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1. Read the book “Kim” by Rudyard Kipling and write the book review in about 150-200 words. You can download the book from https:
2. Complete the assignment given.
दुख का अ धकार पाठ से 15-20 उपसग यु त श द छां टए तथा उपसग और मूल श द को अलग - अलग करके ल खए ।
अंडमान - नकोबार क या ा पर दो म के म य संवाद पर र डंग पासपोट बनाइए तथा अंडमान नकोबार पर दो आभूषण बनाएं।

1.Solve the worksheets given as part of Portfolio. 2.

3 MATHS Do the Maths activities as part of Subject Enrichment guided by CBSE, in the activity note book.
3.Make a creative square root spiral of root 11 on A4 size coloured sheet.
*Make a working/static self explanatory model.
Physics-1. Solve the crossword puzzle given in the class.

2. Make a video displaying different types of motion in dance, arts and sports. Example - A skater gliding on ice will continue gliding with the same
speed and in the same direction, unless an external force acts upon the skater.
Chemistry:- "Evaporation causes cooling". Make a project supporting this fact by showing detail description of 4 such instances.
2.Do the assignment given.
Biology: 1. Prepare an illustrative comic strip on impact of different types of solutions (Isotonic, Hypotonic and Hypertonic) on plant cell and
animal cell.
2. Prepare a project report on Natural resources like air, water, soil, minerals of Andaman and Nicobar and Delhi.

Make a PPT on the Monuments, Cuisines, Dances, Costumes, Religious groups and popular Political parties of Delhi and Andaman- Nicobar
SOCIAL Islands.
* Make a project file on Disaster Management on the topic assigned in the class. ( Tornado, Tsunami, Forest Fire, Earth Quake, Landslides,
Floods, Pandemics, Terrorism)
सर ती, मधुर वाणी, व ा, उ म, परोपकार, स न पु ष, बु , सुकम आ द श पर आधा रत कोई पाँच ोक एक त करके अथ स हत ल खए ।
अं डमान- नकोबार के स ंजन तथा वेश-भूषा से संबं धत च चपकाकर पाँच-पाँच वा ल खए ।

7 COMPUTER Print a narrative report on the place you visited in Holidays, Type an email letter to your friend inviting her to your home for a day.
APPLICATION Revise all the topics and solve the given assignment.
Holiday Homework should be submitted on the reopening day.
Note: Project will be judged on the following points i) Objectives ii) Neatness iii) Presentation iv) Uniqueness of the project v) Conclusion

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