It Happens Everyday

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Are you reody for this inevitoble oppointment?

deoth comes now ore you reody? Are you
prepored for life ofter deoth? Hove you
surrendered your life to Jesus? As o sinner, if you
die in your sin, you will foce God's iudgment ond
everlosiing domnotion in hellfire. But you don't
hove to die in your sin. Why will you be doomed
forever when Jesus hos poid the price for your sin
ond hos obtoined eternol redemption for yov?
Now is the time to prepore, tomorrow moy be too
lqte ond deloy moy be dongerous. Don't
procrostinote ond woste the vorious opportunities
God is bringing your woy. Confess ond repent of
your sins, believe ond occept the Lord Jesus os your
Lord ond Soviour. Don't live your life os if there is
no doy of reckoning. Live eoch doy os though it is
your lost. Deoth is certoin, but when you ore well
prepored, you will not feor it. When it comes, it will
be o groduotion from life on eorth to God's glory
in Heoven. Whot ore you woiting for? Toke core
of the motter now becouse the end is neor ond

* Sunday Worship Service -8ei'n

' Monday Bible Study -.1''rrr
GThursday Revival\Evangelism
Training Service -trF'r:
Heoven or hell depending on ihe kind of life they
hod lived while on eqrth.
Life on eorth is short ond uncertoin (Jomes 4;141,
ond every single breoth you toke is o gift from
God. You moy think you will live long becouse of
the good heolth you ore enioying now, but thot
I t it opproximoted thot 56.6 million'155,000
decision is not in your honds; deoth comes when it
I oround the world die every yeor;
I people die every doy; 6500 people die every wills. Some people woke up in the morning, feeling
hour; 102 people die every minute; ond neorly 2 strong ond heolthn but by evening, they ore no
people die every second. These stotistics moy be more. Deoth comes to mony unexpectedly ond
scqrX but they underline two focts. One, deoth is on suddenly becouse they never thought of it. The
oppointment everyone must keep, on inevitoble question to you is, hove you prepqred yourself for
event we will oll hove to foce some do; whether deoth? Beyond thot, hove you considered your
we ore reody for it or not. Two, people die every ofterlif e?
doy, whether fhey ore young or old, rich or poor. Yes, there's life ofter deoth, but sodly people
Deoth is no respecter of oge or person ond doesn't prepore for mony importont events bui don't toke
give ony worning before it strikes. The Bible soys, the iime to think or prepore for their deporture
"To every thing there fu o seoson, and a lime lo every from this eorth. This shouldn't be your cose. Since
purpose under lhe heoven: A time lo be born, qnd a you know thot deoth is certqin ond you don't know
lime todie" (Ecclesiostes 3: 1 -2). when it will be your turn to die, you need to
Deoth is the end of oll humon effort, the night prepore for it todoy. Hebrews 9227 soys
folling on everything you lobour for on the surfoce unequivocolly,"ll is oppol'nted unlo men once fo die,
of the eorth (John 9:4). lt is the seporotion of the but olter this the iudgmenl." This meons thot once
humon spirit f rom the body, the beginning of o new deoth comes, it becomes too lote to prepore for
beginning thot hos no end, the possoge into on eternity; God's iudgment is set. The rich mon ond
endless eternity. Mony people ore ofrqid of deoth Lozorus found this stotement to be true when they
becouse they don't know whot owoits them beyond died (Luke I 6: I 9-3'l ). No odiustment con be mode
the grove. When people die, they either go to once you poss on to the greot beyond.

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