Bsc-Ii Year-Computer Science 2021-22

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The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

(An Autonomous Institute Reaccredited

with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)
Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal

Academic Year – 2021-2022


Under Graduate

B.Sc. Second Year

Department of Science

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The Bhopal School of Social Sciences
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)

Scheme of Examination
Academic Year: 2021-2022
Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year

Subject: - Computer Science

Theory CCE Practical Total
Paper Title of Paper Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. (Max.
Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks)
Object Oriented
BSC- Programming
Concepts using 40 10 50
C++ 26 7
BSC- Data Structure
II 40 10 50
BSCP- Practical 50 17 50
Grand Total 150

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The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year
Subject: - Computer Science
Paper: - I
Name of the Program: B.Sc. Program Code: 04
Group: Science

Name of the Course: -Object Oriented Programming Course Code:BSC-202.1

Concepts using C++
Total Duration: 60hours Max. Marks: 50
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop a greater understanding of the issues involved in programming language
design and implementation.
2. To develop an in-depth understanding of semantics to write programs, functional,
logic, and object-oriented programming paradigms.
3. Understand design/implementation issues involved with variable allocation and
binding, control flow, types, subroutines, parameter passing.
4. Develop an understanding of Constructor, Destructor, Inheritance and operator
5. To understand basic concepts of array, virtual function and polymorphism.
Learning Outcomes
1. Student will be able to apply concept of programming in C++ language.
2. Student will be able to implement Object oriented concepts using C++.
3. Student will be able to use Constructor, Destructor, Inheritance and operator
overloading in C++.
4. Student will be able to use the programming using array, virtual function and
5. Student will be able to use the programming concepts in a wide range of applications.

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The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)
Academic Year: 2021-2022
Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year
Subject: - Computer Science
Paper: - I
Paper Title –Object Oriented Programming Concepts using C++
Unit Topics Marks
(In Hours)
Introduction to C++: Programming paradigms, Key concepts of Object-
oriented Programming, Advantages of OOP’s. Input and Output in C++: Pre-
I 12 10
defined streams, Unformatted console I/O operations, formatted console I/O
C++ Declarations: Parts of C++ Program, types of Tokens, Keywords,
Identifiers, data types, constants, Operators, Precedence of operators,
II 12 10
referencing and dereferencing operators, scope access operator. Control
structures: Decision Making Statements, looping statement.
Functions: main (), parts of function, passing arguments: value, address,
reference, inline functions, function overloading: principles, precautions,
library functions. Classes and objects: declaring classes and objects, accessing
III class members, keyword: public, private, protected, defining member 12 10
functions: member function inside the class, member function outside the
class, static member variables and functions, friend function, friend classes,
overloading member functions.
Constructors and Destructors: characteristics, applications, constructors with
arguments, overloading constructors, types of constructors. Operator
overloading: overloading unary operator, binary operator. Inheritance: access
IV 12 10
specifiers: public inheritance, private inheritance, protected data with private
inheritance, Types of inheritances: single, multiple, hierarchical, multilevel,
hybrid, multipath, virtual base class.
Pointers & arrays: pointer declaration, pointer to class & object, Array:
V declarations & initialization, arrays of classes. Polymorphism: Static (Early) 12 10
binding, Dynamic (Late) Binding, virtual function, pure virtual function.

Recommended Text Books:

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• Ashok N. Kamthane; Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI & Turbo C++.

• E. Balagurusamy; Object Oriented Programming in C++.

Recommended Reference Books:

• Herbert Schildt; C++ The complete Reference, TMH publication.
• Robert Lafore; Object Oriented Programming in C++.

The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

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(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year
Subject: - Computer Science
Paper: - II
Name of the Program: B.Sc. Program Code: 04
Group: Science

Name of the Course: - Data Structure Course Code: BSC-202.2

Total Duration: 60hours Max. Marks: 50

Learning Objectives:
1. To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms
2. To understand concepts about searching and sorting techniques
3. To understand basic concepts about stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs
4. To understand basic concepts of Hash table, Spanning tree, shortest path algorithm.
5. To apply step by step approach in solving problems with the help of fundamental data
Learning Outcomes
1. Student will be able to analyse algorithms and choose appropriate data structure as
applicable to specified problem definition.
2. Student will be able to handle operations like searching, insertion, deletion, traversing
mechanism etc. on various data structures.
3. Students will be able to use linear and non-linear data structures like stacks, queues,
linked lists, trees, graphs etc.
4. Students will be able to use Hash table, Spanning tree, shortest path algorithm.
5. Student will be able to use the programming concepts in a wide range of applications.

The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

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(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)
Academic Year: 2021-2022
Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year
Subject: - Computer Science
Paper: - II
Paper Title – Data Structure
Unit Topics Marks
(In Hours)
Concept of data structure and analysis of algorithm, abstract data structure,
introduction to stack and primitive operations on stack, stack as an abstract
I data type, stack application: infix, prefix, postfix and recursion, 12 10
introduction to queues, primitive operation on queues, circular queue,
dequeue, priority queue and applications of queue.
Introduction to linked list, basic operations on linked list, stacks and
II queues using linked list, doubly linked list, circular linked list, applications 12 10
of linked list.
Trees-basic terminology, binary trees, tree representations as array and
linked list, basic operations on binary tree, traversal of binary trees:-
III 12 10
inorder, preorder, postorder. Applications of binary tree, threaded binary
tree, AVL tree, binary tree representations of trees.
Sequential search, binary search, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort,
IV 12 10
bubble sort, heap sort, comparison of sorting methods.
Hash Table, Collision resolution technique, Introduction to graphs,
Definition, Terminology, Directed, Undirected and Weighted Graph,
V 12 10
Representation of Graph, Graph Traversal-Depth first, Breadth first search,
Spanning tree, Minimum Spanning tree, Shortest path algorithm.

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Text Books:
1. Data Structure: By Lipschultz (Schaums Outline Series).
2. Data Structures through C (A Practical Approach) by G.S. Baluja.
3. Data Structure: By Trembley & Sorrenson.
Reference Books:
Fundamental of Data Structure by S. Sawhney & E. Horowitz.

The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

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(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year
Subject: - Computer Science
Paper: - Practical
Name of the Program: B.Sc. Program Code: 04
Group: Science
Name of the Course: - Computer Science Course Code: BSCP-202.3

Total Duration: 40hours Max. Marks: 50

Learning Objectives:
Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++:
1. To understand how to design, implement, test, debug and document programs that use
basic data types and computation and simple I/O
2. To understand how to design, implement conditional and control structures, string
handling and functions,
3. To understand the importance of Classes & objects along with Arrays.
4. To understand program using constructor, operators, inheritance.
Data Structure:
1. Understand algorithms and its analysis procedure.
2. Design and implement various data structures like linked list.
3. Design algorithm and program for binary tree.
4. Understand algorithms and write program for searching and sorting.

Learning Outcomes:
Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++:
1. Write, test, debug, and document programs using basic data types and computation,
simple I/O.
2. Write programs using conditional and control structures, string handling and
3. Demonstrate programs of Classes & objects along with Arrays.
4. Demonstrate programs of constructor, operators, inheritance.
Data Structure:
1. Select appropriate data structures as applied to specified problem definition.
2. Write programs for various operations on link list and stack.
3. Write programs for postfix and infix operations.
4. Implement appropriate sorting/searching techniques for given problem using

The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal

(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal)

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Academic Year: 2021-2022
Year /Semester: B.Sc. Second Year
Subject: - Computer Science
Paper: - Practical

Suggested list of programs for practical’s

Suggested List of Programs for Practical (C++):
1. Write a program to find average of 3 numbers.
2. Write a program to find biggest among 3 numbers.
3. Write a menu driven program (Switch case) to perform arithmetic operations.
4. Write a program to check whether entered number is Prime or not.
5. Write a program to check whether entered number is even or odd.
6. Write a program for addition of two matrices.
7. Write a program for multiplication of two matrices.
8. Write a program to find transpose of a matrix.
9. Write a program to print:
* *
* * *
* * * *
10. Write a program to print:
2 2
3 3 3
11. Write a program to print:
2 3
4 5 6
12. Write a program to check whether entered string is palindrome or not.
13. Write a program to print Fibonacci series.
14. Write a program to find factorial of a given number.
15. Write a program to demonstrate use of static data member.
16. Write a program to demonstrate use of a static member function.
17. Write a program to create array of objects.
18. Write a program to demonstrate use of friend function.
19. Write a program to illustrate use of copy constructor.
20. Write a program to demonstrate constructor overloading.
21. Write a program to illustrate use of destructor.
22. Write a program to overload a unary operator.
23. Write a program to overload a binary operator.
24. Write a program to demonstrate single Inheritance.
25. Write a program to demonstrate multiple Inheritance.
26. Write a program to demonstrate multilevel Inheritance.
27. Write a program to demonstrate hierarchical inheritance.
28. Write a program to demonstrate hybrid Inheritance.
29. Write a program to demonstrate the use of function overloading.
30. Write a program to demonstrate the use of inline member function.

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31. Write a program to demonstrate the use of parameterized constructor.
Suggested List of Programs for Practical (Data Structure):
1. Write a program to find the factorial of a given no using recursion.
2. Write a program for bubble sorting.
3. Write a program for linear search.
4. Write a program for binary search.
5. Write a program for selection sorting.
6. Write a program for quick sorting.
7. Write a program for insertion sorting.
8. Write a program to print Fibonacci series using recursion.
9. Write a program to perform insertion and deletion operation in the stack.
10. Write a program to perform insertion and deletion operation in the queue using static
11. Write a program to perform insertion and deletion operation in queue using dynamic
12. Write a program to insert a node at the beginning in singly linked list.
13. Write a program to insert a node at the middle in singly linked list.
14. Write a program to insert a node at the last in singly linked list.
15. Write a program to delete a node from the beginning in singly linked list.
16. Write a program to delete a node from the middle in the singly linked list.
17. Write a program to delete a node from the last in the singly linked list.
18. Write a program to traverse all the nodes in singly linked list.
19. Write a program to insert a node in the beginning in the circular linked list.
20. Write a program to insert a node at the last circular linked list.
21. Write a program to perform all the insertion operations in the singly linked list using switch
22. Write a program to perform all the deletion operations in the singly linked list using switch
23. Write a program to count the number of nodes in binary tree.
24. Write a program to evaluate postfix operation.
1. Write a program to convert infix operation to postfix operation.

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