Bar Chart Annual Pay

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The chart depicts the yearly salaries of surgeon and other employees through various seven nations in


Overall, the US was the highest payer for both of those career. Furthermore, the profession considerably
higher annual pay than the group of people doing other works in all that countries.

When it comes to the income of doctors, the United States reached the toplist with a stable 120.000 per
year, being nearly double the number of the salary in both France and Germany; while those working in
Switzerland and Italy had each year receiving of precisely 70.000, abouth 10.000 higher than the Czech’s
professors earning and the Findland ones.

Regarding the wage of other workers, which is hit a lowest point, at about 40.000 and 45.000 in the US
and Switzerland, collectively; moreover, both of those state was merely two times the Germany, Czech,
Italy counterparts in the sequence. Addtionally, other professions in Findland earned 25.000, a slight less
than other occupations in France, which had an once a year salary of 30.000.

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