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Business Analyst-5

Q: Examples of Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions?

A: Closed-ended question Example:

1)Would you like to have some tea or coffee?
(No Choice or to select out of given two only, limited choice to select from)

Open-ended Question Example:

1)Would you like something to drink?
(no boundaries, open to speak or say anything)

So whenever you conduct a JAD Session, whenever you gather

requirements, you will always ask open-ended questions.

Q & A:

Whenever you start getting the requirements, always start with asking the
question in a logical sequence to SMEs, thinking like if you are the end user
to it, how will you start with to make it in the use?

What shall I do next?

Wireframe Questions:

1. How can they register, How should they be doing it?

SME: I don't want them to be registered by clicking on the button, instead I want a
hyperlink on this page.

2. Where do you want the hyperlink to be displayed on the page, the exact location?

3. What happens when you click on the Link?

So when you click on the link, it should take you to another page.
(Still an incomplete answer from SME).

4. Should it be open on the same page or open a new window instead?

It should be open on the same page and not in a new window.
5. What should the page look like?

User_Id: Text Field.

Continue: Command Button.
New User Registration: 1st Hyperlink Forgot User ID: 2nd Hyperlink

6. What happens when you click on the New User Registration?

A: It Will open a new page for that in the same window when you click on the respected

7. What will be the fields displayed on the new page opening in the same window?

User ID: Text Box

Password: Text Box
Re-enter Password: Text Box
SSN: Text Box
Gender(Male and Female): Two radio Buttons
Interests(Sports, Travel, Movies, Reading): 4 Checkbox Options
Security Question: Dropdown
Security Answer: Text Box
Register: Command Button
Cancel: Command Button

8. User ID the required field?


9. What is the Data Type of User ID?

Alphanumeric Data.

10. Data Length of User ID field?

Min: 8, Max: 16.

11. Password is the required field.


12. What is the Data Type of Password?

Alphanumeric Data.
13. Data Length of Password field?
Min: 8, Max: 16.

{Same for the re-enter password}

14. Is SSN a required field?


15. What is the data type of SSN?

Numeric, First 5 digits Encrypted, only last 4 digits to be displayed.

16. Data Length of SSN Field?

Fixed: 9

17. The radio Button, Check Box, or Dropdown menu is there, always ask if there is any
default selection to be selected.

18. Gender and Interests are required fields?


You came across the scenario where the checkbox is checked by default.
Your email is included for sending you the daily updates, where you will be
automatically enrolled.
You came across the scenario where the checkbox has to be checked manually.
Terms and Conditions is again something where you have the right to check the check

19. What are the options to be displayed in the dropdown, because dropdown display

20. What is the sort order of the dropdown menu?

Alphabetically, top to bottom.
21. Security Question, is it a required field?
22. Do Any of the questions be the Default selected Security Question?
23. Security Answer Data Type?
24. Security Answer Data Length?
Min: 2 Max:56.
25. Security Answer is required field?

26. What happens when clicking the cancel command button?

When you click cancel, the entered data gets discarded and navigates to the online
banking Page.
27. What happens when you click register?
When you click register, the system will perform validations across all the fields on the
page, a generic validation and then they go through each field and see, if are there any
validations specific to any of these fields.

1st Validation: (Generic Validation)

Does the required field have all or something data entered in all the required fields?

2nd Validation: (Generic Validation)

Is the data type entered valid with the respected field?

3rd Validation:

Is the user ID unique?

4th Validation:

Does the re-entered password match the entered Password?

5th Validation:

Is the entered SSN associated with the User ID entered?

6th Validation:
Is the entered SSN associated with the active User ID entered?
{has already registered for the same SSN, or has an active profile already for this SSN}

28. What if any of the entered details were found invalid?

If invalid, then you will remain on the same page with the errors highlighted in red.
You highlight the field which had errors in red and you display the error message at the
29. What is the Error Message?
Asking users to correct the incorrect fields entered.
30. What if the entered details are found valid?
Then the System should directly log you in the System.
31. Will that be in the same window or a new window?
Same Window, new page.
32. When details are entered correctly and it logs you into the System, what should it
It Should display a user landing page with an Account Summary.

33. What are the Data Fields to be Displayed once the landing page shows the Account
"This question has not to be answered in this JAD Session because it was not the motive
that falls under this JAD Session because that is Account Management Business
This has to be taken care of and handled by the Account SMEs.

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