Final Evaluation-Survey

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1 At what moment in class were you most engaged as a learner?

I personally do like the group presentation session because it gives a different mood and vibes in
the IPE class as well as knowing the other student's perspectives and opinions.
2 At what moment in class were you most distanced as a learner?
I don't think there is any session that I feel distanced from since in the asynchronous class as well
I can read the materials and try to learn it on my own. The only moment is that I currently still
have a hard time learning about political science, so when there is a focus discussion between
Mrs. Grace or Ms. Syifa with the others, I feel green-eyed for a bit for their knowledge.
3 What action from anyone in the forums did you find most affirming or helpful?
I think everyone's statement in the forum really helps me out to learn about IPE. Because
sometimes I find certain information that I did not find by myself but in the other's section. That is
also why I prefer forums in essay form because we can express our perspective more explicitly.
4 What action from anyone in the forums did you find most puzzling or confusing?
By keeping it still in line with my previous answer, I never really think anyone's argument is
confusing but rather as an analysis object or it can also be said as a step of learning for me.
5 What event surprised you most?
The 'final exam' surprised me the most because it was carried out in the form of an IPE class
evaluation survey that we do for one semester. I find this interesting and delightful at the same
time. First, because it is quite different from any other course and also it shows how Mrs. Grace's
genuine curiosity about the development and growth of her students while studying in the IPE

1. Group presentation title
ASEAN Opportunities and Challenges on Facing the Global Pandemic COVID-19
2. Explain your discussion part or contribution for the group paper
In the group discussion I explain about the challenges ASEAN is facing during the COVID-19
Pandemic. To put it briefly, there are 4 challenges namely: because the first COVID-19 case was
found in China, it is hard to alleviate the dependency ASEAN to China on activities such as export
and import. Second, pandemic makes it hard for ASEAN to do any export import traffic, foreign
investment, and tourist visits to other country. Thirdly, there is uncertainty of when will the global
economic back to normal. Then the last one is the spreading of the virus that happened locally
makes it more difficult to do any economic activities.
3. Explain your participation during the group presentation and Q&A session
In the presentation session, I was the moderator as well as bringing the discussion part of
ASEAN's challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. While in the Q&A Session, I answered all
questions that were asked to group 6 by Mrs. Grace and our friend Ilyasha Nabiel.
4. If your group paper is revised, please mention the revised points on your group paper
We do get quite some points that we have to revised in our works. There are 5 points that I have
outlined: 1) We must strengthen the arguments and not expand the focus of the discussion too
much; 2) Make it clear whether we take ASEAN as a topic as international or regional
cooperation; 3) Explain in more detail about the terms that are not generally known such as the
'stimulus package'; 4) Abbreviation must be followed by what does it stands for and brief
explanation; 5) References should be more transparent
5. Your evaluation for International Political Economy course
I feel that the reading material provided in this course is sufficient and in accordance with what
was tested by Mrs. Grace. But I think this class can be more colorful with the addition of visual aid
like PPT with engaging design during synchronous meetings. I also would like to suggest an
honest opinion for Mrs. Grace and Ms. Syifa to maybe teach in a more hype or bright way to
lower the tension and monotonous a bit. Whilst for time management, I believe it will be easier for
students to do any forum or quizzes if it is given right after the synchronous meeting instead of in
the weekend. Because for myself it kind of feels like I have 2 IPE classes within a week and I will
have to change my checkups plan and any other agenda for the weekend. Overall, I feel really
grateful for Allah that I could meet such an amazing lecturer and assistant lecturer as well as for
myself to be able to stay until this point. May Allah always gives us merit for the smallest of our
good deeds, healthy mind, and healthy body, aamiin.


Satria did send the material of his job desc on time and participated in discussions at several
moments in the group chat and zoom meeting when I tried to bring up topic. He also gave ideas
to answer Mrs. Grace's question regarding our argument regarding whether ASEAN is a single
actor organization even though he did not directly answer it. But there was something he did to
the paper last minute which required me to change it again in a short amount of time.
Sinta is the one I do most discussion with in the group chat and zoom meeting, the one who gives
the most ideas as well. Unfortunately, she had an agenda when we did the presentation and
limited connection at the place where her agenda was being held, but there was a time where she
appeared in the discussion in the group chat. She also still shows interest and ask about how the
presentation went as well as the revisions.
Suci rarely get into discussion in the group chat nor when we had a live discussion in a zoom
meeting, including when I ask her to revise her citation detail. But she did send her material on
time, urges to submit the paper and PPT on time, along with delivering her part of discussion in
the presentation.
Syafiya rarely get into discussion in the group chat nor when we had a live discussion in a zoom
meeting, including when I ask her to revise her citation detail. But she did send her material on
time, offered to share screen, along with delivering her part of discussion in the presentation.
Wildan from the start engaged everyone to start the discussion, he is the one who started in the
paper making and made the cover. He delivers his part well along with join in the discussion and
helping me to answer directly the question asked by Mrs. Grace. But sometimes when I need a
quick decision making, he doesn't appear in the group chat.
I really am trying to be selfless but it is just the fact that I keep trying to open any discussion
required in the group chat and when there is some editing needed in the paper (especially
references) and PPT, I did most of them. I delivered my part as well as Sinta's while becoming
the moderator of the presentation. I also answered all questions asked towards the group.

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