Document (20) Customs

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Date: 06/05/2024


This office is writing you Mrs Patricia .M. Amanto through Diamond Shipping company Until.
AMCTT Clearance Tag is looking for your parcel. We have a problem here, trying to clear the box
without the clearance Tag. MCTT gave an order to my Unit that the parcel be scanned, to the
weight and processed. We the Ministry of US Customs and Border Protection wish to notify you
that the Consignment labelled trunk box A, tracking number, WPC013419-CARGO is currently in
our possession and needs to be cleared by rectifying some problems we’ve noticed. The
shipment of the aforementioned parcel has been brought to a STOP ORDER until the required
Customs Clearance DUTY, and other required fees are completed

You are hereby informed that the policy of US Customs and Border Protection Regulations that
it’s mandated that confidential items as such in your case, can only be transferred on the basis
of immunity approval. And it is on this note that we wish to let you know your consignment has
no guarded immunity, we found out that the boxes do not have a CORPORATE SURETY POWER
OF ATTORNEY, ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING CERTIFICATE Enabling special and private delivery
unit registered by Lucas Graffiti. It is advisable that you get the Custom Clearance and the
Immunity Approval to avoid checking it,This office is writing you PATRICIA .M. AMATO through
Diamond Shipping company. AMCTT Clearance Tag is looking for your boxes and the homeland
security would be alerted of this issue which will lead to your arrest if you fail to comply. We
have a problem here, trying to clear the boxes without the clearance Tag. MCTT gave an order
to my Unit that boxes be scanned, and with the document found we got to understand that the
total shipment to be made to you Patricia .M. Amato is $85.000 ( Eighty Five Thousand Dollars )
and the recent thread in movement of terrorist funding and equipment, find the very serious
shipment. We the Ministry of Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Wish to notify you that the
Consignment labelled truck box and tracking number, WPC013419-CARGO is currently in our
possession and contain no immunity seal. You’re here by requested to pay;

1. The Custom Clearance and Duties Cost : $ 9.850 .00

2. Non Inspection Yellow Tag : $ 2.120 .00
3. Importer Security Filling (ISF) fee : 4.080 .00
4. Immunity Approval : 6.340 .00
5. Anti Money Laundering Certificate : 2.850 .00
6. TAX & VAT : $ 2.524 .00
Total = $ 27.764 .00

The total cost for the above mentioned clearance (S) are to be paid or we will be allowed to
break. Just provide the (MCTT) needed to clear your parcel and we shall do that and get box

Finally, your boxes was sent by Miguel Thomas US Marine which was our reason or not applying
a computer aided electronic screening on those boxes we were told that boxes contain
photographic materials which could

Be damaged if we carry out electronic scanning on them. As a Requested you to obtain Custom
Clearance and Immunity Approval and all other required documents so that our boxes will have
immunity not to be scanned.

Imported items whose declared value is over and will not be released until proper MCTT
paperwork is completed. Contact Diamond Shipping company .

Note: Ministry of The US Customs and Border Protection, If an Agency of the border
Protection. It described it’s primary mission as “keeping terrorists and their weapons
out of United State home soil” but it is also responsible for all these MCTT Personal
mission have access to sensitive National Security Information and therefore they need
security clearance. You have 48 hours to comply to this verdict.
- Required fees should be made to the Custom Department through the Agent as
authorized by the Carrier/dispatcher of the parcel and mother company.

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