MT3812 LoLeakage Test Result 1.0

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➢ MT3812 

LoLeakage test result

MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0- Nov 2022

MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

Revision History

Rev Description of Changes Date of Issue Author

1.0 Initial Release November 2022 MG

Classified Rank:  Confidential  Secret  General

ESD Sensitive Device!

Electronic boards and their components are sensitive to static electricity. Therefore,
care must be taken during all handling operations and inspections of this product, to
ensure product integrity.

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The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Metanoia Communications Inc. and
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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................................. I

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... II

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................................................. II

1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE AND SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 1

2 HOW THE LOLEAKAGE WORKS .................................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 LO LEAKAGE CALIBRATION PRINCIPLE................................................................................................................................. 2

2.2 TESTING LOLEAKAGE ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 EXPERIMENTAL TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................... 3

List of Figures
FIGURE 1 - LO LEAKAGE ILLUSTRATION ..................................................................................................................................................2
FIGURE 2 – DIRECT SIGLE TON SIGNAL ....................................................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 3 - LO LEAKAGE COMPENSATION SIGLE TON SIGNAL ........................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 4 – 5G SIGNAL ......................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
FIGURE 5 – LO LEAKAGE COMPENSATION 5G SIGNAL .................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

1 Document Purpose and Scope

This document presents Loleakage tests results example.

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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

2 How the Loleakage Works

LO leakage is estimated using RFLoop mode and shifting the internal RC PLL from the precise one used in
active mode. This shift in frequency allows to isolate the effect of TX internal mean. To compensate this effect
an offset value is added to the digital signal, so the distortion is canceled.

2.1 LO Leakage Calibration Principle

Each components I & Q contribute to the LO leakage.
There is no phase relationship between the two PLLs, as a result the phase of LO leakage will be rotated.
We will proceed in two steps, one for I only signal as excitation, the other for Q only signal. The optimization is
then done considering the LO leakage module (suppressing the phase estimation problem).
The optimum value for I&Q are obtained when the LO leakage is minimum but at same time when the SNR will
be at minimum. For that reason, the LO leakage calibration algorithm characterizes to effect signal offset,
create a model and estimate the optimum offset value to cancel the LO leakage.
For a given component I or Q, one can measure the LO leakage amplitude for a large set of values from +/-
5000. 21 values are computed with a step of 500. Using those values, a quadratic model is estimated giving an
optimum value for the tested component.

Next figure gives the estimation of LO leakage level sample for a give Q:

For this example, the LO leakage level at 0 is measured at

The LO leakage minimum is 40 for an offset equal to 578.

The 578 is given by the minimum abscise of the second

order curve in orange.

Loleakage variation

Spectrum without correction Spectrum with a correction of 578 offset on data

Figure 1 - LO Leakage Illustration

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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

2.2 Testing LoLeakage

The Lolaekage testing is following the next flow :

1. Estimate the LoLeakage :

a. Using the Python script : menu 8 : the result is recorded into result file.

b. Using C_calibration : run CLI command diora-caliblo X Y Z

with X : 1 for channel 1 , 2 channel 2 , 3 both channels estimation
Y : Band selection (1 low, 2 medium, 3 high)
Z : Carrier frequency example 7000000 (x5) for 3.5Ghz

2. Create a corrected data file adding I&Q Loleakage estimated values

a. using the Python script and follow the menu :

select menu 13.
select the channel
select a file to be send to the antenna.
The diora is set in active mode, with a Tx gain set to 22.

b. Using C_calibration , the loLeakage values have to be added to the test signal on I & Q

Using spectral analyzer, the LoLeakage correction effect can be observed on DC level.

2.3 Experimental test results

The estimation is done using a BR rev A Gueul Rev B.

The estimation of Lo Leakage has been done using the c_calibration tools and confirm with the python
reference code.

Test signal is a 20Mhz tone send to the Spectral analyzer using a Active mode for the yuka.

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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

Figure 2 – direct sigle ton signal

Figure 3 - LO Leakage compensation single tone signal

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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

Figure 4 – direct OFDM signal

Figure 5 - LO Leakage compensation OFDM signal

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MT3812_LoLeakage test result_1.0

The Frequency levels are as follow:

lo leakage Lo leakage Gain

direct signal compensation
dBm dBm
Single tone DC 3.6 -27.0
Delta DC to Signal 19.5 50.2 30.6
OFDM DC 4.5 -18.94
Delta DC to Signal -1.8 21.7 23.4

One can see that the central frequency is reduced by 30.6dBm for signal tone test and 23.4dBm for OFDM

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