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능률김 4

Q. [ ] 안에서 어법 상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. L4

Sometimes you may feel upset when you wake up suddenly 1[by / from] a nightmare, but you can always let out
/ scary] the dream was, at least you've woken up safe and sound in your own home. You can go back 3[to sleep
ones are just around the corner in their own beds. Your home is a special place that protects you and yo
everything]. Unfortunately, this is 5[no / not] a reality that everyone shares. Many people around the world d
comfortable bed. Instead, 7[they / it] open their eyes to see a dirt floor or a leaking roof. I didn't realize for a long
for granted could be someone else's biggest dream. One day, I learned about a program 9[where / that] neede
the world to help build houses for the poor. After watching a presentation about it, I was really touched 10[by / b
take part in the next volunteer trip. I had my doubts, 11[though / despite]. I didn't know anything about construct
for two weeks. Could we really change 13[this / these] people's lives as the presentation had suggested? I wa
volunteers and I got to meet the family that would be moving into the home we 14[were going / going] to build
This family of five was 15[lived / living] in a one-room hut. It was quite 16[clears / clear] that this place was
members. In addition to that, there were jars 17[everywhere / at everywhere] to catch all the rainwater dripping
floor, there 18[has been / was] hardly any space to sit, let alone lie down. It was shocking 19[to see / seeing] how
felt even more determined to build 20[him / them] a beautiful home. There were clear skies and temperatures
Under the burning sun, we carried bricks, mixed concrete, and 22[dug / were dug] holes for pipes. We had to s
more bricks and other 23[material / materials] for the new house. Every morning, the family and their neighbor
everyone. Then, 25[every / all] of us-the volunteers, community members, and the family-would start working. We
26[on / to] time. 27[When / As] evening came, we were all very tired and sweaty, but we were happy. After anothe
/ to finish]. On the last day, we had a party to celebrate the completion 29[that / of] the new house. It was th
incredible experience. The entire community 31[was there / there was]. Everyone was dancing or crying 32[tear / t
on the faces of the family as they 33[waving / waved] goodbye to us. As I look back on this trip, I find it amazing
people came together to build a house for a family they'd never met. For many of us, it was the first time we'd ev
work was hard, but not one person ever stopped smiling or even 36[had complained / complained]. I'm
37[though / through] this trip. In addition, I learned so much from the other volunteers, the community members
was there to give, but I received so much more in 39[returning / return]. This experience 40[inspires / has inspir
others. I hope it 41[will / would] also encourage my friends and family members to help out in the future. Althou
time, I had the chance to make new friends, 42[will learn / learn] about a different culture, and, most importantly,
living] of others better. I am so glad that this family now 44[is had / has] a safe place where they can lay the
decent 45[to home / home]. Right now, there are still many people around the world without a place 46[lives / to
people like me want to go out there and help 47[putting / put] a roof over their head.

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