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B.Sc. Agriculture Hons. (Agricultural Informatics)

Course Teacher-Prof. Vimal Patel

Course No.: AG. STAT.- 1.1. Credit Hours: 2 + 1

Spread Sheet: -
A Spreadsheet is application software, which is divided in to rows and
column. It is mostly use for calculation purpose like preparing salary sheet balance
sheet It provide for automatic calculation which menus if any data is change the
result automatically changes It also you to perform detail analysis or data spread
sheets are first and accurate roots for performing complete data analysis. The
spreadsheet also allows up to represent the data with the help of a graph. Some of
the popular spreadsheets packages are lotus123, FoxPro, excel etc. MS excel is
window base spread sheet It can be use for a verity applications.

Features of Excel :-

Automatic number formatting. Automatic summation and calculation.

(2) Automatic work sheet formatting (3) Function wizard.
(4) Variety of Built in spell checking (5) Short cut menus
(6) Drag and drop work sheet rearrangement (7) Chart
(8) "What if " analysis database management.


When you launch Excel, the Excel application window opens with a new Excel
workbook. A workbook is a multi-page Excel document. Each page in the
workbook is called a worksheet, and the active worksheet is displayed in the
document window.
Work Sheet

A work sheet is large planning form made up of row, columns and cells separated
by a grid lines. The horizontal section is called row. There are rows numbered
from 1 to 65536 and The vertical division is called column. Columns named as
from A to Z double AA to AZ. the last column is IV. Total columns are 256.
The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell.

Active cell : It is a dark rectangle dialog box is seen on the screen. An active is the
cell in which we can started typing a data in excel.

Cell Address : In MS Excel every cell has a particular address known as Cell
Address. Cell Address is required so that each cell can be uniquely identified. Cell
Address, consists of the Column letter(A,B,C..) and Row number(1,2,3..) that
intersect at the cell's location. For eg. Cell address B5 referred as B column and 5th

Formulas :-
Formula are powerful feature is spread sheet formula establishment
relationship between two or more cells you can use formula for performing
calculation involving addition subtraction multiplication and division formula are
also the key to performing complex scientific and statistical operation formulas are
store in cell like data however they display the result of the calculation in the cell
rather than data.
Formula is an expression that calculates the value of a cell.

For example, =A2+A2+A3+A4 is a formula that adds up the values in cells A2 to


Function is a predefined formula already available in Excel. Functions perform
specific calculations in a particular order based on the specified values, called
arguments, or parameters.

Graph/Chart: -

A Graph provide a visual representation of the value contain on work sheet.

Garph can help in decision making and for comparison you create several kind of
chart in such as bar, column, line, pie etc.

The steps to create a chart
(1) Select the cells that you want to contain the data that you want to appear in
tool bar a chart.
(2) Click on chart wizard button from the standard tool bar it will display dialog
box of chart type.
(3) Select the main chart type and select the chart sub type on the right hand side.
(4) Click on next when you have select the chart type.
It will display dialog box of chart either in column or row wise it will take a
range which we have selected as me range of chart series will in the columns
if the field of the data list are of the different column and series will be in
rows if the field of the data list are in the different rows.
(5) Click on next when you give the chart source data it will display the title table
and give and various titles like chart X axis and Y axis titles click on the axis
option if you want to give / remove the value shows on X and Y axis the show
on X and Y axis.
The grid line option table will allow you to give / remove the grid lines from
the chart.
The legend allow to give or remove legend to the chart can be place bellow
above on left right of the chart depending on the option you have selected.

Data Table :- If the option is on the data base on which the chart is down will also
displayed along with chart.

Click on next :- Choosing option It will display the dialog box chart location you
can select weather you want the chart to appear different sheet or as object on the
already existing sheet the existing sheet may can be selected from drop from list.
Once this is done click on finish the chart will appear when a work you have
selected the option.

Different types of Graph/Chart

1) Bar Graphs :
2) Line Graphs
3) Scatter Plot Graphs
4) Pie Charts
5) Area charts
6) Bubble charts
7) Surface charts
8) Doughnut charts

What is Powerpoint Presentation?

A PowerPoint Presentation is a technique used to communicate ideas, important

information or message to group of individuals. It is prepared by creating a number
of slides using some Presentation software. The slides constituting a Presentation
may contain text, pictures, sound, movies etc.
Benefits of Using a Powerpoint Presentation
There are number of benefits of using Presentation. Given below is a list of some
of the important advantages of electronic Presentations:
 A Presentation may be useful in company meeting for sharing ideas among
group member.
 Electronic Presentations are also useful in teaching and understanding
different courses in academic institutions.
 Multimedia Presentation can incorporate text, colored pictures, graphs,
sound and animation. Hence, ideas may be communicated very effectively.
Now a day we use multimedia systems. They have capabilities to handle
text, audio and video information.
 it can also be use for project overview, training , etc.
 Presentation software packages allow printing of slides on transparencies.

Presentations are normally used to increase understanding of various issues and

topics in driver’s areas.

Modern Presentation software packages offer several attractive facilities. Some of

the important facilities are given below.
 It is possible to create slides with various layouts. the layouts may contain
text, pictures, charts, sounds, animation, etc. Large numbers of design
features are supported.
 Presentations can import word processed files, spreadsheets, images, among
different types of objects.
 It is possible to format slides from a template, so that we may concentrate on
the content of the slides rather than appearance, while preparing them.
 Presentation can be easily reorganized.
 Printing outlines or snapshots of slides is also possible.

Layouts contain formatting, positioning, and placeholders for all of the content that
appears on a slide. Placeholders are the containers in layouts that hold such content
as text (including body text, bulleted lists, and titles), tables, charts, SmartArt
graphics, movies, sounds, pictures, and clip art. layouts also contain the theme
(colors, fonts, effects, and the background) of a slide.
Different Types of Layout are as follow :-
1) The Title Slide : When you open a new presentation in PowerPoint 2010, the
program assumes that you will begin your slide show with a Title slide.
Adding a title and subtitle to this slide layout is as easy as clicking in the text
boxes provided and typing.
2) Title and Content : The Title and Content slide layout is use to give title and
text content. You can also add bulleted list in content layout. In this layout
instead of text you can add multi-media contents also, example Table, chart ,
Smartart, Picture, Clip art, Media art, etc.
3) Section Header - Use this slide type to separate different sections of the
same presentation, rather than use an additional Title slide. It can also be
used as an alternate to the Title slide layout.
4) Two Content - Use this slide layout if you wish to show text in addition to a
graphic content type.
5) Comparison - Similar to the Two Content slide layout, but this slide type
also includes a heading text box over each type of content. Use this type of
slide layout to -
->compare two types of the same content type (for example - two different
->show text in addition to a graphic content type
6) Title Only - Use this slide layout if you want to place only a title on the page,
rather than a title and subtitle. You can then insert other types of objects
such as clip art, WordArt, pictures or charts if desired.
7) Blank - A blank slide layout is often used when a picture or other graphic
object that needs no further information, will be inserted to cover the whole
8) Content with Caption - Content (most often a graphic object such as a chart
or picture) will be placed on the right side of the slide. The left side allows
for a title and text to describe the object.
9) Picture with Caption - The upper part of the slide is used to place a picture.
Under the slide you can add a title and descriptive text if desired.

Transition is an effect that happens between each photo, slide, or video clip. For
example, a fade transition can be used to fade in or out of each picture in a slide
The transitions can be adjusted in Microsoft PowerPoint by clicking on the
Transitions tab.
 Once in the Transitions section you'll see each of the available Transitions
and can click the down arrows to scroll through and view all available
 Clicking on any of the transitions give you an overview of the transition.
 Clicking on Effect Options allows you to change the direction or other
options of the effect.
 Sounds allow you to have a sound on each Transition.
 Duration allows you to increase or decrease the duration or time of the
Examples of different types of transitions

 Blinds - Horizontally or vertically flip over bars like slats in blinds to reveal
next scene.
 Box - Show overview of current scene and rotate it as if it were inside a box
to show next scene.
 Checkerboard - Flip over checkerboard tiles to reveal next scene.
 Clock - Reveal next scene in a clockwise or counterclockwise reveal.
 Conveyor - Move current scene off screen while bringing in next scene like
a conveyor belt.
 Cover - Reveal an overview and then flip the next scene on top of the
 Cube - Show overview of current scene and rotate it as if it was an edge of a
cube to next side to show next scene.
 Cut - Quick cut to next scene.
 Dissolve - Dissolve previous scene to reveal next scene.
 Doors - Split the current scene and open it as if it were a door to reveal next
 Fade - Fade (dissolve) in our out.
 Ferris Wheel - Rotate out current scene followed by next scene in a circular
motion like a Ferris wheel.
 Flash - Camera flash effect to display next scene.
 Flip - Show overview of current scene and flip it around to show next scene
on its back.
 Fly through - Fly through the current scene to show next scene behind
current scene, like zoom effect without removing background.
 Gallery - Show overview of current slide and move to next scene as if you
were looking at art in a gallery.
 Glitter - Dissolve and reveal next slide in an octagon glitter effect.
 Honeycomb - Dissolve and reveal next slide in an octagon honeycomb
 None - Remove or perform no transition, usually this is the default.
 Orbit - Show overview of current scene and rotate it like Box effect but
doesn't remove background.
 Pan - Move the current scene in any direction with the next scene following
 Push - Move the side, picture, or video in the direction of the effect.
 Random bars - Fade out and in with random horizontal or vertical bars.
 Reveal - Fade out and then in with next scene in a direction of your choice.
 Ripple - Create ripples like those in water to reveal next scene.
 Rotate - Rotate the current scene to show the next scene like cube without
removing the background.
 Shape - Fade in or out in the shape of a circle, square, diamond or other
 Shred - Cut the current scene into pieces and move new cut pieces from
next scene into view.
 Split - Dissolve out from the middle or from the edges in depending on the
 Switch - Show current and next scene and switch between the two like cards
in a deck.
 Uncover - Reveal an overview and then flip it away like a page in a book.
 Vortex - Display hundreds of small squares in a tornado vortex effect to
dissolve and reveal next scene
 Window - Open the current scene and have the previous scene come
through like door, but window doesn't remove background.
 Wipe - Dissolve in the direction of the effect.
 Zoom - Zoom in through the current scene to show next scene behind it.

Animation is a set of effects which can be applied to objects in PowerPoint so that
they will animate in the Slide Show Power Point. They can be added under the
Custom Animation function.

All animation in PowerPoint can be divided into four types:

 Entrance
 Emphasis
 Exit
 Motion Path
Entrance : These animations are used to introduce a slide object within a slide. If
a slide was a room, and you were a slide object -- then an entrance animation will
be asking to you entering the room. There are 52 different Entrance Effects.

Emphasis: These animations are used to animate slide objects that are already
present on a slide. Using the same analogy as we used for Entrance animations,
you would already be in the room, and would move from one area in the room to
another -- this would be asking to an Emphasis animation. There are 31 different
Emphasis Effects.

Exit : These animations are used to animate slide objects off a slide. So, if you
were a slide object in a room (slide), then you walking out of the room would be
asking to an Exit animation. There are 52 different Exit Effects.

Motion Path: These animations are similar to Emphasis animations since they are
typically used to move slide objects already on a slide. They are different from
other animations though since motion path animations cause movement set on a
path. This path could be a circle, a line, or anything else.
What is the Internet ?
The internet is a huge collection of computer networks that can
communicate with each other in network of network.
History of an Internet


TCP/IP, or the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, is a suite of

communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet.
TCP/IP can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network
Various Services of TCP/IP

 FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

It is is used to transfer files between an FTP server and another computer. If
you needed to transfer files between two computers, you would use FTP to
do so. FTP is still very popular today when a service requires that a lot of
files be hosted for other to people to download. FTP also tends to be faster
than other contemporary methods of transferring files because it was
designed to do so.
Even more important, FTP support Automatic Resume. This means that if
you are downloading the latest new game demo and for some reason the
download stops in the middle of the transfer, the ftp client will attempt to on
the next download of the same file, to continue from where you left off. This
feature can save you a huge amount of time but is generally only found in
specialized FTP client software and not in your browser software.
To connect to a FTP server with your browser you would prefix the
hostname you are connecting to with the ftp:// protocol statement. For
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
It is the protocol used by the web to transfer hypertext document & other
internet resources. HTTP is a TCP/IP based communication protocol, that
is used to deliver data (HTML files, image files, query results, etc.) on the
World Wide Web. It provides a standardized way for computers to
communicate with each other. HTTP specification specifies how clients'
request data will be constructed and sent to the server, and how the servers
respond to these requests.
There are three basic features that make HTTP a simple but powerful
1) HTTP is connectionless
2) HTTP is media independent
3) HTTP is stateless

 Telnet(TELecommunication NETwok)
It is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area network (LAN)
connections. It is used to provide a bidirectional interactive communications
facility. The user's computer, which initiates the connection, is referred to as
the local computer. The computer being connected to, which accepts the
connection, is referred to as the remote computer. The remote computer
can be physically located in the next room, the next town or in another
The network terminal protocol (TELNET) allows a user to log in on
any other computer on the network. We can start a remote session by
specifying a computer to connect to. From that time until we finish the
session, anything we type is sent to the other computer. The Telnet program
runs on the computer and connects your PC to a server on the network. We
can then enter commands through the Telnet program and they will be
executed as if we were entering them directly on the server console. To start
a Telnet session, we must log in to a server by entering a valid username and
password. Telnet is a common way to remotely control Web servers.
 SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
It is a TCP/IP protocol that specifies how computers exchange electronic
mail. SMTP is used to upload mail directly from the client to an intermediate
host, but only computers constantly connected such as Internet Service
Providers (ISP) to the Internet can use SMTP to receive mail. The ISP
servers then offload the mail to the users to whom they provide the Internet
Working of SMTP : SMTP is a simple ASCII protocol that is based on
client-server model. After establishing the TCP connection, the sending
machine, operating as the client, waits for the receiving machine, operating
as the server, to talk first. The server starts by sending a line of text giving
its identity and telling whether or not it is prepared to receive mail. If it is
not, the client releases the connection and tries again later.

Web Browsers
The web browser is the program which is necessary for surfing the Internet.It is an
application software that allows us to view and explore information on the web.
User can request for any web page by just entering a URL into address bar. Web
browser can show text, audio, video, animation and more. It is the responsibility of
a web browser to interpret text and commands contained in the web page.

Types of Web Browser

1. Internet Explorer : Interet Explorer (IE) by Microsoft is the most popular

Internet browser today. IE was introduced in 1995 and passed Netscape in
popularity in 1998.
2. Netscape :
Netscape was the first commerical Internet browser. It was introduced in 1994.
Netscape has gradully lost its popularity to Internet Explorer.
3. Mozilla :
The Mozilla Project has grown from the ashes of Netscape. Browsers based on
Mozilla code is the second largest browser family on the Internet today,
representing about 20% of the Internet community.
4. Firefox :
Firefox is a new browser from Mozilla. The browser is a very promising and
expected to gain a high market share.
5. Opera
Opera is a Norwegian Internet browser. It is known to be fast and small,
standards compliant and available for many operating systems. OPera is the
perferred browsers for a number of small devices like mobile phones and hand-
held computers.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Every document on the Web has a unique address. This address is known as
Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Several HTML/XHTML tags include a URL attribute value, including hyperlinks,
inline images, and forms. All of them use the same syntax to specify the location of
a web resource, regardless of the type or content of that resource. That's why it is
known a Uniform Resource Locator.

URL Elements : A URL is made of up several parts, each of which offers

information to the web browser to help find the page.
Example :
if you look at the example URL given below, there are three key parts:

1) Scheme: The scheme identifies the type of protocol and URL you are
linking to and therefore, how the resource should be retrieved. For eg: http://
is used to request pages from Web servers and send them back from Web
servers to browsers.
2) Host address: The host address is where a website can be found, either the
IP address or more commonly the domain name for a site such as
3) File path: The filepath always begins with a forward slash character, and
may consist of one or more directory or folder names. Here index.htm is the
filename which is available in html directory.
Domain Name : A domain name is the human-friendly name that we are used to
associating with an internet resource. For instance, "" is a domain
name. Some people will say that the "google" portion is the domain, but we can
generally refer to the combined form as the domain name.
The top-level domain is the furthest portion to the right (as separated by a dot).
Common top-level domains are "com", "net", "org", "gov", "edu", and "io".

E-mail(Electronic Mail)

E-mail is the most widely used feature of the internet. Using E-mail, a user
can send and receive mail through computers to and from any internet user.

E-mail uses networks to transmit text, message, audio and video clips. It
allows to send a message to just one user or a group of users. Users can
read , print, forward, answer or delete a message. E-mail is much cheaper and
faster in comparison to other communication services. Each e-mail user is assigned
a unique address, which is used by the E-mail networks to deliver the message.

Components of E-mail message :

The From Field : Who send it, including the real name and users address.
The To Field : Who the message has been sent to.
The Cc Field : Who else the message has been sent to.
The Bcc Field : Who have been sent blind carbon copies.
The Reply to Field : Where answers should be addressed to.
The Subject Field : What you the sender decided the message is above.
The Subject Field : When the message was created.

Sending & Receiving E-mail :

The message in order to be sent first needs to be composed. Clicking on the
compose or new message button in your mail application can do following.
1. Type in the complete E-mail address of the recipient in the field. If you wish
to send the e-mail to more than one recipient separate the e-mail address with
2. If you wish to send a copy of message to some other person, type in the e-mail
address in the Cc field.
3. In the subject field type in the subject line for the message.
4. In the message section type in the message of the e-mail.
5. After typing in the message, click on the send button to send out the message.
By default all the e-mails come into the Inbox of your mail application
which can be accessed by clicking on the Inbox button in your application
message. In the Inbox all the message are listed showing the details like the sender,
date & time, subject line etc. To read any particular message, double click the

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