Become A LinkedIn Coach

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How To Become A LinkedIn
Coach: Top 5 Mind-Blowing
Sai Blackbyrn / 9th April 2022

Who is a LinkedIn coach?

Before answering this, we must first be aware of what LinkedIn is?

LinkedIn is a professional platform for creating your network. The prime people
who use this platform are job-seekers, salespersons and businessmen. Job
seekers use LinkedIn to find their dream job. This is possible by connecting with
the recruiters. Salespersons and businessmen, use LinkedIn to solidify their
network and find ideal clients.
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So that’s the overview of LinkedIn in short. Coming back to our previous


“What is a LinkedIn Coach?”

LinkedIn coach coaches people to leverage the platform in the best way to
achieve their goals. Now goals can be different for different sets of target
audiences. This can include coaching businessmen for LinkedIn marketing. This
may also include an individual to manage his/her profile in a way to attract a call
from his/her dream company.

In recent years, LinkedIn has attracted a huge number of population worldwide.

Below stats from Omnicoreagency will convince you about its huge significance.

There is a total of 630 million LinkedIn users.

The total active monthly users are 303 million.

The number of new LinkedIn members per second is 2.
51% of US College Graduates use LinkedIn.

190 million workers in the US have LinkedIn profiles.

LinkedIn is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content at 94%.

91% of marketing executives list LinkedIn as the top place to find quality


92% of B2B marketers include LinkedIn in their digital marketing mix.

The projection is that LinkedIn will hit $6.4 billion in revenues for 2020.

LinkedIn generates $371,474 per employee.

There are 100 million job applications on LinkedIn every month.

More than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn on a regular basis.

The above statistics are enough to realize the huge importance that LinkedIn has.
Now, the thing is that not everyone has a command on this platform. Though
people want to build a network and leverage LinkedIn for their purpose, they
don’t know how to do it. This is when LinkedIn coaches come handy.

LinkedIn coaches are aware of LinkedIn algorithms and strategies. They know the
mechanism in which LinkedIn works. They can tell clients what steps and efforts
they need to take to achieve success on this platform.

LinkedIn coaching is a new coaching niche. If you are aspiring to become a

LinkedIn coach, you already have a huge prospect-base. If you master the
LinkedIn strategies and have a great coaching philosophy, you can convert
prospects into paying clients. That’s how you can grow a phenomenal coaching

In this article, I would introduce you to some LinkedIn strategies a LinkedIn coach
must be aware of.

Let’s start.
Table of Contents [ Hide ]

1) LinkedIn marketing strategies: Must-know for a LinkedIn coach

2) Building an outstanding profile
3) Lead generation strategies
4) Identifying partnerships
5) Utilizing recommendations
6) Final Thoughts!
7) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

LinkedIn Marketing Strategies: Must-Know

For A LinkedIn Coach

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As a LinkedIn coach, you must know that LinkedIn is a phenomenal marketing

tool. Unlike social media sites, LinkedIn gives you a better way to filter your
audience. LinkedIn is away from the noise and provides an easy way to reach
one’s target audience.

Most of the B2B and B2C marketers need to learn the basics of LinkedIn
marketing. These can be your ideal clients. Before coaching them you must be
aware of the LinkedIn marketing techniques. So let’s discuss some of them.

Content Marketing- A LinkedIn Coach Must

Know The Power
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Do you know what is the best technique in LinkedIn marketing?

Content Marketing!

There are individuals who have gained a lot of followers by posting rich-content.
Companies are investing time in LinkedIn content marketing to reach their target

Neil Patel recently shared how he generated $38,491 for his business in a single
month via LinkedIn.

Though Facebook and twitters get more attention, LinkedIn attracts more serious

People are creating different types of posts on LinkedIn for driving the audience.
Some write blog posts. Others market through flyovers and posters. These
LinkedIn posts then get liked and shared by the connections. This increases the
reputation of the person and helps him/her to attract leads for the business.

A LinkedIn coach must know how to tailor the content best around the coachee’s
target audience. The blog posts should not look pushy and should be convincing
enough as well.

A good LinkedIn coach knows the importance of goal-driven content marketing.

This includes:

Providing original information

Being interesting in the approach

Not being self-centered

Crafting a piece that can spark discussions

Relevant plan for coachee’s newsfeed.

Recycling Other People’s Content

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Marketing doesn’t demand to create an original piece every time. As a LinkedIn

coach, you must guide your clients on how to recycle others’ posts for their on

Most of the content you see is a duplicate. Still, it manages to resonate with the
audience. How does this happen? It’s simple- the way in which the person crafts
the message the second time is new and unique.

You must coach your clients to reproduce existing content in innovative ways.
These ways must connect at once with the audience like never before.
Recycling content will save time and energy. At the same time, your client will
have more updates to share with his/her audience. These updates will drive new

A LinkedIn coach must also coach clients to recycle others’ content. This is
possible by turning them into images, illustrations, infographics, quotes, etc.

Posting Case Studies

Another very important LinkedIn marketing strategy is posting case studies.
Insightful case studies tend to attract valuable audiences. The audience who can
connect with the case studies is more probable to invest in your interest.

Suppose you have a client who is a wedding planner. He wants people to know
about his business and attract prospects through LinkedIn. Sharing posts that
show successful events with images of decors will attract clients. At the same
time, you can guide your client to post effective case studies.

Suppose your client writes a case study. It speaks about difficult situations faced
during one of the events. It outlines measures he took to handle the same.
People looking for serious wedding event planners may get impressed by your
client. They will know that the wedding planning team knows to deal with hard
situations. Thus the chances of them approaching your client will increase.

Not only businesses, but this also helps individuals. A designer who is looking for
a job can write a case study explaining the thought-process. This may impress
his/her connections. Who knows one of them may include the CEO of a reputed

Educating The Audience On LinkedIn

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A LinkedIn coach must guide clients to post content that educates people. This
helps the audience in realizing that the intentions are not to sell services and
earn money. The audience gets to know that indeed one’s expertise is valuable.
This will help one to grow the network beyond the industry. Educating and
informing the audience is the best way to gain their trust.

You may have a client who runs a travel and tourism agency. You can guide him to
post content that includes things other than his own services and offerings. This
can include- “Top 10 must-visit places in San Francisco” etc.
This will broaden your client’s connection base and so will the list of prospects.

Learning About Potential Customers Before

Reaching Out

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As a LinkedIn coach, you have sessions of fix duration. Your collaboration with a
client will be for a said period. Your target should be bringing the largest output
in the least time.

LinkedIn marketing doesn’t mean sending random connection requests and

gathering followers. Do you know that you can send limited connection requests
in a set duration? Also sending too many connection requests is a bad practice. It
can even lead to blacklisting of your profile.
An effective strategy is to first research the market and potential customers.
Thereafter, tell them your motives. Marketing is not about gaining a crowd. It is
about gaining potential customers. Only valuable customers can double annual

As a LinkedIn coach, you must teach your clients to identify their potential
audience. Know about them and then show a deep interest in them. Only then
they can get the much-needed attention.

Posting Frequency
Posting too much on LinkedIn can decrease one’s chances to attract an
audience. You must make your client understand the negative consequences of
too many posts. Spamming the news feed can result in the clients’ connections
unfollowing him/her.

One or two posts are enough in a day. If they are case studies one per week will
be enough. Also the timings of the post matter. Most people use LinkedIn during
the night or early morning. A LinkedIn coach must be aware of these minute

Building An Outstanding Profile

The first thing that serious LinkedIn members look at is – the person’s LinkedIn

LinkedIn itself provides a vast number of internal areas to improve one’s profile.
A LinkedIn coach must coach the clients to best fill these areas. This will help
your coachee to best show their skills and expertise.

Some tips are:

Coach your client to use a specific headline that corresponds with his/her area of
Suppose you have a client who is looking for a job in Digital marketing, he can
craft his headline in the following way:

Digital marketing enthusiast| SEO | SEM| PPC| job-seeker

Whenever the recruiters search by one of the above words, your client’s profile
may be visible to them. LinkedIn allows only a small set of characters to enter.
You must coach your client to make the best headline. It is the first thing that will
catch the eyes of LinkedIn members.


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The photograph should be professional and trustworthy. Also, you can coach
your client to apply the same photo on other networks. This can help people to
connect dots especially when your client runs a business.

The details section gives one a brilliant opportunity to describe his/her
background. As a LinkedIn coach, you must guide your clients to make the best
use of this action. This must include your clients’ brief intro and outline the skills
and aspirations. This must also contain the contact details. This will help the
target audience to connect with the individuals in an easy way.

Lead Generation Strategies

Most of the clients approach a LinkedIn coach to generate leads via LinkedIn.
Your coaching business plan must incorporate this.

There are various ways in which LinkedIn can help in generating leads. A LinkedIn
coach must be aware of the different packages that LinkedIn offers. Not all are
good for lead generation.

If lead generation is the prime focus of your client then he/she must go for the
Sales navigator package. This includes features such as Advanced search. These
can help in gathering leads relative to one’s business.

You must coach your clients to use the following strategies if he/she aims to
generate leads.

Turning The Company Page Into A Lead-

Generation Page
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For clients who have a business, a company/business page is a must. Now,

having a page is not enough. People don’t know what measures they should take
to generate the most leads out of their company page. This is why they contact a
LinkedIn coach.

You must coach your clients to build a conversational company page. This has to
be different than a typical company page which gives company details. The
company page must direct potential leads to visit the client’s actual website. The
LinkedIn company page must aim to boost conversion actions.

Some tips that you can coach your clients with (in brief):

Using a compelling photo

Creating a clear and compelling pitch in the company’s description.

Making the recent updates section clickable and conversion focused.

A LinkedIn coach must be aware of how to make the best use of the LinkedIn
company page.

The Power Of Showcase Pages

Showcase pages help to promote individual brands that are extensions of the
company. You may have clients that want to market specific brands within their
business. You can suggest them to have showcase pages.

Showcase pages are the most useful for B2B marketers. Most of your clients will
be unaware of this precious tool. Learn more about LinkedIn Showcase pages to
guide your clients on how to maximize their use.

Advanced Search
LinkedIn’s Advanced Search feature helps to identify one’s target audience.
Advanced search is a great filter to narrow down your search. One can filter the
search by location, current company, industry, past company, etc.

The advanced search brings focused results that help in connecting with relevant

Starting Groups
Creating groups is another marvelous LinkedIn lead generation technique.
LinkedIn groups offer huge networking opportunities. This is a great way where
you can have conversations with like-minded people. This many times results in
people getting impressed with your thinking.

A LinkedIn coach must teach his/her clients to leverage the power of LinkedIn
groups in the best way. Interaction within the groups makes you appear more
human. People always want to connect with real faces. A LinkedIn company page
may not lend credibility since there is no real face to contact.

LinkedIn groups give one a chance to build authority and take charge. This can
result in gaining connections and encouraging them to take your services. Posting
rich-content on the groups and initiating meaningful conversations help in
converting leads.

Tools like LinkedIn Profile Reminder lets you set future reminders. This helps to
keep in touch and check back in with warm leads. The Notes option lets you keep
track of every interaction you’ve had with your leads.

Identifying Partnerships
LinkedIn is not just for exhibiting one’s expertise. If utilized in a proper way, it
can help one to gain fruitful partnerships. You will have clients that are weak at
socializing. They won’t be able to find fruitful partnerships that can help their
businesses to grow. That’s where they will seek a LinkedIn coach. You must be
able to coach them to collaborate with people who can help them to expand their

Now the questions arise:

“Who all can be your client’s partners?”

This depends on your client’s goal and what kind of initiative he/she is into. Let’s
understand the same with different cases.

Case 1: Your Client Is A Freelance Content Writer

You can coach your client to partner with other writers. This way he/she can build
an entire community. If your client has a blog, you can guide him/her to connect
with digital marketers that can help attract traffic.

Case 2: Your Client Is A CEO Of A Startup Who

Is Facing Financial Issues
First, as a LinkedIn coach, you must identify at which stage the startup of your
client is. Your client may have a great idea but couldn’t find an investor for
himself/herself. You can guide your client to connect with investors that can help
the client. Nowadays there are a lot of crowdfunding platforms that are helping
startups. You can guide your client to connect with one of them.

Case 3: Your Client Is A YouTuber. He Wants To

Gain More Followers Through LinkedIn.
You can guide your client to connect with influencers in his/her area. Also
connecting with other YouTubers can lead to happy partnerships. Partners can
help your client and your client can help them in return. It can be a win-win

So, does your client wants to connect with a business partner?

Does he/she want to build a partnership for his/her personal interest?

LinkedIn is helpful in any way.

Utilizing Recommendations

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LinkedIn supports for endorsements and recommendations. Here’s a formal

overview of each feature.

“A skill endorsement is a way for your connections to endorse the skills listed on
your profile. A written recommendation isn’t included with this feature.”

“A recommendation is a written statement of endorsement from a connection.

You can request recommendations from your connections. You can also
recommend your connections.

Recommendations can help a lot to connect with the right opportunity. Your client
may be a job-seeker. In this case, recommendations can come from friends,
teachers, past colleagues, etc.
If your client has a business, recommendations from previous clients can lend

Endorsements can help people recognize your mastery in a certain area. When
hundreds of people endorse you for a skill or recommend you, this builds trust in
your audience.

A LinkedIn coach must also emphasize the benefits of recommending and

endorsing others. This can result in building fruitful partnerships.

Final Thoughts!
So, we have finally come to an end. I am confident that now you have a lot of
points to consider as a LinkedIn coach. Remember- “What tune comes out of a
flute depends on how you play it.” LinkedIn is a great tool, but if someone
doesn’t know how to use it to the fullest, the tool will be of no use.

As a LinkedIn coach, your job is to coach your clients to leverage the platform to
its best. That is exactly why people will opt for your services and will pay you.

The need of the hour is to study the LinkedIn algorithm and master the above
strategies. Only then you can coach your clients to achieve their goals.

Start by applying the above strategies for yourself as a LinkedIn coach. Exhibit
yourself as the product of your own coaching strategies.

Start today!

All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is A Linkedin Coach?
A Linkedin coach can be seen as a mentor who helps you get a higher position in
the Linkedin network. LinkedIn coaches offer their experience and knowledge of
best practices to help you succeed and make money with Linkedin. A Linkedin
coach doesn’t help you with your resume, and does not help you get a job.

How Much Does A Linkedin Coach Cost?

A Linkedin coach charges around $500.00 an hour. A typical one-hour session
will cost you more than $500. The average Linkedin coaching session is 1 hour. A
Linkedin coach costs anywhere from $500 to $2000 per hour. The coach will help
you in landing a job. A job hunter needs a coach to know how to woo a potential
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