here maabane, we were
thinking that the magadi negotiations should be set a
month from now. That way I'll be back there before the
new semester and I also need to wrap up a few things."
"I'll be there a week before magadi."
"Ee m-"

There was a door knock and she placed the phone

against her chest.
"Come in."

Itumeleng walked inside and Jude looked at her then his

mother. Ranewa just gave him the go ahead to walk up
to her mother.
"I'll have to go now, we'll talk later akere?"
"Sure, we also have to discuss your dress and
"I'll have to look for a designer and then for a design. Go

She cut the call and Itumeleng picked her only grandson
up. She swallowed the guilt she had, she had been
mistreating this innocent child for her own selfish
reasons and that was not the Itumeleng she knew
herself to be.
"Morning Ranny."
"Good morning. Would you like something to drink?"
"I'm okay. How are you holding up?"
Ranewa shrugged.
"Okay, I guess."
"Even after the social media debacle?"
"I have to or else I'll raise my blood pressure and put my
unborn baby in danger too."
She put the child down and he walked out of the room
as Itumeleng sat down. The Ranewa she knew would be
crying but the daughter in front of her looked like she
had given up and was tired.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"

Ranewa tucked her hair behind her ear as her mother

thought about what to say.
"For everything. I just wanted to see how you are after
what people said about Jude."

She sighed.
"I have to be okay. Everyone has had an opinion on my
marriage and life even strangers. I'm waiting for it to
end so I can leave."
Itumeleng nodded and she wasn't sure how to start
talking to her daughter again.
"How is the pregnancy going?"
"It's fine. A bit of morning sickness here and there but
overall the baby is healthy."
"Do you know the gender?"
She smiled and relaxed a bit.
"Not yet. This time we want to be surprised."
"So what clothes are we going for? And are you still
going to be here for maternity?"
Ranewa bit her lower lip.
"Uhm just bo white and shades of brown. For now.
When the baby is born, we'll buy colour. And-" She
breathed out.
"Our mother-daughter relationship was turbulent so I
decided to go to England for botsetsi and all."

Itumeleng nodded, she guessed it will take time but she

will get there.
"How far are you?"
"Four months by now. I'm hoping it won't show for the
magadi negotiations."
"Hopefully the dress won't let it show. Since it's June,you
might give birth around December and I'll be done with
my semester. Can I come?"
Ranewa looked into her mother's eyes, and maybe this
was a start.
"Ee mma. You can come. Mmaagwe Jace will be there
"It's still okay, thank you and I'm also sorry for the way I
treated Jude. I know it's a useless apology but I
shouldn't have done that."
He was her first grandson and she wanted to be fully
there. Just like she had planned when she left prison.
"Ee mma. When you come, you'll let me know so I can
book the flight ticket akere?"
"I will. Thank you."
Ranewa nodded as her mother switched topics while
Jude came back. Ranewa eyed her son, why did she
have a feeling he did something?

She brushed it off as Itumeleng went on to talk about

how Ranewa was at three years and how some of her
mannerisms rubbed off on the baby. Ranewa smiled as
she added to the conversation.


Moemedi sat by a restaurant, holding his coffee as he

scrolled his social media. That apology and the take
down was fast but it didn't really help because she was
a little too late. He chuckled in disbelief as he wondered
why he even agreed to meet Sylvester.

His phone rang and he answered.

"Mr Scott, your package has arrived. You can check if it-
s functioning."
He smiled.
"Sweet. Thank you. I'll pick it up in an hour. Thank you."
"You are welcome sir. Have a good day."

The call cut and he thought of ways of hiding it.

Obviously she'll always be in the car so she can't see it
at all.

Sylvester walked inside, unbuttoning his jacket as he

spotted Moemedi.
He was going to do anything to make things right with
Eana and maybe talking man to man will make it better.
Their significant others were sisters. He knew Eana's
older sister probably hated him because of Larona and
understandably so. He sat down just as he brought the
coffee to his lips.
"Moemedi." He nodded in greeting, placing the coffee
mug down.
"Let's get straight to the point."
"Uhm, I'd like to apologise first on behalf of Eana, she
said it was innocent."
"She was asked to take it down before it got bad and as
the child's parent I didn't get a call or a text asking for
permission. She has my number since she disrespects
her sister so much."
Sylevester kept quiet for a minute. He could tell by the
way Eana spoke to Ranewa at that meeting. He had
never disrespected his older siblings and they were the
most evil people to walk the earth.
"I understand. The damage is long done morena, there
is nothing she can do now."
Jace leaned back.
"Her post, innocent as it was and even after being asked
to take it down, subjected my son to a lot of online
nonsense. If it was me? I wouldn't care but not a damn
toddler. Who knows what will happen in future and him
finding all that on the Internet ten years from now?"
Sylevester didn't have a reply.
"She mentioned you threatened her?"
"Me? What could I possibly do?"

Sylevester tipped his head back.

"She is my woman and you threatening her means you
threaten me."
He chuckled.
"You don't want to start that with me, until you have a
wife and a child who is three years and innocent then is
posted without your permission, you'll know how it feels.
And let's not forget your dirty laundry being aired
around. I'm pretty sure, if people knew you killed your
best friend at sixteen and then it was written off as an
accident we'd be singing a different tune."

Sylvester's eyes widened.

"I'm not the one Sylvester Stallion. Don't try it with me."

Jace sipped his coffee as he watched Sylvester.

"And a threat? Unlike your family where your dad killed
his brother, something along those lines, I'd never
actually go through with it, it was to get things done
because at the end of the day, she's still my wife's sister
and they'll reconcile some day."

Sylevester's mouth dried as he stared at Moemedi.

Queen Of Hearts


At the restaurant

"Let me leave you with your thoughts." Jace said,

signalling the winter with rhe coffee bill.

She came and he placed a P50 note for the coffee and
walked out. Sylevester wondered where he got that
information from. It had been carefully hidden and he
didn't know his father killed his uncle? What the actual

He breathed into his hands and sighed, calling the

waiter to place an order.

She walked away and he called his girlfriend.

"Hey babe. Did you talk to him?"
"Uh, I did. He said he didn't mean to threaten you."

Eana breathed out. She had been scared for a minute.

She had a lot of scenarios in her head. What would he
actually do? Botshelo was a sweet man and she had
thought Moemedi was equally the same because he
never said much.
"Thank you so much. I can breath and people are taking
the apology way better than I expected. They had no
right to say all of that in an innocent post and it didn't
concern them."
"Where are you? We can have a late breakfast
He told her the name.
"I'm on my way and I love you."
"I love you more buttercup."
He cut the call and his mind went back to everything
Moemedi said. How did he find that out? He was so
stressed. He didn't seem like he'd use the information
but then he-
"Ah f*ck!"
He had to just avoid anything that involved him. These
days who you touch matters and he didn't want to add
bigger problems. There was a reason he had been
distant to his family but then what if Moemedi knew
people bigger than the Gomolemos? His family was only
big in the country and nowhere else.

He picked his phone up and then placed it back down



At Customs

Moemedi looked at the box and he opened it. It was

cleared and paid for. He wanted to give it to her when
she is unaware. Maybe in the morning? She usually
moves towards it.
He cut through the box to see the electric wheelchair,
she won't have to push herself around and she'll love it.
The features and how she can adjust everything. He

The people at customs could recognise him. From the

day before social media and the fact that they never
responded to any one of those haters? People liked
other people's issues.


At Jace's House

Itumeleng placed her glass of juice down as her

daughter listened to her with Jude asleep on his
"I was thinking of family therapy."
Ranewa tilted her head.
"I am not against that. I'm just not in the mood to see
Eana. I'll have to take a quick pass at that."
That was quick.
"Okay. When you are ready you'll let me know?"
"Ee mma. Is it Gotlhe?"
"No. But she was suggested by Gotlhe."
Ranewa nodded. She trusted Gotlhe and Ranewa's
eyes went to her mother's fingers. She didn't say a thing
and Itumeleng clasped her hands together. Her
daughter was too kind to ask about things that didn't
concern her at all and she herself felt it was too early to
talk about her thoughts to divorce. Her ring finger felt
empty but she needs this. Her first. Every woman needs
a single period in her life even if it's when one is
approaching their fifties.

"Are you and your sister okay?"

"Not really no. I won't be talking to her for some time but
who knows what the future may bring. Not now. Maybe
after months or so. It's not like she misses me gape, she
has her life to live and I have mine. We are all adults
and no longer little kids."
"I just want us to go back to what we used to be."
"Mama, a lot happened. The bond can no longer go
back to that but maybe it can be better than what it used
to be. Therapy is a good way to start as well, nna I'll just
exclude myself for the time being. Unless it's you and
Kopano. I'll be there for as long as I'm still in the
"Okay..that can be arranged too."
"But you don't have to if it's inconvenient gape mama."
She nodded hearing the gate open.
"That must be Jace, are you joining us for lunch?"
She shook her head.
"I have somewhere to be. Take care autwe ngwanaka?"
She hugged Ranewa and Ranewa breathed out,
hugging her.
"I missed you so much." Itumeleng said as she held onto
her daughter. Those feelings she had when she was out
on parole and seeing her babies for the first time.
Ranewa closed her eyes, her heart pumping a bit faster
as she rubbed her mother's back.
Itumeleng finally let go and Raewa smiled.
"Drive safely and bye."
"Bye bye."

Her mother walked out. When she stepped out she

waved at Moemedi who waved back.
"Hello Moemedi. I was just leaving."
"Ee mma. Go siame."(it's okay)

Itumeleng got inside her car and she started it. The gate
was still open and she reversed from where she parked.

Ranewa picked her phone up. She'll call Palesa

tomorrow to take her car shopping. She needed to get
her man a car, just as a thank you.
He walked inside the house and her eyes lit up.
"Hi there Mrs Scott."
"Mr Scott. How was your day?"
"Boring without you."

He picked her up from the wheelchair and sat on the

couch with her on his lap. He placed his large palm on
her belly and pecked her lips.
"Can we order lunch?"
"Are you saying my cooking is bad?"
"I didn't say that, I'm just craving hot wings and a
"You could have told me."
"I was talking to my mother and not on my phone."
"Little steps babe, we'll get there."

He looked at her hands and feet. He had a lot planned

for her. It was her birthday week too.


At the restaurant
Gofaone walked inside and she sat by aa far by table to
order her lunch and go back. She frowned spotting
Sylvester. She was about to walk to him when a girl with
a body she can never compare to, walked over to his
table and kissed him.

Her heart. She placed a hand over her heart. That was
his girlfriend? She looked at the woman closely and
lucky for her they didn't see her. Both of them even.
Was that Eana from Ea Couture?

She quickly went to Instagram and looked her up. That

was her. She swallowed. She was sure Syl never talked
about her. That was the woman he saw a future with?
Having children with?

Her throat closed off and she closed her eyes, her head

Queen Of Hearts


At the restaurant
Gofaone lifted her head from the table, she had an idea.
She breathed out. She'll be fine.

She waited for her order and paid after it came in a

takeaway bag. She quickly got the bag and walked out
with her head down.

Wonderful idea she had. She should use her brain

sometimes and not think with her vagina.


At the therapist's office

In those first thirty minutes, Itumeleng had taken the

time to narrate her life story up until what happened
today with Ranewa.
"Okay. We'll start with assessing your trauma first. For
you to be a good mother and grandmother, we need to
make sure you are you again. There are many versions
of you that have been shaped by your circumstances but
we'll get to the real you. A happier version of you."
"Thank you."
She relaxed in that chair, sniffing a bit.
"This is a free and safe space for you Itumeleng."
She knew that. After explaining everything, it felt like
things had taken a turn for the worst. She was still
determined and after this, she'd look for a divorce lawyer
so she can serve Botshelo the papers. She didn't want
anything from him, she just wanted to be freed.
"Let's talk about your recent separation."
She breathed out.
"I still love him but I have been begging him for a long
while to actually love me and spend time with me. I
made mistakes when it came to the kids but that didn't
mean I didn't love him."

The therapist noted that down.

"You mentioned that you out him first."
"Biggest mistake of my life. I don't know why I do that
and when it gets bad that's when I leave, he had adored
it when I put him first and all of a sudden, he didn't ask
me to."
"He promised me the world." She continued with her
hands on her lap.
"The turning point?"
"Self reflection honestly. I was blinded or rather seeing
through rose coloured glasses. Maybe losing him is
necessary for me to love myself."
"Why couldn't you self reflect prior?"

She sighed.
"I had hope. I should have known that putting a man
who couldn't even put his son first and when we were
dating he put me and my children first, I should have
known he was a mistake and all we had was supposed
to platonic and never romantic. Maybe the problem was
that he was the only man I spent time with after prison
and thought what happened while dating was how our
marriage was going to be."
"So you are sure about your decision?"
"Very sure. I just want a clean slate with my children and
then take it from there. It's been close to eight years
since I've been out and things went wrong when I
started dating, I don't want to repeat the same mistake."

The therapist nodded. There was a lot to unpack with

her including her trauma with her sister and mother. A lot
to unpack and she was going to make sure that a year
from now, Itumeleng is in a better place mentally.

They continued talking and an hour later, Itumeleng was

out of the place. She thought of going to get lunch.

She got inside her car and started it. She thought of the
new spot that just opened and she drove there.
At the new spot, she took a seat and a waiter walked
over to her table to help. She pressed her phone and
took a picture of the place to send to Ranewa.

Itu:We should come here sometime. It's really nice.

Ranewa replied a few minutes later.

Ranny:It does look nice, maybe two weeks from now
after the dust settles.

She placed her phone down and she thought of calling

Eana, to ask her how she was then she'll call her eldest.
She was determined to work on things.

She looked up just as her sister, Kelebogile walked

inside with a boy who looked eight or nine.

Kelebogile's eyes found hers and they widened. She

didn't expect to see Itumeleng. She looked down but
then she hasn't seen or heard from her sister. She licked
her lips and told her son to go look for a table as she
walked over to her younger sister.
"Itumeleng. Hello."

She looked around. It was so awkward and she didn't

know if Itumeleng would take the information well or
even how she would react.
"How have you been? Long time no see."
"I've been okay and you?"
"I'm okay too."
She breathed out.
"Uhm it was nice bumping into you. Mme has been
asking about you."

Itumeleng frowned. What for? Her mother had always

been complete with Kelebogile around. Saying that, it-
no. Were the two situations similar?
"She misses you."
Itumeleng chuckles. How can one miss someone they
never even loved?
"I don't miss her."
Kelebogile nodded.
"She's in the hospital right now and the doctor said she
doesn't have much time."
How was it any of her business?
"She'll rest. Can I have my meal in peace?"
Kelebogile sighed and walked away. The waiter came to
Itumeleng's table and he served her.
"Thank you." She looked at her meal and turned her
head to find her estranged sister still looking at her. It
shouldn't have to be like this but for her own sanity. She
blinked the few tears knowing her was never getting a
sister relationship or a mother daughter relationship.
She had accepted it but seeing her again and after she
had been raw with her therapist, it was one of those little
things that were going to hurt.

She didn't want her daughters to feel the same or have

that turbulent sister relationship. It will take time but she
was determined to glue back her family once more. She
rubbed her eyes and picked up her fork to start eating.

Queen Of Hearts


That evening, Itumeleng was nursing a glass of wine.

She wasn't a drunk but she did have a drink here and
there. For relaxation purposes. It was in that moment,
she picked up her phone to call her last born.

She had spoken to Kopano earlier and her son was

happy to hear from her. She smiled, she could still
remember how he looked after his siblings. Some things
he couldn't stop because he was only a child too but he
did great. Until everything went south when Ranewa
was stabbed by that lunatic. She wanted to blame
someone and Larona would be the perfect billion to
blame all her problems onto but it wasn't only her,
Itumeleng herself played a part. But Larona? Larona
almost ended her own life too.

She touched her stomach. She still had the scar and it
was an awful reminder. But she couldn't compare that to
what happened to her daughter. She was on a
wheelchair for life and she was stabbed for no good
reason. She wanted that girl to die in prison.

She shook her head and called Eana.

"Ea, hi. How are you my child?"
Eana was quiet for a good minute before she sniffed.
"Mama, kana it was an honest mistake."
"What was?"
"Posting Jude, I didn't know it would be such a big deal
and people would attack a baby."
"Did you tell your sister that?"
"She doesn't want my apology?"
Eana breathed out.
"She had asked me to take it down before it went viral."
Itumeleng rubbed her temples.
"Give your sister time to cool off and apologise
appropriately to her, o ikokobetse gape."(be remorseful)
"Ee mma."
"You two are sisters and I would hate it for you two to fall
out when you grew up so close."
"Ee mma."
"Give your sister time to cool off, and why didn't you
remove it? She is Jude's mother and knows best. Did
she say you shouldn't spend time with him?"
"She didn't say spending time with him is wrong, she
said I should have asked for permission to post him."
"And you should have. It was not a big deal, Eana some
issues don't need you to be hard headed. It was so
simple and you knlw your sister is not active like that on
social media Eana."
"Ee mma. I know."
"Sometimes respecting each other as siblings is all there
is needed. If you guys fall out, you'll expect me to
choose between you two and I won't do that."

She won't let what happened to her mother and sister

repeat here.
"I won't choose between any of you."
"I understand."
"Good. I was thinking of family counselling."

Eana went quiet. When her siblings went for therapy,

she never really went there. Even her mother had
underwent therapy. Her father had never traumatised
her at all and she didn't feel the need to go for therapy.
She was fine.
"Yes. All of us."
"Can't we talk among ourselves?"
"Some issues need a professional. Friday is scheduled
and we are all going."
"Okay. I have to go."
"Okay ngwanaka. Good night."
"Night night."

She cut the call and drank her wine peacefully, pushing
back all thoughts of Botshelo.


At Jace's House
Jace put his son to sleep and he walked out of the room,
switching off the lights. He walked back into the
bedroom where his wife was laying in bed with a book.
She placed the book down and shifted a bit as he closed
the door and locked it.

He removed his t-shirt and like always, she admired him.

She watched him step out of his sweatpants. This man
definitely deserved that new car she was buying for him.
"Come to bed."
He raised an eyebrow and she wiggled hers with a little
cute laugh.

He switched off the lights and joined her in bed, pulling

her to him and wrapping his arms around her tiny frame.
"Anything that's on your mind?"
He kissed her neck.
"I think I'm going to love this second pregnancy."
She turned to face him and smiled.
"But thank you. For everything."
"I'd do anything for you. You know that."
She nodded.
"I know and appreciate that. Thank you daddy."
He chuckled, sliding his hands under her pyjama top
and squeezing those sensitive t*ts of hers. She closed
her eyes and held his hands. He stopped and watched
her open her eyes again. He pecked her lips, his hands
still on her b*obs. She moaned on his mouth and he
opened his mouth, taking her lips in his and probing her
mouth open with his tongue.
"A-uh!" She closed her eyes. God, she loved sex with
him so so much. He could have her for breakfast, lunch,
as a snack and dinner and wouldn't complain at all.

She felt his hands on her waist, as he pulled down her

panties along with her pyjama shorts as her cl*t

He whispered in her ear. His voice raspy and so deep.

"I'll eat you out for breakfast Mrs Scott."

She nodded and let out a scream as he slowly slid in.

"Always so ready for me, I f*cking love you."

Her back arched off the bed as he pounded into her

mercilessly, silencing her screams with his hand.
"My son is sleeping Ranewa!" The authoritative way he
said it, almost made her cream immediately as she
closed her eyes, biting the palm of his hand. He moaned
in her ear, making sure she heard every grunt and groan
and him cussing as well as praising her for taking him so
well. He used his other hand to lift her leg up and place
it around his torso, going much deeper and she choked.
He was-sh*t!
"Wrapped around me like a vice..urg!"
Tears filled her eyes. She was so close and he was
hitting that spot over and over again, the pleasure
surpassing the pain.
"Come for me."

At his command, she came for him and he swiftly

followed. Filling her already pregnant self up.
He slid out of her and she used that moment to catch
her breath before he flipped her over and slid in from
behind. She screamed.
"F*ck! Ranewa…ngwanake!" He chastised her. She was
going to wake up Jude.

She bit down her lips as he held her waist and he had
his dirty way with her while she screamed and moaned
into the pillow. Her orgasm hit her so fast and she
clawed the sheets with blunt and bitten nails. Her
husband still going and chasing his own orgasm. He
came minutes later after her and she slumped down.

He kissed her neck.

"You're okay?" He slid out of her and pushed her hair
He kissed her cheek.
"Okay love." He turned her body so that she can face

He kissed her softly and she weakly responded to his

kiss, her small arms wrapping around his neck. He
moved his face to hers and broke the kiss. Ranewa
opened her eyes, the daze slowly fading away.

Their eyes locked and she held her breath,seeing

nothing but loveand adoration in his eyes.

She pulled his head down and latched her lips on his
neck, slowly sucking and knowing it will give him a

He cupped and tweaked her b*obs as she removed her

lips from his neck. His hands trailed lower and he
opened her legs before he slid into her swollen p*ssy
and she gasped. He loved seeing her face when he first
slides it in.
He kept his eyes on her as he made sweet love to his
wife, her moans driving him and he had to stop himself
from going faster.


The following morning

At Sylvester's House

Eana woke up first that early morning, feeling queasy.

She headed to the bathroom and held the sink waiting
for the nauseous feeling to die down.

She closed her eyes. She drank water and it seemed as

if she was making it worse as her stomach lifted and she
didn't have time to rush to the toilet and she threw up in
the bathroom sink.

Queen Of Hearts


At Sylvester's House
Eana held onto the sink, closing her eyes. She breathed
out and waited to see if she'll vomit again. She felt fine.
She peaked into the bedroom and her man was still fast

She opened the tap and walked to the toilet to pick up

the domestos. She poured it all over the bathroom sink
as she made sure it was clean and fresh. She rubbed
her eyes and grabbed her toothbrush to brush her teeth.
Was her stomach reacting to what she ate yesterday at
the restaurant with Syl? Hopefully.

When she was done, she walked back to the bedroom

for those extra morning cuddles. She got undercovers
and moved closer to him. His arm wrapped around her
and she smiled.
"You good?" His hoarse voice was in her ear and she
"All good." A light kiss to her forehead and she was in
his arms. Content. She had pushed her mother's
suggestion to the back of her mind but she'll take the
advice about letting her sister have time to cool off and
giving her space.

She closed her eyes and dosed off.

At Jace's House

Half asleep, Ranewa let out a moan and she daily

opened her eyes to look down. Her husband was
between her legs, eating her out like he promised.

Her chest heaved as licked and sucked on her, softly

calling out her name.

"Come on my mouth."

She let out a moan, coming all over his face ad he

continued to lick her. She closed her eyes, her hand
finding his head. He held her hand and moved his head
back to look at her. He kissed her face.
"Good morning Mrs Scott."
"Morning." She replied sleepily and he nuzzled her neck.
She nodded.

Ranewa dosed off and he got out of bed, picking up his

boxers and heading to the bathroom for a touchup on
his beard and to brush his teeth before checking on his

When he got to the mirror, he saw the hickey on his

neck and he smiled, his tongue hitting the inside of his
cheek. He touched it lightly. It won't fade anytime soon.
"Well played Mrs Scott. Well played."

Two hours later, Ranewa could feel the sun rays on her
skin but her body was too tired to even move. She
opened a single eye and stretched her hands, body
hurting in all the right places. She was alone in bed and
the house was quiet. Not even Jude's giggles could be

She rubbed her eyes and stayed in bed for a whole

minutes before she decided to get out to go take a bath.
She peeled the blankets away and looked around to see
which side he left her wheelchair. Her eyes stared at the
wheelchair by the bed. That wasn't her wheelchair. Her
heart slowed down as she took a good look at the
wheelchair. A new wheelchair? She rolled over to that
side and sat on her butt by the edge of the bed. It was
an electric wheelchair? She teared up, looking at how it
sparkled and it's wheels and controls. The tears
cascaded down her cheeks and she rubbed them away.
She moved the blankets and looked for her pyjama
shorts and top. When she found them, she got dressed
and finally sat on her brand new set of wheels.

She squealed into her hands. It was so comfortable.

How did it work though?

She moved to see if she can move it manually, she

could do that. She'll do that till she can know how it

She got to her phone and she saw Palesa's name on

the notifications panel. She unlocked the phone and she
was immediately taken to her notes app. She read the
note slowly and smiled. Her husband was the sweetest.

She quickly went to open Palesa's message.

Palesa:I'll pick you up around twelve.

She replied and put her phone away.


Later that day

Jace was with his son at their almost complete house.
They'll move back in a year or two once it was fully
furnished and complete. He watched Jude walk into the
other rooms, he should bring his wife here later today
and speaking of his wife, she didn't tell him if she loved
her pre-birthday gift but he'll see her after her spa day.
Palesa had called while Ranewa was asleep and he
managed to convince her to drop Ranewa off at the spa
since she said they were going out.

His phone rang in his pocket and he quickly answered.

"Hello Moemedi. How are you?"
"I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm-not okay."
"What's wrong?"

Botshelo didn't know how to tell his son his own

marriage was over. Just like how he separated from his
son's mother. The same cycle.
"Can you come over?"
Moemedi checked the time on his watch. The clock just
hit twelve.
"Sure. On my way."
"Thank you."
The call cut.
"Jude? Let's go my boy."
He ran to where his father was and he extended his
hand to take the boy's hand.
"Our house?"
"Mhmm. Our new house. You love it?" The toddler
nodded and smiled at him.


At Ea Couture Offices

A smart and well spoken lady, stopped by the reception.

Her eyes sparkled. One would say a nice sparkle but if
you could read people, you'd know it sparkled with
mischief and malice but not everyone was a good judge
of character.

The receptionist smiled widely and brightly. This woman

smelled so good. That Gucci Flora smelled good on the
"Did you book an appointment?"
The woman smiled regrettably.
"I didn't. This is my lunch break and I'll be so busy in the
next few weeks. Can I see her? Even if it's just for a
good five minutes."

What harm would it do?

"Okay. Let me call and ask her."
"Thank you."

Eana's telephone line was dialed and it rang fir a good

minute before she answered.
"Ms Mosiame, there is a client here to see you. She
didn't book am appointment though."
"Send her in. Next time don't let anyone who didn't book

The call cut and she directed the lady to Eana's office.
She watched her walk in those Louis Vuitton heels. She
had money money.

Inside Eana's office, she sat down after an episode of

vomiting. Good gracious, this wasn't nice.
She chewed on a mint gum as the door knock
resounded. Eana quickly composed herself, fixing her
shirt and smoothing down her hair.
"Come in."
The door opened and the lady walked in.
"Hi. How may I assist?"
"Can I take a seat?"
"Of course. Sit down."

The lady sat down and smiled at Eana.

"Sorry for not booking an appointment. I get so busy
with work and I hardly have time to do anything."

Eana smiled.
"Oh, what do you do?"
"I'm a doctor, where are my manners…my name is
"Nice to meet you."
Eana looked at the lady again. A doctor? Wow!
"It's my sister's wedding and I'm here matron of honour."
"Older sister?"
Eana asked curiously and Pearl smiled.
"Yes. I'm the last born."
Eana smiled.
"Me too. The older sisters always get married first."
"Tell me about it."
She felt like she could click with Pearl. It was just a
"Can I see what you had in mind?"
"Of course."

She removed her phone and showed her the dress.

"That dress."
Eana looked at the complex design. She can do it but
she'll need more time.
"I can do it."
Pearl grinned. Showing all her thirty two teeth.

Queen Of Hearts


At Ea Couture Offices

Eana finalised her discussing with Pearl with a smile.

"I'll call you for fittings. The wedding is in three weeks
"Got it."
Pearl stood up after saving Eana's number.
"And I love what you've turned this brand into, you
started at seventeen right?"
"Yes. My sister was my model during the first few years
and helped come up with the name."
Pearl smiled.
"Ah, sibling bonds. There are time we don't like our
siblings but we'd donate a kidney to them in a
"That's so true." Her heart ached a bit but she pushed it
back. Conversation was so easy with Pearl and for most
of her life she never had friends. Her friend had been
her sister until recently. She sighed and then her other
friend was her boyfriend and sister-in-law. She's never
had a friendship outside the family and she wondered
how that felt.
"Are you okay? You don't have to answer if I'm
overstepping boundaries."
"No, it's okay. It's just that Sunday's fiasco on Facebook
took a strain on me."
Pearl sat down, placing her phone down.
"People are usually mean for no reason and they have
horrible lives behind the screen. You might find that
some of those people are childless or don't even have
families and are vile."
"You are right. Just that, it caused a drift between my
sister and i. The drift was already there but now it's
"It'll be fine. Sisters always make up, older sisters are
never mad forever. That I can assure you. Cheer up."

Eana smiled leaning back on her chair.

"I'm not delaying you?"
"Not at all." She checked the time.
"I still have an hour and a half to go."
"Thank you for listening to my mini rant, I don't usually
do that."
Pearl continued.
"And sometimes we just need someone to listen.
Someone who isn't biased."
"See? Exactly."
The two women laughed for a minute before Eana stood
"Now I feel like I'm taking much of your time mma kana."
"But you are not. Maybe we can have lunch together?"
"Of course."
Eana's phone rang on the desk and the name babe
flashed on the screen. Pearl watched Eana pick up the
call as she walked over to the window. She rolled her
eyes and looked down before fixing her happy face

Eana listened to her boyfriend.

"I'm already going to have lunch my love, what about
dinner together?"
"Dinner is still fine. Let me send lunch money."
Eana smiled from ear to ear.
"I love you and you are the best."
"I love you too buttercup.."
He eas silent for a good minute.
"I just sent the money. Check your account."
"Ee rra. Tanki autwe?"
"See you at home."

He cut the call and she checked her balance with a little
smile. Pearl stood up and Eana walked over to the desk
with a smile.
"Let's get going."

Ea got her bag and Pearl walked out first as Eana

walked behind her so that she could lock the office.

At the motor Centre

Ranewa who had figured out how to move the

wheelchair without manually pushing it, was by Palesa's
side as they looked at the Mercedes-Benz cars there.
"Do you see one you like?"
Palesa asked. These cars were mad expensive and it
was something she couldn't afford herself. Her husband
worked a high paying job but they were saving up for
building a house.
"Not yet. I want something big for him. We already have
a somewhat small car, it is fast but small."
Ranewa stopped the wheelchair and she looked at the
black GLE. It was big and her husband loved Mercedes
so much.
The salesman walked over to them.
"Hi again, how much is the car?"
He told her the price and she thoughtfully calculated
from her budget. She'd still have some change after
buying it, she closed her eyes for a good minute.
"I'll take it."
"Do you want to take the car for a spin?"
Ranewa looked at Palesa to ask her if she was
comfortable with driving the car around. Palesa looked
at the suv in front of her. It was such a beauty.
"We are." Palesa answered and that was it. They were
handed the car keys and she smiled.
"You'll tell me how the car is."

Ten minutes later, they had handed the keys back and
Palesa could still feel the car engine coming to life.
"Moemedi is so lucky."
Ranewa smiled as she got the contract.
"He better remember that. But I feel like the lucky one to
have him. This is nothing compared to what he does for
"I guess you are right."
Ranewa browsed through the contract before she
started to read it. She called the salesman.
"Can it be delivered over to this address?"

She wrote down their address. Her birthday was

tomorrow and maybe a Thursday would do.
"Thursday morning at ten am?"
She continued reading the contract before she signed
and returned the papers. He'll deal with the blue book
and all, she just wanted to pay and be his very
dependent wife for the next year or two. She chuckled.
So worth it.


At Botshelo's House

Jace had let Jude take a his childhood room while
he stood against the kitchen counter. His father looked a
mess and he was never a mess.
"She left."
Botshelo just said. Tempted to make another drink and
pour it in his glass. His son had poured the drinks in the
sink and handed him water.
Moemedi sighed. His father never changed so it was not
a surprise that she left. It really was not a surprise.
"You put work first? Like always?"
Botshelo stared at his glass.
Moemedi looked at his father.
"It's hard to help someone who doesn't want to be
helped. You make a lot of money at the club and it's
easy to find someone to help you manage it but it isn't
something you want. You also knew what putting work
first meant…"
Botshelo took a sip of the water, miraculously wishing for
the bitter taste of the vodka not the plain water taste.
"Father, if you were really serious about your marriage.."
Moeemedi couldn't believe he was giving his father
marriage advice.
"You could have communicated and maybe went for
marriage counselling before it got to that point but then
the main issue was the late nights." He remembered
when Itumeleng had called him months ago that night so
she can pick him up. She had looked so so lonely.
"Compromise goes a long way in marriage."
"I know. She made up her mind."
"Because she was tired." He might not be Itumeleng's
biggest fan but his father was unfair at times.
"All I can say at this point is if you guys were meant to
be, you'll find your way back to each other."
Botshelo downed the water like he would vodka and
Moemedi just shook his head.

He was sobering up and he sat on the high chair. He

looked at his son.
"How do you do it?"
Moemedi just smiled.
"I love her too much to do anything that would hurt her, I
have a demanding job but I do make time for my wife
and son."
Botshelo looked down. He never used to make time for
his son.
"I'm sorry."
"I just had to accept thats you and there was nothing
that would change that."
Botshelo sighed. He looked closely at his son and he
saw the hickey on his neck.
"On your neck is th-"
Moemedi laughed.
"Don't even ask about it. I'm an adult and I don't want to
lie to my father."
He laughed too, breaking the seriousness in the room.


Ranewa frowned, she had been expecting Palesa to

drop her off at home after they left the motor Centre but
they were in town.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Palesa continued driving and Ranewa checked her
phone for messages from her husband and they were
none. She placed her phone back on her lap as Palesa
drove into a luxury spa. Curiosity got the best of her and
she asked.
"You booked us spa dates?"
Palesa wished. She had to rush back to work, she was
making up for those weeks she was absent at work and
would have loved to join Ranewa since the costs were
all on her brother-in-law.
"No. You ask too much."

Palesa packed the car and she got out to take the
wheelchair out from.the boot. Ranewa removed the seat
belt and opened the door. Palesa helped her onto the
wheelchair, Ranewa had her handbag on her lap and
Palesa walked with her inside the place. It was so pretty
and white.
"Let me leave you here sis, I'll call you."

Palesa hugged Ranewa who hugged her back.

"Okay. I don't know why you are leaving me here mme."

The lady who worked there walled out in her light pink
"Good afternoon." Sbe looked at the pretty woman in the
wheelchair. Her husband had said she's beautiful.
"Mrs Scott?"
"Ee mma. Even Ranewa is fine."
What was going on?
"Come with me."
"Bye Ranny."

Palesa waved and walked out. Ranewa just followed the

woman with her wheelchair.
"Your husband booked you for a massage, manicure
and pedicure as well as a hair appointment by the other
side of this spa, its part of us by the way.
Ranewa stopped the wheelchair.
"My husband?"
"Ee mma. Mr Moemedi Scott? It's him akere?"
She rubbed her eyes. This was so sweet and she
deserved that massage especially after last night.

She was shown where to change ans given a towel. She

looked at the hickeys on her body and the ones on her
neck. She had worn a turtleneck top for her reason. Yoh!

She wrapped herself with a towel and let the wheelchair

move her into the massage room. The lady was so nice
and helped her onto the bed.
"Thank you." She laid on her stomach.
"You really need this massage."
The lady started mixing the oils.
"Mma, my body is in knots."
Ooh, she could tell. Those love bites on her neck? She
could really tell that she needed it and the bites were so
fresh. Batho ba tshela.

She moved the towel lower to Ranewa's butt and she

poured the oil in her hands before she watched working
her back.
"How does that feel?"
"Soo soo good."
"We're only starting."
She smiled and continued to massage Mrs Scott.

Queen Of Hearts


At the luxury spa

It was three hours later and Ranewa felt so fresh and

"We are done here. You can change before you are
shown where to do your hair."

Meanwhile outside, Jace parked his car. He brought her

food too. His son unbuckled the straps on his car seat
and he watched him get out of the seat and open the
door. He chuckled, following his son while holding the
paper bag.
"Slow down buddy, let me try to call her."

He called her number and it rang unanswered for a

minute before she answered.
"Mong wa mmu o ke o tsamayang…"(the owner of the
soil I walk on)
"Hi my little fairy, are you done?"
"Thank you for this, thank you autwe?"
He chuckled.
"Ee mma."
She lowered her voice.
"You have my permission to destroy my guts later."
He smirked.
"Really now?"
"Ng. Anything and any position you want."
"I'll take you up on that offer."
"But on a serious note, thank you."
"You're not done yet?"
"I have to do my hair first."
"I'm coming okay?"
"Ee rra."

He cut the call and he walked behind Jude. He walled

inside the place, the receptionist looked at him as he
placed one hand on the table.
"Hello. Where is Mrs Scott?"
She looked at his veins fingers on the table and smiled.
"She's almost done an-"

Ranewa was in the wheelchair and Jude walked to her

first. He placed himself on her lap and she held him

"Hi baby."
"Hi mommy." She kissed his head.
"Thanks." Jace said to the receptionist as her watched
the two humans he loved the most.

He walked over to them and he held his wife's neck.

Ranewa blushed looking at him.
He chuckled as he lightly massaged her neck with his
"I brought you food. Eat first before you do your hair."

The receptionist watched them thinking of how cute it

was. People had nice lives on earth that's for sure.


At Sylvester's House

Eana had come home after lunch with Pearl. She really
liked the lady and the way the clicked? They can
definitely be friends.
She called her boyfriend.

She had her feet on the table.

"Hello. I'm home. What do you want for dinner?"
"Anything you're making is fine."
"Okay. I'll see you later."
"Bye buttercup."
She cut the call and looked at her phone screen for a
good minute. She called Ranewa but her phone was still
not going through. She thought of calling Palesa but she
was probably at work. She'll ask Palesa to extend her
birthday wishes to Ranewa tomorrow. With that, she
headed to the kitchen.


In Sylvester's office, he thought about introducing Eana

to his family.. hopefully two to three months from now.
He was hoping it won't cause squabbles and they'll treat
her fine.

He looked at his laptop and sighed. In the near future he

was seeing marriage and kids with Eana. He rubbed his
head, what would he do if she didn't want kids? He was
sure he wanted kids some day, to take over the
company he had started from scratch and everything.

He smiled. She'd agree to have his kids though, he

knew his girlfriend.

At the luxury spa

Ranewa had her head lowered as the woman finished

removing the weave she was wearing. She was
definitely leaving with her hair piece.
"Can you wash it and put it in a bag for me? He'll pay
extra for that."

Jace chuckled and nodded. The hairdresser smiled,

placing the Brazilian hair back.
"Ee mma. What hair do you want for now?"

She took out her phone and she went to her gallery.
"I want this.."
She showed her. "And the hair? Uhm which hair pieces
do you have?"

The lady told her and she made her pick.

The lady finished undoing her weave lines and then

combed the hair out.

Jace checked the time, they were still going to be here

for hours. Might as well get comfortable.

That evening, Itumeleng was anxious about her results

for the semester. The fact that she had been stabbed
but she had to push jer exams. The results were going
to be released tomorrow morning and she also hasn't
bought Ranewa's gift. Anything to avoid thinking of
Botshelo at this point.


At Prison

The night was lonely and the cell dark, only voices of
other innmaes could be heard. Mothusi closed his eyes,
his cough from these past few months getting worse to
the point of him being unable to breath. The last time he
has visitors was when Kopamo was here and he told
him that to spite him. He coughed into his elbow, tasting
the blood in his cough. His eyes had teared up.

He was going to die lonely and alone, with no family. He

once had a family but-

All these years in prison, he didn't want to think of how

life would have been had he not started beating and
abusing his wife. Yes, she divorced him and was married
to another better man than him but in his heart,
Itumeleng was still his wife.

His mind took him to when he married her, that was the
happiest day of his life along with them finding out they
were expecting Kopano. Everything was fine, the perfect
life. Tears rolled down her cheeks and he wiped the
tears. More than three decades later, everything had
been his fault. He punished his daughter for looking like
his mother and Kopano was right. No one would want
him as a father, he hoped his children made better

He licked his dry cracked lips, tomorrow was Ranewa's

birthday. He tightly shut his eyes. No use crying over his
actions. He broke everything and no one as much as he
told himself that since she took his money she forgave
him. No one would forgive sexual assault especially
from someone who was their father and supposed to
protect them. He coughed up more and closed his eyes,
asking for forgiveness from the Lord.

Queen Of Hearts


The following morning

That morning, Itumeleng checked her ASAS for her
results and she smiled. She made a 4.0 on the dot. That
was good. She didn't fail at all. That was good. With a
little smile, she called her daughter.

"Happy twenty fifth birthday baby."
She heard Ranewa's soft giggle.
"Thank you mama."
"Enjoy your day autwe?"
"Ee mma. Have a good day today and bye."

The call cut and she got up. She had to go to the office
then head to her therapy session.


At the mental facility

Larona was in the room all alone. This time around there
was no parole and if she got better here, she was being
taken to prison. She had been out of it for the most part
of her stay here.
She moved her legs up and down as the door opened.
"Larona. It's time for your breakfast."
"Is Kopano here?"
She asked the lady likes her always did.
"He was supposed to marry me. I was the one he

The nurse shook her head sadly. This was truly a sad
sight. At twenty eight she was nothing but a shell. Just
asking about one person and it seemed like her mind
will stay there forever.
"Your sister is coming to visit you."
Larona blinked and then nodded.
"Okay. Here is your breakfast."

The nurse knew that maybe someday she'll talk about

this girl. She got frozen and she was still inside her
fatansy at twenty eight. A delusion on how everything
was supposed to be. She lived in delusion, breakups
happened each day and one didn't have to lose it but
she did.

She waited for Larona to eat her food before she walked
out and closed the door.
Inside the room, Larona's memory jogged back to the
wedding and she stopped eating. She was stuck in that
constant loop. He was married? She cried into her
hands and got angry over again. She was right where he
left her, he left her no choice but to stay there forever.


That same morning, Eana went to vomit in the bathroom

toilet and Sylvester held her hair.
"Are you okay?"
He asked when she finally lifted her head and she
looked at him with teary eyes.
"I don't know."
"Have you seen a doctor?"
She shook her head. She thought it had been food
"We'll see a doctor today okay?"
"Maybe it's just a bug an-"
"Still. We have to be sure. I'll go with you."

He kissed her head and helped her up. She grimaced as

she walked to the sink to brush her teeth. Sylvester
rinsed the tub and filled it out for them. When she was
done, she stripped down and got inside the water,
joining him.

He wrapped his hands around her naked body, kissing

her shoulder.
"I love you buttercup."
"I love you more."
He kissed her back before picking up the loofah and
adding shower gel to it to scrub her. Eana relaxed,
feeling the tension and little stress she had leave her

Twenty minutes later, Eana was on the bed with her

phone. Her sister's phone wasn't going through. She
sighed and she sent Palesa a message so she can
forward it to Ranewa.


At Jace's house, Ranewa was still laying in bed as she

pressed her phone. Kopano had called her to wish her a
happy birthday along with her mother as well.

Her phone beeped with a message from Palesa.

Another happy birthday message?
She opened the message and Palesa had added a
message that it was from Eana. She should probably
say thank you. She sent a thank you text just as the
bedroom door opened.

Her little boy was so proud of himself as he held the

cupcake with a candle. Her heart melted as her husband
placed the breakfast tray on her lap and Jude handed
her the cupcake.
"Happy birthday mommy!"
"Thank you baby."
"Make a wish."

She looked at them before she blew out the candle and
closed her eyes for a second.
"I did it. You want to take a bite, sit here."

She patted on the space next to her and he sat down

looking at the cupcake. She removed the covering and
brought the cupcake to his small lips, watching him take
a tiny bite. Her eyes went up and locked with her
"I love you."She blew him a kiss too and he pretended to
catch it, smiling as he repeated those same words.

At Prison, the guards walked into the cell. The innmates
had complained about Mothusi not waking up.
"Mona? Tsoga!"
The voice boomed in the cell and one of them shook
Mothusi so he can wake up.

There was still nothing from him. Cautiously, he checked

the pulse and he felt nothing.

He got up and held his waist to look at his colleagues.

"He's dead."
They looked at one another and then the body that lay
there. They would have to move it and just let the family
know that he's dead. Not that he was going to get a
funeral out of prison, it was a way for them to find peace.
"Let's go call the others." The body needed an
examination to determine time of death.
"Reckon he'll be missed?"
"Not even. He barely got any visitors. No one liked him."
"And that's just sad." Another noted, looking at the still
dead body.
Queen Of Hearts


At Jace's House

Ranewa thoughtfully went to her contact list and

unblocked her sister before she fixed her face in the
vanity mirror.

Jace walked in with Jude and he kissed her cheek.

"We will be back. Give us an hour."
"Leaving me all alone?"
Jude kissed her cheek and she smiled kissing his face a
couple of times.
"We'll be back Mma Scott."
"Bye mommy."
"Bye bye baby."
Both of them looked at her and she couldn't help the grin
on her face, she watched them walk out, leaving her all
alone in the bedroom.

She picked her phone again and pressed the buttons,

the wheelchair moving on it's own. She'll spend the
whole day learning this but now she wanted to research
something and also see if she can call the school.

She got her diary from the drawer along with the pen,
wheeling to the door.

In the sitting room, Ranewa started to look up PhD

programmes and the duration it would take.
She was giving birth towards the year end and she'll
definitely need another year to recuperate after giving

She called the school.

"Mrs Scottt."
"Hi, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."
"Not at all, how may I assist?"
"I have enquiries about the PhD programme.
Considering I'm currently a lecturer at the school, how
would the fees look like?"
"We'll have to fully discuss that, considering you were an
international student but the fees are significantly lower
than the Master's programme since it takes longer."
"Okay. Would I be able to get a discount? It is five years
part time and three years full time."
"Yes. The management would consider that and if you
are lucky, they might sponsor your whole PhD
considering you graduate on time."

That might work. She didn't want to go part time. It

would strain her to work, be a wife and also student. It
was better doing only two. If she can save her salary for
the next few months and the whole year or two before
going to back to school, it won't put a strain on their
pockets but then again her husband was an actuary and
mans made big bucks.
"Okay. I'll try the sponsorship one first."
"Mrs Scott?"
"Are you sure? Will you be able to juggle marriage, a
toddler and work?"
"I've done it before and it was a success."
She finished her Master's before Jude was a year old
and she was there for her son. Her husband was
supportive and he was there every step of the way.
"A PhD is not like your Master's. It's harder and so
"I know. I'll manage. If I do apply but thank you for the
"You are welcome. And when are you coming back?"
"In two months I'll be back."
"Okay, you need the break too. You work too hard."
"Thanks. Bye."

She cut the call and wrote it all down. She'll discuss it
with her husband. She had swore off school but she had
that urge to do something challenging.


At the hospital

Eana answered all the doctor's questions confidently

before the doctor asked the question they usually asked
all women whenever they complained about something
being wrong with their bodies.
"When was the last time you got your period?"
Eana's lips closed shut. When was the last time?
"I'm not sure. Everything has been stressful as of late in
my personal life."

The doctor looked at her waiting for her to give a direct

"I think two months ago?"
Because it was way before Palesa's wedding to her
"Maybe you are pregnant."
Pre what?
"That must be wrong. I can't be pregnant."
"Are you on any birth control Ms Mosiame?"

Sylvester thought about the doctor's statement. His mind

was already painting a happy picture of her with his wife.
He squeezed her hand and Eana, a bit scared looked st
her boyfriend. He rubbed her knuckles in assurance and
she licked her lips.
"You can take a test to be sure, it is standard procedure.
Once we rule that out, we'll assess other things."

He handed her a cup and a pregnancy test. She toom

them and got up. Not quite happy with doing that.

She closed herself inside the bathroom and leaned

against the door breathing out. If she's pregnant, what is
she going to do with a baby? Her success was still going
to grow and babies usually hold women down. She was
still twenty four and still too young to be a mother. She
had planned for children at the age of thirty, when she is
fully settled.

She was still a girlfriend for that matter.

She toom a few minutes to take the test and she held
the pregnancy stick, walking out with it. The doctor wore
his gloves and took the stick from her. He placed it
"We wait for a few minutes."

Eana sanitised her hands before she held Sylvester's

hand and waited.

Minutes passed.
"Let's check the results."

He picked the test up and showed them the results.

"The two lines mean that the test is positive.
Congratulations guys, you are expecting."

Eana's mouth dropped and Sylvester's eyes bulged.


Kopano was busy with work when his phone rang. He

quickly picked up the call, his eyes scanning the
financial analysis report.
"Kopano, hello."
"Mr Mosiame, is this a good time to speak to you?"
He moved his head back.
"Who am I speaking to?"
"I'm from prison services."
"This is in regards to your father, Mr Mothusi Mosiame."

Kopano hated that name and he held the phone tighter,

jaw ticking and teeth clenched.
"He was found dead this morning. He died in his sleep in
the wee hours of the morning and if the family wants to
see his body before he is buried, you are all allowed to
do so."

His jaw loosened. Dead?

"Yes. He has been pronounced dead."

Queen of hearts

Kopanio rubbed his jaw, digesting the news. Mothusi
was such a bastard for dying on Ranewa's birthday. That
man had detested Ranewa that much?
"Thank you for letting me know. I'll call again in a few
hours ago."
"Alright. My condolences on your loss."

It was actually good riddance to the world's scum but he

didn't say that part out loud. Just politely cut the call. He
stared at his phone for a few seconds before placing it
down and rubbing his face.

He'll tell them tomorrow. Today was his sister's birthday

and he didn't want to ruin her day with all of that.

His phone rang again and he checked the caller ID.

"Hello. I need a favour."
He leaned back in his chair.
"I'm listening."
"Can you stay with Jude for the night?"

Kopano laughed. He quickly understood where this was

"Mona, isn't it enough that you already made my little
sister pregnant? For the second time even?"
Moemedi laughed.
"Who said we are going to do what you're thinking?"
"Bring the kid over. We are always happy to have him
"Thank you. I owe you one."
"Sure. I have to go."
"Alright. Bye."

The call cut and Kopano laughed. Somehow he was

grateful that Mothusi died now and he knew that
Botshelo was like a father to him and his siblings but he
wondered how everything is going to go when he has

He was his father's first born and his children will be

Mosiames. Would there be there things he needed to

In that moment, he called Bptshelo.

"Old man, I have questions."
"Straight to the point. I'm listening."
He explained and even told him that Mothusi is dead.
"Hmm…You'll need to consult. If he died happy and if it
won't affect your children. For your sisters it's because
their children don't carry his surname and Ranewa is a
Scott meaning those children will be Scotts. Eana is
with. Gomolemo and those kids will be part of the
Gomolemo family."
"This is complicated."
"You have to do it. Now even, he was a bad man and we
all know it but ga o na choice ngwanaka."
He sighed.
"Okay. Thank you."
"And how are you feeling about his death?"
"Honestly? I've never been so happy. It doesn't erase
what he did but it surely does make everything better
now that he is not on earth."
Botshelo chuckled.
"I understand. Was that all?"
"Ee rra. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome. Let me go."

He cut the call and Kopano closed his laptop, his

thoughts consuming him now.

At the lawyer's office

Itumeleng clasped her hands as she explained to the

"So I'll prepare the documentation and file for the
divorce. You know the process, you'll have to sign the
Itumeleng nodded. She was ending her second
marriage and it felt bittersweet. The first time, she
wanted to be rid of that man because of what he put her
through. This time? She still loved him but she can't
come second to work in his life. It was simple as that.
"Ee mma. I know the process."
"When do you want him to be served?"
Itumeleng leaned back, maybe after Ranewa's magadi.
That way her problems don't cloud her daughter's day.
And also they'll have to act normal during the
negotiations even though they were not fine at all.

It was better that way, maybe her advice will be telling

her daughter what not to do to save her from divorce.
Tears filled her eyes but she remembered where she
was and blinked the tears away.
"I hope you are sure. Some cases, it might be things
that need to be resolved. Communication is often
sometimes overlooked and counseling might help."
Itumeleng smiled sadly. If Botshelo had wanted her
back, he wouldn't have called her drunk. He would have
come to see her and talk to her.

"We are still separated as I explained."

"Yes. But it's been less than a week."
"Serve the papers after a month. I don't want anything to
take away the attention from my daughter's
The lawyer noted that down.
"It's enough time to fully be sure of this and if it's
something you both can't work out, I'll send the papers
to him."
"Thank you."
"You are welcome."

Itumeleng got her bag and stood up, the lawyer standing
up too to shake Itu's hand.
"See you in a week to sign the petition before I submit it
to the court."
"Alrigjt. Let me go."

She got up and walked to the door, opening it and

walking out.
She was okay. She needed to do this. How long was
she going to let men do as they please because she
loved them too much, so much that she sometimes lost
herself? Not this time.

Her kitten heels clicked on the tile as she walked past

rhe reception and ultimately out of the building. The
winter sin shone on her face and she used her hand to
cover her face which had a grimace in place. Next stop
was her therapist's office.

Busy day it was.


Eana had her knees to her face as she rocked herself

back and forth on the sofa. Pregnant?

It was scary. She never grew up like a normal child, how

was she supposed to mother someone? What if she
gives the child trauma?

Sylvester sat next to her and pulled her to him.

She shook her head.
"I can't be pregnant."
He sighed holding her close.
"The doctor said so. We even did a scan Eana."
Teats filled her eyes. She wasn't a natural loving human
being like her older sister. She wasn't the person people
would speak to first when they needed directions. Why
would God do this?
"I know you are scared, I'll be here every step of the
What if he turns out like her father? Her mother had said
their father was a good man at first. What if he abuses
the child like her father did to her siblings? She shivered
and closed her eyes shut.
"I'm not ready."

He rocked her back and forth, kissing her head and not
even knowing what was going through her head was
worrying him but he let her.
"I'll be here. I won't leave you."
The tears trickled down regardless of her closed eyes.
She didn't even think everyone would love the news.

Palesa was great but her loyalties lay with Kopano

Her lips trembled. She had insulted her siblings to hell
ans back, she can't call them normally to talk to them.
The other sibling she had been close to blocked her.
She rubbed her tears and she didn't know how it
happened but she was full on crying. Sylvester rubbed
her back.
"I'm sorry buttercup."

He soothed and she held onto him. Crying about things

she rarely spoke about, letting it all out in that moment.


Ranewa hummed as she lowered the music, answering

the intercom.
"Is this Mrs Scott?"
"Yes. Who is this?"

She was a disabled woman alone in the house and she

wasn't taking any chances.
"I have a delivery for you. From uhm Mr Moemedi Jace
"Hold on, let me confirm."
She called her husband.
"There is delivery here. From you."
He chuckled.
"Ee mma. Open up for them."
"Okay. What did you get me?"
"You ask too much. Go sharpo."

He cut the call and she rolled her eyes.

"Ke a bula."(I'm opening)

She pressed the button and the gate opened. Her phone
rang and she answered Kopano.
"Kopi? Calling me twice in a single day?"
"Akere it's your birthday and you might as well be my
She laughed.
"True true."
"I'll deliver your gift later today although I know I'm
competing with your husband today."
"Obviously your gift is better."
"You're trying to inflate my ego. Later today."
"Alright. Bye."
Her brother hung up and she opened the door.

The man greeted her with a warm smile. He held a

wrapped box.
"This is for you." He handed her the box before he
continued to speak.
"I'll go get more."
"There's more?"
"Yes ma'am."

He walked out and she shook the box. She didn't know
what was inside.

The delivery man came back with three more boxes, a

bouquet of red roses along with it's card. Her husband
was making twenty five such a big deal but she loved
the spoils regardless. Every year he does something
she never expects and she loves him for that.
"One last thing."

He left her there and then came back with a much

bigger box that seemed heavier.
"That's the last one. Can you sign here?"
She sighed and he walked out. She closed the door and
locked it, waiting for him to drive out of the yard before
she closed the gate. Time to open her gifts.

Queen Of Hearts


Later that day

Eana was asleep on Sylvester's lap. He pushed her hair

back and called his father.
"Dad, hi. Uhm…"
He rubbed her sweet cheek, watching her breath softly.
"My girlfriend is pregnant."
His father went quiet for a few seconds.
"We are expecting a grandchild?"
"Ee rra. It's…"
He didn't know how to explain that he was with the girl
whose family had been wronged by his and her family
hated him in not so many words but he'd rather be hated
on and even insulted by them but he was going to do
right by his girlfriend.
"Are you going to introduce us? Who should we send
the letter to?"
Her lips pursued and he smiled, still rubbing her cheek.
He didn't want to wake her up by moving too much. But
he was sure she was going to be starving by the time
she woke up.
"I will. Maybe after a month I will and after a month we
can send the letter too. I just want us to be humble
towards her family, we are in the wrong and I want
everything to go right."

His father was now curious to know who the girl was.
"And also, don't tell the family yet about her pregnancy."
"Okay, son. Who is she?"
He licked his lips.
"Eana Mosiame."

Mr Gomolemo kept quiet. The name ringing aa bell and

when it finally clicked.
"That family hates us and what Larona did. Twice even."
"I know. But I love her. I love her so much and I know
they might insult us and everything but I'll go through
that for her. Please."
"If this is what you want. Okay. I'm yet to meet her and
Silence passed for a good second.
"And maybe this might bring peace, they obviously won't
turn away their grandchild and we also can't turn away
one of our own. We are not Larona and we'll also
apologise profusely for what Larona did."

Sylvester breathed easy.

"Thank you dad. Thank you."
"You are welcome." His father was trying to make up for
lost time and losing his son for years.
"But how do you feel about being a father?"
"I'm a bit a nervous, she's still terrified but I'm hopeful
she'll come around."
"Okay. We'll be here for you."
"Ee rra."
"Go sharpo Sylvester."

He cut the call and she murmured something in her

He dropped his head to listen to her. Her eyes opened
slowly and she smiled looking at him with her swollen
He smiled.
"Hi buttercup."
He rubbed her cheek and rubbed her lower lip as a
yawn escaped her lips.
"I'm hungry."
"I'll make something for you. How are you feeling?"
She say upright.
"I don't know. I'm not sure if I'll be a good mother even."
"We'll figure it out, if it makes you better I'll be a first time
dad too."

She laughed and placed her head on his shoulder.

"I love you Sylvester."
"I love you more than life buttercup."

If only he knew that he wasn't just saying those words

but that's an issue for the future.

Eana's mind wandered. Thinking.

Once she wrapped her mind around this whole
pregnancy, she-
Who was she going to tell? Her mother obviously and if
she was on good terms with her sister, she'd ask about
tips and what to do during pregnancy. She loved her
mother but then there were things she had rarely told
her mother. She'll deal with that in a week or so.


At Jace's House

Ranewa wore the lace set that was in one of the boxes.
She rubbed her growing belly and laughed as she was
sitting on the bed, facing the mirror.
She had cried about not wearing lingerie for him and he
bought it? Along with little notes that told her to get
ready for tonight.

She looked at the dress and smiled. She loved it and it

was her dress for the night.

She wore that and transferred herself to the wheelchair

before she wore the flats. With a little smile, she
wheeled to the vanity table to do some light makeup.
The other heavy box was still in the sitting room and she
hadn't opened it yet along with another one. She smiled,
loving what she saw in the mirror.

It was in that moment, the intercom rang. She sprayed

the perfume she had been gifted with and she wore that
scent for special occasions too.

She pressed the buttons and the wheelchair started


When she got to the sitting room and asked for the
identity of the person.
"It's your brother."

Their interaction was quick as her gave her the gift bag
and hugged her, wishing her more blessings on her
twenty fifth.
"I love you autwe?"
"I love you too. Thank you."
He broke the hug and tucked her hair behind her ear
before kissing her head. He raised her? She eas a
grown woman now with a family of her own and he was
going to head her negotiations too? God, time flew by so
"Let me get going okay?"
He walked to his car and she waved at him, watching
him drive out. Just as she was about to press the button
to close the gate, her husband's car drove inside the
yard and she grinned.

She couldn't wait for him to get his car tomorrow

morning. He was definitely going to be surprised and
she wanted them to spend the night here so she can
open the gate for the person from the car dealership.

He got out of the car as the late afternoon sun reflected

on him, the tux snatching him so nicely. Her lips parted
and she didn't want to go wherever he was taking her
now. That dimple of his showed as he sauntered to her,
all man and confidence. Her man, her man, her man.

"Happy birthday my little fairy." She smiled tearfully and

he kissed her hand.
"Thank you."
"Are you ready? and I'm glad you love your gifts."
He assessed her clothes with a twinkle in his eye and
she blushed.
"I'm almost done. My purse and phone."

He crouched to her level, he smelled so good. His large

arms wrapped around her waist and she couldn't
maintain eye contact, blushing as she looked down.
"I'll go get the stuff for you and we can go."

She nodded and he lifted her head, rubbing her chin and
he dropped a kiss on her lipglossed lips. He licked his
lips, tasting the strawberry lipgloss. He straightened up
and she watched him walk away. With a smile she
looked at her feet.

He came back with her things and locked the house

before he pushed the wheelchair.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see but we aren't spending the night here."
She didn't want that but she'll make a plan.

Queen of hearts


The following morning

It had been one hell of a birthday night. It was as if that
massage was preparing her for the wild and long night
they had. She smiled with her eyes closed.. Ranewa
forced her eyes open and checked her phone. She
looked at her husband. He was fast asleep and coughed
to test if he could hear her. He didn't move.

She called the car dealership.

"Hello." Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper.
"It's Mrs Scott, can you deliver later today? After
"Okay ma'am."

He moved and she cut the call and placed her phone
away. She placed her head on his scarred chest and
kissed it. A trip to Bora Bora as part of her birthday
present? She loved this man to infinity and that meant, it
was just them two.

God knows she'll need that because very soon she

won't be able to travel and they'll have an additional
member to the family too which meant two children
under five.

His hand held the back of her head and she licked her
"You're supposed to be asleep." He murmured.
"I know. Hold me."

He pulled her up over him and wrapped his arms around

He kissed her head and closed his eyes. Ranewa closed
her eyes, her exhaustion carrying her away.


Gofaone chuckled that morning as she wore her skirt

and shirt. She hated Gucci Flora but anything not to
smell like her signature perfume. That girl probably
smelled it on Syl and she didn't want that.

She had an end plan and keeping your enemies closer

was always a proven strategy.

She rolled her eyes. She was so nice to her and looked
all sad about her sister. B*tch! She didn't give a rat's
@ss about Eana and her sister but then women liked
having other women around.

Friendship was important to women and obviously, Eana

might be her friend. She smiled as she picked her
stethoscope and bag.

Her phone rang in her hand and she answered the call.
"Hey. I'm already working on the dress don't worry."
"Okay. We have cake tasting today."
"Go with your fiancé."
"He's busy mma."
"Nna I'm not? Fine, I'll go with you after lunch."
"Thank you. See you then."

She cut the call and thoughtfully called Eana.

"Hi Eana, it's Pearl. Did I catch you at a bad time?"
"No. What is it? I'm still working on the dress."

Gofaone rolled her eyes.

"Are you okay?"
There was some silence.
"Nothing I can't handle."
"If you need a friend, or someone to talk to I'm here. I
was calling just to say hi."

Eana broke down into tears and Gofaone imitated

puking as she heard those sniffs.
"I'm fine. Just-just life but I'm fine."
"Are you at the office? I have a free period before lunch,
I can check up on you."
"Okay. Thank you so much."
"You are welcome."
Eana sniffed and said bye before she cut the call.

Gofaone was going to play the long game.

On the other end, Eana got out of bed and her stomach
turned. She quickly ran to the bathroom to puke.
Sylvester was making breakfast for the both of them and
she appreciated his efforts.

Was she going to go to the office even? She should tell

Pearl not to come. She got her phone and called her.
"Hi again. I'm not feeling well and I don't think I'll be at
the office today. Thank you mme."
"It's okay. See a doctor and I hope you get well, call if
you need an ear."
"You're so sweet. Thank you. I will."
"Goodbye. I'll call later to check of you're fine."
"Thank you."

Eana rubbed her eyes. This woman was literally a

stranger and she was so sweet and caring. She shook
her head, it's going to seem like she was longing for a
sister like bond with a stranger when she ruined hers
with her own sister.
"Bye bye."

The call cut and she went to WhatsApp to check her

messages. There was nothing and she went to statuses
and frowned seeing her sister's name.

She clicked on the status and it was from yesterday. She

was showing the boxes and the huge roses she got.
Ranewa unblocked her? When?
She licked her lips and watched the rest of her sister's
statuses and then placed her phone down.


Ranewa had her baby on her lap, MJ got him from

Kopano's place while she had remained in the car.
Palesa had got out to wave at her too.

Now she was waiting for the car people to arrive. Her
husband was in the kitchen making their food.

Her phone rang on the couch and she sent Jude to get it
for her.
"Hello Mrs, we are outside."
"Let me open the gate."

She pressed the button by the door and peeked through

the curtain.
"Who is it?"
"I don't know. I'll check."

She twisted her neck to check if he was walking out of

the kitchen. He wasn't. Thank God.

She saw them drive the car into the yard. It was so shiny
and beautiful. With a smile, she opened the door as the
car engine stopped. The man got out and handed her
the keys.
"Thank you."
"Pleasure Mrs."

He walked away and Ranewa closed the door,

squeezing the keys tight in the palm of her hand. She
closed the gate after the man left and she smiled as her
husband leaned against the wall.
"You're done?"
"Almost. Who was it?"
"Ah, just people."
He cooked an eyebrow.
"You're a bad liar."
She shrugged and he just eyed her. The key felt hot in
her hand but she was not ruining the surprise for him.
His eyes didn't shift from hers and she looked up. He
stepped back inside the kitchen and she breathed out.

Jace switched off the pots, he was done. He dished up

for the three of them before he walked out to his wife.

Ranewa looked up at him as he picked her up like she

was a doll.
"Nothing. Come eat, where is your son?"
"I don't know. Why are you carrying me?" Thank God,
she hid the key under the pillow of the sofa he likes.
"I like holding you."
She pecked his lips as he slid her down his front. He
carefully had her feet over his and held her waist.
Ranewa smiled at him as he walked slowly to the
kitchen, holding her tight and letting her walk even if it
was not to her own accord.

She giggled, holding his arm tightly. She felt sensation

sometimes but he did this at odd times and the fact that
he did it didn't bother her.

An hour later, Ranewa's head was on his chest as she

read her back on the sofa. Jace shifted and frowned,
feeling something poke his back. She turned to look at
"What is it?"
"Nothing." He kissed the top of her head and she
continued reading. He moved his arm to remove
whatever was poking him and he came up with car keys.
He looked at the keys, those damn sure weren't his car
keys. His were attached to the house keys and this was
just car keys.

"Did you make another set of keys for the car?"
"Ng ng."

She went back to reading and he pressed the lock

button and he heard a car lock outside. Ranewa hid her
smile as she pretended to be deeply invested in her

Her husband gently removed her head, standing up.

She placed the book down.
"Take me with."

She stretched her hands to him and he picked her up.

He pressed the keys again and heard the car outside.
He sighed and walked to the door, opening it as Ranewa
held on tight.

He froze by the door, looking at the new car inside the

yard. He looked down at his wide who smiled and
pecked his lips.
"You like it Rraagwe Jude?"
He blinked. She bought him a car? A new Mercedes? He
was careful not to drop her as he walked closer.
He checked if the car was locked and it wasn't. He
opened the door and put her in the passenger seat
before he circled the car. Ranewa placed a hand over
her heart. He loved it. She was sure. He covered his
mouth in disbelief before he walked over to her. He
didn't say anything but he pulled her close, wrapping his
arms around her waist to kiss her.
"Oohhh." She moaned in his mouth, hands on his
shoulders. The kiss deepened and she tried to tear her
lips away to breath but he wouldn't let her. He finally
released her lips moments later.
"Thank you." He whispered in her ear, holding her close.
He looked into her eyes. He was so grateful and she
could see it on his face.
"You're welcome." He pecked her lips and touched the
car seat, the specs were impeccable.
"You love it?"
"Ee mma." She smiled.

Later that day, Kopano called everyone. They joined the

conference call slowly but his mother and sisters were
now both on the call.
"Hello. What's wrong?" Itumeleng asked.
"Hi guys, yesterday I received a call…"He paused and
there was silence on all lines. "Mothusi died in his
"Thank God!" Itumeleng was the first to say.
"At least he's dead." Ranewa added.
Eana just listened.
"Now we know he's no longer here, that's good news."
"Yeah, it is. I wanted to notify everyone so that you all
"It's been long overdue."
"He should have died when I stabbed him when you
guys were kids."
Itumeleng continued. If it wasn't for her sister, Mothusi
would have died and the cameras would have revealed
everything but Kelebogile decided to save that monster
and he went on to abuse her children. She couldn't bring
herself to even forgive her sister, the fact that also that
sister's husband attempted to rape her last born too. No.
Her mother was not any different. She could die too for
all she cares.
"We can't change the past but we have a better future
now. Together."
"I'm sorry."

Eana said over the phone.

"I was out of line and I'm so sorry. For all that I said, I
shouldn't have said that just to get you guys to accept
my relationship. You guys are my older siblings and I
should have approached the matter with caution and
respect. Ranewa I'm sorry for being stubborn knowing
you are Jude's mother and I'm not. I shouldn't have
done that."

There was silence for a minute. Kopano knew Ranewa

was not going to say a thing.
"Okay." Ranewa said. Eana sighed. She'll accept that.
"That was all, anything anyone wanted to add?"
"No. I have to prepare a client's menu. Bye kids."
"Bye mom."

Itumeleng got off the call and Ranewa said bye, getting
off the call. He was left with Eana. She sniffed and he
leaned back in his office chair.
"It will take time but we'll never abandon you autwe?"
"Ee rra."
"And you apologising is the first step, know that there
are situations where you don't have to fight to get your
way, just talk to everyone with respect and let them
make up their minds too. Don't use others mistakes as a
way to make what you did seem better, ga go irwe jalo."
"Ee rra."
"O sharpo?"
She shook her head but he couldn't see that and sniffed
"I'll come check on you later autwe?"
"Ee rra."

He cut the call and sighed.


Queen Of Hearts

Three months later

At Ea Couture

Eana got off the phone with her sister and sighed
rubbing her growing belly. Her relationship with her
sister was still rocky but she was going to give it time.

The door opened and Pearl peeked through.

"Hey love."
Eana smiled wider, Pearl has been such a great friend
these past three months and also her being a doctor she
was giving her advice on her pregnancy.
"Hi. Come in."
"I come in bearing food."
Eana smiled more, her chubby cheeks also stretching.
She was gaining a lot of weight and it wasn't funny but
her boyfriend loved her nevertheless.
"It's as if you read my mind."
Pearl walked in with the Nando's designer drinks and
the big paper bag.
"I know you love their designer drinks so much, I have a
feeling you pretend they are cocktails since you can't
Eana playfully rolled her eyes as Pearl placed the drink
on the table. She had even bought her favourite flavour
"Can I have the drink?"

She got the drink and sipped on it as Pearl opened the

paper bag, taking out the wraps and Eana's favourite
wings from the store.
Eana placed the drink down and got the box that had
the wings.
"Thank you."
"You are welcome. Are you ready?"
Eana licked her lips and went back to sipping the drink
as Pearl bit into her wrap.
"The families meeting."
"My brother was so reluctant but my step father also
managed to get to him, so Sylvester's family will be
there at home next week. Hopefully it all goes well."
Pearl nodded watching Eana drink her drink.
"Hopefully it does, how is the baby doing?"
"I think I was starting to feel kicks this week but I'll be
sure in a few weeks."
She nodded. Everytime she saw Eana's fat face she
wanted to puke. Jt was supposed to be her. Her who
was carrying Sylvester's child and having his family go
to her family but no, Sylvester had to not want her back
and want this girl. Yes she had a business, a successful
one at that and she graduated from a fashion course but
seriously? He could do better than that. She was
beautiful yes, much to her dismay. Even her crippled
sister was beautiful even her mother was beautiful and
they looked all so perfect it made her nauseous but she
was playing the long game.

The two friends moved onto much more general topics

as they ate the food, laughing and smiling.

Thirty minutes later, Sylvester walked into the building.

He was here to take his pregnant girlfriend for lunch.
"Hi, is Ms Mosiame in?"
"Yes. She has her friend over."
The receptionist nodded. It was probably that friend she
always talked about but he had no interest in knowing
the lady. As long as his girl was happy, he was happy.
"Okay. Don't tell her I'm heading to her office."
"Yes sir."
He smiled and casually strolled past the other offices
and into the hallway, heading to her office.

Inside the office, Eana had finished her food and Pearl
smiled wider as she put the empty containers into the
paper bag.

The door opened and Sylevester walked in, pausing in

his steps as he came face to face with Gofaone and his
"Hi baby. This is a nice surprise."

She stood up and walked to him as he stepped inside,

closing the door. He was confused. How did Eana know
her? How did Gofaone k ow his girlfriend?
Eana hugged him and he hugged her back, his eyes still
suspiciously on his ex-girlfriend.

Eana broke the hug as her wrapped his arms around

"How are you buttercup?"
"I'm okay."

She turned to face Pearl.

"Pearl, this is my boyfriend Sylvester and babe, this is
the friend I've been talking about Pearl."

Gofaone smiled maliciously as she stood up.

"Nice to meet you Sylvester, your girlfriend has said a lot
about you."

Eana placed a hand on Sylvester's chest.

"Only good things baby. I swear."

He looked at his girlfriend. She was so happy and he

didn't trust Gofaone around her. Not even a little bit.
He nodded in Gofaone's direction and her smile dropped
at the less enthusiastic introduction. Her heart tore at the
seams, he was looking at Eana like he loves her and the
hand placement made her nauseous. She even forgot
that she wanted to pack the empty paper bags as she
excused herself and used work as an excuse to walk

The door closed, leaving the couple together and Eana

smoothed his shirt.
"I already ate. She brought food and you don't look
She walked over to her desk to clear the empty drink
bottles and boxes. She shoved all that into the paper
bag and threw it in her office bin as Sylvester breathed

If she finds it out from someone else, she'll hate him and
she didn't take it too well when he was lying to her.

He swallowed walking to her.

"How long have you been friends?"
"For months. Just that we never take pictures together."
"Are you sure she's your friend?"
She thinned her eyes at him.
"Where is this interrogation coming from?"

Eana massaged her tummy, feeling a bit of pain but she

ignored it as she sat on her office chair, looking at her

Maybe they'll talk about this at home.

"Nothing. I am just looking out for you buttercup."

She eyed him suspiciously before she nodded and let it


At Botshelo's Club

He stared at the papers again. Pretty sure his eyes were

deceiving him but the signature was there. She was
divorcing him.

They were getting along so well at Ranewa's

negotiations two months back and he had been talking
to her frequently. He undid his tie, unable to breath. He
pushed back in his chair and closed his eyes. He got up
and picked his phone to call her.
"I-I thought we-"
"Don't think for me Botshelo. Please sign the papers. I
don't even want your money, just an uncontested
He closed his eyes, his breathing getting a bit heavy.
"Ee mma."
"Thank you."

Itumeleng said. Him wanting to fight for her should have

happened months back before they separated. She took
a bit longer to serve him the papers but the more she
was discovering herself and everything that made her
happy, everything that would have made eighteen year
old Itumeleng happy, the more she wanted to be free
and just finish school and use that time to travel the
world. Discover new places, live her life to the fullest
while being the best mother and grandmother.

"I will always love you."

"Me too. But we have to close this chapter and still
remain civil for our children. Behave like in-laws."
Botshelo swallowed.
"Ee mma."
"Goodbye Botshelo."

He nodded and cut the call sweat trickling down his


Queen Of Hearts


Later that day

Eana was still sketching some designs on her note pad

when a sharp pain hit her lower abdomen. She winced
and placed a hand over her stomach. The pain struck
again and she closed her eyes, wishing she wasn't
experiencing this right now.

She bit down her lower lip and slowly let go of her
stomach to get her phone. Sylvester's phone rang
unanswered when she called and she closed her eyes
"Mary? Mary?"
Her weak voice called out to her assistant. She had a
driver's license and would be able to take her to the

The next one hit and it felt like she was being sliced.
She had period pains but this? Her face contorted uglily
as she placed both hands on her belly, groaning in pain.

The door opened and her assistant quickly rushed to her


She squeezed her stomach trying to massage it as she

hollowed her cheeks to breath.
"Ny car keys, driv-yoh mma wee!"
Mary didn't need to be told twice, she got her boss'
things and helped her stand up.
Eana closed her eyes, her body weight almost making
Mary crumble to the floor but Mary was trying to be
strong for her boss as she placed a hand around her
waist and led her out of the office.

She let out a loud a scream and people in the office got
out of their offices as they saw their boss walking out in
"Help!" Mary screamed. If the men carry her, she'll get to
the hospital faster and not delay. One of the security
guys walked out and he picked her up. Mary picked up
her pace.
"Let's head to her car. There is no time."

They walked to the car and Mary unlocked the

Volkswagen car, opening the passenger door for Eana
and jumping into the driver's seat.

Eana closed her eyes, the pain doubling up as Mary

started the car and drove off.

Gofaone checked the time. The pills she crushed into
that drink are supposed to be working. If she had been
cruel, she would have eliminated that stupid pregnancy
when Eana was still in the first trimester but she
watched her 'friend' bond with the baby, and now with
Eana almost heading to six months, the baby was well
developed and was going to be a still born.

She smiled but it didn't make her happy as she expected

herself to be. It was supposed to be a sense of
accomplishment and the big thing she did but she slowly
sat down. Her own thoughts whirling in her mind.

The smile dropped and she touched her desk. Was she
going to do this to every one of Sylvester's girlfriends?

She closed her eyes for a moment before she called

"Hi, Sarona."
"Long time, how may I help?"
"Uhm, does Sylvester have a girlfriend?" She wanted to
hear it from Sarona, they were closer in age too and had
been friends for years.
"I know you still love him but he does. He loves her so
much and the family likes her." Sarona said despite
herself, Larona had been wrong in what she did to that
family and Eana was actually nice. Sylvester's parents
liked her, especially his mother who was her
"They do?"
"Yes. Gofaone, you should move on. I did say this
before. Sometimes staying in the past is what holds us
back as individuals and we fail to live in the present
because we badly want people who were supposed to
be in the past to be part of our future. Sylvester isn't all
that. He is my uncle but he isn't a man you should wait a
lifetime for. He knows what he wants and he wants his
current girlfriend and is intentional about it. A man who
wants you wouldn't be introducing his girlfriend to us. Let
go and heal."

Gofaone wiped a lone tear.

"Okay. Thank you."
"Sure. Heal and move on. You are a doctor and you are
successful, you're still young. Thirty is young and you'll
find a man who'll worship you the way you deserve to."
Gofaone sniffed, her heart clenching guiltily over what
she just did to Eana. Who saw her as a friend and-
"Uh Sasa I have to go."
"Okay. Bye."
She cut the call and quickly called Eana. Her phone
rang unanswered and she bit down her lower lip, getting
out of her office with her car keys and phone in hand.
"I have an emergency, please check my patients for me.
I'll be back."

She rushed out, her heels clicking on the hospital



At the hospital

Mary bit down her lip as she called for help to get Eana
out of the car. She was bleeding and her face was
smudged with tears mixed with makeup.
"I'm getting help…hold on."

Mary heard Eana's phone ring in the bag and she took it
out to answer as she saw nurses walking out with a
stretcher. Thank God!

"Eana's phone hello?"

"Where is Eana?"
She checked the caller ID. Oh, it was Sylvester.
"She is at the hospital. She's bleeding."
Eana's cry pierced through the space and Mary heard
Sylvester curse.
"Which one?"

She told him and the call cut. Eana tried to breath in and
out, she groaned in pain, it felt like her stomach was
being sliced up over and over again.

Queen Of Hearts


At the hospital

Eana closed her eyes, blacking out from the excruciating

pain as she was rushed into the hospital.

Ten minutes later, Sylvester barged through the private

hospital doors, his heart racing and beads of sweat
forming on his forehead.
When he had left, she was fine and well. Now? Rushed
to the hospital?
He found his girlfriend's PA and Mary quickly stood up.
"Mr Gomolemo."
"What happened?"
He asked before he could ask any nearby nurse. He
needed the exact details of what happened after he left.
"She screamed in pain and I came to help her. Her
tummy was painful from her screams and-"
Mary took a second to breath as Sylvester kept his eyes
on her and she stepped back.
"I drove her here and she started bleeding."
He held his head and breathed out.
"Here are the car keys." She handed him the car keys
and he took them, tightly holding them as Mary stepped
back further.
"I hope Ms Mosiame will be fine, I have to go."

He nodded and Mary walked away. He then walked

back to find a nurse so her can ask where she was and
how she was. He just needed all the details.


At Ea Couture
Gofaone jogged to the reception.
"Hello, is Eana in?"
The lady shook her head. She knew this was Eana's
"Unfortunately not."
Gofaone's heart skipped several beats as her eyes
glassed over.
"Did she go home? She's not answering her phone."
"No. She was rushed to the hospital."

She jogged out of the building, her growing guilt

weighing her down. She looked up at the clear sky and
breathed out. She could only hope she got to the
hospital in time before she started bleeding or else…

She rushed back into the building.

"Is her office open?"
"It's been locked since she is not here."

She walked outside. The drink container contained

traces of the pills she crushed into it.
She breathed out. She should disappear out of Eana's
life. Just ask for a transfer and change numbers. That
was the most sensible thing to do.

She briskly walked to her car, pondering on how she can

ask for a transfer and stay away. That is the beat


At the hospital

Sylvester waited anxiously as the doctor walked out.

"Hello, are you her next of kin?"
He sadly shook his head.
"I'm her boyfriend. The baby's father."
"We tried our best to save the child."

His heart stopped beating for a good second as her held

his breath.
"We couldn't and we also took blood tests since it was
not normal to bleed like that from what seemed like a
very healthy pregnancy."
He nodded.
The doctor looked at Sylvester.
"The foetus didn't make it and died in her womb."
He closed his eyes. A sharp pain hitting his heart as he
held the wall for stability. He bit down his lip.
"We need permission to perform surgery to remove the
dead foetus."
Words died in his throat as tears filled his eyes. He sat
on the bench, fighting his own tears as the doctor looked
at him with a blank face.
"Let me give you a minute to gather yourself."

The doctor stepper back and walker away.

At the grocery store

Itumeleng looked at her list and she checked off an item

off it before she moved on to picking another item off the
shelf. She glanced back at her list to make sure it was
the correct item before she extended her hand. Her
hand brushed over with another hand and she pulled
back. Her hand automatically touching the back of her
The man glanced at her, a small smile gracing his lips.
"Ladies first." His blue eyes twinkling and Itumeleng

He looked at her and she quickly got the item and put it
in her trolley. She stole a glance at him, he was what
one would say a silver fox and the grey beard and hair
mixed with traces of black hair looked good on him. She
smiled nervously and she continued to push her trolley.
She was in the process of a divorce and she has put off
men for the foreseeable future, why was she getting
giddy like an eighteen year old again?

The man, who was in his late fifties watched Itumeleng

push back her trolley. He had come here to relax after
his nasty divorce back home and-

He smiled and pushed his trolley. He hoped he'll see her

outside the store.’
Queen Of Hearts


At the grocery store

Itumeleng finished paying for her things and she pushed
her trolley. The white man who was by the other till
watched her while simultaneously glancing at the lady
who was scanning his items. It wasn't lot but he didn't
want to lose the pretty lady now…

Itumeleng paused right outside the shop as her phone

rang in her bag. She took it out, glancing around to
make sure there was no one behind her or besides her
who van snatch the phone.
"Itumeleng Scott, hello."

She was definitely going to drop that surname the

minute tbe ink dries on her divorce papers. She'll be free
and she promised herself. No men till she is okay.
"Mrs Scott, uhm you are speaking with a nurse from

A frown covered her face, frown lines forming in her

forehead and her grip a bit tighter on her phone.
"Okay. How can I assist?"
"We have admitted Ms Eana Mosiame who is your

Her heart slowed down just as the silver fox pushed his
trolley. He paused besides her for a second.
"What's wrong?"
The nurse took a deep breath.
"You daughter is in need of surgery. Your signature is
needed for her to s-"

Itumeleng's world started spinning. It was like the time

she signed for Ranewa's surgery. It was an emergency.
"Surgery for what?"
Her voice was shaky and the man slowly pushed his
trolley past her but stopped to watch her.

Itumeleng's lips dried up and she licked them, hoping it

was something minor like a broken knee cap. That was
minor and-
"She lost the foetus and it died in her womb, surgery is
needed to take the child out."
Itumeleng's other hand paled against the trolley handle
as her knees buckled, making her nearly collapse face
down to the ground when hearing that. The silver fox
stranger held her as she shook like a leaf, her other
hand gripping the phone tightly.
"Sh-she what?"
"She lost the baby. The doctor can explain better."

Tears filled Itumeleng's eyes.

"Please come as soon as you can ma'am. It is an

The call disconnected and Itumeleng's body felt so weak

and she would have collapsed for the second time if not
for the stranger holding her.

Her lips quaked but she bit them down, the colgone
bringing her back to earth and for her to remember her

She stepped out of his arms and rubbed her eyes with a
single hand.
"Are you okay?"
Itumeleng looked up at him. If she was okay she'd be
kaughing about how his English sounds like it's coming
from his nose.
He rubbed the back of his head.
"You don't seem okay."

She breathed out and rubbed her eyes. If she'd take that
pain for her daughter? Be the one to lose a baby instead
of her daughter, she would.
"Can I walk you to your car? Just so you recollect your
She looked at him and nodded. What harm would it do?

The stranger got his few bags and put them by the
corner inside Itumeleng's trolley and then started to
push it as she walked slowly. She led him to her car and
she opened the boot, he put her things inside and she
"Uhm, thank you."
He smiled, his blue eyes crinkling at the corner. She was
a bit pale and it might ruin her day further if he asks for
her number. He'll just have to put it in fate's hands that
she bumps into him again.
"You'll be okay." He said gently and she smiled with
tears in her eyes.
"Thank you. Let me get going."

He saluted and she smiled some more and he pushed

the trolley to his rented car. He didn't want to leave the
country yet. He'll stay here for another month.

Was it too early to say he finally found the love of his life
after over fifty years on this green earth? He smiled, he
hoped whatever that left her distraught gets better.

At the hospital

Thirty minutes later, Itumeleng arrived and she saw

Sylvester. She was quickly escorted to the doctor's
office before she could say a thing and she signed the
consent forms on behalf of her daughter. She walked out
minutes later and sat next to Sylvester.

Itumeleng nodded. How did this happen? Her daughter's

pregnancy was healthy and she was going to-
"I'm sorry." She said to Sylvester.

He nodded and rubbed his eyes.

"I just want Eana to be okay, that's all."

Itumeleng thought of calling her other children. Eana

needed all the support she could get. She started with
"Hey, if you are not busy along with Palesa, can you
come to the hospital?"
"What's wrong?"
"It's Eana."
"We'll be there. Give us thirty minutes."
"Thank you."

Her finger hovered on Botshelo's name. He had been

treating Eana like his daughter and she needed all the
support. She swallowed her pride and called him.
His voice was cold. Chilling but she ignored it.
"Hi, it's about Eana, she is in hospital."

There was silence.

"I'm on my way. Tell me which one."

The call cut and Sylvester excused himself. He wanted

to call his family. But would they relate well here, they
also loved his girlfriend and he was sure they'd love to
sure their support.

He called his mother instead.

"Syl..this is a surprise. Are you nervous about next
week? Things will go well.."
"There is no baby…"
"Sh-" his throat closed up on him as tears started to
build again in his eyes.
"She lost the baby…we're in hospital."
"Ooooh bathong! Re etla."(we are coming)
"Sorry ngwanaka, I know how both of you were excited
about the pregnancy."
"We are at GPH."
"Okay. Give us thirty minutes."

He nodded, sniffing. The call cut and he looked at the

plain white ceiling. Going crazy about how he was
supposed to tell her about this.


At London

Ranewa rubbed her seven month belly after her tests

and all. Jace held her hand as they looked at the doctor.
"There is hope."
Ranewa's eyes teared up.
"A year post partum, we can perfume the spinal cord
surgery and try our best. This will be a do or die
moment. You either walk or it remains the same forever."

She swallowed. Sbe needed this. One last shot at this.

"Think about it and get back to me so that a few months
after birth we start preparations for the surgery, we start
with physio and everything that would make it easier."
"Thank you doctor."
"You are welcome."

This was a specialist, specially trained and they had

hope. A lot of of hope. After years of being on a
wheelchair, walking again…something people took for
granted was going to be possible if the surgery is done
well and precisely.

Jace stood up and he pushed his wife's chair.

"Haave a good day Mr and Mrs Scott."
"Likewise doctor."

They were out of the office.

"Now I'm going to do that PhD so I can finally walk
during graduation. I graduated twice and never walked ti
the stage."
He kissed the top of her head with a smile.
"Ee mma. My smart wife, I'll be able to say my wife js a
doctor now."

She laughed.
"A doctor in philosophy."
He shrugged.
"Still a doctor to me."

Ranewa's phone rang in her bag and she took it out.

She quickly answered.
"Hi Ranny, how are you?"
"J'm fine mama. How are you? How is everyone?"
She heard her mother suck in a deep breath.
"Everyones' not's your sister."
"What's wrong? Is the baby okay? Is she okay?"
There was a bout of silence.
"She l-lost the baby."
Ranewa's eyes glistened with tears.
"What do you mean?"
"There is no baby."
"Oh Modimo! You're joking akere?"
Her mother sniffed and Ranewa rubbed her eyes.
"How is she feeling? Bathong…mama that can't be
"She is in surgery to remove the dead baby from her
womb an-"
Ranewa stared up with teary eyes.
"This is so bad..yoh."

How? She and her sister were not that close close but
they talked and they were slowly repairing their
relationship but that didn't matter now. Losing an almost
six month pregnancy? This is going to make Eana one who bonds with a child and loses them
would ever be normal. That baby was-

She protectively placed a hand over her stomach.

"I'll call you when she is out of surgery."
"Okay…be there for her."
"We all are."
"Good. Thank you for telling me."

She cut the call and she was still in disbelief.

Queen Of Hearts


At the hospital

Almost four hours, the sun had long set and the rain
clouds were gathering outside. The September blues,
the day had went by as pretty hot and both families were
now waiting for Eana to wake up and for the doctor to
call them to see her.

It started drizzling outside and Itumeleng could

remember the exact time when her daughter was born.
It was raining and she could hear the cries of her new
born. She felt resentment at first, that she had to nurse
herself back to health with three children under five and
how she could haave lived life better had that monster
not raped her.

She closed her lives. She was grateful for all her kids
now, she knew how much she struggled with them and
how they all struggled without her.

Palesa placed her head on Kopano's shoulder. This was

scary. How did this happen?
The nurse walked out with a smile.
"She's awake. A bit out of it so you'll have to not
overwhelm her."

She looked at everyone gathered around for her. Such a

support system? Wow.

"Sylvester you can go."

Kopano said and Sylvester got up, following the nurse
into Eana's room. Eana opened her eyes and smiled at
her baby daddy.
"Hey baby."He said as he sat down. Eana tried to sit up
but her stomach hurt and she frowned. Her hands itched
to touch her stomach and she actually did, her small
smile dropping as she touched a plaster there.
"Babe, our baby is fine right?"

Sne asked, a smile on her face as she lightly touched

again. Not feeling the bump anymore. Sylvester sat
down and took her hands.
"Sylvester, my baby.."
He breathed out and she saw it in his eyes. She shook
her head weakly, tears filling her eyes as the thunder
sounded from outside and the rain poured.
"No! No! I want my baby!"

He held her, getting up to sit on the bed and kissed her

"He's gone buttercup, I'm sorry."

She cried like a little baby on his chest. How? How? She
had been healthy and her baby was healthy.
She stopped crying and looked at him.
"I-i want to see him."
Her voice quivered along with her lips and her eyes
teared up once more.
"Please.." He kissed her head.
"Let me talk to the doctor."

She nodded and he got up.

"The family is outside. Do you want to see them?"
They'd just look at her with pity and she didn't want that
but she just needed to cry. She nodded.

He walked out and she picked the pillow to place it over

her own face as she cried and screamed into it. Getting
attached to a child only to lose the child?
The door opened and she saw her mother walk in. Her
mother opened her arms for Eana as she walked
towards her.

Itumeleng hugged Eana who started to sob. Palesa

stopped in her tracks and rubbed her eyes. Kopano
pulled his wife to him and breathed out.

Meanwhile, Sylvester was in the doctor's office.

"She wants to see the baby."

The doctor sighed. Was it a sight they wanted to see?

"Are you sure?"
"Very sure. She wants closure an-and maybe that can

The doctor agreed. Knowing it might break them more to

see the tiny underdeveloped body of the child.


At Gofaone's place
Gofaone paced back and forth. Eana wasn't answering
and she had given up. She was probably okay right?

She was deluding herself, she was a doctor and she

knew what she did. If she runs now, it will look
suspicious and she didn't want that.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to be composed but

failed dismally at that as she checked the time. The
lighting struck somewhere as the rain poured.


At the hospital

Eana removed head from her mother and wiped her

tears. She was going to cry and cry until she gets tired
and it hurt. A lot.

The door opened and Sylvester walked in. He walked to

the bed and he picked her up to place her on the
wheelchair that was on the other side of the bed.
"Hi, the doctor wants to see her."

They all agreed and he pushed her out.

"We're going to see him?"
He nodded with a broken heart. They walked into the
room he had been directed to and the person was
wearing gloves and in scrubs.
They nodded and the lady took a deep breath and
walked further into the room with them. They stopped by
a small cot and Eana's eyes welled with tears. The rain
got worse outside. They had cleaned him up but he was

She let out a sob and Sylvester rubbed her shoulder.

She took a minute to compose herself before she asked
to hold the dead body. Just this one.

The lady was skeptical but let Eana hold him. She
looked at the baby, her tears dropping on the baby's
face. She breathed out.

She let the tears drop.

"His name is Pula Gomolemo." She said softly. The
more she held onto him, the more real it became and
her heart broke a thousand times over. She called the
lady to take him. How did the funeral of a baby go? He
eas not fully developed but she held him in her arms.
Sylevester pushed her out.
"Don't think about it. I got you."

She nodded and rubbed her eyes.

Queen Of Hearts


A few days later…

Eana woke up from the room she used to share with her
sister, her body still aching and her heart a much bigger

She was so grateful for her family for helping with

everything for the funeral. It had been quick, a day after
she was released from the hospital to be exact.

She placed her hands over her healing stitches and bit
down her lips, tears rolling down her cheeks as she
thought of her now lost baby. Still asking herself what
happened too. Nothing had made sense and she
couldn't call her sister to speak of her own grief. Her
sister was pregnant, something she whised she still was.
She was just about to call Pearl, to update her on
everything when her mother called out.
"Sylvester is here to see you."
She placed the phone down, hearing voices from the
sitting room.

The bedroom door opened and Sylvester smiled at her

solemn face. She rubbed her cheeks and tried to force a
smile but she couldn't.

He sat next to her on the bed and she laid her head on
his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry."
"He was fine. Pula was fine and-"
He rubbed her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.
"Uhm why are you here?"

She removed her head aand looked at him, rubbing

away her tears. Sylvester had been called by the doctor
so they can come discuss her bloodworm along with
"The doctor called me so we can discuss the blood
samples they took."
She nodded.
"Ans I also wanted to tell you something. Promise me
you won't get angry."

She frowned and placed her hands on her lap.


He breathed out.
"Your friend…"
She raised an eyebrow, he better not be cheating on her
or she will take out her pain on him and it won't be
He looked up as she silently waited for him to speak.
"She was my ex. Her first name is Gofaone, Pearl is her
second name."
Eana laughed.
"No ways."
She laughed hysterically and she stopped when he
"Babe, I didn't even know she was your friend and we
dated more than ten years ago so she is irrelevant."
He was serious? She chuckled.
"Your ex?"
"Yes. The one you got angry over months ago."
Eana closed her eyes.
"Just okay."
"What more should I say? You should have told me
when you saw her in my office because I have no idea
who she is and she probably knows me and who I am to
He took her hand and she removed it.
"Let me get dressed so we go to the hospital. Please get
out of my room."

He swallowed and stood up, walking out.

Eana laughed with tears in her eyes and she placed a

hand over her mouth, crying.

Twenty minutes later, she walked out in a long dress and

a headway.
"Mama, I'm going to the hospital. The doctor has
something to tell us."
"Okay my baby. I'll be here when you get back."
She nodded and walked out, following Sylvester who
said his goodbyes to Itumeleng.

Itumeleng's phone rang and she quickly answered.

"He signed the divorce papers."
"He did? Thank you."
"You are welcome. In a month or two, you'll be a free
She grinned. She couldn't wait.


At the hospital

Eana and Sylvester had been silent on their way to the

hospital and they were still silent.

Eana placed both her hands on her lap, waiting for the
doctor to speak.
"We ran some tests in your blood, took blood samples
before and after."

She nodded.
"We found traces of what might be an abortion pill."
Eana's eyes widened but then they thinned as she
started to ask herself questions.
"Abortion pills?"
The doctor sadly nodded and looked at Sylvester to
gauge his reaction. Sylevester breathed out and looked
at Eana.
"Is there something you would like to tell me Ms
Mosiame?" The doctor went on and Eana tried to think.
"I have no access to things like that whatsoever and I l-"

She stopped.
"That day I had normal food. Drink and wings and a
wrap from Nando's from my f-"
She closed her eyes. Using the little intelligence she
had, she spoke.
"Can I bring something?"
"Of course."
"Just know that I would never do that. If I wanted an
abortion, I would have done it before I hit three months
and not now."

The doctor just nodded and Eana stood up.

"Thank you." She walked out leaving Sylvester there as
her heart broke a million times. Abortion pills.
Sylevester quickly followed and pulled her hand.
"Let go of me."
"Eana…talk to me."
"I-I just need space. Can you give me that?"
"I don't believe you did it." She smiled a bit. At least he
had faith in her.
"Okay. I'll take a cab and I'll call you."

It was still morning and she wanted ti be fast with it.

"Okay." He kissed her head.
"I'll be at your mother's place later to see you."
She nodded and she stepped back. She breathed out
and walked out, still leaving her there.


Gofaone had been going to work as usual and had

heard nothing from Eana. She usually got updates on
her life and also statuses.

Her phone rang on her desk and she looked at Eana's

name flashing on the screen. She took a deep breath,
it's not like Eana was that smart anyway. She swallowed
down the guilt and smiled answering.
"Hi girl, how are you?"
"I'm good and you? You've been quiet the past few
"I've just been out on holiday. A short trip to Kasane to
relax after a scare I had."

Gofaone's heart pounded in her chest.

"A scare?"
"Ng. I almost lost my baby, but he's good now and I'm
home. Syl demanded I stay in bed and I'm lonely. Would
you like to come by?"

Gofaone touched her forehead. If she sais no, she'd be

suspicious and by the looks of it, Sylvester hadn't told
her that he knew her so she was probably safe and she
didn't lose the baby. That was all that mattered.
"Pearl? Are you there?"
"Uhm, yes. I can be able to pass by around lunch."
Eana giggled.
"Okay. Bring food or anything. Love you."
Pearl swallowed the guilt down and said that back.
The call disconnected and she looked around her office,
her superiors said they'd consider her transfer but it was
going to take a while.
After seeing Eana, she was cutting her off immediately.
She breathed in and out. The baby was okay.

Meanwhile in Eana's office, Eana took the takeaway that

had everything they had from their meals. She took the
ones she had been eating from and drinking from.

It was starting to make sense. Maybe Gofaone aka

Pearl wanted Sylvester and Eana wa stupid enough to
allow her close to her.

Sbe closed her eyes, missing the days where her sister
was her best friend and they shared everything. Before
she was saying mean thing to Ranewa in her choice of
men. Her sister was happy and here she was, lost her

Tears filled her eyes and she sniffed as she walked out
of the office with the items.

She needed to drop them at the doctor's office so they

could test the food. That was the last meal she had
before everything went south.

Queen Of Hearts

At Sylvester's House

Eana went to his house after she dropped the items at

the hospital and explained to the doctor what she
thought might have happened. Pearl was a doctor and
she had access to all kinds of drugs, and she ate the
food she had brought before she felt pains hours later.

She went through his stuff and she found a gun. She
took her phone to check how to see if it's loaded. It was.
She breathed in and out. She was not going to use it,
she was just going to talk. Like a sane person.

She sat in the sitting room and waited for Pearl to show
up. What if she also called in Sylvester? She'll call him
after Pearl arrives. Giving her plenty of time to talk.

With time still in her hands, she called her sister.

"Ea, hi. How are you feeling?"
Eana blinked tears. How was Ranewa still sympathetic
towards her after everything?
"Are you crying? I'm so sorry I couldn't be there but the
whole family was. I hope you pull through."
"What if I never have kids again?"
"You will. Pula is resting now and you also need to know
it isn't your fault. You'll have more kids one day."
"I'm sorry."
She sniffed, holding the gun. She looked at it and even
killing herself wasn't a bad prospect.
"What for? Ea, get some rest okay? I'll call you later."

The call cut and she sniffed as she heard the intercom
ring. She placed the gun under the cushion and went to
press the button to open the gate. She moved the
curtains and she saw Pearl's car. The gate closed and
she breathed out, looking at her dress. Minutes later
there was a door knock.
"Come in."

Pearl opened the door holding the takeaway bag and

she could see that Eana had been crying.
"What's wrong?"

Eana smiled through tears and shook her head, sitting

down and placing a cushion quickly over her stomach.
"Just hormones."
"What did you bring?"
"Your favourite meals ever."

Eana smiled. What did she do to this girl? She didn't do

a thing to her and she took the one thing she had been
happy for. She could have took Sylvester, being a single
mother wouldn't have hurt her in any capacity but she
took her baby. Her baby. An innocent baby.

Gofaone placed the food on the table and Eana quickly

pressed her phone to send Sylvester a message that
she was at his place. He was obviously going to come


Gofaone blinked.
"Eana, what's going on?"
"Why did you do that to me? Ke go irile eng?"

And that's when Eana could smell it. The perfume that
had been on Sylvester's clothes. This girl had been
using a different perfume when she met her and sh-
She shook her head, getting angry all over again.
"Pearl or is it Gofaone?"
Gofaone froze, she knew…
Eana removed the cushion from her stomach and she
slid her hand under the other cushion, to hold the gun.
"You did this."
Gofoane tried to play it cool.
"What are you talking about?"

Eana stood up taking the gun and pointed it at her.

Gofaone screamed and Eana smiled.
"If you scream, I shoot and you leave here in a body
bag. All your efforts would have been in vain, you see?"
Gofaone held back tears as Eana held the trigger.
"Why did you kill my baby? I didn't even know you and
you decided to play God with my child's life?"
Eana heard the gate open. Gofoane looked at the door.
"Try it and see if I'll shoot. Ga o ye gone wena!"(You are
not going anywhere)

Gofoane cried.
"I love Sylvester."
"If you had took him and not my child maybe it would
have been better but you killed my baby."
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry is not going to bring him back you b*tch!"

Gofoane brought her hands together like she was

"I'm so sorry. Forgive me."

The gate closed and less than a minute later, the door
opened. Sylvester paused in his tracks.
"Sit down!"

He tentatively sat down.

"Why and how did you do it?"
She asked Gofaone again and Gofaone wiped her tears.
"I saw you with him. You are prettier than me and I
couldn't believe he'd settle for you, I mad either my
mission to be your friend to get to him but then you were
pregnant and the baby was the closest thing and if you
lose the baby, you lose the connection to him."

Eana wiped her tears with one hand as Sylvester's

mouth dropped. His gut had been right and had he
followed it, maybe his girlfriend wouldn't have lose their
"And I put pills in your food. I regretted it after because
Sylvester would never love me. I'm so sorry.."

Gofaone cried and Eana wasn't moved by the fake

tears. She lost her baby and all Gofoane was doing was
crying? She'll never get to see or hold her baby.

Sylevester saw her ready to pull the trigger and didn't

want her to do anything she might regret. He'll deal with
Gofaone but he didn't Eanaxs hands to get dirty.

"Eana, put the gun down!"

"No!" She wiped her tears with one hand as she held the
"No. Life is not worth living at the point and it's all
because of you!"

She pointed the gun at her target.

"After you, then I'll also die. I am not going to jail."
"Eana! Please, ke a go kopa!"(I'm begging you!)

She shook her head, slightly trembling as she held the

gun with both hands and fired the first shot.

The gun recoiled and she nearly lost her balance.

"Eana, hand me that gun!" Sylevester tried to take the
gun from her but she pulled the trigger and it shot his
chest. He stepped back, as Gofaone bled on the floor
and Sylvester placed a hand over his chest.

Eana stepped back, tears in her eyes as she dropped

the gun. Gofoane cried in pain as her arm bled. She
couldn't even feel it and she was losing a lot of blood.
She closed her eyes, as she blacked out.

Eaana fell to her knees and crouched by his side, his

chest bleeding profusely. Tears filled her eyes.
"Syl? Stay alive for me, I'm so sorry."

Queen Of Hearts


That same day

Itumeleng parked her car by the mall. After the hectic

few days, she needed a breather. Her daughter was not
yet back home. She looked at the range rover and
thought nothing of it as she headed to the shops.
She passed by the Marcels and she stopped by to buy
some ice cream and then head to any fast food
restaurant to buy food. Or maybe she should buy books
for Ranewa? She waw heading to UK after her own
exams in November and she was going to be spending
the holidays there. She was excited. It would be her first
time out of the country ever since she was born, of
course she was going there for her daughter but it could
also be a holiday for her and she'd be a free woman by

The silver fox from a few days ago, passed Marcels

while holding paper bags from the store he was from. He
stopped in his tracks and backtracked. It was her. He
smiled, his blue eyes shining with hope as he walked
towards her. He took a seat next to her.

Itumeleng lifted her eyes at him as she placed her spoon

"Uhm, hi."
"Hi. Glad I saw you again."

She held his blue gaze for a few seconds before she
looked at her spoon.
"I'm Austin."
She looked up at him.
"Itumeleng." He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Itu..say it slowly."

He chuckled and he tried to pronounce her name as she

did but failed. Itumeleng ended up laughing too.
"Okay, forget it."
He was taken with her, her smile and voice. Now he
could ask for her number.
"How have you been since the last time we met, you
seemed so stressed."
She ate her ice cream silently for a few minutes before
she spoke.
"My daughter lost her baby."
He placed his hand on the table and nodded
sympathetically at her.
"I'm sorry."
"She'll be okay. We'll be okay, it's tough on her but we'll
be fine."
"If you want to talk-"
"I have a therapist for that, thank you for the offer
He chuckled.
She shook her head with a smile.

At Sylvester's House

Eana had Panicked and called the ambulance. She had

hid the gun in her handbag and held tears as the
ambulance sirens could be heard. She couldn't care any
less about Gofaone, she wasn't dead. She was
concerned about Sylevester.
"Hey babe, stay with me. Please."

She begged as he blinked a couple of times. As long as

he was still breathing. She pressed the button to open
the gate as the sirens rang closer.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she stood up, pacing

the room that had the metallic smell of blood. Teats filled
her eyes. She didn't mean to hurt him, she hadn't been
thinking when she pulled the trigger the second time.

The paramedics rushed into the house and she moved

back as Gofaone was picked up.
"She's still breathing!" One of them said and then the
other crouched down to check Sylvester's pulse.
"Weak but he's alive. Let's go!"
They quickly picked him up and the other paramedic
looked at her.
"What happened?"
She held back tears. If she speaks, she goes to jail.
"I-I found the scene like that."

The woman suspiciously looked at Eana but she would

believe that. The police will deal with this later.
"Okay, they are both being taken to the hospital."

She nodded and rubbed her tears. She quickly grabbed

her bag and Sylvester's car keys so she can follow them
in the car.

She placed her head on the steering wheel the minute

she got inside the car. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks
and she had to take deep breaths.


At Airport Junction

Itumeleng laughed as Austin walked her to her car.

"I'm not looking for a relationship right now."
He slid his hands in his pockets.
"Okay. We can be friends."
She raised an eyebrow.
"And I don't mind being friends with you Itu." She
giggled at the way he kept saying her name..she was
tired of correcting him.
"Okay. Friends it is."
He extended his hand so she can shake it and she did.
"Friends have each other's number."

She felt a flutter in her stomach. Just friends. She gave

him her number. Even if he doesn't call, she had a good
day and it was time to go home and step back into the
reality which was her life.
"Thank you." She unlocked the car and he went ahead
to open the car door for her.
"Thank you. Bye."
"Bye bye Itumeleng." He closed the door once she was
inside and stepped back so she could reverse out of the
parking spot.

She waved at him and he waved back. He was sure,

she was the one. Maybe he went through what he went
through to meet her. He believed so much in fate and it
genuinely had to be fate that they met.

At the hospital

It was already close to evening, Eana was in the waiting

room. It seemed as Gofoane was fine, she didn't care
about that one and Sylvester was going to be fine. His
parents had been called and it had been her biting her
tongue, unable to explain what happened.

The doctor walked out and looked at them.

"Mr Gomolemo is fine, stable. We managed to remove
the bullet, it wasn't in too deep and it was inches away
from his heart."
She breathed out a sign of relief.
"You can see him."

She looked at his parents. Wanting them to go in first.

Mrs Gomolemo gestured to the door, Eana stood up and
she walked inside the room. He blinked his eyes looking
at her. She covered her mouth and rubbed her tears.

She nearly ended his life but God, he still loved her.
Even more than life itself.
"I'm sorry." She walled to the bed and sat on the chair,
taking his hand.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that, i-"
She rubbed her tears and looked at him. He squeezed
her hand tightly. He'll clear the case, Gofaone wouldn't
dare report, not with her having killed their child. He
breathed out. He'll do all that once he's out of the

She kissed his head.

"I'm sorry."
"I love you."
He whispered and closed his eyes to sleep. She
breathed out.
"I love you too."

She held his hand tight and looked up. She didn't know
what the future held for her or even the family. If
everything will be okay but she'll be hopeful.


Queen Of Hearts

Five years later

At the Scott's new house

Jace held his deck of cards that had Hearts on it and

Ranewa fixed her silk gown as she held her own deck of
She placed the first card down and he kept his gaze on
"You won't see my deck of cards mme." Her ring
glittered and he bit his lip. He placed the first card on the
table, saving his Queen of hearts for later. He smiled, he
had his queen of hearts right in front of him with the
cutest smile and some lady lingerie playing cards with
him in the middle of the night while their two kids slept.
This was everything.

Did he mention that she was a doctor? Doctor of

statistics and he's never been so proud like he was of
her and when she walked to the podium? She was
already a crying mess. It was her one and only
graduation where she walled to the podium in heels and
a smile that would never be dimmed.

She placed another card down.

"Let me see your cards, you are still going to win."
She got up from where she was sitting to straddle him
and he laughed.
"That's cheating."
She shrugged.
"Tla ke bone."(let me see)
He rubbed her back and she threw her cards across the
"See? Ha gone mosola."(it's of no use)
She took his and it was all hearts.
"You were going to lose."
He chuckled and pecked her lips. She talked too much.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, wrapping her
legs around his torso.
"I love you autwe?"
"I love you too Mrs Scott."

She held his eyes.

"You said I'd never regret the day I called you mine and
guess what? I still don't. The past few years with you,
twelve years with you have been nothing short of love
and bliss."
He kissed her lips and shed her silk gown.
"And we still have years ahead of us, I love taking care
of you and catering to your needs Ranewa."
Tears filled her eyes.
"Back at the hospital and you did all of that for me."
"I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

She placed her hand over his heart, hearing his

heartbeat everyday was a blessing especially knowing
he had a heart condition. He was her superhero and he
damn well knew it.

Their lips touched and she opened her mouth for him as
he thrust his tongue inside and their tongues overlapped
as he held the back of her head to push her more into
the kiss. She let out a moan, nails scratching his
tattooed chest. Jace used his other hand to undo his
pants and she helped him.
"Sit on it…"He groaned against her lips.

She shifted her panties to the side as she did so, taking
each inch torturously slow, her breath hitching as she
held onto him. Jace thrust upwards and she threw her
head back.


The following morning

Ranewa was woken up by kisses on her face and she
opened her eyes to look at her almost five year old.
"Hey baby."
She smiled as she held the sheets, to hide her chest
area. Her five year old noticed the bruised spots on her
mother's chest.
Little Rafiwa touched the hickeys and Ranewa made a
mental note to tell her husband to stop with the visible
"What's this?"

The door opened and Jace walked in, all sweaty from
his workout session and morning football practice with
"Rafiwan why are you questioning my wife?" Rafiwa
giggled and jumped on the bed, sitting next to her
mother and touched the hickeys.
"Mama is hurt."
Jace looked at Ranewa and he raised his hands walking
to the bathroom. Ranewa glared at him. He was leaving
her with his quizzical daughter?
"It's nothing baby, I'll be okay."
Rafiwa touched again, her small fingers pressing the
"Is it painful?"
"Ng ng."
"O sure mama?"
"Ee mma." Ranewa kissed her forehead. "I'm sure my
baby. Let me get dressed and we go make breakfast
Rafiwa held her mother's cheeks like she saw her father
do and kissed her forehead. Ranewa laughed softly
closing her eyes.
"I love you mommy."
"I love you my angel."

She got off the bed.

"Daddy?" She shouted for her father.
"Yes princess?"
"I'm going."
"Ee mma."

Rafiwa ran out of the room and Ranewa got up,

wrapping the sheet around her to go close the door and
locked it.
"I hate you."
"Come join me and show me how much you hate me."
She laughed as she released the sheet, walking stark
naked to the bathroom.

With life, certain things happen for a reason. If only Ituxs

mini copy knew how good her life would get, girl
wouldn't have been crying corner to corner over things
that she couldn't control. Her love was with her, still
strong. Her family happy and her content with all her
achievements. Her siblings the most supportive bunch,
afterall challenges only make you stronger right?

Ranewa joined him and hugged him tight as the water

coveted their naked bodies. Content.


At Kopano's house

Kopano watched Kaylor do some painting with her

mother. He was complete. This was every man's dream.
A happy family home and everything.
Palesa looked up at him with a grin.
"Babe, join us!"
"Papa please!"
He can never say no to his girls. He got up and rolled up
his sleeves as he sat down. They were painting
nonsense but it made them so happy and it was all that
mattered. He kissed her cheeks.
"What are we painting?"
He asked little Kaylor and she giggled, dipping her hand
in the paint and placing it on the blank paper.
"I love it!" He encouraged and she grinned, her smile the
same one Palesa had.

His heart was at peace, he was never going to be the

man his father had been. His kids would know love and
only happiness in his house. They would know family
sticks together through thick and thin. That family is

That love shines through everything and somehow

makes the world better.

He kissed Kaylor's nose and then his wife's lips.

"Mama! Papa! Noo!"
Palesa laughed as she looked at her girl scrunching her
nose. She touched Kaylor's nose as Kopano held her
waist softly. He wondered how she couldn't realise she
was expecting another bundle of joy. He smiled and
picked the paint brush.


At Sylvester's House

Eana hid her face with her eyes as her baby girl laughed
and giggled. She wondered if her siblings would be
open to babysitting. She wanted to go out with her

That thought alone made her smile. Ever since that

incident, she has never crossed paths with Gofaone. It
was for the best and she did get her anger out. The
nursery door opened and Sylvester scooped up
"Hey baby girl." She saw his ring on his finger and that
made her so happy all the time. She got up and he
lowered his head to kiss her lips.
"Hi buttercup."
"Hi." He lifted their daughter and she was in a fit of
giggles and laughter.
It had taken her time to work things out with her siblings
but they were fine and stronger than ever. Her life was
everything she had wished for. Complete.

A booming business, a husband, a child and family that

loved each other just as fiercely. She was happy to say,
she got her best friend back. Not that one who killed her
child, her sister.

Earning her trust had taken time but they were close
again and she had been the best lady at her wedding.
Seeing Ranewa walk again too after so long had been
an emotional moment for almost everyone. She
deserved that and more.

"Where's your mind at?" Sylvester asked.

"Just thinking of life and how good it's still going to get."
He chuckled and kissed her head.
"As long as I have you by my side."
"Always baby."

She smiled and looked at their daughter.

At Some private Island

Itumeleng sipped on some cocktail, the umbrellas in the

drink and all as she watched Austin swim in the ocean.
She removed her shades with a smile.

Her kids were happy and united, she was on holiday and
taking a break from grandmother and mother duty. Her
grandkids were a bit too much especially Rafiwa. She
always had to ask a question and she probably got her
parent's big brain because why was a five year old
asking about everything. Kaylor, Kopano and Palesa's
little girl was such a sweetheart, reserved like Kopano
used to be and at least Eana and Sylvester's little girl
was less than a year old but she was such a crier. Cried
over everything, reminding her of Ranewa when she
was a child. Jude and Rafiwa probably took after
Moemedi because they were calm babies.

Speaking of Moemedi, she did get an invitation to

Botshelo's wedding lunch.

She had smiled and was happy he moved on, he was a

better man now and maybe it had meant to be that they
didn't work. Imagine, after all the heartache she partly
put Ranewa through. She regretted that but their family
was way past that.
Austin picked her up and she laughed.
"Come join me in the water.."
She flailed her legs as he half ran to the water with her
and threw her in the water as she screamed in glee.
He swam to her and wrapped his arms around her waist,
kissing her neck.
"I love you."
She held his cheek, the water flowing around them and
the peace surrounding them.
"I love you too."
"If someone had told me I'd meet the love of my life after
fifty, I would not believe them."
He said and she kissed his lips.
"Well believe it."

Their children got along so well too and it was one big
happy family, sometimes family holidays where possible
and she loved it. They took time for themselves too. Her
children had been accepting of Austin and were so
happy for them too. The little beach wedding they had
two years ago was beautiful and Rafiwa had been the
flower girl, her girls her bridesmaids. She couldn't stop
bawling her eyes out on that day.
"This is perfect."
"More than perfect."

But that was the thing with the queen of hearts,

everywhere she went she captured people's hearts.

Life had maybe dealt with her badly at times, made a

few mistakes that she heavily paid for but she got right
back up. She had a lot of love to give and get, that's just
how her life was. Love always found her and love
somehow knew her address and this man, the blue eyed
silver fox was her happy ending. The grandchildren and
children, her life and everything. She was content. If only
eighteen year old her had known this would be her life,
she would have not been so devasted st the challenges
that were on her way.

Someway or another, everyone gets a happy ending. It's

only a matter of when.

***************THE END***************

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