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Starlight 5.

Test “Module 6” A

Ex. 1. a) Put the items in the correct category:

Air Road Sea Rail

train, ship, ferry, scooter, car, airplane, coach, gondola, van, tram

b) Match the words:

1. go a) an elephant
2. go sightseeing b) in a camper van
3. ride c) on an open-top double-decker bus
4. drive d) camping
5. travel e) a quad bike

Ex. 2. Underline the correct word:

1. Helen has never/ever been to Italy.
2. We have already/yet bought the plane tickets.
3. Have you been on the sightseeing tour yet/just?
4. Madeleine has since/just missed her flight.
5. I haven't ridden a bike since/for I was a child.

Ex. 3. Put the verbs into Present Perfect.

1. Susan … (visit) Barcelona three times this year.
2. Jane … (leave) for her two-month holiday around Latin America.
3. She … (not / see) The Lord of the Rings.
4. He (not / meet) my mother.
5. … (you / go) to Australia?

Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
1 They … (leave) for Russia last night.
2 We … (already/book) the tickets.
3 … (you/ever/be) abroad?
4 He's tired. He …(just/finish) work.
5 Maria … (travel) abroad last year.

Ex. 5. Answer the questions.

1. What gadgets do you use?
2. How do you use these gadgets?
Starlight 5. Test “Module 6” B

Ex. 1. a) Put the items in the correct category:

Air Road Sea Rail

tram, canoe, taxi, bike, helicopter, boat, train, airplane, lorry, bus

b) Match the words:

1. cycle a) in a helicopter
2. sail b) across the country
3. fly over a place c) on a yacht
4. dive d) down a mountain
5. ski e) with sharks

Ex. 2. Underline the correct word:

1. Have you since/ever been diving with sharks?
2. I haven't been camping for/since three years.
3. I've never/ever seen that film.
4. Have you never/ever visited China?
5. Leonid has just/for come back from Moscow.

Ex. 3. Put the verbs into Present Perfect.

1. Of all the hotels we … (stay) in so far, this is the best one.
2. James and Lilly … (travel) to most countries around Europe.
3. You … (not / study) French for ten years.
4. They (not / be) in London for six months.
5. … (he / meet) your family yet?

Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
1. Boris … (not/arrive) yet.
2. We … (move) to Rome last year.
3. Nestor … (go) bungee jumping last summer.
4. Peter … (ride) a camel last year.
5. Vera … (cycle) across the country many times.

Ex. 5. Answer the questions.

3. What gadgets do you use?
4. How do you use these gadgets?

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