SPE 80372 Real-Time and In-Situ Detection of Calcium Carbonate Scale in A West Texas Oilfield

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SPE 80372

Real-time and In-Situ Detection of Calcium Carbonate Scale in a West Texas Oilfield
J.K. Smith; M. Yuan, SPE; T.H. Lopez, SPE; Mitch Means; and John L. Przybylinski; Baker Petrolite

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

reduce equipment failures by informing operators of an
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE 5 International Oilfield Scale imminent scale problem. Corrective actions prompted by such
Symposium held in Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K., 29-30 January 2003.
an early warning would prevent excessive scale build-up on
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
production equipment, thus reducing the rate of scale related
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to failure rates.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at At present, scaling tendency and scale occurrence in
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
oilfield produced fluids are typically assessed by relying on
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is analysis of produced water samples and/or using an in-situ
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous scale coupon. Laboratory determinations of real-time scale
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. deposition were recently reported using a rotating disk
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
electrode (RDE) technique1, tapered optical fibers,2-4 and a
“near real-time” sensor.5 Recent literature regarding the on-
Abstract line real-time detection of oilfield scale in actual production
A novel technique has been developed to detect the onset and systems has included pulse neutron measurements, 6 gamma
increase of calcium carbonate scale deposition from oilfield ray attenuation, 7 ultrasonic, 8 nuclear attenuation, 9 and a dual-
production fluids. This method utilizes an attenuated total energy-venturi multiphase flow measurement.10
reflectance (ATR) probe, called the scale sensor, to detect Attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy is a
scale formation in-situ. Because this method is based on direct measurement surface analysis technique well suited for
existing technology and requires little supporting equipment, a oilfield use. This technique is ideally suited for obtaining
simple cost-effective monitoring device could be placed in spectroscopic information in direct contact with samples,
many locations within a production system. This method could which are either too thick or opaque for transmission
provide a system wide, in-situ, real-time response to calcium spectroscopy. ATR is an energy-loss mechanism wherein
carbonate scale formation at its earliest stages. incident light energy strikes the crystal-sample interface at
As a first step towards evaluating the effectiveness of such an angle that total internal reflection occurs. While a
this new technology, the scale sensor was field tested at a west great proportion of the energy is reflected back into the
Texas oilfield. The scale sensor was observed to detect the crystal, a small portion of the energy is transferred from
deposition of calcium carbonate under static and flowing crystal surface to the sample medium.11 Because this
conditions in actual produced fluids. In the static tests, crude technique requires that the measurement surface referred to as
oil, suspended solids and other endogenous materials did not the crystal surface is in contact with the sample, this technique
affect the scale sensor response. Under flowing conditions, is also ideally suited for process type environments such as
like those found in the production flow lines at the west Texas those found in oilfield production tubulars. Unlike the other
oilfield, scale sensor response was observed to correlate to the aforementioned methods, ATR devices require very little
chemical injection rate of both the scale inhibitor and supporting equipment. For example, the scale sensor used for
dispersant. Based on the results from the scale sensor, the this study was powered by a 5V-power supply.
scale inhibitor injection point will be moved to the wellhead Preliminary laboratory investigations with the scale
shortly. sensor response as a function of the calcium carbonate scaling
Introduction tendency in a series of stirred beaker tests revealed that this
Calcium carbonate scale commonly occurs in multiple technique is suitable for field use.12 In that study, synthetic
locations within a production system. These locations include, brine was prepared based on the water analysis from the west
but are not limited to, production wells, injection wells, Texas oilfield. The brine constituents were separated into the
flowlines, valves, vessels, separators, and pumps. Scale may anion water (brine containing all scaling anions) and the cation
form as a result of commingling, depressurization, or heating water (brine containing all the scaling cations). Sodium
of the produced fluids contained therein. The result of scale chloride was evenly distributed in each brine portion to effect
deposition in oil and gas production systems is increased costs efficient mixing. Tests were initiated by combining the anion
due to equipment failures, manpower-related maintenance of water with the cation water. In cases where crude oil was also
scaled equipment, and lost production. Application of a added, it was added last. In each test, the bicarbonate
reliable real-time and in-situ sensor that could detect the onset concentration in the anion water was changed to effect a
and rate of calcium carbonate scale deposition could greatly change in the scaling tendency, referred to here as the
2 SPE 80372

saturation index (SI), and probe response was monitored. inhibitor and dispersant are injected, where the SI is calculated
Experiments conducted in the presence and absence of crude to be 6.6 times greater than at the wellhead.
oil gave similar results. In both experiments, scale sensor Identified within this field was a produced water
response was observed to track the SI of the solution. collection station, which was fed by two production batteries
In another stirred beaker test conducted during the that were physically isolated from the rest of the field. The
course of this previous study, the effects of scale inhibitor on isolation of the produced fluids within these batteries from the
scale sensor response were monitored. The results from these rest of the field provided a unique opportunity to precisely
tests suggest that the scale sensor response is inversely related control the scale inhibitor injection rate and thus the inhibitor
to the concentration of scale inhibitor present in the combined concentration in the produced water at the water collection
brine-crude oil mixture. Based on these results a field trial station.
was initiated in west Texas.
Currently, the produced fluid at the oilfield in west Experimental
Texas is being treated with a phosphate ester scale inhibitor Side stream. A side-stream flow loop running from the inlet
which is injected at the production headers at the tank batteries line of the water station to the overflow tank was constructed
and battery extensions. This field has been on an alternating to house the testing apparatus for the scale sensor. There was
water and CO2 gas (WAG) injection for a decade. This concern that placement of the scale sensor directly in the inlet
current treatment regiment had been effective at controlling line to produced water collection station would not yield
scale deposition in the production system for nine years. adequate information pertaining to the effectiveness of this
Approximately a year ago, increases in scale deposition, device to detect scale because of the high fluid velocity
predominantly calcium carbonate, were observed on valves at environment, 3.65 m/s. It was ascertained that the shear
the outlets of the water injection stations. Since then, scale velocity of the fluid would preclude any definitive results
occurrence on the injection well screens and in the flow involving the scale sensor, as in the field no scale deposition
meters has increased in frequency. was evident at high velocity locations. Therefore, use of the
Prior to the field test, water analyses from the past side stream would reduce the fluid velocity to approximately
decade were examined to identify the cause in the recent 0.3 m/s, which is low enough to allow scale to adhere to the
increase in calcium carbonate deposition. Scale modeling was probe surface. Additionally, the lower flowrate would more
performed with all water analyses contain herein using closely mimic the conditions in the produced water collection
Scalesoft Pitzer 3.0.13 The modeled results are expressed as SI, tanks where measurable amounts of scale are formed then
which is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of the scaling ion transferred to equipment downstream. The side stream flow
concentration product over their solubility product. The sign loop was also ideal for installing an assembly of monitoring
and magnitude of the SI is an indication of the thermodynamic devices, namely two scale sensor probes, a scale coupon, an
driving force for scaling ions to precipitate out of solution. absolute pressure transducer, an online flow meter, a
When the SI<0, the scaling ions are undersaturated at the thermocouple for measuring fluid temperature, and two water
experimental conditions. If the SI=0, the scaling ions are at sampling ports (Image 1 and in schematic form in Figure 1).
equilibrium at the experimental conditions. Precipitation of These additional monitored parameters were observed to
scale is predicted when the SI>0, indicating that the scale ions monitor any changes in the system condition and provide
are oversaturated at the experimental conditions. It should be supporting evidence on whether scale was occurring in the
noted that the calculation of the SI does not take into account flow line.
the kinetic forces for scale precipitation.
Before the initiation of the WAG program, Chemical injection at the side stream. Two production
bicarbonate concentrations were approximately 317 ppm, batteries, A and B, fed the produced water collection station
analyzed on September 30, 1992, and the most recent water chosen for this study. Two scale inhibitor injection pumps
analysis, October 30, 2002, showed the bicarbonate ion were located at battery A. Four scale inhibitor and two
concentration to be 2957 ppm, while the calcium dispersant injection pumps were located at battery B. For the
concentration increased from 1800 ppm to 4806 ppm (Table experiments contained herein, scale inhibitor and dispersant
1). Based on the water analyses from these two dates, the concentrations were calculated based on the chemical pump
calculated SI was determined to be 1.36 and 2.38 respectively, rate and total daily production of the two production batteries.
at 43oC and 12 psig. Since the inception of the WAG Changes instituted at each chemical pump during the course of
program, the calcium carbonate scaling potential had this study were followed by a four-hour equilibration period
increased by approximately 10.5 times. Over the same time prior to the initiation of the next experiment. Each experiment
period, oil cut had remained roughly constant at 0.5% in the was conducted for duration of approximately 18 hours.
produced water going into the settling tanks for re-injection.
Common to this west Texas oilfield was the rapid Scale Sensor. Each ATR probe used for this study consists of
depressurization of the produced fluids from the wellhead to a crystalline end, which is housed, in a protective stainless
the collection tanks. Table 2 lists each pressure change and steel collar. Perforations in the collar provide effective fluid
the associate change in the SI of the produced fluid at each contact with the crystal surface (Image 2). The crystal design
point. This table clearly indicates that the scaling potential for is trapezoidal in shape (Image 3). A light emitting diode
calcium carbonate deposition increases approximately 126 provided the narrow band light source. An integrated
times from wellhead to the water collection tank. The row source/detector card (Image 2) converted the reflected light
titled header represents the point in the system where scale intensity to a millivolt output signal as log Io/I. Hence, energy
SPE 80372 3

losses are observed as apparent increases in reflected energy. Therefore, it was concluded that the scale sensor is responding
It was the authors’ opinion that the scale sensor response primarily to scale deposition and not to some unknown
should be proportional to scale thickness on the crystal material present in the produced fluids at this west Texas
surface. The millivolt output of the source/detector card was oilfield. Furthermore, solution pH was determined not to
collected by remote data logging devices. All data collected affect probe response.
by these data loggers was transferred daily to computer for
analysis. Side stream tests. To confirm the conclusions from the static
tests, similar tests were performed under flowing condition in
Static tests with the scale sensor. In addition to the scale the side stream. Probe responses in the absence of scale,
probe experiments that were carried out in the side stream called the control test, was measured while by pumping 15%
flow loop. Scale detection tests in static produced fluid were HCl solution into the injection point at the head of the side
also conducted in the field. Produced fluid was obtained stream (Figure 1), where the fluid pH was depressed to
upstream of the scale inhibitor and dispersant chemical approximately 1.0, way below the calcium carbonate scale-
injection points. For each test, approximately 3.78 L of forming pH range. For the blank test, both the scale inhibitor
produced fluid was collected and chilled on ice until used. and dispersant injection were turned off to provide the
The collected produced fluid was processed prior to each maximum amount of scale deposition on the probe surface.
experiment by either triple filtering it through cotton, Comparison of the data presented in Figure 3 along
acidifying it with a 2% (vol/vol) addition of 15% HCl, or with the cumulative ∆mV from the control and blank
adding phosphonate scale inhibitor. After processing, the experiments of 6.9 mV (control, no scaling) and 98.1 mV
produced fluid was placed in a reservoir and allowed to warm (severe scaling blank) corroborates the earlier conclusions
to room temperature (~30◦ C). Each test was initiated by from the static tests. The scaled probes from the blank test are
submerging the probe in the processed produced fluid and data presented in Image 4. More supporting evidence is provided
was collected for an 18-hour period. A computer collected by analysis of the coupon data, in which 136.4 mg and 0.5 mg
scale sensor data for these tests via an A/D card. of scale had deposited on the coupon present during the blank
and control tests, respectively. Inductively coupled plasma
Results (ICP) analysis of the dissolved cations contained in the acid
Static tests. Under laboratory conditions, scale sensor washes from the coupons placed in the side stream flow loop
response was observed to be only affected by the deposition of during the blank and control tests were determined to be
calcium carbonate scale on the crystal surface. It was unclear comprised of 96.5% and 12.8% calcium, respectively. ICP
whether any endogenous materials (such as crude oil, analysis of the probe washes from these tests also identifies
suspended particulates or any organic materials) present in the calcium as the primary cation deposited. The probe washings
west Texas oilfield would affect the scale sensor response. were determined to contain 91.5% and 79.1% calcium from
Therefore, a series of static tests were devised where, under the blank and control tests, respectively.
controlled conditions, scale sensor response could be Comparisons between scale sensor response and
compared to several different produced fluid samples which scale inhibitor effectiveness were accomplished by monitoring
had been scale sensor response while changing the scale inhibitor
concentration. The data presented in Figure 4 shows a
1. Filtered and acidified: To remove any suspended solids, relationship between scale sensor response and scale inhibitor
oil, and calcium carbonate scale. concentration. The cumulative ∆mV for each experiment
2. Not filtered, but acidified: To remove any calcium listed in Figure 4 is tabulated in Table 4 and compared to the
carbonate scale allowing the evaluation of the scale sensor scale coupon data. Comparison of the scale inhibitor
response in the presence of suspended solids and oil. concentrations with scale sensor response reveals a trend.
3. Not Filtered, Not acidified: The “as is” brine where scale Clear differentiations can be made between the blank, 15 ppm
sensor response was evaluated in the presence of of scale inhibitor, and the remaining scale inhibitor
suspended solids, oil, and calcium carbonate. The concentrations. When the scale inhibitor concentration was
calculated SI for this solution was determined to be 2.46. set to 15 ppm, the current treatment rate, a moderate response
4. Filtered, not acidified and spiked with 300 ppm of a scale (20.9 mV) was still observed from the scale sensor. Whilst
inhibitor: To remove suspended solids, oil, and calcium this response was meager compared to the blank (98.1 mV),
carbonate scale. This test was designed to determine if the deposition rate in this test is based on a total of 18,511 L of
any acid soluble suspended solids were affecting the scale produced fluid passing by the scale sensor. If this value is
sensor response. compared to the total water production rate of this water
station, 378,541 L/day, calcium carbonate deposition could
Examination of the data listed in Table 3 and Figure 2 reveals still be a problem over time, as evidenced in the field.
several interesting points. First, scale sensor response does Examination of the scale sensor response when the
not appear to be affected by the crude oil. Second, probe scale inhibitor concentration is changed from 7.5 ppm, 3.75
response is only affected by acid soluble suspended solids that ppm and 1.88 ppm reveals a non-linearity in scale sensor
are present in the aqueous phase in the non-acidified response. This non-linearity could be caused by the resolution
experiments. The calcium carbonate scale that is affecting of the scale sensor or scale sensor response could be affected
probe response in this non-acidified and non-filtered by the daily system fluctuations inherent in this west Texas
experiment is diminished in the presence of scale inhibitor. oilfield. These fluctuations could include, but are not limited
4 SPE 80372

to amount of dissolved CO2, concentration of dissolved solids, Acknowledgements

total number of wells producing, or the operational integrity of The authors would like to thank Baker Petrolite for permission
the production equipment. The ∆mV between the lowest scale to publish the data included in this paper. In particular, James
sensor response, 3.75 ppm, and the highest 7.5 ppm, was Ripley of Baker Petrolite was acknowledged for his valuable
determined to be 23.5 mV. assistance with the field test of the scale sensor.
Dispersant injection in produced fluids at this west
Texas oilfield was employed to reduce the presence of References
suspended solids. From careful analysis of Millipore data
over the past year, clear correlations between dispersant rates 1. Morizot, A.P. and Neville, A.: “A Novel Approach for
and suspended solids amounts present in the produced fluids Monitoring of CaCO3 and BaSO4 Scale Formation,” paper
was apparent. The effectiveness of the dispersant to alleviate SPE 60189 presented at the SPE Second International
scale deposition was tested with the scale sensor. Although Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, UK., 26-27
the dispersant was believed to be reducing the agglomeration January.
and adhesion of suspended solids by dispersion mechanism, it 2. Moar, P.N. et al.: “Fabrication, modeling, and direct
was not clear how significantly scale deposition rates were evanescent measurement of tapered optical fiber sensors,”
also affected by the presence of dispersant. Comparing scale Journal of Applied Physics (April 1999) 3395.
sensor response from tests with varying concentrations of 3. Love, J.D. et al., IEE Proc. (1999) 343.
dispersant and scale inhibitor, reveal that the dispersant is 4. Black, R.J. et al., Applied Physics Letters (1991) 355.
significantly contributing to scale deposition abatement 5. Emmons, D.H. et al.: “On-Site, Near-Real-Time
(Figure 5 and in tabulated form in Table 5). The first set of Monitoring of Scale Deposition,” paper SPE 59776
comparisons can be made between those tests where the scale presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference
inhibitor/dispersant concentrations were: 15 ppm/0 ppm, 15 and Exhibition, Houston, 3-6 October.
ppm/6.7 ppm, and 0 ppm/6.7 ppm. These tests compare the 6. Wyatt, D.F., Jr. et al.: “Use of Supplemental Curves from
extremes between treatment regimens at this west Texas Pulsed Spectral Gamma Logs to Enhance Log
oilfield, dispersant only, scale inhibitor only, and scale Interpretation,” paper SPE 28410 presented at the 69th
inhibitor/dispersant (the current treatment program). In these Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New
tests, scale inhibitor/dispersant concentrations of 15 ppm/0 Orleans. Louisiana, 25-28 September.
ppm, 15 ppm/6.7 ppm, and 0 ppm/6.7 ppm showed minimal 7. Bamforth, S. et al.: “Revitalizing Production Logging,”
response. Interestingly when compared to the blank, those Oilfield Review 8, no. 4 (Winter 1996): 44-60.
from the 15 ppm/0 ppm, 15 ppm/6.7 ppm, and 0 ppm/6.7 ppm 8. Gunarathne, G.P.P. and Keatch, R.W.: “Novel
tests suggest noticeable control of scale deposition with only Techniques for Monitoring and Enhancing Dissolution of
dispersant treatment or scale inhibitor. Differences in the Mineral Deposits in Petroleum Pipelines,” paper SPE
scale sensor response when the scale inhibitor/dispersant 30418 presented at the Offshore Europe Conference,
concentrations were 3.75 ppm/6.7 ppm and 3.75 ppm/0 ppm Aberdeen, Scotland, 5-8 September.
showed noticeable changes between these tests. Essentially, a 9. “Nuclear Technique Grabs Gold Metal,” article in NST
∆mV of 24.0 mV was observed between the scale sensor Quarterly (July 1999), on-line report at
responses between those tests where the scale inhibitor http:\\www.mint.gov.my/PAPERS/DEFAULT.HTML
concentration was 3.75 ppm and the dispersant concentrations 10. Theuveny, B. et al.: “Detection and Identification of
were 0 ppm and 6.7 ppm. The results from tests where the Scales Using Dual Energy/Venturi Subsea or Topside
scale inhibitor/dispersant concentrations were 3.75 ppm/6.7 Multiphase flow Meters,” paper OTC 13152 presented at
ppm and 3.75 ppm/0 ppm corroborates the previous the 2001 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston,
conclusions that the addition of dispersant does alleviate scale Texas, 30 April-3 May.
deposition. 11. Urban, M.W.: Attentuated Total Reflectance
Spectroscopy of Polymers, American Chemical Society,
Conclusions Washington, D.C. (1996).
The data presented herein suggests that the ATR scale sensor 12. Smith, J.K. et al.: “Real-Time and In-Situ Detection of
is a device that is capable of detecting calcium carbonate in Calcium Carbonate Scale in Oilfield Fluids,” paper SPE
mixed production fluid systems. These results suggest that the 80248 presented at the 2003 SPE International
scale sensor is not affected by crude oil, suspended solids, Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, February 5-
solution pH, or any other unidentified materials present in the 7.
production fluids at this west Texas oilfield. During this test, 13. Tomson, M.: Scalesoft Pitzer ver3.0, Rice University,
the scale sensor provided valuable information on the real- Houston, TX. (2000).
time effectiveness of the scale inhibition program. Based on
this information, a new product was formulated and it will be
injected at the wellhead. The results of these changes will be
presented in forthcoming articles.
SPE 80372 5

Ion Water Analysis from Water Analysis from

September 30, 1992 October 30, 2002
Cl 18500 41000
HCO3 317 2957
SO4 450 289
Na 9793 20000
Mg 243 941
Ca 1800 4806
pH 6.5 6.1
SI 1.36 2.38
Figure 1. Side stream schematic.
Table 1. Comparison between water analyses from present
and a decade ago at the west Texas oilfield. * Sodium
calculated by difference.

Location Temperature Pressure SI

( C) (psig)
High Pressure 43 300 1.38
Production Well
Low Pressure 43 100 1.84
Production Well
Header 43 42 2.2
Transfer Line from 43 32 2.31
Batteries to Water
Inlet to Water 43 12 2.71
Collection Tank 43 1 3.48

Table 2. Positions in the isolated portion of the west Texas Image 2. Scale sensor (left) and source/detector card (right).
oilfield where the scale sensor field trial was conducted where
changes in the system conditions increase the SI.

Image 3. Scale sensor crystal surface. The left probe is the 1”

crystal and the right probe is the ¾” crystal.
Image 1. Side stream apparatus at the west Texas oil field.
6 SPE 80372

Not Filtered/Not Acidified (1) Filtered/Acidified (4)
Blank (1) 1
Crude (2) Spiked with 300 ppm of Scale Inhibitor (5)
Not Filtered, but Acidified (3) Control (2)

Scale Sensor Response (∆mV)


Scale Sensor Response (

2 20

3 2
4 0

0 5 0 5 10 15

Time (hr)
0 5 10 15
Time (hr)

Figure 2. Scale sensor response in produced fluids under Figure 3. Scale sensor response under flowing conditions
static conditions. comparing the blank and control experiments.

Experiment Scale
( ∆mV)
Filtered and Acidified 14.7
Not Filtered, but acidified 30.3
Crude Oil 20.4
Not Filtered/Not acidified 95.1
Spike with 300ppm of a Scale 4.9

Table 3. Comparison of the scale sensor response under static


Image 4. Crystal surfaces of both the 1” and ¾” probes after

the blank test.
SPE 80372 7

Blank (1) 1 Scale Dispersant Scale Sensor Coupon
7.5 ppm of Scale Inhibitor (2) Inhibitor Conc. (ppm) Response Weight
1.88 ppm of Scale Inhibitor (3) Conc. (ppm) (∆mV) (∆mg)
Scale Sensor Response (∆ mV)

75 3.75 ppm of Scale Inhibitor (4)

15ppm of Scale Inhibitor (5)
Control (6) 2 Blank 98.1 136.4
Control 6.9 0.5
50 3
15 6.7 18 0.3
15 0 15.7 0.5
4 0 6.7 24.2 4.6
3.75 0 32.1 0.9
3.75 6.7 8.1 0.5
0 6
Table 5. Comparison of the scale sensor response to scale
5 10 15 coupon data for those experiments where the scale inhibitor
Time (hr) and dispersant concentrations were varied.

Figure 4. Scale sensor response to produced fluids where the

scale inhibitor concentration was varied in the absence of

Scale Inhibitor Scale Sensor Coupon

Conc (ppm) Response Weight (∆mg)
Control 6.9 0.5
Blank 98.1 136.4
15 20.2 0.5
7.5 58.6 0.9
3.75 35.1 0.9
1.88 55.6 1.1

Table 4. Comparison of the scale sensor response to scale

coupon data for those experiments where the scale inhibitor
concentration was varied and the dispersant concentration was
0 ppm.

Blank (1) 1
Scale Inhibitor/Surfactant=0 ppm/6.7 ppm (2)
Scale Inhibitor/Surfactant=3.75 ppm/0 ppm (3)
Scale Inhibitor/Surfactant=15 ppm/6.7 ppm (4)
Scale Sensor Response (∆mV)

75 Scale Inhibitor/Surfactant=15 ppm/0 ppm(5)

Control (6)
Scale Inhibitor/Surfactant=3.75 ppm/6.7 ppm (7)



5 10 15

Time (hr)

Figure 5. Scale sensor response to produced fluids where both

scale inhibitor and dispersant concentrations were varied.

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