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Max Marks:40 Max Time:1.30 Hrs




1. Which of the following is a natural playing Surface

a. Cinder b. Astrotarf c. Poly grass d. Wood
2. After completing M.P.Ed you can teach classes?
a. I to VIII b. VI to VIII c. I to V d. XI to XII
3. The first modern Olympic games standed in
a. 1894 b. 1996 c. 1896 d. 1898
4. The world Altius in the Olympic motto means
a. Faster b. Higher c. Heavier d. Stronger



5. Define Physical Education

6. What are the advantages of using technology in Sports
7. What is the full form of NCTE
8. What is Khelo India Programme
9. What do you understand by Olympism
10. Illustrate the concepts of fair play with sports examples
11. Write down the eligibility conditions of a competitor in ancient Olympics



12. What are the objective of Physical Education?

13. Explain the Physical Education development in India after Independence
14. Classify various playing Surfaces in Sports
15. Explain different kinds of Physical Education academic courses available
in India
16. Write a note on the Principle of Olympism
17. Differentiate between modern and Ancient Olympic game
18. Explain how Yoga can help in active life style and Stress Management?
Max Marks:40 Max Time:1.30 Hrs
Fill in the blanks: 1*5=5
1. which type of test may be used to test social behavior_________
2. Collection of score sheet is a______ function.
3. Skinfold technique is used to measure_________
4. The moment of air into and out of the lungs_______
5. The heart is made up of_________
Answer the following questions: 2*10=20
1. Explain Psychomotor test with an example?
2. Explain pre planning of test administration.
3. What is Overweight and obesity?
4. Name the four main classification of bones.
5. What are the two basic classification of a joint?
6. What is a muscle? List the major types of muscles.
7. Write down the properties of cardiac muscles.
8. Define respiration?
9. Define circulatory system.
10. What is BMI
Answer the following questions in 150 words in any three qustions: 3*5=15
1. Discuss the classification of tests with suitable example.
2. Discuss Test administration guidelines by giving suitable example?
3. Write about the types of synovial joints in details with suitable examples?
4. What are the functions of the heart.

Max Marks:40 Max Time:1.30 Hrs
Fill in the blanks: 1*5=5
1. which type of test may be used to test social behavior_________
2. Collection of score sheet is a______ function.
3. Skinfold technique is used to measure_________
4. The moment of air into and out of the lungs_______
5. The heart is made up of_________
Answer the following questions: 2*10=20
1. Explain Psychomotor test with an example?
2. Explain pre planning of test administration.
3. What is Overweight and obesity?
4. Name the four main classification of bones.
5. What are the two basic classification of a joint?
6. What is a muscle? List the major types of muscles.
7. Write down the properties of cardiac muscles.
8. Define respiration?
9. Define circulatory system.
10. What is BMI
Answer the following questions in 150 words in any three qustions: 3*5=15
1. Discuss the classification of tests with suitable example.
2. Discuss Test administration guidelines by giving suitable example?
3. Write about the types of synovial joints in details with suitable examples?
4. What are the functions of the heart.
Max Marks:40 Max Time:1.30 Hrs

Fill in the blanks: 1*5=5

1. which type of test may be used to test social behavior_________
2. Collection of score sheet is a______ function.
3. Skinfold technique is used to measure_________
4. The moment of air into and out of the lungs_______
5. The heart is made up of_________

Answer the following questions: 2*10=20

1. Explain Psychomotor test with an example?
2. Explain pre planning of test administration.
3. What is Overweight and obesity?
4. Name the four main classification of bones.
5. What are the two basic classification of a joint?
6. What is a muscle? List the major types of muscles.
7. Write down the properties of cardiac muscles.
8. Define respiration?
9. Define circulatory system.
10. What is BMI

Answer the following questions in 150 words in any three qustions: 3*5=15
1. Discuss the classification of tests with suitable example.
2. Discuss Test administration guidelines by giving suitable example?
3. Write about the types of synovial joints in details with suitable examples?
4. What are the functions of the heart.

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