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Empowering Structural Engineers for a

Sustainable Future: SE 2050 as a Focus Initiative
By Mike Gryniuk, PE

T he Structural Engineering Institute (SEI)

has long been committed to advanc-
ing structural engineering and promoting
shared, and provides key resources and tools. As
SE 2050 celebrates its three-year anniversary,
we are proud to say that it has helped empower
responsibilities as professional engineers. Oh,
and do it quickly. And under budget. Structural
engineers are incredible professionals. We are
excellence in our profession. Recently, SEI structural engineers to navigate the complexi- more than capable.
underwent a strategic reorganization to better ties of sustainable design and construction. SE 2050 was established to support structural
fulfill this vision, enhancing its ability to SEI’s commitment to the success of SE 2050 engineers in their pivotal role. Through quar-
address pressing challenges and opportunities aligns with the growing emphasis on embodied terly calls attended by 60-70 engineers from
within the structural engineering field. Under carbon tracking and reductions globally. There signatory firms, we foster a safe environment for
a new strategic approach structure, the SEI is little doubt that the total carbon emissions sharing experiences and best practices, aiming to
Board of Governors identified four key focus associated with buildings requires massive reduc- enhance understanding of the evolving Standard
initiatives: SE 2050 Commitment Program tions in a relatively short time. Because most of Care and risk mitigation. Additionally, we
(SE 2050); Performance Based Design; embodied carbon emissions from new build- offer guidance on material selection, publish
Education and Leadership; and Young ings come from the structural system, structural real project case studies, and provide tools like
Professionals. SEI Focus Initiatives receive engineers are uniquely positioned to spearhead ECOM for measuring embodied carbon. A key
prioritized staff support, SEI resources, and the paradigm shift of holistically reducing the aspect of SE 2050 involves publicly sharing each
Board of Governors promotion to accelerate environmental impacts of buildings. It is impera- firm’s Embodied Carbon Action Plan (ECAP).
the activities of each. tive that we, as structural engineering experts, Over 150 firms have committed to sharing their
SE 2050 emerged in 2020 as a collective recog- embrace this leadership role, driving forward the annual commitment goals.
nition within SEI of the urgent need to address necessary changes to ensure a more sustainable SE 2050’s commitment to transparency and
the environmental impact of structural systems, and resilient future. There is no one better suited data-driven decision-making is further evident
specifically related to embodied carbon. SE for this than structural engineers. in its efforts to publish embodied carbon data
2050 is formally a response to the SE 2050 While the goal of achieving carbon neutrality of structural systems on real projects. Our
Challenge issued by the Carbon Leadership by 2050 may seem daunting, it is critical that first data analysis was presented at the recent
Forum (CLF) where SE was originally ideated. we embrace it wholeheartedly. The building SEICon24 in San Antonio and is the start of
This call to action signified a bold com- design and construction industry is changing our effort to provide invaluable insights, offer-
mitment to steer the profession towards a and will continue to do so with or without ing the only data-driven U.S.-based guidance
sustainable future. SE 2050 aims to achieve us—why not take control and ensure this on real trends and benchmarks of embod-
carbon neutrality of structural systems by 2050, rapid shift works for all structural engineers? ied carbon of structural systems. By sharing
setting a precedent for transformative action As structural engineers, we must step up. We real-world data, SE 2050 enables structural
within the structural engineering community. must lead. There are far too many potential engineers to make informed choices and drive
SE 2050 has evolved into a dynamic platform risks (and missed opportunities) of others lean- meaningful progress towards carbon reduction.
for innovation, collaboration, and knowledge ing in and directing structural engineers on Our next in-development database will not
exchange. SE 2050 facilitates a database with how to best integrate embodied carbon into only include the collection of embodied carbon
embodied carbon data of structural systems on our designs. Yes, it is challenging. We must but will also collect structural material quanti-
real projects, fosters a community in which best deal with a seemingly continuous flow of com- ties of structural systems to provide detailed
practices in embodied carbon reduction are peting priorities while upholding our ethical insights into the efficient use of materials.
As structural engineers, we must embrace our
role as leaders and stewards of the built environ-
ment, driving meaningful progress and guiding
the profession towards a more sustainable and
resilient future. Through initiatives like SE
2050, we as structural engineers can make a
lasting impact that benefits both current and
future generations. Have you joined the move-
ment? Check us out at: ■

Michael Gryniuk is the Founder and Principal of CORA

Structural in Boston. He co-founded and serves as Chair
of SE 2050. Gryniuk received the 2024 SEI President’s
Award for his efforts on SE 2050.

STRUCTURE magazine JUNE 2024 9

Discussing Engineered Damping
We engineer building mass and stiffness but not damping, making it highly uncertain.
By Ron Aquino, PEng, Shayne Love, PEng, and Jamieson Robinson, PEng

W e have been engineering mass and stiffness in tall buildings, but

not damping.
When a tall building is subjected to a dynamic load, such as wind,
have considered that the coefficient of variation (COV) of damping
could be somewhere between 30% and 70%, whereas the COV of
natural building periods or frequencies is no higher than 10%. The
seismic, or traffic, the structure is typically simplified to be represented COV is the ratio of one standard deviation to the mean of a data set.
as an equivalent spring-mass-dashpot system. In structural design, the A COV of 30% can be taken to represent a range of values from 30%
mass and stiffness are normally “engineered” since these values can be below to 30% above the mean.
directly calculated using material properties. When a structural engineer The structural design implication of a high COV for damping is
starts to size structural components such as beams, columns, walls, and significant. If 1.5% damping is typically assumed for the serviceability
slabs, the engineer is effectively selecting a mass and stiffness value for design of a concrete building, a COV of 30% means that it is reason-
the individual component based on its geometry and material properties. able to expect that the actual damping ratio could range between 1%
Then by taking all components and defining their joint connectivity and 2%. In terms of building accelerations, this implies a variation of
(fixed, pinned, or spring), the structural engineer is defining the global ±20% from the expected acceleration if 1.5% damping was assumed
stiffness and mass characteristics of the structure, from which the system in design. Such a variation is significant and would materially affect
frequencies are determined. the motion comfort of the building and may also dictate if mitigation
While such mass and stiffness properties of structural materials are needs to be considered to reduce accelerations. Similarly, this variability
well defined, little is known about the damping or energy dissipation of damping could also alter the wind-induced building drifts by up to
properties of materials. Damping is therefore a “non-engineered,” highly ±20% from the expected value. If the damping variation were more
uncertain property that is assumed, rather than calculated, at the time than 30%, the variability or uncertainty in response quantities would
of design. For simplicity in the design process, a global value for each increase as well. For wind loading, a proposal by Bashor & Kareem
mode of vibration is assigned based on experience with similar struc- (2009) was made to effectively increase wind loads by approximately
tures. For further simplicity, one damping value is generally used for all 20% on account of a 30% COV in damping, together with a 5% COV
modes for a particular loading scenario. For example, a 5% damping in natural frequency.
ratio is typically used for each mode when performing seismic analysis.
When calculating wind loads corresponding to the ultimate limit state,
perhaps 2.5% damping is assumed for each mode. For service limit Observations From Measured Damping in
states, the ASCE 7-22 Commentary states that values between 1% Tall Buildings
and 2% are typically used in the U.S. while also referring to the ISO
4354 which suggests 1% and 1.5% for steel and concrete buildings, For the most part, the damping values used in design are based on
respectively. In practice, we have seen some engineers use anywhere full-scale measurements on completed structures. However, most mea-
between 0.8% to 2% for service conditions (including accelerations surements are conducted at very low excitation amplitudes compared to
and wind-induced drift loads), and between 1.5% and 3% for Ultimate what the buildings are expected to experience during design wind events
Limit State (ULS) wind load cases. with return periods from 10 years or longer. Research in the 1980s (e.g.
Davenport & Hill-Carroll, 1986) showed a somewhat linearly increasing
trend of damping ratio with amplitude, with most of the measure-
Impact of High Uncertainty in Non-Engineered ments generally reporting damping below 3%. Note as well that these
Damping on Structural Design early measurements were likely done on buildings that were generally
shorter than the tall, slender buildings we see more of in the present
Research papers (e.g. Tamura et al, 2000; Bashor & Kareem, 2009) day. According to the Tall Buildings Database by the Council on Tall
Buildings and Urban
Habitat (CTBUH),
there were only 13
“super tall” buildings
as of 1990 (i.e. those
that were taller than
300 meters). As of
2010, that number
of super tall build-
ings was 49, and as
of 2020, there were
more than 100 super
Mass damping systems can be slightly more effective even if the inherent damping ratio is lower than assumed in the design. The supplemental damping level can tall buildings.
also be engineered to provide maximum damping at amplitudes where it is needed the most. Images shown are results from specific projects. Research since the

10 STRUCTURE magazine

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