Array Information Security Enforcer Datasheet

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Automated, Real-Time Data Protection

Array’s Information Security Enforcer (ISE) is a 4th generation Data Leak Prevention (DLP)
solution that enables automated, comprehensive protection against malicious theft and
inadvertent disclosure of confidential information. Whether deployed on-prem or in the
cloud, ISE addresses critical gaps affecting typical DLP solutions, and greatly simplifies
implementation and management of data protection.

Automated Data

Visibility Data Leakage

& Analytics Prevention
Real-Time &

Cloud Access Automated Data Access

Security Broker Control

Automated Data Identification & Data Classification

Automatically discovers and classifies data in real-time without the need for manual intervention or manually tagging data or
files. Array’s patented technology protects confidential information, including structured, semi-structured and unstructured
data. Automated discovery and classification of confidential and sensitive data applies even for newly created, zero-day data
and information.

DLP Policy Automation & Enforcement

Incorporates proprietary Array policy synthesis technology which automatically generates relevant policies, reducing the
complexity and cost of laborious and error prone policy definition processes. Evaluates security-based significance of data
and files and invokes corresponding security policy in real time to prevent data leak and data exfiltration.
Identity & Role-Based Data Access Control
Delivers a unique Identity and role-based data access control paradigm. Employee actions are automatically evaluated,
actions are allowed or disallowed based upon authorized roles within the enterprise to attach compliance enforcement
to corporate policies and procedures.

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

Provides protection and access control for data moving from the enterprise to the cloud. Blocks transfer of sensitive data to
web-based applications based on security status of content and actor. Provides detailed reports on exfiltration attempts
based on actor, content and intended web destinations.

Real-Time Monitoring & Enforcement

Intuitive, built-in workflows for security admins, business managers and employees alert relevant parties to suspected
violations, allow end-users to cancel inadvertent actions, and block malicious users from leaking information. All incidents
are monitored in real-time within the ISE administrator interface, and logged for compliance reporting.

Flexible & Adaptable Deployment Modes

ISE is designed to be flexible and adaptable to any deployment topology (on-prem, hybrid cloud or public cloud). It is
deployed on the corporate network between employees and data and information repositories to analyze real-time data
transmissions over any communication channel, including email, webmail, web applications, FTP, and instant messaging.

Features & Specifications

Automated Data Identification & Classification

Categorization and classification without human intervention;

Automated Analysis-Based Semantic Data Classification no pre-tagging required.

Unstructured Data Analysis of unstructured data with minimal or no human

intervention required. Identify and protect data including text,
memos, spreadsheets, emails, PowerPoint, documents,
images, Intellectual property, and more in real-time.

High performance Reg-Ex matching algorithms for data

Structured Data (Regular Expressions)
including credit cards, social security numbers, account
numbers, bar codes, and more. Expressions can be
combined with wildcards and defined constructs.

Full keyword and phrase matching capabilities identify known

Semi-Structured Data data types.
Full support of logical and pattern-based occurrence analysis
Pattern Matching & Analysis methodologies; goes beyond traditional statistical and
Bayesian methods.

Customize and extend as new patterns and threats arise

Easily Extensible without requiring redeployment.
Content Types Monitored & Controlled Monitors data from databases, file systems, and desktops.

Over 48 content format decoders including txt, MS-Word,

Data Types & Formats Monitored PDF, PPT, XLS, XML, images, design documents, and more.

Automated Policy Generation

No manual Interference or pre-tagging of security policies

Automated Policy Generation required; all policies generated automatically.

Automatically evaluates the significance of information and

Automated, Real-Time Policy Enforcement
applies the appropriate policies in real-time without human

Highest level of policy granularity; complex permutation of

Highly Granular Settings
actor-based, group-based, protocol-based, applica-
tion-based, source/destination-based, and content-based

Automatically identifies and prevents internal policy conflicts;

Policy Accuracy no anomalous behaviors.

Unique policy syntax; human readable and easy to

Policy Syntax

Policy updates can be dispatched and enforced instantaneously

Real-Time Policy Updates in real-time without interruption.

Real-Time Governance & Regulatory Compliance Enforcement

Built-in segmentation-of-duty (SoD) definition and

GRC-based DLP Paradigm enforcement.

Unique 3-D correlation technology analyzes actors, operations,

Identity & Role-Based Access Control
and information in real-time; performs sophisticated correlation
to automatically create an abstraction of the enterprise
organization structure and enforce access control based on
SoD principles.


Pre-defined Templates for Compliance
Union Directive on Data Protection, PDPA, and most United
States data privacy laws including SB-1386.
Templates can be customized, and filters can be defined to
User-defined Compliance Criteria easily adapt to new compliance and security needs.

Compliance violations sent as real-time alerts to employees,

Compliance Monitoring business managers and security administrators for corrective
measures; incidents are logged in real-time and archived to
demonstrate compliance.

Proxies & Key Cloud Applications

Full reverse and forward proxies; HTTP/HTTPS, SSL,

Built-in Proxies ICAP, SQUID, SMTP, IM, and XMPP.

MS-Exchange, Office 365, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive,

Cloud Applications
SharePoint, OneDrive, and more.

Enterprise Repositories Active Directory, LDAP; full duplex mode synchronization.

Protocols & Applications


Comprehensive Set of Network Protocols
MS-Web Exchange +773, +7736, RPC-over-HTTP, instant
messaging, XMPP, ICAP, MS-Exchange 2007/2010/2013.

Databases, Email, web-mail, MS-Exchange, Office 365, Box,

Application Types Monitored & Controlled Dropbox, Google Drive, and more.

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

Centralized access control for cloud applications and cloud

Cloud Access Control
services. Detailed reporting on exfiltration attempts to cloud
applications and cloud services.

Highly granular control of data and content transactions to

Content-Aware Security Broker cloud services and cloud applications based upon sophisti-
cated DLP criteria.

CASB Reports & Analytics Comprehensive set of CASB reports and drill-down analytics.

Visibility & Analytics Dashboard

Centralized Command & Control System Browser-based centralized command and control system,
using any browser, including Microsoft Edge, Google
Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla and more.

Instantaneous reporting of all violations in the centralized and

Real-time Incident Monitoring Dashboard
consolidated system dashboard.

Detailed forensic analysis tools, analysis of preventative

Forensic Analysis measures taken.

Extensive set of predefined reports, detailed reports

Incident Reporting & Logging generated based on a variety of filters and criteria.

Open formats for export into other reporting systems

Reporting Format
including Crystal Report, Actuate, Tivoli, SQL-based
reporting tools; export to PDF or CSV formats.

Central management system interface for the creation, monitor-

User-friendly Security Administration ing, and management of system configurations, multiple
security administrator accounts, and end-user privilege settings.

Deployment Modes

On-prem enterprise deployment (private networks and

Enterprise (On-Prem) data centers).

Hybrid Cloud Mix of on-prem and public cloud network environments.

Virtual private cloud (VPC) at large-scale public cloud

Public Cloud providers including AWS, Azure, GCP and more.

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