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14 System Compensation

Series and feedback compensation

14.1 Introduction Jan.-06, 07, 10,11 Marks 4
14.2 Types of Compensation Jan.-06,10,13, July-07 Marks 10
14.3 Compensating Networks Jan-10, July-10,11,12 Marks 5
14.4 Lead Compensator Jan.-05, 06, 07, 11, 12, 13,
July-11, 12, 13 Marks 15

14.5 Lag Compensator Jan.-05, 06, 11, 12, 13,

. . July-10, 11, 13 Marks 15

14.6 Lag-Lead Compensator . . Jan.-12 Marks 10

Control Engineering
Systen Compensation

14.1 Introduction
specific objectives, Tho
to achieve
All the control systems are designed certain
A EO0a control system has less
are defined for the
control system.
requirements error,
relative stability, good damping whirh.
of response, good will
good accuracy, good speed performance of the system
etc. For satistactory gain is
not cause undue overshoots
alone can not provide satisfactorv
of gain ults.
adjustedfirst. In practice, adjustment
This is because when gain is increased, steady state behaviour of the svstem im
in some cases may even instability. In stuch
but results into poor transiernt response,
Ihus the design of control systerns is
cases it is necessary
to redesign the entire system.
the specifications are provided interms of preise
a challenging job. Practically
numerical values according system is designed. The set of such
to which the
time, damping ratio, natural frequency of
specifications include peak overshoot, peak
oscillations, error coefficients, gain margin, phase margin

Key PointIn practice, ifa system redesigned so as to meet the required specifications,
is to be
device to it. Such a redesign or
it is necessary to alter the system by adding an external
a control
alterationofsystem using an additional suitable deoice is called compensation of
to so as
While an external device which is used to alter the behaviour of the system
achieve given specifications is called compensator. The compensator provides
is missing in a system, so as to achieve required performance.

Review Questions
1. What is compensation? Jan.-06, 07, Marks 3
2 Explain the reed for Jan.-10, 11, Marks 4
14.2 Types of Compensation
An external device, compensator can be introduced in a system anywhere as
convenience and the requirement. Depending upon where the compensator is intr
in a system, the various types of
compensation are,
1. Series compensation
2. Parallel compensation
3. Series-parallel compensation


for knowledge
The compensator is
a physical device.
of devices. In thio
or combinations
of various types this chapter
unit, pneumatic, hydraulic
Control Engineering 14 3
Syslem Compans
the electrical networks which
are used eries
for series compensation.
14.2.1 Series Compensation to study
we are going
The compensator is a physical compensating networks are,
device whose transfer function is The commonly used electrical
denoted as G(s). lf the conmpensator is
placed in series with the forward path
Lead compensator
transfer function of the plant, the HO]- 1. Lead network or

scheme is called series compensation.

Flg. 14.2.1 Serles Gompensation
The arrangement is shown in the Fig. 14.2. 2. Lag network or Lag compensator
This scheme is also called cascade
compensation. The flow of signal in such a series
scheme is from lower energy level towards higher energy level. This
requires additional
amplifiers to increase the gain and also to provide necessary isolation. The number of
3. Lag-lead network or Lag-lead compensator
components required in series scheme is more than in parallel scheme.
When a sinusoidal input is applied to a network and it produces a sinusoidal steadu
14.2.2 Parallel Compensation
state output having a phase lead with respect to input then the network is called lead
In some cases, the feedback is taken from some
internal element and compensator is
introduced in such a network. If the steady state output has phase lag then the network is called lag
feedback path to provide an
additional internal feedback network. In the lag-lead network both phase lag and lead occur but in the different
loop. Such compensation is
called feedback
6]- frequency regions.
compensation or parallel HMG)
compensation. The Fig. 14.2.2 Parallel compensation
Key Point The phase lag occurs in the lorw frequency region while the phase lead occurs in the
arrangement is shown in
the Fig. 14.2.2. high frequency region.
The energy transfer in such
parallel scheme is from higher energy level towards
lower energy level
point. Hence in such scheme the additional amplifiers are not
Thus the number of
components required are less than required in the series
Review Question
What is compensator ? How
14.2.3 Series-Parallel Compensation 1. are the compensators classified ? Jan.-10, July-10,11,12, Marks 5
In some cases, it is
necessary to provide both 14.4 Lead Compensator
types of
as well
compensations, series
as feedback. Such a Consider an electrical network which is a lead compensating network, as showit
scheme is called
HO the Fig. 144.1.
Series-parallel compensation.
arrangement is shown Fig. 14.2.3 Serles-parallol compensation
in the
Fig. 14.2.3.
TECHNICAL. PUBLICATIONS An up thrust for knowladgo
14- 5
C o n t r oE
l ngineening

System Compensation Control Engineering 14-6 System Compensation

obtain the transfer functionof C and
us 14.4.1 Maximum Lead Angle om a

ch an
lead network. Assuming Let us see what is the maximum lead angle m which lead compensator can proyvida
oaded circuit and applying KCL for
and at what frequency it provides this angle.
u n l o a d e

we can write,
he he Output node R 2
e (t)
R2 E,() a(1+Ts)
d(e + (e -eo) Ra =
E,(6) S1
dt RI
Taking Laplace transform of the Fig. 14.4.1 Lead network Replace s by jo,
equatior E,jo) a (1+joT)
1 E jo) (1+ joa T)
sCES)-sC Es) R E,(s) Es)= E)
E,GO) M =-
E ,
G w ) M =l t o T 2

EC 1 E,e sC V1+ ofa2TP

. (14.4.1)

E,) RR2 1+sCR While the phase angle is given by,

E, (6) R+R2 +RiR2 sC R
tan T- tan o a T . (14.4.2)
E, (s)
s RC
stRC Let us find w for which the angle o is at its maximum.

s+ do 0
RR2C do
tan a T- tan oa T] = 0 ie. oT
his is
generally expressed as, do = 0
E,) sT T oaT
E, (s) =0
1+02T2 1+a02T2 * 0
i.e. T(1+aoT) -aT(1 +T)
where R2 < 1
. 1+aT -a -a uT' =0
T = RC and
a.R +R2 ie. a T (a -1) +(1 - a) =0
of a T (a - 1) = - (1 -a)

The lead has zero at s =

Imj i.e. a T =1
mpensator 2 1
and 1 o.TZ
pole at s = -

As a 1, the z e r o is
always 1 1 1
< is Om
to he right of the pole. The pole z e r o plot Ta VT aT . (14.4.3)

in the Fig. 14.4.2. The

of n taken as 0.05.
Fig. 14.4.2
o. is generally TECHNICAL
An up
thnust for knoie


System Compensation 14-8 System Compensation
This is the
f.equency at which phase lead is at its Control Engineering
sav that the om is the maximum. From
we can

geometric mean of the two equation (14.4.3)

:ompensator which are ci =and oc2 1 frequencies of the
tan of both sides of
aT ------
Taking equation (14.4.2) we get,
tan = tan [tan ør - tan aT]
T-a wT T (1-a)
1+0T a OT 1+0T2a
At = m =
Tva Real (0

tanm (1-a).1-a =
.. (14.4.4)
0 o

va (1+1) 2a
Fig. 14.4.3 Polar plot of lead compensator
Sin m 1+a . (14.4.5) So a line of 20 log a dB with

The equation (14.4.5) is also used to get the relation between

zero slope till oçi=T Then a line +20 dB/l decade
a and the maximum
ead angle m of slope+ 20 dB/dec till oc2
TO dB aTO dB
14.4.2 Polar Plot of Lead Compensator And again a line of zero
slope from
Oc2 to . This is the nature of
FTom the
equation (14.4.1) and (14.4.2) it is easy to obtain polar plot of lead compensator resultant magnitude plot. As a <1,
When = 0, M =a and 0° the straight line 20 Log a is
0 dB.
When M 1 and ¢ = 0°
angle contribution 45
0both the points, starting as well as terminating points are on positive real axis. For increases
initially, achieves
a l u e of o between 0 to oo, magnitude is always positive while for a < 1, maximum m at
n and then
tan a oT hence will be always positive. Hence all the points of polar plot decreases. again
always in the first quadrant of complex plane. The Bode Logo
plot is shown in the 1
Thusthe polar plot is as shown in the Fig. 14.4.3. (See Fig. 14.4.3 on next page.) Fig. 14.4.4.
T Om TVa aT
It can be Fig. 14.4.4 Bode
noted that at
14.43 Bode Plot of Lead Compensator o) =
m plot of lead compensa or
Corner frequencies of the lead compensators are, M 1+ T2 1 1
C1 f o r a zero at s = - T 1+ 2T2 140
and 1 1 M = a
for a pole at s = - at 0=0m
C2 T
K a

TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS- An up thrust for knowledge

System Compensation

14 9
System Compensa
C o n t r o lE n g i n e e r i n g

Control Engineering For

For this
this use the :relation,
in dB is,
to be
the m a g n i t u d e required
Om lead om
Thus phase
10 Log necessa
Log (a)2
20 Log a =

01+E shift due to
c o m n e n c a s

m s
at @m frequency may
M 10 Log
c r o s s - o v e r

where e Margin of

Compensator t o 15°
to Design < 1 it provides e 5

14.4.4 Steps compensator

has gain o. But as a
realised with
lead is equation,
At frequency the zero lead c o m p e n s a t o r 4 Using the
Step 1 : the practical Hence the
practical Step
this a t t e n u a t i o n ,
To cancel basic lead
attenuation. a s s u m e d to be, 1-0
an in series with of view is
having gain K the design point sin m 1+0
an amplifier from
lead c o m p e n s a t o r
function of a
the value of
of the uncompensated
G.(s) = K (1+a Ts) determine
the magnitude
. (14.4.7) at which
Determine the frequency n frequency.
K Step 5 as n e w gain

= D.C. gain =

Select this frequency

where K a
(14.4.8) 10 Log | dB.
system is

G) (1+a Ts) This frequency m 1s,

Om TVa

Fig. 14.4.5 as a is krnown, determine

the compensated system thus becomes, 6: Determine the two frequencies of the lead compensator.
The open loop transfer function of Step

Gs) G(s)
K+Ts) G(s) = (1+Ts).KG(s) = 1+a Ts) Gs)
K(1+TS), G(s)= (+a Ts) (1+Ts)G,(6) C1 T and

(1+a Ts) 1

G(s)=KG(s) |
as Step 7: As K = Kç o.,
the constant is given
ey Point Generally in such design problems one of error
determine the value of Ke.
Specification. constant. Step 8:heck the gain margin of the compensated system. If it is not satista ory
the given error
O m the above
result, determine the value of K satisfying repeat the design by modifying the pole-zero location of the
till a

of G,(K0). T h i compensato
2: Using the value of K determined above, draw the Bode plot satisfactory result is obtained.
ep margin.
is but uncompensated system. Obtain the phase
Dode plot of, gain adjusted 14.4.5 Effects of Lead
Siep3: Generally P.M. is specified for the design problem. Compensation
Let The various effects of a lead
s = P.M. specified compensation are,
1. The lead compensator adds a
dominant reases
1 = P.M. obtained in the step 2 damping of the closed loop system.
zero and a pole. This

TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONs". An up thrust for knowlodge

thrust for
Control Engineenng 14- 11 Syslen Compet1saliu
Control Engineerning
System Compensation
2. The increased less overshoot, less rise time and less setlirng,
damping means

Thus there is improvement in the transient response. Let obtain the transfer function of such
3. It improves the phase margin of the elosed loop system. an electrical lag network.

4. The slope of the magnitude plot in Bode diagram of the forward path transfer Assuming unloaded circuit and applying e,(t)
function is reduced at the gain cross over frequency(This improves gain and phase KVL to the loop we can write,
margins improving the relative stability.)
e(0)= i(t) R, + i(t) R2 + i ) dt
5. It increases bandwidth of the closed loop system. More the bandwidth, faster is the Fig. 14.5.1 Lag network
response. transform of the equation,
Taking Laplace
6. The steady state error does not get affected.

14.4.6 Limitations of Lead Compensation

E 1R +Ra .(14.5.1)
The various limitations of the lead compensation are, Now the output equation is,

1. Lead compensation requires an additional increase in gain to offset the attenuation e ) = i() R + ) dt
inherent in the lead network. Larger gain requirement means in most of the cases
implies larger space, more elements, greater weight and higher cost. Taking Laplace transform,
2. More bandwidth is sometimes not desirable. This is because the noise entering the
system at the input may become objectionable due to large bandwidth It makes Fs) I() . (14.5.2)
system more susceptible to the noise signals because of increase in the high
frequency gain. Substituting I(s) from (14.5.2) in (14.5.1) we get,
3. The compensated system may have a larger undershoot than overshoot. So
tendency to over compensate system may lead to a conditionally stable system.
E,(s) E, R+R2C
4. The maximum lead angle available from a single lead network is about 60. Thus if
lead of more than 70° to 90° is required a multistage lead compensators are E(s)=,(6)[(R1 +R2)sC+1]|
required (1+R2sC).

Review Questions E,6) I+sR2C St

E 1+s(R +R2)C R2
Derive the transfer function of lend compensator. Find the frequency at which phase angle is
maximum. What are the characteristics of lead compensator ? This is
generally expressed
st(R +R2)C
Jan-07, July-12, Marks 15 as,
2. Write note lead
a on
comnpensator. Jan.-05,06.11,12, July-11.13, Marks 7
3. Explain the lead compensation along with their rough Bode plot. Jan.-13, Marks 6 E,() . . (14.5.3)
14.5 Lag Compensator S+
COnsider an electrical network which is a lag compensating network, as shown, in the where T RC,
Fig. 14.5.1. B-RR2>1

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thrust for
14 13 14- 14
Control E n g i n e e r i n g

System Compensatiorn
Control Engineeing
System Compensatn
1 Imj compensator are,
frequencies of lag
Thelag compensator has zero at s = a n d
The two corner

a pole at s = - T As ß > 1, the pole is always
@CI Tand BT
located to
located to the right of the zero. The pole-zero corner frequencies.
mean of the two
nlot is shown in the Fig. 14.5.2. Usually B is BT Thus wm is the geometric
function of a lag compensator is to provide nti
choosen greater than 10. Key Point Note that the primary The phase lag anol,
a system sujicient phase margin. does
the high frequency range give
Fig. 14.5.2
14.5.1 Maximum Lag Angle and B role in the lag compensation.
not play a
1) Let us see what is the maximum lag angle the compensator can provide.
14.5.2 Polar Plot of Lag Compensator
of lag compensator can
equations (14.5.5) and (14.5.6), polar plot
E,() 1+Ts
1 T From the
E, () B 1+BTs achieved.
s*BT When = 0,
M = 1 and o = 0°

In frequerncy domain we get, When M and =0°

.2) E,jo) 1+joT . (14.5.4) So both the points, starting and terminating are on positive real axis.
E, (jo) 1+joßT
For any value of o between 0 to oo,
the magnitude is always positive while Imj
E, Go) 1+02T2
E Go) .(14.5.5) for B> 1, tan "oT < tan"o BT. Thus the = 0
resultant will be always
negative for
any value of w between 0 to co, Hence 1 Real(0
While the phase angle is given by,
all the points of polar plot are
in the third
= tanoT-tanoßT (14.5.6) quadrant of the complex
The equation is exactly similar to the lead network, only ß > 1. To find let 1s
Thus the polar plot is as shown in 1sator

ind which maximises . the Fig. 14.5.3. Fig. 14.5.3 Polar plot of lag compe

do 00 14.5.3 Bode Plot of Lag

do Compensator
d 0 The corner frequencies of the
dtan »T-tan- oST]

lag compensator are,

1 CIBT or a pole at s = -
Solving we get, BT
5.3) m

the lag is at its

phase lag
the phase its maximum. 0 C2 for a zero at s =
at which
This is the frequency T

for kn
ontrol Engimeening 14-15 System Compensation Control Engineering 14-16 System Compensation
Step 4 Find the frequency w, corresponding to phase margn of o 2 degrees
ha Dole is more dominating than zero. The transfer function of basic lag network is, e.
frequency at which phase angle of open loop transfer function is -180° +0,. Cho
oose this
T(S) 1+ sPT -20 dB/ decade
as new gain crossover frequency.
crossover frequency, determine the attens-
O dB Step 5: To have w2 as the new gain enuation
curve up or down to 0 dB. This shift is duo
Thus as R = 1, the initial
necessary to shift the magnitude the
1 contribution of B which is 20 Log p
dB line till
line is O0
oci T
Shift to have @2 as new gain crossover = 20 Log - 20 Log B
occurs. From a0cI=
where pole
Key Point Down shift must be taken negative while up shift positive. Hence determine the
toc there is a line of slope
Dalue ofB.
-20 dB/dec. From Oc2 '1' 1
T-45 m Step 6: Choose the upper corner frequency which isor below the o
onwards again the net slope is
determined in step 4.
zero due to existence of zero with -90
Log o
Fig. 14.5.4 Bode plot of lag compensator
The Bode plot is shown in the
Thus determine the value of T.
Fig. 14.5.4.
The other corner frequency for the lag compensator is,
14.5.4 Steps to Design Lag Compensator 1

Step 1: Assume a lag compensator having a transfer function, OC1BT

Step 7: Thus once transfer function of the lag compensator is known, draw tne Dow
(1+Ts) not
G) (1+BTs)
plot of compensated system and check the specifications. If specifications are
B satisfied, repeat the design by modifying the pole-zero locations of the compensator till a

satisfactory result is obtained.

Assume G(s) =K G(s)
determine the value ot K which satisfies the steady
14.5.5 Effects and Limitations of
Lag Compensator
From the given error constant,
The various effects and limitations
of lag
state performance.
abOve, draw the Bode
Using the value
of K determined plot of G,(o). 1. Lag compensator allows high gain at low freauencies thus it is basically a low pass
Step 2 for uncompensated system.
Obtain the phase margin.
This is say 1 filter. Hence it improves the steady state
margin is specified.
Step 3:Generally phase 2. In lag compensation, the attenuation characteristics is used for the

= P.M. specified The phase lag characteristics is of no use in the co

Let compensation. to a

2 s t 3. The atenuation due to la8 compensator shifts the 8ain frequency

gain crossover frey crossover

Then determine, lower frequency point. Thus the

= Margin of safety = 5° to 15° bandwidth of the system gets reduced
where Or the lag compensa.
for the phase
The e TECHNICAL RICATIONSAn up thrust tor knowBedgee
C o n t r o lE n g i n e e r i n g
System Compensation Control Engineering 14-18 System Compensation
Reduced bandwidth means slower 1esponse. Thus rise time and settling time are
usually longer. The transient response lasts for longer time. Substituting l(s) from (14.6.1) in (14.6.2) we get,

5. The system becomes more sensitive to the parameter variations. = E,(6)

6. Lag compensator approximately acts as proportional plus integral controller and
thus tends to make system less stable.
E,() (1+sR C)-E,(G)(1 +s R,C;) (l+sR2C2) =E,
R sC2
Review Questions

E(s) +sR,C)
Ef (+sR2C2)E(en(1+sR C) (1+sR2C2)1 The
1. Derive the transfer function of lag compensator. Find the frequency at which the phase angle is sRC2 sRIC2 eque
maximum. What are the characteristics of lag compensator?
Jan.-06, July-10, Marks 15 Es) (1+sR,C1) (1 +sR2C2)
2. Write a note on lag compensator.
Jan-05,06,11.12, July-11,13, Marks 7 E, (s) sRC2 +0+sRC1) (d*sRaC2)
3. Explain the lag compensation along with their rough Bode plot. Jan.-13, Marks 6
Es) (1+sRC) (1+sR2C2) The-
14.6 Lag-Lead Compensator E, s) s RRC1C2 +s [R,CI +R2C2 +RC21+1
A combination of and lead compensators
a lag 1
is nothing bit a lag-lead compensator. Consider an
electrical network which is lag-lead network, as
E,(S) 1 1
shown in the Fig. 14.6.1.
Let us obtain the transfer function of the t) Ihe
electrical lag-lead network.
E,(s) . (14.6.3)
Now sum of the current through Ri and Cq is
Fig. 14.6.1 Lag-Lead network E (s)
nothing but current i(t).
o+Cdo= i) where T RC T2 =RC2 Whilka
Taking Laplace transform we get,
B1 1 1 Ihu
1 ... (14.6.1) an
R 6)- E,s)+ sC, E(S) -

sC E,(s) =
Is) apTT2 = RRC,C2

The output equation is,

It also can be expressed as,
it) R2 + i ) dt = e0)
E,) (1+T1s) (1+T28)

Taking Laplace transform,

.. (14.6.2)
o R =E,) where B1
phase lag
The phase lead portion nvolving T, adds phase lead
angle while u ncy.
nortion involving T2 Proviae attenuation near and above the gain crossover
ga ne
thrust for
14 19 Systorm Compornsstion
C o n t r o lE n g i n e e r i n g

s =
1 while the zeros are at
The pole
T1'BTT2 ... (14.6.7)
1 tan1 10 tan BT2
The pole-zero plot for the lag-lead an "oT,

T T2 Raal
is shown in the Fig. 14.6.2.
mpensator T
and 0°
Polar Plot of Lag-Lead Compensatoor
14.6.1 Fig. 14.6.2
The transfer function
of Lag-lead compensator in the and = 0°
domain can be obtairned as,
E j) (1+Ti j ) (1+T2j)
... (14.6.5) ninating points Imj
E, (j)
1+j (1+jT2 B . But there is
The magnitude of the transfer functions,
hich it acts as
1+02T? 1T2 plot in third Real (0°)
... (14.66)
ill it acts as

B2 lot in the first

The phase angle is given by, polar plot, is
tan B T2 »
+tantan sT + tanasT2 -tan (14
6.7) S a s shown Fig. 14.6.3 Polar plot of lag-lead compensator
Now for = 0, M =1 and = 0°
While for M = 1 and o = 0°

hus the starting and terminating points
p o l a r p l o t is s a m e as 1 2 0°. But there 1s
Imj frequency i s given by,
ain frequency upto which it acts as
lag network giving polar plot in third
Reai (0) . (14.6.8)
it acts as
adrant. While for > o till
cad network giving polar plot in the first
plot, is
quadrant. Hence the entire polar
in nature. The polar plot is a s shown
Fig. .0.9
oa piot o f lag-lead compen
in the Fig. 14.6.3. HNICAL
ne lag-lead n e t w o r k the frequency o
is given by, PUBLICATIONS"- An up thrust for knowledge
TT2 (14.68)
An u p thru
Control Engineering 14- 20 System Compensation

14.6.2 Bode Plot of Lag-Lead Compensator

The various corner frequencies of the lag-lead compensator are,

C1 for a simple pole +20 dB/dec

- 20 dBi/ dec

o dB
Wc2 for a simple zero

for a simple zero
Oc3 T
C4 T tor a simple pole
BT2 +45°

So line of zero slope continues till

At @CI the slope becomes
C1 00
-20 dB/decade. At @c2 the slope
again becomes zero and continues
till @c3. At wc3 the slope becomes
20 dB/decade and continues till
Log o
Oc4 And at wc4 it again becomes - 1
zero. The Bode plot is shown in the T T ST2
Fig. 14.6.4. Fig. 14.6.4 Bode plot of lag-lead compensator

14.6.3 Effects of Lag-Lead Compensator

Lag-lead compensator is used when both fast response and good static accuracy ae
desired. Use of lag-lead compensator increases the low frequency gain which
the steady state. While at the same
time it increases bandwidth of the
the system, mars
system response very fast.
general, the
phase lead portion of this compensator is used to achieve large
bandwidth and hence shorter rise time
and settling time. While the ortion
providesthe major damping of the phase lag P
Review Questions

1. Draw the circuit

of a lag-lead compensator and derioe its transfer
2. Draw and function. What are the
explain the polar plot
of lag-lead network.
3. Draw and explain the Bode plot
of lag-lead network.
4. Explain lag-lead compensator.
Jan.-12,Marks 10


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