A Character Stu-WPS Office (1) - 2

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A message from above

A character studied on
William Ruto

Kenya's Best Leader

The family and background of
William samoei ruto
1 There was a man in the land of Kamagut, Sambut
village, Uasingishu County whose name was Mzee Daniel
cheruiyot: that gentleman was blameless and
hardworking, upright and one who feared God
nomather the cost and hate evils. 2 He served God
faithfully from his childhood to adulthood. 3 And was a
loving husband to his dear wife Mama Sarah cheruiyot
who was and still an active influencial mother who
exercises basic parental controls by the way she live her
life and conducted her family. 4 God blessed them with
seven children, including one well known as William ruto(
Hustler by vertue). 5 Mzee Daniel together with his wife
was an active peasant Farmers: He was a large- scale
farmer who supplied thousands of maize to National
cereals and produced board ( NCPB). He also provided
hundreds of litres of milk to KCC every day. 6 Besides
being a farmer, he never take too much of his time
farming instead longed-to spend most of his time with
his dear wife together with their beloved siblings. 7
Because of their obedience and fully dependency on
God, they brought up their children with the word of
God, nurtured them strictly and strongly to uphold the
basic Christian vertues and firmly persuaded their
siblings to guard it well. 8 He was a great man and a
friend to many and with his dedicated Parenthood and
hardwork he managed to raised his family successfully in
a godly and friendly way and all were Soo fruitful to him.
Ruto's early life and education
9 And his sons would go to the field, tending in the farm,
every work he gave them to do, they could do it
passionately and with the willing mind. 10 Of all one
appeared to be the most competent and straight forward
in his work, William Ruto, for every task he did was
successful and was pleased with him.
Despite Mama Sarah lack of education, she loved
education so much, that she tend to encouraged his
children academically, spiritually and mentally wherever
she called to, she understood some words and most
importantly determined to memorizing the whole hymn
book. These inspired Ruto so much that he longed to
work hard to help his mother. Ruto began schooling at
kerotet primary school, before he transferred to Wareng'
secondary school for his ordinary levels before
transferring to Kapsabet boys high School in Nandi
county for his advanced levels.
He then went to receive his BSc ( Botany and Zoology)
from the University of Nairobi and graduated in 1990.
Ruto later enrolled for MSc in plant ecology and
graduated in 2011.
The following for PhD and after several setbacks he
completed successfully and was awarded a PhD from the
University of Nairobi graduating on 21 December the
year 2018.
Education journey
Ruto was a hard-working, God-fearing and a humble
Young boy, since his teenage age. He loved so much
reading story books, Bible stories, and actively
participated in church activities. Days goes-by and he
became older. Whenever he saw his friends going school,
he would also wanted to be part of them. Some day later
he began schooling, he was to traveled some good
kilometers, barefooted just like it was during those days,
like the other school going children. His passion and
thirsty for education made him ascend to be the top
student in his class, whenever he did exams. His Godly
character on the other hand earned him Respect and
honor both within the school, when he goes by the way
and at home. He displayed higher standard of discipline
and did his work as expected. And every work that he did
was successful. When functions were held in school
especially during closing ceremonies, he would be
awarded, for his good work. This made some of his
classmates to instilled jealousy upon him. And he told
them, "be prepared: I will be second to none." And God
was with him. He accepted every challenge whatever the
cost, he never lose hope, or his faith towards God.
Whenever he was insulted, troubled, he would listen at
the back and move ahead. And he said," in regardless of
anything, whether good or bad, I know God who made
me is in heaven. He knows my weakness, and my
strength. He will hold me forth till I reached out the goal
which he has set up for me." After he did his exams and it
was good, he proceeded to the next level. He joined
Wareng' secondary school for his ordinary level before
transferring to kapsabet high school for his advanced
levels. His character did not changed, instead at this
point, he had supper powerful vision: that, "One day I
will be the president of Kenya, with the help of God." He
said. With everything he does, he applied full confidence
and commitment. And all was well with him. The attitude
towards God did not waver her spirits of vigilant to share
to his class mates, he always encourage them
saying,"God is good, and the will answer him," all the
time." He goes furthermore and say," with God
everything is possible to those who believe and trust in
Him. But impossible to those who don't." It was during
school students council election day that he was elected
as the Christian Union chairman ( C.U.C). He was very
excited about the work he Longed to have and he did his
work confidently without fear or favor. And God was
pleased with him. He was readily available and willing to
do any extra work when he was called to. It was on
weekend when students were on cleanliness. And as a
leader he delegated some work to do to some students.
It was around 10:00an in the morning, and there was a
meeting to be held at the afternoon. So, the dining hall
was a better and suitable place to conduct the meeting.
Students had to wash the room and rearrange it very
neaty to allow a conduct environment for the meeting to
take place. It happened that one of the student from the
assigned group brought up disturbances, when others
were putting tables, seats and decorations on their
respective places, he would turn around everything and
put some bad trace's on them. These made other
students hungry on him that they tend to report the
matter to the office. One of the student resolved and
Said,' I think we should first report it to our chairman,
how is it? Well said, that's the best way, they concluded.
They called him and presented their complaint to him.
"Oh! Good students are you done? Thank you." He said.
They answered,"No, not really. One of our colleagues is
really disturbing. Every time we get the dinning clean and
organized, he again disorganized and make the
decoration sheet thirty. Ooh well, first thank you for the
good work you've done. It's absolutely good. He gave
them other decoration sheets and this time he joined the
team, they all arrived at the dinning all, and he was Soo
happy for the good work done. He asked the group and
especially to the the student believe to have created
some disturbance saying, " my friend, I can see this is a
good idea." The young man burst into a huge laughter
and said thankyou. "Yeah, very good and if we can turn
these tables to face the other side then seats on this
other side, so that as the visitors come in it will be easier
for them to access their positions, how will it be?" Ruto
pleaded. "Sure that's a better way to do" the young boy
agreed. Immediately after that conversation, the young
boy started himself to rearrange the room and this time
he did ever better than the other students. He never
again in his life time wrong anyone and whenever he
mess he was ready to admit the mistake he made and
Change for the best. And from this very day Ruto became
friend to many students. The message reached every one
in the school of how the Ruto threated their colleague
who was not believe to be doing anything good. And
everybody became Happy about him. Many students
were affected most by the way he viewed them and
extremely inspired the rest of the school greatly imitate
his examble. This made Ruto to humble himself more
and more for the faith and trust that all the laid up upon
him. In his words, he said," follow me as I follow Christ."
And God was with him, he did everything with a touch of
kindness and humility. Ruto passed well exams with a
good A- at kapsabet boys. He proceeded to receive his
BSc( Botany and Zoology) from the University of Nairobi,
graduating 1990. As a hard-working man he enrolled for
his MSc degree in plant ecology and he did well
graduating 2011. He thereafter proceeded for PhD and
after several setbacks he eventually completed and he
was awarded a PhD at the University of Nairobi on 21
Dec 2018. While at the University, Ruto did served God
with all humility and honor, and in all strength and
knowledge, and whole heartly. His love for others
demonstrated more concerned of brotherly kindness
with a touch of Godly heart. These made him to be
elected as the C.U chairman and as the chair leader of
the students choir. Ruto again emerge success in every
work that he did, because of his devotional to God's
word, God showed favor on him, he made him successful
in both academically and leadership. Whenever he
wanted to perform any task he would pray, asking God to
guide him, and take him through every step. During the
choir time, he would asked, his members," my friends
let's pray." He would pray at the start and when the choir
practice is ended he would ask someone to close by a
word of prayer. It's also believed that he had formed a
Bible study group where they confined and studied
together the word of God, every evening and there after
participated in praises and worship. Ruto grew older and
stronger in the word of God, and his disire was to spread
the gospel to reach others. Ruto was friendly to all and
threat every one in a godly manner. He won the souls of
many to Christ, and saved many from evils and rescued
many from trap's. God was happy with him and he
blessed him so much that he was fruitful and successful
in every work that he did. Perhaps Ruto being an hard-
working young man as he was, in the University of
Nairobi, his journey for success was not without
challenge's. Just as a student, he never denied himself a
Chance to do other things. During part time, he could
hustle. He flexibly turned out to be a great and successful
business man, he bought Hens and sold them along the
Eldoret-Uganda Highway. In so doing he was able to
support his family and also garter for his education
needs. It's believed that the powerful nickname,"
Hustler." Came about During this time of hustle. People
knew him as an hardworking and focused business man
who survive many trials and remain firm to his vision. He
could encounter the many losses as well as many gains in
his business but failure couldn't made him lose hope,
instead it cheered him to keep trying and trying and
trying until when he was able to carry out business
successful. Flexibility and hope is what earned him
courage to keep moving. Though their were naysayers
sorrounding him, he never gave them an opportunity.
When they told," you can't.' he could rewrite it back and
conclude,' yes I can with the help of God.' This attitude is
what has made a successful business man in the several
businesses that he owns Including trading if hens and it's
Ruto begins his ministry as a child. God set him apart
even before he was born, and just as young boy as he
was, God used him for his own good. He was well trained
at teenage and that could actively live by the teachings of
the word of God thought by his parents. Far be it that I
shall not sin against God and my parents by doing against
their will. He grew as a stature and in favor with God.

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