howmoviesheal 어법+문장배열 문제지

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how movies heal

Q. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.


(A) Movies aren't just popcorn and entertainment. They can be a surprising source of strength especially during to
films offer an escape, help us understand our emotions, and ultimately contribute to our well-being. Sometimes, a
Watching a movie isn't about ignoring problem but it's about giving ourselves a chance to recharge. A good film c
a temporary escape that refreshes our perspective and helps ourselves face challenges with renewed energy. It's lik
diving back in.
(B) But movies do more than just distract us. They can also be mirrors reflecting our own lives. By seeing characte
insights into our own. We connect with their triumphs and failures, their fears and desires, even if they're portrayed
us explore emotions and situations we might find difficult on face directly, promoting personal growth.
(C) Take the COVID-19 pandemic, for example. It's a stressful time, and healthy coping mechanisms are essential.
as a way to unwind and refocus during these challenging times. Choosing films that depict characters overcomine
marathon project, can provide a sense of hope and resilience that resonates with our own struggles.
(D) In essence, movies are more than just entertainment. They have the power to heal. By offering escape, fosterin
inspiration, movies can be powerful allies in navigating life's difficulties. So next time you're feeling overwhelming,
be surprised by the strength and clarity brings.
(E) Think about it this way: movies can act like therapists. A powerful story can echo experiences, giving us a safe
struggles play out on screen can offer much-needed clarity and perspective. We might even find inspiration in the
tackle our own challenges.

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