능률김 3과 어법수정 (고난도) 문제지

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능률김_3 과

Q. 각 문장에 어법상 틀린 곳을 찾아서 표시한 후 바르게 고치고, 없다면 X 표 하시오.

1. L3

1. Has a painting, a movie, or a novel ever made you feel well?

2. Taking medicine can help you deal with your emotions and relieve your worries, but sometimes art might actua
3. As you will see, the use that color, different perspectives, and engaging plots can have an uplifting effect on yo
4. When you are angry nor irritated
5. Henri Matisse, Harmony with Red
6. Many people think that they should look at calming colors when they are angry or irritate.
7. Because the color red excites the emotions, they may think that is looked at it will make them angrier.
8. However, this picture shows of that the opposite can be true.
9. By looking at the color red here, yourself can release your anger.
10. This picture is actual helping you calm down.
11. The woman in the picture is standing in a vividly red room and is placed fruit in a bowl.
12. She seems to be carrying on her working in silence.
13. As you watch the woman working dutifully at her task in this red room, your anger melt away instead of gettin
14. In addition to, the yellow fruit on the table brings out positive and cheerful emotions.
15. At the same time, the green and blue space outside the window causes healing and relaxing feel.
16. The existence of these cool colors actually makes the "heaviness" of the red colors appear a was bitten lighter
17. Although the color red is dominant, it works together with the varied contrasting colors to form a harmony.
18. Seeing this balance keeps you to become overwhelmed by your emotions and helps you overcome your ange
19. As the painting's title suggests, these must be the power of the harmony in red.
20. During you lack confidence
21. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
22. Walter Mitty has developed the pictures used on the front cover of Life magazine for the past sixteen year.
23. Other than that, he leads a boring life fills with daydreams.
24. However, whose world is about to change:
25. Life will soon are become an online-only publication.
26. Unfortunately, the picture during the final cover is missing.
27. Walter decides to hit the road finding the picture.
28. He believes the photographer still is had it and follows his trail.
29. This is how Walter's wild dash across Greenland, Iceland, and the Himalayas began.
30. While this adventure, he survives a volcanic eruption and a fall from a helicopter.
31. Although he finally finds the photographer, Walter realizes he has, more importantly, become the person his a
32. Learn from Walter.
33. Don't sit around and dream about your next adventure-just be gone ahead and make it happen.
34. Don't wait for the right moment-there being no such thing as the right moment.
35. Create your own opportunities, and everything will be fallen into place.
36. Don't worry about not being brave enough-once you begin making bold choices, courage would follow.
37. All you need is motivation and this is already to inside of you.
38. Such start living!
39. This movie will remind you that your dreaming are ready whenever you are.
40. When you feel you don't fit in
41. Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
42. Jonathan Livingston Seagull knows that he's differ from others.
43. Instead of fighting over food with the other seagulls, Jonathan spends every his time learning about flying.
44. Every day, he practices new skills by rolling, spinning, and diving highly above the sea.
45. During one of his practices, Jonathan flies throughout his flock.
46. He expects the others to praise his amaze ability.
47. Instead, they look at him coldly as they now considers him unfit to be a part of the flock.
48. Jonathan tries his better to rejoin the flock, but he's no longer satisfied flying in formation with the othe
soaring above the clouds really feels.
49. If you have ever felt a little bit different, give Jonathan Livingston Seagull's message to heart.
50. Don't be afraid of being differently.
51. There is no need to apologize for being what you are.
52. This is what is made you special.
53. Once you to embrace what makes you different, learn as much as you can about it.
54. Keep perfecting that special skill that makes you different from the rest the crowd.

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