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CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM " SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM DA THAM DINH PHAP LY Déc lp - Ty do - Hanh phiie ai Independence ~ Freedom - Happiness THOA THUAN LUU GIU' HANG HOA TAI KHO NGOAT QUAN STORAGE OF GOODS AT BONDED WAREHOUSE AGREEMENT Théa Thugn sé: 230909/ VNP--YWK-HGLV - Can ct Ludt Hai quan s6 54/2014/QH13 do Quéc hoi nude Cong Héa Xa Hoi Chi Nghia Vigt Nam ban hanh ngay 23 thing 06 nam 2014, c6 higu Iye ké tir ngay 01 thang 01 nim 2015 va cde van ban hung dan thi hanh; Pursuant to Customs Law No. 54/2014/QH2013 dated June 23", 2014 of National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, come into effect from January 01, 2015 and guidance documents; - Cain eit Nahi dinh s6 08/2015/ND-CP cia Chinh Phii ngay 21 thang 01 nim 2015 quy chi tiét va bign phép thi hinh luat hai quan ve thi tuc hai quan, kiém tra, gidm sat, dt hai quan va Nghi dinh s6 59/2018/ND-CP ban hanh ngay 20 thang 04 nim 2018 sita d6i bé sung mot s6 diéu ciia Nghi dinh s6 08/2015/ND-CP: Pursuant to Decree No.08/2015/ND-CP dated January 21", 2015 of the Government detailing implementation of some articles of the Customs Law on customs procedures, inspection and supervision and Decree No.59/2018/ND-CP dated April 20%, 2018 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No.08/2015/ND-CP; : Can cit Thong tur s6 38/2015/TT-BTC ngay 25 théng 03 nim 2015 ctia BO Tai chinh vé tha tuc hai quan, kiém tra, gidm sat hai quan; thué xuat khdu, thué nhap khéu va quan ly thué d6i voi hing héa xuat khiu, nhap khéu; Thong twr 39/2018/TT-BTC ngay 20 thang 04 nim 2018 stra d6i 66 sung m6t s6 digu tai Thong tur 38/2015/TT-BTC; Pursuant to Circular No.38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25", 2015 of Ministry of finance guiding customs procedures, customs inspection and supervision; import duty, export duty and tax administration applicable to import and export; Circular No.39/2018/TT-BTC dated April 20", 2018 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 38/2015/TT-BTC; Can oir nhu edu va kha nang dap img cia Cée ben. Basing on capacity and demand of the all parties; ‘Théa Thugn Luu Trit Hing Tai Kho Ngoai Quan nay (sau day duge goi tit 1a “Théa Thudin”) duge lap va ky ngay 09 thang 09 nam 2023 boi va gitta cde bén: This Storage of Goods at Bonded Warehouse Agreement (Referred to as "Agreement") is made and executed on 09 Sep 2023 by and between. Bén A (Chai sé hitu Kho Ngogi Quan) TONG CONG TY BUU DIEN VIET NAM: Party A (Bonded Warehouse Owner) VIETNAM POST 3Parties Agreement KF Version 3.0 01-01-2022 wnt nie NE a z ‘Try so Address Dign thoai Tel Fax Fax Ma s6 thué Tax code Dai dién béi Represented by Chite vu Position S65 dugg Pham Hung, phumg My Dinh 2, quan Nam Tir Liém, thanh phd Ha Ni, Viet Nam ‘No. 5 Pham Hung street, My Dinh 2 ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Ha Noi city, Viet Nam +84 2437689346 +84 2437689433, 0102595740 Ong Nguyén Dinh Cuong (Theo gidy ay quyén sé: 5519 ky ngay 27/12/2022) ‘Mr. Nguyen Dinh Cuong (As authorized by the POA no.:5519 signed date 27/12/2022) Dai dign theo tiy quyén cua Téng cong ty Buu dign Vigt Nam Authorized person of Vietnam Post (Sau day goi tit la “Bén A") (Referred to as "Party A") Val And Bén B (Chi Hang) : Party B (Cargo Owner): YOUNG WOO KOREA STM CO., LTD. ‘Tru si Address Tel/Fax Dai dign bai Represented by Chire vu Position #705, CHUN MA BLDG, 402 HAKDONG-RO, GANGNAMG-GU, SEOUL,KOREA. 482-2-514-7060 / +82-2-518-8416 Ong/ Ba JUNG HYUN KYO. CEO (Sau day goi tat Id “Bén B") (Referred 0 as "Party B") Bén C (Bai dign cia Ben By: CONG TY TNHH HANJIN GLOBAL LOGISTICS VIET NAM Party C (The representative of Party B): HANJIN GLOBAL LOGISTICS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED. Try sé Address Dign thogi/Tel Ma s6 thué Tax code Dai dién boi Represented by Chute vu Position Phing 601, Lau 6, Téa nha Trung Tam 86 233, Dudmg, Déng Khdi, P. Bén Nghé, Quan 1, TP. Hé Chi Minh, Vigt Nam Unit 601, 6th Floor, Bao Viet Financial Center, 233 Dong Khoi St, Ben Nghe ward, Distriet.1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 4+84-28-222-01143 0313790035 Ong LEE YONGWOONG Ong LEE YONGWOONG ‘Téng Gidm déc Genaral Director 3Parties Agreement ee Version 3.0 01-01-2022 Peete Yall e Ae Wet Gidy uy quyén sé: 230909/YWK-HGLV Authorization No. (Bén C CONG TY TNHH HANSIN GLOBAL LOGISTICS VIET NAM la dai dién cia Ben B theo Gidy iy quyén s6: 230909/YWK-HGLYV (Ngay 09 thing 09 nim 2023), thay mat Bén B va hoan toan chju tréch nhiém thuc hién moi quyén Igi va nghia va cla Bén B trong Théa thudn nay va tit c4 cée Phy luc kém theo, HANJIN GLOBAL LOGISTICS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED .is the representative of party B base on Letter of Attorney 230909/Y WK-HGLV (dated 09 Sep 2023), shall on behalf of Party B take full right & responsibility of Party B in this agreement and all attached Annexes) (Sau day goi tit 1a “Bén C”) (Referred to as "Party C") (Bén A, Bén B va Bén C sau day duge goi riéng 1a “Bén” va goi chung li “Cac Bén”) (Party A, Party B and Party C collectively referred to as "Party" and collectively as "Parties") Cée Bén tai day déng y ky két Théa Thudn nay voi nhimg didu khoan va diéu kién nhu sau: The Parties hereby agree to enter into this Agreement with the following terms and conditions: pIDU1. DINH NGHIA ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS Trong Théa Thuan nay, trir khi ngtr cinh yéu cdu khée di, cde tir ngit va thugt ng dudi day sé 6 nghia nhw sau: In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions and terminologies shall have the meanings indicated below: LL. “Kho Ngoai Quan” cé nghia lé kho ngogi quan cia Ting Céng ty Buu dign Vigt Nam , 6 dja chi tai S6 CNO6, khu cOng nghiép hé tre Dong Van III, Phudng Dang Van, Thi Xa Duy Tién, Tinh Ha Nam Viét Nam. "Bonded Warehouse" means Bonded Warehouse of Vietnam Post, located at - Lot CN06, Dong Van Ill Supporting Industrial Park, Dong Van Ward, Duy Tien Town, Ha Nam Province, Viet Nam, 1.2, “Hang Ha” 06 nghia la hang hoa xudt/nhép khdu thudc quyén sé hitu Bén B dé nhap/xudt Kho Ngoai Quan, khéng nam trong Danh muc hang héa khong duge giti kho ngoai quan theo quy dinh tai Bigu 85.4 cia Nghi dinh 08/2015/ND-CP. "Goods" means goods imported / exported owned by Party B for the purpose of entering / leaving the Bonded Warehouse, which do not fall under the lists of goods prohibited from storage at the Bonded Warehouses in accordance with Article 85.4 of Decree 08/2015/ND- cP. Trir khi duge Bén A déng y, Bén B khéng dugc phép Iuu kho, mang Hang héa vio kho 61 voi: Unless agreed by Party A, Party B is not allowed to store or bring the Goods into the warehouse for: 3Parties Agreement a Version 3.0 01-01-2022 ANN US/ - Hang héa bé sung ma ting gid tri Hang hoa vugt qua han mite bao hiém chy né, rai ro duc bigt ma Bén A da thong béo cho Ben B, hoc Hang héa khéng duge bao hiém theo quy dinh cia php lugt. Truong hop Hang héa cia Bén B da dugc bao him theo yéu cau eiia phép lugt, Bén A cé quyén yéu cau bing chimg chtmg minh bao hiém cia Hang héa bd sung néu trén; Additional goods that the total value of the Goods exceeds the limit of fire and explosion insurance, special risks that Party A has notified to Party B, or the Goods are not insured as prescribed by law. In case Party B's Goods have been insured as required by law, Party A has the right to request proof of insurance of the additional Goods mentioned above; - Bat ky loai thyc phdm hode dé uéng nao khéng thugc danh mye Hang héa ky giri; Any food or beverage not included in the category of Consigned Goods; - Déng vat hofc bat ky loai sinh vat sinh séng nao; Animals or any living creature; - Chat nd, vat ligu hfe cht long dé chdy hole dé bat chay (Nhu son, x4ing, phéo hoa, déu thuéc, sung, mudi, dau héa, hoge dung mdi tdy rta...); Explosives, materials or liquids that are flammable or combustible (such as paint, gasoline, fireworks, medicinal oil, figs, salt, kerosene, or cleaning solvent - Vii trang, vil khi, dan duge, vat thé bay khéng ngudi Iai; Arms, weapons, ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles; - Héa chat, chat phéng xa, chat sinh hoc, chat thai dc hai, khi nén, chit amiang, ho&c cdc vat ligu, héa chat khdc cé tinh chét nguy hiém; Chemicals, radioactive substances, biological substances, toxic wastes, compressed air, asbestos, or other materials and chemicals of dangerous nature; - Cc vat phat ra tiéng dn, mdi, khéi; Objects that make noise, and give off smell or smoke; ~ Cac chat, vit bit hyp phap nhw ma tuy, chat kich thich ho&c bit ky cht, vat ndo cé thé gay mat an toan cho ngudi va/hode tai san, mat trat ty an ninh cho Kho va/hoac Bén A; Mlegal substances and objects such as drugs, stimulants or any substances or objects that may cause unsafety to people and/or property, disrupt the security of the Warehouse and/or Party A; ~ Hang héa, vét phdm bat hop phép hod céc Hang héa khéc ching loai hogc ngoai danh myc Hang héa theo quy dinh tai Théa thufn nay hoge Hang héa e6 yéu clu hu tr, quan ly dic biét, c6 didu kign theo quy dinh cia phap luat; Illegal Goods, items or Goods other than the category or list of Goods specified in this Contract or Goods that require special storage, management, or conditions as prescribed by law; ~ Céc vat, chat ligu cdm khée theo quy dinh cia phap luét. aParties Agreement I Version 3.0 01-01-2022 Other prohibited objects and materials as prescribed by law 1.3. “Phy Lye” e6 nghia la cée phy luc cia bin Théa Thuan nay duge ky bai Bén A va Ben C. “Appendix" means the appendixes of this Agreement signed between Party A and Party C. 1.4, “Phi dich vu": La chi phi thye hién Dich Vu ma Bén A da thye hign cho Bén B dua trén Biéu Phi dich Vy ctia Bén A cung cp. Phi dich vy bao gm: (1) Phi dich vu kho bai, quan ly Hang héa trong ho, (2) Phi dich vu Phy tr9i (néu ¢6), (3) Phi dich vy van tai hing hoa 1ndi dja (néu €6) va (4) Phi dich vu Gia tang (néu 6). “Service fee”: the cost of performing the Service that Party A has performed for Party B based on the Service Fee Schedule provided by Party A. Service fee includes: (1) Warehousing service fee, Goods management in warehouse, (2) Additional service fee (if any), (3) Domestic freight service fee (if any) and (4) Incremental service fee (if any). 1.5. “Ngay": La ngay theo duong lich, “Ngay lim vige" nghia la tat c@ céc ngay trit budi chidu ‘Thir bay, Chui nhat va cde ngay nghi Lé, Tét theo quy dinh cia Phap luét Viét Nam; “Day”: means a calendar day, “Working Day” means all days except Saturday afternoon, Sunday, public holidays and New Year holidays as prescribed by the Laws of Vieinam. 1.6. “D6i Soat Dich Vy" cé nghia la vige Céc bén thye hign vige d6i chiéu Phi Dich Va ma Bén A da thy hign cho Bén B bao gdm viée giao hang thanh cong hoe khOng thanh cong, Phi Dich Vu, céc Phy Phi Gia Tang va cée chénh Igch (néu c6). “Service Control” refers to the fact that the Service performed by Party A is controlled, including successful or unsuccessful delivery, Service Charge and Additional Charge and differences (if any). 1.7. “Théng Tin Bao M§t” la céc thong tin lién quan dén vige thyc hign Théa thuan nay, ngogi ““Y trit cdc théng tin vé tén, dia chi, théng tin phé théng duge phép sir dung théng thuéng cia mdi Bén va cée ndi dung khae da duge céng 6 trén cdc trang website chinh thite hoc c6 thé dugc céng ching tiép cn vi bat ky ly do nao ngoai trir viée vi pham Théa th nay, “Confidential Information” refers to information related to the performance of this Agreement, excluding information about the name, address, general information permitted for normal use by each Party and other contents. have been published on official websites or may be accessible to the public for any reason other than a breach of this Agreement DIEU2. PHAM VI THOA THUAN ARTICLE 2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 2.1. Bén B thué mot ché (khu vue thué) tai Kho Ngoai Quan ~ phi hyp véi yéu cau vé Hang Héa duge nhdp/xuat khau nhur lu trit, dé hang, phan logi va cde cbng vige khée lién quan dén van chuyén trong Kho Ngoai Quan Party B rents a space (leased area) at the bonded warehouse in accordance with the requirements of the Goods to be imported / exported such as storage, unloading, sorting and other activities related to transportation in the bonded warehouse. 2.2. © Loai hing: vai va phy kign may mac 3Parties Agreement ~- Version 3.0 01-01-2022 XA | E | Category: Fabric and ace © Logi déng géi:Pallet, kign, carton, bao vai Packing type:Pallet, box, carton, bag © Chit Iuong/ sé Iuong:M6i 100% Quality / Quantity: New © Téng gid trj: Phy thugc vao timg lan xudt nhap khau e6 phy luc di km Total value: Base on import and export attached annex. ¢ Xuét xi: Viét Nam, Han quéc.. Origin: Vietnam, Korea... 2.3. Theo ding ndi dung duge chp thudn cia Bén B néu trong iy quyén sé 230909/YWK- HGLY, Bén B uy quyén cho Bén C ty minh hodc thué nha thau phy tién hanh tigp nhn, quan ly va Lim thi tue Hai quan nhap khéu, van chuyén hang héa vé Kho Ngoai Quan, liru tit Hang Hoa trong Kho Ngoai Quan, thao dé hang héa, phan loai Hang Héa, chuyén quyén s@ hitu Hang Héa, thanh todn toan b6 dich vy phat sinh gia Ben B va Bén A, thi tuc hai quan xuat khéi Kho Ngoai Quan va nhiing céng viée khae lién quan dén viée van chuyén trong Kho Ngogi Quan theo diing ludt dinh cho cdc hoat déng tai kho Ngoai Quan duéi sy quan ly, kiém soat va theo thoa th Hang Héa chi tiét sé duge thé hién tai Phy Lue dinh kém cho mi duge xem Li m6t phan khdng tach roi cia Théa thugn nay. > 43 According to the content approved by Party B stated in the Letter of Attorney No 230909/YWK-HGLV, Party B authorizes Party C by itself or hire a subcontractor to proceed to receive, manage and carry out import customs procedures for Goods, transportation to the Bonded Warehouse, store Goods in the Bonded Warehouse, dismantle Goods, sort Goods process, Goods title transfer, payment for all services arising between Party B and Party A customs procedures for Bonded Warehouse out and implement other works related to the transportation in the Bonded Warehouse in accordance with the law for Bonded Warehouse activities- under the management, control of and agreement with Party A as the Bonded Warehouse Owner. Detailed Goods shall be shown in the attached Appendix for each shipment, The Appendix is considered to be an integral part of this Agreement. 2.4. Hang héa luu trit trong Kho Ngoai Quan thudc sé hitu cia Bén B, Bén A khong duge phép chuyén hang cho ngudi mua hay bén thi 3, trir khi c6 sy quyét dinh baing van bin/email cia Bén B ma Bén C la dai dign thyc hign. ¥ Goods stored in the Bonded Warehouse shall be owned by Party B, Party A are not allowed to be shipped to the buyer or a third party, unless there is the prior written/email decision of Party B that Party C is the representative to perform. 2.5. Cac Bén thye hign Thoa Thun nay trén co sé Hang Héa con nguyén niém phong. Trong trudng hop mat mét hay bj hu hai, Bén A sé thong béo cho Bén B/Bén C va hai quan dé kiém tra/bo cdo trurée khi mang hang vé kho ngoai quan. Ap dung tong tur véi tinh trang hang héa xudt nhap khau. The Parties implement this Agreement on the basis that the Goods are intact. In case of loss or damage, Party A shall notify Party B/Party C and customs to check and report before bringing Goods to Bonded Warehouse. The same applies to the status of imports and exports. 2.6. Chi tiét vé dich vu yéu céu cung tng, ndi dung, khéi lugng va cde diéu kién o6 lién quan, sé duge Bén B/Bén C chuyén dén Bén A va duge cdc bén théng nhat mdi Khi 6 nhu edu phat sinh Parties Agreement I Version 3.0 01-01-2022 The details of the services arising requested, content, volume and related conditions shall be transferred to Party A and agreed upon by the Party B/C upon request. DIEU 3. THOI HAN CUA THOA THUAN ARTICLE 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT 3.1. Can ott Khoan 1 Didu 61 cia Luét Hai quan: thoi gian hum gitt hing héa trong kho ngogi quan la 12 thang (365 ngay) va duge phép gia han thém 1 lan nhung khong qué 12 thang. Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1 of Article 61 of the Customs Lav the time limit for storing goods in bonded warehouses is 12 months (365 days) and may be extended once but not more than 12 months. 3.2. Truée khi hét thoi han ln gitt hing hoa 30 ngay, Bén A phai théng béo cho Bén B/Bén C bang email; Bén B chuyén Van ban giri Bén A & Chi cye hai quan noi quan ly Kho Ngoai Quan 48 nghi xin gia han cho Théa Thudn Phy Luc). XG Before the expiration of the goods stored for 30 days, Party A must notify by email to Party % B/Party C; Party B shall deliver the Letter to the Party A & Customs Branch where the a Bonded Warehouse is managed, requesting to extend the lease for the Agreement (Appendix). 3.3. Trong truéng hop phat sinh viée khéng thong béo gia han khi Ga qué thoi gian duge phép hu gitt hang héa (365 ngay ké tir ngay 16 hang nhgp kho) do 16i ciia Bén A thi Bén A sé chiu hoan toan tréch nhiém dén vigc vi pham hanh chinh trong linh vue hai quan va chju moi phi tn khi Hai quan xirly vi phgm. J3IL et wv In case of failure to notify the extension of time (365 days from the date the goods are warehoused) due to Party A’s fault, Party A shall be fully responsible for the violations of the customs administrations in charge of customs and bear all expenses when the customs offices handle the violations. DIEU 4, QUYEN VA TRACH NHJEM CUA BEN A ARTICLE 4. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTY A 4, Béo cdo dinh kj tinh hinh thuc hign cdc c6ng vige ma Bén C yéu edu, a Periodically report on the performance of tasks requested by Party C. I 4.2. Nhfin cdc ban szo tai ligu vgn chuyén: Vgn don, Théng béo hang dén, danh sich dong g6i, Ha don va céc tai ligu khéc lién quan dén viée lam thi tue nhap kho ngoai quan, xuat kho ngoai quan Ichi tra hang va cdc thi tue hai quan khde theo yéu edu cia Bén C. Receiving copies of shipping documents: Bill of Lading, Arrival Notice, Packing List, Invoice, and others related documents to do customs formality — import/ export at Party C's request. 4.3. Sap xép Hang Héa vao va ra khéi Kho Ngoai Quan ding théi han theo yéu cdu cla Bén C. Arrange Goods in and out of the Bonded Warehouse on time as requested by Party C. 4.4. Thiét lap phiéu giao nhan cling nhu bién ban ghi nh4n ré xi, sur c6 (néu 06) c6 x4e nhfn cia dai dign hai Bén trong qué trinh xép d@, giao nhfn hang hod tai Kho Hang. Quy trinh ghi nhén, xir ly vy vige s€ duge thu hién theo quy trinh, huéng din cla Bén A. 3Parties Agreement & Version 3.0 01-01-2022 Set up a delivery note as well as a record of leaks and incidents (if any) certified by representatives of both Parties during the process of loading, unloading, delivering and receiving goods at the Warehouse. The process of recording and handling the case will be carried out according to the procedures and instructions of Party A. 4.5. Thdi diém chuyén giao ri ro Hang héa (Bao gém tht thot, mét mat, hu hong Hang héa) tir Bén B/Khéch hang cia Bén B cho Bén A 1a théi diém hai bén ky Bién ban ban giao Hang héa ky giti cho dén khi hai bén két thic hoat dng ky giti hang héa. Bén A khéng chju trach nhiém vé nhimg hao hyt, phan hiy, dc tinh ty nhién ciia Hang h6a trong digu ign uu chifa théng thudng hogc cée nguyén nhan bién déi chat long, sé Inong Hang héa duge xdc dinh do 16i cia Ben B; The time of transferring the risks of the Goods (Including loss, damage, damage to the Goods) from Party B/Customers of Party B to Party A is the time when both parties sign the Minutes of handing over the consigned Goods until the two parties finish consignment activities. Party A is not responsible for the loss, decomposition, natural characteristics of the Goods under normal storage conditions or the causes of changes in the quality and quantity of the Goods determined due to Party B's fault; 4.6. Neay lép tite théng béo cho Bén B nhiing thiét hai hoc hur hing cé thé o6 déi véi Hang ha theo ban chét cia Hang héa va yéu clu Bén B tim giai php trong gigi han thoi gian nhat dinh theo 4@ xudt cia Bén A. Néu Bén B cé giai thich hop Ly va khéng thé phan hdi trong khodng thai gian ma Bén A da dua ra, Bén B cdn théng bao dén Bén A dé cdc bén cing ban bac va dura ra hung giai quyét phd hop. Immediately notifying to party B of any possible damage or destruction to the Goods due to its nature and to request Party B to find a solution within a certain time limit as suggestion of the Party A. If Party B has reasonable explanation and can’t response within time limit, Party B shall notify to Party A for mutual discussion and solution. 4.7. Bén A duge di chuyén Hang héa trong kho ngoai quan trén co so dim bao cdc nguyén tic ‘bao quan, di chuyén, an toan Hang héa. Party A is allowed to move Goods in Bonded warehouse on the basis of ensuring the principles of Goods preservation, movement and safety; 4.8, La dau méi lam viée véi co quan bao hiém trong viée mua bao hiém chay né bit bude, moi ri ro d&c biét, yéu cdu bao hiém theo quy dinh cla phap luat. Moi chi phi mua bao hiém cho Hang héa/thiét bj may méc eta Bén B do Bén B/Bén C chiu. Act as the focal point to work with insurance agencies in purchasing compulsory fire and explosion insurance, all special risks, and insurance requirements in accordance with the Jaw. All costs of insurance for the Party B’s Goods/Equipment shall be borne by Party B, Party C. 4.9. Trong qué trinh thytc hién Théa thuan/Don hang, néu cé ly do chinh dang vi Igi ich ca Bén B, Bén A cé thé thyc hign khée véi chi din cia Bén B voi diéu kign phai thong bio ngay cho Bén B/Bén C. During the execution of the Contract/Order, if there is a legitimate reason for the benefit of Party B, Party A may perform differently from Party B's instructions provided that it must immediately notify Party B/Party C. 4.10, Quyén va nghita vu khde theo quy dinh cita phap ludt. Other rights and obligations as prescribed by law. 3Partles Agreement iF Version 3.0 01-01-2022 Y

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