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HR Metrics - Resource Sheet

Copyright © 2020, Ripples Learning Services | All Rights Reserved




HR Analytics is helping businesses drive intelligent people initiatives backed

with data. Here is a valuable HR Metrics Resource sheet to help you
calculate some of the Metrics that Matter.

Copyright © 2020, Ripples Learning Services | All Rights Reserved


Talent Acquisition Metrics

Cost per hire

= All recruiting and HR staffing costs / Number of new hires

Yield ratio
= (No. of applicants who accepted a job offer / Total no. of offers made

Selection ratio
= No. of hired candidates / Total no. of candidates

Vacancy percentage
= Total no. of open positions / Total no. of positions in organization

Copyright © 2020, Ripples Learning Services | All Rights Reserved


Talent Acquisition Metrics

First year turnover rate

= Employees who left the organization within 1 year / Total no. of recruits

Applicants per opening

= (No. of applicants who accepted a job offer / Total no. of offers made

Selection ratio
= No. of hired candidates / Total no. of candidates

Hiring manager satisfaction

= No. of new hires who perform well / Total no. of hires

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Talent Acquisition Metrics

Time to fill
= No. of days between publishing a job opening and hiring a candidate

Sourcing channel cost

= Spending per channel / No. of successful applicants per chanel

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Compensation & Benefits Metrics

Compensation cost per employee

= Total compensation cost / Total no. of employees

Compensation cost as part of revenue

= Total compensation cost / Total organizational revenue

Salary hike percentage

= (Current salary - Salary previous year) / Salary previous year

Overtime percentage
= Overtime pay amount / Total payroll

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Compensation & Benefits Metrics

Billable hours
= Billable hours / total hours worked

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Employee Engagement Metrics

Absenteeism rate
= Number of absent days / Total number of working days

NPS (Net Promoter Score)

= (No. of promotors - No. of detractors) / Total no. of respondents

Talent turnover
= Employee of high potentials leaving / Employees strength at the beginning

Job Satisfaction Rate

= Number of people who report being satisfied / Total number of respondents

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Talent Development Metrics

Learning Effectiveness
= Training expenses per employee / Training effectiveness

= Net benefits / Total cost

Learnning expense per employee

= Training expenses / Total expenses

Participation rate
= No. of participants / Total no. of nominations

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HR Performance Metrics

Revenue per employee

= Total revenue / Total no. of employees

Profit per employee

= Total profit / Total no. of employees

Cost of HR per employee

= Total HR salary and benefits / No. of employees

Time to productivity
= Date new hire hit the target (as defined in the PMS) - New hire start date

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HR Performance Metrics

HR to employee ratio
= FTE working in HR / Total no. of FTE

Above average performance

= No. of employees rated above average / All employees

Promotion rate
= No. of employees promoted / No. of employees

Time until promotion

= Average time (in months or yrs) until promotion

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HR Performance Metrics

Average length of service

= Length of service of all headcount / No. of employees

Absence rate per department

= No. of absence days per unit / Total no. of working days per unit

Job alignment
= No. of goals aligned / All work activities and goals

= No. (or value) of successful produt or process ideas / Total no. of suggestions

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Copyright © 2020, Ripples Learning Services | All Rights Reserved


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