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are everywhere, are you making plans for the

Jesus will soon come to take His saints home, and
thereafter judge the rest of the world. Are you
prepared to go home with Him, or are you waiting
for His judgment? He is calling you to repent of
your sins and believe the Gospel (Mark 1:L5). lt is
not the will of God that anyone, including you,
should perish but that everyone should come to
repentance. There is no sin too much or too small
for God to forgive. He says in lsaiah L:L8, "Come
now, dnd let us reason together . . . though your
sins be os scarlet, they shall be os white crs snow;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as
wool." Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Come to Him by repenting of your sins, and He will
accept you, cleanse you with His atoning blood,
and make you ready for His return. Don't
procrastinate ! Repent now when you still have the
chance to do so.


oupr clirisrian li;1, \t;nitt,,

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i nfo@d ee pe rl ifeo n I i n e. org

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n November 5, "The time is short: it remaineth, that both they
1994, Ronald that hove wives be os though they had none; And

Reagan, a former they that weep, as though they wept not; and
NEVER MEET president of the United they that rejoice, os though they rejoiced not; and
States of America, in his last they that buy, as though they possessed not; And
public appearance wrote a they that use this world, as not obusing it: for the
farewell address to the fashion of this world passeth awoy" {1.
nation, informing the people CorinthiansT:29-3L). Time is short, whether you
that he had been diagnosed realize it or not; it speeds on, and every passing
with Alzheimer disease, an moment tells us so.
incurable neurological disorder, in which the death Since this is a fact of life, permit me to ask you
of brain cells causes memory loss and cognitive these questions: ls there a chance we will meet on
decline. ln the address he wrote, "l now begin the the other side of life, in the city of gold where
journey that will lead me into the sunset of my there's no day or night, a city where there will be
life." Reagan gave his parting message earlier, no crying, sorrog pain, disappointments or any
because he felt he would not have another chance form of hardshlp? Are you living your life according
to say goodbye. to the dictates of God's Word or of the world? As
Like President Reagan, lunderstand the you go through this fast-paced world, where the
necessity of saying what has to be said urgently, love of many Christians is waning; sinners are
giving the uncertainties that characterize our growing worse and going deeper into sin; children
world. So friend, if we never get to meet again on are becoming more headstrong and rebellious;
this side of eternity, if we never get the chance to famine, pestilence, wars and rumours of war
say goodbye to each other because it's very permeate the air; anarchy and oppression are
possible that our paths may never cross again, becoming the other of the day; terrorism,
then consider these as my parting words to you: kidnapping, paedophilia and all kinds of atrocities

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