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THEOLOGY 12-Page 1 of 5

“If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, and Satan will leave
- St. John Vianney
At the end of this module the students are expected to:
♥ explain the importance of Mary’s role in the New Testament;
♥ identify how Mary is being represented in the New Testament;
♥ understand the participation of Mary in the mission of Jesus and the disciples; and
♥ showing respect and love to one’s mother

Note: You don’t have to write your answer for the questions under Re lection.
Re lection:
1. What are the twelve virtues of Mary?
2. What was the role of Mary in the Old Testament?
3. What are the prophecies of Mary and her role in the Old Testament?
♥ Do you still remember what are the books from the Old Testament and the books from the Old Testament?
♥ What are the four gospels in the New Testament?

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innova ng Educa onal ministry commi ed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augus nian Recollect Stewards.
THEOLOGY 12-Page 2 of 5

Mary in the New Testament

The New Testament reveals the ful illment of the woman prophesied in the Old Testament in ways beautiful,
mysterious, and profound. The greatest events of the New Testament, in particular the Incarnation and the
Redemption, manifest the central role played by Mary in intimate cooperation with and under her Divine Son in
the historic work of human salvation.

The question may be asked, “Why is there not a greater quantity of references or degree of development
concerning Mary in the New Testament?” For several reasons, the New Testament revelation of the Mother of
Jesus had to be both profound and concise.

The complete attention of the faithful in the infant years of the one Church of Christ had irst to be directed pre-
eminently to Jesus Christ himself. The proper adoration of Jesus had to be established before any secondary
veneration of Mary would be appropriate or itting. Her honor, of course, arises irst and foremost from her being
the Mother of Jesus.

Further, the comparative obscurity of Mary was important to avoid any rash conclusion of an all too human conception
of Jesus. In other words, to avoid concluding that the “wise, pure and holy” Jesus was simply the product of a very
“wise, pure and holy” mother. Mary’s obscurity protected and focused the attention of the Apostolic Church towards
the single primacy of Jesus and his heavenly origins.

Of great importance in the appropriate biblical revelation of Mary was the avoidance of anything that would
support any perception of her as a goddess. An immediate full revelation of all the extraordinary prerogatives
and roles of Jesus’ Mother could inadvertently encourage seeing her as a goddess along side Jesus himself. Since it
was commonplace for many pagan religions of the time to deify woman in representing a particular virtue or
power, the revelation of the roles and virtues of Mary had to be revealed both in truth and in humility.

Moreover, it was important that during Mary’s lifetime her humility was rightly respected and protected. Mary
was to be the perpetual example of hidden holiness, of interior sanctity—a model for Christians of all future ages.

For these reasons, it was very itting that Mary, as the humble handmaid of the Lord, not receive a more
developed treatment in the New Testament, so as not to diminish the primacy of her Son and the ef icient
preaching of the Good News.

At the same time, the New Testament manifestation of the Mother of Jesus remains a revelation of the greatest
creature in human history who participates more than any other creature in the mission of the Savior. From her
“yes” which brings us our Redeemer, to the prophecy of the piercing of her heart by Simeon, to her intercession
for the newly married couple at Cana, to her united suffering with her Son for the world’s Redemption at Calvary,
the New Testament reveals not a woman in Scripture, but The Woman of Scripture.

Let us now survey the principal Marian references in the New Testament, with a greater treatment of their
inspired meanings as they relate to the respective dogmas and doctrines:

• The Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary (Lk 1:26-38): “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” When
Mary gives her “ iat” or “let it be done to me” to the angel’s invitation directed to her as “full of grace,” the
Virgin of Nazareth becomes the Mother of Jesus and all the prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the
Messiah are brought to life and ful illment. Mary freely and actively participates in God becoming man, and is
VISION: thus immediately
Immaculate Heartthe unique
of Mary cooperator
Academy (or Co-redemptrix)
envisions of a life givingwith the Redeemer,
and innova ng Educaa cooperation that
onal ministry will ed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augus nian Recollect Stewards.
THEOLOGY 12-Page 3 of 5

Reminder: Please write your answers for all the activities in this module at the last part which is the Worksheet.

Activity no.1
What I learned from Mary, Jesus’ Mother!
Instruction: Complete the sentences below on how you learn from Mama Mary.

1. Mary taught me the importance of _______________________________________________________________________________________


2. I know Mary was faithful to God because _______________________________________________________________________________


3. Mary had to be strong and courageous because ________________________________________________________________________


4. Jesus loves Mary His mother because ___________________________________________________________________________________


5. The New Testament reveals not a woman in Scripture, but The Woman of Scripture because ___________________

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innova ng Educa onal ministry commi ed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augus nian Recollect Stewards.
THEOLOGY 12-Page 4 of 5

I. Instruction: Match the bible verse in column B with the Marian references in column A. Write only the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
_______________1. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. a. Lk 1:26-38
_______________2. The Presentation of the Infant Jesus to the Temple. b. Lk 1:39-56
_______________3. The Nativity of Jesus. c. Lk 2: 4-20
_______________4. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. d. Lk 2: 22-39
_______________5. The Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary. e. Lk 2: 49

II. Instruction: Answer the word puzzle.

• This woman is also in mortal combat with Satan, the ancient dragon (cf. Rev 12:3-6). Hence the
perennial battle between God’s greatest creature, Mary, and his most evil creature, Satan, constitutes the
“bookends of Scripture” as found in the irst book of the Bible (cf. Gen 3:15) and in the inal book of the
Bible (cf. Rev 12:1-6). The labor pains referred to in Revelations 12:2 while at irst glance might be
mistakenly attributed to Mary in giving birth to Jesus, are actually a reference to the pains experienced
by Mary in giving “spiritual birth” to the Church with and under Jesus at Calvary (cf. Jn. 19:25-27), a
“mystical birth” by the “New Eve” which brings forth children of God who are spiritually conceived and
baptized in the blood of Jesus Christ, the “New Adam.”

Worksheet in THEOLOGY 12
Mary in the New Testament
Name:__________________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________________________________________
VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innova ng Educa onal ministry commi ed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augus nian Recollect Stewards.
THEOLOGY 12-Page 5 of 5

Teacher: Mrs. Mrs. Kristine T. Saavedra , Mrs. Blesila Desucatan and Mrs.Elpedia Montil

Let’s Engage
Activity no.1

1.Mary taught me the importance of __________________________________________________________________________________________

2. I know Mary was faithful to God because __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Mary had to be strong and courageous because ___________________________________________________________________________


4. Jesus loves Mary His mother because ______________________________________________________________________________________


5. The New Testament reveals not a woman in Scripture, but The Woman of Scripture because _____________________

1.________________ 2. ________________ 3. _______________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________


VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innova ng Educa onal ministry commi ed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augus nian Recollect Stewards.

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