Report Writing

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Report Writing

What is a report?
A report is clear and concise document which is written for a particular purpose
and audience.
Three important parts of the definition here
Clear- It should possess the clarity of expression and must not deviate from the
Concise- Concise means it should of shorter length (generally it is upto two
hundred words) but it depends on the question.
Purpose- It means that it is written to provide certain important information, it
maybe regarding an event or incident and it is meant for a particular audience.
For example, the report maybe written for a school magazine or journals or
Important points to remember while writing a report
 It must be written in past tense.
 Do not use the first person (I, Me) such pronouns are not allowed, try to use the third
 Use indirect speech while writing a report.
 Use passive voice while writing a report.
Please remember these points while writing a report.

Report Writing Format

Let’s draw a rectangular box please note it is not necessary to draw a box.
Note: There are some variations in the place of reported by, place and date.

Heading (please write the heading of the report in

the middle) it contains the event name.
Reported by: (Name of the
reporter and designation if any).
Place: (place of the report)
Date: (on which the report is written)
Body of the report: It is divided into three parts
In introduction you need to answer the five W’s.
In the ist line you will answer
What is the event?
Who conduct it?
When was it conducted?
Where was it conducted?
In the second line you will answer the questions
Why it was conducted?
3rd line- you can write the participants or the volunteers that participated in the event.
Main content
Here you have to write how the event started and what were the highlights of the event.
Summarize the end of the event with a positive note.
Please remember this and you won’t have any difficulties in report writing.
DHQ Dir Upper organized a blood donation camp in GDC Dir Upper for its employees.
Write a report in about 200 words covering the event as a Reporter of “Dir News”
Let’s start with the heading
Reported by: X Y Z, Reporter, Dir

G.D.C, Dir Upper


A blood donation camp was organized by GHQ on 1st of March 2022 from 10 Am to 5 pm at
G.D.C, Dir Upper. The purpose of this event was to create awareness regarding regular blood
donation among the employees. It was very well planned camp and many employees voluntarily
participated in this noble cause.

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